. I, PAGE TWO t Wr •1v N;¦ '<S L• 0 W.< r BAIL•, Y .31* • A I SUNDAY, DECTMMt M tm •' JL++mo*+-r*ip^oft r5. r f .V •* * - ' - ;*, * * t Boxing Football Wrestling Golfing Baseball Basketball % tessdsmmmrnmsiamamßmßatKKKmmmmimmßmamßSßßik »E‘ » - **+ + **+ ?**+ + + <.* A Junior jazz hand set is the A chemist of Dunedin, New Zea- Canada Entry favorite novelty in the Christmas land, lias discovered a process for Tommy + stores, cleaning DETROITERS ASK PARISIANS HOLD Herman tZ~ Sfwrt Briefs Lumberjacks See lov display; at the Paris wool badly stained by •4* raising an appaling prospect Tor branding. Hitherto such stains v been ? -•' . BY THE * fond parents. , , have ineradicable. j <‘ THAT LANDIS PE SWIMMING RACE Beats Bretonnel ¦ ASSOCIATED PRESS Hard Game With ? * * + *+ *? + ?* + <. + 4- At Philadelphia Reggie McNamara, iron man of * COLD unfit IN Marathon on BITTER wheels', will Quint Called jL” Vhe c*m- Colorado and Professional •fifPrlf- for his 47th Business Mich.,-Dee. 25 (A PARIS. Dec. 25 (AP)—ln PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 25 international ' . jDETROIT, j|& f-Apjj grind tomorrow on the FLAGSTAFF. Dec. 25 If pres- County Prosecutor of the Christmas ffcyi-i —Tommy Herman, Deutsch- jAssistant ,10Jin billet'cold Philadelphia! land. Reggie has paired with Orto ent plans materialize, ,Coach E. H. Directory la Walls, tonight l>egan drafting light, of Parisians • won the judges’ decision | fdliv- “Swede” team —... tliouhatuls from for Lynch’s basketball, . Bretonnel, French Petri, the forthcoming six-dav <aIpetition calling upon owners ( 6£ ered and ’smiled this evening at Wed light-i will probably be called upon to swimming slashing rttce at Berlin. & TITLES HAIR DRESSING f American league baseball clubs to the spectacle of a race Weight in a 10-round bout face their toughest opposition in ABSTRACTS charges of in the almost icy water of the here today. Herman knocked' his pfefer ‘ the first game when they i Monte Munn is to a chance clash (against Commissioner Landis. The Seine. j opponent through the ropes in’the have Navajo-Apache turn the tables on with the Colorado Teachers Col- ition which be 4st ' sixth, hut the bell ending •id* Knute Han- MARCELLING j j.J: will circulated It was the coldest Christmas the .-the sel tit Racine, Wis., lege quintette, champions of the and Title Co. for signatures, round saved the latter from the heavv- Abstract i i>* Detroit will de- French capital has experienced in bfeing who eastern division of the Rocky Service r last Wednesday Twenty-four Hours | ciire, according to Mr. Watts, that years this counted out. Herman w ! Weight night Lottie Graham more than twenty but a dent in his mountain conference last year, of Title, Certificates of is believed Ty 135; Bretonnel 134. put’ 12-bout winning Abstract lit* that Cobb has did not deter a score of swimmers Tex and runner-ups the year before. Title, Title Insurance In bouts Basil stredk. Rickard has re- 223 West Second Phone 92 bleu dealt with Unfairly by Lan- from plunging into the river whose preceding Galli- Coach Shulhway, of Gila, has Holbrook Arizona J -1 matched the mid-western rivals _ , djs in the present baseball case. temperature w-as barely one de- ano. New Orleans, Avon the <JecL Expert Marcelling, Water Waving fior a‘semi-final bee to the been offered January' 7 and 8 for »Viatts said' he was Urged to draft gree The sion over Roxie Allen, Camdep, fa flouting ARCHITECTS Manicuring am! Eye Brow Arehing above freezing point. fight on the games, but the probabilities are ' |!e and supervise gen- 10 rounds; Harry Blitman, Shdfkey-Paolino January t petition its atmosphre was almost dow r n to 20 Phila- that the Gila crew will not be able circulation, by De- delphia, won the judges’ 28th. i oial numerous degrees fahrenheit and a sharp verdict to make their northern trip this V. O. WALLINGFORD who feel injustice over Kensington, 1 1 loiters a great stinging wind made it feel even Ray Weigant, fa year. - - - Architect Milady’s Beauty Shoppe has been done the former Tiger six, and Mickey Blair, Camden, Bapeball men predict that Eddie r colder. The following week-end the CONSULTING-VALUATION 116 West 2nd Street 1 manager.’ w on the verdict from Harry Deck- Col Ims will succeed Connie Mack ENGINEER For 1 this, reason the annual r Lumberjacks trek to the Salt Riv- A real, modern, up-to-date Beauty er,. in six. aiwmanager of ( the next 515 Heard Bldg. Phoenix. Arlr. race, long be- Jjjiiladelphia, Athletics up Expert Christmas instituted yek? ‘The" 64-year-odd Philadelphia er VallW where they open Shop. Marcelling and all fore war,. Che «ee«led more di*oj} a-spires with Tempe. champions of the in- lines of beauty culture * * than ever before, and since there f eopference January 4. —ri —rn T-!mmpiooship before he’ retires. formal on Phone 312 :CROWD CHEERS is nothing a Frepehnyau nelishes 'The following eVe-tting they will tJYinada., w3I b«k: represented in the' FORMER KAISER But whether be'achieves his pur- John L. Sweeney more' tluw #cmi©thing; jJfolJ,; ; .thd< face the CySH-ge Bears. It ChtalihA swiih by Irene O’Buryne of ppbf’ next summer or not, Connie Junior M’Dell Shipley i crowd of spectators was the larg- is eiqbected tltat bbtjh games will r . ( ATTORNEY ,AT LAW r Toronto. She is 17 years old, Cham-* to turn the reins over - , \. D22J5 ALABAMA TEAM pion girl est ever assembled for th.e mid- played on phoenix high, General, Practifce.it* all Courts swimmer and of Can- be the diver GIVES OLD TIME .tfA Ufa veterqn second sacker. t’elephdne 48 Winslow, Arizona ada. £he hbkbj maqy records in long winter swim. i»; •-{ j ',r. •; i school court. - - - - - ¦ ' Cal., 7apV' ¦* HEMSTITCHING jI’ASADENA, Dec. 25 and short events. ¦ ’Miss O'Buryne re- ill a The tip-state college *wiH have'a Crimson Tide surged cently arrived on the scene at Cata- Seligson, national junior busy ' month during February.' irlto Pasadena from Dixieland lina Island, Calif., and has stjarted HOLIDAY .indoor tennis champion, will de- Charles D. McCauley ‘Bill’Johnsoq Still ~ 'F> PARTY Their New Mexico and Texas nmrning accompanied by Nearly intensive training -for thiq lag swim. !• i Jjep,d -his title against a strong ATTORNEY AT LAW HEMSTITCHING l DOORN, Holland, Dec. 25 (lAP) schedule has been completed, as Building 210 loyal supporters who will see field this week at Baltimore. Suite 10, Old Elks Hemstitching and embroidery fin- Holds Old Rank In —Surrounded by friends and rela-l follows; t PHONE 434 ished southerners go into action r?kfnpng. his rivals will be several tie Ernie Nevers’ Toe tives, former Emperor William of January 2#—University iof New Prices Reasonable aiainst Glenn Warner’s Stanford Njftw York rivals, including Frank Lawn Tennis List Germany, spent one of the merriest Mexico. MRS. IL L. YOUNG ( judinals here New Year’s day in former boy champion. Fails Him In Game Christmases since his exile in his January 31—Normal University, Phil. A. Sawyer HEMSTITCHING SHOP tile Rose Bowl football game. The '»£) i SC 316 Kinsley Avenue SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 25 (AP) barbed wire retreat in this ijttle East Las Vegas, N. M. AT LAW will be the feature of - ATTORNEY gsme event Witlj —William M. Johnston, former na- Sebtling a long debated question February 1 and 2—Montezuma Holbrook and Winslow Phone 470 of Hollywood Team Dutch village. ( . ! | Dtsadena’s annual Tournament tional champion, was placed first rMillbt* Huggins has admitted that Winslow Office: Doom House saw a real old fash- College, East Las Vegas. rfbses. in the men’s singles in the 1926 Hatoe Ruth did the right thing in 221}* Kinsley Ave. Phone 124 INDIAN CURIOS Cap- LOS ANGELES, Dec 25 (AP) ioned Christmas with William and February 4 —Junior College, El ¦Coach Wallace Wade and rankings of the California Lawn attempting to steal second base on Hoyt Winslett, of The erratic toe of Ernie Nevers, his wife, Princess Hermine, hosts, Paso, Texas. the Alaba- Tennis association released to- the final play of the 1926 series. ita squad, players to former Stanford kll-American full- to Prince Du Reiss, a numbef of February s—School oi Mines, u*a led their 38 night. Johnston retained the place “We needed an unexpected move Chester W. LaPrade R. M. Bruchman Vista back, and now leader of the Du- German aristocracy and Dutch, no- Socorro, N. M. tile Ifotel del Arroyo, where he has had for several years. and had Ruth have made the steal Attorney team, luth professional football team, blemen with whom William keeps at Law Indian Trader t|e trainers and students it ’OOS-ild have been declared the Games on the Teachers’ home stuffed a 6 to 3 victory in the stock- Helen Wills, former national up a desultory acquaintance. None vvMio made the trip with them, piece of baseball history court will include Prescott Pats, WINSLOW, ARIZONA ing of the , Hollywood. Generals ip chanjpi.oh, w#s not, ranked ,jut she of the former kaiser’s own <ghil-i smartest Indian Rugs, Pottery \v ere greeted by Alabama alumni ' * ' Phoenix Junior College, Tempe 'hot'' p*layfl‘u two or %Otirld’s series play,says the PHONE 178 up a Christmas ‘day game here.” ‘ did more'tour- dren attended the festivities, i > | Univer-j. and Curios w bo made in noise what they Yankee manager. Teachers College, Normal For in six tries for field goal, naments in the state this year. Winslow, 1; ~ked in numbers. Princess Hermine received alty, East Las Vegas, Montezuma % Arizona Nevers to boot) Helen Jateobs former national lifts BEAUTY PARLOR i “Sherlock” Holmes the fPlde’sr qaand&ed t|fa .ball, ; and furs from her East Las Vegas.
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