The Kenya Gazette
THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P,O.) Vol. LXXVI—No. 43 ; NAIROBI, 14th September, 1974 “ Pricé: “Sh. 2 Gazette Notice No. 2984 — Karatina Town Council — The District Commissioner, Nyeri: . MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, Mr. J. Waithaka Mwangi. NOMINATIONS OF COUNCILLORS TO Various Locat AUTHORITIES Kirinyaga County Council By THE Minister FoR Local GOVERNMENT The District Commissioner, Kirinyaga. PURSUANTto regulations 26, 27, 39, 40, 63, 63a and 64 of Mr. Aram Murage. Local Government Regulations, 1963,. and Legal Notice’ Nos. Mr. Charles Niagi. oe 124/74 to 184/74, the Minister for Local Government has nomi- Mrs. Mary W. Kariithi. nated the persons mentioned below to be councillors -of the particular local authorities named with effect from 31st August, Nyandarua County Council 1974: The District Commissioner, Nyandarua. : .S . Mr. Peter Mburu Giathi. Kiambu County Council 3 : Mrs. Leah Wanjiru Gititu. The District Commissioner, Kiambu- Mr. Reuben M. Mukuria. Mr. Kahugiil Gituro.0 Nakuru Municipal Council Mr: Elijah Mungai. Le we . The District Commissioner, » Nakuru..."Ne Mr. .dDDaniel Mwangi . 1 Kego re te Mrs. Trufosa Shadrack Sharu. Kiambu Town Council : : Lo Mr. Charles Kiprito Kiptanui. : Mr. Peter Ndirangu. a . The District Commissioner, Kiambu.° gu oe a naa Mr. Joseph Thuo Kagiri. Nakuru County Council Thika Municipal Council / : The District Commissioner, Nakuru.. wang Mr. Caleb Kiarie Muibu. we pistrictOfficer, Thika. , Mr. Kibaliach arap Kenduyua.._ . Moris . i. Mr. Kariuki Chot: Mrs. Salome Nieri Thendu. t. Kariuki Chotara. Mr. Alan Ndachi. Baringo County Council oo, Murane’a County Council ‘ . The District Commissioner,.
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