JPEXXX10.1177/0739456X14568021Journal of Education and ResearchSung et al. research-article5680212015

Research-Based Article

Journal of Planning Education and Research 14–­1 Operationalizing Jane Jacobs’s Urban © The Author(s) 2015 Reprints and permissions: Design Theory: Empirical Verification DOI: 10.1177/0739456X14568021 from the Great of Seoul, Korea

Hyungun Sung1, Sugie Lee2, and SangHyun Cheon3

Abstract Jane Jacobs’s The Death and Life of Great American (1961) had an enormous influence on theories and practices. This study aims to operationalize Jacobs’s conditions for a vital urban life. These are (1) mixed use, (2) small blocks, (3) aged buildings, and (4) a sufficient concentration of buildings. Jacobs suggested that a vital urban life could be sustained by an urban realm that promotes pedestrian activity for various purposes at various times. Employing multilevel binomial models, we empirically verified that Jacobs’s conditions for urban diversity play a significant role with regard to pedestrian activity.

Keywords built environment, Jane Jacobs, urban design, urban diversity

Introduction instance, three of the seven TOD planning elements (e.g., density, diversity, and design) stem directly from Jacobs’s Jane Jacobs’s The Death and Life of Great American Cities necessary conditions for diversity (Cervero and Kockelman (1961) was one of the first books to criticize the dominant 1997; Ewing and Cervero 2010; Ha, Joo, and Jun 2011). planning paradigm of the latter half of the twentieth century, Mixed is a critical component of urban diversity which primarily consisted of large-scale and because spatial proximity between different land uses highway construction. She argued that these forms of devel- increases the potential for social interactions at the and opment were the primary culprits in the loss of a vital urban district levels (Calthorpe 1993; Jacobs 1961; Krier 1992; life that many cities had experienced (Grant 2002; Sternberg Kunstler 1994; Duany, Speck, and Lydon 2010). Jacobs’s 2000). Jacobs noted that if planners wanted to maintain a observations and theories of urban vibrancy remain popular vital urban life, they should pursue gradual, small-scale, vol- and have provided the basis for various books published after untary civil efforts instead of large-scale, capital-supported her death in 2006 (Alexiou 2006; Flint 2009; Page and redevelopment projects (Laurence 2006). In particular, Mennel 2011; Soderstrom 2010). Jacobs insisted that in order to restore, maintain, or promote Jacobs (1961) also pointed out that pedestrian activity a vital urban life in large cities, the physical environment should not be constrained to certain times of the day, such should be characterized by diversity at both the district and as rush hour. Rather, vibrant urban areas required a “side- street levels. Diversity in this sense required four essential walk ballet” that occurred throughout the day. In addition, conditions: mixed land uses, small blocks, buildings from many studies (Forsyth et al. 2008; Frank et al. 2007; many different eras, and sufficient building densities (Jacobs Khattak and Rodriguez 2005; Lee and Moudon 2006; 1961). Many scholars have agreed with Jacobs, emphasizing that a vital urban life relies on the active street life that results from high levels of pedestrian traffic. They argued that Initial submission, December 2012; revised submissions, March and vibrant, pedestrian-friendly city were crucial to the November 2014; final acceptance, November 2014 social, functional, and leisure activities of many city resi- 1Chungbuk University, Cheongju, Korea dents (Gehl 1987; Hass-Klau et al. 1999; Jacobs 1961; Kim, 2Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Choi, and Kim 2013; Mehta 2007; Moudon 1991; Park et al. 3HongIk University, Seoul, Korea 2013; Southworth and Ben-Joseph 1996). Corresponding Author: Jacobs’s urban diversity conditions are important ele- Sugie Lee, Department of and Engineering, Hanyang ments in the concepts of traditional neighborhood develop- University, 222 Wangshimni-ro Sungdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Korea. ment (TND) and transit-oriented development (TOD). For Email: [email protected]

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Moudon et al. 1997) have focused on the relationship pedestrian activity is restrained to a single purpose during a between the built environment and pedestrian activity in certain time of day. Rather, streets should experience a newer low- or medium-density suburban communities. But “cross-use” of activity related to a range of different pur- Jacobs’s four built environment conditions for maintaining poses, which allow pedestrian activity at all hours of the day. a vital urban life in a large have not been empir- This generates the possibility of diverse face-to-face interac- ically tested or verified (Hill 1988; Grant 2010; Sung, Go, tions and a preponderance of “eyes on streets,” which and Choi 2013). increases public safety. To achieve these goals, Jacobs pre- This study operationalized Jacobs’s observations regard- sented four essential diversity requirements for the built ing urban diversity and a vital urban life. In addition, this environment. First, a district should have two or more pri- study addresses the importance of pedestrian activity that mary uses. This means that a mix of land uses is necessary. occurs at different times of the day. Seoul has a very dense Districts with more than one primary use will feature pedes- built environment and a well-established public transporta- trian activity related to different purposes at different times tion system that is similar to New York, the city where Jacobs of the day. Jacobs argued that this mix of uses should be lived and observed as she developed her theories. While New maintained across an entire city and across all city streets. York and Seoul differ in some of their physical environment The former allows small business establishments to operate characteristics, as well as in their physical and socioeco- in all areas of the city. The latter can increase urban diversity nomic characteristics, both represent the types of large, dense if city streets house a number of diverse shops. Jacobs also urban areas that Jacobs addressed when she developed her emphasized that a land use mix depends on the presence of design theories for a vital urban life. As such, this study con- three population groups: company employees, residents, and tributes to a greater understanding of how Jacobs’s theories visitors. of a vital urban life contribute to active levels of pedestrian Second, Jacobs argued that most city blocks should be activity. short in order to create more alternate travel routes and more streets. She argued that superblocks and rectangular blocks Jacobs’s Urban Diversity and Vital produce an urban form that increases travel distances and Urban Life provides fewer opportunities for cross-use. Jacobs noted that short and close-knit blocks complemented mixed land uses, Jane Jacobs states in The Death and Life of Great American thereby enhancing urban diversity. Small blocks produce Cities (1961) that “death” in urban areas is caused by the more intersections, and thus slow down vehicles and shorten elimination of pedestrian activity from urban streets due to pedestrians’ travel distance. This viewpoint was reflected in new highway construction and large-scale urban develop- the U.S. TOD guidelines (Calthorpe 1993) and in UK com- ment projects. Since these were the dominant forms of urban pact city development guidelines such as the Urban Design development at the time of her writing, her book triggered Compendium (LDP 2000). Jacobs did not exclusively empha- controversy and a massive reappraisal of the urban planning size that square-shaped grid blocks were ideal, but existing practice. Her main point, that the physical environment streets in many large cities have already developed along a required diversity, was heavily criticized. In particular, Lewis square grid pattern. As such, this pattern has been the one Mumford (1962) described her theories merely amateur primarily favored by U.S. TOD and by the United Kingdom solutions in a book review titled “Mother Jacobs’ Home for design. Remedies for Urban Cancer” (Klemek 2007). Despite these Third, Jacobs argued that the buildings in a district should criticisms, Jacobs’s “amateur solution” significantly influ- be mixed with regard to age and form in order to ensure enced the movement and formed much of diverse economic activity. A diversity of building types will the theoretical basis for New (Laurence 2006). allow for a diverse range of jobs, including high-, medium-, Jacobs’s theories not only influenced urban planning and and moderate-income jobs. Her emphasis on old buildings design practices in the United States but also in Europe and was a critique of the large-scale buildings and large-scale especially in Canada, where they contributed significantly to that were popular in Jacobs’s New York and mixed-use practices (Grant 2002; Klemek elsewhere in the United States in the post–World War II era. 2007). An emphasis on diversity within the built environ- These large-scale projects often developed an entire city ment and on small blocks was listed as crucial to the forma- block at a time and were typically single-use. Jacobs noted tion of twenty-four-hour cities in The Manual that these developments would have difficulty adapting to recently drafted by Duany, Speck, and Lydon (2010). Jacobs change over time. As a result, they were at risk of deteriorat- was careful to note that her theories of urban diversity were ing into slums. Jacobs argued that districts with buildings intended to apply to large cities such as New York and from a range of historical eras and with a range of forms Chicago. Her observations are not applicable for guiding could creatively accept new, small-scale construction and development in small towns or suburban areas. economic changes. In addition, diversity of building ages For Jacobs, a vital urban life meant a continual “sidewalk and forms can also promote the coexistence of high- and ballet” consisting of a streetscape filled with pedestrians at low-income residents in the same area (Fainstein 2000; Grant all times of the day. This urban vitality will not be possible if 2010; Gordon and Ikeda 2011; King 2013).

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Fourth, the built environment should contain a sufficient Case Study Area, Data Source and concentration of buildings to attract people. This applies to Measurements both residential and nonresidential urban areas. Jacobs emphasized, however, that the intense use of land alone can- Introduction to Seoul not create urban diversity; the aforementioned three elements must also be met. Jacobs believed that building density This paper empirically verifies the impact of Jane Jacobs’s would have no effect if the buildings were too standardized urban diversity theories for vital urban life using the city of in terms of age and form, if the blocks were too long, or if the Seoul as a case study. Jacobs argued that these theories will buildings only served a single use. not apply to towns, small cities, or suburban areas, but rather to large American cities like New York. Seoul, with an area In addition to the four diversity requirements, Jacobs 2 emphasized accessibility to neighborhood parks and trans- of 607 km and a population of 10 million, was selected port facilities, and border vacuums as additional factors because it has much in common with the large American cit- important to walking activity. But these are not necessary ies that Jacobs examined. conditions for diversity. She argued that the true utility of Seoul is the capital of South Korea and serves as the eco- neighborhood facilities, such as parks, is to encourage and nomic and industrial hub of the country. The city lies at the enhance activity throughout the day. For example, neighbor- center of the Korean Peninsula and is divided into southern hood parks adjacent to single-function residential and busi- and northern sections by the Han River (see Figure 1). Like ness establishments may be intensively used at a certain time the rest of the country, Seoul has rapidly urbanized since the of the day but not at other times. This could cause the area to 1960s. Beginning in the late 1980s, the city began to develop decline and attract crime. To counter this effect, Jacobs several large-scale housing projects in order to meet a rapid emphasized small parks as an alternative. She pointed out increase in housing demand. This expansion of high-density that small parks did not create border vacuums, but rather development led to increased travel distances and an exces- served as nodes to create and coordinate pedestrian activity, sive dependence on private automobiles, which has produced and thus promote a vital urban life. serious traffic congestion. Furthermore, Jacobs observed that arterial-line bus stops Seoul is a high-density city that provides and maintains an or railway stations were similar to small parks in that they extensive public transportation system. When the neighbor- interacted with their surrounding physical environment and ing cities of Gyeonggi and Incheon (which make up the served as hubs for pedestrian activity. She argued that public greater Seoul area) are excluded, Seoul has a higher popula- transportation systems should consist of arterial lines that tion density than other large cities such as New York and connect a city’s peripheral areas to downtown so neither will Tokyo (Sung and Oh 2011). Seoul also boasts a well-orga- be eroded by excessive private car use. She argued that nized and extensive public transportation system. Since the rather than expanding roads, small-scale blocks should be early 1970s, when Seoul’s first urban railway systems formed and sidewalks expanded in order to bolster a vital opened, the city has invested heavily in passenger rail. As of urban life. September 2010, Seoul had several urban rail lines and six Jacobs also noted that border vacuum areas will hamper a multiregion railway lines. The city itself has approximately vital urban life. Vacuum areas are large-scale, single-use three hundred railway stations. Because of these continual, areas or transit facilities. Examples include on-ground rail- large investments, Seoul’s public transportation system ways, wharfs, university campuses, highways, large-scale accounts for 65 percent of all trips taken within the city, a parking lots, and large-scale parks. Jacobs acknowledged figure that is much higher than that of any other domestic or that these areas were necessary, but she also noted the impor- large foreign city. Moreover, in 2012 Seoul announced a goal tance of controlling their negative effects on pedestrian of becoming a more pedestrian-friendly city. The city plans activity. Vacuum areas are dead ends for most street users, to implement car-free streets and transit malls in order to and by restricting walkability, they hamper a vital urban life. encourage greater pedestrian activity and to discourage pri- Specifically, the streets adjacent to these borders are often a vate automobile use. pedestrian’s last destination, and these barriers restrict cross- Seoul has a higher residential density and a more expan- use. Jacobs argued that public facility buildings also serve as sive public transport system than New York, the city that borders, and they should be improved to encourage walking inspired Jacobs to develop her theories of urban diversity and activity. For instance, Jacobs argued that in the case of large- vitality. As such, Jacobs’s theories of urban design, which scale parks, the installation of facilities can trigger pedestrian were highly critical of mid-twentieth-century large-scale activity near entrance areas and can prevent “the curse of redevelopment projects, can have important policy implica- border vacuums.” Although she did not suggest that the con- tions for Seoul’s redevelopment strategies. This is because trol of border vacuums was one of the necessary conditions Seoul has recently embarked on several large-scale urban for urban diversity, Jacobs observed that controlling for the redevelopment projects. It is very similar to the large-scale negative effects of these borders was important to maintain- urban redevelopment projects Jacobs criticized for harming ing urban vitality. urban diversity. At the same time, the new Seoul government

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Figure 1. The city of Seoul.

is also attempting to spur urban regeneration in small dis- thousand. In comparison, Seoul’s dongs are somewhat larger tricts. Since 2000, these smaller projects are progressing in average area and somewhat smaller in average population. alongside mass redevelopment projects, so empirical But Jacobs had no strict criteria for a district’s size and popu- research on Jacobs’s urban diversity and vitality should pro- lation, so Seoul’s dongs are an appropriate unit comparable vide important policy implications for Seoul. to a district as defined by Jacobs. Jacobs (1961) frequently used such phrases as “sidewalk Measuring Jacobs’s Urban Diversity and Its ballet,” “street life,” and “eyes on the street.” Jacobs used these terms to emphasize that urban vitality requires pedes- Generators trian activity. She warned that automobiles will destroy vital- We operationalized Jacobs’s urban diversity variables using ity by eliminating the presence of pedestrians. Jacobs referred built environment data obtained for each dong, the smallest to people who walk as “foot people” and people who use administrative unit in the city of Seoul. In 2010, Seoul had automobiles as “car people” (Jacobs 1993). Alluding to the 424 dongs, with one dong covering an average area of 14.3 title of her book, Jacobs noted that foot people brought the km2. The total population of all dongs, which includes the urban physical environment to life while car people contrib- residential population and the number of people engaging in uted to its death. Jacobs argued that walking is the preferred economic activity, averages 34,768 people. The average pop- transportation mode in a dense and diverse urban area, but a ulation density of each dong is 3,481.3 people per km2. lack of density will force people to travel by private automo- The sizes of these administrative units are similar to bile, regardless of their travel purpose (Jacobs 1993). Jacobs’s district concept. Jacobs proposed that the edge of an Thus, it is important to examine how walking, compared administrative district should not exceed 2.4 km and that to driving, can be influenced by the built environment at the each district should have a minimum population of fifty city, district, and street levels with regard to travel mode

Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2015 Sung et al. 5 choice. This study views the choice between walking and characteristics to measure Jacobs’s diversity indexes. Instead, driving as the result of built environment, and it measures their physical facility types, sizes, and geographical information corresponding effects. Jacobs also emphasized that cross-use are used. Jacobs described a city as containing districts and is more important for a vital urban life than the total amount of streets. Thus, this study compiles diversity indexes by using pedestrian activity. This means that twenty-four-hour street data from the physical urban environment. Sample physical life is a more critical component of a vital urban life than the property data that was derived and compiled using Arc GIS amount of walking activity at any particular time of day. is shown in Figure 2, showing two different built environ- This study uses the 2010 Household Travel Survey Data ment types and their characteristics. The left side of the fig- (City of Seoul 2010) to analyze walking and driving activity ure mostly consists of large high-rise apartment complexes. on weekdays. The survey is conducted every five years to The urban fabric is very homogeneous in terms of land use determine travel activity in the Greater Seoul area, which and building types. In contrast, the right side of the figure includes the City of Seoul and the surrounding cities and mostly consists of densely developed small buildings, differ- counties. A minimum sampling ratio ranges from 2.4 to 3.6 ent land uses, and small blocks. Based on Jacobs’s urban percent of the population at the smallest administrative level, design theories, the built environment on the right side depending on its size. The spatial unit of sampling, Seoul’s reflects a diverse urban environment that will encourage dongs, is the same as the unit of analysis in this study. Of the more walking activity than the built environment on the left total 226,725 surveyed households, 43.3 percent reside in the side. City of Seoul, this study’s area of focus. The focus of this As explained previously, Jacobs (1961) argued that urban study was home-based trips, as the data shows that 87.2 per- vitality depends on four necessary and sufficient conditions cent of the total 705,820 trips were either to or from home. and one additional complementary condition. Her argument We did not include trips made by non-working-age residents is summarized as follows: to maintain or restore vitality to an (residents aged less than nineteen and beyond sixty-five urban area, it is necessary to secure two or more major mixed years), trips that were not walking or driving, and trips that land uses, short blocks, old buildings, a diversity in building included a transfer to another transportation mode. form, a concentration of buildings great enough to attract Using the survey’s raw data, individual travel choices people, and a control of border vacuums. Table 1 summa- were categorized as either private car use or on foot, and a rizes the statistics for the variables derived from the data- binomial discrete model for the probability of a resident’s bases used in this study. choice of walking was constructed. To define the character- istics of twenty-four-hour cross-use, travel was also catego- Mixed Land Use. Jacobs (1961, 1993) emphasized the neces- rized by the time of day it occurred. These included morning sary condition of mixed primary uses at the district level. peak time (0600–0900), day time (0900–1800), afternoon Primary use categories include residential, office, industrial, peak time (1800–2000), and nighttime (2000–2400). The entertainment, education and recreation, museums, libraries travel data was merged with the built environment data based and galleries, etc. (Jacobs 1993: 209). We employed two on the spatial unit—the dong—where respondents lived. The measurements to determine the relative level of mixed uses. peak travel times were based on previous studies (Sung, Go, First, we calculated an area-based combination of two or and Choi 2009; Park, Lee, and Cho 2012) that identified more major uses. Second, we calculated an accessibility- hourly variations using the previous editions of the Seoul based mixed use measurement. Mixed land use measure- Household Travel Survey (City of Seoul 2006) and the Seoul ments were calculated using two indexes based on a Walking Survey (City of Seoul 2010). building’s use and gross floor area. These were the Land Use The Korean government has produced extensive geo- Mix (LUM) index and the residential and nonresidential bal- graphical information databases that provide a range of ancing index (RNR index). The LUM index uses an entropy information about buildings and their parcels, as well as for index to denote the relative mix of two or more uses within a parks, rivers, railways, and other major facilities. For this single dong. Calculations range from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating study, databases suitable for deriving the features of Seoul’s a dong of perfectly balanced land use mixes. This index was physical environment include the New Address Information originally applied by Cervero (1988) and other scholars, Database, the Seoul Land Use Information Database, the including Frank and Pivo (1994), Cervero and Kockelman Nationwide Firm Statistics Survey Data, and the Population (1997), Frank et al. (2006), and Sung, Go, and Choi (2013). and Housing Census Data. Also, detailed geographical infor- From the equation below, Pi is the proportion of building mation on roads and intersections was obtained from the square footage of land use i and n is the number of land uses. Korea Transport Database. Therefore, this study measures Jacobs’s diversity indexes for Seoul’s physical environments n ()Plii* nP based on the aforementioned geographical information area, LUM = ; ∑i=1 ln()n and it calculates lot sizes using Arc GIS software. ResNii− on _ Res Unlike previous studies, this study does not use an RNRi =−1|| | administrative unit’s demographic and socioeconomic ResNii+ on _ Res

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Figure 2. Comparison of neighborhood built environment in Seoul.

The RNR balancing index calculates the mix of residential sports facilities, or all facilities with a total floor area larger uses with nonresidential uses for an administrative district, than daily neighborhood life buildings. For land use mix, we dong. From the equation above, the RNR index ranges from developed land use mix measure (LUM5) for five land use 0 to 1. Like the LUM index, a higher score indicates a district categories in addition to the RNR balancing index of residen- with more balance between residential and nonresidential tial and nonresidential daily uses. In addition, we developed uses. Specifically, the three defined RNR index categories a housing mix index for different housing types such as sin- are residential and nonresidential for daily and nondaily gle-family, multifamily, apartment, and others. uses, residential and nonresidential uses for daily uses, and Jacobs observed that neighborhoods should serve more residential and nonresidential uses for nondaily uses. than a single purpose. This requires a range of facilities that The current Korean Building Construction Act lists are commonly used. Based on her observations, we devel- twenty-eight categories of building uses. This study recate- oped distance-based mixed use measures among building gorized all building uses into five categories based on build- uses using GIS. These measures included the average dis- ing use distribution. The five major building use categories tances between the nearest nondaily use building or office are residential, daily neighborhood life, non-daily use, office, building and all other buildings. A lower average distance and other. Daily neighborhood life uses refer to buildings between an office building and all other buildings indicates that residents use for everyday activities. These include small that office buildings are mixed with other building uses. convenience stores, restaurants, medical facilities, and sports facilities. Daily neighborhood life buildings are generally Block Size and Contact Opportunities. Jacobs presented small small, although sizes can vary depending on their use, and block sizes as the second necessary condition for diversity, as may range from 300 m2 to 1,000 m2. Non-daily-use buildings they corresponded to increased opportunities for social inter- refer to cultural and meeting facilities, sales and business action, particularly at street corners. Specifically, she empha- facilities, medical facilities, education and research facilities, sized that opportunities for interpersonal contact will increase

Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2015 Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum 17,348 0.102 0.303 0.000 1.000 22,255 0.131 0.337 0.000 1.000 54,380 0.320 0.466 0.000 1.000 50,050 0.294 0.456 0.000 1.000 170,084 0.471 0.499 0.000 1.000 170,084 0.473 0.499 0.000 1.000 170,084 45.121 11.212 19.000 65.000 170,084 0.291 0.454 0.000 1.000 170,084 0.376 0.484 0.000 1.000 170,084 0.157 0.446 0.000 4.000 170,084 0.623 0.485 0.000 1.000 170,084 0.155 0.362 0.000 1.000 170,084 3.523 1.181 1.000 6.000 170,084 0.412 0.176 0.009 0.962 170,084 0.554 0.256 0.000 0.911 170,084 37.610 26.997 5.431 240.01 170,084 1,418.2 1,142.6 0.000 4,514.0 170,084 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 170,084 0.647 0.072 0.420 1.000 170,084 540.0 481.4 86.8 3834.9 170,084 1,978.5 1.351 1973.2 1983.6 170,084 8.470 3.583 2.830 42.903 170,084 5.489 3.457 1.937 24.880 170,084 0.028 0.011 0.000 0.055 170,084 0.011 0.024 0.000 0.566 170,084 4.696 3.513 0.010 21.250 170,084 0.043 0.039 0.000 0.277 170,084 0.100 0.190 0.000 3.699 170,084 0.031 0.068 0.000 1.091 170,084 0.057 0.040 0.000 0.275 170,084 1,319.4 877.6 114.8 4,365.3 170,084 753.2 439.5 148.1 2,566.8 170,084 542.8 354.2 117.8 2,849.8 170,084 371.2 313.6 60.8 2,238.5 Observations Mean ) ) am ) pm ) subtracts parks and rivers/streams from each district area; all distance measures are in meters (m). 2 pm –9 –8 am pm –12 ≥ $10,000 ) ) am pm pm –6 –12 Descriptions am pm $5,000, 5 = $5,000–$10,000, 6 daily neighborhood life, nondaily use, office, and others) multifamily, apartment, others) building administrative district area) intersections) 1 = walking; 0 driving (all day 7 1 = female, 0 male Years old 1 = professional/office jobs; 0 no job/housewife 1 = other job types; 0 no job/housewife Number of children 1 = one car per household; 0 no 2 = two or more cars per household; 0 no car 1 = <$1,000, 2 $1,000–$2,000, 3 $2,000–$3,000, 4 $3,000– Entropy index of five categories for land use mix (i.e., residential, Balancing index between residential and nonresidential daily uses 170,084 0.120 0.128 0.000 0.926 Entropy index of four categories housing types (i.e., single-family, Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest commercial use building 170,084 266.435 172.313 9.139 1,519.6 Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest office building Standard deviation for the built years of all buildings Net population density Net density of office use floorages Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest on-ground railway 170,084 1,782.6 1,223.1 0.000 4,517.9 Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest river/stream Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest rail station Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest park Variable Name Walking_all Gender Walking_night 1 = walking; 0 driving (8 Walking_pm_pt 1 = walking; 0 driving (peak time 6 Walking_am_pt 1 = walking; 0 driving (peak time 7 Walking_daytime 1 = walking; 0 driving (9 Age Job_type1 Job_type2 Num_child Car_own1 Car_own2 Mhh_inc LUM5 R_nres_daily Htype_mix Mdist_nres_daily Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest nonresidential daily use Mdist_com Mdist_off Ratio_4w_intersect. Ratio of 4-way intersections (number intersections/all Mdist_intersect Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest intersection Bldg_age_sd Enterprise_size Average no. of employees per firm Nden_pop(a) Nden_emp(b) Net employment density Nden_interact(a/b) Net density interaction (pop/emp) Nden_nres_daily Net density of nonresidential daily use floorages Nden_nres_ndaily Net density of nonresidential nondaily use floorages Nden_off Ratio_bldgroups Ratio of number building groups to all buildings Mdist_railway Mdist_expway Mean distance of all buildings to the nearest expressway Mdist_river Mdist_station Mdist_park Variables and Summary Statistics.

Model A Gender Model E Model D Model B Model C Age Job type Num. children Car ownership Monthly household income Mixed land use Small block and contact opportunities Nden_intersect. Net density of intersections (number intersections/net Aged building and small enterprises Bldg_age_mean Average built year of all buildings Density and concentration Border vacuums Table 1. Variables Dependent variables in the models; net area (m Note: Monthly household income is a categorical variable but employed as continuous

Independent variables: Level 1 (personal/ household)

Independent variables: Level 2 (district)


Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2015 8 Journal of Planning Education and Research with the amount of street corners. Density measures of each than driving, as the district’s population density is relatively administrative district, including population and street inter- higher than employment density. sections, were calculated using the district’s net area (m2) The building density within an administrative district was while excluding areas such as rivers and natural parks. calculated by dividing the total floor area of all buildings for The block size indexes include the street intersection den- each use type by the district’s net area. We included the net sity (i.e., the number of intersections/net administrative dis- density variables of floorages for nonresidential daily neigh- trict area), the ratio of four-way intersections to the total borhood use buildings, nonresidential nondaily neighbor- number of intersections (i.e., number of four-way intersec- hood use buildings, and office use buildings. tions/total number of intersections), and the average distance of all buildings to the nearest intersection. The street inter- Border Vacuums. Jacobs described “the curse of border vacu- section density has been widely used as a proxy variable to ums” as one of the major obstacles to urban vitality. Border represent average block size in a designated area (Ewing and vacuums can be defined as either large or lengthy built envi- Cervero 2010; Ewing and Bartholomew 2013; Sung, Go, and ronment features such as heavy rail tracks, large parks, high- Choi 2013). A high street intersection density indicates an ways, rivers, or large-scale single-use buildings. In order to area with smaller blocks. Lastly, we included the mean dis- identify the impact of these vacuums, we calculated the aver- tance of all buildings to the nearest intersection. A smaller age distance from a district’s buildings to all bordering facili- mean distance indicates increased opportunities for street- ties. Bordering facilities included large-scale developments of level social interactions. Jacobs criticized the existences of two or more buildings, heavy rail tracks, urban and regional large-scale rectangular blocks, since they prevented people expressways, rivers and streams, rail stations, and parks. from interacting at street corners. According to Jacobs, these features can either separate neigh- boring areas or create a hub that connects them. For instance, Aged Buildings and Small Enterprises. Jacobs emphasized the proximity to nearby expressways may create a barrier that dis- need for older buildings. These buildings encourage the pro- courages pedestrian activity. However, a large park can create liferation of small and diverse enterprises, which produces a hub of pedestrian activity if it is efficiently managed. more vigorous streets and city districts. This study measured the diversity of building ages in each administrative district Methodology using the mean and standard deviation of the year all build- ings in an administrative district were built. The average age The multilevel binomial logistic model, also known as a ran- of buildings reflects the level of building age for a district’s dom-effects logistic model, was used to evaluate the rela- building stock, and the standard deviation of the building age tionship between walking and operationalized built reflects the level of heterogeneity in terms of a district’s environmental measures for Jacobs’s urban diversity. The building age. Specifically, a larger mean for the year building binominal logistic model is a discrete model with values of built reflects a district with newer buildings. A greater stan- either 0 or 1. The choice to travel by private car is classified dard deviation of building ages reflects a greater diversity as 0 and the choice of travel by walking is classified as 1. The between old and new buildings within a district. explanatory variables used herein are not only Jacobs’s Jacobs also noted that aged buildings are very important diversity indexes in both district-level neighborhood units for small-size enterprises, because ordinary and low-value and accessibility-based distance units but also the individual- old buildings are often more affordable to small businesses. level demographic and socioeconomic properties. This is We thus developed a variable for the average enterprise size because travel modes are chosen not only according to an within each district using the average number of employees individual’s surrounding physical environment but also per firm. according to an individual’s preferences and attitudes. Here, the individual-level explanatory variables are classified as Density and Concentration. Jacobs’s fourth diversity condi- control variables to more accurately estimate the effects of tion called for a sufficient concentration of buildings to Jacobs’s diversity indexes. The final selected individual- attract people. She observed that both residential and non- level explanatory variables were the gender, age, job type, residential urban land should be intensively used. Therefore, number of preschoolers per household, car ownership, and we employed two concentration measures, one for people monthly household income. The job types were categorized and one for buildings. First, population and employment into nonworkers such as homemakers and jobless people, density measures were calculated by dividing the number of professionals and administrative office workers, and techni- people and employees by each administrative district’s net cal and sales people. Car ownership was categorized into no area, respectively. In addition, an interaction term between car, one car per household, and two or more cars per house- the two measures was calculated by dividing population den- hold. Individual demographic and socioeconomic properties, sity by employment density. If the interaction term is posi- such as gender, job type, and car ownership, were treated as tive and significant, it indicates that walking is chosen more dummy variables.

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In order to include the diverse hierarchical data of indi- Mixed Land Use viduals and administrative districts in one model, a multi- level bionomical logistic model was constructed. If the Our analysis of the results indicates that the land use mix for administrative district dong-level data are dealt with at the the five land use categories and for the land use balancing same level as individuals’ demographic and socioeconomic index between residential and non-residential daily uses did data, an ecological fallacy may occur (Rabe-Hesketh and not show statistically significant associations for the choice Skrondal 2008; Hox 2010). This is called the Robinson of walking over driving. However, the housing mix index for effect, and refers to the error in interpreting the district-level housing types shows statistically significant and positive aggregated data at the individual level. Here, the model was associations, indicating an association between the diversity categorized into individuals (level 1) and district-level neigh- of housing types and walking. This finding indicates that a borhoods (level 2), resulting in a two-level model. diversity of housing types at the neighborhood level may Using the 2010 Household Travel Survey Data for the increase the probability of choosing walking over driving. City of Seoul, we developed five dependent variables that Low-rise housing types have a greater possibility for increas- include the total numbers of home-based walking trips and ing the mix of uses. In particular, this can be done at the home-based driving trips during a designated time interval ground floor, where nonresidential daily living uses such as (i.e., morning peak time, day time, afternoon peak time, and restaurant and general stores can be installed to promote nighttime). Models were created in which each of these five walking activity among residents. dependent variables is explained by identical independent The distance-based proxy variables for mixed uses indi- variables. Table 1 shows the variable names and their descrip- cate that the proximity to commercial buildings is significant tive statistics. The data used in the analysis consisted of for encouraging walking activity across four of the models, 170,084 total trips, 50,050 morning peak time trips, 54,380 although proximity to office uses does not show a significant daytime trips, 22,255 afternoon peak time trips, and 17,348 association with walking. Proximity to nonresidential daily- nighttime trips. Regarding the specification for final models, use buildings shows only a weak significance for walking in we have tested a series of models with different combina- Model B. This finding indicates that proximity to commer- tions of independent variables after testing multicollinearity cial uses is more important than proximity to office uses issues. Since the multilevel binomial logistic model does not when promoting walking over driving. The other distance report an R-squared value, we selected final models based on measures for border vacuums, such as the proximity to rail goodness of fit using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) stations and large parks, have positive effects for walking and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). choice. This indicates that proximity to public facilities such as rail stations and parks will influence people to choose walking over driving. Analysis Results and Interpretations Table 2 shows the association between the probability for Block Size and Contact Opportunities choosing walking over private cars and Jacobs’s urban diver- sity indexes. Overall, the individual demographic and socio- The analysis of short, small-scale blocks suggested that economic properties, namely, the control variables, were Jacobs’s theoretical approach is generally true. In particular, statistically significant in each time interval model. In addi- although street intersection densities did not show consistent tion, the coefficients’ directions were consistent. Specifically, results for all models, the net intersection density variable female, younger people and nonemployed people chose to shows a weak association with walking probability in Model travel by walking more than by private car. Also, walking B. The ratio of four-way intersections to all intersections was was chosen more by households with fewer preschoolers, by not statistically significant, except for a negative association people with fewer cars, and by people with lower income. with walking choice for nighttime travel in Model E. Jacobs described built environment diversity in American Jacobs believed that the lot size and street-level interac- cities, particularly in New York in the mid-twentieth century, tion opportunities—which are expressed by the average dis- as the driving force behind urban vibrancy. Table 2 proves tance from a building entrance to street corners—can increase that Jacobs’s urban diversity elements such as mixed land walking activity. This analysis showed that, generally, a use, small block sizes, aged buildings and small enterprises, shorter distance from a building to a street corner will building density, and a control of border vacuums could be increase the likelihood of walking. important factors that influence people to choose walking over driving in Seoul. The empirical verification of Jacobs’s Aged Buildings and Small Enterprises urban design theory of the physical environment showed that although some built environment variables for urban diver- The analysis results showed that among Jacobs’s physical sity were not consistently significant across all models, her diversity planning elements, the existence of old buildings viewpoint is generally valid. Our interpretations of the results played a significant role in encouraging “foot” people over for each design element are provided below. “car” people. All models except Model B showed a

Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2015 (continued) Model E (Night time) z Coef. z 0.66 0.210 0.85 0.14 191.037 0.53 0.070.53 −0.001 5.928 −0.09 1.23 1.37 0.783 1.40 Time) Coef. Model D (Afternoon Peak z time) Coef. Model C (Nonpeak Day z Time) 1.437*** 56.21 1.244*** 45.52 1.687***0.118 43.750.186 0.71 1.130*** 1.471.2E-05 0.368* 26.95 0.680.079 0.485*** 1.85 4.7E-06 3.24 0.28 0.139 0.21 −0.195 0.368**1.269* −0.59 4.5E-07 2.260.631 1.800.230** 0.432 0.987*** 0.02 0.323* 0.63 2.53 0.466 2.663.4E-06 1.2E-05 1.22 1.72 7.5E-05*** 0.497 0.210* 0.810* 0.20 0.50 3.07 −0.770 * 0.46 0.41 1.88 −2.7E-05 1.78 −0.817 6.7E-05** −1.87 −1.30 2.30 2.168* 0.255** −0.89 0.571 −5.4E-06 1.9E-05 2.13 1.73 1.677* −0.18 0.85 −1.529 0.092 1.70 9.7E-06 1.9E-05 −1.01 0.66 0.27 0.73 Coef. Model B (Morning Peak z Coef. Model A (All-Day) 1.462*** 103.76 0.2240.360*** 1.46 3.05 4.7E-06 0.27 0.0820.7190.620 0.030.217*** 1.09 0.901*** 0.67 2.68 −2.540 2.79 2.1E-075.5E-05** −0.861.2E-05 0.01 2.39 0.27 5.478 1.56 −8.1E-06 −0.17 1.970 2.0E-05 0.34 1.0E-04* 1.69 4.6E-06 0.07 −0.024*** −40.76−1.594***−1.000*** −89.19 −59.96 −0.026***−1.466*** −23.52−2.706*** −1.751*** −88.37−0.195*** −1.034*** −51.65 −108.55 −0.023*** −31.35 −32.24 −22.11 −1.549*** −1.368***−0.369 −2.839*** −0.859*** −50.92 −39.35 −59.79 −0.194***−0.063 −30.18 −0.013*** −17.00−0.157 *** −1.19 −1.468*** −2.782*** −1.416*** −7.26 −4.51 −44.79 −1.44 −0.960*** −0.234*** −64.03 −24.70 −0.186−0.049 −22.27 −0.027*** −17.09−1.0E-04** −1.515*** −0.137 *** −0.080* −2.589*** −1.806*** −14.82 −0.56 −2.36 −1.026*** −0.19 −3.68−0.040** −0.142*** −34.20 −28.94 −1.72−0.001 −37.02 −16.89 −0.013 −0.657 −2.42 −8.36 −0.185 *** −1.429*** −1.4E-04*** −2.478*** −0.12 0.015 −3.00 −4.16 −28.57 −1.63 −1.39 −0.152*** −32.75 −0.014* −0.020 −6.0E-05 −8.12 −0.111 ** 0.27 −0.001 −0.124 −1.14 −0.020** −1.67 −1.13 −0.19 −2.35 −2.05 −0.081−1.042 * −0.041** −0.29 −0.018** −8.8E-05 −0.173 *** −0.002 −0.008 −1.89 −1.96 −1.36 −1.99 0.006−1.7E-04*** −3.15 −1.54−2.1E-04*** −0.34 −0.71 −2.88 −0.022 −0.074*** −0.009 −0.147 −3.52 −2.7E-05 0.01 −0.004 −3.25 −0.25 0.001 −0.32 −0.84 −1.6E-04** −0.42 −1.4E-04** −2.54 −0.063** −1.183 * −2.18 −0.52 −0.015 −1.1E-04 −2.35 −1.69 −0.009 −2.8E-04*** −1.50 −3.80 −1.28 −0.767 −1.01 −0.028** −1.8E-04** −7.9E-05 −1.02 −2.30 −2.07 −0.96 −2.536 *** −1.3E-04 −1.3E-04 −2.86 −1.38 −1.40 −0.487*** −33.16 −0.510*** −18.37 −0.451*** −18.95 −0.423*** −9.56 −0.629*** −12.21 242.877 1.04 467.679* 1.89 439.410 1.48 45.029 Analysis Results of Multilevel Binomial Logistic Model.

Job_type1 Job_type2 Car_own1 Car_own2 LUM5 R_nres_daily Htype_mix Mdist_nres_daily(ln) Mdist_com(ln) Mdist_off Nden_intersect. Ratio_4w_intersect. Mdist_intersect Bldg_age_mean Bldg_age_sd Enterprise_size Nden_pop(a) Nden_emp(b) Nden_interact(a/b) Nden_nres_daily Nden_nres_ndaily Nden_off Ratio_bldgroups Mdist_railway Mdist_expway Mdist_river Mdist_station Mdist_park Gender Age Mhh_inc Job type Num. child Car ownership Mixed land use Small block and contact opportunities Aged building and small enterprises Density and concentration Border vacuums Level 1 (personal/household) Level 2 (district)

Variable Description Table 2.


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3 Model E (Night time) 424 134

17,348 0.3854 0.0432 40.9 3806.84*** −8725.4651 119.75*** 17518.93 17782.81 z Coef. z Time) 2 424 170 Coef.

22,255 0.3145 0.0292 52.5 94.91*** Model D (Afternoon Peak 5009.68*** 21317.28 21589.63 −10624.64 z time) 4 424 Coef. 128.3

0.3862 0.0434 54,380 Model C (Nonpeak Day 416 680.41***

10426.47*** 53709.64 54012.36 −26820.818 z Time) 8 424 118 336 0.2892 0.0248 Coef.

50,050 221.03*** Model B (Morning Peak 12070.72*** 46908.39 47208.29 −23420.19 z 24 424 Coef. Model A (All-Day) 0.3330 0.0326 83.579** 2.56 44.350 1.26 85.620** 2.07 149.297*** 3.32 129.036** 2.46

170,084 401.1 1214 40506.32***

−81582.59 163233.2 163574.7 (continued)

(32) 2 χ Minimum Average Maximum Wald Number of observations (level 1) Number of groups (level 2) Observations per group Log likelihood Sigma_u Rho Likelihood-ratio test of rho=0 chibar2 1843.87*** AIC BIC Table 2. Constant Model statistics

Variable Description Note. Reference group consists of unemployed females (or housewives) with no car; monthly household income is a categorical variable but employed as continuous in the models; net area calculated to subtract Note. Reference group consists of unemployed females (or housewives) with no car; monthly BIC = Bayesian information criterion. area of parks and rivers/streams from each district area. AIC = Akaike information criterion; * p < 0.1, ** 0.05, *** 0.01.


Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2015 12 Journal of Planning Education and Research statistically significant association between the presence of negative association was very strong and significant in aged buildings and walking. In other words, a greater num- Model E (nighttime). In other words, people who live in a ber of aged buildings will increase the probability of people district with large-scale building developments are more choosing walking over driving. The standard deviation of a likely to choose driving over walking during nighttime. Our district’s building age, which denotes the relative heteroge- analyses confirmed that proximity to expressway, rail sta- neity of a district’s buildings with regards to age, was not tions, and parks showed significant associations with walk- statistically significant in any model. ing. Particularly, proximity to expressways showed a Jacobs also observed that a diversity of building types and positively significant association with walking in Models A, ages supports a more dynamic urban economy. According to B, and C, indicating that expressways often act as border her observation, aged buildings are more likely to be small, vacuums. In contrast, proximity to rail stations or parks making them a good fit for small enterprises. In the models, tended to induce walking activity. Measures for on-ground firms’ employment size was used as a proxy variable for firm railway tracks and rivers/streams did not show statistically size. However, we can only confirm that her argument holds significant results. true in Model B, during morning peak travel time. That is, a higher number of employees per firm in a district decreased Cross-Use the probability of people choosing walking over driving dur- ing the morning peak travel time. This study also focused on twenty-four-hour cross-use activ- ities because Jacobs emphasized that multiple uses through- Density and Concentration out the day are more important than overall walking activity with regards to a vital urban life. In the travel models for Jacobs (1961) indicated that a concentration of buildings will different times of the day (Models B, C, D, and E), some of attract people and promote urban life. Our analysis results the explanatory variables were not statistically significant, demonstrated that Jacobs’s observations of urban life could presumably because travel activities by a certain time of day be operationalized when they are represented by physical are closely related to an administrative district’s physical environment measures, not as direct measures of the popula- environment and thus occur in connection with particular tion. The density measure for population was not significant travel purposes. Although we found consistent as well as in any model. In contrast, employment net density showed inconsistent factors for choosing walking over driving across significant associations with walking in Model B (morning the five models by different times of a day, none of Jacobs’s peak time) and Model E (nighttime). Dividing the population physical environmental variables showed statistically unex- density interaction variable by the employment density pro- pected opposite associations with walking. Our results duced negatively significant associations in Models A, B, showed that the time of the day played a significant role in and E, indicating that employment density has a positive promoting walking activities, which suggests potential pos- association with walking when population density is held sibility of twenty-four-hour cross-use streets. constant. Regarding concentration measures by the land use type, Conclusion the analysis of the building-unit density for nondaily and office use showed that they have a significant, positive role Despite greatly influencing urban planning and urban design in choosing walking over driving. The concentration mea- in the United States and elsewhere, many of the theories that sure for nondaily use was significant in all models except for Jacobs articulated in The Death and Life of Great American the nighttime travel model (Model E), while the measure for Cities (1961) have been criticized for their nonverifiability. office use in the Model A, B and C was significant. The anal- This study found that Jacobs’s urban design theories, which ysis of non-daily-life-use office building density supported were based on observations of New York City in the latter Jacobs’s argument in that they suggest that in cities similar to half of the twentieth century, provided important theoretical Seoul, a high density of special-use buildings is more impor- viewpoints and implications for promoting a vital urban life tant than overall building density when it comes to encourag- in contemporary Seoul. While the findings suggest that a ing people to choose walking over driving. somewhat cautious approach is required in the application of Jacobs’s theories to Seoul, this study found empirical evi- Border Vacuums dence that the built environment characteristics espoused by Jacobs, such as mixed uses, small block sizes, and high Most analysis results supported the conclusion that borders building concentrations, can play a significant role in sus- such as arterial roads, large-scale parks, on-ground railway taining urban diversity. tracks, and large-scale building developments discourage A vital urban life, as embodied in cross-use, requires con- walking activity and harm a vital urban life. Large-scale ditions such as land use diversity with access to diverse facil- building developments showed a negative association with ities, aged buildings, and a relatively high building density. walking in all models except Model D. Particularly, the Land use policies should consider the importance of land use

Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2015 Sung et al. 13 diversity as well as good accessibility to facilities in order to Acknowledgment encourage high levels of walking activity and contributed to a The authors appreciate the invaluable comments of the anonymous more vital urban life. This study also identified that the mix of reviewers as this article was greatly improved by their comments. housing types and the good accessibility to commercial use have positive association with walking over driving. This Declaration of Conflicting Interests finding indicates that the urban design policies in Seoul The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect should be changed from single-use superblocks of large-scale to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. apartment complexes to mixed land use and mixed housing types. In addition, proximity to public facilities such as rail Funding stations and parks show that cross-use by pedestrians could The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support be enhanced if public facilities are located close to buildings. for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This Next, the existence of aged buildings promotes the possi- research was supported by the National Research Foundation of bility of neighborhood cross-use by encouraging walking. Korea grant funded by the Korea government(MSIP) (NRF-2010- Analysis of the average age of all buildings showed that the 0028693) and the research fund of Hanyang University existence of newer buildings encouraged travelers to choose (HY-2013-N) in Seoul, Korea. driving over walking. Jacobs argued that the existence of old buildings enhances the urban economy, by providing suitable References office space for small firms. Recently, Seoul initiated several Alexiou, A. S. 2006. 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