4.3 Tourism Development in Zege Peninsula
,I _. -- ~;I AI4~. '(- ~ /If .. i ~.,., i tJ' College of Developlllellt Studies Tourism Developalalt: 'J.'koCase oCZege Peai._ Bahir Dar .",., .. '.. :u.... .. ....... 1:' •• 7 Os"". t II ~ •••se- n &) A Tllais s.I W'uI'_tlleSdltNJIIIFCrl 'r.Stp*rr iIr,."., FIIIfi"**-lIftile lI:etpIiJ-sfortileDtg.« oFMGIIl!r..tArts .. To._.alI De. d; ., J-.»n Addis"........ · .. r ""GI"M'l<N~1'l ~~1'1IS I • • nYu',': 1.)1, J;:v .~,-'l "'. ~*ET REse.. .. ,UII!lIS "f>,\., "'~ /1111)" R~ I n 1", e, iI... " 111, ADIJI:> .. II ..IOA ETtUOli'IA • " I ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES INSTITUE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (IDS) Title Assessment of Community Empowerment and Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case ofZege Peninsula, Bahir Dar. By Alubel Workie Tourism and Development '. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS: SIGNATURE Dr. Belay Simane CENTER HEAD Dr. Mulugeta Feseha ADVISOR Dr. Yohannes Aberra INTERNAL EXAMINER Acknowie(/gement To begin with, such a study was not the result ofan individual endeavor only rather many individuals contributed directly or indirectly. Each of them has my sincere gratitude and appreciation which makes choosy acknowledgement rather intricate for their priceless assistance, active involvement, unconditioned help, prop up and motivation for beller work. Thus, this study was accomplished with the assistance ofmany people to whom f am very indebted Foremost, [would like to extend credit to my advisor in MA in Tourism and Development Program director Dr. Mulugeta Feseha (PhD, Assoc.Prof) for providing countless insights and excellent mentor all the way through the work of this thesis. [ am very gratifYing to have him as my academic advisor to share his years experience and comments.
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