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CORE TOPICS: (38 Readings) All Students Are Expected to Be Familiar with the Core Readings: Foundations, Theory, and Methods. FO

CORE TOPICS: (38 Readings) All Students Are Expected to Be Familiar with the Core Readings: Foundations, Theory, and Methods. FO

CORE TOPICS: (38 readings)

All students are expected to be familiar with the core readings: Foundations, Theory, and Methods.

FOUNDATIONS: (5 readings)

Acker, Joan, 1992. “From Sex Roles to Gendered Institutions.” Contemporary 21, 5: 565-569. ​ ​ England, Paula. 1993. Theory on Gender/Feminism on Theory, deGruyter Inc. ​ ​ England, Paula. 2011. “The Gender Revolution: Uneven and Stalled.” Gender & Society 24:149-166. Note ​ ​ ​ that there is an interesting symposium on this article in volume 25 (2011: “An Unfinished Revolution: England Symposium.” Gender & Society 25(1):75), but it is not required reading.

Ferree, Myra Marx. 2010. "Filling the Glass: Gender Perspectives on Families." Journal of Marriage and ​ Family 72:420-439. ​ Stacey, Judith and Barrie Thorne. 1985. “The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology.” Social Problems ​ 32 (4):301-317. There is also a symposium on this article in volume 53 (in 2006: “‘The Missing Feminist ​ Revolution in Sociology’ Twenty Years Later: Looking Back, Looking Ahead.” Social Problems 53 (4): 443-82.), but only the 4-page overview (by Joan Acker) is required here.


Structural Perspectives: (5 readings)

Martin, Patricia Yancey. 2004. “Gender as a Social Institution.” Social Forces 82:1249-73. ​ ​ Risman, Barbara J. 2004. “Gender as a Social Structure: Theory Wrestling with Activism.” Gender & ​ Society 18(4): 429-450. ​ Collins, Patricia Hill. 1989. “The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought.” Signs 14(4):745-773. ​ ​ In Linda Nicholson, ed. The Second Wave: A Reader in Feminist Theory. New York: Routledge:

Hartmann, Heidi, 1981. “The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a More Progressive Union.” Pp. 97-122

Rubin, Gayle, 1975. “The Traffic in Women: Notes on the ‘Political Economy’ of Sex.” Pp. 27-62

Social Constructionist Perspectives: (9 readings) Deutsch, Francine, 2007. “Undoing Gender.” Gender & Society 21: 106-127. Read West and Zimmerman ​ ​ ​ (below) before reading Deutsch.

Lorber, Judith. 1993. “Believing is Seeing,: Biology as Ideology.” Gender & Society 7, 4: 568-581. ​ ​ Ridgeway, Cecelia. 2011. Framed by Gender: How Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World. New ​ ​ York: Oxford University Press.

Ridgeway, Cecilia and Shelly J. Correll. 2004. "Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations." Gender & Society, 18 (4): 510-531. ​ ​ Schrock, Douglas, and Michael Schwalbe. 2009. “Men, Masculinity and Manhood Acts.” Annual Review ​ of Sociology 35: 277-295. ​ Thorne, Barrie. 1993. Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School. Rutgers Press. Chapter 1 only. ​ ​ ​ West, Candace and Don Zimmerman. 1987. “Doing Gender.” Gender and Society 1:125-151. There is a ​ ​ ​ symposium in volume 23 (2009. “ ‘Doing Gender’ as Canon or Agenda: A Symposium on West and Zimmerman.” Gender & Society 23 (1): 72-122.), but it is optional.

West, Candace and Fenstermaker, Sarah. 1995. “Doing Difference.” Gender & Society 9:8-37. Also read ​ ​ ​ the symposium in volume 9 (1995. “On West and Fenstermaker's ‘Doing Difference’”. Gender & Society 9:491-506.)

Postmodern critiques: (5 readings)

Lorber, Judith. 1996. “Beyond the Binaries: Depolarizing the Categories of Sex, Sexuality, and Gender.” Sociological Inquiry 66(2):143-159.

Nicholson, Linda J., ed. 1990. Feminism/Postmodernism. New York : Routledge. Read Chapter 1 (Fraser ​ and Nicholson), Chapter 4 (Harding), Chapter 6 (Bordo), and Chapter 13 (Butler).

Biosocial perspectives: (4 readings)

D’Onofrio, Brian M, and Benjamin B. Lahey. 2010. “Biosocial Influences on the Family: A Decade Review” Journal of Marriage and Family 72: 762-782. ​ Stacey, Judith. 2006. “Feminism and sociology in 2005: What are we missing?” Social Problems ​ 53(4):479-482.

Udry, Richard J. 2000. “Biological Limits of Gender Construction.” American Sociological Review 65(3): ​ ​ 443-457. Also read: Comments and Reply to Udry. 2000. American Sociological Review 66(4): 592-621. E. ​ M. Miller and C. Y. Costello; I. Kennelly, S. N. Merz, and J. Lorber; B. J. Risman; J. R. Udry; G. Firebaugh.

METHODS: (10 readings) Acker, Joan. 1973. “Women and Social Stratification: A Case of Intellectual Sexism.” American Journal of ​ Sociology 78:936-945. ​ Haraway, Donna. 1988. "Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of the Partial Perspective." Feminist Studies 14:575-600. ​ ​ Harding, Sandra. 2009. “Standpoint Theories: Productively Controversial.” Hypatia 24(4):192-200. ​ ​ Harding, Sandra. 1988. Feminism and Methodology. Bloomington, IN: University of Indiana Press. ​ ​ Especially chapters I (Harding), VII (Dorothy Smith), XI (Hartstock), and XII (Harding).

Lorde, Audre. 1979. “The Master’s Tools Will never Dismantle the Master’s House.” in Sister Outsider. ​ ​ Trumansburg NY: The Crossing Press.

Collins, Patricia Hill. 1986. “Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought.” Social Problems 33(6):S14-S32. ​ ​ Thompson, Linda. 1992. “Feminist Methodology for Family Studies.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 54 ​ ​ (3):3-18.

Optional: Harding, Sandra. 1991. Whose science? Whose Knowledge? Thinking from Women’s Lives. ​ ​ ​ Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Optional: Harding, Sandra. 1998. Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and ​ ​ Epistemologies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ​ Optional: Naples, Nancy. 2004. Feminism and Method. New York: Routledge. Especially parts 1 and 2. ​ ​ ​ ​ Optional: Smith, Dorothy. 1987. The Everyday World as Problematic: Feminist Sociology. Boston: ​ ​ ​ Northeastern University Press.


You will pick two of the options below. You are encouraged to add relevant readings to your chosen lists. Specialty reading lists should contain 18-22 readings each (see exam guidelines). If your topic is not ​ covered adequately below you may suggest an alternative list. However, approval will depend upon the entire committee’s approval. The committee may decline topics outside their expertise.

Employment and Labor: (15 readings)

Acker, Joan. 1990. “Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies: A Theory of Gendered Organizations.” Gender & Society ​ 4: 139-158.

Bielby, W. T., and D. D. Bielby. 1992. “I Will Follow Him: Family Ties, Gender-Role Beliefs, and Reluctance to Relocate for a Better Job.” American Journal of Sociology 97: 1241-1267. ​ ​ Browne, Irene and Joye Misra, 2003. "The intersection of gender and race in the labor market.” Annual ​ Review of Sociology 29:487-513. ​ Budig, Michelle J. 2002. "Male Advantage and the Gender Composition of Jobs: Who Rides the Glass Escalator?" Social Problems 49:258-277. ​ ​ Budig, Michelle J. and Paula England. 2001. "The Wage Penalty for Motherhood." American Sociological ​ Review 66:204-255. ​ Cohen, Philip N. and Matt L. Huffman. 2003. "Individuals, Jobs, and Labor Markets: The Devaluation of Women's Work." American Sociological Review 68:443-463. ​ ​ Cohen, Phillip, and Matt Huffman. 2007. “Working for the Woman: Female Managers and the Gender Wage Gap.” American Sociological Review 72(5):681-704. ​ ​ Coltrane, Scott. 2000. “Research on household labor: Modeling and measuring the social embeddedness of routine family work.” Journal of Marriage and Family 62(4): 1208-1233. ​ ​ Correll, Shelley J., Stephen Benard, and In Paik. 2007. “Getting a Job: Is there a Motherhood Penalty?” American Journal of Sociology 112, 5 (March): 1297-1338. ​ England, Paula. 1992. Comparable Worth: Theories and Evidence. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. ​ ​ England, Paula. 2005. “Gender Inequality in Labor Markets: the Role of Motherhood and Segregation.” Social Politics 12, 2: 264-88. ​ England, Paula. 2005. “Emerging Theories of Care Work.” Annual Review of Sociology 31: 381- 399. ​ ​ Marting, Patricia Yancey. 2003. “‘Said and Done’ versus ‘Saying and Doing’: Gendering Practices, Practicing Gender at Work.” Gender & Society 17(3):342-366. ​ ​ Wharton, Amy. 2009. “The Sociology of Emotional Labor.” Annual Review of Sociology 35. ​ ​ Williams, Christine L. 1992. “The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the ‘Female’ Professions.” Social Problems 39(3): 253-267. ​ ​ Time and the Division of Household Labor: (16 readings)

Bianchi, Suzanne M., John Robinson, Liana Sayer, and Melissa Milkie. 2000. “Is Anyone Doing the Housework? Trends in the Gender Division of Household Labor.” Social Forces 79: 191-228. ​ ​ Bittman, M., Paula England, and Nancy Folbre. 2003. “When Does Gender Trump Money? Bargaining and Time in Household Work.” American Journal of Sociology 109:186-214. ​ ​ Blair-Loy, Mary, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Allison J. Pugh, Williams, Joan C. Williams, and Heidi Hartmann. 2015. “Stability and transformation in gender, work, and family: insights from the second shift for the next quarter century.” Community Work & Family 18(4):435-454. Note: I am assigning this ​ article in lieu of the two Hochschil books below, which are entirely optional:

Hochschild, Arlie, 1989. The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home. Viking. ​ ​ Hochschild, Arlie. 2001. The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work. ​ ​ Holt Paperbacks.

Brines, Julie. 1994. “Economic Dependency, Gender, and the Division of labor at Home.” American ​ Journal of Sociology 100:652-689. Compare with Gupta, below, and with Bittman et al., above. ​ ​ Cha, Youngjoo. 2010. "Reinforcing Separate Spheres." American Sociological Review 75:303- 329. ​ ​ Coltrane, Scott. 1989. "Household Labor and the Routine Production of Gender." Social Problems ​ 36:473-490.

Fuwa, Makiko. 2004. “Macro-Level Gender Inequality and the Division of Household Labor in 22 Countries.” American Sociological Review 69(6):751-67. ​ ​ Gough, Margaret, and Alexandra Killewald. “Unemployment in Families: The Case of Housework.” Journal of Marriage and Family 73(5): 1085-1100 ​ ​ Gupta, Sanjiv. 2007. “Autonomy, Dependence, or Display? The Relationship Between Married Women’s Earnings and Housework.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 69:399-417. ​ ​ Hook, Jennifer. 2017. Women’s Housework: New Tests of Time and Money. Journal of Marriage and ​ Family 79:179-198. ​ Jacobs, Jerry and Kathleen Gerson. 2001. "Overworked Individuals or Overworked Families? Explaining Trends in Work, Leisure and Family Time." Work and Occupations 28(1):40-63. ​ ​ Killewald, Alexandra, and Margaret Gough. 2010. “Money isn't everything: Wives' earnings and housework time.” Research 39(6): 987-1003 ​ ​ ​ Offer, Shira, and Barbara Schneider. 2011. “Revisiting the Gender Gap in Time-Use Patterns: Multitasking and Well-Being among Mothers and Fathers in Dual-Earner Families.” American Sociological ​ Review 76: 809-833. ​ Percheski, Christine. 2008. “Opting Out? Cohort Differences in Professional Women's Employment Rates from 1960 to 2005.” American Sociological Review 73(3):497-517. ​ ​ Sayer, Liana. 2005. "Gender, Time and Inequality: Trends in Women’s and Men’s Paid Work, Unpaid Work and Free Time." Social Forces 84:285-304. ​ ​ Thébaud, Sarah. 2010. "Masculinity, Bargaining, and Breadwinning." G ender & Society 24:330-354. ​ Parenting: (19 readings) Bianchi, Suzanne M. 2000. “Maternal Employment and Time With Children: Dramatic Change or Surprising Continuity?” Demography 37: 139-154. ​ ​ Edin, Kathryn, and Maria Kefalas. 2005. Promises I Can Keep. UC Press. Only the introduction is required ​ ​ ​ reading.

Fomby, Paula, and Andrew J. Cherlin. 2007. “Family Instability and Child Well-Being.” American ​ Sociological Review 72: 181-204. ​ Gillespie, R. 2003. “Childfree and Feminine: Understanding the Gender Identity of Voluntarily Childless Women.” Gender & Society 17: 122-136. ​ ​ Guzzo, Karen Benjamin, and, Sarah R. Hayford. 2020. “Pathways to Parenthood in Social and Family Contexts: Decade in Review, 2020.” Journal of Marriage and Family 82(1):117-144. ​ ​ Koropeckyj-Cox, Tanya, and Gretchen Pendell. 2007. “The Gender Gap in Attitudes about Childlessness in the United States.” Journal of Marriage and Family 69: 899-915. ​ ​ Lareau, Annette. 2002. "Invisible Inequality: and Childrearing in Black Families and White Families." American Sociological Review 67:747-76. Note: There is also a related book, but it is optional: ​ ​ ​ Lareau, Annette. 2003. Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life. Berkeley: University ​ ​ of California Press.

Moore, Mignon R. 2008. “Gendered Power Relations among Women: A Study of Household Decision Making in Black, Lesbian Stepfamilies.” American Sociological Review 73(2):335-356. ​ ​ Nomaguchi, Kei, and Melissa A. Milkie. 2020. “Parenthood and Well-Being: A Decade in Review.” Journal ​ of Marriage and Family 82(1):198-223. ​ Pollard, M. S., and S. P. Morgan. 2002. “Emerging Parental Gender Indifference? Sex Composition of children and the Third Birth.” American Sociological Review 67: 600-613. ​ ​ Raley, Sara and Suzanne Bianchi. 2006. “Sons, Daughters, and Family Processes: Does Gender of Children Matter?.” Annual Review of Sociology 32. ​ ​ Rippyoung, Phyllis L. F., and Mary C. Nooman. 2012. “Is Breastfeeding Truly Cost Free? Income Consequences of Breastfeeding for Women.” American Sociological Review 77: 244-267. ​ ​ Shows, Carla and Naomi Gerstel. 2009. “Fathering, Class, and Gender: A Comparison of Physicians and Emergency Medical Technicians.” Gender & Society 23(2):161-187. ​ ​ Singley, Susan G; Hynes, Kathryn. 2005. “Transitions to Parenthood: Work-Family Policies, Gender, and the Couple Context.” Gender & Society, 19:(3)376-397. ​ ​ Stacey, Judith and Tim Biblarz. 2001. “How Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?” American ​ Sociological Review 66: 159-183. ​ Townsend, Nicholas W. 2005. "Fatherhood and the Mediating Role of Women." Pp 105- 119 in Gender in ​ Cross Cultural Perspective, 4th edition, edited by C. B. Brettell and C. F. Sargent. Pearson Educational Inc. ​ Tach, Laura, Kathryn Edin, Hope Harvey, and Brielle Bryan. 2014. “The Family-Go-Round: Family Complexity and Father Involvement from a Father's Perspective.” The Annals of the American Academy ​ of Political and Social Science 654:169-184. ​ Umberson, Debra, Tetyana Pudrovska, and Corinne Reczek. 2010. “Parenthood, Childlessness, and Well-being: A Life Course Perspective.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 72: 612-629. ​ ​ Wall, Glenda, 2001. “Moral Constructions of Motherhood in Breastfeeding Discourse.” Gender & Society ​ 15, 4: 592-610.

Family and Relationships: (16 readings)

Brines, Julie and Kara Joyner. 1999. “The Ties That Bind: The Principles of Cohesion in Cohabitation and Marriage.” American Sociological Review 64: 333-355. ​ ​ Giddens, Anthony. 1992. The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love, and Eroticism in Modern ​ Societies. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. ​ Giordano, P. C., M. A. Longmore, and W. D. Manning. 2006. “Gender and the Meanings of Adolescent romantic Relationships: A Focus on Boys.” American Sociological Review 71: 260-287. ​ ​ Harknett, Kristen and Sara McLanahan. 2004. “Racial and Ethnic Differences in Marriage after the Birth of a Child.” American Sociological Review. 69(6): 790. ​ ​ Hill, Shirley A. 2005. Black Intimacies: A Gender Perspective on Families and Relationships. Walnut Creek, ​ ​ CA: AltaMira Press.

Reczek, Corinne. 2020. “Sexual- and Gender-Minority Families: A 2010 to 2020 Decade in Review” Journal of Marriage and Family 82(1):300-325. ​ Rosenfeld, Michael J., and Byung-Soo Kim. 2005. “The Independence of Young Adults and the Rise of Interracial and Same-Sex Unions. American Sociological Review 70: 541-562. ​ ​ Symposium on Marriage and its Future. 2004. Journal of Marriage and Family 66. Especially the ​ ​ ​ following:

Cherlin, Andrew J. “The Deinstitutionalization of American Marriage.” Pp.848-861.

Coontz, Stephanie. “The World Historical Transformation of Marriage.” Pp.974-979.

Kurdek, Lawrence. “Are Gay and Lesbian Couples Really Different from Heterosexual Married Couples? Pp.880-900.

Walker, Alexis. “A Symposium on Marriage and its Future.” Pp.843-847. Read this first. ​ England, Paula. “Marriage, the Costs of Children, and Gender Inequality.” in Waite, Linda, editor. 2000. The Ties That Bind. NY: Aldine de Gruyter. ​ Van Bavel, Jan; Schwartz, Christine R.; Esteve, Albert. 2018. “The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and Its Consequences for Family Life.” Annual Review of Sociology 44:341-360.

Weeks, Jeffrey. 2007. The World We Have Won: The Remaking of Erotic and Intimate Life. Routledge. ​ ​ Weeks, Jeffrey, and C. Donovan. 2001. Same Sex Intimacies: Families of Choice and other Life ​ Experiments. London: Routledge ​ Intersectionality: (15 readings)

Acker, Joan. 2006. “Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations.” Gender & Society 20: ​ ​ 441-464.

Baca Zinn, Maxine and Bonnie Thornton Dill. 1996. “Theorizing Difference from Multiracial Feminism.” Feminist Studies 22(2): 321-31. ​ Bettie, Julie. 2000. Women Without Class: Chicas, Cholas, Trash, and the Presence/Absence of Class Identity. Signs 26(1):1-35. ​ ​ Collins, Patricia Hill. 1998. Fighting Words: Black Women and the Search for Justice. Minneapolis, MN: ​ ​ University of Minnesota Press.

Collins, Patricia Hill. 2015. “Intersectionality's Definitional Dilemmas.” Annual Review of Sociology ​ 41:1-20.

Collins, Patricia Hill, Lionel Maldonado, Dana Takagi, Barrie Thorne, Lynne Weber, and Howard Winant, 1995. “On West and Fenstermaker’s ‘Doing Difference’”. Gender & Society 9(4):491-513. This is also ​ ​ ​ listed in Social Constructionist theories—it is part of the symposium on West and Fenstermaker--so I am not including it in the reading count for this section, to avoid double-counting.

Denis, Ann. 2008. “Review Essay: Intersectional Analysis.” International Sociology 23:677-694. ​ ​ Few-Demo, April L., and Katherine R. Allen. 2020. “Gender, Feminist, and Intersectional Perspectives on Families: A Decade in Review.” Journal of Marriage and Family 82(1):326-345.

Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. 1992. “From Servitude to Service Work: historical continuities in the racial divisions of paid reproductive labor.” Signs 18(1):1-43. ​ ​ Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. 1999. "The Social Construction and Institutionalization of Gender and Race" in Myra Marx Ferree, Judith Lorber and Beth B. Hess (eds.), Revisioning Gender. Thousand Oaks, London, ​ ​ New Delhi: Sage Publications. hooks, bell. 1981. Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. Cambridge, MA: South End Press. ​ ​ McCall, Leslie. 2005. "The Complexity of Intersectionality.” Signs 30 (3): 1771-1800. ​ ​ Pyke, Karen and Denise Johnson. 2003. “Asian American Women and Racialized Femininities: ‘Doing’ Gender Across Cultural Worlds.” Gender & Society 17:33-53. ​ ​ Valocchi, Steve. 1999. “The Class-Inflected Nature of Gay Identity.” Social Problems 47: 207-224. ​ ​ Religion: (14 readings)

Ammons, Samantha K., Penny Edgell. 2007. “Religious influences on work-family trade-offs.” Journal of Family Issues 28(6):794-826.

Becker, Penny Edgell, and Heather Hofmeister. 2001. “Work, Family, and Religious Involvement for Men and Women.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 40(4): 707-722. ​ ​ Charrad, Mounira M. 2011. “Gender in the Middle East: Islam, State, Agency.” Annual Review of ​ Sociology 37:417-437. ​ Devaus, D., and I. McAllister. 1987. “Gender Differences in Religion: A Test of the Structural Location Theory.” American Sociological Review 52: 472-481. ​ ​ Glass, Jennifer, and Leda E. Nash. 2006. “Religious Conservatism and Women’s Market Behavior Following Marriage and Childbirth.” Journal of Marriage and Family 68:611-629. ​ ​ Hayford, Sarah R., S. Philip Morgan. 2008. “Religiosity and fertility in the United States: The role of fertility intentions.” Social Forces 86(3): 1163-1188.

Heath, Melanie. 2003. “Soft-Boiled Masculinity: Renegotiating Gender and Racial Ideologies in the Promise Keepers Movement.” Gender & Society 17: 423-444. ​ ​ McAllister, Ian, and David de Vaus. 1987. “Gender Differences in Religion: A Test of Structural Location Theory.” American Sociological Review 52, 4 (August): 472-481. ​ ​ Miller, Alan S., and Rodney Stark. 2002. “Gender and Religiousness: Can Socialization Explanations be Saved?” American Journal of Sociology 107, 6 (May): 1399-1423. ​ ​ Pearce, Lisa D., and Arland Thornton. 2007. “Religious and Family Ideologies in the Transition to Adulthood.” Journal of Marriage and Family 69:1227-1243. ​ ​ Pyke, K. D. 1996. “Class-Based Masculinities: The Interdependence of Gender, Class, and Interpersonal Power.” Gender & Society 10(5): 527-549. ​ ​ Read, Jen’nan Ghazal, and Sharon Oselin. 2008. “Gender and the Education-Employment Paradox in Ethnic and Religious contexts: The Case of Arab Americans.” American Sociological Review 73: 296-313. ​ ​ Primary listing in “Education.” Roth, Louise Marie, and Jeffrey C. Kroll. 2007. “Risky Business: Assessing Risk-Preference Explanations for Gender Differences in Religiosity.” American Sociological Review 72, 2 (April): 205-220. ​ ​ Sullins, D. Paul. 2006. “Gender and Religion: Deconstructing Universality, Constructing Complexity.” American Journal of Sociology 112: 838-880. ​ Masculinities: (19 readings)

Beasley, Christine. 2006. “Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity in a Globalizing World.” Men and ​ Masculinities 11:86-103. ​ Bederman, Gail. 1996. Manliness and Civilization: A Cultural of Gender and Race in the United ​ States, 1880-1917. University of Chicago Press. Read the introduction. ​ ​ Bird, Sharon. 1996. “Welcome to the Men’s Club: Homosociality and the Maintenance of Hegemonic Masculinity.” Gender and Society. 10: 120-132. ​ ​ Bowleg, Lisa, and Michelle Teti, Jenne S. Massie. 2011. “'What does it take to be a man? What is a real man?': ideologies of masculinity and HIV sexual risk among Black heterosexual men.” Culture Health & Sexuality 13(5): 545-559 ​ Brod, H., and M. Kaufman, eds. 1994. Theorizing Masculinities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. The entire ​ ​ ​ book is recommended, but only the following two readings are required: ​ Coltraine, Scott. “Theorizing Masculinities in Contemporary Social Science,"

Kimmel, Michael. “Masculinity as homophobia: Fear, shame, and silence in the construction of gender identity.”

Connell, R. W. 1992. "A Very Straight Gay: Masculinity, Homosexual Experience, and the Dynamics of Gender." American Sociological Review 57:735-751. ​ ​ Connell, R.W. 1995. Masculinities. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ​ ​ Connell, R. W. and James W. Messerschmidt. 2005. "Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept." Gender & Society 19:829-859. ​ Kimmel, Michael. 2000. “White Men are this Nation: Right-Wing Militias and the Restoration of Rural American Masculinity.” Rural Sociology 65: 582-604. ​ ​ Messner, Michael. 1990. “Boyhood, Organized Sports, and the Construction of Masculinities” Journal of ​ Contemporary Ethnography 18 (4): 416-444. ​ Mirande, Alfredo. 1997. Hombres y Machos: Masculinity and Latino Culture. Boulder CO: Westview ​ ​ Press. Nye, Robert A. 2005. “Locating Masculinity: Some Recent Work on Men.” Signs 30, 3: 1937- 1962. This is ​ ​ ​ useful for those who need a critical overview and introduction to the field.

Pascoe, C.J. 2007. Dude You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. Berkeley, CA: University ​ ​ of California Press. Read the introduction only. ​ Schrock, Douglas, and Michael Schwalbe. 2009. “Men, Masculinity and Manhood Acts.” Annual Review ​ of Sociology 35: 277-295. This is also listed in “social constructinist perspectives.” Since you should have ​ ​ already read it there, I am not including it in the reading count for this section.

Stoudt, Brett G. 2006. “’You’re Either In or You’re Out’ – School Violence, Peer Discipline, and the (Re)production of Hegemonic Masculinity.” Men and Masculinities 8:273-287. ​ ​ Theory and Society Special Issue on Masculinities, October 1993, Volume 22 (5). Especially the following: ​ ​ Donaldson, Mike. “What is Hegemonic Masculinity.”

Dowsett, G.W. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours: Gay men, Masculinity Research, Men’s Studies, and Sex.”

Segal, Lynne. “Changing Men: Masculinities in Context.”

Inequality, public policy, and the state: (18 readings)

Berger, Lawrence M., and Marcia J. Carlson. 2020. “Family Policy and Complex Contemporary Families: A Decade in Review and Implications for the Next Decade of Research and Policy Practice.” Journal of ​ Marriage and Family 82(1):478-507. ​ Bianchi, Suzanne M. 1999. “Feminization and Juvenalization of Poverty: Trends, Relative Risks, Causes, and Consequences.” Annual Review of Sociology 25: 307-333. ​ ​ Connell, R. W. 1990. “The State, Gender and Sexual Politics.” Theory and Society 19: 507-544. ​ ​ Cooper, Marianne, and Allison J. Pugh. 2020. “Families Across the Income Spectrum: A Decade in Review.” Journal of Marriage and Family 82(1):272-299. ​ ​ Corcoran, Mary, Sandra K. Danziger, Ariel Kalil, and Kristin S. Seefeldt. 2000. "How Welfare Reform is Affecting Women's Work." Annual Review of Sociology, 26:241-269. ​ ​ Edin, Kathryn, and Laura Lein. 1996. “Work, Welfare, and Single Mothers: Economic Survival Strategies,” American Sociological Review, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp.253-266. ​ ​ Edin, Kathryn, and Rebecca Joyce Kissane. 2010. “Poverty and the American Family: A Decade in Review.” Journal of Marriage and Family 72(3):460-479. ​ ​ Haney, Lynne. 1996. “Homeboys, Babies, Men in Suits: The State and the Reproduction of Male Dominance.” American Sociological Review 61: 758-778. ​ ​ Haney, Lynne. 2000. "Feminist State Theory: Applications to Jurisprudence, Criminology and the Welfare State." Annual Review of Sociology 26:641-666. ​ ​ Heath, Melanie. 2009. “State of our Unions: Marriage Promotion and the Contested Power of Heterosexuality.” Gender & Society 23(1): 27-48. ​ ​ MacKinnon, Catherine A. 1989. Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Cambridge, MA: Harvard ​ ​ University Press. Introduction only. ​ Mandel, Hadas and Moshe Semyonov. 2006. "A Welfare State Paradox: State Interventions and Women's Employment Opportunities in 22 Countries." American Journal of Sociology 111(6):1910-1949. ​ ​ McLanahan, Sara, and Christine Percheski. 2008. “Family Structure and the Reproduction of Inequalities.” Annual Review of Sociology 34: 257-276. ​ ​ Misra, Joya, Stephanie Moller, and Michelle J. Budig. 2007. “Work-Family Policies and Poverty for Partnered and Single Women in Europe and North America.” Gender & Society 21:804-827. ​ ​ Orloff, Ann Shola. 1993. "Gender and the Social Rights of Citizenship: The Comparative Analysis of Gender Relations and Welfare States." American Sociological Review 58: 303-328. ​ ​ Orloff, Ann Shola. 1996. “Gender in the Welfare State” Annual Review of Sociology 22: 51-78. ​ ​ Stier, Haya, Noah Lewin-Epstein, and Michael Braun. 2001. "Welfare Regimes, Family-Supportive Policies, and Women's Employment along the Life-Course." American Journal of Sociology 106: ​ ​ 1731-1760.

Viterna, Jocelyn, and Kathleen M. Fallon. 2008. “Democratization, Women’s Movements, and Gender-Equitable States: A Framework for Comparison.” American Sociological Review 74: 668-689. ​ ​ Globalization and development: (20 readings--the list looks short, but there are a few books)

Acker, Joan. 2004. “Gender, Capitalism, and Globalization.” Critical Sociology 30, 1: 17-41. ​ ​ Charrad, Mounira. 2001. States and Women’s Rights: The Making of Postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria, and ​ Morocco. Berkeley: University of California Press. ​ Connell, R.W.. 2005. “Change among the Gatekeepers: Men, Masculinities, and Gender Equality in the Global Arena.” Signs 30, 3: 1801-1825. ​ ​ Dodoo, F. Nii-Amoo, and Ashley E. Frost. 2008. “Gender in African population research: The fertility/reproductive health example.” Annual Review of Sociology 34:431-452. ​ ​ Ehrenreich, Barbara and Arlie Russell Hochschild. 2003. Global Women: Nannies, Maids, and Sex ​ Workers in the New Economy. NY: Metropolitican Books. ​ Enloe, Cynthia. 2001. Bananas, Beaches, and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics. ​ ​ Berkley, CA: University of California Press.

Freeman, Carla. 2001. “Is Local : Global as Feminine : Masculine? Rethinking the Gender of Globalization.” Signs: Journal of Women, Culture and Society, Special Issue on Gender and Globalization ​ 26, 4:1007-1037.

Herrera, Gioconda. 2013. “Gender and International Migration: Contributions and Cross-Fertilizations.” Annual Review of Sociology 39:471-489. ​ Hondagneu Sotelo, P., and E. Avila. 1997. “''I'm here, but I'm there'' - The meanings of Latina transnational motherhood.” Gender & Society 5:548-571.

Moghadam, Valentine. 2005. Globalizing Women: Transnational Feminist Networks. Baltimore: John ​ ​ Hopkins University Press.

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2003. Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. ​ ​ Durham & London: Duke University Press.

Mohanty, Chandra Talpede. 1988. "Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses" Feminist Review 30:61 88. ​ Villarreal, Andrés, and Wei-hsin Yu. 2007. “Economic Globalization and Women’s Employment: The Case of Manufacturing in Mexico.” American Sociological Review 72: 365-389. ​ ​ Sexualities: (20 readings)

Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin (Eds.). 1993. The Lesbian and Gay Studies ​ Reader. New York: Routledge. The readings below, some of which are also published elsewhere (as ​ ​ noted below):

Bulter, Judith. 2000. “Imitation and Gender Insubordination.” Revista de Occidente 235:85-109. ​ ​ D'Emilio, John. “Capitalism and Gay Identity.”

Rich, Adrienne. 1980. “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence.” Signs: Journal of ​ Women in Culture and Society 5 (4): 631-660. ​ Rubin, Gayle. “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality”

th Beisel, Nocola, and Tamara Kay. 2004. “Abortion, Race, and Gender in 19 ​ Century America.” American ​ ​ Sociological Review 69: 498-518. ​ Bernstein, Elizabeth. 2007. Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity and the Commerce of Sex. Chicago: ​ ​ University of Chicago Press. Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, ​ 1980-1940. New York, NY: Basic Books. ​ Collins, Patricia Hill. 2005. Black Sexual Politics. New York: Routledge. ​ ​ D’Emilio, John. 1998. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the ​ United States, 1940-1970. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. ​

Dozier, Raine. 2005. "Beards, Breasts, and Bodies: Doing Sex in a Gendered World." Gender & Society ​ 19:297-316.

Optional: Foucault, Michel. 1990. The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction. Translated by ​ ​ Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage Books.

Gamson, Joshua. 1997. “Messages of Exclusion: Gender, Movements, and Symbolic Boundaries.” Gender ​ & Society. 11: 178-199. ​ Gamson, Joshua and Dawne Moon. 2004. “The Sociology of Sexualities: Queer and Beyond.” Annual ​ Review of Sociology 30:47-64. ​ Hamilton, Laura and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “Gendered Sexuality in Young Adulthood: Double Binds and Flawed Options.” Gender & Society. 23:589- 616. ​ ​ Logan, Trevon D. 2010. “Personal Characteristics, Sexual Behaviors, and Male Sex Work: A Quantitative Approach.” American Sociological Review 75: 679-704. ​ ​ Schilt, Kristen. 2006. “Just One of the Guys? How Transmen Make Gender Visible at Work.” Gender & ​ Society 20: 465-490. ​ Schilt, Kristen and Laurel Westbrook. 2009. "Doing Gender, Doing Heteronormativity: "Gender Normals," Transgender People, and the Social Maintenance of Heterosexuality." Gender & Society 23:440-464. ​ ​ Schilt, Kristen, and Danya Lagos. 2017. “The Development of Transgender Studies in Sociology.” Annual ​ Review of Sociology 43:425-443. ​ Seidman, Steven. 1996. Queer Theory/Sociology. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Read the following: ​ ​ ​ Epstein, Steven. “A Queer Encounter: Sociology and the Study of Sexuality”

Cohen, Cathy. “Contested Membership: Black Gay Identities and the Politics of AIDS.”

Vance, C. 1989. Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality. Routledge. Read the following: ​ ​ ​ Rubin, Gayle. “Thinking Sex”

Vance, Carole. “Pleasure and Danger” (Introduction) Optional: Weitzer, Ronald. 2009. Sex for sale: prostitution, pornography, and the sex industry. New York: ​ ​ ​ Routledge.

Queer Theory: (17 readings--list looks short, but there are a few books)

Butler, Judith. 1999. Gender Trouble, second edition. New York: Routledge. ​ ​ Gamson, J. 1995. “Must Identify Movements Self Destruct: A Queer Dilemma.” Social Problems ​ 42:390-407.

Gamson, Joshua and Dawne Moon. 2004. “The Sociology of Sexualities: Queer and Beyond.” Annual ​ Review of Sociology 30:47-64. ​ King, Dave, and Richard Elkins. 1999. “Toward a Sociology of Transgendered Bodies.” Sociological Review ​ 47.

Kirsch, Max. 2000. Queer Theory and Social Change. New York, NY: Routledge. ​ ​ Optional: Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. 1990. Epistemology of the Closet. Berkeley: University of California ​ ​ ​ Press.

Symposium on Queer Theory/Sociology: A Debate. 1994. Sociological Theory 12(2): pp.166-248. ​ ​ Especially the readings listed below (others are optional):

Ingraham, Chrys. 1994. “The Heterosexual Imaginary: Feminist Sociology and Theories of Gender.” Sociological Theory 12(2): 203-19. ​ Namaste, Ki. 1994. “The Politics of Inside/Out: Queer Theory, Poststructuralism, and a Scociological Approach to Sexuality.” Sociological Theory 12(2): 220-231. ​ ​ Seidman, Steven. 1994. “Queer-ing Sociology, Sociologizing Queer Theory: An Introduction.” Sociological Theory 12(2): 166-177. ​ Stein, Arlene, Kenneth Plummer. “I Can’t Even Think Straight? ‘Queer’ Theory and the Missing Sexual Revolution in Sociology” Sociological Theory 12(2): 178-187. 1994 ​ ​ Valocchi, Steven. 2005. “Not Yet Queer Enough: The Lessons of Queer Theory for the Sociology of Gender and Sexuality.” Gender & Society 19:750. ​ ​ Warner, Michael, ed. 1993. Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory. Minneapolis: ​ ​ University of Minnesota Press.

Sexual Aggression & Violence against Women: (15 readings)

Anderson, Kristin L., and Debra Umberson. 2001. “Gendering Violence: Masculinity and Power in Men’s Accounts of Domestic Violence.” Gender & Society 15: 358-380. ​ ​ Anderson, Kristin L. 1997. “Gender, Status, and Domestic Violence: An Integration of Feminist and Family Violence Approaches.” Journal of Marriage and Family 59: 655-669. ​ ​ Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Miriam Gleckman-Krut, and Lanora Johnson. 2006. “Silence, Power, and Inequality: An Intersectional Approach to Sexual Violence.” Annual Review of Sociology 44:99-122. ​ ​ Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Laura Hamilton, and Brian Sweeney. 2006. “Sexual Assault on Campus: A Multilevel, Integrative Approach to Party Rape.” Social Problems 53: 483-499. ​ ​ Berns, Nancy. 2001. “Degendering the Problem and Gendering the Blame: Political Discourse on Women and Violence.” Gender & Society, 15(2): 262-281. ​ ​ Dworkin, Andrea. 1989. Pornography: Men Possessing Women. New York: E.P. Dutton. ​ ​ Otional: Jones, Nikki. 2009. Between Good and Ghetto: American Girls and Inner-City Violence. Rutgers ​ ​ University Press.

Johnson, Michael P. 2006. “Conflict and Control: Gender Symmetry and Asymmetry in Domestic Violence.” Violence Against Women 12: 1003-1018 (Also reprinted elsewhere). ​ ​ Hardesty, Jennifer L.; Ogolsky, Brian G. 2020. “A Socioecological Perspective on Intimate Partner Violence Research: A Decade in Review.” Journal of Marriage and Family 82(1):454-477. ​ ​ Hollander, Jocelyn A. 2001. “Vulnerability and Dangerousness: The Construction of Gender through Conversation about Violence.” Gender & Society, 15(1): 83-109. ​ ​ Kimmel, Michael S. 2002. "'Gender Symmetry' in Domestic Violence." Violence Against Women ​ 8:1332-1363.

Martin, Patricia Yancey, and Robert A. Hummer. 1989. “Fraternities and Rape on Campus.” Gender & ​ Society 17:342-366. ​ Nason-Clark, Nancy. 2009. “Christianity and the Experience of Domestic Violence: What Does Faith Have to do With it?” Social Work & Christianity 36(4): 379-393. ​ ​ Uggen, C., and A. Blackstone. 2004. “Sexual Harrassment as a Gendered Expression of Power.” American ​ Sociological Review 69:64-92. ​ Health and Aging: (18 readings)

Almeling, Rene. 2007. “Selling Genes, Selling Gender: Egg Agencies, Sperm Banks, and the Medical Market in Genetic Material.” American Sociological Review 72: 319-340. ​ ​ Calasanti, Toni and Neal King. 2005. "Firming the Floppy Penis: Age, Class and Gender Relations in the Lives of Old Men." Men and Masculinities 8:3-23. ​ ​ Calasanti, Toni, and Kathleen F. Slevin. 2001. Gender, Structural Inequalities, and Aging. Walnut Creek, ​ ​ CA: AltaMira Press.

Courtenay, Will H. 2000. “Constructions of Masculinity and their Influences on Men’s Well-Being: A Theory of Gender and Health.” Social Science and Medicine 50: 1384-1401. ​ ​ Denton, M., and V. Walters. 1999. “Gender Differences in Structural and Behavioral Determinants of Health: An Analysis of the Social Production of Health.” Social Science and Medicine 48: 1221-1235. ​ ​ Dillaway, Heather E. 2005. “Menopause is the “Good Old”: Women’s Thoughts about Reproductive Aging.” Gender & Society 19: 398-417. ​ ​ Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., and T. L. Newton. 2001. “Marriage and Health: His and Hers.” Psychological Bulletin ​ 127: 472-503.

Lorbor, Judith, and Lisa Jean Moore. 2002. Gender and the Social Construction of Illness. Walnut Creek, ​ ​ CA: Altamira Press.

Martin, Emily. 2001. The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Boston: Beacon Press. ​ ​ Meadows, Sarah O., Sara S. McLanahan, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2008. “Stability and Change in Family Structure and Maternal Health Trajectories.” American Sociological Review 73: 314-334. ​ ​ Russell, Cherry. 2007. “What Do Older Men and Women Want?” Current Sociology 55: 173-192 ​ ​ Silver, Catherine B. 2003. Gendered Identities in Old Age: Toward (de)Gendering? Journal of Aging ​ Studies, 17: 379-397. ​ Note: There are some articles in the “Parenting” section that are relevant too (e.g., breastfeeding).

The Body: (List incomplete--See note below.)

Bordo, Susan. 1993. Unbearable Weight. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ​ ​ Young, Iris Marion. 2005. On Female Body Experience. New York: Oxford University Press. Read the essay ​ ​ ​ “Throwing like a Girl.” The rest is optional.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. 2000. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. Basic ​ ​ Books.

Gane, Patricia, and Deanna McGaughey. 2002. “Designing Women: Cultural Hegemony and the Exercise of Power among Women Who Have Undergone Elective Mammoplasty.” Gender & Society 16(6): ​ ​ 814-838.

Optional: Laqueur, Thomas. 1990. Making Sex: Body and gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge: ​ ​ ​ Harvard University Press. Mason, K. 2012. "The Unequal Weight of Discrimination: Gender, Body Size, and Income Inequality." Social Problems 59(3). ​ NOTE: This list is incomplete. Any student desiring a focus on the body must contact the chair, who will assess committee willingness to read this topic and will, as appropriate, develop a complete list.

Education/Child Development: (List incomplete--See note below.)

Buchmann, Claudia, Thomas A. DiPrete, and Anne McDaniel. 2008. "Gender Inequalities in Education." Annual Review of Sociology 34:319-337. ​ Buchmann, Claudia and Thomas A. Diprete. 2006. “The Growing Female Advantage in College Completion: The Role of Family Background and Academic Achievement.” American Sociological Review ​ 71: 515-541.

Thorne, B. 2003. “Girls and boys together but mostly apart: Gender arrangements in elementary … school.” In Mark Hussey (Ed.), Masculinities: Interdisciplinary Readings. ​ Charles, Maria, and Karen Bradley. 2002. “Equal but Separate? A Cross-National Study of Sex Segregation in Higher Education” American Sociological Review 67 573-599. ​ ​ Charles, Maria, and Karen Bradley. 2009. “Indulging Our Gendered Selves? Sex Segregation by Field of Study in 44 Countries” American Journal of Sociology 114:924-976. ​ ​ Correll, Shelley J. 2001. “Gender and the Career Choice Process: The Role of Biased Self-Assessments.” American Journal of Sociology 112: 1297-1338. ​ England, Paula, and Su Li. 2006. “Desegregation Stalled: The Changing Gender Composition of College Majors, 1971-2002. Gender & Society 20: 657-677. ​ ​ Ferguson, Ann Arnett. 2001. Bad Boys: The Making of Black Masculinity in Public Schools. Ann Arbor, ​ ​ MI: University of American Sociological Review Michigan Press. ​ ​ Optional: Fine, Gary Alan. 1983. With the Boys: Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Culture. ​ ​ ​ Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Leahey, Erin. 2007. “Not by Productivity Alone: How Visibility and Specialization Contribute to Academic Earnings.” American Sociological Review 72(4): 533-561. ​ ​ Kessler, Suzanne, and Wendy McKenna. 1978. “Developmental Aspects of Gender.” From Gender: An ​ Ethnomethodological Account Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp.81-110. ​ Risman, Barbara. 2009. “Socialization into Gender.” In Social Problems: Readings with Four Questions, ​ ​ eds. Charon and Vigilant. Cengage Learning.

Xie, Yu and Kimberlee A. Shauman. 1998. “Sex Difference in Research Productivity: New Evidence about an Old Puzzle.” American Sociological Review 63: 847-870. ​ ​ NOTE: This list is incomplete. Any student desiring a focus on education must contact the chair, who will assess committee willingness to read this topic and will, as appropriate, develop a complete list.

Feminism & Social Movements: (List incomplete--See note below.)

Bell, Shannon Elizabeth and Yvonne Braun. 2010. Coal, identity, and the gendering of environmental justice activism in Central Appalachia. Gender & Society 24(6): 794-813. ​ ​ Burnes, G. 2006. The Moral Veto: Framing Contraception, Abortion, and Cultural Pluralism in the United ​ States. Cambridge University Press, 2005. ​ Einwohner, Rachel L., Jocelyn A. Hollander, Toska Olson. 2000. Engendering social movements: Cultural images and movement dynamics. Gender & Society 14(5): 679-699. ​ ​ Ergas (2012). “Women’s status and carbon dioxide emissions: A quantitative cross-national analysis.” Social Science Research 41:965-976. (ER)

Gamson, J. 1995. “Must Identity Movements Self-Destruct: A Queer Dilemma.” Social Problems ​ 42(3):390-407.

Hercus, Cheryl. 1999. Identity, emotion, and feminist collective action. Gender & Society 13: 34-55. ​ ​ Moghadam, V.M. “Transnational Feminist Networks: Collective Action in an Era of Globalization.” International Sociology 15(1): 57-85. ​ Peltola, Pia, Melissa A. Milkie, and Stanley Presser. 2004. The "feminist" mystique: Feminist identity in three generations of women. Gender & Society 18: 122-144. ​ ​ Taylor, V. 1999. “Gender and Social Movements: Gender Processes in Women’s Self-Help Movements.” Gender & Society 13(1): 8-33. ​ Zajicek, Anna M. 2002. Race discourses and antiracist practices in a local women's movement. Gender & ​ Society 16(2): 155-174. ​ NOTE: This list is incomplete. Any student desiring a focus on social movements must contact the chair, who will assess committee willingness to read this topic and will, as appropriate, develop a complete list.

Historical-Comparative: (List needs updating--See note below.)

Adams, Julia. 2005. The Familial State: Ruling Families and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe. ​ ​ Cornell University Press.

Adams, Julia. 1998. “Feminist Theory as Fifth Columnist or Discursive Vanguard? Some Contested Uses of Gender Analysis is Historical Sociology.” Social Politics 5(1): 1-16. ​ ​ Charrad, Mounira. 2001. States and Women’s Rights: the Making of Postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria, and ​ Morocco. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ​ Clemens, Elisabeth. 1993. “Organizational Repertoires and Institutional Change: Women’s Groups and the Transformation of U.S. Politics 1890-1920.” American Journal of Sociology 98(4): 755-98. ​ ​ Coontz, Stephanie. 2005. Marriage, a History. New York: Viking. ​ ​ Coontz, Stephanie. 2000. “Historical Perspectives on Family Studies.” Journal of Marriage and the ​ Family 62(2):283-297. ​ Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 2009. The Incomplete Revolution: Adapting Welfare States to Women's New ​ Roles. Polity. ​ Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. 2010. Forced to Care: Coercion and Caregiving in America. Cambridge MA and ​ ​ London: Harvard University Press.

Goldstone, Jack A. 1996. “Gender, Work and Culture: Why the Industrial Revolution Came Early to England but Late in China.” Sociological Perspectives 39(1): 1-21. ​ ​ Htun, Mala. 2003. Sex and the State: Abortion, Divorce and the Family under Latin American Dictatorship ​ and Democracy. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ​ Inglehart, Ronald and Pippa Norris. Rising Tide: Gender Equality and Cultural Change around the World. ​ Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

O’Connor, Julia S., Ann Orloff and Sheila Shaver. 1999. Families, Gender Liberalism and Social Policy in ​ Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University ​ Press.

Ozouf, Mona. 1998. Women's Words: Essay on French Singularity. University of Chicago Press. ​ ​ Pfau-Effinger, B. 2004. “Socio-historical Paths of the Male-Breadwinner Model: An Explanation of Cross-National Differences.” British Journal of Sociology 55(3):377-399. ​ ​ Saguy, Abigail. 2003. What is Sexual Harassment? From Capitol Hill to the Sorbonne. Berkeley: University ​ ​ of California Press.

Stacey, Judith. 2011. Love, Marriage, and Family Values from West Hollywood to Western China. NYU ​ ​ Press.

Thistle, Susan. 2006. From Marriage to the Market: The Transformation of Women’s Lives and Work. ​ Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Whittier, Nancy. 1995. Feminist Generations: The Persistence of the Radical Women's Movement. ​ Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

NOTE: This list needs updating. Any student desiring a focus on social movements must contact the chair, who will assess committee willingness to read this topic and will, as appropriate, develop a complete list.