Salvations Highlight LC Revival

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Salvations Highlight LC Revival September 27, 2018 Volume 133 l Issue No. 19 TO REPORT A NEWS ITEM OR TO BUY AN AD,CALL 318.442.7728 GBO: Doing more, with a little help from each other By John Kyle Louisiana Baptists Communications ALEXANDRIA (LBM) – How do you reach a culture that is seemingly not interested in you? How can you instill a vision and pas- sion for missions in children? How can you use current commu- nication platforms to seed God’s truth across the state? Brian Blackwell photo How can you bring a once vibrant Paul Taylor of Colyell Baptist Church in Livingston preaches under an evangelism tent to Hondurans moments before they entered congregation back to life? a line to be seen at a medical clinic. According to Missions and Ministries team leader John Hebert, all of the above is possible, “With a lot of help from your friends.” “In the day-in and day-out grind of ministry, it’s easy to forget how large our PRESCRIption HOPE task is,” Hebert said. “If we’re going to make the impact all of us agree needs to be made, we need more individuals par- Honduras medical mission ticipating in the Georgia Barnette State Missions Offering.” dispenses help, God’s love David Hankins, executive director for Louisiana Baptists, echoed this chal- By Brian Blackwell lenge. Message Staff Writer “We have literally hundreds of churches and thousands of our members SANTA CRUZ DE GUAYAPE, Honduras – who do not participate in this crucial of- A young Honduran boy named Christian ap- fering for Louisiana,” said Hankins. “It’s proached Jerry Blackmon inside a coffee shop not simply a money issue, it’s a partici- to sell him a homemade craft, but instead pation issue, a resource issue. The task in received an introduction to Jesus. Louisiana is so large, so big, it’s going to Like many Blackmon encountered during take an even larger effort on our part to his Honduran evangelism and medical mis- provide the Gospel opportunities needed sion trip in late July, Christian believed his to engage the estimated two million good works were the way to Heaven. people in our state who do not have a However, Blackmon quickly explained the relationship with Christ.” true path to an eternity with God is through Since 2014 gifts to the Georgia Bar- a relationship with His son. nette State Missions Offering have “A Christian is never off the clock when it ranged between $1.5 and $1.6 million comes to being on mission,” Blackmon said. dollars. The goal for 2018 is $1.7 million Brian Blackwell photo “When you picture people with the sign on dollars, which would require an increase Jeff Draughon of Calvary Baptist Church in Alexandria and his transla- their back ‘destined for Hell’ it gives you a of roughly $118,000. Hebert notes that tor, Vilma, share the Gospel with a group in the village of Santa Cruz totally different perspective that time is short de Guayape, Honduras. Several men in the group were among 79 who See GBO, page 2 accepted Christ during the team’s two days there. See PRESCRIPTION, page 7 Salvations highlight LC revival By Brian Blackwell LC President Rick Brewer said he was Message Staff Writer overcome with emotion as he watched the students walk forward to make their deci- PINEVILLE – Louisiana College’s final sions public. session of its fall revival ended on a high “We rejoice with the news of at least note when 30 students surrendered their lives to Christ. See SALVATIONS, page 3 2 Georgia Barnette State Missions Off ering GBO from page one all of the money stays in “Since 2010 more than 223 of social media. In February Louisiana for local missions churches have been planted of this year over 849,000 and ministries. in 100 cities and these new people across the state saw “You could call GBO an churches have baptized the commercial during the organic off ering,” Hebert almost 3,300 people.” Super Bowl and plans are said. “It’s given by Louisi- being made to take this ana people for Louisiana PEOPLE GROUPS ENGAGED initiative statewide on a full- people.” time basis in February 2019.” Hankins cited three rea- “God is blessing our According to Hankins, sons why churches and in- eff orts in reaching the “We would not be able to at- dividuals should prayerfully various people groups God tempt an eff ort of this mag- participate in this off ering. has placed in Louisiana,” nitude without assistance Hankins continued. “Every from the Georgia Barnette CHURCH PLANTING SUCCESS week the Gospel is pro- Off ering.” claimed among 14 diff erent Th is year’s theme, “Th ink “We’ve had tremendous people groups. Big,” is taken from 2 Cor- success in planting churches Th e People Group inthians 9:6, “A lot of seeds across the state,” he said. Taskforce convened by the make a big harvest,” (CEV). President’s 2020 Commis- Hebert is praying big think- sion in 2013 has completed ing will lead to big praying their initial assignment and and big giving. continues to meet, monitor “Th e job God has given and ideate on how we can us in Louisiana is bigger increase our eff ectiveness in than our largest church, but engaging these groups with it is not bigger than all of the Gospel.” our churches,” Hebert said. “My prayer is God’s people SPREADING THE MESSAGE will ask Him how He wants them to respond to the big Hankins noted that opportunities and big chal- “Here For You,” Louisiana’s lenges that lie before us. I’m multi-media evangelism praying they will respond in strategy, recently completed obedience and faith.” its third pilot market in Individuals wishing to southeast Louisiana. give online may do so by “Since 2014, more than visiting www.GeorgiaBar- 325,000 of our friends and Additional neighbors have seen the information and promo- ‘Here For You’ commercials tional resources, including in multiple markets. Th is videos, also are available does not include the reach on the site. LOUISIANA ADVERTISING SUBSCRIPTIONS: CHANGE OF ADDRESS BAPTIST MESSAGE Display [boxed] and classifi ed [words only] advertising must be in writing, Individual: $14/year Two weeks before change is desired, send and may be submitted by email, U.S. mail or fax. Group rates available new address (with zip code and street address) Will Hall, Editor To the best of our knowledge, all ads in the Louisiana Baptist Message Call the and mailing label from this copy of theLouisiana Louisiana Baptist Message Baptist Message. Periodicals postage paid in represent legitimate companies and offerings. However, one should always STAFF at 800-376-7728 or 318-442-7728 Alexandria, Louisiana, and additional mailing exercise normal business caution in responding to ads. Fax: 318-445-8328 Philip Timothy Rhonda Havens Brian Blackwell offi ces. For all your advertising needs contact Rhonda Havens at theMessage [email protected] Managing Editor Advertising Director Staff Writer PO Box 311 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to at 318.449.4351. Alexandria LA 71309 the Baptist Message,1250 MacArthur Drive, PO JoAnne Timothy Box 311, Alexandria LA 71309-0311 Offi ce Manager The Louisiana Board of Trustees: Baptist Message (USPS 042-860) (ISSN 0740-2104) partners with: Steve Arledge, Jack Bell, Jeremy Blocker, David Cranford, Published biweekly Thursdays by the Louisiana Baptist Message, 1250 MacArthur Drive, Bobby Daniels, Mike Canady Jacob Crawford, Lonnie Alexandria, Louisiana 71303. Gothrup, Bill Inman, Robert Spicer, Darris Waren © Copyright 2018 Baptist Message. All rights reserved Volume 133 September 27, 2018 Number 19 September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message Louisiana Churches 3 Salvations rom page one 30 LC students who asked can seem like an unattain- Christ to step out of able task,” said Edwards, Heaven and step into their founder of Dave Edwards hearts on this final day of Speaks in Oklahoma City, our fall semester revival,” Oklahoma. “We become Brewer said. “We prayed more aware of our weak- for a spiritual awakening nesses when we think on campus this year and about that. We become we trust this is just the be- more aware of our incon- ginning of what the Lord sistencies and the contra- wants to do here.” dictions in our life.” Brewer said his staff Edwards said to be will follow up with each a member of the Jesus student and direct them to Generation, individuals a church in their respective must be controlled by the hometowns. Father’s desire, committed The students’ salvation to faithfully disciple other decisions capped a three- believers and consumed day Gospel emphasis, Sep- by a future dream that one tember 11-13, in the newly day the presence of God renovated Guinn Audito- will cover the earth. rium, with messages by He encouraged all evangelist Dave Edwards students to ask themselves and music by the Louisiana the same question that College student band. forever changed his life It is one of several spiri- as a high school student, tual gatherings the school “What does God want for is hosting this semester, me?” including a Fields of Faith “What’s the eternal sig- student revival Oct. 7 from nificance of your major?” 5-7 p.m. at LC’s Wildcat he said. “What’s the point Stadium which is in con- of your athletic ability? It junction with the Hope4U can’t just be to put points Crusade, which will be on the board or get peo- held at the Rapides Parish ple’s respect. There’s got to Coliseum in Alexandria be something deeper than Oct.
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