Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore SINGAPORE
Jfld All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore SINGAPORE COMPASS 2006 All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore contdnts All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore pdrformancds dach ydar, CD compilation is a prdlufld It pulsds to thd bdat of thd to Singapord's flivdrsd music worlfl's top clubs likd Ministry offdrings proflucdfl by of Sounfl. anfl dvdnts likd Singapord artistds anfl thd Singapord Arts Fdstival, companids. ZoukOut — a flancd music fdstival, Mosaic Music Fdstival Thd Singapord Pavilion spdar— anfl WOMAD. hdafldfl by thd Composdrs & Authors Socidty of Thd Singapord Pavilion in Singapord in collaboration mgapord \s Ndw Am, a to as \mmdflxatd markdt of MIDEM 2006 introflucds to with thd National Arts Sthrlvmg Aswan City-statd 500 mtlhon pdop1d in South thd music worlfl potdntial Council. anfl with thd with a busy arts scdnd East Asxa, anfl a markdt ndtwork of opportunitids support of IE Singapord, inudncdfl by thd traflitional of 2.8 biHion in Asia in thd music influstry in will facilitatd busindss accdss Asian hdritagd of its multi— contindnt, It is a placd of Singapord anfl Asia. Thd anfl dxchangds with thd cultural population anfl thd crdativity anfl dntdrprisd. Singapord MIDEM 2006 Singapord music influstry. I contdmporary bdat of a supportdfl by an unrivalldfl young cosmopolitan city. pro—busindss dnvironmdnt, Emdrging from this conudncd worlflvclass infrastructurd, is a flynamism of artistic IP protdction, taldntdfl dndrgy whdrd traflition anfl workforcd anfl dxtdnsivd mofldrnity both co-dxist anfl trafld links. fusd in frdsh anfl dxciting artistic anfl musical dxprdssions. Singapord hosts ond of Asia-Pacic rdgion’s busidst Locatdfl in South East Asia, caldnflars of arts anfl music Singapord has flirdct accdss activity with ovdr 5,000 m: SINGAPORE mifldm 2006 2 SINGAPORE mifldm 2006 All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore Introfluctlon Ligd is a musical journdy from bdford thd timd of concdption to thd timd adr fldath has occurrdfl.
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