I was outside a bookstore the other day when I saw this small boy run up to his sister and hit her in the face. He was yelling something at her, something indistinguishable because EDITOR-IN-CHIEF of the snot running down his nose, but I gathered that she had taken something from him.

John Kim She responded to his provocation in a pretty reasonable way: she slapped him so hard he spun, then fell on the floor, screaming.The screaming made their parents turn around, see their older daughter with her hand outstretched in a brilliant forehand follow-through, and their SECTION EDITORS son on the floor, crying. The mom rushed over and picked up the boy and shushed him and told him to stop crying and that it was okay. The dad turned back around to his parents and Rakel Solli shrugged halfheartedly, and the three of them just sort of rolled their eyes. All throughout Yeji Kim this process, you could see on the girl’s face that she knew exactly what was coming. And sure Sylvia Yang enough, as soon as her brother stopped crying, the mom went over to the girl and told her with this deadly frozen voice that she shouldn’t bother rejoining the family until she realized how she was supposed to act in public. Then she went off to join her husband and her son CREATIVE DIRECTOR and his grandparents and they all walked away together, without her. The girl stood there for a while, her back turned to me, then ran to catch up with them. She never said anything. Minju Kim I got a pretty good view of the whole event. I got to see the mom’s face, the grandparents’ embarrassment, the girl’s arcing, cinematic strike. And it made me think about a lot of things. MANAGING DIRECTOR In particular, I found myself thinking about the violence inherent in raising children. How our modern traditions are in some ways even crueler than ordinary physical violence. Because Minju Kim yes: direct physical and verbal abuse has enormously detrimental consequences for a kid. But at least it’s an outburst. A lapse in judgment, not its controlled use. Because to give your kid that look––of blank disapproval and disgust––and to then walk off with the rest of your family, COVER BY leaving her there with one leg curled up against the other like a drooping stocking––there’s a premeditation there, a channeled coldness, that makes the whole thing look less like parenting Minju Kim and more like a really masterful kind of emotional manipulation.

I’m not sure how to put a positive spin on this. But maybe what parents are really doing when PUBLISHER they discipline their kids this way is teaching them the rules of their world. That, for example, often the causes of things don’t really matter. That the most important thing is avoiding blame, Late Spring escaping culpability. And that the world will sometimes seem like it is actively trying to hurt you, but what’s important is that you take your isolation and shame, and place it on the soles of your feet like Hermes’ sandals, and rejoin the world anyway. That this is how you survive.

ADVISOR Yours, – John Kim Prof. Jörg Michael Dostal

2 Volume 66 3 Feature SNU Society Arts & Culture

Hiding in Plain Sight: Eating On Exchange at SNU Late Disorders in Korea by Jenny Cho by Whiyeon Sung 06 by Ga-in Oh 15 23

IN THIS ISSUE... The Imitation Game Questions: the More the Better? The Art of the Prick 10 by Helen Cho 19 by Yoorock Suh 27 by Maya Stevenson

Two Years In Free Riding Wiped Out Connecting the Dots by Daniel Choi Papyruth by Michiel Kemmer 12 21 by Geonho Min 29

Quill Beats 29 by Quill Staff

4 Volume 63 5 COVER STORY

very year, there are many ‘Days’ for is strong emphasis on ‘fitting in’ a certain certain groups of people: ‘Day of social norm, and anyone who doesn’t fit Ethe Disabled’ (April 20), ‘Day of the Na- in the norm sticks out like a sore thumb. tional Army’ (October 1), ‘International The social norm, especially for women, is Women’s Day’ (March 8) etc. But one day to be thin and so there is great pressure often goes unnoticed in Korean society, from all sides (family, friends, media) to and that is World Mental Health Day. maintain it. Korean society is also known Created by WHO, this day has the aim to be highly competitive. So when ‘be- of ‘raising awareness of mental health is- ing thinner’ becomes paired with ‘better sues’ and ‘mobilizing efforts in support ability’ and better chances to succeed in of better mental health’. Perhaps the lack society, people are all competing with one of attention paid to this day reflects our another to become thinner and pressuring lack of understanding of mental disorders themselves to lose weight. Studies have article around us. One important aspect of this shown there are fewer job opportunities, GA-IN OH are eating disorders. Ever since eating and even lower wages for the same jobs, section design disorders were officially diagnosed in the for overweight women in Korea. Some YEAEUN SHIN 1970s, their rate has been rising steadily. companies require women to write their A 2010 study found that 15 percent of height and weight in their resumes, even teen girls and 10 percent of boys in Korea when they are completely unrelated to the were suffering from an eating disorder. nature of work, e.g. being a bank teller. However, researchers say eating disorders In daily life, too, we see Youtube videos Feature are still probably underdiagnosed greatly of Korean girls at a healthy weight say- in Korea. So how did this come to be? ing they’re ‘fat’ and need to lose weight. HIDING IN We also see fat shaming being accepted Obviously, as eating disorders are men- as normal and being used as a source of PLAIN tal illnesses, so the reasons for their on- comedy in media, and people copying ce- set vary greatly from person to person. lebrities’ extreme diets just to lose weight. Someone’s eating disorder could be linked And in some cases, what merely started SIGHT: to other mental health issues they have, out as a diet can turn to a perpetual fear or personal histories and backgrounds. of eating and gaining weight, leading to Genetics may even play a role. Recent the development of an eating disorder. EATING research on mental disorders has shown eating disorders, and mental illnesses in The two most widely known eating dis- general are not that different from phys- orders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia DISORDERS ical illnesses, and that mental disorders nervosa, including more recent additions can arise from a deficiency in the brain of binge eating disorder(BED), eating or immune system. However, there is an disorders not otherwise specified (ED- IN KOREA opinion, among researchers who stud- NOS), among others. If you’re Korean, ied eating disorder cases in Korea, that you’ve probably at least heard of anorexia aspects of Koean culture definitely in- nervosa and bulimia nervosa, as a fleeting fluenced many of these cases. Like other paragraph in Health class textbooks. The East Asian countries, Korea has its roots textbooks briefly describe what they are, in Confucian culture. Even today, there what behaviors they entail, and tell

6 Volume 66 7 People view having a mental illness sufferer in their family as a disgrace, and something to be “ hushed. Feature

learners not to emulate these behaviors. Anorexia What makes eating disorders so difficult to recognize a ‘crazy’ asylum patient, or criminals using mental patients will not be changed in a day. However, there and bulimia are also sometimes portrayed in movies and treat is the social stigma surrounding mental illness as an excuse for crime, when in reality, mental are definitely some things that can be changed, such or TV shows, and most people have heard of famous illnesses. Although there is a significant number of illness can occur to anybody and are more widespread as bettering education and raising awareness of eating models or celebrities who suffered and died from Korean people suffering from eating disorders (mainly than most think. People view having a mental illness disorders. Eating disorders shouldn’t just be two fleet- eating disorders. What the textbooks and media por- anorexia and bulimia), and the rates for these diseases sufferer in their family as a disgrace, and something ing lines in a Health textbook, and taught to people as trayals fail to talk about is the extent of damage an are significantly higher than most of the neighbor- to be hushed. What is worse is that mental illnesses something sufferers can just ‘overcome with a bit more eating disorder can have on its sufferer. Aside from ing countries’ (China, Taiwan, Vietnam, etc.), the are often seen differently from physical illnesses, and willpower’. Instead, they should be discussed more the obvious (yet still very serious) effects such as sufferers can be described as ‘hiding in plain sight’. as a matter of willpower. Just like a physical illness openly, and in more depth. Textbooks should focus malnutrition, impaired health or even death, an eat- If they are aware their behaviors fit the description takes time and proper treatment to be healed, mental on how eating disorders are a result of unreasonable ing disorder affects other parts of a person’s life. An of an eating disorder, most of the sufferers are afraid illnesses and eating disorders cannot be fixed instantly societal pressure and an unhealthy standard of beauty, eating disorder usually comes with low self-esteem, to let the people around them know about it, even by more ‘willpower’ and ‘determination’. However, the not a result of an individual’s ‘weak willpower’. Also, intense self-hatred, self-harm, and intense fear and their family. Many of them choose not to reach out fact that they are viewed as such can lead to people young people who think they are suffering from an anxiety because of the fear of food and gaining weight, for treatment, and suffer in shame, because of the believing there is no need for support or treatment eating disorder should be encouraged to seek help making the sufferer unable to lead a functional life. stigma and prejudice against mental illness. Ironically, towards eating disorders. and treatment, since shaming and invalidating them An eating disorder sufferer also usually suffers from the Confucian culture that played a role in the devel- only perpetuates the problems and social stigma sur- other mental illnesses, such as depression, obsessive opment also makes people difficult to be open about Of course, problems regarding social perception of rounding eating disorders. // compulsive disorder (OCD) and social anxiety. An their condition, because ‘mental illness’ is viewed as outward beauty, and prejudice towards mental illness eating disorder can destroy a human being, both in a sign of not fitting in, and being abnormal. Mental exist in every society. Also, Korean society’s obsession mind and body. illness can be wrongly associated with the image of over appearance and the stigma towards mental health

8 Volume 66 9 ducers and broadcasting compa- Tourism and Korea Communica- We Going?” (아빠! 어디가?). nies are discouraged and hesitant tions Commission - and their col- However, the former enjoyed to enter a legal confrontation in laboration lags. Currently, there is much more success, and people China. Critics say there aren’t not a lot that Korean producers explained that it had an original many available channels for Ko- can do. element of its own that has dif- rean producers to bring up pla- ferentiated itself. People say that giarism issues, and as copyright Plagiarism in entertainment pro- the current atmosphere in Kore- lawsuits against Chinese televi- grams doesn’t only occur between an networks sion producers are domestic, the countries, but also within. Often, is to prioritize viewer rating and Chinese court is known to be bi- broadcasting companies air their commercial revenues over orig- ased and protective. The copyright pilot during holidays, to test the inality and creativity, and taking issue for entertainment programs viewers’ reaction before the official ideas from what was already suc- is more ambiguous compared to production of the program. Dur- cessful is a safe route. Therefore, it The Imitation Game other types of contents like televi- ing this year’s Chuseok holiday, seems that the overall atmosphere sion shows or movies, as program viewers have complained about on plagiarism and imitation in by Helen Cho runs according to a fixed format, striking similarities between entertainment program indus- not by an entirely scripted con- KBS’s pilot entertainment pro- try is still too lenient, and this is tent. These formats are what the grams and programs from other perhaps why related issues remain Korean producers sell as a prod- cable channels. Some criticized unsolved. lagiarism and copyright in- ble similarity is subjective. ers remain despite the supply dis- uct, and they are likely to be con- KBS’s “Let Me Sleep for a Night” fringement issues have been ruption. sidered as ‘Ideas’ by the Chinese (하룻밤만 재워줘) as being sim- From one perspective, imitation of Paround in showbiz for a while. As of October 2017, there have court, which are not entitled for ilar to JTBC’s “Let’s Eat Dinner Korean entertainment programs, According to Richard Posner, an been at least 29 cases of plagia- The Korean entertainment shows copyright protection. There have Together” (한끼줍쇼), and KBS’s both from outside and inside the American economist and a jurist, rism of Korean entertainment are widely popular in China and also been instances where Chi- “Line Up” (줄을 서시오) to JT- country could be seen as a form of plagiarism refers to unacknowl- programs by Chinese TV stations. the Chinese broadcasting stations nese producers refused to pay BC’s “Night Goblin” (밤도깨 praise. And it is true that nothing

Feature edged copying of copyrighted or These programs include popular know it, maybe too well. On ac- for copyright in the middle of a 비). Nevertheless, “Let Me Sleep can be completely original. Some uncopyrighted work. On the oth- ones like “Infinite Challenge” 무( cusations of plagiarism, Chinese production partnership. “Running for a Night” recorded 10% and might argue that imitation might er hand, copyright infringement is 한도전), “Three Meals a Day” (삼 producers’ response was that with Man” (런닝맨), SBS’s popular “Line Up” reached 6.7% in rat- be a necessary stage for inspiration when one attempts to gain reve- 시세끼), “Please Take Care of My the Hallyu ban, they had no choice entertainment program, has been ings, which are quite successful and development and perhaps the nues generated by the intellectual Refrigerator” (냉장고를 부탁해), but to make similar programs to jointly produced by Zhejiang Sat- numbers. Chinese television industry is go- property of someone else. During and “Hyori’s Home Stay” (효리 keep up with the demand. Al- ellite Television (ZJSTV) in Chi- ing through this stage, just like the 1990s and 2000s, it was com- 네 민박). The Chinese versions though the Chinese viewers are na since 2014. The show was ex- Is widespread imitation merely Korea did with Japan 20 years mon for many Korean producers are not just similar, but almost increasingly voicing concerns on tremely successful, reaching above a reflection of popularity? It is ago. Nevertheless, clear standards to imitate the formats of Japanese exactly the same. They have the plagiarism of Korean shows by 5% in rating. However, during the natural for similar programs to with regards to plagiarism should TV entertainment programs. Back same overall format as the Korean the Chinese programs, once these production of its new season re- follow soon after one-program be constructed so that producers then, the overall atmosphere in ones, perhaps with slight chang- programs air, the rating is suc- cently, ZJSTV changed the title hits, especially in Korea. In the feel motivated and protected for the Korean broadcasting industry es in the title and the cast. These cessful and the issues soon settle of the program, claimed that its late 2000s, the survival audition their uniqueness and creativity. As on plagiarism and copyright was blunt plagiarisms are not new, but down. For example, Hunan TV’s program is different, quit collab- programs started to trend. After viewers, we should exercise criti- relatively relaxed, and people have the number has sparked after the program “Chinese Restaurant” ( orating with SBS, and refused to “Superstar K” (슈퍼스타 K) was cal demand. If the similarities are admitted that broadcasting sta- South Korean government’s de- 中餐厅) was accused of plagia- pay for copyright. Some experts aired, similar programs like “The too obvious to us, something must tions even encouraged producers cision last year to push forward rizing TVN’s “Youn’s Kitchen” (윤 say that even if the lawsuit is suc- Great Birth” (위대한 탄생), “I not be right. As Posner says, “the to record Japanese programs as the placement of THAAD. As an 식당) before it aired, but after its cessful, the results are likely to Am a Singer” (나는 가수다), label ‘plagiarist’ can ruin a writer, future ‘references.’ 20 years have act of revenge, the Chinese gov- release, the rating reached 1.37%, come after a plagiarized program and “KPop Star” (K팝스타) im- destroy a scholarly career, blast a passed since, and a similar case ernment has officially banned the becoming a top-rated program in has already been aired. Lastly, mediately followed. Another re- politician’s chances for election is happening today in China and import of Korean entertainment its time slot. Such success is trig- while TV stations has urged the cent entertainment trend was the and cause the expulsion of a stu- Korea. The verdict for plagiarism programs starting from July 2016 gering many Chinese TV stations Korean government for action, ‘child-care’ reality. KBS’s “Return dent from a college or university.” and copyright infringement in TV (禁韓令 – The ban of Hallyu). to do the same, for similar results. copyright and regulation in Korea of the Superman” was accused to The story should apply for the entertainment programs is always The ban is still effective, but the is divided into two departments - be very similar to MBC’s previous entertainment programs industry challenging, as standards of tolera- demand among Chinese consum- The problem is that Korean pro- Ministry of Culture, Sports and 2013 program “Dad! Where Are too. //

10 Volume 66 11 ment does call for a global stock- vor of environmentally friendly many Obama-era environmental article: take of greenhouse gas emissions policies to regulate emission in- policies such as the Clean Power DANIEL CHOI and NDC projections to shame creases, and developed countries, Plan and Climate Action Plan, countries into abiding by the unmistakably the largest polluters and vowed to revamp the coal agreement. Yet in light of figures in the world, to enact sweeping industry, perhaps the most prom- such as President Trump, who policy changes drastically reduce inent culprit of CO2 emissions. deny the basic premise of global emission levels across all eco- While the NDC is still in effect TWO YEARS IN warming and place populist eco- nomic sectors. This was off to a until 2019, Mr. Trump’s decision nomic policies ahead of environ- rocky start. The US, which alone to leave the Paris Agreement mental sustainability, such sham- accounts for 14% of total GHG makes it seem unlikely for the US

A reality-check on the interna- ever, such celebrations may have tional climate deal been premature in hindsight, as the prospects look dim just two

Feature Towards the end of 2015, the an- years into the climate deal. nual UN conference on climate change was met with an uproar The structure of the agreement of celebration and applause over the adoption of the Paris Agree- The Paris Agreement relies on ment, an international convention Nationally Determined Contribu- aiming to mitigate the effects of tions, or NDCs, to call upon each climate change and limit global signatory to adopt its own goals temperature rise to 2°C of pre-in- and measures towards the glob- dustrial standards, a figure deemed ally recognized target. The NDCs the tipping point in terms of the are to be submitted and evaluated ing tactics are destined to fail. emissions globally, submitted a to meet its intended NDC tar- irreversible environmental damage every five years, and replaced with NDC under the Obama admin- gets, and possibly leaves the door caused through global warming, more ambitious targets and exten- Bad Faith istration to reduce emission lev- open for any disenchanted parties by the end of this century. At its sive policies over time. Such ap- els by 26-28% compared to 2005 to follow Mr. Trump’s path. adoption, the agreement was laud- proach is commendable, as it adds Without any binding mechanism, levels by 2025. However, this was ed as “historic” and “successful” by the much-needed efficiency and the Paris Agreement depends on quickly overturned by the incum- Meanwhile, China and the EU, pundits and world leaders alike, differentiation to the process, but each individual country to faith- bent President, Donald Trump, which collectively account for in part rightly so, since it marked as with most international treaties fully uphold the international who upon assuming office vowed 36% of global GHG emissions the very first occasion where all and conventions, the agreement convention and submit and exe- to pull out of the agreement at the and are expected to fill US’ shoes sovereign states, reached a unilat- lacks a binding mechanism to cute NDCs that represent their earliest possible date and enact as the world leader in environ- 2eral consensus in acknowledging hold countries accountable in the fair share of commitment. This “America First” policies, which mental sustainability, have each anthropogenic climate change as case that their NDC targets are requires developing countries, includes the removal of environ- submitted NDCs that promises a pressing matter and exhibiting severely lacking or the countries aspiring to maximize econom- mental regulations and stand- large cuts in GHG emissions. some level of commitment to- fail to enforce policies specified in ic output and growth, to forsake ards on the energy and industrial The EU promises at least 40% re- wards tackling said issue. How- the intended NDCs. The agree- some economic progress in fa- sectors. Mr. Trump also reversed duction compared to 1990 levels

12 Volume 66 13 by 2030, and China committed pre-industrial levels by the end of a serious threat to communities to reduce carbon intensity by 65% the century. The Climate Action around the world and sustainable of 2005 standards. The European Tracker notes that the fervor at development is essential for the ONON EXCHANGEEXCHANGE Economic Community witnessed the Paris Agreements reception peaceful coexistence of humanity a steady 1.1% decrease in GHG in 2015 has not been reflected in and nature. Countries can take a reduction annually since 1990, most countries NDCs, as they, in renewed stance on environmental meaning that the current NDC one way or another, fail to meet stewardship as a necessity, instead target of 40% pre-1990 levels by its fair share of emission cuts or of an anchor weighing them ATAT SNU:SNU: 2030 can easily be achieved by regulation required to meet the down, and see sustainable energy common dream university experience: going on ex- the status quo. While the EU’s 2°C target. The above mentioned sources as opportunities for jobs A Day in the Life change in a foreign country. environmental policy has been three parties’ failure to publish and economic growth. Such at- of a Foreign Exchange Student exemplary in the past two dec- NDCs that are consistent with titudes can be reflected in future A bit about Vanessa ades, greater commitment and the Paris Agreement is especially NDCs, which can be more ambi- article by JENNY CHO section design by GRACE MOON Vanessa is a half-British, half-Chinese exchange more ambitious targets than pres- critical, as they collectively rep- tious and consistent with the 2°C student. She was born in Hong Kong, where she ent levels are required to meet the resent 50% of total GHG emis- goal than those available today. lived for the first eighteen years of her life. Af- globally recognized Paris goal of sions worldwide. It is also worth ter graduating from high school as Class of 2015, 2°C. As for China, the seeming- noting that 30 signatories, most The Non-proliferation Treaty and The fear of every dorm resident at the start of a new she moved to Newcastle to live with her maternal ly large figure behind the 65% of them developing countries the Geneva Conventions of the * semester is, without a doubt, the uncertainty of liv- grandparents and attend nearby Newcastle Univer- carbon intensity cut becomes less from Africa, have yet to publish past century were rare instances ing with a stranger. Fortunately, I was in for a pleas- sity. She was in her third year of majoring in Busi- significant in light of the termi- NDCs detailing their targets and where countries were compelled ant surprise when I returned from summer break to ness when she made the decision to embark on an nology of carbon intensity, which policies, perhaps showcasing de- unanimously by their innate sens- find out not only that Vanessa was the much-await- exchange program to Korea. merely translates as an intent to veloping countries’ reluctance to es and self-evident truths to agree ed newcomer to house 405, but also that she had decrease the share of coal in en- commit to a climate deal that on groundbreaking treaties that been assigned specifically to my room. As we used Vanessa, being the honest person she is, actually ad- ergy production. With a rapidly may stand in odds with their na- changed the fate of the humanity to go to the same high school back in Hong Kong, mitted that Korea was not her top destination for developing economy and equally tional interests. infinitely for the better. Today, Feature this coincidence seemed too good to be true. During her exchange student experience. However, SNU is increasing consumer demand for we are faced with another one of my first semester in SNU, prior to Vanessa’s arrival, one of the few partner universities her UK univer- higher standard of living, China’s What lies ahead such occasions, and the choices I had dreaded my memories of home rusting away sity has in Asia, and SNU’s ranking as one of the consumption is expected to rise we make will seal the percep- in disuse over the coming years. But now with Va- top Asian universities was greatly appealing. Not for the next couple of decades. In 2018, the signatories to the tion of our current society in due nessa by my side, I felt the comforting proximity of to mention, she has been an avid fan of K-pop and Perhaps recognizing such inevi- Paris Agreement are due to re- time. Developed countries can a familiar face, a companion who shared my roots Korean entertainment culture since her high school tability, China pledges to peak its convene to evaluate each NDC lead this effort by committing to and would perhaps even help me reconnect with days, especially of BTS, as one can tell by the col- GHG levels by 2030, instead of and policy projection to calcu- drastic emission cuts, innovating my past. Furthermore, I would be able to observe ourful display of BTS merchandise on her desk. committing to substantial reduc- late whether the 2°C goal can be sustainable development technol- at close hand the life of a person going through a tions to emission levels in the im- achieved. It will mark the first ogies and simultaneously phasing mediate vicinity. Such, of course, event where the Paris Agreement out coal and fossil fuel energy falls depressingly short of the tar- and its outcome will be under sources, Developing countries gets of the Paris Agreement, and scrutiny. While current prospects can implement green policies in highlights the contradictory de- are dim, with appropriate steps industrial, consumer, energy and mands of economic development and measures, hope lies ahead. infrastructure sectors now to and environmental policies. First and foremost, the Paris minimize GHG emission growth Agreement should heed to the that is associated with rapidly Evaluating all the NDCs sub- advice of its ineffectual predeces- growing economy and standard mitted so far, the Climate Action sors, namely the Kyoto Protocol, of living. Working together to Tracker, an independent watch- to prevent an influx of withdraw- ensure environmental policies are dog of emissions reduction com- als after the US formally exits economically viable is an essential mitments around the world, cur- the deal. If anything, the 2018 step to meet future climate chal- rent policies and pledges will lead conference should remind digni- lenges. // to a temperature rise of 4°C above taries that climate change poses

14 Volume 65 15 sal waste from the perspective of an exchange stu- Buddy Food Festival, which was held in October of life back in Newcastle. She tells me that although dent; there is too much to explore and not enough 2017. For the festival, the participants formed teams her university is located near the city centre of New- time in a bustling metropolitan hub like . according to their countries and cooked authentic castle, it offers barely more than the typical British local dishes for ravenous SNU students. When I ar- pub culture. As a result, it is not much of an attrac- While Vanessa’s business-related subjects are a rel- rived at the boisterous foodfest, I immediately spot- tion, particularly for non-alcohol drinkers like Va- ative breeze, this is not so much the case with her ted the Hong Kong stall, where I could see Vanessa nessa. Instead, she prefers the endless list of sober education. Every afternoon, she preoccupied with frying Hong Kong-style french entertainment activities one can do in Seoul, many heads to the Language Education Institute, where toast. She was surrounded by eager Korean students, of which she has already ticked off her list: attend- she spends four hours grueling through Korean who had been lured by the saccharine aroma of pea- ing K-pop concerts, shopping near Ewha, watching reading, writing, speaking and listening practices. nut butter and maple syrup on fried toast. I felt a busking and other street performances in Hongdae, I once scanned through Vanessa’s Korean textbook smile creeping across my lips as I watched their fac- cycling by Hangang Park, gaming at arcades, and to out of curiosity. The vocabulary seemed easy enough, es light up as they too enjoyed one of my favourite my surprise, even singing at noraebangs. but grammar was a whole different story. Though childhood snacks. the grammatical rules seemed elementary at first Vanessa’s opinions on SNU glance, they all involved some infinitesimal details Leisure life One night, after stuffing ourselves with a late-night even native Koreans would probably overlook. As I When it comes to leisure life in university, I have delivery chicken meal, Vanessa and I spent hours faced my embarrassing lack of knowledge of Korean observed all from the still-hungover student who discussing the usual topics; how does Korea com- grammar, I could not help but to admire how Va- stumbles into lecture late to the fellow dorm resi- pare with Hong Kong? SNU with with our old nessa was dedicating her time, effort and money to dent who is changed into her pajamas a mere half- high school? How are our old friends doing? When learning a fifth language, despite already being flu- hour after class has ended. Perhaps because my I asked her opinions on SNU so far, she did not Vanessa ent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish. Korean housemates and I all lie towards the ‘home- hesitate to praise the SNU Buddy Program. It had body’ end of the sociability spectrum, it was some- helped ease her assimilation process into the school Nevertheless, despite the strenuous effort it takes what of a change when Vanessa became part of our environment despite her lack of Korean communi- Academic life in Korea vs the UK to learn a new language, Korean class is Vanessa’s dorm family. Many a night would I be lying on my cation skills, which she initially feared would isolate As a third-year student back in the UK, Vanessa favourite class in SNU by far. In comparison to the bed, wrapped up in the comfort of my blanket and had a pretty hectic schedule. Not only did she at- detached atmosphere typical of university lecture staying true to my second nature as a human burrito tend two to three major-related lectures every day, halls, the small size of the class helps her learning when my roommate finally returned home, exhaust- SNU Society but all students at her university were obliged to feel more personalized, interactive and therefore ed but glowing after a hard day of work and play. take additional core subjects. As a result, Wednes- productive. Although the pace of the Korean Lan- day afternoon was her only regular ‘free’ time of the guage Programme can be a little too fast at times, Vanessa hangs out with her fellow Hong Kongers al- week, but even that precious time would be spent she says the friendliness of her teachers and peers most every night. Together, they explore every nook busily catching up with work, societies and sports helps create a relaxed, casual, almost non-competi- and cranny of Seoul’s hotspots (Gangnam, Hongdae activities. tive learning environment. and the like), wandering through labyrinths of busy streets mainly in search of delicacies to gorge them- Here in SNU, Vanessa’s schedule has been reduced Another indispensable aspect of university life is selves with. Although Vanessa is far from a picky to two business classes (International Business club activities (known as dongari hwaldong in Ko- eater, eating lunch at the school canteen everyday Management and Marketing Management) and a rean). Here in SNU, most exchange students partic- would wear down all but the most resilient gour- Korean language class. Because the classes are gen- ipate in (or have at least heard of ) the SNU Bud- mets. So whenever she and her friends are in the erally longer here than in the UK, the amount of dy program. SNU Buddy is an organization which mood for something different, their number-one free time she has actually has not increased dras- matches foreigners, international Koreans and other destination is Gangnam, where Noh Chef & Pane Vanessa and friends at Lotte World tically. Nevertheless, she is still relieved that SNU voluntary participants with ‘buddies’, mostly local Chicken, her favourite restaurant famous for its permits its students to freely change and even drop Korean students who act as mentors to help them unique signature pane chicken dish, is located. her. Also, thanks to the weekly gatherings and fre- classes during the first few weeks of the semester. adjust to life in SNU. Vanessa, being dedicated to quent cultural trips organized by the Korean bud- Adjusting one’s class schedule is a practice largely making the most out of her limited stay here, was After wolfing down their dinner, the group often dies, she has been able to spend time and establish unheard of in the UK, where the vast majority of not the one to miss out on this golden opportuni- end the night by chilling in one of the myriad of deep connections with diverse peoples. In addition subjects is mandatory and already set by the univer- ty. Together with her group of Korean buddies and urban, small-business cafes scattered around Seoul, to SNU Buddy, the Office of International Affairs sity. Furthermore, Vanessa had purposely signed up other exchange students (several of whom are also enjoying the cozy atmosphere and the aesthetics of and its efficient staff have been of immense help for business courses that mostly teach material she Hong Kongers), she has gone through many things minimalistic, Instagram-worthy interiors. It is truly to Vanessa, assisting her with administration pro- had already covered back in Newcastle University. from technical/administrative tasks, including going a wonder how anyone can go on these nightly ex- cedures (such as processing her alien registration Although studying is important, it is definitely not to the bank and mobile phone shop, to the SNU cursions (even if it is for food), but to Vanessa they card) and overall making her feel welcomed into the her top priority. After all, time spent crouched over Buddy Olympics and other annual Buddy events. make up the single most dramatic change from her school community. piles of books in the library would seem like a colos- The organization’s most recent event was the SNU 16 Volume 66 17 Much to my amusement, the negative points of You may also run into unexpected difficulties, such article SNU were the usual complaints every SNU student as administrative errors and language barriers. By YOOROCK SUH has heard at least a hundred times, such as the sheer joining SNU Buddy, you can receive one-on-one as- size of the school campus, which makes it rather in- sistance from a Korean Buddy to help resolve these convenient to travel around (even with the shuttle problems. Furthermore, you will be able to interact buses). And how can one not mention the distance with other exchange students through SNU Buddy between the school and the nearest subway station? events and make many great memories together. To this day, even I cannot help but to feel a little be- trayed by the misnomer ‘Seoul National University 2. Learn Korean! Some exchange students do not ‘Entrance’ Station’ (directly translated from Korean). feel the need to learn Korean because it is possible A more fresh perspective included Vanessa’s com- to only take English lectures at SNU. Nevertheless, plaints about the limited range of English courses you will find that basic proficiency in Korean will be available in the different faculties, as well as the extremely handy when it comes to immersing your- lack of English versions of university-wide emails, self in Korean culture and enhancing your social life. which she believes would be of great help to many This is especially true for dorm residents as you will exchange students. be sharing a house/room with local Koreans!

Finally, what is Vanessa aiming to achieve from her 3. Leave Gwanak-gu and go out once in a while! exchange experience? First and foremost, she hopes While the SNU campus is widely acclaimed for its to gain a more Asian-centered (yet still internation- beauty (especially the cherry blossoms and autumn al) perspective on business, her major area of study. foliage), it is nice to experience a change of scen- Then of course, there is the goal of making lifelong ery instead of spending all your time in an isolated friends with students from all around the world, mountain community. So make sure to regularly learning about their lives in foreign countries and pop in at nearby Gangnam and experience some of perhaps even exploring Korea with them. Finally, Seoul’s unique entertainment activities (and try out Vanessa hopes to learn Korean to a degree where pane chicken)! she can at least understand and communicate con-

SNU Society fidently in daily life scenarios and, if possible, for 4. Finally, try not to make studying your top priority! professional use in her future career. Exchange students often feel pressured to do spend a lot of their time studying due to the competitive Vanessa’s advice for current/prospective SNU exchange academic environment in SNU. While studying is students important, don’t get overly caught up with work as “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; 1. Join SNU Buddy! Even if you think you know this will dampen your entire exchange experience. he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” a lot about Korea and Korean culture, chances are Make friends, go out and have fun! // you will not know where to start your adventure. This Chinese proverb is one of many cliché quotes encouraging pupils to develop their

intellectual curiosity. The importance of ask- ing questions cannot be stressed enough, especially in Korean schools where students are accused of being too shy to speak up. High school teachers in Korea regularly joke about how they are the only ones speaking in class. Fortunately, the passive attitude QUESTIONS: of students seems to change miraculously as they enter college, although individual differences exist in the level of participa- THE MORE tion. Some questions resolve academic itch- es that the whole class had felt, and other THE BETTER? questions provide a unique perspective that can even surprise the professor. Now is the ON QUESTIONING ETIQUETTE time for another Chinese proverb.

18 Volume 66 19 “Excess is as bad as insufficient.” always welcomed in the classroom, for the morale of How can too many questions be harmful? Student both the professor and students. A (Department of Statistics ’13) shares his story of annoying questioners: “I was taking a 3-hour So far so good. However, the cumulative effects are lecture, so there was a five minute break in the bound to show up. Student B went on, “We slowly FREE RIDING middle. Students would run to the professor during fell behind schedule, up to the point where the pro- the break and ask questions.” So far all we can take fessor was visibly in a hurry. He even asked for our WIPED OUT PAPYRUTH from this story is that the professor might be tired. cooperation to speed things up.” It is unclear what However, the professor was not the only one who sort of cooperation the professor was asking for, but WRITTEN BY GEONHO MIN was affected. restraint of questions was probably on the list.

Student A elaborates, “A few students’ questions When asked if the curious student took one for the seemed like they would never end. Almost every team, Student B remarks, “He did not cease, not one class, the break time would involuntarily become bit. I know questions are generally healthy for the fifteen, even twenty minutes instead of five. Because whole class, but there is a time for everything. The of those few, the majority of the class would have to time definitely is not when everybody is trying to suffer from reduced lecture time.” Thus, questioning rush through the material.” for extended periods of time harms everyone, in- cluding the questioners themselves. Not to mention Both students A and B have fair points. College lec- the professor must be quite exhausted due to the tures are not one-on-one tutoring sessions, and oth- lack of rest. er students must be taken into consideration. On the other hand, it seems a bit harsh to restrain attempts When asked if the fifteen-minute difference is really to ask questions in whichever situation. crucial to the lecture quality, Student A replies, “We have a fixed amount of material to go over a semes- One solution seems to satisfy everyone: when ques- ter, and it becomes impossible to cover it all.” It is tions are not welcome, keep them to yourself for the unreasonable to demand others to study the remain- time being. Then, take the question to the professor ing material by themselves, when it could have been during office hours, or ask by e-mail, if allowed to

SNU Society covered during the lecture. do so. On the other hand, there is a wrong solu-

tion: asking your friend during a lecture. Student MOON GRACE DESIGN BY Furthermore, there is a clear difference of asking C (College of Business Administration ’13) talks lmost every SNU student has used Papyruth, the course rating web for Seoul National University, since questions in class and out of class. Student A points about his troublesome colleague: “We sit together 2007. Naturally, the students got so flabbergasted when the news about Papyruth halting its services out, “When you ask questions during the lecture, in the classroom. When he has a question, he never spreadA out. As a consequence, starting from course registration for 2017 Winter Semester, students would everyone learns. So even if it requires actual lecture asks the professor. I am always the one he seeks.” It struggle more to find out which course they really want to take. time to be reduced, it is not a loss. When you are is natural to ask a friend simple questions such as asking questions during break time, you are the only what the professor wrote on the board. In this case, The need for course registration-related information is widely known. The importance of such information one learning, so it is a net gain of zero for the others. it was very unnatural. Student C continues, “He asks is especially emphasized when choosing between courses with the same title but with different lecturers. That is tolerable. Conversely, going overtime is a net complicated, or even worse, irrelevant questions that Students would want to choose a course from which he or she can learn more, lessen his or her academic loss.” In defense of the questioners, I am sure they I cannot answer during the lecture. The students burden, and get a satisfactory academic grade. Papyruth was always there to help students with such an im- were trying to be altruistic by not asking questions around us stare at us because we are being noisy, and portant decision for free, and the service was helpful for those who had nobody to ask what a certain course that may be too trivial for the majority of the class. I have nothing to do but suffer in silence.” Discus- is like. Snulife, an internet community for SNU students, also stores course ratings, but the size of the data In the end, the result was a net loss, which must have sion among the whole class should be encouraged; is relatively small compared to that of Papyruth. been considered beforehand. however, randomly dispersed discussions only hin- der the lecture. On an interview held on November first, Jangho Seo (Department of Architecture & Architectural En- Whereas Student A has a friendly stance towards “Be in the other’s shoes.” gineering ‘21) expresses how he is suffering from lack of course related information. Seo said, “I should questions asked during lectures, Student B (College register for the winter session by tomorrow, but I have no idea on what course I should choose. SNU life of Liberal Studies ’13) has a different yet funda- Despite what has been discussed, there is no strict does not provide me with information on philosophy courses that I want to know what it is like. Plus, I have mentally similar experience. Student B recalls, “One answer to what proper questioning etiquette is. Each no friend majoring in philosophy. I miss the days when I could log into Papyruth.” SNU Students are now student would ask questions literally every 5 min- student will have different ideas on when it is okay feeling the absence of Papyruth bigger than ever. utes during the lecture. At first it was fascinating. to ask questions. A good point of reference is imag- He seemed to have a much better understanding of ining how others might feel. Questions are welcome However, the users of Papyruth turned out to be the only ones enjoying all the benefits. Duhee Lee, an engi- the matter than I had, yet he was able to endlessly in most cases. We just need to rule out the few in- // neer in charge of Papyruth’s maintenance, decided to shut down the website, for he felt that his works were push his curiosity.” Indeed, an enthusiastic student is stances in which it is not. 20 Volume 66 21 underpaid. Lee created SNUEV, an older version of In the perspective of free rider problem, Lee’s decision course rating website which later became Papyruth, to shut down the website is nothing surprising. More in 2008 when he was a graduate student at SNU’s importantly, neither students nor Lee is to be blamed. computer science department. He believed that “it is Regardless of what intentions Lee and students have, nonsense for one to pay four to five hundred thou- market failures like free rider problem are bound to sand won for courses that he or she does not know occur, for the root cause lies within the system, not what they are like.” Despite an intention that seems individuals. As a consequence, the resolution should to be praiseworthy, Lee suffered from chronic criti- be provided by government, or in this case Seoul cisms from SNU students. Students called Lee a thief, National University. A typical solution for free rider for he allegedly tried to take away all the rights over problem is collect and distribute. No one student will the course evaluations, which students believed to be voluntarily donate or pay a sum large enough to cov- rightfully theirs. Also, the maintenance costs over one er the maintenance cost for Papyruth. However, the hundred million won, which Lee had to pay privately, aggregate amount collected from the whole student late.story by: Whiyeon Sung added up to his burden. The above mentioned cir- body will easily overweigh the cost. The problem is section design by: Minju Kim cumstances, Lee claimed, made him decide to shut that an individual like Lee has no authority to collect down Papyruth on September 10th this year. It did money. However, the school can in the form of tuition not take long for some students to start shouting in fee. By stepping into Papyruth problem, the school rage. can pave a way to stabilize provision of course-related information. Many SNU students argue that Lee has no authority to deprive students of course information that they Unfortunately, two obstacles should be dealt in or- themselves have provided. The course ratings and der for the collect and distribute policy to work. First, the written evaluations are created by students and course related information should be collected from thus, the critics believe, are owned by students. Con- and provided to SNU students. Whether or not the sequently, the evaluations should not be deleted with- school would be willing to do so is unclear. The school out the students’ permission. Lee’s disposal of 132558 already has its own standards for evaluating professors evaluations, therefore, is outside his jurisdiction. Ad- based on factors including the number of SCI theses ditionally, Papyruth is intrinsically designed to serve published, peer-professor evaluation, and the num- a public purpose. Almost every student in Seoul Na- ber of academic awards received. The school may feel tional University could not avoid using it before the no need to evaluate professors again on behalf of the website shut down, and helping students benefit from students. Secondly, professors may disagree with the adequate education is closely related to the Universi- policy as well. If Seoul National University announces ty’s purpose of existence. Thus, critics claim that dis- that course related information will be collected from cussions regarding websites like Papyruth should not students, students’ ratings on courses could become be confined to an issue maintaining over-zero profit official evaluation on professors. Professors who be- or Lee’s personal griefs. lieve that they should not be assessed by how popular they are among students will make implementing the The controversy on Papyruth has its root in free rider policy even harder. problem. Free rider problem, one of the major topics dealt in economics, is a situation where no one pays Unfortunately, it is unclear until when the students for the cost of a product or a service. The problem will be deprived of appropriate and abundant course easily occurs if a product or a service is a public good. related information. For this reason, collect and dis- Today was a bad day. Papyruth, too, is a public service because any SNU tribute policy should be implemented as soon as it students can use it for free (non-exclusivity) and the can be, although overcoming above mentioned ob- number of people who can use the website is not lim- stacles may not be so easy. Otherwise, a better alter- ited (non-competitiveness). Thus, nobody will end up native should be introduced. No matter how big the paying for Papyruth’s services. Hence, the producer’s cost may be, in a university, students should be able to revenue will be zero, but the cost will remain. With learn what they need and want to. That means, they the accumulation of deficit, the producer will even- should at least be given a chance to find out what they tually leave the market, making the whole society really need. // worse-off.

22 Volume 66 23 t all started with a small detail, a glitch: a simple tance of a mere five minutes, especiallyin the morning. Maybe I was overreacting; no, no. I was pretty sure manages to blink through – colorful traffic lights, human error that ought to be accounted for and Guessing from the general atmosphere of impatience I was overreacting. People miss classes all the time. corny neon signs, and the cacophony of cars – all Iunderstood. After all, everyone oversleeps every now and anxiety around me, I was riding the latecomer’s Sometimes they’re important. Bummer, but that’s the mingle together in the blissful realm of no thought. and again. People need sleep, right? To survive? Well, subway. These were people who were cutting it close, way it goes. And yet this was more than just that. This My friend jumps me out of my haze. my body analyzed my overall fatigue and wrote the instead of playing it safe. And by the looks of it, most was only one of the many strands that seemed to es- prescription: five minutes of extra sleep. The urgency people were cutting it close. More people meant more cape my grasp lately; things were simply not working Come on, good food will make for treatment was duly noted, and being a model seconds spent on each stop, more delays, and this was out, nothing was working out, and this was the cherry everything better. patient, I obliged. when every second counted. on top of the cake. Dainty and succulent red, it burst in my mouth. Tasted of familiar disappointment. Now that I agree with. When I finally awoke, five minutes later than usual, I When the subway finally announced its arrival at wasn’t worried. There would be attendance, and there “Seoul National University, Seoul National University My concentration on my self-loathing was broken Inside, the sushi place is lit with a warm yellow light. might be a quiz, but it would all turn out alright. It station”, the bitter irony of not being anywhere near with the buzz of a call. It goes well with the simple wood tables and charming was not until I arrived at the subway station that my class at this point hit me harder than usual. I Japanese-style illustrations that hang from the walls. uncertainty started to creep in. I stared as people with already knew I would be late, and in that dejected Go out to dinner? Hey, why not. People are scattered around in groups, chatting, eating. haggard looks on their faces rushed past, swiping state of mind, I refused to be surprised by how the You’ll have to excuse my misery The sounds of myriad conversations, from people who out their subway cards in advance and dashing up bus arrived at longer intervals than usual, or by how though; it isn’t going anywhere. are so close and yet whose lives I would never know, the already-moving escalator. While I stubbornly there had already been attendance and the rare quiz Sushi? Fine, why not, why not. fill the air with a comfortable ambience. deigned to ride the escalator up to the platform, I was too, of course. Nope. I was not surprised. I was quite shocked by the sheer number of people waiting for the past the point of caring, about anything. We decided to meet in front of the busy crosswalk What do you want to try? subway. Of course, the subway was always crowded next to the subway station. on mornings, but never like this. When the subway I managed to trudge through the remaining classes We end up ordering two set menus, the expensive one finally did arrive with a resounding shriek, people of the day. Admittedly I did not learn much. There Now here I am, waiting for her. I gaze absentmindedly and the cheap one, to get a taste of both. Waiting, we squished themselves into the already full vehicle. In was only sitting, and sulking, and sinking deeper at the grayish darkness that seemed to have veiled share the details of our day, our respective difficulties a way, I felt almost thankful to the determined lady and deeper into that dark abysmal ditch of a feeling. everything, mulling over the events of the day. What and the 101 reasons we had for just calling it quits behind me who pushed her way inside: without her and snuggling in bed for preferably a month or two, unintentional assistance, I might never have made or maybe three? It doesn’t take long for the sushi to Arts & Culture it on board. appear.

While the subway trudged faithfully on from one At first glance, I am startled. The square plate before stop to the next, I learned some valuable life lessons. me is not filled with sushi. Rather, pieces of sashimi First of which was: never underestimate the impor- are laid out next to small piles of marinated rice, with

24 Volume 66 25 a miniature wasabi mountain finishing the picture. My friend and I recently revisited an exhibition that made my blood boil. exchange surprised glances. A bit of looking around provides the answer I did it for you, so please be appreciative of my dedication to our bewilderment. A printed-out sign reads, Iand also for finding the inner strength to put myself through this again. “We provide the sashimi and rice separately for better taste. Enjoy” Walking in, I am not hopeful. By the second room I am ir- ritated, and by the third I am also bored. I know I will not So this is definitely a first. This is not the tightly-wrapped, straight- enjoy the rest of this exhibition, but this time I want to work ened-out sushi that I knew. Not at all. This is sushi’s loosened-up cousin out why. who does not care a bit about looking neat and expensive. And yet, in a way, it is bold – bold enough to bare all and lay down its ingredients Basic concept: a corporate lawyer decided to quit his job and and say, try me. make art out of Lego, and his exhibition is touring the world. How the exhibition or his art is funded is not mentioned, but I So this is definitely a first. This is not the tightly-wrapped, straight- doubt his wealthy origin story is of no consequence. His web- ened-out sushi that I knew. Not at all. This is sushi’s loosened-up cousin site humbly states that Nathan Sawaya’s ‘ability to transform who does not care a bit about looking neat and expensive. And yet, in this common toy into something meaningful, his devotion to a way, it is bold – bold enough to bare all and lay down its ingredients spatial perfection and the way he conceptualizes action, ena- and say, try me. bles him to elevate what almost every child has played with into the status of contemporary art.’ I take a bite of the salmon; it melts in my mouth. The halibut is chewier, but each chew releases a deeper savory taste. The shrimp marinated in I do not believe he should be granted the title of an artist. I am soy sauce has a surprising spicy aftertaste that invites me to reach for not suggesting that having or lacking formal training, experi- the rice, or perhaps the small bowl of udon that was included in the set. ence, wealth or connection determines who can be an artist. Whenever the fish start to feel too greasy, I take a bite of the pickled I would consider anyone an artist if they make work that is garlic, and start again. interesting, powerful, challenging or beautiful. Let me also be the first to tell you how subjective this article is. Nathan Sa- Arts & Culture There is nothing particularly spectacular about the fish or the rice, but waya has won awards, so clearly there are people who believe nothing lacks, either. It is a warm, laid-back meal, unexpectedly filled that this is art. I do not personally credit this as art, and for the with an odd self-confidence. by Maya Stevenson rest of this double page please allow me to argue my case, but I welcome you to make your own mind up about this. If this ごちそうさまでした。 exhibition has done nothing else, it has allowed me to question my boundaries of art and the ways we view and celebrate it Once outside, a deeper darkness hugs the city, accentuating its lively, both personally and publicly, as I hope it will allow you to do multicolored bright lights. Tomorrow, I will face another day. Maybe too. I am aware that it would be incredibly arrogant of me to things will work out, maybe they won’t. But I trust that these little pleas- attempt to answer the definitive question of what makes art ures, these snippets of time, will always be there for me to catch. Life art, so instead I am taking baby steps from the other direction will offer its share of warmly lit beacons to guide me through its dingy to try to work out why I do not consider this art. nights. It will sneak messages under my meals to save me, just in time. Okay, let the games begin. So –– we might just be okay. // I grasped the notion of making things out of Lego imme- diately. It’s great to point out that an everyday object can be used to make art, but then you actually have to make the art with it. This does not happen. And this is where my frustra- tion begins to build. I walk past a giant pencil made of Lego, vases made of Lego, a dinosaur skeleton made of Lego, and figures made of Lego. He writes that his ‘most famous work’ Yellow (as seen on the poster) ‘evokes the metamorphosis [he]

26 Volume 66 27 underwent in the course of [his] about being annoyed at some he realized that he did not have Transient The dove wanders by Michiel Kemmer wanderings’. Yeah. I feel like I am guy? Well…? Wait, no. to make what was on the outside There was it Comes closer reading a high school art book The problem as I see it is in the of the box, and although it might Again Upon the connection where someone panicked and way we look at art. One of my fa- not be on a box, he is still just Growing in me Too close threw in some big words to try to vourite artists Grayson Perry says copying! Distracting me Thought is in the way sound like they know what they that ‘craft, by definition, is some- As if were talking about. Art doesn’t thing you can teach to someone As a last resort this art could at Warming up my body have to be about a ‘metamorpho- else… whereas art is very much least be aesthetically pleasing in sis’, ‘juxtaposition’, ‘ascension’, or linked to the individual and their some way. I find neatly organised the ‘hypothetical manifestation’ vision.’ So then what is his artistic and arranged objects immensely of emotion. Stop trying so hard! vision? I felt like every patronis- satisfying, so you’d think rooms Honestly if he wrote that he was ing caption tried to brainwash full of orderly bricks would be CONNECTING just playing around and thought me into thinking ‘I just saw an art right up my alley, but I was left this looked cool I would be way exhibition’ when in reality what I feeling nothing. While they re- more up for this. just saw was the fantasy of a man quire structure and thought, they doing something complicated, do not make something I found The Lego sculptures are obvi- but far from profound. Call it déjà nice to look at. We are able to THE DOTS ously skilful, time consuming vu but have we not already done recognise figures, faces and inan- and require patience, but I don’t this? Have Marcel Duchamp, imate objects out of these vague think much else. There is no ob- John Cage, Rachel Whiteread shapes, but either they do not vious point where things become as well as a horde of other artists go beyond this to suggest any- He wanders always in his mind. When walking the same path, the ar- or stop being art. The only thing who used everyday, found and re- thing truly meaningful, or they rogant does not move away. We collide. Thinking long and deep for the that is obvious to me is that if cycled objects to create new art overshoot the mark and become way to revenge defeats me many times. Then in a brave spurt I follow you have to have a neon sign next and paved the way for how we annoyingly angst-y. To me this him. Quickly start in his opposite direction, then I do not move away. We to everything to remind people view art now just been forgotten? mirrors the same distinction one collide. Planned revenge. that it is art, is it? Why can these Sawaya uses the words of some- might make between a portrait Arts & Culture pieces not stand alone? Surely we one making complex, challenging and a selfie. There absolutely is When rationality has no answers, social dominance has power. And the all know by now that sometimes art, but puts it next to something art photography of people’s faces, powerful, never has enough, is always taking. The social dominant in- things that are not originally art we do not need to be told about. but we do not say that every idiot vests less in knowledge and thereby tries to starve it. Starving and weak can become art just by the way you He is using an everyday object with a smartphone *cough* or Lego we fight with the sword of science. But if philosophy of science itself approach them. What once was a and creating everyday things with set *cough* is an artist. sees sciences as a belief system, then dominance takes over the discussion. practical object is now stored be- it. If he wishes to be seen in the When the light of relativity hits the facts of science it reveals its hollow hind glass and seen as a thing of same regard as these artists then The Lego is not my problem. inside. As hollow as that social dominance. Intellect is losing its playing beauty. Likewise, an object in an he needs to do something inter- Lego is great. And art can be field and we see change coming up. everyday setting can also become esting. made out of anything. My irrita- art if you choose to see it as such. tion is with an artist who paints Society is in evolution. Social media takes part. Social dominance is get- Sometimes the amount of care Then there is a whole section in (get it?) himself as a radical, ting traction again, freeing itself from its ban by the rational. Rationality and attention to detail makes the which he has copied well-known which he is not. Let’s not indulge starts losing our attention now. No bite sized facts have the colour to art; like an intricate painting, and artworks into Lego. At this point him. // attracts us any longer. Those lines of code that translate to the internet of sometimes the absence of care I feel like we’ve all given up. I things do. They have the magnetism to attract our eyes and our mind so and how something naturally don’t want to see Rodin’s The much that we can not help but bump into our fellow humans in the street. came into being makes it art; like Thinker in Lego. Everything that The technology that fits perfectly in our hand and starts using the science a crumpled piece of paper unin- is celebrated about this piece is of psychology to make us into the severely addicted. There is a new player tentionally lit by the sun. immediately lost when it becomes in the field. I want to scream this out loud. a pixelated shape which begs the So what is the problem here? viewer to think ‘ah yes, art’. Why Are we blind? Even the people that break loose for a moment or two, Have I been given space in this is this needed? He says it was a get sucked in by that force again. That is it! No more social dominance, magazine just to whine to you ground-breaking moment when no more intellectual dominance. Now power lies with that invisible force

28 Volume 66 29 that we have helped creating, that we clearly feel, that we gossip about and where we speculate about its future. If we can even call it ‘IT’. Pun intended. Break loose!

Help yourself first. Then those sitting next to you. That slide into wa- ter after opening the emergency exit will surely kill ‘it’ for a while. But then who is to save us? We are part of a system now, so big, so dynam- ic and powerful, it has started to be an organism in itself. And we can CHANGE. Again. Keep changing. There Obama would certainly agree that buddhism is still relevant. Change. Awareness of impermanence. Giving discipline to both mind and feeling. Then peace is what is left.

It grasps me As lost as that force Fertile may it seem Weak as I am That does all this For that seeker of power We obey to it Good as it feels Evolves to be good Weak as we are Unreal as it is Continuity arises One wanders in confusion Erupts When the humble strongmen retreats. Confused as one is When uncontrolled

What are we working against where we find our value? And where does q this uncontrollable force finds it’s value? We ourselves steer away for that in which we suffer and we call it beauty, truth and values. It this force suffering? It must have a lead. Steering away from the suffering, leading us somewhere anew. To where it’s own values lie.

Could it survive, and thus evolve, if we remove ourselves from the equa- tion? Will it still thrive? For now: no. We need each other. Like the flower and the bee need each other. We know this know, we feel it too. So we must be one step ahead. One step a phenomenon like this can not reach yet, the fact that we are aware of the problem. ‘It’ can not. Can it? We are still thinking within the human frame of knowledge now and can not judge on this, like we can at this point not judge what another organism is experiencing. Subjectivity is one major struggle never to be overcome by Year in review:b our favorite the rational human. Still no answer. tunes of 2017 to close out

Let’s watch it evolve. // the year.

30 Volume 66 31 q b

Editors’ Picks Get You (ft. Kali Uchis) - Daniel Caesar Us Against The World - Epik High First Time - Kygo & Ellie Goulding Fine - Taeyeon Provider - Frank Ocean


Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay Scared to be Lonely - Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa Drink I’m Sippin On - Yaeji Chateau - Angus & Julia Stone REDMERCEDES - Aminé One More Love Song - Mac DeMarco HUMBLE. - Kendrick Lamar 첫눈처럼 너에게 가겠다 - Ailee Green Light - Lorde You Better Know - Red Velvet Havana - Camila Cabello Young, Dumb and Broke - Khalid





7 8 10 4 9

1 3 5


1 Language Institute 7 College of Humanities Sinyang

2 Office of International Affairs 8 Central Library

3 College of Business Administration 9 Student Center

4 College of Human Ecology 10 College of Engineering Sinyang

5 College of Social Sciences Sinyang 11 College of Engineering

6 Dormitories