Haaretz | Wednesday, January 11, 2017 5 HAARETZ Amira Hass What Editor: Aluf Benn Overlooked English Edition number Editor: Noa Landau is next? Managing Editor: Simon Spungin weapon vs. Gaza Deputy Publisher: Guy Rolnik Managing Director, Haaretz Group Rami Guez aheed al-Bursh, a and that he wasn’t the one Managing Director, English Edition contractor with the who decided. Then an official Aviva Bronstein W UN Development request came from the minis- Program, will be returning try in Ramallah to the UN De- Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. to his home in the Gaza Strip velopment Program to move 21 Schocken St.,Tel Aviv 61350 Israel. Yediot Ahronot tomorrow, seven months rubble to the fishing port in Tel: 03-5121212 Fax: 03-6810012 after he was arrested at the northern Gaza, to prevent a Customer Service Tel: 03-5121750 Fax: 03-5121703 Erez checkpoint. This is a retreat of the shoreline. E-mail:
[email protected]. Advertising: 03-5121774, 03-5121112 Letters to the editor:
[email protected] or fax: 03-5121156 failure for the Shin Bet se- Bursh moved about 300 curity service, which tried tons, which a year later, just to frame him with a series before his arrest in July 2016, of charges involving aid to had still been heaped along Hamas over the years. the road. He didn’t know that It’s also an embarrass- Hamas intended to close that ment for the prosecution, part of the beach. which got out of the corner Like many officials in into which the Shin Bet had Gaza ministries, the Public No choice but to painted it and reached a plea Works Ministry officials bargain with Bursh’s attor- who approached Bursh were ney, Lea Tsemel.