(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-07-17

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-07-17 ~ 15. 194s G«:orge '" MEi\TS, FATS, r.a ,I'"'PM tt~ Ihr.-,h Z~ Ina AI !Irooe aVrtl ~ Ib,o.ah IIi .... ,.... .aOCE8 EO ,.OOOS, bl •• Itter an lit, .t,mp' T~ Ih'.Ulb Z~ , •• At Ih,nrh NI nUl now . ~, l 'GAR, book I •• , .Iamp !Ill ,ood I.r fly. p ..,,4. Cloudy Ib'.Olh Au,. 31. SUOIIJS, b.ok Ihro. al,pla •• atam,. vi\Ted by I, ~ and S rood Ind.n"lI.t,. Nul damp ,..lId Au,. IOWA : Considerable cloudiness htt I. GASOLINE, 18-A ••• pO.I , ••d 'or .1. ,aU ••• ea.h: . two da~1h. n .7, n·K, Col ODd C-8 couPon' '00. 10. live ,aU ••, with scaUered thunder •• Ch. f" EL OIL, p •• lo" .n. Ib •• a,h 11.0 e•• p ••• THE DAt·LY IOWAN showers. Mrs.J~ kood t.hroufb 1\11, .•Ii 1.1. )'1I.r'. period foar anel live C • D.c.,~ • oupon. ,I• • expire Ihe • . Ne'" p ••I.d .n. e •• p .... I., Iowa I t y' I M 0 r " I n 9 ~ e w spa p. , lfj-fii-40 ,enOnare now . vaU;;;d.=======..=================-==========================================::-::=============================-~ FIVE CENTS ra. A.IOCt4TID Pal81 IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1945 n. AHOm.AnD.... VOLUME XXI ~BER 249 the firll ~ ~=================-~.==============================================================~~================================~ • ~arr l P'anes. it To rea Churchill, DRIVE ON JAP RAIL CENTER 30,000 End Strikes; But the Soldier Didn't Appreciate It- U. S., British New Walkouts Idle A Doughboy's Dream Job Fleets Combine lruman Talk 36,000 U. S. Workers By KENNETH L. DIXON chuckled the reporter appreci­ together to compare notes. OCCUPIED GERMANY (AP)­ atively. "Now teU me what kind That is partly the result of read­ Nation's Labor Scene When the public relations oiUcer of wine you like best." ing small booklet type histories In Strike "None," said Pte. Marcel Rhodes. which the outfits have been put­ Informally Brightest In Weeks; of the 84th division h ~ nl'd about It, he practically broke a hamstring "I don't drink." ting out for the past several house months and partly from consider­ Early Returns Seen rushing to assign a reporter to • • • Attack Follows Prime Minister, U. S. A short, short story; The men able experience working with first By TOE ASSOCIATED pal! cover the occurrence. who know most about discharge one division and then another. Incendiary Raid President Tour The na tion's labor disputes bal­ "You know how to handle it," points in the 325th field artillery At this moment, J can name ance sheet yesterday showed the the PRO instructed. "It is a are the clerks in the personnel sec­ three separate outfits which ad­ By 500 Superforts Conquered Berlin most optimistic ligures in many doughboy dream job and that tion who have been adding and mittedly were individually re­ weeks. sort of stuff." subtracting them tor the guys in sponsible for the St. Lo break­ G AM, Tuesday (AP)-'l'hc PU'l'fo; I) AM (AP)- l'rcsi- Ten walkouts ended, returning So the reporter hurried right the outfit [or several weeks. There through, five divisions each of Uniled States and British fleeL ', 111'111 'l'ruman and mo're than 30,000 workers to their over and located Pfc. Marcel is, however, not a single man in which was the first to reach or Prime Millis­ combined to IOI'Ill tlie grcaLe!·t I"r ('IIIII'cldll t/llked informally jobs, and, although 25 other strikes Rhodes, Canton, N. C., who sure the entire section who has enough break the Siegfried Ilne, half a idled about 36,000 persons, pros­ enough was standing guard over a points personally to get oul of the dozen which were the lirst to reach C!ll'rirf str'iki ng force c\'er as­ 'It',tmlll)' pl't'lim ina ry to me t­ pects brigh tened for early settle­ well-tilled German winery. army. the Rhine, a similar number which se mbL d Buywh I'e, hurled some ill!! Pr~ mirl' Rtaliu Blld there ment of some of them. "How do you like your job?" the • • • were closest to Berlin when the 1,500 plane') at the 'l'okyo area Will thr (lo .. sibili ty that the Big Printing trades disputes con­ soldier was asked. "Do you do An interesting phase of postwar war ended or deepest into Ger­ tinucd with .distribution of 14 much wine testing? What did you planning concerns division, corps many, and I have long since lost Loday. 'rhe tt-emendous 011- rhl1't' mi~ht llu \'c be n t gethet· ALLIED PIAN AIMS AT ISOlATlO'l OF metropolitan daily newspapers and do to deserve this assignment?" and army histories. Everybody is count of the various outfits which slaught lill i. in progr .. 18\1 ni!(llt. HO NGKONG·CANTON "I don't like it," replied Private writing one or has one wrltten­ finally stopped the Germans in FORTRESS SECTOR three racing sheets curtailed in The ~I'rat blow, startinfl' at .\uthol'itHti\'e quart C1'!; re­ New York by continUing three­ Rhodes. "Furthermore, I consider and this correspondent personally the Ardennes breakthrough. week walkout of 1,700 members of it a drudgery and a bore." does not want to be around when What is more, everyone of them dawn, followcd by po 'sibly JC '!i fll,"~1 10 say whether the Bi'" the Newspaper and Mail De­ "Ha, ha, thal's a good gag," a couple of division historians get can prove it, too. thau au llOur a 2,500-ton in­ Thrcr alt'cauy we l'e meeting but liverers' Union (Ind). cpndi8ry bomb assault, on four Hlll'iel SOu r ceH sa id infol'mation IN A DRIVE to cut vlia! Jap communications li nes, Ch inese spearheads Despite a publishers' warning are making rapid progress toward Isolatlon of the Canton- the workers raced dismissal II they ,Japanc.e cities by n ady 500 IlbN11 ~:Halill ami POt'ei!!l1" Com- Honckonr fortress, Th'ree maJor opera t·Ions are un d l'r way, as s h own did not return to work yesterday Propaganda Sells Australians Mass AmerJcan Superfortresses. lII i~'Il I' Vyaehesla v ]V[ 0 lot 0 v on the map. Chinese forces are but 35 ml les from the big rail center monring, Joseph Simons, union Dr. T. Z. Koo It wa the late t In a. rain or might be released within a few of KwelIln; another force operates on the borders of two provinces president, said the members de­ Monetary Plan-Taft For Blow at Japs bombs and shells from sea and air houl'!. and woves toward the important Canton-Uengyan!r rail line, while clded to s~y oft their Jobs over a that In four days has spread ruin II was generally believed that a third column Is chasing enemy toward Swatow. demand tlul.t the publisher5 est.»- To Lecture alon.- the entire length of the !llin and Molotov already were IIsh a welfare fund for members Flays Bretton Woods; Poised to Drive Nips enemy's home Islands, ifl Potsdam when President Tru- M t" P B or the union. Questions Money Deals From Holds Blocking The Am erican fleet-the Third man and Prime Minister Church- ar In roposes an IAt a Glance- Work stoppages also continued - shelled the enemy home islands ill made indcllendent and un- at the Jersey Journal. Jersey City, With Britain, Russia Friday Night Road to Oil Field of Honshu and Hokkaido Saturday h!rnlded tours of conquered Ber- On, MI'II'fary Tral'nl"ng Today's rand tre Times, Bayonne, N. J., and Sunday and with its thou­ lin during the afternoon. At that - where 40 and 18 members re- WASHINGTON (AP)- Senator MANILA, Tuesday (AP)-The sand-odd carrier planes burneq lime, a Soviet spokesman said spectively of the International Ta~t (R, Oh io) asserted yesterday Speaker for the Friday evening main Ausl(alian Loree in eastern out three Japanese industrial mrrely that Stalin and Molotov Typographical union continued a S f P that the treasury promoted a lecture this week, fifth in the Borneo appeared today to be mass­ cities and destroyed or damaged "w ill be here In time for the open- upporters 0 ostwar walkout over insistence that new "propaganda campaign at great ing for a s trong blow that will drive 128 enemy vessels. Iowan summer series, will be Dr. T. Z. in, of the conference." Draft Plan Say Idea union by-laws be accepted as part expense" to sell the nation on the the Japanese from positions block­ Yesterday it clamped on tl radio Evening coferences are custo- 'G d C I' of union contracts with the pub- Bretton Woods world bank-fund. Koo, adviser to the Chinese dele­ ing the last five miles i.nto Sam­ ran to ontemp ate r h bl ackout, and its whereabouts mary at the Kremlin but there ____ * * * IS ers. Opposing legislation to put the gation at the United Nations con­ bodia and the first-rate military were unknown until this morning, f e United States into the world fi­ prize of its adjacent oil field. when Admiral Chester W. Nimitz was no positive indication that the WASHINGTON (AP) _ House . S., British fleets ('ombine in Similar demal ndskbYtlOClals °d tthh ference and secretary to the World Big Three would work that way I t 'k T k same un i on a so . ep c ose e nance set-up, the Ohioan told the Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com­ announced that it had joined the hcr~.
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