San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project 2012 Progress Report

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San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project 2012 Progress Report 2012 SAN FRANCISCO ESTUARY INVASIVE SPARTINA PROJECT 2012 PROGRESS REPORT [email protected] San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project 2012 Progress Report Prepared by: Tobias Rohmer Olofson Environmental, Inc. Drew Kerr & Ingrid Hogle 1830 Embarcadero Cove, Suite 100 Oakland, California 94606 For the State Coastal Conservancy San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project 1330 Broadway, 13th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 February 2014 This report was prepared for the California Coastal Conservancy’s San Francisco Estuary In‐ vasive Spartina Project with support and fund‐ ing from the following contributors: California Coastal Conservancy California Wildlife Conservation Board (MOU #99‐054‐01 and subsequent) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Species Descriptions and Status .................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 Native Pacific Cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) ........................................................................ 1 1.1.2 Atlantic Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and its Hybrids ................................... 2 1.1.3 Chilean Cordgrass (Spartina densiflora) and its hybrid with Pacific cordgrass (S. foliosa) 3 1.1.4 English Cordgrass (Spartina anglica) ................................................................................. 4 1.1.5 Salt‐Meadow Cordgrass (Spartina patens) ........................................................................ 4 1.2 Invasive Spartina Project Program Areas ...................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Treatment .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 Inventory Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 6 1.2.3 Treatment Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 8 1.2.4 California Clapper Rail Monitoring .................................................................................... 8 1.2.5 Water Quality Monitoring ................................................................................................. 9 1.2.6 Restoration Program ......................................................................................................... 9 1.3 Progress Through 2011 ............................................................................................................... 10 2 2012 ISP Treatment and Monitoring ................................................................................ 11 2.1 Region 1: Marin ........................................................................................................................... 18 2.2 Region 2: San Francisco Peninsula .............................................................................................. 24 2.3 Region 3: San Mateo ................................................................................................................... 29 2.4 Region 4: Dumbarton South ........................................................................................................ 34 2.5 Region 5: Union City .................................................................................................................... 39 2.6 Region 6: Hayward ...................................................................................................................... 44 2.7 Region 7: San Leandro Bay .......................................................................................................... 49 2.8 Region 8: Bay Bridge North ......................................................................................................... 54 2.9 Region 9: Suisun ......................................................................................................................... 58 2.10 Region 10: Vallejo ........................................................................................................................ 62 2.11 Region 11: Petaluma ................................................................................................................... 66 2.12 Region 12: Outer Coast ............................................................................................................... 69 3 Special Topics .................................................................................................................. 73 3.1 South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project .................................................................................... 73 3.2 Restricted Treatment Sites .......................................................................................................... 76 3.3. New Infestations and Sub‐areas Added in 2012 .......................................................................... 81 4 Looking Forward to 2013 and Beyond ............................................................................. 83 5 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................... 85 Invasive Spartina Project i 2012 Progress Report TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1. ISP Reporting Regions with 2012 Spartina alterniflora x foliosa hybrid presence throughout San Francisco Bay Estuary by reporting region and sub‐area. ......................................................... 12 Figure 2. ISP Reporting Regions with 2012 Spartina densiflora presence throughout San Francisco Bay Estuary by reporting region and sub‐area. ...................................................................................... 13 Figure 3. ISP Reporting Regions with 2012 Spartina densiflora x foliosa hybrid, S. anglica, and S. patens presence throughout San Francisco Bay Estuary by ISP reporting region and sub‐area. .... 14 Figure 4. Baywide trend of invasive Spartina from 2005‐2012. .................................................................. 16 Figure 5. Baywide trends in invasive Spartina infestation from 2001‐2012 by Reporting Region. .............. 16 Figure 6. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the 32 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 1: Marin. ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 7. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 within the Corte Madera Creek Watershed of ISP's Region 1. ........................................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 8. Distribution of non‐native Spartina in 2012 across the 35 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 2: San Francisco Peninsula. .................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 9. Distribution of non‐native Spartina in 2012 across the 26 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 3: San Mateo. ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 10. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the 24 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 4: Dumbarton South ............................................................................................................................. 35 Figure 11. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the 21 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 5: Union City. ........................................................................................................................................ 40 Figure 12. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the 28 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 6: Hayward. .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 13. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the 19 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 7: San Leandro Bay. ..................................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 14. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the 12 sub‐areas of Reporting Region 8: Bay Bridge North. .................................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 15. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 in the single sub‐area and adjacent shoreline of Reporting Region 9: Suisun. ............................................................................................................. 59 Figure 16.Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the four sub‐areas of Reporting Region 10: Vallejo. .............................................................................................................................................. 63 Figure 17. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the four sub‐areas of Reporting Region 11: Petaluma. ......................................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 18. Distribution of invasive Spartina in 2012 across the five sub‐areas of Reporting Region 12: Outer Coast. ..................................................................................................................................... 70 Figure 19. Map of the South Bay Salt Ponds and neighboring recent restoration projects
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