R H C Has Part in Giant Congress

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R H C Has Part in Giant Congress VOL. 8 NO. 1 ROSARY HILL COLLEGE, BUFFALO, N. Y. OCTOBER 12, 1956 R H C HAS PART IN GIANT CONGRESS Chinese Production Religious, Laity Thousands Throng Civic Stadium To be Staged by RH Unite Efforts “Lute Song” by Kao-Tong- For Festival For Huge C C D Demonstration Kia, which was originally staged Rosary Hill College, taking part in the Tenth National Con­ at the Imperial Court Theater in Sister M. Charles, O.S.F. gress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, last week had a 1404, will be presented by a Ros­ served as general chairman of share in the largest gathering of its kind ever assembled in the ary Hill cast under the direction the Franciscan Fall Festival, Diocese of Buffalo. held by the Sisters of Saint The Congress, attended by some 15,000 clergy, religious and of Mr. Joseph Herman on the laity from nations in all parts of the Western Hemisphere, was evenings of Tuesday, November Francis of Stella Niagara for opened September 26 by the Most Rev. Joseph A. Burke, D.D., 13, and Wednesday, November the benefit of their educational Bishop of Buffalo, at a mass meeting in Kleinhans Music Hall. It 14 at Sacred Heart Academy. program. On Saturday and Sun­ ended September 30 with the Pageant of Prayer in Civic Stadium. Adapted for the American day, October 6 and 7, Sacred Participating dignitaries in­ stage by Will Irwin and Sidney Heart Academy played host to cluded His Eminence Francis Howard, “Lute Song” starred large crowds which viewed such Stratford Trip Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop Mary Martin and Yul Brynner varied booths as Treasure of New York; His Eminence when it was presented on Broad­ Island, Zoo Parade, Parcel Post, Planned by Club Emanuel Cardinal Arteaga y way. The play concerns itself Fish Pond, and Kiddie Land. Betancourt, Archbishop of Ha­ with a young scholar who leaves The Sisters who served as co- The English concentration is vana; His Eminence Thomas his family and wife to study chairmen and took charge of the now making plans to visit Strat­ Cardinal Tien, Archbishop of away from home. His new en­ various booths deserve special ford, Ontario next summer, for Peking; the Most Rev. Amleto vironment leads him to success commendation for their weeks a week-end, to see the famous Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Record Student Body and into another marriage with of hard and for the most part Shakespearean plays which are Delegate to the United States; Present at Convocation a wealthy princess. He finally unrewarding work. Also worthy performed there. and His Excellency, the Most of special note are Mr. George Sister M. Georgia, O.S.F., has Rev. Msgr. Francesco Roberti, The thirteenth convocation of returns but not until his family and wife are at the point of Navagh, who handled all games announced that a new section to of Rome, personal envoy from Rosary Hill College was held and Mr. Walter Michaelis who the Book Club has been called His Holiness Pope Pius XII. September 26, 1956. Sister An­ starvation. arranged the attractive booths. The Scribblers. This club for The Very Rev. Msgr. Ray­ gela, O.S.F., college president, The play will be set in the convention of the ancient Chi­ Miss Barbara Biondolillo and creative writers will supervise mond F. Herzing, Buffalo di­ was chairman, presiding over Miss Mary Lou Orlando organ­ the publication of “The Alpen­ rector of the Confraternity of the largest student body ill the nese theater in which property ized our efforts on campus. stock.” Christian Doctrine, acted as history of the college. Sister men are on stage changing sets and adjusting properties while general chairman of the Con­ welcomed the entire student gress. The Rev. Patrick J. body with an inspiring message the play is in motion. Woods, assistant director of the in which she pointed out the CCD, was vice-chairman. quick passing of college days Ike Opposes Adali On RHC Campus and the fact that we should do During Sunday’s Pageant of all in our power to derive the New York Host Prayer 184 students of Rosary full benefit from college life. Hill joined D’Youville, Canisius The principal address was To Art Seniors and Niagara to form a living given by the assistant of philos­ In connection with a study of rosary and a tableau, which ophy and mathematics at Niag­ modern art, seniors from the art comprised the emblem of the ara University, the Reverend concentration accompanied by Confraternity and its motto, Joseph S. Breen, C.M. His topic Miss Wanda Lewis, recently “Deus Est,” and the words, was “Don’t Waste It.” Father flew to New York and Washing­ “CCD Honors Mary.” Rosary Breen impressed the students ton to view several art exhibi­ Hill girls, dressed in black aca­ with the fact that every second tions and collections. demic gowns, formed the first must be utilized to derive thé Spending the first three days beads of the rosary, while most out of college life. in New York, the students others, in blue and white, helped Eileen Reagan, Student Gov­ viewed exhibits in the Metropol­ form the emblem. ernment president, presided at itan Museum, the Museum of R osary H ill stu d e n ts also the business meeting and the Modern Art, and the Cloisters. were selected by the school to constitution was read by Isa­ The art students also saw the act as captains of the ushers belle Mercer, Joanne Joseph, Frick Collection and a number during discussion meetings in and Mary K. McCracken. The of private collections, as well as the Hotel Statler September 29. meeting was closed with the en­ an outdoor exhibit in Green­ They were: Eileen Reagan, Stu­ wich Village. Ending their tour Martha Resch, Dea McKenna, and Celine Cooley, (l. to r.) head dent Government president; Kay tire student body singing the Mock National Election Committee. Alma Mater. in Washington, the students Kearns, vice president; Elaine visited the Mellon Museum, the The Mock National Election and enthusiasm of Mr. Rayburn Navagh, president of the CCD National Galleries and Dumbar­ Committee, the first to be himself. On the rostrum for the Club; Joanne Palisano, Anajean ton Oaks. formed on Rosary Hill’s cam­ “Ike-Likers” is Martha Resch. Zurek, Mary Lou Orlando and October Dates Slated Accompanying M iss Lew is pus, has undertaken to alleviate October 25 is the date set for Ann Bitton. were Sue Moore, Kay Leitten, and combat the lethargic atti­ active party speeches; interna­ In addition five Rosary Hill For Weekend Retreats Mary Paul Kennedy, Mary Joan tude that many Americans have tional relations, the farm issue, students attended the afternoon This year the annual retreats Hassett, Evie Cappellini and toward voting. big business and little business meetings of the Congress, ac­ on campus are taking place in Mary Manzella. This group headed by Dea are among the topics the par­ companied by Sister M. Justa, the fall. The first one will be The entire art concentration is McKenna is presenting a Mock ties will discuss in their three O.S.F., CCD Club moderator. conducted by Rev. Timothy now working on displays for the National Election, October 25. allotted speeches. The group included Elaine, Ana­ Catholic Youth Council. Quinn, O.F.M., on October 12 At the October 11 assembly, The words the girls use will jean, Judy Clark, Polly Perez and 13 for the sophomores and Mr. Richard Rebadow, Assistant be familiar to all, for they have and Betty Liotti. the juniors. Rev. Frederick Mc- Director of the Buffalo Airport, The theme of the Congress ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE shadowed Ike and Adali since Kever, O.F.M., will conduct the spoke on the importance of the the conventions. The message was a plea for what Pope Pius second retreat on October 19 October 18 — Class Meetings individual vote, gearing the cam­ they convey will be familiar — X once described as the thing and 20 for the freshman class. October 25 — Mock Election Convention paign into motion. but perhaps this time it will most necessary to save society: The annual closed senior re­ November 8 — Philharmonic Quartet Celine Cooley is at the wheel mean something. “in each parish a group of lay­ treat will again be held at Stella November 15 — Miss Elizabeth Reed for the Democrats and is steer­ men . virtuous, well-in­ Niagara in mid-semester. ing their campaign with the skill “Let’s get out and vote!” structed and really apostolic.” Page Two THE ASCENT October 12, 1956 of Toronto and the Pontifical In­ R H Delegates Join College Welcomes stitute of Medieval Studies in Xhe Toronto. Other US Students New Instructors Miss Dorothy Condon, instruc­ tor in secretarial studies, is an In Nat'l Conventions Rosary Hill College extends a ROSARY HILL COLLEGE—SNYDER, NEW YORK alumna of Rosary Hill College. NSA warm and sincere welcome to Sister M. Fidelis, O.S.F., new the new faculty members for Editor-in-Chief ............................................................... Margery Kita At the Ninth National Con­ instructor in theology, received this year. Assistant Editor Julianne Brown gress of the United States Na­ her degree from St. Bonaven­ Feature Editor Delia McKenna tional Student Association held Father Joseph J. Weber, chap­ ture University. She has trav­ Business Manager ................................................. Maureen Corcoran at the University of Chicago, lain and theology instructor, eled extensively in Europe. News Editor Judy Hedger August 21-31, Rosary Hill Col­ was ordained June 11, 1938 from And let us hot forget to say Circulation Managers ................................................ Joan Waldmann lege was represented by Carol the Seminary of Our Lady of goodbye to four we will miss on Betty Martin Kobza, Caroline Ernst and Angels at Niagara University.
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    Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 12, Number 1 (Spring 2009): 113–151 Copyright © 2009 Concordats Today: From the Second Maurizio Ragazzi Vatican Council to Special Counsel International Law * John Paul II Washington, D.C. In U.S. journals, the attention for concordats, that is, the agreements between Church and state that regulate matters of common interest, is not commensurate to the importance that this instrument continues to have in promoting religious freedom and productive church-state relations worldwide. In examining the data from diplomatic practice, in light also of the Second Vatican Council and the new canonical codification, the present article will show how the growing prestige of the Holy See in the international community has been accompanied by a new golden age of concordats, which remain pragmatic and flexible instruments adaptable in form and content to the realities of contemporary life. In this respect, too, there is that element of innovation in continuity regarding contingent matters, to which Pope Benedict XVI has referred as the fruit of the Church’s action in the world, in conformity with the true spirit of the Second Vatican Council. Introduction In American legal journals, it is rare to encounter articles on concordats between the Church and the state.1 Does this merely signal lack of interest, among American lawyers, in an instrument that does not belong to the tradition of the relationships between the United States and the Holy See? Is there something deeper to this, namely that, after the Second World War and especially after the Second Vatican Council, the concordat may have become an obsolete instrument in regulating the relationships between Church and state? In trying to answer this question, this article will first consider the concordat in light of the Second Vatican Council and the new canonical codification and 113 Maurizio Ragazzi then summarize the data emerging from practice, with special regard to the concordats concluded during the pontificate of John Paul II.
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