Property of the Watertown Historical Society C0 cs es ee

^j, ^J? • 1 on es **9*m* LU 2 Vol. 46 No. 29 PUBLISHED BY THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. My 18,1991 ^^^ LU LL 1— 64 Pages Price 35 cents fj £%.% C LU ^ cs

a"*^ iii i^J — Times Photo, Faber meet in ten days to two weeks to day's meeting. The congratula- determine "possible and prob- tory postcard sent to Mr Vayer able cuts to the budget" as well stated that Watertown is the as to set the date of the next fourth Connecticut community referendum, Mr Scanlon said. to declare itself nuclear-free. Lawmakers Have Budget Ideas The committee will bring its The nuclear-free zone reso- Two local state legislators Louis C. DeLuca [R-Woodbury] cludes Watertown and Woo- recommendations to the full lution passed last spring by the have been immersed in the great detailed the so-called "Revised dbury. council for a vote. Town Council bans the manu- budget quagmire in recent days People's Budget" at a press "We cannot allow ourselves The Board of Education and facture of nuclear weapons and as the state's lawmakers and conference the same day. to take the easy approach and the Watertown Education Asso- governor try to piece together a Mr Flaherty said he feels there simply raise taxes to cover the ciation (WEA) are still talking, [Continued on page Al7) new spending and tax plan for are more areas where spending deficit We must look at each 1991-92. can be cut, and that lawmakers line item in the budget and see if State Representative Brian J. should not rely on taxes alone to it is possible to reduce spend- Flaherty [R-Watertown] met solve the budget crisis. ing," he added. with fellow Republican legisla- "While some real and signifi- The state currently is facing a tors and fiscal experts July 12 in cant cuts have already been pro- $941 million deficit. The Legis- the Legislative Office Building posed, there remains a great deal lature has been in special session to discuss as yet unproposed state of waste and inefficiency in state since July 5, and has yet to pass budget cuts. government," said Mr Flaherty Meanwhile, state Senator of the 68th District, which in- [Continued on page A17] Residents Want Closer Ties Watertown Fire District debate was in part a spillover posted the call for the special commissioners and residents from the WFD's June 10 ses- session May 24 with the town from the North Street neighbor- sion, when Mr O'Sullivan clerk's office, but Mr O'Sulli- hood made attempts Monday charged the commission too- van said the commission "could night to establish a better line of hasn'ly called a special meeting have done more" to notify dis- communication between the May 28 to act on a proposal by trict residents, since many of board and district people who RFG Enterprises to establish an them have serious reservations said they've felt they've been amusement arcade on the sec- about permitting such an attrac- left in the dark. ond floor of the Brooks Phar- tion in the building. "It seems to me the board has macy building at 620 Main The structure, which used to to open up," lamented Michael StreeL Galullo of PineStreet, who along The commission had legally [Continued on page A16] with nearby neighbors Denis O'Sullivan and Jean King, took the commissioners to task over COG Committee Nixes what they claim has been poor meeting notification by the Recycling Fee Request WFD. "Wheredid you talkaboutit? Watertown's request for a 50 tertown over Middlebury as a Where was itsaid? Who saidit?" cents per ton host benefit fee for site for the regional transfer sta- were the verbal jabs made by Mr recyclables delivered to the tion, due in large part to lower Galullo regarding a recent zon- Watertown Recycling Transfer construction costs at the Water- ing appeals issue broached at the Station was turned down by the town site. commission's June 10 meeting, Recycling ad hoc Committee of "When a community accepts but not fully discussed or re- the Council of Governments being a recycling transfer sta- SHEPHERDING NEW SESSION: Youngsters Christopher Hersel, corded. (COG), Town Manager Paul tion, it is reasonable to expect a and Daniel andAlyson Vaichus, left to right in foreground, along "It's very, very important [to Vayer reported at Monday's fee," said Mr Vayer. Additional with Susan Vaichus, display some of the puppets that will be used in us] what the zoning board of Town Council meeting. reasons for requesting a fee in- the VdcationBible School that begins at Christ Episcopal Church, appeals is doing," commented "I had requested from COG clude the fact that there will be additional traffic at the site, par- 25 The Green, My 22-26. from 6 to 8 pm. Christ Church and the Ms King. "As long as they do for 50 cents per ton host benefit them [decisions] rationally, we fee. The request was denied," tial loss of the bulky waste drop- Evangel Assembly of God are combining efforts to sponsor the free can stick with them." Mr Vayer toldcouncil members. school. See story page Al 6. —Times Photo, Perilli Monday'shour-Iong informal In May, COG selected Wa- FContinued on page A18] A-2-TfcwPropertyn Times, July 18.1991 of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgGas Prices Dip Slightly Again Himes—INDEX—tlown Xumee Retail gasoline prices in Connecticut fell an average of another fraction of a cent during the past week, according to the Automobile Club of Hartford-AAA, which surveys 30 stations each week. Katherine Heminway: ; .A15 Hie club's Alan Sagal and Lynn Davies reported Monday the Horticulture Therapist Births...... slight dip of four-tenths of acent per gallon marks the seventh week Calendar ._.. .A22 in a row that prices have fallen slightly. pageAlO Churches..- .. A21 While 20 gasoline stations did not change their pump prices Classifieds .B9-H during the past week, nine dropped their costs and one raised prices. Playground Question Editorials. AA Average Connecticut retail prices for unleaded gasoline per Engagements...... A15 gallon [plus or minus a S percent margin of error] for Monday were: Of The Week Fire Report. A19 self-serve—$1.26 regular, $1.37 mid-grade, and $1.46 premium; page All Letters A4-7 full serve — $1.38 regular, $1.48 mid-grade; and $1.50 premium. Legal Notices.... B13 Diesel fuel was priced at $1.35 per gallon. Obituaries A20-21 The latest national AAA Fuel Gauge Report said theaverageper- Softball All-Star Team gallon cost of self-serve regular unleaded gasoline is $1.14. Real Estate .B12-16 The Automobile Club of Hartford, a AAA affiliate, has offices in On To State Tournament Bl-7 Sports. Avon, Hartford, Manchester, Plainville, Waterford, and West Hart- page Bl Weddings MA ford, and serves the association's more than quarter-million mem- bers who reside in the five eastern counties of Connecticut BoostYouriMSavings y»XWatertown 'Great On The Grill Specials!! Meat PRIME RIB STEAK 3.99 Ib HEMINWAY PLACE 485 Main Street, Watertown, Connecticut SIRLOIN STORE HOUUS Mon., Wed., & Sat. 8-6; Thnrs. & Fri. 8-7: Sunday 8-2 Boneless Ib Trffinhtww. 274-2714 STEAK 3.29 [Prices Effective Wed., July 17th till Tues., July 23rd\ LONDON BROIL TOP BLADE SHOULDER STEAK 1.99, 1.89, ROASTS FOR THE ROTISSERIE RUMP ROAST 1.99u. EYE OF ROUND ROAST 2.59 n BOTTOM LOW ON CALORIES...HIGH ON NUTRITION... CHICKEN ROUND ROAST 1.89 J Grade A "JULY IS HOT DOO MONTH Great Savings On Hillshire Franks! LEG Bun Size ALL-MEAT FRANKS 1.69 n. QUARTERS Bun Size ALL-BEEF FRANKS 1.89 n> 350, HILLSHIRE FARMS BACON 1.69 u, Economical • Lite • Delicious FROM OUR DELI Boneless Center Cut PORK CHOPS Norwestern RUSSER Low SALT TURKEY BREAST 2.49 » Bologna Dorman Cooked Salami 2.99, American CHEESE 1.99 u, Boneless Center Cut or Liverwurst PORK ROAST Wilson 2.89. HONEY HAM 1.89 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTo>vtfTiines Society, Jaly 18^ 199 1 - A-3 watertownhistoricalsociety.orgRobin Leach Auctioneer Friendly Neighbors At Arthritis Benefit Name: Marianne Monti The Washington Polo and Benefit Auction for the Arthritis Address: Oakville Foundation will take place Saturday, August 10, at 9 am, at Averill Occupation: StudentatFairfield Farm Field in Washington. University/part-time clerk in the Rain date is August 11. Watertown Town Clerk's Of- Robin Leach of the show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, will fice. be the auctoneer at noon. The event will also feature two polo games Getting a taste of town gov- at 10 am and 2 pm; an antique car show' a tailgate picnic competi- ernment. tion judged by Ruth and Skitch Henderson; a dressage exhibition at Marianne Monti, 19, is a 1 pm; arts and crafts; a 4 pm awards ceremony for best polo team sophomore at Fairfield Univer- and tailgate competition; and the celebrity auction. sity and is studying political Admission is $15 per car, or $5 per walk-in person. Refresh- science. She also is in her third ments will be available. Vendors are being sought and interested summer as a part-time clerk in parties should call Wendy Burke at 868-7873 for rental informa- the Watertown Town Clerk's office. Ms Monti, the daughter of Marino and Cathy Monti, of JOT. WhcetaHan Oakville, is a graduate of Holy Cross High School in Water- Plumbing Co. bury. She applied for the job almost three years ago and has • Residential • Commercial since been helping with the numerous tasks racing the town • • New Construction clerk's office. • Remodeling SheisaDean'sListstudentat Fairfield University, where she Emergency Service also does some volunteer work with the school alumni. 274-4625 Ms Monti, who also works part-timeatCarmersFlorist,said she likes her job because "the location isperfectand thepeople are wonderful." BELLA Cable TV Legislation Drastic Measure Senate Bill Should Be Opposed, Says Jamison PIZZERIA Legislation that will be pre- ers," he said. ing your pocket." 1098 Main St., Watertown • 945"0606 sented to Congress shortly could "Broadcasters already collect He said "broadcasters are result in cable television cus- $25 billion annually from adver- licensed to serve their commu- tomers having to pay for "free tisers," Mr Jamison continued. nities using, for free, airwaves WE NOW DELIVER! TV," according toJoshJamison, "Now they want cable custom- that belong to the public. When All of Watertown & Oakville general manager at Laurel Ca- ers to pitch in $3 billion more per cable operators carry broadcast blevision in Litchfield. year. stations, they do nothingbuthelp • Pizza • Calzones • Salads "That's right — for the first "And what will the cable the broadcaster by providing a • Grinders • Dinners time in history, cable customers customer get for all the money better picture and help increase could end up paying up to 20 they are paying? They will get their viewing audience for those WUABLECOUPON" percent more on the cable bills the same network shows, and homes which can't pick up their for simply hooking up to cable to commercials they pay for now." station off air. improve reception," Mr Jami- The Laurel general manager son said. said all cable customers need to "That translates into higher FREE The proposed legislation is get involved immediately in advertising revenues for the called S.12, the Cable Televi- order toavoid this anti-consumer broadcaster." 1 liter Bottle of sion Consumer Protection Act. legislation. Mr Jamison said the legislation "Call or write your senators R.C. or 7-UP is just the opposite of its name. and congressman and let them Taxpayers' Meeting 'With any Large Pizza Purchased "Not only will this legislation know you oppose this legisla- The Watertown-Oakville • wrm COUPON ONLY • ONE PER DEUVERY • COUPON MUST BE GIVEN stifle all the exciting advances tion," Mr Jamison said. "Doing Taxpayers Association will meet that have been made in program- so will result in continued ad- today [Thursday] at 8 pm in the IHSEEIBEEIBEIi ming and customer service, but vances in cable programming Oakville Branch Library, Davis it would result in a substantial and customer service, and keep Street All taxpayers are wel- increase in rates to our custom- broadcasters from further pick- come to attend.

For An Appointment Call: 274-5484

STONE CHIROPRACTIC PICKING UP THE PAGEANT: Members of the Watertown Lions Club and representatives of the Miss Greater Watertown Scholarship Pageantformalized an agreement recently at Heminway's Restaurant, CENTER that will have the club as the new main sponsor of the annual scholarship event. Left to right are Neil 1044 Main Street St. Onge, Lions' program chairman: Bernard Beauchamp, Lions' pageant committee chairman: Jan Suite 16 Watertown Peluso,pageantco-director;VanessaLogan,MissGreaterWatertownl991:andLorraineBuonocore, pageant co-director. The 1992 event tentatively is slated for March. — Times Photo, Valuckas Dr. Mark P. Stone .. A;4 Property- Town Times, July 18. w [ of the Watertown Historical Society tlimce Editorial wit Mince Hewn HUmec u Opinion Don't Expect A Miracle After listening to the soapbox specialists in Hartford, one might get the impression that there is a kind of alchemy under way in the state budget deliberations. However, the current tinkering with state tax formulas—a full measure of sales tax here, perhaps a pinch of income tax there — will not turn Connecticut's leaden economy into gold. Gov Lowell P. Weicker, Jr is not Merlin, and the kind of sorcery afoot in the legislature is of the ephemeral kind having more to do with the artifice of politics than with reality. The reality is that Connecticut is in an economic bind, and the problems with the economy will not be solved by even a perfect budget formula, if there is such a thing. The real estate Mousetraps were among the many novelty items made at Woolson Manufacturing Company.—Photo courtesy of the Walertown Historical Society. market is still trying to find its legs after falling flat (along with the banking industry) at the end of the great price run-up of the 80s; federal defense spending, long a prop to Connecti- cut's economy, appears shaky and uncertain; and poverty of Letters alarming proportions is eroding die foundations of our major cities, fostering crime, unemployment, and social decline in Commission Appreciates Fine Group Effort At Park a state that has long prided itself on its prosperity and To The Editor planted, nearly two wheelbar- the newspaper. To anyone who progress. On June 23,1991, the Parks rows ofbroken glass werepicked helped but not mentioned, your The great debate over the state budget and how citizens will and Recreation Commission, up. Tornado damage that should help was greatly appreciated. with the help of the Lions Club, have been cleaned up long ago It is a shame that this park be taxed is in reality a sideshow. The state tax structure, of held a clean-up at Sylvan Lake was finally cleaned up by Bill was neglected by die past Town course, has a bearing on the overall economic climate in the [Slade's Pond). The best part of and Henry Weriing, with help Council and previous Parks and state, but it is not the main event. Tax bills are not the only bills die clean-up was that 17 neigh- from Rob Valunas. Recreation Commission. With the people of Connecticut must pay. The cost of housing, borhood residents showed up to Ron Blanchard and seven die help of die present Town health care, and insurance are beyond the reach of a growing help. The Lions Club proved itis otherLionsClubmembers, along Council and die present Parks truly a great organization. with their kids, provided four and Recreation Commission, we portion of the state's population. Passing a state budget, no Copes' Rubbish Removal, hours of hard work that was will try to improve our existing matter how well conceived it may be, will not be a miracle with die help of Bill Dunbar, greatly appreciated. Mary Bla- parks. cure for Connectcut's economic ills. A responsible state provided free of charge a six- zys, George Behuniak, Linda Again, thanks to die thirty- budget that places as much emphasis on efficiency as taxa- yard dumpster. The dumpster Dohrman, Barbara Labeck, something people who helped tion, however, will be a step in the right direction. was quickly filled, and so were Molly Gelinas, and die Bridges, make this clean-up a super suc- $15 worth of garbage bags that who live in die neighborhood, cess. Special thanks to Lisa were piled alongside the worked very hard to clean up Lamphier-Fontano, Ron Blan- dumpster. A total of nearly 16 their park. chard, and Jean Rainone, who Some Relief For yards of trash was cleaned up. Joe Romano of Joe Ro's helped put thisclean-up together. lisa Lamphier-Fontano pro- Coffee Shop was nice enough to Sincerely, vided three trays of flowers that send down coffee. I wish I could Tom Olson, Prospective Jurors were planted around die rocks. mention everyone who helped, chairman. Parks and A reformed system of jury selection is due for implemen- Before die flowers could be but that would take up most of Recreation Commission tation in the Danbury and Litchfield Jundicial Districts Sep- tember 1. These reforms, already instituted in other areas of the state, are long overdue here. They replace a system that On Robert L 'L For Elmer' Steele imposed impossible hardships on citizens trying to fulfill their duties as prospective jurors. By Tommy Valuckas The current system requires those selected for jury duty to serve for four weeks, whether they are selected for a jury or This past Saturday morning was like virtually of die "t!"Ifyourname was Bertha, well, you always not. Under this antiquated system.citizens are asked to miss every other Saturday morning I have lived through got special treatment on your SOdi-plus birthdays— work, often without pay, for the privilege of sitting in a room since youthful days: sleepily wander into die kitchen "Happy Bertha-Day to you!" for a month waiting to be called. (The $10/day, 15 cents/mile for breakfast and coffee, and turn on die radio [if it Bob's show taught us all about diat ubiquitous wasn't on already] to its lifelong predetermined substance called "lefsa," a Norwegian cure-all diat stipend barely covers the costs of lunch and parking.) Under setting—WTIC1080 on die AM dial. went a long way and supposedly was great for this system, prospective jurors seem to do more time than A birthday party was in progress at die Buckland "indiyestion."Wegleefully sang the refrain whenever many of those convicted of crimes. Many citizens cannot Hills Mall in Manchester. This wasn't any ordinary diat song came on! serve without losing their financial solvency, their busi- party being broadcast, however. It was Bob Steele's And then there are die "Two Buffaloes" in diat nesses, or without leaving at home someone utterly depend- 80th, allegedly die final one we'll hear before he tuneful ditty by Rolf Harris, played far loo ent on them. Consequently, many are excused. retires October 1, culminating 55 years on the air as infrequently, in my mind, by Bob and his trusted The new One Day/One Trial system, due to take effect in Connecticut's most-celebrated morning disc jockey. studio engineers. Why, even Governor Lowell six weeks reduces die obligation of those not selected to serve DJs Arnold Dean and Tom McCarthy helped out Weicker mentioned die song in his tribute read over the air Saturday [1 guess the gov can'tbe all that bad], onajury to one day. Since most jury trials last just threeor four with reading the accolades for Mr Steele to the more than 1400 people who were diere "live" for die fete. I heard it enough, right on schedule, to assume days, even those who are selected for juries can expect fulfill I couldn't help but listen in to die festivities as I mat Bob always played "The 20th of May" on die their duties in less than a week. The hardships are greatly sipped my Java and waited for the raisin bread to pop 20th of May, but I wonder If Bob always has been reduced and as a result, more people serve. The change makes out of die toaster. erroneously picking [the sure curse of death] die it possible for those called to serve as jurors to approach their I mused there were two dungs diat have been a to win die American League obligation with a sense of duty rather than a sense of dread. certainty in our household: coffee pot on early, and pennant, whom did he pick in 1959, when die team Bob Steele on die radio. Until he passed away six actually did? years ago, my father always took care of those The exploits of his famous "uncles" are legend, necessities, as he did a third — stoking die old coal and I was interested particularly to hear what two of furnace at 5:30 am in the winter time, letting the rest them, Tubularand ColdRolled, were up to from time of us know a new day was about to dawn. to time. No one, and I mean no one, ever could recite If ithad snowed die nightbefore, we pined to hear Marriott Edgar's "The Lion and Albert" widi die Bob Steele say those magic words ihat-would make proper English intonation the way Bob could. ourday "... no school in Watertown-Oakville [Yay!] The memories from his radio shows are fondly ..." After cereal or oatmeal, it was back to bed, last recalled, and we haven't even gotten into die corny night's unfinished homework safe for anodier day. jokes yet! Those would take up an entire newspaper. Even after my local schooling had long since passed, His 1980 book, "Bob Steele — A Man and His I found myself rooting for diat same announcement Humor," has been sitting on our shelves all these from Mr Steele for current generations. years, largely unread. It was a gift to Pop. It's about It wasn't the hallowed halls of journalism school time I dust it off, and scoop up some of those that drilled into me the correct spelling of cherished tidbits heard through die years. These were the types of irons use oy housewives before electricity "congratulations." It was Bob's "Word for die Day," Dear Boob, er, I mean Bob: congraTuladons! And reached the homes. The irons were healed on the wood stove in the happy birthday! kitchen. — Photo courtesy of rhe Watertown Historical Society. and for gosh sakes, don't spell it with a "g" instead Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow Societyn Times, July 18,1991 - A-5 Cowit tumee XTown tames town Cimee wo XTimee Contracts Destroying Town, Not WOTA

To The Editor. ployer could not afford without school] $3,855 and $2,077 di- As president of WOTA laying off large numbers of fel- rector of athletics [junior high], [Watertown-Oafcville Taxpayers low employees. Now, your un- benefits$6,082each—thatadds Association], I would like to ion blames WOTA for destroy- up to a grand total of $ 129,066. answer Mr O'Donnell and Mr ing our school system when your Whatyou didn't include were Gargano, "Well Pr President of union could have a layoff of 21 other multiple benefits for each, WOTA, You've Gone TooFar." teachers, two clerical workers, which include $20,000 free life After reading your letters to seven to 12 paraprofessionals. insurance; 25 sick, personal, theeditorjdon'tthinklwentfar That's the numbers for 1991-92. death in family and bereavement enough. Your union claims that What are you going to do for days; sabbatical leave; severance WOTA is picking on teachers. the next two years in which you pay [which could amount to well Do you wonder why? After all, are looking for a 5 percent cost over $20,000]; professional salaries and benefits take 85 of living increase, plus a 4 per- development; dental plan; and percent of the school budget, the cent increase that would make a on and on. The cost of these vast majority of that going to total of 9 percent for 1992-93? multiple benefits couldeasily add teachers. And if you get the same for 1993- up to or surpass the figure of You claim to be professional 94, you are talking about an 18 $150,000. negotiators. I believe that you percent increase that would give Gentlemen, you are the ones are because you have proven it you two a salary [of] $65,922. destroying our school system, If the same number of people not WOTA. over the years by getting a union -Times Photo, Guarnieri contract that is second to none are excessed to pay for your high The bottom line for the tax- [other than the administrators' salaries and benefits, then 42 payers is that your taxes have contract]. The only thing is that more teachers, four more cleri- come down and will come down Taxpayers Still Seeking Reduction we, WOTA, have caught up to cal workers, and 24 to 34 more more with your support of paraprofessionals would be To The Editor: salaries. you and your union. WOTA. If I work for $12 an hour and forced to get axed. Both Republican and Demo- I have been a professional crat parties said to the Water- only work 185 days, but get paid negotiator long before you two In regards to the $150,000, Sincerely, town public, "Pass the first and for every hour of the day awake were bom. Never have I been you are not telling the whole Frank McHale, second referendum." The tax- or asleep, I would earn 24 hours part of a negotiating team that story. Your salaries are $55,485 WOTA president, payer said "no way." The Board times $12 equals a total of $288 signed a contract that the em- each, director of athletics [high Watertown of Education and the [Town] a day. Now take my $288 a day Council don't hear too well, and u'mesa 185 work day and I would Education Is A Valuable Gift they don't know what "no" earn $53,280, a little less than a means. I hope they read. teacher. To The Editor: is far better for your [grand] child tertown schools become a dis- I think some personnel in the Could I say I earned every A word to the parents and than any computer, video game, grace. schools should be terminated. penny? Give me 50 cents more grandparents of children in the bicycle, savings bond, etc. Don't Sincerely, They challenge the taxpayers' for my work day, which is seven Watertown school system: be shortsighted. Linda F.Accuosti, right to question the spending of hours, and I will pay my taxes Thegiftofadecenteducation Pass the budget before Wa- Watertown their tax dollars. The taxpayer is without complaint The unem- met with cries of "harassment" ployed, the elderly, and the street "misrepresentation," "use Nazi people should be so lucky. By Kim J. Harmon tactics," and charges of just being Our children and grandchil- In Case You Missed It... street people by town employ- dren deservebetter than they got, ees. Some may have even bro- or get from the millions of dol- The Illinois Pork it a little tougher for people to buy houses. Instead ken a few laws. lars spent on educators' salaries Queen Is Dead of hiring justa termite/house inspector prior to the Finally, a few teachers have and not on education. There will be no reason to visit Illinois next sale, prospective homeowners will now have to publicly stated they earn in ex- summer. hire the Ghostbusters. The taxpayers still want re- cess of $54,000 a year salary duction in taxes. The paper keeps I mean, not that you had one anyway. Or, if they are out of town, some mystic like [over $1,000 a week], then they the public informed. Keep up the But now that the Illinois Pork Producers Asso- Jeanne Dixon will probably do. cry they only earn about 50 cents good work. Hopefully, the tax- ciation will do away with the Illinois Pork Queen The Louisiana legislature approved a bill that an hour for the sports programs. payer will prevail. pageant, lovers of bacon and pork chops and even would not allow new homeowners to rescind a They don't talk about life insur- Sincerely, pork-fried rice will no longer need to make a pil- closed sale if they suddenly discover their house is ance-health benefits and other grimmage to Illinois to find some spiritual guid- haunted. Daniel Zuraitis, perks that add to the cost of their Watertown ance for their meat-eating ways. So, while the lawyer is checking the town clerk's It seems no young lady wishes to be saddled office for property leins and property boundaries, with the honor of being Pork Queen and presiding he now has to go through police records to find out over the hog pavilion at the Illinois State Fair. if anyone had been killed in the home. Imagine that. A new state office will probably be opened up just for that Capozzi Professional Building Asteroid Watch! 1192 Main Street. Watertown, CT 06795 Watch the skies. (203) 274-6721, FAX (203) 945-3116. USPS 635-480 No, not for flying saucers. For asteroids. The Practicing Safe Drug Advertising Sales 274-8851 chances of one crashing to Earth have suddenly Smuggling? No, Sir MAILING ADDRESS: become a lot greater... especially since a conven- Practice safe drug smuggling. Town Times, Inc. tion of scientists gathered in California and told us Ohuoha Uguru, 34, of Nigeria, tried ... but P.O. Box 1 so. failed. Watertown, CT 06795 According to these scientists,since more people He swallowed 70 condoms filled with heroin, R. Scudder Smith, Publisher will die if an asteroid smashed into the Earth the but when U.S. customs officials in New York be- statistical chances of any individual dying in such came suspicious enough to have take an X-ray, he Deborah B. Donnelly, Editor a cataclysm are much greater than any particular was taken into custody. Thomas Valuckas, Managing Editor individual dying in an airplane crash. Kim Harmon, Sports Editor Uguru later died at Jamaica Hospital in Queens, Lynne Pcrilli, Editorial Staff This news came on the heels of these scientists New York, after losing consciousness. Lew Bresee, Cartoonist-Editorial Assistant seeking more government and private industry Lea Hudak, Office Manager grants to buy telescopes which will help them Give Them Your Phone Vincent Dorso, Lynn K. Budris, Terrie Forte, discover any such asteroids. - Number Next Time Sharon Wilbet-Gibbs & Cynthia Weber, Imagine that Somewhere in the Criminal Code there are writ- Sales Representatives ten the Ten Commandments of Robbery andThiev- Phyllis Carter, Classified Don't Go To England ery and General Badness, with the first being Thou Martha Stammer, Production Supervisor With A Million Bucks shalt not reveal thyself to thine oppressors... or SUBSCRIPTION RATES If your travel plans this summer or fall include something to that effect. $18.00 — 1 year; $32.00 — 2 years England, make sure you are carrying less thanaSl Well, Alvin A. Robertson, 28,ofMeriden,broke Published Thursday by The Bee Publishing Company, Inc. million in your pocket that commandment and was sentenced to fiveyears 5 Church Hill Road According to a recent survey — this is Hue— in the slammer for the indiscretion. Newtown, CT 06470-5503 11 percent of British males would commit murder It seems he entered the Bristol Federal Savings for $1 million, if they knew they would get away Bank in Terryville on January 29 and handed the Second Class Postage Paid with it Three percent of the women surveyed con- clerk a note demanding money. It was the sixth at Newtown Post Office & Additional Entry Offices curred. timehehadhandedabankclerkasunilarnoteinthe POSTMASTER: Send address change to Town Times, P.O. Box 1 That's the kind of thing you definitely won't previous 27 months. Watertown, CT 06795 see in any travel brochure. It was also the first time he wrote the note on a Member Connecticut Editorial Association, New England Press deposit slip which had his name written on the Association, National Newspaper Association, Retail Businessmen's Check Your House For back. Association of Washington Township, Woodbury Business Associa- Termites And Ghosts He was arrested that night and he confessed to tion, Southbury Business Association, Inc. The Louisiana S late Legislature wants to make the other five robberies. A-«-TtwPropertyn Times, July 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society TTimes ITowti Witness Cowti cimce Hown Clinch co Teachers, Administrators Have Proven Much Here To The Editor age of our students who scored [Grades 3,5, and 7, when com- dents received one marking pe- 1991. Thiscurriculum will move In his letter of My 11,1991, above the remedial level is well pared to other students by grade riod of formal computer instruc- children steadily upward through Mr [Wigand] Garbrecht asked above the state average in every across the United States], are tion. It should also be noted that a developmental progression. about the improvement in edu- subtest at every grade level. ranked at the top of the scale. For an extensive computer curricu- Another area which the state cation since "massive raises" Ninety-eight percent of the example, our fifth graders scored lum has been implemented has mandated is health educa- have been implemented. As eighth graders who were tested at the 91st percentile [reading] within the past five years. Grades tion. Numerous guidelines must chairwoman of the Curriculum scored above the remedial level and the 98th percentile [lan- K-12. be followed. Watertown'shealth and Instruction Committee of the in all three subtests — mathe- guage], 97th percentile [math], At the sixth grade level, stu- education spans Grades K-12. Board of Education, I feel it is matics, reading, and writing. and the 94th percentile [listen- dents learn the keyboard. At the Again, teachers worked dili- my responsibility to respond to These results are accomplished ing]. A careful review finds K-5 grade level, appropriate use gently to create a curriculum his inquiry. by teachers—not only by teach- similar results at the third and of the computer is integrated into under the direction of an admin- Many feel that test scores ers at the seventh and eighth seventh grade levels. curricular areas. The classroom insure accountability. If that is grade levels—but by all teach- These results are not 'luck." teacher is responsible for work- Over the pasttwoyears, major one'sbelief.thenareviewoftest ers. They are the fruit and much ing with this curriculum. Cur- revisions occurred at the high scores is in order. All students in When compared to other teacher and administrative la- riculum revision occurs continu- school level. Examples of Grades 4, 6, and 8 throughout eighth graders in surrounding bor. Each timetestingis imposed ously in the areas of computer courses that were implemented Connecticut are tested in the towns, Watertown's percentage upon a school system, curricu- education. For example, theninth are Contemporary Applied areas of mathematics, reading, was the highest lum must be reviewed, revised, grade curriculum presently is Mathematics, Word Processing, and writing. Scores are reported The Stanford Achievement and aligned. Teams of teachers, being revised. In order to meet Critical Thinking/Study Skills, by (own throughout the state. Test results indicated that Wa- under the leadership of an ad- the needs of a changing Health Courses Grades 11 and By comparison, the percent- tertown students who were tested ministrator.spendmonthsatsuch workplace, teachers attempt to 12, Using the Computer in Sci- a task. Once the curriculum has meet these needs by incorporat- ence, and practical arts courses been revised, teacher training ing revisions into curriculum. in the areas of industrial arts, takes effect. Careful planning of Close coordination of all cur- business education, and con- such training is required. Water- ricular areas is necessary to in- sumer home economics. town teachers and administra- sure uniformity. If one cares to review the tors have proven themselves to A new science curriculum results of our last compliance be professionals who "get re- was developed [summer of 1990] review from the state Depart- sults." and implemented last fall. Sev- ment of Education [which is What else has occurred in our eral teacher training workshops macroscopic in scope], the fol- system? Let's simply review the were held. Attendance was ex- lowing statements were included last few years. In the summer of cellent. A new hands-on ap- among the many commenda- 1990, a team of teachers created proach to the teaching of science tions: a Humanities Curriculum at was stressed. Two years ago an 1. "The Watertown School Swift Junior High School. Art integrated language approach District is to be commended for and music were integrated at the was implemented in the teach- implementing its Education, seventh grade level. Our students ing of reading/language arts. Evaluation, and Remedial As- were not just preparing for the Again, inservice had to be sistance Plan with a purpose and Mastery Test they were receiv- orchestrated and teachers needed with foresight, andclearly should ing a well-rounded education. to become acclimated lothisform be a model for similar districts." Grant monies supplemented this of teaching. A new Early Inter- 2. "Watertown should be curriculum. vention curriculum was written commended for its Process of A new computer curriculum over the last two years, and will Writing Program and its moni- was instituted at Swift. All stu- be implemented in the fall of toring of student achievement in this area." 3. "Watertown should be commended for incorporating SUMMER AND the direct teaching and listening skills as part of their language SEPTEMBER OPENINGS arts curriculum." IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR 3 & 4 YEAR OLDS 4. The revised mathematics curriculum guides for Grades 3, OPEN 6:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 5, and 7 are very comprehen- MONDAY TO FRIDAY sive, as is the high school docu- ment" Our activities are intended to encour- 5. "The professional devel- age a positive self-image and broad- opment program addresses iden- en your child's horizons! tified needs over a long term and Our flexible programs are set up to thus has made a significant flNTIQU

Dear Friend:

Now that the warm wind of freedom has thawed the frozen hearts of communism, Colors, Cuts-N-Ctirls the opportunity exists to open minds with successful western ideals and methods.

The Albanian League ofPrizrea: a non-profit organization, desires to create a newslet- 274-2571 ter to foster true democratic concepts among the Albanian speaking people of the Balkan Welcomes Hair Stylist Peninsula. For those who watched the TV program 20/20, on June 21,1991, the plight of the Alba- nian people was seen as a true picture of what is taking place in Albania today. Now is the time for all nations to unite and get behind efforts to help all to their staff. Albanian people. To undertake this effort on a large scale we need to ask concerned Americans like yourself for financial assistance. Nancy is educated In order to educate, prepare, and encourage the advancement of Eastern Europeans; in all up-to-date we appreciate the input and insight that successful Americans can offer. hair services Any CONTRIBUTIONS, would be greatly appreciated and may be sent to ALBANIAN Crestwood Flaza, Watertown LEAGUE OF PRIZREN, P.O. BOX 227, PORT CHESTER, NY 1057J. (Our parking lot adjacent to Burger King) Yours very truly, Man., Wed. 9-5; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-8 Saturday 8-3 ALBANIAN LEAGUE OF PRIZREN A-8 - TowPropertyn Times, July 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society People In News Walter LeMay.Democratregistrar of volers.and Alice Madeux, Republican registrar, were honored^for 20 years of service as registrars at the June 17-18 state Registrars of Voters Association Convention at the Marriott in Farminglon. The pair was elected to the Ways and Means Committee for two years. Among the conven- tion highlights was a display and demonstration of new electronic voting machines. Mary Louise Hallenbeck and Nadine V. Valaitis of Watertown have been selected as Outstanding Young Women of America for 1991 and will be featured in the annual OYWA awards publication. Mary Lou AHwein, Polly Merriman and Gail Sangree were among the 20 volunteer guides and teachers recently honored at the Matlatuck Museum's annual docent picnic. Ms Allwein was honore forgiving the most tours throughout the 1990-91 season, while Ms Merriman and Ms Sangree received an honorable mention in the same category. Greg Veneziano, Al Miller and Sandra Broden were recently inducted into the Watertown Rotary Club. In The Military Army National Guard Pvt. Andy Sotomayor, son of Acela Harris and stepson of David O. Harris of Oakville, has completed basic military police training at Fort McClellan in Anniston, Ala- BACKFROMTHEGUW:CorporalEdwardC.Greene,Jr[fourthfromlefl],thesonofEdandKaren bama. He is a 1990 graduate of Watertown High School. Greene, Sr, ofWatertown, is shown with some of his friends during a recent welcoming home party. With him, left to right, are John Quadrato [foreground]', Dave Peitinicchi, Mike Mancini, Dave Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Carl L. Miller, son of Theresa J. Jannetty,Brian Cuttitta, andMarkPerron. Corporal Greene servedinthe PersianGulffromJanuary Chavez of Oakville, recently reported for duty aboard the aircraft to April, 1991, on the front line, in a MlAl tank with the 2nd Marine Division. Photo courtesy of Ann carrier USS America, homeported in Norfolk, VA. Cuttitta. Summit Restaurant & Lounge 16 Straits Turnpike Watertown 274-1320 9th Anniversary Celebration! Afae *)K Ocvt Aocatye During the The Dixie Land Ramblers Sealy Sale you can save Friday Night 7-1&91 9 pm-lam No Cover on the purchase of any 8 Complimentary Hot & Cold Hors D'oeuvres Sealy and Sealy Posturepedic® set. Call For Our Weekend Specials Happy Hour In Our Lounge Mon.-fii, 4-7 * Complimeataiy Eons d'oeuvres SEALY CHALET Regularly Open ) Gift Certificates for any 7DaysaWeek f I occasion always available twin ea. pc. Reg. «99

Full ea. pc. reg.'159 NOW»105 Queen set reg. «399 NOW'269 MORE PROOF THfiT THE HEARTBEAT King set reg. «499 NOW'399 OF fiMERICfi IS WINNING SEALY GALAXY I GET TO KNOW GEO VALUE NEW 1991 GEO PRIZM 4 DR. SEDAN Equipped with 1.6 MFI, DOHC 1.4 engine, automatic trans- mission, air conditioning, power steering, AM/FM stereo, Full ea. pc. reg.'189 NOW '129 full wheel covers, rear defroster, rear stabilizer bar, P175/70 Queen set reg. '499 NOW379 R13 B/W radials, LH remote, R.H. manual sport mirrors, King set reg. «599 NOW'479 tinted glass, 4 wheel independent suspension. SEALY POSTUREPEDIC $ Several to choose from 9503 PREMIUM INVITATION twinea. pc. Reg.'149

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PRIZM 4-DR. SEDAN Price includes all rebates and first time buyer, If applicable. Taxes, title, registration extra. XAtchfieid County^ JOHN CHARBONNEAU AND CHRIS HILL'S Bedding Center

SALEM Ou—n Mxl Mog ita— «oM hi —te only, plrni. CHEVROLET • Geo Summer Hours (945-01131 FREE delivery & 1-800-722-3399 Mon.-Sat. 10-5 9B 519 Main St.. FREE removal of old bedding 125 So. Main St., Naugatuck 729-8221 ThUfS. 10-8 watertown (next to Country Cinema) Property of the Watertown Historical TbwSocietyn Times; July 18,199 1 - A-9 Good News, Connecticut Bank & Trust Is Now Fart Of Fleet/Norstar. And Will Be Known As

Fleet Bank For the last three months we have been waiting for final approval of our purchase of Bank of New England, Connecticut Bank & Trust and Maine National Bank by the federal regulatory agencies. That approval is now official. As of today, ownership and management of the Bank of New England franchises has been transferred to Fleet/Norstar. And that's good news for New England. Good news because we can now begin putting the technology in place that will enable us to bring you our full array of exciting and innovative bank- ing products. Products designed to make your banking quicker, easier and more convenient. As part of this process, a number of things will change in the next few months. First, the name. In the intervening weeks you will see Connecticut Bank & Trust's name replaced by Fleet Bank on the many branches and ATMs throughout the state. If you are a Connecticut Bank & Trust customer, you will also see our name begin to appear on the forms and documents that you use in the course of your day-to

Equal Opportunity Lender. Equal Housing lender, til A-10-TowPropertyn Times, July 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgHorticultural Therapy: People And Plants Grow Together A rose may be a rose to poet deal of positive feedback from "He's been wonderful with Gertrude Stein, but to registered doctors and other staff members, donations and support He'sbecn horticultural therapist Katherine who notice a change in the pa- terrific—very, very supportive. Heminway of Watertown, it is tients' attitudes on the mornings This confirms that we can put an important tool in the healing after a horticultural program has people back into the commu- process. taken place. nity. It can't end at the Institute; Ms Heminway, who works "Theysaytheynoticeahigher it has to be extended." with more than 200 psychiatric level of enthusiasm, excitement Other program goals include: patients at Hartford's Institute and interest. That means a lot to enhancing and maintaining skills of Living [IOL], has found that me. Wecan'tchange people, but such as concentration and moti- the planting, nurturing and gen- we do help to lighten the load a vation; adapting to a work sched- eral involvement of people with little bit." ule; manual dexterity; the ability plants have more benefits than Ms Heminway sees a parallel to function underpressure; chan- can be counted. between watching a plant grow neling aggressive behavior Apparently the hospital and watching a patient's person- through constructive activity; agrees, since last year it built a ality grow, along with the seed- building self-confidence; and 2,000-square-foot greenhouse ling. There's something about increasingthe ability to cope with for the horticultural program, being closely related to the life daily tasks, as well as offering with funding provided by the cycle that renews interest in life. more opportunities for patients Women's Auxiliary of the Insti- It's also a good and safe way to make constructive use of their tute, and the Heublein Corpora- for a terminally ill person to talk leisure time. tion is named "The abouthis or her impending death. Because the program is run Inez Nappier Mundy Green- Hospice programs throughout year-round, Ms Heminway con- house," dedicated to the insti- tute's late, longtime director of rehabilitative services. "They say they notice a higher level of enthu- "I was lucky to work under her [Ms Mundy] for awhile," siasm, excitement, and interest. That means a lot said Ms Heminway, who sees to me. We can't change people, but we do help the construction of the green- to lighten the load a little bit." house as a tangible, visible symbol of support for and ac- — Katherine Heminway knowledgement of the special rehabilitative program. the country are now using horti- stantly seeks new, creative ideas Horticultural therapy is simi- Horticultural therapist Katherine Hendnway holds baby Hanna, cultural therapy to deal with this, to implement into activities for lar in theory to the pet therapy : who's studying a flower. Behind her, husband David sits with Ben she said. the patients. program, which brings people and Sara, who are holding bunny flower-holders.—Times Photo, Activity is not limited to the Decorated wreaths are made Perilli and animals together in a non- threatening bond of love and garden, but is geared toward from dried flowers; and fresh nurturing. preparing the person for re-entry and dry floral arrangements also into the community. Lower- are created. "We take it a little further," functioning individuals can be In the fall, Ms Heminway said Ms Heminway, who ex- helped, as well as the more works with the institute's resi- plained that plants can be used in higher-functioning ones. DR. JOHN McHUGHi either a leisure or vocational dents making herbal vinegars and context "With hort-rehab, I can do swags of dried herbs. Creating PODIATRIST work/skill assessment," Ms I "For example, with geriatric dish gardens is a popular spring Heminway said, "through a time activity. Medical and Surgical Footcare patients—many of whom have variety of tasks I can evaluate fanning in their backgrounds— the work skills of patients, such it's a good way for them to In addition, a vegetable gar- as punctuality, dependability, den is cultivated and maintained Permanent Correction reminisce, to bring them back to length of attention span, ability reality. and fresh produce, such as toma- to deal with customers and toes, hot and sweet peppers, • BUNIONS INGROWN TOENAILS "Let's say, we start out by money, etc growing basil or sage. The room onions, carrots, potatoes, sweet "These are skills we take for com, eggplants, pumpkins, and • CORNS HEEL SPURS is filled with the herbs' aroma and the next thing you know, grantedbutthey'rehardforthose stringbeans, is sold toraisefunds, who are trying to get back into which are used in the horticul- • CALLOUSES WARTS we're talking about their kitch- ens or favorite recipes," she said. the community. I'll train people tural therapy program. Medical Insurance Horticultural therapy in- to run a greenhouse, for example, and then they can go out and get Not only do learned skills Accepted volves much more than trips transcend the psychiatric envi- down memory lane, however. a job. They're able to team skills DEPOT SQUARE MALL at a slower pace. We set them up ronment, they are also used in For the schizophrenic or severely fan, community events. Each 274-1773 WATERTOWN depressed person, it is a way of for success inside the hospital," she stressed. year Ms Heminway and IOL stimulating the senses and reaf- residents get involved with the firming life. She mentioned that Water- Hartford Flower Show. This "With a flower, I can often town resident David Genovese, year, their entry won the"Judge's get a smile out of someone who who is owner of the Country Special Award" in the education doesn't smile about anything," Boy Greenhouse, recently hired exhibit Ms Heminway noted. one of her patients after his dis- She said she receives a great charge. "We were absolutely eddin thrilled," Ms Heminway said. A board member of the New England Chapter of Horticultural Loft Therapy, Ms Heminway recently was acknowledged for her hard Quality Bedding For Less! work and dedication by being awarded the prestigious "Linda J. Stacey Service Excellence Award." She is quick to share some of the credit with her husband, David, who she says is extremely supportive of her endeavors and FLOOR COVERING works around her schedule to help in rearing their three chil- $L€€P ON VOUR $(W1NG$ Think of floors, think of dren, Sara, 6, Ben, 22 months, "HOUSE OF VINYL" and seven-month-old Hannah. Guaranteed less than deportment/furniture forallyor floor covering needs. Besides the rewards of fam- score s best sole pried VINYL .TILE -CARPET •CERAMIC -WOODS SOB ROCflS ily life, it is evident that Kather- Simply the Urea's Best Vokie in Ouatu Simmons B«outvr«st Bedding... Compan u*h onv competitor and Own sov«... 1175 Main St., Watertown, CT 06795 ine Heminway's other rewards 274-6066 are found in nurturing plants and ••'••'.".' (Hraotfy acraaa from Dunkin' ponutt] personalities and watching both FAMILY summer Hre;Tue»,.Fti.iO-4.30; FW-Y flower. OWNED •'..'. —LYNNEPERILLI Property of the Watertown HistoricalTbw nSociety Times, July 18,1991 - A-ll, Camp, Visiting Are Favorites Of Youngsters PLAYGROUND QLESTION OF THE WEEK" "What are the three best and most fun things you' re going to do Mr summer?"

Meghan Torok, 8, Robert Rose, 10, Coritha Homer, 10, Kelly Woodruff, 10, Joe Sheaves, 10, ofWatertown ofWatertown of Oakville ofOakville ofWatertown

"I'm going swimming, to New ". . . swimming, to Riverside "I'mofftocamp, swimming, and "... Riverside Park, swimming, "/' m going to Maine, swimming, York City, and to camp." Park, and to the beach." visiting in Mississippi" and camp." and visiting my cousins." [Editor's Note: The "Question of the Week" feature will appear regularly in the Town Times during the Parks and Recreation Department's summer playground season at Swift Junior High School.]

Early Childhood Program At Local Library Early Childhood Systematic healthy discipline, democratic UNUSUAL GIFT training for Effective Parenting parenting, and building strong SHOPS ffi [STEP], far parents of children self-esteem. Sifts of Love and Laughter Draperies & Slipcovers of infants to age 5, is underway No childcare is available at • Shades • Mini-Blinds at the Watertown Library, 470 the sessions. • Vertical Blinds • Pleated Shades Main Street, on Mondays Practical & through August 12. The free Family Ties is the parentedu- Impractical Gifts All draperies custom made on premises program, sponsored by Family cation and support center of the We measure and install FREE of charge Ties, runs from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Waterbury Youth Service Sys- Shop-At-Home Service STEP teaches parents under- tem, Inc. For more information, "Ask Your Friends* Neighbors About Us" standing of young children, how callRebeccaBryanFureyat573- 36 Center St., Waterbury 756-0220 to communicate effectively, 0264. ; Over 140 years of experience & service bring you the best in CDs. 1 Year 50 Day* 1 Year CD CenterStage 50 CD CenterStage 50 CD 6.48% 6.61% 6.50% Annual Effective Yield" Annual Effective Yield"" Annual Effective Yield" 6.30% 6.42% 6.32% Annual Interest Rate Annual Interest Kate Minimum Deposil $"500. j Minimum Deposit SI,000. Minimum Deposit $1,000. Offer available to Offer available to CenterStage so members only. CenterStage 50 members only.

Now's the time to invest in a Centerbank Certificate of Visit a nearby branch or call 1-800-622-6248. For Deposit. We offer some of the hardest working rates current rates, call 1-800-325-9105 (in Waterbury, call around, monthly compounding and a variety of terms. It's 574-1298) anytime, day or night. easy to open a Centerbank CD, and at maturity you can even People, experience and service .. . the three principles reinvest in a new term with a simple phone call! that help us provide the best in products and the best in customer service. "50 Day CD available from June 17 - August 6, 1991. "Annual effective yield eamed if principal & interest remain on deposit for one full year at the same rate. Initial rate may not be available at renewal. Substantial penalty for early-withdrawal. Rates subject to change without notice. Stanches serving Waterbury, Bethel, Bethlehem, Brookfleld, Cheshire, Ncwtown, Oakville, Prospect, Southbury, Watertown, Wolcott, Woodbury.

Member FDIC CENTERBANK Sen ice — yesterday, today, tomorrow A-12-TownProperty Times, July 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society

If you're bent on dri drink, take a lessor don't become one! you that there are t drinking and driving pie are getting Mrt. Now, the laws are c they can't do it all. 1 person who can do try to put a stop to t statistics....and that remember and eas] Dont Drink and automobiles and al<

This Message Is Sponsored By The Following

A. E. PONTON CO. CAVALLO'S CRESTBROOK RESTAURANT DOMINO'S PIZZA HELPUI Vacuum Cleaner Repairing Northfield Rd., Watertown Crestwood Plaza, 1278 Main St Pennant 208 Main St, Oakville 274-1628 Watertown 274-6711 285 Main St 274-1647 THE CENTERBANK DRUG CITY ALLYN'S CLEANERS Straits Tpke, Watertown 1161 Main St, Watertown THEHEMINV 15 Echo Lake Rd, Watertown Main St, Oakville 274-5425 MANUFA 274-1636 Member FDIC 150Callendi ECONOMY TIRE CENTER AMERICAN ROOTER & SEPTIC CHARLIE FENN'S HAIRCUTTERS 1371 Main St, Watertown HERTI 36 Heath St., Oakville We carry a full tine ofNexxus Products 274-0295 365 Main 274-7338 or 753-8675 1156 Main St, Watertown 945-0671 • 274-9576 ELDERLY HEALTH SCREENING ANALYTICAL CONSULTING Testing Available - 60 and over TECHNOLOGY, INC Si»o«i«lbjl«»lo«>mk*mBo^bs,St.l«Dti»!liiI, COLONIAL CORRUGATED WaHn CtulN. Caul Am A atfc.«.A hj*St.M«7IiHo^t>I Lead Testing & Drinking Water P.O. Box 2753,118 Railroad Hill St. r t HICKCOX I 127 Echo Lake Rd., Watertown 195 Main Waterbury 597-1707 ENGINEERED SINTERINGS 274-1290 T AND PLASTICS, INC. CONNECTICUT GYMNASTICS SCHOOL, INC 134 Commercial St., Watertown ANGELA'S HAIR DEPOT "One of the only schools of it's kind in the area" HOSKING Complete Line of Services 979 Main St, Watertown ENTERPRISE CARBIDE TOOL CO. REDBAS 51 Depot St, Depot Square Mall 274-9766 114 Porter Watertown 274-1060 Knight St., Watertown 21 274-1959 COPES RUBBISH REMOVAL 227 Commercial St, Watertown BARIBAULT OIL CO., INC. EVERTTT'S GARAGE 274-1444 600 Main St, Oakville Everitt Lane, Oakville 274-2147 HOUSE OF VB>H 274-3284 or 274-6723 CRESTWOOD TRAVEL, INC. 1175 Mail 1278 Main St, in the Crestwood Plaza 2 BIG A AUTO PARTS OF WATERTOWN FAMILY PET, INC. Watertown 274-7568 Full Selection of Pet Supplies 1125 Main St, Watertown HOWL/ 274-9623 Depot Square Mall, Watertown 274-4065 Waterbury's Frii Bank St, Do D'AMICO AGENCY INSURANCE BRADSHAW, INC., JEEP-EAGLE 7 Sales & Service 708 Main St, Oakville FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS 554 Main St, Rt 73, Oakville 274-1457 Subsidiary of Webster Financial Corp. 686 Main St. 274-8818 H.S. 274-8834 - 274-2064 45 Freigh D'AGOSTINO GENERAL CONTRACTOR 544 Straits Tpke. 274-7589 BRAXTON MFG. CO., INC. 33 Williams Ave, Oakville Echo Lake Rd., Watertown 274-0707 FUSCO'S INC., AUTO SALVAGE 274-6781 Domestic & Foreign L'sed Cars HYLIE PRi DAVELUY'S RESTAURANT Ledge Rd., Watertown 669 .««-aits T THE BRIDAL MANOR 150 Echo Lake Rd., Watertown 274-6338 or 274-6735 1197 Main St, Watertown 274-8829 274-7776 THE GOWANS-KMGHT CO., INC. JAEB MANUf DAVE'S AUTO UPHOLSTERY Knight St, Watertown 55 DiNunzi. BSD INSURANCE 430 Main St, Oakville 274-8801 27' Discounts on Combined Auto & Home Policy 274-3922 132 Prospect St., Waterbury GREATER WATERTOWN VISITING NURSES JOHN'S COf 574-5200 DAYTON CONSTRUCTION CO. Private Duty Care, 24 Hr. Staff Supervision, RN's - LPlfs Ginny &. 146 Bunker Hill Rd., Watertown 118 Echo Lake Rd., Watertown 671 Main S 274-2998 274-7531 27<

CAPINERA PLUMBING & HEATING DEPOT SQUARE WINES & SPIRITS HAIR IN MOTION Quality Work at Competitive Prices Dedicated to the Wine Enthusiast Complete Hair Care JONATHAN'S HAIR New Construction - Remodeling - Repair Work Depot Square Mall, Watertown 61 Riverside St, Oakville 756 Thomastafl 274-6398 274-7022 274-2473

THE CARPET BARN DEMSEY MANUFACTURING CO. HEALTH COMPLEX PHARMACY 250 Porter St, Watertown 78 New Wood Rd., Watertown 55 DeForest St, Watertown 274-6851 274-6209 274-8816 JOSEPH TIL 274 CARTER'S MFRANCESCO INSURANCE AGENCY, INC HEALTH TOUCHES EAST SIDE SERVICE STATION Leonard, Pat & John DiFrancesco Margaret Walker, RN 274-9320 KEELER&LO 240 Echo Lake Rd., Watertown 1115 W. Main St, Waterbury Massage Therapist 274-5206 EchoLakeR 274-8789 7564176 By Appt, 1109 Main St, Watertown 274. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown TimesSociety, My 18.1991-A-1 3

ing yourself to from statistics... statistics will show D many people As a result, peo- ge^ng killed. stting tougher, but lere's still one lis or her ese horrifying you. It's easy to to do....don't mix >hol. it Drink and Drive bncerned Professional and Business

MJTED.INC. KEITH & JIM'S SPIRTTS NEIL'S AUTO BODY, INC. SEMONE'S UPHOLSTERY COMPANY - Temporary 384 Buckingham St, Oakville 1029 Main St., Watertown Custom Upholstery akville 274-7511 274-4889 Bus. 274-2463, Res. 274-3105 200 Monmouth Ave., Waterbury 756-4893 OAKVILLE VFW THE KNOTHOLE THE SIEMON COMPANY i & BARTLETT Post 7330 651 Main St, Watertown Siemon Divisions URINGCO. 274-5082 :d, Watertown Siemon Dynamic Division JOHN G. O'NEILL FUNERAL HOME Siemon Electronic Division 274-2523 IE BANK LEDGEWOOD PRIVATE PRE-SCHOOL Peter J. Zakowich Watertown 619 Guernseytown Rd., Watertown 742 Main St,OakviIle STEBCO PRINTERS, INC. mberFDIC 274-0390 274-3005 56 New Wood Rd, Watertown 274-7555 CYNTHIA D.LeMAY Certified Public Accountant OWL & PUSSYCAT SULLIVAN INSURANCE AGENCY IERAL HOME 210 Jericho Rd., Watertown NURSERY SCHOOL, INC Depot Square Mall Watertown 2744168 262 Main St, Oakville Watertown 2744871 383 274-5995 - 274-3247 LEO'S IRON WORKS TAVERN NEAR THE GREEN RSERYAND Commercial, Industrial & Residential 675 Main St, Watertown SIFT SHOP McLennan Industrial Park, P.O. Box 62 PAR GLASS COMPANY 945-3029 , Watertown McLennan Dr., Oakville 274-2781 117 Echo Lake Rd, Watertown 274-2151 TERRI'S HAIR-N-NOW LIQUOR BAZAAR Family Hair Care Specialists PHCtLSON, INCORPORATED 1109 Main St, Watertown 627 Straits Tpke., Watertown 1465 Main St., Watertown 274-9870 iLOOR COVERING 274-«900 274-8811 ., Watertown LORAINE GARDENS TORRJNGTON SUPPLY CO, INC. KM6 PHIL'S STEAK & LOBSTER HOUSE Plumbing, Heating, Industrial Supplies Florists 1815 Watertown Ave, Waterbury Waterbury 756-3641 i-HUGHES 1359 Main St, Watertown 754-2149 274-8844 y Department Store TREASURE BOX »wn Waterbury Country Gift Store 1121 MAIL ROOM R & R NAPA AUTO PARTS 125 Main St, Oakville Crestwood Plaza 400 Watertown Rd., Thomaston 283-5831 274-4756 IE CO. 1278 Main St, Watertown 274-7735 1405 Main St., Watertown 274-8803 . Waterbury Open Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5:45, Sat 10-1 in RAYMOND'S JEWELERS VIDEO GALAXY 33 637 Main St., Watertown Large Selection of New & Used Movies $9.95 & up MALE IMAGE HAIR STYLING 274-4300 JCTS, INC. Large Selection of Nintendo Men's & Women's Hair Styling 1650 Watertown Ave.. Westwood Plaza 685 Main St., Watertown Waterbury 756-4648 274-4143 TURING CO. RDMALDI'S RESTAURANT MARIA'S HAIR STYLISTS Straits Tpke., Watertown , Oakville 473 Main St., Watertown WATERTOWN ROTARY CLUB 274-5033 Always willing to serving the community (7 274-9255 Thank you for your support CTIONERY MARK'S GARDEN CENTER ROSEMARY'S BAKERY i Candee 711 Main St, Watertown WATERTOWN MEAT CENTER Gift Certificates 274-3473 Watertown 470 Main St, Oakville 485 Main St, Watertown 12 274-6898 274-2714


INC, PAINT MILESTONE MOTEL 7-ELEVEN FOOD STORE fatertown 146 So. Pomperaug Ave, Woodbury 188 Davis St, Oakville 274-6668 WINDOW WONDERLAND, INC. 263-2800 Anisha & Rajiv Mody, Prop. 274-0029 A-14-TowPropertyn Times, July 18,199 1of the Watertown Historical Society Births RAYMOND — A daughter, rence M. and Sharon Patricia Aprea and Rose Raymond, both are Mr and Mrs Edward Hogan Hospital, to William J. and Jennifer Elizabeth, June 29 in [Aprea) Raymond of Oakville. of Norwalk. Great-grandmoth- of Watertown, and Mr and Mrs MarisaG. [Vernale] Franzeseof Waterbury Hospital, to Law- Grandparents are Patrick J. ers are Elizabeth James and Ellsworth Leach of Oakville. Waterbury. Grandparents are Theresa ;.„ Mfari, both of Nor- Margaret Vernale of Waterbury, walk. SALVATORE — A daughter, and Frank and Marion Franzese Neman? • Paul Mitchell • Matrix Danielle Elizabeth, June 30 in of Oakville. KUNCAS — A daughter, Jil- St. Mary's Hospital in Water- lian Ann, My 3 in Waterbury bury, to William and Wendy Hospital, to Alphonse P. and ' H/aktzlengths [Fisher] Salvatoreof Watenowa PARTRIDGE — A son, Con- Justine V. [Kumpikevich] Kun- Grandparents are Ruih Fisher of cas, Jr, of Waterbury. Grandpar- nor Film, June 25 in St Mary's Pioneer Plaza Hair Salon Boons Oakville, and William and Vic- Hospital in Waterbury, to Law- ents are Alphonse and Kay toria Salvatore of Watertown. 544 Straits Tpke. nm A nirnn Mon.-JFri. 9:30-8; Kuncas of Watertown, and rence Partridge and Lisa Film, Watertown, CT &11-I OUJJ Sat 9-6 Danieiand Justine Kumpikevich both of Watertown. Grandpar- The Most Unique Hair Styling for the Whole Family at Affordable Prices of Waterbury. FR ANZESE—A son, Michael ents are Frank and Virginia Par- .Francis, June 25 in Waterbury tridge of Rocky Hill. A Summertime Look with Sunglitz KAROLICKI — A son, Brian Michael, June 26 in St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury, to Boris Engagements Karolicki and Jeannette Chin- LONG HAIR EXTRA •WITH THIS AD • EXP SJ1-91 chilla-Karolicki of Watertown. Grandparents are Carlos and Atejandra Chinchilla, and Henry and Lila Karolicki, all of Costa babies s Rica. BREINER — A son, Brandon beyond John, June 24 in St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury, to Keilh and Lisa [Blacker] Breiner of c^rf<=Stitcn in Waterbury. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert V. Blacker, Jr, Quality Children's Clothing • Newborn to 14 of Watertown, and Mrs Bernard Breiner of Waterbury. Sneak Preview of Our Back-To-School DeJESUS — A son, David FALL COLLECTION Justin, June 22 in St. Mary's Shop Now For Best Selection! Hospital in Waterbury, to Jorge DeJesus and Carol Davidson of • Lay-A-Way Available • Waterbury. Grandparents are "Hot Off The Rack" Marianne Matolcsy and Mark William Sprankel Summer Clearance Continues Gordon and Cecilia Davidson of Watertown, Dalila Sepulveda of Mr and Mrs James Matolcsy of Watertown announce the engage- • MasterCard • Visa • American Express Waterbury, and Juan DeJesus of ment of their daughter Marianne Matolcsy toMark William Sprankel 697 Main Street, Watertown, CT • 945-3031 Passaic, NJ. of Hamden, CT, son of Mr and Mrs William Sprankel of Leonia, NJ. Men., Tues., Wed, Fri. 104; Thurs. 10-8; Saturday 10-5 An August wedding is planned. MALLEI"! E — A daughter, Miss Matolcsy graduated from Watertown High School and from Samantha Aubrey, July 2 in Fairfield University with a B.S. in economics. She is a financial Waterbury Hospital, to Larry L. analyst for Aetna Life and Casualty. and Kimberly Lois tWadman] Mr Sprankel graduated from Bergen Catholic High School in Princess Mallette of Watertown. Grand- Oradell,NJ andfromFairfieldUniversity with a B.S. in finance. He parents are Robert Jay Wadman is an accounting analyst for John W. Henry and Company in of Southbury, Kate Helen Wad- Westport,CT. Add»a»Pearl man of Waterbury, and Richard W. and Charlene R. Mallette of Two other brands also available, therefore, Southbury. Great-grandmother we can match any necklace, regardless of is Eva Wadman of Waterbury. where purchased. DEAN—A daughter, Michelle Ashley, June 21 in St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury, to Rich- ard and Sheila [Norman] Dean of Watertown. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Victor Norman of Waterbury, and Mr and Mrs David Martin of Oakville.

• Buy Individual Pearls or SAVE 20% when purchased by the inch. LAMPRON—A son, Jonathan • Buy Starter Necklace with a 14 Kt Gold Chain or SAVE '20.00 Philip, June 20 in St. Mary's when you buy a Gold-Filled Chain. Chain will eventually be cut Hospital in Waterbury, to John as pearls are added. and Robin [Okolo] Lampron of 1 No Charge for re-stringing add-a-pearls purchased at Sullivan's. Waterbury. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thaddeus Okolo, Sr, of Individual Ellington, and Mr and Mrs Ray- By tie inch Pearls GF Starter 14K Starter mond Lampron of Watertown. 3mm 5.25 per pearl 6.50 11.50 ••1.50 3.5mm 5.60 per pearl 7.00 12.00 32.00 MANCINI—Adaughter.Erica 6.00 per pearl 7.50 12.50 32.50 Jacqueline, June20in St. Mary's 4.5mm 8.40 per peart 10.50 15.50 35.50 Hospital in Waterbury, to Aldo 5mm 10.40 per pearl 13.00 18.00 38.00 and Sylvia [Cavallo] Mancini of 5.5mm 12.00 per pearl 15.00 20.00 40.00 Watertown. Grandparents are 5mm 14.40 per pearl 18.00 23.00 43.00 Robert and Terese Cavallo of 4950 3.5mm 18.75 per peart 24.50 29.50 Watertown, and Salvatore and Steven Michael Niele and Christine Curzio 7mm 25.00 per peart 31 JO 36.50 56.50 Gioconolina Mancini of Mon- treal, Canada. Mr and Mrs Anthony Curzio of Oakville announce the engage- - Ear Piercing *8.00 mentof their daughter Christine Curzio to Steven MichaelNiele, son Saturday, July 20th, 10:30-4 p.m. RINALDI — A daughter, jf Mr and Mrs Ronald Niele of Naugatuck. No Needles - Includes Earrings Angela Lynn, June 18 in St A September 7 wedding is planned. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury, Miss Curzio graduated from Watertown High School and from We Sell Single Diamond Earrings to Anthony and Linda [Bluick] Northeastern University in Boston with a B.S. in physical therapy. Rinaldi of Watertown. Grand- She is a physical therapist at Waterbury Hospital. parents are Mr and Mrs Stanley Mr Niele graduated from Naugatuck High School. He is a Bluick,Jr,ofWaterbury,andMr technician for American Copy Service Center in Waterbury. Sullivan s Jewelers and Mrs Antonio Rinaldi of Watertown. Town Times Photo Policy 340 MirMebury Rd., Middlebury Photos submitted to Town Times will be returned immediately fol- LEACH—A daughter, Danielle lowing publication when accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped 598-3305 Linda, July 1 in St. Mary's envelope. All photos not accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped Hours: Tues., Wed., Fri. 9:30-6:00 Hospital in Waterbury, to Ed- envelope may be picked up during office hours up to six weeks fol- Thurs. 9:30-7:30 • Sat. 9:30-5:00 ward and Kathleen [Hogan] lowing publication. All photos not claimed within six weeks follow- Leach of Oakville. Grandparents ing publication will be discarded. I Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, My 18,1991 - A-1 5 See What's Cooking In Enjoy. Weddings TAMMY. I LOVE YOU,

AMAAZZING! Lose weigit the quick and easy way.

Miss Marcia Alice Valuskas, daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Valuskas of Waterbury, was married to William David Tweedie, son MlmDUUrcf of Mr and Mrs Richard Tweedie of Watertown, on Saturday, May 18,1991, in The Immaculate Conception Church, Waterbury. The Reverend John Blanchfield officiated and a reception followed at Micro Dieters lose an average of the Mattatuck Museum in Waterbury. 14 pounds per month! The Janice Meleschnig, the bride's sister, was matron of honor. Amazing Micro Diet makes Mrs Edwin Altamimno Bridesmaids were Alison Prior, Earline Tweedie, Lisa Tysko, and weight vanish quickly, safely, Phyllis Healey. The best man was Robert Tweedie and ushers were and tiffordably...'m&i a nutrition- Barbara Ann Shumway, daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Shu- Chris Hertel, Gene Gaisser, Pete Meleschnig, and Clint Healey. ally complete program that won't mway of Watertown, was married July 13 to Edwin Patrick Altami- The flower girl was Caitlin Healey and ringbearer was Matthew leave you feeling hungry. Send rano, son of Mr and Mrs Cesar Altamirano of Derby, CT. The Rev. Healey. now for our FREE booklet with David Koppel performed the ceremony at Trinity Lutheran Church Mrs Tweedie graduated from Watertown High School and from complete details! in Watertown and a reception followed at Glenbrook Country Club. -As seen on The Amazing Lori Zappone was the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kim- the University of Hartford with a bachelor's degree in Mass Com- munications. She is a relocation counselor for Coldwell Banker Diet Show berly Holden, Kimberly Shumway, Linda Shumway, Janine Mon- souring Relocation Management Services, Norwalk. aco, and Danielle Lewis. The best man was Jose Altamirano. Ushers Cathy Lee Crosby were Walter Altamirano, Cesar Altamirano, Robert Altamirano, Mr Tweedie graduated from Watertown High School and magna James Shumway, David S humway, Paul Altorelli, and Charles Val- cum laude from the University of Connecticut with a bachelor's Address..- — vardo. degree in chemical engineering. He is plant manager for EJ. Gaisser, Inc. in Stamford. City Mrs Altamirano, granddaughter of Mrs Henrietta Shumway of Watertown, graduated from Watertown High School and the Uni- versity of Connecticut. She is a financial analyst for Travellers Town Times welcomes news items about special events, Corporation. anniversaries, honors, promotions, etc. from its readers for its Mr Altamirano graduated from Derby High School and Bentley "People in the News" section. Please send to: Deborah Donnelly, College. He is a CP.A. in business for himself. „, • Editor, P.O. Box 1, Watertown, CT. 06795.

9 AM to 5 PM

Monday through Saturday

Washington Depot, CT (203)868-2770 Washington Kitchens Showroom & Design Center A.-JProperty6 - Town Times, July 18,199 of1 the Watertown Historical Society Residents Want Closer [Continued from page Al] house a duckpin bowling alley on it [Brooks]," assured District on the second floor, is owned by Commissioner John "Jack" Paul West of Woodbury's West Robb, who along with other" Chevrolet William Varno, as- commissioners noted the threat sistant district superintendent, of suits by residents or develop- said while the interior never has ers, and the watchdog attitude by been renovated, the wooden myriad lawyers have prompted bowling lanes still are fairly in- commissions to act according to tact the strict letter of the law, even if Town Times has learned from common sense is disregarded. informed sources that the Brooks "The feeling we get is if we chain has purchased, or is close ask questions, we'll be rebuffed," to buying, Drug City in the said Mr Galullo. Watertown Plaza, and likely will District Superintendent relocate its Main Street business Russell Ryan said in recent there. Officials at both Brooks weeks, dislrict residents who live and Drug City, when contacted within 500 feet of a potential by the paper, have declined to WFD zoning change have been comment on the matter. informed by mail of the pending Furthermore and outside the action. The commissioners also arcade issue, MrO'Sullivan said, seemed inclined to institute a North Street residents remain public participation period for "frosted" over the WFD's zon- their regular meetings, much like ing board permitting construc- the Town Council, Board of tion on a small lot on North. Education, and other commis- William Varno, left, assistant superintendent of the Watertown Fire Dislrict, swears in Herbert "Wereallyspentalotof hours sions have. Darling, standing left, andJohnRobb to their positions on the Water Board andDistrict Committee, respectively, at Monday night's district meeting. Among the seated commissioners looking on is William Q. Judge, water board chairman.—Times Photo, Valuckas

"We've looked out there, and ity. secretary. sometimes there's been nobody The district officials also dis- William Stempfle was re- at our meetings butus," observed cussed ways of getting meeting appointed to the Zoning Board William Judge, water board notices published in advance in of Appeals for a five-year term, chairman. He said the WFD's the newspapers. For the record, while Gary Stevens was elected regular meeting notices are the WFD is slated to meet Au- to the vacant three-year slot as published, but unless an issue gust 12, September 9, October an alternate. directly affects a resident, dis- 21, November 18, and Decem- The commission voted to trict residents don't show up. ber 9 the rest of this year, not place a $24,261 surplus from the Ms King said there is a mis- including special sessions. Atwood Street water main proj- conception among many people During commission elections, ect intoabank account. Although as to what the Fire District actu- Albert A. Yurgelun was re- $56,500 was appropriated for the ally is, with many believing it is elected chairman of the District job last year, Mr Ryan said, the associated with the Fire Depart- Committee, and Mr Judge head actual cost of the project turned ment Coincidemally, the dis- of the Water Board. Mr Robb out far lower. trict office at 24 DeForest Street was re-elected committee secre- is in the former firehouse facil- tary, and William Moran board —TOMMY VALUCKAS

^Precision Tune' our trained technicians use Precision Tune is America's *1 engine Bible Kids 'Sonward Ho!' computerized, state-of-Ihe-art dagnostir; performance special >r>j voo't get a Detter, get We joO done right. Tnat fund of more complete, tune-up than at Precision Tax Collection Rate ewertee is tough to finO a! a comer garage Tune, Bnng it to us first -sw This year's Vacation Bible copal, and the Reverend David School — a collaboration of Powell.pastor of Evangel Asem- Tops 100 Percent Christ Episcopal Church and the bly of God, will be joined by Evangel Assembly of God — congregation members in the "I'd like to congratulate the will open for children in pre-kin- teaching mission for children. tax collector on the fine tax col- ;5Q95 A O95 dergarten to grade six, on July Called an "Evangelistic Cru- lection rate this year," saidTown O9 4 cyl. I A Most Cars 22 and will run through July 26. sade For Children," the Vaca- Council Chairman EricPalladino COMPUTERIZED The Reverend Russell at Monday's council meeting. LUBE, OIL, FILTER tion Bible School will have as its TUNE-UP SPECIAL Burchard, pastor of Christ Epis- theme, "Sonward Ho!" and will Up to 5 Quarts Valvoline The tax collector's office S 95 S s feature instruction, music, skits, 6 cyl. 49 • 8 cyl. 59* Reg. S24" • Top Off Fluids collected 100 percent of the I Most Cars I a puppet ministry, and games. budgeted figure of $21,300,500 Hours for the school are 6 to for fiscal year 1990-91 by June 8 pm daily. A free will offering Per Axlc Jonathan s 21,1991, according to a memo CQ95 would be appreciated. from Tax Collector Mary 93 Most Cars For more information, call DiSisto. I Semi Metallic • S79" I Barbara Fairbanks at Christ FUEL INJECTION Jonathan s Church, 274-1910. When the collection period COMPLETE BRAKE ended July 1, $4,000 more had CLEANING SPECIAL• SERVICE SPECIAL hair & skin been collected, bringing the to- center Saint Patrick was bom in Wales tal figure to $21,304,500, ac- I cording to Mrs DiSisto. I to a British mother and Roman father.

Jonathan .s 1101 Main Street • Watertown AIR CONDITION I COOLING SYSTEM I 274-4324 • 1-800-782-9419 SERVICE RECHARGE Jonathan 5 Jonathan's BARRY HUBBARD k CHRIS GOHI IOQ95 I JO Most Cars COMPUTERIZED Jonathan's TRANSMISSION ELECTRONIC ENGINE INSTALLATIONS I SERVICE DIAGNOSIS AND I Jonathan s CAR STEREO PROFESSIONALS ADJUSTMENT 1 Jonathan s CO PIONEER Precision Tune is America's # J Engine Performance Specialist IMe Guarantee Our Work for 12 Months or 12,000 Miles Nationwide I WHILE-U-WAIT OR DROP OFF SERVICE AVAILABLE 756 Thomaston Road KEH-6100QR $ Mon.-Fri. 8 am - 5:30 pm., Sat. 8 am - 4 pm Watertown 274-5459 High Power 1 Auto Reverse • Music Search 1 Supertuner HI • Radio Intercept 1 Quick Release • Dual Illumination Dolby B • "CD Ready" Aux Input Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, July 18,1991 - A-17 Lawmakers Have Budget [Continued from page Al] a budget plan for the current cures," he advised. tional funding to towns, prevents necticut does not have a tax serious consideration." fiscal year, which began July 1. Mr Flaherty said while the further reductions in spending to problem, Connecticut has a The package was endorsed The Legislature had to pass a GOP group did not set a specific the Department of Environ- spending problem. The People's by Senate Minority Leader M. "continuing resolution" to keep dollar amountasagoalfor budget mental Protection [DEP] and Budget is an equitable solution AdelaEads [R-Kent], along with the state government operating cuts, it said virtually all areas of other environment-related agen- to a complex problem, and one 14 other members of the Sen- until July 28 due to Governor the budget are being looked at cies, and provides increases of that deserves the Legislature's ate's Republican caucus. Lowell Weicker's veto of two Help State And People more than $200 million for wel- non-income tax budgets passed Mr DeLuca and three other by the General Assembly. architects of the Revised The People's Budget is de- "Throughout the budget cri- People's Budget — Senator signed to achieve its fiscal goals sis, too much emphasis has been William Aniskovich [R-Bran- through reduced spending, and placed on the tax issue," Mr ford], Senator Max Case [R- the requirement of no additional Flaherty continued. "We must Milford], and Senator Jim Flem- L-es, he continued. remember that overspending is ing [R-Simsbury] — presented Mr DeLuca concluded,"Thus what got us into this mess, and their proposal as a means of far, solutions to the state's fiscal spending reductions andreforms resolving the current budget crisis have just been repeats of are the only things that will get deadlock through the combina- the same old story — spend us out of it." tion of spending reductions, and today's money for tomorrow we the elimination of any income can tax. The People's Budget Mr Flaherty said state tax- tax. breaks that mold by taking a payers are "sick and tired" of the "It is vital that we arrive at a different approach in resolving Summer-Fall tax and spend "mentality" that this ongoing dilemma. has been prevalent in Hartford solution to the budget crisis that "Instead of allowing un- Knitting Classes for so long. will work for the state as well as Beginner - Advanced "The people know there is its people," said Mr DeLuca of checked spending growth too much fat in government, and the 32nd District, which includes counterbalanced by ever-in- Starting August 3 they want something done about Watertown and Oakville. creasingtaxes,"Mr DeLuca said, Call Now to Register it,"theWatenownlegisIatorsaid. "While keeping in mind the "the People's Budget demon- necessity that government con- strates that the needs of citizens He noted he is pleased the can be met through spending HouseofRepresentan'ves passed tinue to meet its obligations to its most neediest citizens, the only reductions and without increas- a constitutional amendment to ing taxes." limit annual increases in state feasible way to address revenue spending, and that a majority of shortfalls while maintaining Mr DeLuca went on to say, lawmakers has agreed to sup- services is to ultimately cut "As I have said all along, Con- port other long-term spending spending," he said. reform. The People's Budget is based "I am encouraged that law- on spending levels set by the makers have finally accepted the Appropriations Committee ear- need to implement long-term lier this year. However, it func- -fe0 spending reforms and govern- tions through the use of manda- ment reorganization," Mr tory spending levels established Flaherty said. "If such reforms legislatively, and allows individ- were in place several years ago, ual commissioners and agency 1 we would not be experiencing heads the flexibility of develop- this crisis. ing a budget that meets the needs *% 0* "But long-term reductions are of those served by the agency. only part of the solution. We In addition, Mr DeLuca must also cut current expendi- pointed out, it protects educa- \ CHRISTMAS IN JULY BudgetCuts f\f\% OFF ALL NEW BOXED [Continued from page Al] products within the town, as well member Denise Russ has been "" CHRISTMAS CARDS the production of nuclear en- reviewingthe ordinance and sent ergy. However, in order for the letters to area businesses two bans to be enforced, the town and a half weeks ago asking for GERMAN . ft must pass a nuclear-free ordi- feedback, Mr Vayer said. For OFF nance. An ordinance would have example, how would an ordi- NUTCRACKERS the effect of being enforcable nance banning the use of nuclear local law.according to Mr Vayer. products affect a local company At the time the resolution that uses small amounts of ra- was passed, council members dioactive material to make FONTANINI questioned what impact an ordi- watches? nance would have on local busi- Thefeedback from businesses NATIVITY SETS nesses, Mr Vayer explained may impact the form the ordi- Tuesday. An ordinance sub- nance will take, Mr Vayer said. committee, headed by council — SUSAN FABER .1, CHRISTMAS MUSICAL FIGURINES & Carpet $30.00 NOW Corner MANY IN STORE SPECIALS

FALSE ECONOMY NTS Ask any home decorator and than any other furnishing ele- ROLL WRAP he or she will tell you to get the ment. In many cases, it would very best carpeting you can be better to postpone a carpeting % OFF afford. This is especially true purchase for six months or a for hard-wear areas where poor year than to put down inferior- quality carpet will betray itself quality carpet. In the end, the and make all adjoining areas bargain carpet will cost twice as IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY look similarly shabby. At the much since it will almost cer- other end of the spectrum, it tainly have to be replaced after does not really pay to get the all too short a period. best and densest carpet for the Heritage Village Bazaar master bedroom when only you For all your carpeting needs visit (off Rt. 6, Eat 15 off 1-84) and your spouse will pad around Southbury, CT • (203) 264-0275 up there in bare feet or slippers. The Carpet Barn It is possible to make do on Mon.Sat. 9:30-5:30; Sun. 12-5 most other things, but there can- Carpet Mill Outlet not be much compromising on The Largest Floor Covering carpets, which offer more value, Center in the Area" wear, sound and heat insulation, Comer of Echo Lake Rd. & Prater St. and, it is hoped, dirt absorption Wateriown • 274-6851 or 274-0155 A-18 -TowPropertyn Times, My 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society W-A- tiles Steal The Show It was time for the exotic at time he coudn't be coaxed to the Watertown Library Friday withdraw into his shell. afternoon as more than 100 The reptile talk and demon- youngsters, moms, grandparents, stration were part of the library's and baby brothers and sisters Super Summer Safari reading waited in anticipation for. . . program, according to Children's SNAKES! Librarian Rente RougeoL The wait was worthwhile. The Urichecks, who have After listening attentively to been speaking to groups all over Mike and Elaine Uricheck talk the state for the past IS years, with concern and affection about focus their educational efforts the habits of reptiles, the kids on endangered animals and have were shown a few live examples a special interest in reptiles. of reptilian friends, including a ten-and-a-half-foot-long boa "It's easy to save pandas," constrictor named McDougal, a Mr Uricheck says. "They 're cute corn snake, and a large turtle and cuddly. Reptiles have a bad who was having such a good reputation."

A youngster makes friends with a corn snake as it wraps itself around speaker Elaine Uricheck's arm at the library.- Times photo, Faber Town Responds To State On Audit AN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION MAKES A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! The state Office of Policy and rector Frank Nardelli. Follow- your letter. While it is clear that Management has reacted ing a request by Town Council problems in this area were com- strongly to the town's "poor Chairman Eric Palladino, Mr plex, I had determined the ac- • Bachelor and Associate degrees in Arts financial practices" brought to Nardelli read aloud 21 recom- tions taken under this admini- TAKE A & Sciences and Business Administration • Many popular majors to choose from light by the recent town audit. mendations {torn the auditor's stration have enabled the Town • International experience on campus and The practices include overesti- report that he says have already of Watertown to reestablish a CLOSER abroad mates of revenues, low liquidity been implemented by thefinance financial, organizational struc- • Traditional and non-traditional students ratio, high debt per capita, de- department and town manager's • intercollegiate and intramural sports ture and to insure that a sound programs clining general fundbalance, and office. foundation has been laid for the LOOK! • Generous financial aid and scholarships not filing the audit report within Mr Nardelli's list was sent to operation of local government." avaaaUe a reasonable time after the end of the state agency on July 11 along "I'd like to commend you on Present this ad with your completed the fiscal year, according to a with a letter from Mr Vayer stat- implementing these [recommen- TPU Admission Application, and letter written by Douglas M. ing that "this administration has dations]," Mr Palladino told Mr we will waive the $40 application tee. Cutler, of the Office of Policy taken significant steps toward Nardelli at Monday's meeting. O»» good through September 1, 1991. and Management to Town resolving the concerns raised in — SUSAN FABER Manager Paul Vayer. To receive an application and more information, In the June 26 letter, Mr Cut- COG Committee ler asked for a review of the steps contact the Office of Admissions: [Continued from page Al] (203) 596-4520 or (800) 345-2562 the town is taking to bring its financial statements in compli- off area, and the Connecticut sessment rate on a transfer sta- or write: ance with Generally Accepted Resources Recovery Authority tion and looking at payment in Accounting Principles and to (CRRA) will be saving money lieu of taxes (PILOT), he said. TEIKYO POST UNIVERSITY implement any recommenda- by using the Watertown site. COG will take final action Office of Admissions • 800 Country Club Road tions made by the auditor. CRRA would not consider on Watertown's request when it Post Office Box 2540 • Waterbury. CT 06723-2540 "The letter focused on the his original request for a fee and goes back to the full COG body. same concerns found in the audit said the request should be made — SUSAN FABER report," commented Mr Vayer to COG, Mr Vayer said. at Monday's Town Council The next step for Watertown Caucus Tonight meeting before turning the ques- is to look at alternatives, includ- & $ # $ The registered Republicans *!l ^ ^ ^ tion over to Town Finance Di- ing investigating a normal as- of Watertown will hold a caucus •as ,*$& ^ 5& vi& ,1fe jSfe i& iflfe *if> *3t? *jfJ7 *^r7 »3B today (Thursday] at 8 pm in the *aw w w w meeting room of the Thomaston WATERBURY Savings Bank, 365 Main Street. The Republicans will endorse (rfZCi/'S/ EXTENDED CARE threecandids es for the Board of Education, and six for the Town FACILITY Council for the November 5, * % % % % % % & # 1991 elections. All eligible 35 Bunker Hill Road, Watertown, CT Republicans may attend. m $fe ^ ^ *S 274-5428 The highest point in Connecticut 637 /Wt3//z Street, Watertown A 90-bed Skilled & Intermediate care facility located is 2,380 ft. on the south slope of in a beautiful country setting in Watertown is pleased Mt. FrisseU. m m • # «* # # # m to announce that we are now accepting applications for RESPITE CARE ^ ^ ^ ^^ifc £& ^ ^ in our Intermediate Care Unit... TEMINWAY SJ8P ^r ^RF ^8r w "^w ^w "w SUMMER MONTHS ONLY. .•1 Tradition of Hne Quality Diamonds and Jewelry K,\KTLFJT I RESPITE CARE is short-term, temporary placement with a $ 1 ? *^ 9 W W » *-t\<%^ #*t** #^rl ^ **if" 2 week minimum stay — 1 month maximum stay ' # # # # NYLON AND For more information or to obtain an application, please contact POLYESTER w Admissions Coordinator M-F, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at 274-5428. Enjoy your Summer SEWING vacation and rest THREADS yrummc 7nd^ assured that we will provide the best of **** A Tmdaton of Fine Qualm >uimonds and Jfwe/rv care for your loved A WATBtTOWN 37 Main Street, Waterl own 274-430O "Quality Care...Quality Life"" one while y°u're INDUSTRY SINCE 1898 1 m-- Ut^l & Kri. 1114 • 1 hurs. l^v • Sal. 10-5 ' away! Property of the Watertown Historical1bw Societyn "nines, fidy 18,1991 - A-19 A Toby Show Auditions To Be Held Crawl For The watertownhistoricalsociety.orgAuditions for an Oclobe pro- Geld Inn on Route 202. Backstage crew also are needed. Roses duction of "A Toby Show" by Openings are available for Call 567-8025 for further infor- tteLitchfieldplayers will be held three men and four women. Erik Grady, son of Kelly Monday and Tuesday, July 29 and John Grady of Oakville, and 30, at 7:30 pm, at the Litch- was the Baby Crawling Contest at the Waterbury Summerfest lastweek at Hamilton park. Erik, "The healing begins the grandson of Donald andJudy BARONS Smith of Watertown, Barbara the moment you call Grady of Waterbury and Bill BEST BUYS! Grady of Thomaston, earned a 85 NISSAN- SWIM, AT *2995 Parfcside" $50 savings bond for the effort. 85 RELIANT- 4dr,AT,AC,62K...'2995 8v OAVALIER-w?i,AT,AC.J3495 If you or someone you care for 83BUICK-1**»___...'3595 has a drug or alcohol problem Fire Report 88 SUBARU-J»«>,j*,«4,5crt ^ggg then the statement above 86FORD-LTD.I •4295 means more than just The Watertown Fire Depart- emergency medical assists; one 85P0fmAC-aandPikVi. -M495 some pretty words. ment responded to 42 alarms investigation or broken water 87 NISSAN-S.*.^, AT ,.„. from Monday, June 24, through pipe. AMflK tap, PS, PB, FWD, nd_.. -.4990 Sunday, July 7, as follows: Monday, July 1 — One mo- 85 SAAB -4*1*AT,MVS, .„ It's a promise of help. Monday, June 24 — One tor vehicle accident with inju- re, mm t»» R. **», *•» ua.,'4995 outside rubbish fire. ries; two emergency medical assists; one alarm at senior cen- 86 CAD. - Chwron, had* *5795 Tuesday, June 25 — One l motor vehicle accident with in- ter. 89 CORSICA - 4

TUESDAY, JULY 23 POTLUCK SUPPER by Widowed Support Group at Trumbull House of First Congregational Church, 40 DeForest Street. Program on problems that face the widowed during grief. Call 274-6737, OAKVILLE or 274-8500 for information. DEMOCRATTOWN COMMITTEE CAUCUS at Oakville Branch Library, Davis Street, Oakville, PIZZA 8 pm. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 and Restaurant HISTORICAL SOCIETY Museum at 22 DeForest Street open 2 to 4 pm to public; free admission. 263 Main Street, Oakville COMING EVENTS ROBERTS BROTHERS' Three-Ring Circus at Watertown High School field hockey area, August 274-9233 or 274-9234 22, sponsored by Watertown Junior Women's Club. Open 7 Days GENERAL 10 am -11 pm Sun.-Thurs. 10 am -12 Fit & Sat. INFO NUMBERS: Municipal switchboard, 274-5411, for most governmental and School Depart- ment offices, including Parks and Recreation Departmentextensions 254 and 255, and senior center and LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS DAILY minibus exts. 423 and 424. DAILY INFOLINE: 274-9334. CRMESTOPPERS: 755-1234. 1 TEL-MED: 574-3566. WELCOME WAGON: 266-4157.

MEETINGS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS With the Purchase of a Large Pizza Thursday, July 18—Economic Development Commission at conference room of Police Headquar- ters, 195 French Street, 7:30 pm. Receive FREE 2 Liter Bottle of Pepsi to go Monday, July 22 — Board of Education at high school library, 324 French Street, 7:30 pm. or Wednesday, July 24 — Zoning Board of Appeals at conference room of Police Headquarters, 195 French Street, 7:30 pm; Watertown Housing Partnership at Town Hall Annex, 424 Main Street, 7:30 Dine In and Receive a FREE of Soda pm. With this Coupon • Expires 8-18-91 SENIOR CALENDAR Falls Avenue senior center activities for July 18 through July 24: Thursday — Macrame Class 9 to 11 am; senior social, cards, and bingo, 1 to 4 pm. Friday—Exercise Class 9 to 10 am; Medicare Assistance, 9 to 11 am; mini-bus to Waterbury and Naugatuck Valley Mall [mall morning only]; center closes 1 pm. a#*V.T* «"~ phone Monday—Application assistance for ConnPACE, ConnMAP, and Medicare programs, 9 to 11 am; Po-Ke-No, 1 to 3 pm. 274-9020 Tuesday — No Exercise Class; Elderly Health Screening appointments; Knitting & Crocheting Circle, 1 to 3 pm. Wednesday—Ceramics Class 9 to 11 am; minibus to Waterbury and Naugatuck Valley Mall [mall morning only]; Day; VCR movie 1 pm. _ —yy . J ; Fri. 7:30 AM-9:30 PM fifeS?^* ISSiSliUUSai Sat. 7:00 AM-10:30 PM

• Antipaato •Dolicioo. • Hot Oven TAKE OUT OR EAT-IN Hot Pizza Grinders Served from U-12J30 • Party and Facilities 274-8829 after 4 p.m. 150 Echo Lake Road, Watertown, CT.

+ t PLACE + f Pioneer Plaza, Straits Tnpk., Watertown 4 For Take Out Call 274-1558 Our Kitchen will now be open every Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. from 5 pm - 11 pm and Sunday Noon-6 DAILY $ THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER: The Children's Community Chorus sang the Star Spangled Banner MEAL SPECIALS 5.00 to kick-off Little League festivities at Mosgrove Stadium in Oakville last week. - Times Photo, Harmon Coffee from 11:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Burgers • Hot Dogs • Sandwiches • Club Sandwiches Salads * Red Hots * Fried Shrimp * Onion Rings Kennel Club All-Breed Show Sunday FRIDAY SPECIAL X 1-1/4 lb. Boiled : The Naugatuck Valley Ken- to become canine owners, by Patricia W. Laurans, Edeltraud nel Club will hold its annual offering many dogs of many Laurin, Anna K. Nicholas, and Lobster w/Salad & Baked Potato * Summer All-Breed Point Dog breeds to be looked at and stud- Loretta Ouellette, who also is 11:00 a.m. -2:00 pan. Show Sunday, July 21, at the ied. Those attending also will the club president. Sony, ffo Take Out Orders • Price Subject to Change TerryvilleFairgroundsonTown gain the acquaintance of people Show chairwoman is Linda Hill Road, TerryviUe. who breed and carefully raise Zaraza, assisted by Bob Tarta- TUESDAYS WEDNESDAY NIGHT puppies not for the commercial glia. For more information, call The show will run from early > i morning to about 6 pm, when trade, but in an effort to improve 2644315 or 753-7160. All Mixed Drinks $' From 7 -12 P.M. I.5O * P Edna Ackerman, of Southbury, the quality of their breed. will award the Best in Show In addition to Mrs Ackerman, The best way to cheer yourself is • Videos by More Fun Amusements • Proper Attire prize. judges include Robert Arnold, to try to cheer somebody else up. Thomas F. Stanis, Permittee Dog shows provide an un- Estelle Cohen, Betty Dullinger, MARK TWAIN ••**••****•*****•••••*#*••##* equalled learning opportunity for HowardFalberg, Marcia A. Foy, those interested in dogs, those Barbara Keenan, Dr Raymond already dog owners, or planning Kelly, Jr, Kathleen Korelec, 971 Main Street Watertown of Charles Dickens Pub 274-7551 VALUABLE COUPON 675 Mam Street, watertown APPEARING $2.00 OFF THIS WEEK! ANY LARGE SIZE PIZZA Friday Night THURS., JULY 18TH THRU WED., JULY 24TH BC's ELECTRIC BLUES Night-KING ST. BLUES'S BAND Try Our CLAMS CASINO PIZZA Chopped Clams, Bacon, Onion, Peppers, Garlic & Topped with our Spicy White Sauce • Italian Pizza • Hot Oven Grinders • Pizza By The Slice La Rosa • Fried Dough • Fresh Dough by the Pound • Calzones Mon..Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10-1 Enjoy your pizza or grinder with Big Screen TV in 945-3029 Fri. & Sat. 10-2; Sun. 11-1 Charles Dickens Pub's game room. Bring the Family! A-2Property4 - Town Tunes, July 18,199 of1 the Watertown Historical Society Procedurawatertownhistoricalsociety.orgl Change For Vets' Exemptions Perkins A Worthy Grand Patron A statewide reception in Will Chapter's Worthy Patron Mr Perkins served as Wor- Assessor John Petuch has assessor's office would receive honor of Robert C. Perkins, Sr, in 1976, 1984, 1987, and cur- shipful Master of Federal Lodge announced the assessor's office a statement directly from the V A worthy grand patron of the Or- rently is holding that office. No. 17, AF & AM of Water- is accepting applications for an office showing the assigned dis- der of the Eastern Star of Con- Other offices held by him town, in 1979. additional $1,000 veterans' ex- ability rating. The assessor would necticut, was held June 29 at were Associate Patron in 1975, Guests attending the June 29 emption. refer to this statement, and apply Watertown High School. 1980,1986, and 1990. He was event came from throughout According to Section 12-Slf the exemption based on the as- Mr Perkins, of Watertown, chaplain in 1982,1985,and 1988. Connecticut, and other states as of the stale statutes, a veteran signed disability rating by the had been elected Worthy Grand At the reception, the Rever- well. who currently is receiving a VA office. Patron and installed at the Grand end James A. Sn'nson, then-pas- veteran's exemption will be Effective July 1, 1990, the Chapter Session held at the end tor of United Methodist Church, entitled to apply if their adjusted veteran would receive a state- of April at the Marriott Hotel in asked the invocation and gave gross income is not more than ment directly from the VA of- Farmington. the benediction. $22,600 if married, or$18,400 if fice showing the assigned dis- Past Grand Patron Harold S. Members of the Ancient single. ability rating. It is the responsi- Wright served as master of cere- Arabic Order of Nobles of the Applications will be accepted bility of the veteran to file the monies, while Mrs Mildred Mystic Shrine served as flag until October 1, 1991. Income disability rating statement with White was organist for the eve- bearers, and Lisa Leavenworth, statements for the year of 1990 the assessor's office prior to ning. Mrs Virginia M. Painter, Good Will Chapter's marshal, must be presented in order to October 1, 1991, in order to general grand chapter associate gave the tribute to the flag. The meet the statute requirements. receive the proper exemption grand matron, extended greet- entertainment program consisted Questions concerning re- based on the assigned disability ings from the chapter and pre- of vocal music by The Catch and quirements and applications sented Mr Perkins with a gift Madrigal Singers. should be directed to MrPetuch's Therefore, the veteran must from the chapter. Mr. Wright Members of Pomperaug office in the Town Hall, 37 assume the responsibility of fil- presented him with a life mem- Chapter No. 88 of Woodbury DeForest Street, at 274-5411, ing the disability rating state- bership certificate. were in charge of the gift table, Procedural Change ment annually, prior to the Octo- Mr Perkins was selected as members of Electa Chapter No. . During the past year, there ber 1 assessment date. sentinel of the Grand Chapter of 12 the guest book, and members has been a procedural change Connecticut in 1989, and then of Watertown Chapter No. 96, concerning veterans who have was elected Associate Grand with MrsDonaldTayloras chair- an assigned disability rating by Call Mr Petuch's office for Patron in 1990. He joined the woman, prepared and served the the Veterans Administration information on the exemption Order of Eastern Star on June refreshments that followed the office. programs for the October, 1991 24, 1971, and served as Good formation of the receiving line. Robert C. Perkins, Sr Under the old system, the Grand List.

$ WANTED $ WATERTOWN BEDDING SHOP OLD "For 21 Years Watertown's Finest Bedding Shop" ORIENTAL HAS MOVED FROM (TS MAIN STREET LOCATION RUGS To A NEW LOCATION! 1-800-488 RUGS 250 Porter Street, WatertOWn Entrance at The Carpet Barn AZIANO 274-0124 OIL CO. HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10-5; Thurs. 'til 8 -Since 1970- DcnniKir We Are In Our 21st Year • FUEL OIL • K-1 KEROSENE IN< mm Business Featuring 24 HOUR BURNER Center 1/3 Reinforced • Top Rating in Consumer Magazines • Flex-Edge Support for Full Width Sleeping •E FRAME BUILDERS, INC. Custom Homes with any ALL TYPES OF REMODELING PILLOW TOP Decks PURCHASE Roofing Siding FREE Removal of Old Bedding Window Replacements • FREE Delivery On All Beds Kitchen & Baths • 6 Months Same AS CASH For No Job Too Small John Qualified Buyers 274-9841 Property of the Watertown Historical Society Local News — Classified — Legal Notices — Real Estate Water-Oak AC The Local Scene Rebuilding Unico Scores, Highlights ... At The Stadium Field Fence Sports B4-5 B7 B8 SECTION B July 18,1991 On To Little League State Tournament

The flip to Jocelyn Amaral at home gets the Union City runner. — Times Photo, Harmon

Softball Majors The Road To The District #3 Tournament State Tournament Seymour 14, Water-Oak and tookacomfortable 13-6 lead Water-Oak All-Stars 10, All-Stars 13—Despite scoring going into the last of the sixth Seymour 5—For the first time 10 runs in the first inning largely inning. in 12 years, Seymour was on nine walks and a pair of hits But erratic defense by Water- knocked out of the District tour- Seymour 14, Water-Oak 13 by Shaelyn Buono, the Water- Oak allowed PJ. Foley to score nament, suffering its second loss Oak All-Stars could not hold off four times and narrow the gap. of the format[first going toUnion Water-Oak 13, PJ. Foley 10 Seymour. The game ended when Jessica City]. Seymour came back with five Putetti fired a throw from right Jocelyn Amaral turned in a Water-Oak 10, Seymour 5 runs in the first, four more in the field to home plate to cut down a winning performance on the Water-Oak 15, Union City 14 second, one in the fourth and runner trying to score. mound, but it was the Water- four more in the fifth inning to Kristy Troup, Amber Ber- Oak bats which did the damage Water-Oak 22, Union City 2 take the lead for good. tolette and Jocelyn Amaral had in the fourth inning, exploding Water-Oak All-Stars 13, three hitsd each, while Megan for eight runs on six hits and PJ. Foley 10—The Water-Oak Connors and Jenn Petti each All-Stars scored in every inning homered. (Continued on page B3) Crystal Rocks Take Koufax Division Crown Earn Chance To Meet Waterbury Royals For City League Championship

After the season was two games old, the Water-Oak Crys- talRocksof the Waterbury Sandy Koufax Baseball League were 1-1, with a full campaign re- maining. Sixteen games later ... 16 wins later... the Crystal Rocks are 17-1 and own a pair of Sub- urban Division titles, as well as the right to meet the Waterbury Royals [13-5, City Division Champs] for the league crown. As division champs, the Crys- tal Rocks also earned an auto- matic berth in the state tourna- ment, which begins next week- (Continued on page B4)

A close playat secondbase during Water-Oak's 12-5 victory mar the Spanish AC Astros in Waterbury Sandy Koufax baseball action. — Times Photo, Harmon IT ..r .r ,„ _,>' B-2 - PropertyTbwn Times, July 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society TTtmee Sports Cown TTimed XTown suites cown XLiinee 'Cow

GIRLS1 SENIOR ALL-STARS: Front row, from left, Lisa Kulmann, Jennifer Santoro, Tari Simons, Nina D'Addona. Bridgot SouiUiard and Heidi Beauty. Second row: Coach Edmund Beauty, Lynn Dethlefsen, Maura Oiorio Amanda Lamphier, Denise Collins, Jeni Demeis, Lee DiBella. Yelana Chak, and Manager Joe Simons. If its Water-Oak Little League important to you, it's important to us. That's why we proudly represent SAFECO, a company that excels in high quality protection for the things that matter most For details on SAFECO Auto Insurance that's specifically designed for safe drivers, give us a call. ©SAFECO The Smart Choke


Depot Square Mall Vatertown GIRLS' SENIOR DIVISION CHAMPS: The Cardinals are, from left, Nina D'Addona, Jen Millard, Alisha DaSilva, Tari Simons and 274-8871 TinaCanuzzi.Secondrow:CoachEdmundBeauty,TinaHubeny,HeidiBeauty, Jennifer Morgan.SylviaRomano HeatherBenson, and Independent Insurance Agent Manager Joe Simons. Missing from photo: Crista Grasso, Stacy Posa, Jillian Sovia, and Katie Lawless. Softball Seniors All-Stars Union City IS, Water-Oak 16 favor of Union City. played well on defense. I HELEN A. KOTLER, Tari Simons tripled, doubled Yelana Chak and Bridgot Ph.D. and singled twice, but even SouiUiard had two hits apiece Water-Oak 21, Union City 9 though Water-Oak outhit Union for Water-Oak. Nina D'Addona Heidi Beauty had three hits, • Marriage • Family Counseling City 14-11, the important num- took the loss. Amanda Lamphier, Tari Simons singled and hom- ber was the runs ... 1&-16, in TariSimons,andDemseCollins ered.DeniseColIinsdoublsdand • Divorce • Eating Disorders singled, and Amanda Lamphier Taking A Trip doubled to lead Water-Oak over Yo-Yo Dieters Union City. Lynn Dethlefsen earned the Compulsive Eaters Visiting The Brakettes victory for Water-Oak, striking 1389 WEST MAIN ST., SUITE 205 At Lycoming Field outsevenbatters.Denise Collins Visiting the Brakettes Softball team at the Textron Lycoming and Jen Santoro played well WATERBURY, CT 06708 Field during Water-Oak Day recently were Jamie Halhwell, Tari defensively. Simons, Danielle Brown, Jen Millard,RobinRowan, JessicaPutetti, AmyThmoswickhadtwohUs Nina D'Addona, Gina Riccio, Diana Perugini, Abigail Millard, and for Union City. Danielle Jac- Devin Brown. quelin took the loss. Property of the Watertown Historical TowSocietyn Times, July 18,199 1 - B-3 XTown •TTimee cown watertownhistoricalsociety.orgCimce town Ctmire' town Sports Water-Oak Little League NEED A SEPTIC SYSTEM? Engineered & Standard Systems a Difficult Repairs Our Specialty • FREE Estimates j I TOM'S SEPTIC SERVICE CO. Maddox Road, Bethlehem 266-5436 Call Anytime . EVERITT'S GARAGE, INC. OAKVILLE 274-2147 • Front End Alignments with Computer Balancing •Brakes' Tone Ups« Emission Testing • Complete Exhaust Installations

N : TRUCKING Softball Majors Tri-Axle Services LOAM • FILL • WOOD CHIPS PROCESSED STONE • SAND • SEPTIC SAND Whatever Your Needs • REASONABLE RATES immiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiimmiCall 274-5625 Anytimi e * • FITNESS WORLD K : 'The Best Of Both Worlds"

471 Main St., Oakville 274-8163 (Across From Mark's Landscaping & Next To CNB) Daily 6 a.m.-10 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Above, Jocelyn Amoral is safe at second on a steal, while another Water-Oak runner bolts on the pitch. Sunday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. m— Times Photos, Harmon

(Continued from page B1) After a lead-off single in the Westportin WestHaven. Winor Fully Insured FREE Estimates bottom of the sixth, the Water- lose, Water-Oak will also play taking a 9-2 lead. Jenn Petti Oak defense gets UCLLout 1-2- Thursday in West Haven. Steven Kozenieski doubled and singled twice, while 3 for the victory. Jessica Morgan tripled and Kristy Troup and Amber Vinyl & Aluminum Products singled. Megan Connors and Austin had three hits each. Baseball Carrie Swiderski contributed Amber Bertolette.Jenn Petti and doubles. Megan Connors had two hits Seniors 274-8746 each. Jessica Morgan and Carrie TheWater-OakLittleLeague Vinyl Replacement Swiderski played well on de- Water-Oak All-Stars 22, Baseball Seniors All-Stars Windows/Storms fense. Union City Little League 2 [For hosted a picnic Monday follow- Water-Oak All-Stars 15, District Championship] — ing the final game of a Best-Of- Union City Little League 14— After two innings, the teamswere Three series with Oxford atSwift Custom Vinyl Siding Water-Oak built a comfortable tied 1-1, but Water-Oak sent 14 Junior High. (Many Styles & Colors) 13-5 lead after four-and-a-half batters to the plate in the third The hot dogs and rolls were innings, but UCLL sent 14 bat- inning and scored lOrunstoleap donated by Watertown Meat ters to the plate in the bottom of out ID an 11-1 lead. The All- Center, while the soda, cups, nap- Custom Storm Doors the fifth and scored nine runs to Stars put the game out of reach kins and other accoutrements • Insulated take a 14-13 lead. with 10 more runs in the next were donated by K mart • 100's of Styles But in the top of the sixth, two innings. Kristy Troup tripled • 9 Color Highlights UCLL committed three errors, and singled and Jenn Petti had UCLL walked five bat- two hits. Jocelyn Amaral earned ters.andthe Water-Oak All-Stars the win. Belgium has been the sight of. Seamless Gutters had four hits to score twice and Water-Oak began state tour- more European battles than any (10 Cobrs & Copper) take the lead. nament play Tuesday against other country. B-4-TowPropertyn Times, My 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society Tftmes Sportwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs I'own CUT B cown 'Cimce RJKOSons Water-Oak Athletic Club Painting & Remodeling All Carpentry Interior/Exterior Painting Sandy MONTH OF JULY k Auausi Free Power Wash Koufax with Exterior Painting (Continued from page Bl) can Ron 881-0212 end, starting Friday, July 26. The final four games of the season weren't quite close enough to give the Crystal Rocks worry about a second round title CREAN*S deli in the Suburban Division, with Fresh Made • Hot or Cold victories over Sunbeam, the Spanish AC Astros, Bucks Hill, and Wolcott. GRINDERS Water-Oak Crystal Rocks 8, Sunbeam 4 — Kevin on Milite's Bread Campbell, Jon Bleach, Shaun • Deli Salads • Groceries Gallagher and Chris Wandelt slugged home runs as the Crys- • Fresh Sliced Cold Cuts tal Rocks defeated Sunbeam. • Fresh Milk • Newspapers Campbell and Bleach drove 382 Buckingham St., Oakville • 274-3716 in two runs, while Gallagher 6 am-9 pm Mon.-Sat. added a single. Jeff Overbaugh Sunday 7 am-9 pm was the winning pitcher. Dave Tafuto tripled for Sun- beam. NEIL'S AUTO BODY INC. Water-Oak Crystal Rocks FACTORY TRAINED UNIBODY SPECIALISTS 12, Spanish AC Astros 5 — • Frame Straightening • Chris Wandelt had four hits and • Insurance Estimates • two RBI, while Ken Julian had two hits and four RBI to lead the Complete Collision Service Crystal Rocks. 23-1/2 HOUR TC Rudy Pilla added a double HEAVY DUTY- and three RBI. Shaun Gallagher contributed a double and one COMPLETE AUTO BODY & PAINT SHOP RBI. Damon Grilley fanned We Repair All Makes & Models seven batters and earned the Foreign & Domestic victory. AFTER HOURS CALL WATERTOWN Eric Jimenez doubled and WATERTOWN 274-5580 O~I A. OAR1 drove in a pair of runs for the 1029 Main St. Watertown . ^»"»"«r1»Wl» Astros. Water-Oak Crystal Rocks 11, Bucks Hill 8 — Damon Grilley doubled, tripled, and singled twice to lead the Crystal Rocks over Bucks Hill. Jon Bleach had three hits and ihreeRBI and Ken Julian tripled, singled twice, and drove in a pair of runs. Jeff Overbaugh added two hits and two RBI, and Scott Pietro contributed a double. Mike Miket homered twice and singled forEucksHill, which also got a home run from Marc Capulo. Water-Oak Crystal Rocks 10, Wolcott 4 — Ken Julian homered and singled twice to lead the Crystal Rocks. Damon Grilley added asingle and triple, while Scott Pietro Above, Damon Grilley talks things over with his catcher, Kevin Campbell. Below, a steal ofsecond and ripped base hit led to Water- (Continued on next page) Oak's 12-5 win over the Spanish AC. - Junes Photos, Harmon

Help Unlimited, Inc. 285 Main Street, Oakville "Nursing Registry" • Registered Nurses • Personal Attendants • Licensed Practical Nurses • Companions • Bath and Nutrition Attendants OFFERING PERSONALIZED SERVICES IN YOUR HOME, 24 HOURS A D {. 7 DAYS A WEEK Also Offering "COMMUNI-CALL" A Unique Voice to Voice Communication System For Emergency Hdp • AccidenrPrevention and Companionship Our Help is Unlimited...lf you need help in any way Rate Schedule and PLEASE CALL: 274-7511 Brochure Available Upon Request Temporary Employment Agency Property of the Watertown Historical SocietyTown Times, July 18,199 1 -B-5 £imc6 cown UimcB Cown uimee town Z Sports XTtmes



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Damon Grilley hurls a pitch while a runner leads off first. -- Times Photo, Harmon

Water-Oak AC Players Of Week from '259 5000 - 22,000 BTU'S • 18 Models to Choose From • Window or Through Wall • installationAvailable 274-1974 408 Buckingham Street, Oakville, CT 06779 State Uc. 001226 TORO SALE SAVE$ 100 or more on Any Toro Walk Behind In Stock (Offer good on in-store stock only) Haven't you done without RudyPiUa Kevin Lukose vage a Toro long enough? Waterbury Sandy Koufax Colonial Pee Wee Reese TOKO Water-Oak Crystal Rocks Charles Dicken's Pub Parents: Pat and Anita Parents: Gary Age: 14 Age: 11 OF OAKVILLE Grade: 9 Grade: 7 •SERVICE IS OUR SPECIALTY 808 Main St., Oakville School: Watertown High School: Swift Junior High Hours: Mon.-Frl. 9-6 • Sat 9-3 274-6753 Favorite Team: Favorite Team: New York Yankees Favorite Player: Roger Clemens Favorite Player: Don Mattingly, Kevin Maas Otber Sports, Hobbies: Basketball, football Other Sports, Hobbies: Basketball, golf and and watching New York Giants tennis Best Day On Diamond: Came on in relief and Best Day On Diamond: When I came in the saved the game. fifth inning against the Royals and pitched a shutout. Colonial Pee Wee Reese mClas 6:30 Charles Dicken's Pub split a Shaun Duchan bad two hits Jason Peirillo sparked CDP pair of games this past week, for Waterbury, while Jim Ciar- in the field, making several nice 1 Nigl defeating the Waterbury Royals legiio tripled. plays. but losing to the Cheshire Mus- Wanen Campbell and Kevin Women & Men tangs to go 1-1 in the Colonial Lukosevage combined for the Pee Wee Reese Round Robin victory, scattering six hits. Sandy Limited Class Size Tournament. • CDP is 11-9 on the season. Come In and Sign Up Cheshire Mustangs 11, Koufax Charles Dicken's 10 — Jim (Continued from previous page) Charles Dicken's 18, Wa- Binkoski homered and Aaron tripled and drove in a run. Jeff TOWNLINE terbury Royals 4 — Don La- Budris rapped a two-run triple to Overbaugh added a pair of beck doubled, singled twice and lead Charles Dicken's. Don doubles and Jon Bleach had two BOATING & SPORTS ACCESSORIES drove in two runs. Aaron Budris Labeck added a doubled, triple hits and two RBI. Jeff Hoyt singled three times and drove in and single. earned the win, striking outseven 24 Falls Avenue, Waterbury three runs, while Kevin Jerrod Vausenbeck cracked batters. Lukosevage,PetePietroandJim two home runs and a single to Brian Stewart had three hits 596-7396 Binkosku had two hits apiece. lead Cheshire. to lead Wolcott. B-6 - TowPropertyn Tunes, July 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society XTown TLimcs Sports Cewn :»\vn Omc* cow

UTTOANCV RJ. BLACK Trivial Trivia By Kim J. & SON, INC. J. Kucej With more than half the major games. Phil Huffman [who?] led Sales & Service! league baseball season gone, it the staff with 18 losses. Tom Divorce (Simple) looks like the Buskey.JesseJefferson and Dave Water Pumps & are ready to take a cake walk Lemanczyk also lost 10 games Bankruptcy i Water Conditioners through the rest of the schedule in apiece while averaging four vic- $845 Plus Costs the American League East Divi- tories each. Thomaston Road sion. In the who are they portion of 755-1942 Watertown • 274-8853 In fact, it looks like Toronto this column, those whohavefaded may be the team that outclasses into oblivion include Rogers the other three division winners. Brown, Joe Cannon, Pedro Her- .. [possibles] Minnesota or Texas nandez, Craig Kusick, Bob or Oakland, Pittsburgh or New Robertson.ThadWilbom, Claude York Mets, Los Angeles or Cin- Edge, Dyar Miller, and Balor Complete your dream room, refresh your current look TED TIETZ, JR. cinnati or even [gasp] Atlanta. Moore. Anything is possible within your budget! TRUCKING But it wasn't always that way. With this motley crew [no, not Decorating Showcase & Idea Center Quassuk Hd. Woodbury Just 12yearsagotheBlueJays— the heavy metal rock group] the July 25 -10 am to 8 pm 263-3972 then still an expansion team — Blue Jays finished more than 50 YOU CALL. WE HAUL finished the 1979 season at 53- games behind the first-place July 26-10 am to 6 pm ANYTIME, ANYPLACE 109, 50-1/2 games out of first and more than July 27 - 9 am to 4 pm CRUSHED STONE place. 28 games behind the sixth-place TRANS DESIGNS GRAVEL • LOAM • SAND They were horrible. Cleveland Indians. TheBlue Jays, BULLDOZING in fact, were the only team in the 1650 Watertown Ave., Waterbury REASONABLE RATES There are two members of that (In the Westwood Plaza) You're Always Ahead 1979 team still on the roster and Eastern Division of the Ameri- DESIGNS st°P'" °T ca" for information: 1 •800-477-3326 When You Call Ted one other still playing baseball can League to finish with a losing somewhere. Shortstop Alfredo record. Griffin and pitcher Dave Stieb Some spots of ignominity in remained with the Blue Jays 1979: through the thickest and the thin- •The Blue Jays went 9-39 in a nest, while catcher Rick Cerone stretch of 48 games between April BIG ATTENTION TRUCK LOVERS went on to continue a relatively 15 and June 5. anonymous career. •Otto Velez reported late to That year, Griffin was second training camp for the third con- only to Otto Velez in batting secutive season, this time citing ENTER NOW! average—Griffin hitting .287 in income tax problems. PRESENTS: 624 at-bats, and Velez hitting .288 •Pitcher Tom Buskey started in 274 at-bats. Stieb was 8-8 with the season with chicken pox, then a 4.33 in 129 continued with a muscle pull. innings pitched. He walked 48 •Mark Lemongello continued MONSTER CLASH 91 men, struck out 52, and had one to give his teammates [he had shutout. done this with the Houston As- CUSTOM TRUCK G VAN CONTEST Those gone include Danny tros] some free entertainment by [yes, the former Boston tearing his locker to pieces and Celtic guard now with the Port- beating himself up every time he land Trailblazers], who batted lost a game on the mound. .237 with seven doubles, a triple, •Toboostattendance.theBlue two homers and 19 runs batted in Jays held an Italian HeritageNight after 308 at-bats. There was also at Exhibition Stadium in August designated hitter , who of 1979. Now, maybe we in the baited .256 with 26 doubles and northeast are wrong, but is it 12 homers. wrongly assumed that there are Rick Bosetti [who?] led the more Canadiens in Canada than team with 35 doubles. Griffin led Italians? Well.only 15,000people the team with 10 triples. And showed up. John Mayberry [remember him?] •The Blue Jays ended that led the Blue Jays with 21 homers season with five consecutive and 74 RBI. losses and finally fired Roy Tom Underwood's nine vic- Hartsfield, who compiled a fliree- tories led the pitching staff. Only season record of 168-318, a .346 problem was, he also lost 16 winning percentage. Recreation Softball

Larry Evon Memorial LOCAL STORE WINNERS RECEIVE $50.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE Montagano's Foods Moves To 7-1-1 - ADVANCE TO FINALS AT SATURDAYS MONSTER CLASH "91 After Dropping Stanley's Auto Body AUGUST 3rd AT STAFFORD MOTOR SPEEDWAY Mike Todhunter homered, tripled, doubled and drove in four runs as Montagano' s Foods kept its hold on first place in the Larry Evon Memorial Softball League with a 15-2 defeat of Stanley's Auto GRAND PRIZE - $500.00 CASH!!!! Body. FINAL ENTRY DATED; Friday July 26,1991 Vin Testa, Dave Rinkavage, and Jim Rupf added a pair of hits for Store Winner Announced Saturday, July 27,1991 Montagano's, which pushed its record to 7-1-1 on the season. ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT BIG A AUTO PARTS IN WATERTOWN Brass Mills Slow-Pitch Montagano's Foods Splits 2 Games Montagano's Foods and Jeanne C's played twice last week in BIG A AUTO PARTS Brass Mills Slow-Pitch Softball, but the decision was different both times. 1125 Main St., Watertown, CT R| f* Montagano's earned a 21-3 victory over the Jeanne C's Padres, 274-9623 then took a 9-4 loss to the Jeanne C's Warriors, dropping its league record to 7-7. Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Against the Padres, Vin Testa, Glenn Durante, Mike Todhunter, Sat. 7 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tommy Fenn, and Jim Rupf had three hits each, while Jay Zuraitis, Eric Knox, Mike Verrastro and Mark Warren had two hits. Against the Warriors, Vin Testa, Dave Rinkavage and Mike THE FIRST LETTER IN AUTO PARTS Verrastro had two hits each. For the Warriors, Paul Moore, Rick Thorn and Mike Martone had three hits each. Property of the Watertown Historical Society - • • Sports

Deadline Reminder: Town Times reminds its readers that the The Local Scene By Kim J. Harmon deadline for all press releases-club or organization notices, birth, engagement and wedding announcements, business updates, etc.-is Friday at 5 pm. Letters to the Editor are the exception, with a 5 pm Monday deadline. !l5f fM7" Discourage Auto Thieves I Engrave Your Vehicle ID Number Into fill Your Car Windows Reg. $39.95 ($10 OFF With This fid) (Offer Expires 9/1/91) LMichael Bolton 567-4789 CT State Police, Ret ** ** AMERICAN ROOTER SEPTIC Septic Tanks Cleaned $55,Par Tank Municipal Stadium grandstand. — Times Photo, Harmon -Watertown/Oakville Area Bob Palmer Jr used to call it snare a short pop fly. baugh, who looks like a first the Big Ballpark on Watertown In fact, after watching the baseman, and crouching behind HO.. 274-7338 Avenue. It is a place that saw a Water-Oak Crystal Rocks one Iheplate is Kevin Campbell, who Answering Service 753*8675 lot of minor league baseball, and would wonder what it would be can pull some 55-foot pitches players like Richie Zisk, Bobby like to get most of these kids out of the dirt with a casual ease. Bonds, Barney Mestek, Skeeter together on the same field as And the outfield environs are Barnes... some faceless, some high school seniors. patrolled by players like Jon not so faceless. There is Damon Grilley on BleachandKenJulian. The Twi-Met Baseball the mound, a pitcher who can But last week they were just League plays there, as does generate a fair amount of steam kids, laughing a little during a Mickey Mantle ... and the with his fast ball. He also has a short meeting on the mound as Mickey Mantle World Series. leg kick which stymies runners three Spanish AC players got a Class " AA" ball is just a mem- on first base. Against the Span- little jittery on first, second and Depot Square Mall ory ... a memory that keeps ish AC, Grilley had one runner third bases. Who knows where llUS Watertown threatening to come back... but reach back for first base on two they will be in a few years ... the ghosts—the aura—is hard straight pitches in what he obvi- some off to Watertown High, Phone: 274-9277 to push away. ously thought was a pick-off some off to Taft, maybe others That's why it is a thrill for the attempt, but what was actually a to Holy Cross or Sacred Heart youth teams to play on the dia- simple pitch. Had Grilley gone Seeingthem play, though, can mond, where professional base- over to first on the third pitch, make on wonder. SPECIAL! ball put Waterbury on the map the runner would have been for a lot of caught like a deer in the onrush- teams. The Water-Oak Athletic ing headlights of a truck. Yes-Our Prices Are 1 Month Club's Waterbury Sandy Koufax At third base there is Chris Competitive For Quality baseball team — sponsored by Wandelt, whose diving stab of a Fuel Oil and Kerosene Unlimited $ Crystal Rock — got a chance to hard grounder and subsequent Tanning play the Spanish Athletic Club throw to first base is only one CALL NOW Astros on the field last week. example of what he could do. They made the most of it At short, there is Scott Pietro, BARIBAULT Monday - Thursday 9-9 It wasn't hard to see the play- who can do a lot of things and OIL CO., INC. ers trying to relax themselves a probably feels he can turn a play Friday 9-8 • Saturday 10-4 little before the first pitch was on any ball that's hit near his 600 Main St, Oakville thrown. A little question—and vicinity. 274-3284 or 274-6723 a look to the fence which was At first base is Jeff Over- between 335 and 385 feet away — and a few players wondered CRESTWOOID FORD's what their longest shots had been. 1 Now in our 32nd Year REBATES & FINANCE RATES Maybe it had nothing to do with nervousness, but one of the 1 Residential Specialists Rebate or APR opening scenes in the game 1990-1991 MUSTANG $1000 7.9% would certainly epitomize some 1 Free Estimates 1990-1991 TEMPO $1000 7.9% nervousness... not to mention IMG make a dam good reel for This 1 References 1990-1991 TAURUS $1250 7.9% Week In Baseball. Woodbury - Watertown 1991 ESCORT Wagon& GT $750 2.9% Scott Retro slapped a base 1 and Surrounding Areas hit. As he reached first, the ball Fully Equipped 1991 ESCORT Pony $500 7.9% William R. Wynn, Owner was thrown to the bag, yet he 1 1990-1991 THUNDERBIRD $1000 7.9% rounded the base and headed for Insured 274-5100 second. The run-down was short, 1990-1991 AEROSTAR $2000 7.9% as Scott managed to slide under 1990-1991 ECONOLINE $1000 7.9% a tag back to first base to avoid 1990-1991 FESTIVA $500 4.8% real mental error. But seconds SUPERIOR ROOFING laierhe was called outafter being 1990-1991 PROBE $1000 7.9% tagged by the Spanish AC first 1990-1991 RANGER $1000 7.9% baseman. & LANDSCAPING . ' What gives, you ask? 1990-1991 BRONCO $550 7.9% Landscape Design Scott apparently asked for 1990-1991 F-SERIES $500 7.9% time, but neither of the umpires New Lawns heard the request. Scott stepped Driveways • New Roofs (203) 274-2501 off the bag to brush himself off Hauling • Stripping and was tagged out. Reshingling CRESTWDDD (203) 754-2501 Curious incident, but it Lawn (Tlaintenance • T Repairing 1 ^^ ^^-^Dr, quickly passed. Scott made up Concrete Work • ———FDOR• KM ^-IIHOP (soo) 523-2323 for it—and more—with some RORY GEDDES RELIABLE fine plays atshortsiop and a game REFERENCES 1230 Mam Street. V\ atertown,CT 06795-Exit 7 Off 1-84,3-1 2 mi. on33 North jj REASONABLE leap into left field to try and 266-7O88 B-8 - TbwPropertyn Tunes, July 18,1991 of the Watertown Historical Society Scholastic Newsmakerswatertownhistoricalsociety.orgRebuilding And Refurbishing The following Judson School students received certificates for perfect attendance for the 1990-1991 school yean Susan Brier, Britt Erickson, Mark Reihl, Justin Reihl, Adrianna Blakaj, Patricia Markham, Robert Rinaldi, Jessica Siperas and Daniel Terry. Danny has achieved perfect attendance for two consecutive years. Dina May Beauvillier, daughter of Mr and Mrs Roland Beauvil- lierofWatertown, has been named to the second semester dean's list of honor students at Hollins College in Roanake, VA. Rebecca Christie, daughter of James and Margery Christie of Watertown, has been named to the dean's list for the spring semester at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA.

Lisa M. Vaudreuil, daughter of Mrs Mary Lou Vaudreuil of Canton, CT and Mr Clifford Vaudreuil of Watertown, graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY.

Philip Murphy, son of Mr and Mrs Philip Murphy of Water- town, was named to the dean's list for the spring semester at Mount Saint Mary's College in Emmitsburg, MD. Christian A. Palmer, son of Jeanette and Robert Palmer of Watertown, graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Hobart College in Geneva, NY. Lori and Eric LeClerc of Cheshire, grandchildren of Mr and Mrs Livingston V. R. Crowell of Watertown, have been selected to have Aspiring Eagles Scout Jason Grady begins re- Members ofthe community come out to help in the their biographies published in Who's Who Among American High pairs to the 800-foot fence at Unico Field, Eagle Scout project. School Students and the All-American Scholar Directory respectively. Both attend West Woods Christian Academy in Hamden. Jason Grady Takes Unico Fence To Task In Eagle Scout Project Laura J. Marcil of Watertown was awarded a B.A. in commu- nication arts from Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY. Eight hundred feet of scrap- for the rank of Eagle Scout, he fence that adjoins three soccer ing, rebuilding and painting. worked with Parks and Recrea- fields. That's how big the fence at tion Director Donald Stepanek The scraping party was held The following students from Watertown have been named to the Unico Field off Main Street is, and the Watertown Youth Soc- June 1 and 16 people gave flieir Saint Margaret' s-McTeman School upper and middle school sec- and that's how much fence Ja- cer Association Board to plan on time to prepare the fence for ond semester honor roll. Faculty Honors: Silver and Stepha- son Grady scraped, rebuilt and refurbishing the fence. painting. During the following nie So; Honors: Matthew Maruca; Honorable Mention: Amanda painting for his Eagle Scout Jason had to plan the work to week, Jason and his construc- Madeux and Dana Madeux. project... with the help of sev- be done, organize the materials tion crew replaced plywood and eral friends. and manpower, direct the pur- two-by-fours to support the >•••••»**»t********************** Jason, son of Mr and Mrs chasing of materials needed, fence. On Saturday, June 15, David Grady of Fanndale Road, solicit the donations of paint, members of Troop 20 were di- FMI out n ^ is a member of Troop 20. In and schedule the actual rebuild- rected by Jason in the actual order to fulfill the requirements ing, scraping and painting of the painting project. Marie's Jewelry \-A V^^ Lonnie Madeux, Jordan Gold and Dave Gold take part in a scraping party for the Eagle Scout project. Credit Implication |_ find Receive fl FRCC T-SHIRT sSuply Lasts Come in & Browse... It's Worth The Trip CLOSED TUESDAYS ALi SU

VERTICAL 5O% MINI BLINDS OFF m VERTICALS .MINI BLINDS Measuring & . PLEATED Installation SHADES WITH ORDERS OF $250 & UP HERITAGE CURTAINS INC. Open 9:30 to 5:30 Tues.- Fri.; 10-5 on Sat. 251 Potter St., Watertown 274-1274 ^ Not responsible for typographical errors SS British Car Show Assists MADD MADD [Mothers Against Food, auto jumble, and craft $8, or $10 at the gate. Walk-in David Drunk Driving] of Litchfield vendors are needed. Vendor donations are $2, while senior County will sponsor British spaces are $25 each for a 10-by- citizens and children can enter MADDness, an all-British car 20-foot spot. A limited number free. No alcohol ic beverages will show,onSunday,September22, of spaces will be available, and be permitted on the fairgrounds. D. from 10 am to 4 pm [rain or slots must be reserved before The event will benefit the shine] at the Bethlehem Fan- Tuesday, September 10; call 350- county MADD chapter. The Grounds. MADD for an application. Connecticut MGClub.Ltd., will 513s Rot 01d Registration will be from 10 Preregislration for the cars is be assisting at the event. 31 You're fl Tree, am to noon, voting from noon to 1:30 pm, and awards presenta- 11th Bluegrass Festival In Morris tion at 3 pm. IjKPPY There will be an auto jumble, The 11th annual MorrisBlue- Admission will be $4 for event T-shirts for sale, dash grass Festival will be held Sun- adults,$3 for seniors and youths, plaques to all registrants, and day, August 11, from noon to while children ages 5 and under prizes for best car club display dusk at Morris Memorial Park, [car classes will bebased on pre- at the junctions of routes 109 and get in free. Ample parking will 63 in Morris. be available. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow Societyn Times, July 18,1991 - B-9 town ZTtm€9 Uown Ttfmee ^own Classified

TOWN TIMES CLASSIFIED RATES 1-15 words $2.90 per insertion CLASSIC 16H TB Mare 16' Old. SATURDAY 9 am - 3 pm. End of GOLF CLUBS- Set of men's used Jumps 3'6", wonderful dressage or ATTENTION 16-30 words $3.40 per insertion Williams Ave., off Davis St. Many 31-50 words $4.50 per insertion metal woods In good conditon. Equitation horse. Intermediate to HOMEONWERS 51-100 words $5.60 per insertion baby items, clothes, toys, crib, 274-9102 anytime. advanced rider. $2,500. 16.2H 101-150 words $7.20 per insertion household items, compound bow, Anglo/Han. Gelding 9' old. Green (150 word maximum) kerosene heater and more. NEED CASH? wonderful dressage, hunter, or event prospect. Advanced rider r Ins wanted. US & world collec- $7,500. Good home a must. Owner Use of Box Number TAG SALE SATURDAY, 9 am-4 pm. FREE ESTIMATES add $2 per insertion tor coins, proof sets. Silver and must sell one of these horses due EXCELLENT REFERENCES 186 Tarbell Ave., Oakville. Alumi- gold, coins, bars, dental, broken to growing family. 264-5973. num storm windows, tires and and unwanted jewelry, 10K, 14K. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFIED DISPLAY household items. 18K. Pony Express 264-0990, Herl- 11 tags Village, Southbury. HAY FOR SALE "DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME $3.50 per column inch WATERTOWN: SATURDAY, July 20, 9 am-4 pm. Something for every- OLD CLOCKS & POCKET- Northern NY State one. 74 Woolson Street, WATCHES - also broken clocks Call the Painting LEGAL Watertown. No early birds. and movements. Call Phill Dunn, 1st and 2nd Cutting Contractors $5.20 per column inch Senior, 274-1932. Alfalfa, Timothy, & wheat straw, 2740179 Steve also mulch. Excellent quality. RETIRED TEACHERS- Do you DISPLAY RATES Horse & cow hay. Delivered any remember your first day(s) at amounts or can be picked up. Local, work? Write me about it (1,000 518-329-3792 or 518-329-1321 $5.20 per column inch words or less). Send to Jean BACK-HOE & BULLDOZER AIR CONDITIONERS & TV'S Stouter, PO Box 2117, Danbury, CT LOOKING FOR PERSON to work WORK— Curtain drains, York 06813. Compilator holds a BA in off board In Watertown. Lots of raking, hauling fill, loam and grav- COMBINATION & MAJOR graphic communication and is trails, pasture and nice riding ring. el. 25 years experience. State TRIPLE RATES APPLIANCES currently in her 24th year with the Call 274-2364. licensed and insured. No job too small! Call 274-5153. AVAILABLE Danbury Public Schools. BEAUTY CONSULTANT— Comple- Ads can be placed in Town Times FANTASTIC PRICES WANTED TO DONATE toUniOT Church: Auction items and tag sale mentary facials given. Also (circulation of 9,000); The Weekly FREE DELIVERY accepting bookings. 945-0080. Star (circulation of 21,028); and The items. Call 274-4848. Newtown Bee (circulation of 8,694). Call the office nearest you for LVT BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN and rates. Himalayan kittens. CFA registered, Chas Scherer & Sons PRICE QUOTE 1st shots. Call for details. 264-5478. Contracting CLASSIFIED & DISPLAY HOTLINE 1980 CHEVY MONZA- 2.5 litre, 4 CAT SITTING- We will feed and Ads ordered to run* 'til further 1-800-582-8884 cyl., PS, auto. Solid body, good give T.L.C. to your cats in your * New Homes notice accepted on written order interior, runs decent, high mileage. home while you're on vacation. * Remodeling only. If written order is not receiv- BABY STROLLER- Strolee brand, Recent trans, replacement. Clean References available. Phone: * Log Homes ed, ad will appear in only one gray and mauve reversible quitted car needs minor work. Call 274-2361. issue. seat cushion, reversible handle, 2634691 between 4:30-9 pm. * Multi-Fuel LAB PUPPIES: Yellow and black, $50. Call 945-0040 after 6 pm, Central Heating When cancelling these ads a writ- please. I983 PONTIAC FIREBIRD SE— champion lines, raised with chil- ten order must also be received. $2900 or best offer. 16,000 miles on dren. OFA, CERF, AKC. 2630612. Telephone cancellation will not be BRIDAL GOWN-size 5/6, never engine. Excellent condition, 6 cyl- 263-3145 accepted as proof in case of worn - short sleeve Princess style, inder, 5 speed, rustproofed, quad billing error. $400. Call 266-4594 leave message. stereo, pius extras. 263-4037 DIALOG— UNIQUE KEYLESS evenings. -Pets mechanical doorlock in gold, 1985 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE: Sil- DATA FORCE DEADLINE brown and black. Non-rusting, ver, v-6, A/C, FM cassette, power BABY BURMESE PYTHON w/cage easily installed. Total of 106 avail- locks and seat, cruise. $1,950. (stand, lamp and rock). S300 or Classified, real estate and display able. Wholesale cost $38 each with 264-4480. best offer. Very tame. 283-1191. Computer deadline is noon on Tuesday. retail of $99. Will consider any reasonable offer and would prefer 1986 FORD F150 — new clutch and Consulting & Advertisers should watch their ads selling entire lot to one person. For brakes; good tires: with cap. Runs and notify at once if any correc- more information send name and well. 426-3770. Services Data Entry tion is necessary. Town Times will address to: Box MMB, The New- 1988 MAXIMA AUTOMATIC, all op- Tired of all thai paper work? be responsible for only one incor- town Bee, P.O. Box 5503, Newtown, tlons, 23,200 original miles, like rect insertion, except that adver- CT 06470. new condition, below wholesale Confused about buying a tisers must accept full responsibil- APPLIANCE EYE GLASSES starting at $55 price, $8,995. 274-8667. computer? ity for accuracy of all copy sub- REPAIRS mitted by phone. In case of error, — Single vision, complete. 1990 FORD F150, four wheel drive, Not sure what to get? Town Times will run one "make Watertown Optical, 274-3031. $12,900. Call 274-2030, James. Washers, dryers, good" insertion except when the electric stoves, refrigerators We offer training, advice error does not lessen the vaiue of FABRIC BARN SALE and air conditioners. and service. the advertisement. 30% OFF Call 274-4654 • Mailing Lists • Labels • Files; Updated & For Complete Rates JULY 10 - 21 Maintained Call Watertown, 274-6721 OPEN WED • SUN. 10AM-5PM .Motorcycles CHESHIRE FURNITURE Woodbury, 263-3464 CLOSED MON. S TUES. refinishing—Quality repairs and We Deliver and Pick-Up RT 63, EAST MORRIS refinishing. Free estimates. Free Call Anytime Newtown, 426-3141 1982 HARLEY DAVIDSON pick-up and delivery. Call 567-5823 SPORTSTER — Completely rebuill 272-3098. engine. Under warranty. New paint. 274-2184 ULTONA-BHUNDSWICH PHONO- Lots of chrome, new exhaust sys- Fag Sales GRAPH — works well. About 7E tem. $2900. Call 426-4127, leave years old. 426-3770. message. I REMODELING ESTATE TAG SALE Ceramic Tile • Masonry July 26-27-28 10 AM-4 PM 160 West St., Seymour Patios (Wood or Stone) • Excavating Antiques SEVENTEEN FOOT fiberglass trl- FRIDAY - FURNITURE ONLY: hull, 115 H.P. Evinrude. $2,350 or 25 Years ExperiencG &e M. BUILDERS Tables, chairs, beds, dresser with WANTED— Carnival Glass. Before best offer. 274-2030, James. 264-9727 mirror, desk, bookcases, electric 1940. Also, books or any othei 1983 SKI SEVILLE. Competition ski organ, old radios, TVs, record related information. Call 426-6627 boat. 302 Ford pleasure craft en- players, lamps, chest freezer. or write to: PO Box 521, Newtown. gine, inboard w/trailer. $7900. Call CT 06470. 4264127. leave message. SATURDAY & SUNDAY: Household items and collectibles, glassware, •TREASURES & TRASH* books, magazines, records, mens CAPINERA and womens clothing and much We buy and sell from attic tc more. Rain or shine. cellar. Partial or whole estates. Furniture, antiques, glassware, PLUMBING & HEATING NO EARLY BIRDS household items, etc. Shop hours 1-5 Thursday through Sunday. Located on Route 6, Thomaston SCREENED LOAM - Fieldstone. Quality Work at Competitive Prices JULY 20-21, 10 am-5 pm, 245 Old Road, Watertown. Shop number stonewalls, gravel and fill. Colony Drive, Watertown off Bun- 274-2945 or call Jennifer 266-5323. Kacerguis Farms. 266-7664. ker Hill Extension. Rain or shine. • New Construction \KVILLE— SATURDAY, 9 am-2 n. Moving, everything must go. Freezer, air conditioner, woman's Livestock • Remodel!^ 274-6*08 and boy's clothing, swing set and . •Repair Work "I' V*7W much more. Central Avenue off LIVE HOME GROWN QUAILS. Davis Street. COUCH in excellent condition, 27' $2.50 each. 426-2469. SATURDAY, JULY 20: Furniture, TV, stereo, microwave, and othet misc. equipment. 426-5113. PIGS, GOATS, LAMBS, sheep, bric-braG, children's items. 9-5 chickens, ducks and rabbits. Call pm. Top of Route 61, 20 Green Hill ELECTRIC STOVE— 30 inch Mike 753-5852 or leave message. USED APPLIANCES Road, Bethlehem. avacado, perfect working condi SATURDAY: 9 am-3 pm. End of tion. $60. Also, hanging Tiffany Lamp. Call 274-8555. ST.JUDE'SNOVENA Williams Ave., off Davis Street. FOR SALE Many baby items, clothes, toys, STEREO TECHNICS— AM/FM dou- May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be crib, household items, compound ble cassette, 100 watt equalizer. adored, glorified, loved and pre- Most refrigerators, $150; most clothes bow, kerosene-; heater and more. Quasar synthesizer, turntable and served, throughout the world now SHELTON: GIGANTIC MOVING speakers with remote control. Asking $400 or best offer. and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus washers, $150; most electric dryers, SALE, Saturday, July 20, 9 am-4 pray for us. St. Jude worker of pm, Sunday, July 21, 9 am-3 pm. Symphomic video recorder with $125 or $250 for washer/dryer pair. 40 Woodsend Ave. Antiques ana remote, brand new. Asking $100 oi miracles, pray for us. Say this collectibles. Oak, maple and ma- best offer. 283-1191. prayer nine times a day. By the Most built-in (under counter) hogany furniture; artwork; 1968 eighth day your prayer will be Cord Warrior Convertible; Century answered. It has never been dishwasher and most 30" electric mahogany speedboat and trailer; 3 piece leather sofa and chairs: known to fail. Publication must be ranges $25 each. antique clocks; household; cos- promised. Thank You and God tume jewelry; 33 and 78 records: GOLF CLUBS and sets— Cash foi Bless You St. Jude. old and new books; china; tools; your no longer used golf equip- L.V. 264-8162 much more! ment. Please call 274-8471. B-10Property- Town Times, July 18,199 1of the Watertown Historical Society Classified Cown Cimes tlown Eimea :

COMPLETE HOME and YARD RICHARD'S PLUMBING & HOUSE CLEANING with a personal Services— Painting, landscaping, HEATING Co.— Bath renovation touch. I will clean your home like Announcing HOMEOWNERS yard maintenance, brush removal and heating systems. Leaking fau- it's my own. 274-0074. Spruce-Up and auto detailing. Very low rates. cets to new construction. No ser- Remodeling Call 263-2878 or 1-496-8347 vice charge. Licensed and insured. HOUSECLEANING, IRONING, din- Landscaping's Let us give you a free estimate. ner parties. Thorough, dependable. and Restoration COMPLETE CAR CARE— Wash, Call 757-7545. References, reasonable rates. 5 YR ANNIVERSARY Carpentry, interior or exterior. wax, detail. Contact Mike at ASD 274-1388. No job too small. Automotive. 274-5615 or 274^303. SEPTIC CLEANING— $55/tank. I CLEAN HOUSES AND OFFICES: Prompt service at Watertown residents only. Call reasonable rates. American Rooter. We also special- lowest price. I wilt do a good job! 10% Discount CONRAD'S References. 753-9058. Quality workmanship. MOWER REPAIR ize in drain cleaning. 274-7338. On All New Free estimates. SEWING REPAIR and alterations. LADY WILL DO house cleaning. Customers Fully insured. SERVICE Call Mon.-Fri. 10-6pm. 426-4352. Reasonable rates. Good refer- References available. Call ences. Call 274-8554. Repairs on all brands of SHARPENING lawnmowers and power equipment Who says Landscaping & Lawn (Including Sears!). Good used Hedge Trimmers MARANATHA Maintenance Programs Have To Be William M. Cooke mowers for sale. Pick-up and Scissors & Knives CHIMNEY SWEEPS Expensive To Be Good? 263-5400 delivery available. KIRCO 26 YEARS EXPERIENCE Chimneys cleaned professionally. I Offer 208 MAIN ST., OAKVILLE Quick, clean, efficient service HOME REPAIRS - Remodeling, FAST SERVICE * Lawnmowing additions. For free estimate call 274-7889 * Lawn Thatching Bill Clock, 274-2859. 274-9497 573-1255 * New Lawns & Lawn Repairs or 489-9979 * Shrub & Hedge Trimming CRUSHED STONE, delivered. Call SPECIALIZING * Planting HOWARD F. PACKER Professional Outdoor Services. IN * All Types of Cleanups CONTRACTING CO. 266-7075. HOMEOWNER SERVICE PROFESSIONAL * Small Tree Removal/Pruning CLEANING HOME IMPROVEMENTS CYNTHIA'S EXCAVATION- Digging, grading Reasonable Rates 945-0074 REMODELING stump removal, drains, septic Commercial offices (large or ADDITIONS systems. small), weekly/monthly, residential, WATERTOWN CASUAL CLOTHES walls, floors, windows, carpet & ROOFING & MASONRY- All kinds of brick, upholstery steam cleaned. SKYLIGHTS ACCESSORIES block and stonework, sidewalks, patios, chimneys, walls and SENIOR DISCOUNTS GLENN'S DECKS 281 South Main St. foundations. FINISH WORK Thomaston CALL LIGHT TRUCKING CARPENTRY- New homes, addi- Fully Insured. 283-6831 tions, remodeling, decks, garages, ACE MAINTENANCE Clean Ups * Dump Runs State Registered. roofing and sheetrock. • NO JOB TOO SMALL ' Free Estimates. 274-6259 • 1-H0M22-M31 References. DROP OFF Call Glenn • 274-9497 LANDSCAPE- New lawn Installa- SUMMER SPECIAL— Get your car- 426-3860 CATERING tion, trees and shrubs planted or pets really clean, with shampoo FREE ESTIMATES removed, railroad tie wails. and warm water extraction. Any Parties, showers, stags. two rooms, $50. Floor cleaning and J1S LAWN SERVICE- Reliable Complete buffet, $7.00 per person, ASPHALT PAVING— Driveways. polishing also available. Call service since 1984. Commercial large menu to choose from. 274-O074, and residential weekly mainte- nance. Many types of landscaping MARK SMOLLEY'S Laura's Kitchen DADDONA TOO TIRED TO CLEAN THE NEST? offered. 945-0080. Call 945-0013 CONSTRUCTION Call Robyn, she's the best!. REMODELING 743-3555 leave message. COMPANY DROP-OFF CATERING- Menus 756-4205 PROFESSIONAL starting at $5.50/person. Home- Interior and Exterior Painting • made Italian Cooking. We deliver. SWEETCAKES OF LANDSCAPING Wallpapering • Carpentry inct roofs C 4 C Deli. 274-1884. NORTHFIELD and decks • Free Estimates • Shrub, Hedge Trimming & Planting Insured * References EXTERIOR HOUSEPAINTING- Cakes for all occasions. One family starting at $525 only. Railroad Tie Walls, Masonry Repair Call 274-9082 Specializing in children's character Blue Stone & Brick Patios & Walks Call for free estimates. 274-6574, cakes. Eric. ' TYPING QUALITY 283-1427, Pam BEST RATES IN TOWN HAULING * CLEAN-UP WORD PROCESSING Free EstlmaUi' Fully Insured WALLPAPERING Attics, Cellars, Brush trees, dump runs. No amount too TV—VCR SERVICE Resumes, letters, term papers, Call 274-7215 Anytime Summer Special Rates small or large manuscripts, mailing lists, repeti- WALL * PRO DUHAMEL ELECTRONICS tive letters, tapes transcribed. OUTDOOR PRODUCTS 408 Buckingham St., O«k*lll« Notary public. RESTORE YOUR MEADOW— Have Free estimates Atl work guaranteed SERVICE CT State Lie. #001226 Woodbury It Bush-hogged mowed. Call Pro- 753-5723 AIR CONDITIONERS fessional Outdoor Services. 274-9931 MICROWAVE OVENS Secretarial Services 266-7075. MAJOR TELEPHONE COMPANY Call 274-1974 SMALL MASONRY JOBS— R. LAGASSE PAINTING now hiring, technicians, installers, 263-2279 Stonewalls, sidewalks & patios. * WALLPAPERING COMPANY account/service reps, operators. Lowest rates around. Call No experience neccessary. For 2830577. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR information call 1-219-736-9807, Ext. T-2Q98. 9am-9pm, 7 days. YARD AND GARDEN maintenance. FULLY INSURED Lawn mowing, brush cutting hedge FREE ESTIMATES trimming, light trucking and Quality Wallpapering hauling, sand stone, top soil, 22 Years Experience Summer Special Rates BROOMSTICKS woodchips and mulch. Odd Jobs. WALL * PRO Housecleanlng. Reasonable rates. Call 266-5197. 274-0670 Excellent References. HEDGE TRIMMING, tree and FREE ESTIMATES branch cutting available, also SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED -^~Herb ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call Edythe driveway sealing. Call anytime. Shaw Sanitation Service, the ser- 274-7637 274^574. Free Estimate. vice professional. Call 2744228 274-9931 any time. W.R. SCHAFER & Sons: Custom BOB HAMEL ELECTRIC carpentry. New homes, additions, ELECTRICAL REPAIRS & INSTAL- decks, garages, trim, repairs, small LATION. INDUSTRIAL, COMMER- and large. Licensed and Insured. CIAL & RESIDENTIAL Call 274-5749 for free estimate. FULLY INSURED...LICENSED... FREE EST. 274-1545


CABINETRY ASSEMBLERS: EXCELLENT in- Entertainment centers, come to assemble products from bookshelves, coffee and dining your home. 504-646-1700 Dept P- tables, window seats, bed frames, 2760. mirrors, and other furnishings. EARM MONEY reading books!* Made in original or standard de- $30,000/year income potential. De- signs. References. Estimates. tails. (1) 805-962-8000 ext. Y-2901. 758-1121 HELP YOURSELF LANDSCAPING DRIVEWAYS HELP OTHERS Professionally Sealed Earn good part-time or full-time income at home representing THE AND Machine applied MICRO DIET PROGRAM. Call or Very Reasonable Rates write Madeline Nolan Independent Quality Workmanship Micro Diet advisor, 150 Bluebird MAINTENANCE Free Estimates Dr., Naugaiuck, CT 06770, AH SEAL'RITE 723-2016, 1-800-772-SEAL HOMEWORKERS NEEDED— Earn up to $339.84 per week assembling We will beat or meet our products at home. Call today J.A.C. PAINTING (206) 298-5543 dept. 2540. any written estimate. JOBS IN KUWAIT/SAUDI— Hiring INTERIOR • EXTERIOR $37,500^150,000 yearly. Construc- Excellent References tion, oil refinery, medical office, Quality is Our Specialty! welders, most skills. Trasportation, housing. Incredible opportunities. Free Estimates Please Call 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Call 1-206-736-7000 ext. 3008W7. Roto-tilling Available 426-5228 POSTAL JOBS— $18,392- $67,125/year. Now hiring. Call (1) 283-6628 263-5576 805-962-8000 Ext. P-1099. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow n SocietyTimes, July 18,1991-B-l l tlown Himee Tlown Utmes XTown XTimClassified Kathy Sinni In Concert August 11

Kathy Sinni, contemporary has taken her to 48 states, Can- Washington Redskins profes- SECOND INCOME TEMPORARY Christian singer and recording ada, and England, presenting sional football team. OPENINGS artist, will appear in conceit at more than 1,000 concerts in set- WITHOUT The Bible Church, 240 Dwight WORD PROCESSORS tings ranging from churches to There is no admission charge THE 2ND JOB SECRETARIES Street, Waterbury, on Sunday, conventions, colleges, prisons, to the concert, but a free will RECEPTIONIST August 11, at 11 am. 1-900#s Available for: ACCOUNTING military bases, special festivals, offering will be accepted. For Rent or Joint Venture CLERICAL Mrs Sinni's music ministry and even chapel services for the moreinformation,call755-0197. DATA ENTRY Call For Info Without Obligation LIGHT INDUSTRIAL •Top Rates TODAY AT: •Holiday Pay •Vacation Pay 914-736-3841 •Referral Bonuses •Free P.C. Cross Training STAY HOME and make up to •Individualized Attention $1,000 a week or more. Over 400 CALL TODAY: 264-6220 companies need homeworkers/ RESOURCES AVAILABLE distributors now! Call today Southbury (206) 481-4839 depl. 2540. WANTED: LIVE-IN for elderly women. References. Call 274-2076 TURN FAT INTO $$$ or 274-1932. Need 11 overweight people to lose weight and make money $$$. 11-29 pounds this month!!! Guaranteed results. 100% nutritionally balanced, plus eat the foods you love. Act quickly. BUNKER HILL AREA, WATERBURY- Openings for 2-4 (201) 231-3363, Julie year olds, full-time. Licensed Mom, warm loving atmosphere, WANT TO BANISH unemployment meals provided. Nursery school Be Eligible for Cash fears forever? We Have The An- program. Call Corky, 573-5773. swer. Call 914-725-1214, Ext. CT102 now for amazing recorded LICENSED FAMILY day care mom message that reveals details on will watch your child full or part- Prizes in Our your options. time in her Oakville home. Experl- enced. Call 274-7867. M PART TIME LIVE-OUT Nanny. Compassionate. Loving with refer- iy Contest ences. Two children, 3yr. & 5yr.: Call 274-3154.

BROWN & SHARPE— Set-up and operator, immediate opening, M/F, experience required. Must be motivated individual able to work independently. Salary commensu- BEGINNING GUITAR LESSONS: rate with experience. For informa- $15. Your home or mine. 263-3908. tion call Duda & Goodwin, between 8 am-3 pm 263-4354. GUITAR AND BASS instructions with Tony Deziel, lead guitarist GIRLS WANTED from Connecticut, with the Barnes Brothers and solo and Massachusetts, between 9-19 recording artist. Ten years teach- to compete in the 1991 Hartford ing experience. Also, a classical Pageants. Over $15,000 in prizes guitar and music major at WCSC. and scholarships. Call 1- 800-345- So learn what you want to learn by 2330, Ext. 5242. the areas finest. Call 2744116 HAIR STYLIST— Part time. Some after 5 pm. See ya soon! following preferred. Call Hair Affair THE YOUNG ARTIST WORKSHOP: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Private/semi-private art lessons 757-0817. grades 6-12. Experienced art- MEDICAL OFFICE— PART TIME ist/certified art teacher. One sum- Clerk/Receptionist. Duties include mer session still available. Call filing, light typing, appointments 264-4275, Julie Cavansugh. and phone. $6/hour. Call for an Interview 274-4634 after 5 pm/weekends. PART TIMBFULL TIME— Indepen- dent beauty consultant. Make your own hours, be your own boss. Earn SECRETS ON how to find slot $20-$30/hour. Car and phone a machines that are ready to pay off. must. Call 945-0080. Call 1-900-872-4500, $2 per mi- nute, 3 minute message.

The Play's The Thing. Where's It Playing? MAGICAL ENTERTAINMENT for Read Enjoy And See. children's parties and shows. Call Mr Miracle, 274-6115.

RULES: Submit a photograph of yourself or members of your fam- ily holding your copy of the Newtown Bee, The Weekly Star, or The Town Times In front of a recognizable landmark or sign anywhere In the world before the contest deadline of 5:00 p.m., December 31, 1991. Send photos to: Deborah Donnelly, Town Times, P.O. Box 1, Watertown, CT 06795. Please be sure to write your name, address and phone number on the back of your entry.

PRIZES: A $100 First Prize will be awarded by each newspaper to the reader who submits the photo taken farthest away from that Dave Pettinicchi is the owner of Wash on Wheel, 95 Barnes Road, newspaper's office. In addition, photos will be selected for publica- whichprovMeshigh-pressweexteriorhousecleaningandpainting. tion by the editors throughout the year as they are submitted. Hours are 8 am to 9 pm. Those readers whose photos are selected for publication will be • awai ii • : : • -' • •• m\ :. ; v "a rn%. • B-12-TbwPropertyn Times, July 18,199 1of the Watertown Historical Society SReal Estate Zown TTowt

WATERTOWN RANCH: 5 rooms (plus) - 3 BRs, 1 bath. Located on quiet cul-de-sac in Taft School area. Private rear yard. Partially finished room in lower level. $129,900 Phone Don Wilcox for details. COLONIAL: Great house for entertaining. 11 rooms, 3 fpfs, very large DR, open to oversize living area. 4 BRs, plus a nursery. Laundry upstairs. Maid's back staircase to kitchen, w a mud room in back $149,000 Phone Don Wilcox for details. DUPLEX: Left side has4 BRs, formal DR, large • a large deck off newly renovated kltcheti. Right side has 3 BRs. 2 car detached garage, parking for 2 cars, fenced-in yard, convenient to town. $150,000 Phone Ellen Zuschlag for details. RAISED RANCH: Fantastic location — Wonderful lot. This 3 BR home has a new bi-level deck and new vinyl siding. Ready to move into. Parquet wood entry md hall, ceramic tile kitchen. % acre level grounds with gazebo. .$159,900 Phone George Herzner for details. CAPE: Completely renovated, new carpets and fresh paint. 3 BRs, large LR, OR, 2 full baths, eat-in kitchen w sliders to oversized deck. 2 car garage w plenty 1 storage above. Owner motivated. $162,000 Phone Ellen Zuschlag for details. COLONIAL New Construction — To Be Built. 8 rooms, 4 BRs, 2Vi baths, large eat-in kitchen, FR w fpl, hot water heat, 2 car garage. 1.5 acre lot. .$189,900 Phone Dom DiNunzio or Don Wilcox for details. RANCH: Mount Fair Farm! Move right in- to this custom home w 3 BRs, 2 baths and central air-conditioning. Enjoy the Heather Cabral, left, gathers her charges this week at the Echo Lake Play Camp. - Times Photo, Harmon summer entertaining on the large deck in the back. Full basement with walk-out and plumbing for 3rd bath is waiting for your imaginative touch. . . .$225,900 COLONIAL 7 rooms, 3 BRs, 2Vt baths. June Building Estimates Located on landscaped Vz acre lot on quiet street. Large kitchen with oak Building and construction estimates for June amounted to cabinets, FR w fpl. Pleasant rear yard Prime Retail Space $1,211,714, according to the latest monthly report filed by Building area surrounds an in-ground pool. Dou- ble decks, two car garage.. $229,900 Inspector Richard Fusco's office. Phone Don Wilcox for details. WOODBURY, CT A total of 172 permits were issued, bringing in fees of $9,585. CONTEMPORARY: 9 rooms, 4 BRs and Leading the list were five permits for one-family dwellings, at 2Vz baths. 3000 sq. ft. living area plus 25'xl7' basement room. 36'xl8" in- Available Now for $427,540, and one permit by Eyelematic for a ihermo oxidizer, at ground pool surrounded by patio and $243,000. deck. Large rooms — open floor plan Mid-Summer Occupancy great for entertaining. Gast hot air heat The rest of the breakdown is as follows: foundations for one- with central air conditioning. family dwellings, seven, $70,000; residential additions and altera- $279,000 SPACE SIZES AVAILABLE tions, 12, $ 10737; commercial and industrial additions and altera- Phone Don Wilcox for details. CAPE: Need space? How about 3 plus TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS tions, two,$16,550; porches, one,$l,792; decks, 19,$53,249; pools, acres and 2500 plus sq. ft. of living 19, $58,374; and sheds, two, $1,440. space. 4 BRs, 3¥z baths, 1st floor MBR ... featuring: suite, central air and vac, 4 zone Geo-Thermal Also: garages, one, $10,000; signs, four, $3,350; reshinglings, heating/cooling. 36' fireplaced country six, $12,495; sidings, six, $29,850; fences, one, $1,000; gazebos, kitchen, 22' fireplaced LR, 36' fireplac- Heating/Cooling System ed FR. Country living at its best. Quality one, $2,058; temporary tents, one, $1,000; fire extinguishing sys- worth seeing!! $289,900 /Hot Water System tems, one,$10,000;electrical jobs, $45,154; plumbings, 14,$36,225; Phohe George Herzner for details. CENTER HALL COLONIAL Late 1800s State-of-the-Art, Energy Efficient - Cost Saving heatings and coolings, $81,150; tanks, one, $200; and demolitions, home, 10 rooms, 4 BRs, 2Vi baths, two, no value. recently remodeled and redecorated, large kitchen with plenty of custom oak For information, calk cabinets, modern appliances, ceramic tile floor, DR w fpl, 15x31 LR, LL FR, Sacred Heart To Mark Anniversary sumoom, 20x25 deck, in-ground pool, DICK CRANE 263-0006 2-car detached garage $292,000 Waterbury's Sacred Heart recently accepted into the Coali- Phone Dom DiNunzio for details. SALTBOX COLONIAL 8 rooms, 3 BRs, 2 High School is marking its 70th tion of Essential Schools pro- baths located on 1.4 acre landscaped lot anniversary this year and plans gram at Brown University. in a quiet subdivision. Home features ar open and airy floor plan, extra large MBR are being formulated for a cele- w Jacuzzi bath. Beautiful wood floors, bration. Any graduate or friend of spacious kitchen. Oil hot air heat w cen- Sacred Heart who is interested tral air. 3 car garage and many, many Sacred Heart has an enroll- extras $339,000 ment of approximately 700 stu- in serving on the anniversary Phone Don Wilcox for details. dents and a minimum of 95 per- celebration committee should cent of its graduating seniors go contact Eileen M. Regan, Direc- CAPE: Perfect starter home, 2-3 BRs, 1VS baths. Owners made improvements on to college. The school was torofDeve!opment,at753-1605. in 1987. new bay window in sunroom, new front deck and new electrical. Walk- REALTORS out basement, level yard. Affordable price Reduced $107,000 Greenwich Washington Phone Annabelle Lynn for details. (203) 868-0021 COLONIAL 3 BR, country kitchen, tile (203) 869-2400 RE/MAX Gwynn Harmon bath. 1st and 2nd floor porches expanc Resident expert living area. Wood floors under carpet. Fenced-in large yard. Oil hot air heating, 264-1099 1 car attached garage. Usable base- 263-0822 (home) ment. House shows well. . $133,900 Phone Don Wilcox for details. CAPE: Super starter home, located on quiet street. Features 3 BRs, eat-in kit- OPEN HOUSE chen, IVi baths, large formal dining room, enclosed sun porch, 1-cargarage. Sunday, July 21, 1-5 PM New furnace. Easy commute. $137,900 Phone Annabelle Lynn for details. COLONIAL: Shows pride of ownership — neat and clean. Charming LR wfpl, new Stainmaster carpet, newly remodelec bath, cedar closet, walk-up attic. Great family home located on well cared for corner lot $139,900 Phone Annabelle Lynn for details.

401 Main Street WARREN, CT Watertown Situated on over 2 acres, this immaculately maintained Cape, with 3 BRs Builder's Own Home and 2 baths, is surrounded by Christmas Trees! Formerly a Christmas Tree 2,400 sq. ft. of quality construction! 274-9675 Farm, this property, with its beautiful grounds of mature plantings, pro- Property suitable for horses. vides you with wonder, peace of mind and loads of privacy! Charming! $265,000 - Must See To Appreciate! Don't miss this one!! __ DIRECTIONS: Rt. 6 in WoodbmytoRt. 61 toward Bethlehem. Right on Not* Q Exclusive - $215,000


Bethlehem/Washington $750,000 CAPE — Come see this lovely home Sunday afternoon, July 21, TOTAL ACRES 55.4. 49 acres In Bethlehem. 6.4 NEW LISTING - WATERTOWN 1991 from 1-4 pm. The ever charming Cape Cod with 6 spacious rooms, cathedral ceilings, 2 full baths and an attached 2 car acres in Washington. Possible subdivision. In addi- CAPE — Five rooms, 2 BRs, 1 bath, eat-in kitchen, wood floors, garage all on almost 2 acres In a delightful neighborhood. tion, 6 room Ranch. Almost level lot w/1008 ft. prop- oil hot air heat. Pleasant rear yard off deck. Garage.$119.900 $229,000. erty frontage. Phone Don Wilcox or George Herzner for details. Call Bemie Evans 758-1585

A MEMBER OF TKESEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK ( PREMIER - 401 Main Street DEMING & LUSCOMB ^PROPERTIES, Watertown 1044 Main St., 274-9675 Watertown 274-5431 WATERTOWN '149,900 OPEN HOUSE: SUN., 1-4 PM ffiit Watertown New Construction To Be Built

4 Bedrooms-L-shaped ranch on level $239,900 corner lot. Ceramic tile floor in kitchen, Granny Smith: 2550 sq. ft, 3 BR Farmhouse with bonus room. fieldstone FP, 2 full baths , large 2 car This Space Available Vh baths, masonry fireplace, skylights, plus many generous garage. Family neighborhood. allowances, on 2 magnificent acres. 18 Magnificent 2 acre lots with views on hilltop cul-de-sac Call: 274-8851 Directions.- S-SD ru n ,. 8 North, Exit 37, West onto Rt. 262, cross hX 6 onto Fern Hil! Rd, right onto Northtield, continue 2 miles. Apple Hill on left NORMAN LTD REAL ESTATE Call for an appointment -1203) 262-1207 or S389371 274-6786 G & K PROPERTIES INC 1175 Main Street, Watertown (Owner/Developer/Builderl B-14-TowPropertyn Tunes, July 18,199 1 of the Watertown Historical Society ZTimes XvCclwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgl Hi SO 16 cown Ctmce tTowncimce "Cown

CONNECTICUT FAIR HOUSING LAW Connecticut's Public Accommoda- tions Law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, THREE 2-AORE APPROVED build- YIPPEE! national origin or ancestry in the HERITAGE VILLAGE ing lots. Will sell separately or sale of all housing, building lots package. Call 426^770. and commercial property, and in the rental of all housing, with COUNTRY HOUSE certain exceptions, and all com- Two bedrooms, living room with mercial property. fireplace, dining area, two baths. Priced from $120,000 to $150,000. We do not knowingly publish ad- FLORIDA: Magnificent 3-bdrm., vertisements that violate this law, 13-bath, 2-car plus golf storage which is administered by the Con- SHERMAN country club pool home near St. necticut Commission on Human Two bedrooms, living room with Lucie Mets Stadium. St. Lucie, Rights and Opportunities, 92 fireplace, dining area, two baths. West. $250,000 firm. Stuart Real Farming ton Avenue, Hartford, Priced from $110,000 to $160,000. Estate, 1-800-356-3340. Conn. 06115. Tel. 527-6341, exten- sion 750. MID NEW YORK, Fulton County BERKSHIRE region. App. 60 acres former dairy All real estate advertised in this Three bedrooms, living room with farm, house recently remodeled. newspaper is subject to the Feder- fireplace, formal dining room, two 5-6 bdrms., 2 full baths, large ' al Fair Housing Act of 1968 which full baths. Priced from $160,000 to targe barn w/silo. 45 acres tillaL makes it illegal to advertise "any $240,000. 15 acres woodland, Christmas preference, limitation, or discrimi- trees growing and marketable, off nation based on race, color, reli- road setting, could be used as gion, sex or national origin, or an HAWTHORNE horse farm or other animal use. By Individual Homes from $119,900! intention to make any such prefer- Two bedrooms, living room with owner 1-203-264-8077. May con- ence, limitation or discrimination." fireplace, dining area, two baths. sider financing $115,000. Offers No Closing Costs! Priced from $95,000 to $125,000. welcomed. You CAN afford to buy a single family home! Starting at just POLICY MID NEW YORK, Fulton County $119,900, award-winning Tbrringford farms is surprisingly MARK TWAIN region (near Adirondack State The Bee Publishing Co., Inc. pre- Park) 12.8 acres land with spectac- affordable. Now, for a limited time, the builder will pay your vents any employee from answer- (Upper & Lower) Two bedrooms, ular views can be used as single dosing costs, up to $4,000.00! So if you want a home at a Ing advertisements prior to the living room with fireplace, dining home site or could be developed price you can afford, and a fantastic value, HURRY over to time when the paper becomes area. Priced from $90,000 to by owner. $44,900. 1-203-264-8077. available to the public each week. $110,000. Offers welcomed. Tbrringford Farms. You'll be delighted. Any infraction of this rule should (203) 482-6975 be reported at once to the editor of Town Times and will result in the CARRIAGE HOUSE VERMONT • 6 Acres with one dismissal of the staff member One bedroom, dining area, living room summer cabin, no utilities in involved. room with fireplace. Priced from quiet quaint village. Call for info. NGFORD $60,000 to $85,000. 426-9897. OTMS- ED CURR1E ii. From THnimoy. Rl 6 N li. ASSOCIATES K made by a formal prospwiio. OAKVILLE: Five room brick ranch. (203) 264-6595 Hot water heat, fireplace, wood A 2 Year No Rent stove, two car garage. Polk School area. Large paved driveway, corner Increase Guarantee lot. $122,000. By owner 274-5153. HERITAGE CREST $425-28 & 38 Atwood Gt., 3 rooms BUY SMART—BUY NOW OAKVILLE: SEVEN ROOM brick The Roxbury II All fully modern, appliances Cape with full kitchen, formal included. No utilities, oft street dining room, living room with Beautiful end unit. Oversized sun parking, laundry facility. Don't Say "I Should Have Bought fireplace, I1/: baths, one car ga- deck. Many extras. Privacy. "The rage, in excellent condition. Asking Best!" Asking $339,000. FOURNIER COMPANIES When the Prices were Low" $134,000. Call 274-7079 or Rental Division ... THEY ARE ! 274-5533. ED CURRIE 757-7124 Two-storyTownhouseatWoodlake. SOUTH BURY CON DO: Private, Eves & Wknds • 274-7828 AAA energy-efficient, passive solar end ASSOCIATES Lowest priced unit in 5 years! unit. Two bedrooms, Vh baths, (203) 264-6595 Seller losing thousands. Indoor pool, sports. An en- eat-in kitchen, fireplace, playroom, BETHLEHEM • Ten room, 4/5 lots of storage. F H A • bdrm., 3 bath country home. Large viable lifestyleyle.. approved/down payment for quali- master bdrm., loads of closets, 8 8 acres fronts on tw0 roads fied buyer as low as $6,000. Owner large terrace, five acres. Small $ - - may contribute toward points or barn w/water and electricity. Quiet 000 one year of common charges or dead-end street. Close to town Paying tenant ($800 per month one year of property taxes. 264- center. One year or longer lease. plus) in small building on main road, while you build 7971 for more information. References and security. $1400. The Australian walking fish can 266-7618. . your dream home on quiet country road. Includes a THREE BEDROOM CONDO- 1,200 sq. ft. in good condition. Beautiful not only survive out of water, he FOUR ROOMS, second floor. Five natural swimming spot. minutes to 8 and 84. Wall-to-wall, Ri ht on the river Um fron grounds and private pool. For sale can actually climb trees to feed by owner, 274-4953. nice neighborhood. $465/month. $ OAA § - ^ ~ on insects there. 274^)497. WATERTOWN—A Bank offers for P flflfv tage and protection go with this sale newly constructed seven room MtDDLEBURY: Four rooms, totally fixer-upper Farmhouse. Over an acre. Endless country Colonial. 2V* baths, great remodeled, 2 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, eat-in kitch- room and kitchen with appliances. possibilities. en, oil hot water heat, half acre The hyrax, a small mammal that August 1 st occupancy. Security, On peaceful 116 acre lake. Over with sewer and water. New owner looks much like a guinea pig, is lease, references, no pets. $850 QOO an acre of waterfront. Your own to choose floor covering colors. actually most closely related to plus utilities. Adorable. 758-1384. ailing or f $220,000. Call 573-4985 between 9 NEWTOWN EFFICIENCY apart- beach for sailing or fishing. am-5 pm, Monday thru Friday. elephants. Nme room ment with loft, full kitchen. $500 U OOO Woodbury Country month, utilities included. Available August 1. First and Last. Refer- Home is a garden spot on 1% ences. 426-6278. acres of wonderful grounds. Great family home, near OAKVILLE— 3Vi room apartment. exit 14 for easasyy cocommutem . First floor, quiet neighborhood. C OOO The perfect family homestead. $425/month, no utilities. Security A quiet village location with Woodbury's Most Affordable Community! deposit. 945-3719. THOMASTON: Country setting, 2- easy to care for grounds is the location for this -=• Meet new friends or entertain old friends at bdrm. new home, one acre wooded meticulously restored Federal Period Home. If you Wood lake's clubhouse, indoor pool and saunas. lot. Garage, deck, $825/monthly. 496-9474. thought you couldn't manage to live in a Vintage Home, Play tennis, go fishing or canoeing or just enjoy come see this one. Everything is redone and is better the beautiful countryside. TOWN IN COUNTRY: 2 bedroom, educed b lower unit, fireplace, central air, than new. Reduced by over $50,000!! THESE WOODLAKE HOMES ARE PRICED TO SELL ! available Immediately. $725/month. £ OOO Exciting new listing! Absolute- 264-8757. NEW LISTING! Unusual Cornerhouse, very private setting. LR, DR, kitchen, WATERBURY: quiet, residential ar- lyprivateacreageprotectsthis ea. Large 2 BR, w/w carpeting, elegant French Country Home, close to town, 20' foyer large FR w fpl, 2 BRs and 2 baths. Owner moving. . .ONLY - $99,500 appliances, storage, no pets. with 10' ceilings, graciously invites guests to enjoy NEW LISTING! Pristine condition. Farmhouse. Beautifully decorated with $575/month. 753-7893. many extras! LR, DR, large country kitchen, 3 BRs, 2Yz baths, hardwood quiet conversation in an inviting living room with rais- floors. Priced for quick sale $113,000 WOODBURY CONTEMPORARY ed panelled fireplace wall. Dine sumptuously in a with fantastic views. Living room, grand high ceilinged room and have after dinner cor- VERY AFFORDABLE! Countryhouse. Perfect for couples or small family. LR, dining room, kitchen with cathe- DR, kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 BRs, 2 baths, owner anxious! dral ceilings, two bedrooms, one dials and coffee in either the warm library/family $95,900 bath, large basement room, fire- room with its wall of brick, the brick flooredscreene d place, stove, garage with automa- OWNER MOVING TO FLORIDA! Fantasia. One floor living in this very private, tic door, deck and terrace. Lawn porch, or the terrace next to the pool. Make your exit sunny end unit. Walk-out basement completely finished and features built- maintenance by owner. Adults, no through a grand portico to sweeping long gravel drive. in bar and great window seat ONLY - $99,000 pets. $850/month, utilities not included. Available September 1st. Come and let us entertain you. Call us — we are the BEllEVE THIS! Farmhouse. Large eat-in kitchen, LR, DR, 3 BRs, 2% baths, Call 263-3317 or leave message. voice of experience. 1500 sq. ft. of living space, plus finished FR in basement! Large private backyard facing woods. A wonderful family home for only. .$115,000 WOODBURY: 2 Bedroom, w/w car- 22 YEARS IN THE SEAL ESTATE BUSINESS peting, stove, refrigerator, air WE KNOW THE MARKET CLUBHOUSE DRIVE! Beautiful view of lake, walk to pool and tennis. Finished conditioners, refuse removal, small FR. Owner transferred, says: Bring an offer! storage and coin op. W/D's. BUY SMART ' BUY NOW $625/month. Connecticut Realty Sroup, 264-3682. RE/MAX Gwynn Harmon •14 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE- CONNIE JONES Resident Expert Jear I-84, Vh baths, w/w, air, 264-1099 appliances, cable, laundry, COUNTRY PROPERTIES parking, private terrace, pool, 263-0822 (home) tennis, saunas, barbeque, 76 Main St., So., Woodbuiy clubhouse, tropical gardens. Many amenities, (203)263-4737 FAX 263-0933 near shopping. $600. 792-3131. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow n Societylimes, July 18.1991 - B-1 5 Cimee Cown TTimewatertownhistoricalsociety.orge T^own Real Estate

WATERTOWN one bedroom condo. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE— Beautiful setting, pool and view. Health Complex Pharmacy. 274- Close to Rts. 6 & 84. $625/mo. 8816 ask for Ed. including appliances, heat, and hot water. 274-5000 or 756- 7026. Retail Office Hunting OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JULY 21,1-4 WATERTOWN: One bedroom on 19 Omndvlew Avo., Wrtortown first floor. $550/month includes 1 room to 2000 so. ft. some with everything. heat. $250 to $995 per month. FOURNIER COMPANIES WATERTOWN: Artillery Hill, 2 bed- room condo, 1% baths, garage Rental Division basement. $800tononth. 757-7124 Eves/Wknds 274-7828 WATERBURY: Bunker Hill, 2 bed- room condo. $575/montt: STUDIO SPACE: Main Street, Watertown available for hourly or WATERBURY: Town Plot, 2 bed- extended rental. Call 2740004 or $147,000 WATERTOWN $259,900 WATERTOWN im, washer/dryer, AC, balcony. 1-482-5213. GET A HEAD START! SpM level in a convenient EVERYTHING YOU WOULD EXPECT IN A to town location ofers 3 BRs, fin. FR w/buBMns in HOME! 4 BRs, 2-1/2 baths. Roods room, prof. $145,000 WATERTOWN nt Includes heat/hot water. HAY! YOU SAYI This small Horse Farm comes •roOOfmonth. tha lower lav*. Geto* fan, new deck off dining landscaped rear yard W/K3P and patio for a rea- area. Located on a cul-de-sac. Comfort, conve- sonabtoprioe. Hoot Bomb Evans With 2 BRs, kit., LR, Or, 1 bath cot. Two stall bam, nience, and location. Hostess Lilian Gmody DIRECTIONS: Rt. 6 oppotfM T«ft School, onto Hamilton tack room, 2 car gar. Owner wl! negotiate tosol . I am looking for rental properties Call Vincent DeMtutino Z74-32Z7 «Wf. to market. If you need assistance Die: Main St., left on Rt. 6, left on Qrandview Ava. Aw., Ml ID BucfcwfiMI HUM. in finding renters, call me and I will explain my rental program to BARBADOS, ONE BEDROOM, you. oceanfront villa with pool. Reason- able. Brochure available. K. Keiley COLDWELL BANKER (203) 879-6105 or write P.O. Box Deming & Luscomb, Watertown 4476, Waterfaury, CT 06704. CURTIS NIGLIS CAPE COD, DENNISPOR^— Two bedroom Ranch, fully equipped, Vz RES. 945-0049 mile to beach. $500/wKly. 274-4753. Leave Message. WA.TERTOW\— WESTVIEW VIL- CAPE COD— West Dennis beauti- LAGE luxury two bedroom, 2Vz ful four bedroom home, across bath townhouse: garage, porch, from water residential neigibor basement, $1,000. Available August $144,000 WATERTOWN 15, 274-4095. hood, available from Augus. 24, $107,000 WATERTOWN $137,900 OAKVILLE GET STARTED WITH ROOM TO EXPAND - f $450/wee«. 758-8698 or HOME FOR THE LARGE FAMILY. 11 room high YOUR SEARCH HAS ENDED1 Super-Started 6 iv'fieidstone bar, dock S ig, yard compliment tt WATERTOWN. Recently ren- 508-398-9683. ranch, 5 BRs, S full baths. 2 kitchens, FP in FR. rm., 3 BR, lots of windows view private yard, 6 mi. ranch. CaB Ulan Groody 253-4356 aves. deck! Cat Jim Button 274-6664 eves. Caff Jim Buhon 274-6SS4 ewe ovated, lots of charm six room CAPE COD. DENNISPORT— 2 bed- apartment. Available August 1 st room duplex, sieeps 6, 3/10 miies wall-to-wall carpeting throughout from ocean. Fully furnished wash- new storms and screens. New gas er, cable T.V., fenced in yard. heat system. This 1700's Colonial Available May thru Soot. Call is across from a church on a quiet 274-9546. side street, yet within walking distance to a bus stop, shopping, and the library. References and credit report required. Call 266- —Mortgages 0505 after 6pm l^j& Loans WATERTOWN: ONE BEDROOM, I CAN SHOW YOU how to reduce stove and refrigerator. No pets $239,900 WATERTOWN $400/month. Security and refer- your mortgage by $1000's over it's life. For information with no obli- $149,900 WATERTOWN BEAUTIFUL VIEWS OF LAKE from front areas ences. Country living. 274-1139. gation Ca1' Mlddlebury RdJTaft School Araal Cedar sided $128,000 WATERTOWN of exceptional colonial with 4 or 5 BRs, sunken WOODBURY: 4 room house on rancher in highly desirable neighborhood. Spac. LOW MAINTENANCE! Fuel efficient OTICK, 3 BR FR. multi-level deck overlooking private back- (20x18) great rm. w/FP. LR. 3 BRs, 2 car gar. ranch. Wood stove to supplement hoi ground. Extra large gourmet kitchen with central private residential street near toar island. center. Large living room with T. Massa & Assoc. Inc. Fine for starters/ampty nestera. water for centra) heating. Virmie DoMartino 374-3227 sues. Call Botna Barm 7S8-1585 BVOS. Call B*mb Evans 758-1535 ovas. fireplace, 2 bedrooms, bath, eai-m kitchen with stove and refrigerator, 914-736-3841 full dry basement, washer/dryer hook-ups, hardwood floors, oil heat! Available (approximately) NEED CASH July 15. $750 a month plus utilities. We Buy Mtg. Notes or Trust Deeds . No pets. Perfect for one or two with cash TODAY. adults. Lease, references, security For Information with: deposit. Please write Box A, c/o The Weekly Star, P.O. Box 689"" ! NO OBLIGATION. Call: Woodbury, CT 06798. OAKVILLE, FIRST floor, 4 rooms, T. Massa & Assoc. Inc. appliances, adults, security/refer- COUNTRY ences required. $550/mo. wfih heat AT RENT 1, P.O. Box 1, Watertown, "T 06795. . 914-736-3841 REAL ESTATE 766 Main Street South, Woodbury, CT 06798


NICK FILIPPAKOS BUYING OR SELLING REALTOR associated with Francis T. Zappone Co., and a professional you WOODBURY - Capable Han- WOODBURY - MINI-FARM - can turn to with confidence. He will serve all youi Real Estate needs dyman? House has been complete- BETHLEHEM - CONTEM- On Main Street, 4.34 ± acres pro- Successfully, with sensitivity and confidentiality. He also owns his own ly gutted. 2nd floor framed, in- PORARY. 3 BR, 234 bath Contem- restaurant and knows the "ins and outs" of the business tected by a perimeter of mature sulated and wired. AH windows porary on quiet cul-de-sac street. trees. Fenced grazing and water replaced with 7/8 thermopane. FR Restaurants TO LEASE with Option to Buy Ideal for young childten. PartiaUv frontage on Pomperaug River, plus has 11' granite fireplace. Owners finished walk-out basement. On 4 stall barn and paddock. available to help w electrical and 1. Pizza Restaurant $9,000 weekly gross 1.68 acres. $245,000 $247,000 plumbing (licensed). $134,000 2. Pizza Restaurant — SOLD $4,000 weekly cross

Restaurants FOR SALE 1. Pizza Restaurant $8,500 weekly gross 2. Pizza Restaurant $7,000 weekly gross 3. Pizza Restaurant $6,000 weekly gross 4. Pizza Restaurant $5,500 weekly gross $5,000 weekly gross 5. Pizza Restaurant SOUTHBURY - COUNTRY SET- 6. Pizza Restaurant $5,000 weekly gross WOODBURY - HORSE PROPER- WOOOBURY - WOODLAKE TING — Immaculate family home, 7. *Pizza Restaurant $3,100 weekly gross TY - Welt built 4 BRs on 5 ± level CONDOS — Come and see our set back from country road, and .. won't last) acres w brook. Large rooms. ('Priced To Sell - $55,000. various 2-3 BR units. Some with only 5 minutes from f-84, exit 15. $4,000 weekly gross Enclosed porch/patio overlooking 8. Cafe Bar lake views and garage. Our sellers Privacy, manicured and beautiful $3,000 weekly gross pool. Stalls/barn and 2 extra 9. Deli/Bakery moTI¥ATB> SWIM!).. are very motivated. Call for details. landscaped grounds. Deck, fruit $259,000 Starting at $85,000 trees, veg. garden, utility shed. — COMMERCIAL PROPERTY — Owner retired, moving south. Deli Owner Operated. Office rented (upstairs) $195,000 on Route 25, .84 acre, Newtown. This is the property!!! FINANCING AVAILABLE. ONE PACKAGE DEAL, $545,000

MANY MORE Restaurants, Pizzerias, Luncheonettes lor sate. For more information, PLEASE CALL at yOur convenience- BETHLEHEM - FOR THE HAN- BETHLEHEM - HOMEY AND DYMAN - Ideal starter home on QUIET - This 3 BR Colonial on 1.4 \Uss} Nick Filippakos Ijl lightly wooded 1.5 acres, comer lot BETHLEHEM - "EMPTY acres is in a quiet residential area. Realtor House will have to be completely 266-0362 757-1261 or 792-7254 NESTER" - Charming 2 BR Cape Lots of closet space. 12x20 Home Office updated. Potential for 2 BRs. Well on quiet street Ideal first home for covered deck. Bay window in worth looking at. smail family- $169,900 breakfast room. $239,000 B-16-TbwPropertyn Times, July 18,199 1of the Watertown Historical Society Zimcs ZTimce'lIown tinted XvGcll HiS Icl lG XTimee

WATERTOWN NEW LISTINGS NEW COLONIAL SOUTHBURY 2,500 Sq. Ft. 1 Walk-out Basement • 4 Acres 1 Large Deck • Nice Neighborhood $235,000 TAFT SCHOOL AREA - RANCH $215,000

line. Extoa largo IB w/pictore window. Sunny eat-In kitchen w/dfsh btwn greases. R.R W/QJC. window & plush w/w carpeting. Fully appl. Owner/Broker washer. Hardwood floors throughout Glassed sun room from base- country kit. w/abundanea of cab. Dining srsa, 3 full baths, 3 fin. m mem 1 car garage. Situated on nicely landscaped lot w/cfty utii. lower lev. w/sep. ent AtL gar., j*iv. patio, pfrf.fodac. yd . Wcfty utib. 438-6762 WESTBURY 967 Main Street, Watertown • 274-9661 OXFORD For Sale By Owner APPLEBROOK FARM POLE BARNS our year old, 7 room 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath FColonial on private 1-1/2+ acres. Ceramic GARAGES - STUDIOS tile foyer, formal living room, formal dining room STABLES - ARENAS 4^ ^ with chair rails and crown molding. Kitchen with FARM BUILDINGS upgraded oak cabinets, pantry unit and ceramic WORKSHOP tile floor. 18' x 21' family room with cathedral BARN HOMES ceiling. Belgium block fireplace, sky lights, Affordably Priced, High Quality recessed lighting, atrium door leading to 20' x 20' Residential, Commercial p.t. deck. Deck overlooks 24' above ground pool. and Agricultural Two-car attached garage. Buildings for any Purpose. Custom Designed to Meet Asking $215,000 Your Needs. 888-5664 914-248-5461 « SOMERS, NY » MILLERTON, NY

NEW EXCLUSIVE ... SOUTHBURY... CONTEMPORARY - Set on a very NEW LISTING ... WOODBURY ... private wooded lot, with a fabulous RANCH — This elegant home is sited NEW EXCLUSIVE ... BETHLEHEM ... NEW EXCLUSIVE ... SOUTHBURY ... entertaining area 26x30, w marble NEW EXCLUSIVE ... SOUTHBURY ... on over 1.5 acres of beautifully land- CAPE — 3 level acres enhance the COLONIAL — Crown moldings, im- floors, granite fpl, skylights and wet bar COLONIAL — Located on a cut-de-sac scaped grounds. Over 2000 sq. ft ot beauty of the 251iuit trees and the set- ported tile in foyer and kitchen, French and 40x12 raised deck. 3 BRs, 2Vz with an in-ground pool and 2-story living area afford generous sizes to all ting for this 7 room, 2 bath Cape. A baths, 2 whirlpool tubs, central air, doors to DR and gourmet kitchen, barn, 3 BRs, 2W- baths, LR, DR, FR, the rooms in this 2 BR, 2Vz bath home 15x20 LR, formal DR, and spacious security system and more. This is one 1st floor MBR make this a must see 22x28 game room, 21x16 FR, 3 spa room, screened porch and 2 car with a porch useable from spring you must see. home. baths, 4 BRs, MBR suite w Jacuzzi. garage. All on 1.4 acres. through fall. A real find at... $362,900 $344,900 $299,300 $219,900 $199,900

REDUCED ... SOUTHBURY ... COL- SOUTHBURY ... COLONIAL - A REDUCED ... SOUTHBURY ... CAPE ONIAL — Private waterfront communi- NEW CONSTRUCTION beautiful 8 room, 4 BR, 2K bath Col- OXFORD ... CAPE - Come see this - 4 BRs. 2Vi baths. LR w fpl, DR, ty, boat docks, pavilion and private SOUTHBURY ... COLONIAL — 3/4 onial. On a quiet cul-de-sac, recently lovely home Sunday afternoon, July eat-in kitchen, FR w fpl and bonus beach. 4 BRs, 2Vz baths, LR, DR, eat- BR, 2>h bath Colonial on over 4 acres landscaped, remodeled and 21, 1991 from 1-4 PM. The ever char- room, screened porch, 2 car garage, 2 in kitchen, FR w fp!, 2 car garage plus with eat-in center island kitchen, f R redecorated, on a beautiful level lot, ming Cape Cod with 6 spacious rooms, stall barn w heat and water. centra) air, central vac. w fpl, formal DR, LR and large master dose to town, schools and commuter cathedral ceilings, 2 baths, attached Was $245,000 Was $300,000 suite w bath and dressing area. routes. 2 car garage on almost 2 acres. NOW $292,500 $259,900 NOW $239,900 $259,900 $229,000

SOUTHBURY'S KETTlETOWN RIDGE . ESTATES PHASE II DEVELOPER SAYS -SELL". 2.20 acres SOLD , .$65,900 Z$4 actes ....74.900 1.31 i ... .79,900 1.40 actes. ...79.900 1.40 awes. ... .79.900 1.40 acres. ....79,900 ... .79.900 79.900 2.11 acres.. ...79,900 1.81 acres . 89.900 2.10 acres.. .. .89.900 OXFORD-... CONTEMPORARY — This WOODBURY ... 2 FAMILY — A con- 2.38 awes...... 89.900 WOODBURY ... RANCH — Charming 2.33 acres.. ...104,750 SOUTHBURY ... COLONIAL —Total- home represents a tremendous value. verted barn w two rental units, plus one Ranch w 2 BRs, 2 fpls, farge LR and 2.45 acres.. ...104.750 FR. Also a 1200 sq. ft. converted barn ly renovated 4 BR, 2 bath Colonial. 3 BRs, 2 baths, sunken LR, DR wglass unit has a legal in-law apartment 2.60 acres.. ...104.750 recently redone, w cathedral ceilings, Large LR, FR, DR and beautiful kit- pocket doors in both, large FR w within it. Walk to town. Easy access to 1.99 ac

Member SYSTEMl Serving You didicm| 264-4044 Associates. Since REALTORS® LTD. 1968 -(06 Main St. So. Southbury