Filmmaking in the Age of Digital Video Curriculum developed by Nancy Sue Brink,
[email protected]. Emma Lozman, editing and consulting Caitlin Kennedy Martin, project manager Elizabeth Loren Savusa, artwork Dueane Dill, Austri Fletcher and Nancy Sue Brink, Lucinda Spurling, photographs Part of the Information Technology course track developed for Bermudian government high schools, CedarBridge Academy and the Berkeley Institute, as part of B.TEC: The Bermuda Technology Education Collaborative. Acknowledgements Thanks to teachers from CedarBridge and Berkeley for their ongoing input and support: Karen Clemons, Michael Reid, Racquel Rose-Green, Donna Swainson-Robinson,Dana Selassie, Lamone Woods, Josie Kattan, Steve Lawrence, Janice Parker, and Marielo Leveridge. Also thanks to Professor Eric Roberts, Stanford University Computer Science Department, Professor Brigid Barron, Stanford School of Education, and Maryanna Rogers for project assistance and guidance. This curriculum draws from various sources, including: • Barnouw, Eric (1992). Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film. New York: Oxford University Press. • Ellis, Jack and McLane, Betsy. A New History of Documentary Film. • Rabiger, Michael (2004). Directing the Documentary. Focal Press. • National Film Board of Canada, Educational Resources, With support from: IECF: International Education Collaborative Foundation BTEC: Bermuda Technology Education Collaborative Bermuda Ministry of Education, Sports and Recreation XL Foundation, Ltd. 1st printing: