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Xavier University Newswire Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1966-02-11 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1966). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2185. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2185 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact exhibit@xavier.edu. avler l?lllS Vol. L 20~ CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1966 TEN CENTS No. lJ XU STUDENTS TO JUDGE COURSES Pilot Evaluation First Step As Council Seeks Total Poll By JOHN GETZ, News lUanaging Editor Evaluation of teachers and courses, a relatively novel process, which is becoming more and more comiuon Oll college campuses around the country, has come to Xavie1·, at least in its first stage. Officially termed "Course Description" by Tom Hermes, academic chairman of Student Council, a pilot sampling of student opm10n is slated for Monday.. Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week and will be bandied through a booth. However, the upcoming survey placed it in my hands, keeping Is only a pilot study. Hermes ex­ in close touch with me. Much plained, "We must do an ade• of the first semester was spent quate Job on the pilot study be• in going over pla1is with Father fore we get permission to go O'Callaghan, social psychologists, ahead With the regular work. and the Faculty Committee. The Faculty C om m i t t e e will make a recommendation to Rev. "The Faculty Committee gave leremiah ·I. O'Callaghan, S.J., us definite approval and also ads an4 · sciences dean, whether the recommendation that we prn• on not to proceed, based on the ceed as we indicated we wanted News (Beckman) P~ results of the study," to. We considered this group more important than any other JOE BOVE and FRED 8CBADDEN dlsplaJ' a eouple ol possible eos'umes that caa be wora Bill JeremiahrP r e s i d en t of group on campus in terms of at uext Saturdar'• Mardi Gras fCllJiivltiea. atudent Council, who brought ·ou1· getting official permission the idea to the Xavier campus to go· ahead. Father O'Callaghan tt·om a convention he attended did not want us to go into the earlier in the .year, noted that classrooms, so we had to use 'Basin Streef' Theme For Mardi· Gras; the results of this pilot evalua­ either interviews ·or the booth, tion "will be used by the deans and we chose the latter. and by the department heads Costume And Beard Contest Highlights a.nd will probably be published "It was quite disappointin&' that we were not permitted On the weekend of February Bechant and Scott Prescott, has the prescribed attire for thal if judged satisfactory. If the re­ to go into the classrooms to con· 18 and 19, the Cam1>us Student decided to add a touch of his­ evening, with awards given M sults· are good, we will go ahead Association will present the an­ todc New Orleans to the affair. with• the actual cou1·se descrip­ duct the evaluation. It seems to the most original dress at micl• me this may affect the validHy nual Mardi Gras festivities. This tion program." Friday night's activities com• night, of the statistics, It would not event is the highlight of the sec• mence at 9 o'clock with enter­ Combination tickets !or botfi At the booth, which will be seem that we would ret as ac· ond semester social calendar. tainment provided by the Mag­ manned by membe1·s of the Ac­ eurate results contacting par~ president of CSA, Jim Hahn, has nificent Seven of the University nights will be on pre-sale fot ademfo Committee, students will of the classes as we would by planned a s c h e d u I e for the of Kentucky, Casual dress is the $5.00, or tickets may be pur­ procure five questionnaires each reachinl' whole classes," Hermes weekend that should prove to order of the evening, Scheduled chased at the door for $3.5t dealing with. a course which they added, be a unique· experience. events include the beard grow­ F1·iday night and $2.50 Satur• took in the spring semester last In attempting to coordinate ing contest. For Saturday night, Dr. Gerald Harriman, chait'­ day night. The armory will ~ year. They will take these forms the decor with this year's theme the sounds of H-Bomb Ferguson man of the Faculty Committee, decorated with original paint• home, fill them out and return of "Basin Street," the decora· of Cue Lounge distinction will them either Thut·sday, Friday, or reiterated the committee's unan­ ings o( senior Jim Maier for lh• imous endorsement of the plan: tion committee, headed by Neil also begin at 9. Costumes are some time eat'ly the following occasion. week, "The committee has received the questionnaires proposed and Due lo the overcrowding of the t' The questionnait·es a e de­ recommends that all members of A 1· rn o r y for the· past several scl'ibed by Hermes as aimed at the faculty coopenite and par­ First Faculty-Stt1de11t Tall'­ dances, it was also announced "evaluating a given course as ticipate fully in the proposed taught by a given teache1'." They plan of Student Council." To Be Held Today i11 Grill that lhc area will be increased will consist of multiple choice this year by opening the garage Questioned as to why he in­ questions, the results of which According to Thomas J". Het·­ meetings will involve a five-to­ sisted on the pilot study, Fathet· hall. will be fed to an IBM cornpute1· mes, academic chairman of Stu· ten minute 11resentation by that O'Callaghan replied, "I think it's for statistical al'l'angement and dent Council, "The lines of com­ week's "provoker," followed by a typical and scientific approach verbalization. Computer Center munication between faculty and a question-and-answer per i o d to a new problem. I feel that this Econ Club Offers Director William J. Larkin is to students, as they stand, are fat• after which there will be general matter is of extreme importance. supervise this part of the opera­ from desirable. In an effort to discussion. "A major consider­ It is too important not to be Panel Discussion tion. relieve this situation, a series ation is that of finding meaning• done really well. The results of The Economics Club will hold of weekly faculty-student talks ful topics for discussion," Her· Expoundinl' on the role of the its monthly meeting this Sun• · this pilot study will help us to mes said. "Current event prob­ eomputer, Hermes said, "The is planned. improve our procedure in mak­ lems in the a c a d e m i c world day, Febl'Uary 13, in the Casla e~mputer will &'Ive a number of ing the actual evaluation. In "The big advantage that we would interest most students.'' Room of Logan Hall. A panel valuable statistical relationships: judging the pilot study, we will have in bettering communica­ of three businessmen will dis• for. example, what persons with get help from social psycholo­ tion," Hermes continued, "is that Today at 2:30 p.m. in the cuss the subject, Professional high «rade point averages think gists, such as 01'. John Marr, and Xavier is small enough to be Musketeer Grill, .Hermes will of a course, as opposed to what from the judgment of students able to have faculty-student present the topic "What Catholic Careers in Marketing, which those with low· point averages and faculty representatives." meetings without ending up with Commitment Means to Xaviet'." will be preceded by a film, en• think, what a person whose impossible numbers. It seems lo All students and faculty mem­ Expressing the hope that the titled "Come, Climb a lVIoum­ major is in this field thinks, as me that this aspect is worth bers are invited. pilot study will be successful tain." opposed to a non-major's opin­ exploiting." Thus the idea oC and that the go-ahead will be Future top i cs for discussion ion, what different classes think the talks was formed. The panel includes Mr. A. 1. about a «iven course, how whole received for the actual study include: "Academic Freedom in Marsch of the Upjohn Compv.oy, on a full-scale, in-the-classroom Dr. Frederick Werner, Bill Te1·ms of St. John's," "Xavier's tlepartments line up, and how Mr. Robert Dynes of the Xe:~x basis, Jeremiah declared, "For Wood, and Pete Borchelt came Library," and "Course Evalua· lhe whole university lines up In Corporation, and Mt'. Lawrc!.ree eertain responses." the results to be in any way up with the idea at the same tion.'' significant, we need both co­ time as the Academic Commit• Chinet•y of Trenching Produet.. Hermes revealed the origin of operation in filling out the forms, Hermes was optomistic about tee, and the two groups joined Free refreshments w i 11 be the program: "Jeremiah brought that is, a large numerical turn­ the response, stating, "Many are available, and a valuable .... &he idea back from a conference out, and objectivity by the stu• forces to organize the p1•ogram. just waiting for this type of op­ earlier iD the 1ear and· theD den\i in tbe evaluation.• 'l'be Rnle&ural 11et-8P •f Ole portunity." prize will be eiveo.

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