86 | B Lee Aultman The Trans Complaint: Contributions to the Disagreement About Desire B Lee Aultman Purchase College CONTacT: B Lee Aultman, Purchase College, Purchase, NY
[email protected] To cite this article: [B Lee Aultman. “The Trans Complaint: Contributions to the Disagreement about Desire.” Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies, Fall 2019, vol. 20, pp. 86-113] ABSTRACT Trans studies has been argued to be at a defining crossroads. The discipline needs to reorient itself toward new theories of transness and subjectivity or face its own dissolution. This means contesting received dogmas of gen- der-determination, identity, history, and narrative convention. This essay ex- amines how recently proposed uses of narratives, poetry, and satire can en- able such contests in generative ways. It theorizes the trans complaint as an index for how popularly and academically mediated trans cultures, or inti- mate publics, might turn toward ordinary life theories in order to understand desire, fantasy, and their interlocking complexities of making a life. Keywords: Transfeminism, Trans Studies, Affect Theory, Desire, Social Aesthetics © Wagadu (2019) ISSN : 1545-6196 The Trans Complaint: | 87 Introduction I’ve had my reservations about Andrea Long Chu’s recent dec- laration that “trans studies is over” and that it should be (see Chu & Drager, 2019, p. 103). But the concerns raised in that dialogue be- tween Chu and historian Emmett Harsin Drager are not just com- pelling because they are new. Both scholars participate in what is already commonplace among theorists about moving away from in- herited dogma and getting reacquainted with ordinary life.