Direction E40 Gent/Aalst/Brussel. Follow A10 Direction Oostende. at the End of the A10 Keep to the Right Directio

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Direction E40 Gent/Aalst/Brussel. Follow A10 Direction Oostende. at the End of the A10 Keep to the Right Directio From Brussels: Direction E40 Gent/Aalst/Brussel. Follow A10 direction Oostende. At the end of the A10 keep to the right direction Bredene/Blankenberge (Freight Ferries Bredene - Oostende Industrial Zone Z.1-7 Blankenberge). Take the second exit from the next roundabout (tunnel under the railway). Continue along this road (N34 Dr. Eduard Moreauxlaan) and take the first street on your left (second traffic light). Keep to the right along this road (Hendrik Baelskaai) and go via the "blue bridge" to the Slipwaykaai. Once crossed the bridge, straight onwards you’ll find the C-Power site at your left. The C-Power offices are located on the 1st floor. From Antwerp: Follow E17 direction Gent E17. Keep right on the road junction Gent-Zwijnaarde direction Brussel/Oostende/EXPO A10/E40. At the road fork in Jabbeke keep right direction Oostende A10. At the end of the A10 keep right direction Bredene/Blankenberge (Freight Ferries Bredene - Oostende Industrial Zone Z.1-7 Blankenberge). Take the second exit from the next roundabout (tunnel under the railway). Continue along this road (N34 Dr. Eduard Moreauxlaan) and take the first street on your left (second traffic light). Keep to the right along this road (Hendrik Baelskaai) and go via the "blue bridge" to the Slipwaykaai. Once crossed the bridge, straight onwards you’ll find the C-Power site at your left. The C-Power offices are located on the 1st floor. From Holland: Follow direction Ring 1 Antwerpen. Follow E17 direction Gent E17. Keep right on the road junction Gent-Zwijnaarde direction Brussel/Oostende/EXPO A10/E40. At the road fork in Jabbeke keep right, direction Oostende A10. At the end of the A10 keep right direction Bredene/Blankenberge (Freight Ferries Bredene - Oostende Industrial Zone Z.1-7 Blankenberge). Take the second exit from the next roundabout (tunnel under the railway). Continue along this road (N34 Dr. Eduard Moreauxlaan) and take the first street on your left (second traffic light). Keep to the right along this road (Hendrik Baelskaai) and go via the "blue bridge" to the Slipwaykaai. Once crossed the bridge, straight onwards you’ll find the C-Power site at your left. The C- Power offices are located on the 1st floor. C-POWER N.V. Buskruitstraat 1 B-8400 Ostend, Belgium T: 0032-(0)3-210 66 00 F: 0032-(0)3-210 66 01 .
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