I hereby give notice that Regional Transport Committee will be held on:

Date: Tuesday, 3 March 2015 Time: 10.30am Venue: Tararua Room Horizons Regional Council 11-15 Victoria Avenue,




Chair Cr EB Gordon Horizons Regional Council Cr RJ Keedwell Horizons Regional Council Mayor B Duffy Horowhenua District Council Mayor R Ellis Tararua District Council Mayor A Watson Rangitikei District Council Mayor D Cameron Ruapehu District Council Mayor A Main Wanganui District Council Deputy Mayor J Jefferies Palmerston North City Council Mayor M Kouvelis Manawatu District Council Ms R Bleakley Transport Agency

Advisory Mr E Christiansen Road Users Inspector David White New Zealand Police Mr Sandy Walker Road Transport Association Ms Christine Cheyne Active Transport/Public Transport Mr Croydon Lowcay KiwiRail

Michael McCartney

Chief Executive

Contact Telephone: 0508 800 800 Email: [email protected] Postal Address: Private Bag 11025, Palmerston North 4442

Full Agendas are available on Horizons Regional Council website www.horizons.govt.nz

Note: The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policy unless and until adopted. Items in the agenda may be subject to amendment or withdrawal at the meeting.

for further information regarding this agenda, please contact: Julie Kennedy, 06 9522 800

CONTACTS 24 hr Freephone : [email protected] www.horizons.govt.nz 0508 800 800

SERVICE Kairanga Marton Taumarunui Woodville CENTRES Cnr Rongotea & Hammond Street 34 Maata Street Cnr Vogel (SH2) & Tay Kairanga-Bunnythorpe Rds, Sts Palmerston North

REGIONAL Palmerston North Wanganui HOUSES 11-15 Victoria Avenue 181 Guyton Street

DEPOTS Levin Taihape 11 Bruce Road Torere Road Ohotu

POSTAL Horizons Regional Council, Private Bag 11025, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442 ADDRESS FAX 06 9522 929

Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015


1 Apologies and Leave of Absence 5

2 Public Speaking Rights 5

3 Supplementary Items 5

4 Members‟ Conflict of Interest 5

5 Confirmation of Minutes Regional Transport Committee meeting, 2 December 2014 7

6 Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 Report No: 15-23 13 Annex A - Minutes from Submissions 21 Annex B - RLTP 2015-18 Summary of Submissions - Officers' Recommendations 27 Annex C - Final Draft of Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 79

7 Road Safety Update Report No: 15-24 161 Annex A - 6-monthly Road Safety Report 163

8 Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2015/16 - 2024/25 Report No: 15-25 171

9 Submissions on adjoining Regions' RLTPs Report No: 15-26 173 Annex A - Submission to Bay of Plenty Regional Council RLTP 175 Annex B - Submission to Waikato Regional Council RLTP 177 Annex C - Submission to Hawke's Bay Regional Council RLTP 179 Annex D - Submission to Taranaki Regional Council RLTP 181 Annex E - Submission to Greater Regional Council RLTP 183

10 Progress Report Report No: 15-27 185 Annex A - Letter to Hon. Simon Bridges 187 Annex B - Updated Appendix C & D (2012 business case) 189

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Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015

11 Approved Organisation Quarterly Update Report No: 15-28 193 Annex A - Approved Organisation Report 194

12 New Zealand Transport Agency Directors Report Report No: 15-29 207 Annex A - NZTA Director's Report 208

13 Members‟ Questions

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Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015


1 Apologies and Leave of Absence At the close of the Agenda no apologies had been received.

2 Public Speaking Rights Notification to speak is required by 4pm on the working day prior to the meeting. Further information is available on www.horizons.govt.nz\Council\ or by phoning 0508 800 800.

Petitions/Deputations Deputations: Written notice (fewer than 150 words) concerning the nature of the deputation must be lodged with the Chief Executive at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting and subsequently approved by the Chairperson. Petitions: Written notice to the Chief Executive is required at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting.

Further information is available on www.horizons.govt.nz\Council\ or by phoning 0508 800 800.

3 Supplementary Items To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the Committee/Council to consider any further items relating to items following below which do not appear on the Order Paper of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded. Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended), and the Chairperson must advise: (i) The reason why the item was not on the Order Paper, and (ii) The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

4 Members‟ Conflict of Interest Members are reminded of their obligation to declare any conflicts of interest they might have in respect of the items on this Agenda.

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Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015

Minutes of the fifth meeting of the ninth triennium of the Regional Transport Committee held at 10.35am on Tuesday 2 December 2014, in the Tararua Room, Horizons Regional Council, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North.

PRESENT Crs EB Gordon (Chair), RJ Keedwell, Mayor R Ellis (Tararua District Council), Mayor A Watson (Rangitikei District Council), Mayor B Duffy (Horowhenua District Council), Mayor M Kouvelis (Manawatu District Council), Deputy Mayor J Jefferies (Palmerston North City Council), Mr L Hammond (New Zealand Transport Agency), Mr S Walker (Road Transport Association), Ms C Cheyne (Active Transport/Public Transport), Inspector D White (New Zealand Police). IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive Michael McCartney Councillors M Guy, P Kelly, P Rieger Manager Transport Services Mr P Hindrup Committee Secretary Mrs J Callaghan / Mrs J Kennedy ALSO PRESENT At various times during the meeting: Mr G Shirley (Group Manager Regional Services & Information), Mr W Wallace (Senior Transport Planner), Ms A Pearce (Transport Planner), Ms A Koehler (Communications Advisor), Mr D Lane (Palmerston North City Council), Mr W Furner (Ruapehu District Council), Mr R Leitao (Wanganui District Council), Mr R I‟Anson, Ms D Myers, Mrs M Stevenson-Wright (New Zealand Transport Agency), Mrs A Dowden (Independent Evaluation Consultant), various territorial authority asset managers and interested groups, Mr F Macdonald (Convenor, Otaki Road Safety Group), Mr C Pearce (Otaki Community Board Member), members of the public, and a member of the Press.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


RT 14-34 Moved Watson/Ellis That the Committee: receives apologies from Mayor D Cameron, Mayor A Main, Mr E Christiansen, and Mrs R Bleakley. CARRIED

DEPUTATION: - Extension of the Rail Services The Chairman invited Mr Fred MacDonald and Mr Colin Pearce to speak to Members. Mr Macdonald (Convenor, Otaki Road Safety Group) expressed a number of concerns about the current availability and affordability of transport services in the Otaki area. He stated that the current services were inadequate and spoke to Members about a number of measures which he believed would enhance the transport services of the greater Region; which included an increased rail services between and Palmerston North, and the wider Wellington region. Mr Macdonald invited Councillors to a site visit to Waikanae via the current rail service to be hosted by the Otaki Road Safety Group in order to greater understand the public transport needs of residents.

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Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015

Mr Colin Pearce (Otaki Community Board Member) emphasised the increased reliance from the Otaki community for public transport. Mr Pearce emphasised that the Otaki Community Board was supportive of the current proposal and was committed to working in collaboration with Horizons Regional Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council in order to improve public transport services and infrastructure. Members provided comment and asked questions of clarification.

PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS Cr M Guy (Horizons Regional Council) had requested speaking rights to Item 6 (Adoption of Draft Regional Land Transport Plan).

SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS There were no supplementary items to be considered.

MEMBERS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interest declared.

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RT 14-35 Moved Duffy/Ellis That the Committee: confirms the minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 2 September 2014 as a correct record, and notes that the recommendations were adopted by the Council on 23 September 2014. CARRIED

Item 6 was deferred until later in the agenda with Mr Guy having requested and been granted, public speaking rights to this item. A presentation relating to Item 11 (New Zealand Transport Agency Regional Director’s Report) was brought forward to the first item for discussion to enable Mrs Stevenson-Wright and Mrs Dowden to return to Wellington for another meeting.

Mr Hammond (New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)) introduced the item and handed over to Mrs Stevenson-Wright (NZTA) who introduced herself and handed out some information to Members. She discussed the Substance Impairment Driving Programme, a joint education programme in conjunction with the NZ Police and health professionals (GPs and pharmacists), which was to be piloted in Wanganui, and highlighted the key initiatives of a project to develop tools which raised awareness within the community in order to aid in the promotion of reducing the number of drivers driving impaired as a result of prescription medications, and drugs with or without alcohol use. Mrs Dowden (Independent Evaluation Consultant) discussed the results of 2000 New Zealand drivers surveyed as part of the programme which looked at the numbers of road users who were driving impaired as a result of either prescription medications, drug and/or alcohol use. Mrs Dowden stated that the data analysed over the course of the programme found that the impairing use of prescription medication in drivers was significant, especially in conjunction with alcohol use and other factors such as fatigue. Education was seen as a key factor, with an increased need for General Practitioners and pharmacists to better inform patients around the relationship between prescription medication use and driving impairment. Mrs Stevenson-Wright and Mrs Dowden responded to Members‟ questions

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Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015

ADOPTION OF DRAFT REGIONAL LAND TRANSPORT PLAN Report No 14-249 The purpose of this item was for the Committee to adopt the draft Regional Land Transport Plan (the Plan) for public consultation. Cr Guy referred to the Joint Transport Strategy (JTS) and expressed concern to Members that the implementation of the plan was not a priority. He further expressed that as a Region we needed to be looking forward to the continuity of economic growth, development and prosperity through the increased promotion of an efficient transport network. Cr Guy referred to page 32 of the annex to the Item with regard to the proposed bridge construction. Cr Guy urged Members to focus on streamlining transport needs for the Region through greater momentum of plan implementation. The sentiments of Cr Guy were endorsed by Mayor Watson and Mayor Kouvelis. Mr Wallace (Senior Transport Planner) spoke to the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan and gave a brief synopsis of how the plan took shape, noting that some additional projects were required to be included in the Plan prior to public consultation. Mr Wallace referred to pages 60 and 61 which confirmed the priority of the projects for the Region, and page 53 of the draft Plan which highlighted the inter-regional projects. Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) further discussed that in relation to the JTS, advice received from the NZTA was to put forward the individual projects of the JTS rather than the JTS as a whole. Mr Hindrup stated that this was to ensure there was a greater focus on getting a framework in place which would enable the funding of those projects which were of a strategic priority for the Region in the long-term, such as improved transport growth and spatial planning. In response to confusion expressed around the definition of 50 tonne restrictions, specifications of High Productivity Motor Vehicle (HPMV), and what routes those vehicles could travel on, Mr Walker (Road Transport Association) provided clarification. Deputy Mayor Jefferies highlighted some of the comments made earlier by Cr Guy with regard to the upstream bridge. He highlighted that the NZTA and PNCC already had a commitment to funds within the next 10 years, and reiterated the importance of the strategic inter-regional links for the development of the city as a logistics hub. Mr Lane (PNCC) added that replacement of the Jack‟s Creek Bridge had been approved and would be put out for tender shortly, and he revealed other projects which were to be put forward for funding consideration by PNCC. Cr Guy reiterated to Members that an efficient network within the Region was needed and suggested that this could be provided for with Regional (R) funding. In response to a query around clarification on the levels of (R) funding used for RONS, Chairman Gordon requested that this be included as an item in the next agenda. A further recommendation (d) was included by Mayor Watson with the agreement of Members. RT 14-36 Moved Watson/Kouvelis That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-249 and Annex. b. adopts the draft Regional Land Transport Plan for consultation. c. Includes the Manawatu Bridge (SH3) Cycle / Walkway project; Manawatu Hill Realignment project (SH2), and the Wanganui River Road to Wanganui Rail Bridge Cycleway in the programme priority list. d. that the Regional Land Transport Plan should acknowledge and reference in the relevant sections the ‘Regional Growth Study’. CARRIED

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Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015

VARIATION TO REGIONAL LAND TRANSPORT PROGRAMME 2012-15 Report No 14-250 This item proposed a variation to the current Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) to consider the inclusion of construction of the Palmerston North – Longburn shared path during the 2014-15 financial year. Mr Wallace (Senior Transport Planner) introduced the item and handed over to Mr Lane (Palmerston North City Council (PNCC)) who referred to the boundary change and took Members through the Annex, recommending the Palmerston North / Longburn shared path project to Members. Deputy Mayor Jefferies (PNCC) further added that community support existed for the project, with both Cr Keedwell and Mayor Kouvelis having also expressed their support for the project. The Committee approved the variation request, subject to the project being approved by PNCC. Accordingly, recommendation (b) was amended. RT 14-37 Moved Jefferies/Duffy That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-250 and Annex. b. approves the Regional Land Transport Programme 2012-15 variation request to consider the inclusion of construction of the Palmerston North – Longburn shared path during the 2014-15 financial year, subject to Palmerston North City Council’s approval. CARRIED

RESULTS OF FUNDING ASSISTANCE RATE (FAR) REVIEW Report No 14-251 This report informed the Committee on the release of the final results of the Transport Agency‟s review of its Funding Assistance Rates (FAR). Mr Wallace (Senior Transport Planner) introduced the item and referred Members to page 96 of the item which outlined the final results of the FAR review for all the organisations of the Region. Members accepted the item as read. RT 14-38 Moved Gordon/Duffy That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-251. CARRIED

CAPITAL CONNECTION UPDATE Report No 14-252 This report updated Members on developments pertaining to the Capital Connection rail service. Members accepted the item as read. Cr Keedwell requested that Cr Gordon clarify in his upcoming meeting with the Minister, the potential of a rail service to run between Waikanae and Palmerston North, as raised by Mr Macdonald and Mr Pearce earlier in the meeting, and bring this to the next meeting for discussion.

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Regional Transport Committee 03 March 2015

RT 14-39 Moved Gordon/Keedwell That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-252. CARRIED

APPROVED ORGANISATION QUARTERLY REPORT Report No 14-253 This item updated Members on significant regional roading, public transport, road safety and planning activities within the Horizons‟ Region. Representatives from the Territorial Authorities spoke to their reports, highlighted activities of note, and responded to Members‟ questions where applicable. Mr R Leitao (Wanganui District Council) invited Members to attend a webinar workshop hosted by Local Government New Zealand on Friday 12 December which would discuss the effects of the One Network Road Classification (ONRC) on the levels of services available. RT 14-40 Moved Gordon/Keedwell That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-253 and Annex. CARRIED

NEW ZEALAND TRANSPORT AGENCY REGIONAL DIRECTOR'S REPORT Report No 14-254 This report provided Members with an update on the New Zealand Transport Agency‟s (Transport Agency) regional and national activities. Mr Hammond took Members through the item and spoke to a powerpoint presentation. Mr Hammond highlighted points of interest to Members, including the FAR rate, the Whirokino Trestle Bridge project being approved for commencement, $100 million allocated to the Urban Cycleway fund, and the lower drink driving limits coming into effect as of 1 December 2014. A YouTube clip was shown to Members which revealed the new nationwide safe drink driving campaign. Mr Hammond responded to Members‟ questions. RT 14-41 Moved Gordon/Jefferies That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-254 and Annex. CARRIED

The meeting closed at 12.37pm.



Page 11

5.1. 5. 4.1. 4. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. REGIONAL LAND TRANSP March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 5.4. 5.3. 5.2.

No financial impact to the Council as a result of this decision. The Council‟s activities in in activities Council‟s The decision. this of result a as Council the to impact financial No FINANCIAL IMPACT e. d. c. b. a. That Committee the recommends thatCouncil: RECOMMENDATION isready adoption for by Council. 2015Plan) (the PlanTransport proposedLand Regional approvethe to and RLTP, draft the to received submissions on decisions make to is item this of purpose The PURPOSE PreviousagendasRTC contain background full on thelegislative requirementsof Plan. the six.to measure and policies objectives, ten least at for relevant be must Plan The Strategywith theland transportactivities ofthe old Programme. comb Plan new The preparea Regional Land TransportPlan. to requirement the with replaced and repealed was Programme Transport Land Regional 2003 Act and Strategy Transport Land Regional Management a prepare to requirement previous The 2013. Transport June Land the on amendments Major to 2014 December BACKGROUND 15 from undertaken was Plan draft the January30 2015. A totalof submissions39 and one latesubmission were received. on consultation Public COMMUNITY Plan the have beenincluded the in draft 2015

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ORT PLAN 2015 -


s. It must also show the activities proposed for years one years for proposedactivities the showalso must It s.

ReportNo. 15

- - 25 years, and set out the Regions‟ land transport land Regions‟ the out set and years, - 18 Long Plan Term budgets.

Decision Required Required Decision Report No. - em taei cmoet o te old the of components strategic term - 2025 to the Horizons the to 2025 - 2025with agreedamendments; - 23


Anx regarding B Annex n

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Page Page 15

- 23 13

Item 6 Item 6 7.3. 7.2. 7.1. 7. 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2. 6.1. 6. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 7.4.

SUBMISSIONSAND RESPONSES Plan). the programmed,or of at all. priorit region‟s 2.4 as early as the funded be not (Section will projects that some that possible therefore is prioritiesit note priorities; national to strategic important the is it to However according prioritised been have variousactivitiestransportactivitiesAgencyThe the whenTransport allocates the funding. like would RTC the importance the reflects 7) (Figure list prioritised The longervalidbe the in finalRLTP. of time the at removed theirfrom respective areor LTP, deferred beyondto current theperiod the of Plan, will no is Plan the of adopte yet not 8 have Councils some As Figure writing. in featured activities of list complete The project. the of cost the of share local the for provision no is there as not, submis does LTP of own resultCouncil‟s the a as project, a include cannot Plan the means This (LTP). Plan Term Long Council‟seach with consistent be must Plan the in includedactivities Transport     Key dates herefrom are: adoptedwith amendmentsis attached as be to Plan The A. Annex at attached are 2015 9 February the on from held hearings Minutes submissions 2015. January 30 on closing submissions with 2014, December 15 on 201 Plan Transport Land Regional draft The THEREGIONAL LANDTRANSPORT PLAN 2015 request to change the RLTP was made. However there are a numbers of arrears where additionalarrears re of numbers a are there However made. was in RLTP the change raised to request point submission each to nospecificas noted,pointsubmissionisresponsesthe are thatmajority of the that willsee responses officer out pro It sets submissions. B Annex clear, be To approved specific a AnnexBis the summary to of submissions the receivedand officer recommendations. relation in topic or project that organisation, a with issue an raised has submitter a where Howeverrecommendations. suggested with submitters to responses discuss and turnar short the to Due those of result a as Plan the submissions. to changes recommended appropriate, where and issue, particular that common raised who submitter each of name the and number the provided have of Officers discussion a is Below soughton each of those. relief the on comment initial provided and submissions other all considered also RTC The received. were submission, late 9 one and submissions, 39 of total A    

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Annex C. hms ht ae hog fo submissions. from through came that themes 5 - 2025 was publically notified for submissions for notified publically was 2025 d their final LTP, any projects that are later are that projects any LTP, final their d

- 25

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8.1. 8. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

1. Themes 27 26 25 23 20 19 18 15 13 12 10 8 5 4 Strategic roadingnetwork one than more received the mostattention, it isappropriate by to bring them to the forefront of discussion. the on the submitted section were this in that out themes set have common officers B, Annex in recommendations the to addition In COMMONSUBMISSION POINTS 1. Recommendations 4. 3. 2.

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apierPort - west links, particularly the ability of these links to cater for high productivity high for cater to links these of ability the particularly links, west ience issues around the Manawatu Gorge (SH3) route and the importance the and (SH3)route ManawatuGorge the around issuesience

North CityCouncil -


to beto noted and thanked.

submitter. As these issues issues these As submitter. -

term plans to plans term

detail in the Plan, the in detail - boundaryforum

upgrade the upgrade Transport t - west link, link, west Page Page 15

Item 6 Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 3. 2. 1. The 39 35 30 22 16 1 Increased recognition alternativeof transportmodes 4. 3. 2. 4. 3. 2. 1. Recommendations 4.

mes ht h Pa b aedd o nld adtoa cmetr i Scin 2.2.2 Section in commentary re additional other include connectionsvia SH‟s2 and 3 to to amended linkages be “Improved Plan the That Plan the where arethese not endorsed by the respective approvedorganisation. submitteadvise To forprojects thatwill give effect to the Joint TransportStudy. Transport advocate to Jointcontinues committee the that the and Plan, the that of component core confirmsa is Study submitters to responses its in committee the That umtes lo oe tee a n cmetr i Scin .. rgrig the regarding 2.2.7 Section in commentary mitigationof adverse environmental effects from theregional transport system. no was there noted also Submitters climatechange mitigation. polici no were there economicwhy queried also submitters Some and demographic of because future the changes,and thatthe Plan should have more projects to reflect this. in important more become requested Submitters low their and Plan, the in prioritisation rankingin the programme inclusioncomponentof Plan. the for forward and put cycling, projects and transport walking passenger of lack the about concerned generally were Submitters ht rjcs euse b sbitr nt e nldd n h porme where programme the in included arethese notendorsed by respective the be approvedorganisation not submitters by requested projects That adverseenvironmental effects fromthe regio the “Mitigating 2.2.7 Section in commentary include to amended be Plan the That i for programme the component of Plan. the advocate in improvements planned to progress to order in continuesareas class activity these in committee funding the that submitters Reassures the the submitters achieving to objectives ofthe Plan. activities to transport acknowledges public and submitters cycling walking, the to of importance responses its in committee The Brent BarrettBrent CathAsh EnvironmentNetwork Manawatu Cycle AwareManawatu McLaughlinRobert MargaretJeune

rs that projects cannot be included in the programme component of programmecomponent the includedin be cannot projects that rs -


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March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 3. 2. 1. Recommendations 2. 1. Themes 39 35 33 32 24 18 9 3 1 Longdistance passenger rail services 38 37 32 24 11 Impacts of forestryonroadingnetwork 4.

h RC rt t KwRi seig h risaeet f h Mro, Taihape, Northern Marton, the the to of service. stops reinstatement the Levin seeking and the KiwiRailTaumarunui by to write investigated RTC be The will this services, additional committee. warrant demand servic should rail new no that Acknowledges the retain proposed cut offdate of June30 2015. to stance the beyond Wellington priority and North Palmerston current between service Connection the Capital submitters to highlights committee The No chan RodHaines MargaretJeune WanganuiDistrict Council Rangitikei, the Northernfor the Explorerlong in particularlystops, train of reinstatement the see to wished also submitters Some how passenger railservices in theRegion. on suggestions had or Region the in services rail passenger viable of lack the on commented submitters of numbers A BarrettBrent CathAsh Richard Aslett Richard Smith RuapehuDistrict Council RangitikeiDistrict Council David Green Hancock ForestManagement New Zealand AA Wanganui EnvironmentNetwork Manawatu RuapehuDistrict Council

ge Plan.ge to the



s r pooe, oee hglgt that highlights however proposed, are es

- oios a ices te mut of amount the increase can Horizons distance service. xlrr long Explorer

- distance train train distance Page Page 17

Item 6 Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 35 30 25 24 22 21 18 14 12 4 1 Importanceof rail freight 1. Recommendation 2. 1. Themes 2. 1. Recommendations 2. 1. T 39


The Plan be amended to recognise that increased amounts of freight will be be will freight of amounts added toPolicy 2.1). increased that recognise to tr amended be Plan The network(Section 2.2.1 and2.2.2). the of resilience the increasing and freight of transportation the for network rail the amended be Plan the That aneac ad eiey aot h ptnil mat o icesd forestry increased of impacts potential the about harvesting on Region‟s the roads during lifetime the ofthe Plan delivery” and 2.2.6 Sections maintenance in commentary additional “Efficient 2.4.1 include and network” roading rural regions the on to pressure “increasing amended be Plan the That Brent BarrettBrent CathAsh EnvironmentNetwork Manawatu NapierPort RuapehuDistrict Council Cycle AwareManawatu PalmerstonNorth CityCouncil RangitikeiDistrict Council CentrePort Wellington Waikato Regional BayPlentyof Regional TransportCommittee Some submitters provided projected harvesting projected provided submitters Some coveredin thecommentary of Plan. the ten next the in proposed forestry of harvesting increased Mostsubmitterswere concerned potentialthat the onimpacts the Region‟s roads of Some submitters also commented that increasing the use of rail for freight would freight for rail of use the increasing that commented also submitters Some advocate for greateruse of rail for freightmovements. to Plan thewanted and rail than rather road via distributed be to freight on Plan the in reliance much too was there felt Many recognised. sufficiently not was Plan the of lifetime the during freight rail of importance the that commented submitters Most MargaretJeune furtherhighlight the magnitude ofthis issue. provideincreasedan resilience capacitycasein the ofroad closure.

ansported via rail during the lifetime of the Plan (Section 2.4.2 and Measure 6 6 Measure and 2.4.2 (Section Plan the of lifetime the during rail via ansported


25 CouncilRegional Transport Committee

to include more commentary about the importance of importance the about commentary more include to

data to be included in the Plan to to Plan the in included be to data


years was not adequately not was years

Page Page road 18

9.3. 9.2. 9.1. 9. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 9.4.

2. 1. Recommendations 3. 2. 1. Themes 31 29 27 26 25 24 23 20 14 12 11 10 Economic Developmentand the Regional Agribusiness Strategy and GrowthStudy has nothas adopted it. AgencyreasonsitTransportof statement the still to withbutit Plana forwardadopt the not amend the adopt either then can Council   TheCommittee can then eitherdo or both of the following: or moreaspects of Plan. the one reconsider to Committee the to back it refer can it Plan, the adopt not does Council If nextmeeti full ShouldCommittee the approve plan, the final willit referredbeto Council adoption atfor its APPROVAL PROCESSFOR THE RLTP  

thatthe Committee feels willhelpCouncil the in itsor decision. Council, by requested been has that information additional any Council to forward sign needingamending; or any on consulting after Plan the amend iity f uies Invto ad Employme and Innovation Industries. Business, of Ministry the byundertaken being currentlyStudy AgribusinessRegional finalised be to soon the with Plan the aligning of importance the on commented also submitters Some Region the Pal that in both ensuring centre, widerManawatu hubbingand Wanganui. of freight a as importance location its the on capitalises on for commented enabler submitters an Many being Plan the on importance economicdevelopment opportunities. the on commented Submitters NewZealand Transport Agency CentrePort Wellington Waikato Reg WanganuiDistrict Council PalmerstonNorth CityCouncil planned transportsystems. havestr Agri Regional the on Highlights submitters to Planthat the undertaken does being acknowledgework the No change Planto the FoodHQ MasseyUniversity Hawkes BayRegional Council TaranakiRegional Council NapierPort RuapehuDistrict Council MurrayGuy

ng onng 24 March2015. ong synergies with the Plan, with respect to the importance of resilient, wellimportanceresilient, of the withrespect Plan,to with the synergies ong

ionalCouncil Regional Transport Committee -


- Business Strategy and regional Growth Study, and that these that and Study, Growth regional and StrategyBusiness

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t ad iity f Primary of Ministry and nt,

eso North, merston Page Page 19

Item 6 Item 6 C B A ANNEXES SENIORTRANSPORT PLA Wayne Wallace 10.1. 10. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

Final Draft of of Final Draft 2015 RLTP Hearing Submissions from Minutes hs s o a infcn dcso acrig o h Cucls oiy o Policy Council‟s the to Engagement. according decision significant a not is This SIGNIFICANCE

- 18 Summary of Submissions Submissions of Summary 18 Draft Regional Land Transport Plan Transport Land Regional Draft





MANAGERTRANSPORT SE Phillip Hindrup Officers' Recommendations Recommendations Officers'

RVICES Sgiiac and Significance n

Page Page 20

submissions. submis written the of part as considered be would Brown Diane from submission late a that noted Chairman The tabled.been had agenda), the of 92 (page Jeune Margaret from submission the and agenda), the of 21 the of copy clearer a that noted Chairman The SUPPLEMENTARYITEMS RT APOLOGIES The followingapologies werereceived. APOLOGIES TheChairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. ALSOPRESENT ATTENDANCEIN PRESENT TararuaRoom, Horizons Regional Council, 11 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Draft the of Minutes March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional There wereno conflicts interest of declared. MEMBERS’CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (SH)


- 01

in ad ol as b icue fr osdrto i te 05 Long 2015 the in consideration for included be also would and sions

public meeting meeting public CARRIED Watson, A Mayor Ellis, R Mayor MayorAMain, MsR Bleakley, MrSkilton, J and DeputyMayor J Jefferies. Kouvelis, M Mayor from apologies receives ThatCommittee: the Moved

asset asset managersand interested groups, and amember of the press. Information), and Services Mr Regional Manager (Group Shirley G Mr thevarious times At during meeting: CommitteeSecretaries Manager Councillors (Wanganui Council (Rangitikei Ma Deputy Keedwell, RJ (Chair), Gordon EB Crs

W Wallace Wallace W


of the Regional Transport Committee Transport Regional the of TransportServices Mayor B Duffy (Horowhenua District Council), Cr M Visser Visser M Cr Council), District (Horowhenua Duffy B Mayor -


DistrictCouncil itit Council District

(Senior Transport Planner), various territorial authority territorial various Planner), Transport (Senior

- 25

held at held - Duffy/Cameron 15Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North

Palmerston North City Council submission (page submission Council City North Palmerston ), Mr ), S Road Walker TransportAssociation. ),

Mayor 1.00pm r J Kney Ms Pedley, R Mrs Ms Kennedy, JA Mrs MrPHindrup Burnell,Guy, Kelly, Rieger


Cameron D Booth


Monday 9 February 2015 February 9 Monday

to hear submissions on the on submissions hear to

o D McManaway D yor (Ruapehu


District - em Plan term

Page Page , in in ,

the the 21

Annex A Item 6 Annex A Item 6 ae o sud eerh Se ok e sbiso a ra ad nwrd usin of questions answered and read as submission her took She clarification. research. sound on on based expertise providing consultant a evidence for need as the emphasised She sector. transport years the in needs consumer 25 included which adviser policy and researcher Deborah the modify to with Rail Wellington in that regard. costings any undertaken had conjunction Haines in work could CouncilHorizons Regional that suggested Haines Mr Mr unit, train Matangi whether about question a to response wires.He displayedof a Matangi and unit train a picture informationHy the from electric overhead maintain and install to need the without North, Palmerston to Waikanae modification Haines Rod questions submittersto should be kept pointsto of clarification. Chairma The drawn through recommendations (d)and (e). beline a that asked andagenda the of 9 page recommendationson the toChairman referred The Land TransportPlan (RLTP) 2015 the provided report This NoReport 15 DRAFTREGIONAL LAND p shared cycling and walking RT 4 Highway State a WhanganuiRiver Road and Upokongaro. of design and 2012 the investigation vary to Agency Transport Zealand New Manawatu the from request a considered item This NoReport 15 VARIATIONTO REGIONA March03 RegionalTransport Committee transport securing of 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional importance the noted He submission. the within points supportive submission Officers‟ doc PNCC strategic a approved Council was existing submission on based the emphasised She clarification. of questions (Economist) Crawford Peter (PNCC) introduced Council City North Palmerston (SH) 15

Burns - 2015 Wanganui Regional Wanganui Land TransportProgramme. variation The includedfunding forthe David Murphy, City Planner, David Lane, Road P Road Lane, David Planner, City Murphy,David - 02

to some of the Wellington Rail system Matangi to enable them to travel beyondtravel to them enable to Matangi trains system Rail the ofWellington some to spoke in support of his submission. He elaborated further on his desire to see the see to desire his on further elaborated He submission. his of support in spoke otie t Mmes h alctd ierms o ec sbitr n si that said and submitter each for timeframes allocated the Members to outlined n - -

03 04

highlighted her depth of experience as a resident/ratepayer, and 45 years as a as years 45 and resident/ratepayer, a as experience of depth her highlighted CARRIED b. a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved

akn ad yln sae pt bten hnau Rvr od and Road River 4 Whanganui Highway between State path a Upokongaro. of shared design cycling and and investigation walking the for funding include a receives information the contained in poe te einl ad rnpr Porme 2012 Programme Transport Land Regional the pproves

background and introduced the submissions made on the Draft Regional Draft the on made submissions the introduced and background L LANDTRANSPORT PRO TRANSPORTPLAN2015

s paes o h PC sbiso ad vial t answer to available and submission PNCC the to speakers as -

25 -


Duffy/Cameron hrl rat Gnrl aae Ct Future City Manager General Bryant, Sheryl uments. - 25HEARINGS GRAMME2012 ReportNo. ai Murphy David

lanning Transport Team Leader, Team Transport lanning

15 - 15 - undai 03

ihihe sm key some highlighted ;

- Rotem website.Rotem In

based decisions based - 5 variation 15 t between ath Page Page -

15 22 to

bypassroute. the for suggestions development of thoseprojects. He explainedand roading network the he envisaged a Bunnythorp for comments his provided He North. Palmerston of vicinity the in projects Parham David the for Guy transport of Mr planning questions, future for Members‟ print‟ to „blue a responding as Region. In used be could JTS. JTS the the that explained of importance Transpor the Regional around the resolve believed Guy Mr conclusion, In a Region. the to to growth and investment for referred certainty provide would transport for he plan spatial strong a however, said Guy Mr RLTP. (JTS), draft the in Strategyaddressed adequately not were which Transport JTS the from proposals Joint the of importance identified RLTP Draft the the said He requirements. transport future to respect with planning spatial Guy Murray about questions Members‟ to responded Green Mr Region. a the to transport passenger rail provide to casebusiness a produce to them encourage to view a with Limited AucklandTransport elaborated Green Mr Green David Growth Strategy.Mr Leitao responded to Members‟ questionspointson madehis insubmission. Draft the that commented and 1, Highway State and Wanganui linking around RLTP the Draft the and MidCentral inState of recognition HighwayHealth, the Highway)(Paraparaalternative an toas route commentary network of lack roading a noted the Leitao Mr to RLTP. forestry of r that impact see to like Wanganui would the WDC of maintenance. for required on funding implementationincreased elaborated the Leitao and Mr Study, Bridge Street Cycleways. Dublin the were implemented see supportedthe projectskey and prioritisationas setout in theDraft RLTP. Keyprojects for WD District Wanganui clarificationon points madein thesubmission. a morewere staff seePNCC RLTP. to the wished in provided project and the to Pathway certainty Cycle Ashhurst the supported PNCC issues. those address to se programme its complete North to commit NZTA Palmerston that recommended PNCC Accordingly, the 57. Highway for planned progress of omission the on commented and network Highway State the throughout PNCC undertaken being said work the for and support PNCC‟s noted RLTP He the in included opportunities funding work wishedto and „Regional‟ of Zone, introduction Industrial the East on North the Drive. Tennent enhance to in aspirations specific its and economy, growth the Food of support importance the to recognised rail, particular in investment, March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional ENM. by supported were which Ms submission the in recommendations on elaborated Pearce Ms Region. the for system transport sustainableenvironmentally more a to lead dra would that initiatives the that believed ENM said She a was it submission. said and collective members its and ENM on elaborated Pearce Ms submission. their of support EnvironmentNetwork Manawatu (ENM) spectsof hisproposal.

ere n M Sees responde Stevens Ms and Pearce

spoke in support of his submission. Additional notes were handed out to Members. to out handed were notes Additional submission. his of support in spoke rvdd n vriw f i sbiso. r u hglgtd h iprac of importance the highlighted Guy Mr submission. his of overview an provided

collaboratively with roading authorities within the Region to act on that opportunity.that on act toRegion authorities the withincollaboratively roading with lbrtd o elaborated oni (WDC) Council

n i pooa fr oios einl oni saf o prah Veolia approach to staff Council Regional Horizons for proposal his on

te ie ons ae n i sbiso wih eae t roading to related which submission his in made points five the n -


Q oad te oenets ol f rwn te national the growing of goal Government‟s the towards HQ

t Mmes qetos n aiu pit ad provided and points various on questions Members‟ to d –

– u Lia, eir odn Engineer Roading Senior Leitao, Rui


LP hud e lal lne t te Regional the to linked clearly be should RLTP

Cmite edd o teghn its strengthen to needed Committee t introduced t LP i nt dqaey support adequately not did RLTP ft David Lane David vailable to answer questions of questions answer to vailable SharonStevens ecognised in the Draft the in ecognised provided comment provided tr f State of ctor

said WDC WDC said to speakto in ubr of number Page Page Cto 23


Annex A Item 6 Annex A Item 6 oios einl oni Tasot em o ter udne o rsn a professional a present clip the for Committee Transport to Regional the from support was guidance clip way their cycle the / pedestrian of bridge inclusionRiver Manawatu continued for for importance the Team outlined and explained, He Transport submission. Council Regional Horizons Tran Zealand ProjectApitiGorgeManawatu Te Statement. Policy Government next the believedwasit regional a council functionto provide funding forhealth shuttles. in covered be to Cr infrastructure and services in freight rail the in investment for advocate to Council Regional feasible, Horizons urged and freight rail for where importance and, services rural and elaboratedcommentson themade in submissionwhich endorsedthe maintenance ofexisting Rangitikei the in rail to access passenger for need the emphasised McManaway Cr RLTP. draft a 3 Highway State of flooding against protection see to wished RDC draft Ra district the councilswithin of Region. the each from representatives of up made was which a Group Advisory Regional by the by accompanied be shouldwritten was RLTP draft the that explained Chair The Region. greater the of it needs the addressing said and Council District submissionWanganuifrom the supported MrVisser Region. the balance for mentione lacked believedit he as Region the for planning transport future earliersubmission.He elaborated whyonfurtherwasRLTP he disheartened byand draft why the for print‟ „blue a as used JTS the seewantto not did HeStudyearlier TransportJointpredicated(2010). (JTS)an be on to seemed Visser Martin MrFurner responded to questionsof clarification pointson madein thesubmission. region. the across routes cycling of development further and completion of investment supported the r upgrading on highlighted support RDC‟s and He forestry of importance the of spoke Furner Mr RLTP. submission. the in listed projects the from derived draft benefits the in thespokeof Committeetheinterregionalthroughand ofprojectspeople District, freight movement for andthe Transport Regional the by taken direction the of support in generally was submission the said Furner Mr RDC. of behalf (RDC) Council District Ruapehu The meetingresumed at 3.12 The meetingadjourned at 2.53 solutions. transport sustainableenvironmentally for commitment greater a see to desire ENM‟s of examples March03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional social ensure to roading around wel connectivity increased for and need Marton the at emphasised stops rail and passenger Taihape, of reinstatement the for advocated She submission. her in Ash Cath had beensent NZTA.to

ngitikei District Council (RDC) Council District ngitikei caaa resp McManaway l -

en, s el s cnmc potnte. h takd h Cmite o te commuter the for Committee the thanked She opportunities. economic as well as being, RLTP in its entirety, he elaborated on a few key issues that related to the Rangitikei district. Rangitikei the to related that issues key few a on elaborated he entirety, its in RLTP

2015 thanked the Committthe thanked sport Agency for their support, particularly around safety aspects in the Gorge, and Gorge, the in aspects safety around particularly support, their for Agency sport spoke in s in spoke

ne t qetos bu pit md i te umsin n si he said and submission the in made points about questions to onded

upport of his personal submission. He believed much of the draft RLTP draft the of much believed He submission. personal his of upport

pm pm ee for the opportunity to speak and highlighted a number of issues ofnumber a highlightedand speak opportunity to the for ee -


– – –

Mr Craig MitchellCraig Mr r arn Furner Warren Mr Cr Dean McManaway Dean Cr rlras n bigs s eesr. H si RDC said He necessary. as bridges and roads ural rdcin f e srie. e ihihe the highlighted He services. new of troduction - on in the draft RLTP. The Chair noted there noted Chair The RLTP. draft the in on convener of the Project thanked the New the thanked Project theof convener rsne te fies sbiso on submission Officers‟ the presented said that while RDC supported the supported RDC while that said eus fr oe olbrto in collaboration more for request - on and said a letter to that effect that to letter a said and on t Whangaehu included in the in included Whangaehu t

motne of importance

Ashhurst Page Page i an in d 24

RT dual a with possibilitytrafficof fromdiversion Old around Road (SH57).West Drive Fitzherber across movement traffic the understand to City Tennent currently aNorth Palmerstonwas with group working working infrastructure for an of clarified He visionDrive. Tennent development of sides the both on proposedsites and the plan lin tree Development explained a into carriageway Campus He Integrated the Supercampus. on elaborated Morriss Mr t already was it noted and partners, from submission Chancellor) the Vice (Assistance to Morriss spoke Stuart and HQ) Food of Director (Programme Ward Mark clarification. for MrelaboratedBarrett on hiscomments on questionsincreased many require not did which submission clear very his for him thanked St current the in Hegreenhouse referredhissubmission. gases.Members summaryendMembers of the the to at table the include and effects, environmental adverse of examples additional include growth, economic consider technology, transport on information include should Barrett Brent The meetingresumed at 4.43pm The meetingadjourned at 4.29pm submissionsprovided Mr by (Senior Wallace TransportPlanner). The public f a options from transport benefit public about would questions believed to she Rangitikei. responded which She North programme. Palmerston awareness to Marton from service March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Confirmed Themeeting closed at5.24pm ______(SH) Committee CHIEF EXECUTIVE


- 03


oe n upr o hs submission his of support in poke then considered written submissions contained in Annex B with summaries of theofsummaries withconsidered Annex submissionswrittenBin then contained d. c. b. a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved CARRIED

ad rnpr Pa 2015 Plan Regional adopted Transport the of copyLand a forward to Executive Chief the instructs notes thatall submissions have been acknowledged in writing. individuals theDraftto Regional LandTransport Plan2015 with acknowledges receives information the contained in submitters.

ed boulevard with slower moving traffic and thereby integration of the of integration thereby and traffic moving slower with boulevard ed


asy University Massey -


he largest agrifood collaboration in the southern hemisphere. southern the in collaboration agrifood largest he prcain h ipt ae y etr rus and groups sector by made input the appreciation Gordon/Keedwell ______. He said the Draft document read well but but well read document Draft the said He . - M Wr eaoae o Fo H ad its and HQ Food on elaborated Ward Mr . 05 we i bcms vial, o all to available, becomes it when 2025, railservices forpassengers and freight. ReportNo. 15 CHAIRMAN

- 04

andAnnexes. - 2025.

aey about rategy

t Bridge t Page Page r the or


Annex A Item 6 Annex A Item 6 March03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional




Page Page 26

oiy ., esr 4 miti eitn rrl evcs ad hr feasible, where and services, rural existing (maintain 4 improving measure or 5.1, retaining Policy of feasibility the (investigate Northand Wellington); Palmerston between services current 7 measure and services) 5 method 5.1, policy 5, priority Strategic and 4; priority Strategic walking on authorities territorial with growth); and urban developments new strategies, cycling (collaboration 5 provisio measure includes 3.2, Policy development new (ensuring 3.1.1 services); transport public and cycling walking, method 3.1, Policy regions); neighbouring with (working 2.1.7 method 2.1, Policy modes); other railand of (integration 2.1.5 method 2.1, Policy following: the Supports regarding 5) and shopping/soc work/study access to Priority residents Levin for provided (Strategic be should transport public 2.4.5 section that Considers settlements. smaller in transport public under of provision for justification statement the Opposes Jeune Margaret NAME/ORGANISATION: 92 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 1 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional cost and innovative 6.3. 6.1 and methods 6, 6, policy developing priority Strategic and (investigating 5.1.6 solutions) transport public effective method 5.1, Policy services) new introduce

ial opportunities to the north and south of Levin. of south and north to the ial opportunities Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary



.1.8 (retention of current passenger rail rail passenger current of (retention .1.8

n for for n

service for people with impairments. It is also currently investigating a a investigating currently noted. Support also to is It service bus impairments. passen with commuter people Mobility a for Total the service providing provides as well as residents, currently Levin for North Palmerston Horizons justify settlements. to thinking innovate be to justify notes needs Plan financially there that to settlements. small hard in is services transport it public scheduled that having reflects statement The noted. Comment Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ ger transport to link withlink to Waikanae. ger transport

public transport in smaller smaller in transport public

Page Page 27

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 of the Lifelines Report be incorporated into the RLTP and future work work future and Recommendation: RLTP the into hearings: from points Additional incorporated be Report programmes. Lifelines the of revision the from findings additional that requests and Report Lifelines and RLTP Not community, the every and 1 Highway to State to risk if Trunk Main North Island and important movement ongoing the be given slip Utiki the to to given resilience be consideration Requests events. emergency from recovery particularly around issues and plan Considers comprehensive a of development Plan. the of adoption the on supports committee the Congratulates Stuart Sarah NAME/ORGANISATION: 95 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 2 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional es the importance of strong connections between the Joint Transport Study, Study, Transport Joint the between connections strong of importance the es         Notes there be no no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks submission theirof a as result Plan to the change be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

this has not already been undertaken. been already thisnot has change to the Plan as a result of their submission their of a as result Plan the to change



- Black, Ministry of Civil Defence & Defence Civil of Ministry Black,

Emergency Management Emergency

incorporated. be to changes are significant there if amended will be Rep Lifelines The slip this of consider management instabilities. other slipsfor and programme just larger a of not part but isolation does in road a Agency across The Programme. Operations and Maintenance its under this manages Agency Transport The noted. Comment noted. Support Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

ort will be updated in the 2015 the in updated be will ort

- 16 financial year. The Plan Plan The year. financial 16

Page Page 28

Horizons‟ transport network in the wider national economy. national wider in the network transport Horizons‟ of importance the recognises and Plan draft the of direction strategic the Supports Committee Transport Regional Plenty Bay of NAME/ORGANISATION: 96 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 4 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional in living those for North Palmerston Shannon. and Levin Otaki, in opportunities social and employment to access increased and region the of south the to access improve to Wellington and the to improvements Requests Haines Rod NAME/ORGANISATION: 13 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 3 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional (encourag 2.1.5 Measure is resilient); network transport strategic the (ensuring 2.1.3 Measure 1; Highway to State reference with particularly routes), strategic key of connectivity (improved 2 Priority Strategic In

particular, the Bay of Plenty RTC supports: RTC Plenty of Bay the particular,     Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

ing integration of rail and other transport modes); transport other and rail of integration ing

commuter rail service between Palmerston North North Palmerston between service rail commuter



Support noted. Support noted. Support for demand gauge services. additional and the services, on additional dependant fund to be willingness will communities‟ services additional of establishment The service. positi current Horizons Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ action recommended and response Officers’

on is on retaining the current Capital Connection Connection Capital current the retaining on is on

Page Page 29

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional infrastructure. roading major RLTP draft the Supports District Council Horowhenua NAME/ORGANISATION: 98 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 5 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional areresilient). freight corridors (ensuring 2.3.6 Measure inter for freight fac of (provision 2.3.4 Measure modes in of role (integration movement); Region‟s 2.3.2 the Measure encouraging and (supporting ; distribution) 2.3.1 Measure March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional         Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary


- ilities for transfer of freight between modes); freight between of transfer ilities for 2025, in particular the cross boundary approach to to approach boundary cross the particular in 2025,



Plan as a result of their submission their of a as result Plan -

n intra and

their submission their -

regional freight freight regional

noted. Support Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

Page Page 30

ueGl Cr hles eur srie lnig o h Wligo mto train metro Wellington the Levin to example, linking For services require groups. holders population Card to SuperGold targeted better be should Services Burns Deborah NAME/ORGANISATION: 20 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 7 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional to order in Avenue Victoria area. a busyin crossing allow safe with intersection the near North, Palmerston bus Street, the near humps speed or crossing pedestrian Requests Tahere Michaela NAME/ORGANISATION: 100 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 6 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional other and KiwiRail Council, District allocating station. railway at Levin parking long term more example, for Levin, Horowhenua in options transport public improve with to stakeholders working Suggests services.       Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes NorthC Palmerston to forwarded been has submission the that Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary Summary of submission and decision decision and submission of Summary



sought stops on Ferguson Ferguson on stops

ity Council for inclusion in the Long Term Plan process; and Planprocess; Term Long the in inclusion for ity Council cycle lane on the western side of Oxford Street and the painting of a flush flush a of painting the and Street t down Oxford median of side western the on lane cycle Beach Hokio and 2007. Road approximately in Mako Road Ze Mako between New 1 Highway Transit State of predecessor, alignment NZTA's noted. Comment servic passenger Connection the Capital of continuation on the KiwiRail with advocate to continues RTC The when them. and requests if community the investigated also are services New users. of needs the meet to reviews regularly Horizons Noted. process. Plan consultation Term Long draft in their the North, Palmerston Palmerston in to forwarded been issue has submission roading local a to relates submission this As Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ action recommended and response Officers’ he centre of the road. the of centre he

Included in this project was the installation of a of installation the was project this in Included

its contracted passenger transport service service transport passenger contracted its

This caused the removal of parking on parking of removal the caused This North City Council for inclusion inclusion for Council City North

aland, altered the the altered aland, e.

Page Page 31

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 town centre. the in traffic highway state of stoppages coordinated better and longer for allow to be could alternative bypass A centre. town Levin the in safety pedestrian improve to priority a be should traffic 1 Highway State for Levin of bypass a Implementing March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional issues. samp random Suggests

les of the community to better gather views on transport transport on views gather better to community the of les



Horowhenua District Council undertook consultation on the issue issue the on consultation undertook Council District Horowhenua p users rail over businesses nearby entire the to restriction side. eastern the of length Parking” “No a and Street Oxford of side eastern the Comment noted. Ensuring effective public engagement is an area that that area an is engagement public any effective comments. the submitters welcomes and seriously takes Horizons Ensuring on Council noted. District Comment Horowhenua with work Transport to pursue. to wish The they may proposals bypass. continue potential will any for Agency proofed future are SH57, through th for proposals current short the in needed not is bypass a that indicate date to studies Agency‟s Transport The consultation. R the of part as bypass a investigated Agency Transport The noted. Comment provision parking to indemand. changes increase is a significant until there investigate to Council District Horowhenua Seddon by and Keepa station. n the parking available to of in abundance walk short available very a only space is This parking Streets. additional sufficient than an is there if see to area the inspected have officers Council District Horowhenua railway the of users of benefit station. the for Street of Rina in installed were majority diagonal carparks Additional changed. hasn‟t The parking P60 the for Council. requirement the and District operati in still Horowhenua are consultation of time the at vicinity the in was businesses by and 2007 Bylaw passed Parking and subsequently Traffic the to R amendment an Beach in Mako included Hokio between Street and Oxford Road of side Mako eastern the on installed resolved be who restriction 2008 April 24th on committee hearing 2008. March of end the called submissions and parties) affected possible to delivery, direct by 2008, February late in distributed were packs information 200 (approximately oad of National Significance project in 2014, including significant public public significant including 2014, in project Significance National of oad

issue with a lack of parking. of lack a with issue


e rest of the Otaki to north of Levin route, especially especially route, Levin of north to Otaki the of rest e term. However, the Transport Agency will ensure that that ensure will Agency Transport the However, term.

Following the consultation the matter came before a a before came matter the consultation the Following

Following this realignment concerns were raised by by raised were concerns realignment this Following

On each and every occasion there was more more was there occasion every and each On ear the station, it isn‟t considered necessary necessary considered isn‟t it station, the ear oad.”

arking outside their businesses all day. day. all businesses their outside arking

This parking restriction was then then was restriction parking This

“THAT a P60 parking parking P60 a “THAT Therefore, due to the the to due Therefore,

on today today on Page Page for by by for 32

Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional the at roundabout a include should activities of Line. Milson and Road list Bunnythorpe Kairanga of intersection prioritised the that Notes Plan. draft the of priorities with strategic the issue noHas Alan Brown NAME/ORGANISATION: 102 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 8 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

        Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks submission their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary



developed for the SH3 and SH54 corridors past this location and this will will this and location this past corridors SH54 this for options potential consider and SH3 the being for also is developed case business programme A solutions. possible at looking are Comme noted. Support Officers’ Officers’ nts noted. This intersection is of concern to the Transport Agency and and Agency Transport the to concern of is intersection This noted. nts

response and recommended action recommended and response

intersection. intersection.

Page Page 33

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 NAME/ORGANISATION: Palmerston North City Council Council City North Palmerston NAME/ORGANISATION: 21 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 10 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional weekday. per journeys return three provide to service Waikanae to Feilding the for timetable suggested provides Submission transport sufficient is there If Marto via travelto for be used Wanganui also could trains the need, Waikanae. and Feilding between service rail a for from trains diesel redundant lease or purchase Horizons that Suggests affordable and accessible (Efficient, 5.1.1, 5.1.4, and measures networks) public transport 5 Priority Strategic on focuses Submission Green David NAME/ORGANISATION: 38 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 9 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Study. the Joint of Transport work re to Plan draft the for appropriate not is it that statement the Supports comments. specific with Plan, some Draft the supports Broadly

    Notes there there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission. their of a as result Plan the to change no be



5.1.6 and 5.1.8. and 5.1.6


- litigate the the litigate

Support noted. Support noted. Support be will Noted. services additional and services, of additional fund se additional for demand gauge to establishment willingness communities‟ The the on dependant service. Connection Capital current the retaining on is position current Horizons noted. Comment Noted. Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ action recommended and response Officers’


Page Page 34

has been made for 1996, 2001 and 2006 data to account for the boundary change. change. boundary the for account to data 2006 and 2001 1996, for made been has the but figures population sta resident label estimated NZ Statistics on based is 1 Figure amending. need Change) (Population 1 figure for footnote and label heading, The the to for outlook amended positive overall be an Region. the south of in should resulting Districts, draft Tararua and the Wanganui of 2.1.2 in losses minimal and District section Horowhenua in expected is growth that acknowledge summary population The strategies). land four by rural informed industrial, is which city the for place in Framework Planning City clear a is there that states integration, planning is there that assertion the Regarding March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional submission). 5 of (figure and a Wanganui on data the proves Submission in tourism to overstated. given are 6) Priority Strategic of context the in emphasis (particularly Districts Ruapehu the that submits and Region referenc Supports tes Census data. The footnote for figure 1 is incorrect as an adjustment adjustment an as incorrect is 1 figure for footnote The data. Census tes

- residential and retail growth growth retail and residential

e to Palmerston North being the major tourist destination in the the in destination tourist major the being North Palmerston to e

nnual tourism spending in the region to support this this support to region the in spending tourism nnual -


netit aon land around uncertainty - use strategies covering residential, residential, covering strategies use (submission contains detail of the the of detail contains (submission - use and transport transport and use

uhrte ad h rgoa cucl A Ise dcmn, rel key document, with Issues An held council. regional were local the Agency, and workshops Transport authorities the Plan, from personnel planning draft use land the and transport of preparation the During a result of this submission. of a result as updated been has 2.4.6 and 2.1.8 Sections in Commentary noted. Support this of result a as updated been has 2.1.2 Section in submission. 1 Figure Noted. submission. N investment.” future for framework clear isa there Strategy, clear land north thein growth North‟s Palmerston is that consultation, public through confirmed “ 1.4: Section in added be to commentary that, in recommends RTC The routes. freight heavy protection identified of of lack the around particularly investment, private sector for confidence of lack a to leading was which planning transport and use land on fashion coordinated in together not were sectors private public and the that was recognition in This asset” roading the maintain to difficult increasingly “ issue: the following identified 2014, However, feedback received through this targeted consultation, and and consultation, targeted this received through feedback However, it is means integration planning transport and use land around Uncertainty oted. Commentary in section 2.1.2 has been updated as a result of this this of result a as updated been has 2.1.2 section in Commentary oted. - east is largely due to due is largely east - use planning framework, including the 2010 Joint Transport Joint Transport 2010 including the framework, planning use

industrial, not residential growth, and through a through and growth, residential not industrial, light of this submission, the following the following this submission, of light

eased in April April in eased working Page Page 35

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 The RLTP should acknowledge that high quality urban environments which are are which environments urban quality high that acknowledge should RLTP The in th acknowledged be should which Drive Tennant for aspirations have PNCC and FoodHQ demand). transport on impact its and economy (regional 2.1.8 section in referenced be should FoodHQ of activities projected and current the that Requests movement. commuter and City for particularly North systems, transport on pressure Palmerston resulting the and District in Manawatu growth population regarding comments Supports comments Supports North the into route rail a securing of importance the Notes this. support to upgraded be must network road supporting the and grow to continuing trips…..” transport freight of industria the however efficiency area, this in occurring is growth the urban No incorrect. on impact to likely is which Zone North the in activities with conflict creating is City North Palmerston “ on 5 page comment the that Notes March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 23 section in identified objectives the Supports vehicles. motor for greater capacity providing to limited always no is growth economy; the grow help can vehicles motor and people for designed e draft RLTP. e draft

regarding Palmerston North‟s position as a major freight hub. freight a as major position North‟s Palmerston regarding

- urban growth on the north the on growth urban


- East Industrial Zone. Industrial East -

eastern boun eastern - East Industrial Industrial East l zone is zone l dary of dary


t During the preparation of the draft Plan, workshops were held with key key with held were local Agency, and workshops Transport authorities the Plan, from personnel planning draft use land the and transport of preparation the During growth through the design of high quality urban environments through through noted. Support environments urban quality cycli growth. density high and walking of promoting as design such economic initiatives create the can planning through use land growth that recognises 3.1 Policy Noted. the reflecting 2.1.8 section to added been has FoodHQ. of importance Commentary Noted. noted. Support noted. Support to willingness Councils the supports North the into route arail and secure notes RTC The noted. Comment futu for framework clear isa there Strategy, clear land north through confirmed “ 1.4: Section in added be to commentary the following this submission, that,of light in recommends RTC The trips…..” transport of freight efficiency on the to impact in North the activities with conflict creating ““ issue: the following identified 2014, However, feedback received through this targeted consultation, and and consultation, targeted this received through feedback However, urban growth on the north the on urban growth - east is largely due to industrial, not residential growth, and through a through and growth, residential not industrial, to due is largely east - use planning framework, including the 2010 Joint Transport Joint Transport 2010 including the framework, planning use

the regional council. An Issues document, released in April April in released document, Issues An council. regional the public consultation, is that Palmerston North‟s growth in thein growth North‟s Palmerston is that consultation, public

- eastern boundary of Palmerston North City is City North Palmerston of boundary eastern - East Industrial Zone. Zone. Industrial East

- East Industrial Zone which is likely is which Zone Industrial East re investment.” re ng, public transport and high high and transport public ng,

Page Page 36

oios n NT t wr claoaiey o xli fnig potnte for opportunities funding exploit to collaboratively development. route freight work to NZTA and Horizons planned other Supports the and completed be 2012 the in that commenced adjusted programme Requests which route entrance. this University for study Massey strategic and the near 1 bridge alignment narrow poor a Highway from issues and safety State has which Aokautere, between to Linton from highway 57 Highway sec the for proposed works State of lack the over concerned is however Shannon, on investment Supports capital NZTA the in included not the to routes is around works North SH3/SH54 proposed PNCC‟s to to links activity This upgrade programme. an that Notes particular: in4.1, section in activities prioritised of list the supports Generally alternative for need the regarding issue explicit an modes. transport by supported be should these that notes but cycling and walking on focus increased regarding priority the a regarding objective the Supports 2.5. and 2.4 section in identified policies and priorities strategic the Supports March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional - -

- East Industrial Zone and this upgrade is critical. upgrade and this Zone Industrial East Rangitikei Line/Tremaine Avenue interse Avenue Line/Tremaine Rangitikei and Cycle/Walkway; 3 Ashhurst SH Bridge River Manawatu

to include these works. include these to state highway activities around the Region and invites invites and Region the around activities highway state

multi -


- modal and resilient transport system, and system, transport resilient and modal

ction improvements. ction

tion of of tion transport modes. In the strategic priorities section of the Plan (sec 2.4) there there 2.4) (sec Plan the of section priorities strategic the In modes. transport re noted Comment noted. Support noted. Support be ongoing during the lifetime of the lifetime the during be ongoing will collaboration this that anticipated is It available. opportunities investment the maximise to development route freight for opportunities identify to together Hori Taranaki, Bay, Hawkes of RTC‟s the Plan, the of development the of part As noted. Support it is carrying. volumes traffic to the appropriate is generally that standard 2018 for consideration for items prepare to level detailed a at undertaken being is work 2015 the for priority sufficient have currently not do works These identified. works possible and SH57, incorporating Hastings, and between Levin route the of undertaken been has study corridor A noted. Comment issue. this will consider which location this past corridors SH54 and SH3 the b programme A perspective. safety a from Kairanga and Road Milson of intersection the for options at looking is it however, time, this at route noted. Comment noted. Support Plan. the component of programme that priorities strategic the is It 5. and 4 priorities strategic in modes transport alternative for need the of recognition is - 21 and beyond. The Old West Road section of SH57 is formed to a a to formed is SH57 of section Road West Old The beyond. and 21

The Transport Agency is not planning an upgrade of this this of upgrade an planning not is Agency Transport The - zons and the Transport Agency collaboratively worked worked collaboratively Agency Transport the and zons Bunnythorpe Line which is not performing satisfactorily satisfactorily performing not is which Line Bunnythorpe

garding an explicit objective on alternative alternative on objective explicit an garding Plan. will guide investment decisions in the the in decisions investment guide will

usiness case is being developed for for developed being is case usiness - 18 NLTP and further and NLTP 18 Page Page


Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Endorses the key projects set out on page five of the Summary Document. Summary the of five page on set out projects the key Endorses Council District Wanganui NAME/ORGANISATION: 36 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 11 NUMBER: SUBMISSION of role Recommendation: the acknowledge should Additional Sources Revenue works Local contributions. development the 3.1.3 outlines Section and Study 201 PNCC Transport the in included Plan. Joint be to proposed the are which programmes to commitment Notes sections. short individual Management Corridor comprehensive ad an than rather a 3) Highway advan (State Road Napier for Plan example for for NZTA growth, from City‟s the support support greater be there that Submits the before is adopted. final RLTP included is this Requests stated. not is year construction a that notes but Pathway Cycle Bridge Ashhurst 3 Highway State for programme the Supports March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional priority thewith agrees Council - -   - -

 

Wanganui Study; Strategy Bridge Street Dublin submission. this of a as result 3.1.3 and 2.4.6 2.1.8, 2.1.2, 1.4, Sections to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Whanganui River Road to Wanganui City Cycleway Wanganui to Road River Whanganui Replacement; Rail Overbridge Street Wakefield points from hearings: from points

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary - Whangaehu Safety Improvements; Safety Whangaehu

given to the following projects: following the to given



- hoc approach reviewing reviewing approach hoc

cing projects that that projects cing

Long 5

- Term Term progressing through the business case for this project and will keep keep will and project this for case business process. the during informed stakeholders is the Agency Transport through The prioritised. and progressing scoped fully been has project the occur cannot date construction a of Programming noted. Comment Support noted. Support noted. Support in commentary the to added been this submission. of a as result Section 3.1.3 has contributions Development Noted. noted. Comment submissions made has and growth city the on direction. growth City's the supporting meetings planning involved term been have Agency Transport The noted. Comment Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

in several long long several in until after after until Page Page 38

The Plan should be clearly linked to the Regional Growth Strategy. Growth Regional the to linked be clearly Plan should The recognised. be should 1 Highway State to alternative an as 4 StateHighway of importance The „Positive lacks it population, aging the or actions. strategies Aging‟ acknowledges Plan the while that Notes at services health to access Mid of link strategic the highlight should Plan the Notes distribution freight as North linking the of importance the and centres Palmerston and Wanganui of importance the Notes area. Industrial Wanganui the in corridors of trade growing support levels to required is funding maintain that Notes to required be will that funding the service. and issue this of scale the cope of recognition to little contains renewal Plan draft the pavement that and for pressures harvest forestry funding increased of importance the Notes Council‟s Notes March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional

- - -   Central Health in Palmerston North. Palmerston in Health Central

 

Funding a feasibility study for a central bus transit centre transit bus acentral for study a feasibility Funding Cycleways; Urban the of Wanganui implementation Ongoing Notes changes to Sections 2.2.6, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 2.4.3 as a result of this submission. submission. this of a as result 2.4.3 and 2.4.2, 2.4.1, 2.2.6, Sections to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

support/commitment to the following projects: following to the support/commitment



two cities. two

with with Support noted. Support Comment noted. There are references to the Regional Growth Strategy Strategy Growth Regional the to references Pla the throughout are There noted. Comment this submission. of a as result Section 2.4.2 noted. Comment adequately are people for. provided older that ensure will policy this support to measures Whil for. provided are needs transport special with people that ensures 5.2 Policy noted. Comment this submission. in added been has Discussion noted. Comment Regi orairports. ports industries, the This of economic and social Classification. the wellbeing to Roading contribution major Network a makes One road the the that means under road „regional‟ a as classified is North Palmerston and Wanganui links that SH3 noted. Comment Noted. this submission. of a result as Plan the of 2.4.1 and 2.2.6 Section in added been has Commentary Noted.

n, but notes that the Strategy has yet to be finalised. finalised. toyet be has Strategy the that notes but n, Commentary about State Highway 4 has been included in in included been has 4 Highway State about Commentary e not specifically targeted at older people, many of the the of many people, older at targeted specifically not e on and connects to regionally significant places, places, significant regionally to connects and on

Section 2.4.3 as a result of of result a as 2.4.3 Section Page Page


Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Supports Strategic Priority 2 “improved connectivity of key strategic routes” and and routes” strategic key of connectivity “improved 2 Priority Strategic Supports region”. the north of Horizons Supp that Requests regions. between the Plan. final in NIMT transition the this and corridor the rail strategic to nationally a on as NIMT the upgrades recognise rail Vehicle to freight Motor from shift road mode a Productivity details Plan draft Waikato High the that notes but of Trestle Whirokino inclusion the Supports inter of enhancement in final the be maintained 1) Highway State and (particularly routes protection to given priority the that Requests s road regions; other the transport system. from effects environmental adverse mitigating to linkages improved transport and planning; use land integrated to relation in plans Waikato and Horizons draft the between alignment notes and issues transport regional identified the Supports Road. Desert the and Taupo between corridor the for planned are activities safety and resilience significant that t to 1 Highway State of importance (NIMT)). the Recognises line Trunk Main Island North the Plan. Transport Land Regional draft the in Waikato is supported this Notes and 1 Highway (State with connections relationship close the Recognises Committee Transport Regional Council Regional Waikato NAME/ORGANISATION: 103 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 12 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional of 7 Appendix RLTP). draft the (refer Waikato 2017/18 starting implementation with 2015 in Sta commence to the due is of corridor this on projects for case condition business A Waiouru. and the Taupo between over concerns Horizons‟ notes orts issue 2.2.2 “improve linkages to other regions, of importance links to the to links importance of regions, other to linkages “improve 2.2.2 issue orts

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary



oios ih epc t inter to respect with Horizons he Horizons region and notes notes and region Horizons he afety improvements; and and improvements; afety te Highway 1 corridor corridor 1 Highway te document.

- -

regional regional regional these projects are advanced during the lifetime of the operative Waikato Waikato operative the of lifetime the during RLTP. advanced f are RTC projects Waikato the these commends RTC The noted. Support noted. Support and 2.2.2 Section to added been submission. this of result a as has 2.1 Policy support to added been has Commentary 6 Measure additional noted. Comment noted. Comment noted. Support l the during RLTP. advanced are projects that advocating these for RTC Waikato the commends RTC The noted. Comment noted. Comment

Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

ifetime of the operative Waikato Waikato operative the of ifetime

or advocating that that advocating or Page Page 40

Strongly supports the six strategic priorities identified. priorities strategic six the supports Strongly AutomobileAssociation Zealand New NAME/ORGANISATION: 107 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 13 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional of activities. programme the against on progress based are that objective each for Indicators Performance Key on based Plan, draft to approach similar a adopt Horizons that Suggests following: the Supports March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional avoid the that air networks. road and of integration planning essential is It road networks. air region‟s the on limitations cause not does network road the that ensuring in lead strategic greater a provide could Plan the that Notes lanes. speed passing and removing limits lowering of approach current the of instead users, road for service of level Requests   - - - -

  Notes changes to Sections 2.2.2, and Policy 2.1 as a result of this submission. of a as result 2.1 Policy and 2.2.2, Sections to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks on impacts potential recognises systems) transport planning use land (ensuring 3.1 Policy region); the through and within freight of movement efficient the (support 2.3 Policy transport strategic the improve and 2.1Policy (maintain safety); road regional in improvement continuous 1.2Policy (ensuring that more emphasis be placed on the importance of maintaining a high high a maintaining of importance the on placed be emphasis more that

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

constraining transport growth and allows for for allows and growth transport constraining



Waikato for monitoring of the of monitoring for Waikato


Support noted. Support RTC recognises the importance of an effective air network to the overall overall the to network. network air the current to limitations, air effective an of system. transport importance the recognises RTC the activities, transport land for specifically is Plan the While noted. Comment Classification. Roading Network on the One rank whe to according determined be will service of levels Roading Noted. noted. Support include activities of programme the against progress monitor annually to plans RTC The Noted.

Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

d in the programme component of the Plan. the component of programme in the d

The RTC does not believe the Plan will inhibit, or cause any any cause or inhibit, will Plan the believe not does RTC The

Page Page re roads roads re 41

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 NAME/ORGANISATION: NAME/ORGANISATION: 110 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 14 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional clarification. 7 requests and Figure case in business item implementation the ITS North on Palmerston Years‟ the Six to relating For Cost „Total and Years‟ All the for for Cost figures „Total Council City North Palmerston the in mismatch $100,000 a Notes as Track Pahiatua and Road Saddle this route. the on relying an alternatives of position the to analysis case support business any lacks Plan The region. the in vulnerable most the of one is Highway State Po of section the this however Region; to east/west Horizons the connection from Napier main direct a the as well providing as Island, in North the Gorge across connection Manawatu the of importance the Notes March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional the region. freight projected regarding discussion some include Plan the Suggests inland of rail connections. and at terminal Wanganui) a container hubs (including establishment include Examples this. accommodate to services freight over by grow to continue will Wellington projected CentrePort and years three are next the over 49% volumes freight Zealand New Central that Notes

    Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of this submission. this of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

d the AA questions the adequacy of resilience in connectivity across across connectivity in resilience of adequacy the questions AA the d

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

CentrePort Wellington CentrePort



to invest in in invest to growth in in growth

rt of of rt 2011/12, the Transport Agency investigated the possible alternative routes routes alternative possible the Pahiatu and Road (Saddle investigated Agency Transport the 2011/12, in SH3 Gorge Manawatu the of closure significant the noted.During Comment a result of this submission. of a result as added been has 2.1.8 Section in commentary Additional noted. Comment noted. Comments best on based assumption flow cash a presents such drafting. of at time information as budget and years financial the successive over out carried be will It Strategy. Transport and fences C catch fall rock additional The 2014 the during thein Gorge resilience installed network improve to barriers traffic. also east/west has for Agency resiliency Transport and security route increased provides the and alternative preferred the upgrading million the $4.5 is spent has Agency as Transport route chosen Gorge was the Road Saddle times The during service closed. of level consistent a provide could omment noted. The intended business case will follow on from the Integrated Integrated the from on willfollow case business intended The noted. omment Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

a Track) to the Gorge route so that the chosen route route chosen the that so route to the Gorge a Track)

Saddle Road so that it it that so Road Saddle - 15 year. 15 Page Page


Recommendation: for hearings: from points Additional need the of mention Plan. in draft the activities proposed the Supports explicit include 2 Priority 2.1.2. Policy in indicated as modes transport other railand of integration Strategic that Suggests Priorities. Strategic the and objectives key five the Supports planning). transport should to with respect needs recognition transport to rail be given more that notes but identified issues key the supports Overall March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional     Notes changes to Section 2.1.8, 2.2.1 and 2.4.2 as a result of this submission. this of a as result 2.4.2 and 2.2.1 2.1.8, Section to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks



issue 2.2.1 (integrated land use and and use land (integrated 2.2.1 issue

a result of this submission. of a result as 2.2.1 Section to added been has commentary Additional noted. Comment noted. Support this submission. of a result as 2.4.2 Section to added been has commentary Additional noted. Comment noted. Support

Page Page 43

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional investigated. a access vehicular interim ring rural The Top areas. urban on bordering Matai Road. Line/Te Roberts to given be priority should intersections for Road Napier on roundabouts and Bunnythorpe and Ashhurst at roads bypass of investigation prompt Requests inter proposed Gorge. Manawatu the and Stewart the for priority in greater outlined Suggests North Palmerston around projects Plan. the draft of 2 Appendix roading to related Submission Parham Charles David NAME/ORGANISATION: 39 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 15 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

    Notes there be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

- road should be put on hold until a new river crossing is funded and and funded is crossing river new a until hold on put be should road Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

no change to the Plan as a result of this submission. this of a as result Plan the to change no cross the Manawatu River near Staces Road should be be should Road Staces near River Manawatu the cross




regional route between Mount Mount between route regional

being contemplated. arenot crossings river Alternate is built. bridge until a operator freight from particularly demands, existing meet These permits. funding as upgraded be progressively is will that corridors road existing Agencyof consists road ring rural The noted. Comment Transport the and effective extremely the intersection. for treatments on further working been has here drop limit Transpor Line the by closely Roberts monitored being are the intersection particularly Road, Napier share. also would council proposal significant require This Agency. Transport the by investment for priorities of Bypasses noted. Comment Transp the by investment for noted. Comment Noted. Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

The inter The - regional route is not currently considered a priority priority a considered currently not is route regional ort Agency. ort Agency. Ashhurst and Bunnythorpe are not considered considered not are Bunnythorpe and Ashhurst s and it is impractical to place these on hold hold on these place to impractical is it and s

t Agency. The speed speed The Agency. t Page Page


Supports the Palmerston North City Council goal of making the city the best place for place best the city the making of goal measures Council City North Palmerston the Supports and targets emissions contain should mitigation. them. assessing 2.4.5 change climate and around 2.4.4 targets and Section discussion lacks Plan draft The around getting in improvement any provide will or on foot. bike car, by North Palmerston Plan the that believe not Does planning. long of term a lack and wishes government central with compliance is Plan draft the of impression Overall place. take to discussion public for ortime Plan the draft of believe not Does McLachlan Robert NAME/ORGANISATION: 112 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 16 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional natio other to compared cycling highest given be on should priority. bridge spend cycle North Palmerston capita The cities. per international low the projects cycling to and given priority low the notes however cycle, to Zealand New in

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary that there has been sufficient public involvement in development development in involvement public sufficient been has there that



nal and and nal in 2015 the cycling and walking for funding proposed The classes. activity all for available funding for improvem compete road not local do against class activity cycling and walking the in projects example, For funding. for other each against compete not do classes activity have projects cycling and b Pedestrian priorities. regional as well as national meet projects how on based is projects of prioritisation The noted. Comment to contribute will 3.2 a as added been 3.2 has Policy addressing and 7 Measure 3.1 However emissions. Policy‟s gas greenhouse under lowering Measures noted. Comment concerns. submitters the address projects six first the in planned are that projects Figure noted. Comment the Plan. the of start years from 10 financial atleast for measures policies and Region the out set Transport also must Land Plan on The Statement Funding. Policy Government the with consistent is and 2003 Act Management Transport Land the of purpose the to contributes Plan noted Comment libraries. Regions at the available beingwell as as phase consultation we Horizons the 13 on load the between all indown for available was Plan The 2015. notified January publications 30 on concluded consultation publically was Issues major Plan an draft The Regions Plan, draft website. Horizons the the on of as development well as stakeholders transport the to circulated was document During noted. Comment e pirtsd t ubr rgoal. oee poet fo different from projects However regionally. 4 number at prioritised een Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ - 2018 period is between $46 between is period 2018 . In preparing the Plan the RTC has to be satisfied that the the that satisfied be to has RTC the Plan the preparing In .

result of this submission. this of result bsite, Facebook and Twitter sites during the public public the during sites Twitter and Facebook bsite, 9 (changed form Figure 8) in Section 4.2 lists the the lists 4.2 Section in 8) Figure form (changed 9 ent projects. The GPS sets the national funding funding national the sets GPS The projects. ent - – years of the Plan. A number of these these of number A Plan. the of years

103 million. million. 103 - 18 December 2014. Public Public 2014. December 18

s‟ land transport objectives, objectives, transport land s‟

being available available being Page Page


Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Notes the absence of details of upgrades to State Highway 57, particularly the the particularly 57, Highway State to Millricks upgrades of details of absence the Notes undertaken. be should spend the proposed of cost full a and projects safety towards allocated be should funding the of million $13 (totalling safety mention which projects three only but safety to document the in references Notes shift country. mode a encourage to paths pr from cycle separated implementing on and be trips should focus short The tourists. or cyclists and recreational path target cycle River) 3 Wanganui Highway (State proposed projects cycling major the that Notes for safety. and responsibility cycle planning has who Unclear city. the and University Massey accessing for children aged school and commuters cyclists, recreational by used is which North, Road, West Old on path cycle separated a to given be should Priority March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional     ivate vehicle to cycling for short trips, as is being done in other parts of the the of parts other in done being is as trips, short for cycling to vehicle ivate

- Notes the addition of Measure 7 under Policy 3.2 as a result of this submission. this result of a as 3.2 Policy 7under Measure of addition the Notes their submission; for the submitter Thanks Kendall Line project which was previously proposed. previously was which project KendallLine

- total $506 million proposed spend). Further Further spend). proposed million $506 total



- benefit analysis analysis benefit Palmerston Palmerston alignment with GPS priorities. At this stage this section of SH57 is not not is SH57 of section this is section This stage path. cycle this separated a for o priority At enough high a based considered priorities. prioritised GPS are with works alignment Potential noted. Comment 2018 for consideration for items prepare to level detailed a at undertaken being is work further and NLTP works possible have and currently not do works These identified. SH57, incorporating Hastings, and Levin between route the of undertaken been has study corridor A NLTP. this in proceed to priority noted. Comment objective. another to contributes of Road Significanc Wellington theNational of have section Levin will to projects Otaki other the as of (such number safety a positive that noted be also should It objective. 8): Figure from (changed l full 9 Figure in listed projects the Of noted. Comment in projects Cycling and Walking Section 4.2. Wanganui Urban for allocated $4.5M also al $2.2M are there While Strategy. Transport off deliver to is priority current Council's warranted. are they where considered be and only will Strategy Transport Integrated Council‟s plan implementation City North Palmerston of as considered part being is paths cycle separated for need The noted. Comment ca is it volumes traffic the to appropriate generally is that standard a of currently

rrying. rrying. ist of activities on pages 42 pages on activities of ist

- road paths identified as part of the 2007 Manawatu Active Active Manawatu 2007 the of part as identified paths road

The Millricks to Kendall project does not have sufficient sufficient have not does project Kendall to Millricks The e) outcomes however the primary purpose of the project project the of purpose primary the however outcomes e) . As such a clear direction has yet to develop, but these these but develop, to yet has direction clear a such As . located for the Whanganui River Cycleway, there are are there Cycleway, River Whanganui the for located - 21 and beyond. beyond. and 21 -

44, 15 projects directly contribute to the safety safety the to contribute directly projects 15 44,

sufficient priority for the 2015 the for priority sufficient n their strategic strategic their n Page Page - 46 18

Cyclists and walkers should be restricted from using this area until a practical and and practical a until area this using from restricted be should walkers and Cyclists Gorge. the and through co safety on impact significantly would it however Gorge, the within restrictions the given times, travel on impact significantly not would proposed restriction speed the that Notes following Ashhurst the the suggests however, across issues safety some cycle/walkway alleviate to 3 a Highway State on for Bridge developed being are plans that Notes at risk. walkers and cyclists placing grow, driving dangerous more Te the to numbers often Visitor approach. the at behaviour and faster in result Gorge the through Limitations (Ashhurst approaches and Gorge bridges). Balance and Manawatu the at safety road over Concerned Shannon Tom NAME/ORGANISATION: 115 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 17 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional implemented. be can solution permanent more - - - -

80km per hour restriction from Ashhurst to Woodville cemetery; to Ashhurst Woodville from per hour restriction 80km overtaking; highof speed risk reduce to Gorge the into Bridge Ashhurst the from lines yellow Double bridge Ashhurst the using on cyclists Restrictions Gorge; the through who travel cyclists warning Signage improvements which should be undertaken urgently to reduce the risk: the to reduce urgently undertaken be should which improvements ncerns at the intersection of State Highway 3 and 57, the two bridges bridges two the 57, and 3 Highway State of intersection the at ncerns Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary



Apiti Gorge Park continue to to continue Park Gorge Apiti

Gorge. However there are no immediate Plans to address the submitters submitters the address to Plans immediate concerns. no are there However the using Gorge. now traffic recreational in increase the given closely highway state continu will Agency Transport The noted. Concerns concerns. the using Gorge now traffic recreational in increase the given closely highway state of section this monitor to continue will Agency Transport The noted. Concerns concerns. the using Gorge. now traffic recreational in increase the given closely highway state of section this monitor to continue will Agency Transport The noted. Concerns Noted. noted. Concerns Officers’ response and recommended recommended and response Officers’ . However there are no immediate Plans to address the submitters submitters the address to Plans immediate no are there However .

However there are no immediate Plans to address the submitters submitters the address to Plans immediate no are there However

action e to monitor this section of section this monitor to e

Page Page 47

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Acknowledges the potential role of KiwiRail in efficient freight distribution in the the in distribution freight efficient in KiwiRail of role potential the Acknowledges public of use the promoting and Wanganui work. to commuting for transport and health North specialised to Palmerston accessibility in ensuring services for opportunities transport discuss to public Wishes affordable and cost accessible accessible. and and is affordable the system ensuring and centres between and reliable frequent, „efficient, providing specifically priority networks‟, the Supports well align which priorities requirements. network roading Rangitikei‟s with are routes‟ strategic delivery‟ key and of connectivity maintenance „improved road and „efficient that notes and Plan draft the Supports Council District Rangitikei NAME/ORGANISATION: 116 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 18 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Capital the not Rangitikei. the in exist does access of rail passenger as service continuation the for Taihape in stop ensuring the on e advocacy that requests placed however service, rail Connection emphasis the Understands and services freight rail in investment for Government next the in infrastructure advocate to Horizons Urges region.

    Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of this submission. this of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes Thanks the submitter for their submission; and their submission; for the submitter Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary



Policy Statement. Policy

xtends to reintroducing reintroducing to xtends - fetv srie in services effective

Comment noted. RTC to continue to advocate with KiwiRail on the the on passenger KiwiRail Explorer Northern with the servicing service. advocate stops a of to reintroduction the continue for to w as service passenger RTC Connection Capital the of continuation noted. Comment increased on KiwiRail with advocate to infrastructure. in rail investment continue to RTC noted. Comment the to needs the meeting not from are service services Hori community bus If commuter North. a Palmerston contracts to Marton also Horizons in services health North. access to Palmerston Marton of residents enables that shuttle health supports financially currently Horizons noted. Comment Supp noted. Support ort noted. Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

zons is willing to discuss additional opportunities. additional discuss willing to is zons

the St Johns Marton Marton Johns St the ell as advocate advocate as ell

Page Page 48

Suggests a user pays system for funding roads, seeking further central central further seeking roads, funding for system pays At benefit. national a of be to likely are that initiatives for contributions government user a Suggests the given that requests infrastructure. rural roading from away is directed funding and maintenance before maintenance t network road the of for importance pressures funding Notes population. rural in decline the expected of means a as rating activities, value roading funding property on reliance review Councils that Requests Zealand New of Farmers Federated NAME/ORGANISATION: 118 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 19 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional State of flooding against protection 2. Priority Strategic of under commentary the at 3 Highway Whangaehu flood resilient around discussion Suggests March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional system. rating roading a better of consideration includes Plan. This in draft the significance and consideration greater given be should network roading rural The support to developments from benefit will hubs). freight proposed who companies freight example (for local a

   

level, contributions should be sought from local road users who will benefit benefit will who users road local from sought be should contributions level, Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of this submission. this of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

particularly given the high value of farm properties and and properties farm of value high the given particularly o rural communities, that consultation be undertaken undertaken be consultation that communities, rural o



area. The Transport Agency will continue to monitor the situation as part of of part as situation Manageme Asset normal their the monitor to continue will Agency Transport risk The high highway a area. considered state currently isn't entire area this and the risk resilience monitors for network Agency Transport The noted. Comment highest strategic priority in the Plan. The majority of the Region‟s roading roading Region‟s the of majority The is rural roads. network Plan. the in priority strategic highest Comme activities. their fund they wayin the the 20 Act (Rating) Government Local the of users transport land from of auspices the under are made authorities local of decisions Funding network. is generated income all therefore system, Fund Transport Land National (NLT the via is roads for Funding noted. Comment April 2015. / March in consultation be undertaking l Most processes. Plan Term Long own their via community the consult still will councils authorities Local noted. Comment 2002 Act (Rating) Government Local the activities. of their fund way they the flexibilityin authorities local gives which auspices the under made are authorit local of decisions Funding Region. the in investment transport land for direction strategic a provide to is Plan the of purpose The noted. Comment F) and local funding sources. The NLTF is a hypothecated funding funding hypothecated a is NLTF The sources. funding local and F) Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ nt noted. Efficient road maintenance and delivery has been given the the given been has delivery and maintenance road Efficient noted. nt

nt practices.

02 which gives local authorities flexibility flexibility authorities local gives which 02

ocal authorities in the Region will will Region the in authorities ocal

Page Page

ies 49

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Priority should also be given to development of a rail overbridge in Wakefield Wakefield in overbridge rail a of development KiwiRail. from with support yard upgrades, rail for cater East to to Street, Wanganui given be also should Priority Wanganui the in crossing hub. transport intersection/rail Road Road/Beach Heads improving to given be should Priority support to developed be yards. to the needs system roading efficient an and network road the on pressure increasing placing is saleyards Feilding the at Growth Plan. the in emphasis greater givenbe Stewart/Feilding Mount and Woodville between bypass dedicated a that requests and industry rural the to the and route Gorge Manawatu the of limitations the Notes make to Authorities Territorial allow to required is communities. local the for appropriate are which decisions informed system reporting better A injury or death unless unreported often are statistics crash rural that Notes March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional flows. vehicle heavy future for cater to priority given be should replacement bridge Street Dublin the for Planning



the road layout and traffic controls at the the at controls traffic and layout road the importance of this route route this of importance

surrounding surrounding - Castlecliff Castlecliff occurs. occurs.

as RAMM data provides a measure of the condition of each road element, element, road each of condition the of measure a provides data RAMM a as of state the of measure tools Other crude network. roading a are crashes Reported noted. Comment needs to take place on this structure's lifecycle condition and find ways to to ways find and condition lifecycle structure's its life. extend this on place take to needs 2017/18 the d a that acknowledge DC Wanganui The noted. Comment in Th completed be investment. to allocated Agency project Transport year. financial the to has subject DC is Wanganui This noted. Comment investment. Agency Transport to subject be will construc for allocated project the This DC has Wanganui noted. Comment efficiency of off aware access. principally and capacity good provides which highways State and roads arterial accessed are yards not sale Feilding The but issues. specific discuss operations, yards sale concerns. the with associated noted. Comment the during time. at this investment for Gorge freight the in and resilience network 2014 traffic improve to east/west barriers and for fences resiliency ca fall rock additional installed also has and Agency Transport The movement. security route increased provides it that so preferre Road Saddle the upgrading the million $4.5 spent as has Agency chosen was Road The Saddle closed. is route Gorge the times during level consistent a provide could route chosen the that so route to the Gorge Track) Pahiatua and Road (Saddle the 2011/12, in SH3 Gorge Manawatu the of closure significant the noted.During Comment needs. rehabilitation and routine maintenance to assess used be which can - 15 year. The inter The year. 15

e ol wloe iet ilge ih eeae Fres to Farmers Federated with dialogue direct welcome would We

Transport Agency investigated the possible alternative routes routes alternative possible the investigated Agency Transport Manawatu District Council are aware of the parking issues issues parking the of aware are Council District Manawatu - regional route proposed is not considered a priority priority a considered not is proposed route regional

that local authorities have at their disposal such such disposal their at have authorities local that d alternative and the Transport Transport the and alternative d tion in the 2018/19 year. 2018/19 the in tion etailed investigation investigation etailed Page Page

tch tch

50 e

Suggests that the Committee place greater emphasis on safety given figures for for figures given safety on emphasis greater place Committee the that Suggests of impact the pressures. affordability of recognition the Supports network. strategic the of resilience to regards in commentary the Supports and inter ensure (maintain 2.1 Policy Supports and region the through movements freight hub. freight a as region the developing on placed importance the Supports Plan. and Notes Agency ZealandTransport New NAME/ORGANISATION: 126 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 20 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional age. not bridge, the of condition by are determined programmes replacement bridge that clarify also should section This before. ever than greater fund is the Programme Transport that Land National acknowledge the in to allocated maintenance clarified be should 2.4.1 section that Notes years. to previous compared increase an shown have crashes serious and fatal

   

Notes there be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks supports the whole of system approach taking in developing the draft draft the developing in taking approach system of whole the supports -

and intra and

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary


regional accessibility and links). and accessibility regional

no change to the Plan as a result of this submission. this of a as result Plan the to change no


25 mrv te taei tasot ewr to network transport strategic the improve

declining populations and resulting resulting and populations declining

ing for for ing

of this submission. Commentary in Section 2.2.6 has been amended as a a as amended been has 2.2.6 submission. this result of Section in Commentary submission. this of Sect in Commentary noted. Comment to 2.2.5 Section in added been has roads. Commentary Regions the on fatalities 2014 in increase reflecting the Plan. the of Improvi objectives noted. Comment noted. Support noted. Support noted. Support noted. Support noted. Support Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

ng safety is one of the identified issues and and issues identified the of one is safety ng ion 2.4.1 has been amended as a result result a as amended been has 2.4.1 ion

Page Page 51

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Section 2.1.8 2.1.8 Section the draft. from be removed should and not correct is funding a road determining of classification to refers which 2.4.1 section of three paragraph of sentence last The the maintain “to to reworded ONRC agreed to asset the be expectations” community‟s the asset meets roading provided the that ensure ….”to 2.4.1 section of paragraph first the Suggests organisatio Plan, approved the of life the over One as be service the of levels to customer (ONRC) changed Classification be Road should Network service of levels reference current the to references and that Suggests organisations the acknowledge approved not most do 2.2.6 example section for outcome, positive this of light in reconsidered for review Rate FAR Assistance increased Funding the to References are eligible. RLTP current the in projects so funding for eligible be to Plan Transport Land in accurate not is describing and funding improvements cycleway references 3.1.4 Section the of part as investment. for Assessment, projects of prioritisation Investment a provide will the which Programme, against Transport Land National profiled be will apply may position the correct The fund. improvements of regional application around statement the regarding error an contains 3.1.2 Section manages Agency Transport the that clarify input from with funds of distribution to rewritten be should 3.1.2 Section March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional in exported are logs where ports of list Section 2.1.8 the to Taranaki Port including Suggest trans is meat processed not ports, trans that from is exported product the as shipped 2.1.8 section in comment the amending Suggests the through travels only now warehouse facilities. will contain expansion plant Pahiatua Fonterra region. The product the as removed be should plant Whareroa

the eligibility of projects for funding. The project must be in the Regional Regional be the in must project The funding. for projects of eligibility the


references to Palmerston North being a staging point for Fonterra‟s Fonterra‟s for point staging a being North Palmerston to references

customer levels services”. of customer ns will be applying the ONRC to their networks. totheir ONRC the applying willbe ns transport partners. partners. transport -


is that projects to which this fund fund this which to projects that is



- Comment noted. At the time of preparing th preparing of time the At noted. Comment incorrect). wasPlan in draft numbering that (Note: 3.1.1 Section to added Commentary noted. Comment Comment noted. Commentary amended in Section 2.1.8 as a result of this this of result a submission. as 2.1.8 Section in amended Commentary noted. Comment submission. amended Commentary noted. Comment submission. Commen the of result a as submiss 2.4.1 Section in amended Commentary noted. Comment hierarchy, agreed ONRC the the i should on of lands ‟baseline‟ it service of level higher a where provide may authority a controlling road on a nevertheless provides depending road ONRC a the of standard While noted. Comment service. of levels as tothis will refer Plan the an simplicity, for organisation, approved all for service of levels determine will ONRC the that acknowledged is in it implementation While its 2.2.6. Section and ONRC the references Plan The noted. Comment this submission. of S in Commentary noted. Comment this subm of result a as amended been has 3.1.4 Section in Commentary noted. Comment in Commentary fund. submission. the of a as result amended been Section 3.1.2 improvements regional the of application the around t wish. t ion. t noted. Commentary amended in Section 2.1.8 as a result of this this of result a as 2.1.8 Section in amended Commentary noted. t


ection 2.2.6 has been deleted as a result result a as deleted been has 2.2.6 ection in Section 2.1.8 as a result of this this of result a as 2.1.8 Section in uncertainty was there Plan draft e d the public benefit benefit public the d

Page Page 52

References to NZTA throughout the document should be changes to NZ Transport Transport NZ to changes be should document the throughout NZTA to References becan maximised” Island North southern the “…..across to Taranaki) and Horizons between inter activities (significant 47 page on activity last the for change wording Suggest (significant 47 and 46 page inter on Napier of Port to references amending Suggests vehicles. HPMV the amending Suggests Policy under partner 5.1. investment an as Agency Transport the including Suggests 4. Policy under on this comment of importance the further include Also centres. urban main to connect to on facilities cycling and walking 2.4.4 section in commentary including Suggests comments. per previous as trend negative reversing 2014 thewith 4 figure updating Recommend cla to a two redrafted build to is stage be this at proposal the corridor, lane should four a for made be will Significance provision National of Road the freight of section Levin Zealand‟s to Otaki the for proposal New favoured the to references 2.2.2 of Section thirds two that 2.2.2 Late Triangle. Golden in the occur movements section in references Correct inclu should Section 2.2.1 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation: from points Additional Agency. Agency orTransport

  -   regional activities) to Hawkes Bay. Hawkes to activities) regional - lane carriageway. lane Notes changes to Sections 2.1.8, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.4 and Policy 5.1 as a result of result of a as 5.1 Policy and 3.1.4 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.1, 2.2.6, 2.2.5, 2.2.2, 2.2.1, 2.1.8, Sections to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

hearings: de details on the One Network Road Classification. Network the One on details de last paragraph of page 36 from overweight vehicles to to vehicles overweight from 36 page of paragraph last



fatal and serious crash data to show a show to data crash serious and fatal st figures show this is 45%. showthis figures st

rify that although although that rify providing providing

- regional regional

Comment noted. Commentary amended in Section 2.2.2 as result of this this of result as 2.2.2 Section in amended Commentary noted. this Comment of result a as 2.2.1 Section in submission. added Commentary noted. Comment submission. of a as result amended noted.Commentary Comment Commen submission. of a as result amended noted.Commentary Comment this submission. of a as result amended noted.Commentary Comment submission. this of a as result amended 5.1 noted.Policy Comment infrastructure. and cycling walking new of construction recommended 4 Policy to change No submission. this of result a as 2.4.4 section to added commentary Additional noted. Comment this submission. of result a as amended been has 2.2.5 Section in 5 Figure noted. Comment this of result as 2.2.2 Section submission. in amended Commentary noted. Comment submission. t noted. Commentary amended as a result of submission. of aresult as amended Commentary t noted.

this submission. this

. Policy 4.1 covers the the covers 4.1 Policy .

Page Page


Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Additional points from hearings: from points Additional in Department the assist to welcomed be would relationship. collaborative a building Plan and this developing Group Advisory Regional asset detailed A Group. Advisory Regional the in involvement requests and these roads of est to Committee the from support Seeks efficiencies. to achieve packages or maintenance combine road and portion adjoining the manages that Council management the of practices management road road appropriate achi To deliver and Road). Barryville Road and Link Road, contract design, (Mangatepopo Region Horizons the within identified roads key the for programmes to councils Agency Transport Transp Regional the with collaborate to like would DoC Zealand New 51% for eligible activities. transport on funding Authority Controlling Road a as recognised been now has (DoC) Conservation of Department the that Notes Conservation of Department NAME/ORGANISATION: 131 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 21 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation:       eve consistency with the one network approach, DoC seeks to adopt the the adopt to seeks DoC approach, network one the with consistency eve Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission; and submission; their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks The RTC to officially invite the Department to engage with to engage Department toinvite the officially RTC The Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary management plan will also be developed and involvement in the in involvement and developed be also will plan management



imate costs for the effective management management effective the for costs imate

ort Committee and member member and Committee ort

the Regional Advisory Group to seek advice on the management of DoC controlled roads. DoCcontrolled of management the on advice toGroup seek Advisory Regional the

approved organisation. Where efficient and effective solutions are are solutions effective and particula each in Council local the approach to advised is efficient Department The functions. management network be Where delivered are established have they as Councils by supported is collaboration demonstrated, functions organisation. management Asset approved noted. Comments the matter. this on Group Advisory Regional with engage to Department the invite officially to RTC noted. Comments local the approach network to established advised is have situation. particular in each Council Department they The as functions. Councils management by supported is collaboration effecti and efficient Where noted. Comments District. plan the for management asset the overall of a part form works The roads. Council District with Waitomo boundary its to Road rao ha Council ta o Poro District and Ongarue Waimiha of sections priority on rehabilitation pavement Ruapehu noted. Comments noted. Comments Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

r situation. situation. r

ve solutions are demonstrated, demonstrated, are solutions ve s invested significantly in in significantly invested s

Page Page

each each 54

the Plan. the in projects cycling and walking to allocated be should priority and funding Further orallow parking be bike secure also of provision could services, bus station of provision rail through instance North for improved, Palmerston the to Access improved. be should and access pedestrian safe and simple lacks terminal bus North Palmerston The secure bus stops. some at facilities parking bike with along routes, bus all on implemented be should buses on racks Bike Longburn. Palmerston from path shared clip River Manawatu the the Ashhurst, to North to given priority the increasing Recommends multi on resilient focus increased the Supports Aware Manawatu Cycle NAME/ORGANISATION: 42 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 22 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional reduce as well as safe, users road understoo vulnerable is emissions. carbon lower and costs, keep maintenance and road congestion help economy would freight region‟s rail the on to focus greater A transport nationally. fatalities cyclist in overrepresented are trucks freight however of importance The

ing bikes on the train to Wellington. to train on the Wellington. bikes ing Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary



- on at Ashhurst and the share the and Ashhurst at on - modal transport options. transport modal

d path to to path d d, d, added in Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.4.2 as a result of this submission. this submission. of a as result 2.4.2 and 2.2.2 2.2.1, Sections in added Additi noted. Comment 2015 the in cycling and walking for $46 between isperiod funding proposed The infrastructure classes. for plans no Com have KiwiRail Currently station. rail at the upgrades provided. bus currently considering currently not stati is rail the Horizons to services users. for facility safer a provide will and Plan Year Ten draft Council's City North Palmerston the in included is terminal bus North Palmerston the upgrade to programme A noted. Comment bu contracted and Wanganui North, Feilding Palmerston its on racks bike fitting investigating is Horizons noted. Comment 2015 in the cycling and walking for funding proposed The classes. activityall for available funding national the sets GPS The projects. improvement road local against funding for compete walking the in projects example, For funding. for other each against compete not do classes activity different from Projects path. Northshared Palmerston to the Feilding of portion PNCC and Walking Cyclin of package PNCC The have regionally. 4 projects number cycling at and prioritised been Pedestrian priorities. regional as well as national meet projects how on based is projects of prioritisation The noted. Comment noted. Support ment noted. The GPS sets the national funding available for all activity activity all for available funding national the sets GPS The noted. ment Officers’ response and response Officers’ g improvements in Figure 8 (changed from Figure 7) does include the the include does 7) Figure from (changed 8 Figure in improvements g

on given the small amount of passenger rail services services rail passenger of amount small the given on onal commentary on the role of rail freight has been been has freight rail of role the on commentary onal 103 million. 103

recommended action recommended - 2018 period is between $46 $46 is between period 2018

s services. s and cycling activity class do not not do class activity cycling and


million. million. Page Page

- 2018 2018


Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional infrastructure. and design changing road Th toll. injury serious and death region‟s the lower to Zero Vision Swedish the to similar system a adopt Horizons that Recommends the in gaps significant notes North and Wanganui. and maintained inclu trail, be cycle national also must However, facilities tourists. walking existing and touring cycle for facilities new building Supports funding. of percentage a greater including priority, higher fu multi references Plan The transport. multi and population aging an as such needs transport other over priority a various of growth justi to provided and be should evidence contribution and sectors economic the regarding data lacks Plan The March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

dn. o civ a multi a achieve To nding.     Notes changes to Sections 2.1.8, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.4.2 as a result of this submission. of a result as 2.4.2 2.2.2, 2.2.1, 2.1.8, Sections to changes Notes their for the submitter Thanks

ding safe access from urban areas such as Palmerston Palmerston as such areas urban from access safe ding - modal resilient infrastructure yet cars attract the most most the attract cars yet infrastructure resilient modal - oa sse, akn ad yln ms rcie a receive must cycling and walking system, modal


25 submission; and submission;

fy making economic contributions contributions economic making fy s eurs getr ou on focus greater a requires is

- modal modal economic growth and productivity; road safety and value for money. money. for value and safety road curr productivity; the and of direction growth strategic economic The Funding. Transport Land on GPS the with consistent be to required is Plan The noted. Comment particular expect can users road that roads. of and types different on features safety predictable more are roads that strat the of component core A outcomes. safety road increase to system safe a of importance the recognises strategy, safety road national current The noted. Comments Bridge. Rail to the Wanganui Upokongaro from section the on cyclists Plan. the of 41 page on included is Trail Sea to Mountains the to City Wanganui join to Council District Wanganui and Agency Transport the between project joint A noted. Support walking for $46 between isperiod funding proposed The activity all for classes. available funding national the sets GPS The noted. Comment this of result a as 2.1.8 Section submission. in added been has commentary Additional

103 million. 103 Part of this project is to provide separated access for for access separated provide to is project this of Part egy is better road design and infrastructure so so infrastructure and design road better is egy

n ccig n h 2015 the in cycling and ent GPS 2015 is is 2015 GPS ent Safer Journeys Safer

Page Page - 2018 2018 56 ,

hearings: from points Additional changed roads. arterial be Major Minor to arterial from Roads Campbells and Creek Stoney of hierarchies the that Submits economic and term confidence longer long business that draft for Believes the and JTS. certainty growth the provides in outlined planning proposals transport the capture to 30 years, example, for duration, planning longer a have should RLTP the that Suggests id year horizon. a 10 has which only draft the in addressed not Plan are draft Plan draft the and print blue this formed this study. of importance 2010 in developed (JTS) Study Transport Joint The plan. master print” “bluea for need theand future the into planning transport to respect with planning spatial of importance the Notes Murray Guy NAME/ORGANISATION: 48 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 23 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation: the of 2.2.1 section in outlined and JTS the in identified proposals the of number A     - term planning horizon. term Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of this submission. this of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

LP ol so mr cmimn t ti b hvn a having by this to commitment more show could RLTP



niis the entifies

classification is all that can be justified at present based on current traffic traffic current on current based The present at Road. justified Creek forecast growth be city and conditions can Stoney that or all is Road higher classification Campbells a as either Bunnythorpe of than bypass a priority identified JTS The noted. Comment appropriate. this considers align now duration year 10 The Plan. the of start the from years financial 10 least at for measures and polices objectives, Regions‟ the out set must Plan The noted. Comment the by inclusion for forward put are six first the in organisation approved supporting that projects include only can Plan of the component programme the however relevant, still are proposals most that im the notes RTC The noted. Comments noted. Comments Officers’ response response Officers’

s with Council‟s Long Term Planning horizon and the RTC RTC the and horizon Planning Term Long Council‟s with s and recommended action recommended and

s. s.

portance of the JTS to the Plan and and Plan the to JTS the of portance - years of theyears Plan. of

Page Page 57

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 freight through transport planning and other initiatives to mitigate adverse effects effects forestry. from adverse mitigate to initiatives other and planning transport through freight m the support to continue Horizons that Requests elsewhere. seen are „port and landlocked a as however industries primary largest district‟s the are forestry and farming that Notes necessa as bridges and roads rural (upgrading 2.2.1 Method Supports projects: the following for advocate to continue Horizons Requests economy. of importance the Notes identified. issues key the with Agrees Plan. draft the of direction the Overall supports NAME/ORGANISATION: 49 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 24 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional cyclingroutes. regional of development further and completion the Supports to Raetihi demand. viable the is there if funded and be reviewed shopper service that Requests district. the for Shuttle Health Waimarino of importance the Notes and 5.1 3.2, 3.1, policies 5.2. Supports 5. and 3 Priority Strategic supports Strongly

- - -

and affordable. and economic is it ensure to service rail Connection Capital the of Restructure in services rail Organisations; Tourism Regional with partnership passenger distance long promote to continue to KiwiRail Main Island and Waikato; Manawatu line between Trunk North the on services rail passenger and freight Maintaining

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

- Ruapehu District Council District Ruapehu less‟ region, many of the economic benefits of logging logging of benefits economic the of many region, less‟ maintaining transport links to the Ruapehu District‟s District‟s Ruapehu the to links transport maintaining retaining the Taumarunui Mobility Van and St John John St and Van Mobility Taumarunui the retaining



ry) ovement of ovement

when they are due for retender. The Raetihi to Ohakune service will be be will noted. Support service Ohakune to Raetihi The retender. pass the 2015 half of first the in reviewed for contracted due its are of they all when reviews Horizons noted. Support noted. Support Noted. noted. Support passenger Explorer Northern the servicing service. advoc stops a of to reintroduction the continue for to advocate as well as service passenger RTC Connection Capital the of continuation noted. Comment Noted. Noted. noted. Support Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

- 16 financial year. financial 16 ate with KiwiRail on the the on KiwiRail with ate

enger services services enger Page Page 58

should provide a cl provide should the to This tourism. compare and forestry distribution agriculture/horticulture, education, freight of sectors does key other how example, for usage road to sector Suggests freight regarding project draft the or or referenced. included, be should etc likely mode capacity, within priorities statements strategic broad issues, r be demand that of Suggests understanding informed priorities. an allow to task freight future the regarding Plan draft the within data little is there that Notes Port Napier NAME/ORGANISATION: 139 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 25 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional and Road River Wanganui Upokongaro. the and 4 Highway State of intersection the between i planned Supports March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional venture. joint sector a private is this as not correct are Hub Freight Intermodal pub to up by references substantiated example, For be issues. certain on impression should correct the portray draft to data the in statements some that Notes are Rates Assistance Funding the that confirmed. now 2.2.6 section reviewing Suggests

    lic and private sectors working together in the context of the Longburn Longburn the of context the in together working sectors private and lic Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission. their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes their submis for the submitter Thanks that regional GDP data be included to show the relative contribution by by contribution relative the show to included be data GDP regional that

eviewed and quantified. Details such as location, scale, timing, freight freight timing, scale, location, as such Details quantified. and eviewed

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary ear link to the strategic priorities and projects. projects. and priorities strategic to the link ear mprovements to the section of the Mountains to Sea cycleway cycleway Sea to Mountains the of section the to mprovements



sion; and

- to

- date date Support noted. Support of this submission. of result a as amended been has 2.2.1 Section in Commentary noted. Comment this submission. Commen submission. this of a as result data requested include to amended been has 2.1.8 Section in Commentary Noted. submission. this of a as result data requested include to amended been has 2.1.8 Section in Commentary Noted. Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ t noted. Commentary in Section 2.2.6 has been deleted as a result of of a result as deleted been has 2.2.6 Section in Commentary t noted.

Page Page 59

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 os o are ih h pirtsd it f rjcs North projects. of years, list prioritised ten the with next agree not the Does in role important increasingly an product. play forestry exported for especially will rail that Notes east an at. be looked must options as role sa a not increasing is route This alternative. an Gorge Manawatu playing link, strategic secondary a as Road Saddle the endorse to appears Plan draft The rail). and (road transport Man the of reliability and resilience The 2.2.1 and 2.2 section in Linkages‟ „Improved of worthy is und journeys point to point efficient deliver help to regions neighbouring of interdependency The weight. enough given not are in particular the and area economy Horizons the of portion based export the assisting in plays Port Napier role impact high The and position correct the how this of explanation detailed a and data provides Submission in ports export Auckland”. and Tauranga Napier, and and Hawera in Plymouth plant New Whareroa the from Napier, output Fonterra in between ports of out Auck even these or of Wellington, export for point staging a provides and commodities export Zealand New produce that hinterlands to access fo The March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional is Trestle Whirikino Plan the addressed. only Whirikino yet The at Gorge) 1 Manawatu west 3, Highway Highway (State State critical. and addressing network Trestle considered the project of not sections is vulnerable one two project identifies only this is realignment), Hill there Manawatu but for catered llowing statement in section 2.1.8 is misleading “Palmerston North has good good has North “Palmerston misleading is 2.1.8 section in statement llowing

could be reworded in the final document in final the be reworded could

erstated and Hawkes Bay is not recognised as a key „Other Region‟ Region‟ „Other key a as recognised is not Bay Hawkes and erstated

land or Tauranga. In particular, it is the staging point point staging the is it particular, In Tauranga. or land

importance of west of importance -


awatu Gorge is critical for west for critical is Gorge awatu

tisfactory alternative and other other and alternative tisfactory - east routes for export freight freight export for routes east

- south connections are are connections south - east travel (the (the travel east - west link and and link west - east heavy heavy east

of this submission. of result a as amended been has 2.1.8 Section in Commentary noted. Comment Regional (R) funding by the Committee in recent years and notes the the notes and years recent in Committee the east of by in terms these projects of importance funding the (R) linking projects Regional construction strongly major been motor have two Regions Horizons productivity and that Bay high Hawkes notes for RTC route The alternative preferred vehicles. the currently is is Road (SH3) Saddle Gorge Manawatu the in and of uneconomic upgrade An noted. Comment 2.2.1, Sections o a as result 2.4.2 and 2.2.2 in added been has commentary Additional noted. Comment high for route the alternative then preferred vehicles. occurs the closure currently is major is a Road (SH3) that Saddle instance Gorge rare Manawatu the the in and of uneconomic upgrade An noted. Comment this submission. of result a as 2.2.2 Section in added commentary Additional noted. Comment Region. Horizons the and Napier Port of the the notes between connectivity the and improve will years replacement, Bridge Whakaruatapu recent in Committee the t These projects. these of importance by funding (R) Regional of use for advocated strongly been have Regions Horizons linking and Bay projects Hawkes the construction major two that notes RTC The noted. Comment

the rare instance that a major closure occurs then the the then occurs closure major a that instance rare the f this submission. f wo projects, Papatawa Realignment and and Realignment Papatawa projects, wo

- west travel.

advocated for use of of use for advocated

productivity motor motor productivity Page Page 60

Supports the Regional Growth Study and wishes to receive a copy when finalised. when a copy receive to wishes and Study Growth Regional the Supports 3. Highway via State Port Taranaki from coming inter providing of importance the Notes point staging Taranaki. Port including ports, various to out commodities of export for the provides North Palmerston that acknowledgment the Endorses rail road and freight resilient and growing efficient providing of of importance the importance and region the Horizons the in to hubs draft the in given recognition the Endorses Council Regional Taranaki NAME/ORGANISATION: 148 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 26 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional Plan. final the in included be which could closures Gorge strengthened. be should rating resilience low its and Gorge Manawatu the of importance the to References March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional the in identified those notes and identified Taran objectives the supports Generally Plan. draft the in identified issues the Supports the of harvest of impact the estate. forestry regarding issues similar faces Taranaki that Notes     aki draft Plan. draft aki Notes changes to Sections 2.1.8, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.6 and 2.4.2 as a result of this submission. of a as result 2.4.2 and 2.2.6 2.2.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.1, 2.1.8, Sections to changes Notes the Thanks networks.

Summary of of Summary

submitter for their submission; and their submission; for submitter

umsin otis aa eadn te mat f the of impact the regarding data contains Submission

submission and decision sought decision and submission



- onciiy ewe reg between connectivity

ions for freight freight for ions

Comment noted. Section 2.2.3 amended as a result of this submission. of result a as amended 2.2.3 noted.Section Comment Support noted. Support noted. Support Noted. is available Study when the distributed will be copy A Noted. Noted. noted. Support noted. Support Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

Page Page


Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 NAME/ORGANISATION: Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Regional Bay Hawke’s NAME/ORGANISATION: 152 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 27 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional Tangahoe realigned. and be replaced should bridge the this view is that while Council‟s Regional that Taranaki requirements, notes HPMV for Also strengthened be will Napier‟. Bridge of „Port not Taranaki‟ „Port ready should table this in sentence last the that Notes Taranaki). and Horizons between inter (significant 46 page on table the of inclusion the Supports in region. the effluent sites disposal stock relating those as well as 2.3, and 2.1 policies Supports in region. the tourism cycle facilitating and promoting Supports districts. Stratford and Ruapehu between the the supports Strongly Taranaki the to linkages to reference (improved with region. 2 routes) priority strategic particular, key in of identified, connectivity priorities strategic six the Supports March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Study Demand Freight National the this. which highlights 2014 from figures provides Submission Napier. in notes discuss however not vital, does 2.2 is section regions that between links efficient maintaining that Aggress    

Notes change to Section 5 as a result of this submission. of a as result 5 Section to change Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

importance of completing the sealing of State Highway 43 43 Highway State of sealing the completing of importance


25 eal h iprac o lns o h Pr of Port the to links of importance the detail

to promoting and providing providing and promoting to


regional activities activities regional

Support noted. Support Comment noted. Additional commentary has been added as a result of this this of result 2.2.2. Section in a submission as added been has commentary Additional noted. Comment a as resul updated 5 Section Noted. noted. Support noted. Support noted. Support Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

t of this submission. of t

Page Page 62

Reco hearings: from points Additional been formally request. RTC‟s not the Supports has Plan. but the in RTC inclusion for the Agency Transport of the by request submitted the at list priority the been has in 2 included Highway State on project Realignment Hill Manawatu the that Notes appropriate. are realignment the that Consider Bay. the Hawkes in improvements HPMV proposed of benefits maximise to vital is work This Plan. the of two or one year to forward brought be capability HPMV for routes strategic City North Palmerston the that Requests for process mapping logic investment an Gorgeroute. Manawatu to the alternatives commence to Horizons Encourages emphasis. consistent have should 2 section that and suggests inter as Bay Hawkes in activities of identification the Supports is paramount. this route across the context in only 3 and 2 Highway State references 2.4.2 section that Notes 5. section inter an as and 2.2.2 section in discussion warrant to importance C March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional onsiders State Highways 2 and 3 to Palmerston North to be of sufficient strategic strategic sufficient of be to North Palmerston to 3 and 2 Highways State onsiders     mmendation: Notes change to Sections 2.2.2, 2.4.2 and 5 as a result of this submission. of a as result 5 and 2.4.2 2.2.2, Sections to change Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks of closures of the Manawatu Gorge, however improving freight efficiency efficiency freight improving however Gorge, Manawatu the of closures of

priority given to HPMV improvements and the Manawatu Hill Hill Manawatu the and improvements HPMV to given priority



Council programme relating to upgrade of of upgrade relating to programme Council


regionally significant significant regionally - regional issue in in issue regional

this submission. State Highway 3 has been added into the commentary in in commentary the into added been Sec has 3 Highway State submission. this of result a as 2.2.2 Section in added commentary Additional noted. Comment Hill Manawatu the of inclusion the request formally is adopted. Plan final the once project realignment will RTC The Noted. Noted. 2017 on. from expected Zone East Industrial North the of expansion with in tie to timed is investment PNCC 2015/16. until starting be not will investment the support to case scop business a of limited development is There noted. Comment noted. Comment submission. Com this submission. of a result tion 5 as a result of this submission. Section 2.4.2 has been amended as as amended been has 2.4.2 Section submission. this of result a as 5 tion et oe. omnay de i Scin .. a a eut f this of result a as 2.4.2 Section in added Commentary noted. ment

e for bringing this work forward as as forward work this bringing for e

Page Page 63 -

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Recommendation: more for from points Additional request the with submission Council‟s region. the greater of the needs addressing in collaboration District Wanganui Supports in risk a is There inclusion. and Island. North lower the cohesion of epicentre the as North Palmerston identifying direction, strategic lacks tourist draft The major a as North Palmerston districts. and Ruapehu Wanganui the of the role for given figures destination the whether Queries 4 Highway State as of significance the (Th of mention include Wanganui not does Plan draft The and North Palmerston of importance this concept. part of as link road North/Wanganui Palmerston the of importance the however to, the referred frequently is hubs distribution/freight that Notes the region. for balance lacks Plan draft the Believes Visser Martin NAME/ORGANISATION: 155 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 28 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional e Paraparas) as an alternative route to State Highway 1. State Highway to route alternative an as e Paraparas)     Notes change to Sections 2.2.2 and 2.4.2 as a result of this submission. of result a as 2.4.2 and 2.2.2 Sections to change Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

include business and Massey visitors and therefore under therefore and visitors Massey and business include Summary of submission submission of Summary




and decision sought decision and

no mention is made of of made is mention no

- emphasise emphasise

noted. Support stakeholders. c all of membership includes which RTC the by prepared was Plan The Noted. visitors. includ Data Infometrics. / Employment and Innovation Business, of Ministry the from sourced is Plan the in is provided Data noted. Comment 2.2.2 sections places, in added submission. this of a as result 2.4.2 and been significant has commentary Additional regionally noted. to Comment connects and Region orairports. ports industries, the This of Classification. wellbeing Roading Network One the mea under road „regional‟ a as classified is North Palmerston and Wanganui links that SH3 noted. Comment noted. Comment ouncils in the Region, the Transport Agency and other transport transport other and Agency Transport the Region, the in ouncils ns that the road makes a major contribution to the social and economic economic and social the to contribution major a makes road the that ns Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

es all types of of types all es Page Page 64

57. This would improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on Tennant Drive. Tennant on cyclists and pedestrians of safety the improve would 57. This Highway State using volumes traffic greater in result would Drive Tennant on limit speed lower a with along Road, West Old on improvements safety that Suggests Would University movement safer facilities campus. of parts Massey between allow to Drive. speeds lower additional with the road collector Tennant local in a and to downgraded by result Centres bisected will Science which Campus, Fitzherbert FoodHQ the of encompassing development the Notes Road West Old on bridge narrow The crossing. preference. the as Drive Tennant of choice drivers to contributes Bridge Stream Turitea the particular in priorities Road, West Old as known 57 strategic Highway State of section the on safety the withregar concerns address not does proposed projects of list the agrees that Concerned generally and Plan presented. draft the Supports University Massey NAME/ORGANISATION: 157 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 29 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional     Thanks the submitter for their submission; and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Notes there will be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission. their of a as result Plan the to change no will be there Notes


of submission and decision sought decision and submission of



like to see Tennant Drive Drive Tennant see to like

ding ding

carrying. is it Drive mo Tennant be to need would this then of volumes function and traffic form the to the changes be there to should However appropriate generally is that standard C this of a result as hierarchy roading its to change to have would Council City North Palmerston noted. Comments carrying. t standard a a to is formed those Avenue, for is Fitzherbert SH57 of section Road Drive, via West Old The SH57. than Tennant Wellington route shorter considerably to as North Centre Palmerston City from the heading and Linton between Dr Tennant journey while Gorge, Manawatu from the journey and key Ashhurst the to is Levin SH57 highly. prioritised not is section this stage this at but identified, works possible and SH57, incorporating Hastings, and Levin h study corridor A noted. Comment noted. Support omment noted. Currently Currently noted. omment Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

a i gnrly prpit t te rfi vlms t is it volumes traffic the to appropriate generally is hat the Old West Road section of SH57 is formed to a to formed is SH57 of section Road West Old the nitored by the Transport Agency. Transport nitored the by development. as been undertaken of the route between between route the of undertaken been as

ive is the key key the is ive Page Page 65

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 not reflected in the draft the in not reflected are cycleways national tothe access safe for tourists cycle of needs the that Notes use increased for becould scope that so required is inter movements to relating freight priorities other and forestry on data detailed More cha resilience about vehicles. private and roads information to alternatives of lack and hazards natural change, lacks 2.1.8 Section provisions. plan the shape should and planning for is important travelled kilometres vehicle in decline for reasons the about 2.1.7 section in discussion The comprehensive. are more is based Plan which the on assumptions the that so travelled kilometres vehicle reduced and population aging ownership, car of levels reduced as such the trends of consideration with greater Suggest correspond not do one figure in shown figures changes percentage the that Notes Manawatu Network Environment NAME/ORGANISATION: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 30 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional to given attention little with focus roading strong sustainable. environmentally more resilient and more network the a transport making has Plan the that Believes

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

Plan. - regional linkages can be determined. Notes that there there that Notes determined. be can linkages regional


of rail freight. rail of -


llenges such as climate climate as such llenges

Funding. The Plan must also set out the Regions‟ land transport objec transport the Plan. the of start years from 10 financial atleast for land measures policies and Regions‟ the out set Transport also must Land Plan on The Statement Funding. Policy Government the with consistent is and 2003 Act Management Transport Land the of purpose the to contributes Plan Pla the preparing In noted. Comment t on cyclists for access separated provide to is project this of Part Plan. the of 41 page on included is Trail Sea to Mountains the to City Wanganui join to Council District Wanganui and Agency Transport the between project joint A noted. Comment 2.1.8, Sections this submission. of result a as 2.4.2 and 2.2.2 2.2.1, to added been has commentary Additional noted. Comment submission. chal change climate around key added been has the discussion additional however 2.2.1, Section to in detail greater relates primarily 2.1.8 in discussed are issues Resilience Region. Section the in demand transport of drivers in Discussion noted. Comment noted. Comment so discusses 2.1.7. noted.Section Comment noted. Comment Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ he section from Upokongaro to the Wanganui Rail Bridge. Rail to the Wanganui Upokongaro from section he

egs n ntrl aad a a eut f this of result a as hazards natural and lenges n the RTC has to be satisfied that the the that satisfied be to has RTC the n me of these changing trends. these changing of me

Page Page tives, tives,


safety, resilience and environmental environmental and resilience safety, improved to contribute not does strategic this as Plan the a of deliverable be important or priority to network roading existing the of maintenance consider not Does stra the to amendments and renumbering priorities: following the Recommends shown. is than GPS outcomes more car favours/assists that position a adopt thatPlan the Recommends supporting with vehicles of electrification address infrastructure. Plan the that full Recommends a Recommends consideration. further issue this an review o given as not effects does environmental but adverse mitigating issue references draft the that Notes March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Suggests that safety and resilience objectives in the table in section 2.3 meet meet 2.3 section in table the in objectives resilience and safety that Suggests 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

tasot ewr ta hs saf has tourism. and forestry, and food agriculture, that logistics, including industries network transport A system transport land a multimodal through regions other and region the between and region the within connectivity Improved resilient, is cycling and pedestrians on focus Increased system transport land access Efficient, the of the sectors all of that needs community. the ensure meets and sustainable to environmentally use of impacts land and change demographic to respond proactively and for Plan f the draft based on a more thorough analysis of this. of analysis thorough a more on based draft the f

ible, and affordable public transport networks. public transport affordable and ible,


25 sustainability.

e and efficient routes for particular particular for routes efficient and e

- sharing.

tegic tegic

Comment noted. Discussion has been added to Section 2.2.7 as a result of of result a thisas submission. 2.2.7 Section to added been has Discussion noted. Comment economy. servic of level the if and productivity economic of km‟ last and „first critical the are roads rural Many asset. existing the maintain to authorities these higher on pressure in immense putting factor contributing a be can r crash this then standard appropriate an to maintained be not network roading the Should importance. strategic high of is asset current the maintaining why reason critical a is Safety noted. Comment no c Recommended Plan. the of start the from years objectives, financial 10 least at transport for measures and land policies Regions‟ the out set Transport also must Land Plan on The Statement Funding. Policy Government the with consistent is and A Management Transport the Land the that of satisfied purpose the be to to contributes Plan has RTC the Plan the preparing In noted. Comment this submission. of a as result amended has been 2.3 Section in Table Noted. this submission. of result a as 2.2.7 Section in added been has Commentary noted. Comment noted. Comment ates. Declining rating bases in the Regions rural local authorities is is authorities local rural Regions the in bases rating Declining ates.

es drops this may have a negative impact on the Region‟s Region‟s the on impact negative a have may this drops es hanges to the Strategic priorities and their order. their and priorities Strategic to the hanges

Page Page ct 2003 2003 ct 67

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Suggests a study be undertaken to identify safety and connectivity improvements improvements connectivity and safety identify to undertaken be study a Suggests to: given be priority high that serv and infrastructure transport Strategy public quality high Supports Transport Integrated Council‟s City priority. a high be should North Palmerston of completion The planning. transport and use land of integration effective more Recommends Ashhurst. at on clip walking/cycling bridge river Manawatu the supports Strongly Whirikino strategicroute. the key on this pedestrians and on pedestrians and cyclists Has replacement. Bridge for Trestle facilities of addition 202 the by Supports 20% by emissions (reduce 2010 emissions). capita per 2007 torelative Strategy Transport Land Regional CO the retaining supports Strongly 2025. by complete an and be North Palmerston to Wellington from rail of electrification the that roadways Recommends from separated is that in safety increase infrastructure cycling of availability the in increase an include cycling and pedestrians for that measures Recommends March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional the from trails the access to seeking trails network. transport regional cycleways national the of users for - - - -  

  Improved passenger rail services between Palmerston North and and North Palmerston between services rail Wellington; passenger Improved on buses; racks Bike information; Bus service North; Palmerston in improvements Bus terminal Notes changes to Sections 2.1.8, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.6, 2.2.7, 2.3 and Policy 3.2 as a result of this submission. this result of a as 3.2 Policy and 2.3 2.2.7, 2.2.6, 2.2.2, 2.2.1, 2.1.8, Sections to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

accommodations for cyclists at road intersections. at road cyclists for accommodations

concerns over the lack of safe access for cyclists cyclists for access safe of lack the over concerns


2 25 operative the of target reduction emissions

ices and recommends recommends and ices

0 Comment noted. Improvements will be included where appropriate and and appropriate where included be will allow. funding should Improvements noted. Comment consul to advised is a study. on such the Ministry submitter The Employment. and Innovation Business, of Ministry the by administered are cycleways national The noted. Comment areadvocated. services improved before priority a as service passenger and The Feilding North, Palmerston its on racks installing bike investigating currently is Horizons users. for facility safer a provide will and Plan Year Ten draft Council's City North Palmerston the in included is to programme A noted. Comment City North Palmerston by adoption for due is ITS 2015. May in Council The noted. Comment noted. Support allow. resources of in conjunction made partbe will always improvements and are Agency Transport pedestrians the for and planning project cyclists of needs The noted. Comment this submission. of result a as added been has 3.2 Policy supporting 7 Measure noted. Comment North. Palmerston and between Waikanae noted Comment RTC continues to advocate for the continuation of the Capital Connection Connection Capital the of continuation the for advocate to continues RTC

with other improvement and renewal activities on SH1 as as SH1 on activities renewal and improvement other with

. KiwiRail currently has no plans for electrification of the NIMT the of electrification for plans no has currently KiwiRail .

upgrade the Palmerston North bus terminal terminal bus North Palmerston the upgrade

Wanganui urban services. services. urban Wanganui Page Page

68 t

Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional 2.1.8. section in specifically Plan, the into incorporated are implications part flow vehicle and as transport public Drive roading, the and Tennant changes proposed the develop that requests submission to place in are Plans Drive. by Tennant be bisected will campus Fonterra. This and Quality Assure BCC, Research, Food and Plant AgResearch, and Campuses Turitea the integrates which campus super FoodHQ a of development for plans the Notes FoodHQ NAME/ORGANISATION: 54 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 31 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional    

Notes change to Section 2.1.8 as a result of their submission. their of a result as 2.1.8 Section to change Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Campus of Massey University with the Fitzherbert Science Centre Centre Science Fitzherbert the with University Massey of Campus Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary



of the campus and the the and campus the of

this submission. of a result be has 2.1.8 Section to commentary Additional noted. Comment Noted. Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

en added as as added en Page Page 69

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 NAME/ORGANISATION: Richard Aslett Richard NAME/ORGANISATION: 161 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 33 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional in Rangitikei. the services rail and bus are Plan the in included be should which projects Additional priorities. strategic the with Agrees and passenger) district and (freight rail on focus more be to needs There District. Rangitikei the on discussion lacks Plan draft The Smith Richard NAME/ORGANISATION: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 32 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional very is it as District Rangitikei priorities. with strategic the agrees Broadly the on focus more focused. requires Manawatu/Wanganui Plan draft The     .

Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission. their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary




buses connecting people within the the within people connecting buses

Support noted. Support noted. Comment opportunities. stops a of t reintroduction the for meeting not are services If advocate service. passenger Explorer Northern will the servicing RTC The noted. Comment noted. Support increased on KiwiRail with advocate to infrastructure. in rail investment continue to RTC noted. Comment he needs to the community Horizons is willing to discuss additional additional discuss to willing is Horizons community the to needs he Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’ action recommended and response Officers’

Page Page 70

600 at er cmae t 1,0 i 20) Peiu sbisos are submissions user Previous 2006). non in in the growth This in area. activities 15,000 current/planned of details to further provides Submission (compared attached. year last rapidly to 96,000 continue park Gorge Manawatu Apiti Te the the to Numbers of inclusion continued a priority. Plan as in on the clip pedestrian/cycleway the Seeks Stakeholders Project Gorge Biodiversity Apiti Manawatu Te NAME/ORGANISATION: 62 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 34 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional Rangitikei the within stations rail the of any at cycleways. national the of the expansion limits almost district. This stop not does train This effect. service rail passenger Explorer Northern the when ceased that stops rail the reinstate to is required Government KiwiRail/Central of lobbying More March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional     s and vehicles crossing the bridge. the crossing vehicles and s     Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission. their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks submission. their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

- motorised use of the bridge represents a hazard to both both to hazard a represents bridge the of use motorised



Ashhurst Manawatu River bridge bridge River Manawatu Ashhurst

changes came into into came changes

increase with with increase

omn ntd RC o doae o iial o te enrdcin f a of reintroduction the District. for KiwiRail to for advocate stop(s) to RTC noted. Comment Noted. a as sitting Plan. in the is 4 project priority bridge (SH3) River Manawatu Ashhurst The noted. Comment

Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

the passenger rail service in the Rangitikei Rangitikei the in service rail passenger Explorer Northern the

Page Page 71

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Recommendation: hearing: form points Additional district, the in services be rail greater for advocating shoulddone be work more passenger of Wanganui reinstatement requesting to to addition In Rangitikei from service bus commuter established. a that Requests are reinstated. Rangitikei the within stations rail the at offs ups/drop pick commuter that Requests activities. other on spent be could funds and a priority is not project improvements passing Waiouru to Foxton 1 Highway State that Suggests 5. 2 and priority strategic of context the within particularly considered, are elderly the of needs the that requests however draft the in walking and cycling on emphasis the Supports of importance the and District the district. in connections rail and bus Rangitikei the on discussion lacks Plan draft The Ash Cath NAME/ORGANISATION: SUBMISSIONS 35 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional     Notes changes to Sections Sections to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

HEARINGS PAGE: 52 PAGE: HEARINGS Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

- this submission. of a as result 2.4.5 and 2.4.2 2.2.2, 2.2.1,


use of rail freight. of for use

this submission. of a result as 2.4.2 and 2.2.2 2.2.1, Sections in amended Commentary noted. this Comment to submit to encouraged is Submitter process. March/April. in Plan Transport publica will Horizons Rangitikei noted. Comment the in service rail passenger Explorer District. Northern the for stop(s) RTC noted. Comment project. the progressing warrant to is undertaken investigation further until Plan the in currently is project This noted. Comment this submission. 2 Section in added been has Commentary noted. Comments noted. Comments Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

o doae o iial o te enrdcin f a of reintroduction the for KiwiRail to advocate to

lly consult on its draft Regional Public Public Regional draft its on consult lly

.4.5 as a result of a as result .4.5 Page Page 72

SUBMISSION NUMBER: 37 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional include to 3 Highway State for developed route. entire along the be should improv strategy continuing term long A is vital. centres two betweenthe road link safe located are campuses UCOL UCOL NAME/ORGANISATION: 163 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 36 NUMBER: SUBMISSION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee to 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Wanganui proposed the just than rather road, this of project. Whangaehu taken be should view strategic more a that Believes 3. Highway State improves that work Supports Wanganui Association Automobile NAME/ORGANISATION: 164 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS     Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission. their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary ement, widening, passing lanes and ideally dual carriageways carriageways dual ideally and lanes passing widening, ement,

in Palmerston North and Wanganui and a fast and fast a and Wanganui and North Palmerston in



SH3 which include incremental improvements. The Wanganui to Whangaehu Whangaehu to Wanganui for The place improvements. incremental in include which SH3 strategies are There expectations. Agency‟s the within performs it as time this at SH3 upgrade to planning not is Agency The noted. Comment this necessitate not do volumes traffic as expenditure. carriageway dual of whi likelihood SH3 for in strategies are place There expectations. Agency‟s places, the within performs it significant as time regionally to at this SH3 upgrade to planning is not Agency Transport noted.The Comment connects and Region orairports. ports industries, the This of Classification. wellbeing Roading Network One the that means under road „regional‟ a as classified is North Palmerston and Wanganui links that SH3 noted. Comment Officers’ response and recommended recommended and response Officers’ action recommended and response Officers’

the road makes a major contribution to the social and economic economic and social the to contribution major a makes road the

ch include incremental improvements but there is no no is there but improvements incremental include ch


Page Page 73

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 The provision of rest areas to assist in the prevention of fatigue related crashes crashes related fatigue of prevention the in assist to areas rest of provision The included be $4.8cost million) (total Road, Wanganui Mosston for works improvement that planned Recommends and network Wanganui the physical for the need to improvements supports and Recognises cycleway. Wanganui to cycle Upokongaro the of construction of inclusion the Supports network. on roading the impact resulting the and economy local the to forestry of importance the on discussion greater include Plan the that Suggests should framework. coordinated within a work document improvement safety to undertake taken final the and wi that Recommends this on silent is Plan draft importance. this recognise The 1. Highway espec 4, Highway State of importance the Recognises strategy, lane the passing of and completion the consistency width link easing, curve be should 2 Highway State to Improvements March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Plan. in the referenced be should

separation between vulnerable road users and motorists. users road vulnerable between separation thin the State Highway 4 emergency work, opportunities are are opportunities work, emergency 4 Highway State the thin

commencing in year 10 of the Plan. of year 10 in commencing



ially during closures of State State of closures during ially

time other than those already underway as it performs within the Agency‟s Agency‟s the within performs it as underway already those than other this at time SH2 of upgrades further planning not is Agency The noted. Comment it traffic. of volumes these carrying as aroad for expectations targeted been has section submission. Disc noted. Comment in occur will extension Ave Fitzherbert thereafter. Road with Mosston 2020/21, the investment, Agency Transport Subje Road. Carlton SH3 to Road Mosston from havinglink Ave from Fitzherbert the maximised only are benefits project The Avenue. Fitzherbert of extension the with in tied are improvements Road's Mosston noted. Comment 4 Priority a as Plan the of 41 project. Page this on listed of is project This result noted. a Support as 2.2.6 Section to added submission. Discussion of noted. purpose Comment sole the for ONRC. the under function Collector Primary and has a volumes traffic low has is reinstatement prio are Improvements function. road normal reinstating Emergency noted. Comment this submission. of a result as 2.4.2 and 2.2.2 Sections to added commentary Additional noted. Comment construction curves investigation. Otamaraho under Hill Manawatu and crossing rail Tahoraiti underway, and 2015, early commencing construction Whakaruatapu complete projects several with times in recent investment considerable from benefited has SH2 expectations.

ussion added to Section 2.2.5 as a result of this this of result a as 2.2.5 Section to added ussion

d. Projects currently being worked on are: are: on worked being currently Projects d. falls below the Agency‟s level of service service of level Agency‟s the below falls

ritised nationally. SH4 SH4 nationally. ritised Page Page ct to to ct 74

larger companies in th in companies larger ad an on councils to provided been have which available are schedules harvest Detailed substantial with companies larger of not but that at holdings. woodlots price small commodity for its true on are depend time.” generally will harvested gets it “…when increasing pressur outline which sections „issues‟ and scene‟ the „setting the with Agrees forestry. of viability ongoing improvemen a and provides tourists Maintenance by network rural the of use area. this in challenge Increasing users. road other co as well as market, to logs transporting in safety and efficiency on with network roading rural the of standard the that Notes Zealand. New Management Forest Hancock NAME/ORGANISATION: 167 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 38 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional utilisation for Country King the within potential Taumarunui. at railhead a centralised with potentially logs, transport is there that Notes 2.3 and 2.2 2.1, polices Supports group. planning strategic a forestry via potentially this, to partycoordinate logical the be would Horizons function, strategic the given that Suggests councils.     - o bss Sget ta ti ifrain ol b cnoiae fo the from consolidated be could information this that Suggests basis. hoc es due to forestry harvest. Notes that comments in section.2.1.8 around around section.2.1.8 in comments that Notes harvest. forestry to due es Notes changes to Sections 2.2.2, 2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.4.2 as a result of this submission. of a result as 2.4.2 2.2.6, 2.2.5, 2.2.2, Sections to changes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

e region, with routine updating and become available for all all for available become and updating routine with region, e

ts to the rural road network are critical to the the to critical are network road rural the to ts



have a significant impact impact significant a have

- existing with with existing

of rail to to rail of

Noted. Noted. noted. Support roads. on rural forestry of impacts the of planning strategic the in involved closely are Council managers Asset noted. Comments submission. note Comments the of priority strategic Plan. highest the is network the of maintenance that Notes noted. Comments

Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

. icsin mne i Scin .. a a eut f this of result a as 2.1.8 Section in amended Discussion d.

from Wanganui and Ruapehu District District Ruapehu and Wanganui from

Page Page 75

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Acknowledges the place of roads for some freight and the need for basic road road basic for need the and freight multi a however maintenance; some for roads of place and the and Acknowledges freight Efficiency a Energy through Zealand interpretation their New However the is challenged. focus usage road increased regarding Strategy. 1.3.2 Conservation and Statement comments the Supports Barrett Brent NAME/ORGANISATION: 87 PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 39 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional 30. Highway State to Ongarue Ongarue the particularly programme, work the in included soon harvest for due are which forests servicing roads that Concerned district. the of schedules maintenance the of details lacks 8 figure 4.2, section that Notes March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional bu on focusing is decreasing. be ownership car to and static are travelled appears kilometres vehicle when demand approach perceived current the that Notes benefits. environmental tra nsport would contribute to economic performance as well as offer health and and health offer as well as performance economic to contribute would nsport     Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks

changes to Sections 2.1.8 as a result of this submission. this of a as result 2.1.8 Sections to changes

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

in section 1.3.1 regarding the Government Policy Policy Government the regarding 1.3.1 section in


modal transport system with an emphasis on active active on emphasis an with system transport modal



- Waimiha Road linking linking Road Waimiha

ilding to meet meet to ilding

are are Comment noted. Ruapehu District Council has invested significantly in in significantly invested has Council Poro and Waimiha Ongarue of District sections priority on Rehabilitation Ruapehu Pavement noted. Comment se. hr ipoeet ae ogt hy r gnrly o safety for generally are they sought roading current are purpose. capacity increased than rather purposes development economic the improvements maintain to Where is Plan the asset. for priority highest The Noted. this submission. of result a as amended been Planhas of 2.3 Section on Table noted. Comments the Plan. the of start years from 10 atleast financial for measures transpor land Regions‟ the out set also must Plan The Funding. Transport Land on Statement Policy Government the with consistent is and 2003 Act Management Transport Land the of purpose the to contributes preparing In Noted. works The district. the plan for management asset the a overall part of form roads. Council District Waitomo with boundary its to Road rao ta Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’

the Plan the RTC has to be satisfied that the Plan Plan the that satisfied be to has RTC the Plan the

t objectives, policies and and policies objectives, t

Page Page

76 or or o

The target in the operative Regional Land Transport Strategy regarding reduced reduced regarding strengthened be should emissions gas greenhouse Strategy Transport Land Regional operative the in target The is required. shifts inter and rail by freight and passenger transport, active for support financial greater generally and infrastructure transport public for required is funding Greater increasing an and expenditure in trend active and public for in funding trend the show should 3.2 section in 5 Figure strengthening. requires 5.1.8 general, 5 in Policy Supports are required. specific measures more 4, however Policy Supports 3.2. and 3.1 for Policy measures the Supports emissions. gas greenhouse including examples, additional requires 2.3.7 Policy measures. key performance specify should 2.1.5 Policy required. is passengers and freight for rail on attention Greater discussed. are six only which is required. system” transport the regional a of “mitigating issue issues seventh seven the on identifies Discussion draft the that Notes trends. suggested these regarding information of sources of number as such acti trends of impacts of positive consideration ride ownership, wider car requires decreasing section context strategic The March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional be cycleway/walkway North Palmerston to Feilding to 2025. prior funded and developed Linton, a and that Massey suggests to bridge however pedestrian/cycle downstream Palm the to and Ashhurst and cycleways Longburn separated the and Supports infrastructure required. through is safety facilities cycle and pedestrian on Emphasis

electrification from Wellington to Palmerston North by 2025 and include include and 2025 by North Palmerston to Wellington from electrification

e rnpr ad eeomtn. umsin rvds a provides Submission telecommuting. and transport ve

- sharing schemes, younger drivers driving less, less, driving drivers younger schemes, sharing -

25 transport be introduced. introduced. be transport

vre niomna efcs from effects environmental dverse

and monitored in the Plan. in the monitored and

erston North North erston - modal modal

Noted. Noted. Council's draft Ten Year Plan to year 3(2017). to Year Plan Ten draft Council's in forward brought been has path shared North Palmerston to Feilding the for identif considered be only off deliver will to is priority these current Council's warranted. but are they where develop, to yet has direction As clear plan. a implementation such and Strategy Transport Integrated Council's of part being is paths cycle separated the for need of The noted. result Comment a as included been has 3.2 Policysubmission under 7 Measure Land Noted. on Statement Policy Government the Funding. Transport by determined act is every Programme for Funding Noted. Noted. service. Connection Capital the of the retention for Transport of Minister / KiwiRail to advocate to is priority RTC‟s noted. Support this submission. Support noted. Support Noted. 2.4.2 and 2.2.2 2.2.1, Section to added been had Capital Commentary service. the Connection of retention the for advocate to is priority RTC‟s noted. Comment this of result a as 2.2.7 Section to added submission. been has Commentary Noted.

as a result of this submission. this of a as result ied as part of the 2007 Manawatu Active Transport Strategy. The project project The Strategy. Transport Active Manawatu 2007 the of part as ied

noted. Measure 5 referring to Policy 4 has been added as a result of of result a as added been has 4 Policy to referring 5 Measure noted.

ivity class in the National Land Transport Transport Land National the in class ivity

considered as as considered - road paths paths road Page Page 77

Annex B Item 6 Annex B Item 6 Recommendation: the when limit hearings: from points Additional speed 100km/h a having roads adequa is not the road of standard rural many about Concerned knowledge local of immediacy the have not do who Wellington of hands the in service left be to important too is over safety Road hiccups that ensure to responsibility taking efficiently and promptly overcome are providers be should RTC The active an of delivery plan road safety service relevant the with allied committee, safety road wide re be to needs funding safety Road activities and safetyfunding road in increase an Supports NAME/ORGANISATION: submission Late PAGE: HEARINGS SUBMISSIONS 40 NUMBER: SUBMISSION Recommendation: hearings: from points Additional March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional           Notes there be no change to the Plan as a result of their submission their of a as result Plan the to change no be there Notes Notes and their submission; for the submitter Thanks this submission. of a result 4 as and 3.2 Policies and 2.4.2 2.3, 2.2.7, 2.2.2, 2.2.1, 2.1.8, Sections to changes Notes Thank s the submitter for their submission; and their submission; for the submitter s that the submission has been forwarded to Horizons Regional Council for inclusion in the Long Term and Plan process; Term Long the in inclusion for Council Regional Horizons to forwarded been has submission the that

Summary of submission and decision sought decision and submission of Summary

Dianne Brown Dianne



25 - instated and increased. Establish a Establish increased. and instated



Comment noted. Speed limit setting is undertaken by road controlling controlling road by undertaken is setting limit 2003. Speed Limits Speed of Rule:Setting Transport Land the under authorities noted. Comment Noted. the authorities, local from representation Safety are all key has who Police the Agency and Transport RTC Road The the noted. funding Comments on decision a Plan Term make Long will Education draft Horizons Horizons to as forwarded be process to is Submission Noted. noted. Support Officers’ response and recommended action recommended and response Officers’


road safety stakeholders. safety road

Page Page


Month and Y Month and March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Draft

Regional Land Transport Plan



2015 - 2025

Page Page


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 Regional 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional TransportCommittee



Page Page 80

Section 2:Strategic The Context Section 1:Context of theRegional Land TransportPlan Introduction fromthe Chairman Contents March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 forest harvestingforest andagriculturalanduse potential increases intourism traffic 2.2.6 2.2.5 area,the impacts willthis have on distributionfreight 2.2.4 east development as role increasing 2.2.3 and tothe north 2.2.2 freight future anticipated accommodate to hierarchy growth roading structured more a provide to 2.2.1 2.1.8 2.1.7 2.1.6 2.1.5 2.1.4 2.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.1 1.3.3 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.2.2 1.2.1

Objectives TheIssues Setting Scene the Process forthe Development of the Plan TheNational and Regional policy context Responsibilities of TransportOrganisations Purpose of Plan the nraig pressur Increasing

Theneed forcontinued improvements to road safetyin theRegion Manawatu and North Palmerston the in growth economic and populationAnticipated an playing are that links strategic secondary to improvements maintain to need The regions other to linkages Improved 20 transport and use land Integrated RegionalEconomy and its Impact on TransportDemand Vehicle Kilometres Travelled Vehicle Ownership DwellingOccupancy Socio distributiAge Population Geography TheOne Plan NewZealand EnergyEfficiency GovernmentPolicy Statement Landon Transport 2015 Regionaland Local Government Central Government

purposes -

economic factors

...... of the regionalborder between the DesertRoad Summitand Taupo


...... on

– ...... o te ein rrl odn ntok priual wt increased with particularly network, roading rural Regions the on e


The Manawatu ...... -

et ik ad lentv rue ad o tourism/economic for and routes alternative and links west ......






...... - Wanganui Region Wanganui ...... and Conservation Strategy2011 ......

...... planning to produce a more resilient network; and network; resilient more a produce to planning ......


of importance links to the south of the Region the of south the to links importance of





...... - ...... 2016





11 11 11 30 27 26 25 24 22 20 16 15 15 15 13 13 12 . Page Page

9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 5


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 Section 7:Appendices Section 6:Monitoring of Section 5:Inter Section 4:Regional Programme of TransportActivities Section 3: March03 2015 Regional 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional AppendixSignificance4: Policy AppendixLegislative3: Requirementsand Policy Framework AppendixKey2: findings of the 2010Joint TransportStudy AppendixLegislative 1: alignmentwith theLTMA 4.2 4.1 3.1 2.5 2.4 3.2 3.1.4 3.1.3 3.1.2 3.1.1 2.4.6 2.4.5 2.4.4 impactsof land usechange 2.4.3 2.4.2 2.4.1

FullofList Activities Prioritised Listof Activities Anticipatedrevenue sources Policies andMeasuresto achievePriorities the StrategicPriorities

TransportCommittee Funding Plan the Ten Other sourcesOther of LocalRevenue sources 49 Plan Transport Land Regional Horizons the to activity policing road of Contribution Revenuethefrom National Land TransportFund StrategicPriority 6 An appropriatenetwork of tourism routes networks transport public affordable and 36 accessible Efficient, 5 Priority Strategic StrategicPriority 4 Increased onfocus ped and change demographic to respond proactively and for Plan 3 Priority Strategic StrategicPriority 2 Improvedconnectivity keyof strategic routes StrategicPriority 1 Efficient road maintenancean - -

year forecastof revenueand expenditure regional Activities

...... thePlan




...... -











...... estrians andcycling



...... d delivery






49 48 48 48 39 37 35 35 33 32 32 78 77 73 71 71 70 66 59 54 53 51 50 Page Page


On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank all of those individuals those of all thank to like would I Committee, the of behalf On Activitiesin identified Sectionof 4 thePlan seek to works towardsits strategic vision for the policies the of 2.2 Section identifyingand prioritising the Issues, documents. Council Regional Horizons and Cou District Manawatu Agency, Transport the by undertaken Funding Transport Land on Statement level, na a at undertaken work previous account into takes and underpins Plan The providing and efficient more safer, roads our making alternatives toaccess Region, the transportnetwork our to important are that regional our for funding of level the affect may ha policy Government Central can activity an NLTP, TransportFund and subsequently the in included Once (NLTP). Agency the on Based priority. of order what in and pursue to want we activities which document This and HorizonsRegional Council) are seeking national funding. Agency Transport Zealand six next the overactivities transport land ten next the for priorities regional the states Region; Horizons ten a is Plan The plansuch forthe Region Regional Horizons the of chair As Land Transpo Plannew The years. stakeholderssixevery andcommunity their a develop Transport to required are Land committees transport the to changes Under

and il decide will

to measures rt the the

ha Strategy and RegionalLand TransportProgramme.

s - preparation of preparation Plan identifies the Region‟s land transport issues and challenges and issues transport land Region‟s the identifies Plan year

been developed in partnership with partnership in developed been which objectives

havein beenidentified subsequentsections to ouet Is es u te taei direction strategic the out sets Its document. –

theHorizons Regional Land TransportPlan 2015 and approved organisations (the seven (the organisations approved and ciiis t il nld i te National the in include will it activities

transport s

. The Committee The .

and priorities identified in these in identified priorities and directed the first call of roading dollars to national to dollars roading of call first the directed -

25 this document. I I document. this delivered.


2015 issuesidentified in Planthis future -

years that seek to contribute to these, to contribute to seek that years aaeet c 20 itoue i 21, regional 2013, in introduced 2003 Act Management



2025 and 2025 Committee, I am please am I Committee, .


regional is satisfied is addressthese prioritiesin the look


forward to working with you in delivering in you with working to forward hn e udd rm h Ntoa Land National the from funded be then ou but we will continue to focus on projects on focus to continue will we but land transport plan, in consultation with consultation in plan, transport land r

that that

regional ncil, - years; and outlines the proposed the outlines and years; documents this - 00 te oenet Policy Government the 2040, replaces the 2010 the .




Plan is consistent with these with consistent is Plan address themas partners d

to present to you the first the you to present to

o ln tasot n the in transport land for

the the and organisations that organisations and Transport councils in the Region the in councils -

Joint 2025. have

Plan with a with tional and and tional operative North City Council City North for near

Transport Study Transport

also priorities , the Transport the , which . Objectives, .

greement on greement

future. Programme

the assisted in assisted

Regional the New the regional

Page Page Region . This .

more 83

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional




Page Page 84

   the Theseinclude: of sectors for responsibilities varied have that entities Crown transportsystem. of number a with interface the manages Ministry The Government Zealand. New Central in transport of for groupresponsibility have the which organisations head to Transport of Ministry the through works Minister The Transport,headed by its Minister. Z New in activities transport all for framework policy and legal The 1.2.1 1.2 statutoryrequirements underLTMA the as outlined in Appendix3. transport regional key with collaboration in Horizons of Plan behalf on (RTC) Committee The Transport Regional Horizons programme. the by developed been and has strategy former the replaces to requirements, LTMA plan new first under which, the R is and (RLTS) This Strategy Transport Land Regional subsidy. the funding combine subsequent for (NLTP) Programme Transport National the Land in inclusion for prioritise to w wishes Region (RLTProgramme), the activities Programme transport land Transport the identifies Land Regional the incorporates also Plan The TransportManagement 2003Act (LTMA). Land the under required as interest public the systemin transport land safe and efficient effective, and system transport land the for achieve to seeking is Region our land for direction strategic the out Manawatu the in sets transport Plan) (the Plan Transport Land Regional Horizons The 1.1 Section1: Context ofthe Regional Land Transport Plan March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional       

h Nw eln Riwy Croain taig s iial ru) s Sae Owned State a is Group) KiwiRail as (trading Enterprisethatis responsible Crown to the butoperates as a commercial entity. Corporation Railways Zealand for New The responsibility has Service) Security Aviation the regulating civilaviation New in (including Authority Aviation Civil securityand marineenvironment protection. marine and Mariti rail, aviation, significant investigates TAIC future. accidentsand incidents. in occurrences similar avoiding to view a and with incidents and accidents of causes and circumstances the determine safety transport Commission Investigation land Accident Transport of promotion network; transport land sustainability;and allocation of Government fundingland for transport. the in, participation the managing for planning; responsibility transport has which land Agency), Transport (the Agency Transport Zealand New The CentralGovernment Responsibilitiesof Transport Organisations e e Zaad Te epniiiis f hs raiain nld mrtm safety, maritime include organisation this of responsibilities The Zealand. New me Purpose ofthe Plan Purpose

- Wanganui (Horizons) Region over the next 10 years. It describes what describes It years. 10 next the over Region (Horizons) Wanganui




ates n saeodr, n i acrac with accordance in and stakeholders, and partners

tt hgwy ytm rgltn acs t and to access regulating system; highway state

TI) Te rnia proe f AC s to is TAIC of purpose principal The (TAIC).

Trgam it oe document one into LTProgramme

ealand is set by the Ministry of Ministry the by set is ealand

how this will contribute to an to contribute will this how

Page Page hich 85

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6   transport land that: national out systemtransport land a seekobjectivesobjective. The each achieveunder sets to wishes Government also GPS The    land the transportsystem by focusingon three core priorities: stra Government‟s The Land National the from funds transport of allocation TransportFund (NLTF). ThePlan mustbe consistentwith from the GPS. achieve to wishes Government the out the sets GPS The transport land the from performance improved the through primarilyarticulatedis infrastructure. This transport newininvesting driving and system on focus strong a has Government The 1.3.1 and fast a including this, achieving to efficientroading network connectingour crucial regionaleconomies. is delivery and infrastructure investment, of level Bu „Government‟s the in articulated the as well as aseconomy,competitive productiveand more a buildingis Governmentthe of focus prioritykey A LTMA the in out set as requirements Land TransportFunding 2015/16 the is Plan the Government‟sobject shaping to key The 1.3 necessary. responsibilities planning transport i the for responsible statutoryalso is council regional The has Plan. the of preparation council the for RTC the regional through the while networks, roading a localAt level,territorial the authoriti 1.2.2 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional    etfcto o esnil ulc rnpr srie ad h poiin f hs srie where services those of provision the and services transport public essential of dentification        

appropriatelymitigates theeffects of land transporton environment. the isa isreliable andresilient providesappropriate transport choices addressescurrent and futuredemand value for money road safety economic growth andproductivity The National and National The Regionalpolicy context Regionaland Local Government GovernmentPolicy Statement safe system,increasingly of deathfree and serious injury

ives andprioritiesas expressed the through GovernmentPolicy Statementon

strategic direction for land and outlines the results the outlines andNew inZealandtransport land strategic direction for tegic direction for land transport is to pursue improved performance from performance improved pursue to is transport land for direction tegic

ttee -

25 –

2024/25(GPS). siness Growth Agenda Growth siness es of Regiones of the are responsible the management for of local

onLand Transport 2015

betvs n te og em eut the results term long the and objectives

Future Direction 2014‟. The right of right The 2014‟. Direction Future

Page Page GPS. 86

testthe issues identified throughthe ILM process. truth to organisations) interested various and sector, transport the agencies, government central Ap in released then was document Issues Transport A performanceindicators and measures aimedat addressing identified the issues. possible issues, regional identifying process (ILM) early Mapping Logic Investment Agency‟s in Transport began Plan the preparing for process The makingsure thatthe Plan still gives effectto the newlegislation underpinningit. development PlanwaycurrentRLTS the the was of refine ratherre inthan to a done not is it considers RTC re Theshould Plan the that appropriate actioned. be to yet have JTS the of recommendations the of Most The 2010. in was it as today periodthis as well. relevant as is a it growth economic on that the focus Government‟s of considers component RTC major a the formed and JTS The RLTS operative area. this for RLTS operative the informed an study develop to ye recent was over organisations these studyby promoted been the have of aim The Council. Districtevidence Manawatu and Council City North 2010 North RLTS Palmerston operative of the (JTS) Study the Transport Joint a producing commenced Region the to developed, being was went RLTS operative work of amount significant A 1.4 relevantregional policy statements or plans. Plan One Plan The Regional th under a and Statement community.Policy Regional a the of preparation and for requirements Authorities the combines Territorial Council, Regional the by managed na the howdefines that document Plan One The 1.3.3 plans. transport land regional developing in account into taken is NEECS that LTMA the of requirement achie be will targets these which by means technologies". the and targets energy out sets alternativealso strategy The and fuels of diversity greater a with system, transport efficient sector key six for objectivessix out sets NEECS energy. renewable and conservation energy efficiency, energy of promotion the Conservatio and 2011 Strategy Energy Efficiency Zealand New the to strategy companion Energy Zealand New The 1.3.2 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 1 Two issues affecting the Horizonswere region identified i

operativebefore the mad bewill Plan Onethe expected that is It Decisions.Proposed the is Plan One the of versioncurrent the 2014 April of As

ThePlanOne NewZealand EnergyEfficiency and ConservationStrategy 2011 Process fortheDevelopmentProcess ofthe Plan e Resource Management Act 1991. The LTMA requires the Plan to take into account the account into take to Plan the requires LTMA The 1991. ActManagement Resource e - based network hierarchy for the area, testing the validity of a number of proposalswhich of number a validitytestingarea,of the the hierarchyfor network based 1

a Aedd y niomn Cut eiin) t h Rgos udn policy guiding Regions the it Decisions) Court Environment by Amended (as

endof 2014.


aaau ra ivlig oios te rnpr Agency, Transport the , Horizons involving area, Manawatu

s, including transport. The objective for transport is "a more energymore "a is transportobjective for transport. includingThe s, -

25 tural and physical resources of the Region will be cared for and for cared be willRegion the of resources physical and tural -

litigate the work of the JTS or the operative RLTS. T RLTS. operative the or JTS the of work the litigate nd productivity has largely remained unchanged over unchanged remained largely has productivity nd

- 04 ih tw with 2014

ril 2014 for targeted consultation (local and (local consultation targeted for 2014 ril n document: the Srtg 2011 Strategy n ars. The recommendations from this from recommendations The ars. - 2021. It is specifically focused on focused specifically is It 2021. wrsos ht olwd the followed that workshops o

- - 2016 06 NES i a is (NEECS) 2016


00 Wie the While 2040.

- writewhile it,

ved. It is a is It ved. Palmerston herefore Page Page e fully fully e 87

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6      and Horizons) and Agency Transport the authorities, furthermeetings of RTC the have: territorial the from representatives of up th to advisorycommittee (an GroupAdvisory Regional the workshops of of number A as thoseraised through the TransportIssues document. 2010. Therefore issues the section in 2.2 belowlargely reflect of those the operative RLTSas well the that Transport residential that consultation is consultation, targeted this through received feedback However, potential If lowerNorth Island could limited.be trips. transport hub distribution central freight a become to of efforts North‟s efficiencyPalmerston addressed, not the are issues on impact to likely is which Zone Industrial north No the Palmerston on of growth boundary urban particular, eastern In Manawatu. the and North Palmerston the in occurring is growth economic and populationRegion‟s the of majority the that recognised issues two These   March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional        consideredlikely funding sourcesover life the of the Plan. outlined howPlan the will implemented;be transportissues and guidingdevelopment of the transportsystem forthe nextyears; ten addressingRegion‟s the means of Planas a policies setin refined measures out the the and developedof specifica set strategic priorities that Plan the will refined Plan‟s the issues and objectives; and resilience prioritise to difficult is it means network structural the across planning Disjointed increasingly is it means integration planning difficult to maintain transport the roadingasset; and and use land around Uncertainty

sus n h oeaie LS ae o cagd infcnl sne i since significantly changed not have RLTS operative the in issues

Strategy growth

investmentaround freight routes. ,


n truh clear a through and there is a clear framework for future investment. future for framework clear a is there Palmerston ttee


25 North

t Ct i cetn cnlc wt atvte i te North the in activities with conflict creating is City rth ‟s

growth land -


in the the in and lnig framework planning


- at s agl de o industrial, to due largely is east

and , focus on overon focus its lifetime;

, Other feedback reinforced feedback Other confirmed including ws ulse in published was t

h 21 Joint 2010 the hog public through e RTC madeRTC e Page Page for the for -

East not 88 -

ml prin o Wioo itit Srtod itit n Tuo Dis Taupo and District Stratford regionalboundaries. District, with Waitomo Region, of the within portions contained completely small almost are that authorities local seven are There NewZealand, ofwith 8% New Zealand‟s land masscontained withinboundaries. its sixth the and Island North the in region authority local largest second the is Region The 2.1.1 isa tokey unlocking potential growth. synthesiseStrategy this and Plan the sure making so growth of enabler key a is Transport years. agri over Region the within districts on all for opportunities growth economic and focusing investment the Study, mind in Growth this with Regional and growth economic regional facilitating of Ministries is Region Horizons of goal A RoadNational for of Significance projectis complete. potential is there and Estate, Industrial Roadfu Heads the on based centre hubbing growing networks.However, the hubbingconcept isnot limited Palmerstonto North. also has Wanganui a Hawkes Taranaki, of regions central the in location its of because industry distributionfreightgrowing the of hub the as recognisednowManawatu andare North Palmerston industry, distribution the in involvement Region‟s the the which isheavilydependent on a of around promotion and the through to transported led has are This people and Region. goods which in way the to contribute that the of some of growth economic neverthele it Zealand, New in regions populateddensely and more population the experienced not has Region the Although Region. employment national of 4.9% and GDP national for accounts only it population, Zealand‟s New of 5% around to home is Region the While land andair transportconnections to the restof New Zealand. population.liesIt lower the in North central Island becauseand,central of its location hasits good Manawatu The 2.1 2: The Context Strategic Section March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 3 2

ue ubn rwh n h Hrweu Dsrc we teWligo Arott nrh f Levin of north to Airport Wellington the when District Horowhenua the in growth hubbing ture

TaranakiRegional Council. planning transport RegionalCouncil, UnderstandingHorizonsand Regional of CouncilDistrict, Taranaki MemorandumbetweenStratford Undera RegionalEconomic ActivityReport 2014, Ministry of Business, Innovationand Employment. Setting the Scene Setting the Geography

Business, Innovation and Enterprise, and Primary Industries have commissioned a commissioned have Industries Primary and Enterprise, and Innovation Business, -

agni ein s peoiaty ua rgo wt a e mi cnr‟ of centre‟s main few a with region rural predominantly a is Region Wanganui

epniiiis o te oto o Srtod itit hc le i te oios ein r udrae by undertaken are Region Horizons the in lies which District Stratford of portion the for responsibilities 3

TheManawatu a, akt ad elntn i te tt Hgwy ri ad air and rail Highway, State the via Wellington and Waikato Bay, - reliable transportation network.


- uies ta wl ivsiae as o prioritise to ways investigate will that business, - lower North Island, connecting to the surrounding the to connecting Island, North lower - 2 Wanganui Region . However, economic outcomes vary across the the across varyoutcomes economic However, .

ss has a number of unique featuresunique of number a has ss

rc as icue within included also trict

the next 30 next the

largest in largest Page Page 4% of 4% 89

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 At the 2013 Census, the usually resident population of the Region was 222,672, which was an an was which 222,672, was Region increase ofless than 0.1% on the 2006population of 222,423. the of population resident usually the Census, 2013 the At particularlyin theRuapehu and Horowh problems transport of contributions set non rates from own its by offset be will loss population about this of some However, projects. transport bring fund to base ratepayer will Region the of other the parts in decline population Conversely, them. within and Manawatu between movements and commuter to City North Palmerston by covered now w District area the of population increasing The needs. ageing an of needstheir meet to family and friendsand taxis) (including transportpublic transport on reliant and disadvantaged The decline. a considered to be to have continue also will population sizes household average see will all and over and 65 aged population the of proportion the in increases large see to expected are All in th remaining by covered nowHorowhenua area the of exception the With become more urbanised,olderand will live smaller in households. needs the shaping in role critical a will play live, they importantlyhow whereand more andRegion, the of people The 2.1.2 with between average, 1,000 mmand 2,000 mmper annum. national the below is Rainfall No Palmerston days. cloudy of proportion greater a experiences which North Palmerston of exception the with average, national the with accordance in are hours Region‟s The climate iscomparatively mild wit length the of the Region. Both the TasmanSea and the Pacific Oceanborder Region. the bisectingRanges Tararua and Ruahine the and south the to ManawatuRiver the of plains alluvial volcanic the with varied, relatively is geography physical Region‟s The Theseven main districts are: March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional change population and district each of populationsince1996. resident estimate the shows below 1 Figure e RuapehuDistrict

       

Population ill lead to pressures on the transport systems of these authorities, particularly with regardauthorities,particularlywith these systemsof transport the on pressures to lead ill Horowhenua PalmerstonNorth City Manawatu Ruapehu territorial authorities are expected to experience population decline, populationexperience to expected are authoritiesterritorial

District rth receiving 960 mm per annum. Rainfall through the rest of the Region varies Region the of rest the through Rainfall annum. per mm 960 receiving rth

s f h tasot ytm Oe te ore f h Pa te ouain will population the Plan the of course the Over system. transport the of

are expected to increase in population during the lifetime of the Plan. the of lifetime the during population in increase to expected are ..


resident ratepayers owning second and holiday homes in the Region, the holidayin and homes secondratepayersresident owning ttee



enuaDistricts s many people over the age of 65 become transport become 65 of age the over people many s h greater extremes h greater of temperature inland.Sunshine

   The   

Tararua Rangitikei Wanganui amrtn ot City North Palmerston

plateau to the north, the north, the to plateau sc a a declining a as such , the , with marked lossesmarked with Manawatu

Page Page

T and he 90

rnpr nes f h pplto a te oe lel te ouain eoe, h more the becomes, population for need the less in results elderly This more needs. privatevehicles anda greaterneed forpublic tr transportation the their for others as on become population they s dependent a the have of to likely needs are structure transport demographic in changes Such a 2011. in years predicts 44.8 from up District 2031, by years Horowhenua51.5 of age median the a and population for in decrease marginal scenario projection population medium Zealand's New Statist example, For ages. median highest the have to likely are that districts the in noticeable the of population willmajor a influencehave on districts within Region, the with the greatesteffects 40.9 to rise willregionalmedian age the see and population ageing an of trend national the reflects This 2011. with compared when 2031, in Allauthoritiesterritorial number people withinof yearsRegion willover greater the have65 a aged 2.1.3 the in increase 4.4% overall expected an Region‟spopulation by2031 (medium growth scenario). indicate figures, Population Resident Usually than rather estimates population on based are which projections, population Zealand‟s New Statistics 2001 1996, the to andcomparable 2006Census populations. not are authorities territorial both of population Census 2013 the DueNote: boundary a to change March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee District. Horowhenua in 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional $21,800 to District Manawatu in $28,400 from range Region the was TheCensus 2013 $25,000, the at travel. Region to the of tend less) theyearn half more more, earn the (half earn, income personal people median more the as travel of determinant a is Income 2.1.4 data,2013base Figure

Socio Age d

1 which is lower than the national median income of $28,500. Medianwhich national$28,500.lowerincome the of personalthan median incomes is in :

- istribution economic factors Population change Population



25 thatceded land Palmerstonto North City Manawatu from District,

1996 - 2013 years by 2031 from 37.6 in 2011. This overall This 2011. in37.6 years ageing by 2031from

ansportsuch as buses or taxis. ( Statistics NZ estimate NZ Statistics

d giiat mat n the on impact ignificant

residential population residential

Page Page ics 91

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 still close enough to commute to. Ruapahu District has the lowest rates of home ownership at ownership home of rates lowest 55%. the has District Ruapahu to. commute to enough close still close the as well as regionally, p to compared District, the in incomes median higher possibly the which 71.2%,reflects at Region the in rate ownership home highest the has District Manawatu affordablethe in Region. and marriage bearing. entry, childcareer as such factors other for ownership home deferring are generations younger that is this for reason likely most The Census,65.2%. to dropped had rate 2006 this Census, 2013 the the At Region. the trust family a in held across or occupants the by owned were Region the in households drop of 66.8% to continue ownership household of rates The Figure 2:R greater to correlate to tend rates employment Higher traveldemand, as people generallyneedto travel between place their of andwork residence. 2013. the March than and lower 2004 March slightly between sh been below has graph Region The the in average. national rate participation force labour the Historically retiredpeople livingin Horowhenua on fixedincomes). District househo median Horowhenualowest the had $58,400. of income an with City North Palmerston was median income highest household the with authority territorial the data, income personal median national the the from Differing while $50,000 was income national household the median below medianlower a Onlyhad Northland was$63,800. median the well Census, are 2013 Region the the At in incomes median. household median this, to related Closely t than lower been average. always have Region the in incomes personal median Historically, March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 5 4

roximity of Feilding to Palmerston North where household prices may be cheaper in Feilding, but Feilding, in cheaper be may prices householdwhere North Palmerston to Feilding of roximity Centre forHousing Research (2008) Business, Innovationand Employment. Manawatu

- Wanganui Quarterly Regional Labour Market Update March 2013, pg 3, Ministry of Social Development and Ministry and Development Social of Ministry 3, pg 2013, March Update Market Labour RegionalQuarterly Wanganui egionaland national trends inthe employment rate, March2004


oee te einl ae s bv the above is rate regional the However

TheFalling of Rate HomeOwnership in NewZealand ttee

ld income at $39,100. (This is unsurprising given the high rate of rate high the given unsurprising is (This $39,100. at income ld -


w te einl rn cmae t te ainl trend national the to compared trend regional the ows

ainl ae s osn i mc more much is housing as rate national household income at the 2013 Census.2013thehousehold at income , Research , Bulletin

no. 13.no.

March 2013 e national he whileat Page Page



of of

as an aging population which has both an age an both has which population aging an as ofnumber a are There average 11,417km,while in 2013people drove 10,806km. just Regionondrovethe2006in people inshows 2006 Censuswith of2013years Comparing that the less are people doing that suggests which network, Highway State the on occurred has VKT in decline the of Most Region. the in travelled kilometres vehicle of rate declining a been has there 2006 Since 2.1.7 has too vehicle kilometre Asvehiclehavesodropped,vehicle.ownershiprates owndrive, a affordcannot or cannot they to because keys their As up hanging are drivers more and more that mean ownership. also may population ageing vehicle reduc of to rate begin declining may households the increase household in costs Region, factor vehicle the contributing in a appeared be have may trends age these and why incomes to as speculate to hard is it While of 7.9% of average national the above is This households withoutac of total Census. a 2013 vehicle, a the to at access households no (9.2%)has Region 7,602 the in households ten in one almost contrast, In a was This vehicles. more or slight two increase thefrom 2006Census where own households of 54.5% Nationally households). (40,917 households of 49.3% only to decline slight a (40,86 was there Census households 2013 the of at while 50.4% vehicles, more Census, 2006 a the At revealed Census Region. 2013 the in the However size. vehicles more householdor two owing now terms,percentage in households, fewer with of trend this in change rate declining the to counter runs vehicles more have to households for trend increasing an been has there years recent In 2.1.6 decline2.5 from 2.2to residentsper household by 2031. to decline to continue to expected is size household average City‟s North Palmerston environs. and city the around and in built dwellings new of number the on impact an had has This 2006. in 2.6 to 1991 that is Nort Palmerston sizeinalso householdaverage the note national Of the Census. 2006 than the since less changed not is have numbers this These dwelling; 2.7. of per average people 2.5 is size household average Region‟s The vehicleas new use areareas often not well planned public for private on dependence a to leads this Region, the of parts some in sprawl urban increase to tend dwellings new As demand. travel of indicator important an is dwelling per people of number The 2.1.5 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional bus andfares reduced air farecosts also mayhave contributed tothis. fue higher sustained notably most costs, transport in trends and the travel; to as need people‟s reduced such has devices smart developments other and technologicalphones smart of driving; uptake rapid of outcomes environmental / health negative awarene increased or vehicles, private to attachment reduced as such trends economic

DwellingOccupancy Vehicle KilometresVehicle Travelled Vehicle Ownership 2.3 residents per household in 2031. Across the Region, household size is projected toprojected is householdRegion,size the Across 2031. in household residentsper 2.3


- itne rvn. s pr aia esr te rn i as gig down. going also is trend the measure capita per a As driving. distance cessto a vehicle.

possible reasons for this declining trend in VKT: demographic trends such trends demographic VKT: in trend declining this for possiblereasons s travelleds (VKT).



54.1%ofhouseholds owned two or morevehicles. - h has declined from 2.9 residents per householdin per residents2.9 from declined has h related and income and related

te ubr f eils hy w. An own. they vehicles of number the e l prices but also cheap long cheap also but prices l

transportprovision. - related effect on travel; socio travel; on effect related 9 households) owned two or or two owned households) 9

- ss of the of ss distance Page Page , which ,

93 -

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 our to GDP Region than theynationally.do the double around contribute industries These economy. Region‟s the to industries economy national as well each of contribution the shows 4 Figure NewZealand.Therefore isit critical to the economy of Region the that transportlinks are resilient. of parts other to redistributed be product to or primaryoverseas export eitherRegion‟s for Region the the of of out way proportionits makes large A destination. its to origin of point its from producttransporting in network transport land the on reliant is economyRegion‟s the this, larg is economy regional The 2.1.8 Figure 3:Regional Vehicle Kilometers Travelled 2000 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

VKT (m)

1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 500

RegionalEconomy its and Impact on Transport Demand provid 0

2000/01 ing

2001/02 .

cmaio o te motne f each of importance the of comparison a

What What 2002/03 2003/04

this table this 2004/05 ttee

Year 2005/06 ely based on the production of primary industries, and because of because and industries, primary of production the on based ely

- 2006/07


shows is shows 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 industry to the the to industry

the importance of the agriculture, forestry and fishing and forestryagriculture, the of importance the 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 - 2013 r egion Total VKT Total Highways State Roads Local industry



o te ein gis the against Region the for New


economy eventually Page Page as as 94

distributionas a center. is This as a result of two important commodity flows: supersededimportanceinhas Wellingtonhub and freightmajor Palmerstonnowa isNorth fact, In route transport distributionrail and road freight good with sector primary important the providing recently, become centers have Wanganui extent, lesser a to and North, Palmerston Figure 4:Estimated Regional and National Gross Domestic Product March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Study The years. 30 next the over like look will it what of forecast a and task The and efficient roadingnetwork in orderto meet resilientthedemands of time critical transport. a have to fortunate is Region the of part lower The network. roading the ef on transported an is meet suppliers deadlines ensuring of critical component time key A distribution. freight in important is criticality Time Source Mining Artsand Recreation Services Information Media and Telecommunications Administrativeand Support ServicesOther Accommodation and Food Services Financial and InsuranceServices Transport, Postal and Warehousing Electricity, Gas, Waterand Waste Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Wholesale Trade Unallocated Retail Trade Education and Training Construction Health Care and Social Assistance PublicAdministration and Safety Manufacturing Agriculture,Forestry and Fishing Rental, Hiring and Real Industry amrtn ot hs od ces o itrad ta poue e Zaad export Zealand New produce that hinterlands to access good has North Palmerston 

National Freight Demands Study 2014 Study Demands Freight National  : Infometrics: NewPlymouth and or even Wellington, Auckland and Napier,Tauranga. in ports the of out these of export for point staging the provides and commodities freightbetween Auckland and or betweenWellington Auckland andthe South Island;and high for point staging key a become has North Palmerston

Estate Services Services

Services - iin ra tasot ewr, s ot ie rtcl rdc is product critical time most as network, transport road ficient


provides a snapshot of snapshot a provides

Regional 10.66% 11.38% GDP 1.56% 2.09% 3.11% 3.48% 3.73% 4.37% 4.71% 6.38% 6.41% 6.62% 7.34% 7.40% 7.83% 8.94% 0.54% 0.83% 1.09% 1.52%


12.54% 11.91% 1.93% 2.12% 5.73% 4.20% 3.02% 7.64% 5.23% 6.03% 4.54% 4.35% 6.43% 6.04% 4.27% 5.49% 1.84% 1.25% 3.24% 2.21%

New Zealand‟s current freight current Zealand‟s New Difference

value imported and domestic and imported value ------. 0.37% 0.03% 2.62% 0.71% 0.71% 3.27% 0.51% 0.35% 1.87% 2.27% 0.92% 1.36% 3.57% 3.60% 5.17% 0.53% 1.30% 0.41% 2.16% 0.69% (%)


has estimated has

s to markets. to s Page Page

that 95

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 New Zealand as many me the many as Zealand New having it to contribute that Region the around rail conveyedby is meat of 44% About country. inthe in movements stock volumeof largest facilities processing meat of number a are There to Bay Hawke‟s the from Island North eastern toit be transported Hawera.to the in produced milk Wellingtonwill powderto milk theat converted be Pahiatua facility,therefore negating the the All dryer. powder Pah Fonterra‟s 2015, In export Napier.from for sent a being product also finished with is Napier, of There Port the to Hawera.Hawera t from in flow counter to plant large Whareroa due the higher to Longburn is and this Oringi Region at facilities our processing in However, rail. by moved productsare dairy of 50% around Nationally, Region. the outside and within toboth Regionplants processing the throughout movement of degrees varying with complex, is chain supply dairy The growth environment urban quality mean future the into the with growth campus University regional University. Massey of at enabler based key collaboration a be will and to value Adding long have will land the of Regions transportnetworks, with increasingnumbers intens of heavy vehicles intensification servicingthese industries. more and This farming dairy increased production. to led used livestock has is which Farmland past the grassland. in fertile than is intensively Region more the of 80% about Around dairy farming; enterprise. important livestock and beef farming sheep, other growing; farming; fruit and horticulture (including: Agriculture Region‟s the agribusiness exports $1.9from billion to$3.8 billion by 2025. the study, Another economy. the growth of enabler key a is nextTransport the years. over Region the within districts all for opportunities growth economic and investment Study Growth Regional efficientlyand effectively during the lifetime of this Plan. are therefore, Wellington, and Bay Hawkes Taranaki, (1.48m/tonnes)and BayHawkes(2.40m/tonnes), Auckland be willRegion our for freight of originsimportant most The millionoftonnes freight the March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional particularly road, via transported get will logs the of Most Region. the in pine radiata with planted area land total the of 75% than more for accounting Districts, Wanganui willand Ruapehu Rangitikei, harvested gets la are There it time. when the at price although commodity its on age, depend generally harvestable its reaches estate forestry Region‟s the 2020 between years the in economy the to more contribute to likely is Forestry Region the that goes for exportis three ht h cret ih pe evrnet f enn Drive Tennent of environment speed high current the that .


important food exports through food innovation food through exports food Central Wellington 1.42 Wellington (m/tonn , , Wellington(1.81m/tonnes) and Hawkes Bay(1.20m/tonnes). evcs o giutr; n hnig n tapn) s h Rgo‟ most Region‟s the is trapping) and hunting and agriculture; to services iatua milk processing facility is expected to be upgraded with a new milk new a with upgraded be to expected is facility processing milk iatua

completion for due destination at processing plants have railway sidings. Most meat processed within processed meat Most sidings. railway have plants processing at

designed for both people and motor vehicles motor and people both for designed New Fitzher ttee


25 Zeala


et cec Cnr t rae „n aps el Ti will This feel. campus‟ „one a create to Centre Science bert s

nd of freight of


es and discussed below are some of the key sectors of sectors key the of some are below discussed and

ln ae n lc t mre h cret Massey current the merge to place in are Plans ). to to either Ports the of Taurangaor Napier.

y April by in 2042 the the

is a growing part of the regional economy regional the of part growing a is Strategy 2015, will investigate ways to to ways investigate will 2015, will be will key origin key

is 2.59 estimated an with Taranaki Ky o hs s h FoodHQ the is this to Key . investigating ways to increase to ways investigating rge plantations of forest in the in forest of plantations rge - may destinations e ik ovyd rm the from conveyed milk he -

em mlctos o the for implications term that will enable economic enable will that e elcd ih a with replaced be


2030 as much of much as 2030 in moving freight moving in

prioritise need for Page Page high ive 30 96

NewZealand by cycle.All part ofor the following „cycle touring areroutes‟ the in Re of all explore to visitors international and locals enabling network, cycling nationwide a developing n a include to expanded been has routes cycle of network the years recent In network. the on rides „premier‟ the are „ trails trails. The cycle Sea the to Rivers the of and Trail two Timber The Haeranga: have Nga network, cycleways also national Districts Wanganui and Ruapehu The assuch the Volcanic Plateau and National Whanganui Park. touri domestic its Ruapehu the of to important more are visitors amount large a for accounts which venue sporting spend no with dest market, tourism domestic tours. the on reliant organisedon than rather independenttravellers free as sea or airby rather networkthan transport largely the is in seaports or airports industry international tourism regional The Napier some in but roads, local March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional       ination in the Region is Palmerston North Palmerston is Region the in ination       h Rgo acut fr .% f ors spend tourism of 4.3% for accounts Region The De o t cnrl oain n es o acs, t s mjr oetc ofrne and conference domestic major a is it access, of ease and location central its to Due . , , Taranaki Timber TrailConnection TheOTT Trail TheGentle Annie Tararua Traverse Mountain SeaConnection to ManawatuCycleway 6

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment / Infometrics Employment and Innovation Business, of Ministry

and (CentrePort). Wellington

instances are transported by rail. Most logs get exported via the Ports of Ports the via exported get logs Most rail. by transported are instances

me o on of umber



Region. Most tourists will enter the Region via the land the via Region the enter will tourists Most Region. District - od yl tuig ots wt te long the with routes, touring cycle road

, accounting for about 40% of all of 40% about for accounting , , where there are major recreational attractionsrecreational major are there where , 6

ihn e Zaad Zealand. New within

ra Rds, ht opie the comprise that Rides‟, Great

m iis International visits. sm h mjr tourist major The regional gion: - em i of aim term

Page Page tourism 97

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 aaau og (H) n Wiiio rsl (H) Tee r iprat o h Region the to important are These (SH1). Trestle Whirikino and (SH3) Gorge Manawatu gr predictedits and freight of role the is importanceparticular Of occurs. growth traffic if years coming the overpressure increasing to subject become will which network, the of sections vulnerable of number a are there However, for center a distribution the of freigh as role important increasingly Region‟s the promotes and well function to continues neighbo in ports networkthis that ensure to vital is it supported, is Region the to ofdevelopment social and economic access with links, air and rail road, of network strategic a by served well is location, central its due largely Region, The 2.2.1        Theidentified issues in theHorizon‟s region are: aparta for number of reasons,including fundingconstraints and landowner negotiations. phases design and example,investigation the from projectsFor roading resolve. to finish to start from years many take may They them. address to order the over facing is multi be to network tend issues The Plan. the transport of lifetime land regional current the that pressures the identify Issues 2.2 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional througha network ofother routes. allcurrently importan Napier of Port the to region our from link direct most the is Gorge the as economically       

Mitigatingadverse environmental effects from the regionaltransport system fore harvesting andagriculturalanduse potential increasedincreases in tourism traffic;and with particularly network, roading rural Regions the on pressure Increasing Theneed forcontinued improvements to road safetyin theRegion; impactsthis will have freight on distribution; an populationandAnticipatedeconomicgrowth playing are that links east strategic secondary developmentpurposes as to role improvements maintain increasing to need The north the of the regional borderbetween theDesert Regions other to linkages Improved a more structured roadinghierarchy accommodateto anticipated future freight growth; Integratedland useand transportplanning produceto a more resilient

The Issues The t export futurefreight growth pr to and network; resilient more a produce to planning transport and use land Integrated h igh igh

p port roductivity

ovide a more structured roading hierarchy to accommodate anticipatedaccommodate to hierarchyroading structured more a ovide with direct access to the Region. the to access direct with t Northt in the Island.

ttee m - otor otor et ik ad lentv rue ad o tourism/economic for and routes alternative and links west -


owth. Two of the most vulnerable sections in the Region are theare Region the in vulnerablesections most the of Two owth.

v ehicles (HPMV) heading north or south have to take a detoura take to havesouth or north heading (HPMV) ehicles –

of importance, links to the south of the Region and to and Region the of south the to links importance, of

u ring regions. In In regions. ring


faceted and there are generally no „quick fixes‟ in in fixes‟ „quick generallynoare there and faceted in the Palmerston North andPalmerstonManawatuNorththe area, in The Whirikino Trestle is also important as important also is Trestle Whirikino The Road Summitand Taupo;

to the construction phase can be years be can phase construction the to re t esr ta sustainable that ensure to order

network,and provideto

, the most the ,

Page Page 98 st

The concern is that the two sectors are not working as efficiently as possible in identifying areas identifying in possible as efficiently as working not are sectors two the that is b concern The planning a transport is and there planning that use raised land concerns been of have mismatch there Plan the of development the during However, Change 50of Manawatu the DistrictPlan did likewise. the Pla District the brought 7 Change Plan account City‟s North intoPalmerston 2012, In takes Plan. which District City North 2) Palmerston the Appendix of hierarchy (see roading existing developed been has hierarchy roading rural A constructedwith be will Bridge Upstream the that unlikely now is it relevant still are proposals these of most While      Anumber of proposals were developed to address these deficiencies. Theyare: urban a the within AvenueTremaine across and along capacity additional for need the was identified Also     as: wer studyarea core the withinnetwork road rural existing the deficienciesof major The  be to yet have study the of  recommendations the of most as implemented. aim The of JTS the was: ago years five developed Study Transport Joint The March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional and Napier Auckland, of Ports the with agreement venture joint a is This North. Palmerston of of 2014 in announcement the is long provides this as sector certainty private forthe sector. the for investment stimulate can sector public the that sector private with hand pr The in development. hand goes network transport land the of planning as investment, for           

ARural Ring Road aroundPalmerston North Abypass of Bunnythorpe An EasternCorridor between Bunnythorpeand the New Upstream Bridge ANew Upstream Bridge between Matai Te Road and StacesRoad Arural state highway betweenroute MtStewart and the Manawatu Gorge via Bunnythorpe proposed easternresidential growth areaand theproposed New Upstream Bridge. acce good provide to North Palmerston of east and north particularly hierarchy, road defined clearly a of lack the need the an for additional crossing of Manawatu the River; traffic this requires Bunnythorpe via North Palmerston and Feilding between route commuter the through passing Gorge Manawatu the and Sanson PalmerstonNorth is betweeninefficient as an inter route 3 Highway State the the to effect proposed road hierarchy. give to works of programme a develop and improvements road the identify to a roadhierarchy; and w area, studythenetwork for integratedtransportdevelop an to rea ofrea Palmerston North. to useto two levelcrossingsof the North IslandMain (NIMT) Trunk railway line;

in the nextin the years.20 otection of identified heavy freight routes is one of the most important ways important most the of one is routes freight heavy identified of otection

ss to the North East Industrial Zone (NEIZ) adjacent to the airport, the airport, the to adjacent (NEIZ) Zone Industrial East North the to ss

JS udrae i 21 i sil s eeat oa a we i was it when as today relevant as still is 2010 in undertaken (JTS)

- an inland port and intermodal freight hub at Longburn, just south just Longburn, at hub freight intermodal and port inland an


n into line with the operative RLTS, and in 2014 Plan 2014 in and RLTS, operative the with line into n - regionalroute;

ten h pbi ad rvt sectors. private and public the etween

ith a key focus on confirmingon focus key a ith

e identified e

Page Page - term 99

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 Likewise, the part of State Highway 1 north known as the „Desert Road‟, between Wai between Road‟, „Desert the as known north 1 Highway State of part the Likewise, practicable of alternative routesto and fromthe crucialRegion. Wellington is route, south 1 lack Highwaythe of because heightened is Highway1 State along Access State Region. our vitalityof economic important the particularly it, from and to access to proximity Region‟s the t to importance of been has issue This 2.2.2 Plateau Central and Mt the Taranaki from activity volcanic of threat real very the also is There earthquakes. and interruptionterm Resilience growingNorth re Palmerston recent the enabled are has Region that the Wanganui in this of examples Two a also can Rail passenger Plymouth New and North Palmerston Main Island North the of crossroads the at lies Region The network. Increased disruption. expe be should classification) perform. they housing of roads as areas identified between RoadNetwork One The conflicts use land potential the developmentand heavy vehicle routes. consider to need will Centreport by for replaced terminus a as factory dairy Country Open the to access direct providing 2011, May in line rail branch Castlecliff the of reopening the was this of p their play to stakeholders other on reliesStrategy the successful; be to order in that, notes and movement freight of effectiveness and efficiency the improve to is Strategy the of The District. Strategynumbe aligns a the in years 30 following the over investment transportation future for direction the 2011,District the CouncilIn adopted (WDC)anUrbanWanganui Transportation Strategythatsets adjacentto State Highway56. a NIMT the on sits which site works freezingLongburn old the reusing is facility This Icepak. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional for around account that Waikato and Plenty of Bay Auckland, of regions Triangle‟ „Golden the to as well asvolume, cargo of terms in port largest Zealand‟sNew Tauranga, of Port the Region to this from Highw State Plan. the of life the over increase to expected Around Region. the of economy one the to important increasingly is Region, Waikato the in Taupo - quarter of all vehicle movements on this road are by heavy commercial vehicles and this is is this and vehicles commercial heavy by are road this on movements vehicle all of quarter

hal across

, movementsiscurrently under f (45%) f use of the rail network will also also will network rail the of use and Taupo Summit Road Desert the between border regional the of north the to and Region regions other to linkages Improved can

N orth,

- EastIndustrial Zone in order to ssist in integrating land use land integrating in ssist


o eape ra casfe a a ainl hg vlm) od te highest (the road volume) (high National a as classified road a example For , s. The Region is prone to emergency events such as floods and slipsandemergency pronetosuchas floodsevents is Region The s. the

and climate

ofNew Zealand‟s freight movementsand Palmerston North City Council sees great benefit in securing a rail spur into the into spur a rail securing benefitin great CityPalmerstonNorthCouncilsees

be determined in terms of how well the network can withstand short an short withstand can network the well how of terms in determined be Region, and nationally, will provide a level of service based upon the function the upon based service of level a provide will nationally, and Region,

operations documents majorincludingrDistrict the of the of WDC themes Plan.One Classification willalso Classification h Wellington the ttee change iet ces o h Oe Cuty ar site Dairy Country Open the to access direct

td to cted -


However, it also recognises that future District Plan reviews Plan District future that recognises also it However,

- may Marton lines. Marton he RTC for a number of iterations of the RLTS. Because ofBecause RLTS. the iterations of of number a RTC for he

e las vial, r ail rsoe i te vn of event the in restored rapidly or available, always be - utilised bring

development by ensuring there is mu is there ensuring by development ein wih s f ainl cnmc importance, economic national of is which Region, nrae h rslec o h rgoa ln transport land regional the of resilience the increase provide

assist in ensurin in assist

sea . .

– Port Port level

It is generally agreed that rail for freight, and freight, for rail that agreed generally is It f motne ik t te ot o the of south the to links importance of relief relief

Taranaki rise - pnn o te atelf spur Castlecliff the of opening ay 1 north provides the most direct link direct most the provides north 1 ay

population. to to theroad g more efficient freight movementsefficientfreight more g

someof coastalour communities. ,

hc hs subsequently has which Trunk


rail line, the Gisborne the line, rail o xot ports export to .

lti art. An example An art. - modal access. modal , highwinds , ouru and ouru Page Page line d long d

o the to been been nd is nd In . 100

in in -

en tasotd o h Waera ar fclt i Hwr, oee ti my hne with change may this however Hawera, in facility dairy Wharearoa the to transported being replacement journey efficient more and safer a between provide to order in completed see to like would RTC the that linkages. key other some with compared th within Taranaki to 3 Highway State of standard The Hawkes the Bay. Whakaruatapu and have and Committee Realignment the for priority Papatawa high been have projects replacement the years recent In Regions. Horizons and advocatedimprovementslong hasRTC The toHighwayfor State closed p hightaking generated volumes $63,000. closure to route the of vulnerability T to HPMV‟s needs Regions two the between links the Therefore increase. 1. to (2012) proportion the development the to Lingakes the five yearsaft allbycomplete be seriousimprovements inexpectedto fewer crashes are have 30% and2031, to when Levin and betweenWellington time journey of minutes 40 save to expected is project RoNS the before carriageway lane sectionthis for standards. Congestion, particular modern to route existingtheupgrade to difficultvery is make issues these and record)safety poor its to contributeshighway (which the onto accesshave properties and roads local ofnumber large numbe a and alignment poor has Otaki as far as south route current The and safety, improve roads, local connecting improve journey and time reliability. highway state the both on congestion severe Hosp Regional Wellington CBD, Wellington four to Levin mostly a to route National the SignificanceBy (RoNS)upgrading a Road of be to incorridor 2009. of north the announced Government the when recognised was RTC. This the to concern of been long have south 1 Highway State on issues congestion and Safety March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional has „Paraparas‟ the as known highway the of part That closed. is north 1 Highway State times that in role important an plays It Regions. Horizons and Waikato the connects also 4 Highway important most Region‟s our be to anticipated planned e lsr o te ot iet od ot, h Mnwt Gre S3 i 201 in (SH3) Gorge Manawatu the route, road direct most the of closure he Horizons - lane expressway it is hoped that access will improve to CentrePort (the Port of Wellington), of Port (the CentrePort to improve will access that hoped is it expressway lane . . .

8 7

prds t otras aitafclt planned facility Pahiatua Fonterra‟s at upgrades the Regions. Thes Regions. the

National Freight Demand Study, Ministry of Transport 2014 Transport of Ministry Study, Demand Freight National Study, Demand Freight National

T will ot egs no urn S5 at SH57 current onto merges route he Saddle Road Saddle he 48 . .

roductivityvehiclesmotor region purposes

Rail has for some time also been a key link to to link key a been also time some for has Rail million tonnes in 2042 in tonnes million is to to is

come neighbo er theroute is finished.

will be upgraded be will . . haveprovision for

Fright flows

ic te lsr a rjc to project a closure the Since directly . The Port of Napier is the most important most theis Napier of Port The . u

ring e was shown as not as shown was

from regions of Taranaki and Hawkes and Taranaki of regions being the Normanby Overbridge Normanby the being

- from the from 25 lyaround Otaki,beenhas a long standing issue.

all the way up to the SH1/57 intersection (just south of Levin) of south (just intersection SH1/57 the to up way the all h Pr, r epce t ices fo 0. from increase to expected are Port, the 7 Diy cnmc oss o h Rgo ws siae at estimated was Region the to losses economic Daily . .

a four has

Ministry of Transport, 2014. Transport, of Ministry Freight HawkesBay Regionto However there are two projects in the Taranaki Region Taranaki the in projects two are there However alleviate ital and Wellington Airport. In doing so this will relieve will this so doing In Airport. Wellington and ital - lane destination

going being up to standard to m to standard to up being h itreto o Kmely od Te overall The Road. Kimberley of intersection the corridor, although it is likely isitthat althoughcorridor, d

issues in the rare instances that the Gorge isinstancesGorgethe thatrare in the issues prd te ade od o e aal of capable be to Road Saddle the upgrade in the the in e


Hwvr h Trnk Rgo i still is Region Taranaki the However . of freight over the next 30 years. 30 next the over freight of orizons reverse

realignment T Bay are also crucial for economic for crucial also are Bay

aranaki with aranaki Horizons export 2 that connects the Ha the connects 2 that

region has been relatively been has region

be secure for the passage of passage the for secure be direction


e improved the linkage to linkage the improved region r of narrow bridges. A bridges. narrow of r

et the additional traffic additional the et and Tangahoe Bridge Tangahoe and

directly is also anticipat also is much dairy product dairy much elntn Airport Wellington 68 1 , of which,

- the current the 12

ilo tonnes million

accessible to accessibleto

hwd t showed w Page Page kes Baykes a large Bridge 8 State ed to to ed

high high two 101 he -

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 status as an alternative secondary route will be important during the lifetime of this Plan. With thisPlan. With this lifetime of during the willalternative important an secondaryberoute as status tr Gorge the of 40% approximately carrying closed, is Gorge Manawatu the when route alternative secondary a as serves also It Wairarapa. the to and south the to west the for connection strategic a provides Track Pahiatua The closedagain a for long period oftime. wasGorge eventthe that the wasalternativea viablein appropriateit thatanso standard to Road forward put Agency Transport $6 at estimated was Region the to loss economic The road spee The have to time. needed of road period the Aplace. number of slow vehicle were baysinstalled during this time. long of a sections and such deterioration for seal service from of suffered level inadequate an have to shown was traf east alternative used most the currently is Woodville, and Ashhurst connects which Road, Saddle The lifetime of Plan.this resolv been of an recently level provide just and have safety and that had safe have issues routes service be these to of Many need therefore necessary. when and service access of level tourist adequate for or closure road of event the they However, traffic. of volumes low have routes these of Most purposes. Region, eastimportant the alternativeincludingto routes for the to addition In 2.2.3 safety road positive has also rail lessens to theconflicts between v heavy road from freight of shift a Encouraging forestry Plan Region. the vitalof also isline railMainNorth Trunk Island The Plan constraining, potentially or constraining, are that thelifetime of the completedduring be networkanticipated to projectsare these of Both growth.economic road the of parts important being as Manawa the on touched issue previous The The events. related weather to resilience its improve highwayisalso important an gateway to theto undertaken been have works years intermi to prone stretch windy and narrow a been traditionally March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional of result a as Largely floods. 2004 Napier The increase safety the allto road users. hairpin tight of the number and a are turns there as realignments safety some be to need may there mind, in fic at those times. When the Manawatu Gorge was closed during 2011 during closed was Gorge Manawatu the When times. those at fic - . .

et ot we te aaau og (H) s lsd n cris prxmtl 6% of 60% approximately carries and closed is (SH3) Gorge Manawatu the when route west

Encouraging , pastoral , agricultural and dairy n nraig oe s east as role tourism/economicdevelopment purposes increasing an playing are that links strategic secondary to improvements maintain to need The - Taihape Road also played an increased role as a alternative east alternative a as role increased an played also Road Taihape The volume The of

od s lo sd s tann rue o ccit. ieig h ra wdh will width road the Widening cyclists. for route training a as used also is road

State Highways, a number of local roads have been identified as strategically as identified been have roads local of number a Highways, State

of greater share of of share greater of freight ttee

poet n h 2012 the in project a -


movedby rail is

this the RTC advocated for the route to be sealed. Sealing of Sealing sealed. be to route the for advocated RTC the this


. willa be keyof output Plan.this

freight Whanganui tu Gorge alternative and the Whirikino Trestle bridge Trestle Whirikino the and alternative Gorge tu , - et ik ad lentv rue ad for and routes alternative and links west privatevehicles from

anticipated d n wl ne t b mitie drn the during maintained be to need will and ed economic

omdte that commodities - 5 LPorme o prd te Saddle the upgrade to RLTProgramme 15 affic. Ensuring that the Track maintains its maintains Track the that Ensuring affic.

s rsl o h poogd lsr, the closure, prolonged the of result a As and - west andwestnorth TongariroNational Park‟s.

importance to the north andnorth importance the to

ttent closure through slips. In recent In slips. through closure ttent and cyclists to to increase lifetimeduring the of the


o tm ciia sc as such critical time not .

- south linkstourismsouth for - 12, the Saddle Road Saddle the 12, become important in important become - - west link during the during link west east of the Region the of east ucms s this as outcomes rdcin in reductions d

Page Page south 102


taey n my nld a eiw f h fnig o te T, ae o cret ad use land current on based JTS, the of findings the of growth review urban PNCC a current the include from may emerge to and changes use strategy land for allow to need horizon will term longer This the to and 2021 to both demands, traffic future for cater to plan optionsto optimise Palmerston the North urbanroad network and developto integratedan roading recommendat Another flows, commuter in increases predicted theon JTSactions. for detail further for 2 Appendix cater to Refer area. to Bunnythorpe the in issues need of resolution the including will North Palmerton and Palmerston Feilding to locally access imp good Furthermore, Island. North providing the of rest network the to regionally and road North efficient an via for planned is Zone However previousissue.discusseda havebeenin implicationsthis for The future. the into nowand this for effectively cater to need will city the around and in network Palmers strategic the and industry distribution future. the into adequately managed be to experiencingwillarterialcongestionofare and peak times this numberneed keyroutesat some A w that issues the resolvingproposals identified earlier, a number have direct a relationship withissue. this for solutions of number JTS a the recommend of purpose to the was Again, authorities. territorial two the between and in links transport key ef likely The ten next the over areas two these for forecast years. still most Region with the change, in to anticipated growth not population is projected This growth population recent Region‟s the of majority Palmerst that shows 2.1.2 section in 1 Figure other from different increaseto in the coming years. no is expected both are District Manawatu Region and City North Palmerston Horizons both of population, the However The 222,423. of rural predominantly population 2006 the than less of on increase an 0.1% was which Census, 2013 the at 222,672 was population Region‟s The 2.2.4 2006 in However, since. road section commencedand was in completed metal March 2014. the a with largely been routes, had Trail and Cycle century Zealand The New Road. River the the utilising of Upokongaro and Rides Pipiriki between Great the of one Trail, Cycle Sea be to Mountains the route of part tourism forms now potential It a Districts. Ruapehu as and Wanganui identified been also has Road River Whanganui The and tourist a as role emerging an freightroute since. played has and 2012 and 2007 between place took road the March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional TransportStrategy business case. HPMV to routes strategic of upgrade the issues: programme the in projects two forward put have PNCC projections.

, of importance to this issue, is ensuring that future growth of the North East Industrial East North the of growth future that ensuring is issue, this to importance of , niiae pplto ad cnmc rwh n h Pleso Nrh and North Palmerston the in growth Manawatu economic and population Anticipated

fect of this population growth is that there will be increased pressure on some of the of some on pressure increased be will there that is growth population this of fect

regions in that it is experiencing rural population loss in most of its Districts. its of most in loss population rural experiencing is it that in regions area,the impacts thishave will on freightdistribution o o te T i ta a eaae rfi suy e netkn o identify to undertaken be study traffic separate a that is JTS the of ion



n ot ad aaau ae cone fr the for accounted have Manawatu and North on

standard, and implementation of the Integrated the of implementation and standard, o Nrhs infcn ad rwn freight growing and significant North‟s ton

component (section 4) to address these address to 4) (section component

road was constructed early last early constructed was road roved connections between connections roved - 7 eln o ti route this of sealing 07 r ietfe. f the Of identified. ere

Nga Ara Tuhono Ara Nga

of the JTS. the of tween the the tween Page Page 103 -

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 the amount the of safetypartners road all that important 34 with below seen number of fatalities and serious injuriesthe in Region. Journeys. w work The that considered is isworkstill required to reach it the ultimate goalof a zeroroad toll. made, been have improvements While fatalities. 254 at halved almost was in was this achieved was time last the 2011, Before fatalities. 300 under was toll road national the 2013, The and 2011 In roads. the on cars fewer far were there and smaller factors. far was population the when 1950‟s early the causal certain involving Since crashes of risk average Communitiesat Risk and than higher commun identifies that significantly register Risk” at “Communities the is focus, national this with Coupled focus. emerging and continued and concern, medium concern, high of areas into them ide Strategy The works that approach Systems Safe a acrossall using elements of the roadsystem: roads,speeds, vehicles andusers.describes Strategy the so, do To injury. and death period20 safety the over road Strategy, Safety Road National The lostlife in aroad fatalityin theRegion is$4.61 million huge a have crashes Road 2.2.5 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

Safer Journeys Safer Thecontinuedneed for improvements to road safety thein Region 2013. 9

Social cost of road crashes and injuries 2013 update report, Ministry of Transport, November November Transport, of Ministry report, update 2013 injuries and crashes road of cost Social Since the 2010 RLTS was adopted, there have been some big improvements in the the in improvements big some been have there adopted, was RLTS 2010 the Since d i or ein l cnrbts o mrvn te ucms dniid in identified outcomes the improving to contributes all Region our in do e

fatalities andinjuries on Regions the roads.

ntifies 13 areas where current performance needs to be strengthened and ranks and strengthened be to needs performance current where areas 13 ntifies fatalities

1952. In 2003, 461 people lost their lives on the nations roads; in 2013 this 2013 in roads; nations the on lives their lost people 461 2003, In 1952.

was introduced the national road tol road national the introduced was


social and economic cost to the Region. The estimated value of each of value estimated The Region. the to cost economic and social

ttee from a total of 30 fatal crashes fatal 30 of total a from

10 - -

25 2020. Its aim is to create a safe road systemroad increasinglyofsafeacreate free aimisto Its 2020.

Safer Journeys 2020, Journeys Safer continue to work in a coordinated manner in order to reduce to order coordinatedinmanner a in continue work to

willinvestmentguide in roadsafety until at least 2020. 9 .

However2014reversed some of trends the

l has dropped to totals not seen since seen not totals to dropped has l in improvements guide to strategy a is on the Regions roads Regions the on

, therefore it is it therefore , te wt a with ities Page Page

Safer 104

2.2.6 road safetyoutcomes. engineering,„E‟s‟,threetraditionalenforcement achieving cooperateandeducation,toon positive Regionally,local     Someof the main contributing factors to road crashesin theRegion are: crasheswere recorded in 2010and this beenhas reducedto 563 in 2013. trend the 2010, to 1999 period, the In 2010. since reversed be to started also has crashes injury overallincreasing for trend The Figure March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional The base. ratepayer rural base ageing, and declining, a to leading rating access. is districts these residential in smallloss Population for catering vehicles a as heavy well have as the they products, for primary Often out appropriate bring are to them that use networks to needing maintain to challenges increasing face aut territorial seven The centers. service and areas forestry and farmingto providing accesssuccess, economicRegion‟s the to critical are networks roading Rural    

Fatigueisa particular problem Stateon Highway 1 two to threehours north of Wellington. nationally. expectedRegionwouldbethan this in injured or killed be likelyto morealso Motorcyclistsare involving crashes from trauma serious national of percent alcoholand/or drugs. The 7.7 Region accounts forjust5.2 percentof New Zealand‟s population. for accounts Region The and urbanroads. higher a at occur crashes, Intersection

5 : : Manawatu nrae frs hretn ad giutrl s ad oeta icess in increases potential and use with agricultural particularly tourism traffic and network, harvesting roading rural forest Regions increased the on pressure Increasing

R oad Safety Action Plans providePlansa Action Safety oad -


was for an increase in overall injury crashes. A total of 665 injury 665 of total A crashes. injury overall in increase an for was -

25 f atal/


erious n a infcn lnt o ra ntok o maintain. to network road of length significant a and

rate regionally than the national average on both rural both on average national the than regionally rate injury

means for all road safety partners across theroad safetypartnersallacrossmeans for crashes2009 horities that manage these roads these manage that horities - 201


Page Page


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 alternative and about for responsible greenhouse emissionsand anticipated are these t is system transport The 2.2.7 programmecomponent of Plan the in section 4. 2015 m bridges, the of condition deteriorating the of result a As ONRCin the2015 the implementing to transitioning begin will authorities territorial throughout that expected wayis It affordable Zealand. and New consistent strategic, a in network road the operate and au maintain territorial help will classification this national that integrated hoped an is of It part network. as roading perform they functions the on based roads of categorising the wa REG the of outcomes main the of One Agency. Transport the and authorities territorial from representatives of up made is which 2012 in formed was (REG) Group Efficiency Road the Taskforce, this of Out network the will provide si Collaborationbetween authorities shouldencouraged be and, in somecases, joint management of management. asset to approach network‟ „one a take should authorities controlling road that was of One maintenance. road of effectiveness the increase to opportunities identify to Taskforce MaintenanceRoad the established Government the 2011, In service winding unfamiliar nextharvestten estatein the largea forest duealso for has RuapehuDistrictthat traffic tourist in Increases timethis period District Wanganui in the Districts Ruapheu and Wanganui the for issue an particular be will this, for pay will who and renewal, Region The o kilometre priority for the future investmentof theland transportnetwork in last‟ Region the nextfor the tenyears. and one number the is „firstservice of levels current of maintenance important The market. the to goods the of producer provide often roads local The costs increasing face also districts These increasing. associatedwith incomes the maintenance of routes thathave morestrategic a inter fixed on those of percentage with the ratepayersfewer and fewer across spreadgetting is asset roading maintaining the of cost March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional rather than transportemissions thatcontribute only1 about catchmentscan compromisedbe overwinter, yet islargelythis because of winter heating sources TheRegion‟s air qualityis generallygood howeve - 05 eid period. 2025

Mitigatingadverse environmentaleffects from regionalthe transport system

willcriticalbe roads may cause conflict cause may roads 10

due to the amount of forestry logging forestry of amount the to due

National Freight Demands Study 2014, Minstry of Transport of Minstry 2014, Study Demands Freight National ih h rgos od ad ag lgig rcs hrn te ae fe narrow often same the sharing trucks logging large and roads regions the with has s the formation of the One Network Roading Classification (ONRC). This involves This (ONRC). Classification Roading Network One the of formation the s . .


over 128,000 hectares128,000 over n

er - 1 g 8 y during lifetime the of thePlan. oe f hs brid these of Some

NLTP it is anticipated that 7.9 million tonnes of forestry will be harvested during harvested be will forestry of tonnes million 7.9 that anticipated is it efficient transport

gnificantopportunities forimproving efficiency. as well may exacerbate some of these same issues, particularly issues, same these of some exacerbate may well as period ttee


25 . Therefore maintain Therefore . .


modes of of e elcmn poet hv be icue i the in included been have projects replacement ge exotic tree plantations intended for harvestintended plantationsfor exotictree

isneeded combatto transportemissions. expected r air r qualityin the Taumarunuiand Taihape o one

increase overtime.

- it o New of fifth ing these roads to an appropriate level of level appropriate an to roads these ing

the Taskforce‟s main recommendations main Taskforce‟s the In 2030. to 2020 period the in occur to any of of any - 2%ofPM10 particulates.

them are them Zealand‟s

Anused increaseof the in - thorities plan, invest in, invest plan, thorities districtrole. te ore fo the from journey the f

due for renewal in the the in renewal for due

lmt changing climate - years.



Page Page Tourist‟s in the in

and 106

dependen Buildingnew subdivisions with thought no for multi Effective andintegratedland planning use can also mitigate effects the of the transport network. newerofform hybrid that vehicle Promotingalternative fuelsisalso asmall, yet growing,contri „LetsCarpool‟, all contribute lesseningto impacts the fromthe land transportnetwork. between environmentaleffects of land the transport as Promotingenergy earthworkscan end inup waterwaysand dust can becomeairborne if not mitigatedeffectively. Large cons bitumen fromroad surfaces all can end up Contaminants are There March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional walkingand cycling and public transport networks is a contributorkey to mitigatingthe adverse are noware friends ce, andce, thus, more greenhouse gasemissions produced. tructionprojects can also

uh s hs fo vhce ye, rk pd, i ad rae n te we the and grease and oil pads, brake tyres, vehicle from those as such

commonplace on theroads

andwork colleagues, or through establishedan ridesharing website, such as nme o ohr eaie fet that effects negative other of number a efficiency may , particularly , via promotion the of alternative modes oftransport such

emergeduring lifetime the ofPlan. this also -


l e adto adverse environmental effects system in

whereas fu the Region‟s . -

modalaccess or services lead can to car Ride llyelectricor plug hybrid in vehicles a are - sharing,

air,water and land butoras well. Fuel

h tasot system transport the b

e itinformal ca

. Runoff. from . .


rpooling electrichybrid

produces. Page Page a

of r 107

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 Theobjectives identified broadlyalign with LTMA the as well changing to adaptable be to system circumstancesand transport to respond to the needof the Regionsvaried communities.the for need the recognises also It travel. car on t order in transport personal of choice increased for need the acknowledges choicedegreearound.ofoptionsandhavelimitedIt flexibility,whilegetting others high for havea r objective fifth The personal and safety about concerns security,whether realor perceived. of because declining is cycling) and RLTSs. walking (i.e. previous transport of focus a been always has othermodes of some use of the and Region the to cost socialeconomic and huge havea crashes safety, objective fourth the of focus The strategic the of part forms also network networkrail the as network, road the on solely not but network, not do that vehicles One to uptonn take 50 needa permit to (heavy the as implementation such 50Max Plan, and draft HPMV the Classification, of Roading lifetime the Network over network road the of delivery the on impact streams work major of number a on focuses objective third The LTMA the of purpose the with consistent and thecurrent GPS. also is and Region the for issue relevant a still is This on heavily thatfocused RLTS operative the from over carried direction strategic the capture objectives two first The effective,efficient, and safe land transportsystem in public the interest. fewer objectiveschan the because of are there fact, In operative RLTS. the objectivesof the from greatly differ not objectivesdo These      are: They Funding. Transport Land on PolicyStatement Government draft the with consistent are and objective orpolicy the eachof Plan. TheRTC has chosen to link them toobjectives. Furthermore, Plan. the of part „operative‟ project the and Plan draft the of component „strategy‟ the thebetween connection strong a is there so objectives of the to back link to required are element 2.4 section programme the in on to focus on focus to will Region the areas key out set address the already Issues andidentified lead directly thestrategicto These priorities that RTC the wants adopted. been have objectives key Five 2.3 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional documents. do.to The matrixbelow analyses howeach objective would contribute purposeto the of these LT the of purpose the to contribute they that so drafted been have objectives identified The     

Aresilient and multi modal transport system. Asafe land transportsystem; and Bettertargeted in Enhance thestrategic advantage of the freighthub centralfor the North Island; Enhanced efficiencyfreight across Region; the Objectives an either address to LTMA the by required is component programme the in identified

ecognises the varied transport needs of the Region‟s residents, some of whomof some residents,Region‟s the of needs transportvaried the ecognises

uprig cnmc rwh n cnetn t ntoa tasot corridors. transport national to connecting and growth economic supporting

vestment fora strategic network; ttee -

25 es maximum on loading).focuses It the delivery efficient the of

ge in the LTMAnow the in an thethat Plange to requires contribute to

rf Pa. h srtgc roiis dniid in identified priorities strategic The Plan. draft

as the as the GPS, which theyare required

that are ongoing and will have an an have will and ongoing are that

o reduce dependencereduce o

Page Page

Road 108 MA

system transport modal multi and A resilient system transport land A safe network strategic for investment targeted Better Island central North the for hub freight the for advantage strategic the Enhance the Region across efficiency freight Enhanced Objectives March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional


and safe land land and safe efficient effective, to Contributes purpose LTMA √ √ √ √ √ interest in th system transport

e public e public



√ √ √ √ √ productivity and growth Economic outcomes GPS

√ √ √ √ √ money Value for

√ √ √ √ √ Road safety

Page Page 109

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 As Section 2.2.6 explained the pressure of increasing of pressure the explained 2.2.6 Section As implement and address basedon the functionthey inroadsperform the overall national picture. of to classification a is which ONRC, ONRC the implementing begin will authorities the territorial all and produced the this government of result local efficiencie direct a and As Agency Zealand. New Transport throughout output of degrees varying were there a operations maintenance, in performance improve and money for value drive to order in 2012 in established was REG The to return some lightlyused roads to metal roads. across spread roads Regions Regionsisroads,spend the rural sustainthe serviceof tomanycurrentlevel the for means that of the renewing and has dollar maintenance maintaining of cost increasing . land the throughout constraints roadingasset provided meetsthe community‟s funding expectations. of i under Becauseare authorities controlling road all sector, Plan. transport the the of as prioritised deliverable been has important service of most level current its at asset roading existing the Maintaining 2.4.1 establishingIn thepriorities theRTC has considered: themes runningthrough previousof iterations of RLTS. the extensions are priorities identified the of number contribut A and 2.3. and 2.2 issues chapters in transportidentified land the address must priorities The wishes to the Transport Agencywhen compiles it theNLTP. Regions the of picture clear a provide should then This years. ten next the over invest to wishes clearer providesa this as priorities the rank to chosen has RTC The a given be will priorities strategic the addressing projects higherranking thanthose do that not. as Plan, the of aspect transport „operational‟ land the priori in these is investment It Plan. guide the of will duration the priorities for network strategic identified The Plan. ten the first of the for years priorities transport of statement a include must Plan the that requires LTMA The 2.4 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional ten past the system. transport land the of deliverables in this With roads. outcomes rural isolated traverse can by used tourists roads of maintenance safely how and market to transported will districts Regions

es hn anticipated than Less

     

Strategic Strategic Priorities Strategic Priority1 Theissues and objectives identifiedin thePlan ExistingRegional priorities National

s in the delivery of road maintenance. From the 2015 the From maintenance. road of delivery the in s are metin Plan.this mind - er, oee 21 reversed 2014 however years, fewer ratepayers. Territorial authorities are now in the very real position of having of position real very the in now are authorities Territorial ratepayers. fewer


s ft i as a e cmoet f hs roiy s hs om oe f h key the of one forms this as priority this of component key a also is afety ae sgiiat be significant a have had to be spread more thinly. more spread be to had -

nd renewals throughout the country, in a response to a perception that perception a to response a in country, the throughout renewals nd NLTF NLTF thepurpose of LTMA the and existing the and draft GPS


Efficientroad maintenance deliver and

forestry -

25 revenue –

the operative the RLTS and RLTProgramme

and , h lre aia cmimn t te RoNS the to commitment capital large the Road safety outcomes have outcomes safety Road tourists rn o hw fiinl ad safely and efficiently how on aring many

will ensure will

ties that link the „strategic‟ element with the the with element „strategic‟ the link that ties

f h pstv gis xeine i the in experienced gains positive the of

forestry Furthermore, declining rural rating bases rating rural declining Furthermore,

ncreasing pressure to ensure that the that ensure to pressure ncreasing

and tourism and economic growth and ro and growth economic - 18 NLTP, the Transport Agency Transport the NLTP, 18

direction of where the Regionwhere the of direction

t te betvs already objectives the to e y a mat ht h road the that meant has



in some of the of some in

markedly over markedly

logs logs Appropriate a Page Page n the and d safety d can

110 be

Connecti events. years recent stretch windy and narrow a been traditionally has closed is north 1 Highway State that times 4 Highway State freight overweight of carriage the to cost HPMVoverweight means State Currently two the are that Auckland and portslargest by volume in thecountry. Tauranga of Ports the to Region the for connector key a is north 1 Highway State date. to proceeded have projects these of few priority, higher a having Waikato long has Horizons Region. the p of other to Howeverdue Region. Waikato the inimprovements of number a advocatedfor concern a been long also has Regions Waikato and Region differing The However 1. Highway State the Otakito Levin section is2019 of part of completion for timeframe current this The away. years on of number a variabilitystill is RoNS the time of completion ad travel be and will safety issues improve alignment and to safety order major RoNS, the of announcement the With overweight (divisible over44 load tonnes) the as serves it key as Region our for is freight important more even is northmuch crossroadsfor This to enough growth. sufficient capacity economic a at enable are network transport land the of arteries the that Region the toimportance vital of is it growth, economic on focus current Region‟s and Government‟s the With north of standard The 2.4.2   Linksto objectives: roading trend. downward preceding March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional increased the resilience of the route. upgrade (SH3) Gorge freight Manawatu of lot the a by constrained for largely is destination connectivity / origin key a is   strategic

Asafe land transportsystem Bettertargeted investment fora strategic network

Strategic Priority2 standards vity to the Hawkes Bay via SHs 2 and 3 is important to both Regions. The Port of NapierofPort The Regions. both to importantis 3 and 2 SHsvia BayHawkes the to vity of the the of s

till fore till years. The challenge will be to ensure that 2014 was a blip on an otherwise positive otherwise an on blip a was 2014 that ensure to be will challenge The years.


works have been undertaken to improve to undertaken been have works standard of State Highway 1 north between the part of the highway in the Horizons the in highway the of part the between north 1 Highway State of standard ots r cpbe f carrying of capable are routes

Highway Saddle

cast also connects the Waikato and Horizons Regions. It plays an important role in role important an plays It Regions. Horizons and Waikato the connects also

can becan

od aneac pas n motn pr i ra sft a a as safety road in part important an plays maintenance Road

willbe tokey

to be carried on road during the lifetim the during road on carried be to - south and south

i te ae ntne ht t s closed is it that instance rare the in , od to Road 1 south is not a HPMV route as the the as route HPMV a not is south 1

‟ s have to take a detour via Foxton viadetour a take to have s a - south and east and south contributing

Improvedconnectivity keyof strategicroutes Esrn ta te hrkn Trest Whirikino the that Ensuring . -

25 -

unlocking 20. east

PV tnad a alvae sm o tee ocrs and concerns these of some alleviated has standard HPMV

- west connectors has long been a concern to the Region. the to concern a been long has connectors west

factorin road crashes

- absence of a HPMV route between the Regions. Regions. the between route HPMV a of absence west traffic in the lower North Island. lower North the in trafficwest

. T . theroutes h HPMV‟s at

lw between flows part of the highway known as the the as known highway the of part rn o nemtet lsr truh slips. through closure intermittent to prone economicpotential.

its ,

ht is that safety and safety - Shannon Road Shannon e of the Plan, it is it Plan, the of e current state of the the of state current .

s f ocr, oee a however concern, of is

vehicles both resilience e s aal o tkn the taking of capable is le


ht are that , adding distance and distance adding ,

‟s to weather related weather to important As the majority of majority the As Hwvr this However, . Whirikino Whirikino overlength „Paraparas‟ lowering dressed in in dressed rojects inrojects Page Page

that the that T recent restle T 111

he or I of n

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6   Linksto objectives: further advancedthatwill improve connectivity these on strategic routes. activities) regional (Inter 5 Section willbe relevant. and reliable more tonnage the increase now to is alternative Stratfor the of KiwiRail NewPlymouth on work years ten past the In Gisborne lines. the Trunk, Main Island North the lines: Island. also are links Rail of these two Districts. 12km route tourist However, emergingeconomy, the therefore and tourism, for boost a an provide would route this of Districts.sealing of Completion as Ruapehu functioning now and is Stratford Highway) between Forgotten (The 43 Highway State produced onthe east coast. movements these of w somereduced will be although Hawera in plant dairy Whareroa the to facilities processing Longburn and Oringi the from rail by transported is that product milk is west to east from product 5) Section standard althoughroute the , RLTProgramme. Hawk Other connecting 2 Highway SH3. State to on Manawatu Hill and roads Whakaruatapu as localsuch connectivity, safer these and better ensure designating to aim that and projects upgrading ultimately through this address roads. local of network a through city the bypasses informally weather wet to due supportHPMV movementand are supported in this Plan. Region‟s. the connectivitybetweenthe will support that RegionHorizons the projectsoutside also are There March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional      

Asafe land transportsystem Bettertargeted investment fora strategic network Enhance thestrategic advantage forthe freighthub centralfor the Enhanced efficiencyfreight across Region the important ‟ As highlighted in section in highlighted As s recent focus on focus recent s . . ; the Tangahoe Bridge and Normanby Over Normanby and Bridge Tangahoe the ;

rail link rail Two projects in the Taranaki Region Taranaki the in projects Two eto 5 ulns rjcs ht r identified are that projects outlines 5 Section - d Martonline enabledhas Hi


to ensuringto thatrail Okahukura

hen the Pahiatiua milk processing facility is upgraded to process most of theprocessprocessingofmilk Pahiatiuamilk most upgraded to facility the is hen in the event of closure of the Newclosureofin the thePlymouth of event

important . State Highway 3 also passes through Palmerston North and traffic currently traffic and North Palmerston through passes also 3 Highway State . between Waitotara and Hawera in southern Taranaki is currently not at HPMVatsoutherniscurrentlyandin betweenHawera Taranaki not Waitotara



ttee ie n eet years recent in Line to the Region given its given Region the to day lighting tunnels lighting day and -


2.2.1, the region lies as the crossroads of three important rail important three of crossroads the as lies region the 2.2.1,

revenue from its existing lines existing its fromrevenue

connectivity the viability of under of viability the

the use of commodities that are not time critical time not are that commodities of use the - Cube containersto pass on the lines. s a, ae en doae truh h operative the through advocated been have Bay, es ihihs ht rjcs h Rgo wse t see to wishes Region the projects what highlights

is to address this address to

- Ti hs en te os f an of loss the meant has This . on the Manawatu Gorge and at Kai Iwi on the the on Iwi Kai at and Gorge Manawatu the on improvedover lifetime the of Plan. the amrtn ot ad New and North Palmerston

strategic bridge realignment bridge

- utlised lines has meant the mothballing the meant has lines utlised

s inter as -

Marton line. The focus for KiwiRailThe forfocus Martonline. location f hs ot rmis unsealed. remains route this of The outcomes of the JTS aim to aim JTS the of outcomes The

are supported in this Plan this in supported are , and for travel ti travel for and , - einly significant regionally

in the the in NorthIsland

projects. Much of the of Much projects. central Plymouth


es lower to become to important

Page Page onto rail onto ht will that - Marton

North (refer 112

2.4.3 While the focus of the of focus the While been the since on has expand and This complement that Rides‟. Routes‟ Touring „Great „Cycle of flagship„Great Rides‟. of series series a a include of to constructionexpanded environmental the and through social benefits economic, these positive in have can 2 Haerenga,in Nga was created NationalCycle The Trail, outcomes. cycling and walking role important low availabilityo convenienceand the and part, a played have Lifestyle changes apparent. been has Horizons and Zealand New throughout years 20 past the over cycling and walking in decline The 2.4.4   Linksto objectives: Planthis and theStudy are aligned. long on impacts some o have may value which the land maximise the from to ways investigate will Study Growth Regional the of outcomes date. later a at mitigate to use expensive and difficult land is that resources that transport of use sure inefficient Making growth. planning, or transp future considers experiencing,planning are Region the in areas rural the urban on conflicts particular also are there and network transport These will North Palmerston in Health services, Palmerston MidCentral bus at commuter of services form health s the the community in a for Even be shuttles. may health or vehicles services community These communities. smaller these of vibrancy the retaining to key be will services transport public appropriate is there that Ensuring keyservices, such as health, postaland banking, urbanisedhave been graduallyreduced andcentralised. more becomes population the As communities. t rural PlanRegion‟s the the for particularly of lifetime the during important be will It less with habits driving car in change vehiclea ownership and fewerdrivenVKT person.per be also may There urban. more becoming and ageing demographic Current trendsshowingare th March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional and employment cycling. markets, commuter to amountof maintenance and renewal access or better of networks, provision businessareas. the cycling through urban productivity and improving growth urban on in cycling and progress walking Encouraging encourage will 25   - cost vehicles have contributed to this decline. However, the Government has recognised the recognised has Government the However, decline. this to contributed have vehicles cost

Asafe land transportsystem Aresilient, multi modalland transport network Changing demographic Changing impacts of land usechange Strategic Priority3 Strategic Priority4 N orth

It alsoIt improves capacityexistingon roads through Hospital

national cycle network is on recreational and cycle tourism, the the tourism, cycle and recreational on is network cycle national


ln o ad ratvl rsod o eorpi cag and change demographic to respond proactively and for Plan Increased focusonpedestrians and cycling trends will have considerable have will trends ort needs is important to ensure that the Region is not locked into locked not is Region the that ensure to important is needs ort -


theresponsibility of needed.

at householdsat gettingsmaller are population and the is ad ewe urban between and ,

esr ta acs t srie i secure, is services to access that ensure o

- term land use change. It is important that important is It change. use land term morespecial impacts on how people use the land the use people how on impacts ,

centers mode become is ize of Wanganui, access to access Wanganui, of ize 009 in order to reap some ofreap to order 009 in - ra prpey hr the where periphery urban ed serviceed

shiftlessensand so the a spot economic support can

oe motn as important more s.

GPS 2015 GPS outputs f Page Page

The 113 - f

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 2.4.5 transport services and what levels of service will be provided. Horizons will continue to regularly to continue will Horizons provided. be will service of levels what and services transport (RPTP) Plan Transport Public Regional The largerlocalities. and decline populations as acute more become will access settlements. smaller within services transport soluti transport innovative public However scheduled traditional justify to difficult is It service also commuter has the network and bus years urban few Wanganui‟s last PalmerstonNorth andFeilding, Levin andMarton areall experiencing varying degrees of growth. the availability. over funding growth to experienced subject introduced be will improvements complete, is review the once and, layout network future the determine will 2014 in networ the of review A North. Palmerston in transport public of use their increase to commuters peak Increased organisations. past the over “fr SchemegivingUnlimited Access networks transport public UCOL and Massey the its to due growth significant had have North in Palmerston in Services decade. growth significant experienced has Region The duringthe lifetime of this Plan. affordable and accessible of provision towns. those in the of somecommunit isolated more Region‟s‟for connections social vital provides well also transport Public made. as being trips vehicle network through roading services the transport private fewer from realisedbe environmental alsobenefitsto are There times. peak at congestion public on of for improvements pressure network reduce capital can its networks costlier transport grow public Growing to affordable. priority are that a improvements it considers Region The   Linksto objectives: ongoingan pr trips short for methods healthy and convenient as cycling and walking promote to continue to plans Region The othertransport networks. kick to Fund Investment Future earmarkedhasnowtheNLTFoutsidebeen$100million from timeframe. the Afurther from this in that hoped is It March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional   Linksto objectives: Regions the residents. servicesfo affordable andaccessible efficient, providing are they ensure to services its all review    

Asafe land transportsystem Aresilient, multi modalland transport Asafe land transportsystem Aresilient, multi modalland transport network Strategic Priority5 , as well as trips connecting main urban centres, urban main connecting trips as well as , ogramme infrastructure of improvements in orderto facilitate growth.

projects previously deferred in the operative RLTProgramme can be implemented be can RLTProgramme operative the in deferred previouslyprojects Thisis discussedSection in 2.4.3. ih poetd gn o te population the of aging projected a With

ttee Efficient,accessible and affordablepublic transport

- - - start a number of key urban cycling projects, to t to projects, cycling urban key of number a start ie evcs nrdcd n 00 a as poie a art for carrot a provided also has 2010 in introduced services time

25 ies, enabling residents of these communities to remain resident remain to communities these of residents enabling ies,

ons may be justified for these communities. The issue of rural of issue The communities. these for justified be may ons ee” access to transport services for students and staff of these of staff and studentsservices for transport accessto ee” public

transport networks will become even more important more even become willnetworks transport sets out in detail how the Region will provide public provide will Region the how detail in out sets

n te eae ls o mobility of loss related the and age, and age, over the life of the Plan, the of life the over s euig h ipcs of impacts the reducing as

services are centralised in centralised are services sriig between servicing s ake pressure off pressure ake

networks . including Page Page the , 114

k r

   Linksto objectives: project A demand. projected Cycleway the support to adequate is these from trails and to access that ensure should Region the Trail, Cycle Zealand New the form that expected increases indemandof completioncycle in the Asa result from touring routes tourism of clipwalkway on particularlycycleway / is vehicles, between conflicts in increase the heavyvehicl is visitors in increase this with Coupled inwalks NewZealand bythe NZ Automobile Association. Gorge. Manawatu 2006 the is tourism developments of area emerging An b 40, Route and 43 Highway State between Ruapehu Districtand the TaranakiRegion. are benefits tourism reap could that Plan this of course extensions the sealover completionthroughof upgraded be could that routes Other of form popularRegion the as a destination for this ofform enhanc tourist activity. only increasinglycan routes these an of sealing the is and Region, the users, in activity campervantourist particularly camping, Freedom Napier Region. the and Road River Whanganui sealed. the years, few past the In the of some in growth economicRegion‟ssmaller communities that relytourists.on fostering in important is routes tourism of network appropriate so years coming the in grow to expected are Region the in tourists of numbers The regional Region routes. tourist the visit opportunities, to visitors encourages 2.4.6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional   


Aresilient, multi m Asafe land transportsystem Bettertargeted investment fora strategic network j ust 15,000 visitors were visitors 15,000 ust Strategic Priority6

averageshare of tourismspending within theirDistricts. oh f hs ras r epce t pa a icesn rl a tuit ots n the in routes tourist as role increasing an play to expected are roads these of Both from thefrom River Whanganui Road to City Wanganui isprioritised in Section 4of the Plan. es

n ecuae ter oeet hog a ewr o cery eie ad visible and defined clearly of network a through movement their encourages and

over the past ten past the over

heading east / west / and build pedestrians east to cyclistsAproject Gorge. a heading the / using .

h Raeu Rniie ad oohna Districts Horowhenua and Rangitikei Ruapehu, The

odalland transport network

Anappropriate network oftourism routes prioritised recorded. The Gorge walk is now regarded as one of the top ten top the of one as regarded now is walk Gorge The recorded. - - years the Gorge now attracts almost 100,000 annual visitors annual 100,000 almost attracts now Gorge the years


in Section , n teeoe rvds cnmc development economic provides therefore and

4 of Plan. the

u t a ubr f recreational of number a to Due

ikn te onan t River to Mountains the linking - ahp ras ae been have roads Taihape

l hv a ihr than higher a have all e the reputation of reputation the e t o wih run which of oth providing an providing Page Page . In . 115

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 3. 2. 1. Measures: 1.1.5 1.1.4 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.1 BY access recreationalservices forthe Region’s residents andbusinesses suitable provides network road the Ensure Policy1.1 2.5.1 planmonitoring to gaugethe Plans effectiveness. t well how measure to us to occur to needs allow will that that indicators, performance planningkey or measures, out set the also will It and principles. the achieve decisions direct and guide will that policies out set will in out set has it what achieve will RTC the howon sectionfocuses This priorities. strategic the and objectives the issues, the outlined have Plan the of chapters Previous 2.5 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

eue css n od aneac atvte truh mrvd se management asset improved through activities maintenance road practices in costs Reduced Completion ofrenewals and maintenance programmesachieved within budget Programmetimeframe 2015 the in Classification Roading Network One the Implement Strategic Priority1 MeasuresPolicies and toachievePriorities the upr claoain ewe ra cnrlig uhrte i odr o maximise to order in authorities controlling road investment (TerritorialAuthorities and the TransportAgency). between collaboration Support (where and maintain Plan, the (TransportAgency and TerritorialAutho through growth economic facilitate to authorities,areas rural into links transport existing controlling improve necessary) road that Ensuring Authorities). ap where traffic road local and arterial of separation the Encouraging and communities(Territorial Authorities). Providingandlocal maintaining roads thatcaterappropriately needs the businesses of for A (Territorial Classification Roading Agency). Network One the in identified as functiontheir with consistent manner a in roads renewing and Maintaining

he objectives and priorities are being achieved. This will assist with the the with assist will This achieved. being are priorities and objectives he

ttee Efficientroad maintenance delivery and -



o uies euainl sca and social educational, business, to

toiis n te Transport the and uthorities


18 National Land National 18

the strategic priorities and priorities strategic the propriate (Territorial propriate

Transport Page Page 116

2.1.1 BY intra en networktostrategic transport the improvenecessary as and Maintain Policy2.1 2.5.2 3. 2. 1. Measures: 1.2.5 1.2.4 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 BY Ensure continuous improvementin regional road safety Policy1.2 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 2.1.2


Regularly review and implement District Road Safety Action Plans ensuring good good Reduced annualsocial cost ofcrashes ensuring Plans Plan Action crashes Safety road fatal and serous Road of Number District implement coordinationbetween districtson common road safety issues and review Regularly andinter KiwiRail). projects transport identifiedaddress causes of road crashes in the Region(Regional TransportCommittee). TransportAgency, Horizons Regional Council, ACC, District Health Boards). ACC, safety road for statistics) crash road interventions in identified (as risk highest of areas the Targeting eintos n aporae lnig rcse (rnpr Aec, Territorial Agency, (Transport processes planning through network appropriate transport Authorities,KiwiRa strategic the and of functions designations future and current the Protecting Joi 2010 the TerritorialAuthorities). of option strategic preferred the to Undertakinga programme maintain anddevelopstrategic to road network the to give effect ae ra ues sfr eils sfr od ad ae sed (oie Territorial (Police, speeds safer and roads safer vehicles, safer Authorities, Transpo users, road safer i approach systems safe a Utilising Strategic Priority2 implementing when considered fully are security personal and safety that Ensuring an education engineering, Plan the through Prioritising culture safety road a of development the Promoting

DistrictHealth Boards).

- regionalaccessibility andlinks with national transport corridors

(Police, Territorial Authorities, Transport Agency, Horizons Regional Council, Regional Horizons Agency, Transport Authorities, Territorial (Police, il). Tasot gny Territori Agency, (Transport

rt Agency,rt Horizons, ACC, District Health Boards).

Improvedconnectivity keyof strategicroutes -


vlig cmie pcae f esrs targeting measures of package combined a nvolving

declining year on year during the lifetime of the the of lifetime the during year on year declining l uhrte, oios einl Council, Regional Horizons Authorities, al t rnpr Suy Tasot Agency, (Transport Study Transport nt

efreet ciiis which activities enforcement d Plc, ertra Authorities, Territorial (Police,

sure safe, efficientsafe, sure

Page Page 117

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 2.2.2 2.2.1 BY and productivity areas growth economic principal Region’s the to connections effective of provision the Support Policy2.2 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Measures: 2.1.7 2.1.6 2.1.5 2.1.4 2.1.3 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Measures: 2.2.3


Increasedtonnage movedby rail. existingand future networksare avoided ormitigated. inter having effects ensure to proposals use land reviewsand Plan District on Submit as identified activities on improvementssignificance for advocate and Identify s Implement tosafety reali subject Study, growth and facilitateseconomic development North Transport Palmerston the in network Joint transport the strategicthat ensure to the communities, affected with consultation of further and reports assessment recommendations the Implement and implement identified the improvements Otaki and Levin between RoNS the to improvements necessary of investigations Complete te hzrs ad ht hr ae vial atraie o aporae tnad o this for standard appropriate of alternatives function (TransportAgency, Territorial availableAuthorities, are there that and hazards, other and weatheradverse disruptionfrom to resilientis networktransport strategic the Ensuring netk a einl rwh td t ietf atos o norg frhr economic further encourage PrimaryIndustries, toHorizons Regional actions identify for Ministry Employment, and to Innovation Business, of (Ministry Region the in development study growth regional a Undertake Agency ( appropriate where traffic road local and arterial of separation the Encouraging forestryand tourism traffic( Upgrading (TransportAgency, TerritorialAuthorities). roadi strategic the on intensification use land of effects negative the Minimising (TransportAgency, TerritorialAuthorities and KiwiRail) inter effective and efficient most the where modes, transport other and rail of integration the Encouraging network efficient by network transport strategic management techniques(Transport Agency, TerritorialAuthorities). the of capacity existing the Maximising Increased GDPper capita the in Region Plan Transport Land Regional their (TransportAgency, Regional through Regions inter strengthen and identify to implementation and development neighbouring with Working

, , TerritorialAuthorities).

ua ras n bigs s eesr t ctr o cmeca, agricultural, commercial, for cater to necessary as bridges and roads rural

gnmentson strategicroutes in identifiedpriority order throughthe Plan ttee -



Councils, Territorial Authorities).


Council, TerritorialAuthorities) and intra and

, , TerritorialAuthorities). - regional movement of freight and people. and freight of movement regional KiwiRail). -

aaau ua ae ctr fr future for caters area rural Manawatu

- regional links and routes and links regional

possible, to ensure to possible,

of development on development of ng network ng Transport Page Page - regional cheme 118

2.3.7 2.3.6 2.3.5 2.3.4 2.3.3 2.3.2 2.3.1 BY Support Policy2.3 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

Pro minimise to standard appropriate of alternatives available disruptionof freight flows( are there that and hazards, freig that Ensuring where appropriate vehicles‟, motor productivity „high for routes of network safe a protecting and Establishing KiwiRail). ( appropriate as modes, transport between freight of transfer the for facilities provisionof the Supporting Authorities,Horizons Regional Council) avail the ensuring and documents,planning regional and local in distribution freight of needs the Considering Authorities,KiwiRail). inter effective encourage to possible, ( where modes, of integration Zealand the Supporting New throughout freight of distribution efficient the TransportAgency in role major Region‟s resulting from the transportsystem, such asstock truck effluent disposal sites. lnig mitiig n dvlpn transport developing and maintaining Planning,

the efficientthe and effective movement freightof within andthrough theRegion

oig n poiig nrsrcue ht iiae avre niomna effects environmental adverse mitigates that infrastructure providing and moting

rnpr Agency Transport -

n intra and , TerritorialAuthorities, KiwiRail). blt o sial ln t fcltt ti ( this facilitate to land suitable of ability ( t ordr ae eiin t dsuto rm des wahr n other and weather adverse from disruption to resilient are corridors ht TransportAgency


25 - TransportAgency einl oeet f rih ( freight of movement regional

, ertra Atoiis Hrzn Rgoa Council, Regional Horizons Authorities, Territorial , , TerritorialAuthorities).

, TerritorialAuthorities, KiwiRail). corridors to support and encourage the the encourage and support to corridors

rnpr Agency Transport

rnpr Agency Transport the most efficient and efficient most the

Territorial , Territorial ,

Page Page


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 3.2.3 3.2.2 3.2.1 BY Region Encourage Policy3.2 to order in 3.1. development of areas new in reduce need the to travel(Territorial Authorities). facilities community of establishment the Promoting 3.1.2 3.1.1 BY Toensure landuse planningrecognises potential impacton existing transport systems Policy3.1 of land usechange impacts and change demographic to respond proactively and for Plan 3 Priority Strategic 4 3 2 1 Measures: March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 3. 2. 1. Measures:

Maintain percentagereduce / ofhousehold Reduction5 in Regional the Land TransportPlan Contribute to the reviewdistrict of and regional planning documents ensureto alignment with ofNumber newbusinesses locatingin the freight Increasing numberof high productivity vehicles high on productivity vehiclemotor routes Increasedpayload vehicle per tonnes, in by mode Island Stock TruckEffluent Strategy. Completeimplementation ofproposed stock truckeffluent facilities nuig rih ad ors fos r tkn no con drn pann processes planning during account into taken are flows ( tourist and freight Ensuring strategies ( consistent are which services and projects transport Developing documents ( planning in protected and identified are corridorstransport future and current that Ensuring mlmnain f akn piig o elc te re ot f akn poiin (Regional provision parking of cost true TransportCommittee) the reflect to pricing parking of implementation of review the for Advocating several via accessibility high with corridors or areas in density housing urban increased Promoting transportservices, consistent with relevantbest practice guidance(Territorial Authorities). development use land new Ensuring


effective integration of transport and land use planning in growt in planning use land and transport of integration effective transportmodes, assuch along bus routes(Territorial Authorities).

TransportAgency TransportAgency - yearvehicle kilometres travelledrolling average in urbanareas

, , TerritorialAuthorities). ttee



, Territorial , Authorities). , , TerritorialAuthorities).

iiu prig eurmns n itit ln ad the and plans district in requirements parking minimum

nlds rvso fr akn, yln ad public and cycling walking, for provision includes

consumption expenditureon transport


identifiedin theNorth

with land use plans and plans use land with

h areas of the of areas h

Page Page


7. 6. 5. 4. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

Decrease in tonnesof CO2 emitted domesticfrom transport per capita Increasedpopulation de and urban growth newdevelopmentscyclingstrategies, and walking withCollaborationterritorial on authorities Advocatingon District Plan reviews plan changes/ landon use proposals

nsityin PalmerstonNorth and Wanganui -


Page Page 121

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 4. 3. 2. 1. Measures: 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 BY Encouragethe uptake of walkingand cycling transportas modes and Policy4 Strategic Priority4 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

netk pdsra ad yln sft euain rgams n eetd high selected in programmes education safety cycling and pedestrian Undertake and thePureora Ruapehu the of construction Complete Increasel Increaseduptake ofwalking and cycling counts. locations.

anann cret akn ad yln fclte t aporae tnad ( standards appropriate to facilities Ag cycling and walking current Maintaining ( appropriate where cycling, and walking safe for caters that infrastructure new Providing Council,Territorial Authorities). Regional (Horizons Region the in recreation and tourism in cycling of role the Promoting cycleways and walkways ( recreational promoting and Developing bus at parks bike as such modes, terminalsand cycle carrierson buses between transfer enable which facilities Providing RegionalCouncil, District Health and programmes, change behaviour travel activitieseducational and promotional through cycling and walking Encouraging TransportAgency TransportAgency


, , TerritorialAuthorities).

evelinvestmentof in walkingand cycling facilities.

Increased focusonpedestrians and cycling - Ongarue CentralNorth Island RailTrail , , TerritorialAuthorities). , TerritorialAuthorities). ttee




- (Horizons RegionalCouncil, TerritorialAuthorities). Whangan ( Transport Agency Transport

ui Pathways ui

, Territorial Authorities, HorizonsAuthorities, Territorial ,


Ngā Ara Tūhono cycleway Tūhono Ara Ngā forrecreation

hr appropriate where Transport Page Page

- risk 122

4. 3. 2. 1. Measures: 5.1.8 5.1.7 5.1.6 5.1.5 5.1.4 5.1.3 5.1.2 5.1.1 BY Promotethe increased use ofpublic transport Policy5.1 Strategic Priority5 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 6. 5.

netgt te rvso o cce ares n ue i ubn ra ad n commuter Provideimproved on servicebus informationwhere necessary and areas urban in buses on carriers cycleservices between centres of provision the Investigate and majornew facilities (TerritorialAuthorities subdivisions residential in facilities and routes transport public (Hori for providing and Planning areas rural and towns small in residents for RegionalCouncil mobility and access cost improve and innovative developing and Investigating service of (TerritorialAuthorities locations to necessary and appropriate where measures priority bus appropriate Providing in infrastructure transport passenger (HorizonsRegional Council, TerritorialAuthorities quality high Developing Agency including all, for affordable and Authorities Territorial Council, Regional accessible(Horizons options limited with those is system transport public the that Ensuring Agency users, car current for commuters(Horparticularly for choice of mode the as centres urban in transport public Promoting urban areasand between centres (HorizonsRegional Council effective cost reliable, frequent, Providing Maintain existingrural services, and where Palmerst feasible,introduce new services. in improvements terminal bus Wanganui into investigations Complete Completea firstprinciples review Palmerston the of North urban services transportcomponent publicthe implement to (RPTP) Plan Transport PublicRegional the implement Reviewand investigating opportunitiesimproved for services of retention the Supporting

). ).

Efficient,accessible and affordablepublic transport networks

and TransportAgency



urn psegr al evcs hog te ein and Region the through services rail passenger current izonsCouncil,TerritorialRegionalAuthorities

and TransportAgency ).

ulc rnpr srie wee prpit in appropriate where services transport public

and TransportAgency

(HorizonsRegional Council)

and TransportAgency - fetv pbi tasot ouin to solutions transport public effective ).

and TransportAgency ).

maintain a high level high a maintain ).

n ot and North on

and Trans and

and Transportand

Page Page ).

zons port 123

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 3. 2. 1. Measures: 5.2.3 5.2.2 5.2.1 BY transport public the in for providedsystem are needs transport special with people that Ensure Policy5.2 9. 8. 7. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

Increasedlevel investmentof accessibilityon infrastructure cateredwhere for are impairments audio and visual that ensure to systems information timetable bus Review newserviceswhere feasible (HorizonsRegional Council) C Increasing farebox Increasepublic transport trips percapita PalmerstonNorth and between Wellington. services commuter current the improving or retaining of feasibility the Investigate

users (HorizonsRegional Council, Territorial Authorities). all of needs the meet etc) systems announcement public (timetables, systems information bus and shelters) bus and terminals as (such infrastructure transport public that Ensuring Providingwheelchair accessible buseswhere viable (HorizonsRegional Council). as possible (HorizonsRegional Council). th of parts many as in services transport specialised and Mobility Total Providing ontinue to provide the Total Mobility service including investigating the establishment of of establishment the investigating including service Mobility Total the provide to ontinue

feasible (HorizonsRegional Council)

recoverytheon regional public transport network ttee



e Region e Page Page 124

Measures: 6.3 6.2 6.1 BY Cater for theprovision clearlyof defined tourism routes Policy6 Strategic Priority6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

3. 2. 1.

rmtn te oe f yln tuim n rceto i te ein Tasot Agen (Transport Region the in recreation and TerritorialAuthorities and Regional TourismOrganisations). tourism cycling of role the Promoting improved, to facilitate tourism growth (TransportAgency and TerritorialAuthorities). Ensuring Workingwith thetourism industry to rai Highway43 Napier Road, River Whanganui the on counts vehicle Increased yearYearon growth in theofuse National the Cycle routes Trail in theRegion Regional and (KiwiRail tourism as such uses, Tour transport other for corridors rail disused ofretention the including Region, the in network rail current the of retention the Encourage

ism Organisations).

that existing transport links in rural areas are maintained, and where necessary where and maintained, are areas rural in links transport existing that

Anappropriate network oftourism routes



se awareness ofthe Regions tourist routes

- Taihape Road and State and Road Taihape

Page Page

125 cy,

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6      r to amended is transport. Theten activity classes of the GPS 2015 are shown below. and basis yearly three a on prepared is GPS The GPS. the in established classes activity to allocated is NLTF the in Funding and registration vehicle motor from and statehighway land,and interest from invested.cash duty, mo excise also are fuel There fees. charges, licencing is user funding This road Agency. Transport from the by sourced supported projects for source funding a is NLTF The 3.1. isoutlined below.This includes funding throughthe NLTF and other sources of funding. activities transport land regional for funding of sources anticipated and known the of description A 3.1 the offset to and services transport objectives public the to from effect revenue amount passenger give as to such required plan, are the NLTF in priorities the outside funding of sources Other b not will and limitless not is NLTF The outlines programme) from NLTF the will give effect to the strategicpriorities outlined as section in 2.4. plan (the this in sought funding The activitiessources. other through funded be to are of that activities as well as programme regional Tra The Land National the through sought is funding which for activities LTMA. the of requirement legislative a is Plan the of chapters two next the in outlined activities of programme regional The 3: FundingtheSection Plan March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional         


Regionalimprovements Walkingand cycling improvements Publictransport (services andinfrastructure) Localroad mai Localroad improvements highwayState maintenance (including operation and renewals) highwayState improvements Revenue Anticipatedsources revenue ofpublic funding.

from Nationalfrom the Land Transport Fund ntenance (includingoperation and renewals)




et otiuin fo sucs uh s h rna o sl of sale or rental the as such sources from contributions dest

al t fn al f h atvte ietfe i te Plan. the in identified activities the of all fund to able e fet h cret oenets roiis o land for priorities government's current the eflect

nsport Programme and NLTF, and Programme nsport

Page Page 126

increasingly free of death and serious injury. The Police contribute to the safe system approach system intelligencean using andevidence and identifybased approach to maximiserisk safe deployment. This the to contribute Police The injury. serious and death of free increasingly road safe a Journeys‟Safer visionof achieve agencies the to withpartner Policework The asRTC advisoryan member. directio political the the on sits Police the from representative setting A Plan. the through policy regional level high providing for responsible is RTC The the implement to interventions agency multiple Government'sSafer Journeys Strategy. of delivery coordinated the for framework a set commun our for trauma road in reduction a and offenders fewer victims, fewer in result will which first, prevention on is focus The protectto people the in ourcommunities deathfrom andserious injury. repeat targeting lives, saving harm, preventing aligned is 2015 to with Safer JourneysStrategy Policing Road The safer. communities our making about is Policing 3.1.2 police of relationshipactivities plan. to the Thisassessment isbelow. the of assessment an include to Poli required NZare plans transport the land other regional to the directly with occurs allocated it are as Funds Plan classes. the through activity coordinated not is class activity policing road The activityclass. Approved the TransportAgency considers will deliver regional rather nationalthan the in forward put activities Planwill allreceive sought the funding fromthe NLTF. Not allocated. fully is class activity each to available funding the n of basis the on is and GPS, the with consistent manner a in occurs Funding Agency Transport the by undertaken is activities across funds activity each For    March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional as activities, Police achieved. be can Journeys Safer and RSAP‟s the to related outcomes and Educati day). the of hours and week the of (days times particular at areas speed geographic driving,risk high drugged and restraints, andand alcohol behaviour, driving and drivers) young (e.g. drivers risk high deterrence prevention, to resources targeting includes Allocation of funds for this activity class will occur nationally, and will be allocated to projects that projects to allocated be will and nationally, occur will class activity this for funds of Allocation   

Road policing Investment management(transport planning) Road safetypromotion Contributionof road policing activity theto Horizons Regional La ng and encouraging road users to behave more safely will help ensure identified targets identified ensure help will safely more behave to users road encouraging and ng

raiain ta hv a oS o pr o a oS cno se fnig rm this from funding seek cannot RoNS, a of part or RoNS, a have that organisations

class, an upper and lower funding range is given in the GPS. The distribution of distribution The GPS. the in given is range funding lower and upper an class,


theNew Zealand RoadSafety Strategy. TheRoad PolicingStrategy isabout

ity. Within the Region, local Road Safety Action Plans (RSAP‟s) Plans Action Safety Road local Region, the Within ity. -


and high risk offenders, and working with partners with working and offenders, risk high and

and enforcement activities which focus on focus which activities enforcement and fr od aey n h Rgo and Region the in safety road for n e t ntoa lvl However, level. national a at ce

with input from transport partners transport from input with

benefits ndTransport Plan ational priority until until priority ational .

Page Page system 127


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6   million $212 The Fund. Investment Future the on fundingpackage is madeofup thr drawing projects, highway state important regionallyaccelerate to package funding million$212 a announced Government the 2014 June In AcceleratedRegional Roading Programme   funds supplementary of Examples include: funding'. 'supplementary termed are sources revenue local from or NLTF the through provided those outside funding of sources additional level, local the At Supplementaryfunding transportactivities, as outlined this in section. regional for levelslocal andnational both at revenueof sources otherknown of range a are There 3.1.4 affectwhich activities get fundedand th will that changes ongoing to subject be will plan this in outlined as programme the Consequently council.each of processes plan annual and planterm long the to contributionssubject are funding actual The figure. this in up picked get not do that areas rural in extensionsseal and work footpath renewal urban as such activities unsubsidised out carry also authorities Local factore be to time in given be to organisationper rate flat a withreviewed, being is country the acrossauthority the local each for FAR as to referred is and authorities local between varies relevant) (where services transport byLocalauthority.local revenue the typicallylocalsources are publicderivedfares rates, for from applie contribution local a provisionof the on contingentis NLTF the Subsidythrough NLTF. the through subsidised are authorities territorial and regional by undertaken activities transport Many 3.1.3 objectivplan. safety road the in captured are approach, system safe the of part March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional been have there as considerationssafety for important also is project The south. or north journey impedimen major a is bridge The 1. Highway Stateon bridge Trestle the Whirikino is funds of groupsecond the in identifiedprojects the of One      

$12 million accelerateto investigation and design of threelarge projects. $115million hasfunding beenset aside to fund the c to up and projects, six processesfor consenting and investigation finalise to million $5 to up $80 million accelerateto construction the of five criticallyimportant regionalprojects; community to agencies government other or groups programmes. community from contributions usually that beyond parties private or required fora subsidised activity as such developmentcontributions authorities territorial from contributions additional LocalRevenue sources Othersources of revenue

ttee d into this Plan, transitioning to the final flat rate within ten within rate flat final the to transitioning Plan, this into d -

25 eeparts:


debt e level of funding.

and development contributions development and

t for for t


onstructionof these projects;and currently have to take a detour on their on detour a take to have currently F unding A ssistance . The amount of subsidy of amount The .

e and priorities in this in priorities and e

R amounts of local of amounts ate (FAR). The The (FAR). ate Page Page


years. 128 d

theon best information available this at time. ten the However, values. and proposed activities the affect also will reviews ongoing and values, the affect will processes plan ten ten The the with along years, ten anticipated revenuesource. next the over class activity each in expenditure anticipated anticipated the ofshows forecast financial a include to revenue plansand expenditure activitieson the ten for transport land regional requires LTMA The 3.2 cases, business Ministry the of Transport regarding to with discussion in currently is KiwiRail subsidy. operating Subject an than rather assets business‟s the in investment. 10 Government‟s KiwiRail for document guiding the is 2010 Plan Turnaround KiwiRail The occurs network. transport planning the of rest the and to separately funding KiwiRail Enterprise, Owned State a As Zealand. New within ships an rail by people and freight of movement the on focusing Enterprise Owned State a is KiwiRail KiwiRailfunding worth of funding the formaintaining the cycleway the over following years, four via contestable a fund. 2014 February In Project. Cycleway National the for years three following the for budget the in million $50 announced Government the 2009 In for eligible be may million$8 additional funds forNational Cycleway Nga / Haerenga Region Horizons the of centres will urban organisations the consideration, other in and projects Cycling government Panel, network. local Investment and Cycling central Urban to opportunities investigate of An representatives expenditure. of operational consisting and capital between divided infrastructure, cycling urban following for the years over million four $100 of investment extra announced Government the 2014 August In $100million for urban cyclewayimprovements p This years. the over structure givena Priority 1 by the inRTC programme the component. this on crashes fatal and serious of number a March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

- years. The NLTF share of this expenditure is around $992 million. Long term plan and annual and plan term Long million. $992 around is expenditure this of share NLTF The years. Ten - year forecast for the Horizons Region has a total cost of almost $1.4 bill $1.4 almost of cost total a has Region Horizons the for forecast year - yearofforecast revenueand expenditure



year turnaround plan to turn around the rail industry and focuses on investment on focuses and industry rail the around turn to plan turnaround year

a beproject included in thePlan

invest in urban cycleways that would expand and improve the cycling the improve and expand would that cycleways urban in invest

- year forecast year -

25 aproposed futurestrategic plan forrail in NewZealand.

does give an indicative forecast of expenditure based expenditure of forecast indicative an give does

loae fo te rw' Cnoiae Fn and Fund Consolidated Crown's the from allocated - fina

ncialyears the start from of Plan. Figurethe 5 oenet none a ute $ million $8 further a announced Government .

investment follows the the follows investment ion over the next the over ion oet a been has roject Page Page

129 d

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 Figure March03 2015 RegionalTransport Commi 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional TransportPlanning Road Safetypromotion Walkingand Cycling facilities PublicTransport services PublicTransport infrastructure improvedinfrastructure HighwaysState infrastructure LocalRoads HighwaysState LocalRoads operations HighwaysState operations LocalRoads ActivityClasses 6 : Forecast: anticipated expenditure and revenue2015

- - -

Newand Renewals Maintenance and - - -

Newand Renewals Maintenanceand





2025($) Expenditure2015 Forecast 24,174,479 354,090,149

2,266,000 8,363,562 67,167,419 678,050 268,587,075 56,878,789 53,329,500 378,040,119 163,911,760

- 33,583,709 National($) FundingSources 1,507,720 5,514,933 14,534,823 339,025 268,587,075 38,273,450 53,329,500 212,533,887 200,497,034 163,911,760 - 25

758,280 2,848,629 9,639,656 339,025 18,605,339 153,593,115 Local ($) 33,583,709 0 0 165,506,232 0

Page Page


or suspended varied, be activity an that proposed abandoned. is it if action proposed the of explanation an requir is Committee the Plan, the preparing In next the sixyears. Thisincludes thoseactivities RTC the that considers do notneedprioritising. overundertake anticipate to organisations approvedall activities that of list full shows the 7 Figure its signal to well as 1 Priority a givenimportance Regioto the strategic been have highest operations the and as maintenance delivery road and all maintenance priority, road efficient placed programme has the RTC of the years Because six the during Region inv the future will inform that studies Transport component. in underway activities of picture complete beenhas where committedproject.to a the have funding These present to beenincluded order in constr under already are that those are 1 Priority a with list the of top the at projects The strategicpriorities. lower addressing those than ranking higher a given are priorities strategic higher the address that p each how is process prioritisation the of part second The crit funding Agency‟s Transport Mediumor Low fit. This gives eachprojecta Transport Agency the assessment profile. High, a either to as assessed is criteria contributes three the of Each project efficiency. and effectiveness each fit, strategic how is stage first The Theprioritised listin inFigure 6. projects The have beenprioritised in two stages. the criteriain the meet that activitiesall proposed Any significant. be to to considersRTC the that priorityactivities of order an assign to RTC the requires 2003 Act Management Transport Land The 4: Regional Section ofTransportProgramme Activities March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Significance Policy(in appendix have4) thereforebeenprioritised by theRTC.

No known activities proposed are tovaried,be suspended orabandoned.




ed (under section 16(6)(d) of the LTMA) to include to LTMA) the of 16(6)(d) section (under ed estment have also been given a Priority 1. Priority a givenbeen also have estment roject ranks regionally. Those projects Those regionally. ranks roject

Page Page uction or uction eria of of eria 131

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional 4.1

Prioritised List of Activities of List Prioritised Figure prioritisedactivities. locat the shows 6 Figure NLTF. the from funding prioritised for has RTC the that projects of list thecontains section This

7 : Location : map of key activitiesprioritised -


ion of the key the of ion Page Page 132

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional NZTA NZTA MDC HDC RC Horizons RC Horizons RC Horizons Wanganui) (Manawatu DOC Organisation Figure Key Organisationsto NZTA MDC HRC HDC DoC name



: Prioritised : ActivitiesListof Levin RoNS Wellington 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Renewals Operations andMaintenance, 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, 18 Safety 2015 Road Promotion 18 ManagementPlanning 2015 Transport Land Regional 2015 TransportProgramme Public 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance,

NewZealand Transport Agency ManawatuDistrict Council HorizonsRegional Council HorowhenuaCouncil District Departmentof Conservation



Project name Project Programme 2015


9. Otaki to9. -


- - - - - 18 18 18 18 -

Start Start year

2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

Total cost Total 76970419 52184650 30360227 17341000 16035606 2296019 1676632 for all for all years 663693 WDC TDC RuaDC RanDC PNCC

Cost 2015 Cost 13103641 16912170 10096055 5724000 4717895 746521 209002 172106 RangitikeiDistrict Council PalmerstonNorth CityCouncil WanganuiDistrict Council TararuaDistrict Council RuapehuDistrict Council

Cost 2016 Cost 16455598 17463160 10128117 5797000 4805169 765184 146763 166106

Cost 2017 Cost 16990424 17809320 10136055 5820000 6512542 784314 146763 325481

Total Cost Cost Total 46549663 52184650 30360227 17341000 16035606 2296019 years for 3 for 3 502528 663693

Total Cost Cost Total 76970419 52184650 30360227 17341000 16035606 2296019 years for 6 for 6 942817 663693

Assessment Assessment Profile NZTA MMH HHL MH


Priority RLTP 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page Page Ranking Overall 133 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional RuaDC RangDC PNCC PNCC MDC WDC WDC TDC RuaDC RuaDC RangDC PNCC NZTA

AMP Development 2026 Planning Transport 2015 Caseimplementation Business North ITSPalmerston ONRC addendum ManagementPlanActivity Planning Transport 2015 integration Update/ONRC ManagementPlanAsset 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, 2015 Renewals Programme and Maintenance,Operations SPR 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Replacement Trestle Bridge Whirokino

- 18



- - 2026


- - - - - 19 18 18 18 18

2014 2016 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

41340000 32627353 31679065 30746171 29153667 26253720 3263784 100000 720000 400000 690000 30000 30000

11083153 10454793 1055934 9938841 9199751 8950252 500000 180000 300000 30000 50000 30000

10761603 10559340 10250977 10123723 5200000 1087611 8925950 100000 150000 50000

35000000 10782597 10664932 10556353 1120239 9830193 8377518 80000 80000

32627353 31679065 30746171 29153667 26253720 40700000 3263784 100000 310000 300000 280000 30000 30000

32627353 31679065 30746171 29153667 26253720 40700000 3263784 100000 490000 300000 460000 30000 30000


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page Page 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional PNCC WDC NZTA NZTA PNCC NZTA NZTA NZTA NZTA WDC WDC PNCC HDC

Replacement Bridge Stream Mangaone Road MDC Campbells Replacement Overbridge Rail St Br 74 Wakefield Manawatu/ Whanganui RightFacilties Weight Manawatu Hill HPMV standard routes strategic toUpgraded ImprovementsPassing to FoxtonSH1 Waiouru Disposal SE Waiouru facility Improvements SafetytoSH1 Shannon SH57: Improvements Wanganui Roads Rural Review Study Street Bridge Dublin toupgrade LED City wide streetlighting Improvement ManagementPlanActivity


Effects Forestry onof Effects - Whangaehu Safety Whangaehu


- -

25 Strategy -

2014 2015 2015 2015 2017 2017 2015 2016 2016 2015 2017 2015

11673500 12207564 1800000 6018804 5361347 8053323 2700000 722814 325388 636508 100000 90000 20000

2700000 722814 100000 356000 325388 30000 79431 20000 0 0 0

1463164 200000 353323 313676 30000 96000 0

11221500 1500000 2657903 1421784 7700000 272864 322832 100000

11673500 1800000 4200498 1421784 8053323 2700000 722814 272864 325388 636508 100000 20000 60000

11673500 12207564 1800000 6018804 4613613 8053323 2700000 722814 325388 636508 100000 20000 60000


2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page Page 135 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional NZTA NZTA NZTA NZTA / WDC NZTA WDC PNCC NZTA PNCC WDC PNCC PNCC

Levin RoNS Wellington North S/WShannon Bulls HPMV River CyclewayWanganui Cycle/Walkway Ashhurst Manawatu SH3 RiverBridge and Walking package Improvements Cyclingand Walking ImprovementIntersection Tremaine Line Rangitikei Ave implementation BridgeCycle/Pedestrian Study Reduction Crash renewalbridge Mangaone Road Stream Bunnythorpe MDC Kairanga Replacement Strm Jacks Bridge Road Bunnythorpe MDC Kairanga


SH3 Heads Rd SH1 to Heads SH3 Cycling


9. Otaki to9.



2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2020

27900000 18370679 4680000 2232500 2500000 4543800 1681171 7027516 550000 700000 550000 50000


3200000 2105224 1681171 264000 919980 100000 956500 408000 850000 Committed Activities Committed

8376000 2364304 3000000 418000 50000

8369000 2746155 3046516 427000

19945000 2500000 1253000 7215683 1681171 6896516 919980 100000 264000 50000 0

19945000 11965751 2232500 2500000 2595000 1681171 7027516 919980 100000 264000 50000 50000




4 4 4 4 2 3 2 2 2

Page Page NA NA NA 136

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional NZTA

Replacement & Realignment Replacement Stream Whakaruatapu Bridge










Page Page NA 137

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 Therefore some of these profiles are likely to change over time. If they do change, changes will reflectedbe when changes thePlan isadopted. change, moderated. do they If been time. not over change haveto likely are these profiles these of and some Therefore appropriate, where project, each th given that has profile organisation the is Profile‟ „Assessment titled column the that note Please      the provides 8 either Figure assessmentthis inagainst objectives the of Plan. the column are:These against final The assessed to. are contribute will activity activities each that proposedpolicy by the or all grouped objective 8, that Figure requires in LTMA detailed The are Plan the organisation. in inclusion for proposed activities Transport All 4.2 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional     

Aresilient and multi modal transport system Asafe land transportsystem; Bettertargeted investment fora strategic network; Enhance thestrategic advantage of the Enhanced efficiencyfreight across Region; the Full List of Activities ofList Full



freighthub forthe central North Island;

rlvn approved relevant e

Page Page 138

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional MDC HDC HDC HDC HRC HRC HRC HRC DOC DOC Figure Organisation

name 9 : Full : Activitiesoflist Renewals Programme 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Improvement Activity Minor 2015 improvements 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Safety 2015 Road Promotion Management 2015 Transport Land Regional Planning 2015 TransportProgramme Public Minor 2015 improvements Minor 2015 improvements 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance,

- 18


Project name - 18


25 - - -

18 19 18

- - - 18 18 18 -


2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Expected ------

18 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 duration of


2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Start year

30360227 17341000 16035606 1855400 2296019 1676632 1631705 663693 90000 56700 Total Cost

10096055 5724000 4717895 638000 746521 209002 452380 172106 30000 18900 Cost 2015

10128117 5797000 4805169 607400 765184 146763 488458 166106 30000 18900 Cost 2016

10136055 5820000 6512542 610000 784314 146763 690867 325481 18900 Cost 2017 0

MMH N/A N/A N/A N/A MH HH HH Assessment



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RLTP

Assessment N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Page Page Resilient and Resilient and Resilient multi multi 139 Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Safety

- -

modal modal Contribution to Objective

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Transport Land Regional NZTA NZTA WDC NZTA / NZTA NZTA NZTA NZTA NZTA NZTA NZTA NZTA MDC MDC

Whanganui RightFacilties Weight Improvements Wanganui River CyclewayWanganui Disposal SE Waiouru facility Improvements SafetytoSH1 Shannon SH57: Improvements to FoxtonSH1 Passing Waiouru ImprovementIntersection Tremaine Line Rangitikei Ave Cycle/Walkway Ashhurst Manawatu SH3 RiverBridge Realignment Manawatu Hill Minor 2015 improvements 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Planning Transport 2015 Minor 2015 improvements

- Whangaehu Safety Whangaehu Plan 2015 Plan

- -

25 Manawatu/ -

2026 - -

18 18



2015 2015 2016 2015 2015 2016 2017 2015 2015 2015 2015 2026 2015 2015

------20 17 18 16 17 19 16 18 18 18 18 18

2015 2015 2015 2016 2015 2015 2016 2017 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

11673500 2500000 12207564 52184650 1548480 6018804 2232500 8053323 1681171 4387075 636508 325388 690000

16912170 356000 1681171 1364868 516160 956500 325388 79431 50000

0 0 0

17463160 96000 1463164 1462358 516160 313676 353323 150000

0 0 0

11221500 17809320 2657903 7700000 1559849 322832 272864 516160 80000

0 0


N/A N/A 1 1 4 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 1

N/A N/A 3 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 1

Page Page Freight efficiency Freight efficiency Freight 140 Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Network Network Network Network Network Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC NZTA NZTA

Jacks Strm BridgeJacks Replacement Bunnythorpe RoadMDC Kairanga Stream Road MangaoneMDC Campbells Improvements Grove Road Safety Kelvin Upgrade Line James Facilities PedestrianCycle Grey and Street ) Pitt to Street Ferguson (Linton Widening LED upgradeCity wideto streetlighting Upgrade Intersection Bourke Walding addendum ManagementPlanActivity Minor 2015 improvements 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Replacement Trestle Bridge Whirokino Levin RoNS Wellington

Bridge Replacement




9. Otaki to9.


25 -

- 18



2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2017 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 ------16 16 21 17 16 18 16 16 16 18 18 17 19

2015 2014 2015 2020 2015 2015 2017 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014

76970419 2,822,779 2,970,492 1,708,000 26253720 41340000 2700000 2100000 350,000 894,230 550000 722814 30000

13103641 2,247,000 2700000 8950252 350,000 894,230 264000 722814 700000 500000 30000

0 0

16455598 8925950 5200000 723,492 700000

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,708,000 35000000 16990424 8377518 700000

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 2 1 1 1 1 2

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 3 2 1 1 1 1

Page Page Freight efficiency Freight efficiency Freight Resilient and Resilient multi 141 Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Network Network Network Network Network Network Safety Safety Safety Safety

- modal

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Transport Land Regional RanDC RanDC RanDC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC PNCC

Transport Planning Transport 2015 Minor 2015 improvements 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Case Business Strategy implementationTransport North Palmerston package Improvements Cyclingand Walking implementation Cycle/Pedestrian HPMV standard routes strategic toUpgraded activitiescycle DrivePedestrianSummerhill and safety upgradeSchool CreekRoad Stoney Whakarongo Safety ImprovementsIntersection Road1 No Line Rongotea to Longburn Path Cycle HighwayPioneer Shared Upgrade CookSt Rd Intersection Park Stream Mangaone Bunnythorpe RoadMDC Kairanga

Plan 2015 Plan

Bridge Integrated bridge renewal


25 - -

2026 18 - 18

2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2017 2019 2017 2017 2020 2018 ------26 18 18 16 21 19 21 20 18 21 21 19 16

2020 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2017 2019 2017 2017 2020 2018

29153667 18370679 1,300,000 4,418,280 1577031 7027516 5361347 297,825 752,202 513,603 550000 720000 400000

9199751 2105224 180000 525677 300000 850000

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10123723 2364304 3000000 525677 50000

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,300,000 9830193 2746155 3046516 1421784 600,000 525677 80000 0 0 0 0 0


N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 4 3 2 2

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 4 4 2 3

Page Page Freight efficiency Freight Resilient and Resilient and Resilient and Resilient and Resilient and Resilient multi multi multi multi multi 142 Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Network Network Network Network Safety Safety Safety

- - - - - modal modal modal modal modal

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional WDC WDC TDC TDC RuaDC RuaDC RuaDC RuaDC RuaDC RuaDC RuaDC RuaDC RuaDC

Replacement Road Kauarapaoa BridgeBr 15 integration Update/ONRC ManagementPlanAsset Minor 2015 improvements 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Renewal Rail Overbridge Waitewhena B353 Stream Upokonui Renewal (B404) Road RailRuapehu Over Bridge Renewal Road Rail Overbridge Mangateitei Minor improvementsSPR 2015 Minor 2015 improvements AMP Development 2015 Programme Renewals Maintenance,Operations SPR and Renewals Operations andMaintenance,

Programme 2015

Culvert Renewal Culvert



- -

18 18 - - - 18 18 18

- 18

2015 2019 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2017 2017 2015 2015 2015 2015 ------21 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

2015 2019 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2017 2017 2015 2015 2016 2015

30746171 31679065 1820484 2345611 3263784 430000 325879 450063 450000 394770 260515 100000 30000

10454793 9938841 1055934 600800 325879 450063 736906 30000 82471 0 0 0 0

10250977 10559340 1087611 600800 801160 100000 87663

0 0 0 0 0 0

10664932 10556353 1120239 612876 450000 394770 807545 90381 0 0 0 0 0


N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1

Page Page 143 Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Network

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Transport Land Regional WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC WDC

Wanganui Central TransportHub Wanganui Cycling and Walking Roads Rural Review Minor 2015 improvements 2015 Programme Renewals Operations andMaintenance, Intersection Rd Rd Beach Prince / / Heads St New construction Road ExtensionAvenue Fitzherbert Study Street Bridge Dublin Study Reduction Crash Culverts ReplacementBridge Replacement Rail Overbridge St Br 74 Wakefield Replacement Matarawa Br 37 Bridge


Effects Forestry onof Effects Plan 2015 Plan

- -

Strategy Armco Armco -

25 -

18 - 18


2018 2019 2015 2015 2015 2015 2018 2018 2017 2016 2018 2015 ------20 21 16 18 18 19 21 18 17 20 18 19

2018 2019 2015 2015 2015 2015 2018 2018 2017 2016 2018 2015

32627353 4543800 2502109 1300000 1993000 1020000 1800000 500000 250000 100000 20000 50000

11083153 408000 849939 100000 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10761603 418000 825280 200000 50000

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10782597 1500000 427000 826890 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 1 1 1 2 1

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 1 1 2 4 3

Page Page Freight Efficiency Freight Efficiency Freight Resilient and Resilient and Resilient multi multi 144 Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Network Network Network Network Network Network Network Safety

- - modal modal

ot o Lvn oS n KwRi‟ Traon Plan Turnaround KiwiRail‟s and RoNS Levin of north the to links of reliability south and and west east, efficiency north, safety, improved identified already RLTS operative The The Island. Region,in our neighbouring North regionsand New Zealand a whole. as upper the meet to to ability as the on economicand social outcomes, most wellimpacts corridors these as of resilience Island, and safety North efficiency, , lower effectiveness the and Region the through inter These regional or national of be to considered be therefore can corridors significance. following The Region. the in corridors rail all as well as ONRC, the under significant regionally or nationallyas classified iden has RTC the section this of purposes the For the to according Zealand andform New function theyperfom. in highways state of hierarchy a identified has ONRC The lines. A corridors. rail and roading sta significant of nationally number of number a for crossroads a is Region The any) (if thathave interregional significance. activitiesidentify mustPlan the 2003, ActManagement Transport Land the of 16(2) section Under 5: Section Inter March03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional State „golden of section called the so on improvements (the seeing regions advocating Plenty still is of RTC Bay the and However, Auckland triangle‟). the to connections its improving recog also RTC The reliability southto the of Regionour will largelybe mitigatedwhen complete.         12 Inter Inter Inter Inter

KiwiRailTurnaround Plan, 2010 2015 o o o o o o o o o o o - - - - - regional corridors play a crucial role in facilitating the facilitating in role crucial a play corridors regional

regionalcorridors to Wellington regionalcorridors to Hawkes Bay regionalcorridors to Taranaki: regionalcorridors to Waikato: e ihas criss highways te North railline HighwayState 2 HighwayState 1 PalmerstonNorth HighwayState 3 HiState Marton HighwayState 3 North Island Main Trunk railline HighwayState 4 HighwayState 1

- regional Activitiesregional - ie ta te akt rgo t te ot hs pirt epai on emphasis priority a has north the to region Waikato the that nises NewPlymouth railline ghway2

of our Region. With the commencement of the Wellington Airport to Airport Wellington the of commencement the With Region. our of

- 2020

- - - rs ter a truhte ein swl a a ubr f rail of number a as well as Region the through way their cross

25 Gisbornerail line

critically affecting doing travel of andthetimes business cost

tified the those state highways that are either are that highways state those the tified 12 , the issues of safety, efficiency and and efficiency safety, of issues the ,

movement of people and freight and people of movement

Page Page 145

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 Road.Indicative BusinessCase Meeanee to Road Kennedy Expressway HB V Motor HorizonsRegion) the and Napier of Port Productivity ImprovementsSH2 Tranche( between 2 the High Intersection E HB Activity SignificantInter Figure rec are they that Zealanda whole. as so projects same the for advocate corridors critical inter be to these deemed on are that identified been have projects of number a that opportunities is discussions outcomesthese of result social The and investmenteconomic of improvement the future facilitate to order in the regions, these between discuss to North Palmerston min in this With added given also thatregions considerwill improve outcomes. has projects key for funding class, of pool limited this access activity to order in Improvementscollaboration regional on emphasis Regional the fund, contestable nationally (R funding regional the of replacement The efficient the flow of freightand cars throughthe centre of the North Island. H March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional ighway 1 between Taupo and the Desert Road summit which is recognised as a bottleneck to bottleneck a as recognised is which summit Road Desert the and Taupo between 1 ighway pesa Pkwa ad ik Road Links and Pakowhai xpressway 10

- providesa location mapof all inter regionallyisanticipated significant. It that both the andTaranaki Hawkes BaywillPlan‟s


i Ags 21 te T‟ o Hrzn, aks a ad aaai e in met Taranaki and Bay Hawkes Horizons, of RTC‟s the 2014 August in d -

regionalactivities between Horizons and Hawkes Bay

boundary with the the with boundary



ehicle - regionalactivities. - udn) ehns fo te LP ih h ne the with NLTP the from mechanism funding) ic pit n h ky taei link strategic key the on point pinch and safety a is intersection This Reason for Inter and tonnages of freight between the the between increasing.are freight the and of Manawatu is tonnages hub, area and freight a as Manawatu functioning increasingly North Palmerston Region of is link strategic safety and concern. capacity its reached of section This thison strategiclink. Hawke HPMV strengthened, the in the Once use Gorge. can Manawatu vehicles 50MAX while use, HPMV for suitable is Gorge) Manawatu the to alternative (an Road Saddle The area. freight of hubs remove the particular of in Region, use Horizons will the the between to improvements impediments These freight increasing. the a and Manawatu as hub, functioning increasingly North Palmerston The (Manawatu Horizons the between

n tnae o fegt ewe the between freight of tonnages and

the Palmerston North North Palmerston the

gie a big f infcne o New to significance of being as ognised n te oios Region. Horizons the and

This sectionform This

Hawkes Bay Region Bay Hawkes

aks a Region Bay Hawkes

between the the between -

regionalsignificance tt Hgwy 0 has 50A Highway State s a Rgo are Region Bay ‟s

Haw Region Bay Hawkes s wl b possible be will use - agni region. Wanganui) - aaau ra is area Manawatu

rde structures bridge e By Region Bay kes

s part of the key the part of s

aks Bay Hawkes –



HPMV n th and and the the and

The ‟s e Page Page

146 w .

SH1 Hatepe Hill to Turangi Activity SignificantInter HPMV for Routes capabilityHorizonsin the region. Strategic Upgraded SH3 Normanby Overbridge SH43(Forgotten SH3 TangahoeRiver Bridge Activity SignificantInter SH2 ManawatuHill Realignment HPMV for Routes capabilityHorizonsin the region. Strategic Upgraded March03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional SH1 Thr SH1 Pueketarata Manawatuto Boundary

ee Sistersee


- - Highway) regionalactivities be regionalactivities between Horizons and Waikato



tweenHorizons and Taranaki

12km of this increasingly used tourist route tourist used increasingly this of 12km regions. two the between route HPMV the complete will and capable HPMV the is it that strengthen so bridge will improvements These Reason for Inter h suhr Nrh Island North maximised. southern HPMV the of benefits the that ensure will capability entrance HPMV and Island, North lower the for centre logistics and hub freight a as acts area Horizons lower The regi HPMV will to project two the between route HPMV up this the complete Roading of not Completion is standard. and Regional issues significant safety has overbridge This Accelerated Package. the through funding receiving as been Government has project The between growth, Stratfordand Ruapehu Districts. improving economic to and barrier tourism, significant a is This unsealed. remains regions two the between e elsd rm mrvmns o these to improvementssections ofState Highway 1. from realised be road. significant to benefits safety significant nationallyalso of are There out a are for that context corners speed low tight, a have all projects three These Reason for Inter rvl ie aig fr rih between freight for Horizons region and savings time travel for allow will Realignment directions. both in lane passing a with alignment Improved black Safety maximised. the from and to routes HPMV of benefits the that ensure will capability entrance HPMV and Island, Northlower the for centre logistics and hub lower The ons.

oios area Horizons

spot with a history of crashes. of history a with spot aks a Region Bay Hawkes - - RegionalSignificance RegionalSignificance Hawkes BayRegion

dniid y the by identified

cs s freight a as acts

number of of number a be can

a be can across

Page Page 147

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 SH1 Otakito Levin RoNS Activity SignificantInter March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

- regionalactivities between Horizons and Wellington



ra t te ot ad at sc as such east, also provideenduring safety improvements. and will It north Bay. Hawke‟s and North Palmerston the efficient to areas maintain Wellington of will hubs freight main the between connections upgrade The Reason for Inter ad h Suh sad with Island) South the (and - RegionalSignificance

Page Page 148

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional


10 :Location map of Inter -


- regional Activitiesregional

Page Page 149

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 2. 1. be will Themonitoring of plan the willundertakenbe at two levels. monitoring how of description “a measures include "the and thatwill usedbe to monitorPlan”performance the of the to Transport Land Regional required the of is implementation assess to Plan undertaken the LTMA, the Under 6: Section 03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

March 2015 o o the be willandRTC will include the fo this the to annually of reported be component will This Plan. key the in activities A of performance the Plan. of monitoring the of component programme the in included annually undertaken be also will Monitoring three a on 6 yearlybasis to the RTC. reported be the will Results during Plan. the undertaken of year be third the to of LTMAexpiry before the immediately by required is which Plan, the of r a undertaking to prior year one basis, yearly three a on measures these monitor will Plan The policy. each for measures identifies plan the of component priorities strategic The

to activities;to incl scope/costvariationschangesincluding:planyearthe number approvedduring of The actual the against year preceding the for requested fundingapproved and the expenditure actual for thatyear. funding the of comparison A Monitoring ofthe Plan

usionof newactivities;and deletion ofcurrent activities.

- llowing:


on progress against the programme of activities of programme the against progress on activities".

- ot period month Page Page eview 150

ulnd n h tbe eo ae h ky eurmns f h LM ta rlt t rgoa land regional to relate that LTMA the of requirements key transportplans, and a descr the are below table the in Outlined Legislative Appendix the 1: LTMA alignment with Appendices 7: Section March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional s14(b)(i)and (ii) (a)(ii)s14 (a)(i)s14 LTMAsection reference

iption ofhow planthis has metthose requirements.



those alternativethose objectives. the of affordability and the feasibility to and Act, this of purpose contribute land object would regional transport considered has alternative RTC The the with landGPSon transport. consistent is Plan Transport Land Regional The publicinterest. the in system transport safe land and efficient, an to effective, contribute to is which the Land of purpose the Regional to contributes Plan Transport the satisfied that be must RTC The Provision

vs that ives



eto 1 ecie the describes 1 Section full give effect LTMA'sto the purpose. to designed been has plan, the of component po programme the with together This objectives, key implementation measures. and plan, policies, priorities, the statutory including for framework policy the provides 2 Section the requirements meets Plan the how on Description eeomn process, robust a through development went it, to prior developed one and the Strategy, to this that important note Transport is previous It Strategy. Land the direction Regional in policy outlined solid the off built been has Plan This regional reflecting priorities andaspira as to as well objectives effect GPS give national closely and that reflect 2.3 section in has RTC objectives of set a developed alternative the (pa objectives), of affordability and feasibility the regarding provision this Agency of intention the Transport detailing or and/ Transport of Ministry the from guidelines of absence the also In 2.3 aligns with theGPS. objective Sectioneach how describes plan. a this through to effect given is includes GPS the how on discussion and context and national

iy framework, licy

einl policy regional tions.

Page Page rticularly


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional March 2015 s14(c)(iii) s14(c)(i)



h RC a tkn into from anysource. funding taken likely has account RTC The strategy. into efficiency energy taken national the has account RTC The

n conservation and

context, including the the Strategy Conservation Efficiency and including Energy National context, policy the regional and describes national 1.3 Section for basis Plan.this Strategy's the as objectives transport of range broad and approach policy foundational the operative reconfirmed have stakeholders,who transport key the good in resulted to framework policy robust This in relate objectives in Plan).this change outcomes closely these the legislation (With the the of based.were Strategy existing which outcomes strategic resulting upon of options th examination including eto 32 nlds an sources. includes revenueanticipated of outline 3.2 Section sets whichstrategic priorities 4 and 5. 2.4.5 and 2.4.4 principally plan intothe built havebeen considerations NEECS how ofdescription a (NEECS)and

hog sections through detailed e buy Page Page - n from in



2. 1. The stu KeyAppendix 2: ofthe 2010 findings March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Amap of the proposed roading hierarchy in thestudy area is included below.. Theseincluded: DistrictCouncil. Zea New the by promoted evidence North an develop to was study the of aim The forthe strategic transport network in the CityCouncil, Manawatu DistrictCouncil and Horizons RegionalCouncil mid in completed was JTS The

      a. retaina. threearterial routes between Feildingand PalmerstonNorth via: hierarchy the of the rural road networkwithin thestudy area should: required.Thi through still Roadis consultation) (including proposal Road/Campbellsbypass western the of Waughsassessment scheme detailed use to continue would traffic of However, area. study the within network road the planning of purpose the for adopted being projects these warrant to economic sufficiently are Bridge Upstream New the and Bunnythorpe of bypass western a - dyrecommendations included in thisRLTS are : the concept for strategicconcept the for acrossaccessgenerally the Palmerston side of northern North as h cnet f rrl ig od rud amrtn ot , noprtn a upstream an incorporating , North Palmerston around bridgecrossing of the ManawatuRiver. road ring rural a of concept the for commuter flows,including the resol cater to North Palmerston and Feilding between connections improved for proposals PalmerstonNorth; of area urban the within from route highway state the removingthereby Gorge, Manawatu (2007) Strategy Highway State National the in suggested

iii. Waughs Road, BunnythorpeWes Road, Waughs iii. ii. i. aaau ra y etn te aiiy f nme o pooas hc hv been have which proposals of number a of validity the testing by area Manawatu

Street(as a major arterial) airport the runway of as extension an far from arising as Line Milson section of closure southern any to remaining response in the Line, Flygers in collector a to and Road KB to section lo a to downgraded be then functionwould this that CameronsLine, Milson Line,connecting Ruahineto Street(as a arterial),notingminor connecting Rangitikeito Street(as a major arterial) Milson Line, Camerons

s willdetermine whatform, if any, a western bypassof Bunnythorpe may take.

land Transport Agency, Palmerston North City Council and Manawatu and Council City North Palmerston Agency, Transport land

as modelling and investigation indicates that a significant volume significant a that indicates investigation and modelling as - -

25 2010 by the New Zealand Transport Agency, Palmerston North Palmerston Agency, Transport Zealand New the by 2010

Line, Kairanga Bunnythorpe (KB) Road and Rangitikei Line Line Rangitikei and Road (KB) Bunnythorpe Kairanga Line,

PalmerstonNorth and Manawatu over next the years.30 utionof issues in theBunnythorpe area; Joint Joint Study Transport tern Bypass and Railway Road connecting to Vogel to connectingRoad Railway Bypassand tern

- ae ntok irrh frte Palmerston the for hierarchy network based

cal road in the remaining northernremaining the in road cal ewe M Seat n the and Stewart Mt between

anda sets out framework

untop, a Bunnythorpe,

Page Page 153

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 4. 3. 03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

March 2015 untop Wsen yas sbet o eald cee seset ad h New the and assessment) scheme detailed to UpstreamBridge comprise: (subject Bypass Western Bunnythorpe the to addition in hierarchy, road proposed the to effect give to required improvements road b. intersectionb. improvements likely in theform of roundaboutsat: wideninga. KB Road betw c. c. recogniseb. d. c. b. a planningprovision, with a viewto later construction, should be made fornew links: e. d. c CreekRoad d.

iii. ii. i. ii. i. KB including North Palmerston around Road Ring Rural a for provide and whenthe NewUpstream Bridge place isin certainbecomemorearea urban city’seastern the for strategiespatternsand growth the UpstreamNew Bridge, the alsoto but r recognise iii. ii. i. i v. v.

detailedscheme ass Ashhurst, in Napierat Road/Stoney Creek Road, possibly in the formof a roundabout upgrade intersection an including Drive Riverside and Road Creek Stoney connecting southto the ofBunnythorpe between KB Road and Ashhurst Road achieveto the Bunnythorpe WesternBypass (subject detailed to scheme assessment) improvementsminor in Ashhurstto improve safetyand efficiency and alignment the to sealwidening improvements 8.5mto some including Road, Creek Stoney upgrading wideningAshhurst Road 8.5mto

betweenAshhurst and south ofLevin via SH57 1 Lineand Tiakitahuna Road SH56 and (Feilding) SH54 between AshhurstRoad ewe M Seat n te aaau og va agtki ie K Ra and Road KB Line, Rangitikei via Gorge Manawatu the and Stewart Mt between CampbellRoad/Ashhurst Road/Stoney Creek Road Bunnythorpe WesternBypass/KB Road MilsonLine/KB Road RangitikeiLine/KB Road MilsonLine and Bunnythorpe 8.5mto RangitikeiLine and Milson Line to 10m

threeinter Stoney Creek Road as a minor arterial road in an eastern corridor connecting corridor eastern an in road arterial minor a as Road Creek Stoney

o onc Ahus Bnyhre od ih air od sbet to (subject Road Napier with Road Bunnythorpe Ashhurst connect to

- regionalroutes: essment) -

een: 25

ecognisingshouldfunctionits as reviewed be that

via Bunnythorpe, KB Road, Rongotea Road, No Road, Rongotea Road, KB Bunnythorpe, via

Road and Stoney and Road

Page Page 154

includingeasternan bypass ofLevin. a road existing network the in road deficiencies rural the the addresses particularlyNorth Palmerston area, and study Feilding the between in network network road the of development the for plan This 6. 5. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional

both to 2021 and to the longer term horizon of this study, which will need to allow for the for allow to need will which study, this of horizon term longer the to and 2021 to both urban roading Northintegrated an Palmerstondevelop to the and network optimise road to options of undertaken be study traffic separate a d. c. b. a. structureplans to manage localroad and property access should beprepared for: a reviewof the findingsof this include may which and strategy growth urban current the from emerge to changes use land

d s niey optbe ih h RN poet o te ei t Wligo corridor, Wellington to Levin the for project RoNS the with compatible entirely is nd and theapproaches of the NewUpstream Bridge proposed the through SH57 on emerge pressures development Aokautere that event the in Road Ashhurst Stoney CreekRoad KairangaBunnythorpe Road

new links involving the western and southern bypasses of Bunnythorpe of bypasses southern and western the involving links new



study whichare based presenton land use projections.

plan to cater for future traffic demands, traffic future for cater to plan

Page Page


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 The recommendations of the JTS set out a outrecommendationssetThe ofJTS the 5 and15of the strategy. Years betweencommencing period construction estimated and million $55.7 of cost estimated an Theseimprovements are in addition proposedto the Upstream Bridge of the ManawatuRiver, with Upgrade StoneyCreekRoad Upgrade AshhurstRoad IntersectionUpgrade Bypass/KBRoad Bunnythorpe Western assessment ) detailedscheme Bypass(subject to Bunnythorpe Western schemeassessment) (subjectto detailed Southern Bypass Bunnythorpe Widening Bunnythorpeto Seal KBRoad:Milson Line Intersection MilsonLine/KB Road Sealwidening Line Milsonto Line KBRoad:Rangitikei Upgrade Road Intersection Bunnythorpe(KB) Line/Kairanga Rangitikei Project shownas follows: indicative and improvements proposed of cost estimated The 03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional This assessment. and investigation detailed to subject furtherwo still and RLTS the of scope the outside are network proposed the of management detailed of aspects and improvements Specific years. March 2015

rkwill take intoconsideration the effects localon communities and facilities. Upgrade

Roundabout Roundabout Roundabout

Possible Form 8.5m 8.5m 8.5m 8.5m 10m 10m



Estimated ($000)

4,800 1,600 2,800 1,600 3,600 3,000 1,600 8,600 5,700 Cost broad plan for the strategic network over the nextstrategicthirtytheovernetwork broad the for plan

1 Yr - 10


timing over the next thirty years is years thirty next the over timing Yr - 20

20 Yr - 30

Page Page 156

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Proposed RoadHierarchy 2010 from Joint Transport Study



10: Figure Page Page 157

Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6 growth and economic and strategies. strategies cycling and walking plans, transport authorities‟ Territorial     documentsOther which have informedthe development of the draft RLTPlan      The followingdocuments mustbe considered in developing ThePlan. Thelegislative full requirements for thepreparation of Plan areThe setout in App anto effective, efficient, and safeland transportsystem in public the interest. LTMAa The reviewedevery three years. yearsleastonce every producedbeandsix at Plan must The years.least10 at and measures for objectives,policiesRegion‟stransport land the out set Council Regionalto eachenables Plan The statutory whose (RTC) Committee Transport Regional a have functionsinclude thepreparation of ThePlan for approvalby th must Council Regional Each L Regional operative the of 2010 elements combines that requirement new a is Plan The produce to requirement The (LTMA). 2003 Act Management Transport Land the in out set requirement legislative a is Plan) (The Plan Transport Land Regional a of preparation The LegislativeAppendix Policy 3: and Requirements Framework 03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional          March 2015 - 2040 (RLTS)and operative RegionalLand TransportProgramme (RLTP) 2012 TheRegional Public Transp 2020Safer Journeys Region; Long ThePalmerston North DistrictPlans of all territorial authorities. TheProposed One Plan as Amendedby Environment Court Decisions (Mayand 2013); TheNew Zealand EnergyEffici Thedraft Government Policy StatementLandon TransportFunding 2015 TheGovernment Policy Statement Landon TransportFunding 201

- term Council Community Plans (and amendments) of all local authorities in the the in authorities local all of amendments) (and Plans Community Council term lso requires The Plan to give effect to the purpose of the LTMA, which is to contribute to whichLTMA, is the of purpose the to effect give to Plan The requires lso


ManawatuJoint Transport Study2010; theNational Road Safety Strategy (2010);


25 ortPlan Manawatufor the

encyand Conservation Strategy(NZEECS, 2007);

- Wanganui Region Wanganui (2011); e RegionalCouncil.

- 2022 n Tasot Strategy Transport and


- 2025; endix1.



Page Page


SignificantVariations    excludes:project F   approvedorganisation that:is significantsectionanbypurposeofAct,activitya the 16(3)(d)of forward the anyactivity For put is SignificantActivit the by affected those and benefits decision. and costs relative options, the variation, the for reasons on the information consider will RTC consultation the matter, a any of significance the to of as decision a making benefitsWhen and costs the to given be shouldprocesses or procedure and theextent towhich consu consideration and RTC) the be bydetermined will be (to variationproposed the of significance consultation of level The the reflect will consultation the However, significant. is variation the if time. Act the any of 18 at section with varied accordance in required be can Plan Transport Land Regional The Application b) a) Act Management TransportCommittee (RTC) to adopt Transporta policy determines that significance in respectof Land the of 106(2) Section Purpose Significance Policy Appendix 4: March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional Certainactivities that do notrequire a variation section 18Dof theAct,consultation willrequiredbe aon variation if variation the issi with accordance In operative. once time any at varied be can Plan Transport Land Regional The      or the purpose of identifying what is a large new improvement project, a large new improvement new large a project, improvement new large a is what identifying of purpose the or

o o o activitiesOther costingless than $5 million example: for o o o Businessas usual activities: Committedactivities (existingcommitments arising approvedfrom activities) isa large new improvement project. greater $5than million in totalvalue, including property purchase; and activities the are that included in ther variationsmade to regionalland transportplans sectionunder 18D ofthe Act;and

Transportstudies. Minorroad safety Newwalkingminor and cycling projects; Existingpublic transport services; Localroad and state highway capitalminor works (<$5 million); Localroad and state highway m


projectsand programmes;



egionalland transport plan undersection of16 Act. the aintenance andrenewals;

ltation hasalready taken place.

03 te c) eurs h Regional the requires Act) (the 2003


approach to approach –

Page Page


Annex C Item 6 Annex C Item 6       considered beto significant forthe purposes of consultation: Transport Land Regional the to variations of amendments All RegionalLand TransportPlan issignificant and must thereforeundergo consultation. by determi be will Plan Transport Land Regional the to variations of significance The Generaldetermination significanceof     organisation approved an by proposed activities are These rel Act. the of 18E and in 18D identified as section Plan, Transport Land Regional the to variation a require not do activities Certain 03 RegionalTransport Committee 2015 Plan Transport Land Regional           - ating to: case basis. The RTC has adopted the following definition to determine when a variation to the to variation a whendetermine to definition following the adopted has RTC The basis. case March 2015 cag t h drto ado odr fpirt o h atvt ta de nt substantially not does that activity the changethe balance of of the programme; priority of order and/or duration the to change A Repla determined bythe RTC; or project the of objectives original the alter significantly not does that change scope A accordancewith sectionsand18 of20 theAct;or newactivity The Newpreventative maintenance andemergencyreinstatement activities; or Activitiesare that in the urgentinterest ofpublic orsafety; Existingpublic transport services. Localroad minorcapital works;and Localroad renewals; Localroad maintenance;

cing one project cing with anotherproject within a groupof genericprojects; or

has been previously consulted on and meets funding approval funding inprovisions meets and previouslyon consulted been has



ln te ta te olwn are following the than other Plan

ned on a case a on ned

Page Page –

to be to 160 -

6.1. 6. 5.3. 5.2. 5.1. 5. 4.1. 4. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. ROAD UPDATE SAFETY March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road 6.3. 6.2.

The work The coordinators the undertake behalf is on the of Regional TransportCommittee and road undertake RuapehuDistrict which iscontracted Ruapehuto the DistrictCouncil. to coordinators safety road safety three employs Council Regional Horizons BACKGROUND None required. COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT No financialimpact as a ofresult this report. FINANCIAL IMPACT a. That Committee the recommends thatCouncil: RECOMMENDATION regionalon road safety trends. update provideanandDecember312014, to toJuly 2014 sixmonths 1 the regionfrom for educationsafety road of Committee the advise to is report This PURPOSE ended at34 forthe 2014 year. region the in fatalities of number the shows below table the trends, safety road Regarding r host sending organisations. including awareness public increase on to introduced was whichagencies other with change collaboration in worked law coordinators Safety Road (BAC) 2014. December Content 1 Alcohol Blood new the is note Of AnnexA. rep The 2014. December to July period the for undertaken programmes 6 coordinators safety road The DISCUSSION awareness activities addressing the issueskey Police,which causecrashesin theirareas. the ACC, councils, city an education safety road and undertake to groups, community local and boards district health district local the with strategy closely work safety coordinators The road national the to allofelements theroad system (roads, speeds,vehicles androaduse). contribution Committee‟s the JourneysSafer 2020 provides also It local the

receivesinformation the contained in

dcto atvte ars al itit i te ein ih h ecpin f the of exception the with Region the in districts all across activities education

authorities it represents, and gives effect to the Government Policy Statement. Statement. Policy Government the to effect gives and represents, it authorities

whichsafe a approach takes system to road safetyacrossworkingby

- otl rpr poie a umr o al od safety road all of summary a provides report monthly ReportNo. 15

Information Only Information Report No. - 24 sosblt ifrain o local to information esponsibility


activities undertaken in the in undertaken activities -

No Decision Required No Decision

ort is attached as attached is ort Page Page



24 161

d ,

Item 7 Item 7 A ANNEXES TRANSPORTPLANNER Ashleigh Gulliver 7.1. 7. 6.5. 6.4. TableRegional 1. Road Toll by District (2014) March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road TOTAL Horowhenua Tararua Palmerston N Manawatu Rangitikei Wanganui Ruapehu MANAWATU


6 -

Engagement. signific a not is This agencies. supporting SIGNIFICANCE other and coordinators safety Crashdata forthe 2014 yearisnot available midway until this road through year. police, the (InspectorDave pers. comm.).White, by done campaign safety road of number the to testament a is it period, same that and during 17 of toll road national December the to compared When region. the throughouttravelling and 18 between period week five the during January20 which isnotoriously holidaybusydue to and manytraffic, people coming, going fatalities no were there that is however pleasing is What months. six last the during occurred fatalities those of 18 Sadly monthly Road Safety Report Safety Road monthly


2014 Jan

5 1 3 1


1 1

n dcso acrig o h Cucls oiy n infcne and Significance on Policy Council‟s the to according decision ant


3 1 1 1

MANAGERTRANSPORT SE Phillip Hindrup Apr 4 2 1 1


2 1 1


1 1

Jul 3 1 1 1

Aug 6 1 2 3


Sep 0

Oct 4 1 1 2

Nov s held and work and held s

4 1 1 1 1


Page Page 1 1

Total 2014 162

34 12 3 4 6 3 3 3

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road As a follow on from this, a media article was submitted to the local papers relaying the relaying papers local the resultsof the surveys to thepublic. to submitted was article media a this, from on follow a As and signs. Tararua both stop at stop in complete a to coming not and roundabouts at correctly intersections indicating not drivers at behaviour during driver Districts Horowhenua on conducted were Surveys 1. CommunityFocusedActivities DEBBIEWEBSTER BC fr rn diig hc cm it fre n Dcme 2014. December in night Friday a 1 December visiting local on in withbars Dannevirke to talk to patrons about the recent law change. Police local accompanied staff Coordinator Safety Road on the providing Tararua In locations Horizons force three at into held events informationabout standard drinksand the lower BAC law chang came time lunch which „Mocktail‟ included change law the about Horizons awareness driving raise to via activities Other partners. community stakeholder the to drink distributed was resource This Content for Alcohol Blood lower new the (BAC) of introduction the for readiness in coordinators Survive to ‘Drive 2. making ‘bad Dannevirke a Driver call’ in roundabout a at intersect intersections. at look second a „Take Horizons the received drivers All rules. the aboutwerereminded thing wrong the doing those while thing correct the doing for „freebie‟ a with rewarded were drivers where out carried was activity This Patrol. Highway and Police local with partnership in undertaken then was Call‟ Bad Call, „Good


Tararua & Horowhenua –

– ne .5 .05’ Under

TararuaAnd Horowhenua – os lalt hc epan wa te ue ae around are rules the what explains which leaflet ions‟


etme 21. h mi ifign tkn pae was place taking infringing main The 2014. September


t nescin ad onaot i bt districts both in roundabouts and intersections at rsuc ws eeoe b te od safety road the by developed was resource A

Oct 2014 Oct

e. Plc, C ad other and ACC Police, ,


Page Page 163

Annex A Item 7 Annex A Item 7 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road rud h lw hne ad tnad rn maue t te community. the a holding and to display a measures up setting drink as well as standard Goggles competition. The theme forthe day was „Drive Survive to Booze and and Wall change, Climbing law awareness to withPolicelocal up teamed Horizons Safety Road raise the to opportunity further a around provided Show A&P Dannevirke recent The b to town the in stops traffic at Police driversand hand out information packs. supporting by up followed was This issues. the running displays, up boozeengagement activity, to goggle face and face with around ris students high setting by events the supported Coordinator Safety Road The was„RememberSeptember‟.month the theme September forThe in2014. SADD month during activities successful ran College Manawatu and College Tararua School, (SADD) Driving Dangerous Against Students ticketwaived. not sign, stop a at two stop or way attend to opportunity the given give were Drivers breaches. licence to and seatbelt a wearing failing lights, orange running included which we whoLevin in drivers targeted scheme The 2014. the October during facilitating Levin in by workshop TOEDS (NPT) Team (TOEDS) Policing Neighbourhood Levin Scheme the assisted Diversion Coordinator Education Offences Traffic 3. A&PShow Dannevirke 2015

- HIGH RISKHIGH hour education workshop which on completion allowed them to apply to have their have to apply to them allowed completion on which workshop education hour

re ticketed for driving infringements during the month leading up to the workshop, the to up leading month the during infringementsdriving for ticketed re


Booze goggleBooze activity

- deliver the activity using the Rockup the activity deliverusing the

tdns rm anvre High Dannevirke from Students –

Under .05‟.


h Ra Safety Road The

reathalyse Page Page k driving k National 164 a

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road Surveys be to seats and thatcould notbe into neededfitted vehicle the safely.seats expired 7yrs, to up restraints ages for used being child seat n booster no strapsall, 121 at tether restraint included while found issues the correctly of Some used corrected. being were restraints child 198 checked. were restraints child 319 districts, two the in stopped vehicles 214 the Of Plunket with conjunction in activities.Police also suppor 2014 November and October during Districts Horowhenua Restraints Child 4. students at schoolwas publishedthe in local Horowhenua newspaperduring January. aimed was This November. safety during Horowhenua in School Poroutawhao 6. Fatigue driversover the 2hour period. to distributed were packs information 700 Over 5.00pm. until 3.00pm from ran operation The community. Dannevirke the from volunteers local and SADD High Dannevirke HB, 2 January in Weekend Anniversary Wellington Stop Fatigue 5. seatbeltsin Dannevirke and Pahiatua. has h Ra Sft Codntr upre Plc ad zbs ih n ciiy at activity an with Uzabus and Police supported Coordinator Safety Road The

RESTRAINTS FATIGUE VULNERABLEROAD USERS en n nrae n h nmes f rvr ad rn sa psegr wearing passengers seat front and drivers of numbers the in increase an been aroundschool buses. pedestrianA aimedpage studentsfeature full returning at to

Stop at Woodville -

Seatbelt surveyswere conductedduring September in the Tararua.

odil Woodville –

Tararua &Horowhenua -

Wellington Anniversary Wellington Weekend hl rsrit hcs ee are ot n oh aau and Tararua both in out carried were checks restraint Child tedthe operation. -

A fatigue stop operation was undertaken leading up to to up leading undertaken was operation stop fatigue A

1, ih upr fo Plc, Roadsafe Police, from support with 015, –

Jan 2015

t en ble, o child no bolted, being ot

Page Page There There 165

Annex A Item 7 Annex A Item 7 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road

1. 8. incorrect. answers 2 than more had 42 entries, Code. incorrect around road safety. Road 53 NZ the the e This on Of based rules correct. intersection 12 only and total in on entries 65 with between far competition and few were entries correct Alarmingly a ran and Expo Expo Go’ the on ‘Age 7. 43% to up 27%.to back was percentage the year This hi wearing matter. the on viewpoints of range a hi wearing to attitudesMotorcyclists as ridersdeparted Himatangi. hi wearing be to noted fifty were and riders hundred (150) One ride. the for registered riders (345) five forty and hundred Three ride the for registering riders All speed. informationpacks at Himatangi. and fatigue at aimed were day the on promoted messages safety Other vouchers. petrol win to opportunity the had so, hi wear to encouraged being riders with seen‟ be safe, „be about again foc the year This audience. target a to safety motorcycle promote to opportunity an as year each eventmotorcycle Coast to Coast the uses CoordinatorSafety Road The 2. notjust showi the at Attendance or minute last the until enrolment leaving people effective. with down‟ and „up cost bit a be can and courses friendly user more much venue new the finding older for courses Safe Staying Horo of in delivery drivers its in track on is Concern Age Horowhenua

PROGRAMMEPROVIDERS OLDERROAD USERS WoodvilleLions Coast Coastto HorowhenuaAge Concern vent also allowed an opportunity to network with other providers in the community the in providers other with network to opportunity an allowed also vent

- viz on the Coast to Coasthadcomparedpreviouswhere ittheyear Coastto to viz the on ng up onng the dayafter theyhad put theirnames down. hna Te hv rcnl cagd eus o te ore ad are and courses the for venues changed recently have They whenua.

Levin Levin


- viz is an interesting topic to discuss facediscuss to topic interesting an is viz The Road Safety Coordinator held a display at display a held Coordinator Safety Road The

- viz after a count conducted by Woodville Lions Lions Woodville by conducted count a after viz

- viz and in doing in and viz - to ee given were - face with face

Page Page dropped us was us

166 the

5. 4. 3. 2. 1. GLENDALEITAO March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road

Speed Motorcyclists speedsigns berepositioned with support from the Police andSafer Wanganui. was It an is speed that communityissueand to take their time when travelling,especially overholiday the period. the reminding December/January over run were ads Radio the throughout Stops region. Fatigue mini held Patrol Highway Christmas to prior Friday the On cancelleddue to the bad weather. on Bulls in held be to were Stops Fatigue and John Fatigue St Service, Fire the Police, the by supported Cleveland FuneralService. was which Crash Car a Mock held students SADD Collegiate Wanganui September. Remember of month SADD the College, Girls Wanganui from schoo these of students All attend. hadCollegiate Wanganui and School We High Wanganui Wanganui. in workshop a held SADD been has available.programme this year second the is This Licence. Drivers Learners their obtain student enable to College, Girls Wanganui at held was programme licence learners A YoungDrivers November,2014, in collaborationwith thePolice localand a mobilityscooter provider. MobilityRegional The options. alternativepromoting transportBulls,and Marton inwereheld exhibit daysMobility scooter and takesany issues the groupmay have tothe WDCRoading Engineers. Coordinator Safety Road The OlderRoad Users Radio Club. December Motorcycle users beto aware the of motorcyclists. Classic over run Wanganui were and ads BMW safety motorcycle the and Circuit as Cemetery such events The motorcycle local support to continued has Coordinator Safety Road The

eie a te agni od aey cin ln etn ta te lw Down Slow the that meeting Plan Action Safety Road Wanganui the at decided

WANGANUIRANGITIKE / Scooter Rally was again held successfully in Palmerston North on 7 on North Palmerston in successfully held again was Rally Scooter

continues to support the Wanganui mobility scooter group, scooter mobility Wanganui the support to continues

10 October during school holidays but had to be to had but holidaysschool during October 10 I - aur pro, o eid l road all remind to period, January

ls took part in part took ls

Page Page

s to s 167

Annex A Item 7 Annex A Item 7 8. 7. 6. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road

C ws ed n agni Mro wt te et w ccit fo ec district each from cyclists two best the with Marton & Wanganui competingthe in Regional Final in PalmerstonNorth. in held was YCY YoungCyclist of Y the Threesmaller restraintchecks have beenheld in CBD the in early2015. restraints child of number The Plunket. and incorrectlyinstalled Policewas concern. of with conjunction in was this 2014; August,in2 inStopwasheld Child Wanganui Restraint A Restraints itit oni saf s el s h Plc t esr te hne wr understood. were changes the ensure to a Police the as well Informationwas pubs, providedall the to clubsand restaurants in the Rangitikei Wanganui, as staff Council District t reduced was over and years 20 drivers for Content Alcohol Blood the 2014, December, 1 from As BAC0.05 nd Ruapehund Districts.

o 0.05 from 0.08. Education days were run for HRC staff, ACC staff, Wanganui Wanganui staff, ACC staff, HRC for run were days Education 0.08. from 0.05 o

ear (YCY)ear

014 and a follow up in Novemberin upa followand 014

Page Page 168

4. 3. 2. 1. CommunityFocusedActivities DESLEY MONKS March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road

   PalmerstonNorth:      Feilding:   Road by supported event lead Police a Safetyagencies. is This event. regional the in compete then event district the from winners and compete to selected was school primary each from participant District Year the of Cyclist Young YoungCyclist of Yearthe District events heldin Palmerston North & Feilding crossing the from through traffic.Police, RS and media supported. activity Initiated Rongoteatownship pedestriancrossing safety promotion One meeting held todiscuss roadsafety planning in Manawatu. Feilding: 2 meetingsheld discussingand developing RSAP documentation. PalmerstonNorth: Police,NZTA and TAs. Health, Public ACC, from attendance with Feilding & North Palmerston both in held Meetings Road SafetyAction Planning (RSAP)meetings and Plunket. Police with conjunction in Feilding and North Palmerston both in run were Checkpoints CheckpointCar Seat Checks           No compliance ticketsissued seats12 corrected at thetime incorrect14 car35 seats checked 14 No compliance ticketsissued seats67 corrected at thetime incorrect71 183 carseats checked 115 carsstopped


due to concerns from Rongotea School regarding the lack of awareness of awareness of lack the regarding School Rongotea from concerns to due


events held in Palmerston North & Feilding. A boy and girl and boy A Feilding. & North Palmerston in held events


Page Page 169

Annex A Item 7 Annex A Item 7 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Safety Road

of between ACC,PHS and RSC. use safe the p and holiday change the over law alcohol the promoting packs, responsibility Host drink. standard non of promotion Moc included promotion change law BAC BACChange Law Promotion TroopMotorcycle Rallythe annualand Coast to Coast Ride. Focus wearingon of Hi F Show, Motorcycle Classic Annual the for provided RSC and information Safety Motorcycle Motorcycle projectgoing which willextend to surveysand CD Field Days. on an is This safety. road involvedin more youth getting of intention the with activities safety Present Manawatu DistrictCouncil AmbassadorsYouth presentation safety road police normal educationprogramme the delivered to all schools. under came it that decided was it pilot the reviewing after but activity. this supported Uzabus and HRSC Police, School.Downs Oroua to provided education safety bus school Highwayprimary State HighwayState primary schoolbus safety education provided. provided each to bike owner. CycleClinic Checking Pedalheld at Pushers. All bikeschecked safety for and a fitnessreport CycleChecking Clinic schoolscompleted so far. car a in be to have don‟t legally who children older and years 7 the targets and Plunket, and HRSC Police, by provided is programme This started. programme pilot Education Restraint School Primary PrimarySchool Restraint Education pilot programme to poie t te aaau itit oni Yuh masdr o lcl road local on Ambassadors Youth Council District Manawatu the to provided ation


seat but are under the 148cm safety recommendation to do so. Three primary Three so. do to recommendation safety 148cm the under are but seat - alcohol drinking alternatives and focus on the accurate measurement of a of measurement accurate the on focus and alternatives drinking alcohol

ro, ee et u t lcl uiess Ti ws collaboration was This businesses. local to out sent were eriod,

GiveawaysHi of

ti eet a al oios evc aes ih the with areas service Horizons all at events ktail This activity was requested by the bus company bus the by requested was activity This

- viz Road gear, Codesand safety information

- vizgear. Page Page 170

- -

6.2. 6.1. 6. 5.1. 5. 4.1 4. 3. 2.2. 2.1. 2. 1.1. 1. POLICYGOVERNMENT March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Transport Land on Statement Policy Government

None required. COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT There isno financialimpact. FINANCIAL IMPACT a. That Committee the recommends RECOMMENDATION for value and safety, road productivity, and money,continuing keypriorities thefrom 2012 GPS. growth economic on focus Government‟s Nationa the from expenditure prioritises and transport land for direction strategic the sets GPS The 2015/16 Transport Land released18on December 2014, and will intocome effecton 1 July2015. on Statement Policy Government The EXECUTIVESUMMARY Policy Government the of StatementLandon Transport2015/16 release the on members update to is item this of purpose The PURPOSE         TheCommittee submitted on draft the GPShighlighting the following key points: Thedraft GPS was releasedconsultation for in June2014. BACKGROUND

       

receivesinformation the contained in Soughtincreased investment intowalking and cycling. Raisedsignificant concerns that funding forthe Capital Connection isnot committed, Highlightedpotential financialimplications ofthe from previous the GPSlevels, a following request forincreased infunding area,this funding additional no received class activity transport public the that concerns Raised Ass Funding the Rate(FAR) to review, references overall with the greater, why not is concerns safety raised road to but contribution safety road on focus continued the Supported how willthis fund administrated.be regional new the Supported Supported theincrease to localroad maintenance and renewalsfunding, Supported theoverall strategic direction of the GPS, Ln Tasot ud vr h nx 1 yas Te ouet efim the reaffirms document The years. 10 next the over Fund Transport Land l


mrvmns ciiy ls, ih lrfcto suh on sought clarification with class, activity improvements thatCouncil: 2015/16 2015/16 –

2024/25. ReportNo. 15 -


Information Only Information Report No. ANSPORT 2015/16


- 25



No Decision Required No Decision –

042 (P) was (GPS) 2024/25



Page Page

15 istance


25 171

Item 8 Item 8 There are no attachments for this report. this report. for attachments are no There ANNEXES TRANSPORTPLANNER Ashleigh Gulliver 8.1. 8. 7.3 7.2 7.1. 7. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee 2015/16 Transport Land on Statement Policy Government

SIGNIFICANCE transport. has funding additional Some reasons. growth economic 2008 since overall summary, In the centraldirection of government‟s transport policy little changed has were changes in result not did that increased funding for road safetyand forwal submission Committee‟s the in reflected areas The • • • • However draft. the from notable changesin the unchanged followingareas: largely remains GPS final The NEWFEATURES GPSOF 2015 hs s o a infcn dcso acrig o h Cucls oiy n infcne and Significance on Policy Council‟s the to Engagement. according decision significant a not is This

lrfcto ws rvdd n hs aes hc ae lgbe o fnig ne the under funding for eligible are which areas RegionalImprovements activityclass. those on provided was Clarification opportunities. are b they has ensure objective „demand‟ to amended the while been added, been has have objective „efficiency‟ new A GPS defined. well more final and clearer the in down set objectives The $4.585 Billion. to Up 2024 increased. 2015 between have projects transport public transport for available public be will for more million $115 available funding of ranges upper The projects funded activiunder the GPS. for funding to addition in provided be packages classes,the willconsideredbe andinway undertaken a with consistent other will these for Governm funding While GPS. the the by Urban the (announced and Cycleways (announcedPackage 2014)in September have beenreferenced throughout 2014) August in Package (announced Package Roading Regional Transport Accelerated Auckland The

- 5 Ti tks h poten the takes This 25.

- 9 wt te ou rmiig n osrcin n mitnne f od for roads of maintenance and construction on remaining focus the with 09,

e caiid o t ees o ces o oil n economic and social to access to refers it so clarified een

il pnig n ulc rnpr t a oa of total a to transport public on spending tial

MANAGERTRANSPORT SE Phillip Hindrup king and cycling.king -


en eeae twrs public towards leveraged been

hr wr some were there RVICES n i 2013), in ent Page Page

- 16 and 16 172 ty ty

6.1. 6. 5.3. 5.2. 5.1. 5. 4.1. 4. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. ADJOION SUBMISSIONS March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

r nw eurd o eeo a einl ad rnpr Pa (RLTP). Plan Transport Land Regional a by (NZTA) Agency develop Transport involvingsubmissions, NZ hearingsand deliberations. to RLTP to adopted 2015 April final 30 its required submit must region Each now are councils regional2003, Act Management TransportLand the to changes legislative to Due BACKGROUND No communityengagement is required. COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT There isno financialimpact FINANCIAL IMPACT a. That Committee the recommends thatCouncil: RECOMMENDATION to behalf Committee‟s adjoiningtheregions‟ Regional Land TransportPlans. on made submissions the of Members inform to is report This PURPOSE   RLTP. each for  identified direction strategic the of Keypointsthatwere raised in thesubmissions included: supportive were submissions All Chair. Committee the KEYPOINTS RAISED SUBIN by off signed and by officers Committee. the endorsed formally be to yet had it by constraints time to due that noted submission draftedEach were submissions n did consultation for timeframes the As Bay, Hawke‟s of Bay being the on made was regions, submissionPlenty RLTPdraft due to our strong freightconnections with the TaurangaPort. a Additionally, other RLTP. draft regions‟ these four of each adjoins boundary Submissio Wellington,andTaranaki Waikato. regional Horizons The

  

Enhancingconnections to port facilities werespecifically noted. and HPMVroutes. network freight the of resilience and efficiency overall the to improvements for Support key to connectivity improve will that projects strategic r and objectives for support Reinforced receivesinformation the contained in

outesnorth, south, east and west ofthe Region. . For all regions, this process has involved a special consultative process process consultative special a involved has process this regions, all For .



ReportNo. 15

t onie ih h Cmite etn dates, meeting Committee the with coincide ot ns on behalf of the Committee to the weremade of behalf on ns

Information Only Information Report No.

- 26



No Decision Required Decision

Page Page



26 173

Item 9 Item 9 E D C B A ANNEXES TRANSPORTPLANNER Ashleigh Gulliver 7.1. 7. 6.5. 6.4. 6.3. 6.2. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Submission to Greater Wellington Regional Council RLTP Council Regional Greater to Wellington Submission RLTP Council Regional Taranaki to Submission Hawke's to Submission RLTP Council Regional to Submission Waikato RLTP Council PlentyRegional of Bay to Submission hs s o a infcn dcso acrig o h Cucls Policy Council‟s the to Engagement. according decision significant a not is This SIGNIFICANCE Acopy all of submissions isprovided Annexes the in thisreport. to publictransport systems and socialand economic growth reasons. connectiv for greater and support service, Connection Committee‟s Capital the their of sought retention specifically Wellington Greater to submission The Bay Hawke‟s and and supportof the regionalcross Taranaki to submissions above, wi collaborate, to issues willingness their acknowledged important the to addition In systemin termsof end to end journeys,not regions. strong put Submissions

Bay Regional Council RLTP Council BayRegional

emphasis on inter on emphasis

- boundary forum. MANAGERTRANSPORT SE Phillip Hindrup

- regional collaboration, focusing on a transport a on focusing collaboration, regional

th specific mention of their participation in participation their of mention specific th

RVICES ity between regions for for regions between ity

n infcne and Significance on

Page Page 174

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 175

Annex A Item 9 Annex A Item 9 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 176

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 177

Annex B Item 9 Annex B Item 9 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 178

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 179

Annex C Item 9 Annex C Item 9 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 180

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 181

Annex D Item 9 Annex D Item 9 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 182

March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee adjoining on Submissions

Regions' RLTPs Regions'

Page Page 183

Annex E Item 9 Annex E Item 9 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee RLTPs Regions' adjoining on Submissions

Page Page 184

6.2 6.1 6. 5.1 5. 4.1 4. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1 1. CAPITAL P CONNECTION March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Progress Connection Capital 6.3

The Committee is aware of the history of the Capital Connection rail service and the the and service rail 2015. Connection Capital the of history potential the of aware is Committee The BACKGROUND No communityengagement is required. COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT There isno financialimpact. FINANCIAL IMPACT a. That Committee the recommends thatCouncil: RECOMMENDATION PURPOSE ni te od f ainl infcne rm ei t Wligo Air Wellington to Levin from Significance Acopy of thatletter and updatedinformation is attached as Annexes and A respectively. B National of Road the until years five next the least at for retained is service the that requests Committee, Transport Regional the and Horizons of behalf on sent letter, accompanying The 2015. January 30 T of Minister the to sent was case business 2012 the with along information This those two years. KiwiRail confirmed that workthis nothas yet taken place. over occur to scheduled is maintenance heavy of $1.3M that showedalso information The operational forecast the 14 the that for deficit stated information The KiwiRail. from information financial t Prior with updated financialinformation. 30 the beyond service meeting the At Minister the date. Transport 2012 requested the of business a copy the case of of retention discuss to Otaki) for (MP Guy Trans of (Minister Bridges Simon Honorable the with met CE and Chair Horizons year, last December in meeting committee previous the Following LATESTDEVELOPMENTS hs eot s o pae ebr o rcn dvlpet cnenn te Capital the concerning developments recent on Members update to Connectionrail service. is report This

receivesinformation the contained in

rsodn o hs eus, tf otie udtd arng nmes ae and fare numbers, patronage updated obtained staff request, this to responding o

threat of its future. Currently the service is due to cease operating on 30 June 30 on operating cease to due is service the Currently future. its of threat

- 15 financial year is $742,000.00 and $700,000.00 for the year fol year the for $700,000.00 and $742,000.00 is year financial 15



ReportNo. 15

Information Only Information Report No. - 27 port) and the Honorable Nathan Honorable the and port)



No Decision Required No Decision

ot s completed. is port ue 05 u off cut 2015 June

Page Page ransport

15 lowing.


27 185

Item 10 Item 10 B A ANNEXES MANAGERTRANSPORT SE Phillip Hindrup 8.1. 8 7.3. 7.2. 7.1. 7. 6.5 6.4 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Progress Connection Capital .

Updated Appendix C & D (2012 business case) business & D(2012 C Appendix Updated Bridges Simon Hon. Letter to hs s o a infcn dcso acrig o h Cucls oiy n infcne and Significance on Policy Council‟s the to Engagement. according decision significant a not is This SIGNIFICANCE new the of light in service the of retention of discuss Minister information. the further with to meeting March additional early an in hold to Transport an hold to seeking is Chair Horizons Capital mad the been has operating decision future of service the beyonddate. that no to that note committed and remain 2015 June they 30 until that Connection writing in confirmed has KiwiRail Theservice isdueto cease operationin lessthan fourmonths time. TIMELINE/NEXT STEPS issue, ensureto the correctinformation isbeing considered in makinghis decision. the discuss further to Transport of Minister the with meeting up follow a requested has CE considering when weight significant cont to whether given be it that requested and officials Ministry with spoken have staff information, this of light In service. the continue to needed subsidy the overheads, question raises information new This via reduced be could case business the in allocation of maintenance costsover a longer period, and other operational savings. reported deficit operational briefing. Transport of Ministry 2012 submit casebusiness a the to relatedbriefing The of copy a received staff followed, that week the In

inue with the service beyond the proposed cut off. The Horizons Chair and HorizonsChair The off. cutproposed the beyondservice the withinue


s about the service‟s actual operational deficit, and of and deficit, operational actual service‟s the about s

GROUP MANAGERREGION Shirley Ged ted at that time. It set out that the forecast the that out set It time. that at ted

AL SERVICES e regarding the the regarding e Page Page


March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Progress Connection Capital

Page Page 187

Annex A Item 10 Annex A Item 10 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Progress Connection Capital

Page Page 188

UpdatedAppendix C March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Progress Connection Capital

Faresand Ticketing

Page Page 189

Annex B Item 10

UpdatedAppendix D March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Progress Connection Capital Margin revenue on Margin on cost Earnings before interest TOTAL EXPENDITURE Depreciation Allocated costs Hook& tow costs Mechanical accessTrack Other expenses insurance Incidents,casualties & Materials & supplies Lease and rentals External services Fuel traction & electricity Labour EXPENDITURE TOTAL REVENUE Catering revenue Grantrequired (Calculated) Farerevenue Average R PASSENGER NUMBERS EVENUE




Costingsand Data 145,590 $2,101,646 $2,272,090 $1,590,734 2012/13

$588,887 $170,443 Actual 728,502 283,294 216,972 162,712 236,435 235,622

29,879 11,136 82,743 27,592 86,385 92,469 $10.93 7.50% 8.11%


$2,166,701 $2,342,420 $1,650,694 2013/14 139,022

$596,720 $175,719 Actual 260,051 368,128 710,132 279,846 225,348

95,005 $11.87 37,686 75,839 15,464 86,237 98,004 7.50% 8.11%



$2,244,699 $2,426,744 $1,603,316 Forecast 2014/15 134,156

$742,291 $182,045 285,333 365,418 738,607 285,826 229,629 104,157 114,995

81,136 $11.95 29,275 12,572 12,533 65,403 7.50% 8.11%


$2,298,571 $2,484,986 $1,719,557 Forecast 2015/16

$700,028 $186,414 130,802 292,181 374,188 756,334 292,686 235,140 106,657 117,755

65,401 $13.15 29,978 12,874 12,834 66,973 7.50% 8.11%


$2,353,737 $2,544,625 $1,844,225 Forecast 2016/17

127,532 $636,635 $190,888 299,193 383,169 774,486 299,710 240,783 109,217 120,581

63,766 $14.46 30,697 13,183 13,142 68,580 7.50% 8.11%

997 Page Page


Annex B Item 10 Annex B Item 10 March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Progress Connection Capital MAINTENANCE COMBINED) (BOTH OPEX AND HEAVY TOTAL GRANT REQUIRED andGW Horizons Share NZTA Share FAR Rate MAINTENANCE) FUNDING SPLIT (HEAVY COST TOTAL HEAVY MAINTENANCE Margin & contingency Subtotal Furnishings carriageOther maintenance Bogies Gen car MAINTENANCEHEAVY &GW Horizons Share NZTA Share FAR Rate (subjectto change) FUNDING SPLIT (OPEX)


$588,887 $241,444 $347,443 Actual 59% 59%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2013/14 $250,622 $346,098 $615,720 Actual $11,020 $19,000 $7,980 19000 19000 58% 58%

0 0 0 0

$552,000 $1,294,291 Forecast 2014/15 $319,185 $423,106 $237,360 $314,640 477,000 552,000 20,000 55,000 57% 57%

- -

$785,000 $1,485,028 Forecast 2015/16 $308,012 $392,016 $345,400 $439,600 303,000 442,000 785,000 40,000 56% 56%

- -

$343,000 Forecast 2016/17 $286,486 $350,149 $979,635 $154,350 $188,650 303,000 343,000 40,000 55% 55%

Page Page

- - -


A ANNEXES MANAGERTRANSPORT SE Phillip Hindrup 6.1. 6. 5.2. 5.1. 5. 4.1. 4. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. APPROVED ORGANISATIO March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Quarterly Organisation Approved

Approved Organisation Report Organisation Approved ebr fo Hrzn Rgoa Cucl n te ertra atoiis n h rgo will region the in speak to report.this authorities territorial the and Council Regional Horizons from Members Acopy of Approved the OrganisationReport isattached as Annex A. BACKGROUND None required. COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT No financialimpact as a ofresult this report. FINANCIAL IMPACT a. That Committee the recommends thatCouncil: RECOMMENDATION road transport, public roading, regional significant safetyand planning activities withinHorizons the region. on Members update to is report This PURPOSE hs s o a infcn dcso acrig o h Cucls oiy n infcne and Significance on Policy Council‟s the to Engagement. according decision significant a not is This SIGNIFICANCE

receivesinformation the contained in


ReportNo. 15


Information Only Information Report No. Shirley

- 28



No Decision Required No Decision




28 193

Item 11 Annex A Item 11 4. 3. 2. 1. RTCREPRESENTATIVE: MayorBrendan Duffy ORGANISATIONNAME: March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Approved

   PLANNING ROADSAFETY   WALKINGAND CYCLING       MAINTENANCE,OPERATIONS AND RENEWALS            nw eetin eue s lne i Slsuy tet ajcn t Redn oe as Home, Reevdon to adjacent improvements are Street, required due elderlyto the pedestrians and mobilityscooters. Salisbury in planned is refuge pedestrian new A trave to scooters mobility and wheelchairspushchairs, for easier them make to network footpath the on crossings pram of number a upgrading continued has Council District Horowhenua exploringthe possibility threecouncilswithTender Evaluationreview tenders The are the assessjoin a and Team. will and document Contract Maintenance Road standardised a on together working been a Manawatu the as time same the HorowhenuaCouncil District toisabout to tender go with Road its Maintenance Contractat Street/Salisbury Street roundaboutisabout to togo tender. Mi the on Work completethe reseals by the end of March 2015. chip 2014/15 The Contractingand is due tostart shortly. Area An se mngmn fntos piaiy hi RM dt, owr wrs lnig and planning works forward data, RAMM managementof bridges. their primarily functions, management asset work to continue Council District Horowhenua the the Otakito Levin section ofthe RoNS. Joint newsletters are now being produced. Discussions/consultationbetweenHorowhenuaNZTA DistrictCouncilaroundandcontinue to continues committee basis. Plan Action Safety Road Horowhenua The h Rhb f abig Sre/iepo Sre wl g t tne ery ac. The March. early tender to go will Street late wastewaterrenewal in this Street/Liverpoolhasarea now beencompleted. in Cambridge out of carried Rehab was The which removal tree following startedJanuary. to has awarded who was Road Ltd Beach Contracts Waikawa on Treatment Wide Area The

Organisation Quarterly Update Quarterly Organisation rse.

ie ramn o Wlim Ra hs en wre t Crs Gomman Chris to awarded been has Road Williams on Treatment Wide

nor improvements programme continues. Improvement work on the Queen the on work Improvement continues. programme improvements nor ApprovedOrganisation Update March2015 -

eln i satn i te at ek f eray Flo Hgn will Hogan Fulton February. of week last the in starting is sealing HorowhenuaDistrict Council of having of a shared delivery these Contracts.for


nd Rangitikei District Councils The three councils have councils three The Councils District Rangitikei nd TransportCommittee

n mrvn ter odn ntok and network roading their improving on

et n regular a on meet ree Bagrie Graeme

Page Page


RTCREPRESENTATIVES: Cr. Bruce Gordon,Cr. Rachel ORGANISATIONNAME: Horizons RegionalCouncil March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Quarterly Organisation Approved 3. 2. 1.

      PUBLIC TRANSPORT ROADSAFETY TRANSPORTPLANNING       fullreportis presented elsewhere agenda.this in Th the sets Plan final is due foradoption by Horizons Regional Council Mayon 2015.26 RPTP The March 2 from 17. February on publi for direction Committee Transport Passenger Horizons by consultation for adopted also was (RPTP) Plan Transport Public Regional draft The the services. in services the later c in afternoon; early for fill and to evening morning services late the additional in are: gaps changes timetable key current they funding, securing to subject Committ late Transport Passenger in Horizons the retender to presented for also were due review the is of Findings it 2015 as reviewed also was North Palmerston to Feilding The i further servicesboth should take placebefore any services commence. that was recommendation PTC‟s The residents. Horowhenua respondents689from were and responsesreceived Wanganuifrom residents800 Over to Levin a newspaperslocalcommunitiesthrough torespective the gauge the support services.for Passenger Horizons of the viability to services in distributed the were Surveys 17. Februaryon Committee Transport North Palmerston into to investigations Wanganui of and Waikanae, outcomes the presented Officers elsewhereagenda.this in the th for activities combat their on toreport full A identified actions in the partners district, each safety in issues,and which partnersare responsible delivering for the are actions. road issues the all what with clarify to work to continue annual the implementing coordinators safety road The e Regional Land Transport Plan is due to be adopted by the RTC at this meeting. A meeting. this at RTC the by adopted be to due is Plan Transport Land Regional e

e n eray 7 A ubr f evc ipoeet wr recommended, were improvements service of number A 17. February on ee

mues eunn fo Pleso Nrh ad diinl Saturday additional and North; Palmerston from returning ommuters –

2 April 2015. Hearings are scheduled on 20 and 21 April 2015. The 2015. April 21 and 20 on scheduled are Hearings 2015. April 2 c transport services in the Region to 2025. Public consultation runs consultation Public 2025. to Region the in services transport c

Road Safety Action Plans (RSAPs). The RSAP‟s purpose is purpose RSAP‟s The (RSAPs). Plans Action Safety Road

e first half of the current financial year is included is year financial current the of half first e


Levin and Wanganui and Levin

vsiain of nvestigation

Page Page 195 -

Annex A Item 11 Annex A Item 11 4. 3. 2. 1. RTCREPRESENTATIVE: MayorMargaretKouvelis ORGANISATIONNAME: Manawatu District Council March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Approved 5.

         ROADSAFETY   WALKINGAND CYCLING EMERGENCYWORKS CAPITAL MAINTENANCE,OPERATIONS AND RENEWALS              communications plan with residents and emergency services due to the daily closing of the daily of emergencyclosing the and residentsto communications withservicesplandue extensive very a requiring also is This strengthening. structural with required replacement component Major with roadside mowerscausing sparks. Ongoing monitoring with the rural fire teams. associated risk fire extreme to due mowing for restricted are areas some service, of levels to due mainly interest public as team operations dry summerperiod,Due the to vegetation controlroadside of bermsdrawnhas widespread roading the from input with required. project collaboration authority local a wallconstructionand retaining earthworks with end Ashhurst the at commenced phasing Works continuing. is Agency, Transport NZ the and summer dry CityNorth Palmerston DC, Tararua with initiative joint a is which project, this Road Saddle The with well progressing and underway period. is program reseal 2014/15 The section onprogressing on Road nearWilson Ohakea,Apiti Road and Manchester Street. is road Pavem Cross Cheltenham of Rehabilitation re comprehensive continuing. present. a at with continuing underway is program maintenance metalling and road unsealed consideration on for work delivery Focused activities, develop combined to or market individual the evaluation. of Term c either for opportunities promote enabling that is methods This activities. generic renewal a developed have the we fitting Districts, specification Rangitikei and Horowhenua with collaboration 2015 the preparing currently is team operations and assets has contract maintenance road The Nil reportto and investigation with progressing is track cycle North exploring opportunities.funding Palmerston to Feilding The constructed. is This stageone of pathway the follow been has Feilding Street, Grey to Street North from path walking/cycle “Greenspine” The No weatherrelated events house. br

urnl udr osrcin Ti i a continuatio a is This program. construction. under currently Street Manchester Redevelopment: CBD Feilding

idge that is affecting access into the no the into access affecting is that idge Organisation Quarterly Update Quarterly Organisation

n rhbltto poet fr h 21/5 eid r nw ne wy W have We way. under now are period 2014/15 the for projects rehabilitation ent PROGRAMME

Currently60% complete.

renewals of the Mangarere Bridge are in progress. Full concrete deck concrete Full progress. in are Bridge Mangarere the of renewals

ontractunder consideration istotal of 9 years based performance.on

he TAs eurmns o te eiey f aneac and maintenance of delivery the for requirements TLA‟s three

recent vegetation and forest fires. Although maintaining the maintaining Although fires. forest and vegetation recent

entered its fifth and final year of its term. The roading The term. its of year final and fifth its entered - exit road. This component is being managed in managed being is component This road. exit

in progress. This is being managed asmanaged being is This progress. in ing ing the railway Feilding.line across –

Fergusson Street to Eyre Street, is Street, Eyre to Street Fergusson o te onhp beautification township the of n - 18 maintenance contract. In contract. maintenance 18 Page Page


- -

6. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Quarterly Organisation Approved

 PLANNING  Planand NZ TransportAgency funding processes. s to completion nearing Plan Management Asset Roading

pot f h nx Ln Term Long next the of upport Page Page 197

Annex A Item 11 Annex A Item 11 4. 3. 2. 1. RTCREPRESENTATIVE: Cr Jim Jeffries ORGANISATIONNAME: Palmerston North City Council March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Approved

     WALKING ANDWALKING CYCLING EMERGENCY WORKS CAPITAL PROGRAMME   ANDMAINTENANCE,OPERATIONS RENEWALS        main freightroute in the city. has Street Ruahine the Avenue, Tremaine in of section a for scheduled pavement is work renewal Similar completed. roading been rehabilitate to treatment for pavement wide contract Area $504K The April. inclu by district business TheSquare. complete central the be of area to some includes surfaces expected concrete asphaltic is million $1.1 almost contract for reseals chip The City. the around completed being now are contracts Resealing ieak ein sd n ere tet a poe eteey oua. nw design with selected new been have A sites Two fourof each unit beto installed. popular. installed. be extremely will “key” proven and “lock” has stylised a Street featuring George in used streetscape urban design into Bikerakk incorporated are designs innovative as centres city the around installation offabric urban the ofpart for as increasinglybecomingimportant are standsCycle centre. city stands cycle new for order an confirmed recently has Council $900,000 forthe 2.9 kilometre path. one of contribution PNCCfunding a total in UrbanCyclewaysresults contributionand the Fund$300,000 from preferr is structure standing free a and required be will MangaoneStream the crossing of bridge Highway.Pioneer A of sectioncity the along land reserve road in located path shared separated existing an of continuation a be would and route the follow would path planned The confirmed. was Longburn to HighwayPioneeralong path shared a constructionof approvalfor funding January2015 In be would group ratifiedin March 2015. steering a that parties the by formedto oversee t agreed was it December In Planning Transport design. ViaStrada and by report investigation initial the of findings between the discuss paths to shared of investigation its Linto and Bridge continuing Fitzherbert is Council City North Palmerston No events. industry. on impacts reduce to programmed is Alterna summer over work and corridor freight industrial the of part is route The 2015. March in completed be to expected and advanced Recons

Organisation Quarterly Update Quarterly Organisation teroutes are being advertised.No significant traffic problemshave been reported. truction of the roundabout at Tremaine Avenue and Botanical Road is now well well now is Road Botanical and Avenue Tremaine at roundabout the of truction

heproject delivery. of referenceTerms the for are group expected beto - hr o te oa fnig ot Cntuto cs i etmtd at estimated is cost Construction cost. funding total the of third

n Military Camp. Meetings with affected parties are underway are parties affected with Meetings Camp. Military n

ed. The funding approval includes a includesapproval funding The ed. of the state highway state the of

ein The design. Page Page ding 198

5. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Quarterly Organisation Approved hfil Bike Sheffield

  PUBLIC TRANSPORT   eadd y asnes n ta i hs eutd n nrae nme of numberin June2015. increased in completed be to resultedexpected is shelter the of hasConstruction Square. The in centre it information that and passengers by regarded inter for location permanent s inter the for shelter permanent more a of Installation for consultationMarch in 2015. budget its revised programmethis for work willincludedbe Draft inTen YearPlan the will that releasedbe for recently has Council oon to beinstalled. to oon

While no decision has yet been made onwhetherbeenmade yetdecisionhas no While


- rakk city buses, early indications are that it is working well, is well is well, working is it that are indications early buses, city

key will be installed in in installed will be key the PN CBD soon PN CBD the lock single ere St George A Bethany‟s on The The on Bethany‟s the Library and and the Library combination of a of combination Square

and single .

eeeomn o te u tria. A terminal. bus the of redevelopment , by , by - city bus terminal inside The Square is Square The insideterminal bus city rawy Ave/The Broadway

this will become thewillthis become iis o the to visits Page Page 199

Annex A Item 11 Annex A Item 11 7. 6. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Approved

   PLANNING ROAD SAFETY    has a has rollapproaching 500 with further growth anticipated to take theroll to 600. Whakarongo School,which the corner of statethe islocatedon highway local the road and their on consultation public launch will and intendedne speedlimits in the area the through limit speed the of review a loca completed hasnow NZTA coordinatedplanning.requires primarilythat issue obvious an Highway is 2014. are in late projects Road Creek the Stoney to While boundary city the of expansion confirming Council City the with planning, growth urban of part as planned are Road Creek Stoney and Line corri SH3 two the for along mapping logic projects investment roading complete to workshop a hosting is PNCC February In dat f oni‟ pooe raig ewr fr rniin o n Ntok Road Network One 2015 Review. the to during transition completed for be network roading proposed Classification hasbeenprepared. confirmto networkWork the in Council‟s Council‟sDistrictPlan will of draft A duringMarch 2015. p for released be to expected is ITS The years. 30 next the for priorities transport City‟s the establish will and future near the in consultation for out go to expected Work

Organisation Quarterly Update Quarterly Organisation

continuesdevelopmenton of City‟s the Integrated TransportStrategy. strategy The is

ar future. Acentral future. safetyissue ar for growth ofis concernsthe - 8 eid as period 18 o truh hkrno Ugae t bt James both to Upgrades Whakarongo. through dor raig prds te oncin o h State the to connection the upgrades, roading l

at f oni‟ Scinl itit Plan District Sectional Council‟s of part ublic consultation ublic

Page Page 200

4. 3. 2. 1. RTCREPRESENTATIVE: MayorAndy Watson ORGANISATIONNAME: Rangitikei District Council March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Quarterly Organisation Approved

 ROADSAFETY  EMERGENCYWORKS:   CAPITAL PROGRAMME:   MAINTENANCE,OPERATIONS AND RENEWALS       A footpath contract combining capital and renewals c renewals and capital combining contract footpath A had that sitescommenced in previous the year also completed. two with completed, been have programme year‟s this in sites AWPT Two monthshas helped considerably. l the over basically experienced has region the that weather good The complete. 2014 for programme resurfacing The Th vegetation underway. the also manage and is specialistequipment to assist in addressing area.this try roads to the made being onto also encroachment is effort concerted A network. our of region Northern the in mainly Horizons with conjunction in Beard Man‟s Old of spraying Special attention. receive to continues activity this permit to conducive is appropriateweather the whilst network the the on sections requiringmetal the of Grading treatment.as identified been have that network the atte of areas that those ensure to paid to network updated continuously the is on maintenance programme Regular the and end. continues this achieve will work this from outcome the considered that ensure is to team the by work of lot that for a and content in valuesimilar is service that document contract getting a are of ratepayers level our at looking that are the also Councils ensure Horowhenua and MDC between Collaboration to money. only also not but network achieves the for that necessary outcome an give is documentwill the that ensure to collectively working been have consultant a and MDC Horowhenua, from assistance with team A contract. the for commencement for date as July1 for aiming andyear this tender Rangitikeidue for contractismaintenance for The Speedlimit along Nga Tawanow has road beenlowered 80kph.to commenced. have now been completed with some minor rock protection in a couple of streams in the in finis streams of couple a in protection rock minor some with completed been now have 2013 of eventsthe from identified hadbeen that worksemergency the majorityof vast The


- 5 s el ne wy n crety s prx 90% approx. is currently and way under well is 15

ontent has been let and has recently has and let been has ontent

cnrco hs ogt n some in bought has contractor e

attention has been given for the for given been has attention

to i being is ntion ast three three ast Page Page one that one

having 201

Annex A Item 11 Annex A Item 11   PavementRehabilitation 2. with themajority of the resealprogram completed February. in completed were sites Reseal on undertaken works requirements, program to routinely out carried VegetationControl, Unsealed Pavement Maintena sweepingtrees, intersections and installing signs. Pavementrepairs are completedwhen required. fallen removing signs, erecting and straightening decks, bridge cleaning potholes, filling roads, 21 c 723 attendingto 5,655km travelandhours 519 spendRoadmen the monthtypical a In currentlyby away of ford overthe Kaiwhakauka River.Nobody was harmedduring incident. the operatio farming Steele‟s and Trail Cycle Sea the to Mountains Tuhono Ara Nga the Walkway, Araroa Te the both and inspectedof component integral an as w bridge the of replacement built, investigatingcurrently is Council Farming. Conservation designed, was of bridge Department trail by cycle maintained The bridge. suspensionclose in was the that bridge to truss timber proximity old the of collapse the of result a as Roa collapse Depot catastrophic historic the over built bridge swing cycle and pedestrian the that determined been has It 2014. December 12th on Collapsed Bridge Trail Cycle Kaiwhakauka The 2014. contractors new Contract the with continued have InframaxLtd.the withheldfrom amounts disputed The programmes.handand at work Meetings discussing seamless. being contractors incoming the contracts maintenance new The 1. RTCREPRESENTATIVE: MayorDon Cameron ORGANISATIONNAME: Ruapehu District Council March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Approved  

ag. ok fral bgn n tg oe f fu ya rhbltto pr rehabilitation year four a of one stage February2015. on begun formally Works Ngati by delivered Rangi. Induction Cultural a attending staff and contractors all with February early Th advanced competeto 7km of pavement renewalconstructionthis season. well is contractor The Road. and Mangapara and sites Valley Whangaehu rehabilitation on construction pavementcommenced Road Ruatiti the of construction the with continued Jilesen CAPITAL PROGRAMME MAINTENANCE,OPERATIONS AND RENEWALS e resource consent for Pavement Rehabilitation on Ohakune Mountain Road was issued in issued was Road Mountain Ohakune on Rehabilitation Pavement for consent resource e

Organisation Quarterly Update Quarterly Organisation 35 ee eovd mcby n al otatd biain stld y 1 December 31 by settled obligations contracted all and amicably resolved were 1355

s I te enie h tal ean fral coe hwvr am ces is access farm however closed formally remains trail the meantime the In ns.

commenced on time, with the transition between the outgoing to outgoing the between transition the with time, on commenced

t iiil udn b Cucl DC ad Steele and DoC, Council, by funding initial ith

nce, Heavy nce, Maintenance andImprovementsare

d bridge, suffered a suffered bridge, d ga o 16th on ogram ulverts onulverts Page Page 202

3.     Bridge Renewals March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Quarterly Organisation Approved    

the bridge the stock. Thisyear 104 inspections areprogrammed forcompletion before June2015. more Maintenancea ensure the help by to Contractor out carried previously Inspections General the undertaking now is GHD and programmed ten bridgeMangateiteion Road, with otherinspections to be withcarriedout as required. October. biennially during year completed this are for completed Inspections (Posted) Special 24 The inspectedduring October and November. Other inspections willcarriedbe outas required. o carried were inspections 29 year. this for completed and scheduled inspections 45 with annually inspected is stock the of six sixth a one Approximately over rotation by asset bridge the on out carried is Inspection Principal The Raetihi components, the this isnow c deck of renewal program, and boards Renewalrunning of removal Component included work Structuralbridge truss steel year‟s Road Pipiriki this on advanced well is Work EMERGENCYWORKS   n rsle i sis n tes on n 1 od ad 0 ne sis n 6 od. 44 roads. 26 on slips under 40 and roads 41 on service requestswere received these. on down trees and slips roads 57 in on resulted sites 105 and affected August, 15 on ending apart, week a wind and rain heavy Therebeenone has Emergency theEvent 2014/15 year. for identified Two short


timely programming of response to gradual deterioration of of deterioration gradual to response of programming timely

tegh acltos ee opee o a further a on completed were calculations Strength

t uig etme wt a ute 15 further a with September during ut

- year period. year periodsof Page Page


Annex A Item 11 Annex A Item 11 6. 5. 4. March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Approved

ROADSAFETY WALKINGAND CYCLING   PLANNING         of Emergency the criteria Work framework. majority a evaluatedagainstbeing are and listed are carryoversites and current 67 of total 2014/15 the for sites Carryover o lo wrs o e netk. h pbi pa cag poes s xetd o take to expected is process change plan public The severalmonths to complete allowing stage for one worksto being in 2015/16. undertake. be has to works Board allow Conservation to Taupo Tongariro the and activity pla partiala progress to agreed the for provided has Funding been Rehabilitation. now Pavement first the for application Consent Resource the of separationPlanning offor modes matter. th supporting Policy Financing and Revenue Draft the of part a as Differential Forestry a included has Council capital is low forestry case from Ruapehu‟s In burden the land. subsidisedby pastoral farmingproperties. to shifting capital of of ratio higher effect having the those to has properties This Council. of rating value policies capital by recognized not benefit significant a receives sector forestry exotic and consumption pavement of analysis Detailed consumption. pavement seal to respect with equity and fairness of tests policy funding by challenged is Council District Ruapehu The this for and approach Systems quarterhas its focus Safer the against reviewed been has Plan Action Safety Road Ruapehu The ACC. and CVIU and traffic Police NZ NZTA, from representatives by Actio safety road The

Organisation Quarterly Update Quarterly Organisation udn eut udr urn Cptl au fnig oiis a rvae ta the that revealed has policies funding Value Capital current under equity funding

e LTP Review 2015 Review LTP e

on speedand back schoolto following the festive season. n Planning Committee meets three times a year and is well attended attended well is and year a times three meets Committee Planning n

n change to the Tongariro National Park Management PlanManagementPark National Tongariro the to change n year for completion and monitoring have been finalised. A finalised. been have monitoring and completion for year for the Ohakune Mountain Road were considered as parttheOhakuneMountainfor as wereconsidered Road - 2025 and expects vigorous public debate on this on debate public vigorous expects and 2025

Page Page

value 204

6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. RTCREPRESENTATIVE: MayorRoly Ellis ORGANISATIONNAME: Tararua DistrictCouncil March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Update Quarterly Organisation Approved


treeshave nowbeen and excavationsfelled arecommencing and signed been have agreements All Boundaries. MDC and TDC to closest areas the on pur and access for owners land with negotiating with delays had have We and site closestto Saddle RoadBridge. a firstof three Sad the of site Tararua the on 1 Site project This is continueto being as managedinternally by TDC. Long Planning Term needs. Council for Strategies year 30 and PlansManagementActivity Roading updating Currently No Changeto previous report undertake the repairs. to crews organizing and work reviewing Currently 2014. August in events rain following district the to repairs undertake to order in NZTA from funding received has TDC Seereport regarding Saddle Road. ok a as cmecd n eeig w sal al vred odn bri wooden overhead rail small two renewing on commenced Pavement also has and Work Reseals both with Renewals are undertaken Rehabilitation.Crews have beenbrought in both Rangitikeiand Hastings to assist. being works Current being are commentsreceived shapeabout of unsealed the roads and drai good addition, In Grader. the on mounted roller and blade Grader Unsealedonmounted work a scarifier with to Roads using change Rural the on the areas with well in settle to continued has Alliance Tararua aaaa ad deob Ra. eas ae en u t daig wt Kwri in Kiwirail with dealings to due been have gainingauthority to work closeto rail lines. Morris and Baileyundertakingare the work. Delays Road. Edgecombe and Rakaiatai


- lane passingarea. Currently onworking pavements forboth Gas Gate areas

dle Road has now been completed and sealed for the for sealed and completed been now has Road dle

good comments being received from received being comments good nagebeing opened up.

chase activities chase

Page Page gs of dges


Annex A Item 11 Annex A Item 11 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. RTCREPRESENTATIVE: MayorAnnette Main ORGANISATIONNAME: Wanganui District Council March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Approved

  OTHER  ROAD SAFETY  ANDWALKING CYCLING  EMERGENCY WORKS   CAPITAL PROGRAMME   ANDMAINTENANCE,OPERATIONS RENEWALS          budget. programme renewals and maintenance road The Alliancewith contract Downer,with specialistsupport Opusfrom Consultants Ltd. Private a through delivered be to continues delivery maintenance Road rural roads. its through $1.5B) (worth timber of tonnes million 15 of hauling the by damaged roads the Plan alsoadditionalanreinvesthighlightedregional $18Minitiatives,needtothe but to Transport Land Regional draft the to submitted Council Netw One the to process transition Road Classification(ONRC) system and its fullintegration by 1 July 2018. the on working currently are managers Roading 5 the on understandingof each other‟s andgoals programs. met NZTA, and DHB consis group, (RSAP) Plan Action Safety Road The funding NZTA the in hold a to dueassistance priority. deferred been have projects cycling and walking All second the half of the 2014/15 financialyear. car being are Jerusalem, at Road River Whanganui the on 31 Bridge and Road Mangamahu (6.7km), RoadValley Whangaehu the along are reinstatement of items major $1.8M,reinstatement $1.2Mfollow$3.0M. is estimatedafurther the The totaling up at and 15 the on 3 the inoccurred situations Emergency The <$2.5M). (for Rotorua design phase is c Ltd, Structures Concrete to awarded been has that Construct contract & the Design a is over NZTA and 46 Council District Rangitikei Bridge Council, District of Wanganui replacement the for B River project Whangaehu led Council District Wanganui The Safetyimprovements along the River Whanganui Road werecompleted in January2015.

Organisation Quarterly Update Quarterly Organisation


October 2013. The first response for clearing the many sites is estimat is sites many the clearing for response first The 2013. October

omplete and physical the works will completedbe by June 2015.

ig a Wlys a cmecd Ti co This commenced. has Wyley‟s at ridge


eray 05 Ti wrig ru hs good a has group working This 2015. February rd

September at Kauarapaoa Road and district wide district and RoadKauarapaoa at September

ting of Council, Horizons, Police, ACC, Police, Horizons, Council, of ting s rcig o e ihn h $10.66M the within be to tracking is

. It included its support for for support its included It . - netd rjc b the by project invested - Public Partnership Public

ried out in out ried

Page Page reinstate ed at ed 206 ork

A ANNEXES SENIORTRANSPORT PLA Wayne Wallace 6.1. 6. 5.2. 5.1. 5. 4.1. 4. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. ZEALANDNEW TRANSPOR March03 RegionalTransport Committee Report Agency Directors Transport New Zealand

NZTA Director's Report Director's NZTA SIGNIFICANCE Raewyn Bleakley,Central Regional Director, will speak to the report. Acopy of Regional the Director‟s report isattached atAnnex A. BACKGROUND No communityengagement required. COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT No financialimpact as a ofresult this report. FINANCIAL IMPACT a. That Committee the recommends thatCouncil: RECOMMENDATION and nationalactivities. regional Agency‟s Transport NZ the on update an with Members provide to is report This PURPOSE hs s o a infcn dcso acrig o h Cucls oiy n Signi on Policy Council‟s the to Engagement. according decision significant a not is This

2015 receivesinformation the contained in



Phillip Hindrup


Information Only Information Report No.

EPORT - 29



No Decision Required No Decision


iac and ficance Page Page



29 207

Item 12 Annex A Item 12 o cn hc ot h nw eeiin d n al uprig aeil i te detsn scin f the of section advertising the via material supporting all and ad television new Transport Agenc the out check can You or unsafe on nearfeel the road. to just and people other affects speed them. their of perception how people‟s of other conscious be to audience the encourages campaign new The 20 between aged be in control, feel adrivegood seen as to want drivers competent targets campaign fast „comfortably‟ TV Agency Transport new A don‟trecognisein limits,always ownspeeding their driving. they enforcement police support and speed at driving of risks the recognise users road most While campaignNew targets speeding drivers advertising most will that for the timeopt permi for system manual a using continue to able be will Operators upgradean undergoingfor rollinginpreparation across countryout in first the of the 2015. half been have Auckland in HPMVoperators While customers.our and Agency Transport the both morefor time saving processed efficiently, be The to permits permits, enable also will for system The faster. apply much applications to repeat make to want details who operators permit for their tracking as systemsuch features of range online a operators offers an system out rolling is Agency Transport The HPMV One all system for permit applications route prioritise to need the on focusing in predecessor its of direction strategic and productivity,economic growth road the continues GPS new The Investment draft AssessmentFramework. Regional contestable nationally the Addi to Class. Funds Activity throug Improvements R targeted from Agency change the Transport on guidance the includes This byNLTP. provided signals investment 2015 ofthe part as plans developing are whopartners our to relevant remain andGPS withthe consistent and planning the that means This 2014. June in released document consultation sector draft the from unchanged largely is GPS final The the guiding investment. years, 10 next the over Fund Transport Land National the from expenditure for priorities Government‟s the out sets GPS 2014.The December 18 on (GPS) of Minister PolicyRelease Transport on Land Statement Government ofthe March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Agency Directors Transport New Zealand Regional Manager.as (A&U) team 29 After is Carey Access new Griffiths the Central Manager& Regional Use 1. Date: Presenter: Report to: 2.

Central Region Central Events Agency News

avoid a ticket but because of the effect their speed has on others. After all, no one should be madeto be should one no all,others. After on has speed their effect the of because but ticket a avoid yearsin Police, Griffithsthe Carey hasjoined Transport & Region the Agency‟sUse Central Access

Transport Simon Bridges officially released the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Land on Statement Policy Government the released officially Bridges Simon Transport

be o pl fr hi pris sn a oln sse fr oe ie o, hs ytm is system this now, time some for system online an using permits their for apply to able y website:


typically a bit faster than the posted speed limit or other traffic. These are drivers who drivers are These traffic. other or limit speed posted the than faster bit a typically 3 March 20153 March RaewynBleakley, RegionalDirector, Central TransportHorizons Regional Committee http://www.nzta.govt.nz/about/advertising/speed/numbers.html

- saving option of option online saving applications.

tionally, the release of a final GPS has allowed the Agency to confirm the confirm to Agency the allowed has GPS final a of release the tionally,

Ultimately the goal is to get these drivers to choose to slow down: not down: slow to choose to drivers these get to is goal the Ultimately

safety and value for money. safety and

r and want to want whengood feel r to driving.and

loain f vr 3 ilo a er n transport in year a billion $3 over of allocation

ts, but the Transport Agency anticipates Agency Transport the but ts,

‟s progress and remembering their remembering and progress ‟s

- 9 er wo drive who years 49 .

of the speed the of h 2014 are are 2014 h Page Page 208 - 18 18

R - name

Fund Fund Funds National Land Transport Land National Programme 5 previousyears. than the month. per region, inthe 10 crashes or month. per 9.8 in or December serious of number average The with over 2014 rate. the crash little a is which network, Horizons the on crashes fatal 3 been have there 2015 February 18 at As month. per 2.6 or December of end the month. at per 30.7 was years) (5 2013 to 2009 from crashes fatal of number average The extreme annualresults. or withextraordinary comparisons and avoid againsttrends measure to us allowswhich years,five preceding the over performance average the against performance year‟s this compared have we report, last our with As of performance network. the r the for evident particularly injuryinof small number fataland serious can mean the changeschanges crashes significant in apparent the is This comparison. meaningful a for variation much too to subject is trends crash describe to years between comparison a that believes Agency Transport i trends crash of monitoring While Horizons in Road Safety on boundary City the within path Highway. duecompleted byPioneer is be 2015. June to project This existing the the with and in link along leisure will it Running both Longburn in Stream.Road for Works Mangaone from use 56 Highway the to over pedestrians bridge and a cyclists includes for passage and commuting, safe a provide will pathway shared The by infrastructure cycling in investment of par programme Cycling and the Programme. Urban in Council the established by funded be an will and Council City on North Palmerston builds project This Pathway. pro two region Central the InJanuary. of end the at announced was Programme Cycleways Urban the in projects of tranche first The Cycleway Longburn Cyclewaythetrancheof in Accelerated first Projects Urban promote motorcychelping to is IAM a motorcyclistpassed keen Carey and has just an particularlyassessment.is inobserved He interested I‟m awellthat such joining inlegal reduction blood recognises challenges levels. plentyalcohol are of there He certificatedelivery offitness licencingand fitness changes, and driver changes, the testing driver and the rollhas joined A&U Carey they o teamas ofnumber years. a been workingof the sector and has demands transport road and usersclosely with Transport for Agency the PolicingRoad around 10 beltWith workyears‟inroad his (including safety under National as roles Manager for Operations March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Agency Directors Transport New Zealand 3.

Delivery of the National Land TransportProgramme ofthe Land Delivery National 112,390,000 Available funding

The flattened overroad lasttollhave 5to The yearsappears the For the year up to the end of December 2014, we have had 30 fatal crashes or or crashes fatal 30 had have we 2014, December of end the to up year the For and National greatand PolicingRoad Manager) regulatory understandinghas a Carey of the

jects were tagged for acceleration, including the Longburn to Palmerston North Shared North Palmerston Longburnto forthe acceleration, taggedincluding jectswere 79,929,101 All crashes in crashes All th 2005/06 Spent to Spent 2013/14

- date The 2014 results will 2014 RTCupdated The at the next results be meeting. functioning team, and I know we‟re justgetfunctioning going better.” Iteam,knowwe‟re to and

le safety in and safety the region. Agency around le the

o te eru t h n o Dcme 21 tee ee 2 sros injury serious 121 were there 2014 December of end the to up year the For -


s vital for understanding risks and performance on any given network t network given any on performance and risks understanding for vital s

jury crashes from 2009 to 2013 (5 years) was 117.8 at the end of of end the at 117.8 was years) (5 2013 to 2009 from crashes jury

25,717,846 Committed 2014/15


but not not but

e Horizon Region (both local and state highway) are included. HorizonRegion (bothlocale state highway)and are The rate of serious injuries in the region appear in injuries the of serious rate The spent spent ut anumber ut of significant changes, service of including warrant


105,646,947 Total spent spent Total committed approved) and/or and/or (total (total

6,743,053 Uncommitted

balance tnership with the Transport Agency Agency Transport the with tnership

egion Horizons covers, where where covers, Horizons egion

ahead but but says,ahead helps “It

25,005,628 oten ie f State of side northern committed Assigned

but not not but s to be a little a higherbe s to 2.5 fatal crashes fatal 2.5

Page Page - 18,262,575 Unassigned

balance 209 he

Annex A Item 12 Annex A Item 12 Protection Resilience/Rockfall Emergency Reinstatement Emergency Rangitikei/Tremaine Intersect Rangitikei/Tremaine 6months. 2015 inFebruary is take expected to and HPMV Transport currently is through approvalthe going process. Agency solu preferred the and complete is Street work investigation Final on. consulted been Queen have and identified been and SH57 Bridge River the Trestle/Manawatu Whirokino for improvements investigating include project RoNS passinglane intersection, investigating and the on steps Next (including and stakeholders iwi)commenceto plan forconsentingin 2015. projectand the been have representatives Agency project. barrier median rope wire and realignment curve a is underway.This is project the of section Curves Waitarere the for proposals developmentof Further the for alignment highway state new proposed the to connections Road/MuhunoaEast Road Kimberley ar for developed being still are Options Otaki of northbetween andthe SH57 intersection. project, the of stage next the inform will assessments The groups. iwi two with project the of area Ohau to Otaki of north the for commissioned been North) further (and Levin to Otaki (RoNS) Significance National of Roads isprojectmonths. 24currentlyprogramme. on The Replacement: Bridge Whakaruatapu secon ProjectsCapital the for way under is Design February. of end the by of (approximatelyboundary Ruapehu/Whanganui 62kmWhanganui).north completed be to is and expected end an to coming is Whanganui) of north (58km site Stream Hapokopoko the on Construction place. SH4 on started have Works resilience. working constructionis and wayGorge. networkits towards SH3,Manawatu improve to barriers and fences catch fall rock constructing Manawatu inGorge. Manawatu other structures the Contract: Bridging underway projects strengthening region. constructioncompletedaround by seasonthe 2015.pavement expect the We the March end to be of and seals chip have and season construction the of middle the years.We seven period of a with contract maintenance term long a is contract The Contract. Outcomes Contract: Maintenance Maintenance Operations and supporting evidence. vital workis This tellingthe to behind storyregio the and programmes of development the with assisting organisations, approved with working are and activities the Invest of & end the Planning by Regional committed be to need will funds R that means now 2015/18NLTPperiod. deadline in change A projects. to committed not funds R of million $6.7 is there year financial 2014/15 the of end the to months four With March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Agency Directors Transport New Zealand decided pursue project withiwi has not cultural to on and and spiritualgrounds.the Manunui Facility Effluent SH4/41Stock currently is project on The programme. Widening: Seal North Shannon in is phase should2015 April commence construction tak expected to and Extension Lane Passing Otamaraho

SH3 Hawera to Whanganui: to Hawera SH3 - Whanganui region. We will focus our our focus will We region. Whanganui

Annual bridge inspections have have inspections bridge Annual

ign (h icmet otatr hs o te Manawatu the won has contractor) incumbent (the Higgins : There There et tf ae novd n ainl oeain etns o 21/8 NLTP 2015/18 for meetings moderation national in involved are staff ment ion: :

Construction commenced late October. Work is expected to take 18 months. 18 take to expected is Work October. late commenced Construction We will be carrying out $800,000 of rock fall protection works in the the in works protection fall rock of $800,000 out carrying be will We

The design isThe acquisitionandproperty complete continue. negotiations are two emergency work sites on SH4 with traffic management control in control management traffic with SH4 on sites work emergency two are

: The physical works contract is currently out to tender. The construction The tender. to out currently is contract works physical The :

The physical works contract has been awarded. Construction commencedConstruction awarded. been has contract physical works The Construction commenced 12 November 2014. Work is expected to take to expected is Work 2014. November 12 commenced Construction

: The project will not be proceeding because the Agency has has Agency proceedingbecausebe the willproject The not : ea. These will public complete. These ea.communicated the to when be

including our long term plans for a staged approach to four laning four to approach staged a for plans term long our including Te netgto pae s rgesn wl. or pin have options Four well. progressing is phase investigation The : opportunities and overallopportunities and improvements. route

teto o S4 aaaa ad H Mnwt Gre by Gorge Manawatu SH3 and Paraparas SH4 on attention

started. Particular attention will be given to bridges and bridges to given be will attention Particular started.

: Cultural impact assessments have assessments impact Cultural : e 18 months. e nal programmes and projects. nalprogrammes and

talking to landowners to talking

- hnau Network Whanganui

st, y the by site, d

Page Page consulted

are in are

tion 210

confirmation. awaiting is and Speeds: Safer submitted been has Programme Safety Minor 2015/16 The Projects: Safety Safety 201520February RegionalDirector, Central RaewynBleakley on proposal. soon this i Bridge,Creek Stoney the of side far the to boundary town existing the from extended limitbe speed 80km/h is programme wide improvements area maintenance tiedprogramme. the to March03 2015 RegionalTransport Committee Report Agency Directors Transport New Zealand ncluding the intersections of Stoney Creek Road, James Line and Roberts Line. Roberts and Line James Road, Creek Stoney of intersections the ncluding

The formal speed review of SH 3 (Napier Road) has been completed. been has Road) (Napier 3 SH of review speed formal The confirmed,will Committee. we the advise

The 2014/15 Minor Safety Programme is underway and has a $1,208,000 budget. It includes includes It budget. $1,208,000 a has and underway is Programme Safety Minor 2014/15 The

Public consultation will begin will consultation Public

We are proposing that an that proposing are We

When the the When Page Page 211

Annex A Item 12