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Sasha CV 2016 Word Updated CURRICULUM VITAE Dr SASHA HVIDSTEN MB ChB MRCPCH MRCPsych PGCert (LLM) PERSONAL DETAILS ! Full Name: Sasha Jane Hvidsten. Date of birth: 20th January 1973. Nationality: British. Address: Hobro Croft, Hobro Lane, Wolverley, Kidderminster DY115SZ Telephone: 01562 852719 (Home) 0786680 7153 (mobile) E mail: Section 12(2) Approved Clinician GMC: 4278818 Full Registration, 1997 Revalidated 2014 (Nov) Registered for CPD: July 2010 Career Aims: Initially I trained as a paediatrician and then pursued a career in child psychiatry. I am passionate about young people experiencing the highest quality care in every aspect of their patient journey, both physical and emotional. I am committed to multi-disciplinary and interagency working, take an active role psychiatric education and retain an interest in research. I am ambitious and motivated, enjoy setting myself challenges and spending time out of my comfort zone. QUALIFICATIONS AND EDUCATION ! 2015 PGCert (LLM) (part 1 of 3) of Masters degree in Mental Health Law - Northumbria university. 2005 MRCPsych (Royal College psychiatry - All Birmingham Rotation) 2000 MRCPCH (Royal College Paediatrics and Child health, Birmingham Children's Hospital Rotation) 1991-1996 Birmingham University Medical School MB ChB 1987-1991 The Grammar School, Ashby de-la Zouch, Leicestershire. (5 A levels) Prizes Honours Achievements Honours in Public Health and Epidemiology 1996 Honours in Pathology Birmingham 1996 Howard White Memorial Prize for Evidence Based Medicine - Queen Elizabeth Psychiatric Hospital 2002 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Date Speciality Consultant / Hospital July Consultant Child Mulberry and Rowan wards 2016 - and Adolescent Woodbourne Priory Hospital current psychiatrist Birmingham April - Consultant Crisis Crisis CAMHS Forward Thinking June CAMHS - Forward Birmingham. Based at Parkview clinic 2016 Thinking Birmingham Birmingham 0-25 service . March - CAMHS - outpa- 1 month NHS locum. Regional autism di- April tient - regional ASD agnostic service. I provided psychiatric as- 2016 diagnostic service. sessments and risk assessments / manage- NHS ment plans for children as part of a wider MDT assessment. Children receive a speech and language assessment, an exami- nation by a paediatrician and an OT as- sessment. Feb CAMHS In patient - 1 month NHS locum, Eating disorder unit. 2016 - Eating disorders march unit. NHS 2016 April Specialised eating Consultant Psychiatrist and Lead Clinician 2014 - disorder unit. for the Eating disorders unit, Wedgwood Feb Substantive Consultant Unit, Huntercombe Hospital Stafford, 2016 and Lead Clinician. In- ST19 9QT. A 15 bed specialised eating dis- dependent provider. order unit (SEDU) that accepted national referrals. A mixed sex unit, with a high referral rate for male patients. I led on clinical governance processes for the hospital, supervised consultant col- leagues, chaired the drug and therapeutics committee and worked alongside the hos- pital manager to ensure we provided a service that was effective, well led and innovative. I was part of the senior leadership team for the wider CAMHS directorate and the se- nior management team for the hospital. I was the CAMHS medical representative for the care notes (electronic patient records) steering group, the CAMHS op- erations meeting and the CAMHS divi- sional clinical governance meetings. I also worked within the business devel- opment team, to work on partnership arrangements with NHS trusts nationally and develop new ways of delivering ser- vices. I led on a project to develop patient profiles, to inform the use of resources such as therapy and nursing time which was embedded into our data collection system to improve our directorate dash- board. I was also CAMHS Medical representative for the seclusion review working group. April 2013 Liaison and Liaison Psychiatry - April Emergency Consultant Birmingham Children's Hospi- 2014 Psychiatry. tal. (NHS) Psychiatric support to busy Substantive tertiary referral hospital. NHS post. Developed protocols for rapid tranquilli- sation in the paediatric setting, worked closely with senior nurse leads on safe holding and restraint techniques, educa- tion for paediatric colleagues and teach- ing staff on a variety of areas (consent / capacity / confidentiality / recognition of mental health issues / management of challenging behaviour). Honorary clini- cal lecturer at Warwick University. Developed referral and discharge pathways for CAMHS patients within the paediatric setting. Increased recognition of mental health issues amongst paediatric patients – joint clinics with neurology and paediatric col- leagues. Split post with additional duties as consultant for the Emergency Re- sponse team, a Birmingham City wide team. Emergency assessments provided for the wider Birmingham area, named consultant for s136 suite and all emergency depart- ments. Supervised team of 9 nurses. Close working with Home treatment team. November Consultant Child Japonica unit – NHS female adolescent 2013 – and Adolescent psy- HDU – Birmingham and Solihull Mental March 2014 chiatrist NHS Health Foundation Trust. Worked with a second consultant colleague to set up this new unit. Recruited all staff, developed protocols and policies, provided training and supervision. Developed high dependency area and im- proved links with local police and their s136 processes. March 2010 Substantive consul- Consultant post – Hartley unit, Hunter- – Oct tant - Psychiatric combe hospital Stafford. 2013 intensive care and 12 bed regional PICU unit. Turned around a challenging be- unit that was struggling in a number of ways. haviour PICU Reduced length of stay, reduced incidents Independent sector and staff injury rates / sickness rates. Led on development of DBT treatment programme and embedded this within the unit philoso- phy. Contributed to AIMS PICU for CAMHS units. Delivered lectures at national confer- ences on adolescent PICU issues. August 2009 Inpatient child Dr Linda Cullen, Ashfield unit, Parkview – psychiatry SpR + march Locum Consul- 2010 tant post 1/12 NHS May / June Assertive outreach / Dr Anne Jasper, Youth support clini- / July 2009 home treatment cal team, Birmingham team Locum consul- tant post Feb/ march / In patient Learn- Dr Pru Allington Smith, Brooklands Hospi- April 2009 ing disability SpR tal October Community Dr Slowik, The Elms, Cradley Heath 2007 CAMHS SpR -Jan 2009 April Forensic Child and Dr Hilary Grant, Ardenleigh Forensic Ser- 2007 - Adolescent Psychi- vice, B’Ham - medium secure service - 20 Sept atry SpR beds for adolescents 2007 Oct 2006- Community Child Dr Winkley, Oaklands centre, Raddlebarn April 2007 and adolescent Road, Selly oak, Bham. psychiatry SpR Sept 06 Speech and lan- Dr Sungum Palliwal, Parkview Hospital – Oct guage unit SpR Bham 2006 July 05 – Community Dr Thachil Heath Lane West Bromwich October Child Psychia- 2005 try Staff Grade May 2004 Child psychiatry Dr Prendergast, Birmingham Children’s – plus liaison SHO Hospital Aug 2005 May 2003 General Dr Nasr, QEPH, Birmingham - Adult Psy- may 2004 chiatry SHO Aug Eating Disorders Dr Robertson, Reed Unit, QEPH, Birming- 02 – Unit SHO ham Oct 2002 Feb 02 - Adult Neuropsy- Dr Rickards, QEPH. Birmingham Aug 2002 chiatry SHO Aug 2001- Adult Psychiatry Dr Mistry - Hallam Street Hospital, Feb 2002 SHO Sandwell Feb 01 - Old age Psychi- Dr Patel, Queen Elizabeth Psychiatric Hos- Aug 2001 atry SHO pital, Birmingham Aug 2000- Child Psychiatry Dr G Bates, Gulson Hospital, Coventry Feb 2001 SHO Feb 2000 - Paediatric A+E Dr K Berry, Miss L Simmonds Birmingham Aug 2000 SHO Children's Hospital Aug 1999- Paediatric Prof Mann, Dr Grundy, Dr Morland, Dr Feb 2000 Haematol- Williams, BCH ogy / oncol- ogy SHO Feb 99 - Neonatology Dr Durbin, Dr Morgan, Dr Ewer, Dr Hock- Aug 1999 SHO ing, Birmingham Women's Hospital Aug 1998 Paediatric gastroen- Prof Booth, Dr Murphy, Dr Protheroe, Mr - terology, nephrology Buick, BCH Feb 1999 and hepatology plus paediatric surgery SHO Feb 98 - Neonatology Dr Dison, Dr Kalra, Dr Kumararatne, Dr Aug 1998 SHO Anderson, Dr Raynor, Dr Ross Wolver- hampton New Cross Hospital Aug 1997- General Paedi- Dr Dison, Dr Kalra, Dr Kumararatne, Dr Feb 1998 atrics SHO Anderson, Dr Raynor, Dr Ross Wolver- hampton New Cross Hospital Feb -Aug General Surgery Mr Fraser, Mr Blacklay, Mr Harries, Mr 1997 House Officer Lewis, Warwick Hospital Aug 1996 General adult medi- Dr Chesner Heartlands Hospital Birming- - cine and gastroen- ham Feb 1997 terology House Offi- cer MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES ! Association for child and Adolescent Mental Health ACAMH British Paediatric Neurology Association BPNA General Medical Council GMC Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health MRCPCH Royal College of Psychiatrists MRCPsych British Medical Association BMA Medical Defence Union MDDUS QNIC accredited reviewer QNIC West midlands paediatric psychopharmacology special interest group WMPPG PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Neonatal Medicine During my paediatric training I spent 1 year on neonatal intensive care. Whilst my prac- tice now would be out of date, I feel this experience built my confidence to manage ex- tremely sick neonates, to perform well under pressure and to communicate clearly with highly distressed families. Paediatric Medicine. I have over 4 years experience in general paediatrics which gives me the confidence to manage most paediatric emergencies. I have performed many developmental and neu- ropsychiatric assessments and have managed chronic illnesses such as childhood asthma, diabetes, Crohn's disease
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