Large mammals of Fouvent-Saint-Andoche (Haute-Saône, France): a glimpse into a Late Pleistocene hyena den Jean-Baptiste FOURVEL Philippe FOSSE Université Toulouse Le Mirail, UMR5608-TRACES, Toulouse (France)
[email protected] [email protected] Philippe FERNANDEZ Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, MCC, LAMPEA UMR 7269, Aix-en-Provence (France)
[email protected] Pierre-Olivier ANTOINE Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution, UMR-CNRS 5554, UR 226 IRD, CC064, Université Montpellier 2, Place Eugène Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier (France)
[email protected] Published on 26 June 2015 Fourvel J.-B., Fosse P., Fernandez P. & Antoine P.-O. 2015. — Large mammals of Fouvent-Saint-Andoche (Haute-Saône, France): a glimpse into a Late Pleistocene hyena den. Geodiversitas 37 (2): 237-266. ABSTRACT The paleontological site of Fouvent-Saint-Andoche (Fouvent-le-Bas, Haute-Saône, France) is a large bone accumulation in a karstic context known since the early nineteenth century. This article focuses on the analysis of 14977 remains from both the historical collection (excavations in 1842) and the material of the recent excavations (1989-1992). A faunal list of 18/19 large mammal species has been established: 12 carnivores (Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfüss, 1832), Panthera (Leo) spelaea (Goldfüss, 1810), Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller & Heinroth, 1794, Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758, Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus, 1758, cf. Alopex, Gulo gulo Linnaeus, 1758, Meles meles Linnaeus, 1758, Martes sp., Mustela eversmanii Lesson, 1827, Mustela sp.) and seven/eight ungulates (Mammuthus primigenius KEY WORDS Blumenbach, 1799, Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799), Megaloceros giganteus Blumenbach, Fouvent-Saint-Andoche, 1799, Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758, Rangifer tarandus (Linnaeus, 1758), Equus germanicus Nehring, hyena den, OIS3, 1884, Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 and/or Bison priscus Bojanus, 1827).