Spring 2015 & Upper Eden

Community News February 2015

News from Kirkby Stephen Local Links ... Inside this issue:

Get Online at Local Links Keep up-to-date online, Town Council 2 Over the coming months Like and share we will be joining other UK Elections Online Centres across Eng- our community land in a national campaign Facebook Town Council News 3 to “Be Online”. page: At the Local Links Centre Kirkby Stephen during our opening hours Local Services & 4 on Friday 10.00am— first serve basis. Pre-book Community Centre Support 5.00pm we will be offering your appointment to avoid 1:1 support and tuition on disappointment on: 017683 Local News & 5 our computers and assist- 71775 ask for Kellie or our Job Support Service call Youth Work Update ing people with using their Wendy. in and speak to Kellie or own tablets, laptops and Wendy at the Community Whats on at 6 Welcome to our Job Club! other mobile devices. Centre. Local LInks Are you unemployed and Responding to community looking for work, need to Easter Activities 7 needs... access online job search Clubs & Groups facilities, or looking for a Recently we have been fo- new challenge or training cusing on building links with Local Business 8 opportunity? Call in and service providers who can Services speak to Community Centre offer support to those in Staff at the Local Links need within our local com- about our Job Support Ser- munity. As a result of our During the campaign, ac- vice. Available every Friday activity, we have organized a cess to our computers and from 10.00am—5.00pm number of drop-in sessions HIGHLIGHTS WIFI will be free to anyone to provide local access to wanting to take advantage much needed services which of this excellent opportu- will be held at the Local Report It ! At Local Links nity. Links over the coming months. Go to Page 6 of this Our aim is to help members newsletter, our “Whats On Kirkby Stephen Parish of our Community, embrace at Kirkby Stephen Local Elections 7th May the digital era, understand Links” guide provides a list internet safety and become of the different service pro- independent online. viders who will be coming to Find out about the support Funded Business Support If you have a laptop, tablet and help you can access our Centre to provide out available locally reach support, drop-in ses- or other mobile device and locally, on your path to new sions and clinics. would like some free sup- employment, we can help port and learn how to use with, updating and creating Report it……… Free Draught Proofing for your device to its full poten- a CV`s, assist with job eligible Eden Residents If there is something in your tial, call into the Local Links searching locally and online, local area that needs atten- during our “Be Online” cam- interview preparation and tion, maybe problems with paign and book your slot. much more…. Dog Control Order in Eden refuse collection, footpaths, 30 minute appointments will be offered on a first come If you would like to access lighting, dog fouling, fly tip- ping, street cleaning, or you Proposed new need information on recy- BUS ROUTE Kirkby Stephen Local Links cling and other public ser- vices, call in and see us at Classic Coaches Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10.00am—5.00pm Kirkby Stephen Local

(Closed 12.30—1.30 pm) Links. As an out reach post for and Cum- Kirkby Stephen Youth Club Saturday 10.00am—1.00pm (Library only) bria County Council, we can Address: Vicarage Lane, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4QX deal with and report many issues, saving you time, Easter Fun Activities Tel: 017683 71775 Fax: 017683 74858 money and inconvenience . Email: [email protected]

www.kirkby-stephen.com Page 2 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

Kirkby Stephen Town Council News

ANNUAL ELECTORS MEETING Town Council —Dates of Meetings 7th April Hosted by 5th May Kirkby Stephen Town Council May—AGM (date tbc) Tuesday 5th May at 6.45pm 2nd June Local Links Meeting Room Meetings start at 6.45pm in the Local Links Meeting Room. The first item is Public Participation. This is a great opportunity to put forward The agenda and minutes are avail- ideas and suggestions relating to Kirkby able to download from Stephen for future consideration. www.kirkby-stephen.com Paper copies are available at the Lo- cal Links.

TOWN COUNCIL CONTACT th PARISH ELECTIONS—7 May 2015 DETAILS Mrs. J Johnstone, Chairman Do you want to have more say in your community and be in- Mrs. M Albon volved in local decision making? Mr. A Birtles If so have you thought about standing for election at the Town or District Council elections which take place in May 2015? Mr. P Ladhams Mrs. G Lumley To find out more about this varied and rewarding role please Mr. P Richardson, Vice-Chairman speak to the Town Clerk or any of the current councillors. Mrs. J Scarr

Mrs. J Sowerby Why not attend a meeting of the Town Council (first Tuesday of the month at 6.45pm in the Local Links Meeting Room) to listen Mrs. D Thornton to the discussions that take place and see if it appeals to you? Clerk/Financial Officer:

Mrs. J Cooper Interested? Further information is available from the Cumbria Association for Local Councils website http://www.calc.org.uk/about/becoming_a_councillor.asp

Nomination papers and further information will be made avail- able shortly, keep a lookout for information about eligibility for applying, how to obtain nomination papers and the timescale of the election process in the press, on the town and District Coun- cil websites and on local notice boards. Page 3 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

Kirkby Stephen Town Council News

PUBLIC TOILETS—STONESHOT The Town Council recently received a presentation which are easier to clean and maintain. Entrance is from Eden District Councillors Mr. Simpson and Mr. controlled via a paddle gate and costs 20p. Eden Dis- Tonkin regarding a proposal to upgrade the public toi- trict Council is now rolling out the scheme to other par- lets. The upgrade would be subject to the installation ishes across the district. of charging facilities. Previously the Town Council has not been supportive of such a move, however, in light The maintenance costs of the Stoneshot toilets for the of the increasing pressure on local authority budgets previous financial year was £18,301. Footfall figures and, with it, the constant review of service provision gathered during 2014 show that just under 150,000 the Town Council has reconsidered its stance. visits were made to the toilets, suggesting that an an- nual income in the region of £29,980 could be gener- Public toilets are not a statutory service, which leaves ated. The income generated is used to offset the an- them vulnerable in the case of future budgets cuts. In nual maintenance charges. Of this figure the Town Kirkby Stephen our economy relies on visitors and Council would receive a minimum payment of £1,000 or passing trade, therefore the Council considers that 10% of the net profit, whichever is greater. In return good quality, clean public toilets are a huge asset to for the payment the Town Council will be responsible the town and a vital facility if we are to encourage peo- for collecting the money from the machines and over- ple to keep visiting Kirkby Stephen. We are lucky that seeing the cleanliness of the toilets. our facilities are kept so clean, unfortunately they have been a target for vandalism in recent months. The Council gave the matter full consideration at the February meeting. There remains some concern re- The Council was told about the scheme which has garding the charging aspect such as it may discourage been completed at Pooley Bridge, the toilets have some people from using the toilets and the potential for been given an upgrade, making them more attractive vandalism of the machines, however, the over-riding and introducing vandal resistant facilities concern is to safeguard the provision of public toilets in Kirkby Stephen and it is felt that this may offer a way of securing their future.

BUDGET 2015/16—brief description below, see website for full details

Service/Activity Est. Annual cost of ser- Income from grants & est. Precept 2015/16 vice balance brought forward

Street Cleaning £15,500 EDC grant £6,470 £7,000 Bal b/f £2,080 Open Spaces £7,437 Balance b/f £ 572 £6,900

Grants and Donations £5,250 Balance b/f £1,760 £3,500

Administration £22,088 Balance b/f £2,997 £19,100

Council & Community Centre £41,105 Balance b/f £16,618 £17,500 EDC grant £4,540 Other income £2,600 Miscellaneous £7,535 £6,353 £1,200

Cloisters £1,650 Balance b/f £1,195 £500

Total Precept Budget amount £55,700 CTRS grant £5,160 £50,540 February 2015 Page 4

Local services, news and updates.

MacMillan Cancer Support Group FREE Draught Proofing for Eden Residents Kirkby Stephen If you’re feeling the effects of the recent cold spell, there’s still chance to We are hoping to start a “Kirkby Stephen and have your house draught-proofed with a local initiative offering free District Cancer Support Group” for people af- draught proofing to eligible Eden residents who are either over 60 and on fected by cancer in the local area. a low income, or under 60 and in receipt of a means tested benefit, or if a member of the household has a disability or long term health issue. We would like to invite anyone who has ex- perience of cancer, whether as a patient or carer, to join our support group; everyone is Draught proofing your home aims to make it warmer, welcome and we would like to include people and reduce your heating bills. from all parts of our community. An experienced assessor will visit your home to assess for draughts and We recognise that cancer can be a very isolat- give personalised advice on ways to save energy and maybe switching ing experience and we want to help ensure energy provider. Once recommendations have been made a professional that anyone in our area, who has been af- fitter will visit at a pre-arranged date and time to install the specified fected by it, has a source of local support. draught proofing products. These may include: seals, brushes, draught The group will be led by people who have di- strips for doors and windows, special letter box and keyhole covers and rect experience of cancer and we aim to pro- chimney balloons. vide informal support that will be both compas- This is part of Penrith-based charity Cumbria Action for Sustainability’s sionate and positive. (CAfS) lottery funded Sustain Eden programme. The service is free of If you are interested in joining us please come charge and any advice is given independent of any other organisation. to our informal tea/coffee morning on: For more information see www.cosyhomes.org.uk 25th March 2015, 10.30 am—12.00 noon or call 01768 861 463. at Kirkby Stephen Local Links.

Have you ever thought about LAC Support in Eden starting a business but Offers a flexible and slow fix unsure how to go about it? approach to supporting both individuals and their com- Well CREA may be able to help. munities to work towards set goals and pursue their Through the challenges of the economic climate our business sup- vision of a good life. port services have offered many individuals with a dream, or who maybe facing redundancy and unemployment, an opportunity to create a new business and employment for themselves and some- Gemma Charleton times others. With the support of specialist organisations, local Local Area Coordinator authorities & the European regional development fund we are con- tinuing to support those looking to start in business and those al- Our service focuses on the ready trading. individuals strengths, skills and gifts, and aims to im- prove their personal resilience and prevent them from If you are considering self employment, are an existing business reaching crisis point. looking for some advice or are just interested to see what we cur- Local Area Coordination keeps the individual at the rently have available please contact us on: centre of decisions and actions, ensuring the support 01539 726624 or email [email protected] they receive is personalised to their needs, to ensure they, get a life, not a service. Cumbria CVS Volunteer Centre can support you into vol- unteering by advising you on the types of voluntary work To enable local individuals, in need of accessing our available in local voluntary, community or statutory organisa- service locally, we have organised fortnightly drop-in tions. There is a wide range of volunteering opportunities sessions at Kirkby Stephen Local Links. including caring, youth work, administration, supporting dis- abled or older people, driving, conservation, and being a Starting from 27th Feb, then on alternate Friday`s trustee. between 10.00am and 12.00noon people can pop into the Local Links to discuss their needs and see Before you start to volunteer it is important to think about how and if we can help make a difference. what you want to do, how much time you want to commit and how often you are able to volunteer. Different organisa- tions offer a variety of opportunities at different times and on Alternatively, if you would rather discuss your needs different days. over the telephone, in the first instance, you can reach Call 01768 800350 or e-mail: [email protected] to find me on: 07785 456643 out about local volunteering opportunities.

www.cumbriacommunitymessaging.co.uk - receive up to date issues effecting your community. February 2015 Page 5

Local services, news and updates.

Upper Eden First Responder Team Kirkby Stephen Youth Club Since going live in February 2010 we have responded to Runs every Wednesday night from 6pm to 8pm and wel- over 400 emergency calls. All of our dedicated team mem- comes all young people aged 11 to 19. bers are volunteers, who have to finance most of the equip- Where? In the Methodist Hall opposite the Spar Shop. ment themselves. Fundraising is a constant challenge, with each set of kit costing around £1700. Much of the money is We offer a range of activities including, pool, debates, dodge raised locally by the UEFR Lottery which is run every month, ball, indoor hockey, party nights, arty session, music nights, trips out (our last trip took us to Blackpool Pleasure Beach), to which we thank all who take part. If you would like more and much more…………... or just come and chill with us. For information on the lottery, becoming a First Responder, or more information please contact Kirsty McEwan, Youth having a talk explaining how the team works, please send Worker for Young Cumbria on: an email to Mollie Young: [email protected] 07866 266644 or 017683 41751.

Cumbria Classic Coaches is an unlikely firm to operate Kirkby Stephen Grammar School timetabled routes to local market towns but demand has dictated that we registered a new route 571 to from Year 9 Speed Watching..Concerns raised by students over Brough via Ravenstonedale, Newbiggin on Lune, Tebay and the speed of traffic in the town prompted an opportunity for Grayrigg each Monday. This route has proved popular and Year 9 Students to take part in a Community Speed Watch we is hope to run it all year round. Scheme. Led by PCSO Janet Allison, Year 9 Students put local drivers to the test, using speed radar guns. Sited in two We have also registered an additional new route to Kendal location in the town, Market Street and Christian Head, stu- from Shap via Ravenstonedale, Orton, Tebay and Grayrigg dents clocked a number of vehicles travelling through these each Thursday. This service is numbered 570 and will run at busy areas. similar times to the 571 service. The results showed an average speed of between 15 and 20 All our registered routes have a conductor in attendance, mph. The maximum speed for both roads is 30 mph. accept concessionary passes and are ‘hail and ride’ be- tween main bus stops. 28 students, 2 Staff, a PCSO and a radar guns are clearly a good method for reducing traffic speed in the town. Bus timetables are available from: Good News for KSGS… Kirkby Stephen Local Links and The Visitors Centre. We are delighted that we have been awarded the “Healthy Menu for Schools Award“ and the “Bronze Democracy Walkers Are Welcome It is now official, scientists have Award”. Well done to all concerned! found that a brisk 20 minute walk per day is all it takes to avoid dying prematurely and inactivity is more likely to lead Do you have some time to spare and would you like to to death than obesity. help provide youth services for local young people? Why not start the new year right and try a gentle one hour We are looking for volunteers who can help with a vari- walk with Kirkby Stephen and District Walkers are Wel- ety of tasks. Contact Jackie at PAD9 on: 017683 71950 come Dawdle group which meet once a week on Thurs- days at The Market Square, Kirkby Stephen. We will take account of your health and fitness levels. We go whatever Remote Cinema—update….. the weather and programme details are available at the After a year of cooperative work by the Town Forum Local Links Centre or our website: www.walkeden.org and Kirkby Stephen Scouts, it is sad to have to report that the Remote Cinema activity will not continue in Dog Control Orders and Responsible Ownership! early 2015. Eden District Council has implemented a Dog Control Order The Town Forum was wound up in mid 2014 and the in Eden which covers the following three offences:- Scouts are unwilling to take over the administration of 1. Failing to remove dog faeces. the cinema activity. The Eden Arts lottery grant re- quires involvement of young people, and it has been 2. Not keeping a dog on a lead. difficult to identify any group to support these events. 3. Permitting a dog to enter land from which dogs are As Kirkby Stephen does not have a Village Hall, ex- excluded. penses such as venue rental, and public liability insur- The details around all three provisions of this legislation are ance add significantly to the license fee for the films, explained more clearly in Eden District Council's Dog Control and small audiences cannot bring in the necessary leaflet, copies of which can be picked up at Kirkby Stephen income to cover costs. Local Links. A small working group has been convened to consider Micro-chipping: From April 2016 all dogs are required by whether there can be a future for small scale cinema law to be micro-chipped in . Most vets, like the events in Kirkby Stephen, and would welcome any Council, are offering this service for free. ideas or support from residents. Dangerous dogs: Report attacks on other dogs or people to Please contact Mike Walker the Police by calling 101. via Kirkby Stephen Local Links—017683 71775 Page 6 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

What`s on at Kirkby Stephen Local Links

Eden Carers—Carers Drop-in Clinic 10.00am—12.00pm Friday 27th Feb & Friday 27th Mar Do you support a loved one, friend or family member? You are one of the hidden army of voluntary Carers in Eden. Call in and see us for a coffee and a chat, find out about support available to carers of all ages across Eden. MacMillan Cancer Support Group 10.30am— 12.00pm Wednesday 25th March 2015 Have you had experience of cancer, whether as a patient or carer? Would you like to meet with others in the local area who have experienced a similar situation and join a support group? Then please come to our informal tea/coffee morning in March, every- one is welcome. Local Area Co-Ordination 10.30am —12.00pm Alternate Friday`s from 27th February A slow fix approach to helping people and communities to work together and avoid crisis point. Focusing on individu- als skills and strengths, helping people to improve their personal resilience and pursue a vision of a good life. If you would like to know more about how Local Area Co-Ordination can help you, call in and speak to Gemma Charleton. Alzheimer`s Society—Outreach Support 10.00am—12.00pm Friday 6th March Come along to our monthly drop-in session and find about information and support that is available to people living with Dementia. Advice on diagnosis, financial and legal matters, carer support and much more. One to one appoint- ment also available. Bridging The Gap 10.00 am —12.00 Every 3rd Tuesday Drop-in session for people with hearing loss. Call in and get your hearing aid checked by the professionals and get new batteries fitted. Full list of session dates and times and replacement batteries are available from the Community and Council Centre at The Local Links. Eden Save– Credit Union 10.30 am —12.00 Every Wednesday Your way to save, your way to borrow, your way to a better future. If you would like to know more about our ethical loans, affordable savings and local ownership, call in to our Wednesday morning session in Kirkby Stephen at The Local Links. Eden Timebank 10.00am—12.00 Every Wednesday Share your skills with others in your community and be rewarded for your time. Your spare time is worth a lot, so in- vest it well with Eden Timebank. Call in and see us at Kirkby Stephen Local Links for more details. Be Online @ Local Links 10.30am & 4.00pm Every Friday through February & March Free one-to-one tuition to help you embrace the digital era, understand internet safety and become independent online. 30 minute appointments will be available through February and March. Tuition is available on our computers and we will do our best to assist people with using their own tablets, laptops and other mobile devices. Please call into the local links to book your slot and avoid disappointment. Making Beautiful Books 10.30am—11.30am Wednesday 1st April 2015 Learn about how books were made in the past, talk about your favourite book and make your own mini-book with help from Staff of the Wordworth Trust, who will be on hand at our morning workshop in Kirkby Stephen Library. Suitable for children of 5-12 years. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Extreme Knitting—Training Workshop 10.00am—3.30pm Saturday 7th March 2015 This one day workshop will show you how to make a variety of creations using different materials and simple knitting techniques. Have fun, make new friends and learn a new skill. To book on this workshop, please contact Appleby Heritage Centre on: 017683 53350 or email: [email protected]. Do you need a place to meet? Talk to your local County Councilor Libby Bateman, local County Councillor for Kirkby Stephen Workshops, Training, Meetings, Events, Drop-ins & Activities and Eden will be at Kirkby Stephen Local Links on the Kirkby Stephen Local Links offers: following Friday`s between 2.00pm—3.30pm: Modern facilities with Free WIFI 27th Feb, 6th Mar, 27th Mar, 10th Apr & 24th Apr Central location, nearby parking Please come along if you have an issue you would like Libby Admin services: inc, fax, photocopy, scan & print to take up on your behalf, or just stop in to say “hello”. If (charges may apply) you're not able to make it to a surgery but have a problem you would like Libby to look into then please email: To hire our facilities please call: 017683 71175 [email protected] or telephone: 07759665233 or email: [email protected]

Spring Term Dates: 06/01/15—27/03/15 Half Term Week: 16/02/15—20/02/15 February 2015 Page 7

Easter Activities Sports and social, clubs and groups

Kirkby Stephen & Brough PAD9—Kirkby Stephen Youth Group Mon & Thurs @PAD9, Waltons Yard off Market Square Classic Commercial Vehicle Rally 1st Kirkby Stephen Brownies & Guides, Tues @ KSGS Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th April 2015 visit: www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested for details. 1st Kirkby Stephen Scout Group FREE BUS RIDES, Beavers (alt Weds), Cubs (alt Weds), Scouts #1 (alt Tues), Over 250 Exhibits, Local Shops and Stalls KSA Scouts (alt Fri). All meet at the Silver Band Hut off Mellbecks email: [email protected] or tel: 017683 41107. Eden Classic Vehicle Group. Kirkby Stephen Young Farmers Club—age 10-26 Tues, 7.30pm Winton Village Hall, tel: 01768866550 The 17th Classic Commercial Vehicle Rally will be held over th th 2192 Appleby Air Cadets meet Weds & Fri 7.15-9.30pm at the Easter Weekend, Saturday and Sunday 4 & 5 April Air Cadet Hut behind AGS tel: 017683 61845 2015 in Kirkby Stephen and Brough. We hope that about DAWDLES—Walkers, meet every Thurs 10.30am Cloisters 250 ‘last century’ lorries, buses, coaches, municipal vehi- For more details visit: www.walkeden.org cles, emergency vehicles, tractors, and military vehicles will be on display at about 7 locations and the whole event is Running—Howgill Harriers meet at KSGS Mon 6.30pm free to both exhibitors and the public alike. running, Weds 7.00pm circuits. For more details of runs and events visit: www.howgillharriers.co.uk There will be a free bus service between all locations oper- ated by about 20 classic buses and coaches, so park your Kirkby Stephen Tae Kwon-Do meet in the Gallery Room at car and enjoy the rally by bus! KSGS Sports Hall, Age 7-12 6.00-7.00pm, Age 12 & over 7.00-8.30pm. Contact: Martin Harvey 07971219436 visit: For more info visit: www.cumbriaclassiccoaches.co.uk www.gtuknorthwest.co.uk . Brough Badminton Club—meet Weds from 7.30pm KSGS Quilting and Knitting Exhibition Sports Hall contact: Sarah Bowman 017683 72345 The BALLROOM, Kings Arms, Kirkby Stephen Junior & Senior Badminton—KSGS Sports Hall, Fridays Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th & Monday 6th April 2015 6.00-9.00pm Contact: Jeanette McQuirter 017683 71693 10.00am—4.00 pm Cycling and Socialising—Eden Valley CTC, Weds & Sun Entry Fee £3.50, all funds and donations will be given to 9.30 starts. visit: www.edenvalleyctc.org for details Kirkby Stephen Mountain Rescue Upper Eden History Society—Meet monthly in The Coffee Refreshments will be available all day in The Kings Arms Bar in KSGS. visit: www.upperedenhistory.org.uk for details. Royal British Legion Women`s Section—Meet First Brough and Stainmore Art Group Annual Exhibition Monday of every month at Swanson House in Brough. New members very welcome, for more details contact: Sheila Kirkby Stephen Masonic Hall Proctor on: 017683 71061 Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th & Monday 6th April 2015 Nateby and Wharton WI—first Fri of month 7.00-9.00 pm, Guest Artist—Metal Sculptor, “Will It Fettle” Quaker Meeting House tel: Joyce Hunter 017683 71517. A display of art works from our talented members, demon- Upper Eden Quitter—Quilting, Knitting & Crochet, Fridays strating the use of a variety of materials and covering a wide @ Friends Meeting House tel: Sue Bradley on 017683 72700 range of subjects. Members will be on hand throughout the Kirkby Stephen Family History Group—meet 2nd Tues in exhibition to discuss their work and answer any arty ques- Month @Kirkby Stephen local links email: tions. Original artworks will be on sale as well as prints and [email protected] cards. Entry to the exhibition is free, light refreshments and a raffle, with donated art works as prizes, will also be avail- Stitch and Chatter—meet alt Fridays from10-12 in Winton. able. Craft in all areas of textile, learn new skills and share your own. Call Carole on: 07419372881 for details. The exhibition will also be fund raising for a local charity with collection boxes. Brough Sowerby Lunch Club, first Wednesday of every month at Brough Sowerby Chapel. 12.00—1.00pm. Contact Kirkby Stephen Parish Church—EASTER SALE Sarah Kirkup on: 017683 41258. Clothes, Books, Toys, Bric-a-Brac etc. Kirkby Stephen Choir—”The Local Choir with a Big Heart” Sat 4th April 10am—4.30pm, Sun 5th April 12—4.30pm Wednesday 7.30—9.00pm meet at Kirkby Stephen Masonic Hall. Cost £3. All welcome, lots of fun, music to suit all Monday 6th April 10.00am—3.00pm tastes. Contact Karen West ; 07974 759136. email: Refreshments served through the day in Church. [email protected]. Funds raised in aid of Kirkby Stephen Parish Church Kirkby Stephen Youth Club—Every Wednesday 6-8pm Meet at The Methodist Hall, opposite Spar. Welcome all 11- Kirkby Stephen Parish Church—Easter Service 19 year olds. Contact: Kirsty McEwan on 017683 41751 9 Lessons & Carols at Easter To include your group, club, sport or social activity in this listing, email:[email protected] Sunday 5th April, 6.30pm, All Welcome

Easter School Holiday Dates: Monday 30th March 2015—Friday 10th April 2015 Page 8 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

Business Directory

HEWITSON & HARKER Karen West Music Gardening SOLICITORS Inspirational music lessons design — planting— ponds Local Expertise for all ages and abilities. pruning— hedging— paths We offer comprehensive, Lessons in singing, piano, sheds—summerhouses high quality, client focused music theory and advice in the following Mark Barker composition. areas: 01539 653539 Outstanding exam support Eden Ladies Business Network 07709977619 Conveyancing for GCSE and Meet: 4th Thursday monthly. Venues around Appleby and Wills & Trusts A Level Music. Painting and Decorating Kirkby Stephen. We provide Power of Attorneys Confidence building, training, support and a net- Internal & External working opportunity for all Care Home Fee Planning performance opportunities, Wallpapering women in business, manag- graded exam success. Estates & Probate House Makeovers ers, owners or people con- Contact: Karen West sidering self-employment. Agricultural & Business Srvs For a quote call MB Designs Mobile: 07974 759136 E:[email protected] Tel:017683 71534 01539 623239 [email protected] Tel: 07791977979 [email protected] 07709977619

W Dawson& Son Ltd To place your advert in our next edition please email: Approved Coal Merchants [email protected] Established 1985, or tel:017683 71775 Tel: 01539 20210 www.dawsonsofsedbergh.co.uk Advert Option One: £15.00 per edition Email: office@ Wiltshire Farm Foods (Max 20 words per advert) dawsonsofsedbergh.co.uk Delivering delicious meals Advert Option Two: £28.50 per edition and a friendly service. Suppliers of: (Max 40 words per advert including logo) The opportunity to enjoy our  Quality Housecoal meals in your own home, in  Stove Fuels your own time. Quarterly Seasonal Editions Offering a wide selection of  Biomass Pellets Discounted annual advertising packages nutritious meals.  Kiln Dried Ash Covering Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Parishes For a free brochure  Seasoned Logs Local distribution Call 01768 899601

“Upstairs @ Buttercups” www.kirkby-stephen.com Kirkby Stephen Local Links Admin Services Upcycled Does your business need an internet presence?  Photocopying (colour Antiques Are you looking for somewhere to advertise online? or black and white)  Printing (colour or Art & Crafts The Kirkby Stephen website is a central resource for black and white)  Faxing (UK and No. 8 Church Walk, residents and visitors of Kirkby Stephen, offering an exten- sive range of information on services and businesses Overseas) Kirkby Stephen  Scanning and in the area. emailing  Public computers The directory listings for businesses and accommodation and internet access Winter Opening: providers are well visited by many. A listing offers a dedi- & WIFI

Mon, Weds, Fri & Sat cated page to your business with location on google maps, street view, photos and business logos. Charges apply, please ask 11.00am—3.00pm staff for details.

If you would like to advertise your business on Available during opening kirkby-stephen.com please contact Kellie or Wendy hours: Find us on facebook: Mon, Wed & Fri on 017683 71775 or email: website@kirkby– Stephen.com 10.00am—5.00pm upstairsbuttercups (Closed 12.30-1.30pm)