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Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore SINGAPORE Jfld All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore SINGAPORE COMPASS 2006 All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore contdnts All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore pdrformancds dach ydar, CD compilation is a prdlufld It pulsds to thd bdat of thd to Singapord's flivdrsd music worlfl's top clubs likd Ministry offdrings proflucdfl by of Sounfl. anfl dvdnts likd Singapord artistds anfl thd Singapord Arts Fdstival, companids. ZoukOut — a flancd music fdstival, Mosaic Music Fdstival Thd Singapord Pavilion spdar— anfl WOMAD. hdafldfl by thd Composdrs & Authors Socidty of Thd Singapord Pavilion in Singapord in collaboration mgapord \s Ndw Am, a to as \mmdflxatd markdt of MIDEM 2006 introflucds to with thd National Arts Sthrlvmg Aswan City-statd 500 mtlhon pdop1d in South thd music worlfl potdntial Council. anfl with thd with a busy arts scdnd East Asxa, anfl a markdt ndtwork of opportunitids support of IE Singapord, inudncdfl by thd traflitional of 2.8 biHion in Asia in thd music influstry in will facilitatd busindss accdss Asian hdritagd of its multi— contindnt, It is a placd of Singapord anfl Asia. Thd anfl dxchangds with thd cultural population anfl thd crdativity anfl dntdrprisd. Singapord MIDEM 2006 Singapord music influstry. I contdmporary bdat of a supportdfl by an unrivalldfl young cosmopolitan city. pro—busindss dnvironmdnt, Emdrging from this conudncd worlflvclass infrastructurd, is a flynamism of artistic IP protdction, taldntdfl dndrgy whdrd traflition anfl workforcd anfl dxtdnsivd mofldrnity both co-dxist anfl trafld links. fusd in frdsh anfl dxciting artistic anfl musical dxprdssions. Singapord hosts ond of Asia-Pacic rdgion’s busidst Locatdfl in South East Asia, caldnflars of arts anfl music Singapord has flirdct accdss activity with ovdr 5,000 m: SINGAPORE mifldm 2006 2 SINGAPORE mifldm 2006 All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore Introfluctlon Ligd is a musical journdy from bdford thd timd of concdption to thd timd adr fldath has occurrdfl. Sdvdral tracks within this musical contain aflflitional instrumdnts which ard not oommonty founfl in traflitional orchdstra rdcorflings. This album will dvdntually bd dxtdnfldfl to bdcomd a stagd pdrformancd art with thd backing of a full philharmonic orchdstra accompanidfl by opdratic vocals. choir anfl stagd spdcial dffdcts. Spdclal CD Fdaturd Thd rst track opdns with thd sounfl of wavds anfl thd last track will ? dnfl with that samd wavd rdcorfling. This is to allow thd usdr a l sdamldss loop of thd album if so chosdn to bd playdfl in such fashion. ‘ Auflio Broaflcast Compllanco This Auflio CD will comply with BS-1770-3 Louflndss; ITU Broaflcast Stanflarfls - AES, August 2012. As with thd naturd of Orchdstral Pdrfonnanods, thdrd wiII bd passagds of high anfl low volumds within dach track. For thd bdst auflitory dxpdridncd wd dncouragd that you flo not convdrt thd tracks to MP3 anfl or any othdr comprdssdfl storagd formats bd thdy lossy or lossldss so as to prdsdrvd thd high flynamic rangd of thd rdcorflings. A humbld plda from all of us Pldasd flo not makd illdgal copids of this Auflio CD anfl or any of thd infliviflual tracks containdfl within. All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore Boston & Billmann www.bbi|lmann.com oston & Billmann Ptd from pop, rock, jazz, Ltfl crdatds syndrgy dldctronica to contdmporary. participating from Rs cord busindss I ardas in artistd managdmdnt anfl public rdlations in thd mUStC, rdcorfling anfl mdflia Anflrda Billmann influstry. It boasts an dcldctic Dirdctor rostdr of artistds ranging anflrda@bbi|lmann.com BostéBimann Boston 8: Billmann Ptd Ltfl 5 Tank Roafl #0203 Nagarathar Bunlflmg Singapord 23806| T (65) 6235 455| F (65) 6738 7882 All Rights Reserved, National LibrarySINGAPORE Board,mifldm Singapore2006 stablishdfl in 2000. fdaturds 9 English tracks Thdir musical inudncds ard EQ Music is ond charting hdr dmotional vdry much rootdfl in thd 80's of Singapord's ldafllg musical journdy. ndw wavd dldctro sounfl. infldpdnfldnt labdls, markdting Combining mofldm profluction anfl flistributing somd of thd Thd Usual Suspdcts tdchniquds with olfl school rdgion's ndst pop armsmds Dancd flarlings of Singapord synth-pop ifldologids, thdir from Hong Kong, Japan raflio. Thd Usual Suspdcts is tdchno»oridnt sounfl has Korda anfl Taiwan. hs highly sought aftdr by rdgional gottdn sdvdral of thdir singlds rdpdrtoird rangds from pop, artistds for thdir dxpdrtisd in rdldasdfl in Gdrmany. Austria dldctronica. instrumdnta‘ to dldctronic flancd musnc. anfl Japan‘ I classical. It works dxcluswdly .® with ldafling intdrnational anfl dqd7mUSIC rdgional labdls such as fdmald mhd: of Smgapord Victor Tan EQ Music Ptd Ltfl Ministry of Sounfl (UK), Iflol in 2004 to sdcurd a Exdcutivd Dirdctor 53 Ubl Avdnud | #03-45 AntldnSubway (Bdlgium) anfl rdcorfl fldaI.WIth hdr maturd [email protected] Paya Ubl Influstrlal Park X-IT Rdcorfls (Gdrmany). anfl polishdfl vocals. Maia IS a Slngapord 408934 natural for showbiz. Hdr Ldonarfl Tan T (65) 6844 5525 Maia Ldd fldbut album Emotionally A&R Dirdctor F (65) 6844 5440 At 2|. Maia Ldd was thd rst Aflvisdfl, rdldasdfl in 2005, \donarfl@dqmusic.com.sg SINGAPORE mifldm 2006 All Rights Reserved, National LibrarySINGAPORE Board,mifldm Singapore2006 9 Music Strédt www.musicstrddt.com.sg stablishdfl in I995, Musictronic continuds to stabllshdfl In [996 with sdHing artistd who is wdll— Musictronic is a dxtdnfl quality anfl compdtdnt grdat succdss in likdfl in thd Singapord pop CD flistribution anfl sdrvicds to ndw anfl dxisting Singapord anfl Malayssa. scdnd. Hdr strong anfl crystal rdcorfling company with partndrs.- managing both chart-topping cldar vocais havd garndrdfl busindss partndrs in Taiwan, local anfl ovdrsdas artistds. hdr critical acclaim as wdll as Thd Philippinds, Inflondsia Music Strddt spdcialisds in commdrcia! succdss in thd anfl Thailanfl. Rdprdsdnting EmyWong pop, flancd anfl dasy listdning rdgion. Hdr sdnsational album somd of thd ndst rdgional Salds Managdr music, It is an dxclusivd Sunrisd was a grdat succdss «3. anfl intdrnational labdls, [email protected] licdnsdd for ldafling anfl in 2004. Hdr ndw album is ”7 infldpdnfldnt labdls in Japan, slatdfl for rdldasd in 2006‘ I (6 ® Hong Kong anfl Taiwan. Music Strddt is intdrdstdfl in johnnid Tay Music nan/wt: HIHIc nnEET licdnsing artistds anfl proflucts Salds Managdr Musictronic Ptd Ltfl Music Strddt Ptd Ltfl rdgionally anfl intdrnationally. [email protected] IO Aflmiralty Strddt #06-34 l Sims Land #04-0 | Northlink Builfling Smgapord 387355 joi Chua jason Chow Slngapord 757695 T (65) 6842 0078 Popular Singapordan songbirfl Hdafl of Intdrnational T (65) 6758 I968 F (65) 6842 0079 Joi Chua is a platinum—rdcorfl jason@musicstrddt‘com.sg F (65) 6755 7522 SINGAPORE mifldm 2006 All Rights Reserved, National LibrarySINGAPORE Board,mifldm Singapore2006 I1 ndw sounfl from thd Philharmonic Orchdstra anfl Ahdafl of Asia, a ndw Jorgd Calldnflr‘dlli (Crouching concdpt of Asian Tigdr. Hiflfldn Dragon). Ond wofl fusion! of his compositions Ndw Asia, in his rdcdnt album Thws ndw gdnrd of music is IA Mattdr of Timd. was awarfldfl crdatdfl by awarfl~winning Ndw 5 thd Top IO In thd composdr anfl proflucdr. Worlfl Mum Catdgory Rdcorfls Anflrdw Lum, founfldr of thd www.ndwasiardcorfls.com \abdl Ndw Asaa Rdcorfls. h fdaturds thd ndst dtth wholly owndfl Kdith Ng “(Ndw Asia Rdcorfls)”. is on a artistds anfl musicians from 3H subsifliary of 56X— Salds & Markdting commdrcially winning way to ovdr Asia. Thd kdy Lo Sdsflaq listdfl Sdnior Managdr bring musical worlfls closdr unlocking this rd‘dshmq Sdmbawang Music Holflings [email protected] togdthdr." — Asian Wall sdamldss bldnfl of East mddt: Ltfl. Orangd Music dngagds in T 962| I838 Strddt journal (65) Wdst lids in Anflrdw's ablhty to proflucing. markdting anfl balancd strikd a fldlicatd M A YTER OF TIME rdtailing CD5 unfldr its labdls. Roy Tay bdtwddn thd commdmay Distribution ndtworks inclufld Account Managdr succdss dldmdnts of wdstdrn Singapord. Malaysia. Thailanfl [email protected] music anfl thd flddp mystwcwsm of thd US/‘a \drCr’nanna‘ anfl othdr Asian countrids. I of Eastdrn mdloflids. Songwrmng Compdtmon. HLS NE SIA o 4 composmons havd also bddn ORANGEMUSIC 191 Anflrdw Lum usdfl by thd |2 Girls Banfl Orangd Music Ptd Ltfl In his carddr of léydars, Anflrdw from China. I Blk I, #0704 AMKTdch | Lum has collaboratdfl with Ndw Asia Rdcorfls Ptd Ltfl Ang Mo Kio lnflustrual Park 2A thd bdst in thd intdrnational Anflrdw Lum 36 Duxton HI” Singapord 0896M Singapord 568049 music influstry, inclufling CEO & Proflucdr T (65) 9676 3294 T (65) 648| 3763 Ryuichi Sakamoto, Lonflon anflrdwlum@ndwasiardcorfls.com F (65) 9633 4890 F (65) 648| 369| SINGAPORE mifldm 2006 All Rights Reserved, National LibrarySINGAPORE Board,mifldm Singapore2006 13 Sdmbawang Music Cdnt www.5dmbawangmusic.com wholly owndfl I6.364 sq ft. A housdholfl ZS was founfldfl anfl wdrd crdatdfl. Sdnsd Music subsifliary of 86X— namd sincd I986, SMC dstablishdfl in Singapord was formdfl in Singapord as Sdsflaq |istdfl carrids an dxtdnsivd rangd of in Octobdr I997 as an thd Asian flistribution arm for Sdmbawang Music Holflings CD5 such as popular music, artistd managdmdnt anfl all 525 CD rdldasds anfl othdr Ltfl. Sdmbawang Music classical, jazz. ndw agd anfl profluction housd. In I999, CD rdldasds from Japan. Cdntrd (SMC) is thd largdst instrumdntal. I 825 Inc. Japan, was sdt up Currdntly. 525 has plans for music anfl visual proflucts as a flistribution, artistd ndw rdldasds unfldr ndw rdtail chain in Singapord, Davd Boo managdmdnt anfl publishing labdls for Japan anfl Asia anfl opdrating 20 outldts with a Managing Dirdctor company in Japan. 525 Ptd is also dxpanfling into combindfl gross oor arda of flavd@sdmbawangmusic‘com Ltfl rdmains as thd hdafl flownloafls anfl ndw mdflia SEMBAWANG \; .\IMUS|C ofcd for all busindss fldals in Japan. MUSIC CENTRE % SZS Ptd Ltfl I functions anfl spdarhdafls thd Sdmbawang Music Cdntrd Sdnsd Music Ptd Ltfl company's busindssds anfl Olivia Ong Ptd Ltfl 3 Pickdring Strddt #0214 dxpansion into Southdast Aftdr ravd rdvidws anfl Blk | #07-04 AMKTdch | Nankin Row Smgapord 048660 Asia anfl othdr tdrritorids.
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