wine makiDigital V– – Volume 50 No 2 2018 IN THIS ISSUE: GTA NEWS .................................................3 ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIA PART 3: Indigenous Protected Areas ............... 25 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN SCHOOLS? – Digital Literacy & Digital Fluency .... 29 – Virtual Excursions .............................. 31 – In the age of alternative facts, we need to teach our kids to uncover the truth .............................. 32 FEATURE ARTICLE: URBAN PLACES – Sydney’s Urban Future ...................... 35 – Fieldwork – Marrickville ................... 51 – Fieldwork – The Greenway (Waratah Mills) ................................... 55 – Stage 5 Assessment: Revitalisation of the White Bay Power Station ....... 57 CURRICULUM LINKS – South Korea, the Winter Olympics .... 61 PROJECTS • REPORTS • RESOURCES • ARTICLES • REVIEWS EXECUTIVE 2018 President Lorraine Chaffer Vice Presidents Susan Caldis Grant Kleeman Sharon McLean Louise Swanson Minutes Secretary Milton Brown OFFICE OF THE GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS’ Honorary Treasurer ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES Grant Kleeman ABN 59246850128 Councillors Address: 67–73 St Hilliers Road, Auburn NSW Paul Alger Postal Address: PO Box 699 Lidcombe NSW 1825, Australia Karen Bowden Telephone: (02) 9716 0378, Fax: (02) 9564 2342 Matt Carroll Website: Drew Collins Email:
[email protected] Michael Da Roza (ACT) Catherine Donnelly ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP (Subscriptions include GST) Personal membership $90.00 Adrian Harrison Corporate membership (school, department or business) $190.00 Keith Hopkins Concessional membership (retiree, part-time teacher or student) $40.00 Nick Hutchinson Primary corporate membership $50.00 Grace Larobina David Latimer John Lewis Alexandra Lucas John Petts Martin Pluss Melinda Rowe GEOGRAPHY BULLETIN Cover: Sydney from Centrepoint Tower. Image source: Wikimedia Commons Editor The Geography Bulletin is a quarterly journal of The Geography Teachers’ Association Lorraine Chaffer of New South Wales.