Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish ThThirty-ThirtyirtyThirty---firstfirst Sunday in Ordinary Time ———November—November 3 St. Mary of the Assumpon Brookline, Massachuses Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish The Catholic Community of Brookline, MA 1ne Parish, Two Churches Pastoral 13ces 5 Linden Place Brookline, MA 0.44578311 61878347 0444 FAX 618783473001 Saint Mary)s Church Saint Lawrence Church 3 ,inden Place, Brookline Village 774 Boylston St., Rt.9, Chestnut Hill Parish Staff Masses Pastor Fr. Jonathan Gaspar,
[email protected] Sunday Masses St. ,awren e Church8 Sunday - 9800 am In esidence Fr. James Ojo 11:30 am Ordinariate Form, 0radional English Catholic Mass Fr. Jim Nunes Fr. Marcin Pudo St. Mary*s Church: Saturday - 4800 pm Sunday - 7830, 10830 am and 12800 noon Deacon: Deacon John Nicholson Weekday Masses
[email protected] St. Mary*s Church: Monday - Friday 7830 and 9800 am Music Directors Arthur Rishi-St. Mary’s followed by Daily Rosary & Saturday - 8800 am Warren Hutchison-St. Lawrence Ministries & Activities Business Manager Susan Crapo Pastoral Assistant Mary Slaery St. Mary)s Book Club: ,ast Monday of the month at 7800 pm in St. Mary*s Re tory. eligious Educaon Director Dr. Chris/ne Nadjarian, nadjarian@stmarybrookline. om St. Mary)s Mother)s Prayer Group: Meets on Monday at 10830 am, he k bulle/n for dates. St. Mary of the Assumpon School Dr. 0heresa 1irk, Prin ipal St. Vincent de Paul Society: Contact the re tory. 27 Har3ard Street, 217-522-7184 ,oung Adults Group: Contact the re tory St.