AGWS3623 06.Pdf
Longmont factory, sugar bins and stack. Fremont, Ohio, factory from Fairgrounds Hill. Around the Territory Factory views during the last campaign Bare branches frame Scottsbluff sugar bins, stack, and water tower. .1Iore ca1111>aign .~c·enrs on vage ,11. THE COVER Eaton factory, in a view f rom th<' road on the south sicle of the mill, 1cith bricks and branches vresenting a l e;rturecl pattern in the winter sunshine. All by way of introducing a nen: feature-"1'he Jfill of the Month" beginning in this issu<' on Page 10. cmd featuring Eaton. THE S UGAR PRESS ASSOCIATE EDITORS G. N. CANNADY, Ovid P. W. SNYDER, Scottsbluff Published Monthly by the Employees of C. W. SEIFFERT, Gering The Great Western Sugar Company, Denver, Colorado A. J. STEWART, Bayard BOB McKEE, Mitchell DOROTHY COOPER, Lyman JANUARY, 195 7 JACK K. RUNGE, Billings BESSIE ROSS, Lovell LOIS E. LANG, Horse Cree~ RICHARD L. WILLIS, Fremont In This Issue • • • WARREN D. BOWSER, Findlay Mitchell Wins the Pennant! 4 DORIS SMITH, Eaton H ere's how .ll itcheU lea tlle field in fo1tr tov viaces of the race. MARY E. VORIS, Greeley PAUL P. BROWN, Windsor Findlay Points the Way ................................. ................................................ 6 F. H. DEY, Fort Collins A vrogress re])ort by C. H. I verson on the new 1caste ciisvosal .~ystem. BOB LOHR, Loveland Fire at Bi]]ings ................................................................................................ .. 9 RALPH R. PRICE, Longmont In 1>icturc11, the s2.; 1carelunise fire at the Billings factory. LOUISE WEBBER, Experiment Station lVIill of the Month ............................................................................................ 10 IRENE DURLAND, Brighton The first of a new series, this ti1ne feahtring Eaton, with 1>ictures.
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