St. Luke's United Methodist Church
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Opportunities of the Week We are glad you chose to worship with us today. It is a joy to have you with us, and we sincerely desire to make you feel at home. The St. Luke’s United Sunday, August 28 St. Luke’s United Methodist Church is a fellowship where love, acceptance, and forgiveness are a 9:00 AM Sunday School for all ages way of life. Thank you for taking the time to sign the attendance sheet in the folder, which you’ll find in your pew. 10:00 AM Worship Service/Kingdom Kids Worship Methodist Church We hope that you find us to be a warm, loving, caring congregation whose hospi- 5:00 PM Youth Group (6th-12th grades) Loving God, Loving tality begins in the parking lot and extends through our worship and meeting times. We want everyone who walks through our doors to feel welcome, Monday, August 29 People, Making Disciples wanted, and valued, and to ultimately make St. Luke’s their church home so that 1:00 PM Food Pantry (Footprints) we can worship together, grow in our faith together, and serve together in order to make a positive difference in our world! 6:00 PM Light in Darkness Ministry Meeting (Parlor) Tuesday, August 30 Sunday School You are welcome to visit any of our Sunday School classes. Please see the flier on 10:00 AM Sewing Group (Chapel) the Welcome Desk in the lobby for more information. Wednesday, August 31 August 28, 2016 Children 1:00 PM Prayer & Bible Study (Parlor) Our nursery and children’s programs offer a warm, nurturing atmosphere and are well-supervised with trained personnel. Ask an usher for assistance. 5:15 PM Wonderful E.G.G. Wednesday Meal (Fellowship Hall) Infants and Toddlers 6:15 PM Wonderful E.G.G. Wednesday Classes Your little ones are welcome to stay with you during the worship service; however, we have a staffed nursery and toddler room available for infants Thursday, September 1 through 2 years-old, or a cry room for your use at the back of the sanctuary. 8:00 AM Seekers Group Mtg. (Call 765-453-1860 for more info.) Today’s Message Children in Worship 7:30 PM Praise Team Practice (Sanctuary) Children ages 3yrs-6th grade are invited to Kingdom Kids Children’s Worship by “Finding Peace in the following the Kingdom Kids banner during the first song, except on 5th Sundays. Friday, September 2 Children will stay in the sanctuary to worship with their families on those dates. 11:00 AM JOY Fellowship (Chapel/Fellowship Hall) Belly of the Beast” Child Check-in Saturday, September 3 Pastor B.J. Siefert The Children’s Department uses a computer check-in procedure to ensure the safety of our children. Please visit the check-in station located at the entrance to the Kingdom Kids Hallway in order to register your child(ren) ages 3 yrs-5th grade. OUR RECORD OF FAITHFULNESS Contributions received week ending August 21, 2016 $ 8,761 Operating Budget through July 31, 2016: $329,014 Actual Contributions to Budget through July 31, 2016: $297,399 Missions giving received week ending August 21, 2016 $ 425 ST. LUKE’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH STAFF Loose coins (St. Luke’s Preschool/Bashor Home) thru Aug.21 $ 92.64 Mitch Norwood Lead Pastor Rebecca Short Music Director Last week’s attendance—Worship: 197 B.J. Siefert Associate Pastor Rhoda Barkman Organist Director of Children and Jenny Hancock Joe Rife Praise Team Coordinator Today’s Altar Flowers are from Family Ministries JoAnn Starner Tyler Willhite Youth Ministries Coordinator Toni Miller Nursery Supervisor in loving memory of Ted Starner Paula Shrock Prayer Ministry Director Julie Wall Treasurer and from Bill and Joan Hall Jim Richey Caring Ministries Coordinator Jennifer Mansur Preschool Director in honor of their 67th anniversary. Angie Hansen, Julie Householder Office Administrator Tom & Lori Collins, Custodians 700 Southway Blvd E, Kokomo, Indiana 765.453.0555 Tammy Shane Bruce Shrock Multi-Media Coordinator Sunday, August 28, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost JOY Fellowship (Just Older Youth—group for people over 55!)— Order of Worship JOY Fellowship will meet on Friday, September 2nd at the church, at 11:00am, in the Chapel. “The 4 R’s for Seniors” will be the Organ Prelude “Peace Be Thine” Rhoda Barkman program presented by Jocena Miller, Cindy Suryantoro, Robert Mann, and Anndora Laflin. Following the program will be a fellowship lunch “Peacefulness” with sack lunches provided. Please bring $1.00 lunch money, and a friend. “The Path of Peace” “Sweet Peace” Praise and Worship Praise Team WEDNESDAY MEAL DESSERT SIGN-UP—Sign up to provide a dessert for one of our Wonderful E.G.G. Wednesday meals. Sign-up sheets Greeting and Fellowship are in the lobby. (You may fill out a Prayer Card. Ushers will pick them up during opening hymn). (Please sign and date the attendance sheet located in the folder at the end of the pew). Upper Room—The new issue of The Upper Room daily devotional is available on the Welcome Desk in the lobby. Pick up a copy today. You will be blessed. *Opening Praise “How Firm a Foundation” (vs. 1,2,4,5) UM-529 Children ages 3 years-6th grade are invited to follow the banner to St. Luke's Mission Guide Book Directory - You should have receivied an email with instructions on how to Kingdom Kids worship in the children’s hall during this song. Our mission is to BE the access the online directory. If you did not receive the email and would like to know how to get access, please call the church office. Also, the paper version of the Guide Book direc- church - faithful to loving tory has been mailed to homes. If you didn’t receive one, but would like one, call the *Call to Worship church office, 453-0555. Leader: When we are left to our own devices, we become like weak and cracked God, loving people and vessels, unable to sustain love, mercy, and justice. making disciples of All Church Camp Out - Sign up in the lobby today to reserve your People: But when we come before God, seeking God’s healing love, we are given Jesus Christ. spot at the All Church Camp Out at Oakbrook Valley (533 S 950 W, Russiaville) Sept. 16-18. Spots are available for RV's and tents. This the strength and courage to serve others. will be a fun-filled weekend of fellowship, faith, and great memo- Leader: We often want to have our own way in all that we do. ries. Please also sign up if you are interested in any of the outings People: We have a difficult time trusting in God. such as golf and canoeing. We will be joined by Evangelist Stan Hankins who will bring us a message on Saturday evening as well as Sunday morning. Our Leader: Lord, come to us this day, healing our mistrust and our hesitancy. St. Luke's Vision regular Sunday morning worship service will be at the large amphitheater located on the People: Give us spirits ready to receive your forgiveness and mercy. AMEN. camping grounds. If you have any questions please contact Jenny Hancock. Become a thriving church by growing *Opening Prayer a strong Children/Family Ministry and Help Salvation Army—They have been chosen to be the recipi- This morning, O God, your voice sounds into our lives again. We are grateful reaching out to our surrounding ent of the Meijer Simply Give program now through September to hear your call, for on many mornings we hear other voices—voices urging 24th. Double match days will be September 1-3, when Meijer neighborhoods, providing missional will donate $20 for each $10 donation given. Just purchase us to care only about ourselves; voices urging us to serve other gods: our opportunities to grow disciples of work, our bank accounts, our egos, our peer groups, our ideologies. By the your Simply Give card at Meijer in any amount, and they will Jesus Christ. end of the week, we feel trapped in our anxiety, our work, our spending, our forward the donation to Salvation Army. need for control, and our excuses. And then we hear your voice again, calling Serving in Children/Youth Ministry - God is doing amazing things in our Children's and us to your healing care, to your spacious freedom, to your giving humility. We Youth Ministries. We are taking applications for those interested in helping with children's come to rest and be fed. Call us to your freeing love again. Feed us now, God ministry and youth ministry. Applications can be picked up at the Kingdom Kids check-in of our strength. Amen. stations. Don't miss out on a great opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child. If you have any questions, please see Jenny. Music Ministry Sean Carey & Kelsie Hancock THOSE SERVING THIS MORNING: Giving of our Tithes and Offerings Naomi Circle—will meet in the church Parlor on Tuesday, September 6th, Worship Presenter: David Graves Sound: Chris Jones Offertory “Be Still My Soul” Pennye Siefert at 7:00pm. Nancy Clingaman and Glenda Mann will be the co-hostesses. Greeters: Al and Sandy Nagy, Greta Dunlap, Irma Dinwiddie *Doxology Nancy Slaubaugh will have devotions and the lesson. All women from St. Ushers: Bob and Pat Hudson, John Danley, Steve Rushton Luke’s are welcome. Sharing of Joys and Concerns Prayer Hymn “Sweet Hour of Prayer” (vs. 1) UM-496 Organist: Rhoda Barkman Pianist: Pennye Siefert Help Welcome our new Bishop - Mark your calendars for September 11th at Prayer/Lord’s Prayer 4:00pm and join others in our Conference at St.