June 24 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2014

pointed out by the commissioner, the money All of these guys are giving back to their re- raised by the President’s Cup goes to charities spective communities. And we want to thank chosen by the players. Last year, you raised them for being such outstanding ambassadors more than $5 million, which was a new record. for golf, who use their success not just on the It happens that philanthropy is a second job course, but also to support worthy causes off of for many of these players. Ernie’s “Els for Au- the course. I want to congratulate Team U.S.A. tism” foundation just broke ground on a new on another big win. Best of luck as you defend children’s education center in Florida. And I the title in South Korea next year. was mentioning to Ernie that families who And I want to thank Phil Mickelson for giv- have an autistic child couldn’t be more thank- ing me an excellent tip on my sand game, be- ful for the work that his foundation does and cause I’m pretty sure I can shave at least two or the education and awareness that it’s brought three strokes if I can just get out of the darn sand. [Laughter] about. Zach Johnson, with his foundation, sup- Vice President Joe Biden. Absolutely. I’m ports a free clinic in Zach’s hometown of Cedar confident that’s true, Mr. President. Rapids, Iowa. Through the “Blessings in a The President. You sure? Backpack” program, Jason Dufner and his wife Vice President Biden. I’m positive. Amanda help make sure the kids in their home The President. Okay. Thank you very much, State of Alabama have enough to eat. The Ti- everybody. Congratulations to the two out- ger Woods Foundation creates learning cen- standing teams. Appreciate it. ters and scholarships to help low-income young people succeed in school. And they’re NOTE: The President spoke at 7:01 p.m. in the holding a tournament in Maryland this Thurs- East Room at the White House. In his re- day, and Tiger is getting back to the course marks, he referred to Timothy W. Finchem, early in order to host it in person. So the list commissioner, Professional Golf Association goes on. Tour; and professional golfer Jordan Spieth.

Remarks Honoring the 2013 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion June 25, 2014

The President. Hello, everybody. Please CAR. [Laughter] Like Mike, Jimmie has won have a seat. And welcome to the White House. six championships in 8 years. He won a few ti- Welcome to all of you and, most of all, it’s great tles, took a 2-year break, decided, you know to welcome back the six-time NASCAR Sprint what, it’s not that interesting, and then got Champion, Mr. . Give him a back to winning again. And now opposing driv- big round of applause. ers are saying things like, unfortunately, we’re We’ve got some big NASCAR fans here to- driving during the Jimmie Johnson era. He’s day, including some Members of Congress. the best there ever was. And I want to recognize , the So these days we’ve got a lot of kids, all owner of , Crew Chief across the country, who want to be like Jimmie, Chad Knaus, as well as Brian France, and the and why shouldn’t they? He is the only driver entire NASCAR community. to make the Chase all 10 years it’s been in exis- Now, everybody knows I’m a Chicago guy, tence. He won his “Six Pack” faster than any- and usually, when we do these sports events, I body in NASCAR history. This season, he is make some crack about how the football team chasing his seventh title, which would tie him is not as good as the ’85 Bears or the basketball with and “The King,” Richard team is not as good as the Bulls. But today I Petty, for the most ever. And as Chad once can’t really say anything because Jimmie John- said, he can do things with a race car that most son is pretty much the Michael Jordan of NAS- mortals cannot. And Chad should know, be-


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cause he has been Jimmie’s crew chief for 13 that they know they can do the same stuff that years. And while sometimes, the two might any boy can. So as somebody who is accustomed sound like an old married couple—[laugh- to being criticized once in a while, I just want to ter]—sniping at each other over the radio, Jim- give you some advice: Keep at it. [Laughter] mie knows that without Chad and Rick and the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion Jim- entire team at Hendrick Motorsports, he’d be mie Johnson. Thank you. just another mortal making left turns. And The President. Do what you think is right, that’s why Jimmie brought along the over-the- and you’re right on this one. wall guys from his pit crew to share in today’s For Jimmie, it also means giving back to his celebration. community, being a good husband to his gor- I will say, by the way, I love watching the pit geous wife Chani, and his daughters, Evie and crew. I don’t know how you all do it, but it is Lydia, and of course, dominating the track. amazing. And to see the teamwork and athleti- And this year he is back at it. He has already cism, it’s just remarkable. And that’s the kind of got more wins than any other driver, so maybe teamwork and leadership that has made Jimmie we should just make it easier on everybody, a champ not only on the racetrack, but off it. give the number-48 car a permanent White Since 2006, the Jimmie Johnson Foundation House pass. [Laughter] Don’t take my parking has donated almost $7 million toward grants spot. [Laughter] and resources for public schools and charities Mr. Johnson. Yes, sir. [Laughter] like Ronald McDonald House and Habitat for The President. And no burnouts in the Porti- Humanity. He is running a Wellness Challenge co. [Laughter] So I just want to say to the en- to encourage his fans to get healthy and get in tire team, to Hendrick Motorsports, to Chad, shape, which Michelle is very happy about. He to the pit crew, most of all, to Jimmie Johnson: met some of our brave wounded warriors be- Congratulations. Keep up the great work. fore this event and obviously is grateful for their sacrifice. NOTE: The President spoke at 3:03 p.m. in the And this spring, Jimmie joined in the Ban East Room at the White House. In his re- Bossy campaign to help encourage leadership marks, he referred to Brian Z. France, chief among young girls. Jimmie caught some flak, I executive officer and chairman, National Asso- understand, for doing it, but he is the father of ciation for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR); two girls, and he understands how important it is and Michael Jordan, former guard, National for us to lift up our young women and make sure Basketball Association’s Chicago Bulls.

Remarks at the League of Conservation Voters Capital Dinner June 25, 2014

The President. Hello, hello, hello! Hello! like, I care about the environment—[laughter]. Well, it’s good to be back. First of all, I just No, it’s deeper than that. I guess Gene told this want to thank Carol Browner, one of my favor- story: When I ran for the U.S. Senate, I was ite people. We miss her in the White House, decidedly the underdog; really, nobody knew but it looks like she has occupied herself. me. And LCV, because it’s a good-government [Laughter] We appreciate all the work that you type, goes through process, and they had the do helping to protect our planet and to give board interview all the candidates. [Laughter] our children a brighter future, so give Carol a And I went in, and I did my shtick—[laugh- big round of applause. I want to thank Gene ter]—and they endorsed me. And I was not at Karpinski and everybody at LCV for having me all favored to win, and it was the first and prob- here tonight. ably only prominent national organization to I was telling the story—many people know endorse me in the primary; everybody en- this—I know you think I’m here just because, dorsed me in the general. [Laughter] But it


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