Monroe County Affordable Housing Developments and Incentives DRAFT 4/30/2015 *Income Category (2015) V
Monroe County Affordable Housing Developments and Incentives DRAFT 4/30/2015 *Income Category (2015) V. LOW LOW MED MOD owner occupied income limits (single persons) - 4 person household size $43,650 $69,800 $87,300 $139,680 owner occupied income limits (married) - 4 person household size $58,200 $93,067 $116,400 $186,240 rental income limits (single persons) - 4 person household size $43,650 $69,800 $87,300 $104,760 rental income limits (married) - 4 person household size $58,200 $93,067 $116,400 $139,680 INCENTIVES Building Occupant Type Number of Units by Affordable Income Development/Owner Location Deed Restriction Monroe County $$ incentives Land Development Code incentives Permit (est. based on PA data) Affordable Category* # Deed- Allocation Award/ Restricted Units Not Complete/ Land Acquisi-tion Building Impact Fee Waiver Mobile Home Low Income Permit Issue Years on Restriction End (by project) Owner- Renter- (ESTIMATE based on Total MC Cost per Max Net 20% Developed Name Key ROGO Subarea Under Construction V. LOW LOW MED MOD Costs Paid by Permit Fee Total MC Cost Transfer of Housing Tax Date Restriction Date Occupied Occupied $1,534/SF, $1,331/MF, dwelling unit Density Bonus as Market Rate County Waiver $1,229/MH) ROGO Exemption Credit Lakeview Gardens (Keys Lake Villas) Key Largo Upper 10/08/10 99 3/16/2111 110 0 110 0 6 104 $146,410 $146,410 $1,331 Meridian West Stock Island Lower 10/20/2003 50 11/1/2054 102 0 102 0 102 $135,762 $135,762 $1,331 Islander Village Stock Island Lower 2/1/2007 99 5/29/2107 43 11 32 46 43 $2,024,750
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