OFFICIAL JOURNAL Re: Confirmation of Renee' Fontenot Free OF THE Citizens Property Insurance Corporation SENATE Dear President Alario: OF THE In accordance with R.S. 22:2294 requiring confirmation of STATE OF LOUISIANA designees of elected official members of the Board of Directors of ______the Louisiana Citizens Property insurance Corporation, I hereby request that your procedures for such confirmation or consent be initiated for the following individual, to-wit: THIRTY-SIXTH D__A__Y__'S_ PROCEEDINGS Forty-Fifth Regular Session of the Legislature Designee Under the Adoption of the Renee' Fontenot Free Constitution of 1974 Executive Counsel ______P.O. Box 44154 Baton Rouge, LA 70804 Senate Chamber State Capitol Appointed: June 4, 2019 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Seat: Designee of the State Treasurer Wednesday, June 5, 2019 Secondary: Rachel Kincaid, Deputy State Treasurer for Management and Finance The Senate was called to order at 10:15 o'clock A.M. by Hon. John A. Alario Jr., President of the Senate. Vice: Ron Henson Morning Hour If we need to do anything else to get these procedures started, please let me know. Otherwise, we will wait to hear from your staff. CONVENING ROLL CALL Sincerely The roll being called, the following members answered to their JOHN M. SCHRODER names: State Treasurer PRESENT Message from the House Mr. President Donahue Morrish Allain Fannin Peacock CONCURRING IN Appel Hewitt Price SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Barrow Johns Riser Boudreaux Long Tarver June 4, 2019 Chabert Mills Walsworth Claitor Mizell Ward To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Cortez Morrell White Total - 24 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of ABSENT Representatives has finally concurred in the following Senate Concurrent Resolutions: Bishop Hensgens Milkovich Carter LaFleur Peterson SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 140— BY SENATORS MORRELL, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, Colomb Lambert Smith, G. BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, Erdey Luneau Smith, J. CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, Gatti Martiny Thompson JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, Total - 15 PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE AND REPRESENTATIVES The President of the Senate announced there were 24 Senators ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, present and a quorum. BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, BRASS, , TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, , Prayer STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, The prayer was offered by Reverend Jesse B. Bilberry Jr., GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, , following which the Senate joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the HENRY, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, flag of the United States of America. MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MARINO, Reading of the Journal MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, , GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, MOSS, MUSCARELLO, On motion of Senator Claitor, the reading of the Journal was NORTON, PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, dispensed with and the Journal of June 4, 2019, was adopted. STOKES, TALBOT, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT AND ZERINGUE Petitions, Memorials and A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Communications To express the sincere condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the death of Leah Chase, the "Queen of Creole Cuisine". The following petitions, memorials and communications were received and read: Reported without amendments. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 141— TREASURER OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA BY SENATORS MORRELL, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, June 4, 2019 CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, The Honorable John A. Alario Jr. PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, President, Louisiana Senate WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE AND REPRESENTATIVES Post Office Box 94183 ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, BRASS, CHAD BROWN, TERRY

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BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 246— STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, BY SENATORS LAMBERT AND ERDEY DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, A RESOLUTION GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, To commend Laine Hardy on becoming the Season 17 American Idol HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, winner. HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, On motion of Senator Cortez the resolution was read by title and LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MARINO, MCFARLAND, adopted. MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, MOSS, MUSCARELLO, NORTON, PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 247— SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, STOKES, TALBOT, BY SENATORS WALSWORTH AND GATTI THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT AND ZERINGUE A RESOLUTION A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend James D. Madden on his numerous contributions and To express the sincere condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana accomplishments. upon the death of Leah Chase, the "Queen of Creole Cuisine". On motion of Senator Walsworth the resolution was read by title Reported without amendments. and adopted. Respectfully submitted, SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 253— ALFRED W. SPEER BY SENATORS ERDEY AND WHITE Clerk of the House of Representatives A RESOLUTION To commend Bill Porche upon his retirement as chief of the Central Message from the House Fire Department. DISAGREEMENT TO HOUSE BILL On motion of Senator White the resolution was read by title and adopted. June 5, 2019 SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 254— BY SENATOR WALSWORTH To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana State Law Institute to conduct a I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of review and study of Louisiana's in forma pauperis and related Representatives has refused to concur in the proposed Senate statutes as applied by Louisiana courts in civil judicial Amendment(s) to House Bill No. 596 by Representative Stefanski, proceedings for possible revision to clarify and limit and ask the President to appoint on the part of the Senate a committee misinterpretation of existing law and to ensure consistent to confer with a like committee from the House on the disagreement. application in all Louisiana courts. Respectfully submitted, On motion of Senator Walsworth the resolution was read by title ALFRED W. SPEER and adopted. Clerk of the House of Representatives SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 255— Message from the House BY SENATOR BARROW A RESOLUTION CONSIDERATION OF A BILL ON THIRD READING To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health, Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, and Louisiana Board of June 4, 2019 Pharmacy to study and make recommendations relative to certain provisions of Louisiana law on medical marijuana. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: On motion of Senator Barrow the resolution was read by title I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of and adopted. Representatives has agreed by two-thirds vote of the elected members to allow the Senate to consider House Bill No. 518 by Representative SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 256— Gaines on third reading after 6:00 P. M. on the 57th calendar day of BY SENATOR WALSWORTH this regular session. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the state Department of Education to study the Respectfully submitted, feasibility of establishing a statewide database for collecting ALFRED W. SPEER detailed information regarding the discipline of school personnel Clerk of the House of Representatives to be used in the issuance and revocation of teaching certificates and teaching authorizations, and for hiring school teachers, Senate Resolutions on administrators, and other school personnel. Second Reading On motion of Senator Walsworth the resolution was read by title and adopted. SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 245— BY SENATOR BARROW A RESOLUTION Message from the House To designate June 9 through 15, 2019, as Flag Week in Louisiana. ASKING CONCURRENCE IN On motion of Senator Barrow the resolution was read by title HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS and adopted. June 4, 2019 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has finally passed and asks your concurrence in the following House Concurrent Resolutions:

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HCR No. 121 HCR No. 122 ROLL CALL Respectfully submitted, The roll was called with the following result: ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives YEAS House Concurrent Resolutions Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Gatti Peacock Senator Ward asked for and obtained a suspension of the rules Appel Hensgens Price to read House Concurrent Resolutions a first and second time. Barrow Hewitt Riser Boudreaux Johns Smith, G. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 121— Carter Long Tarver BY REPRESENTATIVE LACOMBE AND SENATOR WARD Chabert Milkovich Walsworth A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Claitor Mills Ward To commend the Catholic High School of Pointe Coupee softball Cortez Mizell White team upon winning the 2019 Louisiana High School Athletic Donahue Morrell Association Division IV state championship. Total - 29 NAYS The resolution was read by title. Senator Ward moved to concur in the House Concurrent Resolution. Total - 0 ABSENT ROLL CALL Bishop Lambert Smith, J. The roll was called with the following result: Colomb Luneau Thompson Erdey Martiny YEAS LaFleur Peterson Total - 10 Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Gatti Peacock The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the House Appel Hensgens Price Concurrent Resolution and ordered it returned to the House. Barrow Hewitt Riser Boudreaux Johns Smith, G. House Concurrent Resolutions on Carter Long Tarver Chabert Milkovich Walsworth Second Reading Claitor Mills Ward HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 120— Cortez Mizell White BY REPRESENTATIVES LEGER, BACALA, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, Donahue Morrell CHAD BROWN, CARPENTER, STEVE CARTER, DAVIS, EDMONDS, Total - 29 FOIL, IVEY, JAMES, JORDAN, MACK, MARCELLE, SCHEXNAYDER, AND SMITH AND SENATORS ALARIO, BARROW, CLAITOR, COLOMB, NAYS ERDEY, LAMBERT, MORRELL, PRICE, RISER, WARD, AND WHITE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Total - 0 To commend the Louisiana State University Golden Girls on their ABSENT sixtieth anniversary as a feature unit of The Golden Band from Tigerland and premier danceline of the LSU Fighting Tigers. Bishop Lambert Smith, J. Colomb Luneau Thompson The resolution was read by title. Senator Claitor moved to Erdey Martiny concur in the House Concurrent Resolution. LaFleur Peterson Total - 10 ROLL CALL The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the House Concurrent Resolution and ordered it returned to the House. The roll was called with the following result: HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 122— YEAS BY REPRESENTATIVES JIMMY HARRIS, ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, Mr. President Gatti Peacock BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, Allain Hensgens Peterson BRASS, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, Barrow Hewitt Price CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, Boudreaux Johns Riser DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, Carter Long Smith, G. FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, Chabert Milkovich Tarver HORTON, HOWARD, HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, Claitor Mills Walsworth JENKINS, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, Cortez Mizell Ward LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MARINO, Donahue Morrell White MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY Fannin Morrish MILLER, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, MOSS, MUSCARELLO, Total - 29 NORTON, PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, NAYS STOKES, TALBOT, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT, AND ZERINGUE Total - 0 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ABSENT To recognize June 10, 2019, as Leah Chase Day. Appel LaFleur Smith, J. The resolution was read by title. Senator Morrell moved to Bishop Lambert Thompson concur in the House Concurrent Resolution. Colomb Luneau Erdey Martiny Total - 10

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The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the House AMENDMENT NO. 8 Concurrent Resolution and ordered it returned to the House. On page 4, line 5, after "on" and before "Incentives" insert "Benefits of Marriage and" Senate Concurrent Resolutions Returned from the House of Representatives Senator Mizell moved to concur in the amendments proposed by with Amendments the House. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 107— ROLL CALL BY SENATOR MIZELL A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The roll was called with the following result: To create the Task Force on Incentives for Premarital Counseling and Pre-Divorce Counseling to study possible incentives to promote YEAS premarital counseling and pre-divorce counseling and to make policy recommendations to the legislature. Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Gatti Peacock The concurrent resolution was read by title. Returned from the Appel Hensgens Price House of Representatives with amendments: Barrow Hewitt Riser Boudreaux Johns Smith, G. HOUSE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Carter Long Tarver Chabert Luneau Walsworth Amendments proposed by House Committee on Civil Law and Claitor Milkovich Ward Procedure to Original Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 107 by Cortez Mills White Senator Mizell Donahue Mizell Total - 29 AMENDMENT NO. 1 NAYS On page 3, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following: "(11) The reporter of the Marriage-Persons Committee of the Total - 0 Louisiana State Law Institute or his designee." ABSENT HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Bishop Lambert Smith, J. Colomb Martiny Thompson Amendments proposed by Representative Garofalo to Original Senate Erdey Morrell Concurrent Resolution No. 107 by Senator Mizell LaFleur Peterson Total - 10 AMENDMENT NO. 1 In House Committee Amendment No. 1 by the House Committee on The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the amendments Civil Law and Procedure (#3558) on page 1, line 3, change "reporter" proposed by the House. to "chairman" SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 114— BY SENATOR HEWITT AMENDMENT NO. 2 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION On page 1, line 2, after "on" and before "Incentives" insert "Benefits To re-establish the Lower Pearl River Basin task force to study the of Marriage and" conditions, needs, issues, and funding relative to the flood AMENDMENT NO. 3 protection and preservation of the Lower Pearl River Basin and On page 1, line 3, after "study" and before "possible " insert to "the to recommend any action or legislation that the commission benefits of marriage and the" deems necessary or appropriate. AMENDMENT NO. 4 The concurrent resolution was read by title. Returned from the On page 1, line 7, after "rate" and before "contributes" insert "and House of Representatives with amendments: children born to parents without the benefit of marriage" HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 5 On page 1, between line 15 and 16, insert the following: Amendments proposed by Representative White to Original Senate "WHEREAS, in a joint report in late 2015 from Princeton Concurrent Resolution No. 114 by Senator Hewitt University and the Brookings Institute's David Ribar from the University of Melbourne, it states "Reams of social science and AMENDMENT NO. 1 medical research convincingly show that children who are raised by On page 3, line 13, delete "president of" and delete line 14 in its their married, biological parents enjoy better physical, cognitive and entirety and insert the following: "House Committee on emotional outcomes, on average, than children raised in other Transportation, Highways and Public Works, Senate Committee on circumstances. …[R]esearchers have been able to make a strong case Transportation, Highways and Public Works, House Committee on that marriage has causal impacts on outcomes such as children’s Natural Resources and Environment, and Senate Committee on schooling, their social and emotional adjustment, and their Natural Resources by February 1, 2020." employment, marriage and mental health as adults."; and" Senator Hewitt moved to concur in the amendments proposed by AMENDMENT NO. 6 the House. On page 2, line 27, after "incentivizes" and before "premarital" insert "marriage," and after "premarital counseling" and before "and" insert ROLL CALL a comma "," The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 7 On page 3, line 1, after "on" and before "Incentives" insert "Benefits YEAS of Marriage and" Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Gatti Peacock

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Appel Hensgens Price Cortez Mills Walsworth Boudreaux Hewitt Riser Donahue Mizell White Carter Johns Smith, G. Total - 30 Chabert Long Tarver NAYS Claitor Milkovich Thompson Cortez Mills Walsworth Total - 0 Donahue Mizell White ABSENT Total - 27 NAYS Bishop LaFleur Morrell Colomb Lambert Smith, J. Total - 0 Erdey Martiny Ward ABSENT Total - 9 Barrow LaFleur Morrell The Chair declared the Senate rejected the amendments Bishop Lambert Peterson proposed by the House. Colomb Luneau Smith, J. Erdey Martiny Ward SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 138— Total - 12 BY SENATORS CLAITOR, CORTEZ AND MILLS AND REPRESENTATIVE COUSSAN A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the amendments To urge and request the Louisiana State Law Institute to study and proposed by the House. make recommendations relative to interviewing victims and SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 123— witnesses of a crime. BY SENATOR MARTINY A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The concurrent resolution was read by title. Returned from the To establish the Task Force on Cyber Incident and Response to House of Representatives with amendments: develop a tabletop exercise in which the state and private entities can test and strengthen the existing infrastructure to HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS combat cyber threats and attacks and improve ongoing communication procedures. Amendments proposed by Representative Coussan to Original Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 138 by Senator Claitor On motion of Senator Long, the concurrent resolution was read by title and returned to the Calendar, subject to call. AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 2, on line 1, after "attorney" and before the comma ","insert SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 129— "and that the victim or the victim's family member be notified of their BY SENATOR WHITE right to refuse the interview" A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Economic Development to Senator Claitor moved to concur in the amendments proposed develop uniform local review and approval standards for by the House. industrial ad valorem tax exemption applications. ROLL CALL The concurrent resolution was read by title. Returned from the House of Representatives with amendments: The roll was called with the following result: HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS YEAS Amendments proposed by Representative James to Original Senate Mr. President Fannin Morrish Concurrent Resolution No. 129 by Senator White Allain Gatti Peterson Appel Hensgens Price AMENDMENT NO. 1 Barrow Hewitt Riser On page 1, line 3, after "applications" and before the period "." insert Boudreaux Johns Smith, G. "for certain parishes" Carter Long Tarver Chabert Luneau Thompson AMENDMENT NO. 2 Claitor Milkovich Walsworth On page 2, line 5, after "applications" and before the period "." insert Cortez Mills White "for parishes that have not adopted local industrial ad valorem tax Donahue Mizell exemption application rules or guidelines" Total - 29 NAYS Senator White moved to reject the amendments proposed by the House. Total - 0 ABSENT ROLL CALL Bishop Lambert Smith, J. The roll was called with the following result: Colomb Martiny Ward Erdey Morrell YEAS LaFleur Peacock Total - 10 Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Gatti Peacock The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the amendments Appel Hensgens Peterson proposed by the House. Barrow Hewitt Price Boudreaux Johns Riser Carter Long Smith, G. Chabert Luneau Tarver Claitor Milkovich Thompson

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Senate Bills and Joint Resolutions AMENDMENT NO. 7 Returned from the House of Representatives On page 2, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following: with Amendments, §337.77. Refunds of overpayments authorized Subject to Call * * * Called from the Calendar B. The collector shall make a refund of each overpayment where it is determined that: Senator Peacock asked that Senate Bill No. 198 be called from * * * the Calendar. (7) The tax was overpaid due to payment pursuant to an unconstitutional law, invalid or unenforceable rule or regulation, SENATE BILL NO. 198— or because of a mistake of law arising from the misinterpretation BY SENATOR PEACOCK by the collector of the provisions of any law or of any rule or AN ACT regulation. However, the payment of any refund pursuant to the To amend and reenact R.S. 47:302(K)(7)(b), 1403(B)(6)(a)(i), provisions of this Paragraph shall be paid by the collector under 1408(D)(1) and (E), 1439(C) and (F), 1574.1(E), and the terms and conditions determined by the collector. 1580(B)(3), to enact R.S. 47:340(E)(4), 1436(B)(3), 1561.1(C), * * *" and 1623(G), and to repeal R.S. 47:1403(B)(6)(b), relative to administration, disposition, enforcement, and adjudication of AMENDMENT NO. 8 state and local taxes and the Board of Tax Appeals; to provide On page 3, between lines 24 and 25, insert the following: relative to the funding of the local tax division of the Board of "(2)(a) In addition to all other remedies provided for in this Tax Appeals; to provide relative to service of Board of Tax Section, the failure to obey any order or subpoena issued under the Appeals orders; to review of Board of Tax Appeals rulings; to authority of this Chapter shall constitute contempt of court, and may provide relative to tax related escrow accounts; to provide be punished by the board or its local tax judge in accordance with the relative to the enforcement of taxes collected on behalf of provisions of Section 2 of Chapter 4 of Title 1 of Book I of the others; to provide relative to the prescription of taxes and tax Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure, R.S. 13:4611(1), or any other refunds; and to provide for related matters. laws applicable to and all other applicable laws for contempt of court. Any action finding anyone in contempt pursuant to this The bill was read by title. Returned from the House of Paragraph shall be subject to an appeal by trial de novo in the Representatives with amendments: Nineteenth Judicial District Court or supervisory writ as provided for in R.S. 47:1434 through 1436." HOUSE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 9 Amendments proposed by House Committee on Ways and Means to On page 5, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following: Reengrossed Senate Bill No. 198 by Senator Peacock "(3) The board may utilize the escrow account to facilitate the operation of an online filing system, including the deposit of AMENDMENT NO. 1 advance costs from subscribers and related payment of amounts On page 1, line 2, after "1408(D)(1)" and before "and (E)," insert collected related to that service. Notwithstanding any provision "and (2)(a)" of this Section to the contrary, the board may utilize any interest earned on the account to facilitate an online filing system." AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 1, delete lines 3 and 4 in their entirety and insert the AMENDMENT NO. 10 following: "and (F), 1483, 1484(C), 1574.1(E), and 1580(B)(3), to On page 5, between line 15 and 16, insert the following: enact R.S. 47:337.77(B)(7), 340(E)(4), 1436(B)(3), 1481(B) and (C), "§1481. Authority of board to receive and consider claims against 1484(D), 1561.1(C), 1621(B)(10), and 1623(G), and to repeal R.S. the state 47:337.77(F), 1403(B)(6)(b), and 1621(F), relative to" A. Any person who has a claim against the State of Louisiana for money erroneously paid into the State Treasury, or for any other AMENDMENT NO. 3 claim, may present such claim to the Board of Tax Appeals, in such On page 1, line 9, after "accounts;" and before "to provide" insert the form and together with such proofs as the Board of Tax Appeals may following: "to authorize the Board of Tax Appeals to use escrow require by its rules and regulations. The board shall duly examine account funds for certain purposes; to provide relative to the into the justice, merits and correctness of each such claim presented satisfaction of claims against the state; to authorize a simplified claim to it, and shall officially pass thereon. against the state procedure under certain circumstances;" B. For purposes of this Part, except when the context clearly indicates otherwise, the terms defined in this Section shall have AMENDMENT NO. 4 the following meanings: On page 1, line 10, after "refunds;" insert the following: "to authorize (1) "Current collections" shall first mean any current tax refunds under certain circumstances; to provide for certain collections of the particular tax at issue, and then current requirements; to repeal the prohibition of the payment of refunds collections of any taxes collected pursuant to Chapters 1, 2, under certain circumstances; to provide for an effective date;" Chapter 2-A, Chapter 2-B, or 5 of Subtitle II of Title 47 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended. AMENDMENT NO. 5 (2) "Department" shall mean the Department of Revenue. On page 1, line 13, after "1408(D)(1)" and before "and (E)," insert (3) "Secretary" shall mean the secretary of the Department "and (2)(a)" of Revenue. C.(1) Whenever a tax statute or regulation administered by AMENDMENT NO. 6 the department has been declared unconstitutional or On page 1, delete lines 14 and 15 in their entirety and insert the unenforceable in a final, non-appealable decision of the board or following: any court of competent jurisdiction, and a taxpayer has not "(F), 1483, 1484(C), 1574.1(E), and 1580(B)(3) are hereby challenged the constitutionality or enforceability of the tax amended and reenacted and R.S. 47:337.77(B)(7), 340(E)(4), statute or regulation through the payment under protest 1436(B)(3), 1481(B) and (C), 1484(D), 1561.1(C), 1621(B)(10), and procedure set forth in R.S. 47:1576, the taxpayer may seek to 1623(G) are hereby enacted to read as follows:" recover the amounts paid under the statute or regulation by filing a claim as set forth in this Subsection. (2) A claim filed pursuant to this Subsection shall be submitted to the department on forms prescribed by the

1068 36th DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Page 7 SENATE June 5, 2019 secretary, setting forth the amount of the claim. The filing of the Subsection shall not apply when the amount of the claim exceeds claim with the department shall be deemed a filing with the board one million dollars. for purposes of this Part as of the date the claim is filed with the §1484. Satisfaction of claims secretary. * * * (3) Once reviewed for correctness, all claims submitted to C.(1) When the Board of Tax Appeals has approved a claim the secretary shall be forwarded to the board for its examination against the state for erroneous payments of corporate franchise tax of the justice, merits, and correctness of each claim. If the based on the decision in UTELCOM, Inc. v. Bridges,, and an secretary's review of any claim remains pending for more than amount to pay the claim is not paid appropriated pursuant to ninety days, the secretary shall forward the claim to the board Subsection A of this Section within one year of during the next within sixty days of the written request of the claimant. regular session of the legislature following the date the board's (4) Nothing in this Subsection shall restrict or limit any approval of the claim becomes final, the secretary of the Department other remedy available to the claimant under any other of Revenue and the claimant may agree that the payment of the applicable law. claim may be taken as an offset against any state corporate income * * * or franchise tax liability of the claimant or one or more of the §1483. Payment of approved claims claimant's affiliates, as provided in Paragraph (3) of this A.(1) If the claim is approved and it should be an amount not Subsection. exceeding one twenty thousand dollars, the chairman of the Board of (2) Up to twenty-five fifty percent of the total claim approved Tax Appeals shall issue a warrant upon the State Treasurer, for the by the board shall be allowed as an a nonrefundable offset in each amount for which the same is approved, judgment for payment of of the four taxable years the two taxable periods immediately an approved claim, stating in said warrant the judgment the following the agreement of the parties to the offset. For each taxable amount, purposes, and reasons for which the same is drawn the year period in which an offset authorized by this Subsection is taken, judgment. If said claim shall amount to more than one twenty the amount of the offset shall not exceed the amount of the state thousand dollars, and is approved by said Board of Tax Appeals, the corporate income or franchise tax liability against which the offset is board, the chairman, giving all the facts and circumstances in taken after application of all be treated as a credit for purposes of connection therewith, shall report the same judgment to the next R.S. 47:1675 and shall be applied against state income or session of the legislature for its consideration as provided for in this corporation franchise tax liability before application of any other Part. Provided that where such claim accrues to more than one credits of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not person, as for example, the heirs or legatees of another, and the claim limited to credits described in R.S. 47:1675. The secretary shall is determined by the board to be properly due and owing, payment authorize an extension of time not to exceed two years within which thereof to the party or parties asserting the same before the board an offset may be taken if payment of the amount of the total claim shall not be denied because of the failure or refusal of others to join approved is not satisfied after four two years. in and assert such claim, but in such event only the portion due such (3) A party claimant for which the secretary has authorized an claimant or claimants shall be paid and then only if the amount to be offset pursuant to this Subsection may transfer all or any portion of paid to each such claimant does not exceed one twenty thousand the offset to a any member of the party's affiliated group included in dollars. the of entities that includes the claimant and that files a federal B.(1) Any judgment issued by the board for the payment of consolidated return filed under the Internal Revenue Code. Any an approved claim when the amount approved does not exceed portion of an offset transferred to a member of the federal twenty thousand dollars shall be paid out of current collections consolidated group that includes the claimant shall be allowed only without interest following submission to the secretary. The total as an offset against the same taxes and shall be subject to the same amount of judgments paid in a fiscal year from current limitations provided in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection. The transfer collections pursuant to this Subsection shall not exceed two shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth by rule or on million dollars, unless a higher amount for that fiscal year is forms or instructions provided by the secretary. approved by the Commissioner of Administration and the Joint (4) No offset authorized pursuant to this Subsection may be Legislative Committee on the Budget. taken prior to July 1, 2017. (2) The payment of judgments for approved claims shall be D. All claims approved by the Board of Tax Appeals or the paid by the secretary in the order in which the claims were secretary as a result of Act No. 109 from the 2015 Regular approved by the board. If the total amount of claims approved Session, may be taken as an offset against any state corporate by the board and authorized for payment under this Section income or franchise tax liability of the claimant as follows: exceeds the amount authorized pursuant to Paragraph (1) of this (1) Up to fifty percent of the total claim approved by the Subsection in a fiscal year, the payment of any excess claims shall board or the secretary shall be allowed as a nonrefundable offset be issued in the subsequent year in the same order of priority and in the two taxable periods immediately following the agreement with priority over any claims subsequently approved by the of the parties to the offset. For each taxable period in which an board. offset authorized by this Subsection is taken, the amount of the C. When the board approves a claim against the state and offset shall not be treated as a credit for purposes of R.S. 47:1675 the amount of the claim exceeds twenty thousand dollars but does and shall be applied against state income or corporation not exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars, the claim shall be franchise tax liability before application of any other credits of submitted to the litigation subcommittee of the Joint Legislative any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to Committee on the Budget for review prior to the next regular credits described in R.S. 47:1675. The secretary shall authorize session of the legislature. If the claim is approved by the an extension of time not to exceed two years within which an litigation subcommittee, the approved claim shall be paid out of offset may be taken if payment of the amount of the total claim current collections without interest following submission of the approved is not satisfied after two years. authorization to the secretary. (2) A claimant for which the secretary has authorized an D. When the board has approved a claim against the state offset pursuant to this Subsection may transfer all or any portion for erroneous payments of state taxes and the claim is not paid in of the offset to any member of the affiliated group of entities that full pursuant to this Section, is not paid pursuant to any provision includes the claimant and that files a federal consolidated return of R.S. 47:1484, and is not fully appropriated during the next filed under the Internal Revenue Code. Any portion of an offset regular session of the legislature following the date of the board's transferred to a member of the federal consolidated group that approval, the secretary and the claimant may agree that the includes the claimant shall be allowed only as an offset against payment of the claim may be taken as a nonrefundable offset the same taxes and shall be subject to the same limitations against the particular tax at issue. If this offset exceeds the provided in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection. The transfer shall amount of taxes due for the claimant, any unused amount may be be in accordance with the procedures set forth by rule or on carried forward against subsequent tax liability for the same tax forms or instructions provided by the secretary. for a period not to exceed five years. The provisions of this * * *"

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AMENDMENT NO. 11 AMENDMENT NO. 8 On page 6, line 14, after "of" and before "resulting" delete "26 In Amendment No. 10 by the House Ways and Means Committee U.S.C. 6501" and insert "26 U.S.C. 6501(e)" (#2948), on page 4, delete lines 20 through 51 in their entirety and on page 5, delete lines 1 through 26 in their entirety AMENDMENT NO. 12 On page 6, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 9 "§1621. Refunds of overpayments authorized In Amendment No. 13 by the House Ways and Means Committee * * * (#2948), on page 6, line 2, after "delete" and before "is" delete "R.S. B. The secretary shall make a refund of each overpayment 47:1403(B)(6)" and insert "R.S. 47:1403(B)(6)(b)" where it is determined that: * * * AMENDMENT NO. 10 (10) The tax was overpaid due to payment pursuant to an In Amendment No. 13 by the House Ways and Means Committee unconstitutional law, invalid or unenforceable rule or regulation, (#2948), on page 6, line 3, after "insert" and before "1403(B)(6)(b)," or because of a mistake of law arising from the misinterpretation delete "R.S. 47:337.77(F)," and insert "R.S. 47:" by the collector of the provisions of any law or of any rule or regulation. HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS * * *" Amendments proposed by Representative Abramson to Reengrossed AMENDMENT NO. 13 Senate Bill No. 198 by Senator Peacock On page 7, line 6, after "Section 2." and before "hereby" delete "R.S. 47:1403(B)(6) is" and insert "R.S. 47:337.77(F), 1403(B)(6)(b), and AMENDMENT NO. 1 1621(F) are" Delete House Committee Amendment Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 by the House Appropriations Committee (#3568) HOUSE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Amendments proposed by House Committee on Appropriations to Delete House Committee Amendment Nos. 2 and 6 by the House Reengrossed Senate Bill No. 198 by Senator Peacock Ways and Means Committee (#2948) AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 3 Delete House Committee Amendment No. 7 by the House Ways and On page 1, delete lines 3 and 4 in their entirety and insert the Means Committee (#2948) following: "and (F), 1481, 1483, 1574.1(E), and 1580(B)(3), to enact R.S. 47:340(E)(4), 1436(B)(3), 1561.1(C), 1621(B)(10), and AMENDMENT NO. 2 1623(G), and to repeal R.S. 47:1403(B)(6)(b), and 1621(F), relative In Amendment No. 2 by the House Ways and Means Committee to" (#2948), on page 1, delete line 5 in its entirety and insert the following: "and (F), 1483, 1574.1(E), and 1580(B)(3), to enact R.S. AMENDMENT NO. 4 47:" On page 1, delete lines 14 and 15 in their entirety and insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 3 "(F), 1481, 1483, 1574.1(E), and 1580(B)(3) are hereby In Amendment No. 2 by the House Ways and Means Committee amended and reenacted and R.S. 47:340(E)(4), 1436(B)(3), (#2948), on page 1, line 6, after "1481(B) and (C)," and before 1561.1(C), 1621(B)(10), and 1623(G) are hereby enacted to read as "1561.1(C)," delete "1484(D)," follows:" AMENDMENT NO. 4 Senator Peacock moved to concur in the amendments proposed In Amendment No. 2 by the House Ways and Means Committee by the House. (#2948), on page 1, line 7, after "repeal" and before "1403(B)(6)(b)," delete "R.S. 47:337.77(F)," and insert "R.S. 47:" Senator Morrell moved as a substitute motion to reject the amendments proposed by the House. AMENDMENT NO. 5 In Amendment No. 6 by the House Ways and Means Committee Senator Peacock objected. (#2948), on page 1, line 22, after "1483," and before "1574.1(E)," delete "1484(C)," ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 6 The roll was called on the substitute motion with the following In Amendment No. 6 by the House Ways and Means Committee result: (#2948), on page 1, delete line 23 in its entirety and insert the following: "and R.S. 47:340(E)(4), 1436(B)(3), 1481(B) and (C)," YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 7 Mr. President Long Morrish In Amendment No. 10 by the House Ways and Means Committee Boudreaux Luneau Peterson (#2948), on page 3, delete lines 1 through 19 in their entirety and Carter Milkovich Smith, G. insert the following: LaFleur Morrell Tarver "C. The board and the secretary may enter into an Total - 12 agreement to allow filing of claims against the state with the NAYS department on forms prescribed by the secretary. Any claim filed with the department pursuant to this Subsection shall be Allain Fannin Peacock deemed a filing with the board for the purposes of this Part as of Appel Gatti Price the date the claim is filed with the secretary. Nothing in this Barrow Hensgens Riser Subsection shall restrict or limit any other remedy available to a Chabert Hewitt Thompson claimant under any other applicable law." Claitor Johns Walsworth Colomb Lambert Ward Cortez Mills White Donahue Mizell Total - 23

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ABSENT ROLL CALL Bishop Martiny The roll was called with the following result: Erdey Smith, J. Total - 4 YEAS The Chair declared the substitute motion failed to pass. Mr. President Gatti Morrish Allain Hensgens Peacock ROLL CALL Appel Hewitt Peterson Barrow Johns Riser The roll was called on the original motion to concur with the Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. following result: Carter Long Tarver Chabert Luneau Thompson YEAS Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Cortez Mills White Allain Hensgens Peacock Fannin Mizell Appel Hewitt Price Total - 29 Chabert Johns Riser NAYS Claitor Lambert Smith, G. Cortez Milkovich Thompson Total - 0 Donahue Mills Walsworth ABSENT Fannin Mizell Ward Gatti Morrish White Bishop LaFleur Smith, J. Total - 24 Claitor Martiny Ward NAYS Donahue Morrell Erdey Price Mr. President Colomb Morrell Total - 10 Barrow LaFleur Peterson Boudreaux Long Tarver The Chair declared that the motion to allow the Senate to Carter Luneau consider Senate Bill No. 203 after 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 57th Total - 11 calendar day was adopted and the bill may be considered. ABSENT Rules Suspended Bishop Martiny Erdey Smith, J. Senator Mills asked for a suspension of the rules to reconsider Total - 4 the vote by which House Bill No. 507 was laid on the table. The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the amendments HOUSE BILL NO. 507— proposed by the House. BY REPRESENTATIVES ABRAMSON, BILLIOT, BOUIE, TERRY BROWN, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, COX, DUPLESSIS, GLOVER, JIMMY HARRIS, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, JORDAN, Message from the House LARVADAIN, LYONS, MARCELLE, NORTON, PIERRE, AND STAGNI AN ACT CONSIDERATION OF A BILL ON THIRD READING To amend and reenact R.S. 28:826(B)(1) and (C)(1) and R.S. 40:1046(H)(8)(a) and to enact R.S. 47:301(10)(ii), June 5, 2019 302(BB)(110), 321(P)(111), 321.1(I)(111), and 331(V)(111), relative to the gross sales of therapeutic marijuana; to authorize To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: a fee on the gross sales of therapeutic marijuana; to dedicate the proceeds of the fee; to provide for use of the proceeds; to I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of exclude sales of marijuana recommended for therapeutic use Representatives has agreed by two-thirds vote of the elected members from state and local sales and use tax; to provide for the to allow the House to consider Senate Bill No. 203 by Senator effectiveness of certain sales and use tax exclusions; to provide Walsworth on third reading after 6:00 P. M. on the 57th calendar day for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. of this regular session. Senator Claitor objected. Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER ROLL CALL Clerk of the House of Representatives The roll was called with the following result: Motion to Consider YEAS Senator Walsworth moved the adoption of a motion to allow the Senate to consider Senate Bill No. 203 on Third Reading and Final Mr. President Hensgens Peterson Passage, after 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 57th calendar day. Allain Hewitt Price Appel Johns Riser SENATE BILL NO. 203— Barrow Lambert Smith, G. BY SENATORS WALSWORTH, GATTI AND THOMPSON Boudreaux Long Tarver AN ACT Carter Mizell Walsworth To amend and reenact the Title of Chapter 20-H of Title 17 of the Chabert Morrell Ward Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 and R.S. 17:3050.1, Colomb Morrish White 3050.2(A) and the introductory paragraph of R.S. Cortez Peacock 17:3050.2(B)(1), 3050.3, and 3050.4(D), relative to the Grant Total - 26 Opportunity for Youth ChalleNGe Program; to provide relative to the program's purpose, tuition grants, eligibility, administration, and funding; and to provide for related matters.

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NAYS A RESOLUTION To commend the Southern University at New Orleans Lady Knights Claitor Gatti Milkovich track team on winning four national outdoor track Total - 3 championships. ABSENT On motion of Senator Barrow the resolution was read by title Bishop LaFleur Smith, J. and adopted. Donahue Luneau Thompson Erdey Martiny SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 262— Fannin Mills BY SENATORS BARROW, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, Total - 10 DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, The chair declared the vote was reconsidered. MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE Senator Mills moved to call House Bill No. 507 from the table. A RESOLUTION To commend the Southern University Jaguars baseball team on its Without objection, so ordered. accomplishments during the 2019 season. Rules Suspended On motion of Senator Barrow the resolution was read by title and adopted. Introduction of Senate Resolutions SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 263— BY SENATORS BARROW, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BISHOP, Senator Thompson asked for and obtained a suspension of the BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, rules to read Senate Resolutions a first and second time. DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 257— MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, PRICE, BY SENATORS ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, BISHOP, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, JOHNS, A RESOLUTION LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, To commend Southern University (SU) Women's Basketball team MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, and Head Coach Carlos Funchess on an outstanding season. WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE A RESOLUTION On motion of Senator Barrow the resolution was read by title To commend Sharon Work, administrative secretary in the office of and adopted. the Senate President, on a long and distinguished career and exemplary public service to the state of Louisiana upon the SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 264— occasion of her richly deserved retirement. BY SENATOR LUNEAU A RESOLUTION On motion of Senator Thompson the resolution was read by title To commend Dianne Hollis Lundy on her accomplishments and and adopted. contributions as an author and educator. SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 258— On motion of Senator Luneau the resolution was read by title BY SENATORS CARTER AND PETERSON and adopted. A RESOLUTION To commend Virginia Johnson on the occasion of her 100th birthday. SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 265— BY SENATORS PETERSON, BISHOP, CARTER, DONAHUE, FANNIN, MORRELL, RISER, TARVER AND WALSWORTH On motion of Senator Carter the resolution was read by title and A RESOLUTION adopted. To express the sincere condolences of the Senate of the Legislature of Louisiana to the family of Jennifer Ashley Mitchell Carter SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 259— BY SENATOR WHITE upon her death. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Economic Development to On motion of Senator Peterson the resolution was read by title develop uniform local review and approval standards for and adopted. industrial ad valorem tax exemption applications. SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 266— BY SENATOR COLOMB On motion of Senator White the resolution was read by title and A RESOLUTION adopted. To urge and request that the Senate Committee on Retirement to conduct a study of disposition of retirement benefits for state SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 260— BY SENATOR BOUDREAUX systems when a beneficiary is convicted of murdering the A RESOLUTION system member. To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to study and make recommendations relative to a behavioral health Medicaid On motion of Senator Colomb the resolution was read by title managed care carve-out. and adopted. On motion of Senator Boudreaux the resolution was read by title Introduction of and adopted. Senate Concurrent Resolutions SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 261— Senator Gatti asked for and obtained a suspension of the rules to BY SENATORS BARROW, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BISHOP, read Senate Concurrent Resolutions a first and second time. BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE

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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 142— ABSENT BY SENATOR GATTI A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Bishop Martiny To commend and recognize First Lieutenant John Stillmon Willis Jr. Erdey Smith, J. upon the celebration of his one hundredth birthday and to record Total - 4 for posterity the extraordinary life he has lived. The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Gatti Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 144— ROLL CALL BY SENATOR ALARIO AND REPRESENTATIVE BILLIOT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The roll was called with the following result: To commend Antoine Duplantis, No. 8 on the Louisiana State University Tiger Baseball team, for his exceptional career in the rd YEAS Southeastern Conference and to congratulate him on his 353 base hit that set a new career LSU base hit record. Mr. President Hensgens Peacock Allain Hewitt Peterson The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Long Appel Johns Price moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. Barrow LaFleur Riser Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. ROLL CALL Carter Long Tarver Chabert Luneau Thompson The roll was called with the following result: Claitor Milkovich Walsworth Colomb Mills Ward YEAS Cortez Mizell White Fannin Morrell Mr. President Gatti Morrish Gatti Morrish Allain Hensgens Peacock Total - 34 Appel Hewitt Peterson NAYS Barrow Johns Price Boudreaux LaFleur Riser Total - 0 Carter Lambert Smith, G. ABSENT Chabert Long Tarver Claitor Luneau Thompson Bishop Erdey Smith, J. Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Donahue Martiny Cortez Mills Ward Total - 5 Donahue Mizell White Fannin Morrell The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent Total - 35 Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. NAYS SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 143— Total - 0 BY SENATOR ALARIO ABSENT A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To express the sincere and heartfelt condolences of the Legislature of Bishop Martiny Louisiana upon the death of John Michael Burch Jr. Erdey Smith, J. Total - 4 The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Gatti moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. The Chair declared the Senate adopted the Senate Concurrent Resolution and ordered it sent to the House. ROLL CALL Message from the House The roll was called with the following result: CONCURRING IN YEAS SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Mr. President Gatti Morrish June 5, 2019 Allain Hensgens Peacock Appel Hewitt Peterson To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Barrow Johns Price Boudreaux LaFleur Riser I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Carter Lambert Smith, G. Representatives has finally concurred in the following Senate Chabert Long Tarver Concurrent Resolutions: Claitor Luneau Thompson Colomb Milkovich Walsworth SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 139— Cortez Mills Ward BY SENATORS ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, BISHOP, Donahue Mizell White BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, JOHNS, Fannin Morrell LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, Total - 35 MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, PRICE, NAYS RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE AND REPRESENTATIVES ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, Total - 0 BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, BRASS, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS,

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DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to Senate Bill EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, No. 242 by Senator Allain: HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, MIKE Representatives Jim Morris, Bishop and Schexnayder. JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MARINO, MCFARLAND, Respectfully submitted, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, ALFRED W. SPEER JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, MOSS, MUSCARELLO, NORTON, PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, Clerk of the House of Representatives SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, STOKES, TALBOT, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT AND ZERINGUE Message from the House A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend Assistant Vice President Danny Wilson upon his forty- HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED six years of exemplary service to AT&T, Inc. and to congratulate him on the occasion of his well-deserved retirement June 5, 2019 on June 12, 2019. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Reported without amendments. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of Respectfully submitted, the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, ALFRED W. SPEER on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like Clerk of the House of Representatives committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill No. 208 by Representative Brass: Message from the House Representatives Brass, N. Landry and Wright. HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Respectfully submitted, June 5, 2019 ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Message from the House I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to Senate Bill June 5, 2019 No. 109 by Senator Barrow: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Representatives Marcelle, Hoffmann and Jackson. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of Respectfully submitted, the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, ALFRED W. SPEER on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like Clerk of the House of Representatives committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill No. 218 by Representative Marcelle: Message from the House Representatives Marcelle, Jackson and McFarland. HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Respectfully submitted, June 5, 2019 ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Message from the House I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to Senate Bill June 5, 2019 No. 182 by Senator Hewitt: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Representatives Foil, G. Miller and Mack. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of Respectfully submitted, the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, ALFRED W. SPEER on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like Clerk of the House of Representatives committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill No. 225 by Representative Edmonds: Message from the House Representatives Edmonds, N. Landry and Bacala. HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Respectfully submitted, June 5, 2019 ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like

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Message from the House Representatives Stefanski, Abramson and DeVillier. HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER June 5, 2019 Clerk of the House of Representatives To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Message from the House I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of DISAGREEMENT TO HOUSE BILL the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like June 5, 2019 committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill No. 331 by Representative Leger: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Representatives Leger, Abramson and J. Harris. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has refused to concur in the proposed Senate Respectfully submitted, Amendment(s) to House Bill No. 600 by Representative Talbot, and ALFRED W. SPEER ask the President to appoint on the part of the Senate a committee to Clerk of the House of Representatives confer with a like committee from the House on the disagreement. Message from the House Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Clerk of the House of Representatives June 5, 2019 Message from the House To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: DISAGREEMENT TO HOUSE BILL I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of June 5, 2019 the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill No. 454 by Representative Zeringue: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has refused to concur in the proposed Senate Representatives Zeringue, Schexnayder and Magee. Amendment(s) to House Bill No. 618 by Representative Lance Harris, and ask the President to appoint on the part of the Senate a Respectfully submitted, committee to confer with a like committee from the House on the ALFRED W. SPEER disagreement. Clerk of the House of Representatives Respectfully submitted, Message from the House ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Message from the House June 5, 2019 DISAGREEMENT TO HOUSE BILL To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: June 5, 2019 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of No. 466 by Representative Davis: Representatives has refused to concur in the proposed Senate Amendment(s) to House Bill No. 100 by Representative Gisclair, and Representatives Davis, Abramson and J. Harris. ask the President to appoint on the part of the Senate a committee to confer with a like committee from the House on the disagreement. Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Respectfully submitted, Clerk of the House of Representatives ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives Message from the House Motion HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Senator Barrow moved to discharge the Conference Committee June 5, 2019 on Senate Bill No. 109. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: SENATE BILL NO. 109— BY SENATORS BARROW, ALARIO, BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, ERDEY, GATTI, HEWITT, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of JOHNS, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON AND on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like WALSWORTH committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill AN ACT No. 596 by Representative Stefanski: To amend and reenact the chapter heading of Chapter 3 of Title III of the Children's Code, the heading of Children's Code Art. 303

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and R.S. 46:56(F)(7)(c) and 1403.1, to enact Children's Code 1950, comprised of R.S. 56:360.1 through 360.3, and Section 5 Art. 303(12) and Subpart D-4 of Part II of Chapter 3 of the of Act No. 612 of the 2018 Regular Session of the Legislature, Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. relative to boards, commissions, committees, councils, 46:288.1 through 288.10, and to repeal R.S. 46:286.24, relative authorities, districts, like entities, and funds related thereto; to to youth in the foster care program; to provide for exclusive provide relative to the functional organization of state court jurisdiction; to provide for the release of certain government by abolishing certain boards, commissions, information regarding the foster child; to provide for extended committees, councils, authorities, districts, like entities, and stay in foster care while in a transitional placing program; to funds related thereto; to remove references to, provisions for, provide for an extended foster care program; to provide for and the powers, functions, and duties of the Witness Protection definitions; to provide for program eligibility; to provide for a Services Board; to remove all provisions of the Witness voluntary placement agreement; to provide for a written court Protection Services Act; to remove references to, provisions report; to provide for court jurisdiction; to provide for internal for, and the powers, functions, and duties of and relative to the administrative reviews; to provide for program participation Workforce and Innovation for a Stronger Economy Strategic termination; to provide for extension of an adoption or Planning Council and related duties of the Board of Regents; to guardianship subsidy; to provide for rulemaking; to provide for remove provisions for the Workforce and Innovation for a the repeal of extended foster care for high school students; to Stronger Economy Fund and transfer any unencumbered provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. balance remaining in the fund to the state general fund; to remove references to, provisions for, and the powers, functions, Without objection, so ordered. and duties of the Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunity; to remove references to, provisions for, and the powers, functions, Recess and duties of the Louisiana State Transportation Infrastructure Bank; to remove provisions for the Louisiana State On motion of Senator Long, the Senate took a recess at 12:00 Transportation Infrastructure Fund and redirect certain monies o'clock P.M. until 2:00 o'clock P.M. allocated to such fund to the Transportation Trust Fund; to remove references to, provisions for, and the powers, functions, and duties of the Louisiana Aquatic Invasive Species Council; After Recess to remove references to, provisions for, and the powers, The Senate was called to order at 2:20 o'clock P.M. by the functions, and duties of the Louisiana Aquatic Invasive Species President of the Senate. Advisory Task Force; and to provide for related matters. ROLL CALL Floor Amendments The roll being called, the following members answered to their Senator Peterson proposed the following amendments. names: PRESENT SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Mr. President Fannin Morrish Amendments proposed by Senator Peterson to Engrossed House Bill Appel Hensgens Peacock No. 404 by Representative Schexnayder Bishop Hewitt Peterson Boudreaux Johns Price AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carter Lambert Riser Delete Senate Committee Amendment No. 1, proposed by the Senate Chabert Long Smith, G. Committee on Judiciary C and adopted by the Senate on June 4, Claitor Luneau Smith, J. 2019. Colomb Martiny Tarver Cortez Mills Walsworth AMENDMENT NO. 2 Donahue Mizell Ward In Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 proposed by the Senate Erdey Morrell White Committee on Judiciary C (#3316) and adopted by the Senate on Total - 33 June 4, 2019, on page 1, delete line 6 and insert "17:1519.12, ABSENT 2048.51(C)(14) and (N), and 3138.4," Allain Gatti Milkovich AMENDMENT NO. 3 Barrow LaFleur Thompson In Senate Committee Amendment No. 9 proposed by the Senate Total - 6 Committee on Judiciary C (#3316) and adopted by the Senate on June 4, 2019, on page 1, delete line 25 and insert the following: The President of the Senate announced there were 33 Senators "Section 3.(A) R.S. 17:1519.12 and 2048.51(C)(14) and (N) are present and a quorum. hereby repealed in their entirety. (B) R.S. 36:254(A)(14) is hereby amended and reenacted to Senate Business Resumed After Recess read as follows: §254. Powers and duties of the secretary of the Louisiana House Bills and Joint Resolutions on Department of Health Third Reading and Final Passage A. In addition to the functions, powers, and duties otherwise vested in the secretary by law, he shall: HOUSE BILL NO. 404— * * * BY REPRESENTATIVE SCHEXNAYDER (14) Determine how funding for residency positions, residency AN ACT supervision, and other medical education resources shall be allocated To amend and reenact R.S. 39:100.116(A)(13), R.S. 44:4.1(B)(8), among institutions which provide medical education at hospitals in and R.S. 48:77(B)(3) and to repeal Chapter 15 of Title 15 of the the health care services division of the Louisiana State University Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 15:1601 Health Sciences Center, including the Medical Center of Louisiana through 1614, R.S. 17:3138.4, R.S. 22:31(A)(1) and 32, R.S. at New Orleans, to ensure that there is an equitable distribution 36:4(O), 610(J), 686(C)(4), and 769(M), Subpart B of Part V of among medical education programs providing services in public Chapter 1 of Title 48 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, institutions. In making such determinations, the secretary shall comprised of R.S. 48:81 through 90.1, Subpart A-1 of Part VII consider advice provided by the Medical Education Commission, the of Chapter 1 of Title 56 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of historical distribution of graduate medical education resources, the

1076 36th DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Page 15 SENATE June 5, 2019 long-term effects of the allocation of medical education resources to ROLL CALL each program, and the clinical workload of each program. * * * The roll was called with the following result: (C) R.S. 36:259(B)(22) is hereby repealed in its entirety. (D) R.S. 39:98.3(B)(2) and 98.4(B)(3)(a) are hereby amended YEAS and reenacted to read as follows: §98.3. Appropriations from the Health Excellence Fund, the Mr. President Erdey Morrish Education Excellence Fund, and the TOPS Fund Allain Fannin Peacock * * * Appel Hensgens Peterson B. Appropriations from the Health Excellence Fund shall be Bishop Hewitt Price restricted to the following purposes: Boudreaux Johns Riser * * * Carter Lambert Smith, G. (2) A program of research grants and projects that encourage Chabert Luneau Smith, J. the pursuit of innovation in advanced health care sciences; such Claitor Martiny Tarver program shall support clinical and laboratory research efforts based Colomb Milkovich Walsworth in Louisiana universities, as well as institutions represented in the Cortez Mills Ward membership of the Medical Education Commission as provided in Donahue Mizell White R.S. 17:1519.8, and shall fund grants for both basic and applied Total - 33 research in advanced health care sciences; such program shall NAYS encourage institutional commitment and leveraging of state monies to secure private and federal funds and shall be administered by the Total - 0 Board of Regents through an objective, competitive process subject ABSENT to peer review. The Board of Regents shall annually submit to the legislature and the governor, not less than forty-five days prior to the Barrow LaFleur Morrell beginning of each regular session of the legislature, a proposed Gatti Long Thompson program and budget for the expenditure of the funds appropriated to Total - 6 the Board of Regents for these purposes. * * * The Chair declared the amended bill was passed and ordered it §98.4. Louisiana Fund returned to the House. Senator Peterson moved to reconsider the * * * vote by which the bill was passed and laid the motion on the table. B. Appropriations from the Fund shall be restricted to the following purposes provided in this Subsection, and no annual HOUSE BILL NO. 443— appropriation for any one of the purposes enumerated in Paragraphs BY REPRESENTATIVE NANCY LANDRY (1) through (4) of this Subsection may exceed fifty percent of the AN ACT total amount of monies appropriated from the Fund in any fiscal year: To amend and reenact R.S. 14:40.8(B) and R.S. 17:1801(C), * * * 1801.1(C), and 1805(A)(3), (B), and (D)(2) and to enact R.S. (3) Initiatives to benefit the citizens of Louisiana with respect 17:1801.1(B)(3), relative to criminal hazing; to require reporting to health care through: to law enforcement by an education institution or representative (a) A program of research grants and projects that encourage the of a national or parent organization that receives a report of an pursuit of innovation in advanced health care sciences; such program alleged act of hazing; to provide relative to a national or parent shall support clinical and laboratory research efforts based in organization's investigation and reporting of alleged acts of Louisiana universities, as well as institutions represented in the hazing; to provide relative to penalties for failure to report; to membership of the Medical Education Commission as provided in require the Board of Regents to develop a standardized form for R.S. 17:1519.8, and shall fund grants for both basic and applied reporting and documenting alleged acts of hazing and a policy research in advanced health care sciences; such program shall relative to making certain documented information available to encourage institutional commitment and leveraging of state monies the public; to require that parents be provided hazing to secure private and federal funds and shall be administered by the educational information under certain circumstances; to require Board of Regents through an objective, competitive process subject organizations to adopt certain policies as a condition of to peer review. The Board of Regents shall annually submit to the operating at an institution and provide education relative to such legislature and the governor, not less than forty-five days prior to the policies; to apply requirements relative to hazing prevention beginning of each regular session of the legislature, a proposed education to an organization's employees and volunteers; to program and budget for the expenditure of the funds appropriated to provide relative to the authority of university and college police the Board of Regents for these purposes. officers with regard to criminal hazing; and to provide for * * *" related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Floor Amendments Delete Legislative Bureau Amendment No. 1, proposed by the Legislative Bureau and adopted by the Senate on June 4, 2019. Senator Claitor proposed the following amendments. AMENDMENT NO. 5 SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS On page 1, line 2, after "To amend and reenact" delete the remainder of the line and insert the following: "R.S. 36:254(A)(14), R.S. Amendments proposed by Senator Claitor to Reengrossed House Bill 39:98.3(B)(2), 98.4(B)(3)(a), and 100.116(A)(13), R.S. No. 443 by Representative Nancy Landry 40:2844(B)(introductory paragraph), R.S. 44:4.1(B)(8), and R.S. 48:77(B)(3), to enact R.S. 40:2844(B)(25), and" AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 4, at the end of line 4, change "following forms:" to AMENDMENT NO. 6 "following:" On page 1, line 5, delete "610(J)," and insert "259(B)(22), 610(J)," On motion of Senator Claitor, the amendments were adopted. On motion of Senator Peterson, the amendments were adopted. The bill was read by title. Senator Claitor moved the final The bill was read by title. Senator Peterson moved the final passage of the amended bill. passage of the amended bill.

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ROLL CALL The Chair declared the bill was passed and ordered it returned to the House. Senator Claitor moved to reconsider the vote by which The roll was called with the following result: the bill was passed and laid the motion on the table. YEAS HOUSE BILL NO. 359— BY REPRESENTATIVES MIKE JOHNSON AND ABRAMSON Mr. President Fannin Morrish AN ACT Allain Gatti Peacock To amend and reenact R.S. 14:62.5(A), relative to the crime of Appel Hensgens Peterson looting; to provide for the crime of looting; to provide relative Barrow Hewitt Price to the elements of the offense; and to provide for related Bishop Johns Riser matters. Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Carter Long Smith, J. The bill was read by title. Senator Appel moved the final Chabert Luneau Tarver passage of the bill. Claitor Martiny Walsworth Colomb Milkovich Ward ROLL CALL Cortez Mills White Donahue Mizell The roll was called with the following result: Erdey Morrell Total - 37 YEAS NAYS Mr. President Fannin Morrish Total - 0 Allain Gatti Peacock ABSENT Appel Hensgens Peterson Barrow Hewitt Price LaFleur Thompson Bishop Johns Riser Total - 2 Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Carter Long Smith, J. The Chair declared the amended bill was passed and ordered it Chabert Luneau Tarver returned to the House. Senator Claitor moved to reconsider the vote Claitor Martiny Walsworth by which the bill was passed and laid the motion on the table. Colomb Milkovich Ward Cortez Mills White HOUSE BILL NO. 518— Donahue Mizell BY REPRESENTATIVE GAINES Erdey Morrell AN ACT Total - 37 To amend and reenact R.S. 15:529.1(C) and Code of Criminal NAYS Procedure Article 893(E)(2), (3)(a) and (c), and (4), relative to the habitual offender law; to provide relative to the convictions Total - 0 to which the habitual offender law applies; to provide for the ABSENT application of the habitual offender law relative to a conviction that is subsequently dismissed and set aside after a deferral of LaFleur Thompson imposition of sentence; and to provide for related matters. Total - 2 The bill was read by title. Senator Claitor moved the final The Chair declared the bill was passed and ordered it returned passage of the bill. to the House. Senator Appel moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed and laid the motion on the table. ROLL CALL Rules Suspended The roll was called with the following result: Reconsideration YEAS Mr. President Cortez Mills Called from the Calendar Allain Donahue Mizell Appel Gatti Morrell Senator Mills asked that House Bill No. 507 be called from the Barrow Hensgens Morrish Calendar for reconsideration. Bishop Hewitt Peterson HOUSE BILL NO. 507— Boudreaux Johns Price BY REPRESENTATIVES ABRAMSON, BILLIOT, BOUIE, TERRY Carter Lambert Smith, G. BROWN, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, COX, DUPLESSIS, GLOVER, Chabert Long Smith, J. JIMMY HARRIS, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, JORDAN, Claitor Luneau Tarver LARVADAIN, LYONS, MARCELLE, NORTON, PIERRE, AND STAGNI Colomb Martiny Ward AN ACT Total - 30 To amend and reenact R.S. 28:826(B)(1) and (C)(1) and R.S. NAYS 40:1046(H)(8)(a) and to enact R.S. 47:301(10)(ii), 302(BB)(110), 321(P)(111), 321.1(I)(111), and 331(V)(111), Erdey Milkovich Riser relative to the gross sales of therapeutic marijuana; to authorize Fannin Peacock Walsworth a fee on the gross sales of therapeutic marijuana; to dedicate the Total - 6 proceeds of the fee; to provide for use of the proceeds; to ABSENT exclude sales of marijuana recommended for therapeutic use from state and local sales and use tax; to provide for the LaFleur Thompson White effectiveness of certain sales and use tax exclusions; to provide Total - 3 for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. The bill was read by title. Senator Mills moved the final passage of the previously amended bill.

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ROLL CALL report; to provide for court jurisdiction; to provide for internal administrative reviews; to provide for program participation The roll was called with the following result: termination; to provide for extension of an adoption or guardianship subsidy; to provide for rulemaking; to provide for YEAS the repeal of extended foster care for high school students; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Mr. President Donahue Morrish Allain Erdey Peacock The bill was read by title. Returned from the House of Appel Hensgens Peterson Representatives with amendments: Barrow Hewitt Price Bishop Johns Riser HOUSE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Carter Luneau Smith, J. Amendments proposed by House Committee on Health and Welfare Chabert Martiny Tarver to Reengrossed Senate Bill No. 109 by Senator Barrow Claitor Mills Ward Colomb Mizell White AMENDMENT NO. 1 Cortez Morrell On page 1, line 3, after "Children's Code Art. 303" and before "and Total - 32 R.S. 46:56(F)(7)(c)" insert a comma "," NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Fannin Long Walsworth On page 1, line 17, change "Legislative" to "Legislature" Gatti Milkovich Total - 5 AMENDMENT NO. 3 ABSENT On page 2, line 13, after "provided" delete the remainder of the line and insert in lieu thereof "in R.S. 46:288.2." LaFleur Thompson Total - 2 AMENDMENT NO. 4 On page 2, line 14, delete the comma "," The Chair declared the bill was passed and ordered it returned to the House. Senator Mills moved to reconsider the vote by which AMENDMENT NO. 5 the bill was passed and laid the motion on the table. On page 4, line 24, delete "provided" and insert in lieu thereof "if" AMENDMENT NO. 6 Message from the House On page 4, line 25, after "eligible" and before the period "." insert DISCHARGE OF "for those services" CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT AMENDMENT NO. 7 June 5, 2019 On page 7, line 6, delete the comma "," AMENDMENT NO. 8 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: On page 7, line 10, delete the comma "," I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has discharged the Report of the Conference Senator Barrow moved to concur in the amendments proposed Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 109. by the House. Respectfully submitted, ROLL CALL ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives The roll was called with the following result: Motion to Reconsider Vote YEAS Mr. President Fannin Morrish Senator Barrow asked for and obtained a suspension of the rules Allain Gatti Peacock to reconsider the vote by which the amendments to Senate Bill Appel Hensgens Peterson No. 109 were rejected. Barrow Hewitt Price SENATE BILL NO. 109— Bishop Johns Riser BY SENATORS BARROW, ALARIO, BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, ERDEY, GATTI, HEWITT, Carter Long Smith, J. JOHNS, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, Chabert Luneau Tarver PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON AND WALSWORTH Claitor Martiny Thompson Colomb Milkovich Walsworth AN ACT Cortez Mills Ward To amend and reenact the chapter heading of Chapter 3 of Title III of Donahue Mizell White the Children's Code, the heading of Children's Code Art. 303 Erdey Morrell and R.S. 46:56(F)(7)(c) and 1403.1, to enact Children's Code Total - 38 Art. 303(12) and Subpart D-4 of Part II of Chapter 3 of the NAYS Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 46:288.1 through 288.10, and to repeal R.S. 46:286.24, relative Total - 0 to youth in the foster care program; to provide for exclusive ABSENT court jurisdiction; to provide for the release of certain information regarding the foster child; to provide for extended LaFleur stay in foster care while in a transitional placing program; to Total - 1 provide for an extended foster care program; to provide for definitions; to provide for program eligibility; to provide for a voluntary placement agreement; to provide for a written court

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The Chair declared the Senate concurred in the amendments Senators LaFleur, proposed by the House. Alario and Allain. Message from the House Appointment of Conference Committee PASSED SENATE BILLS AND on House Bill No. 218 JOINT RESOLUTIONS The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference June 5, 2019 Committee on House Bill No. 218 the following members of the Senate: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Senators Gary Smith, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Colomb Representatives has finally passed the following Senate Bills and and Claitor. Joint Resolutions: SENATE BILL NO. 203— Appointment of Conference Committee BY SENATORS WALSWORTH, GATTI AND THOMPSON on House Bill No. 454 AN ACT To amend and reenact the Title of Chapter 20-H of Title 17 of the The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 and R.S. 17:3050.1, Committee on House Bill No. 454 the following members of the 3050.2(A) and the introductory paragraph of R.S. Senate: 17:3050.2(B)(1), 3050.3, and 3050.4(D), relative to the Grant Opportunity for Youth ChalleNGe Program; to provide relative Senators Peacock, to the program's purpose, tuition grants, eligibility, Thompson administration, and funding; and to provide for related matters. and Allain. Reported with amendments. Appointment of Conference Committee Respectfully submitted, on House Bill No. 466 ALFRED W. SPEER The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference Clerk of the House of Representatives Committee on House Bill No. 466 the following members of the Senate: Appointment of Conference Committee on Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 129 Senators Morrell, Carter The President of the Senate appointed the following members to and Gary Smith. confer with a like committee from the House to consider the disagreement on Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 129: Appointment of Conference Committee Senators White, on House Bill No. 596 Martiny The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference and Peacock. Committee on House Bill No. 596 the following members of the Senate: Appointment of Conference Committee on House Bill No. 2 Senators Morrell, Allain The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference and Carter. Committee on House Bill No. 2 the following members of the Senate: Message from the House Senators Morrell, HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Alario and LaFleur. June 5, 2019 Appointment of Conference Committee To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: on House Bill No. 105 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, Committee on House Bill No. 105 the following members of the on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like Senate: committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 223 by Senator Allain: Senators LaFleur, Alario Representatives Stefanski, Abramson and DeVillier. and Tarver. Respectfully submitted, Appointment of Conference Committee ALFRED W. SPEER on House Bill No. 148 Clerk of the House of Representatives The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference Committee on House Bill No. 148 the following members of the Senate:

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Message from the House Message from the House HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill on the disagreement to House Bill No. 119. No. 148 by Representative Henry: Respectfully submitted, Representatives Henry, Foil and D. Miller. ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives Message from the House Message from the House ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2019 June 4, 2019 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of on the disagreement to House Bill No. 127. Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 9. Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Respectfully submitted, Clerk of the House of Representatives ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives Message from the House Message from the House ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of on the disagreement to House Bill No. 133. Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 146. Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Respectfully submitted, Clerk of the House of Representatives ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives Message from the House Message from the House ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of on the disagreement to House Bill No. 250. Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 82. Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Respectfully submitted, Clerk of the House of Representatives ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives

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Message from the House Rules Suspended ADOPTION OF Introduction of Senate Resolutions CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Senator Carter asked for and obtained a suspension of the rules June 5, 2019 to read Senate Resolutions a first and second time. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 267— BY SENATOR CARTER I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of A RESOLUTION Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee To express the sincere condolences of the Senate of the Legislature on the disagreement to House Bill No. 277. of Louisiana upon the death of Isaac G. Joseph. Respectfully submitted, On motion of Senator Carter the resolution was read by title and ALFRED W. SPEER adopted. Clerk of the House of Representatives SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 268— BY SENATOR MILKOVICH Message from the House A RESOLUTION ADOPTION OF To commend Sancha Smith for her work with the Concerned Women CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT for America. On motion of Senator Milkovich the resolution was read by title June 5, 2019 and adopted. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 269— BY SENATOR MILKOVICH I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of A RESOLUTION Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee To commend Mitchell Demetrius Lane Sr. upon his twenty-four year on the disagreement to House Bill No. 326. career in the criminal justice field, serving the public as an adult corrections officer, as a counselor in a juvenile community Respectfully submitted, group home facility, and five years as a child support collections ALFRED W. SPEER probation officer, closing out his career with over fifteen years Clerk of the House of Representatives as a probation and parole supervisor with the office of juvenile justice. Message from the House On motion of Senator Milkovich the resolution was read by title ADOPTION OF and adopted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Introduction of June 5, 2019 Senate Concurrent Resolutions To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Senator Fannin asked for and obtained a suspension of the rules I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of to read Senate Concurrent Resolutions a first and second time. Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 145— on the disagreement to House Bill No. 425. BY SENATOR ALARIO A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Respectfully submitted, To recognize and commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of D- ALFRED W. SPEER Day, the allied invasion of France, to express profound Clerk of the House of Representatives appreciation and immense gratitude for the acts of heroism, valor, and sacrifices made by the members of the United States Message from the House Armed Forces and allied armed forces who participated in the June 6, 1944, amphibious landing at Normandy, and to ADOPTION OF commend those individuals for their leadership and bravery that CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT helped bring an end to World War II. June 5, 2019 The concurrent resolution was read by title. Senator Fannin moved to adopt the Senate Concurrent Resolution. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: ROLL CALL I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee The roll was called with the following result: on the disagreement to House Bill No. 583. YEAS Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Mr. President Fannin Morrish Clerk of the House of Representatives Allain Gatti Peacock Appel Hensgens Peterson Barrow Hewitt Price Bishop Johns Riser Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Carter Long Smith, J. Chabert Luneau Tarver

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Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Cortez Mills Ward Carter Long Smith, J. Donahue Mizell White Chabert Luneau Tarver Erdey Morrell Claitor Martiny Thompson Total - 38 Colomb Milkovich Walsworth NAYS Cortez Mills Ward Donahue Mizell White Total - 0 Erdey Morrell ABSENT Total - 38 NAYS LaFleur Total - 1 Total - 0 ABSENT The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was adopted. LaFleur Total - 1 Senate Concurrent Resolutions Returned from the House of Representatives The Chair declared the Senate rejected the amendments with Amendments, proposed by the House. Subject to Call Conference Committee Reports Called from the Calendar The following reports were received and read: Senator Martiny asked that Senate Concurrent Resolution No. SENATE BILL NO. 159— 123 be called from the Calendar. BY SENATOR DONAHUE AN ACT SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 123— To amend and reenact R.S. 24:513(D)(4)(b), relative to audits; to BY SENATOR MARTINY provide for the duties of the legislative auditor; to provide for A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION review and reports on cost recovery budget request forms To establish the Task Force on Cyber Incident and Response to completed by certain budget units; to provide for an effective develop a tabletop exercise in which the state and private date; and to provide for related matters. entities can test and strengthen the existing infrastructure to combat cyber threats and attacks and improve ongoing CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT communication procedures. June 5, 2018 The concurrent resolution was read by title. Returned from the House of Representatives with amendments: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Ladies and Gentlemen: Amendments proposed by Representative Jordan to Original Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 123 by Senator Martiny We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 159 by Senator AMENDMENT NO. 1 Donahue recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: On page 2, line 13, after "following" and before "members:" change "sixteen" to "seventeen" 1. That the set of Committee Amendments by the House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs (#2720) be AMENDMENT NO. 2 adopted. On page 3, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: "(17) The executive secretary of the Public Service Commission 2. That the set of House Floor Amendments by Representative Jim or his designee." Morris (#3404) be rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 3 3. That the set of House Floor Amendments by Representative Jim On page 4, line 2, after "Police," and before "the Louisiana" delete Morris (#3405) be rejected. "and" Respectfully submitted, AMENDMENT NO. 4 On page 4, at the end of line 2, delete the period "." and insert a Senators: Representatives: comma "," and "and the Public Service Commission." Eric LaFleur Jack Donahue Gregory Miller Senator Martiny moved to reject the amendments proposed by R.L. Bret Allain II James Morris the House. Senator Donahue moved to adopt the Conference Committee ROLL CALL Report. The roll was called with the following result: ROLL CALL The roll was called with the following result: YEAS Mr. President Fannin Morrish YEAS Allain Gatti Peacock Appel Hensgens Peterson Mr. President Fannin Morrish Barrow Hewitt Price Allain Gatti Peacock Bishop Johns Riser Appel Hensgens Peterson

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Barrow Hewitt Price ROLL CALL Bishop Johns Riser Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. The roll was called with the following result: Carter Long Smith, J. Chabert Luneau Tarver YEAS Claitor Martiny Thompson Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Mr. President Fannin Morrish Cortez Mills Ward Allain Gatti Peacock Donahue Mizell White Appel Hensgens Peterson Erdey Morrell Barrow Hewitt Price Total - 38 Bishop Johns Riser NAYS Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Carter Long Smith, J. Total - 0 Chabert Luneau Tarver ABSENT Claitor Martiny Thompson Colomb Milkovich Walsworth LaFleur Cortez Mills Ward Total - 1 Donahue Mizell White Erdey Morrell The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was Total - 38 adopted. NAYS Conference Committee Reports Total - 0 ABSENT The following reports were received and read: LaFleur SENATE BILL NO. 223— Total - 1 BY SENATOR ALLAIN AN ACT The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was To amend and reenact R.S. 47:287.732(B)(1), 293(10), and 1675(G), adopted. and to enact R.S. 47:287.732(B)(6), 287.732.2, 293(9)(a)(xviii), 297.14, and 1675(F)(4), relative to income taxation of Subchapter S corporations and other flow through entities; to Conference Committee Reports reduce the tax rates applicable to the income of Subchapter S corporations that elect to be taxed at the corporation level; to The following reports were received and read: authorize certain flow through entities not taxed as corporations HOUSE BILL NO. 583— to elect to file as corporations for state income tax purposes; to BY REPRESENTATIVE DWIGHT provide for a modification to exclude certain Subchapter S AN ACT corporation and flow through income from income subject to To amend and reenact R.S. 47:337.45(A)(3), 337.63(C), 337.97, state individual income tax; to provide for tax credits earned by 1407(3), 1418(4)(b), 1435(A), (C), and (D), 1561(A)(3), and Subchapter S corporations and other flow through entities; and 1576(D), to enact R.S. 47:1407(6) and 1431(D), and to repeal to provide for related matters. R.S. 47:1432(B), relative to the Board of Tax Appeals; to provide for the jurisdiction of the Board of Tax Appeals; to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT extend the jurisdiction over matters of constitutionality; to provide for the process of appeals from the decisions of the June 5, 2019 board; to provide relative to remedies for the collection of taxes; to provide for effectiveness; and to provide for related matters. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Ladies and Gentlemen: June 5, 2019 We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 223 by Senator Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Allain recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Senate. 1. That all House Floor Amendments proposed by Representative Ladies and Gentlemen: Stokes and adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 2019, be rejected. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 583 by Respectfully submitted, Representative Dwight recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Senators: Representatives: R.L. Bret Allain II Neil C. Abramson 1. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Morrell Jean-Paul J. Morrell Phillip DeVillier (#2469) be adopted. Jack Donahue 2. That the following amendment to the Reengrossed bill be Senator Allain moved to adopt the Conference Committee adopted: Report. AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 5, delete line 16 in its entirety and insert "addition of Article V, Section 35 of the"

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Respectfully submitted, 2. That the following amendments be adopted: Representatives: Senators: AMENDMENT NO. 1 Ronnie Johns In Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 by Senator Cortez (#2329), on Katrina Jackson Jean-Paul J. Morrell page 1, line 17, change "(f) Urban-local minor collector." to "(f) John Stefanski Neil Riser Urban-local minor collector." Senator Johns moved to adopt the Conference Committee AMENDMENT NO. 2 Report. In Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 by Senator Cortez (#2329), on page 1, line 18, change "(g) Urban-local." to "(g) Urban-local." ROLL CALL AMENDMENT NO. 3 The roll was called with the following result: In Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 by Senator Cortez (#2329), on page 1, line 22, change "(c) Rural-minor principal arterial-other." to YEAS "(c) Rural-minor principal arterial-other." Mr. President Fannin Peacock AMENDMENT NO. 4 Allain Gatti Peterson In Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 by Senator Cortez (#2329), on Appel Hensgens Price page 1, line 23, change "(d) Rural-minor collector arterial." to "(d) Barrow Hewitt Riser Rural-major collector minor arterial." Bishop Johns Smith, G. Boudreaux Lambert Smith, J. Respectfully submitted, Carter Long Tarver Chabert Luneau Thompson Representatives: Senators: Claitor Martiny Walsworth Patrick Page Cortez Colomb Mills Ward Terry Landry Gerald Long Cortez Mizell White Mark Wright Edward "Ed" Price Donahue Morrell Erdey Morrish Senator Cortez moved to adopt the Conference Committee Total - 37 Report. NAYS ROLL CALL Total - 0 ABSENT The roll was called with the following result: LaFleur Milkovich YEAS Total - 2 Mr. President Fannin Morrish The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was Allain Gatti Peacock adopted. Appel Hensgens Peterson Barrow Hewitt Price Conference Committee Reports Bishop Johns Riser Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. The following reports were received and read: Carter Long Smith, J. Chabert Luneau Tarver HOUSE BILL NO. 127— Claitor Martiny Thompson BY REPRESENTATIVES PIERRE AND MARCELLE Colomb Milkovich Walsworth AN ACT Cortez Mills Ward To amend and reenact R.S. 48:191(A)(introductory paragraph), (B), Donahue Mizell White and (C) and 228 and to enact R.S. 48:191(A)(1)(g) and (2)(g), Erdey Morrell relative to the state highway system; to provide two additional Total - 38 classifications to the state highway system; and to provide for NAYS related matters. Total - 0 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ABSENT June 4, 2019 LaFleur Total - 1 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was Senate. adopted. Ladies and Gentlemen: Motion to Allow Consideration We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Senator Morrell moved the adoption of a motion to allow the between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 127 by Senate to consider House Bill No. 3 on Third Reading and Final Representative Pierre recommend the following concerning the Passage, after 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 57th calendar day pursuant to Engrossed bill: the consent of the House. 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 by Senator Cortez (#2329) be adopted.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 3— CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON AN ACT June 4, 2019 To enact the Omnibus Bond Authorization Act of 2019, relative to the implementation of a five-year capital improvement program; To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of to provide for the repeal of certain prior bond authorizations; to Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the provide for new bond authorizations; to provide for Senate. authorization and sale of such bonds by the State Bond Commission; to provide relative to the submission of capital Ladies and Gentlemen: outlay applications; to require approval of the commissioner of administration under certain circumstances; to require the We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement capital outlay application to include certain information; to between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 425 by require the submission of a certificate of completion under Representative Jackson recommend the following concerning the certain circumstances; to provide relative to line of credit Engrossed bill: recommendations for capital outlay projects; to require the approval of certain line of credit recommendations; to provide 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Committee on Judiciary A (#1634) be rejected. ROLL CALL 2. That the following amendment to the Engrossed bill be adopted: The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 1, at the end of line 14, delete "October 12," and delete YEAS line 15 in its entirety and insert "November 3, 2020." Mr. President Fannin Morrish Respectfully submitted, Allain Gatti Peacock Appel Hensgens Peterson Representatives: Senators: Barrow Hewitt Price Katrina Jackson Rick Ward III Bishop Johns Riser Gerald Boudreaux Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Dustin Miller Carter Long Smith, J. Chabert Luneau Tarver Senator Mizell moved to adopt the Conference Committee Claitor Martiny Thompson Report. Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Cortez Mills Ward ROLL CALL Donahue Mizell White Erdey Morrell The roll was called with the following result: Total - 38 NAYS YEAS Total - 0 Mr. President Gatti Morrish ABSENT Allain Hensgens Peacock Appel Hewitt Price LaFleur Barrow Johns Riser Total - 1 Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Chabert Long Smith, J. The Chair declared that the motion to allow the Senate to Claitor Luneau Tarver consider House Bill No. 3 after 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 57th Cortez Martiny Thompson calendar day was adopted and the bill may be considered pursuant to Donahue Milkovich Walsworth the consent of the House. Erdey Mills Ward Fannin Mizell White Conference Committee Reports Total - 33 NAYS The following reports were received and read: Bishop Colomb Peterson HOUSE BILL NO. 425— Carter Morrell BY REPRESENTATIVES JACKSON, ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, Total - 5 AMEDEE, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BISHOP, BOURRIAQUE, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, ABSENT STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, DAVIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, GAROFALO, LaFleur GISCLAIR, LANCE HARRIS, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, HUVAL, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY Total - 1 LANDRY, LEBAS, MAGEE, MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, MOSS, PUGH, RICHARD, The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was SCHEXNAYDER, SEABAUGH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT, AND ZERINGUE adopted. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing to add Article I, Section 20.1 of the Constitution of Louisiana, to provide that nothing in the constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion; to provide for submission of the proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for related matters.

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Conference Committee Reports Conference Committee Reports The following reports were received and read: The following reports were received and read: HOUSE BILL NO. 133— HOUSE BILL NO. 277— BY REPRESENTATIVES HOFFMANN, BAGLEY, CHANEY, COX, BY REPRESENTATIVE LYONS JACKSON, LEBAS, MOORE, POPE, STAGNI, AND TURNER AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 26:91(B), relative to permits for alcoholic To amend and reenact R.S. 40:2175.3(1), relative to abortion; to beverages; to require the suspension or revocation of retail revise the definition of abortion in the Outpatient Abortion dealer's permits under certain circumstances; to provide for an Facility Licensing Law; and to provide for related matters. effective date; and to provide for related matters. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 4, 2019 June 4, 2019 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Senate. Ladies and Gentlemen: Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 133 by between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 277 by Representative Hoffmann recommend the following concerning the Representative Lyons recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: Engrossed bill: 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 through 4 by Senator 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Walsworth (#2242) be rejected. Committee on Judiciary B (#1885) be rejected. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, Representatives: Senators: Representatives: Senators: Frank A. Hoffmann Fred Mills Gary L. Smith Jr. J. Rogers Pope Regina Barrow Katrina Jackson Jean-Paul J. Morrell Charles R. Chaney Mike Walsworth Royce Duplessis Norby Chabert Senator Walsworth moved to adopt the Conference Committee Senator Gary Smith moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Report. ROLL CALL ROLL CALL The roll was called with the following result: The roll was called with the following result: YEAS YEAS Mr. President Gatti Morrish Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Hensgens Peacock Allain Gatti Peacock Appel Hewitt Riser Appel Hensgens Peterson Barrow Johns Smith, G. Barrow Hewitt Riser Boudreaux Lambert Smith, J. Bishop Johns Smith, G. Chabert Long Tarver Boudreaux Lambert Smith, J. Claitor Luneau Thompson Carter Long Tarver Cortez Martiny Walsworth Chabert Luneau Thompson Donahue Milkovich Ward Claitor Martiny Walsworth Erdey Mills White Colomb Milkovich Ward Fannin Mizell Cortez Mills White Total - 32 Donahue Mizell NAYS Erdey Morrell Total - 37 Bishop Colomb Peterson NAYS Carter Morrell Total - 5 Total - 0 ABSENT ABSENT LaFleur Price LaFleur Price Total - 2 Total - 2 The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was adopted. adopted.

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Conference Committee Reports Conference Committee Reports The following reports were received and read: The following reports were received and read: HOUSE BILL NO. 326— HOUSE BILL NO. 119— BY REPRESENTATIVES HILL AND ROBERT JOHNSON BY REPRESENTATIVE BISHOP AN ACT AN ACT To authorize and provide for the transfer of certain state property; to To amend and reenact R.S. 22:1053(A) and (D) and authorize the transfer of certain state property in Rapides Parish; 1060.2(introductory paragraph) and to enact R.S. 22:1053(E) to provide for the property description; to provide for and 1060.2(4), relative to the coverage of prescription drugs reservation of mineral rights; to provide terms and conditions; through a formulary; to require an insurer to provide a to provide an effective date; and to provide for related matters. prescriber with a list of the alternative comparable formulary medications; and to provide for related matters. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 4, 2019 June 4, 2019 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Senate. Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Ladies and Gentlemen: Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 326 by We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Representative Hill recommend the following concerning the between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 119 by Engrossed bill: Representative Bishop recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources (#2839) be rejected. 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Committee on Insurance (#2237) be adopted. Respectfully submitted, 2. That the following amendment be adopted: Representatives: Senators: Jay Luneau AMENDMENT NO. 1 Norby Chabert In Amendment No. 2 by the Senate Committee on Insurance (#2237), Malinda White Eddie Lambert on page 1, line 6, after "health" and before "plan" change "coverage" to "benefit" Senator Luneau moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Respectfully submitted, ROLL CALL Representatives: Senators: Stuart Bishop John R. Smith The roll was called with the following result: Kirk Talbot Gary L. Smith Jr. John Stefanski Dan "Blade" Morrish YEAS Senator Morrish moved to adopt the Conference Committee Mr. President Fannin Morrish Report. Allain Gatti Peacock Appel Hensgens Peterson ROLL CALL Barrow Hewitt Riser Bishop Johns Smith, G. The roll was called with the following result: Boudreaux Lambert Smith, J. Carter Long Tarver YEAS Chabert Luneau Thompson Claitor Martiny Walsworth Mr. President Fannin Morrish Colomb Milkovich Ward Allain Gatti Peacock Cortez Mills White Appel Hensgens Peterson Donahue Mizell Barrow Hewitt Price Erdey Morrell Bishop Johns Riser Total - 37 Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. NAYS Carter Long Smith, J. Chabert Luneau Tarver Total - 0 Claitor Martiny Thompson ABSENT Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Cortez Mills Ward LaFleur Price Donahue Mizell White Total - 2 Erdey Morrell Total - 38 The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was NAYS adopted. Total - 0

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ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 5 On page 2, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following: LaFleur "(2) For purposes of this Section, "onsite access" shall mean Total - 1 delivery of the treatment to the patient at the location of the residential substance use disorder facility. "Onsite access" shall not The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was mean that the residential substance use disorder facility is required to adopted. maintain stock of the medication-assisted treatment at the facility. (3) A residential substance use disorder facility shall not be Conference Committee Reports found to be in violation of this Section if prior authorization from a patient's health insurer, including a Medicaid program, is required The following reports were received and read: and the preapproval request is denied by the patient's health insurer." HOUSE BILL NO. 250— Respectfully submitted, BY REPRESENTATIVES DAVIS, BILLIOT, TERRY BROWN, FOIL, GUINN, HOFFMANN, LEBAS, MCFARLAND, STAGNI, STOKES, WHITE, Representatives: Senators: AND ZERINGUE Fred Mills AN ACT Frank A. Hoffmann Gerald Boudreaux To amend and reenact R.S. 40:2156(B)(introductory paragraph) and Dustin Miller Jay Luneau (6) and to enact R.S. 40:2153(15) and 2159.1, relative to behavioral health services providers; to provide relative to Senator Mills moved to adopt the Conference Committee licensure and regulation of such providers by the Louisiana Report. Department of Health; to establish requirements for residential facilities licensed as behavioral health services providers which provide treatment for opioid use disorder; to prohibit certain ROLL CALL actions against behavioral health services provider licenses prior to a specific date; to require the Louisiana Department of Health The roll was called with the following result: to furnish technical assistance to certain providers relative to opioid use disorder treatment; to require certain providers to YEAS submit reports to the Louisiana Department of Health concerning such treatment; to provide for definitions; to provide Mr. President Fannin Peacock for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Allain Gatti Peterson Appel Hensgens Price CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Barrow Hewitt Riser Bishop Johns Smith, G. June 4, 2019 Boudreaux Lambert Smith, J. Carter Long Tarver To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Chabert Luneau Thompson Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Claitor Martiny Walsworth Senate. Colomb Mills Ward Cortez Mizell White Ladies and Gentlemen: Donahue Morrell Erdey Morrish We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Total - 37 between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 250 by NAYS Representative Davis recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Milkovich Total - 1 1. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 by the Committee on ABSENT Health and Welfare (#1958) be adopted. LaFleur 2. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 by the Committee on Total - 1 Health and Welfare (#1958) be rejected. The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was 3. That the set of amendments by the Legislative Bureau (#2065) adopted. be rejected. Conference Committee Reports 4. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Luneau (#2241) be rejected. The following reports were received and read: 5. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be HOUSE BILL NO. 82— adopted: BY REPRESENTATIVE DEVILLIER AN ACT AMENDMENT NO. 1 To amend and reenact R.S. 18:1292 and to enact R.S. On page 2, at the beginning of line 16, change "A." to "A.(1)" 18:1285(A)(1)(a)(v), relative to bond, debt, and tax elections; to require the publication of costs for such elections; and to AMENDMENT NO. 2 provide for related matters. On page 2, line 17, delete "which" and insert in lieu thereof "that" CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT AMENDMENT NO. 3 On page 2, at the beginning of line 19, change "(1)" to "(a)" June 4, 2019 AMENDMENT NO. 4 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of On page 2, at the beginning of line 21, change "(2)" to "(b)" Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate.

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Ladies and Gentlemen: public policy regarding the use of public funds for the payment of judgments or settlements of sexual harassment claims; to We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement provide relative to the participation of an alleged sexual harasser between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 82 by in a settlement or judgment in a sexual harassment claim; to Representative DeVillier recommend the following concerning the provide that agreements to settle sexual harassment claims are Engrossed bill: subject to the public records law, except for the name of the alleged victim of sexual harassment; to prohibit nondisclosure 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the agreements relative to sexual harassment claims; and to provide Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs (#2532) be rejected. for related matters. 2. That the set of amendments by the Legislative Bureau (#2717) CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT be rejected. June 5, 2019 3. That the following amendment to the Engrossed bill be adopted: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the AMENDMENT NO. 1 Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. On page 1, line 13, after "Title" delete the period "." insert the following: "and actual costs of similar elections." Ladies and Gentlemen: Respectfully submitted, We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 182 by Senator Representatives: Senators: Hewitt recommend the following concerning the Re-Reengrossed Phillip DeVillier Jay Luneau bill: Gregory Miller Jean-Paul J. Morrell Gregory Tarver 1. That Nos. 1 through 16, 18 through 24, and 26 through 34 of the set of House Floor Amendments by Representative Gregory Senator Luneau moved to adopt the Conference Committee Miller (#3608) be adopted. Report. 2. That Nos. 17 and 25 of the set of House Floor Amendments by ROLL CALL Representative Gregory Miller (#3608) be rejected. The roll was called with the following result: 3. That the following amendments be adopted: YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 2, line 24, after "investigation" and before the period insert Mr. President Fannin Morrish ". including the possible disciplinary actions that may be taken Allain Gatti Peacock against a complainant if it is determined that a claim of sexual Appel Hensgens Peterson harassment was intentionally false." Barrow Hewitt Price Bishop Johns Riser AMENDMENT NO. 2 Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. On page 3, line 24, after "required to" and before "all or" delete Carter Long Smith, J. "pay" and insert "reimburse" Chabert Luneau Tarver Claitor Martiny Thompson AMENDMENT NO. 3 Colomb Milkovich Walsworth On page 5, between lines 2 and 3, insert the following: Cortez Mills Ward "(9) "State government" means the legislative branch, Donahue Mizell White executive branch, and judicial branch of state government, but Erdey Morrell shall not include any parish, municipality, or any other unit of Total - 38 local government, including a school board special district, NAYS mayor's court, justice of the peace court, district attorney, sheriff, clerk of court, coroner, tax assessor, registrar of voters, Total - 0 or any other elected parochial or municipal official." ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 LaFleur On page 5, line 26, after "When a" delete "lawsuit" and insert Total - 1 "claim" The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was AMENDMENT NO. 5 adopted. On page 5, line 27, after "judgment" and before "against" insert "or settlement" Conference Committee Reports AMENDMENT NO. 6 The following reports were received and read: On page 6, line 15, after "determined" delete the remainder of the line and at the beginning of line 16, delete "head or" and insert "by SENATE BILL NO. 182— the appropriate person in accordance with the public servant's BY SENATOR HEWITT agency policy or by" AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 42:342(B) and R.S. 44:4.1(B)(28) and to AMENDMENT NO. 7 enact Chapter 6-A of Title 42 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes On page 6, line 20, after "with a" delete "lawsuit" and insert "claim" of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 42:351 through 357, relative to public officers and employees; to provide relative to the state's Respectfully submitted, mandatory policy against sexual harassment; to declare the

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Senators: Representatives: recommendations for capital outlay projects; to require the Karen Carter Peterson Franklin J. Foil approval of certain line of credit recommendations; to provide Sharon Hewitt Gregory Miller for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Jay Luneau Sherman Mack The bill was read by title. Senator Morrell moved the final Senator Hewitt moved to adopt the Conference Committee passage of the previously amended bill. Report. ROLL CALL ROLL CALL The roll was called with the following result: The roll was called with the following result: YEAS YEAS Mr. President Gatti Morrish Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Hensgens Peacock Allain Gatti Peacock Barrow Hewitt Peterson Appel Hensgens Peterson Bishop Johns Price Barrow Hewitt Price Boudreaux Lambert Riser Bishop Johns Riser Carter Long Smith, G. Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Chabert Luneau Smith, J. Carter Long Smith, J. Claitor Martiny Tarver Chabert Luneau Tarver Colomb Milkovich Thompson Claitor Martiny Thompson Cortez Mills Walsworth Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Erdey Mizell Ward Cortez Mills Ward Fannin Morrell White Donahue Mizell White Total - 36 Erdey Morrell NAYS Total - 38 NAYS Total - 0 ABSENT Total - 0 ABSENT Appel Donahue LaFleur Total - 3 LaFleur Total - 1 The Chair declared the previously amended bill was passed and ordered it returned to the House. Senator Morrell moved to The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed and laid the motion adopted. on the table. Message from the House Message from the House CONSIDERATION OF A BILL ON THIRD READING DISCHARGE OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of Representatives has agreed by two-thirds vote of the elected members I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of to allow the Senate to consider House Bill No. 3 by Representative Representatives has discharged the Report of the Conference Abramson on third reading after 6:00 P. M. on the 57th calendar day Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 27. of this regular session. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House of Representatives Clerk of the House of Representatives Message from the House House Bills and Joint Resolutions on CONCURRING IN Third Reading and Final Passage SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS HOUSE BILL NO. 3— BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON June 5, 2019 AN ACT To enact the Omnibus Bond Authorization Act of 2019, relative to To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: the implementation of a five-year capital improvement program; to provide for the repeal of certain prior bond authorizations; to I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of provide for new bond authorizations; to provide for Representatives has finally concurred in the following Senate authorization and sale of such bonds by the State Bond Concurrent Resolutions: Commission; to provide relative to the submission of capital outlay applications; to require approval of the commissioner of administration under certain circumstances; to require the capital outlay application to include certain information; to require the submission of a certificate of completion under certain circumstances; to provide relative to line of credit

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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 142— Message from the House BY SENATOR GATTI A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend and recognize First Lieutenant John Stillmon Willis Jr. HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED upon the celebration of his one hundredth birthday and to record for posterity the extraordinary life he has lived. June 5, 2019 Reported without amendments. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 143— I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of BY SENATOR ALARIO the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like To express the sincere and heartfelt condolences of the Legislature of committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to Senate Louisiana upon the death of John Michael Burch Jr. Concurrent Resolution No. 129 by Senator White: Reported without amendments. Representatives Edmonds, Foil and Carmody. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 144— Respectfully submitted, BY SENATOR ALARIO AND REPRESENTATIVE BILLIOT ALFRED W. SPEER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Clerk of the House of Representatives To commend Antoine Duplantis, No. 8 on the Louisiana State University Tiger Baseball team, for his exceptional career in the Message from the House Southeastern Conference and to congratulate him on his 353rd base hit that set a new career LSU base hit record. HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Reported without amendments. June 5, 2019 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 145— To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: BY SENATOR ALARIO A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of To recognize and commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of D- the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, Day, the allied invasion of France, to express profound on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like appreciation and immense gratitude for the acts of heroism, committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. valor, and sacrifices made by the members of the United States 5 by Senator Morrell: Armed Forces and allied armed forces who participated in the June 6, 1944, amphibious landing at Normandy, and to Representatives Coussan, Abramson and Jay Morris. commend those individuals for their leadership and bravery that helped bring an end to World War II. Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Reported without amendments. Clerk of the House of Representatives Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Message from the House Clerk of the House of Representatives HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Appointment of Conference Committee June 5, 2019 on Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 123 To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: The President of the Senate appointed the following members to confer with a like committee from the House to consider the I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of disagreement on Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 123: the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like Senators Martiny, committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill Peacock No. 100 by Representative Gisclair: and Appel. Representatives Gisclair, N. Landry and Richard. Message from the House Respectfully submitted, ADOPTION OF ALFRED W. SPEER CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Clerk of the House of Representatives June 5, 2019 Message from the House To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: DISAGREEMENT TO HOUSE BILL I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of June 5, 2019 Representatives has adopted the Report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 36. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Respectfully submitted, I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House of ALFRED W. SPEER Representatives has refused to concur in the proposed Senate Clerk of the House of Representatives Amendment(s) to House Bill No. 404 by Representative Schexnayder, and ask the President to appoint on the part of the

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Senate a committee to confer with a like committee from the House Message from the House on the disagreement. HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER June 5, 2019 Clerk of the House of Representatives To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Message from the House I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like June 5, 2019 committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill No. 618 by Representative L. Harris: To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Representatives L. Harris, N. Landry and S. Carter. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, Respectfully submitted, on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like ALFRED W. SPEER committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill Clerk of the House of Representatives No. 404 by Representative Schexnayder: Motion to Allow Consideration Representatives Schexnayder, G. Miller and Berthelot. Senator Barrow moved the adoption of a motion to allow the Respectfully submitted, Senate to consider House Bill No. 577 on Third Reading and Final ALFRED W. SPEER Passage, after 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 57th calendar day pursuant to Clerk of the House of Representatives the consent of the House. Message from the House HOUSE BILL NO. 577— BY REPRESENTATIVES NORTON, ADAMS, BAGNERIS, BRASS, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, AND MOORE HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 14:122.2, relative to threatening a public June 5, 2019 official or law enforcement officer; to provide relative to the crime of threatening a public official; to add law enforcement To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: officers as a victim of the crime; to provide that the crime is committed when done in retaliation for the performance of the I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of legal duties of the officers or officials; to define "law the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, enforcement officer"; to define "verbal or written on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like communication" for purposes of the crime; to provide that the committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Bill crime applies to threats made through social media; and to No. 459 by Representative Talbot: provide for related matters. Representatives Talbot, Mack and Muscarello. ROLL CALL Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER The roll was called with the following result: Clerk of the House of Representatives YEAS Message from the House Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Gatti Peacock HOUSE CONFEREES APPOINTED Appel Hensgens Peterson Barrow Hewitt Price June 5, 2019 Bishop Johns Riser Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Carter Long Smith, J. Chabert Luneau Tarver I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of Claitor Martiny Thompson the House of Representatives has appointed the following members, Colomb Milkovich Walsworth on the part of the House of Representatives, to confer, with a like Cortez Mills Ward committee from the Senate, on the disagreement to House Donahue Mizell White Bill No. 600 by Representative Talbot: Erdey Morrell Total - 38 Representatives Talbot, Abramson and Stefanski. NAYS Respectfully submitted, ALFRED W. SPEER Total - 0 Clerk of the House of Representatives ABSENT LaFleur Total - 1 The Chair declared that the motion to allow the Senate to consider House Bill No. 577 after 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 57th calendar day was adopted and the bill may be considered pursuant to the consent of the House.

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Rules Suspended AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 2, at the end of line 2, insert the following: "However, no less than thirty days prior to entering into the first lease that Introduction of Senate Resolutions contains a clause granting a continuing security interest under the provisions of this Section, the board shall submit the Senator Peterson asked for and obtained a suspension of the proposed clause language to the House Committee on Natural rules to read Senate Resolutions a first and second time. Resources and Environment and the Senate Committee on SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 270— Natural Resources for review." BY SENATOR MIZELL A RESOLUTION Respectfully submitted, To memorialize the Congress of the United States to take such actions as are necessary to approve the United States-Mexico- Senators: Representatives: Canada Agreement in order to promote the United States R.L. Bret Allain II Stuart Bishop agriculture industry and small businesses, increase domestic Norby Chabert manufacturing, and promote higher wages here at home. Sharon Hewitt James Morris The resolution was read by title and placed on the Calendar for Senator Allain moved to adopt the Conference Committee a second reading. Report. SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 271— ROLL CALL BY SENATORS PETERSON, BARROW, COLOMB, HEWITT AND MIZELL The roll was called with the following result: A RESOLUTION To recognize and most highly commend Maura W. Donahue for her YEAS many accomplishments and exemplary service to the business community in Louisiana, the United States, and internationally. Mr. President Fannin Morrish Allain Gatti Peacock On motion of Senator Peterson the resolution was read by title Appel Hensgens Peterson and adopted. Barrow Hewitt Price Bishop Johns Riser Conference Committee Reports Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Carter Long Smith, J. The following reports were received and read: Chabert Luneau Tarver Claitor Martiny Thompson SENATE BILL NO. 242— (Substitute of Senate Bill No. 179 by Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Senator Allain) Cortez Mills Ward BY SENATOR ALLAIN Donahue Mizell White AN ACT Erdey Morrell To enact R.S. 30:127(H), relative to mineral royalties; to provide for Total - 38 mineral leases; to provide for authority of the State Mineral and NAYS Energy Board; to provide for security interests on royalties of oil and gas produced on state lands; to provide for terms, Total - 0 conditions, procedures, requirements, and effects; and to provide ABSENT for related matters. LaFleur CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Total - 1 June 5, 2019 The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was adopted. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. Conference Committee Reports Ladies and Gentlemen: The following reports were received and read: We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement HOUSE BILL NO. 156— between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 242 by Senator BY REPRESENTATIVE PUGH Allain recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 17:164 and R.S. 32:289(B) and to enact 1. That the House Committee Amendments No. 1 and 2 proposed R.S. 17:3996(A)(18), (19), and (20), relative to school buses; to by the House Committee on Natural Resources and provide relative to regulations for the construction, design, Environment and adopted by the House of Representatives on equipment, and operation of school buses; to provide that May 23, 2019, be adopted. certain rules and regulations relative to school buses and school bus operators shall apply to charter schools; and to provide for 2. That the House Floor Amendment (#3156) No. 1 proposed by related matters. Representative Jim Morris and adopted by the House of Representatives on May 30, 2019, be adopted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 3. That the House Floor Amendment (#3349) No. 1 proposed by June 5, 2019 Representative Jim Morris and adopted by the House of Representatives on May 30, 2019, be rejected. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the 4. That the following amendment to the engrossed bill be adopted: Senate. Ladies and Gentlemen:

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We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Ladies and Gentlemen: between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 156 by Representative Pugh recommend the following concerning the We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Reengrossed bill: between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 189 by Representative Jim Morris recommend the following concerning the 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Engrossed bill: Committee on Education (#2306) be adopted. 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate 2. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Morrish Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#2032) be adopted. (#2700) be adopted. 2. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Donahue Respectfully submitted, (#2806) be rejected. Representatives: Senators: Respectfully submitted, Stephen E. Pugh Dan "Blade" Morrish Nancy Landry Mack "Bodi" White Jr. Representatives: Senators: John "Johnny" Berthelot Beth Mizell James Morris Yvonne Colomb John "Johnny" Berthelot Jack Donahue Senator Morrish moved to adopt the Conference Committee Neil C. Abramson Karen Carter Peterson Report. Senator Donahue moved to adopt the Conference Committee ROLL CALL Report. The roll was called with the following result: ROLL CALL YEAS The roll was called with the following result: Mr. President Erdey Mizell YEAS Allain Fannin Morrish Appel Gatti Peterson Mr. President Fannin Peacock Barrow Hensgens Price Allain Gatti Peterson Bishop Hewitt Riser Appel Hensgens Price Boudreaux Johns Smith, G. Barrow Hewitt Riser Carter Lambert Smith, J. Bishop Johns Smith, G. Chabert Long Tarver Boudreaux Lambert Smith, J. Claitor Luneau Thompson Carter Long Tarver Colomb Martiny Walsworth Chabert Luneau Thompson Cortez Milkovich Ward Claitor Martiny Walsworth Donahue Mills White Colomb Milkovich Ward Total - 36 Cortez Mills White NAYS Donahue Mizell Erdey Morrish Peacock Total - 37 Total - 1 NAYS ABSENT Total - 0 LaFleur Morrell ABSENT Total - 2 LaFleur Morrell The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was Total - 2 adopted. The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was Conference Committee Reports adopted. The following reports were received and read: Conference Committee Reports HOUSE BILL NO. 189— The following reports were received and read: BY REPRESENTATIVE JIM MORRIS AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 208— To amend and reenact the heading of Chapter 29 of Title 42 of the BY REPRESENTATIVE BRASS Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 and to enact R.S. 42:1702, AN ACT relative to local government employment; to provide for To amend and reenact R.S. 33:2740.37(B)(1) and (F), relative to applications for employment with political subdivisions; to educational facilities improvement districts; to create an provide for consideration of certain criminal records; to provide education facilities improvement district in certain additional for exceptions; and to provide for related matters. school districts; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2019 June 5, 2019 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Senate. Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate.

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Ladies and Gentlemen: ROLL CALL We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement The roll was called with the following result: between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 208 by Representative Brass recommend the following concerning the YEAS Engrossed bill: Mr. President Gatti Morrish 1. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Allain Hensgens Peterson Senate Committee on Education (#3055), be rejected. Barrow Hewitt Price Bishop Johns Riser 2. That the following amendment to the Engrossed bill be adopted; Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Carter Long Smith, J. AMENDMENT NO. 1 Chabert Luneau Tarver On page 1, line 2, delete "R.S. 33:2740.37(B)(1) and (F)" and insert Colomb Martiny Thompson "R.S. 33:2740.37(B)(1), (E), and (F)" Cortez Mills Walsworth Erdey Morrell Ward AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total - 30 On page 1, line 4, between "date;" and "and" insert "to provide NAYS relative to the taxing authority of such districts;" Appel Fannin Peacock AMENDMENT NO. 3 Claitor Milkovich White On page 1, line 7, delete "R.S. 33:2740.37(B)(1) and (F)" and insert Donahue Mizell "R.S. 33:2740.37(B)(1), (E), and (F)" Total - 8 ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 On page 1, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following: LaFleur "E.(1) A district may, in accordance with this Subsection, levy Total - 1 and collect a sales and use tax not to exceed one percent within the district. The sales and use tax authorized by this Subsection shall be The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was imposed by ordinance of the district and shall be levied upon the sale adopted. at retail, the use, lease or rental, consumption and the storage for use or consumption of tangible personal property, and on sales of services, all as defined in Chapter 2 of Subtitle II of Title 47 of the Conference Committee Reports Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 in the district except that the sale at retail, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and the storage for The following reports were received and read: use or consumption of food and prescription drugs is hereby HOUSE BILL NO. 243— specifically exempted from the tax in accordance with the BY REPRESENTATIVES DUSTIN MILLER AND WHITE requirements of R.S. 47:305. However, the ordinance imposing said AN ACT tax shall be adopted by the district only after the question of the To amend and reenact R.S. 40:34(C) and R.S. 44:4.1(B)(26) and to imposition of the tax has been submitted to the qualified electors of enact R.S. 40:4(A)(14) and 978.2.1, relative to enhancing data the district at an election to be conducted in accordance with the reporting of fatal and nonfatal opioid-related overdoses; to election laws of the state of Louisiana, and the majority of those provide for the reporting, tracking, and monitoring of opioid- voting in the election have voted in favor of the imposition of the tax. related overdoses by emergency departments; to require This tax shall be in addition to all other authorized sales and use taxes reporting by coroners of opioid-related overdose deaths where and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as set opioids are present; to authorize first responders to report forth in Chapter 2 of Subtitle II of Title 47 of the Louisiana Revised opioid-related overdoses; to provide for a public records Statutes of 1950. Any sales and use tax levied by an educational exception; and to provide for related matters. facilities improvement district shall be excluded from the calculation of total sales and use taxes levied within an area for the purposes of CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT R.S. 47:338.54. (2) A tax levied pursuant to Paragraph (1) of this Subsection June 5, 2019 shall be imposed levied for a term as provided in the proposition authorizing the levy not to exceed twenty years. Such a tax may be To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of renewed, subject to the approval of the qualified electors of the Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the district as provided by Paragraph (1) of this Subsection, for a term as Senate. provided in the proposition authorizing the renewal not to exceed twenty years." Ladies and Gentlemen: Respectfully submitted, We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 243 by Representatives: Senators: Representative Dustin Miller recommend the following concerning Ken Brass Gerald Boudreaux the Engrossed bill: Nancy Landry Dan "Blade" Morrish Mark Abraham 1. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 by Senator Mizell (#3141) be rejected. Senator Boudreaux moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Respectfully submitted, Representatives: Senators: Dustin Miller Beth Mizell Frank A. Hoffmann Fred Mills Malinda White Regina Barrow

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Senator Mizell moved to adopt the Conference Committee ROLL CALL Report. The roll was called with the following result: ROLL CALL YEAS The roll was called with the following result: Mr. President Johns Price YEAS Barrow Lambert Riser Bishop Long Smith, G. Mr. President Fannin Morrish Boudreaux Luneau Smith, J. Allain Gatti Peacock Carter Martiny Tarver Appel Hensgens Peterson Colomb Morrell Walsworth Barrow Hewitt Price Erdey Morrish Ward Bishop Johns Riser Hensgens Peterson Boudreaux Lambert Smith, G. Total - 23 Carter Long Smith, J. NAYS Chabert Luneau Tarver Claitor Martiny Thompson Appel Fannin Mizell Colomb Milkovich Walsworth Chabert Gatti Peacock Cortez Mills Ward Claitor Hewitt Thompson Erdey Mizell Cortez Milkovich Total - 35 Donahue Mills NAYS Total - 13 ABSENT Total - 0 ABSENT Allain LaFleur White Total - 3 Donahue Morrell LaFleur White The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was Total - 4 adopted. The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was Conference Committee Reports adopted. The following reports were received and read: Conference Committee Reports HOUSE BILL NO. 562— The following reports were received and read: BY REPRESENTATIVE EMERSON AND SENATOR MORRISH AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 493— To amend and reenact R.S. 17:7(8) and 11 and R.S. 36:651(L) and BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON 801.5(A), to enact R.S. 17:3140.1 through 3140.17, and to AN ACT repeal R.S. 17:3141.1 through 3141.19, relative to proprietary To enact R.S. 47:1704, relative to the homestead exemption; to schools; to provide for technical corrections and recodification authorize the establishment of a homestead exemption audit of statutory provisions relative to proprietary schools; to provide program in the city of New Orleans; to provide for program for the regulation and oversight of proprietary schools by the implementation and administration; to authorize the imposition Board of Regents including licensure, applications, fees, of a fee; and to provide for related matters. appeals, and degree granting; to provide with regard to the Advisory Commission on Proprietary Schools and the CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Proprietary School Student Protection Fund; and to provide for related matters. June 5, 2019 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the June 5, 2019 Senate. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Ladies and Gentlemen: Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 493 by Ladies and Gentlemen: Representative Abramson recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 562 by 1. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 by Senator Appel (#3186) Representative Emerson recommend the following concerning the be rejected. Reengrossed bill: Respectfully submitted, 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Committee on Education (#2316) be adopted. Representatives: Senators: Neil C. Abramson Yvonne Colomb 2. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Morrish John "Johnny" Berthelot Jean-Paul J. Morrell (#2395) be adopted. Jimmy Harris 3. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Walsworth Senator Colomb moved to adopt the Conference Committee (#3099) be rejected. Report.

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Respectfully submitted, Appointment of Conference Committee on House Bill No. 600 Representatives: Senators: Julie Emerson Mike Walsworth The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference Nancy Landry Dan "Blade" Morrish Committee on House Bill No. 600 the following members of the Polly Thomas Mack "Bodi" White Jr. Senate: Senator Morrish moved to adopt the Conference Committee Senators Morrell, Report. Cortez and Martiny. ROLL CALL Appointment of Conference Committee The roll was called with the following result: on House Bill No. 618 YEAS The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference Committee on House Bill No. 618 the following members of the Mr. President Erdey Mizell Senate: Allain Fannin Morrish Appel Gatti Peacock Senators Morrish, Barrow Hensgens Peterson Mizell Bishop Hewitt Price and White. Boudreaux Johns Riser Carter Lambert Smith, G. Chabert Long Smith, J. Privileged Report of the Committee on Claitor Luneau Tarver Senate and Governmental Affairs Colomb Martiny Thompson Cortez Milkovich Walsworth ENROLLMENTS Donahue Mills Ward Total - 36 Senator Peterson, Chairman on behalf of the Committee on NAYS Senate and Governmental Affairs, submitted the following report: Total - 0 June 5, 2019 ABSENT To the President and Members of the Senate: LaFleur Morrell White Total - 3 I am directed by your Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs to submit the following report: The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was adopted. The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions have been properly enrolled: Appointment of Conference Committee on House Bill No. 100 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 51— BY SENATOR MORRELL AND REPRESENTATIVES BOUIE AND JIMMY HARRIS The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Committee on House Bill No. 100 the following members of the To create and provide for the Louisiana Task Force on Lead-Free Senate: Water to study the problem of lead contamination in state and local water systems and recommend any action or legislation Senators Chabert, that the task force deems necessary. Morrish and White. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 56— BY SENATOR LONG AND REPRESENTATIVES ADAMS, BACALA, BILLIOT, TERRY BROWN, CHANEY, CONNICK, COX, CREWS, Appointment of Conference Committee EDMONDS, FALCONER, GAROFALO, HILL, HOFFMANN, HORTON, on House Bill No. 325 HOWARD, JACKSON, MIKE JOHNSON, LEBAS, LYONS, MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, MOORE, NORTON, PIERRE, POPE, STAGNI AND TURNER The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Committee on House Bill No. 325 the following members of the To urge and request the office of the attorney general to establish the Senate: "Task Force on Protecting Children from Exposure to Pornography" to study all issues related to the exposure of Senators Peterson, children to pornography and the impact it has on their lives. Walsworth and White. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 92— BY SENATOR CHABERT Appointment of Conference Committee A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION on House Bill No. 459 To urge and request the Board of Regents to create the Higher Education Maritime Campus Consortium Task Force. The President of the Senate appointed to the Conference Committee on House Bill No. 459 the following members of the SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 110— BY SENATOR CORTEZ Senate: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To extend the creation, members, and charge of the Louisiana Supply Senators Gary Smith, Chain and Transportation Council as provided in Senate Martiny Concurrent Resolution No. 99 of the 2017 Regular Session of and Cortez. the Legislature and as extended in Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9 of the 2018 Regular Session of the Legislature to study and make recommendations regarding increasing resilience in various modes of transportation through increased

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communication, collaboration, development of geographic Privileged Report of the Committee on information technologies, and new innovations in transportation resilience. Senate and Governmental Affairs SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 113— ENROLLMENTS BY SENATOR GARY SMITH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Senator Peterson, Chairman on behalf of the Committee on To establish the Public Works Contracts Task Force to study the Senate and Governmental Affairs, submitted the following report: feasibility of increasing the contract limit applicable to public works contracts. June 5, 2019 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 122— To the President and Members of the Senate: BY SENATORS MORRISH, JOHNS AND JOHN SMITH AND REPRESENTATIVES ABRAHAM, DWIGHT, FRANKLIN AND MOSS A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION I am directed by your Committee on Senate and Governmental To direct the Department of Transportation and Development to Affairs to submit the following report: expedite procurement, planning, engineering, design, and construction of a new Interstate 10 Calcasieu River Bridge, in The following Senate Bills have been properly enrolled: cooperation with the Southwest Area Chamber's I-10 Bridge Task Force. SENATE BILL NO. 98— BY SENATOR PRICE SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 140— AN ACT BY SENATORS MORRELL, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, To enact Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 978(A)(3) and (B)(3)(e), BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, relative to expungement; to provide for expungement of arrest CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, and conviction records for an offense subject to a first offender JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, pardon; and to provide for related matters. PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE AND REPRESENTATIVES SENATE BILL NO. 105— ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BY SENATOR LAMBERT BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, BRASS, CHAD BROWN, TERRY AN ACT BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, To amend and reenact R.S. 38:1764, relative to gravity drainage STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, districts; to provide for corporate status and power of the DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, districts; to authorize districts to enter into certain contracts and GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, purchase certain machinery without advertising for bids for HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, pumping stations; and to provide for related matters. HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, SENATE BILL NO. 130— LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MARINO, MCFARLAND, BY SENATOR PEACOCK MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, AN ACT JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, MOSS, MUSCARELLO, NORTON, To enact R.S. 37:2554(B)(3), relative to certified shorthand reporters; PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, STOKES, TALBOT, to provide an exception for certain employees of the Juvenile THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT AND ZERINGUE Court for Caddo Parish; to provide for a certain date; and to A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION provide for related matters. To express the sincere condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the death of Leah Chase, the "Queen of Creole Cuisine". SENATE BILL NO. 149— BY SENATOR LUNEAU AND REPRESENTATIVES ARMES, TERRY BROWN, COX, HILL, JACKSON, JEFFERSON, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 141— JOHNSON, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, MOORE, PIERRE, PYLANT AND BY SENATORS MORRELL, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, WRIGHT BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, COLOMB, CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, HEWITT, AN ACT JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, To enact R.S. 40:16.4, relative to the transfer or sale of certain state MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, property; to provide for the property descriptions; to provide for PRICE, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE AND REPRESENTATIVES reservation of mineral rights; to provide for terms and ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, conditions; to provide for dedication of funds; to provide for the BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, creation of the Louisiana Department of Health's Facility BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, BRASS, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, Support Fund Number 2; to provide for the transfer, use, and STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, investment of monies in the fund; and to provide for related DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, matters. EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, SENATE BILL NO. 152— HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, MIKE BY SENATOR THOMPSON AND REPRESENTATIVES ABRAHAM AND JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY STEFANSKI LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, AN ACT LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MARINO, MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, To enact Part III of Chapter 30 of Title 3 of the Louisiana Revised JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, MOSS, MUSCARELLO, NORTON, Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 3:4741 through 4746, PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, relative to the labeling of agricultural products; to provide for SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, STOKES, TALBOT, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT AND ZERINGUE truth in labeling requirements; to provide for definitions; to A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION provide for powers of the commissioner; to authorize the To express the sincere condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana commissioner to adopt rules; to prohibit misbranding or upon the death of Leah Chase, the "Queen of Creole Cuisine". misrepresenting a food product through certain activities; to provide for penalties; and to provide for related matters. Respectfully submitted, SENATE BILL NO. 158— KAREN CARTER PETERSON BY SENATORS DONAHUE AND THOMPSON AND REPRESENTATIVES Chairman ABRAMSON, ADAMS, BAGLEY, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, COX, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, EDMONDS, FALCONER, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, HORTON, JACKSON, JONES, LYONS, JAY MORRIS, THOMAS, The foregoing Senate Concurrent Resolutions were signed by WHITE AND WRIGHT the President of the Senate. AN ACT To enact R.S. 17:1944.1 and 3996(B)(54), relative to special education; to require each local public school superintendent and the administrative head of each charter school or other

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public school to create a special education advisory council; to Message from the House provide relative to council membership and duties; and to provide for related matters. SIGNED HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS SENATE BILL NO. 185— June 5, 2019 BY SENATORS WALSWORTH AND THOMPSON AND REPRESENTATIVE TERRY BROWN AN ACT To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: To amend and reenact R.S. 46:236.2 and Section 7(A) of Act No. 264 of the 2017 Regular Session of the Legislature as amended by I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of Section 1 of Act No. 136 of the 2018 Regular Session of the the House of Representatives has signed the following House Legislature, relative to amendments of child support orders; to Concurrent Resolutions: provide for a procedure for amending a child support order; to provide for authority of the Department of Children and Family HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 98— Services; to provide for authority of the district attorney and BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO other interested parties; to provide for a written motion to the A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION court; to provide for a delayed effective date; and to provide for To express sincere and heartfelt condolences on the death of Henry related matters. Joseph "Junior" Rodriguez, Jr. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 99— SENATE BILL NO. 193— BY REPRESENTATIVES GAROFALO, ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, BY SENATOR MORRISH ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, AN ACT BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, To enact R.S. 9:2713 through 2713.9 and to repeal R.S. 9:2715, BRASS, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, relative to agreements; to provide relative to structured CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, settlements; to enact the Louisiana Structured Settlement DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, Protection Act; to provide certain definitions, terms, procedures, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, conditions, requirements, and effects; to provide relative to HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, registration and transfer; to provide relative to the transfer of JEFFERSON, JENKINS, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, structured settlement payment rights; and to provide for related JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, matters. MARCELLE, MARINO, MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, SENATE BILL NO. 238— (Substitute of Senate Bill No. 205 by MOSS, MUSCARELLO, NORTON, PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, Senator Mizell) PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, BY SENATORS MIZELL, ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, BARROW, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, STOKES, TALBOT, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, BOUDREAUX, CHABERT, COLOMB, CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, WRIGHT, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATORS ALARIO, ALLAIN, APPEL, FANNIN, GATTI, HEWITT, JOHNS, LONG, MARTINY, MILKOVICH, BARROW, BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, CARTER, CHABERT, CLAITOR, MILLS, MORRISH, PEACOCK, RISER, GARY SMITH, TARVER, COLOMB, CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HENSGENS, THOMPSON, WARD AND WHITE AND REPRESENTATIVES ADAMS, HEWITT, JOHNS, LAFLEUR, LAMBERT, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, BACALA, BAGLEY, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, TERRY BROWN, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, MORRISH, PEACOCK, PETERSON, PRICE, CARMODY, CARPENTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, RISER, GARY SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TARVER, THOMPSON, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DWIGHT, WALSWORTH, WARD, AND WHITE EDMONDS, EMERSON, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, LANCE HARRIS, HILL, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOFFMANN, HORTON, HOWARD, JACKSON, MIKE JOHNSON, To commend Mr. William E. "Bill" Crawford on his retirement from ROBERT JOHNSON, LEBAS, LYONS, MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MOORE, PEARSON, POPE, PUGH, SIMON, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, the Louisiana State Law Institute. STOKES, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE AND ZERINGUE AN ACT HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 100— To amend and reenact Children's Code Art. 603(17)(a), and R.S. BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO 15:541.1(A)(3), (B)(1)(a) and (D), R.S. 40:2175.3 and R.S. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 44:4.1(B)(26) and to enact R.S. 15:541(E) and R.S. 40:2175.7, To commend Charles DiGange on his retirement as headmaster of relative to human trafficking; to require certain mandatory Holy Cross School in New Orleans, Louisiana. reporters to report human trafficking and certain sexual-based HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 108— crimes to law enforcement, whether the victim is an adult or a BY REPRESENTATIVE SIMON minor; to provide for mandatory reporters related to child abuse A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION and neglect; to provide for training; to provide for forms; to To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary provide for rules and regulations; to provide for legislative Education to study the advantages and disadvantages of school intent; to provide for the posting of the National Human calendar options for public schools and to submit a written Trafficking Resource Center hotline; to provide for the texting report of its findings and any recommendations to the House of information to obtain help and services for human trafficking Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on victims; to provide for exceptions to the public records law; and Education not later than March 1, 2020. to provide for related matters. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 109— SENATE BILL NO. 243— (Substitute of Senate Bill No. 194 by BY REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER Senator Morrish) A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY SENATOR MORRISH To urge and request Voice of the Experienced to study the collateral AN ACT consequences of a criminal conviction in Louisiana and the To amend and reenact R.S. 17:183.3(A)(1)(b), to enact R.S. extent to which defendants are notified of such consequences 17:2922.1, and to repeal Subpart A-3 of Part III of Chapter 1 of prior to entering a guilty plea, and to report its findings to the Title 17 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised Louisiana Legislature no later than February 1, 2020. of R.S. 17:187.1 through 187.5, R.S. 17:3129.1, and 3137, relative to dual enrollment; to create and provide with respect to HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 118— the Dual Enrollment Framework Task Force; and to provide for BY REPRESENTATIVES MIKE JOHNSON, ADAMS, ANDERS, ARMES, related matters. BILLIOT, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, STEVE CARTER, COX, DUBUISSON, LANCE HARRIS, HILL, HOWARD, JEFFERSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, MAGEE, MCFARLAND, THOMAS, Respectfully submitted, TURNER, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATORS LONG AND KAREN CARTER PETERSON LUNEAU Chairman A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge the office of behavioral health of the Louisiana Department The foregoing Senate Bills were signed by the President of the of Health to take all measures necessary to ensure adequate Senate. access to substance use disorder treatment in central Louisiana pursuant to the impending closure of four residential treatment

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facilities in the Pineville area, and to report to the legislative HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 121— committees on health and welfare concerning the actions it is BY REPRESENTATIVE LACOMBE AND SENATOR WARD taking to provide for this access. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend the Catholic High School of Pointe Coupee softball HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 119— team upon winning the 2019 Louisiana High School Athletic BY REPRESENTATIVE GREGORY MILLER AND SENATOR GARY Association Division IV state championship. SMITH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 122— To commend the St. Charles Parish Museum and Historical BY REPRESENTATIVES JIMMY HARRIS, ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, Association for the creation of a website which will serve as a ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, digital space to house the comprehensive history of St. Charles BRASS, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, Parish. GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 62— FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, LANCE BY REPRESENTATIVE DUPLESSIS HARRIS, HENRY, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HORTON, HOWARD, HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, To urge and request the State Board of Elementary and Secondary JENKINS, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, Education to study the feasibility of restructuring the minimum LEGER, LEOPOLD, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MARINO, foundation program (MFP) formula for the 2020-2021 school MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY year to provide for differentiated levels of funding for students MILLER, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, MOSS, MUSCARELLO, NORTON, PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, with exceptionalities and to report its findings and SCHEXNAYDER, SEABAUGH, SIMON, SMITH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, recommendations to the House Committee on Education and the STOKES, TALBOT, THOMAS, TURNER, WHITE, WRIGHT, AND Senate Committee on Education not later sixty days prior to the ZERINGUE beginning of the 2020 Regular Session of the Legislature of A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Louisiana. To recognize June 10, 2019, as Leah Chase Day. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 67— and asked that the President of the Senate affix his signature to the BY REPRESENTATIVE FOIL AND SENATOR THOMPSON same. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Economic Development, in Respectfully submitted, cooperation with the Louisiana Association of Business and ALFRED W. SPEER Industry, to create a task force to study and conduct a beta test Clerk of the House of Representatives that is composed of volunteer representatives from private businesses that are domiciled and licensed to conduct business The House Concurrent Resolutions contained herein were signed in the state of Louisiana, to determine the cost, resources, and by the President of the Senate. time required for varying sizes of businesses to adhere to the Cybersecurity Framework Standards promulgated by the Message from the House National Institute of Standards and Technology, and to provide a written report of its findings and recommendations and a SIGNED HOUSE BILLS AND proposed budget to the House Committee on Commerce; the JOINT RESOLUTIONS Senate Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and International Affairs; the House Committee on Ways and June 5, 2019 Means; and the Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs no later than January 10, 2020. To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 87— BY REPRESENTATIVE MAGEE I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Speaker of A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION the House of Representatives has signed the following House Bills To authorize and direct the creation of the Louisiana Commission on and Joint Resolutions: Justice System Funding to study and determine optimal methods HOUSE BILL NO. 62— of supporting and funding the Louisiana court system in a way BY REPRESENTATIVE STEVE CARTER that would allow for the implementation of changes made in Act A JOINT RESOLUTION No. 260 of the 2017 Regular Session of the Legislature. Proposing to amend Article VII, Section 10.8(C)(3)(b), (c), and (g) of the Constitution of Louisiana and to repeal Article VII, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 96— BY REPRESENTATIVE FALCONER Section 10.8(C)(3)(d) of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to the Education Excellence Fund; to provide for appropriations To urge and request the Board of Regents, in collaboration with the from the Education Excellence Fund for the Louisiana public postsecondary education management boards, to conduct Educational Television Authority, Thrive Academy, and a study of student debt relief measures, nationally and statewide, laboratory schools operated by public postsecondary education and to submit a written report of findings and conclusions, institutions; to provide for submission of the proposed including recommendations for legislation relative to debt as a amendment to the electors; and to provide for related matters. barrier to reenrollment for those who have completed some HOUSE BILL NO. 47— postsecondary education, to the House Committee on Education BY REPRESENTATIVE JENKINS and the Senate Committee on Education not later than thirty AN ACT days prior to the beginning of the 2020 Regular Session of the To amend and reenact R.S. 14:92.2(A)(1) and (2), (B)(1), (C), and Legislature. (D), to enact Code of Criminal Procedure Article 211.3, and to repeal R.S. 14:92.2(B)(4), relative to improper supervision of a HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 120— BY REPRESENTATIVES LEGER, BACALA, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, minor; to amend the penalties for the crime of improper CHAD BROWN, CARPENTER, STEVE CARTER, DAVIS, EDMONDS, supervision of a minor by a parent or legal custodian; to provide FOIL, IVEY, JAMES, JORDAN, MACK, MARCELLE, SCHEXNAYDER, relative to sentencing; to require issuance of a summons in lieu AND SMITH AND SENATORS ALARIO, BARROW, CLAITOR, COLOMB, ERDEY, LAMBERT, MORRELL, PRICE, RISER, WARD, AND WHITE of arrest of persons who commit the offense; and to provide for A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION related matters. To commend the Louisiana State University Golden Girls on their sixtieth anniversary as a feature unit of The Golden Band from Tigerland and premier danceline of the LSU Fighting Tigers.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 74— cancellation and effectiveness of notice of contract and BY REPRESENTATIVE TERRY LANDRY cancellation of statements of claims or privileges; to provide for AN ACT the enforcement of claims and privileges; to provide for delivery To amend and reenact R.S. 14:73.1(12), (13), and (14), and to enact and receipt of communications and other documents; to provide R.S. 14:73.1(15) and 73.11, relative to computer-related crimes; for proof of delivery of movables; to provide for notice for to create the crime of trespass against state computers; to residential home improvements; to provide for redesignations; provide for elements of the crime; to provide for criminal to provide for effectiveness and applicability; and to provide for penalties; to provide for definitions; and to provide for related related matters. matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 211— HOUSE BILL NO. 157— BY REPRESENTATIVE HORTON BY REPRESENTATIVE STAGNI AN ACT AN ACT To enact Subpart C-1 of Part XIII of Chapter 3 of Title 46 of the To amend and reenact R.S. 32:402.1(E)(1), (2), (5), and (6) and to Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. enact R.S. 32:402.1(E)(7) and (8), relative to Class "E" 46:460.77.1 and 460.77.2, relative to the medical assistance temporary instructional permits; to change when Class "E" program of this state known commonly as Medicaid; to provide temporary instructional permits are required; to provide for the relative to Medicaid coverage of certain behavioral health design on Class "E" temporary instructional permits; to provide services; to limit the number of reimbursable service hours per for the surrender of a Class "E" temporary instructional permit; day for providers of certain behavioral health services; to to provide an exception to ignition interlock requirements for require inclusion of certain information on claims for payment certain applicants for Class "E" temporary instructional permits; for behavioral health services; and to provide for related and to provide for related matters. matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 184— HOUSE BILL NO. 226— BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY BY REPRESENTATIVE JIMMY HARRIS AN ACT AN ACT To enact R.S. 14:38.4 and 63.5, relative to school athletic and To amend and reenact Code of Evidence Article 702, relative to recreational athletic contests; to create the crime of harassment testimony by experts; to provide relative to experts testifying on of a school or recreation athletic contest official; to create the the issue of memory and eyewitness identification; to provide crime of entry or remaining on site of a school athletic or relative to limits on expert testimony; to provide relative to the recreation athletic contest after being forbidden; to provide for admissibility of such testimony; and to provide for related definitions; to provide for penalties; and to provide for related matters. matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 307— HOUSE BILL NO. 185— BY REPRESENTATIVE MIKE JOHNSON BY REPRESENTATIVE HILFERTY AND SENATOR PEACOCK AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 14:122(A)(introductory paragraph), To amend and reenact R.S. 15:642(2)(c) and (d), 643(A), and 645(A) (B)(introductory paragraph), and (C) and 122.2, and to enact and to enact R.S. 15:642(4), relative to a registry of certain R.S. 14:122(D), relative to bribery and intimidation; to provide offenses; to provide relative to the registry of persons convicted relative to public intimidation and retaliation; to provide relative of offenses committed against peace officers; to expand the to the elements of the crimes; to provide relative to the type of registry to include persons convicted of terrorism offenses; to threats made; to provide relative to the crime of threatening a expand the registry to include persons convicted of the public official; to add law enforcement officers as a victim of conspiracy to commit terrorism offenses or offenses against a the crime; to provide that the crime applies to threats made peace officer; to provide for the availability of certain through social media; to include extortionate threats or true registration information to law enforcement; and to provide for threats; to provide for definitions; and to provide for related related matters. matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 203— HOUSE BILL NO. 357— BY REPRESENTATIVE GREGORY MILLER BY REPRESENTATIVES JEFFERSON, ADAMS, BRASS, STEVE CARTER, AN ACT FRANKLIN, GISCLAIR, GUINN, HILL, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, To amend and reenact Civil Code Articles 3249, 3267, 3269, and MARCELLE, NORTON, PIERRE, POPE, WHITE, WRIGHT, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BOUIE, CHAD 3274 and R.S. 9:4801(5), 4802(A)(5), (B), (C), and (F), BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, 4803(A)(1) and (B), 4806, 4807(B), 4808(A), (B), (C), and COX, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, EDMONDS, GAROFALO, GLOVER, (D)(1), 4811(A)(2), (B), and (D), 4812(A), (B), and (E)(1) and JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HORTON, JACKSON, JAMES, JENKINS, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, TERRY LANDRY, LYONS, (2), 4813(D) and (E), 4820, 4821, 4822, 4823(A), (B), (C), (E), MACK, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, and (F), 4831, 4832(A)(introductory paragraph) and (1) and JIM MORRIS, PEARSON, PYLANT, SCHEXNAYDER, SMITH, STOKES, (B)(introductory paragraph) and (1), 4833(A), (B), (C), and (E), TALBOT, TURNER, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATOR PRICE 4834, 4835(A) and (C), the heading of Subpart F of Part I of AN ACT Chapter 2 of Code Title XXI of Code Book III of Title 9 of the To enact R.S. 32:41(F), and to provide relative to road designations; Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, 4841(A), (B), to authorize Grambling State University to redesignate Stadium (C)(introductory paragraph) and (3), (D), (E), and (F), 4842, and and Facilities Drive, located on the campus of Grambling State 4852(A), to enact R.S. 9:4803(C) and (D), 4804, 4809, 4810, University, as "Doug Williams Drive"; to authorize the Board 4813(F), 4832(C) and (D), 4843, 4844, 4845, and 4846, and to of Supervisors of the University of Louisiana System to repeal Civil Code Articles 2772, 2773, 2774, 2775, 2776, 3268, designate certain public roads on the campus of Grambling State and 3272 and R.S. 9:4802(G) and 4811(E), and to redesignate University as "university roads"; to provide for an effective R.S. 9:4814, 4815, and 4822(M), relative to privileges on date; and to provide for related matters. immovables; to provide for claims against owners and contractors; to provide for the amounts secured by claims and HOUSE BILL NO. 368— privileges; to provide for notice and requests for statements of BY REPRESENTATIVE MOSS amounts owed; to provide definitions of terms; to provide for AN ACT the filing of a notice of contract; to provide for the furnishing To amend and reenact R.S. 37:2405(A)(9) and to enact R.S. and maintenance of bonds; to provide for the liability of 37:2405(B)(15) and (D), relative to the Louisiana Physical sureties; to provide for the effectiveness and ranking of Therapy Board; to provide for the powers, duties, and privileges; to provide for the preservation and extinguishment of limitations of the board; to provide for the collection of a core claims and privileges; to provide for the filing of notice of set of data elements; to provide for the creation of a healthcare contract and termination, statement of claim or privilege, workforce database; to provide for agreements the board may affidavits, and notice of pendency of action; to provide for enter into with private or public entities to maintain such database; to provide for reports of allegations of professional

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sexual misconduct; to provide for training of the board and staff HOUSE BILL NO. 193— members relative to mistreatment by licensees; and to provide BY REPRESENTATIVE BACALA for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 17:409.2, 409.3(A), 409.4(A) and HOUSE BILL NO. 381— (B)(introductory paragraph), and 409.5(A)(1), relative to school BY REPRESENTATIVES MIGUEZ AND BILLIOT safety; to revise procedures relative to students investigated for AN ACT making threats of violence or terrorism; to provide for law To amend and reenact R.S. 33:140.112(A), relative to railroad enforcement agencies to make determinations relative to such districts; to modify the requirements to serve on the Vermilion threats and report them to district attorneys under certain and Iberia Railroad Development District board; and to provide circumstances; to provide relative to the authority of district for related matters. attorneys to file petitions relative to mental health examinations; to provide relative to the return of such students to school; to HOUSE BILL NO. 438— BY REPRESENTATIVE JAMES provide for the appropriate court for filing the petition; to AN ACT provide for definitions; and to provide for related matters. To enact R.S. 33:2494(C)(4), relative to the city of Baton Rouge; to provide relative to the classified police service; to provide HOUSE BILL NO. 284— relative to the certification and appointment of eligible persons; BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAHAM and to provide for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 40:978(G)(2), relative to prescribing and HOUSE BILL NO. 487— dispensing of opioid drugs; to institute certain requirements for BY REPRESENTATIVES HENRY, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, prescribers of such drugs; and to provide for related matters. BACALA, BARRAS, BILLIOT, BRASS, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, EDMONDS, EMERSON, HOUSE BILL NO. 370— GISCLAIR, GUINN, LANCE HARRIS, HILL, JACKSON, JONES, NANCY BY REPRESENTATIVES STOKES, ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, LANDRY, LEBAS, LEGER, LYONS, MARCELLE, MIGUEZ, MOORE, AMEDEE, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, POPE, SMITH, STEFANSKI, THOMAS, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE AND BILLIOT, BISHOP, BRASS, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, SENATOR GARY SMITH GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, DUPLESSIS, AN ACT EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, To enact R.S. 13:844.1, relative to adoptions; to provide relative to GISCLAIR, GUINN, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, adoption fees; to provide a maximum amount of adoption fees HILFERTY, HILL, HOFFMANN, HORTON, HUVAL, JACKSON, JEFFERSON, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, LACOMBE, for certain adoptions; and to provide for related matters. TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, LYONS, MARCELLE, MARINO, MCMAHEN, MOORE, PEARSON, POPE, PUGH, HOUSE BILL NO. 547— PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, TALBOT, BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON THOMAS, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATORS ALARIO, APPEL, BARROW, BOUDREAUX, CHABERT, CORTEZ, DONAHUE, ERDEY, AN ACT FANNIN, GATTI, HEWITT, JOHNS, LONG, LUNEAU, MARTINY, To amend and reenact R.S. 47:302(W)(3) and (6), 339(A)(2), (B)(3), MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, MORRELL, PETERSON, GARY SMITH, (5) through (8), 340(E)(2) and (3), (F), (G)(1), and (H)(1) and JOHN SMITH, THOMPSON, WALSWORTH, AND WARD Section 2 of Act No. 5 of the 2018 Second Extraordinary AN ACT Session of the Legislature and to enact R.S. 47:340(E)(4), To amend and reenact R.S. 22:1053(A) and (D) and to enact R.S. (G)(6)(a) and (b), (11), (H)(15), and 1407(6), relative to the 22:1053(E), (F), and (G), relative to prescription drug benefits collection of certain sales and use tax; to provide for definitions; for persons with stage-four advanced, metastatic cancer; to to provide for certain requirements; to provide for certain prohibit denial of a prescription based upon step therapy or fail limitations; to provide for certain conditions; to provide for first protocols; to provide for an exception; to require applicability; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for notification of prescriptions for associated conditions; to define related matters. key terms; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 85— BY REPRESENTATIVES BILLIOT AND MARINO HOUSE BILL NO. 394— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE CARMODY To enact R.S. 46:1809(E), relative to crime victim reparations; to AN ACT provide relative to the criteria for making awards of reparations To amend and reenact R.S. 48:388.1(Section heading), (A)(1), (2), to crime victims; to provide certain prohibitions on the denial or and (3)(d), (B), and (D), to enact R.S. 48:388.1(E), and to repeal reduction of awards for reparations; and to provide for related R.S. 48:388.1(C), relative to the Rail Infrastructure matters. Improvement Program; to create the Class II and III Rail Infrastructure Improvement Program; to provide project goals HOUSE BILL NO. 169— and eligible project examples for the program; to provide with BY REPRESENTATIVE HOFFMANN AND SENATOR THOMPSON respect to monies in the Transportation Trust Fund; to provide AN ACT reporting requirements; and to provide for related matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 44:4.1(B)(26) and to enact R.S. 40:1046(A)(6), Subpart D of Part III of Subchapter A of Chapter HOUSE BILL NO. 400— 5-D of Title 40 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be BY REPRESENTATIVE MCMAHEN comprised of R.S. 40:1168.1 through 1168.6, and R.S. AN ACT 40:1046(A)(6) of Section 2 of Act No. 96 of the 2016 Regular To amend and reenact R.S. 33:2491(I), 2492(2), 2493(C), 2551(9), Session of the Legislature of Louisiana, relative to information 2552(2), and 2553(C), relative to the municipal fire and police concerning health effects, events, and outcomes associated with civil service system; to provide relative to tests administered by patient use of medical marijuana; to authorize the Louisiana the state examiner; to authorize the state examiner to administer State Board of Medical Examiners to establish and maintain an tests for additional classes; to provide relative to the eligibility electronic data system for the collection of such information; to of applicants for certain tests; to provide relative to employment require that the board collaborate with certain institutions in the lists established and maintained by civil service boards; to design of the data system; to provide specifications for provide relative to the placement of certain names on such lists; components of the data system; to provide for reporting of data and to provide for related matters. into the system; to restrict disclosure and uses of data from the system; to provide for a public records exception; to provide legislative findings and definitions; to authorize administrative rulemaking; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 426— voter registration week; to provide relative to vacancies in the BY REPRESENTATIVE HILFERTY office of registrar of voters; to provide relative to voter AN ACT registration; to provide relative to watchers; to provide relative To amend and reenact R.S. 9:1123.112(C), relative to condominiums; to parish executive committees; to provide for the content of the to provide with respect to insurance policies; to provide for a notice of candidacy; to provide relative to withdrawal of determination of liability; to provide with respect to the primary candidates; to provide relative to the establishment of precincts; association policy; to provide for coverage of betterments and to provide for the form and content of the ballot; to provide improvements; to provide with respect to a unit owner's property relative to assistance in voting; to provide relative to challenges insurance policy; to provide with respect to condominium of voters; to provide relative to procedures for commissioners bylaws; and to provide for related matters. following the termination of voting; to provide relative to evidence of election results; to provide relative to the HOUSE BILL NO. 431— compilation and promulgation of election returns; to provide for BY REPRESENTATIVES JACKSON, BAGLEY, COX, HOFFMANN, LEBAS, MCMAHEN, MOORE, AND STAGNI the nomination of slates of candidates for presidential elector; AN ACT to provide for the calling of a recall election; to provide relative To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1203.3(C) and to enact R.S. to the tabulation and counting of absentee by mail and early 40:1203.3(D), 2184(2)(j), and 2192, relative to individuals voting ballots; to provide for remedies in certain election providing hospice care; to provide for creation of a state contests; to provide for recall petitions; to provide for election certified hospice attendant; to provide for eligibility; to provide expenses; to provide for definitions; to provide relative to for minimum certification requirements; to provide for a state rulemaking by the secretary of state; to provide relative to the certified hospice attendant registry; to provide for rulemaking; examination, testing, evaluation, certification, approval, and to provide for related matters. procurement, and requirements for voting systems and system components; to provide relative to the preparation of voting HOUSE BILL NO. 455— machines for an election; to provide relative to a revote caused BY REPRESENTATIVES TERRY LANDRY, ADAMS, BAGNERIS, by the malfunction of certain voting equipment; to provide BILLIOT, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, CREWS, relative to the presidential preference primary election and DUPLESSIS, GLOVER, HORTON, JACKSON, JEFFERSON, JORDAN, LARVADAIN, MARINO, MOORE, NORTON, PIERRE, THOMAS, WHITE, related elections; to provide for effectiveness; and to provide for AND WRIGHT related matters. AN ACT To enact Part IX of Chapter 1 of Title 32 of the Louisiana Revised HOUSE BILL NO. 614— (Substitute for House Bill No. 388 Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 32:400.1 through by Representative Miguez) 400.8, relative to autonomous commercial motor vehicles; to BY REPRESENTATIVE MIGUEZ provide for definitions; to establish the controlling authority for AN ACT autonomous commercial motor vehicles; to provide relative to To amend and reenact R.S. 44:31.2 and 33.1 and to enact R.S. applications to operate an autonomous commercial motor 44:4(57) and (58), relative to public records; to exempt certain vehicle; to provide relative to requirements of operators; to personal information from the Public Records Law; to provide establish the reporting requirements following an accident; to exceptions; to provide relative to the public records awareness provide relative to remote drivers and teleoperation systems; to program; to provide for the content of the program; to require provide relative to liability and jurisdiction; and to provide for each public body to provide certain notice to the public; to related matters. provide for the protection of individual health information reported to the state; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 489— BY REPRESENTATIVE DUBUISSON HOUSE BILL NO. 181— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE BRASS To enact Code of Evidence Article 801(D)(1)(e), relative to the AN ACT definition of hearsay; to provide relative to prior statements To amend and reenact R.S. 32:295.1(A)(1), (3), and (B), relative to made by witnesses; to provide relative to statements made by safety belt use in passenger trucks; to increase the weight limit victims of sexually-oriented crimes to healthcare providers; and for vehicles required to use safety belts; and to provide for to provide for related matters. related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 558— HOUSE BILL NO. 245— BY REPRESENTATIVE HODGES BY REPRESENTATIVES HODGES, ABRAHAM, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ARMES, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, AN ACT STEVE CARTER, COX, CREWS, EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, To amend and reenact R.S. 38:90.2(A), relative to the Floodplain GAROFALO, LANCE HARRIS, HENRY, HOFFMANN, HORTON, Evaluation and Management Commission; to provide relative to HOWARD, JAMES, JEFFERSON, LEBAS, MACK, MCFARLAND, MCMAHEN, MIGUEZ, MOORE, JAY MORRIS, POPE, RICHARD, the membership of the commission; and to provide for related SEABAUGH, WRIGHT, AND ZERINGUE matters. AN ACT To enact R.S. 39:1602.1; relative to state procurement contracts; to HOUSE BILL NO. 563— authorize public entities to reject bids from certain groups under BY REPRESENTATIVE GREGORY MILLER AN ACT certain circumstances; to provide for an effective date; and to To amend and reenact R.S. 18:18(A)(8)(b), 51(C)(1)(a), 104(C)(2), provide for related matters. 110(A), 435(B)(1)(a), 444(I), 463(A)(2)(a)(iii) and (viii), HOUSE BILL NO. 295— 501(C), 532(D), 551(C)(1)(c)(iii), 565(B), 567.1(5), BY REPRESENTATIVES HILL, DWIGHT, AND MOSS 571(A)(4)(a), (8), and (9), 573(E)(1), 574(B)(introductory AN ACT paragraph), 1254(A), 1300.1, 1300.7(A), 1310(C)(1), To enact R.S. 13:589, relative to the Fourteenth Judicial District 1313(C)(1) and (F)(4), 1351(9), 1353(B) and (C)(1) and (2), Court; to provide for the creation of a magistrate judge position; 1354(B)(3), 1361, 1362(A), 1373(A)(5), 1375, and 1433(A) and to provide relative to the election, term, salary, and duties of the (B), to enact R.S. 18:104(C)(3), 444(F)(2)(c) and (d), magistrate judge; to provide for qualifications; and to provide 463(A)(2)(a)(ix), 564(D)(1)(a)(v), 572(A)(1)(b)(viii), 1280.21.1, for related matters. 1351(14), 1400.3(E)(7), and 1432(A)(3), and to repeal R.S. 18:573(D), 1351(2), (3), and (6), 1355, and 1400.6(B), relative to the Louisiana Election Code; to revise the system of laws comprising the Louisiana Election Code; to provide relative to elections procedures and requirements and the powers, duties, and functions of election officials; to provide for the annual

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HOUSE BILL NO. 491— HOUSE BILL NO. 428— BY REPRESENTATIVES SCHEXNAYDER, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, BY REPRESENTATIVE DWIGHT BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BOUIE, BOURRIAQUE, BRASS, CHAD BROWN, A JOINT RESOLUTION TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUPLESSIS, Proposing to add Article V, Section 35 of the Constitution of EMERSON, FOIL, GAINES, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, JIMMY Louisiana, relative to the jurisdiction of the Board of Tax HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HOWARD, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, Appeals; to provide a remedy for payment of unconstitutional JENKINS, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEGER, LYONS, MARCELLE, MARINO, MCMAHEN, taxes; to authorize the legislature to extend the jurisdiction of DUSTIN MILLER, MUSCARELLO, NORTON, PIERRE, PYLANT, STAGNI, the Board of Tax Appeals; to provide for submission of the STOKES, AND TURNER AND SENATORS GATTI AND WALSWORTH proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for related AN ACT matters. To amend and reenact R.S. 47:1692(3) and to enact R.S. 3:1449(B)(3), Part V of Chapter 10-A of Title 3 of the Louisiana and asked that the President of the Senate affix his signature to the Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 3:1461 same. through 1471, Part VI of Chapter 10-A of Title 3 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. Respectfully submitted, 3:1481 through 1484, and R.S. 40:4.9(F) and 961.1, relative to ALFRED W. SPEER the regulation of industrial hemp; to authorize industrial hemp Clerk of the House of Representatives farming; to provide for definitions; to provide for powers and duties of the commissioner of agriculture; to provide for powers The House Bills and Joint Resolutions contained herein were and duties of the Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission; signed by the President of the Senate. to provide for licensure; to provide for fees; to establish testing, inspection, and record keeping requirements; to provide for ATTENDANCE ROLL CALL research; to prohibit certain activities; to provide for regulation of hemp-derived cannabidiol products; to provide for penalties; PRESENT and to provide for related matters. Mr. President Fannin Morrell HOUSE BILL NO. 575— BY REPRESENTATIVE MAGEE Allain Gatti Morrish AN ACT Appel Hensgens Peacock To amend and reenact R.S. 45:201.6(G)(2) and to enact Chapter 36 Barrow Hewitt Peterson of Title 48 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be Bishop Johns Price comprised of R.S. 48:2191 through 2205, relative to Boudreaux LaFleur Riser transportation network companies; to provide for transportation Carter Lambert Smith, G. network company and driver requirements; to provide for Chabert Long Smith, J. permits, fees, fare transparency, and identification of vehicles Claitor Luneau Tarver and drivers; to provide for a nondiscrimination policy; to Colomb Martiny Thompson provide for definitions and certain prohibitions; to provide for Cortez Milkovich Walsworth records and audit requirements; to provide for an effective date; Donahue Mills Ward and to provide for related matters. Erdey Mizell White Total - 39 HOUSE BILL NO. 578— ABSENT BY REPRESENTATIVES MAGEE, ABRAHAM, AMEDEE, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOURRIAQUE, Total - 0 CHAD BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, STEVE CARTER, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CREWS, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DUBUISSON, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FOIL, GAINES, GISCLAIR, HILFERTY, HOLLIS, HORTON, Adjournment IVEY, JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, ROBERT JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LACOMBE, NANCY LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LEBAS, LYONS, MARCELLE, MARINO, MIGUEZ, NORTON, PEARSON, PIERRE, On motion of Senator Thompson, at 5:40 o'clock P.M. the RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SEABAUGH, STAGNI, STEFANSKI, Senate adjourned until Thursday, June 6, 2019, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. STOKES, THOMAS, WHITE, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATORS CHABERT, CORTEZ, LAMBERT, WARD, AND WHITE AN ACT The President of the Senate declared the Senate adjourned. To amend and reenact R.S. 39:91(B)(2), (3), and (4) and (C), to enact R.S. 39:91(B)(5) through (8), (E) through (T), and GLENN A. KOEPP 1367(E)(2)(b)(vii), and to repeal R.S. 39:91(E), R.S. Secretary of the Senate 46:2691(A)(1)(b), and 2731(B)(2), relative to the Deepwater Horizon Economic Damages Collection Fund; to dedicate DIANE O' QUIN payments from the litigation to the Construction Subfund of the Journal Clerk Transportation Trust Fund for transportation projects; to authorize the proceeds from the Deepwater Horizon litigation to fund certain transportation projects; to authorize the State Bond Commission to securitize the state's allocation of the economic damage settlement of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill litigation in order to fund certain transportation projects; to provide for the issuance of bonds; to provide for certain requirements and limitations on the issuance of bonds; to provide for a procedure to contest the validity of the issuance of the bonds; to provide for the rights of bondholders; to authorize the issuance of refunding bonds; to provide relative to payments to the Budget Stabilization Fund; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters.

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