VOL. 121 - NO. 46 , , NOVEMBER 17, 2017 $.35 A COPY Veterans Day Parade and Ceremonies in Boston’s North End by NorthEndWaterfront.com

The North End Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 144 held a parade in Boston’s North End on Veterans Day, Novem- ber 11th. Ceremonial stops were made at the Iraq/Afghanistan memorial at Old North Church, the VFW plaque on the Prado and during a Mass at St. Ste- phen’s Church.

News Briefs by Sal Giarratani Women of Color Big News in November 7 th Election The news spread across the country. In Boston’s recent city council elections, six women of color got themselves elected as either city councilors at large or as district councilors. Just a few years ago, the number was zero. City Councilor Ayanna Presley was the fi rst, but in just the last three elections, fi ve more women of color have joined the 13-member . Remembering 50 Years Ago Boston’s political history just passed the 50th anni- versary of one of the most divisive mayoral elections in the city’s history as Kevin H. White faced off against Louise Day Hicks. Two powerful politicians representing two parts of Boston’s electorate. Liberals pulled out all the stops to get White elected mayor, while the more conservative neighborhoods of the city backed Hicks. She even made the cover of Newsweek as Boston’s version of George C. Wallace. The race was close, but White did win and went on to three more terms before retiring from offi ce in January 1984. It was a great time to be young and political. I was a college student who grew up loving this blood sport. After all, I came from the same Roxbury neighborhood as the legendary and my boyhood state rep was Charlie Iannello — he didn’t just know nuts and bolts, he made them for use, Partly, I’m quite glad the old days are long gone. To crazy for today. Do miss the rough and tumble, better than TV. Today there are too many phonies out there pretending they know something, when most are dumb as rocks. (Continued on Page 10)

(Photos by Michele Morgan)

THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON This offi ce is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017

Res Publica by David Trumbull

Thanksgiving Day 2017

“Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the DOMITIAN: THE KILLER-DILLER providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefi ts, and humbly to implore his protection and favor was incapable of exertion, but … I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of No- instead was carried in a litter. vember next, to be devoted by the People of these States to the His only interest in arms was service of that great and glorious Being, who is the benefi cent archery. He was an excellent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be … ” marksman and often killed wild beasts with two successive — George Washington, 1789 shots in such a manner that the (from the fi rst arrows gave the effect of horns. National Thanksgiving Day Presidential Proclamation) Domitian was killed by a conspiracy of close friends that The Pilgrims, Puritans, Huguenots, Quakers, also included his wife Domi- Anabaptists, Lutherans, Jews, Catholics, deists, and tia. The murder took place in even atheists who came to America in the his bedroom after a lengthy colonial period found here freedom not struggle. Stephanus, the stew- possible in the lands of the ard of Domitia, concealed a Old World, where an estab- A complete list of Domitian’s them with the utmost rigor dagger in a fake arm bandage. lished church was the norm. condemnations and the man- to force payment. One man He stabbed the emperor in the Their descendants founded ner of his tortures certainly who attempted to conceal his groin while he was reading a the United States on a radi- matches those of Caligula and identity was examined publicly paper. The emperor fought with cal and untried principle — Nero. He even devised a spe- in a crowded courtroom and Stephanus and both fell to the no religious establishment and cial truth extracting technique forced to reveal the fact of his fl oor where they struggled for no government interference for use during inquisitions. circumcision. a long time. Domitian tried to with religion. What a surprise This consisted of inserting fi re Domitian was not to be out- get the dagger away from his then to fi nd that the very fi rst Presidential Proclamation issued was into the privates of the wit- done in his sex life, either. He assailant and even tried to Washington’s Thanksgiving Day call to prayer to an Almighty God. nesses. Financial problems was excessively lustful and was gouge out his eyes with his own Indeed, the only distinctly American holiday is the fourth brought about as a result of constantly engaged in sexual lacerated fi ngers, but eventually Thursday in November, which we set aside to thank God for our his shows and building pro- intercourse, which he called he was slain when Parthenius, blessings. Think about it. Christmas is celebrated worldwide, grams resulted in economic “bed-wrestling,” and referred to a second assassin, stabbed even in lands where Christians are a small minority. Every nation measures — tax assessments, this kind of activity as exercise. the emperor seven times. The celebrates New Year’s Day and the various national holidays and confi scations — that were He even depilated his concu- day of his death is listed as commemorating great leaders, important battles, and the date of also equal to those of Caligula bines with his own hand. It was September 18, 96 A.D., in the national founding. and Nero. The property of the said that he was such a down- fi fteenth year of his reign. His Our distinctly American national holiday is a re-enactment living and the dead were seized to-earth guy that he even swam corpse was carried out on a — and re-interpretation for contemporary multi-ethnic and anywhere, at any time, and in the baths with common pros- common bier by persons who multi-religious American culture — of that fi rst Thanksgiving on any charge that had been titutes. He refused a niece who normally buried the poor. He in Plymouth, Massachusetts, celebrated by survivors of the brought by any accuser. A was offered to him in marriage was cremated on his suburban Mayfl ower passage. And, yet, the story is not narrowly the tale of mere word or action that could when she was a maiden, but estate, which was located on the Pilgrims. Few Americans are literally Mayfl ower descendants. be construed as derogatory later he seduced her after she the Via Latina, and his ashes Most of us do not trace our roots to East Anglia. Most of us do no to the majesty of the emperor became the wife of another. Still were placed in the Flavian fam- follow their reformed Calvinist religion. Nevertheless, their story was all that was needed for later, when she suffered the loss ily temple. The people received is the American story. It is the story of families that left their condemnation. Domitian even of her husband, he loved her the news with indifference, but homeland for a better life in America. confi scated estates of persons ardently and openly, eventually the senators were so overjoyed, Did your people come here on sailing ships in the 17th, 18th, who were in no way connected causing her death by ordering that they immediately removed or 19th century? Or were they part of the big steamship migra- with the emperor. All that was an abortion. his shields and images from tion of the late 19th and early 20th century that fi lled Boston with needed was for one man to come Domitian was quite tall, with the walls of the Senate House Irish and Italians? Or perhaps you are a more recent immigrant. forward to say that he had at large eyes, handsome and and dashed them to the fl oor. Whenever your people came here and by whatever means, they, one time heard the deceased graceful. In his later years, he They also decreed that all of and you, are part of the narrative we re-tell every Thanksgiving say that the emperor was his suffered baldness, a protruding his inscriptions be erased, Day. heir. He levied harsh taxes belly, and was spindle-legged. and all record of him obliter- on the Jews and pursued He exercised very little and ated. Probably the one most signifi cant feature of his reign was the manner in which he had advanced toward absolute NORTH END Boston Harborside Home monarchy. NEXT WEEK: Joseph A. Langone Trajan, His Activity, and Immortality PRINTING 580 Commercial St. - Boston, MA 02109 5 PRINCE STREET • NORTH END • BOSTON, MA 02113 617-536-4110 www.bostonharborsidehome.com LEGAL NOTICE Owned and operated by Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher, Post-Gazette Augustave M. Sabia, Jr. Trevor Slauenwhite Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Frederick J. Wobrock Dino C. Manca Probate and Family Court Quality Printing Middlesex Division Courtney A. Fitzgibbons 208 Cambridge Street for all your East Cambridge, MA 02141 (617) 768-5800 Commercial and Personal Needs Docket No. MI16P2645EA Estate of A Service Family Affi liate of AFFS/Service Corporation International KATIE ELIZABETH GRINSTEAD Stationery • Business Cards • Menus • Flyers 206 Winter St., Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone 508-676-2454 Date of Death February 17, 2010 Program Books • Wedding and Party Invitations INFORMAL PROBATE Announcements • Business Forms and Documents PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner — COMPETITIVE PRICES — Robert Grinstead of Nashville, TN. Robert Grinstead of Nashville, TN has 617-227-8929 been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve with surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Repre- sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be Photo Submission Guidelines ſNGFYKVJVJG%QWTVDWVKPVGTGUVGFRCTVKGUCTG Photos submitted for publication should have entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can a minimum resolution of 150 dpi (or ppi), petition the Court in any matter relating to the 300 dpi for best results. Photos taken with estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties camera phones are typically only 72 dpi are entitled to petition the Court to institute and will be too grainy to print. If taking formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- minating or restricting the powers of Personal photos for a submission, please use a %CPVGTDWT[5VTGGV$QUVQP/# Representatives appointed under informal pro- digital camera. If supplying existing photos, RRH cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, please submit a high-quality print can be obtained from the Petitioner. KPHQ"UVOKEJCGNEGOGVGT[EQOYYYUVOKEJCGNEGOGVGT[EQO Run date: 11/17/17 for scanning. POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 PAGE 3 POST-GAZETTE “Cinghiale!” by Jeanne Brady Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Back in 2006, as one of sev- 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 eral 50th birthday gifts to myself, I took the fi rst of many bik- e-mail: [email protected] ing trips. This one was in the Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com Tuscan region of Italy. Cycling through the Italian countryside Subscriptions in the United States $35.00 yearly for four or fi ve hours a day, and Published weekly by coming back to comfortable Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, quarters and wonderful food Boston, MA 02113 and wine at one of Tuscany’s USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA agriturismos was a fantastic POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the way to celebrate the life mile- POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 stone! The touring company provided the bikes and you James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma could choose either a hybrid or 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 a road bike. Of the 16 members of the group, five went with Vol. 121 - No. 46 Friday, November 17, 2017 the road bikes (I was not one OUR POLICY: To help preserve the ideals and sacred traditions of them!) While we all went at of this our adopted country the United States of America: To revere its laws and inspire others to respect and obey them: To strive unceasingly to quicken the public’s sense of civic duty: In all ways to aid in making this country greater and better than we found it. Non-Cinghiale Bikers L-R: Jeanne Brady of Boston, Sharon Rey of , and Ronda Aurand of Anderson, KS and direction was a little alarm- I couldn’t make out what the Friends of the North End ing. But then, suddenly, they cottony vegetation was until went fl ying by in our direction, some of it moved. Then I real- Bocce Banquet waving their hands, pointing ized I was looking at a large ahead to the left, and shout- fl ock of sheep, standing quietly ing “CINGHIALE!!!” like some shoulder to shoulder and giv- kind of wild bike cavalry battle ing the appearance of a fl uffy cry. Aha! We now kept our eyes blanket spread out for a giants’ peeled to the left as we passed picnic. I sucked in my breath Cinghiale Biker a short expanse of field and and pulled out my camera, our own pace, following maps forest. Sure enough, there were hoping to get a shot before to regular meeting points, the three dark brown blobs nosing they realized I was there. But road bikers always lead the around in the underbrush. Not at this exact moment, Pat came way. Except maybe for the fi rst close enough to stop for a photo, barreling down the hill, arms 30 seconds or so, when I and but we could at least say we saw and legs extended wide as she a couple from NH I befriended them, thanks to the road bikers. balanced on her seat, yelling, (due in equal part to our lack of (And later, ate them, thanks to “CINGHIALE!!!!” (Think Carol speed and appreciation for the lunch!) Burnett’s Tarzan yell without food) would eagerly start fi rst After that episode, I referred to all the reverberation.) out of the gate while guessing the road bikers as “the Cing- how many seconds it would be hiale” for the rest of the trip. The before the road bikers blasted name seemed apt, and Gloria by us. (Typically, about 30 we and Paul joined me in the ref- discovered.) erence. We’d yell “Cinghiale!!!” Despite our wildly different every time they blew past us, modes of experiencing a bike which was at least twice a day Pictured are Bocce Commissioner and Tournament trip, the road bikers and hybrid on the road. (We returned the Champions left to right: Commissioner Sam Viscione, riders got along famously when favor at meals.) Natale DeMarco, Vito Aluia, and Frank Julianello. Not out of the saddle. It was a very A few years later, I took in picture is team member John Lombardi. congenial group for the most another bike trip, this time to The Friends Of The North End held their Spring/Summer part. (Of course, there are usu- the Provence region of France. Cinghiale Bocce banquet on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. ally notable exceptions in these My friend Pat accompanied me This event was held at the Flaming Grill Buffet traveling groups and we had this time and I explained to Well. Needless to say (but Restaurant in Revere, MA, and was attended by all FONE ours; but that’s another story.) her about the Cinghiale when I will), the sheep suddenly bocce players and guests. One morning, during our after- we arrived. Sure enough, there noticed us. I could tell, because Members of the winning Team #1 were given Champion- breakfast meeting to review the were fi ve or six in our group of the cottony blanket rose and ship Certifi cates and gifts for excellence in Bocce. day’s route and activities with 18 choosing the road bikes (not rippled seemingly three feet FONE Bocce will continue through the winter months, guides Christian and Marco, including us!) And, as expected, above the ground as if one of the every Sunday morning at the Steriti Rink indoor Bocce Marco excitedly told us we we did not see much of them giants was just laying it out. If courts. All members are invited to attend and spectators would be riding through wild during the biking portion of the that wasn’t enough, a dog that are also welcome. This will lead into the Spring/Summer boar, or cinghiale (chin-gee- days’ activities. Meanwhile, we was apparently napping on the Tournament beginning in late May, 2018. AH-lay), country and we should befriended a couple, Marilynn job behind a shrub, had jumped keep an eye out for them. He and Bob (aka “Yes, Dear!”) from straight up about ten feet and also mentioned that our lunch Boise, again with similar lack of was now running around and stop restaurant served cinghiale speed and great appreciation barking hysterically. I just LETTERS POLICY as their specialty. (This was a for the food and wine. We fre- looked at Pat and whined, “You bit more exciting to me.) quently rode in their company ruined it!” “Ruined what?” she The Post-Gazette invites its readers to submit And then we were off, with — at least until there were hills. asked, perplexed. But she fi g- Letters to the Editor the road bikers, as usual, blast- Often, I would lose Pat, too, on ured it out as she turned to look • Letters should be typed, double-spaced and must include the ing past me, Gloria, Paul, and the uphill roads, but she would where the barking was coming pretty much everybody else. We generally catch up to me on the from. “Are those SHEEP?!” writer’s name, address, and telephone number. Anonymous leisurely pedaled along some downhills. One afternoon, when Just the other day, Pat and letters are not accepted for publication. country roads and eventually it was just the two of us, I got I went biking on the Minute- • Due to space considerations, we request that letters not wound up on more of a main ahead of her on a hill. We had man Trail in Bedford. On our road — not exactly city, but leisurely ride (on hybrid bikes!), exceed two double-spaced, type-written pages. been tooling along some back- more suburb than country. Sur- country roads, but the turn at she told me about going to join • This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for style, prisingly, this was the stretch of the top of the hill took me into a Meetup Group for a morning grammar and taste and to limit the number of letters published road we were expecting the cing- a beautiful and serene wooded of biking in the area a week or from any one person or organization. hiale sighting. We had not spied area. The trees towered over two before. But when she got anything beyond the usual res- me as I cruised down a gentle to the meeting place, appar- • Deadline for submission is 12:00 noon on the Monday prior taurants, shops, factories, offi ce slope, feeling like I was disap- ently the last one to arrive, to the Friday on which the writer wishes to have the material buildings, etc., that typically dot pearing into an old fairy tale. she found a group of spandex- published. Submission by the deadline does not guarantee suburban main roads — in Ital- I remember wondering at the clad, thirty-somethings on road ian, of course — when suddenly bikes. When they anxiously publication. absolute stillness; not even a the road bikers went fl ying past bird chirping. asked, “Are you Pat?”, she Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, us … in the opposite direction! At the bottom of the hill, there said, “NO!” and took off! When The Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Normal speed to them, but to was an opening into a meadow I stopped laughing, I said, “Oh! us, the combination of speed of some kind to my right. But Cinghiale!!”

The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are not necessarily the same as those of The Post-Gazette, its publisher or editor. Photo submis- sions are accepted by the Post-Gazette provided they are clear, original photos. Postscript: As I started writing this story, I had to check on the spelling of cinghiale. When I googled There is a $5 charge for each photo submitted. Photos can be submitted via what I thought was the spelling (wrong!), the correct spelling came right up, as well as links to a number e-mail: [email protected]. If you want your photos returned, include a self- of businesses using cinghiale. in their name. One of them was actually a bicycle touring company! addressed, stamped envelope. And they clearly cater to Cinghiale (htt p://cinghiale.com) — I think Pat and I will pass … PAGE 4 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 L’Anno Bello: A Year in Italian Folklore Food, Love, Family, and Thanksgiving by Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz THINKING and friends, forming a barrier OUT LOUD against the encroaching dark, cold winter. This symbolic con- by Sal Giarratani notation compels me to believe that Thanksgiving should never A Special Veterans Day Celebration be celebrated alone but rather with others in a celebratory This Year atmosphere, sharing in commu- As a military veteran, I always I marched with the Lone nal feasting and unending love look forward to the annual Star chapter of the D.A.V. I of family. The more the merrier Veterans Day Parade back was invited to march along on this most ritual of holidays! home. However, this year I with them as a member of the Indeed, communal food-based found myself 1,700 miles from John F. Kennedy chapter of festivals similar to Thanksgiving Boston and chose to march in the D.A.V. in Dorchester, MA. dot the Italian calendar during the City of Austin’s Veteran’s I enjoyed seeing cheering the autumn and winter. The Day Parade, starting at the Ann crowds and one little girl most famous of these, St. Mar- Richards Bridge down Congress handed me a plastic bag con- tin’s Day, occurred this past Avenue to the grounds of the taining two Hersey Kisses and week on November 11th, when State Capitol. a toy soldier and said “Thank Italian villages gathered for I am a proud veteran who still You.” banquets featuring chestnuts, remembers being only 18 years However, looking in the Sun- goose, and the year’s new wine. old just out of high school in day newspaper, I found one Now that the Christmas season 1966 when I made my fi rst trip photo of J.C. Ernst, 98, who quickly approaches, Italians are to Texas, an involuntary one as served in World War II, Korea busy in the kitchens or markets my enlistment into the U.S. Air and Vietnam. It was on page As November curls its golden Food has always been an preparing delectable meals for Force down in San Antonio at B-1 of the Metro & State section. glow around us, my mind wan- invaluable staple of Italian the holiday gatherings and Lackland AFB began. The other photo that showed ders to images of Thanksgiv- culture and as such my fam- various saints’ days that pep- No way would I miss march- up was in the Insight section ing as vivid and fragrant as a ily views Thanksgiving as per the months of November ing in this parade. I was dis- on E-2; it was of East Austin’s perfectly seasoned stuffi ng. I the epitome of the primordial and December. These ritualistic turbed during the previous Richard Overton who, at 111 think of pale sunlight painting desire to share a meal. Every celebrations and meals tap into week to news that the mayor of years old, is America’s oldest patterns on the floor, shin- item on the menu is prepared the powerful desire to not only Austin was planning on boycot- living veteran. It accompanied ing through the last orange with an abundant amount of share strength and sustenance ting the parade due to the news a commentary on veteran’s leaves that stubbornly cling thought and care — yes, even with the community, but also to that a Confederate fl ag might be services in Texas by Governor to otherwise bare branches. my vegetarian Tofurkey, replete maintain an irrevocable connec- fl own by one group. I thought, Greg Abbott. Memories of relatives bustling with its own gravy and wild tion to the traditions of the past. how silly can one get? Nothing at all about how great through a crowded kitchen rice stuffi ng. I always eagerly According to Italian-American The Civil War was the bloodi- the parade was and how much carrying plates of steaming await my mother’s sweet potato author Helen Barolini in her est American War with nearly fun parade-goers had watching food fi ll me with the warmth casserole, warm with autum- book Festa, the most signifi cant one million from both sides marchers and veterans pass of a hug, especially when I nal spices and topped with part of sharing food is the ritual perishing. I have seen the Civil by them. Lots of kids, lots of smile as I remember the peals a crunchy streusel of brown behind it, the repeated customs War Monument on the grounds balloons, and lots of fun. A of laughter ringing throughout sugar and pecans. I contribute and motifs that link it to larger, of the state capitol. I don’t fi nd great family friendly holiday on the house. The buzz of cheer- my fresh New England-style universal themes. Whenever I this monument offensive to a great day honoring all who ing crowds emanates from the salad made with crisp apples, gather for a Thanksgiving feast, 21st century values. There is no served their country to make sound of the Macy’s Thanksgiv- blue cheese and cranberries, as I sense a special kinship with gloating present, just sadness such parades possible as holi- ing Day Parade on television, well as a pumpkin cheesecake my Italian ancestors of yore, at the many who died fi ghting day treats. occasionally interrupted by with a seasonally-appropriate who also congregated around for their cause. I am sure all the veterans commercials featuring jingle gingersnap crust. My father-in- a family table on cool, blustery However, my greatest peeve who participated in the parade bells and Santa’s robust ho-ho- law provides a pecan pie with a days to pay homage to the last with the Austin Statesman had a great time and none ho. Most of all, however, I can silky chocolate bottom, while bounty the Earth bestowed on newspaper’s coverage was that of them seemed to have any taste the explosion of fl avors in my grandmother would make them before settling for its long it printed so little on how so plans to fade away just yet. my mouth from our delectable heaping bowls of spaghetti winter nap. A tradition does not many came together on Satur- The Statesman could have Thanksgiving dishes: creamy homemade on a hand-cranked have to be intricate and fancy to day, November 11th, to honor done so much better for our sweet potato, tart cranberries, utensil known as a chitarra. No remind us of our subconscious America’s military veterans. The veterans by showing what a a velvety pumpkin cheesecake matter the food on the table, desires for love, gratitude and streets were lined with young great parade Austin had on … Thanksgiving remains one however, whether Italian or hope. For example, my husband and old, black, brown and Veterans Day. I want to thank of my favorite holidays because American, what proves most and I sometimes go out for white, rich and poor, standing everyone who made this parade it celebrates the very essence important is that we honor sushi the day after Thanksgiv- up for America and saluting all possible. Keep up the good of togetherness, reveling in the bountiful harvest of the ing, a way of eating a light meal who served their nation in both work. Hopefully, better job next the pleasures of the home and Earth. Thanksgiving occurs to counterbalance the excesses war and peace. year by the Statesman. hearth. My family’s Thanks- at the point of the year after of the day before and to eschew giving combines Italian and the gathering of the harvest the rampant commercialism American customs, resulting in and withering away of vegeta- of Black Friday. Honoring our a feast that honors the univer- tion; as such, it beckons us to traditions, no matter how small, Mattéo Gallo sality of love and family. enjoy the cozy warmth of family simultaneously joins us to our past while imbuing our present with renewed meaning. There are many ways we can o Appraisals commemorate the importance Sales & Rentals The Marina of feasting and tradition this at The Wharf Thanksgiving — ways that last • Restaurant & Bar beyond the date of the holiday on November 23rd. We should Real Estate Where The Food Is Even Better Than The View donate food to local charities and food banks, giving families 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 Book your in need the chance to partake in (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 this festival of gratitude, togeth- Holiday Party with Us erness, and love. We should relish the time we spend in the Weekend Entertainment company of family and friends, ensuring that we fi ll the air with OBILE NSURANCE Santa Brunch Saturday December 16th laughter and constantly remind N I Call For Reservations each other of our mutual love. ALBANO F. PONTE, CEP Dine And Enjoy Our Ocean Sunsets And fi nally, we should all share food together, reveling in that Financial and Estate Planning highly symbolic act of com- Email [email protected] munity and familiarity, an act Phone 617-320-0022 SUNDAY BRUNCH which formed the backbone of Featuring Live Music / Only $18.95 pp our ancestors’ lives and drives Voted Best BUFFET / 11am - 2pm us forward with hope for the MICHAEL F. NOBILE, CPCU [email protected] future. Happy Thanksgiving! BOOK YOUR NEXT FUNCTION WITH US BOSTON MEDFORD Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz is * GIFT CARDS a Graduate Student in History 30 Prince Street 39 Salem Street www.marinaatthewharf.com at the University of Massachu- Boston, MA 02113 Medford, MA 02155 AMPLE AMAZING setts Boston. She appreciates FREE 543 North Shore Rd., Revere WATER (617) 523-6766 (781) 395-4200 PARKING VIEWS any comments and suggestions 781-629-3798 about Italian holidays and folk- Fax (617) 523-0078 Fax (781) 391-8493 lore at [email protected]. POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 PAGE 5 Mrs. Murphy . . . As I See It The elections honored recently as Advocate Jake doesn’t realize Thanksgiv- are over. Big of the Year by Greater Boston’s ing Day is soon approaching win for newly Food Bank for his endless work and the poor bird could wind elected Boston to curb hunger. On Thanksgiv- up on someone’s plate!!! It’s City Councilor ing Day, Madaro will host a unfortunate these animals are Lydia Edwards, who will do a charitable Thanksgiving din- misplaced and lost because fi ne job. She worked hard and ner at the Sacred Heart Parish their wooded area homes are will be a great asset to East started by his predecessor, being destroyed in the name of Boston, Charlestown, and the Rep. Carlo Basile. This Award progress. Developers are using North End ... Revere residents is a great honor, said Madaro, the land to build apartment celebrated with the huge win of who is a humble, hardworking complexes and the animals former Mayor Dan Rizzo, who representative ... Tonight, for- have nowhere to go, so they’re topped the ticket in Revere for mer Boston City Councilor Sal often spotted in someone’s City Councilor at-Large. Also, LaMattina is holding a Farewell backyard or on the streets. incumbent Tony Zambuto and Party at the Orient Heights Don’t be surprised if you see Jessica Giannino — all three Yacht Club for his friends, fam- wild animals in your backyard Revere favorites came in! ... ily, and constituents. Taking looking for food, especially Seniors had a great time at over the torch for LaMattina, coyotes running loose in the their Bingo Party who decided not to run for neighborhoods. Be especially recently held at the Barnes another term, is newly elected vigilant, because they go after Senior Home. Each year, Senior Lydia Edwards. East Boston small dogs ... The East Boston Coordinator Cassy Martarano residents are sad to bid Coun- Health Center is allegedly in organizes a party for her Bingo cilor LaMattina farewell after all some fi nancial diffi culty after Seniors. This year, as always, the years he’s given to city gov- President Trump cut down the party was a great success ernment ... Mayor Marty Walsh on social health spending ... thanks to donations from State is on the move, preparing for The Marina at the Wharf on Senator Joe Boncore, who global warming and dishing out North Shore Road in Revere is brought in three cakes, tons monies to organizations and holding a Thanksgiving Buffet of potatoes chips, and 5 lbs. non-profits in preparation!!! comprising 25 items, including of candy. State Representative Another way to dig into the a traditional Thanksgiving Day Adrian Madaro sent over piz- pockets of Boston taxpayers dinner. If you are planning on zas, putting a smile on every ... A wild turkey who has been going, you had better hurry senior’s face. Senator Boncore dubbed “Jake” has been spot- to reserve a table because the added to the party fun by talk- ted strutting around the streets Marina Buffets sell out quickly ing and joking with seniors and of Broadway, Revere. Heard (call 781-629-3798) ... Have a calling out bingo numbers for Broadway fi refi ghters fed Jake wonderful Thanksgiving, one the last game ... State Repre- after they spotted the turkey fi lled with happy memories! ... sentative Adrian Madaro was aimlessly wandering around. Until next time! Sabrina Liberatore Taking the Stage in Saint Gaetano Catanoso Seussical the Musical by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari Sabrina Liberatore of Arlington, granddaughter of Gaetano Catanoso was born “Confraternita del Santo Volto” Charlestown resident Frances in 1879 in Calabria, the third in 1919. He also revived Marian Fitzgerald, recently auditioned of eight children to prosperous and Eucharistic devotions and for and got the part of Gertrude land owners Antonio Catanoso improved catechesis while also McFuzz in The Young Company and Antonia Tripodi. He had a working for the observance of at the Greater Boston Stage deep desire to enter religious liturgical feasts. In 1943, he (formerly the Stoneham life and made several attempts opened a makeshift orphanage Theatre) production of Suessical to enter a seminary but had to for those children who were the Musical. This fantastical, return home each time because orphaned due to World War II magical, musical extravaganza of ill health. Eventually, he suc- casualties . brings to life all of our favorite ceeded and was ordained on Father Catanoso died on Dr. Seuss characters, including September 20, 1902. His fi rst April 4, 1963. He had become Horton the Elephant, The Cat parish was in the remote hill ill and blind before his death, in the Hat, Gertrude McFuzz, village of Pentedattilo, where he though he still welcomed those and a little boy with a big served from 1904 until 1921. who came to visit him and imagination, Jojo. They will Father Gaetano was fervent seek his counsel. He was can- travel from the Jungle of Nool to about imitating the life of Jesus onized on October 23, 2005, by the invisible world of the Whos in his service to the poor and Pope Benedict VXI. The Feast as Horton and Jojo search to would hike or ride on a mule of Saint Gaetano Catanoso is feel not so alone in the universe. to the remote surrounding celebrated on September 20th. Everyone is proud of Sabrina mountain villages to bring the (although no one more than message of the Gospel and hope remote places. The goal was Grandmother Frances!) We are to the isolated people. to combat ignorance through LEGAL NOTICE looking forward to the show, To help him in this cause, education and the word of God. Commonwealth of Massachusetts which will run from January th th he founded an order of nuns Father Catanoso also founded The Trial Court 25 to February 4 at the Sabrina Liberatore to play known as the Suore Veroniche the Poor Clerics to encourage Middlesex Probate and Family Court Greater Boston Stage, 395 Main Gertrude McFuzz in Seussical del Santo Volto in December priestly vocations. 208 Cambridge Street Street, Stoneham, MA. the Musical. Cambridge, MA 02141 1934. The order established Father Catanoso had a deep (617) 768-5800 schools and also homes for the devotion to the Face of Christ Docket No. MI17D3160DR elderly in small and often quite and to that end formed the DIVORCE SUMMONS BY Fully Insured PUBLICATION AND MAILING Lic #017936 NEEMA MUSOKE NAKAWUKI vs. TERRELL ALEXANDER COURSE To the Defendant: Richard Settipane 6JG2NCKPVKHHJCUſNGFC%QORNCKPVHQT&KXQTEG TGSWGUVKPI VJCV VJG %QWTV ITCPV C FKXQTEG HQT Heating & Air Conditioning +TTGVTKGXCDNG$TGCMFQYPQHVJG/CTTKCIG$ Sales, Service & Installation Insurance Services 6JG%QORNCKPVKUQPſNGCVVJG%QWTV #P #WVQOCVKE 4GUVTCKPKPI 1TFGT JCU DGGP Public Insurance Adjuster GPVGTGFKPVJKUOCVVGTRTGXGPVKPI[QWHTQOVCM- Ken Shallow KPI CP[ CEVKQP YJKEJ YQWNF PGICVKXGN[ KORCEV Since 1969 VJGEWTTGPVſPCPEKCNUVCVWUQHGKVJGTRCTV[SEE 617.593.6211 [email protected] Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ;QW CTG JGTGD[ UWOOQPGF CPF TGSWKTGF VQ UGTXG WRQP Neema M. Nakawuki, AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • TENANTS 3203 Lexington Ridge Dr., Lexington, MA 02421 [QWTCPUYGTKHCP[QPQTDGHQTGDecem- COMMERCIAL ber 15, 2017.+H[QWHCKNVQFQUQVJGEQWTVYKNN What Happens When You RTQEGGFVQVJGJGCTKPICPFCFLWFKECVKQPQHVJKU Experience makes the difference CEVKQP;QWCTGCNUQTGSWKTGFVQſNGCEQR[QH [QWTCPUYGTKHCP[KPVJGQHſEGQHVJG4GIKUVGT Don’t Advertise? 209 BROADWAY, REVERE, MA 02151 QHVJKU%QWTV Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., Nothing! Tel. 781.284.1100 Fax 781.284.2200 First Justice of this Court. &CVG0QXGODGT For information on advertising in the Free Parking Adjacent to Building 6CTC'&G%TKUVQHCTQ4GIKUVGTQH2TQDCVG Post-Gazette, call 617-227-8929. Run date: 11/17/17 PAGE 6 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 Santa Rosalia di Palermo Society Fundraiser ALL THAT ZAZZ by Mary N. DiZazzo Dry Shampoo Ciao Bella, You must all remember PSSSSS...T? The fi rst Dry Sham- poo we ever heard of ... other than sprinkling your tresses with a fl uff of cornstarch. The era was the ’60s well through the ’80s for PSSSSS...T. We all had long hair in those days and shampoo- ing was not an everyday habit. There wasn’t the popularity of blow dryers, nor the profes- sional shampoo and condition- ers they sell today to keep hair from drying out. So a Dry Shampoo was great in a pinch. You just sprayed on the roots and shaft. Leave in for a couple of minutes and either fl uff or gently brush out. The powder from the Dry Shampoo absorbs the oils and outside elements from your tresses. Leaves hair feeling clean, fresh, and smelling fab! Santa Rosalia di Palermo I really like to use Dry Shampoo when I’m not feeling well and Society members don’t want to wet my hair. And also when I’m pinched for time and a last minute event pops up! There are different kinds of Dry Shampoo with many to choose The Santa Rosalia di from now that it has once again become popular. Palermo Society held I’m sure you can still fi nd PSSSSS...T online or at the Vermont a successful dinner Country Store. Speaking of Vermont Country Store ... I had the dance and fundraiser on pleasure of visiting one in Vermont and there are so many good th beauty products that go way back to my Mom and Nana’s era. Friday, November 10 , at Fine stuff! Anthony’s in Malden. The My New Favorite Dry Shampoo is Living proof ®. that’s from a Society held its 78th annual wonderful line of hair products made in Cambridge, MA. procession through So my Glamazons, go out with clean hair always! Boston’s North End in Buona Giornata and God Bless the USA! honor of Saint Rosalie in — Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull early September. Read prior week’s “All That Zazz” columns at www.allthatzazz. com. Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist and a Massachusetts Giovanni Puccio (R) receives Lifetime Achievement Award. distributor of Kosmea brand rose hip oil products. She may be contacted at (978) 470-8183 or [email protected].

Freeway’s 7th Annual Attendees at the dinner dance and fundraiser ORDER A ..... Fully Cooked Whole Turkey Thanksgiving Available in 2 sizes Pet Food Drive 10-12 lb. Whole Turkey $149.95 Plus Tax This Thanksgiving make a difference! 20-22 lb. Whole Turkey $279.95 Plus Tax Complete with Donate pet food and supplies, ,ŽŵĞŵĂĚĞ^ƚƵĸŶŐ͕DĂƐŚĞĚWŽƚĂƚŽĞƐ͕^ƋƵĂƐŚ͕ and help Freeway support a local shelter. 'ƌĂǀLJΘƌĂŶďĞƌƌLJ^ĂƵĐĞ Your generosity can go a long way OR in supporting the needs of these deserving animals! ORDER AN ..... Individual Turkey Dinner Drop your donation off tŝƚŚ,ŽŵĞŵĂĚĞ^ƚƵĸŶŐ͕'ƌĂǀLJΘƌĂŶďĞƌƌLJ^ĂƵĐĞ at the Post-Gazette Dinner Includes: 5 Prince Street, North End, Boston st Choice of Potato:DĂƐŚĞĚ͕ĂŬĞĚŽƌzĂŵƐ by Tuesday, November 21 Choice of Vegetable: ŽƌŶ͕WĞĂƐΘDƵƐŚƌŽŽŵƐŽƌƵƩĞƌŶƵƚ^ƋƵĂƐŚ Choice of Dessert: ^ůŝĐĞŽĨƉƉůĞ͕ƵƐƚĂƌĚ͕WƵŵƉŬŝŶŽƌDŝŶĐĞWŝĞ $14.75 Per Person

Spinelli’s Anna Coco receives the 2017 Will Cook Your Thanksgiving Dinner! President’s Award. Please Place Your Orders Before Tuesday, November 21, 2017 (Photos by Gerri Paladino) Order by phone or Drop by Spinelli’s -East Boston 282 Bennington Street, East Boston, MA 02128 DIAMONDS ROLEX The Federal Trade Commission Telephone 617-567-1992 ~ Fax 617-567-5150 ESTATE JEWELRY works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. Open Thanksgiving Day 8:00am - 1:00pm Bought & Sold Jewelers Exch. Bldg. Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) Spinelli’s is looking forward to having Thanksgiving with you! Jim (617) 263-7766 or log on to www.ftc.gov. POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 PAGE 7

by Sal Giarratani

It is an evening of song and a fun-fi lled evening of some great Italian food, too. As my good friend Dr. Domenic Amara told me, “It was a demonstration of the Italian-American community embrac- ing America and its values. Both national anthems were sung by all in attendance, both Italian Nationals and .” Gianna Tenaglia, Robert L. Capaldo and little Mutual respect by Ital- Genevieve ians on both sides of the Atlantic. Dr. Amara and I agree that the Pirandello Lyceum Chef Federico Z. promotes a greater understanding and appreciation of L-R: Francesco Ventura, Cavallari from Sulmona culture amongst all people and it also demonstrates a with Peter MacDonnell, Winchester Police Chief deeper love of Italian culture with its annual I Migliori Awards (Best of the Best). During October is Italian Heritage Month, one of the most pleasant events I attended was held over at Lucia Ristorante in Winchester Center.

L-R: Frank Mazzaglia, Frank Pasciutto with Betty Sarcia of the Woburn Ladies Lodge (center) The Italian version of “The Temptations” Dr. Domenic Amara with Filippo Frattaroli and singer Vincenzo Amara PAGE 8 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017

The time has come, the walrus said, TO TALK OF MANY THINGS of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings by Sal Giarratani

MARCHING WITH is not so. I see it for myself down own under the Second Amend- – series follows a Manhattan ther- TEXAS D.A.V. here in Austin, the blue city in a ment. Call me crazy, but that MOTION PICTURE SCORE apist who leads a complex life in I wanted to thank the mem- very large red state. Down here, doesn’t sound like such a good Varése Sarabande (VINYL) which there are no boundaries. bers of the Lone Star Chapter it is conservatives who think I’m idea. Think about that church in ’s classic Beal fi lls the two-disc set with a of the D.A.V. for inviting me to too liberal for them. Mostly, I Sutherland Springs, TX. score for Christine is now avail- total of 34 tracks that will bring march along with them in the sound like a liberal from back Meanwhile, there are some able on a blue vinyl LP. There chills and thrills to the Netfl ix Austin Veterans Day Parade. I East. I actually have made some conservatives down here who was an upsurge in interest for success. Mostly composed with had a great time in the parade good liberal friends down here love the idea of openly carry- Carpenter’s signature composi- a heavy hand guiding most of and loved the large Texas-style and on a number of issues I ing firearms and walking tions following his the tracks toward the point crowd that lined the parade sound just like them. around with long guns on and Lost Themes II albums and of sounding like background route along Congress Avenue. The only real liberals down their shoulders. I am not one the tours that followed. The red music, it worked for this Netfl ix They were all a great bunch of here that bother me are those of those people. I also don’t and white 1958 Plymouth Fury ten-part psychological thriller. guys and gals. It was a great knee-jerking liberal politicians like hearing conservatives and her evil accessories are the Pick from over three dozen parts Veterans Day for me 1,700 like the Mayor of Austin who who think it would be a great seducers in this chilling thriller. of the score in order to fi nd your miles from home. boycotted the Veterans Day idea for everyone to take their Carpenter revs the engine of favorites, including “Back of the FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE parade because those Daugh- Bible and gun to church with suspense with his electronic Closet,” “Burning Pages,” and “I WHO THINK I’M TOO ters of the Confederacy might be them. score and sucks in those who Feel Dizzy.” CONSERVATIVE carrying a Confederate fl ag on Here in Texas, my conserva- dare to challenge Christine and DOLLY PARTON – I need my annual visit to their fl oat in the parade. Turns tive friends think I’m liberal face her fury. Tracks of note I BELIEVE IN YOU Texas like I need my annual out there were no such fl ags and my liberal friends think include “Arnie’s Love Theme,” Dolly Records + RCA Nashville physical exam. Back home, in the line of march. Finally, I the opposite. I must be doing “Obsessed with the Car,” “The If you enjoy watching your most folk think I am a strident see no good reason for anyone to something right, at least down Discovery,” and “Buddie’s child listen to an album that right-winger but, in reality, this own an assault weapon of their here. Hopefully, up there, too. Death.” Carpenter nails it with offers them fun, served up B-side cuts “Nobody’s Home,” with love that is neatly blended “Christine Attacks,” “Regenera- together, then Dolly Parton tion,” “Undented,” and “Moochie has just what you are look- Mix Four.” Horror enhanced via ing for — her album I Believe Christopher Columbus Park’s Art Installation Carpenter’s tools! in You. High energy is the formula and this album has FIRST AND FOREMOST it all right there before your Chosen for 2018 Boston Greenfest UMe + Interscope (VINYL) very ears: “Together Forever,” For No Doubt, it’s celebration “A Friend Like You,” “Brave Environmental Project Raises Awareness time as their self-titled, 1992 Little Soldier,” “You Can Do It,” of Ocean Pollution; Turns Trash into Art debut album marks its 25th “Responsibility,” and a shout out Anniversary with a special fi rst- to those battling cancer, with Christopher Columbus Park’s The Friends of Christopher ever vinyl reissue. Highlighted the uplifting “Chemo Hero,” Changing Course art installation Columbus Park is a non-profi t, by memorable tracks including a message of hope. Parton’s has been selected to be part the all-volunteer organization com- “” and “Let’s classic hit “Coat of Many Colors” 10th Annual Boston Greenfest, prised of North End and Water- Get Back,” the band’s lineup is just one of the many highlights to be held August 11-13, 2018. front neighbors and business consists of on in a host of life messages … The installation was designed owners who work together to vocals, her brother Eric Stefani respect, responsibility, love, and created by Friends of Chris- maintain and enhance the Park on keyboards, guitarist Tom manners, faith, and bottom line topher Columbus Park (FOCCP) and to sponsor special events Dumont, bassist , — inspiration! Board Member and Art Curator in the Park. and drummer . RICHARD THOMPSON – Robyn Reed. The group’s ska-fl avored sound LIVE AT ROCKPALAST Changing Course is com- The current FOCCP officers ruled the charts for the next Made in Germany Music prised of almost 2,000 plastic are Joanne Hayes-Rines two decades. Vinyl sensations Richard Thompson is con- bottle “fi sh” to raise awareness (President), Ann Babbitt (Vice include “BND,” “Get on the sidered the pioneer of British of the large amount of plastic President), Ann DeLuca (Trea- Ball,” “Move On,” and “Door folk rock. In December 1983, trash in the world’s ocean and surer) and Patricia Thiboutot Mat.” Flip side LP notables have Thompson went on tour to pro- waterways. The installation was (Clerk). Board members are “Big City Train,” “Sometimes,” mote his current album, Hand suspended from the Columbus Ford Cavallari, Kelsey Griggs, “A Little Something Refreshing,” of Kindness, at the Hamburg Park trellis this summer. Beverly Knight, Susanne Lavoie, and “Brand New Day.” Popular Markthalle. Seven weeks later, “There’s an uninhabited MaryGaye Grizwin, Rita albums following No Doubt’s in January 1984, Thompson island in the Pacific that in Pagliuca, Robyn Reed and debut were , & Band gave another concert recent years has become “home” Patricia Sabbey. , Rock Steady, in the French luxury resort to some 35 million pieces of and Push and Shove. Cannes. In both concerts, it plastic trash,” says Reed. “Hen- RACHEL PLATTEN - can be heard how well the derson Island dramatically WAVES musicians knew each other illustrates how powerfully and Columbia Records and how they’ve been harmo- negatively plastic impacts our The name Rachel Platten is nizing for years. This boxed set environment and marine life. defi ned by her multi-million- of 3CD+2DVD shows how they The idea for this project came to selling hit “Fight Song” and, were building an integrated me when I learned that fi sh are like the lyrics in that tune, her whole with Thompson; they ingesting the materials and are 16 songs on Waves pour out carry the music of their “boss” practically becoming plastic.” with the same resilient mes- and give him the lightness In addition to drawing atten- sage of never giving up. Like a and leeway to fully unfold his tion to an important environ- tsunami, her songs create a stir potential. Both concerts are mental issue, the project also in the head, beginning with the an absolute must for every brought together the commu- singles “Perfect For You” and Thompson fan! nity for its creation. The bottles “Broken Glass.” Platten’s addic- MOULIN ROUGE were collected and painted tive tunes have among them UMe + Interscope (VINYL) by North End and Waterfront “Whole Heart,” a persuasive This album is best known for neighbors, as well as children cut, followed by the impact of its fi rst single, “Lady Marma- from the after-school program “Collide,” the fi nger-snapping lade,” re-recorded by Christina at the Nazzaro Center, residents “Keep Up,” the honesty of “Loose Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya and Pink, and staff of the Spaulding Nurs- Ends,” and the confi dence of produced by Missy Elliott. The ing and Therapy Center, a local “Loveback.” With “Fooling You,” song reached #1 in its eighth Brownie Troop, and visitors to Platten wears her heart on her week on the U.S. Billboard Columbus Park. sleeve, adding the realization 200. The album also includes “The Friends of Christopher of “Good Life,” the insecurity of “Diamond Dogs” (Beck), “Chil- Columbus Park is thrilled to “Grace,” and the three bonus dren of the Revolution” (Bono, have Changing Course chosen tracks. That trio of songs has Gavin Friday and Maurice), for the Greenfest,” said Joanne the upbeat “Even If It Hurts,” “Your Song” (Ewan McGregor/ Hayes-Rines, president of the the pain of “Without You,” and Alessandro Safi na), and Nicole FOCCP. “So many people were the harmony of “Wild.” Let Plat- Kidman/ McGregor with “Come impacted by it while it hung in ten’s music and lyrics wash over What May.” There’s a con- the trellis and now its critical you like Waves. tribution from David Bowie environmental message can GYPSY: MUSIC FROM THE with “Nature Boy,” solo, and reach a much larger audience.” NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES also recorded with Massive The 10th Annual Boston Varése Sarabande Attack and, finally, Fat Boy Greenfest is a free, three-day Double your pleasure with Slim serves up “Because We festival at Boston City Hall Plaza Make $20.00 check payable to: this two-disc soundtrack to the Can.” The album was Grammy- with the goal of educating and John Christoforo Netfl ix series Gypsy, compli- nominated for Best Compila- empowering people to create Beagsley Publishing, ments of Emmy Award-winning tion Soundtrack for a Motion a more sustainable, healthier Box 342, Arlington, MA 02476 Jeff Beal. The ten-part Picture. world. POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 PAGE 9

Recipes from the Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli


Before I begin, I would like to conductor Andre Kostelanetz. have a recognition ceremony, Roast Leg of Lamb thank the folks who showed up He made the band and became saluting veterans whose names 1 leg of lamb (5 to 6 pounds) ½ cup chopped mint (optional) at my book signings in both the one of their reed players, play- have been suggested to us and 4 cloves of garlic ¼ cup lemon juice North End and East Boston. ing tenor saxophone, clarinet, we present them to the Corps 1 tablespoon thyme or oregano Salt and pepper Some of the East Bostonians and fl ute. As luck would have of Cadets and honor them with that I hadn’t seen in years came it, the band was stationed at a dinner at the Smith and Wol- Rub the leg of lamb with half of a garlic clove. Then make to Jeveli’s Restaurant last Fri- the Newport Naval Station, in lensky Steak House in Boston. several gashes with point of knife into the lamb leg and day to say hello. We reminisced Newport, Rhode Island, for the I am just a small part of this insert small cut portions of garlic clove into the narrow about the old days when we duration of the war. They would celebration, but feel compelled openings. Rub meat with mint, thyme, or oregano, which- were young and that made me play every time a war ship came to honor the service personnel ever you plan to use, or some of each. Rub leg of lamb feel like I had come home. To all into port to be repaired or to give who served. with salt and pepper. Add a little water to the lemon juice of you, my sincerest thanks for the men shore leave. As I said, My wife, Loretta, comes from and pour gently over lamb. Place lamb fat side up in roast- showing up. Uncle Nick lucked out in that he a Navy family. Her father served ing pan. Place in preheated 325°F oven uncovered. After My next book signing was for never saw combat. The fatality on a few aircraft carriers dur- 30 minutes, baste lamb with juices from the roasting pan an English High School reunion he experienced as a result of ing WWII. He wasn’t as lucky and repeat frequently. Lamb should be baked until meat on the 15th at Lantana’s in Ran- the war was the breakup of his as some of his shipmates, but thermometer reads 175 to 180°F. If you are baking with- dolph. I will be scheduling a few marriage to his childhood sweet- luckier than those who didn’t out a meat thermometer, allow lamb to bake approximately more before the end of the year, heart and their subsequent make it back. Twice, he went 30 minutes per pound of lamb. Add more water mixed with a little but if you want to purchase a divorce, which, back then, with down with the carriers he was lemon juice if more liquid is needed for basting. book by mail, it’s not a problem. the Massachusetts Blue Laws, assigned to. The last one, I think OPTIONAL: Small white potatoes, carrots and some mushrooms Send a check for $20.00 made was messy and took almost fi ve it was the Battle of the Coral can be added around the leg of lamb after the lamb has baked out to me, John Christoforo, years before it was fi nalized. Sea, saw him being fi shed out of about an hour. Continue basting vegetables as well as the lamb. and mail it to Beagsley Publish- Uncle Gino, on the other the South Pacifi c while uncon- ing Co., Box 342, Arlington, hand, saw combat as a member scious. He woke up at the San MA 02476, and I will send you of the Army Air Corps. He fl ew Juan Naval Hospital in Puerto an autographed copy of True with the 5th Air Force and hit Rico, half way around the world. Boston Common Short Stories. island after island in the Pacifi c He recuperated there for several Last Friday was Veteran’s Day as our military headed toward months and, when better, was th and a national holiday. When Japan. He was part of the bomb- assigned to yet another carrier. Tree Lighting November 30 Nanna and Babbononno were ing raids that leveled Tokyo just Luckily, the war was just ending alive, this day was Armistice before the two atom bombs were and he never saw combat again. to be Broadcast Live on WCVB Channel 5 Day, a celebration of the end dropped. He was in the thick of You couldn’t get him to talk Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Honourable Stephen McNeil, of WWI. Now we honor all vet- it and was lucky he was never about the battles and what he Premier of Nova Scotia, will commemorate 100 years of friendship erans, regardless of which war wounded, but he never liked experienced unless you were between Boston and Nova Scotia at the 76th Annual Tree Lighting they fought in. Personally, I to talk about his experiences. I able to get a couple of drinks on Boston Common on Thursday, November 30th, from 6:00 pm think anyone who serves his or had older second cousins who in him. As I mentioned earlier, to 8:00 pm. her country wearing a military fought in Korea and were in the the combat-hardened veterans “Nova Scotia and Boston have shared a special bond for a cen- uniform deserves an acknowl- infantry. They, too, saw a lot never really wanted to relive tury, and I’m pleased we will come together again this year to edgement. It’s funny, when of action, but when they came those days; they just wanted celebrate the friendship and connection between our two homes,” the members of my family who home, they just wanted to forget to forget them and get on with said Mayor Walsh. served in either WWII or Korea their experiences and get on their lives. The celebration is presented by the Boston Parks and Recreation came home, they didn’t want to with their lives. Two of my closest friends, Department, title sponsor The Province of Nova Scotia, Jumbotron talk about what they did. They My generation headed for Dean Saluti and John Silva, sponsor JetBlue, and presenting sponsors Distrigas/ENGIE and just wanted to forget. Vietnam. Some friends, and also First Corps members, hold IKEA with media partners WCVB Channel 5, Magic 106.7 FM, the The two luckiest men in the later, many of my students, the retired rank of colonel. A Boston Herald and . Additional support is provided family who were in the military headed there and never came third member of my inner circle, by The Christmas Tree Promotion Board, XFINITY and Capital One. were Babbononno and Uncle home. This bothers me still. I General Bill Hurley, passed The holiday lights throughout both parks will light up in sequence Nick. My grandfather joined was a fl ag waver back then, but away two and a half years ago. shortly before 8:00 pm, when Mayor Walsh will be joined onstage the Italian Marines in the late looking at things in retrospect, I We often had discussions about by Premier McNeil, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1800s, auditioned for their now know that we didn’t belong some of the older members of and Santa Claus. The show will close with a pyrotechnic display Rome-based traveling band, there. The U.S. was asked to the First Corps, some gone and by Atlas PyroVision. and toured as a member playing send military advisors to help some still with us, who served The holiday decorations throughout the Boston Common and the drums and tympani. There was the South Vietnamese, but we and never wanted to talk about Public Garden include the City of Boston’s offi cial Christmas tree. a tradition in this country that wound up fighting their war their exploits. That’s the way it A 53-foot white spruce tree donated by Bob and Marion Campbell started with Thomas Jefferson with the Communists of the was and that’s the way it is. and family of Blues Mills in Inverness County on Cape Breton when he became president, and North. The situation became a My wish is that, someday, we Island has been selected for this year’s celebration. ended after Harry Truman left political chess game with our will never have to talk about “A century ago, our American neighbors played a critical role in offi ce. Each year, that Italian fi ghting men and women as the wars or combat ever again. aiding our province during the aftermath of the Halifax Explosion,” Marine Band came to America pawns. Rather than being told Until then, may GOD BLESS said Premier McNeil. “Nova Scotia will never forget the support the and serenaded the brass in where and when to kick butt, AMERICA. people of Boston and the surrounding area provided. As a thank Washington, D.C. That’s how the politics of the day dictated you, and to mark our ongoing friendship, we are very pleased once Babbononno came to the United what to do, and the South Viet- LEGAL NOTICE again to give the gift of a beautiful Nova Scotia Christmas tree and States. While he was here, he namese lost. We fi nally quit in celebrate the season in your city.” was notifi ed that his wife had the early 1970s. We didn’t lose; Commonwealth of Massachusetts WCVB’s Anthony Everett and Shayna Seymour will host Channel died in childbirth, and he never we just quit. The Trial Court Probate and Family Court 5’s live broadcast of the event beginning at 7:00 pm and featur- went back. A generation or two Regardless of the circum- Middlesex Division ing Nova Scotia’s Port Cities, Grammy-nominated songwriter and later, WWII came along and two stances, those Vietnam veterans 208 Cambridge Street performer Kara DioGuardi, the cast of Elf: The Musical, Ellis C. of his sons, Uncles Nick and deserve recognition for putting East Cambridge, MA 02141 (617) 768-5800 Dawson III from the cast of Disney’s Aladdin, the Boston Pops Gos- Gino, wound up in the mili- themselves in harm’s way for Docket No. MI17P5433EA pel Choir, and this year’s headliner, the Grammy Award-winning tary — Uncle Nick in the Navy their country. The same applies group All 4 One. and Uncle Gino in the Army Air to the men and women who Estate of EVA M. HIBBARD The lighting of the trees on the Common is made possible through Corps. joined the military and have Date of Death September 25, 2017 the generosity of The Egan Foundation, the Lynch Family, the Mas- When they asked Uncle Nick fought in other parts of the INFORMAL PROBATE sachusetts Convention Center Authority, John Moriarty & Associ- what he did in civilian life, he world since then. PUBLICATION NOTICE ates, and contributions from other individuals and institutions. answered, “I’m a musician.” Last Sunday, the military To all persons interested in the above The annual holiday display includes the offi cial Christmas tree When they asked him what organization I belong to, the captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Alexander A. Bove, Jr. of Chestnut Hill, MA, from Nova Scotia and trees throughout Boston Common. Refresh- else he did, he replied, “I’m a Veterans Association of the a Will has been admitted to informal probate. ments and additional support will be provided by promotional musician, and that’s it.” As a First Corps of Cadets, honored Alexander A. Bove, Jr. of Chestnut Hill, sponsors Dunkin’ Donuts, DAVIDsTEA, H.P. Hood LLC, DASANI result, he was told to audition several people who served in MA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve SPARKLING, the Must Be The Milk initiative of the New England for a Navy band led by the famed WWII and Korea. Each fall, we without surety on the bond. Dairy Promotion Board, and an appearance by the L.L. Bean The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Repre- Bootmobile. — FOR YOU WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST— sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform This is the 46th year that Nova Scotia has given a tree to the Probate Code without supervision by the Court. people of Boston as thanks for relief efforts following the December THE Inventory and accounts are not required to be fi led with the Court, but interested parties are 6, 1917, explosion of a munitions ship in Halifax Harbor. Within entitled to notice regarding the administration 24 hours of the disaster, a train loaded with supplies and emer- Johnny Christy from the Personal Representative and can gency personnel was making its way from Boston to Nova Scotia. petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and For more information please call 617-635-4505 or go to www. expenses of administration. Interested parties boston.gov/parks. For Boston Common parking information, go Orchestra are entitled to petition the Court to institute to www.massconvention.com/bcg.html. formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- minating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal pro- MUSIC FOR ALL cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, OCCASIONS 781-648-5678 can be obtained from the Petitioner. WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM Run date: 11/17/17 PAGE 10 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017

• News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) On the Aisle Walsh /Jackson Race Trump and his bellicose rant- Pretty Boring ings against North Korea. Fol- I am surprised anybody went lowing their protest, they folded THEATRE NOTES to the polls to vote for mayor. up their banners and walked It seemed so one-sided. An toward the State Capitol. But BY BOBBY FRANKLIN incumbent mayor saying and they stopped quickly upon doing all the right things at noticing the Confederate Civil the right time against someone War Monument to the Dead and NEW REPERTORY THEATRE PRESENTS who never should have run at starting chanting again, “Take all. It was one of the most badly it down.” MAN OF LA MANCHA BY DALE WASSERMAN matched elections ever. Is Tito Have these protesters no life? December 1-24, 2017 now a nobody going nowhere? Had they taken the time to read Me thinks people should never what was etched in stone, they ture recounts the boundlessly run too soon, because no one would have seen that both the idealistic tale of Don Quixote, wants to become a nobody Confederate and Union dead epitomizing our season’s theme going nowhere in the political were actually being remem- of resilience. We’re thrilled to express lane. bered. However, that would take bring this spirited revival to I am hoping Mayor Walsh smarts this group apparently New Rep this winter.” sticks to the two-term tradition. had not. “New Rep is pleased to wel- Saying that, you know folks are Texas Monthly come so many new faces to already thinking, “Is there a city Offers Liberals Tips our stage for our holiday pro- councilor eyeing the possibility I was getting a haircut down duction of Man of La Mancha, of being mayor?” The next elec- in Austin on William Cannon “says Managing Director Har- tion begins once the votes are drive at an old school barber- riet Sheets. “Besides those in and counted. shop named “Skinny’s” and joining us for the first time, I have a couple of names picked up a copy of Texas we welcome back director An- thrashing around in my head. Monthly. A commentary on New Repertory Theatre tion by David Reiffel. Movement tonio Ocampo-Guzman and I will keep them up there as I the Republican hold on Texas presents Man of La Mancha, Direction by Judith Chaffee. long-time collaborator Mau- watch all the players and pos- politics turned out to be great December 1-24, 2017, at the “It has become a New Rep rice Emmanuel Parent in the sible players making moves or reading. Down in Texas, one of MainStage Theater at the tradition during the holiday role of Don Quixote. Maurice’s looking like possibilities. the most powerful Republicans Mosesian Center for the Arts, season to present a play that presence on our stage over the The 2019 City Council Race is Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, 321 Arsenal Street, Watertown, invites audiences of all ages to years has been a highlight of will be all important. The pic- whose photo graced the maga- MA. Music by Mitch Leigh, revel in this celebratory time of many seasons, so we’re excited ture will be much clearer by zine’s cover. The piece was a Lyrics by Joe Darion, original year,” says Artistic Director Jim that he’s able to join us once then. Meanwhile, we have state- who’s who primer on how gov- wide races in 2018 to worry ernment works in Texas. production staged by Albert Petosa. “This year we dream the again in this starring role.” about. I am thinking Democrats Marre. Originally produced impossible dream as we pres- Tickets may be purchased by Politics hereabouts is defi- and Republicans up here need by Albert W. Selden and Hal ent the Tony-award winning calling the New Rep Box Office nitely major league sports. The to go online and look for that James. Directed by Antonio musical Man of La Mancha. at 617-923-8487 or visiting games never end. Texas Monthly dated February Ocampo-Guzman. Music direc- This classic musical adven- www.newrep.org. Democrats Shouldn’t Be 2017. Gloating So Fast I also think in the future we THE HUNTINGTON THEATRE PRESENTS What happened on Tuesday, will all be hearing more about November 7th across the coun- Dan Patrick. I think he is a rock TARTUFFE BY MOLIÈRE try was surprising, as many star in Texas politics who could Republicans suffered unex- go national. Now through December 10th pected defeats at the polls. But Moore Gotta Go! Democrats should not gloat so A former Republican judge in go to huntingtontheatre.org or much and say that their party is , Roy Moore, needs to call 617-266-0800. back from the dead. I give Dems exit next month’s special U.S. The Huntington Theatre is their credit, but I am not sure Senate race because he has located at 264 Huntington Ave., this wasn’t just a snapshot of become an embarrassment Boston. one election day rather than a to the Republican Party and forerunner of the 2018 midterm an even bigger liability for the elections. GOP as it moves forward to the LEGAL NOTICE I think the House and Senate 2018 mid-term elections. All will hold to their Republican the sexual allegations against The Huntington Theatre Com- tuffe premiered at the National Commonwealth of Massachusetts majorities on Capitol Hill next him are piling up. Many see his The Trial Court pany presents the brilliant clas- Theatre in London in 2002. Middlesex Probate and Family Court year. The country is still over- accusers as truthful, including sic comedy Tartuffe by Molière, Many English translations of 208 Cambridge Street whelmingly conservative in its both Senate Majority Leader directed by Huntington Theatre Tartuffe discard the rhyming Cambridge, MA 02141 nature. Republicans can take Mitch McConnell and U.S. Company Artistic Director Peter couplets, but Bolt’s transla- (617) 768-5800 lessons from the recent elec- attorney general Jeff Sessions. DuBois (Sunday in the Park with tion remains faithful to the way Docket No. MI17P5480EA tions and focus on the issues In that radio interview with George), translated by Ranjit Molière wrote the French verse. Estate of that got them and President Hannity, Moore sounded like a ANDREW J. SANCLEMENTE Trump into offi ce to begin with. rotten fi sh with his answers. I Bolt, and featuring actor and For Bolt, verse provides a vehicle Date of Death September 14, 2017 comedian Brett Gelman (Mur- for examining the ridiculous; Most Americans want lower had a diffi cult time listening to CITATION ON PETITION FOR taxes, most Americans believe his horrible answers. I believe ray Bauman on the upcoming his imaginative use of lan- FORMAL ADJUDICATION season of Netflix’s Stranger guage contrasts with the formal To all interested persons: in strength, most Americans those women. Hannity heard Things and Dinner with Brett structure of the verse to create A Petition for Formal Probate of Will want to help those in need, and what Moore said on that radio with Appointment of Personal Repr esenta- most Americans want respect. show. It seems pretty clear Gelman specials on Adult Swim) an explosively witty text. Audi- tive JCUDGGPſNGFD[Charles G. Sanclemente as Tartuffe and Tony Award- ences can use verse to “escape of Dennis Port, MA, requesting that the Court The political parry that under- that Moore needs to exit this winner Frank Wood (Side Man through anarchy into a surreal enter a formal Decree and Order and for such stands those common core race and quickly or risk giving other relief as requested in the Petition. values is the party that wins the Democrats a free ride to a and August Osage County on world,” Bolt says. “The joy of the The Petitioner requests that Charles Broadway and HBO’s Flight of verse is the contrast between the G. Sanclemente of Dennis Port, MA be elections. U.S. Senate seat and bring the the Conchords) as Orgon. Perfor- discipline of the form and the appointed as Personal Representative(s) of Stupid Protesters, Republican margin to 51-49. said estate to serve Without Surety on the mances run from November 10 ludicrous nature of what’s being Texas Style End Quote bond in an unsupervised administration. I observed a small bunch of “Keep the lights on, I am com- through December 10, 2017, at described.” IMPORTANT NOTICE the Avenue of the Arts/Hunting- DuBois chose the Bolt trans- You have the right to obtain a copy of the very loud protesters standing ing home soon. Hey, Nica, don’t Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. ton Avenue Theatre. lation because he thought it at the gates to the State Capi- wait up for me.” You have a right to object to this proceed- tol, railing against President — Me “This production of Tartuffe is captured the energy necessary ing. To do so, you or your attorney must going to be everything you expect for his direction: free and loose, ſNG C YTKVVGP CRRGCTCPEG CPF QDLGEVKQP at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return from Molière,” says Huntington while still clever and sophisti- day of November 27, 2017. Artistic Director Peter DuBois, cated. “I knew I wanted a trans- This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- “complete with a spin on period lation that sang in the mouths NKPG D[ YJKEJ [QW OWUV ſNG C YTKVVGP On Sale Now! appearance and objection if you object to fashion and the brilliantly comic of actors — that had rhythm VJKU RTQEGGFKPI +H [QW HCKN VQ ſNG C VKOGN[ possibilities of staging this clas- and speed,” DuBois says. “Bolt’s written appearance and objection followed sic play for a modern audience. translation reads well, but it D[ CP CHſFCXKV QH QDLGEVKQPU YKVJKP VJKTV[ THE NORTH END (30) days of the return day, action may be Boston is going to see 2017 alive sounds even better. He captures taken without further notice to you. Where It All Began onstage within the framework everything that is joyful and UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION of a 17th century farce, and the fun about rhyming verse across UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM The Way It Was result will be satirical, smart, languages, never becoming rigid PROBATE CODE (MUPC) A Personal Representative appointed by Fred Langone and a gut-buster.” or stuffy.” under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- Ranjit Bolt’s translation of Tar- For further information, please KUVTCVKQPKUPQVTGSWKTGFVQſNGCPKPXGPVQT[ or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from SALE PRICE What Happens When You the Personal Representative and may peti- $19.95 tion the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets Plus Shipping & Handling Don’t Advertise? and expenses of administration. Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., On Site at Nothing! First Justice of this Court. Date: October 30, 2017 The Post-Gazette For information on advertising in the Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate 5 Prince Street, North End, Boston, MA Post-Gazette, call 617-227-8929. Run date: 11/17/2017 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 PAGE 11

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE EXTRA Innings EXPORT TOWING Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court NOTICE TO OWNERS Middlesex Probate and Family Court by Sal Giarratani The following abandoned and/or 208 Cambridge Street junked motor vehicles will be disposed Cambridge, MA 02141 of or sold. Any questions regarding (617) 768-5800 Plane Crash Kills He won an AL Cy Young after season, he was 12-10 with a this matter, please contact EXPORT Docket No. MI17P5505GD Roy Halladay going 23-7 in 2003 and an NL 3.66 ERA over 29 starts and TOWING Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tel: 781-395-0808 CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION Roy Halladay, a two-time Cy Young after going 21-10 appears to be part of the 2018 2012 FIAT 500 FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR Cy Young Award winner who in 2010. Halladay pitched a starting rotation. Vin #3C3CFFBR8CT382378 INCAPACITATED PERSON PURSUANT TO G.L. c. 190B, §5-304 pitched a perfect game and a perfect game against the Mar- Major League Rugby 2001 VOLVO S40 playoff no-hitter for the Phil- lins on May 10, 2010, and on Going to CBS-TV Vin #YV1VS29541F632728 In the Matter of MELVIN PERRY lies, died this past week when October 6th the same season CBS Sports Network has 2001 HONDA ACCORD of WALTHAM, MA Vin #1HGCG56451A040328 his private plane went down in he became only the second announced that it has signed 2012 HONDA PILOT RESPONDENT the Gulf of Mexico off Florida. pitcher to throw a postseason a multi-year deal with Major Vin #5FNYF4H99CB016294 Alleged Incapacitated Person He retired following the 2013 no-hitter, blanking the Reds in League Rugby. The TV games To the named Respondent and all other 1996 BUICK SKYLARK KPVGTGUVGFRGTUQPUCRGVKVKQPJCUDGGPſNGF season and was 40 years old. the NLDS. He joins Don Larsen, with this new start-up league Vin #1G4NJ52MXTC429886 by Department of Developmental Services of Halladay spent 12 seasons with who threw a no-hitter for the begin in April 2018. It is the Run dates: 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 2017 Waltham, MA in the above captioned matter the Blue Jays followed by four Yankees in the 1956 World first national TV partnership alleging that Melvin Perry is in need of a Guard- ian and requesting that Arc of Bristol County of years with the Phillies. He was Series. in the history of professional Attleboro, MA (or some other suitable person) 203-105 with a 3.38 ERA and In 2011, he was part of the rugby. (Reading this item down be appointed as Guardian to serve Without an eight time All-star. “Four Aces” rotation in Phila- in Texas, I found out that one LEGAL NOTICE Surety on the bond. The petition asks the court to determine delphia alongside Cliff Lee, Cole of the seven teams in this rugby NOTICE OF SALE that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the LEGAL NOTICE Hamels, and Roy Oswalt. league will be the Austin Elite appointment of a Guardian is necessary, and Notice is hereby given by Stephens Rays Extend Offer to Cobb and they already have a stadium that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The Automotive Transport, 60 Union Street, %QOOQPYGCNVJQH/CUUCEJWUGVVU RGVKVKQPKUQPſNGYKVJVJKUEQWTVCPFOC[EQPVCKP Tampa Bay extended a one- in Southeast Austin. Wonder if Medford, MA 02155, pursuant to the provi- 6JG6TKCN%QWTV CTGSWGUVHQTEGTVCKPURGEKſECWVJQTKV[ sions of G.L.c.255 539A, that on Novem- /KFFNGUGZ2TQDCVGCPF(COKN[%QWTV year, $17.4-million contract to professional rugby will get to the You have the right to object to this ber 26, 2017 at 10AM, at said address, the 208 Cambridge Street free agent pitcher Alex Cobb, Northeast and Boston. We are a proceeding+H[QWYKUJVQFQUQ[QWQT[QWT following motor vehicle(s) will be sold, in as is Cambridge, MA 02141 CVVQTPG[OWUVſNGCYTKVVGPCRRGCTCPEGCVVJKU who is 32 years old. This past great sports town, right?) condition, no keys, at public sale to satisfy our   court on or before 10:00 a.m. on the return garage keeper’s lien thereon for towing, stor- date of November 28, 2017. This day is NOT Docket No. MI221 age, and expenses of notice and sale: CJGCTKPIFCVGDWVCFGCFNKPGFCVGD[YJKEJ TRUST CITATION 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA, BLACK [QWJCXGVQſNGVJGYTKVVGPCRRGCTCPEGKH[QW LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE In the Matter of Vin: 2T1BU4EE8DC953107 QDLGEVVQVJGRGVKVKQP+H[QWHCKNVQſNGVJGYTKVVGP THE JOHN BAER, JR. FAMILY TRUST Renan Caetano appearance by the return date, action may be Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts To all interested persons: The Trial Court 68 Englewood Avenue VCMGPKPVJKUOCVVGTYKVJQWVHWTVJGTPQVKEGVQ[QW The Trial Court +PCFFKVKQPVQſNKPIVJGYTKVVGPCRRGCTCPEG[QWQT #2GVKVKQPJCUDGGPſNGFD[Mark Baer of Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court Chelsea, MA 02150 [QWTCVVQTPG[OWUVſNGCYTKVVGPCHſFCXKVUVCVKPI Framingham, MA requesting that this Honor- 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street 2014 MERCEDES BENZ E350, BLACK VJGURGEKſEHCEVUCPFITQWPFUQH[QWTQDLGEVKQP able Court Reform the Trust in accordance with Cambridge, MA 02141 Cambridge, MA 02141 YKVJKPFC[UCHVGTVJGTGVWTPFCVG M.G.L. Chapter 203E. (617) 768-5800 (617) 768-5800 Vin: WDDHF8JB4EB038168 You have the right to obtain a copy of Sean Lerkvikarn IMPORTANT NOTICE the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Docket No. MI17D3692DR Docket No. MI17D3677DR The outcome of this proceeding may limit Court. You have a right to object to this DIVORCE SUMMONS BY DIVORCE SUMMONS BY 256 Water Street or completely take away the above-named Quincy, MA 02169 proceeding. To do so, you or your at- PUBLICATION AND MAILING PUBLICATION AND MAILING person’s right to make decisions about VQTPG[OWUVſNGCYTKVVGPCRRGCTCPEGCPF RGTUQPCNCHHCKTUQTſPCPEKCNCHHCKTUQTDQVJ RASHIEDA OSMAN ALI EDMONDE JEAN BAPTISTE 2006 CHEVY COBALT, BLUE objection at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on vs. vs. The above-named person has the right to ask November 30, 2017. Vin: 1G1AL55F067755356 for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request JESSE MACBETH STEPHEN JEAN BAPTISTE Flavia Kataza 6JKUKU016CJGCTKPIFCVGDWVCFGCFNKPG on behalf of the above-named person. If the D[YJKEJ[QWOWUVſNGCYTKVVGPCRRGCTCPEG To the Defendant: To the Defendant: 3 Adler Street above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, and objection if you object to this proceed- 6JG2NCKPVKHHJCUſNGFC%QORNCKPVHQT&KXQTEG The Plaintiff has fi led a Complaint for Divorce Waltham, MA 02453 one may be appointed at State expense. KPI+H[QWHCKNVQſNGCVKOGN[YTKVVGPCRRGCT- TGSWGUVKPI VJCV VJG %QWTV ITCPV C FKXQTEG HQT requesting that the Court grant a divorce for +TTGVTKGXCDNG$TGCMFQYPQHVJG/CTTKCIG$ Irretrievable Breakdown of the Marriage 1B. 2002 FORD WINDSTAR, WHITE Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., CPEGCPFQDLGEVKQPHQNNQYGFD[CP#HſFCXKV First Justice of this Court. QH1DLGEVKQPUYKVJKPVJKTV[  FC[UQHVJG 6JG%QORNCKPVKUQPſNGCVVJG%QWTV The Complaint is on fi le at the Court. Vin: 2FTZA54472BA46442 &CVG1EVQDGT TGVWTPFCVGCEVKQPOC[DGVCMGPYKVJQWV #P #WVQOCVKE 4GUVTCKPKPI 1TFGT JCU DGGP An Automatic Restraining Order has been Jessica Debrusky further notice to you. GPVGTGFKPVJKUOCVVGTRTGXGPVKPI[QWHTQOVCM- entered in this matter preventing you from tak- Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate ing any action which would negatively impact 84 Ridge Road Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., KPI CP[ CEVKQP YJKEJ YQWNF PGICVKXGN[ KORCEV 4WPFCVG VJGEWTTGPVſPCPEKCNUVCVWUQHGKVJGTRCTV[SEE the current fi nancial status of either party. SEE Deerfi eld, NH 03037 First Justice of this Court. Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. Date: November 2, 2017 Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. Run dates: 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 2017 ;QWCTGJGTGD[UWOOQPGFCPFTGSWKTGFVQ You are hereby summoned and required Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate UGTXGWRQP Rashieda O. Ali, 8 Museum Way, to serve upon Edmonde Jean Baptiste, Run date: 11/17/17 #401, Cambridge, MA 02141 [QWT CPUYGTKH 95 Morris St., Everett, MA 02149 your answer, CP[QPQTDGHQTGDecember 11, 2017.+H[QW if any, on or before December 11, 2017. If you LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE HCKNVQFQUQVJGEQWTVYKNNRTQEGGFVQVJGJGCT- fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hear- LEGAL NOTICE KPICPFCFLWFKECVKQPQHVJKUCEVKQP;QWCTGCNUQ ing and adjudication of this action. You are also Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts TGSWKTGFVQſNGCEQR[QH[QWTCPUYGTKHCP[KP required to fi le a copy of your answer, if any, in the offi ce of the Register of this Court. The Trial Court The Trial Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts VJGQHſEGQHVJG4GIKUVGTQHVJKU%QWTV Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court The Trial Court Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street Middlesex Probate and Family Court First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. Cambridge, MA 02141 Date: November 13, 2017 Cambridge, MA 02141 208 Cambridge Street &CVG1EVQDGT (617) 768-5800 (617) 768-5800 Cambridge, MA 02141 6CTC'&G%TKUVQHCTQ4GIKUVGTQH2TQDCVG Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate (617) 768-5800 Docket No. MI17P5625EA Docket No. MI17P5310EA Run date: 11/17/17 Run date: 11/17/17 Estate of Estate of Docket No. MI17P5692EA JOYCE I. BLEDSOE MORGAN W. PALMER Estate of Also known as Also Known As SUZANNE H. GRUGAN LEGAL NOTICE JOYCE ILENE BLEDSOE, MORGAN PALMER, Also Known As LEGAL NOTICE JOYCE BLEDSOE MORGAN WILLIAM PALMER SUZANNE GRUGAN Commonwealth of Massachusetts Date of Death August 19, 2017 Date of Death March 27, 2017 Date of Death October 10, 2017 Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court The Trial Court Probate and Family Court CITATION ON PETITION FOR CITATION ON PETITION FOR CITATION ON PETITION FOR Probate and Family Court Middlesex Division FORMAL ADJUDICATION FORMAL ADJUDICATION FORMAL ADJUDICATION Middlesex Division 208 Cambridge Street To all interested persons: To all interested persons: To all interested persons: 208 Cambridge Street East Cambridge, MA 02141 A Petition for Formal Probate of Will A Petition for Formal Probate of Will A Petition for Formal Probate of Will East Cambridge, MA 02141 (617) 768-5800 with Appointment of Personal Repr esenta- with Appointment of Personal Repr esenta- with Appointment of Personal Representa- (617) 768-5800 tive JCU DGGP ſNGF D[ Michael A. Tucker of tive JCUDGGPſNGFD[Arnold W. Hunnewell, Docket No. MI16P2648EA tive has been fi led by Linda J. Leveille of Docket No. MI17P5447EA Amesbury, MA, requesting that the Court Jr. of Boston, MA, requesting that the Court Norton, MA, requesting that the Court enter Estate of enter a formal Decree and Order and for such enter a formal Decree and Order and for such a formal Decree and Order and for such other Estate of THOMAS OWEN COURTNEY other relief as requested in the Petition. other relief as requested in the Petition. relief as requested in the Petition. CHRISTOPHER R. MOODY Also Known As The Petitioner requests that Michael A. The Petitioner requests that Arnold W. The Petitioner requests that Linda J. Also Known As THOMAS COURTNEY Tucker of Amesbury, MA be appointed as Hunnewell, Jr. of Boston, MA be appointed Leveille of Norton, MA be appointed as CHRISTOPHER RICHARD MOODY Personal Representative(s) of said estate as Personal Representative(s) of said estate Date of Death April 13, 2008 Personal Representative(s) of said estate Date of Death March 20, 2017 to serve Without Surety on the bond in an to serve Without Surety on the bond in an to serve Without Surety on the bond in an INFORMAL PROBATE unsupervised administration. unsupervised administration. unsupervised administration. INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above You have the right to obtain a copy of the You have the right to obtain a copy of the You have the right to obtain a copy of the To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Sharion F. Courtney of Slidell, LA, a Will has You have a right to object to this proceed- You have a right to object to this proceed- You have a right to object to this proceed- Kristen Hallowell of Hinsdale, NH. been admitted to informal probate. ing. To do so, you or your attorney must ing. To do so, you or your attorney must ing. To do so, you or your attorney must Kristen Hallowell of Hinsdale, NH has Sharion F. Courtney of Slidell, LA has ſNG C YTKVVGP CRRGCTCPEG CPF QDLGEVKQP ſNG C YTKVVGP CRRGCTCPEG CPF QDLGEVKQP fi le a written appearance and objection been informally appointed as the Personal been informally appointed as the Personal at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return at this Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return Representative of the estate to serve without Representative of the estate to serve without day of January 4, 2018. day of November 17, 2017. day of December 6, 2017. surety on the bond. surety on the bond. This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead- The estate is being administered under The estate is being administered under NKPG D[ YJKEJ [QW OWUV ſNG C YTKVVGP NKPG D[ YJKEJ [QW OWUV ſNG C YTKVVGP line by which you must fi le a written informal procedure by the Personal Repre- informal procedure by the Personal Repre- appearance and objection if you object to appearance and objection if you object to appearance and objection if you object to sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform sentative under the Massachusetts Uniform VJKU RTQEGGFKPI +H [QW HCKN VQ ſNG C VKOGN[ VJKU RTQEGGFKPI +H [QW HCKN VQ ſNG C VKOGN[ this proceeding. If you fail to fi le a timely Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Probate Code without supervision by the Court. written appearance and objection followed written appearance and objection followed written appearance and objection followed Inventory and accounts are not required to be Inventory and accounts are not required to be D[ CP CHſFCXKV QH QDLGEVKQPU YKVJKP VJKTV[ D[ CP CHſFCXKV QH QDLGEVKQPU YKVJKP VJKTV[ by an affi davit of objections within thirty ſNGFYKVJVJG%QWTVDWVKPVGTGUVGFRCTVKGUCTG ſNGFYKVJVJG%QWTVDWVKPVGTGUVGFRCTVKGUCTG (30) days of the return day, action may be (30) days of the return day, action may be (30) days of the return day, action may be entitled to notice regarding the administration entitled to notice regarding the administration taken without further notice to you. taken without further notice to you. taken without further notice to you. from the Personal Representative and can from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the petition the Court in any matter relating to the UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM estate, including distribution of assets and estate, including distribution of assets and UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM expenses of administration. Interested parties expenses of administration. Interested parties PROBATE CODE (MUPC) PROBATE CODE (MUPC) PROBATE CODE (MUPC) A Personal Representative appointed A Personal Representative appointed are entitled to petition the Court to institute are entitled to petition the Court to institute A Personal Representative appointed formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin- KUVTCVKQPKUPQVTGSWKTGFVQſNGCPKPXGPVQT[ KUVTCVKQPKUPQVTGSWKTGFVQſNGCPKPXGPVQT[ minating or restricting the powers of Personal minating or restricting the powers of Personal istration is not required to fi le an inventory Representatives appointed under informal pro- Representatives appointed under informal pro- or annual accounts with the Court. Persons or annual accounts with the Court. Persons or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice interested in the estate are entitled to notice cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, interested in the estate are entitled to notice can be obtained from the Petitioner. can be obtained from the Petitioner. regarding the administration directly from regarding the administration directly from regarding the administration directly from Run date: 11/17/17 the Personal Representative and may peti- the Personal Representative and may peti- the Personal Representative and may peti- Run date: 11/17/17 tion the Court in any matter relating to the tion the Court in any matter relating to the tion the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets estate, including the distribution of assets estate, including the distribution of assets and expenses of administration. and expenses of administration. and expenses of administration. The Federal Trade Commission Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., Witness, HON. EDWARD F. DONNELLY, JR., First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. Date: November 6, 2017 Date: October 20, 2017 Date: November 8, 2017 Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 11/17/2017 Run date: 11/17/2017 Run date: 11/17/2017 or log on to www.ftc.gov. PAGE 12 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017

Boxing Ringside HOOPS and HOCKEY in the HUB by Richard Preiss WITH BOBBY FRANKLIN

Walking into the TD Garden formed several times a year on on the night of a Celtics game Garden ice. Wishing All of My these days, it is like all has been The Bruins group includes forgotten. former players Mark Recchi, Readers Has it really been just a scant Dave Andreychuk, and Bs owner six months since the 2017 play- Jeremy Jacobs. offs when all the local hoops Recchi spent 22 years in the world was ecstatic about Isa- NHL but is best remembered iah Thomas? About how the here for his final three with 5'-9" dynamo was the center the Bs — including his swan of attention as he deftly scored song season in 2010-2011 that night after night against men culminated with the Bruins a foot or more taller than him, winning their fi rst Stanley Cup running circles around the since 1972. goliaths before depositing the Andreychuk played 63 games ball in the hoop? of the 1999-2000 season with About the sadness that he Boston and is best known within experienced with the untimely Bruins Nation as part of a trivia Joe Louis and family enjoying turkey. passing of his sister in an auto note. He was the “other player” accident in the Seattle area just included in the deal that sent as the playoffs were about to B’s legend Ray Bourque to the commence? Colorado Avalanche on March A Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving Or how about Kelly Olynyk, 6, 2000. his long hair on display as Bourque would win a Stanley he moved up and down the Cup with Colorado in 2001, court? Remember Jae Crowder, but Andreychuk would have to a determined performer if there wait a bit — until he signed on ever was one? as a free agent with Tampa Bay And it was in those playoffs during the summer of 2001. that the Celtics stood tall, mak- That was a move that saw him ing it all the way to the East- provide veteran leadership to ern Conference Finals before the Lightning — a move that fi nally falling to King James and would culminate in Tampa’s the Cavaliers. The Celtics had winning the Stanley Cup in indeed made the NBA’s Final 2004. Bourque and Andreychuk Four and one had to believe that share a similar record — they achieving a berth in the NBA both played 22 seasons before Finals was a distinct possibility winning a Stanley Cup. the next time around. Jeremy Jacobs has owned the But then came summer and Bruins and NESN since 1975, Olynyk signed with Miami for ownerships separate from the $50 million, while Thomas and Jacobs family-controlled Dela- Crowder were traded to Cleve- ware North Company, which Jack Dempsey shares Thanksgiving with kids in 1938 land for Kyrie Irving. Thomas owns the TD Garden and the expressed hard feelings con- concession services provided cerning the transaction, while within the building. Delaware head coach Brad Stevens was North is headquartered in Buf- portrayed as having a left-at-a- falo, while Jacobs lives just loss for-words reaction. south in East Aurora, N.Y. “I’ve been staring at the wall As Chairman of the NHL’s for fi ve hours, wondering what I Board of Governors for the past could say to you,” was the quote 10 years, he is one of the most printed in Sports Illustrated powerful individuals in the that referenced Stevens’ text to world of hockey — although if Thomas in the immediate wake you were speaking with him, of the move that disturbed many he would probably say that was during the lazy days of summer. an overstatement. He has said Yes, it’s all in the past because many times that he loves owning — you know what — the Celt- the Bruins. ics are winning. There’s new Paul Kariya was seen on a excitement on the fl oor. Through regular basis in Boston dur- November 15th, the Green have ing his college days when he won 13 in a row. The win streak was a standout performer for may be over by the time you read the University of Hockey this or it may still be continu- team. As a member of Hockey ing. Whatever, just think, out East, Maine played BC, North- in Cleveland the Cavs continue eastern, and BU in Boston and to sag around King James, also played in the Hockey East dropping to 7-7 through mid- Tournament at the Garden. He November with an unbelievable was a member of Maine’s 1993 4-6 losing record in their last 10 NCAA Frozen Four National games through November 15th. Championship team. The nearest Eastern Conference A footnote involving Kariya, challenger to the Cs was Detroit who played 15 seasons in the at 10-3. NHL, goes back to the 1996 NHL The Celtics are the talk of the All-Star Game at the Garden. basketball world, with Stevens Through an unwritten “under- and his staff masterminding it standing,” the annual contest all from the bench while GM is traditionally played as a non- Danny Ainge is considered a checking game to limit the possi- magician when it comes to the bilities of injuries. However, dur- draft and negotiating deals. ing the game Ray Bourque did How long it will last is any- check Kariya into the boards, one’s guess, but it sure is fun the resulting sound being heard watching it unfold. throughout the arena. IT NEVER GETS OLD FOR When asked about the check THE BLACK AND GOLD — They in the postgame press confer- are older, now, the members of ence, Bourque put his head this select group, but wiser and down for a moment then, with still willing to fi nd a way to make a sheepish look, said simply, “I their mark in the game they love. forgot.” Welcome to the Hockey Hall But all were remembered of Fame class of 2017, a group on the night this group was that includes several who put inducted into the Hockey Hall in significant stints with the of Fame in Toronto. Congratula- Bruins and another who per- tions to all.