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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

11-1-2004 Arbiter, November 1 Students of Boise State University

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. NONORY NOVENBER '.I' . aOO'l', . THE INDEPEIIO E liT STUD~HT:: VOICE OF BOISE STRTE SIIICE 1933 VOLUNE 17 FIRST ISSUE FREE ISSUE i2

BSUathletics studies feasibility of stadium expansion BRICK by BRICK WHAT WILL BE ADDEDTO BRONCO STADIUM BY RMBER FUGER lobby of the"Special Events Center. went on sale all student seats were expanded to better accommodate At the stadium ticket office, the claimed, leaving many students tick- the Broncos' growing fan base. Sporte Ulrlter Bronco Stadium Luxury Suite! Taco Bell Arena, and the Morrison etless. Boise State's game against Fresno G, Press Box Addition y 8:30 a.m. on Monday Center, thescene was similar, with Junior Jake Mason showed up at marked the fifth stadium sell-out Oct. 18,the line for BSUv. long lines of students vying for the .6 a.m. in the SUB to find about 200 this season, more sell-outs than any Fresno tickets stretched 5,000 student seats made available people already in line in front ofhim. previous season. "Bronco Stadium e New Multl·Purpose Athletic Building from the SUBinformation for each home game. Two hours and Mason is just one of many students has never been sold out every game," - desk, through the hallway twenty-two minutes after tickets who would like to see the stadium See ExpanSion [peQe 6) pastBASBSU's offices and into the o Bronco Stadium Seating Expansion

G Neyt Peterson Preco Learning Center THE3STAGES: e World Sports Humanitarian Hall of Fame THE PRESS BOX Will boast a ballroom, multiple luxury lult", and club seats, Stag, on. will take an estimated three to four yea" to complete at a cost of apptoxlmately \40 million,

SEATING EXPANSION THE Willadd an additional 8,000 to 10,0001"tl by adding Numbers tworomers to the north end-zone, Stage two could be rompleied as early" 1007 at a total cost of approxl- mat,ly 560 million, $60,000,000 The estimated cost for the (om- SEATING EXPANSION (part 2) pletlon of stage 1 and 2. B1,ymaler said that turrentlj llag. three IImore wl,h· ful thinking than reality. Stag, three would see an addl· tlonall0,000 "all added to th' Itadlum, expanding III overall capadtyto 50,000 at a projected ost of an addl· $2,500,000 tlonal\10mllllon, Possible amount of revenue generated from luxury sultes and dub seating sales

$75,000 For the feisibility study on the expansion of Brcnce Stadium HOWTHEWINNINGSEASONS Story. HAVEAFFECTEDATIENDENCE 30,000 $40,000 Yearly asking price for I2B,OOO luxury suites. - EXTERIOR VIEWS OF THE NEW PRESS BOX !i1 26,000 " BOX. ABOVE IS THE IMMEDIATE ADDITION ' 24,000 AND WHAT WILL FILLIN LATER (RIGHT). ~ LEFT ISA SKETCH OFTHE 3 LEVELS t 22,000 CONTAINING THE PRESS BOX 20,000 c:::J AND LUXURY SUITES 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 recard 5-6,3·1 6-5,3·1 10·l,S·! 10-1,5·0 8-4,6·1 11-1,8·0 11-1,8·0 8·0,5·0 (o.eran, cen f.) BigW"t B1gW"t 81gWest WAC WAC WAC WAC WAC:!o'"

mrnnHAnmlAL IiRAPlllC BY"'liKEf100IEm1E ARDI11Jl - ARTIst REHDEllltlG5 rnulll'ESY Of BSU A1IlLtI1CS Cultural Center brings Talkin' Broncos orate their way tovictory

paring for this competition, award-winning director BY CRRDLYN MICHRUD by storm, the speech and debate McMinnville, Ore. on Nov. 19- Reel,stant News Editor team returned to competition 21. The NFC includes 43 colleges which takes place in St. Louis, for the first of three Northwest and universities from six states. and hopes to place in the top for movie screening Boise State's speech and de- Forensic Conference (NFC) tour- Debaters and speakers compete three. bate team, coached by Marty naments. Once again, the Talkin' in novice, intermediate, or open "One thing that Marty has said Most of the department of com- Broncos returned victorious. divisions depending on their ex- is that this more than probably BY DRNIELLE UERHULP munication, started the year Thirteen members of the team perience. They have the option any other year is a team that is Newe Writer off strong as members took first place in the College of Southerh Randy Redroad is hardly your Idaho's Golden Eagle Invitational typical feature filmmaker. The Tournament, the first competi- 38-year-old screenwriter, di- tion of the year, which took place rector, and producer of Native during the end of September American films does not own a in Twin Falls. College debate television, and claims to dislike teams from Idaho, Utah, and traveled to the conference held of choosing six different speaking built for nationals. It makes me actors and movies in general. Montana competed in the event. at Pacific Lutheran University in events, five kinds of interpreta- proud not only as a competi- Redroad was the honored , The Talkin' Broncos won the CSI Tacoma, Wash. Not only did they tion, and parliamentary debate .. tor, but of the team as a whole. guest at a reception held last tournament title for the fourth place first, the team also broke Throughout this year, the Individuallywe are all strong and Monday night that showcased consecutive season, the seventh' BSU's record for most points gar- speech and debate team will have our own strengths, but when two of his recent films. The BSU by the Broncos in the past eight nered for a tournament. compete in seven tournaments you put us together as. a team, Cultural Center in the Student years at CSI. The next NFC tournament that lead up to nationals in mid- Union Building was packed Three weeks after taking CSI 5&& Debat.& [pegs 3J with nearly fifty students and takes place at Linfield College in March, The team is already pre- community members eager to screen the movies and have cost Redroad a total of $55,000 the opportunity to speak with to make. Since its release, "High Redroad himself. At . the screening, Redroad Horse" has been awarded the Newrralernlt.~ hnlde colomzsuon eeraman", Best Short Film Award at the presented two of his indepen- American Indian Film Festival are two public ceremonies: for- dent Jim Wolfe. The 'purpose is for dent life," Wolfe said. "It also dent films, "High Horse" and BY CRSSI~ GUTIERREZ and Best Film Award at the mal initiation and formal colonl- these members to develop broth- helps promote. Boise State's name "Haircut." "High Horse," a 37- Ne~e Ulnter Festival d'Amiens in France. zatlon. Colonization started the erhood, social skills and do some because of the things we do inthe minute project, tells the story of Redroad's second indepen- Boise State University's newest process for SAEto be on a nation- community service as well. community." Currently, there are several Native American indi- dent film; "Haircut," is only nine fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon ailevel. Alpha Kappa Lamda and Kappa about 18members of SA,E. -: . viduals struggling to make a life minutes long. This film has a (SAEl, held their colonization Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the Sigma are t~ other fraternities "Just a message from :Sigma in New YorkCity without the aid similar silent quality to it,and ceremony on Tuesday, Oct 26, at 9 world'slargest fraternity, as far as at Boise State. Alpha'Epsilon: We're aUexcitedto of capitalism. Redroad acknowl- depicts ayoung NativeAmerican p.m. in the Jordon ABallroom. initial members are concerned. According to Wolfe, S~ will be become a part of the Greek com- edges that this is a "strange mov- boy and his resistance to having The colonizationceremony is a It is restricted to men in college beneficial to Boise State. "Greek munlty and BoiseSta~;"W(jlfe ie," nearly absent of all dialogue. his hair cut at a hole-in-the-wall process that Greek organizations who want to better themselves students are more involved on said, "And to bettering olIi e:atn' Instead, the fJ.1m relies on a se- -go through to become part of a . and who are true gentlemen, ac- campus than most students and. pus as wel1as the~1,Y." .....•. ries of captivating Visual images 58& Maul& [pegs 3J national fraternity. In SAE,there cording to BSUSAEchapterpresi- it's another opppriunity for stU••·· to convey its message. The film

··11 ScientistS discover new cultures of Meso-America .especially for in the staging area of Kuwait. About the Nahua (Aztecs, Mayans, Toltecas, Iran unvells plant, 43 percent of the inventory items that species .ofminiature humans Tiaxcaltec, Chichimec, Tecpanec) 8!Jd indicatingitwill auditors looked for appeared lost. IlJlfAllllOGlW'llVlAIOOUIlE .others native to Mexico more than The findings come after a July report WASHINGTON-,A 3,000years. concluded that the contractor couldn't miniature, long-lost rela- proceed with nuclear The Boise State University Cultural account for $18.6 million in U.S. prop- tive of modern humans Center, along with the Oragni~acion program ,erty it was responsible for in Baghdad. has been discovered, de Estudiantes Latino-Amencanos "You've got to try really hard" to lose shaking up science's view (OELA)sponsor this year's altar. ARAK, Iran - Iranian offlcials un- some of the items, said Keith.<\shdov.n, of how we evolved on veiled their disputed heavy water plant vice president of the fiscal watchdog Earth. 40 miles south of Arak in a sign that Taxpayers for Common Sense. "It gives Scientists, who un- Iran has no plans to suspend its nu- new meaning to government waste or earthed her after 18,000 clear program, despite calls from the new meaning to flushing taxpayers' years, nicknamed her United States to do so. money down a toilet." "Hobbit:' after the short Nov. 2 is election day. For voter in- Leading a small group of journalists characters who starred in formation, visit and on the first-ever public tour of the fa- nallona.1 . "Lord of the Rings." She click on the elections icon. Polls are cility, the plant's deputy director for stood 3 feet tall with a open from 8 a.rn. - 8 p.m. research and development said that if brain the size of a grape- the West won't provide Iran with nu- Candidates trade jabs at fruit. Yet she was smart clear technology, Iranians would pro- vide it themselves. He said the United Midwest campaign stops :~~u~~~~~~~t~~~g~~;~~[;U~:~~;!lf States and Europe have no reason to be But Idon't like concerned about the plant. WESTLAKE,Ohio - President Bush :~~~i~~~r.h~~~ Pb~~~[·,;.•~~rtl~~;~~~t~~;c2.~L'~";"~~";;"'";Cd_ "They are 100 percent wrong" to be , tried to soften his image Thursday called a strange new spe- Caucasian coffee concerned over Iran's development of ' but still sharpened his attack against cies of human. in the scientific journal of same time: Homo sa- the ability to manufacture heavy wa- Democratic presidential nominee John Scientists found Hobbit Nature. piens (us), Homo erec- Staff members at a coffee shop at a ter, said Manouchehr Madadi. "It is Kerry. branding him "the wrong man and six other skeletons of The discovery means tus, Neanderthals and library ill refused to serve a only for research." for the wrong job at the wrong time." this lost species on Flores, that about 50,000 years this new relative, called customer who had ordered "black cof- So-called heavy water, which con- Kerry, ..meanwhile, basked" in the a remote Indonesian is- ago, there were four spe- Homo Floresiensis (also fee:' claiming that he was using a rac- tains a heavier hydrogen particle than glow of Bruce Springsteen's stardom at land, according to a study cies of humans roam- called Flores Man). ist term. regular water, will allow Iran to run packedjointappearanceswiththerock 'to be published Thursday ing. the "Earth at the other nuclear reactors with the natural star in two Midwest college towns. uranium it mines, rather than enriched At stops in Michigan, Ohio and Huh? Where am I? uranium, which is far more expensive Pennsylvania, Bush shed his longo' and difficult to produce, Madadi said. standing reluctance to analyze his to again spoil the party's hopes for the Running on the Green Party ticket in Arrested? Me? But heavy water can also be used to presidency or talk about mistakes he's White House. 2000, Nader scored a scant 2.7 percent develop material for nuclear weapons. made to give supporters a personal re- The consumer advocate has man- of the vote nationally. But Democrats A Nevada man kidnapped his es- It's that possibility that has alarmed flection into the lessons learned in the aged to get on the ballot in 34 states contend he drew enough liberal votes tranged wife and tried to kill her and the Bush administration, which has Oval Office. including the critical battlegrounds of that without him in the race, Al Gore himself by intentionally crashing their demanded the site be shut down and "I've learned to expect the unexpect- Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, New would have taken at least one more car at a high rate of speed. She sur- Iran's pursuit of uranium enrichment ed, because history can deliver sudden Mexico and Wisconsin and the District state and thus the White House. They vived, and he went into a two-month halted. -horror from a soft autumn sky:' Bush of Columbia. point specifically to Florida, where coma. As soon as he woke up, he was said. "I found you better know what And. while experts say his impact Nader received 97,488 votes and Bush arrested. Halliburton lost at least you believe; or 'risk being tossed to and won't be as statistically pronounced won by just 537. fro by the flattery of friends or the cho- as it was in 2000, his vote tallies as an This year, various polls show Nader's Oh yeah? Who's gonna $1.1 million in U.S. rus of the critics." independent in swing states would support nationwide dipping from a In Madison, Wis., Kerry and still be unwelcome news for Democrat high of 5 percent in the spring to about stop me? property, auditors say Springsteen packed the street in, John Kerry. 2 percent the week before the election. front of the state capitol with a crowd j "In a tight race, Ralph Nader will An intoxicated passenger on a flight that fire officials estimated at more WASHINGTON- It's not just missing most, likely swing this election to from Singapore to New Zealand be- than 80,000. Kerry signboards flut- explosives that have U.S. military of- George Bush:' said David Jones, who came unruly, aggressive and nasty, tered in the thousands for blocks as ficials searching high and low in Iraq. runs an anti-Nader Web site called apparently unaware that members of Springsteen introduced Kerry, telling They're also trying to figure out how TheNaderFactor.coll1. "It doesn't mat- a British police officers' rugby team the crowd, "The future is now and it's Day of the Dead display the giant reconstruction contractor ter how small his numbers are. And were also on board. Halliburton misplaced millions of dol- time to let your passions loose." that's why George Bush and Karl Rove A Day of the Dead altar display is in Called upon by the crew to assist, the lars in government trucks, generators, love the Nader campaign." the Fireplace Lounge, Student Union athletic officers subdued him in short computers and a port-a-potty. Nader aides dismiss concerns that Building (across from Moxie Iava), Dia order and put him in restraints in the In a report released Thursday on the Nader's chances slim he's potentially a millstone around De Los Muertos is one of Mexico's tra- back of the plane. management of U.S. property, the in- of spoiling election for Kerry's neck. ditional holidays reuniting and hon- One cop said, "Really, it was about spector general for the now-defunct "Youshouldn't have to vote for some- oring beloved ancestors, family and the worst flight for this guy to be an Coalition Provisional Authority es- Kerry one you don't believe in:' said Kevin idiot on'." timated that at least $1.1 million in friends. Zeese, a, spokesman for the Nader The historical roots of this celebra- government property entrusted to -Despite the best efforts of campaign. tion date back to the pre-Hispanic Halliburton was lost or unaccounted Democrats, Ralph Nader is positioned _::------~------..:.:N~O:.-:U~-2::...::..0 :.:.0...... :."_ - 'Iaco Bell Truth tour makes stop on campus"

BY RRCHEL PEREZ gle in a slave-like environment. brought back to the camp where no benefits, no overtime pay, no an agriculture worker for five "The owner of the local fran- News Writer "We live in a first world coun- the guards will beat them in front sick leave, and no kind of pen- . years. chise here in Boise that has dis- try where everything is painted of the other workers as an ex- sion. Workers are picked up by According to Cortez, Taco Bell tributed the money for your Taco The Coalition of Immokalee in pink; said Lucas Benitez, co- ample of what will happen," said the labor bus in Immokalee, and as a major buyer of Florida toma- Bell Arena says that he buys no Workers spoke last Tuesday at the founder of the CIW and a farm Benitez. transported to fields from twenty toes has the authority to demand tomatoes from Florida," said Special Events Center where they worker for the past eleven years. Wages have remained at 40 to to a hundred miles away. An av- fair labor standards. Benitez. wrapped up their national Taco "10percent of the workers live in 50 cents per 32-pound bucket erage day can stretch longer than "CIW demands one penny But no franchise can get their Bell Truth tour to educate people slavery, and 90 percent endure since the 1970s, making the me- 12 hours in the heat. 10-12work- more per pound of tomatoes to products outside of the coopera- on the conditions of tomato pick- sweatshop conditions," he said. dian annual income $7,500, re- ers may live together in one trail: its suppliers with the extra penny tive that Yum! Brands has, said ers in Immokalee, Florida. According to Benitez, workers maining below the poverty line, er in Immokalee. going into the workers hands," Benitez. He also benefits because The farm workers began a co- are recruited and placed in iso- said Benitez. Taco Bell is one of six restau- said Cortez, "and an- indepen- of the name Taco Bell. alition in April 1, 2001 to boycott lated labor camps where they are "In order to make fifty dollars a rants under Yuml Brand Foods, dently verifiable code of conduct The BSU Faculty Senate has al- Taco Bell.Their goal is to encour- guarded with weapons twenty- day we must pick two tons of to- that has a food-purchasing co- to eliminate labor abuses." ready taken a step in support of age people to boycott Taco Bell four hours a day. matoes," said another CIW mem- operative that demands toma- Since the coalition began in CIW by voting 17-2 to terminate for buying tomatoes from Florida "If a worker attempts to es- ber. toes from Florida, said Fransisca 2001,CIWhas freed over 1,000to- the contract with Taco Bell. ., farms, where farm workers strug- cape they will be caught and According to Benitez, there are Cortez, a member of the CIW and mato pickers. Scholarships available Returning soldiers struggle to adjust back to LGBT students in five to normal lives on college campuses / states including Idaho BY RRMER NRDHRNI is obvious: Some returning sol- BY RRCHEl PEREZ "Students can earn more than Chicago Tribune diers complain their classmates News Writer one scholarship if they are eligi- and professors often have a shal- ble," Brians said. BLOOMIN~TON, Ind. - Lying low view of the war and they do More than $175,000 in schol- If a student from one of the five on the hood of the Humvee he not show enough support for the arship money is available to les- states earns an award, they are used as his bed for much of the troops. bian, gay, bisexual, transgender allowed to study in another state. war, Brandon Nordhoff would "Inevitably in classes, you have (LGBT),and allied students from For example, students from Boise put on his earphones, turn up the these kids who criticize the war the states of Washington, Idaho, can take the scholarship mon- volume on his Discman to drown and criticize the president and Oregon, Montana, and Arkansas ey and go to school In Florida. out battlefield noises, and imag- don't know what they're talking for the school year 2005-2006. Scholarships can be used for up ine himself at a party back on the about:' said Cpi. Daniel Rhodes, a. Randy Brians, the scholarship to two years. Indiana University campus. Marine reservist from La Grange .. manager at Pride Foundation, "The scholarship became avail- Afteronesuchdream, Nordhoff Ill., and a senior in political sci- ence at the University of Illinois said that allied students are those able through year-long fund rais- determined when he returned to who are heterosexual, passion- ing," Brians said. campus, he would pledge a fra- in Champaign. "I want to say to them, 'Do you realize that you're ate about LGBTissues, and show Money for the LGBT schol- ternity and make up for the social sitting here in a classroom, living commitment to human and civil arships is also donated from life he lost while deployed with freely, because we're willing to rights for all people. Scholarships individuals who want to help his Indianapolis-based Marine are also available to students LGBT mid allied students. The reserve unit. fight?'" Other veterans have returned from LGBT families. Students Cole Family Scholarship Is for He has made up for lost time to campus with doubts about can receive from $500 to $10,000. Washington residents under age with his social life, but for the necessity of the war in Iraq: Awards go to post-secondary 25 raised by one or more lesbian Nordhoff and many of the thou- From lectures in his Chinese his-' education, nontraditional pro- or gay parent. Brians explained .sands of Iraq war veterans, the tory class about how emperors grams, and creative study and that donations may be in a 'will; transition from war zone to cam- sold war to their people, to a local vocational training. or from a person who studied in a pus has not gone smoothly. They business' toy-soldier display rep- The application consists of particular field and wants to give acknowledge they struggle to resenting Americans who have a number of questions about money to a student who studies mend war wounds, mental and died in combat, Bradley Rehak, a whether the student is LGBT, in that same field. physical, while trying to readjust Brandon Nordhorr, right, greots rollow Ireql wer votoren ChriS King on the senior at the University of Iowa; their family information, what In a previous scholarship that to the relative triviality of life as cempus or lndrena Unlversltv In Bloomington, tndrane, on Septombor IS. said he is constantly reminded of they study, where they are from, the Greater Seattle Business a student. the war. and future goals. There are thir- Association (GSBA)and the Pride As the oldest pledge in this The officers can help them "I feel 200 percent different than "We can say that we got rid of a ty-four named scholarships cov- Foundation provided, a hetero- year's Acacia fraternity class, straighten out their benefits, but the people in Bloomington and a terrible dictator by going to war," sexual woman who was raised Nordhoff, 21, often feels awk- universities have no one desig- \ ering a wide range of studies. lot ofthe kids at the university." said Rehak, 24, a medic with the by two lesbians was Inspired to ward. Partying while many of his nated to help the soldiers with Some awards arc given specifi- In the first few weeks of the Iowa National Guard. "The ar- study psychology to help chil- Marine buddies are still In Iraq the transition from battlefield to cally for financial needs, and oth- school year, Veterans Affairs of- gument misses the far greater dren from diverse families after now seems frivolous. And the oc- classroom. ers award excellence. ficers at campuses throughout points that we haven't found that the death of her gay uncle. casional war protest on campus Although the Iraq war has not Applications are now available the Midwest have reported being Saddam Hussein had weapons of at BSU Financial Aid Services or "In addition to receiving mon- can make him furious. inundated with soldier-students generated the unrest on cam- "Going to war changes you:' mass destruction and we haven't can be obtained at www.thegsba. ey, recipients feel empowered looking for help collecting their puses the Vietnam War brought said the corporal, a junior from found links between al-Qaida org and www.pridefoundation. because they are being acknowl- education benefits under the in the 1960s and 1970s, divided Kirksville, Ind., a small farming and Iraq." org. Applications must be post edged by The Pride and GSBA:' Montgomery GI Bill. opinion on the current conflict community near Bloomington. marked by-Ian, 14,2005. Brians said. -. munication at BSU, introduced able and approachable Redroad Redroad and praised him for hav- was, and his ability to relate to the students in attendance of the M 0 U I e [from paga I] ing "an amazing body of work." Though she admitted that up un- event. Redroad never attended film barber shop. til recently, few films have played Redroad has gained the most into the Native American genre, school, electing instead to make attention and critical acclaim, Ray stated that Redroad's "con- movies on his own. As for a full- however, for his feature film, tribution to [thel body of Native time career in the film industry, "Doe Boy.': This film explores American cinema is significant." it is not something that he is nec- the issues of identity and par- It is evident that Redroad has essarily interested in. He openly ent-child relationships through achieved an uncommon level admits, "I don't even know if I the eyes of a young man of mixed of success with his movies. His have one." When Redroad is not heritage. The 83-minute movie, projects have been broadcast consumed with the filmmaking which mirrors Redroad's own ex- on such television networks as process, he teaches on a reserva- tion, exposing Native American periences growing up, has made the Sundance Channel, PBS, youth to the art of digital film- its way all over the world. It has The Learning Channel, and been shown at over thirty festi- Independent Film Channel. making. Redroad currently has three vals and has won such prestigious BSU student Tracey Sperling projects in the works, including awards as the NHK International attended the reception with her a second feature film titled "Blue Filmmaker's Award at the Native American cinema class. Suede Indian." He plans to con- Sundance Film Festival, the Best Sperling appreciated Redroad's . tinue to simply "tell stories on First Time Director Award at Taos films for their dynamic use of films:' and affect audiences with Talking Film Festival, and a nom- symbolism. She admits that her his images. As he sees it, "There's ination for the IFPI Gotham Open favorite movie is "Doe Boy:' be- an clement of beauty that film Palm Award for Outstanding cause of its ability to open the adds to anything." Directorial Debut. eyes of the viewer. Sperling was Heather Ray, professor of com- also impressed with how person-

throughout the northwest and education he receives as a mem- ber of the team and the friend- [from pagel] the nation. Debate The Talkin' Broncos' hard work ships he has made. and successes over the years have "What is really unique about we make the music that makes gained the school recognition the BSUdebate team is that it has success," said Lacey Ramrnell- across the country as they con- such an amazing sense of cama- O'Brien a senior this year and tinue to break records. raderie:' said Barton. president of the Idaho Epsilon The team's notoriety was one Like Barton, Rammell-O'Brien chapter of Pi Kappa Delta (PKD) of the main reasons that Barton has put a lot of work into the Forensic Honorary Society, the Jackson, now a sophomore and team, but feels that it is worth ev- oldest and largest forensic orga- vice president of PKD, decided ery second. "It is something you nization In the United States. to come to BSU.Barton has been do because you love it, and some- Other team goals include win- competing in speech and debate thing that is worth the time to me ning the National Forensics events for the past five years. This because of how much I love it and Conference and helping to pro- is his second year at the collegiate how much I have gained from it," mote the excellence of Boise State level. He appreciates the level of said Rammell-O'Brlen. Career Center Services Call: (208) make an appointment -or- visit our website at

Career Planning Interview Training Major Exploration Job Listings Job-Search AdVising Resume & Cover-letter . Assistance -----'.---Internship Information liTHE ARBITER I NOV 1 200li ASBS where are U? Student Senate resolutions missing student voice

the ability to directly influence, Senate. Start focusing on issues ing the 'students. Are the actions bill, I was losing sleep over that deserve a little slack. We should BY KYLE GORHRM and even create laws for the stu- that are affecting the student Opinion Editor of the ASBSU Senate "serving as all semester. Or maybe it's not so thank them for flnding the mon- dent body - an admirable effort body. Issues like student health an outlet for student concerns?" good. ey to throw candy at us during the to give students a means to get care, fees, funding, and pro- - Believe it or not, there is a stu- Do they even know what these I guess it depends what they are homecoming parade (Senate Bill their concerns addressed. Since posed expansions of both Bronco -dent senate at Boise State. If you concerns are? Apparently not. pledging allegiance to. The bulk 2004-55), and supplying us with the Senate can't seem to do this Stadium and the Student Union -walk into the Student Union's I find it hard to believe the of their legislation brings to mind orange togas for a couple football in their own capacity, passing come to mind. "Forum room on Tuesday and students they represent are con- a different pledge than that of one games (Senate Bill 2004-41). this bill is a damn good idea. ' Get out there and find out what ..Thursday evenings, you will most cerned whether or not they recite to the United States. Maybe it's This year's Senate seems con- It was also admirable to see the students' concerns are, then .Hkely find them in action - or the pledge of allegiance before something like this: "We the stu- tent to devote their time to su- some senators draft a resolution maybe you can justify proposing rnore accurately this semester meetings (Senate Bill 2004-47). dent Senate of Boise State pledge perficial and even pointless - tabled as well- in regards to the a bill to spend $1000 promoting :- find them in inaction. Likewise, I wonder how many to draft asinine bills, and reaf- tasks with few exceptions. Two Taco Bell issue (Senate Resolution ASBSU(Senate Bill 2004-46). • For a group who draws $32,694 students asked the senate to draft firm our commitment to act as an bills drafted this year rise above 51). Either way it showed that -In salary this year to "be a voice a bill to make t-shirts sponsoring impotent body." the stink of the rest, though they some were not averse to tackling for the students" their activities the new ASBSUWeb site (Senate Well that's not entirely fair. It's have been tabled in committee. a controversial issue. "thus far have yielded bills devoid Bill 2004-43). Thank God they a tough.job reining in the con- Tabled Senate Bill 2004-45 would So here's your wakeup call ~of any such claims of represent- passed the pledge of allegiance cerns of 18,000 students, so they give the students of Boise State 'Flexible fee structure not a good idea


n these difficult economic times, more urn- uersitu admrrustr-atums across the coun- try are looking Into how to replace state dollars With higher education funding al- ternanues. 1\ Recently, BOise State uruuer sttu .~ ~ Pr-esident Bob Kustra I I spoke on behalf of the president's guments against it. Among the \ council and unveiled a proposal reasons was that higher prices to the State Board of Education to students would be unfairly which would replace the flat-fee based on their future income j structure currently in place with earnings as a result of the degree. l flexible fees. The flexible fees Students then and now know the slim chances of getting a job in f would be calculated according to in a better position to pay. t a highly competitive job market rate donations. the Curry School of Education at Secretary of Education and for- the costs incurred by the univer- Under another, more contro- and the realities of reaching their Restricting access to these pro- the University of Virginia. mer member of the National sities in offering undergraduate versial alternative, universities t Commission on the Cost of j programs. income potential in this difficult grams by increasing the sticker The education pricing model is Higher Education, William D. would use a sliding scale to offer t Almost sure to raise the eye- economy. price for lower-income students too confusing Hansen spoke by telephone about more inexpensive tuition to low- ·brows ofBoise State students who Another reason was that stu- and their families would per- n a telephone interview "net price." He stressed the im- er-income families and students. :.are already struggling to pay the dents would' be too hesitant petuate the poverty cycle which with Martin Anderson, 1 portance of the formulas a uni- The fee structure would be simi- .dramatic increase in fees overthe about paying more for programs rests in the 'lack of educational a U.S. Higher Education versity uses to figure out the real lar to an income tax bracket. With -last few years, raising the price in which their inherent abilities opportunities and choices avail- expert at the Hoover 1 cost of offering its programs. The subsidies and scholarships, poor- .tag for different Baccalaureate and aptitude may be much more able to them. There may be safe- Institution at Stanford case may not be that universities er students pay less anyway, why ! _degrees will be hard to swallow. well-suited for relative to more guards like increased financial University, Anderson try to hide their facts, figures, and not end the shuffling of tax payer "Students would be right to criti- inexpensive programs. This aid for those students, but the said, "In my experience, formulas relating to its costs, but dollars, and just lower the price of I cize any proposals of this kind. would create "brain-drain" and a price would not be offset in the universities are reluc- I that they do not know how to ac- their tuition. _ A 1997 report issued by the watering down of talent in specif- long run, and typically, proposed tant to publish what students are curately estimate them. Thomas Kane, a professor of 1 National Commission on the Cost ic areas of study with higher price scholarships and grants arc giv- paying (with regards to tuition), I ! f not a flexible fee struc- policy studies and economics at of Higher Education concluded tags. Retention rates would also en to "gifted" students with high know of no university who does ture, then what? UCLA, responded in a telephone .that despite subsidies like state be negatively effected if students SAT.scores and GPAs,leaving out that openly." Many universities are interview, "Give a tax credit, or _funding, and in figuring the in- were to choose cheaper degree the "average" lower-income stu- The first step in recommending getting creative in the state loans, and reduce the costs ,structional cost per student, that programs in place of ones they dents. a tuition hike for students is un- I face of budget crunches. of education at Boise State for ' · tuition increased by 132 percent were genuinely interested in. "Those likely not to receive aid derstanding and discussing what One funding alterna- those who remain in the state af- between 1987 and 1996, much n an art ide for The in that process are the solid, av- students are currently. paying for tive has been to offer tu- terwards and participate in the •faster than the price of instruc- Chronicle of Education, erage students with high finan- in the face of subsidized and un- subsidized loans, scholarships, ition discounts accord- economy of Idaho." M tion paid by the university. Ronald Ehrenberg, cial need, precisely the group ing to the time of day classes are This would help our state econ- The report indicated, "It may who is the director that our society has to educate federal Pell grants, and other offered, this plan has University omy out of its slump much bet- "be tempting to conclude that in- of the Cornell Higher in order to contribute to the de- state subsidies to the universi- of Oregon officials predicting a ter than decreasing the access ystitutions acted irresponsibly, '~ Education Research manding knowledge economy. ties. Everyone who attends a pub- and affordability of our educa- ~ Institute stated, That group of students is seri- lic university receives a discount, savings of $1.5 million dollars to "by charging students and their tion at Boise State by raising fees. .families higher tuition but not '. "Universities should ously at risk in the current and as does the institution which of- students. Another more popular idea has President Kustra should be more ,spending the additional revenue not, however, charge differential pending environment and we fers the education. The question , been to guarantee tuition prices cautious about doing that. "to improve or maintain the qual- tuitions to students enrolled in cannot afford to leave them be- becomes how do we calculate the for each entering class. Bymaking •ity of education provided." Also, different majors because allow- hind," said David Breneman, in costs of our education to Boise costs consistent and transparent, ..that students and the community ing students to change majors as an article for The Chronicle of State University. it would put students and parents .should be more scrutinous when their interests shift is an impor- Education. Breneman is Dean of The former U.S. Deputy ,it comes to institutions raising tant academic value." fees. The undergraduate programs ' The current proposal to offer that would almost definitely be -some undergraduate programs to effected by the price hikes of a "llruuerartras should not, howeuer, charge differential turtrons to .students at a higher cost relative flexible fee structure would be to how much it costs the univer- the "hard" sciences. Colleges students enrolled In different mejors because allOWingstudents to .sity, is not unique to the higher on campus like business and "education system. economics, health sciences, change-majors as their Interests shift IS an Important academe ualue." •. The University System of and of course, the College of 'Maryland considered this fund- Engineering, a Boise State college - RONRLD EHRENBERG, Director of the Cornell Higher Eliucetlon Research Institute :-:ingalternative at one time, but it which to date has received tens of :'could not bear the weight of ar- mil\ions of dollars from corpo-

, ' EOITORS·· PHOTOGRAPHY . PRODUCTION . WRITERS . OFFICE • Rsst. Photo Editor Production ManBger ChriS Rlterl, JIllI,n Blk.r, Treul! Dmce Maneger The Arbiter EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Msry Ds•• on(.losl.d""O ... ".... "... " .. [HIID] EltuDld, Jo. frenklln, Allblr K,RISTR RDRMS [H121) MIKE ROCHE HILllRY ROBERTS IxIDD] MANAGINGEDITDA Crystsl Thomss[.1051 jntP •• rklm_hbfttlll.tft Fuo.r. Horratn, Tr.uor Horn, Otwt.rlbuiedMondlVl' ThurldlYI dUr'lMg Mirv Grlclluc .. , Din NcIl:lUI, tn, It,tlllne Ichotll ",eer. tht Rrbrter Rest. ProductIOn MBnsgsr Dmca Rnts, 1910 Umverslty Drlue NEIDSEDITDA ManiCS~rlcs [.102} '''1'''' .. 1I.. ,'' .. ' PhotogrBpherB Rlch.1 ',ru, fllnd,1I Pelt, 'I ttl, Ilme'll ml!fptndlnt It.udtnt BEN WILSON [HnD] GrlDorp Rutty. MIcheli, S'lI' SRRR LOWMILLER BOise, IOB372S ""'P'P'I" rIf' &cit .. Stet. Unlutn!l",. ASST. NElliS EDITDA Csrolyn MlchslJd1.102} 0 .. 11I.... II 'm STRN BREWSTER Il' .'"Ion I' til prtWtdl • ~ ftlr lhl DPINIOR EDITDA Kyls Gorhsm[.105}1".. "0 ..hJ'''.'II .. , .. RICHRE SWRNBECK JENNY SILVERIR Phone: 3~S-B20~illIOD] dllellalfut! of 1.lutl tffttllng Ul. BSU , GrBphlc Deslgnsrs Copy Editors t9J!lUmlp. The Artntlr'; tJutllrtl 'eon1uIU SPORTS EDITOR Jersmy RBlmulSen (.10Jj."m, .. I".""U.wm _M. RLLRED [xlIl) TRY LOR NEWaOLD Fell: ~26-319B of rlt' PillS by tM student ~d", Ind • • /llJartlamg nl ... tM h! eew ~ fro. , CULTURE EDITOR Trsuor ~ ·OuhJttntu.u ... RUDREY DESLER [HlIl] GREGORY RUTTY Rd'dltllmtfcllPl .. ~,ll.~.df'or" · lIulIlIl.erblteronltne,cnm "EDITORIAL ADVISOR Dr, Dsn MOrriS 1.101] 1"' 1".... 11.. , ... MIKE RRSH [HlIl] -· .plltt et. Tht .Arbttl,. cffltn. · r,. \ ______------'------.:.------~N~O~U~~2~O~O~.'i~

We encourege readera to respond to letter' for publication .. Letters must be 300 warda or less. Pleese in- clude your neme, deytlma telephone number,meJor flald of study, end year In school. Please dlract all letters to [Letter to the editor)" . Letters are eubJect to editing. [The Rrbiter cannot uerlfy the statements mada In letters to . . the editors.) Columnists' and guest ulews do not necessarily represent those of the Rrbiter edltorlel boerd end ataff.

Dear Editor: be insulted if they targeted my religious beliefs. My church en- status immediately revoked. lIgious persuasion who falls for I find the Republican party's denomination in this way - and courages me to think - and vote Ditto any political organization such despicable political tactics. In September, the Republican attempts to co-opt religious or- I hope every Roman Catholic, - for myself.. that intimates that people of a Natio~al Committee put up Web ganizations and tell their mem- Mormon and Evangelical feels Any religious organization or particular religious organization Tha Rav. Canon . sites aimed at voters within spe- bers how to vote to be abhorrent. the same way. pastor or leader that tells any- must vote in a certain way. Allca Farquhar - Mayas cific religious institutions includ- It is the worst kind of prosely- I'm quite capable ofthinking for . one how to vote ought to be im- The Republican party must 51.MIchael's Episcopal ing www.kerrywrongforcatho- tizing and abusive of the power myself and don't need any politi- mediately suspect and strongly be really desperate and scared Cathedral, Boise, www.kerrywrongfor- . they have to influence people cal organization telling me how I condemned by its membership. to death. Shame on them. And and www.kerry- with misinformation. I would should think or vote based on my It should also have its tax-exempt shame on any person of any re- Something every BSU student should read before voting / DRN MCNEESE orange and blue, the outfits they went AWOL.One was even from Ididn't press the issue after that. Culture Writer did sport gave them more pride my platoon? " I hung out with Cpl. Blagburn I'm sure. I asked Ryan what his rank was . and his comrades for a while then The assignment was to go to In the spirit of gonzo journalist and he said corporal. He didn't left to start on the Football story -. El Paso and do a story on the Hunter S. Thompson, I strapped seem thrilled at the rank but was It was like that scene In "Good Broncos. The game was this past a recorder to my chest and placed happy to tell me about the jobs he Morning Vietnam" when Robin September and I was supposed my self in the heart of foreign but was doing in the desert like firing Williams interviews the troops to cover the BSU-UTEP football ' familiar company. I figured that mortars. then they all go off to die in com- game at Sun Stadium. The edi- way I'd get a better sense of what '~e you going to Iraq?" I bat. I even started singing "What tors suggested while down there army life is like. asked. a Wonderful World" in my head. that I interview "the troops" from I had a scheduled interview His mood changed. He went I couldn't help but feel sorry for nearby Fort Bliss. There were to with guardsmen Lt. Colonel from happy to what I took as wor- Ryan. be about 3,000 troops on hand at Gordon, but in a sea of desert- ried. He nodded his head with As I type this I'm watching a Sun Stadium, most from Gowen camo slanted upward at 40 de- a regretful smirk and sighed. story on the news about Ryan's Field or Mountain Horne, all on grees I couldn't see how I was ex- "Yep." division from Gowen field being leave for the game. They were for- pected to find him out of 3,000. So Ryan explained to me that most deployed on Monday. I'd hate to tunate the Broncos were playing Ijust started interviewing people. of the soldiers at the game were see him or any others die in a war a school close to their Texas sta- I figured they were all there for being deployed by late October. I that has no importance to their tion. the same reasons so what is one asked him if he was nervous and country. Any Bush/war supporter The idea was to do a sub-sto- man in uniform to the next? he was hesitant to answer. He will argue one shouldn't enlist if ryan the atmosphere for Boise Two interviews in, a soldier just looked out at the field and they aren't willing to die for their State's first away game of the caught my attention. At first he watched the football team warm country. But it doesn't take a ge- season. Since most of the troops was just another faceless digit in up. He nodded. nius to realize what's going on were from Idaho they added to . the corner of my eye but as he got "What do you think ofthe war?" in Iraq isn't worth dying for. It's not a good or noble cause, short the total of Bronco fans. Because closer he said with a huge grin, I asked. ,I of a system error in the press box, "What the fuck are you doing, "Man, it's stupid! I don't want or long term. If anything it was the e-mail I sent never got to The Danny?" to go, but...I am in the Army." He highly avoidable. Arbiter in time for deadline, so Ittook me a second, but as soon stopped. His acceptance of this I guess the point of this story the stories didn't run. No big deal as I got past the get-up I saw it fact overruled his dislike for the is what a stupid war our leader though, sometimes things like was my grade school friend Ryan war. has gotten us In. I'm not going to go into why we're at war. If one that happen. The Broncos won Blagburn, (I use his name with As a friend, not as a journalist, I the game ofcourse but what Itook out anonymity because I feel he's said, "I guess you can't complain doesn't know then they've been under a rock the past few years from the experience was more not just a number.) if your job is to defend our coun- or are retarded. It's obvious the than a sense of school pride. "Holy shit!" he said. (When we try." Bush administration is not good Because I don't know anyone in were in elementary I thought he "Yeah, but what's going on over for humanity. Tomorrow I rec- El Paso I got to the stadium about had tourette's, so he's gotten bet- there has nothing to do with de- ommend that everyone vote. I three hours prior to kick off. The ter). fending our country or me" he can't tell you how to vote only stadium was empty except for a "Hey Ryan!" Isaid. Ihadn't seen replied. "Areyou in school?" I asked. stress that someone who has let few heads doing maintenance him in a year and I had no idea he "No. I can't afford it, the Army over 1000 of our troops die (and and the teams warming up on the had joined the National Guard. will help me pay for it though." countless others injured) for no field. I took the time to enjoy the It's not uncommon to see your PlUmJ OF llAH MCNEESE rnuRTtSy "Have you thought about go- good reason isn't the man for the dry heat while looking down the friends at away games but when ing AWOL?Going to Mexico?" I job. Some say voting against Bush hill at Mexico. As I set up my lap- they approach under a soldier I told him what I was doing ofwork. Boise sucks and is hot too is not a real reason to vote. It is. top, fans wandered to their seats pretense it's a bit of a surprise. wasn't a reporter at this point, (playing journalist) and asked if I but Dot like this." There is no wrong reason to vote. slowly but steadily. In the corner We stood in the stands remi- just a human. could do an interview. "Youget a chance to get across "Well.. ." He stopped himself It's okay to vote against some one of the stadium closest to another niscing of boy scouts and high "For the Are-Bite-ERr' He the border much?" I asked. then got a huge grin and started· rather than for some one else. As country, grosses of fatigued clad school. He brought me up to laughed and agreed. I asked him "I've been once, we don't get to laugh. "I don't know if! should long as you have a legit reason men gathered for the game. It speed on who we knew in the what it was like being stationed that many leaves from 1;18sebut be telling you all this, I could get and it helps humanity. was the visitors' section of Sun service. We talked about a for- in EI Paso. He had a worn out ex- most of us go down there on our in trouble." Ijust don't want to see any more Stadium and I was pleased to see mer colleague of ours from Borah pression but stood healthy. "It time off. A couple guys have gone "That's right," I half joked. "I'm people I know die. many Bronco fans that early in High School that had been killed sucks down here, it's hot and a lot there and not come back. They the enemy." the day. Though they didn't sport in Iraq a week prior. Representative Garret good for Boise State

was asked whether a "real edu- BY RLI SDHRIL ISHRO BY THE RRBITER Speclel to The Arbiter "During my tenure as student body edltorlel board "Do we want, as cation for a real world entailed not caring, whether geographic We need someone in the State president, she always made sure "Wedo know for a fact that they president of our separation absolved us of re- Legislature who can represent do not receive or purchase any of sponsibility, and whether he had Boise State and its interests well. their tomatoes from Florida. We university, a man forgotten the lessons of history- Historically this has been hard. that students were actively involved feel here in the northwest some- lessons that taught us we can not This year however, we do have a what removed from that prob- who is willing to ignore the plight of others. very clear and refreshing choice: in her decision making. There was lem." President Robert Kustra, In twenty-two days, we have Representative Kathie Garrett. The Arbiter, Oct. 7. ignore the heard nothing but silence in re- You might be surprised at the on Oct. 11, twenty-two days sponse. looks I get from Boise-Stateans more than one time when our input ago, The Arbiter ran an edito- opinions of our So maybe it is time to pose a when I tell them that I am sup- rial criticizing President Robert different question, to a differ- porting the Republican Rep. changed the way she voted." Kustra for his "marked indiffer- institutional com- , ent audience, an audience that Garrett forre-election. . ence with regards to the plight might be listening a little closer: You see, I'm not the most •Ali SohailIshaq of the Florida farmers" and his munity? Do we want, as president of our Republican' guy in the world. In willingness "to publicly expose university, a man who is willing _ high school, my opposition to his attitude ofindifference." Do we want as to ignore the opinions of our in- stitutional community? free trade motivated me to join President Bob Kustra in estab- ous closed-door meetings, some- In the last twenty-two days the Do we want as president a man the WTO protests in Seattle. In lishing the first-ever BSU legis- one whose testimony in favor of Faculty Senate passed a reso- president a man college, I helped the Idaho Green lative caucus, a group of legisla- equity funding and faculty pay lution (17-2) that calls for the who waited until most of us were Party during its formation in tors dedicated to presenting an can't be dismissed as "partisan termination of BSU's contrac- who waited until gone to make a decision that could quite possibly tarnish our Idaho, I was actively involved effective, unified voice for Boise pandering," someone with an tual relationship with Taco Bell. Former U.N. commissioner for university's image for the next as the Treasurer for the Idaho State. accomplished, established and most of us were Progressive Student Alliance She also fought very hard to empirically, respected voice in Human Rights, Mary Robinson, fifteen years or longer? during the days the group was fully fund staff and faculty sala- the majority party. implored BSU to return Taco gone to make President Kustra, we don't doubt your good intentions or notorious for civil disobedience ries. Rep. Garrett dissented from University of Idaho has cer- Bell's money. And a coalition your loyal service to public high- and subversive actions; and I am her Majority Leader and the pow- tainly benefited from the tu- of student groups have voiced a decision that er education throughout your utterly horrified by many of the erful chair of JFACto make sure telage of Rep. Torn Trail, their strong opposition to the sale of positions and policies ofthe Bush that adequate funding for fac- Republican Representative and the Pavilion's naming rights. could quite accomplished career. Administration-though I think ulty and staff salaries would not we can really benefit from a And in the last twenty-two President Kustra, we don't un- derestimate the difficulties of Bush would be a cool, down-right be delayed yet again. She voted Boise State Representative who days, what have we heard possibly tarnish your job nor the impossibility of fun guy to hang out with. against some higher-education will have been there for a while from President Robert Kustra? I'm even helping a couple of funding because it underfund- and who has been and will be re- Nothing. our university's pleasing everyone. But President Kustra, please, local Democratic candidates in ed education and this is evident spected. In the last twenty-two days this year's race. Now imagine me in the recorded debates, con- Rep. Garrett has done a stellar Kustra has done nothing more image-for the do not be just another president to vote agalnst. Please President actively advocating Rep. Garrett, veniently available at the Idaho job representing Boise State so than sit silently as our institu- Kustra, be a leader we are proud knocking doors, giving speeches, State Legislature Web site. far, and with our support, she can tional community has debated next fifteen.years writing letters and joining her on One more very important fac- continue to do so. For all these the ethics, benefits, and dangers to have, a leader that can admit tile District 17 campaign trail. - tor to consider is the position of reasons and more, Rep. Garrett of continuing our relationship or 'longer?" mistakes, and walks a higher - The fact is, Rep. Garrett made an the Republican. Party in Idaho. has earned, and deserves our ac- with Taco Bell. Kustra couldn't road. In the last twenty-two days, you have had plenty of time to impression on me' because she Whereas,IdotWnkweneedmore tive support. I hope you join me even be bothered to attend the prior to passing judgement." listen to our institutional com- has done a lot for Boise State. of a balance and move away from in voting for her on November2. Faculty Senate 'hearing to de- Well, President. Kustra they munity, and 'we have spoken" During my tenure as Student- our one-party system. we need a Democrat-Senator Elliot Werk fend a deal he says benefits the did. And almost unanimously, Please President Kustra, do the body President. she always made strong Republican voice as well. and Republican Rep. Janet Miller university (he was in Salt Lake). they decided the deal is good no right thing and end ourconrrac- sure that students were actively With absolutely no offense in- also worked with ASBSU and Instead he sent a letter urging the for our university. tual obligation to Taco Bell. . involved in her decision-making. tended to her Democratic chal- Boise State quite a bit in helping senate members to "review all of 1\ventY-tw'Odays ago Kustra There was more than one time lenger, .the fact is. we III Boise us accomplish our goals. the facts presented by both sides when our input chan~ed the way State need someone in the ma- she voted. jority .party. Someone Who can Rep. Garrett worked hard with advocate for us in those notori- I' , &Wo.rklng-dass youth worrymoreabout economy than Iraq

BY ADAM SMELTZ high school and "was lucky to Knight Ridder Newspepers flndwork." Intent on just staying afloat CORNING, N.Y. - Neither financially, Biggio said, older President Bush nor Sen. John teens and twentysomethings Kerry has campaigned here, here are far. more worked up and they haven't sent their about the economy than about youth-vote brigades, either. the war in Iraq. It's the older Why would they? adults, much more secure in said assistant athletic director in "The continued BUCCSBSof . This is a small town in a non- their careers, who entrench charge of media relations, Max the footbell ham end the 'battleground state. There's no themselves more deeply in for- Corbet. . major university with young eign-affairs chatter, she said. The continued success of succsss of thiS l/sar has .~;" . activists to organize into politi- "Personally, I think John Bronco football has prompted Increased the demand for ~. cal squadrons, so it's extremely Kerry will yank the troops out of the athletic administration to an eHpanslon of thiS kind." unlikely that the Bush or Kerry there (Iraq)," said Biggio, who's start studying the feasiblllty of -Gene Blel/maler daughters will pay a visit. unsure she'll vote. "And we'll be expanding the stadium from its But Generation Y'ers here right back to a (pre-)9/11 era." current 30,000 seats to a poten- aren't exactly crying over the An alternately charming and tia150,000 seats. to 10,000seats by connecting the absence of politicians. Blissfully depressed mountain commu- "The continued success of two ends of the north end zone. far from the national media nity that shares its naine with a the football team and the suc- According to Bleymaier, both spotlight as Nov. 2 approaches, glass company, Corning sits in cess of this year has increased stages could be completed as they're focused more on mak- a pocket of southwest New York the demand for an expansion of early as 2007 at a total cost of ap- ing ends meet. where unemployment hovers this kind," said athletic director proximately $60 million. "In this town, jobs are real- around 6 percent - roughly half Gene Bleymaier. Bleymaier said that at this ly tough to find," said Teressa a percentage point higher than . The athletic administra- point, stage threeis more wish- Biggio, IB, who dropped out of the national average. tion recently commissioned ful thinking than reality. Stage Convention Sports and Leisure three would see an additionai International to conduct a 10,000 seats added to the stadi- $75,000 feasibility study on the um, expanding its overall capac- expansion of Bronco Stadium. ity to 50,000 at a projected cost of CSLalso did the feasibility stud- $20 million. ies for the Oregon State's Reser Right now, the project is in Stadium and the University of the research stage to determine Oregon's Autzen Stadium. whether enough revenue can According to Bleymaier, there be generated to fund the sta- '. has been talk of expanding the dium' expansion. According to press box for over a decade and Bleymaier, presale of the luxury after expanding the stadium in suites and club seating could 1997 room was left specifically generate nearly $2.5 million dol- for further expansions. lars a year in revenue. Currently, the athletic admin- As part of the feasibility study, istration is proposing a three- Bronco Boosters and a random stage stadium expansion that sample of season ticket holder wili include a new press box, lux- are being asked whether they ury suites, club seats, and over would be willing to pay $40,000 a 15,000general admission seats. year for luxury suites and $2,000 According to Bleymaier, the a year for club seats. current press boxis "woefully in- At this point, the viability of adequate" and needs extensive the project hinges on the re- updates to make it compatible sults of the feasibility study. with the success of the Broncos. Bleymaier said the project could Stage one of the project will see change depending on the results the current press box trans- ofthe study. formed into a state-of-the-art fa- The athletic administration cility boasting a ballroom, multi- expects the results from the fea- THE PRESS BOX ple luxury suites, and club seats. siblllty study to be ready by the Stage one will take an estimated end of November. According to Overhead layouts of the new press box. Top graphic three to four years to complete at athletic administrations direc- Isthe actual pressbox. Thetwo middle graphics show tor of marketing and promotions a cost of approximately $40 mil- the luxury suites and club seating. Thebottom graph- lion. Renowned architectural Curt Apsey, once the result anal- firm Ellerbe Becket designed the ysis is compiled the athletic ad- icshows the ground level. proposed press box .. ministration wili meet with CSL The second stage ofthe expan- to begin more formally planning sion will add an additionalB,OOO . the stadium expansion.

~'~-"~'-',~~'~-' ..- 1

My Record What Idaho's Leaders Say VI worked to establish the first BSU Legislative Caucus, Kathie Garrett shares the vision of making BSU into a giving the university and its students a unified voice in the Legislature. metropolitan research university of distinction. She has been an effective leader in the legislature for higher \! I developed a strong relationship with faculty, students, and education. . .•. 77 students graduate from high school four years later. alumni, working to ensure that Boise State offers a world Pat Sullivan, Class of 1979 class education. ¥ I supported increasing the Hope Scholarship helping first As a former legislator and BSU Alumni President, I time students achieve their higher education goals. appreciate Representative Kathie Garrett for her vision ¥ I fought to fully fund faculty salaries. and commitment to higher education. Kathie recognizes the need for fair and equitable funding for all Idaho universities. She is a great ally for BSU. ... 22 students are stili enrolled In their second year. My Priorities ¥We must increase state funding for higher education so that Ed Hedges, Class of 1952 we can ensure Idaho universities can continue to offer cutting-edge technologies and students are not turned away. You always made yauTse!freadi/y available to the ••. 14 students graduate with either an associate s degree ¥.We must providemore affordable opportunities for students staff and students atBSU. You were the only legislator 0,,, within three years or a bachelor s degree within six years. rht! National Cenur jiJl" Puhlic FoliC)' and J(jJ:~r Educutlon April 2004 to obtain the skills that higher education provides. who immediately contacted us and kept us intimately engaged in the decision-making process. Thank you for Idaho cannot be satisfied with ollly 14% of our ¥We must look for opportunities for public-private collaboration in order to provide our students with the you phenomenal representation and invaluable leader high school graduates completing college. ship for BSU. We need you there again! We must not only help them develop the skills practical experience that will ready them for the workplace. necessary to succeed, but also provide more Ali Ishaq, Class of 2004 -affordable higher education opportunities.

Pald CltlZ8fl8 for Kathie Garrett, Becky Callister, Treasurer

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[In theaters]

'RAY'· Jamla Fo•• IS -RsV's' fowar of strength. Grada: R- Tha blOgraphv af 'egendarv mUSICianRav Charlas con- Starrmg Jamie Fo... Kerrv Waahmgton. Ragme Kmg. tilms stlrrmg parfarmancas other then Fa.. 's, end the Clifton Powell. Sheran Warren and C.J. Sander s, top-billed ster doesn't euen appear 10seueral wranch- Directed bV Tav'or Heckford. 109childhood scenes. But ttus IS Fa.. 's show. end he Rated PG-13[drug addrctrcn, .e.ualitv. languaga].ln CLJ resolute IV secnncaa nrs n,mbla pubuc persona for the wlda releasa. IS3 mm. ure - BVPhilip Wuntch/Thl D.II.. Morning N.... nabla cause of RavChari as.


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%owmg BOise turns out greet ertlsts, Cresh Four rocked the Uenue. This tucked ewev concert house brrnqs rn some telent but the BOise crowds need stili to drsccusr Its charm. BY ROGER W. VENABLE Culture IIJrlter

Concerthouse onsidering the super-saturation of diet books on the shelves these days, can any A guy's new guide stand out from the rest? Russ- showcases Klettke's book, "AGuy's Gotta Eat,' does. It differs from others in its genre in sev- eral ways. First, Klettke directs his mes- the obscure sage to a specific target audience: Single men who he knows probably don't want 8Y ERIC RUSSElL to read his book. Second. he doesn't offer Culture IIJrlter a regimented diet plan for his readers to abide by. Third, he doesn't try to prove It's not often you find a small venue that his authority on the subject by present- consistently showcases genuinely good ing convoluted language filled with sci- bands that haven't yet gained a public name. - entific terms and nutritionist jargon. Instead, his clear, lean You'll find such a place at The Venue in prose and frequently surfacing sense of humor aim at enter- downtown Boise. Set on the opposite side of taining the reader while presenting the necessary informa- the Boise river from Boise State, The Venue tion. Finally, Klettke does not provide suggestions for losin$ atnnca regularly hosts local and lesser known bands as much weight as quickly as possible, Instead, he focuses on that ought to be heard - and Thursday night overall health, which may constitute weight loss, weight gain was no exception. Playing to an intimate, but (through increased muscle mass), or weight maintenance. fully absorbed crowd, The Venue offered a Klettke allows the reader to decide upon personal goals. couple of hours of solid rock from a couple of Klettke starts his book off with the good news. This in- solid bands. cludes, "Make-at-home meals ...take only a third ofthe time Crash Four, a local band that can often be that it takes for a standard pizza delivery," "Taste-mouth- heard around town, provided one of the bet- watering, succulent, satisfying flavor-is a high priority in for guys ter acoustic rock sets I've heard. Acoustically this book," and "smart eating is very simple and mindless- driven bands often slip into blander songs, ly convenient." He goes on to provide all of the usual, latest but Crash Four stay fresh and alive through- nutrition information. He examines several of the currently out their set. Lead singer KellyMartin's vocals popular diets (e.g.Atkins and Zone) ,lnducjing which aspects soak nicely into strong melodies that con- of them promote good health and stantly keep up the beat. A large part of that which do not Throughout his sci- freshness comes from Becca Gourley, whose entific argument, Klettke draws on sharp violin livens the sound while soften- a myriad of sources. His broad re- ing the bands overall tone. Though some of search aids in creating credibility; the songs tend toward a more folksy sound, he hasn't simply found one expert Crash Four remarkably maintain a pulsing to endorse his ideas and siphoned rock sound that really allows for the supple- this expert dry by citing him to back mental violin to work its magic. every claim. Klettke also lists various : The evening finished off with a great per- health ailments linked to diet. formance by The Hurricane Lamps from the Klettke suggests readers can start Washington D.C. area. One of the few bands making simple, effective changes one that actually do sound better live than on CD, at a time, or all at once, depending on The Hurricane Lamps played a short throt- which works best. He uses some strik- tling set with full, energetic guitars. ing examples to show how one change , Front man Eric Tishler's voice may throw in diet over a prolonged period can have you off for a second; his brunt, high cries significant impact. For example, assum- sound as if they want to fall against punk ing you drink four cans of pop per. day, riffs, but the Hurricane Lamps are rock if you changed to diet pop (with close to zero calories), and kept all through and through. Almost every single other diet and exercise factors the same, you could potentially lose (or one of the band's upbeat songs climaxed not gain) 41 pounds in a year. Similarly, if you eat a super-sized value with a sustained;' driving. 'guitar solo that meal at McDonald's three times per week, by choosing not to eat the su- ~as reminiscent of Pearl Jal'\1'Searlier work. per-sized fries, you could potentially lose 27 pounds in one year. Klettke Ii seems as if solid rock bands with authentic also provides healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all of which ~uitar solos are dwindling these days, but if take fifteen minutes or less to prepare. He provides a grocery list that will the Hurricane Lamps represents the future cut shopping time down to less than ninety minutes per month. He offers a of rock music, I'm ready for it. list of necessary kitchen utensils, and even goes as far as describing how to :: The Venue is open most nights in any giv- clean and maintain them. en week. Shows usually start at 7 p.m. and a Aside from teaching single guys how to cook for themselves, Klettke outlines schedule of upcoming events can be found at strategies for cooking for others, hosting large barbeques, and eating out. H() provides instructions for creating a meal for a date, including how to prepare not only the food, but also the atmosphere. He makes no pretense that the in- tentions of such a date are to provide a lovely young lady with a nutritious meal. Instead, he offers tips on what might help improve your chances of "getting some action." The eating out section doesn't provide general guidelines that may not apply to your favorite restaurants, but is broken down into many sections, each with specific Overpaid tips: American, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Cajun/Creole, Indian/Pakistani, Italian, Mexican, North African, Middle Eastern, the gym-post-workout, airports/ airplanes, highways, business-meeting meals, dinner parties, and hotel roomslroom sports stars, service. The main points of his dieting advice are to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (even the ones not allowed by Atkins), try to maintain at least a 3:1 ratio of grams malnourished of protein to grams of fat, and eat small portions as often as you are hungry. "AGuy's Gotta Eat" allows for personal taste, personal dieting goals, and even your need to "eat a whole pizza all by yourself once in a while." Klettke offers sen~ humanity: It's sible advice in an often-humorous way, making the book worth reading both for en- a crazy world tertainment and to learn feasible dieting strategies. .


Why is it-that we-pay our big, beauti- ful football, basketball, and baseball play- ers inordinate amounts of money to wear tight pants and throw and/or hit balls while thousands of humanitarians are scraping to save some.livest My guess-is that the notion of humanitarians making big bucks would J A) Steal from the romance of their sacrifice and/or B) Embolden the innate power-hun- gry humanity within them (depending on whether or not you believe that people are innately greedy) and/or C) It isn't entertain- ing watching the pain in the world and those struggling to do what little they can to alle, viate it. I mean, what if we traded Monda Night Football for "Monday Night Mourning: Grieve with the patients at The Home for the Dying in Calcutta, India .. ." It just doesn't See Rant. (pags BJ ··WhBtB's t.he Rct.lon?

I I I Canyon County Stars Square DancR Club Dencee euer~ Monde~ et the I· Celdwell Senior Center, 1009 Euerett Street. I Cle8988 1:00 p.m.- B:30 p.m.. Oence B:30·p.III.·10 p.lII. Oences ere open to the public. For aiore Informetlon cell 139-2~~3

FACEOFFIX· ChGck out the mnth ennuel FRCEOFF In the Hetch Bellroom Wedn8Sde~ Nou. 3 from 1 p.m. to i \I p.lII. Feeturlng eight bends end two steges, this free euent will : showcese some of BOise's locel ; bends. For questions contact P.eul I, et ~26·1231 I ! Showcase showdown Bends Include: Neuer Rgeln, theemmt~procees, The Frenklln Couerup, nuueKK, end T1TSISIS. Bende glue their ell In e 20 mmuta set to see who will open for the ISIS end These Arms ere Snekes show on Nou. 20. Wednesde~ Nou. 3 et 1 p.m. et the Venue. Cell 919-0011 for more mrormsuon.

Young Bloods Tour the eavesdroppers listening in on mum COURTESY DrAl.mrZO ANTOlillITI BY RLONZO RNTONUCCI to get to our destination. Soon ing rig) and left the area. The thertct, Showbreed, He IS hunter conversations. It is deeper R hunter cenuassas on of the men~ Spacial to The Rrblter enough we found it and were in a This is often the life of a hunter. legend, Rs Cities Burn, Fer-less than most realize. public lands or Ideho. Idaho has nne Tickets euelleble et the door or few inches of snow, mud and a lot Wake early, eat a hearty break- of tha lergest acraegas of national Idaho has one of the largest through Tlcketweb. 510 At5:50 a.m. Iawoke to the alarm of fog that only allowed for vision fast, get in the rig and hit the forest 10 the lowar ~B states. acreage of National Forest in our Seturde~ Nou. 6, 1 p.m. at the on my phone, the dreaded sound of 100yards in front of us. hills. Come home with nothing. Venua. For mora IOformetlon call great country and to not enjoy of a hunter. I slowly got myself up Like normal hunters going out Why do we do it? For everyone 919-001\ it would be a crime. For the last and met my two friends for pan- in the cold we walked till our feet it is a different answer. A fellow few weeks, deer hunting season family and friends. It takes hours cakes and bacon. What a miser- were soaked from the conditions . college hunter from Boise said ThD Wanteds, PirkOlaters, has been going on and will soon of planning, hours of time hunt- able way to start a cold morning. but our adrenaline kept us go- when asked why he hunts, "I love end. Sometimes I wonder ifldaho ing and of course, money. These Coco Pele, Synorgy Aura Before long we were telling each ing over the next hill, walking for to be outside hunting the big even has any deer (a perspective are all the sacrifices of an out- Tickets auarlable et the doDr Dr other all sorts of stories but most miles. During the whole day we game animals and I especially through Tlcketweb. 55 from a Montana resident) or are doorsman. importantly we discussed the saw but only a few deer that were love the sound of an elk bugling. 5unda~ NDu. 1, 1 p.m. at the Venue. there only ghost deer I see run- If you love your state, your plan for the hunting day. This in- on private property 500 yards It also allows me to spend qual- ning away from me. country and the freedoms we i cluded reviewing the topograph- ahead of us, running. No matter ity time with my dad and my PiJldventure Racing Toam The start of this coming week have, don't take them for grant- ical map again like times before what the restrictions, we crossed friends," Hopefully like him and • The Olebetlc OutdDDr GrDup IS is the beginning in most areas ed. Get yourself started in a hob- and discussing the scouting re- the fence with no avail. Most myself, hunters hunt because the puttlOg tDgether a reclOg teem of the state general elk hunting by that teaches so much about to do competition runs end port of the area where we desired likely it was better that way. Soon hunter loves the outdoors, ani- season. This is a big deal for most life itself and about the beautiful eduenture races. Rthletlcall~ to find the "buck," our frozen brains caught up with mals and spending quality time avid big game hunters. Elk are a creatures we are blessed to have mmdad persons with drebatas are To say the least we were excited us and agreed that today was not with friends and family. It is not encouraged to JOIOthe group. prized animal to put on the wall in our backyard. but we got off to a bad start by not our day and hopped in the 2002 about killing things even though Contect Oeue NeulOs at B63-992B GMC Envoy, (a rich man's hunt- that seems to be "hunter talk" to and to have on the table to feed or rumdetmejuno.con for more finding the road that we needed IOformetlon.

Dia de los Muortos sight of rich slam-dunkers and it. less very often, either. anything at all: volunteermatch. The ert of Bruce Meurev Will be poor life savers. Perplexed. And then there is But the other day, I org. Just go to the Web site and on dlsple~ ~ou. 2-9 et The FI~lOg got this thing in the type in your zip code and a list M Coffeehouee. Meure~'s work llfrom page 1] What has Shaq done for you that"overwhelmed" Ran of local volunteer opportunities of ulbrent colors, fenteetlcal lately? He has provided moments feeling. Like there mail. It asked me to will appear. Also, the Boise State cherecters - Imbadded 10 hend have the same ring to it, does it? of entertaining fascination be- is nothing a person buy some tickets so that crefted wooden fremes - eUDkes Then, there is the possibility that cause of his insanely gargantuan from potato coun- people going without Volunteer Services Board is a the rlchneee Df flOe-tDolDd all these conjectures are wrong hands. Or maybe that is just me. try can do when Thanksgiving dinner this great resource for finding oppor- CorlOthlen leether. Meure~'s works and maybe if I would take a few The guy could crush my skull us- oceans separate year could have it feast at tunities to serve. ere beeutlful creetlons celebretlOg the Rescue Mission. The In closing, I'd like to make an The Oev of the Oeed. more sociology classes I could ing his pinky and thumb' as for- us from the distant understand that. Call me naive, ceps. What has Michael Jordan places of extreme VAis always looking for argument for Shaq and MJ. I do If you would like to see en euent idealistic, or even annoying. I am done for you lately? He has given poverty. An ocean volunteers to spend time not believe that our dollars are In "Where'e the Rct,on" eme,llt to just perplexed at the contrasting men the right to choose. The right separates us from in the hospice. The Boys and entirely wasted on them because diu e r 910 n 9. Brb It ero n II n e. com. Girls clubs need volunteers A) I am still quite fascinated by " to choose between whitey-tight- Calcutta where the ies and boxer briefs (these are the slums are filled with the in their after school pro- the size of Shaq's hands and B) right choice, boys). In all actual- "untouchables" of the grams, helping children God bless Michael Jordan for ity, he hasn't really "given" men caste system; where with their homework. making men want to buy boxer u anything. Those panties weren't it is so crowded in There is great need in briefs. With that said, I will really given to you for free. The million some places that the India, but need ex- try to think about others more. lAN 50LElL homeless have to take ists in our own com- Really. I am going to find a place dollar commercial it took to tell TANNING & DAX SPA you about them wasn't free either. shifts for sleeping. munity as well, right out- to give my time and money. We MJ's pretty mug on the screen for Honestly, I don't think about side our front door. all should. one minute is worth millions. We the slums in India very often. I A couple of places to check are the consumer and we paid for don't think about Boise's home- out, if this article has been worth

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NOU 20{)'i c.u It u r e . I 9- .Alexie addresses national issues American Idol: Part II with humor, wit [Grace's quest through talent show phenomenon continues] In a diplomatic, albeit brief BY MICHRELR G. HERLIHY t".,:-/,;\:::> BY MRRY GRRCE LUCRS tune or misfortune at the hands up in groups of four for a chance Culture Writer News Writer of the Idol producers, hoping to 'to make the producers go bump, fashion, the producer informed win a shot at becoming one of bump, bump. It was time for me my group that, although there i· After registration commenced Helalkedabout" to get jiggy. was "Some real talent here," none Sherman Alexie, who has been early the first day, contestants about 100 people invited to later this month for a last I handed the producer my of us had truly "transcended the described in the New YorkTimes .'his:,,~gpearance were allowed to come and go on elimination round. But first, they signed legal release forms to give songs." This resulted in the ulti- Book Review as "one of the major from the arena at will. At 8 a.m . them permission to manage my mate rejection: the walk ofshame .lyric voices of our time," spoke ··Optat(and htiw he· , the following morning, the are- would have to get to Simon. Rumors had criss-crossed the career, control the majority of out of the Cow Palace and the not about war and its impact on so- na doors were shut, registration ~feIVIIRe'he' wason Idol Internet message boards for the proceeds from my possible so ceremonial snipping and re- ciety at Boise State University's ceased, the tension rose, and au- months about strategies to reach success, and grant them express moval of our pink American Idol Special Events Center on 'teleVISIon ditions began. \ 'a"rk~II~Y the "Randy, Simon, and Paula" permission to use images of me bracelets. Facts were facts here. Wednesday night. Due to the Different sections of the are- round. Some Web sites even went in ways that could be "disparag- We were all so yesterday. large crowd that gathered for .shp,~,EJndhow' '. . na bleachers greeted each other as far-as to put forth a list of pop ing, defamatory, embarrassing Portia Dawkins, mother of a 2- .this free event, an overflow area that morning with high-spirited, t' e~~ryttllng songs that are too commonly or of an otherwise unfavorable year-old girl, adjusted her tube was designated in the back of the Oprah acappella versions of songs like sung to yield any positive impact nature which may expose me to top and walked with me out the Student Union Building where "Baby Got Back" and "Movin' On selulo lum sound- on the Idol producers. public ridicule, humiliation or main entrance expressing a bit the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Up." The whole of the crowd was "If you walk up there and sing condemnation." of disappointment but no real Indian's lecture was aired on a i . ed-lIkeCharlie· ready to get it started in here. 'AMoment Like This,' that judge Once the paperwork was in regrets. . large screen. The producer's stated audi- is gonna be, like, Thanks for hand, the four of us individu- "I'm glad that I came out here. Alexie's comedic performance Brciwnis parents' tion itinerary directed the crowd the originality,''' said Michael ally put our things down, flipped I'm glad I did it. I'm so glad," she made the audience feel like they to file onto the floor of the arena Irifeimous mumbles .. Castellano, a theatre arts stu- 'em and reversed 'em. One group said. "Who knows? Maybe I'll be were at a stand-up comedy show one seating section at a time. dent at Santa Clara University in member got down on his knees back up in here next time." rather than an anti-war pre- There, the hopefuls were divided California. with passion furrowing his brow. Dawkins' reaction was like sentation. Between jokes about into groups of four and sent to Offering little help, the produc- -This inadvertently caused sweat that of many at the arena that the naming of Taco Bell Arena sing in front of one of the 10 dif- show and how everything Oprah ers were not forthcoming about droplets to shift without warning day. The Idol hopefuls appeared and the inability for humans to fe!:~t producers who each occu- said to him sounded like Charlie what songs would make the cut, and trace lines of pop music per- to realize that in the end, walk- communicate, the writer told pied their own respective booth. Brown's parents' infamous mum- but they did note that more of spiration onto his fanatical face. ing out of the arena meant little .. the story about his grandfather The producer screened each bles. He joked that with the direc- the same pop star tune wouldn't Another clenched her fists and more than wasting a few hours who died shortly after serving in singer to determine who would tion society is heading we'll soon cause them to loose their breath slammed them into her chest of an October Tuesday and los- ,World War II and how growing up get sent onto the second round be watching reality television of any time soon. to the rhythm of her song as she ing a low-rent, pink paper brace- without a father affected his own and who would trudge the walk capital punishment where view- "Weare not looking for the next bent her knees to the beat. I sim- let. And for some there was a net father's life. of shame out. It became appar- ers vote to decide how they want Brittany and we are not looking ply stood and sang. gain to be had at the Cow Palace The poet/writer talked about ent early into the day that most to watch someone die and how for the next Beyonce,' said one The producer looked on, stone regardless of what round they what it felt like to have a white of the hopefuls would only be this needs to change. executive. "Give it your best shot faced, never for a moment giving never made it to. genealogist tell him his grandfa- granted the latter option. Throughout the show, Alexie singing. It's hell, we know that. any impression of his appraisals. "It's being a part of something ther won twelve medals that were Most felt that making it to the spontaneously interrupted his But it's going to be somebody and Then he said my name. It was the that will define our generation," previously unknown to the fam- subsequent round would take own story and started dancing it might be you." end of the road and the producer said Castellano. "It's like going to ily and how it intrigued him to strategy, perspective, and, of around the stage singing "hypo- But, as the auditions com- seemed to think that we were all Woodstock." . find them. He explained that he course, a bit of dreaming. crites to the left, hypocrites to the menced, it was clear that produc- obtuse for having even dreamed wanted to find the medals so that "This is my daughter's dream," right," illustrating his belief that ers weren't merely looking for a of driving it in the first place. he could return them to his own said proud mother Heukifalelio if we want to defeat fundamen- few good minstrels. Contestants father as a symbol of forgiveness Anitoni, who flew in from Hawaii talists we need to fall in love with dressed as Tigger from the to help him come to terms with with her 17-year-old daughter the " BOOKS " STONES '\ JEWELRY '\ CANDLES \ our contradictions. He ended his Winnie the Pooh cartoons and being a war orphan. day before. "I just told her 'Relax G lecture explaining that we look even a girl in a prom gown with a H The manner in which Alexie and be yourself. Look at that for ceremonies in the most ob- "Miss American Idol" sash made E Crone 'S Cup6oard' I recalled the events that lead up judge like a million dollars right vious places, like churches and the leap from round one to round F to his receiving the medals dur- -there in front of you.''' R "[or a([ tliinos sacrea a wise" sweat lodges, when truly every- two, while others who appeared ing an appearance on the Oprah Relaxing would be difficult. B T thing is random and we need to to have the whole package were 3601 o"erfana<'i(jf. tlJoise, Mafio 83705 Winfrey show was hilarious. The Hopefuls who got passed on S S learn to embrace that fact. sent packing with nary a glance; 206-333-0631 witty, Wellpinit, Wa. native had a would commit to a second round OUon-S4I, JO • 7p .... from the unmoved Idol staff. www.CTones

I~. LOUISVILLE S-I I. (52) 8-0 l~.FlORIOR ST 6-2 i. USc (62) 8-,0 usc IS.IlEST VIRGINIR7-1 '2. OKLRHOMR(8) 8-0 IS. 80lSE ST 8-0 2. OKLRHOMR(BI8-0 16. 8015£ ST B·O 3. RU8URN 9-0 16. LOUISVIllE S~I 3. RUBURN9·0 17.lSU 6-2 ~. WISCONSIN8-0 17. LSU 6-2 ~. CRLlFORNIR 6·1 5. IUISCON51N8~0 '18. VIRGINIA TECH 6·2 S. GEORGIR7-1 lB. VIRGINIR TECH 6·2 19. OKLRHOMAST 6-2 6. CALIFORNIR 6-1 19. OKLRHOMRST 6·2 6. TEKRS 7·1 20.101lA 6-2 20. 10WR6-2 7. UTRH B·O - 7. TEKRS 7-1 21. SOUTHERNMISS Sol UTRH 8-0 21. SOUTHERNMISS 5-1 8. GEORGIR7·1 il. 22. TEHRS AIM 6-2 9. MICHIGRNB-1 22. TEKRS RIM 6-2 9. TENNESSEE 7-1 23. RRIZONRST 6·2 10. MIRMI FlR B-1 23. RRIZONRST 6-2 10. MICHIGRN8-1 2~. 80STON COLl. 5·2 11.TENNESSEE 7-1 2~. N, ILLINOIS 7-2 11.MIRMI FlR 8-1 25. UTEP 6-2 12. WEST VIRGINIR 7-1 2S. BOSTONCOLl. S-2 12, VIRGINIR 6·1 13. VIRGINIR 6;1 13. flORIDA ST 6·2 I THE A A BIT E A 1 N 0 U 1 2 u 0 Ii

BOISE STATE 69 II HRWAII 3 Saue It for another day BSU defense shuts' down

Tho BOlso State Uollayball team colebratlng arter a Chang as the POint during a mid-season game. Broncos roll

BY TREUOR HORN Last set of Sports Wrltor On the night where the ernpha- homegames sis was meant to be on the arm of one quarterback, it ended up being a night showcasing the legs of another. Hawaii quarterback Timmy Chang result ina 1-1 needed only 241 yards to break Ty . Detmer's NCAA career passing yards record, but the Broncos defense held split for BSU him to 227 yards as the Broncos dom- inated from start to finish, thump' BY RMBER FUGER ing the Warriors 69-3 Friday night at Sports Writ or Bronco Stadium. "Boise plays liS After losing in four to third ranked Hawaii ; the team game Friday night, Boise State came back to defeat San to its fullest," Jose in a five game match Saturday afternoon. The "ThiS was Chang said. Broncos are now 17-8overall and 6·5 in Western Sophomore Athletic Conference play. This weekend marked Jar e d my dream, the last set of home games for the Broncos this . Zabransky season and the last home games ever for seniors led the Mindy Bennett, and Heather Malaschak. Both to shut Broncos (8-0, were honored after Saturday's win over San Jose 5·0 Western by the team, coaches and BSU athletic staff. Athletic Chang Athletic director Lori Hays was also honored by Conference) with 123yards the team for all of her hard work this season. doun," rushing, 85 The Broncos tookgame one 30-26. The game coming on one win marks the firsttime the Broncos have won -B5U conerback a school reo a game against Hawaii. Bronco head coach Scott Gabe Franklin cord touch- Sandel said that in games one and two against Hawaii the Broncos played very clean. Hawaii ral- ,i down run in the fourth lied to win games two, three and four (33-31, 30- quarter, and 164 yards passing as the 18,30-25) to take the match Broncos scored eight rushing touch- Malschakand Cameron Flunder led the Broncos downs on the night setting a school in kills with 12a piece. Kim Fenneman had 10and Jamie Claussen had nine kills and 16 digs. Telia record. The d,efense did their job pres-)' suring Chang and intercepting five Peterson had 16digs as well and contributed eight passes, four off Chang. kills. Christina Melvin set the Broncos up with "This was my dream, to shut Chang 46 assists and added 10 digs. The Broncos tallied down," senior cornerback Gabe 58 kills, 48 assists, W service aces and 10 team Franklin said. blocks. The Warriors (3-4, 0-3 WAC)got on Victoria Prince came up big for Hawaii with 20 the board first to begin the game with kills and eight blocks. Kanoe Kamana'o had 57 as- a 14-play, !:i9-yard drive that result- sists. As a team Hawaii totaled 68 kills, 62 assists, ed in the 38-yard field goal by Justin \ 79 digs and 13blocks. Hawaii remains undefeated Ayat. But, it was all Broncos from then with an overall record of 20-0 and 10-0 in WAC on out. play. \ The Broncos began their scor- The San Jose Spartans and the Broncos battled ing tear with a s-yard naked bootleg it out in Saturday's match. The Broncos took game II run by Zabransky. The touchdown ered the kick, and the Broncos [obouol BOlso Stoto one 30 -20 but the Spartans won the next two 25- quortorbock Jarod 30,27-30. 1 was the first of four by Zabransky, started their drive at their own Zobronsky ron ror 123 tying a single game record for rush- 47. Five plays later, and anoth- yrds. ond throw ror 16~ Determined not to repeat the outcome from ing touchdowns by a Bronco player. er Zabranksy rushing touch- yrds. Friday mght at Friday's match, the Broncos forced a game five Bronco Stadium. with a 30-25 game four win. Claussen's block at Then with 10 minutes, six seconds down, the Broncos finished (lort] HawaII hood coach remaining in the second quarter, Jon the first half with a Tyler Jones Juno Jonaa talks With the end of game four gave the Broncos a 28-25 Helmandollar decided to get in the field goal with no time on the quartarback Timmy lead. A hitter error on the Spartans led to game clock to go into the locker room Chang lato In tho ~th point. Another hitter's error led to a Bronco game mix. Helmandollar flnished a lO-play quartor. Chang did not drive by rushing in from the three to up 24-7. rot urn ror Hawoll's final, four victory. Timmy Chang was held to serres or tho gama. . Game five was the last chance for Malaschak put the Broncos up 21-3. PHUTllS BYsrAh'ttY Bn~'StI:RJTHE ARDIml Then the trickery of Dan Hawkins only 107 yards passing in the to go out strong in front of a home crowd. The came into play for the first time. After first half. The second half be- Spartans scored first but Malaschak answered the touchdown, the Broncos attempt- came a complete dominance back by driving the ball to the outside and the' ed an on-side kick. Korey Hall recov- for the Broncos defense. middle for the Broncos first two points and the' Oklahoma boasts two legitimate Reisman hopefuls

BY WENDELL BRRNHOUSE hand it off to him, and I don't His statistics lie; White's coaches Hnlght ·/lIdder Nswspapers know what's gonna happen. He say he's playing better than last can reverse field and go 80, or he season. STILLWATER, Okla. - This can make a great run for 10." "He's really smart with the is the year to have co-winners, Peterson's 80-yard run pro- football, he's poised, he sees a lot to cut it in half, to present two duced the Sooners' final touch- more," Oklahoma offensive coor- awards. down, and his 56-yarder set up dinator Chuck Long said. "Last The Heisman Trophy is sport's Trey DiCarlo's difference-mak- year, he'd make a mistake, and most famous individual award. ing 27·yard field goal. you had to explain it to him. This Oklahoma Its stated purpose is to go to the So, Adrian, why'd that guy year, he knows exactly what mls- -" rreshman running nation's most outstanding col- catch you on the 56-yarder? take he's made." -~b8rt:lldrTlln- lege football player. Oklahoma "I think he had an angle." Defensive coordinators lie Patarson lrar rfght) and laat has two players deserving of the Do you know who it was? awake at night fretting over year'a HSlsman stiff-arming statuette. "No, but I'm pretty sure he's the type of offensive balance- trophY-llllnnsr With White and Peterson in the pretty fast." Oklahoma displays. Stack the quarterback same huddle, Oklahoma has got Lllln.llhlte ere Told if was junior defensive line to stop the run and White both potential more than most. back Daniel McLemore, a stand- throws to single-coveredreceiv- candldelea White completed just one pass out sprinter on the Oklahoma ers. Spread your defense to help ror thle vear's trophy. for 15yards in the second half of State track team, Peterson cover the pass and Peterson runs IilllI'llllllllillAl their 38-35 win over Okalhoma smiled. wind sprints. State. In the first half, he was 13of "I guess that makes me feel a "We enjoy coaching these p.ave come after halftime. "Ihere aren't many guys who Peterson saldSfiyly, "I guess you 21 for 206 yards and three touch- little better." guys. let's put it that way," Long "You've got to give him enough can do that, even in the NFL. cansayfhat," downs. Why throw it around A freshman has never won said, smiling like someone with carries because he's a home-rim Adrian has that ability. That's OK. -Adrian Peterson should when Peterson gains 196 of his the Heisman Trophy. And only inside information on the lottery hitler: Long' said. 'You've got speclal," win the Heisman, Trophy .... if career-high 249 yards in the sec- one player has ever won it twice. numbers; . to get him some at-bats. In 30~ Special- enough to .Win'.the Jason White doesn'twin it a~ ondhaIf? . White, OIclahoma's sixth·year Peterson has had 30·plus car- 33 carrles, he might pop two or Heisman, Mrian? "I don't· put anything past senior quarterback, is trying to ries in three of his past four three- that's 14tciilroints.- ~Idon't~tto.f'fY that,~ him,~White said of Peterson. ~I games. AndB30 ofhis 1,272yards matcH Archie Griffin's double. -' Lo.. :"_.:...1. .:..'....i ~,,--...L...-, ...... l.u.-:...~----L-~~- ..I.1 '-'-'----'J!.-'--."'--'---:------~------''--!-..~I-\L. ...;.,'.J.l---:~-dJJ~b.!-';-1 ----,.:1.,----,'-'-...... :._..:..- a I.1I1:1M9%.L . #.5 us us;, e a 0.5. e. $ • 5 . ,t.

__ :--~_~_:-----=._...:.-....: ---',- ~N~O~U_·~2:.....::0:.....::0=-9~-=- .~ True leaders win without talking about it

BY TREUOR HORN up of freshman and sophomores ingthatthey a~ei1.oigreat· PIar~ Sports Writer for still being undefeated. They ers, but they are too small. too are all worthy of the praise, but short. and too slow for the next Is that what it's like to witness I want to now give it up to a new He speaks about the level. But Hawkins makes them a blowout? Wow, it's been so long. group of individuals, one in par- the most prolific offense, and the But, I'll take it. The feeling after- ticular: Dan Hawkins and his "zen," their "mantra," most dominating run defense in wards makes it all worth the wait. coaching staff. the nation. Saturday night I was driving On a morning after I watched theIr "uoodoo," Call He doesn't rip into his players with a friend. A dead silence came the UNC head coach talk about fi- on the sidelines. He doesn't want over, and Ilooked over at her and nally beating a top-S ranked team him nuts, call him excuses. He doesn't have hind- said, "69 to three, are you seri- for the first time ever after their sight. All the things that make his ous?" The feeling was that amaz- win over , I realized that whateuer uou want, players play harder and harder ev- ing. This was what Dan Hawkins you would never hear Hawkins eryday. has been preaching all along, and talk like that. but uou better kiss If you listen to Hawkins, he it nearly came true. Perfection. His inability to speak about the preaches about getting better ev- All along I have been prais- national rankings, being the best pour luck~ star that ery time the team goes out onto ing the players for what they non-BCS team in the nation - or the field. And over the last two have been able to accomplish. any hoopla what so ever, annoys he roams the Sidelines weeks, they sure have. Zabransky for his ability to come most. But people need to realize Friday night after the game, he up big in his first season as a start- that he is something special, and for the Broncos. .Talked about how this is not all er. The offensive line beating the he spills that over onto his play- about football, it's not all about ~ snot out of the opposing defensive ers. winning. That if it was' all about ~ line. The rush defense for their He speaks about the "Zen," winning, then get him out of ability to hold teams rushing of- their "mantra," their "voodoo," there. . ~I draft picks on this team. Outside fense to Madden 2005 like nurn- Call him nuts, call him whatever Well, from where I sit, I likt; of maybe Daryn Colledge and ~ bers. The cornerbacks for never you want, but you better kiss your whatever it is he is saying, what- Tyler Jones, Idon't know if I see a ~ backing down to their one-on- lucky star that he roams the side- ever it is he is doing because i~ true NFL prospect on this team . to one, "I'm all alone on an island," lines for the Broncos. . works. They are overachievers. Not say- ~ coverage. A team primarily made There aren't any first round Want to hang with Bonds, A-Rod for weekend? Bring money

BY MICHAEL O'KEEFFE December. "This puts memorabilia and if it is accompanied by a certifi- the Clearwater,. Fla., company The following day, Rodriguez New York Dellv News . Even by the bull market stan- baseball out of reach for most cate of authenticity. will fetch that sells Rodriguez memora- _ and Bonds will sign autographs dards of sports memorabilia - people," says Robert Plancich, up to $1,500, says Jeff Johnson, bilia. Company president Scot at the 40/40 Club for four hours: NEW YORK r: Baseball has Bonds' 700th home run ball sold founder of the CollectorsAIliance the owner of Coast to Coast Monette said he didn't have time The price of admission is steep ~ come a long way since the '50s, just last week for $804,000 - col- for Reform and Disciplinary, while autographed to discuss The Ultimate Event $1,050- although the players will when .Manhattan kids played lectors and dealers say the price Sanctions, a California consum- Rodriguez jerseys sell for $500. last week. not personalize inscriptions. . stickball with Willie Mays, and of admission to "The Ultimate er-protection group. "These guys As Bonds and A-Rod pass base- But an E-mail circulated to col- Despite the expense, the orga-, Brooklyn fans banged shopping Event" is shocking. made more than $40 million this ball's most hallowed milestones, lectors this month says that for nizers shouldn't have any prob-; carts with Pee Wee Reese, Duke It's not unusual for a sports year between the two of them, so the value will go up. $7,500, high-rollers can attend lems packing either house. "You, Snider and Gil Hodges at the 10- memorabilia company to charge this will leave a sour taste in peo- "If you look at this as an invest- a Dec. 10 cocktail party with A- have to be a huge fan to lay out cal market. $1,000 or more for a ticket to ple's mouths." ment, you shouldn't," Johnson Rod and Bonds at the Marriott . that kind of money," Iohnson Fans who want to mingle a signing. But that December Not in everybody's mouth, of says. "But when Bonds breaks Marquis in Times Square, where says. "But there are a lot of people with ballplayers these days bet- weekend - billed by organizers cours-e. Some collectors might Hank Aaron's home' run record, they can "meet and greet" the who think it is worth it." : ter have deep pockets: Alex as "The Ultimate Event" - is pos- look at the weekend as an oppor- the value of his memorabilia will All-Stars, pose for photos and Rodriguez and Barry Bonds will sibly the most expensive ticket tunity to score memorabilia that go up." participate in a question-and- charge fans more than $8,500 to ever in sports collectibles histo- will skyrocket in value. An auto- The event is being orga- answer session. hang with them for a weekend in ry, memorabilia insiders say. graphed Bonds jersey, especially nized by AROD Authenticated,

6 Ai'S M-E 8 'PM' ¥' ** He 9 W MUh#MSW;¥ 9 Credit due for Schilling, but let's not get crazy

BY DAN LE BATARD one between Michigan and Ohio had been numbed by surgery but it was only a regular-season Knight Ridder Newspepers State. and medicine. And even though game, 'so no one remembers it. Again, this isn't really some- historically saving the Red Sox And maybe, over time, the myth- MIAMI - This is not meant to thing to be cynical or skepti- season, beating down the rival making machine that is sports dilute the accomplishment or the cal about. Schilling deserves his Yankees and then throttling a will make me remember this with strength needed to produce it. praise as a tough winner. It's just wonderful Cardinals lineup is a more nostalgia than witnessing it Curt Schilling has been amazing that baseball has a lot of time to majestic accomplishment when live did. and worth our applause. fill between those pitches with- ill or healthy, Schilling was none- But you want to give someone But pitching with a torn ankle out a lot of action, so the blood theless throwing 95 miles per outsized and hyperventilating tendon numbed by lnjectlon isn't on Schilling's ankle hour, walking .aroundnormally , ,.credit-rightnow? Waekda!J;.Jumps as low as S9't quite the same as the following: tional play than it deserved. and. putting advertisements on Give it to Schilling's doctors. - Bobby Baun scoring the It deserved plenty. Just not as his shoe. They made sure his pain wasn't game-winning goal in Game 7 of much as it got. And the play it got He likes the attention. Nothing nearly as large as his moment. (208) 455-2359 ~1~~~:,~:r8~:~5 the Stanley Cup while skating on inflated what he did, just like it wrong with that. And he is an elo- a broken leg. would have if we spent 13innings quent spokesman good at writing - Jack Youngblood dragging his and all of baseball's down time in his own legend. Nothing wrong team through the playoffs and between watching close-ups of with that, either. Cheese..•· into the Super Bowl as a lineback- safety Ronnie Lott getting his fin- But this wasn't Reed hobbling' . delicious meat:;s, let:;t:;uce, er with a broken leg. ger cut off so he could keep play- onto the court for a Game 7or Kirk pickles, tsornetso and chips. - Emmitt Smith playing the ing a regular-season game. Gibson hitting a game-winning most savage position in our most The timing of Schilling's homer and limping around the ,.Over 30 satiisfying savage sport with a separated strength certainly belongs in the bases or even Kerry Strug plant- shoulder that made him cry at pantheon of all-time wounded i.lg perfectly on that bad ankle. sandwiches and salads halftime.' athletic performances - beating 'I'm not sure it was even a visibly "or lunch, dinner, plcnlcs - Willis Reed, period. the Yankees to save the season broken Michael Jordan winning and partiies. Offensive and defensive line- and beating an overwhelming an NBA Finals game with the flu men do the equivalent of what Cardinals lineup in the World or Brett Favre throwing for 399 Schilling did just about every Series - but what he was over- yards and four touchdowns after game with dislocated fingers, coming does not. the death of his father. -Bol~~~~est" ~ without pain medication and Schilling wasn't being asked to Schilling's timing was impec- without missing a play. University run, jump, hit or even field bunts. cable. Ken Caminiti hit two hom- of Miami offensive lineman Chris He was pushing off an ankle that ers once after needing two IVs, Myers dislocated his ring fin- ger three timesin the last North Carolina State game alone, and popped it back in himself so he wouldn't haveto leave the field. Baseball isn't exactly blood sport. Give Schilling credit for the blood on his sock, but apply the same vigor when saluting the 37 football players who leave the field every Sunday with blood- soaked uniforms. And don't for- get the hockey players who take 23 stitches on the face between periods during regular-season game 44. Schilling pushing off a cor- tisone-soaked ankle for six in- nings isn't as impressive as for- mer Marshall quarterback Byron Leftwich needing his linemen to carry him up the field after plays during a game-winning drive be- cause of a broken leg that wasn't numbed by doctors and feel-bet- ter. But Leftwich is penalized on the courage- and memory-meters - because he had the misfortune of r - - hurting during a Marshall game . instead of,a nationally televised I NEED QUICK I: I I CASH? - I •• Donate Plasma at IIomat USA Earn $50 the first week and $150 per month . I. Tues-Sat: 9:00· 5:30 GRIFOLS 4017 Overland Rd BiomalUSA".lnC. Boise, 10 83705 . caring for p~~plets health .' .- .. 1~1 sports' BDI5ESTRTE 69 • HAWAII 3

yard rushing touchdown. "They rushed in, so I knew BS U lrroll pege 10] it was pretty wide open; Zabransky said. Northwestern pulls a surprise over Purdue" The first drive of the half re- The Broncos defense then sulted in the second field goal for picked off Chang again, this BY JOHN MULLIN Tyler Jones on the night, added time by Marty Tadman, which chlcego Tribune to the lead, 27-3. once again set up another The emsuing drive by the Bronco rushing touchdown. Jeff EVANSTON,Ill. - Randy Walker Warriors resulted in a Gabe Carpenter rushed down the left has to be wondering what his Franklin interception on side of the field for a 26-yard team is trying to do to him. the Hawaii 37 yard line. The score, putting the broncos up 62- The Northwestern coach was Broncos offense came on the _3 with only three seconds left in cleared Friday to be on the side- field and Zabransky found T,J. the third quarter. lines after spending two nights in Acree for a 3D-yard comple- "We did everything we want- the hospital with a heart problem tion. Helmandollar then found ed to do coming into the game:' and all he asked of his team was the end zone again, putting the Daryn Colledge said. that it win this one early. In the Broncos up by 31. Chris Barrios then picked off locker room after Northwestern's Broncos head coach Dan Chang during the first drive of pulse-racing 13-10 victory over Hawkins admitted after the the final quarter and ran the ball nationally ranked Purdue before game that he had Chang's record 50 yards for the score, putting a homecoming crowd of 30,312, on his mind. the Broncos up 69-3. Walker playfully chided his play- "Coming down to the end of Chang may not have broken ers for putting him through the the game, I was looking at the the passing record, but he did anxiety of a winning touchdown scoreboard:' Hawkins said. break the all-time record for ca- with 38 seconds remaining and a A three-and-out drive by the reer interceptions. The Broncos game-saving pass breakup in the . Warriors gave the Broncos an- rushed for a season-high 425 end zone as time expired. other chance to light up the yards, averaging 8.5 yards per "Coach:' corrected running scoreboard again. This time carry on the night. back Noah Herron, "you just said, it was Quinton Jones with the The Broncos also set a school 'Win it in regulation: " end-around touchdown rush for record for points in one quar- "I stand corrected:' Walker 38-yards that made it 41-3 in the ter when they put up 38 on the IillT PllcrmliP.APtI BY PHIL VEUSOUEz.tJl1CAGO nUDUNE said. third quarter. Warriors defense. With their bowl hopes hanging Northwestern's Ikachuku Ndukwa Jumps 10 tha stands With the fans, as Northwastern baat No. 17 Purdua 13-10, Timmy Chang threw his sec- The win extends four different in the balance, Northwestern (4- Saturday, Oct. 30, 200~ 10 Evanston, 1I1100IS. ond interception of the night to streaks for the Broncos. The na- 4, 3-2) came away with its third the third quarter. But before that Cam Hall, which set up another tion's longest winning streak ex- _ 84-yard drive to give them the him one. victory won or saved on a final Northwestern had driven Orton Zabransky rushing touchdown, tends to 19 games. The Broncos winning margin with 38 seconds "I saw the ball coming down in play. The Wildcats also defeated to frustration and ineffective- but it was his next that was the also posses a 24 game home win left and cornerback Jeff Backes slow motion:' Backes said. "1just No. 17Purdue for the first time in ness. He finished 15 of 33 pass- most impressive of the night. steak, and a WAC win streak knocking a last-ditch pass out went flying in, punched it as hard Walker's six seasons and handed ing before giving way to Brandon Another three-and-out drive of 23 games. Also, the Broncos of the hands of receiver Taylor as I could and it came out:' Boilermakers coach Joe Tiller his Kirsch. by Hawaii set the Broncos' moved to 13-0 on ESPNtelevised , Stubblefield In the end zone to Purdue (5-3, 2-3) lost its third first loss to Northwestern in eight "This was a game we had to up at their own IS-yard line. games. preserve the victory. straight game and wasn't helped win:' Ward said. "Losing It was Zabransky then scrambled out "It was a great night. We domi- meetings .. If Walker didn't have a heart when quarterback KyleOrton left It took Herron's three-yard just not acceptable." of the pocket to the left, and on nated from the first to the fourth situation, this could have given with a hip flexor injury late in touchdown run at the end of an the first and only play of the quarter:' Franklin said. drive, rushed down the side of the field for a school-record 85- UNe defeats No. 4 Miami on field goal as time expires

BY KEN TYSIRC blue in a matter of seconds. Knight Ridder Newspapars Never before has North Carolina defeated an opponent ranked CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - The goal in the top five of The Associated posts were down within two min- Press poll. The Tar Heels did it utes. with third-team tailback Chad The memory will be savored for Scott rushing for 175 yards and Miami dafandors a lifetime. a masterful performance from Taveras Goodan' quarterback Darian Durant. and Grag Threat Freshman Connor Barth drilled maka tho atop - a42-yard field goal as time expired Durant was 21 for 29 for 266 agalOst UNC's ' Saturday night at Kenan Stadium yards and two touchdowns and Jesse Hollay to give North Carolina one of the rushed for 64 yards as the Tar 10 tha sacond Heels shredded the Miami de- quartar as greatest victories in its history. tho Mleml The Tar Heels edged No. 4 fense for 545 yards. Hurrtcanae Miami, 31-28, driving 65 yards on North Carolina (4-4, 3-2 ACC) recad tho moved ahead of N.C. State and Unlvorslty of " nine plays for the winning field North Carolina goal. Barth leaped into the air af- Georgia Tech into fifth place in Tar Haals 10 OH THE BRSQUE BLOCK the ACC standings, and possibly Chapal HilI. ter making the kick, and the jubi- IHITP1IUIUGnAPll BY At 612Groue Street lant North Carolina players were saved the job offourth-year coach DlAZIMlAMJIl£flALD enguIfedbyfanswearingCarolina John Bunting. Yes, it can happen! No. 5 Florida State falls to Maryland',

unthinkable. And Saturday, the BY STEPHEN F. HOLDER A meltdown that had been wanted it more:' unlikely became reality. , KOight Bidder Nawspapars weeks in the making finally be- Maryland's victory was pre- came reality for FSU, and against served when FSU's final drive fiz- The victory was a historic one for Maryland, marking its first c:.:OLLEGEPARK, Md. - The a team whose three victories had zled, backup quarterback Chris win against FSU in 15 attempts: signs were undeniable and they come against Northern Illinois, Rix missing receiver Chauncey The Terrapins hadn't beaten a were there all along - in Syracuse, Temple and Duke. . Stovall on a fourth down with just top-In team since 1990, going 0; N.Y., and Winston-Salem, N.C., Adding to the shock are the more than a minute left. and now, southern Maryland. ramifications, which are far- But that's the moment when the 17. The groundbreaking win sent Problem is, Florida State chose to reaching. loss was technically sealed. The jubilant fans spilling onto the ignore them. , So much for those national process began long before then, Like most in denial, the title hopes ..So much for the ACC as the Seminoles' defense gave field afterward. The Seminoles were out-gained Seminoles didn't believe it could title or a BCS game without lots up big play after big play, their 387 yards to 354 by a team that happen to them. Well, now it has of help. And so much for that sup- offense sputtered miserably, and ranked next-to-last in the ACC happened to them, and it hurts. posed return to glory. Instead, it's kicker Xavier Beitla had two criti- in total offense. FSU gave up four Had the fifth-ranked Seminoles time to start thinking Gator or cal field-goal misses. plays of 33 yards or more. FSU heeded the signs, maybe this Peach Bowl. But this loss was in the mak- Forger tho monthly bus pass! Beccuso for less money, you con be driving a rushed for 50 yards after enter- shocking 20-17 loss to Maryland "You come to Florida State to ing even before Saturday. Three Derbi - going eosy on the environment, gelling cheep insurance, preferred ing the game averaging 164. The po"'Ing, and a w",mnly, 1001How cool is thai? And oh, yeah: II" a Dorbi - might have turned out different- play in those kinds of games BCS of the Seminoles' past four games performance left the Seminoles what, the wadd I, riding. Testdrive one todayl AlDd.I,1JJ low.n ly, but they refused to see it com- games:' running back Lorenzo had been close, and against mystified. rw,j your L\_"bi or ing. Booker said. "But at the same teams that were heavy under- "They made big plays:' Bowden r:*~scooters of Boise "It happens when you least ex- time, you don't get to play in dogs. On Oct. 9, Syracuse pushed said. "We're supposed to be the Iiift!iJAm'141 South 13th Street pect it," coach Bobby Bowden those games by just coming here. FSU to the brink. Twoweeks later, big-play team." said. You have to want it. Tonight, they Wake Forest nearly pulled off the

Groupsa( three or Check out the monthly mare will get discounts piercing specials-this [from page 10] month;s tongue 530,00 an plerclngs (nat Spill c!!.~~~Including sale Items). one point lead. The Spartans Are these your then went on a 4-0 run to force a All New Moon plerclngs Include We have designs for the new Bronco time out. theJewelry and aftercare package with tattoo, and we can create The Broncos re-grouped and: instructions. We stand by our plerclngs, from pictures you bring In. Worst Nightmare? and offer free follow up service. came out strong after the time. Malaschak stepped up her block- New Moon Tattoo ing presence to bring the Broncos 6422 Fairview Ave. 375·1666 within two. Claussen drove the' "Perforating the Populas of Idaho" ball to the middle to tie-up the game 5-5. ' Peterson dove to the ground for a save attempt but missed giving the Spartans a 6-5 lead. A kill by Flunder stopped the Spartans two for ones. Claussen came through to tie it up 8-8 with another stellar kill. A double. hit was called on the Spartans which shifted the momentum of the game. The Spartans gave up the lead and never got it back. Malaschak in- tensely attacked the ball while maintaining a solid block- 746 W. Main St. - 388-1900 ing presence. Malaschak and, WE DEUVERI" Pre~~~st~~~~ 3r Peterson blocked a kill attempt- ...... ~ ~o~:Afe.~:;. thatled to a 13-10lead. Entry·Fees: Peterson drove one down th~, middle to force the game and Don't surrender *$16 for Pre-reglstered RlIIlIlers *$20 for Late & Race na.v Reglstratlon *$60 Par Team or 4 Mambers *T~ Included match point. A km by Malaschak to HUNGER'" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• c •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• led to the Broncos 15-13 game . AWARDS, five victory. "Neither team played Counter-attack with a llWMilS Will BE mllm TO nlE TOP 3 rrnlSlliS IN Eli!:11R1II::£. TOP n.nM IN mr-II tIIUmilU \/lr'lU REGBIlE AU nwMll. THEm? very clean but we kept battling to delicious PITAm I mmm In EnCH IfIDIl.'mlJlU. DIVISION \'\llLL IUSO BE nWlmlllD win:' said coach Sandel. - ...... Malaschak ended her fmal' '$1.00 OFF or home game with a stellar per-, formance. When the game waS; FREE DELIVERY over, autographs signed and pic-' tures, taken Malaschak ", still; on the floor, reluctant to let thiS: Open 11-3a.m. Mon-Thurs, 11-4a.m. FrilSat a lastgame go.Wlthcnelastshot to: Noon-30.m.Sunday - wiD at home Malaschak said she: Deliveries stop 30 minutes before closing ,AUd what she had todo and loved; -Must mention,coupon when ordering Itevery step oftJ1e viay. _~,

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(8477) 39 The South Can deliver. 866-7476 Excellent pay! 40 Biased Save $$ on your cost 42 Chartered 6 Female grad of commuting! Energy Yamaha DGX500 key- BroncoJobs Solutions board still in box, $550. 4:f'ii'i'Ni'i1t'Wiilii'i Flexible schedules! 43 Tatter 7 Like corduroys devise saves gas. Visit 44 Less common 1 d Men's Ralph Lauren Jack- 8 Dance, film, etc. Lookingfor 45 Sailors 9 Painter's 3 tl et $35/0bo. 343-2042 No Experience Necessaryl then call Dave 454-1360 49 Barracks bed support s v Jobs while you are a Income Opportunity also 50 Thin but strong 10 Blender setting available. student, Career 53 Seraglio 11Ekberg or Baker RR~ 54 Of cities Small In-borne Daycare 12 Basmati and Opportunities, or 56 Sound dovish brown, e.g. 1:6 ratio, ICCP & UTU, 2BD/IBA Duplex, Iyr. 57 Stage whisper 13 Kind of crow? BSU CDA grad. 3meals old. Garage/opener, fencd , Internships? 58 Retinue 24 Cash penalties + transportation provid- b/yard, pets ok, wId, mi- 59 Pop the question 26 For each ed. References available. cro. $600/mo. Iyr. lease. 60 Pine product 28 Post-career Call Michelle 465-7432 Close to BSU. 631-9400 Free job-referral 61 Best and period service' Buchanan 29 Trash in a review ~I--"-I~.::.j..-'- Win Cash prizes! Appli- 2bdllba N. End bouse Students: Call cations avail. @ SUB Info $500/mo $250dep. Call 62 Equal score 30 Theater sign's Desk. Deadline for apps: 345-246 or 447-9703 ClIck BroncoJobs 345-8204 to place 63 Fabric fold letters 64 31 X Wed. 11/3. Call Mahi @ at http:// your free Arbiter Takes ten Sundial ;/)A 65 Sea wiggler 32 I've _ it with x 2877 Classified Ad CIVIC PLAZA you! Writers,Artists Wanted '" ,. A '" I ,... ~ .. I \I DOWN 33 Tendon Get involved in new If you enjoy spending 1 Cook with dry 34 Disengage 44 Spring 49 Roughly Affordable harbingers finished student magazine by BSU Downtown time with people in need heat 35 Prevaricate Publication club. publica- of help (elderly, handi- 2 Yet to be paid 36 Set the pace 45 Distinct 51 Comic Uving O'Donnell capped, disabled children) 3 Warlike 38 Ask for alms 46 Atelier stand tionclub@ 47 Surface- 52 Rube Newly Bullt call us. Requirements: 6- 4 Sharif of films 41 Marino or 5 Astrological Blocker 48 Current events 54 _-friendly 1&2 Bedrooms 12 mo. explTB test/CPR! sources 55 Highland loch Background check, reli- arrangements 42 Door knock $475 or $595 able trans. a must. PIT & • Elevaton FIT work avail. We will '89 Silver Corolla. 232 • Dlrtttly I/crC)j8from Win"" . work around your school K, 4-door, am-fin stereol • ]4·110"' fltnw room • BUJln"'j Onler schedules Call 321-7896 cassette. Contact Dusty • SecurCJACCCJJ at 440-0669. Leave mes- Quest Contractor sage! has immediate openings 17 inch Alum. rims & for outside Direct Sales tires. 10 Ibs per rim. Lug pattern' 4/100, 5/1.25. By Linda C. Black Capricorn (Dec. 22·Jan. 19) $600/obo. 447-6778 F Roommate wanted to Tribune Media Services Leo (July 23·Aug. 22) Today is a 6 - Obligations weigh Today is a 7 - The others have 1973 MOBILE HOME share 2bdll ba apt. Close Today's Birthday (Nov. 1). heavily, and they won't lift until things all figured out. You "for sale. 935 sq.ft. 3bdl to BSU. $350 + 112Util. Scrimping and saving in the you've done what you promised just have to go along. We're Call 343-6384 Iba $10,500 call Bryan or past has set you up well for This has something to do with assuming that you're hanging Gina 345-2712 this year. Follow through on a cleaning up your house, and out with people who share your goals. If not, wait for a 1993 FORD Tempo, wht commitment you made years perhaps the attic and garage. better time to try to make a 4dr sedan; 90k mi. PIW, PI ago. Travel is required. Virgo (Aug. 23·Sept. 22) break. S, Plseat, AC, CD. Good Aries (March 21-AprilI9) Today is a 7 - Friends are condo $1200/obo. 447- Today is a 5 - Achieve the happy to help you avoid an Aquarius (Jan. 20·Feb. 18) 1602 God bless! comfort level to which you'd easily made mistake. Don't Today is a 6 - You're anxious 1994 Toyota Pickup V6 like to become accustomed. learn the hard way. You know to get going, but there's work Ext Cab. 197K Hwy/mi. Work, planning and miracles people who've already been to be done. Limit your travel to daydreaming for the next Too many extras. Good are involved, but what the there and done that. few days. condo Runs perfect, heck- No guts, no medals. Libra (Sept. 23·0ct. 23) $5,500. Call 429-1299 Taurus (April20-May 20) Today is a 7 - You're lucky, Pisces (Feb. 19·March 20) 1998 Ford Contour SE Today is an 8 - Others can but don't get too assertive. Today is a 9 - You'll feel V6, 24valve, leather seats, be a big help, and you may You'll have much better a growing compulsion AC, dual-airbags, CD, not even have to ask. Listen success with sweetness than to venture beyond your 47k mi, $3500. 841-5869 carefully, and you'll gather with confrontation. Keep a old comfort zone. You've outgrown it. You need to take Johnny PrivateLivingAreas& Bath more than enough information. gentle tone of voice. Shared Common Amenities new territory. 1999 Jeep Wrangler Gemini (May 21·June 21) Scorpio (Oct. 23·Nov. 21) Sport 50k miles. $3k in Today is a 7 _ You're starting Today is a 7 - There are all ' modification. $120/obo. to figure out you need to work, sorts of things going on behind not just for fun. Start the the scenes. You don't have to figure them all out, just ask ~ money flowing your way by simply asking for more of it. leading questions. (c) 2004, TRIBUNE MEDIA H! THEN TRICK HIl'\ l'\Y BOSS LJANTS l'\E ~ TRY POINTING TO =0 SERVICES INC. i 1; INTO GIVING YOU TO INVENT NANO- @ YOUR EMPTY HAND Cancer (June 22-July 22) Sagittarius (Nov. 22·Dcc. 21) Distributed by Knight Ridderl TECHNOLOGY STEl'\ ~ AND SAYING, "YOU !l 'A HIGH-FIVE AND 0 Today is a 6 - Funding is a Tribune Information Services. CAN'T SEE THEl'\ BUT YELL, "YOU CRUSHED Today is an 8 - You're cute CELLS BECAUSE IT consideration, but how do SOUNDS GOOD. THEY'RE ALl'\OST ~ THEl'\1 MAGill" and getting cuter. The question i DONEI- { seems to be, are you the you get it, and what will it .. seducer or the seductee? The cost? Instead of avoiding this choice is yours. difficult chore, acquire some ~ expertise. It'll serve you well. J.: ~ 't:o" u r !:•


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