Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe Achievements, Challenges and Possibilities http://download.ei‐ie.org/Docs/WebDepot/2009_EarlyChildhoodEducationInEurope_en.pdf Author: Mathias Urban University of East London Cass School of Education and Communities
[email protected] Completion date: September 2009 COVER CHILDHOOD12/08/0915:39Page1 and territories around theglobe. and territoriesaround touniversityin171countries pre-school andeducationworkersfrom teachers, professors than 30 million more Education Internationalisthe globalunionfederationrepresenting ISBN 978-92-95089-00-6 www B-1210 Brussels duRoiAlbertII 5, boulevard Inter Education .ei-ie.or national g EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN EUROPE and Possibilities Achievements, Challenges Education inEurope Early childhood Education International September 2009 Faculty ofEducation Halle-Wittenberg Martin-Luther-University Dr MathiasUrban Report by COVER CHILDHOOD 12/08/09 15:39 Page 2 Photo credits : Dennis Sinyolo brochure 112 PAGES OK 12/08/09 15:53 Page 1 Education International Early Childhood Education in Europe Achievements, Challenges and Possibilities Report by Dr. Mathias Urban Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg Faculty of Education Parts of chapter 2 of this report were prepared by: Maria O’Dwyer, PhD - Framework Research - Ireland September 2009 brochure 112 PAGES OK 12/08/09 15:53 Page 3 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN EUROPE FOREWORD Children have a right, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to receive education, and Early Childhood Education (ECE) must be considered part of that right. Education International strongly believes that early childhood education is of great value to all children and should be available to all. It provides a sound basis for learn- ing and helps to develop skills, knowledge, personal competence, confidence and a sense of social responsibility.