Conscience Votes’ in Legislating Bioethics in Australia
University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Arts - Papers (Archive) Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 A matter of conscience? The democratic significance of conscience' votes' in legislating bioethics in Australia Kerry Ross University of Wollongong, Susan M. Dodds University of Tasmania, Rachel A. Ankeny University of Adelaide Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Ross, Kerry; Dodds, Susan M.; and Ankeny, Rachel A., A matter of conscience? The democratic significance of conscience' votes' in legislating bioethics in Australia, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 44(2) 2009, 121-144. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: A Matter of Conscience? The Democratic Significance of ‘Conscience Votes’ in Legislating Bioethics in Australia Kerry Ross 1, Susan Dodds 2 and Rachel A. Ankeny 3 1 Science, Technology and Society Program, School of English Literatures, Philosophy and Languages, University of Wollongong 2 Faculty of Arts, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 44 Hobart, 7001 Australia (, corresponding author 3 School of History and Politics, Napier 423, University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005 Australia. 1 A Matter of Conscience? The Democratic Significance of ‘Conscience Votes’ in Legislating Bioethics in Australia Abstract : In Australia, members of a political party are expected to vote as a block on the instructions of their party.
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