The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus '^i« book i. UJ THE NOTRE DAME < LU ALUMNUS I— o o > CO LU > BERNARD J. VOLL, President of the Alumni As sociation, Addresses a Coast-to-Coast Audience from the Campus on Universal Notre Dame Nisht. MAY. 1936 —and Chesterfields y^m; are usually there theyVe mild and yet j'. © 19J6, LicGcrr &. M^ as ToD\cco Co likes the New CHEVROLET because it is \/X^S / EN and •women... young folks and grown-ups only low-priced car with the Knee-Action Gliding M ... people who live in large cities and people Ride*, Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation and •who live in smaller communities.. .all like the new Shockproof Steering*, for maximum comfort and 1936 Chevrolet. dri-vdng ease! And the only low-priced car •with a They are placing this heautiful new Chevrolet first in High-Compression Valve-in-Head Engine, gi-ving the their favor hecause it's the only complete low-priced car. finest combination of performance and economy! That, as you know, means it's the only low-priced You, too, want all these modem advantages in your car wth New Perfected Hijdraulic Brakes and a Solid new car. Insist upon having them. Buy a new 1936 Steel one-piece Turret Top, for greatest safety! The Che'vrolet—the only complete low-priced car. FOR ECOnOHIUL TBANSPOKUTION NEW PEUFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ^_—gBK==^ SOLID STEEL ONE-PIECE TURRET TOP BODIES IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* ^^y3yLjS|33y GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT •VENTILATION HIGH-COSIPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE SHOCKPROOF STEERING* • GENERAL HOXORS INSTALUtlEAT FLAN—3IONTHLY PAXMENTS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE *Avmlal>le in Masur De luxe modds only.