4490Annual Report Nyc Dept P
DEPARTMENTOF PARKS, CITY OF NEW YORK. ANNUAL REPORT 8 FOR THE YE.4R ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1899. COMMISSIONERS : GEORGE C. CLAUSEN (President), Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond. AUGUST MOEBUS, Borough of The Bronx. GEORGE V. BROWER, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Landscape Architect, JOHNDEWOLF. Secretary, W1LLl.S HOLLY. NEW YORK: MARTIN B. RROWN CO., PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, Nos. 49 TO 57 PARKPLACE. -- 1900. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1899, DEPARTMENTOF PARKS-CITY OF NEW YORK, THEARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK, January 2, 1900. Non. ROBERTA. VAN WYCK,Mayor : SIR-I have the honor to send herewith the annual reports of the Commissioners of Parks, of the operations of the Department in the borough divisions over which they have administrative jurisdiction, for the year 1899. Very respectfully yours, WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary, Park Board SCHEDULE. I. Manhattan and Richmond. / 3. Brooklyn and Queens. 2. The Bronx. 1 4. Addenda. DEPARTMENTOF PARKS-CITY OF NEW YORK,) THEARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK, January 2, Ip. { Hon. ,ROBERTA. VANWYCK, Mayor: SIR-I have the honor to transmit herewith my report of the operations of the Department of Parks, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond, for the year 1899. A notable administration feature of the year's work of the Department in these boroughs was the reception tendered by the citizens of New York to Admiral Dewey on his return from the Philippines. In this great popular demonstration the Deparlment was vitally concerned, as the site of the memorial arch, erected.in honor of the naval heroes, was within the jur~sdictionof the Department and most of the stand provision, at the reviewing point and other places along the line of march, had to be made on ground belonging to the park system.
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