Sweden/Germany/Norway 瑞典/德國/挪威 France/Greece 法國/希臘 2019 | Swedish | DCP | Colour | 76min 2019 | English/Greek/French/German Director Roy Andersson DCP | Colour | 124min Producer Pernilla Sandström, Johan Carlsson Director Costa-Gavras Scriptwriter Roy Andersson Producer Michèle Ray Gavras, Cinematographer Gergely Pálos Scriptwriter Costa-Gavras Editor Johan Carlsson, Kalle Boman, Roy Andersson Cinematographer Yorgos Arvanitis Production Designer Anders Hellström, Editor Costa-Gavras, Lambis Charalampidis Frida E. Elmström, Nicklas Nilsson Production Designer Spyros Laskaris, Sound Robert Hefter Philippe Chiffre Cast Martin Serner, Jessica Louthander, Music Alexandre Desplat Tatiana Delaunay, Anders Hellström Sound Nikos Papadimitriou, Marianne Roussy-Moreau, Production Roy Andersson Filmproduktion Costas Varibopiotis, Edouard Morin, Daniel Sobrino World Sales Coproduction Office Cast Christos Loulis, Ulrich Tukur, Alexandros Bourdoumis, Daan Schuurmans Production KG Productions World Sales Elle Driver

©KG Productions 國債大風暴

Looking back on the Greek economic crisis, we tend to forget it was [導演的話] triggered by the governments who had ruled the country for the 30 回顧希臘經濟危機,我們往往會忘記引發危機的,是 years previous to its onset in 2008. It was the incompetence and 2008 年危機初發時已統治該國三十年的民選政府,是 cronyism of New Democracy (the right-wing party) and Pasok (the 當時無能且任人唯親的兩大政黨(右翼的新民主黨,以 Socialist party) that allowed the 320-billion-euro debt to accrue. 及泛希臘社會主義運動)容許國家累積了高達 3200 億 Greece’s colossal debt is impossible to repay and everyone knew 歐元的債務。 it. However, with no qualms whatsoever, France and Germany 希臘的巨額債務無法償還,方眾所周知。然而,法國和 continued selling products (cars, arms, defense systems etc.) to a 德國卻毫無疑慮地,繼續向他們知道深陷財政赤字的希 country they knew was deeply in the red. 臘售賣汽車、軍備、國防系統等產品。而歐盟亦允許這 And the European Commission allowed this to happen. 種事情發生。 In 2015, Michèle was producing a film in Thessaloniki during the 2015 年,在希臘政府宣布銀行暫停營業期間,妻子米雪 Greek bank closures. On July 14th she sent me an interview with 雷加拉斯正在塞薩隆尼基監製一部電影,她在七月十四 in The New Statesman with a short note: There is a 日發了一篇《新政治家》專訪經濟學家揚尼斯瓦魯法基 film here. 斯的文章給我看,並附上說明:這可以是一部電影。 From the start of the crisis, I could tell Greece was embarking on a 自從經濟危機爆發以來,我已知道希臘正開始漫長的 long drama – one of many it has known since its foundation in 1821 戲劇性事件:是 1821 年立國以來,眾多戲劇性事件之 as a nation-state. The idea of a film was born once I became aware 一。當我意識到許多希臘人被困於貧窮及無能為力時, of the poverty and powerlessness in which much of the Greek people 就馬上有了拍攝這部電影的想法。 were trapped.


Costa-Gavras was born in Greece in 1933. He graduated from the National Institute of Film SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 (IDHEC) and directed his first feature film, Compartiment Tueurs, in 1965. His political films, 1969 Z 大風暴 Z (69), Missing (82), and Music Box (89) won Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy 1982 Missing 大失蹤 Awards, Palme d’Or at Cannes, and Golden Bear Best Film at Berlinale respectively. Since 1989 Music Box 大控訴 2007, he has been President of the Cinémathèque Française. 2002 Amen. 納粹天國阿門 哥斯達加華斯 1933 年生於希臘,畢業於巴黎高級電影研究學院,65 年執導首部長片《火 2019 Adults in the Room 國債大風暴 車情殺案》。擅拍政治題材,憑《大風暴》(69) 獲奧斯卡最佳外語片獎,《大失蹤》(82) 獲 康城影展金棕櫚獎,《大控訴》(89) 獲柏林影展金熊獎。現為法國電影館主席。 ©KG Productions