Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-03-23
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1,194t == RATION CALENDAR PROC&SS&O ~'OODS crcen stlmp. AB. BII, ca. DI. Ilnd E8 (book 41 !J, eJCplre May 20; MEAT red la-point lIlamp' AI. 88. ca. D8, E8 and F8 ~book 4) "xplre May 20; SUGAR ..tamp 30 (book 4) valld Inddlnltely, narnp .. 0 lor canning hullar ex-pitH Feb. 28. 1945; SHOE stamp 18 (book II expires AprH 30. airplane stamp (book 3( vlllI<I Indellnltely; UnseHled I, GASOLINE A-II coupon expire. June 21 : FUEL OlL per• • and 5 coupon. expire SeP!. GO; TIRE INSPEC110N deadline l or A coupon lOW 10udJ' IlIf rolder. holders. March coupon hold..... coupon DAILY IOWAN 31, for B June 30. and lor C 'tilE I·} bolden. May 31. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper I Kno l_ FIVE CENTS 'I'SI ASIIOOIATED paul IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1944 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 151 on, in- es. the )'~I ock At a Glance-- Ilional 36,000 Men Reds Capture · le ,lee_ Yank Heavy-- Bombers Strike .. Berlin l hillb ,ransferred Today's Rail Junction, erl on , &ur. IlI\ili- losing 22 Planes; Fight for German Iowan,- back_ From Air DUly Pervomaisk ,Uilary .. .. ... ngaI'\. American armada resumes batUe LONDON, Thursday (AP)-The years' Army Forced to Fill ot Berlin with heavy blow at Red army hurled back the Ger I COm- German capital.' Stronghold of Cassino Rises to Wild Pitch New Draft Quotas, mans at the southeastern end of ies in the Ukrainian batueline - the --- es. He Short Ground Forces . Jury selected for Chaplin Mann Nazi' easternmost extension in wand act trial. Russia- yesterday by capturing WA SlllNG'J'ON (AP )- ou the importa nt fortified railway I Nalis Rush to Construct- • • • . British Forces ienyey Germany reported ~xtendlng Allies Blast York fronted with unfill ed draft quo· junction ot Pervomaisk, driving to ,I stranglehold over ne ighboring the approaches of Voznesensk 10 Iquent tas and a "'cneral shortage or satelll tes. ' press I ground forces, th e army ' 8.n· I StroflR Fortress: Y'("hm-a-~,!r!ress Hif Rhineland 'nomic ~~:h~o~~::s~r~~ ~~~!~ ~I;O~~! Paratroopers nOlln e('(~ yesterday the transfcr Connes! pledres United States Bug estuary, Moseow announced: to aid in rebuilding war-wrack LONDON (AP)-Wilh Hungary_ are sttll arriving." The first an-e Coupled with repotts that \.he ne has to grouud duty of 36,000 young today. ' , ed nations upon their liberation On the northwestern end of th occupied and a puppet government nouncement said the Hungarian German miaht take imUar ac 'CUtive men who had been earmal'kcd from Nazi yoke. New Zealand Infantry ,fCal- I 50-mlle line a fierce pitched bat e tabllshed, Germany was re- 1I0vernment had re lined ~nd thaI tlon el ewhere in outhe. t Eur 5th Daylight AHack lent at for ail' h'aining. tle with fresh German re erves Engages in Fierce ported last nighl extending a the N zj forces "arrived In Hun- Red army captures railway stranglehold over neiahborln, sat- gary as a result of I mutual un- ope, was lin Ankara dispatch which On Nazi Capitol of the Meantime, a high military of· flung in for a counter-attack re junction of Pervomalsk; more sulted in the liquidation 01 detach Hand·ta-Hand Combat ellites in a feverish rush to con- derstandlng.'· said "there is every silln Rumania In 19 Days 'fNew ficial l'epor'tNl that draft boards I than 1,000 men killed in battle. ments of two German guards di- .truct !ortress-within-a-lortre The radio la t nllht s Id there may send one of h r lIenera~ Dan- had been failing fol' 13 month visions, the midnight Soviet com- ALL I ED HEADQUARTERS, against the Russians w 'tward w no re !stance to the occupa- acro B rabia's mud any day h~ In- LOX()OX, Thu....,day, (.\1') to mc('t tl1(' c:a lls of the armcd munique said. Naples (AP)-Allied artillery wa, surge and other allied threa . tion, but castigated a • small group now to ask for an arml'\lce from 139. forces, ami asseded t hat "the Am('I'ie n h vy born .... , ('. t More than 1,000 men were killed hauled up yesterday to blast poinl .. A general mobilization of all of anll -German politicians who gov- Congress Pledges the pavl t command." 'OIi!'d b~' powerful Fightl'!' for iity in time has 81'l'ivSld when we must and many prisoners and much blank at fanatic German para southeastern Europe" was the an- provoked a war of nerve ." booty captured in the baltle, chute troop clinging to the ruins The grey-clad N a z I lelion:; alnin, have the fighting men we need." 1 HI R b ·Id nounced aim. The Germans tol- "The.'e antl-G rman politician Illlltiull., truek Berlin throu,:r!1 This statement was the latest which the Russian located 8S i of the Continental hotel and a half lowed up their plune Into Hun- and crowd of Jews have now to marched in, said a Hungarian news : and 0 e p e UI h "Y flak ~' j· · t r<la~' , /0 ing 13 deyelopment in a tug of war be- near Podzamchye. Podzamehye, 13 dozen other building~ at the south ,ary, where Nazi bayonets erected be alarmed about what will hap agency communique broadca t by fo rth- W W N . oomht'1'l> IIlId nint' filtht ,lind st·war tween the al'med forces and In-I ar racked atlons miles east of Brody in old Poland, ern edge of Ca sino as the fight II Qulsllnll premier to direct 8 pen to them," the broadcaster the G rman radiO, "in order to .s dustry and agriculture for the I • was reported captured last Sun- for that Na~1 ~tronghold rose to its fuller Hun,arion part In the G r- threat ned. I t Hun, ry galn.'t th common till' lL\t' fulloWl'd lip with II I day. wildest pitch. man war e!tort, by P netratlng The German-contrOlled Buda· en my . in particular to Inten services of thousands of y.oung ..,tron~ '1ll8 h at f"r nkCurt anti men under 27. An aviation in- L • I • S The late bulletin, recOl"ded by Behind thi" raking fire, battle- Into Bulearla, Rumania and 510- pe. t radio told the Hunl rlan peo sity an effective struggle a,alnst dustry official countered with a egis ahon ent the Soviet monitor, said hundreds hardened New Zealand inf ntrY vakia, said dispatches Crom neu- pIe that Regent Nicholas Horthy, BOll;h vism by the mobillzatlon of 1111 pl'dfit'd oth!'!' )trlllllll tar· claim that blanket cancellations To White House of Germans wore drowned In the slogged forward foot-by-toot, often lral capitals. widely I' ported under Nazi de- 01\ energy, . ," grt in 1hI.' nill'ht. of draft deferments granted the ... For F. D. R. Signature Bug river when the Russians, in a engaging ID fiel'ce hand-lo-hand Germany's .eizure of once-tu- lention ince the German inva Ion The broadc st id Doeme 51to 'I'll B rlin tati n aid ill Il young men would cripple war- two-day baWe, cracked carelully combat. At thl' end of a w('ek of vored, but often recalcitrant Hun- arl' Monday, had worn In the jay, a former Hunearian army Qf hl'll(uh'/l I hortly II tpr midnight erected German defenses around savage fighting the Germans still ,al'Y wa ottldally told by the new pro-Nozi abinet In the c re fierr and Hungarian minister to necessary airlines. thlll "~trong Briti It bombrr . Plans for conrresslonal in WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress Pervomaisk. Movin, in from the were rcsLStini with a ferocit.y that German radio ye terday, and last monial hall of the royal castle Inte Berlin, had been named to head [m'lIllition, tonight b () III b j' d md of quiries Into charlfes that the pledged the United States yester east and the south the Russians has characterized their de( n of night it declared "German trooplI yesterday. a new p pp t governm nt. Ichool, pin ned the German garrison the road to Rome. plac In the Rhineland." Thl draft has been used as a lever to day to contribute its time, effort enemy report was promptly con drum force farmers into the covern against the river and wiped out Fighting lully as biller raged lpeter, and money to rebuild the health those who tried to hold on. Much on the steep slop . of Monastery Cirmed In London, with Identifi st, 'all ment agriculture program Ifave cation of Frankrurt as the major the situation a. new twist. and wellare of war-wracked na- war material and mallY prisoners hill w t oC CaSSino, from Which Allies' Responsibility ~onths Winds (arry Allied Pla·nes obJective. American h avy bomb The army airforces also an· tions once they arc liberated !rom were reported taken. Balaban(Jvka, German gun. nod mortllr ~ pumped .. 'i,ll be ers had attacked lhe Frankfurt nounced the suspension of enlist the axis yoke. eight miles from Nikolaev's out- terrific til into th brittle IIreH~. V I I Log" As Germans Plan area Monday. ments of 17-year-olds in its en Legislation committing tho U. S. sklrts, was caplured, the commun- Two more Nllzi counter-attacks' 0 canle to a big role in the united nalions ique said. again~t allied-held CIRtle hill, di-/ The American cia Ikht attack listed reserve, saying that under Jroatl· l'eItef and rehabilitation admlnls- Pervomalsk IS an Impol·tant [01'- r cUy above the rubbl ot Casino, Ash Off Aitape Sink t terday on Berlin wa the CiCth lesday th e circumstances it is inadvisable 10 Demilitarize Rome In 19 day, and the htAVY bomb to hold a reserve beyond immed tration was upproved linally and tiffed railway junction which ha' were f1unll back yv terriay.