FLORIDAKEYS SEAFOOD FESTIVAl FISHING THE FLORIDAKEYS Howman fillets Acold frontcame does is taketo through, making stagethis event? 1B the fishing hot, 5B VOLUME 65-NO.3 STAY CONNECTED /KEYSINFONET NEWSAll DAY. YOUR WAY. WWW.FLKEYSNEWS.COM FACEBOOK.COM WEDNESDAY JANUARY10,2018 50 cents THE FLORIDAKEYS 7786790 22222 IN MEMORIUM AFTER THE STORM Dolphin activist Rector dies at age68 Former marine-park trainer devoted lifetocampaigning against keeping dolphins in captivity. BY KEVIN WADLOW
[email protected] Russ Rector, adogged defender of Florida Keys dolphins and all ocean creatures, died Sunday in Broward County. Rector, 68,was an indefatigable critic of marine-mammal captivity and founder of the Dolphin Freedom Foun- KEVINWADLOWKeynoter dation. After working for seven years as Monroe County EmergencyManagementDirector MartySenterfitt and county strategic planner Kimberly Matthews respond to adolphin trainer at Fort Lauderdale’s questions and complaints during Monday’sKey Largo feedback session on Hurricane Irma response. Additional sessions takeplace Ocean World marine park until 1975, through Jan. 22. he quit over concerns about marine- mammal captivity and protested against the park until it closed in 1994. In the Keys, Rector supported rescue- and-release efforts for marine mammal strandings but harbored strong opin- Hurricane Irma’s hardlessons ions against several local dolphin facil- ities. He was aconstant thorn in the side of Florida Keys residents voice knowledge did not exist,” thews, county director of stra- Senterfitt said officials re- the Miami Seaquarium, identifying concern about debris,re-entry county Emergency Manage- tegic planning. “That’s one of ceiving requests for re-entry undersized animal tanks and code andlack of information at ment Director Marty Senterfitt the things at the top of our exceptions “struggled with this violations that required expensive fixes.