DHARMA TRADING COMPANY / indEX OF contEntS accESSoriES: DYES and dyEING (CONT’D): ORDERING INFORMATION (CONT’D): Aprons: 136 Dharma Fiber Reactive Dye for cotton, rayon, etc.: 5-11 Order Form to mail in w/payment: Online - or call us! Backpacks: 135, 137 Dyes for Sun Printing: 15, 22 Dye Attractant (cool!): 25 Returns & refunds and “the Fine Print”: 3 Bags & Handbags: 75, 134-138 Gift Bags: 75, 137, 138 Kits & Starter Sets: 14-17, 20, 22 Shipping Information: 144 - more info on our website Bandanas & Handkerchiefs: 67, 78 Leather Dyes: 35 Dolls & Stuffed Animals: 86, 138 Natural Dyes, Scours and Mordants: 20, 22 PaintS & Painting on FABric: Hats & Caps: 77, 81, 82, 85, 86, 132 Polyester Dyes: 18, 19 Brushes & Tools: 29, 34, 41, 48, 51-53 Headbands, Scrunchies: 86, 132 Safety products, useful tools: 12, 29, 41, 45, 52, 53 Glow in the Dark (Phosphorescent) Paints: 25, 27, 34 Masks: 68 Ink for Stamping: 27, 28 Neckties: 75 EmBElliSHMEnt SUppliES: Kits & Starter Sets: 16, 17, 31-34 Sarongs, Shawls, Ponchos: 65, 67, 72, 77, 78, 124, 129 Adhesives and fuseable web: 46, 56 Paint for Airbrushing, Spraying, Faux Tie-dye: 18, 27, 45 Scarves, Veils: 65-67, 72-74, 77 Cotton Dyeable Lace by the yard: 68 Paint for Handpainting: 27, 31-34 Silk Jewelry: 76 Foils & Foiling Glues: 46 Paint for Leather: 35 Paintstiks: 48 Socks, Booties, Shoelaces: 80, 81, 133 HotFix Nailheads, Crystals & Tools: 46, 47 Paint for Marbling: 26(best), 27 Textbook Covers: 139 Hot Fix Angelina Fibers: 61 Shiva Paintstiks & Stencils: 48 Paint for Silk Painting: 45 (as opposed
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