Demonstrate Thek Qualification in the Besi Marner. I, ".;Oi;Iuri.Rf Ao***.*T
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1 j --l .qnT q-'-qi qf,r '1-61q -r'i hifr i rrfqq zrFt4r itr+rr tr H {iovemment of FIepal 'fransport ir* $ha qM.qr f,mia;t {r4T Ministiry of Physical lntiastmcture 8l d+lilT{ri'"rfi-q=*+ Efu@ Depaitment ol Roads qi qrlrs*eE;r' qr{oi iE-{rq-,nqlc Plannurg & Desigr Brznch iS :,t] k{qr leflq fuh; ,Tili FBaaemimg, &.4cseitorinag & EvaEueatioar Llaait p mdvfl-.r rrqT n+Tfera rti Chakupat, l,alirpur qo c-dlqqI4-f,f,q ilq fuki4* Notice No: 14-FMEEJ iiilffi qr,-i-Tr q;ri q',mfq r1i6 l&737 4 ie-sTftf-€ *+ oqr ftrdrq s-rqr mdfrfir lo'-rr sim flqtr.'hfr Date of Fust Publication: 2A1-?ll2/23 II The Governrne,r of Nepar, Departmeut of Roads [DoR] invites Expression of 'Irrterest [EoI]. for the prep-aratior of shorr Lists of the .tigrt t., qru[n"a ,,ra experierced dornestic cousulriug FuLn[sl Ibr Detaitre<tr rigiruu.iog s;;;; Design arid Report qEqiqrq-ql qTqrt"d +]qiilq q-d Freparatigqof Roacl;, Fackage tgo:. pnrEuls 371s9r07 jl74 DFR 7C3-, 3d, r &sr +,r+q €Fri q-{i fu'{ar -29-3#" J9, @) 62-63 and Fe-asibili"- *;r;;;d R.eponr Ter nl fuc-f, Freparation of Roacls, packagiNo;-Pl-{8u133715g/073i74 '""*''_F_3y. fm U.rag.t to t q$[ nqr vtqT ffr q-q"i this purpose has been allcrcated by,the Govirnment of Nepal. G?r cgpultrns Ti,r:/JV. willing to provide trre services are hereby invitecr to subnxt, their "Expression of lnterest (Eoo". The stadard Eol forms wilr be in the Deparrrnenr of Roads, piariruug, Moniroring;nJiuirr"otioo (lI\4EUll::d:9f uo,r chakupar, Lalitpiu-. The EoI Eval*arion Criteria. packrg., aJi.irc *, also be downloaded from the wehsile: wlr.r+,.dor.gor,.np/notice. The EoI shall be s.trmifted i, the searecr euveiope separatery for each job and ruust reach the sar,e aridress no later.tlrr" tio r.uor-ki,rg iro*rs on i5d,day of first publicatio, of tliis notice. In case the last day of submissioir of -*^EoI talls on a rlqiqq q-anrmrq-qrc d.rriai' public holiclay, it sirall be submitted on the follo,,virg *o.ti"g ,:] auy cTr_dBq,Firms can arM, gs qr _. tir'l a.Toi,t ventui'e (,w) lvith maxinirun 3 ,o.',rs. ttqa +{ Tirfr The Eol of short Lisr rurrsl clearry menrion tLe uaure or ur. r.u,Liog il;;;; 'q-ifr fina[cial iiabilities. Tlie finriTrV shall {-ryi ron.g*nrc-1 ri-a I luve ro submir separate sealed fol for each p-rck4ge- whi.le s.hrmining EoI ao.rr.o,, i;*., or.n'"*.y aur'h,J.Jation tetter qflT snail rqlnl(rdrq c-i.d I be s*t',rnltted separately aloug with sealed EoI Docunient. The Eol shall iuclude aclequate rnlbnnarion as per d.qg i . i5e evaluation criteria to q-fl-{qlTq-qT qi demonstrate thek qualification in the besi marner. iqq €rq-€ q.{ r i, ".;oi;iuri.rf ao***.*t and certificaten no fllrtherjustitrcation aud enq*iry shall be entertainei- Top Six Slroi't listecl consulranrs i 61iqR krqi1 i.oo qfr rvill be invited to subnrit their Tecirnical and Financial Proposal proposal frril qiqr €r+r qikrer as per trie Request tbr (RFp), ro be pr-ovidecr ro rhein al the rq. qnqr orqirrq qrrnqrrq' later stage. The deparhnent reserves the right to rnclude or oot to include ary or all cf the fu'ms- i, the short List rvithotit assigni,g any reasous *rrrr*.*. F,rther q6T-{rqn-E' infbrmation clariflcatioll q-frqri Fraql* or cail be obtained fttm the Department of Roads, PMEU. Chaloipat, Lalitpur dr_rring s,rq n Y'3i1?1t I oflice hours. Lfs:at ehief w.riwrw,,iw e @ @i:i ii:j#i..rx@riffi m'ltwiw::s 6 & & ir::r,it: 8':iaE{a:ii-$is::IaB _----- l Government ofNepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport Department of Roads .s6$e. Planning & Design Bra:rch ;fl.,F^Jh E Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Unit '0. ffim. f Chakupat, Lalitpur 2".+)'{*i5v^.".{..t_,r;;ii,T.:$;):"1".:"+ Notice No: t4_pMEUt07Jt74 Date ofFirst Publication: 2073/12/23 €:r.*f!;!:;'r'\:),. i EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ';;;;,';ll;:ii. ' The Government of Nepal, Department of Roads [DoR] invites Expression of Interest [EoI] for the preparation of Short Lists of the eligible, qualified and experienced domestic Consulting Firm[s] for Detailed Engineering'Survey, Design and Report Preparation of Roads, Package No:- PMEU/3371591073174 DPR 7-13, 29^30,34,39, 41, 62-63 and Feasibility Study and Report Preparation of Roads, Package No:-PMEU/3371591073/74 F-3). The budget to this purpose has been allocated by the Government ofNepal. Consulting Firm/fV, willing to provide the services are hereby invited to submit their "Expression of Interest (EoI)". The Standard EoI forms will be available in the Department of Roads, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU) Chakupat, Lalitpur. The EoI Evaluation Criteria, Packages details can also be downloaded from the website : www. dor. gov. np/notice. The EoI shall be submitted in the sealed envelope separately for each job and must reach the same address no later than the working hours on 15* day of first publication of this notice. In case the last day of submission of EoI falls on a public holiday, it shall be submitted on the following working day. Consulting Firms can form a Joint Venture (fU with maximum 3 no. of firms. The EoI of Short List must clearly mention the name of the leading firm with financial liabilities. The firm/JV shall have to submit separate sealed EoI for each package. While submitting EoI document, power of attorney/ authorization letter shall be submitted separately along with Sealed EoI Document. The EoI shall include adequate information as per the evaluation criteria to demonstrate their qualification in the best manner. In case of missing document and certificate. no further justification and enquiry shall be entertained. Top Six Short listed consultants will be invited to submit their Technical and Financial Proposal as per the Request for Proposal (RFP), to be provided to them at the later stage. The department reserves the right to include or not to include any or all of the firms in the Short List without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Further information or clariflcation can be obtained from the Department of Roads, PMEU, Chakupat, Lalitpur during office hours. Unit Chief U List of Road for Notice No:- 14lPMEUl073l74 't KM Packase No:- SN Name of Road L7 1. 3huora-Korila-Multhi-Kadandi-Dullu-Pipaldhari Sadak, Dailekh 20 2 BaiianathDur-Binauna -Fattepur Sadak, Banke 30 3 Ghorahi Masina Saingha Swargadwari Sadak, Dang 4 Ghorahi Phursekhali Githepani Hattkharka Sadak, Dang 15 PMEUl337tsgl07317 L2 5 Salvans Luham Phalaban Makhantakuri Sadak, Salyan 4 DPR.7 I n L4 6 Kha la nga Ma rke Ka I i mati Ra mpur Ka recha ur-Hoha pq lqlkelgqqk, J3!yg Khalansa Marke Hiwalcha Khairaban Shreenagar Sadak, Salyan 10 12 8 Bansesal Aeleni Kaskot Jabune Khalanga Sadarmukam, Pyuthan I Nepane Kumaltakura chidibas Lamidamar Yairabati Sadak, Pyuthan 12 30 1 lhulachuli Kerkha Uttar Barhagothe Hudai Tinkune Pokhari Sadak, llam 2 Boldham dekhi Kushma hudai Pharsatikarjodne Sadak, Rupandehi 8 10 5 Drivertol Parasi Sadak, RuPandehi 4 Lausa Chaupari Bakullaghat Sitaldada-Hasnapur Sadak, Rupandehi 5 5 Raiduwali Chisapani Danabari Khudunabari Durgapur Sadak, llam 30 PMEUl3377s9l07317 6 Durgapur Danabari llam Sadak, Jhapa t4 4 DPR.8 7 Charpane Birtamod Rajgadh Sahidmarg, Jhapa 6 Chunwang Tatopani ChunMusikot Sadak, Rukum 15 9 Garamani Goldhap (Bhutani Sharnarthi Shibir) Puwatubari Charaali Sadak, Jhapa 7 15 1 Mechi Lokmarg Bahundangi Patthariya 8 hudai Gherabari Rajgadh Sadak, Patthari Section, Jhapa 30 Dumre Chakaldi Budhakholsa (Kusumkhola) Mainadi Sardewa Satmure (Gulmi) Sadak, Palpa 15 Prv/.EUl337rs9lO7311 2 Deurali Bumtang Mahadebsthan Chamchhappa Rasuwa Sadak, Nuwakot 19 4 DPR.g 3 Sima ltari-Sirseni-Banjhkateri-Aglung Sadak, Gulmi 4 Raksi-Amrai-Kalyahar-Rajasthal-Phulbari-Purkotdaha sadak, Gulmi (6+000-36+000) 30 20 5 Kharivang Charpala Gaudakot Majuwa Shantipur Sadak, Gulmi (10+000-30+000) 20 1, Phidim Phalot (Purbi Simana) Sadak, Panchthar 2 Hemia Melbot Dhital Dhampus Sadak, Kaski 15 ihantinagar Bahundandi Kakadbhitta Jyamiregadi (Satighatta Goansari-Biharni) Duwahagadi-Telibari PMEUl337tssl07317 3 Dhaijan-Shantinagar Sadak, Jhapa 30 4 DPR-10 4 Olanchungola Tiptala Sadak, Taplejung 20 30 5 Thukiva Changa Tokpegola Connecting China Border, Taplejung 12 6 Surkhet-Lakefarsa-Jahade-Mildanda-Lakegaun-Sidhedhungadaha sadak, Surkhet Sunasri ltahari U.Ma.Pa. 24farahawa bata Paterwa hudai Pakalai Kanchhi Chok hudai Dakshin Nahar t2 1 Samma Sadak, ltahari, Sunsari Pa. 7 hudai wada no-9 Nahar bhaera Madheli Sima Samma Sadak, ltahari, Iuhrri U.w.. Oshochowk 6 2 ;unsari PMEU1337Lsgl073l7 10 4 DPR-11 3 lhmuka Bhamari Chok dekhi Dhamauri Kumyai Kali Jhoda hudai Ramdhuni Jane Sadak, Sunsari 4 Solma Patheka Phedi Sadak, Khotang 30 5 Pakhribas-Katteldanda-Muga Jalkanya-Malbase-Kabhre hudai Ghodetar Bhojpur, Dhankuta L8 6 Sukrabare Sudap Jodisalla Dangapa Basantapur Sadak, Terathum 20 lirikhimti Moraha ne Sa mdu Sanktranti Road,Tehrathum 30 1 Raiapani VDC Vada num 5-Lipedhoban Road, Khotang 20 20 2 Bhirkot Chode Deurali Sadak, Dolakha PMEUl337Lsgl07311 33 3 Khairenitar Bethan Panighat Hiledebi Sakshyamchautara Galba Doramba Kholakharka Sadak, Ramechhat 4 DPR.12 Saluke Mahadebdada Asanthakur Dudhauli Na.Pa. hudai Mrdhya Pahadi Rajmargako Tinkhandebata 31 4 Siddhicharan Marga Sadak, Sindhuli 10 5 Bhainsepati Mahendraivoti Panauti Sadak, Kavreplanchok List of Road for Notice No:- 14lPMEUl073l74 KM Packaee Nol. SN Nam'e of Road Aimaroatti Hulaki Sadak-Bhatauliva Bhangiha Sadak, Mahottari ji' , L2 Lalsardh- BP marea-Tulsi -Bhahunmara-Ranibas Sadak< Dhanusha 15 Gonahi Baia r-Karkach-Katahariya Sadak, Rautahat 8 4 Ajgaibi Matiarba Karuniya Sadak, Rautahat 8 30 5 Niiaead Bharatguni Phaparabari Sadak (5+000-35+000), Bara PMEUl337Lsgl07317 8 4 DPR-13 6 Resunsa Na.Pa.