The Irish Oraenccer No
the IRISh oraenccer No. 111 Spring 2006 Rory Morrish at the Win- ter Olympics; Waterford event for St. Martin's school; part of the Bull island map for the Lein- ster Championships in April; orienteering at Pad- dock Hill, Co. Wicklow. Peter and Daniel Kernan lead the charge to the fin- ish at Paddock Hill. (Photos: Rory Morrish, Andrew Cox, Martin THE IRISH ORIENTEER ADDRESS LIST AJAX ORIENTEERS Jane Brennan, 99 Drimna9h Road, Dublin 12 (01-4557335) ATHLONE IT ORIENTEERS Nigel Foley-Fisher, AIT, Dublin Rd., Athlone, Co. Westmeath (0902-24465) che IRISh oracrrccec BISHOPSTOWN OC Sean Cotter, 45 Rossbrook, Model Farm Rd, Cork, (021-4546194) BLACKWATER VALLEY OC Ellen Feehan, Scarteen Lower, Newmarket, Co. Cork (029-60385) No. 111 Spring 2006 COMMUNITY GAMES ORIENTEERS Ted Lucey, Kilpadder. Dromahane, Mallow, Co.Cork (022-47300) CIT ORIENTEERS Padraig Finnegan, Sports Olllce, Cork Inst. of Technology, Rossa Ave., Cork. CORK ORIENTEERS Danny O'Hare, 3A Old Blackrock Road, Cork TIle Irish Orienieer is avail- Conflicting Demands CURRAGH-NAAS ORIENTEERS Gareth Evans, Hillfarm, Narraghmore, Ballitore, Co. Kildare able from all Irish ortenteer- DEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS Comdt. Brendan Delaney, Inlantry School, Military College, ing clubs or by subscription Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare. rienteering and forests arc like bread and butter, from the Editor: John DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS The Secretary, DU Orienteers, House 27, TCD, Dublin 2.; strawberries and cream, Laurel and Hardy: they are McCullough. 9 Arran Road. O FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS Mery Campbell, 5 Knocknamoe Bungalows, Omagh, Co. Tyrone (048- inseparable in people's minds. Open ground orienteer- 82246818) Dublin 9 FINGAL ORIENTEERS Tom Burke, 2 Sycamore Ave., Beaulort Place, Navan, Co.
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