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6/13/2013 Page 1 STATE OF MICHIGAN DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY MEETING __________________________________/ PAGE 1 TO 47 Taken at 2301 Woodmere, Patton Community Center, Detroit, Michigan 48209, Commencing at 6:41 p.m., Thursday, June 13th, 2013, Before Elizabeth Koller, CSR-7042. 6/13/2013 Page 2 1 APPEARANCES: 2 MS. CELIA BANKS WASHINGTON (P54338) 3 Attorney to the Board 4 Detroit Board of Police Commissioners 5 1300 Beaubien 6 Detroit, Michigan 48226 7 (313) 596-1835 8 Appearing on behalf of the Board of Police 9 Commissioners. 10 11 COMMISSIONERS: 12 JEROME WARFIELD (Chairman) 13 JESSICA TAYLOR (Vice-Chairperson) 14 DONNELL WHITE (Regular Member) 15 16 ALSO PRESENT: 17 GEORGE ANTHONY (Secretary) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6/13/2013 Page 3 1 Detroit, Michigan 2 June 13, 2013 3 About 6:41 p.m. 4 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: Good afternoon, ladies 5 and gentlemen. Welcome to the Board of Police 6 Commissioners meeting. Certainly we are happy and 7 pleased to be here tonight in Southwest District here 8 at the Patton Community Center, and it's so good to see 9 all of you here. My name is Jerome Warfield, Chairman 10 of the Board of Police Commissioners. 11 At this time I want to introduce some of the 12 members here at the table. Serving with me tonight is 13 our Vice-Chairperson Commissioner Jessica Taylor, as 14 well as Commissioner Donnell White sitting to my right 15 and your left. Representing the Chief's Office tonight 16 is Commander McKissic. Sir, good to have you. 17 COMMANDER MCKISSIC: Good to be here. 18 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: Also sitting at the table 19 in front of you is Board Secretary Attorney George 20 Anthony. I'm going ask if Mr. Anthony can introduce 21 the rest of our staff that's here tonight. 22 SECRETARY ANTHONY: Thank you, Mr. Chair. 23 For the record, George Anthony, Secretary to the Board. 24 We have present our Chief Investigator Ms. Pamela Davis 25 Drake seated in the front. We have our Personnel 6/13/2013 Page 4 1 Director Ms. Loletha Coleman Porter, also seated in the 2 front. We have Mr. Robert Brown our Office Manager, 3 Officer Dan Donakowski recording our proceedings, and 4 Ms. Beth Koller from Hanson Court Reporting Service. 5 Sir, we also have one of our newest 6 Investigators in the audience, Ms. Tiffany Stewart is 7 also seated in the audience. She is one of our newest 8 investigators. That completes the introductions, sir. 9 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: Thank you, sir. We 10 appreciate that. At this time I'm going to ask is 11 Supervisor Carla Williamson here, and if so could you 12 come to the podium, and again we want to thank you. 13 She's a Supervisor here at Patton Community Center. We 14 want to thank you for having us, and if you have any 15 words you can give them at this time. 16 SUPERVISOR WILLIAMSON: Well, thank you very 17 much for choosing to come Patton. This is a community 18 recreation center. It's just a privilege to see 19 everyone here today. If this is your first time to 20 Patton I hope it's not your last. If it's not your 21 first I hope to see you some more. 22 Tomorrow will be our open house for all our 23 summer programs we're having, our swim lessons, Zumba 24 classes, our day camp. We will have a nine week day 25 camp at Patton which is sponsored by Ford Motor 6/13/2013 Page 5 1 Company. We have a few scholarships that are available 2 for our day camp, so if anybody has any questions about 3 that they can ask at the front desk. 4 Thank you very much for having me. I do want 5 to thank a couple people that are not here. I'm not 6 going to call them by name because there's a lot of 7 them. But at Patton Community Center we have a true 8 community spirit and so the decorations you see set up 9 for today, chairs, tables, and the like, were done by 10 one of our two groups Live Action which is our teen 11 council ages 13 to 18, and Action Packed which is a our 12 peewee council and their ages twelve and under, so they 13 were responsible for everything today. 14 Officer Mike gave us the setup and they saw 15 the layout and did it. They did the refreshments and 16 they got it done. So that's what we're doing here. 17 We're building lives of young people so that they can 18 know to come sit in a seat like you are today. So 19 thank you again for having us and we hope to have you 20 here again in the future. 21 (Applause.) 22 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: Thank you, 23 Ms. Williamson. At this time we're going to ask if 24 Chaplain Renee Taylor can come -- I'm sorry, Avis Renee 25 Taylor can come and lead us in or invocation. If you 6/13/2013 Page 6 1 can come to the mic, we appreciate it. Again, it's 2 Chaplain Avis Renee Taylor. Thank you, ma'am, good to 3 see you. 4 CHAPLAIN TAYLOR: Thank you, sir. In the 5 presence of the Detroit Police Commission Southwest 6 Detroit, citizens, personnel, let us stand so that we 7 can say a prayer. 8 (Invocation led by Chaplain Taylor.) 9 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: Thank you, ma'am, thank 10 you, Chaplain Taylor. 11 At this time, I'm going to ask if 12 Commissioner who's the Vice-Chairperson of our 13 Commission would read the responsibilities and the 14 duties of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners. 15 VICE-CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR: Created by City 16 Charter July 1st, 1974. Composition: Five members 17 appointed by the Mayor confirmed by City Council. 18 Commissioners serve five year terms and may not serve 19 more than five years consecutively, meets once a week 20 52 weeks out of the year and all meetings are open to 21 the public. 22 The Duties: Establish policy, rules and 23 regulations in consultation with the Chief and approval 24 of the Mayor. Review and approve Department budget, 25 review and approve Department promotions, receive and 6/13/2013 Page 7 1 resolve complaints concerning the operation of the 2 Police Department. Final authority to impose and 3 review discipline of Police Department employees. 4 Appoint Civilian Personnel Director, prepares an annual 5 report of Department activities for the public, Mayor 6 and the City Council. 7 Staff: Executive Secretary who serves as 8 Secretary to the Board and attends all Board meetings, 9 Chief Investigator and additional Investigators, other 10 staff as necessary to provided support to the Board. 11 The Police Commission considers itself a liaison 12 between the citizens of the City of Detroit and the 13 Police Department. 14 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: Thank you, ma'am, we 15 certainly appreciate that. At this time we will 16 entertain a motion to approve today's Agenda. 17 COMMISSIONER WHITE: So move. 18 VICE-CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR: Support. 19 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: It's been properly moved 20 and supported without objection. All those in favor? 21 COMMISSIONERS: Aye. 22 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: Again, we'll entertain a 23 motion to approve the minutes from Thursday, June 6th, 24 2013. 25 COMMISSIONER WHITE: Mr. Chair, so move with 6/13/2013 Page 8 1 one correction, the date be adjusted to reflect 2 June 6th, 2013. 3 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: So move. 4 VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR: Supported. 5 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: It's been properly moved 6 and support with the necessary correction without 7 objection. All those in favor? 8 COMMISSIONERS: Aye. 9 CHAIRMAN WARFIELD: All those opposed? 10 Motion carries. As is already been mentioned by 11 Chaplain Taylor, certainly our hearts and prayers go 12 out to Chief Chester Logan and his family of the 13 transition of his wonderful wife. Certainly he's been 14 in our prayers and thoughts since we've learned of her 15 transition. I left the house on the way here and 16 certainly we would wish he could be here, but certainly 17 we let them know we care for him and we love them. 18 For those of you, and we'll give the 19 arrangements out a little bit later, but for those of 20 you who wish to show your condolences there's a fund 21 set up in lieu of flowers. They're asking that you 22 will send a monetary donation to Good Fellows, again, 23 that's Good Fellows, and that's PO Box 44444, PO Box 24 44444, Detroit, Michigan, 48244 and that would be in 25 Mrs. Ella M. Logan's name, again, in lieu of flowers 6/13/2013 Page 9 1 the family is asking that you would send a monetary 2 donation to Good Fellows, PO Box 4444, Detroit, 3 Michigan 48244. 4 Again, we want just to thank Chief Logan for 5 just serving under such great a weight and we 6 understood when he took over and came out of retirement 7 what he was challenged and faced with but he had 8 decided to serve anyway. Certainly, again, our 9 thoughts and our prayers are with him tonight. 10 That's all the information from the Chair.