6. Cultural Heritage Research 48
“The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage’s mission is to fulfil the duties of the State in ensuring “ the protection and accessibility of Malta’s cultural heritage. ANNUAL REPORT 2019 1 Annual Report 2019 2 Annual Report 2019 Contents Foreword 03 1. Cultural Heritage Data Management 09 2. Heritage Advice on Building Development 12 3. Archaeological & Restoration Monitoring 20 4. Protection & Guardianship of Museums and Sites 36 5. Moveable Heritage Control 43 6. Cultural Heritage Research 48 7. Coastal & Underwater Archaeology 51 8. Other SCH Responsibilities 54 9. Public Outreach 58 10. Capacity Building & Staff Training 61 3 Annual Report 2019 FOREWORD Image: Superintendence of Cultural Heritage 4 Annual Report 2019 This is the second Annual Report giving account on the organisational restructuring of the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (SCH) commenced in April 2018, whilst it builds up on the work achieved in previous years. Continuity and Change. 1. Thanks are due to former Minister responsible for Justice, Culture, and Local Government, the Hon. Dr Owen Bonnici, and the respective former Permanent Secretary Johan Galea and former Chief-of- Staff Angele Abela for having faith and support in the Superintendence’s restructuring programme. By the time of writing, there was a cabinet reshuffle, and we take this opportunity in welcoming the Hon. Dr José Herrera as Minister for National Culture, the Arts and Local Government (MHAL), the new Permanent Secretary Joseph Camilleri and the new Head of Secretariat Pierre Vassallo, and other officials of MHAL, who immediately engaged with the work, challenges and amelioration of the Superintendence. Of note, is that this is the very first time that a government has appointed a Minister specifically for National Heritage, a much welcomed and deserved decision, as finally, government’s priorities places Malta’s Cultural Patrimony at par with other national priorities.
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