References 295

Adrenal tumours (p. 195) very seldom produce simple iso-sexual precocity, and those which have caused a premature onset of menstruation have usually caused also virilism or signs of Cushing's syndrome. In all adrenal cases the 17 -keto• steroid, as well as the oestrogen output, is raised. Sexual precocity may result from the use of synthetic oestrogens: this has been seen during the course of treatment of various conditions (JOLLY) but also when the child has had access to stilboestrol tablets prescribed for elderly relatives. The approach to the problem of precocity in the female may be summarized as follows: apart from the routine clinical assessment, a bimanual pelvic examination under anaesthetic and a careful neurological investigation including if necessary air studies are important. The urinary output of 17 -ketosteroids and of oestrogens should be estimated. If all these investigations are negative a constitutional precocity should be diagnosed and no medical or surgical treatment given.

6. Heterosexual precocity in the male A stimulation of growth processes accompanied by gynaecomastia, and due to adrenal cortical tumour has been reported by WILKINS. Gynaecomastia may also result from interstitial cell tumour and gonadal stromal cell tumour (androblastoma) of the . It is seen at in Klinefelter's syndrome and in .

7. Heterosexual precocity in the female Adrenal cortical tumours are the usual cause of a post-natal onset of virilism in a girl: hyperplasia is very seldom responsible at this stage. The diagnosis of the tumours has already been discussed. Arrhenoblastoma is exceptionally rare in children, but has been recorded by FLANNERY in a 13 year old girl.

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Abernethy, A. C., and E. M. Anderson, J. C. 298 Ballantyne, L. see Lattimer, J. Tomlin 307 - P. St. G. 323 K. 306 Abeshouse, B. S., and D. E. - R. H. see Crowell, W. M. Ballenger, E. G., O. F. Elder Bogorad 245, 309, 321 79,304 and H. P. McDonald 200, Abrahams, D. G. see Wilson, - S.M. 296 315 C. 215, 216, 318 - W.A.D. 310 Balme, H. see Swan, Jocelyn Abrams, M., and H. K. Lewis - W. L. see Young, B. W. 307 R. H. 187, 314 324 Andreassen, M. 303 Band, D. see Stalker, H. 308 - see Wattenberg, C. A. 310 Andrews, G. S. see Mitchell, Bandler, C. G., and A. H. Mil- Abt, I. A. 309 J. P. 303 bert 307 Ackerman, L. V.see Heinecker, - T. H. see Allen, P. D. 323 Banks, R. see Moffet, J. D. 324 P.314 Angen, G., and E. Karlmark Bansillon and Guichard 297 Adams, F. M. see Nesbit, R.M. 303 - see Gonnet 18, 297 183,186,313 Annamunthodo, H. see Arne• Barber, H. 224, 318 - P. S., and H. B. Hunt 183, aud, J. D. 327 Barcat, J. R. 306 312 Anson, B. J., J. W. Pick and Barclay, A. E. see Trueta, J. Addis, R. S. 307 E. W. Cauldwell 298 229, 319 Addison, O. L. 303, 310 - see Boylston, G. A. 298 Barker, N. W. see Kennedy, Adney, F. see Waller, J. I. 312 Antell, L. 309, 325 R. L. J. 317 Aime, P. see Martin, A. 311 Aponte, G. E., and T. R. Fet• Barksdale, E. H., and W. W. Ainsworth, L. B. see Ganem, ter 168, 310 Baker 53, 301 E. J. 199, 315 Aranow, H. see Cahill, G. F. Barnett, H. L. 296 Aird, I., and P. Helman 195, 191,314 - and F. Sereni 296 314 - see Goldenberg, M. 192, 314 Barns, H. H. F. 324 Albert, A., L. O. Underdahl, Archer, H. E., A. E. Dormer, Barr, J. R., and J. W. Schulte L. F. Greene and N. Lorenz E. F. Scowen and R. W. E. 176, 272, 312 288, 327 Watts 168, 311 - M. L. 273, 285, 325, 327 Albright 225 Arlien-Soborg, U., and T. Iver- - see Moore, K. L. 325 - F., C. H. Burnett, W. Par• sen 293, 328 - see Plunkett, E. R. 290, sons and E. C. Riefenstein Arneaud, J. D., H. Annamun• 327 320 thodo andJ. H. M. Pinker• Barrett, G. S. see Eagle, J. 89, - and E. C. Riefenstein 167, ton 327 305 224, 310, 318 Arnheim, E. E. 197, 314 Barry, A. see Patten, B. M. 96, - W. B. Scoville and H. W. Astley, R. see Bickel, H. 235, 306 Sulkowitch 328 320 Barthelemy, 220, 318 - see Howard. R. P. 327 Athanasiu-Vergu, E. see Igna• - H. see Gleize-Rambal, LAO, - see Klinefelter, H. F. 290, tescu, M. 67, 302 299 327 Aub, J. C. see Nathanson, I. T. Basila, N. see Johnstone, D. E. Albuquerque, D. de see Berar• 325 321 dinelli, W. 320 Auer, J., and L. D. Seager 53, Batty, R. J. 307 Alders, N. 266, 324 301 Bauer, H. G. 289,327 Alldred, A. J., and T. T. Hig• Auerbach, O. 156, 310 Baum, W. C. see Nesbit, R. M. gins 46, 299 307 Allen, P.D., and T.H.Andrews Baumel see Truc 315 323 Baar, H. S. see Bickel, H. 235, Bazliel, I. R. 173, 311 Allyn, R. E. see Heslin, J. E. 320 Beare, J. B. see Ferris, D. O. 266,324 Badenoch, A. W. 69, 249, 303, 179,313 Alnor, P., and H. Hartig 322 322,323 Beattie, J. W. 186, 312 Althoff, F. 325 Bagenstoss, A. H. 13, 296 Beck, J. C. see McCullagh, E. P. Amelar, R. D. 323 Baird, H. H. see McKay, H. W. 327 Anders, H. E. 94, 305 171,312 Beckley, W. see Hart, L. B. Andersen, D. H., and E. R. Baker, R. 300 22,297 Schlesinger 227, 318 - W. W. see Barksdale, E. H. Beeson, H. G. 297 Anderson 9, 27, 34,167,261 53,301 Beetz, F. 261, 323 - C. E. see Schlutz, F. W. 308 Bakker, N. J. 307 Begg, R. C. 52, 65, 66, 173, - F. N. 307 Baldridge, R. R. 86, 304 300,302,311 330 Author Index

Begner, J. A. see Woodruff, S. Binks, J. R, and R. K. Deben• Bontke, E. see Brinkman, W. R. llO, 307 ham 300 304 Behrle, F. C., M. T. Elkin and Biorn, C. L., and J. H. Davis Boowe, A. see Pickrell, K. 135, P. C. Laybourne 307 323 309 Beilin, L. M. 245, 321 Birmingham, J. R. see Dancis, Boppe, M., and J. E. Marcel Bekkerman, A. 310 J. 234, 320 56,73,301,303 Bell 17 Bischoff, P. 301 Bord, R. A. de 89, 305 - E. T. 296, 297 Bishop, P. M. F. 322 Borelli, G. see Dell'Adami, G. - see Wells, L. J. 296 Bixler, L. C., K. W. Stenstrom 169,311 - J. G. Y. 158, 310 and C. D. Creevy 183, 312 Borman, M. C. 311 Benjamin, J. A. see Young, F. Bjorklund, S. I. 176, 312 Borovsky, M. P. 246, 321 307 Black, J. A. see Fanconi, G. Boss, M. 308 Bennett-Jones, M. J. 265, 323 235, 320 Bosselman, H. 328 Bentinck, R. C., H. Lisser and - see Kirman, B. H. 234, 320 Bost, R. B. see Snyder, C. H. W. A. Reilly 276, 326 - see Lightwood, R. 167,311, 318 Berardinelli 239 320 Bothe, A. E. 317 - W., J. Mattoso, D. de Albu• - see Newns, G. H. 168, 312 Boucoments, J. see Lienhardt, querque and J. G. Cordeiro - see Schlesinger, R E. 167, E.297 320 235,312,320 Bound, J. P. 296, 321 Berglund, E. B. see Sweetser, Blacklock, J. W. S. 296, 314 Bourland, J. W. 18, 297 T. H. 306 Blaine, E. S. 165, 311 Bourne, N. W. 309 Berkaw, K. A. see Gaspar, M. Blair, D. M., F. G. Loveridge, Bouteau, P. see Boissonnat, P. R. 326 C. V. Messer and W. F. Ross 68,302,304 Berman, L. S. 167,311 309 Boyce, W. H., and S. A. Vest Bernheim, M. 181, 312 Blanc, W. A. see Grumbach, 305 - J. Cibert, J. Lanternier, R. M. M. 288, 327 Boyd, P. F. see Laughlin, V. C. Francois and Y. Fouillet317 Bland, J. H. 10, 296 67,302 - J. A. Roux, C. Mouriquand Blatt, M. L. see Cohen, R. 295 Boyet see Michon, L. 68, and M. Levy 300 Blechschmidt, E. 322 303 Berry, J. V. 56, 301 Blomfield, J. M., and J. W. R Boylston, G. A., and B. J. - W. H. see Taylor, J. A. 308 Douglas lI8, lI9, 121, 308 Anson 298 Bert, J. M. see Caderas, J. 18, Blondin, S. see Ducloux, H. 66, Bozler, E. 300 297 302 Bradbury, J. T. see Bunge, R. Bertelsen, A. see Dahl-Iversen, Bloom, R see Meltzer, A. 316 G. 273, 325 E. 322 Bloxsom, A., and N. Powell Bradley, J. E.,' and M. E. Bertoye, P., G. Bertrand and 325 Drake 181, 313 B. Muller 312 Blum, E., and L. Fruhling 312 - and M. C. Pincoffs 181, 213, Bertrand, G. see Bertoye, P. Blunden, K. E., S. Russi and 313,317 312 R. C. Bunts 206, 316 Brailsford, J. F. 226,318 - J. see Lelong, M. 229, 319 Bocian, J. J., and M. Liang 297 Brakeley, E. 104,305 Bethune, C. W., C. Hayden and Bockay, J. v. 320 Brattstrom, E. 165, 311 M. Warwick 303 Bodart and Corret 310 Braum, 0., and H. Gross Bettex, M. see Prader, A. 327 Bodian, M. 74, 167, 303, 311 296 Bevan, A. D. 251, 322 - and L. L. R. White 175, Bregadse, I. L. 322 Beverly, B. I. 121, 308 177,188,190,191,204,207, Brenneman, J. 244, 321 Bhandari, S. L. 306 209,312,314,316,317 Brentnall, C. P. 280,326 Bialestock, D. 20, 297 - see Williams, I. G. 185,314 Brinkman, W., and E. Bontke Bick, G. see Freund, J. 319 Boeminghaus, H. 305 304 Bickel 168 Boggon, R. H. 323 Brockhaus, J. 4, 295 - C.311 Bogorad, D. E. see Abeshouse, Broders, A. C. see Priestley, - H., H. S. Baar, R. Astley, R S. 245, 309, 321 J. T. 185, 313 M. A. Douglas, E. Finch, Boidot, M. see Menegaux, G. Brodny, M. L., and S. A. Ro• H. Harris, C. C. Harvey, E. 79,304 bins 5, 122, 295, 308 M. Hickmans, M. G. Phil• Boissiere, Lauret H. see Debre, Bromme, W. see Nesbit, R. M. pott, W. C. Smallwood, J. M. R. G. 318 67,239,303,321 Smellie and C. G. Teall 235, Boissonnat, P. 24, 49, 67, 85, Bromwich, A. F. 327 320 88, 109, 298, 300, 302, 304, Bronstein, I. P. see Genitis, Bilger, F., and G. Greiner 165, 307,320 V. E. 277, 326 311 - and P. Bouteau 68, 302, 304 - see Kiefer, J. H. 314 Bill, A. H. see Gross, R. E. 87, Boisvert, P. L., and D. N. Wal• Broomberg, A. 309 304 cher 324 Brosch, W. 311 - see Jensen jr., O. J. 136, Boll, Z. 322 Broster, L. R. 280, 281, 326 309 Bongiovanni, A. M., and W. R. - and R. Coyte 323 Billingsley, C. B. see Wilson, Eberlein 278, 326 - J. Patterson and B. Camber C. L. 318 Bonine, M. 308 326 Author Index 331

Broussard, E. R. 320 Buys, R. de, and H. Cummins Carter, A. C. see Shoer, E. 174, Brown 80, 167,266 95,305 312 - D. 322 Byrom, F. B. see Wilson, C. - C., and M. Simpkiss 320 - D. A. 311 213, 318 Cauldwell, E. W. see Anson, - E. C. see Brown, R. K. 1l0, B. J. 298 16:1, 307, 311 Cabot, H. see Gaudin, H. J. 97, Caulk, J. R. 69, 303 - H. S. 304 306 Cecil, A. B. 107, 306 - J. J. M. 89, 304 Caderas, J., and J. lVI. Bert 18, Cendron, J. 300 - K. S. MeA. 324 297 - see Swenson, O. 59, 135, - R. K., and E. C. Brown 1l0, Cahill, G. F., and H. Aranow 302, 309 163, 307, 311 191, 314 Chadwick, R. T., and S. P. Browne 106, 252 - and J. N. Robinson 314 Meadows 79, 304 - D. 306, 322 Caillet, A. see Roux, M. 301 Chaffin, L. see Snyder, W. H. - Denis 97,107,108,248,260 Caithie, 1. A. B. 273, 284, 325, 323 Bruce, J. W. see Chalkley, T. S. 326 Chalkley, T. S., and J. W. Bru• 200, 315 Calvin, J. K. see Killian, S. T. ce 200, 315 Bruch, H. 289, 327 317 - and L. E. Sutton 21, 297 Brun, H. 1. Ie, H. S. Kellett Camber, B. see Broster, L. R. Chamberlain, J. W. see Maho• and C. L. O. Macalister 187, 326 ney, P. J. 271, 325 313 Cameron, A. H. 308 Chambers, R. see Cameron, G. - R. G. 163, 172, 311 - G., and R. Chambers 10, 10,296 Brunn, H., and G. K. Rhodes 296 Chandler, L. R. see Dickey, 151, 309 Cammenos see Michon, L. 68, L. B. 183, 313 Bryan, A. L., J. A. Nigro and 303 Chang, C. Y., and E. Witschi V. S. Counseller 272, 325 - A. 295 273, 325 Bucher see Gonnet 18, 297 Campbell 7,12,17,24,25,35, Channick, B. J., and D. Sok• Bucknall, R. T. H. 306 38,40,41,49,56,66,69,74, hos 328 Bueermann, W. H. see Rosen- 83, 88, 103, 104, 111, 122, Charles, S. see Zuelzer, W. W. blaat, M. S. 324 137,153,154,161,170,171, 210, 229, 230, 231, 318, ,319 Bugbee 86 173,176,180,197,200,218, Charney, C. W., A. S. Conston - H. G., and M. Wallstein 239,240,241,245,246,251, and D. R. Meranze 276, 325 162, 304, 311 252, 257, 262, 264, 266 Charnock, D. A. see Gummess, Bull, G. M., A. M. Joekes and - A. C. P., and J. L. Hender- G. H. 300 G. K. Lowe 218, 318 son 229,319 Charrat, A. see Jeune, M. 320 Bunge, R. G., and Bradbury, - E. W. 302 Chase, W. E. see Parks, R. E. J. T. 273, 325 - H. E. 322 51, 300 - see Hutch, J. A. 301 - J. H. see St. Martin, E. C. Chauvin 21, 257 Bunts, R. C. see Blunden, K.E. 296 - E. 311, 322 206, 316 - J. L. 320 - and H. F. Chauvin 22, 298 Burford, C. F., J. E. Glenn and - J. S. see Magner, D. 204, - H. F. see Chauvin, E. 22, F. H. Burford 41, 299 316 298 - F. H. see Burford, C. F. 41, - see Swenson, O. 302 - M. E. 297 299 - M. 297, 305 Cherry, J. W. 302 Burkland, C. E. see Leadbetter, - Meredith 1 Childs, B., M. M. Grumbach W. F. 213, 317 - M. E. 308 and J. J. van Wyk ,326 Burnell, G. H. see Mayo, H. - M. F. 295, 296, 298, 299, - see Grumbach, M. M. 276 310 301,302,303,304,305,306, Chisholm, T. C. see Sweetser, Burnett, C. H. see Albright, F. 307,308,309.310,311,313, T. H. 306 320 315,318,319,320,321,323, Chown, B. 139, ,309 Burns, E., H. Cummins and 324 Christeson, W. W. 21, 297 J. Hyman 67, 302 - and W. F. Matthews 231, Christiansen, H. 295 - A. M. Pratt and R. G. Hen- 319 Chu, H. 1. see Liu, S. H. 225, don 67, 303 Campos, Freire G. de 51, 300 319 - and P. Shashy 67, 307 Capon, N. B., and C. Wells Chung, R. C. H., and L. K. Burrell, N. L. 21, 297 311 Mantell 320 Burros, H. M., and P. P. May- Capute, A. J. see Glasser, S. T. Chwalle, R. 69, 70, ,302, 303 cock 204, 316 191, 314 Cibert, J. see Bernheim, M.317 Burstein, H. J. 299 Carleton, A. 24, 298 Cioffary, M. S., and H. G. Busch, K. R. 80, 304 Carlson, H. E. 40, 65, 299, 302 Clark 308 Butler, A. M. 215, 317 - see Ockerblad, N. F. 303 Claireaux, A. E., and M. G. - J. J. see Culp, D. A. 316 - see Zellermayer, J. 68, 303 Pearson 140, 309 - N. R. see Schlesinger, B. E. Carr, T. L. 129, 308 Clark, C. D., and J. D. Pickup 167, 235, 312, 320 Carre, 1. J., and J. R. Squire 319 - W. see Fanconi, G. 235, 320 218, 318 - H. G. see Cioffari, M. S. 308 Butt, A. J. 174,311 Carroll, W. A. 257, 322 Clarke 137 332 Author Index

Clarke, B. G. 308 Craven, J. D. 328 Debre, R. G., and Lauret H. - see Deming, C. L. 265, 323 Crawford, H. see Pickrell, K. Boissiere 318 - H. 311 135, 309 Dees, J. E. 103, 305 - H. T. see McCune, D. J. 235, - J. D. see Talbot, N. B. 275, Deherripon 171, 311 320 315, 325 Dell'Adami, G., and G. Borelli Clatworthy, H. W. see Gross, - T., C. E. Dent, P. Lucas, 169,311 R. E. 49, 300 N. H. Martin and J. R. Deming, C. L. 322 Clauberg, K. W. 324 Nassim 226, 318 - and B. G. Clarke 265, 323 Cletsoway, R. W. see Lewis, Creevy, C. D. 136, 308 - see Feyder, S. 3S, 299 E. L. 302 - see Bixler, L. C. IS3, 312 Dent, C. E. 229, 319 Clinton, M. see Thorn, G. W. Crosby, N. D. 126, 308 - and C. J. Hodson 226, 319 223, 319 Crowell, W. M., and R. H. - and G. R. Philpot 167, 311 Clinton-Thomas, C. L., and Anderson 79, 304 - and G. G. Rose 166, 311 T. M. Robinson IS6, 313 Culp 204 - and B. Senior 166, 311 Cochrane, W. J., and R. L. - D. A., R. G. Frazier and - see Crawford, T. 226, 318 Saunders 239, 321 J. J. Butler 316 Derian, G. H. see Laughlin, Cohen, H. 328 - O. S. 40, 299, 316 V. C. 67, 302 - R., and M. L. Blatt 295 - and J. R. Winterringer 34, Deuticke, P. v. 41, 299 Coleman, F. P. see Kays 253, 298 Dickey, L.B., and L.R. Chand• 322 - see Greene, L. F. 305 ler IS3, 313 Collins, D. C. 296 - see Simon, H. B. 35, 299 Dietrich, E. A. 16S, 311 Conn, J. H., and L. Kanner 322 Cummins, H. see Burns, E. 67, Dillard, D. R. see Jensen jr., Connolly, N. K. 247, 321 302 O. J. 136, 309 Constance, T. L. IS7, 313 - see Buys, R. de 95, 305 Dix, V. W. 265, 324 Conston, A. S. see Charney, Currie, J. A. IS6, 313 Dixon. R. K. see Kepler, E. J. C. W. 276, 322, 325 Cushing, H., and S. B. Wol- 194, 314 Cooke, J. V. 244, 321 bach 190, 314 Dobos, E. J. see Hart, L. B. 22, Cooper, E. R. A. 322 297 - see Southam, A. H. 252, 323 Dahl-Iversen, E., and A. Ber• Dodd, K., R. J. Johansmann - G. see Low, H. 323 telsen 322 and S. Rapoport 319 - J. O. see Jameson, S. G. 90, Daly, H., L. J. Wells and G. Donald, C. 239, 321 305 Evans 296 Dormer, A. E. see Archer, H. E. Cope, C. L. see Falconer, M. A. Dancis, J., J. R. Birmingham 168,311 293,328 and S. Leslie 234, 320 Doroshow, G. D. see Sanes, S. Coplan, M. M. see Holmes, R. J. Daniel, P. M. see Trueta, J. 154,.310 201,315 229, 319 Douglas, J. W. B. see Blom- Corcoran, A. C. see Poutasse, Danon, M., and L. Sachs 273, field, J. M.llS, 119, 121,308 E. F. 213, 214, 318 284, 325, 326 - M. A. see Bickel, H. 235,320 Cordeiro, J. G. see Berardinelli, Danowski, T. S. see Mateer, Dourmashkin, R. L. 79, 304 W.320 F. M. 220, 318 Doyle, G. B. 207, 316 Corner, B. D. 246, 321 Darmady 217 Drake, C. B. 322 Corret see Bodart 310 - E. M., and F. Stranack 318 - M. E. see Bradley, J. E. Cosby, L. see Low, H. 323 Daussett see Tzanck, A. 318 ISI,313 Costin, M. E., and R. I. S. Daut, D. R., J. L. Emmett and Dreskin, E. A., and T. A. Fox: Kennedy 207, 317 R. L. J. Kennedy 91, 305 224,319 Cotte, G. 2S0, 326 Davidoff, L. M. see Graves, Dreyfuss, M. L., and M. M. Counseller, V. S., and J. G. R. C. 53, 301 Fliess 302 Menville 260, 304 Davidson, W. M., and D. R. Drury, R.B., and H.H.Shwar• - D. R. Nichols and H. L. Smith 273, 325 zell 239, 321 Smith 260, 323 Davie, T. B. see Price, N. L.319 Ducloux, H., and S. Blondin - and M. A. Walker 260, 323 Davies, D. V. 104, 305 66, 302 - see Bryan, A. L. 272, 325 - J. V. S. A. see Hutchison, Dugan, W. C. 162, 311 - see Phelan, J. T. 272, 325 W. R. S. 153, 309 Duken, J. 224, 225, 319 Court, D. 210, 317 Davis 26, 103, 239 Dupuy, P. see Duvergey, H. Couvelaire, R. 304 - D. M. 298, 305, 321 318 Covington, T., and W. Reeser - J. H. see Biorn, C. L. 323 Duvergey, H., P. Verger and P. 298 - J. S., W. G. Klingberg and Dupuy 318 Cowie, D. M. 250, 322 R. E. Stowell 16S, 311 Dyrenforth, L. Y. see Jungck, Cox, P. 2S0, 326 - R. D. see Slotkin, E. A. 199, E. C. 316 - P. J. M., and J. M. Smellie 315 lSI, 313 Dean, A. L. IS3, 204, 207, 313, Eagle, J., and G. S. Barrett Coyte, R. see Broster, L. R. 323 316 S9,305 Craig, W. S. 141, 309 - see Lattimer, J. K. 306 Earley, L. E. 232, 320 Crane, A. R. see Mallury, G. K. Debenham, R. K. see Binks, Eberlein, W. R. see Bongio• 310 J. B. 300 vanni, A. M. 279, 326 Author Index 333

Eckstein, H. B. 174, 311 Falkinburg, R. W. Ie, M. N. Floyer, M. A. 211, 317 Edgecombe, K 109,307 Kay and E. A. Sayer 186, Flynn, P. see Grey, D. N. 54, Edwards, D. 52, 58, 300, 301 313 301 - J. E. see Mallury, G. K 310 Fallon, M. L. 230, 319 - R. E. see Kerr, H. D.186,313 Eggers, H. E. see Jensen jr., - R. see Zuelzer, W. W. 210, Fogh-Andersen, P. 307 O. J. 136, 309 229, 230, 231, 318, 319 Foley, F. E. B. 136, 298 Ehrengut, W. 327 Fanconi, G. 232, 235, 320 Follis, R. H. 225, 319 Ehrlich, A. 79, 304 - P. Girardet, B. E. Schlesin• Fomon, S. J. see Kaplan, S. A. Eikenbary, C. F. see Hepler, ger, W. Butler and J. A. 318 A. B. 309 Black 235, 320 Forbes, K. A. see Lowry, E. C. Einecke, F. 297 Farber, J. E., F. J. Gustina 200,315 Eisenstaedt, J. S. 57, 301, 309 and V. A. Postoloff 314 - R. P. see Hart, L. B. 22, 297 Ekstrom, T. 297 - S. see Wyatt, G. M. 190,315 - see Howard, T. L. 317 Elder, O. F. see Ballenger, E. G. Farr, J. L. see Schwart, J. W. Forshall, I., and P. P. Rickham 200,315 240,321 87, 240, 304, 321 Elkin, M. T. see Behrle, F. C. Feeney, M. J., R. B. Mullenix, Forsythe, O. D. see Fisher, 307 R. J. Prentiss and J. M. W. 1. 122, 308 Ellis, A. 211, 237, 320 Whisenand 176, 186,313 Foster, D. G. 313 - and H. Evans 221, 319 Fegetter, S. Y. 200, 315 Fouillet, Y. see Bernheim, M. - R. W. B., and D. Levi 310 Felney, T. M. see Martin, S. J. 317 Ellison, M. M. see Traggis, D. G. 296 Fournier, A., and A. Pauli 319 319 Ferguson, G. 316 Fourrier, P. see Guilleminet, Emery, J. L., and R. B. Zacha• Fergusson, J. D. 17,297 M. 207, 316 ry 196, 314 Fernicola, A. R. 265, 324 Fox,C.P.245,246,321 Emmett, J. L. 86, 304 Ferris, D.O., and J. B. Beare - T. A. see Dreskin, E. A. - and H. F. Helmholz 135, 179,313 224,319 136, 303, 308 - see Nielson, H. K 266, 324 Frankel, W. K 320 - and H. B. Simon 73, 74, 303 Fetter, T. R. see Aponte, G. E. France, N. E. see Russell, A. - see Daut, D. R. 91, 305 168,310 288,327 - see Greene, L. F. 305 Fevre, M. 307, 325 Francis, C. C. 240, 321 Engel, F. L. see Owen, J. A. - and T. van Hoa 297 Franck, A. 299 326 Feyder, S., and C. L. Deming Francois, R. see Bernheim, M. - L. P. see Smith, C. K 135, 38,299 317 136,309 Finch, E. see Bickel, H. 235, Franke, D.see Grewe,H. E. 322 Engelson, G., U. Ising and S. 320 Franklin, K. J. see Trueta, J. Widell 211, 317 Finesinger, J. E., J. V. Meigs 229,319 Engle, E. T. see Grumbach, and H. W. Sulkowitch 326 Frary, L. G. 119, 308 M. M. 288, 327 Fink, A. J., A. A. Stein and W. Fraser, W. J. 251, 322 - see Robinson, J. N. 256, Garlick 320 Frazer, J. 256, 322 257,323 Fishberg, A. M. 237, 320 Frazier, R. G. see Culp, D. A. Englisch, J. 69, 303 Fisher, O. D., and W. 1. For• 316 Epstein, B. S. 295 sythe 122, 308 - T.H. 297 -- J. see Glaser, J. 320 - J. H. see Swenson, O. 59, Frederick, A. see Marquardt, C. Ericson, N. D. 43, 299 135,302,309 304 Ericsson, N.O., J. Winberg - R. S., H. C. Freimuth, KA. Freimuth, H. C. see Fisher, and R. Zetterstrom 113, O'Connor and V. Johns 244, R. S. 244, 321 307 321 Freud, P. 245, 321 Escomel, E. 292, 328 Fister, G. M. 131, 308 Freund, G. 311 Euler, U. S. v., and S. Hellner - and E. H. Smith 298 - J., and G. Bick 319 192,314 Fitzgerald, W. L., and H. C. Fries, J. W., and B. S. Talbot Evans, G. see Daly, H. 296 Hardin jr. 176, 313 323 - H. see Ellis, A. 221, 319 Fitzpatrick, L. J., and R. B. Friese-Christiansen, A. 295 - P. R. see Kirman, B. H. Hillsman 305 Fritzsche, F. 321 234,320 Flannery, W. E. 208, 295, 317, Frontz, W. A. 307 Everett, H. S. see Woodruff, 328 Fruhling, L. see Blum, E. 312 J. D. 144, 310 Fleming, A. E. see Weyrauch, Fuchsig, P. 265, 324 Everidge, J. 61, 276, 302, 326 H. M. 22,298 Furey, C. H. see Lattimer, J.K. Fletcher, W. see Reyes, A. I. 306 163,312 Fust, J. A. see Harrison, F. G. Fagerstrom, D. P. 80, 304 Fliess, M. M. see Dreyfuss, 314 Fahr, T. 309 M. L. 302 Fainsinger, M. H. 4, 295 Flocks, R. H. 301 Gahlemann, C. 320 Falci, E. 310 - see Hutch, J. A. 301 Gairdner, D. 321 Falconer, M. A., and C. L. Cope Florman, A. L., and H. M. Gambetta, G. see Garibaldi, B. 293,328 Goldstein 321 161, 310 334 Author Index

Gammelgaard, A. 298 Gmelin, L. 201, 315 Greenfield, M. 50, 300 Ganem, E. J., and L. B. Ains• Godard 135, 309 Greenman, L. see Mateer, F. M. worth 199, 315 - H. 306 220,318 Gardner jr., K. D. 320 Goldberg 172 Greiner, G. see Bilger, F. 165, - L. 1., R. C. Sniffen, A. S. - L. G. 311 311 Zygmuntowicz and N. B. - M. B. 326 Grevillius, A. 57, 61, 301 Talbot 294, 328 Goldberger, E. 109, 307 Grewe, H. E., and D. Franke Garibaldi, B., and G. Gam- Goldbloom, A. see Goldbloom, 322 betta 161, 310 R. B. 244, 321 Grey, D. N., P. Flynn and W. Garlick, W. see Fink, A. J. 320 - R. B., and A. Goldbloom E. Goodwin 54, 301 Garrett, R. A. 194, 314 244, 321 Grey-Turner, G. 306 - and J. H. O. Mertz 100, 185, Goldenberg, M., and H. Ara• Griffin, M. A. 309 186, 306, 313 now 192, 314 Griffiths, A. L. 213, 317 - see Mertz, H. O. 43, 201, 299 Goldman, L. see Smyth, F. S. Grogler, F. 57, 58, 301 Garrow, 1., and J. Werne 247, 319 GroHman, A. see Rule, C. 319 321 Goldstein, H. M. see Florman, Gross 9, II, 207, 231, 251, 259, Garvey, F. K. see Lawson, A. L. 321 262,271 R. B. 137, 309 Golji, H. 323 - E. 316 Gaspar, M. R., J. H. Kimber Gonnet, Bansillon, Meneault - H. see Braum, O. 296 and K. A. Berkaw 326 and Bucher 18, 297 - R. E. 296, 319, 323, 325 Gaudin, H. J., and H. Cabot Goodman, S. E. see Michaels, - and A. H. Bill 87, 304 97, 306 J. J. 119, 308 - and H. W. Clatworthy 49, Gayet, R. 123, 308 Goodwin, W. E., and P. B. 300 Geiringer, D., and M. O. Zucker Hudson 100, 306 - and T. C. Jewett jr. 252, 304 - see Grey, D. N. 54, 301 253, 257, 258, 260, 322 Genitis, V. E., and 1. P. Bron - Gordon, H. H. see Swan, H. - and T. C. Moore 88, 304 stein 277, 326 220, 318 - and E. B. D. Neuhauser Georgiade, N. see Pickrell, K. - V. H., and H. N. Marvin 176, 183, 185, 186, 313 135, 309 208, 317 - see Ladd, W. E. 66, 92, 1l0, Geppert, T. V. 308 Gordon-Taylor, G., and A. S. 190, 302, 305, 307, 314 Gerard, L., and J. W. Samson Till 257, 322 Grossman, B. J. 185, 313 298 - andN.R.Wyndham205,316 Gruber 97 Gerard-Marchant, R. see Hugu• Gorro, A. P. 323 - G. B. 306 enin, R. 176, 313 Gowdey, J. F., and E. B. D. - M. 300 Gercken, F., and R. Knepper Neuhauser 313 Gruenwald, P. 322 298, 305 Goyanna, R., and L. F. Greene - and H. Popper 10, 296 Gerloczy, F., K. Schmidt and 35, 299 Grumbach 276 M. Scholz 156, 309 Graham, G., and W. G. Oakley - M. M., W. A. Blanc and Gibson, H. M. 301 225, 319 E. T. Engle 288, 327 Gilbert, E. F. see Guin, G. H. - J.B.seeSmith,C.H.19,297 - and B. Childs 276 314 - J. H. see Pomer, F. A. 206, - J. J. van Wyk and L. Wil- Gilbert-Dreyfus, J. C., Savoie 316 kins 288, 327 and J. Sebaoun 327 Gram, H. C. 168, 311 - see Childs, B. 326 Giles, D. see Stewart, A. 312 Grant, F. C. see Weinberger, - see Wilkins, L. 326 - H. M. see Porter, K. A. 139, L. M. 293, 328 Guekdjian, S. A. 204, 316 140,310 - O. 303 Guibert, H. see Lienhardt, E. Gillies, H. 239, 321 Grauhan 26, 298 297 Gilmour, J. R. 225, 319 Graves, F. T. 36, 299 Guichard see Bansillon 297 Girardet, P. see Fanconi, G. - R. C., and L. M. Davidoff Guild, H. G. see Wharton, L. R. 235, 320 53, 301 144,310 Gladnikoff, H., and E. Jacobs- Gray, L. A. see Wharton, L. R. Guillaume see True 315 son 295 144, 310 Guilleminet, M., and P. Four• Glaser, J., and J. Epstein 320 Green, C. 20, 297 rier 207, 316 - see Johnstone, D. E. 321 Greene 57, 91, 273 Guin, G. H., and E. F. Gilbert - S., and H. R. E. Wallis 265, - L. F., J. L. Emmett and 314 324 O. S. Culp 305 Gummess, G. H., D. A. Char• Glass, E. see Leopold, J. S. 309 - J. T. Priestley, H. B. Simon nock, H. J. Riddell and Glasser, S. T., C. Moran and and R. H. Hempstead 301 C. M. Stewart 300 A. J. Capute 191, 314 - see Albert, A. 288, 327 Gunter, J. D., and F. S. Oser 296 Gleize-Rambal, L., J. Provan• - see Goyanna, R. 35, 299 Gurtner, H. P. see Prader, A. sal, H. Barthelemy and - see Phelan, J. T. 272, 325 284, 326 E. Henry 40, 299 - R., and D. N. Matthews 284 Gustina, F. J. see Farber, J. E. Glenn, J. E. see Burford, C. F. -- P. E. Hughesdon and 314 41,299 A. Howard 325, 327 Gutierrez, R. 12, 22, 38, 296, Gloor, H. D. 302 - R. R., and A. C. Ivy 326 298, 299, 300, 311 Author Index 335

Guy, C. C. see Healey, C. E. Heinecker, P., L. W. O'Neal Higgins, T. T., D. I. Williams 284, 326 and L. V. Aekerman 314 andD.F.E.Nash21,89,187, Hejtmancik, J. H., W. B. King 194,198,200,213.268,297, and M. A. Magid 97, 306 304,313,314,315,317,324 Hackworth, L. E. 5, 295 Helland, N. J., and J. B. Miale - see Alldred, A. J. 46, 299 Hage, W. 309 316 - see Williams, I. G. 185, 314 Hagenbach, E. 298 Heller, C. G., and W. O. Nelson Higham, A. R. C. 125, 308 Haggerty, R. J., M. W. Maro• 288,327 Hill, J. H. see Howze, C. P. ney and A. S. Nadas 210, Hellner, S. see Euler, U. S. v. 297 317 192,314 Hillebrand, H. J. 215, 317 Hain, A. M. 328 Helman, P. see Aird, I. 195,314 Hillsman, R. B. see Fitzpatrick, Hall, E. G., A. E. McCandless Helmholz, H. F. 138, 139, 144, L. J. 305 and P. P. Rickham 104, 306 295,309 Hinden, E. see Poulton, E. M. Hamilton, A. J. C., and D. S. - seeEmmett,J. L.135,136, 308 Middleton 243, 321 303,308 Hinglais, H., and M. Hinglais - J.L.299 Helps, E. P. W., K. C. Robin• 273,325 Hamm, F. C. 311 son and E. J. Ross 192, - M. see Hinglais, H. 273, 325 Hammond, R. C. see Mertz, 314 Hinkel, C. L., and L. C. Santini H. O. 43, 201, 315 Hempstead, R. H. see Greene, 18,297 Hampson, J. G. 279, 326 L. F. 301 Hinman, F. see Howard, F. S. - and J. Money 328 Henckel, H. 246, 321 281,326 - see Money, J. 276,328 Henderson, J. L. see Campbell, - jr., F. 322 Hanley, H. G. 24, 53, 298, 300 A. C. P. 229, 319 - 1.55,258,259,301 - and W. A. Steel 298 Hendon, R. G. see Burns, E. Hirsch, E. F. 204, 316 Hansen, T. S. 257, 322 67,303 Hoa, T. van see Fevre, M. 297 Harder, E. 295 Hendricks, J. W. see Mertz, Hock, E. F., and E. M. Jones Hardin jr., H. C. see Fitzgerald, H. O. 43, 201, 299 212,317 W. L. 176, 313 Henley, W. L., and A. Hyman Hodges, C. V. 268, 324 - see Rezek, P. 204, 206, 316 90,91,305 Hodson, C. J. see Dent, C. E. Harkness, H. H. 246, 321 Henry, E. see Gleize-Rambal, 226,319 Harris, A. 299 L. 40, 299 Hoffenberg, R. see Jackson, - H., and F. L. Warren 166, - G. W. 197, 200, 315 W. P. U. 290, 327 311 Hepburn 101 Hoffman, W. L. 109,307 - see Bickel, H. 235, 320 - I. N. 324 Holl, G. 194,314 - R. H. 40, 317 - T. N. 306 Holmes, R. J., and M. M. Cop• Harrison, F. G., H. L. Warres Hepler, A. B. 41, 61, 299, 302, lan 201,315 and J. A. Fust 314 319 Holten, C., and V. P. Petersen - G. H. see Singleton, E. B. - and C. F. Eikenbary 309 194,314 296 Heptinstall, R. H. see Picke• Hortling, H. 327 Hart, L. B., W. Beckley, E. J. ring, G. W. 215, 318 Hottinger, A. 319 Dobos and R. P. Forbes 22, Herbst, W. P. 66, 302, 311 Hotwell, R. D. see Mertz, H. O. 297 Herman, L. see Norris, R. F. 43,201,315 Hartig, H. see Alnor, P. 322 17,297 Howard 105, 212 Harvard, B. M., and G. J. Hermann, H. B. see Kook, H. - A. see Greene, R. 325, 327 Thompson 100,306 69,302 - E. S. 307 Harvey, C. C. see Bickel, H. Herrell, W. E. see Zemke, E. E. - F. S., and F. Hinman 281, 235, 320 208,317 326 - R. M. 176, 186, 313 Hertel, E. 313 - P. J. 305 Hasen, H. B., and Y. S. Song Hertzler, A. E. 261, 323 - R. P., R. C. Sniffen, F. A. 304 Heslin, J. E., and R. E. Allyn Simmons and F. Albright Hasterlik, R. J. see Rukstinat, 266,324 327 G. J. 239, 321 Hess, E. 34, 202, 315 - see Sniffen, R. C. 328 Hawthorne. A. B., and M. Si• - and B. W. Wright 298 - T. L., R. P. Forbes and minovitch 156, 310 Hesse, F. 298 W. R. Lipscomb 317 - see Mackenzie, D. W. 297 Hewitt, D. see Stewart, A. 312 Howell, C., E. T. Lisansky and Hayden, C. see Bethune, C. W. Heyman, W., and J. F. Martin E. Scott 88, 304 303 57,301 Howze, C. P., and J. H. Hill Hayles, A. B., and R. B. Nolan Heymann, K. 308 297 280,326 Hibbs, W. G. see Kretschmer, Hryntschak, T. 299, 311 - see Stickier, G. B. 320 H. L. 156, 300, 309 Huang, N. see Silverman, F. ~. Healey, C. E., and C. C. Guy Hickmans, E. M. see Bickel, H. 89,305 284,326 235,320 Hubble, D. 308 Hearn, J. B. 307 Higgins 183, 187, 199 Hudson, P. B. see Goodwin, Heideman, M. L. see Rutledge, - C. C. 306 W. E. 100, 306 R. C. 168, 312 - T. T. 313,315 Huffman, L.F. 240. 316, 321 336 Author Index

Hughesdon, P. E. see Greene, Jensen jr., O. J., H. E. Eggers, Kass, J. H. 200, 315 R. 325, 327 A. H. Bill and D. R. Dillard Kay, M. N. see Falkinburg, Huguenin, R., and R. Gerard• 136, 309 R. W. Ie 186, 313 Marchant 176,313 Jervey, A. J. see Lynch, K. M. Kays and F. P. Coleman 253, Humphries, A. W. see Poutas• 95,305 322 se, E. F. 213, 214, 318 Jeune, M., and A. Charrat 320 Kearns, W. M., and S. M. Hunt, H. B. see Adams, P. S. Jewett, H. J. 26, 298, 307 Turkeltaub 310 183,312 - jr. T. C. see Gross, R. E. Keen, J. A., and D. P. de - R. W. 198,315 252, 253, 257, 258, 260, 322 Villiers 283, 326 Hunter, W. F. see Polani, P. E. Job, J. C. see Lelong, M. 229, Kellett, H. S. see Brun, H. I. Ie 288,327 319 187,313 Hutch, J. A. 54, 111,301,307 Jochims, J. 320 Kelly, C. M., and G. E. Uhrich - R. G. Bunge and R. H. Joekes, A. M. see Bull, G. M. 257,322 Flocks 301 218, 318 Kennedy, R. I. S. see Costin, Hutchison, R., and A. A. Monc• J ohansmann, R. J. see Dodd, M. E. 207,317 rieff 17, 212, 297, 317 K. 319 - R. L. J. 138, 309 - W. R. S., and Davies, J. V. Johanson, B. 86, 248, 249, 322 - N. W. Barker and W. Wal- S. A. 153, 309 Johns, V. sec Fisher, R. S. 244, ters 317 Hyman, A. 69, 303 321 - see Daut, D. R. 91, 305 - see Henley, W. L. 90, 91, Johnsen, S. G. see Riis, P. 328 Kepler, E. J., W. Walters and 305 John~on 88, 244 R. K. Dixon 194, 314 - J. see Burns, E. 67,302 - C. M. 304 Kereszturi, C. 325 - F. C. see Stevens, A. M. 245, Kerr, -H. D., and R. E. Flynn 322 186, 313 Iannaccone, G., and P. E. - R. P. see Peterson, C. A. Kerschel, D. see Zuckerman, C. Panzironi 301 176,313 187,314 Idbohrm, H., and S. Sjostedt - S. H., and W. C. Price 308 Kershner, D. see Zuckerman, C. 42, 299 - III, S. M., and M. Marshall 187, 314 Ignatescu, M., H. Slobozianu jr. 176, 186, 313 Kessel, I. see Parnell, J. L. 18, and E. Athanasiu-Vergu 67, Johnston, L. W. see Spence, H. 297 302 M.310 Kesselberg, C. O. 69, 302 Illingworth, R. S. see Payne, Johnstone, D. E., N. Basila and Keusenhoff, W. 24, 298 W. W. 237, 320 J. Glaser 321 Khoury, E. M., and F. D. Speer Ingraham, F. D., and H. Swan Jolly, H. R. 194,206, 291, 293, 197, 198,315 309 295, 314, 316, 328 Kiefer, J. H., and I. P. Bron• Irvin, G. E., and J. E. Kraus - see Williams, D. I. 100, 306 stein 314 58,301 Joly, F. S. 173,311 - see McKenna, C. M. 88,304, Irwin, R. see Sargent, J. C. 300 Jona, J. L. 52, 300 307 Isaacson, C., and S. \Vay• Jones, E. M. see Hock, E. F. Killian, S. T., and J. K. Calvin bourne 213, 317 212,317 317 Ising, U. see Engelson, G. 211, .Jonsson, B. 216, 318 Kimball, F. N. see Lowsley, 317 Jorup, S., and S. R. Kjellberg O. S. 201, 315 I. Israels, S., H. Muth and Kimber, J. H. see Gaspar, l\I. Zeavin 167, 311 83,304 Joseph, L. G. see Parrott, R. H. R. 326 Iversen, T. see Arlien-S0borg, 18,297 Kimmel, G. C. 207, 294, 317, U. 293, 328 - R. see Lelong, M. 229, 319 328 Ivy, A. C. see Greene, R. R. Josephs, C. 181, 313 Kimmelstiel, P., and C. Wilson 326 Joske, R. A. see Stephens, F. 139,309 D.301 Kindler, K. 306 Jackson 171 Jost, A. 274, 288, 325, 327 King,A. L. see Schoen, E. J. 327 - J. W. 311 Julien, R. 204, 316 - G. G. see Young, B. W. 307 - W. P. U., B. G. Shapiro, Jungck, E. C., A. M. Thrash, - W. B. see Hejtmancik, J. H. C. J_ Uys and R. Hoffen• A. P. Ohlmacher, A. M. 97, 306 berg 290, 327 Knight and L. Y. Dyren• Kini M. G. 202, 316 Jacobson jr., C. E. see Thomp• forth 316 Kirman, B. H., J. A. Black, son, G. J. 136,309 Junghans, H. 155, 309 R. H. Wilkinson and P. R. Jacobsson, E. see Gladnikoff, Evans 234, 320 H.295 Kafka, V. 322 Kirsch, E. 239, 321 Jacques, \V. E. see Swenson, O. Kambi, B. see Kook, H. 69, 302 Kirwin, J. J. see Lowsley, O. S. 302 Kanner, L. see Conn, J. H. 322 304 Jakobovits, A. see Ormos, J. Kaplan, J. H. and W. M. Ta- Kjellberg, S. R. see Jorup, S. 313 sem 321 83, 304 James, J. A. 320 - S. A., and S. J. Fomon 318 Klackenberg, G. 118, 308 Jameson, S. G., and J. O. Coo• Karlin, I. W. 124, 128,308,309 Klaus, M. H. see 'Vedgwood, per 90,305 Karlmark, E. see Angen, G. 303 R. J. P. 320 Author Index 337

Klein, M. 309 Lane, V. 321 Lewis, C. J. see Mertz, H. O. - R. see Papadatos, C. 280, Lange and Muret 308 43,201,312 326 - G. 200, 315 - E. L., and R. W. Cletsoway Klinefelter, H. F., E. C. Rie• Langer, M. 262,323 302 fenstein and F. Albright Langhof, J. 187,313 - H. B.311 290,327 Langley, G. F. 46, 299 - H. K. see Abrams, M. 324 Klingberg, W. G. see Davis, Langmead, F. S., and J. W.Orr - J. see Wattenberg, C. A. J. S. 168, 311 224,319 310 - see Rutledge, R. C. 168,312 Langston, W. C. 299 - J. M., and J. Ostroff 308 Kluge, E. 319 Lanternier, J. see Bernheim, M. Lhiz, A. 311 Knepper, R. see Gercken, F. 317 Liang, M. see Bocian, J. J. 297 305 Lapides, J. 51, 300 Liban, E. 89, 304 Knigge, W. F. see Schoen, E. J. Larson, L. M. 314 Liege, R., and H. Marion 303 327 Lascombes, G. see Neimann, N. Lienhardt, E., J. Boucoments Knight, A. M. see Jungck, E. C. 326 and H. Guibert 297 316 Last, R. J. 307 Liess, E. see Swobode, W. 310 Kobayashi, 0., and S. Saka• Lattimer, J. K., 158, 161, 310 Lievre, J. A. see Lesne, E. 308 guchi 212, 317 - A. L. Dean, C. H. Furey - Mmme. see Lesne, E. 308 Kobernick, S. D., J. R. Moore and L. Ballantyne 306 Lightwood, R. 235,297,320 and F. W. Wigglesworth Laughlin, V. C., G. H. Derian - andG.H.Loots 19, 167, 297 319 and P. F. Boyd 67, 302 - W. W. Payne and J. A. Koehler, H. D., and R. P. Lauret, G., and A. Vigneron Black 167, 311, 320 Koehler 324 302 Lignac, G. O. E. 235, 320 - R. P. see Koehler, H. D. 324 Lawson, R. B., and F. K. Gar• Liunekogel, G. see Seeleman, Koepf, G. E. see Thorn, G. W. vey 137, 309 K. 318 223,319 Laybourne, P. C. see Behrle, Lipscomb, W. R. see Howard, Kohler, H. H. 67, 302 F. C. 307 T. L. 317 Koller, T. 326 Laytner, B. see Zuckerman, C. Lisansky, E. T. see Howell, C. Kook, H., B. Kambi and H. B. 187,314 88,304 Hermann 69, 302 Lazarus, J. A., and M. S. Marks Lisser, H. see Bentinck, R. C. Korn, R. see Sacrez, R. 316 323 276,326 Kornblum, K. ,and J. A. Ritter - and A. A. Rosenthal 315 Liswood, R. see Rosenson, W. 297 Leadbetter, W. F., and C. E. 308 Kozoll, D. D. 283, 326 Burkland 213, 317 Liu, S. H., and H. I. Chu 225, Krainer, I. see Neustein, H. B. Learmonth, J. R., and K. H. 319 168,312 Watkins 69, 303 Lockhart, H. 209, 317 Kraus, J. E. see Irvin, G. E. Lecercle, M. 311 Logan, G. B. see Nielson, H. K. 58,301 Lee, J. see Williams, B. L. 260, 266,324 Kretschmer, H. L. 19, 24, 40, 323 Lombard, P. 247, 321 167,185,187,197,297,298, Le Gal, Y. see Sacrez, R. 316 Longino, L. A., and L. W. Mar• 299,303,311,313,314,315 Leibovitz, S. 58, 301 tin 264, 265, 324 - and W. G. Hibbs 156, 300, - and B. O'Donnell 59, 301 Loots, G. H. see Lightwood, R. 309 Lelong, M., R. Joseph, J. Bert- 19, 167, 297 Kriickmann, 1. 326 rand, Le Taw Vinh, Chr. Lord,J.M.112,307 KrUger, R. 94, 305 Nezeloff, G. Mathe, J. C. Lorenz, G. 297, 309 Kruger, R. 79, 304 Job and M. Roidot 229, 319 - N. Bee Albert, A. 288, 327 Kugelmass, I. N. 308 Lenis, H. K. see Wattenberg, Loveridge, F. G. see Blair, Kurnetz, R. see Zuelzer, W. W. C.A.310 D. M. 309 210,229,230,231,318,319 Lennox, B. 325 Low, H., G. Cooper and L. Cos• Kurtzemann, G. see Sacrez, R. - see Polani, P. E. 288, 327 by 323 316 Leopold, J. S., and E. Glass Lowe, K. G. see Bull, G. M. Kvale, W. F. see Roth, G. M. 309 218,318 192,315 Lepoutre, C. 57, 67, 301, 303 Lowry, E. C., W. A. Soanes Kyle, L. H. see Schreiner, G. E. Leslie, S. see Dancis, J. 234,320 and K. A. Forbes 200, 315 320 Lesne, E., J. A. Lievre and Lowsley, O. S. 94, 298, 304, 305 J. A. Mmme. Lievre 308 - and F. N. Kimball 201, 315 Ladd, W.E. 183,313 Le Taw Vinh see Lelong, M. - and J. J. Kirwin 304 - and R. E. Gross 66, 92, no, 229,319 Lucas, P. see Crawford, T. 226, 190, 302, 305, 307, 314 Lett, H. 163, 311 318 Lambert, P. P. 17,297 Levi, D. see Ellis, R. W. B. 310 Luhmann, K. 306 Lampe, I. see Whitehouse, Levin, B. see Russell, A. 288, Lyell, A. see Whittle, C. H. 328 W. N. 185,314 327 Lynch, K. D., and R. F. Landelius, E. 6, 295 Levinson, A. 266, 324 Thompson 297 Landes, R. R., and C. L. Ran• Levy, M. see Bernheim, M. 300 - K. M., and A. J. Jervey 95, som 88, 304 Lewis 166 305 Handbuch der Urologie, Bd. xv 22 338 Author Index

Macalister, C. L. O. see Brun, Martin, N. H. see Crawford, T. McGinn, E. J., and J. M. Wick• H. I. Ie 187, 313 226,318 ham 176, 313 MacAlpine, J. B. 315 -- S. J., and T. M. Felney 296 McIndoe, A. 272, 325 Macciotta, G. 250, 322 Marvin, H. N. see Gordon, V. H. McIntosh, J. F., and G. Worley MacDonald, W. B., and M. J. 208, 317 jr. 98, 306 Robinson 154, 221, 318 Maslow, L. A. 176, 313 McKay, H. 246, 321 Macdowell, M. see Oliver, J. Mason, H. H. see McCune, D. J. -- H. W.,andH. H. Baird 171, 217, 318 235,320 312 Mackenzie, D. W., and A. B. Masters, P. L. 141, 310 -- R. W. see Young, H. H. 79, Hawthorne 297 Matassarin, F. W. 206, 316 81, 304 -- and M. I. Seng 299 Mateer, F. M., L. Greenman McKenna, C. M., and J. H. MacMahon, H. E. see Swenson, and T. S. Danowski 220, 318 Kiefer 88, 304, 307 0.302 Mathe, C. P. 156, 310 McKenzie, D. W. 88, 304 MacMyn, D. J. 302 -- G. see Lelong, M. 229,319 McLean, E. H., and T. Mat• Magid, M. A. see Hejtmancik, Matthews. D. N. 202, 316 thews 187, 313 J. H. 97, 306 -- see Greene, R. 284, 325, 327 McNair Scott, T., and W. W. Magner, D., J. S. Campbell and -- T. see McLean, E. H. 187, Payne 296 F. W. Wigglesworth 204, 313 McNulty, P. H. 321 316 -- W. F. see Campbell, M. F. Meade, H. S. 46, 199, 299, 315 Maguire, C. see Pickrell, K. 135, 231, 319 Meadows, S. P. see Chadwick, 309 Mattoso, J. see Berardinelli, W. R. T. 79, 304 Mahoney, M. T. 316 320 Medlar, E. M. 157, 158, 310 -- P. J., and J. W. Chamber- Mattsson, A. see Orsten, P. 296 Meigs, J. V. see Finesinger, J. E. lain 271, 325 Matzner, R. 213, 317 326 Maio, G. Di 310 Mauermayer, W. 89, 305 Meltzer, A., and B. Bloom 316 Major, S. G. 305 Mawson, E. E. 164, 311 Meneault see Gonnet 18, 297 Makkas, M. 306 May, F. 79, 304 Menegaux, G., and M. Boidot MaIiphant, R. G. 271, 325 Maycock, P. P. see Burros, 79, 304 Mallury, G. K., A. R. Crane H. M. 204, 316 Menninger, W. C. 247, 322 and J. E. Edwards 310 Maydl 100 Menville, J. G. see Counseller, Mandeville, F. B. 314 Mayer, A. 306 V. S. 260, 304 -- P. F. Sahyoun and L. E. Mayo 98, 99 Meranze, D. R. see Charney, Sutton jr. 317 -- C. H. 306 C. W. 276, 322, 325 Mantell, L. K. see Chung, R. -- H., and G. H. Burnell 310 Mercier, O. 306 C. H. 320 McArthur, J. W. see Talbot, Merikallio, P. 299 Mantz, F. A. see Rhyne, J. L. N. B. 275, 315, 325 Mertz, H. O. 135, 309 265, 324 McCahey, J. F. 307 -- J. W. Hendricks and R. A. Marcel, J. E. 51, 57, 300, 301 McCance 216 Garrett 43, 201, 299 -- see Boppe, M. 56, 73, 301, -- R. A., N. J. Naylor and -- R. D. Hotwell and R. C. 303 E. M. Widdowson 296 Hammond 43, 201, 315 Marchant, D. see Swenson, O. -- and E. M. Widdowson 10, -- and C. J. Lewis 43, 201, 312 59,298 296, 318 -- and L. A. Smith 43, 201,309 Marion 1, 58, 73, 74, 76, 248 McCandless, A. E. see Hall, -- J. H. O. see Garrett, R. A. -- G. 301, 303, 306 E. G. 104, 306 100, 185, 186, 306, 316 -- H. see Liege, R. 303 McCarrison, R. 163, 312 Messer, C. V. see Blair, D. M. -- J. 322 McCarrol, H. R. 130, 135, 309 309 Marks, M. S. see Lazarus, J. A. McCartney, R. C. see Nicola, Meyer, R. 67, 303 323 R. R. de 89, 305 Miale, J. B. see Helland, N. J. Maroney, M. W. see Haggerty, McCormack, L. J. see Poutasse, 316 R. J. 210, 317 E. F. 213, 214, 318 Michaels, J. J., and S. E. Good• Marquardt, C., and A. Frede• McCrea, E. F. W. 298 man 119, 308 rick 304 -- L. E. 7, 295 Michie, A. J. see Wrenn, E. L. Marriott, H. J. see Shaw, R. E. McCullagh, E. P., J. C. Beck 305 307 and C. A. Shaffenburg 327 Michon, L. 99, 306 Marshall 147 McCune, D. J., H. H. Mason -- Boyet and Cammenos 68, -- A. G. 297, 310 and H. T. Clarke 235, 320 303 -- jr., M. see Johnson III, S. McCurdy, G. A. 187, 313 Middleton, D. S. see Hamilton, M. 176, 186, 313 McDonald, H. P., W. E. Up• A. J. C. 243, 321 -- V. F. 315 church and C. E. Sturdevant Milbert, A. H. see Bandler, C. MarRon, F. G. W. 126,308 154, 303, 310 G.307 Martin, A., and P. Aime 311 -- see Ballenger, E. G. 200,315 Miller 67, 73, 95, 122 -- J. F. see Heyman, W. 57, -- J. R. see Trimingham, H. L. -- A. 303 301 302 -- F. 305 -- L. W. see Longino, L. A. McFadden, G. D. F. 123, 308 -- H. L. 303 264, 265, 324 McFarland,J.I04,208,306,317 -- J. R. 326 Author Index 339

Millichap, J. G. 187, 313 Muret see Lange 308 Nicholson, G. W. 313 Mills, W. G. Q. 305 Murnaghan, G. F. 26, 27, 52, Nicola, R. R. de, and R. C. - and T. K. Owen 319 56,61,298,300,301,302 McCartney 89, 305 Mimpriss, T. W. 322 Murray, J. D. 322 Nielson, H. K., D. O. Ferris Mishell, D. R. 284, 326 Muschat, M. 264, 304, 324 and G. B. Logan 266, 324 Mitchell, A. B. see Warkany, J. Muth, H. see Israels, S. 167,311 Nigro, J. A. see Bryan, A. L. 232,320 Myers, W. A. A. 162, 168, 312 272,325 - J. M. 307 Nilson, O. 283, 326 - J. P., and G. S. Andrews Nabarro, D. 247, 322 Nixon, H. H. 25, 298 303 Nadas, A. S. see Haggerty, - see Williams, D. I. 93, 128, Moffet, J. D., and R. Banks 324 R. J. 210, 317 305 Moir, J. C. 324 Nash 7, 117, 123, 125, 136 Nobecourt 310 Moncrieff, A. A. see Hutchison, - D. F. E. 307,308,309 Noble, T. P. 163, 312 R. 17,212,297,317 - see Higgins, T. T. 21, 89, Nodine,J. H. seePerloff, W.H. Money, J., and J. G. Hampson 187,194,198,200,213,268, 328 276,328 297,304,313,314,315,317, Noeggerath, C. 310 - see Hampson, J. G. 328 324 Nolan, R. B. see Hayles, A. B. Moolten, S. E. 187, 313 - Ellison 88 280,326 Moons, K. M., and M. K. Ruch Nassim, J. R. see Crawford, T. Nordenfelt, O. 95, 305 181, 313 226,318 Norris, R. F., and L. Herman Moore 21 Nathanson, I. T., L. E. Towne 17,297 - C. R. 325 and J. C. Aub 325 Novak, E. 328 - H. see Spence, H. M. 268, Nation, E. F. 35, 296, 299 - J. 326 324 Navasquez, de 138, 310 Nove-Josserand, G. 307 - J. R. see Kobernick, S. D. Naylor, J. M. 168, 312 Nowakowski, H. 265, 324 319 - N. J. see McCance,R. A. 296 - K. L., and M. L. Barr 325 Neimann, N., M. Pierson and Oakley, W. G. see Graham, G. - T. 297, 299 G. Lascombes 326 225,319 - T. C. see Gross, R. E. 88, Nelson 273 Oberniedermayr, A. 307 304 - W. D. see Segal, S. J. 273, Ochsenius, K. 320 - T. D. 41, 299 284,288,290,325,327 Ockerblad, N. F., and H. E. Moran, C. see Glasser, S. T. - W.O. 325 Carlson 303 191, 314 - see Heller, C. G. 288, 327 O'Connor, K. A. see Fisher, Morison, J. E. 7, 230, 317, 319 Nesbit 88 R. S. 244, 321 Morris 110, 283, 284 - and Raper 81, 86 - W. T. see Weinberg, S. R. - D. G. 307 - R.M.307 298 - J. M. L. 326 - and F. M. Adams 183, 186, Odell, H. M. see RaIl, J. E. 17, - P. 325 313 297 Morrison, J. E. 154, 310 - and W. C. Baum 307 O'Donnell, B. see Leibovitz, S. Morse, W. H. see Mostofi, F. K. - and W. Bromme 67, 239, 59,301 197,315 303,321 Orsten, P., and A. Mattsson 296 Mosbech, J. see Riis, P. 328 - R. L. Thirlby and F. P. Ra• Ohlmacher, A. P. see Jungck, Mostofi, F. K., and W. H. Mor• per 304 E. C. 316 se 197,315 - and J. R. F. Withycombe Ohlsen, A. Seeborg see Movin, Moszkowicz, L. 322 302 R. 317 Mouriquand, C. see Bernheim, - R. R. see Parrott, R. H. 18, Oliver, J., M. Macdowell and M.300 297 A. Tracy 217, 318 Movin, R., A. Seeborg Ohlsen Nesbitt, T. E. 305 Ombredanne, L. 107, 307 and A. M. Pederson 317 Neuhauser, E. B. D. see Gow• O'Neal, L. W. see Heinecker, Mowrer, O. H., and W. M. dey, J. F. 313 P.314 Mowrer 126, 308 - see Gross, R. E. 176, 183, Ormiston, G. 247, 322 - W. M. see Mowrer, O. H. 185, 186, 313 Ormond, J. K. 302 126,308 Neustein, H. B., S. S. Steven• - and R. W. Osborne 302 Miiller, H. A. see Zander, J. son and I. Krainer 168, 312 Ormos, J., and A. Jakobovits 280, 326 Neuswanger, C. H. see Ver- 313 Muirhead, E. E. see Wahle jr., mooten, V. 54, 301 Orr, J. W. see Langmead, F. S. G. H. 319 Newns, G. H. 206, 316 224,319 Mukherjee 172, 269 - and J. A. Black 168, 312 Osborne, R. W. see Ormond, - C. 324 Newton, W. A. see Zuelzer, J. K. 302 - M. 312 W. W. 210, 229, 230, 231, Oser, F. S. see Gunter, J. U. Mullenix, R. B. see Feeney, 318,319 296 M. J. 176, 186, 313 Nezeloff, Chr. see Lelong, M. 0i!ter, J. 213, 317 Muller, B. see Bertoye, P. 312 229,319 Ostling, K. 25, 298 - H. P. 297 Nichols, D. R. see Counseller, Ostroff, J. see Lewis, J. M. 308 Mulloy, M. 168, 312 V. S. 260, 323 Ottow, B. 241, 300, 321 Handbuch der Urologie, Bd. VI 22a 340 Author Index

Owen, J. A., F. L. Engel and Phillips, R. N. 168, 312 Prather, G. C. 53, 57, 301 T. B. Wester 326 Philpot, G. R. see Dent, C. E. Pratt, A. M. see Burns, E. 67, - T. K. see Mills, W. G. Q. 319 167,311 303 Philpott, M. G. see Bickel, H. - E. L. 218, 220, 318 Pace, J. M. see Thompson, G. J. 235,320 Pratt-Thomas, H. A. 187, 313 24,298 Phokitis, P. 40, 299 Prentiss, R. J. see Feeney, Page, I. H. 213, 317 Pick, J. W. see Anson, B. J. 298 M. J. 176, 186, 313 Panzironi, P. E. see Iannac• Pickering, G. W., A. D. Wright Price, H. W. see Pilcher jr., F. cone, G.301 and R. H. Heptinstall 215, 86,304 Papadatos, C., and R. Klein 318 - N. L., and T. B. Davie 319 280,326 Pickrell, K., N. Georgiade, H. - W. C. see Johnson, S. H. - see Wilkins, L. 326 Crawford, C. Maguire and 308 Papin, E. 299 A. Boowe 135, 309 Prichard, P. M. see Trueta, J. Parin, B. 305 Pickup, J. D. see Clark, C. D. 229,319 Parker jr., F. see Weiss, S. 146, 319 Prien, E. L., and B. S. Walker 212,310,318 Piepenbom, J. 298 174, 312 Parkhill, E. M. see Simon, H. B. Pieper, A. 300 Priestley, J. B. see Walters, W. 35,299 Pierson, M. see Neimann, N. 298 Parks, R. E., and W. E. Chase 326 - J. T., and A. C. Broders 51,300 Pilcher jr., F., and H. W. Price 185,313 Parmelee, A. H. see Selby, 86,304 - see Greene, C. F. 301 G. W. 296 Pincoffs, M. C. see Bradley, Prince, C. L., and P. L. Scar• Pamell, J. L., and I. Kessel 18, J. E. 181, 213, 313, 317 dino 132, 135, 309 297 Pinkerton, J. H. M. see Ame• Prout, M., and A. H. Snaith 274 Parrott, R. H. 112, 307 aud, J. D. 327 Provansal, J. see Gleize-Ram- - L. G. Joseph and R. R. Pitts, H. H. 315 bal, L. 40, 299 Nesbit 18, 297 - J. W. Schulte and D. R. Pugh 112, 168 Parson, W. see Segaloff, A. 328 Smith 168, 312 - R. C. B. 307 Parsons, L. G. 224,319 Platou, R. V. see Snyder, C. H. - R. J. 312 - W. see Albright, F. 320 318 Puhl, H. 302 Passmore, R. 163, 312 Platt, R. 232, 320 Putschar, W. 310 Patten, B. M., and A. Barry 96, Plunkett, E. R., and M. L. 306 Barr 290, 327 Quan, S. H. see Ulfelder : H. Patterson, J. 193, 314 Polani, P. E., W. F. Hunter 208,317 . - see Broster, L. R. 326 and B. Lennox 288, 327 Qvist, O. 247, 322 Patton, J. F. see Rhyne, J. L. Politzer, G. 41, 300 265, 324 Pollack, R. S., and H. C. Tay• Raffle, R. B. 24, 298 Pauli, A. see Fournier, A. 319 lor 209, 317 RaIl, J. E., and H. M. Odell 17, Payne, W. W., and R. S. Illing• Pomer, F. A., \to E. Stiles and 297 worth 237, 320 J. H. Graham 206, 316 Ransom, C. L. see Landes, R.R. - see Lightwood, R. 167, 311, Poncher, H.-G., and J. C. Rice• 88,304 320 wasser 296 - H. K. 315 - see McNair Scott, T. 296 Poole-Wilson, D. S. 56, 69, 301, Ranson, F. T. 323 Pearson, M. G. see Claireaux, 303 Raper, F. P. 304 A. E. 140, 309 Popper, H. see Gruenwald, P. - see Nesbit, R. M. 81, 86, 304 Pederson, A. M. see Movin, R. 10,296 Rapoport, S. see Dodd, K. 319 317 Porter, K. A., and H. M. Giles Raspall, G. 261,323 Perloff, W. H., and Nodine, 139, 140, 310 Rathbun, N. P. 200, 315 J. H. 328 Postoloff, V. A. see Farber, Rautenberg, A. 312 Perry, C. B., and A. L. Taylor J. E. 314 Ravich, R. H. 265, 324 213, 231, 317, 319 Potter 12, 17, 124 Ravitch, M. M., and M. C. Pesquier, C. M. see St. Martin, - C. T. 308 Sandford 20, 297 E. C. 296 - E. L. 296, 297 - and W. W. Scott 67, 303 Petersen, V. P. see Holten, C. - and T. Thierstein 296 Rea, C. E. 256, 323 194,314 Poulton 124 Reeser, W. see Covington, T. Petersilge, C. L. 318 - E. M., and E. Hinden 308 298 Peterson, C. A., and R. P. Poutasse, E. F., A. W. Humph- Reilly, W. A. see Bentinck, R. Johnson 176, 313 ries, L. J. McCormack and C. 276, 326 Petersson, G. 306 A. C. Corcoran 213,214,318 Reinhold, J. D. J. 210, 318 Petkovic, S. 322 Powell, N. see Bloxsom, A. 325 Remsen, D. B. see Taussig, H. Pezzoli, A. 197,315 - T. O. 99, 306 B. 210, 318 Pfarschner, W. 316 Prader,A.326,328 Reyes, A. I., and W. Fletcher Pfeiffer, K. M. 307 - and H. P. Gurtner 284, 326 163,312 Phelan, J. T., V. S. Counseller - R. E. Siebenmann and M. Rezek, P., and H. C. Hardin jr. and L. F. Greene 272, 325 Bettex 327 204, 206, 316 Author Index 341

Rhoden, A. E. 294, 328 Roth, A. A. 291, 328 Schachter, M. 308 Rhodes, G. K. see Brunn, H. - G. M., and W. F. Kvale 192, Schauffler, G. C. 269, 270, 325 151,309 315 Schaumkell, K. W., and H. H. - J. 320 Roux, J.A. seeBernheim, M. 300 Stange 327 Rhyne, J. L., F. A. Mantz and - M., and A. Caillet 301 Schearer, T. P. 300 J. F. Patton 265, 324 Rubin 40, 217 Schlapik, D. 186, 314 Ricewasser, J. C. see Poncher, - J. S.299 Schlesinger, B. E. 328 H. G. 296 - M. I. 318 - N. R. Butler and J. A. Richardson, E. H. 299 Rubovitz, W. H. and W. Sap• Black 167, 235, 312, 320 Rickham, P. P. 9, 11, 12, 176, lin 327 - see Fanconi, G. 235, 320 185,296,313 Ruch, M. K. see Moons, K. M. - E. R. see Andersen, D. H. - see Forshall, I. 87,240,304, 181,313 227, 318 321 Rukstinat, G. J., and R. J. Scp10ss, O. M. see Wilson, J. R. - see Hall, E. G. 104, 306 Hasterlik 239, 321 139,310 Riddell, H. I. 318 Rule, C., and A. GroHman 319 Schlutz, F. W., and C. E. - see Gummess, G. H. 300 Rusche, C. 185, 204, 207, 313, Anderson 308 Ridlon, G. R. 199, 315 316 Schmid, R. 316 Riefenstein, E. C. see Alb- Russell 104 Schmidt, G. W., and E. To- right, F. 167,224,310,318, --:- A., B. Levin and N. E. nutti 316 320 France 288, 327 - K. see Gerloczy, F. 156,309 - seeKlinefelter,H.F.290,327 - K. F. 306 Schmutte 57, 301 Rihmer, B. v. 40, 299 Russi, S. see Blunden, K. E. Schneider 51 Riis, P., S. G. Johnsen and 206, 316 - H. 298 J. Mosbech 328 Rutledge, L. J. see Snyder, - W. 300 Rinker, J. R. 98, 303, 305 C. H. 192, 315 Schoen, E. J., A. L. King and Rinyik, R. 317 - R. C., W. G. Klingberg and W. F. Knigge 327 Ritter, J. A., and E. S. Scott M. L. Heideman 168, 312 Schiinlebe, H. 173, 312 186,313 Scholtz, M. see Weber, F. P. 69, - see Kornblum, K. 297 Sabadini, L. 155, 310 303 Robb, W. A. T. 264, 323 Sachs, L. see Danon, M. 273, Scholz, M. see Gerloczy, F. 156, Roberts 35 284, 325, 326 309 - O. W. 313 Sacrez, R., YLe Gal, G. Kurtze• Schonfeld, W. A. 325 - R. R. 299 mann and R. Korn 316 Schreiner, G. E., L. H. Smith Robins, S. A. see Brodny, M. L. Sahyoun, P. F. see Mandeville, and L. H. Kyle 320 5, 122, 295, 308 F. B. 317 Schulte, J. W. see Barr, J. R. Robinson, J. N., and E. T. Sakaguchi, S. see Kobayashi, 176, 272, 312 Engle 256, 257, 323 O. 212,317 - see Pitts, H. H. 168,312 - see Cahill, G. F. 314 Samson, J. W. see Gerard, L. Schwart, J. W., and J. L. FaIT - K. C. see Helps, E. P. W. 298 240,32F 192,314 Sandblom, P. 230, 319 Sehwartz 20 - M. J., and A. Williams 314 Sanderud, A. 100, 306 - I. L. see Schwartz, R. 318 - see MacDonald, W. B. 154, Sandford, M. C. see Ravitch, - J. 297 221,318 M. M. 20, 297 - R., E. J. Tomsovie and 1. L. - T. M. see Clinton-Thomas, Sandmann, H. 46, 300 Schwartz 318 C. L. 186, 313 Sanes, S., and G. D. Doroshow Schwarz, L. 310 Roen, P. R., and R. R. Stept 154, 310 Scorer, C. G. 251, 323 268,324 Sansone, G., and C. Zunin 176, Scott, E. see Howell, C. 88, 304 Roidot, M. see Lelong, M. 229, 314 - E. S. see Ritter, J. A. 186, 319 Santini, L. C. see Hinkel, C. L. .313 Roller, C. S. 69, 303 18, 297 - L. S. 176, 314 Roos, A. 17, 297 Saplin, W. see Rubovitz, W.H. - W. W. see Ravitch, M. M. Rose, D. K., and C. A. Watten• 327 67, 303 berg 176, 313 Sarewitz, A. B. 156, 310 Scoville, W. B. see Albright, F. - G.G.seeDent,C.E.166,311 Sargent, J. C. 57, 301 328 Rosenblaat, M. S., and W. H. ~ and R. Irwin 300 Seowen, E. F. see Archer, H. E. Bueermann 324 Sauer, H. R. 183, 314 168,311 Rosenson, W., and R. Liswood Saunders, R. L. see Cochrane, Seager, L. D. see Auer, J. 53, 308 W. J. 239, 321 301 Rosenthal, A.A 204, 316 Savage, J. E. 109, 307 Sebaoun, J. see Gilbert-Drey_ - see Lazarus, J. A. 315 Savoie see Gilbert-Dreyfus, J. fus, J. C. 327 Ross, E. J. see Helps, E. P. W. C.327 Seeleman, K., and G. Linne• 192,314 Sayer, E. A. see Falkinburg kogel 318 - J. A. see Stewart, R. L. 305 R. W. Ie 186, 313 Segal, S. J., and W. D. Nelson - J. C. 158, 310 Scardino, P. L. 302 273,284,288,290,325,327 - W. F. see Blair, D. M. 309 - see Prince, C. L. 132, 135,309 Segaloff, A., and W. Parson 328 342 Author Index

Seidal, R. F., and R. C. Yeaw Smith 41, 42, 251 Stanbury, S. W. 319 266, 324 - B. A. 319 Stange, H. H. see Schaumkell, Selby, G. W., andA. H. Parme• - C C. Winkel 162, 170, 312 K W. 327 lee 296 - C. H., and J. B. Graham 19, Stansfield, J. M. 141, 310 Semple, J. E. 310 297 - and J. K G. Webb 310 Seng, M. I. see Mackenzie, D. - C. K, and L. P. Engel 135, Steel, W. A. see Hanley, H. G. W.299 136, 309 298 Senger, F. L. see Weinberg, - see Stockwell, L. 123, 308 Stein, A. A. see Fink, A. J. 320 S. R. 298 - D. R. 307 Steiner, R. E. 231, 319 Senior, B. see Dent, C. E. 166, - see Davidson, W. M. 273, Stenstrom; K. W. see Bixler, 311 325 L. C. 183, 312 Sereni, F. see Barnett, H. L. - Bee Pitts, H. H. 168, 312 Stephens, F. D. 5, 296, 299, 296 - E. H. see Fister, G. M. 298 302, 303 Severinghaus, A. E. 327 - G. G. 300 - R. A. Joske and R. T. Sim• Shackman, R. 208, 317 - H. L. see Counseller, V. S. mons 301 Shaffenburg, C. A. see McCul- 260, 323 Stept, R. R. see Roen, P. R. lagh, E. P. 327 - I. 299 268,324 Shapiro, B. G. see Jackson, - L. A. see Mertz, H. O. 43, Stern, O. N., and W. J. Van• W. P. U. 290, 327 201, 309 dervort 284, 327 Shashy,P. see Burns,E. 67,307 - L. H. see Schreiner, G. E. Stevens, A. M., and F. C. John- Shaw, R. E. 200, 315 320 son 245, 322 - and H. J. Marriott 307 - R. E. 323 - W.E. 324 Sheldon, W. 225, 319 - W. G., and A. W. Williams Stevenson, F. H. 164, 312 Shepard, T. H. see Wilkins, L. 185, 314 - S. S. Bee Neustein, H. B. 326 Smyth, F. S., and L. Goldman 168, 312 Shoer, E., and A. C. Carter 174, 319 Stewart 175 312 Snaith, A. H. 275 - A., J. Webb, D. Giles and Shwarzell, H. H. see Drury, - see Prout, M. 274 D. Hewitt 312 R. B. 239, 321 Sniffen, R. C. 256, 323 - C. 300 Siebenmann, R. E. see Prader, - R. P. Howard and F. A. - C.M.seeGnmmess,G.H.300 A.327 Simmons 328 - R. L., and J. A. Ross 305 Sienkiewiez, E. M. 123, 308 - see Gardner, L. I. 294, 328 Stickler, G. B., and A. B. Hay• Silagy, J. M. 328 - see Howard, R. P. 327 les 320 Silver, H. K 181, 314 Snyder 212 Stiles, R. E. see Pomer, F. A. Silverman, F. N. 296 - C. H., R. B. Bost and R. V. 206, 316 - and N. Huang 89, 305 Platou 318 St. Martin, E. C., J. H. Camp• Siminovitch, M. see Hawthor- - and L. J. Rutledge 192, 315 bell and C. M. Pesquier 296 ne, A. B. 156, 310 - and E. H. Vick 192, 315 Stockwell, L. and C. K. Smith Simmons, F. A. see Sniffen, - W. H., and L. Chaffin 323 123, 308 R. C. 328 Soanes, W. A. see Lowry, E. C. Stoll. H. G. 239, 321 - see Howard, R. P. 327 200, 315 Stone, T. P. see Vail, A. S. 20, - R. T. see Stephens, F. D. Sobel, E. H. see Talbot, N. B. 298, 303 301 275, 315, 325 Stout, A. P. 191, 315 Simon, H. B .• O. S. Culp and - I. P. 210, 213, 318 Stowell, R. E. see Davis J. S. E. M. Parkhill 35, 299 Soffer, L. J. Bee Sohval, A. R. 168, 311 - see Emmett, J. L. 73, 74, 291, 328 Stranack, F. see Darmady, 303 Sohval, A. R. 256, 323 E. M. 318 - see Greene, L. F. 301 - and L. J. Soffer 291, 328 Strong, G. H. 306 - see Weerd, J. H. de 21, 298 Sokhos, D. Bee Channik, B. J. Sturdevant, C. E. see McDo• Simpkiss, M. see Carter, C. 320 328 nald, H. P. 154,303,310 Sinclair, K 319 Song, Y.S.seeHasen,H.B. 304 Sukhavanam, B. 173, 312 Singleton, E. B., and G. H. Sorrell, E. 297 Sulkowitch, H. W. see Alb- Harrison 296 Southam, A. H., and E. R. A. right, F. 328 Sitkery, J. 308 Cooper 252, 323 - see Finesinger, J. E. 326 Sjostedt, S. see Idbohrm, H. Speer, F. D. see Khoury, E. M. Sundarasivarao, D. 204, 316 42, 299 197, 198, 315 Sutton, L. E. see Chalkley, T.S. Slobozianu, H. see Ignatescu, Spence, H. M. 20, 93, 96, 297, 21, 297 M. 67, 302 299,305 - jr. L. E. see Mandeville, F. Slotkin, E. A., and R. D. Davis - and L. W. Johnston 310 B. 317 199, 315 - and H. Moore 268, 324 Swan 151 Smallwood, W. C. see Bickel, Squire, J. R. see Carre, I. J. - H. 310 H. 235, 320 218, 318 - see Ingraham, F. D. 309 Smellie, J. M. see Bickel, H. Stahli, W. 323 - and H. H. Gordon 220,318 235, 320 Stalder, G. see Vest, M. 320 - Jocelyn R. H., and H. - see Cox, P. J. M. 181, 313 Stalker, H., and D. Band 308 Balme 187, 314 Author Index 343

Sweet, C. 308 Thompson, J. O. 312 Varela, M. see Vazquez, V. A. Sweetser, T. H. 99, 306 - J. R. 316 41, 300 - T. C. Chisholm and W. H. - R. F. see Lynch, K. D. 297 Vasilescu, C. see Tzovaru, S. Thompson 306 - W. H. see Sweetser, T. H. 201,316 --- E. B. Berglund, S.P. 306 Vaughan, G. F. 296 Wesolowski and T. H. Thomson, G. R. 325 Vazquez, V. A., and M. Varela Sweetser jr. 306 Thorn, G. W., G. E. Koepf and 41, 300 - jr., T.H. see Sweetser, T. H. M. Clinton 223, 319 Verger, P. 318 306 Thrash, A. M. see Jungck, E. C. - see Duvergey, H. 318 Swenson, O. 53, 59, 60, 61, 63, 316 Vermooten, V. 61,169,302,312 65, 300, Thunig, L. A. 305 - and C. H. Neuswanger 54, - and J. H. Fisher 302 Till, A. S. see Gordon-Taylor, 301 -- and J. Cendron 59, 135, G. 257,322 Vest, M., and G. Stalder 320 302,309 Tomlin, E. M. see Abernethy, - S. A. see Boyce, W. H. 305 - and D. Marchant 59, 298 A. C. 307 Vesterdal, J. 296 - H. E. McMahon, W. E. Tompkins, P. 325 Vick, E. H. see Snyder, C. H. Jacques and J. S. Camp• Tomsovic, E. J. see Schwartz, 192, 315 bell 302 R. 318 Vigneron, A. see Lauret, G. 302 Swinney, J. 69, 303 Tonutti, E. see Schmidt, G. W. Villiers, D. P. de see Keen, J. A. Swobode, W., and E. Liess 310 316 283, 326 Swyer, G. I. M. 326 Torp, K. H. 304 Vulliamy, D. 124,308 Szenkier, D. 322 Toulson , W. H., and J. A. Vuori, E. E. 176, 314 Szenthe, L. 312 Wagner 21, 298 Vyas, K. G. 163, 312 Towne, L. E. see Nathanson, Talbot, B. S. see Fries, J. W. I. T. 325 Wagner, J. A. see Toulson, 323 Tracy, A. see OIiver, J. 217,318 W. H. 21,298 - N. B., E. H. Sobel, J. W. Traggis, D. G., and M. M. Elli- Wahle jr., G. H. and E. E. McArthur and J. D. Craw• son 319 Muirhead 319 ford 275, 315, 325 Trattner, H. R. 52, 300 Wakeley 21, 261 - see Gardner, L. I. 294,328 TriIIat, A. 324 - C. P. G. 298 Tanner, C. H. 181, 314 Trimingham, H. L., and J. R. - J. C.N. 323 Tasem, W. M. see Kaplan, J. H. McDonald 302 Walcher, D. N. see Boisvert, 321 Trolle, D. 46, 300 P. L. 324 Tausch, M. 296 True, Guillaume and Baumel Walker, B. S. see Prien, E. L. Taussig, H. B., and D. B. 315 174,312 Remsen 210, 318 Trueta, J., A. E. Barclay, P. M. - M. A. see Counseller, V. 260, Taylor 207 Daniel, K. J. Franklin and 323 - A. L. see Perry, C. B. 213, P. M. Prichard 229, 319 Waller, J. I., and F. Adney 312 231,317,319 Tseng, H. C. 80, 304 Wallgren, G. R. 201, 316 - H. C. see Pollack, R. S. 209, Tudor, R. B. 312 Wallis, H. R. E. see Glaser, S. 317 Turkeltaub, S. M. see Keams, 265,324 - J. A., and W. H. Berry 308 W. M. 310 Wallstein, M. see Bugbee, H. G. - S.317 Turner, H. H. 288, 327 162,304,311 Teall, C. G. 226, 319 Tzanck, A., and Daussett 318 Walters, W., and J. B. Priest- - see Bickel, H. 235, 320 Tzovaru, S., and C. Vasilescu ley 298 Ternovsky, S. 87,305 201,316 - see Kennedy, R. L. J. 317 Thamdrup, E. 206, 316 - see Kepler, E. J. 194, 314 Thiemann, A. 299 Uhrich, G. E. see Kelly, C. M. Ward, O. C. 318 Thiermann, E. 136, 309 257,322 Warkany, J., and A. B. Mit• Thierstein, T. see Potter, E. L. Ulfelder, H., and S. H. Quan chell 232, 320 296 208, 317 Warren, F. L. see Harris, H. Thirlby, R. L. see Nesbit, R. M. Underdahl, L. O. see Albert, A. 166,311 304 288,327 Warres, H. L., see Harrison, Thomas 187, 257 Upchurch, W. E. see McDo• F. G. 314 - D. W. 323 nald, H. P. 154, 303, 310 Warwick, M. see Bethune, C.W. - G. 314 Uys, C. J. see Jackson, W. P.U. 303 - J. M. R. 300, 312 290, 327 Waterston 263 Thompson 73, 97, 163, 204 Watkins, J. P. 179,314 - A. R. 306 Vaal, O. M. de 327 - K. H. see Learmonth, J. R. - G. J. 307, 316 Vail, A. S., and T. P. Stone 20, 69,303 - and C. E. Jacobson jr. 136, 298, 303 Watson, P. C., and D. I. Wil• 309 Vandervort, W. J. see Stern, liams 94, 305 - and J. M. Pace 24, 298 O. N. 284, 327 Wattenberg, C. A., M. Abrams, - see B. M. Harvard 100, 306 Vanwyk, J. J. see Grumbach, H. K. Lenis and J. Lewis - H. T. 303 M. M. 288, 327 310 344 Author Index

Wattenberg, C. A. see Rose, D. Wigglesworth, F. W. see Ko- Woodruff, A. W. 310 K. 176,313 bernick, S. D. 319 - J. D., and H. S. Everett Watts, R. W. E. see Archer, - see Magner, D. 204, 316 144,310 H. E. 168, 311 Wiles, P. 257, 323 - S. R.,and J. A. Begner 110, Waybourne, S. see Isaacson, Wilhelmi, O. J. 306 307 C. 213, 317 Wilkins 277, 27.9, 293, 295 Worley jr., G. see McIntosh, Webb, J. see Stewart, A. 312 - L. 193, 194, 315, 325, 326, J. F. 98, 306 - J. K. G. see Stansfield, J. 328 Wrenn, E. L., and A. J. Michie M.310 - M. M. Grumbach, J. J. van 305 Weber, F. P., and M. Scholtz Wyk, T. H. Shepard and C. Wright, A. D. see Pickering, 69,303 Papadatos 326 G. W. 215, 318 Wedgwood, R. J. P., and M.H. - see Grumbach, M. M. 288, - B. W. see Hess, E. 298 Klaus 320 327 Wyatt, G. M. 296 Weerd, J. H. de, and H. B. Si· - Lawson 276 - and S. Farber 190, 315 mon 21, 298 Wilkinson, R. H. see Kirman, - see White, R. R. 25, 298 Wehrbein, H. L. 300 B. H. 234, 320 Wyburn, G. M. 96, 306 Weinberg, S. R., W. T. O'Con• Willan, R. J. 266, 324 Wyk, J. J. van see Childs, B nor and F. L. Senger 298 Wille-Baumkauff, H. 156, 310 326 Weinberger, L. M., and F. C. Williams 7, 46, 54, 57,185,190, - see Wilkins, L. 326 Grant 293, 328 196,281 Wyllie, G. G. 58, 302, 320 Weiss, S., and F. Parker jr. - A. see Robinson, M. J. 314 Wyndham, N. R. 251, 323 146, 212, 310, 318 - A. W. see Smith, W. G. 185, - see Gordon-Taylor, G. 205, Wells 175,251 314 316 - C. see Capon, N. B. 311 - B. L., and J. Lee 260, 323 - H. J. 312 - D. 1. 301, 302, 304, 315, Yeaw, R. C. see Seidal, R. F. - L. J. 323 326,327 266,324 - and E. T. Bell 296 - and H. R. Jolly 100, 306 Young 99,117,284 - see Daly, H. 296 - and H. H. Nixon 93, 128, - B. W. 92,303 Wenger, W. 323 305 - W. L. Anderson and G. G. Werne, J. see Garrow, 1. 247, - see Higgins, T. T. 21, 89, King 307 321 187,194,198,200,213,268, - F., and J. A. Benjamin 307 Wesbit, R. M., and W. Brom• 297,304,313,314,315,317, - H. H. 1, 305, 306, 327 me 303 324 - and R. W. McKay 79, 81, Wesolowski, S. P. see Sweetser, - see Watson, P. C. 94, 305 304 T. H. 306 - D. Innes 300 Wesson, M. B. 48, 300 - 1. G., T. T. Higgins and M. Wester, T. B. see Owen, J. A. Bodian 185, 314 Zachary, R. B. see Emery, J. L. 326 Willmarth, C. L. 41, 300 196,314 Westphal, R. S. 245, 322 Wilms, M. 176, 314 Zahorsky, J. 24,4, 321 Wexberg, E. 308 Wilson, C., and D. G. Abra• Zander, J., and H. A. Muller Weyrauch, H. M., and A. E. hams 215, 216, 318 280,326 Fleming 22, 298 - and F. B. Byrom 213, 318 Zangemeister, W. 187,314 Wharton, L. R. 51, 300 - see Kimmelstiel, P. 139, Zapp, E. 149, 310 - L. A. Gray and H. G. Guild 309 Zeavin, 1. see Israels, S. 167, 144,310 - C. L., and C. B. Billingsley 311 Whisenand, J. M. see Feeney, 318 Zellermayer, J., and H. E. Carl• M. J. 176, 186, 313 - J. R., and O. M. Schloss son 68, 303 White 178, 197 139,310 Zemke, E. E., and W. E. Her• - E. W. 315 Winberg, J. see Ericsson, N. O. rell 208, 317 - L.L.R. 315 113,307 Zetterstrom, R. see Ericsson, - see Bodian, M. 175, 177, Winnicot, D. W. 121,308 N. O. 113, 307 188,190,191,204,207,209, Winsbury-White, H. P. 122, Zschau, H. 202, 316 312,314,316,317 138,162,173,268,308,310, Zucker, M. O. see Geiringer, D. - R. R., and G. M. Wyatt 25, 312,324 304 298 Winslow, N. 202, 316 Zuckerman, C., D. Kershner, Whitehorn, C. A. 253, 323 Winterringer, J. R. see Culp, B. Laytner and D. Ker• Whitehouse, W. N., and 1. O. S. 34,298 schel 187, 314 Lampe 185, 314 Withycombe, J. R. F. 56, 301 Zuelzer, W. W., S. Charles, R. Whittle, C. H., and A. Lyell 328 - see Nesbit, R. M. 302 Kurnetz, W. A. Newton Wickham, J. M. see McGinn, Witschi, E. see Chang, C. Y. and R. Fallon 210, 229, 230, E. J. 176, 313 273,325 231, 318, 319 Widdowson, E. M. see McCan• Wittenborg, M. H. 191, 315 Zunin, C. see Sansone, G. 176, ce, R. A. 10,296,318 Wolbach, S. B. see Cushing, H. 314 Widell, S. see Engelson, G. 190,314 Zygmuntowicz, A. S. see Gard• 211,317 Wolff, S. 326 ner, L. 1. 294, 328 Subject Index Abdominal muscles, absent, clinical picture Bladder, apical tumours with haemoperito- 90 neum 200 -, -, maHormation associated with 89 -, carcinoma, transitional-celled 200 -, -, -- -, distinction from exom- -, cystitis 153-154 phalos 89 -, - cystica 154 -, -, treatment 91 -, - emphysematosa 154 -, -, urinary tract pathology 89 -, - glandularis 154 Aberrant vessels 25 -, diverticula 84 - renal arteries, ligation and hypertension -, duplications 67 213 -, embryonic sarcoma of urogenital sinus Acidosis, chronic renal failure 222 197 -, hyperchloraemic 167 -, fibromyxosarcoma 197 -, renal 167 -, haemangioma 200 ACTR 274 -, hourglass 67 Actinomycosis, urinary tract 156 -, Runner's ulcer 154 Addisonian crises, in adrenocortical hyper- -, hydroureter in disorders of 54 plasia 277 -, interstitial cystitis 154 - -, in male pseudohlOlrmaphrodite 284 -, leukoplakia 154 - -, in males with adreno-cortical hyper- -, malakoplakia 154 plasia 293 -, myxoma 197 Adrenal cortical tumours 192 -, myxosarcoma 197 - -, causing precocity 294 neck obliterations 78 - -, isosexual precocity 192 obstruction 72 - -, virilism 192 -, diagnosis 75 gland 188 -, pathology 74 haematoma 195 - symptomatology 74 Adrenalectomy, in adreno-cortical hyper• -, treatment 76 plasia 280 -, -, trans-urethral resection 77 Adreno-cortical hyperplasia 276 -, -, Y-V plasty 77 -, diagnosis of 279 -, neoplastic disease 197 - -, in the male 293 -, neurofibromatosis 200 - -, laboratory findings 278 -, neurogenic 127 - -, management of 279 -, parasitic and fungal infection 154 Agenesis of abdominal muscles 257 -, pedunculated myoma 200 Air insufflation, retroperitoneal 6 -, rhabdomyosarcoma 197 Albright's syndrome 234, 293 -, sarcoma botryoides 197 Ammonia dermatitis 243, 267 -, -, spindle-celled 200 Anaesthetics 9 -, schistosomiasis 154 Anal atresia in the female 94 -, -, treatment 155 ---- -, rectovaginal fistula in 94 -, -, -, antimony tartrate 155 - -, malformations associated with 91 -, -, -, nilodin 155 Anorchia 260 -, -, -, stibophen 155 Anuria, due to calculus 171 -, trigonal cysts 68 - in the newborn 216 -, unusual tumours 199 Anus, imperforate, with perineal fistula 92 -, urethrotrigonitis 154 -, -, with rectourethral fistula 92 Blood pressure, normal pressure in children -, -, with recto-vesical fistula 94 210 Aortography 6 - transfusion 8 -, in diagnosis of ectopic ureter 48 Boric acid poisoning 244 Ascites, due to perforation of bladder 82 Bougies 7 - in lower urinary tract obstruction 112 Atresia ani urethralis 173 Calculous anuria 171 disease 162 Bacilluria, tuberculous 158 -, aetiological classification 162 Bicarbonate levels 10 -, aetiology, congenital abnormalities 163 Bladder, agenesis 67 -, -, cystic dilatation of collecting tu- -, apical tumours 200 bules 169 346 Subject Index

Calculous disease, aetiology, cystine 165 Cushing's syndrome 194 ~, ~, endemic 162 Cystinuria 165 ~, ~, foreign body 165 Cystitis 153 ~, ~, idiopathic 169 ~, intramural abscess 153 ~, ~, nephrocalcinosis 167 ~, osteomyelitis of the pelvis 153 ~, ~, ~,hyperchloraemic acidosis 167 ~, pelvic abscess 153 ~, ~, ~, hyperparathyroidism 168 ~, thrombophlebitis of bladder wall 153 ~, ~, ~, mercury 167 Cystogram, technique of 4 ~,~,~, miscellaneous 168 Cystometry 8 ~, ~, ~, oxalate 168 ~, in enuresis 123 ~, ~, ~, sulphonamides 167 ~, in neurogenic bladder 133 ~, ~, ~, vitamin 'D' 167 Cystoscopes 7 ~, ~, recumbency 164 Cystourethrogram, expression 6 ~, ~, xanthine 167 Cysts, renal 17 ~, diagnosis 173 ~, trigonal 68 ~, hypervitaminosis 'D' 164 -, utricular 88 ~, incidence 162 ~, management 173 De Toni's syndrome 235 ~, outside urinary tract 173 Diabetes insipidus 232 ~, preputial 173 ~ ~ renalis 233 ~, prevention of recurrence, aluminium Diaphragm, iris 79 hydroxide gel 174 Diphallus 239 ~,~ ~ ~,hyalase 174 Diverticula, in neurogenic bladder 131 ~,~ ~ ~,salicylic amide 174 ~, vesical 69 ~, regional classification 170 ~, ~, clinical features 71 ~, renal 170 ~, ~,~ ~,miction-en-deux temps 71 ~,treatment 174 ~,~, pathology 69 ~, ureteric 171 ~,~, radiology 71 ~, urethral 173 ~, ~, ~, false residual urine 70 ~, vesical 171 ~, ~, treatment 72 ~, vitamin 'A' deficiency 163 Diverticulum, urethral, congenital 87 Calculus, dendritic 170 Dehydration 11 ~, endemic 162 DOCA 279 ~ formation, in neurogenic bladder 132 Dressings 9 ~, non-opaque 173 Dystocia from bladder distension in retention ~, hydronephrosis 170 109 ~, pyonephrosis 170 ~, nephroblastoma 181 ~, vesical, bladder neck obstruction 172 ~, ~, in reconstructed ectopic bladder 173 Ectopia cloacae 103 ~, ~, litholapaxy 172 vesicae 96 ~, ~, rectal prolapse 172 ~, anatomy 96 ~, ~, retention of urine 172 ~, clinical features 97 ~, ~, uterine prolapse 172 ~, cutaneous ileo-ureterostomy 101 Chemotherapy, in acute pyelonephritis 142 ~,~ ureterostomy 101 ~, aureomycin 143 ~, in 99 ~, 143 ~, management 99 ~, gantrisin 142 ~, Maydl operation 100 ~, penicillin 143 ~, reconstructive surgery 99 ~, streptomycin 143 ~, rectal prolapse in 99 ~, sulphacetamide 143 ~, umbilical hernia in 99 ~, sulphadimidine 143 ~, uretero-sigmoidostomy 100 ~, terramycin 143 ~, urinary diversion 100 ~, tetracyclin 143 Electrolyte balance in infants 10 ~, in chronic pyelonephritis 149 Embryoma, renal 176 Chromocentre 273 Embryonal sarcoma, renal 176 Chordee 104 Endocrine disorders 272 Chwalle's membrane 61 Endoscopy 7 Circumcision, in female 266 Enuresis 117 - (routine) 242 ~, aetiological factors 120 Clitoris, double 240 ~,aetiology, bowel disorders 123 -, ligation of 266 ~, ~, faulty training 121 Cloaca, persistent 95 ~, ~, neurological disorders 124 Constipation 8 ~, ~, polyuria 124 Cortisone, in adreno-cortical hyperplasia 278 ~, -, psychological disorders 121 Cowper's gland, cyst 88 ~, -, urinary tract disorders 122 Subject Index 347

Enuresis, incidence 118 Haematocolpos 271 -, management 124 -, in male pseudo-hermaphrodite 282 -, -, surgical 126 Haematuria, aplastic anaemia 237 -, -, drugs 126 -, haemophilia 237 -, -, training and conditioning 125 -, haemorrhagic disease of newborn 237 -, symptoms, dribbling, incontinence 119 -, leukaemia 237 -, -, 119 -, medicational 237 -, -, urge incontinence 119 -, nephritis 235 -, treatment, drugs 126 -, nephroblastoma 180 -, -, surgical 126 -, pigment of beetroot 236 -, -, - plication operations on the female -, surgical causes 236 urethra 127 -, thrombocytopenia 237 Epididymis, abnormalities in undescended -, trauma to kidney 236 testicles 253 -, unexplained 238 -, adenomatoid tumours 204 Haemoglobinuria 236 -, neoplastic disease 204 Haemorrhagic diseases 236 Epididymitis 246 Hamartoma 187 -, metastatic 247 Hermaphroditism, true 284 -, non-specific 247 - -, management of 286 -, tuberculous 161 Hernia, inguinal 257 -, - with hydrocele 161 Hospitalization, psychological effects of 9 Epilepsy, enuresis in 124 Hutchison's syndrome 189 Epispadias 102 Hydatid cyst, urinary tract 154 -, treatment 103 Hydrometra, associated with anal atresia 95 Essential hypertension 210 Hydrocele 262 Eunuchoid habitus 289 -, irreducible 262 Eunuchoidism, idiopathic 289 -, meconium-containing 263 Eunuchs, fertile 289 - of the cord 262 External urinary meatus, covered, in female -, reducible 262 268 -, with undescended testicle 263 -- -, stenosis of, in female 267 Hydrocolpos 271 -, associated with anal atresia 95 Fertility after orchidopexy 258 Hydronephrosis 24, 140 Fibro-elastosis 72 -, aberrant vessels 25 Fibromata, of kidney 187 -, anuria 34 Fibrous dysplasia of bone 293 -, calculous 170 Fistula, umbilical 66, 82 -, clinical features 27 -, urinary 66, 82 -, functional disorders 26 -, vesico-vaginal 69 -, horse-shoe kidney 34 Fluid balance in infants 10 -, hypertension 212 - requirements 10 -, incidence 24 Folds, submontanal 81 -, intermittent 28 Follicle-stimulating hormone 274 -, kinks and adhesions 25 Foreign bodies in urethra 246 -, radiology 28 Fournier's gangrene 266 -, stenosis 26 Frohlich's syndrome 257, 289 -, pathology 24 -, prognosis 32 Ganglioneuroma 191 -, treatment 32 -, paraplegia associated with 191 -, "unrolled kidney" 26 Genital tract infections, epididymitis 246 Hydroureter 51, 54, 57 -- -, orchitis 247 -, neurogenic 131 -- -, prostatic abscess 246 -, normal function of ureter 51 -- -, prostatitis 246 -, radiography 52 Giant bladder 94 -, -, electro-ureterography 53 Glomerulo-nephritis, hypertension 211 -, stricture, uretero-vesical 56 -, nephrocalcinosis in 168 Hyperaldosteronism 194 Gonadal agenesis 287 Hyperchloraemic acidosis 167, 234 Gonococcal urethritis 245 - -, adult form (Albright's syndrome) 234 - vulvo-vaginitis 269 - -, infantile form (Lightwood's syn- Granulosa-cell tumor 294 drome) 234 Gubernaculum 251 Hypertension 210 Gynaecomastia 194 -, acrodynia 211 - differential diagnosis of 295 -, adreno-cortical hyperplasia 277 - in Klinefelter's syndrome 290 -, amyloidosis 213 Gynatresia 271 -, clinical features 213 348 Subject Index

Hypertension, coarctation of the aorta 211 Kidney, cysts, pyelogenic 22 -, Cushing's syndrome 211 -, -, serous 21 -, essential 210 -, dysplastic, obliterated ureter 13 -, ganglioneuroma 211 -, -, patent ureter 13 -, general observations 210 -, ectopia, crossed 24 -, hyperthyroidism 211 -, -, pelvic 24 -, hypotensive drugs 215 -, ectopic 22 -, injury and perinephric haematoma 213 -, fibroma 187 -, investigations 214 -, fused 22 -, management 214 -, haemangioma 187 -, nephroblastoma 181 -, horse-shoe 22, 34 -, pheochromocytoma 192 -, hydronephrosis 24, 38 -, polycystic disease 213 -, -, cystic disease 21 -, renal 211 -, hypoplastic 19 -, lithiasis 213 -, leiomyoma 187 -, neoplasm 213 -, lymphangioma 187 -, subtotal adrenalectomy 215 -, lymphosarcoma 187 -, sympathectomy 215 -, malrotated 22 -, tuberculosis 213 -, miniature 14 Hypertensive encephalopathy 214 -, multicystic 20 Hypoestrinism 270 -, nephroblastoma 175 Hypogonadism, familial 291 -, pelvi-ureteric obstruction, cystic disease -, male 288 21 -, pituitary deficiency 289 -, polycystic, congenital 17 -, testicular deficiency 290 --, supernumerary 40 Hypospadias 104 • --, teratoma 187 -, in female 268 - "unrolled" 26 -, in male adrenocortical hyperplasia 293 Klinefelter's syndrome 290 -, 104 -, treatment 106 I,abia minora, fusion of 266 -, thickening of 267 Idiopathic hyperchloraemia 235 Lawrence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 291 Ileal loop, in neurogenic bladder 136 Leukaemia 187 Ileo-ureterostomy, cutaneous, in ectopia Lightwood's syndrome 234 vesicae 101 Lignac-Fanconi disease (De Toni's syn- Incontinence 119 drome) 235 -, associated with agenesis of sacrum 93 Litholapaxy 172 -, dribbling 119 Luteinizing hormone 274, 280 -, giggle 120 -, meatal stenosis in hypospadias 104 -, neurogenic bladder 94 "Maladie du col" 73 -, stress 119 Male genital tract 238 -, urge 119 Mandelates in acute pyelonephritis 147 Infections of genital tract 245 Marion's disease 73 Inguinal ectopic testicle 253 Maydl operation 100 Intersex 272 Meconium hydrocele 263 -, female 276 Megalo-urethra 88 -, male 281 Mega-ureter 51, 57 -, practical approach 286 -, simple 61 -, true 284 -, -, Chwalle's membrane 61 Investigations, radiological 3 -, -, clinical findings 61 -, urological 3 -, -, endoscopy 61 Iris diaphragm of urethra 79 -, -, management 64 Irradiation nephritis 185 -, -, pathology 61 -, -, radiology 61 Mega-ureter-megacystis syndrome 57 Jet phenomenon 48 -, clinical findings 58 - cystometry 59 17-Ketosteroids, urinary 274 -, endoscopy 58 Kidney, adenocarcinoma 186 - -, Beance congenitale 58 -, benign tumours 187 -, management 60 -, bilateral (symmetrical) cortical necrosis -, pathology 57 229 -, radiology 58 -, cystic disease 17 Metabolic response to surgery 11 -, cysts, multilocular 21 238, 281 Subject Index 349

Micturition, difficult, in lower urinary tract Neurogenic bladder, poliomyelitis 137 obstruction 113 -, sacral agenesis 128 -, frequency of 2 -, spina bifida occulta 128 Monilia infection 9 -, spinal cord lesions, congenital 127 Moniliasis, urinary tract 156 -, treatment 134 -, vaginal 270 -, -, appliances for control of urethral Monorchia 260 incontinence 137 Myiasis, urinary 155 -, -, management of the bladder dis• order 135 Napkin area, congenital syphilitic rashes 243 -, -, operations designed to increase -, intertrigo 243 urethral resistance 135 -, 243 -, -, -- to lower resistance 136 rash 243 -, -, - for diversion of urine 136 -, thrush 243 -, -, spinal cord lesion 134 Neonates, surgical management of 9 Nitrofurantin in acute pyelonephritis 143 Neoplasms, "congenital tumours" 175 Nuclear sexing 273 -, irradiation in utero causing 175 -, kidney, nephroblastoma 175 Obstruction, bladder neck 72 Neoplastic disease 174 Oestrogens 274 Nephrectomy, perinephric abscess 153 -, as a cause of precocity 295 Nephritis 237 Orchidopexy 259 -, acute glomerulonephritis 237 Orchitis 247 -, "focal nephritis" 237 - in congenital syphilis 247 -, irradiation 185 - in mumps 247 -, tuberculo-toxic 161 Ovarian agenesis 288 Nephroblastoma 175 - cysts, in precocious puberty 294 -, clinical features 179 Ovary, arrhenoblastoma 208 -, - -, abdominal pain 180 --, dysgerminoma 207 -, - -, - tumour 180 -, cysts, dermoid 207 -, - -, dystocia 181 -, -, simple follicular 207 -, - -, haematuria 180 -, -, multilocular 207 -, - -, hypertension 181 -, granulosa-cell tumours 207 -, - -, rupture 181 --, neoplastic disease 207 , -, varicocele 181 -, normal development 275 -, incidence 176 -, teratoma 207 -, pathology 176 -, theca-cell tumour 208 -, -, "extra renal tumour" 177 -, torsion 207 -, prognosis 186 -, radiological diagnosis 181 Pain, associated with nephroblastoma 180 -, recurrence 186 -, in differential diagnosis 3 -, treatment 182 Papilloma of renal pelvis 186 -, -, chemotherapy 186 Paranephric abscess 151 -, -, radiotherapy 183 Paraphimosis 242 Nephrocalcinosis 167 Pelvis, double, pyelography 36 -, hyperparathyroidism in 168 -, papillary tumours 186 -, oxalate 168 Penile chancre 246 Nephro-sclerosis, malignant 210 Penis, congenital abnormalities 238 Neuroblastoma 188 -, - -, cysts of raphe 241 -, arising in sympathetic chain 191 -, - -, diphallus 239 -, Hutchison's syndrome 189 -, - -, micropenis 238, 281 -, Pepper's syndrome 189 -, - -, pre-penile scrotum 240 -, spontaneous regression 190 -, - -, torsion 240 -, treatment 190 -, - -, webbing 240 -, -, vitamin B 12 191 -, - absence 239 Neurogenic bladder 127 , elephantiasis 202 -, acute retention in 130 -, haemangioma 202 -, bladder dysfunction in 130 -, lymphangioma 202 -, calculus formation in 132 -, meatal stenosis 244 -, cystometrograms in 130 -, - ulcer 244 -, diagnosis 133 -, neoplastic disease 202 -, diverticula in 131 -, papillary adenocarcinoma of glans 202 -, hydroureter in 131 Pepper's syndrome 189 -, myeloceles 127 Perinephric abscess 150 -, myelomeningocele 127 -, clinical features 151 -, paralysis of anal musculature in 130 - -, pathology 150 350 Subject Index

Peri-renal insufflation of air 194 Pyelonephritis, acute, clinical features 141 Peri-urethral phlegmon 266 -, - -, complicated cases 142 Pheochromocytoma 191, 211 -, - in the infant 141 -, diagnosis 192 -, -- in the neonate 141 -, -, aortography 192 , - in the older child 142 -, -, phentolamine 192 -, management 142 -, hypertension 192 -, -, chemotherapy 142 -, Recklinghausen's disease 191 -, chronic 145 Phimosis and paraphimosis 241 -, -, clinical features 147 -, balano-posthitis 241 -, -, hypertension 211 -, circumcision 242 -, -, management 149 -, preputial calculi 241 -, -, -, chemotherapy 149 Phosphate levels 10 -, -, pathology 145 Pituitary 274 -, -, -, "dysplastic elements" 145 Polycystic kidney 17 -, -, radiology 148 Polydypsia 234 -, nephrocalcinosis in 168 Polyorchism 261 Pyonephrosis 140 Polyuria and renal tubular disorders 231 -, calculous 170 -, chronic renal failure 222 -, diabetes insipidus 232 Radiological investigations 3 -, -- renalis 233 Reflux, vesico-ureteric 53 -, "osmotic diuresis" 232 Reiter's syndrome 245 -, primary polydypsia 234 Renal agenesis 12 - "water diuresis" 232 arterial occlusion 231 ~cocious puberty 291 artery, stenosis, with hypertension 213 Precocity, heterosexual, female 295 -, aneurysm, with hypertension 212 -, -, male 295 carbuncle 150 -, iso-sexual, female 294 -, clinical features 151 -, -, male 293 -, management 153 -, sexual, hypothalamic lesions 293 -, pathology 150 Pregnanetriol excretion 278 failure 216 Pre-penile scrotum 240 -, acute 216 Prepuce, normal development 241 -, -, artificial kidney 220 Presacral neurectomy in neurogenic bladder -, -, bilateral venous thrombosis 217 136 -, -, birth trauma 216 Priapism 250 -, -, clinical picture 218 Processus vaginalis 251 -, -, crush syndrome 217 Progesterone 274 -, -, decapsulation of kidney 220 Prostate, neoplastic disease 201 -, -, exchange transfusion 220 -, plexiform neurofibrosarcoma 202 -, -, glomerulo-nephritis 217 -, rhabdomyosarcoma 201 -, -, haemoglobinuric nephrosis 217 Prostatic absceBB 246 -, -, lower nephron nephrosis 217 - -, gonococcal 246 -, -, management 219 Prostatitis 246 -, -, neonatal asphyxia 216 Pseudohermaphroditism, female 276 -, -, novocaine block of renal pedicle -, -, rare forms 280 220 -, -, with urinary obstruction 281 -, -, pathology 217 -, male 281 -, -, peritoneal lavage 220 -, -, with purely feminine external genita- -, -, suppurative nephritis 217 lia 283 -, -, symmetrical cortical necrosis 217 Puberty, anatomical changes 275 -, -, tubular necrosis 217 -, endocrine aspects 274 -, -, ureteric obstruction 218 -, precocious 291 -, -, use of ion exchange resins 221 "Pubic" umbilicus 97 -, chronic 221 Pudendal nerve section in neurogenic bladder -, -, acidosis 222 136 -, -, aetiology 221 Pyaemic kidney 150 -, -, arterial calcification 227 - -, clinical features 151 -, -, biochemical changes 221 - -, management 153 -, -, bone changes 224 - -, pathology 150 -, -, clinical course 221 Pyelitis 139 -, -, management 227 Pyelogram, intravenous, technique of 3 -, -, osteitis fibrosa changes 226 -, normal, in infants 3 -, -, parathyroid hyperplasia 224 -, retrograde, technique of 4 -, -, polyuria 222 Pyelonephritis, acute 139 -, -, rachitic changes 226 Subject Index 351

Renalfailure, chronic, "salt-losing" syndrome Testicle, adenocarcinoma with clear cells 204 223 -, androblastoma 204 -, -, tetany 223 -, crossed ectopia 261 function in infancy 10 -, femoral ectopia 261 hypoplasia 13 -, gynaecomastia with adenocarcinoma 206 -, hypertension 211 -, hypoplasia 261 -, nephrocalcinosis in 168 -, infarction 265 osteodystrophy 224 -, interstitial-celled tumour 204 vascular disorders 229 -, -, causing precocity 294 vein, thrombosis, hypertension 213 -, neoplastic disease 204 venous obstruction with thrombosis of -, penile ectopia 261 vena cava 231 -, perineal ectopia 261 - thrombosis with haemorrhagic in• -, seminoma 204 farction 230 -, Sertoli-cell tumor 204 Resectoscopes 8 -, supernumerary 261 Residual urine in lower urinary tract obstruc- -, teratoma 204 tion 117 -, torsion 264 Retention, acute 108 -, tumour and imperfect descent 205 -, -, appendicitis 109 -, undescended, abdominal position 253 -, -, diagnosis and management 114 -, -, abnormalities of epididymis 253 -, -, neurogenic bladder 130 -, -, cause of maldescent 256 -, -, symptomatology 113 -, -, clinical picture 257 . -, chronic 108 -, -, complications 257 -, -, diagnosis and management 114 -, -, embryology 251 -, impaction of stone 108 -, -, emergent type 253 -, in the new born 109 -, -, endocrine therapy 259 -, meatal ulcer 108 -, -, entrant inguinal position 253 -, oxaluria 109 -, -, function 256 -, post-operative, acute peritonitis 109 -, -, high retractile type 252 -, sulphamerazine crystals 108 -, -, histology 255 Retro:peritoneal teratoma 197 -, -, incidence 251 -, -, inguinal ectopic 253 Sacro-coccygeal tumor 294 -, -, low retractile type 252 Salt-losing syndrome in chronic renal failure -, -, management 258 223 -, -, middle inguinal position 253 Sarcoma botryoides 197 -, -, spontaneous descent 251 Schistosomiasis, urinary 154 -, -, surgical anatomy 252 Scrotum, ectopic 261 -, -, tumour in 257 -, gangrene 266 Testicles, normal development 275 -, haemangioma 202 Testicular appendages, torsion 265 -, lymphangioma 202 - deficiency, endocrine effects 290 -, neoplastic disease 202 - feminization 283 -, oedema of 266 Testosterone 274 Sex chromatin 273 - therapy, effect on foetus 280 - chromosomes 272 Tetany in chronic renal failure 223 Sexual development, anatomical growth Threadworms in enuresis 124 changes 275 Torsion of penis 240 - -, endocrine factors 273 Transurethral resection 77 - -, normal, genetic basis 272 Transvestism 286 - precocity 291 Trichomonas vaginitis 270 Spermatic cord, adrenal rests 204 Trigone, curtains 68 -, cavernous lymphangioma 204 -, cysts 68 -, haemangioma 204 Tuberculosis, male genital tract 158, 161 -, neoplastic disease 204 Tuberculosis, urogenital 156 -, rhabdomyosarcoma 204 -, -, advanced lesions 160 -, torsion 264 -, -, chemotherapy 161 -, - in the new born 265 -, -, clinical features 158 Sphygmomanometry 210 -, -, epididymitis 161 Submontanal folds 81 -, -, ileo-cystoplasty 161 Suprapubic cystostomy in neurogenic -, -, incidence 156 bladder 136 -, -, isoniazid 161 "Surgical kidney" 140 -, -, management 158 -, -, Mantoux test 159 Teratoma of kidney 187 -, -, para-amino-salicylic acid 161 Testicle, absence of 260 -, -, pathology 157 352 Subject Index

Tuberculosis, urogenital, renal cortical Urethra, neoplastic disease 201 lesions 158 -, obstructions 78 -, -, streptomycin 161 -, penile, obliterations 79 -, -, ulcerative lesions of renal papilla 159 -, polyps 202 Tubular rickets 225 -, rupture in female 270 Tumours, adrenal 188 -, short 107 -, ovarian 207 -, strictures 79 -, prostatic 201 -, valves, anterior 85 -, renal 175 -,-, posterior 81 -, scrotal 202 -, -, -, clinical features 82 -, testicular 204 -, -, -, diagnosis 83 -, vaginal 208 -, -, -, pathology 81 -, vesical 197 -, -, -, treatment 84 Turner's syndrome 288 -,-,-,-, post-operative stress inconti- nence 84 Umbilical urinary fistula 198 Urethral bleeding 236 Undescended testicles 251 dilatation in neurogenic bladder 134, 136 Urachus, anomalies 65 fistula 250 -, cysts 66 -, external 108 -, diverticulum 66 injuries 247 Uraemia, pre-renal 216 -, anterior 247 Ureter, blind-ending duplications 39 -, posterior 248 -, caudal bifurcation 40 polyps 86 -, duplication 35 prolapse 268 -, -, complications 38 stricture 248 -, -, hydronephrosis 38 -, instrumental trauma 249 -, -, hydroureter 39 -, -, intermittent dilatation 248 -, -, hypoplasia 39 Urethritis 245 -, ectopic 41 -, abacterial 245 -, -, genital tract 42 -, diphtheritic 246 -, -, urethral 41 -, foreign bodies 246 -, -, vaginal 45 -, gonococcal 245 -, -, vaginal, diagnosis 46 -, posterior 245 -,-, -, treatment 48 -, Stevens-Johnson syndrome 245 -, -, vestibular 45 Urethrogram, injection 6 -, foetal 61 Urethrostomy, perineal 7 -, hydroureter 51 Urethro-vaginal fistula 270 -, hypoplasia 34 Urethro-trigonitis 268 -, mega-ureter 51 Urinary fistula, umbilical 198 -, obliterated 13 infection, chronic and recurrent 143 -, reflux 53 -, non-tuberculous 137 -, retrocaval 51 -, -, acute 139 -, saccular dilatation 56 -, -, bacteriology 138 -, stricture 34, 56 -,-, -, aerobacter aerogenes 138 -, torsion of 56 -, -, -, escherischia coli 138 -, triplication 41 -, -, -, paratyphoid bacilli 138 -, valves 34, 35 -, -, -, proteus vulgaris 138 Ureteric obstruction with renal failure 218 -, -, -, pseudomonas pyocynea 138 - prolapse 48,50 -, -, -, staphylococcus albus 138 Ureterocele 48 -, -, -, -, aureus 138 -, ectopic 43 -, -, -, streptococcus faecalis 138 -, -, symptoms 44 -, -, -, typhoid bacilli 138 -, -, treatment 45 -, -, incidence 137 Uretero-sigmoidostomy, ectopia vesicae 100 obstruction in female pseudoherma• -, neurogenic bladder 136 phroditism 281 Ureterostomy, cutaneous, ectopia vesicae 101 tract obstruction, lower 108 -, -, neurogenic bladder 136 -, -, causes 109 Urethra, congenital obliterations 78 - -, -, -, central nervous lesions 110 -, diaphragms 79 - -, -, -, cord bladder 111 -, diverticulum, congenital 87 - -, -, -, extrinsic lesions 109 -, double, complete 88 -, -, -, - -, duplication of the -, -, urinary incontinence 89 rectum 110 -, duplications 88 -, -, -, - -, hydatid cyst in -, fibro-elastosis 72 recto-vasical -, membranous, obliterations 79 pouch 110 Subject Index 353

Urinary tract obstruction, lower, causes, Uterine harmorrhage 236 extrinsic lesions, Uterus, adenocarcinoma of body 209 idiopathic mega• -, carcinoma of cervix 209 colon no -, tumours 208 -, -, -, - -, periprostatic hae• Utricle, cysts 88 matoma 110 Utriculus masculinus 88 -, -, -, - -, presacral dermoid - -, enlargement in hypospadias 105 110 -, -, -, - -, sacrococcygeal Vagina, carcinoma 209 tumour 110 -, congenital absence of 272 -, -, -, intrinsic lesions 109 -, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 208 -, - -, poliomyelitis 111 -, foreign body in 270 -, -, consequllnces 111 -, tumours 208 -, -, diagnosis and management -, sarcoma botryoides 208 114 Vaginal atresia 272 -, -, low grade 116 - discharge 46 - -, - -, diverticulum forma- - mucosa, development of 269 tion 117 Varicocele 263 - -, -, - -, measurement of resi• -, associated with nephroblastoma 181 dual urine 116 Verumontanum, hypertrophy 86 -, - -, - -, trabeculation of blad• Vesical diverticula 69 der 117 Vulvo-vaginitis 269 - -, -, symptomatology 113 -, oestrogen treatment of 270 -, parasitic and fungal infections -, staphylococcal 270 154--156 266 Urine, collection of specimens 3 -, extravasation 266 Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 196 -, secretion 10 Webbing of penis 241 -, tuberculous bacilluria 158 Wide bladder neck, in enuresis 122