References 295 Adrenal tumours (p. 195) very seldom produce simple iso-sexual precocity, and those which have caused a premature onset of menstruation have usually caused also virilism or signs of Cushing's syndrome. In all adrenal cases the 17 -keto­ steroid, as well as the oestrogen output, is raised. Sexual precocity may result from the use of synthetic oestrogens: this has been seen during the course of treatment of various conditions (JOLLY) but also when the child has had access to stilboestrol tablets prescribed for elderly relatives. The approach to the problem of precocity in the female may be summarized as follows: apart from the routine clinical assessment, a bimanual pelvic examination under anaesthetic and a careful neurological investigation including if necessary air studies are important. The urinary output of 17 -ketosteroids and of oestrogens should be estimated. If all these investigations are negative a constitutional precocity should be diagnosed and no medical or surgical treatment given. 6. Heterosexual precocity in the male A stimulation of growth processes accompanied by gynaecomastia, and due to adrenal cortical tumour has been reported by WILKINS. Gynaecomastia may also result from interstitial cell tumour and gonadal stromal cell tumour (androblastoma) of the testicle. It is seen at puberty in Klinefelter's syndrome and in true hermaphroditism. 7. Heterosexual precocity in the female Adrenal cortical tumours are the usual cause of a post-natal onset of virilism in a girl: hyperplasia is very seldom responsible at this stage. The diagnosis of the tumours has already been discussed. Arrhenoblastoma is exceptionally rare in children, but has been recorded by FLANNERY in a 13 year old girl. References A. Introduction III. 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