Living Shorelines Project (Oysters + Eelgrass)

Phase I Design and Implementation: Monitoring Planning Six sites totaling 3,200 acres by Others South Bay Salt Pond 15,100 acres

Bahia Marsh 598 acres ESA Construction Support Napa-Sonoma Marsh 3,000 acres Monitoring by USGS

Petaluma Marsh Expansion 99 acres

Bair Island 1,400 acres Construction

San Francisco Martinez Salt Marsh + 12 acres Tidal Restoration and Hamilton Project 450 acres Select ESA Project History Construction 19 acres

LEGEND San Leandro Shoreline 274 acres Started Design Breached/Implemented Sonoma Baylands 297 acres ESA Monitoring Cooley Landing 115 acres

Warm Springs Marsh 198 acres

Muzzi Marsh 128 acres

1940s–1960s 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Reber Plan proposes Founding First wetlands protection New restorations attempt to First wetland Federal funding Regional design criteria Baylands Goals Purchase of USFWS releases the Baylands Measure AA passes, levying a to fill the Bay leaving of Save legislation passed in U.S., replicate the natural marsh, restoration project approved for U.S. Army developed for new Project published, sets 15,100 acres Recovery Plan for Goals new $12-per-parcel tax that will only a shipping the Bay preventing further filling of considered the "first in SF Bay – Faber Corps of Engineers projects with the Sonoma Bay of industrial Tidal Marsh Ecosys- Science raise a total of $500 million for channel (Late 1940s (1961) SF Bay tidal wetlands (1965) generation” of restoration Tract: 79 acres restoration projects Baylands project (natural regional restoration goals salt ponds for tems of Northern and Update Bay enhancement and habitat to early 1960s) projects (1970s and 1980s) (1972) (1980s) processes approach) restoration Central restoration over the next 20 years