Board of Commissioners
.DOCUMENTS· OF 'fHE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE Department of Public Parks FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 30th, 1874. • • • NEW YORK: EVENING POST STEAM PRESSES, 41 NASSAU STREET, CORNER LIBERTY. 1874. ::;5:(X~1f,~l~~~~~{s~r<7~~~~~,i;, :i/~\ \," I VI:~' \ , I, ~~"<':? DOCUlJIEN'l' No. 44. :, i,", BOAI~D OF THE Department of Public Parks. , ~, JUNE 23,1873. The Landscape Architect submitted a l'eport exhibiting the present standing of the principal undertakings of the depart~ ment under his supervision. , " .... 1.-_, , ' , , " (, , \ . .' ,-'':;/( . ',I ." ') r \ , I, . , 'I ,',.'\'1 •. 1 1"\ ,\ :f " ," MEMORANDUM OF PROPOSED WORKS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. } \ - Office of Design and SuperintendeilCe. - - ~. June 21, 1873. The subjoined memorandum is intended to concisely exhibit the present standing of the principal undertakings of the De,. partment under the general supervision of the Office of Design and Superintendence, especially such as are thought to require' the early attention of the Board. ' FRED. LAW OLMSTED, Landscape Architeat. I. EIGH'fIT AVENUE WALL. The foundation and base of this waH, according to plans adopted by Board of Oommissioners of Oentral Park, 1860, have been in progress by Park force until stopped, May _ " ':'::} 12~~e Treasurer was instructed by Board,. March 31st, ~873, ;" .. _,_'·,~~,~,::.'.,:,i.;.:,:_-· to invite proposals for building 6,000 feet of parapet-wall 'on " Eighth avenue, and to arrange a contract as soon as possible, ,I' subject to tho approval of the Board, but, so far as known, took no action on the order. 1 I The Board is recommended to immediately advertise for '.' proposals for the construction of this upper wall, and to au- { r thorize construction of base-wall by Park force.
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