September 27, 2018 Volume 133 l Issue No. 19 TO REPORT A NEWS ITEM OR TO BUY AN AD,CALL 318.442.7728 GBO: Doing more, with a little help from each other By John Kyle Baptists Communications

ALEXANDRIA (LBM) – How do you reach a culture that is seemingly not interested in you? How can you instill a vision and pas- sion for missions in children? How can you use current commu- nication platforms to seed God’s truth across the state? Brian Blackwell photo How can you bring a once vibrant Paul Taylor of Colyell Baptist Church in Livingston preaches under an evangelism tent to Hondurans moments before they entered congregation back to life? a line to be seen at a medical clinic. According to Missions and Ministries team leader John Hebert, all of the above is possible, “With a lot of help from your friends.” “In the day-in and day-out grind of ministry, it’s easy to forget how large our PRESCRIption HOPE task is,” Hebert said. “If we’re going to make the impact all of us agree needs to be made, we need more individuals par- Honduras medical mission ticipating in the Georgia Barnette State Missions Offering.” dispenses help, God’s love David Hankins, executive director for Louisiana Baptists, echoed this chal- By Brian Blackwell lenge. Message Staff Writer “We have literally hundreds of churches and thousands of our members SANTA CRUZ DE GUAYAPE, Honduras – who do not participate in this crucial of- A young Honduran boy named Christian ap- fering for Louisiana,” said Hankins. “It’s proached Jerry Blackmon inside a coffee shop not simply a money issue, it’s a partici- to sell him a homemade craft, but instead pation issue, a resource issue. The task in received an introduction to Jesus. Louisiana is so large, so big, it’s going to Like many Blackmon encountered during take an even larger effort on our part to his Honduran evangelism and medical mis- provide the Gospel opportunities needed sion trip in late July, Christian believed his to engage the estimated two million good works were the way to Heaven. people in our state who do not have a However, Blackmon quickly explained the relationship with Christ.” true path to an eternity with God is through Since 2014 gifts to the Georgia Bar- a relationship with His son. nette State Missions Offering have “A Christian is never off the clock when it ranged between $1.5 and $1.6 million comes to being on mission,” Blackmon said. dollars. The goal for 2018 is $1.7 million Brian Blackwell photo “When you picture people with the sign on dollars, which would require an increase Jeff Draughon of Calvary Baptist Church in Alexandria and his transla- their back ‘destined for Hell’ it gives you a of roughly $118,000. Hebert notes that tor, Vilma, share the Gospel with a group in the village of Santa Cruz totally different perspective that time is short de Guayape, Honduras. Several men in the group were among 79 who See GBO, page 2 accepted Christ during the team’s two days there. See PRESCRIPTION, page 7 Salvations highlight LC revival By Brian Blackwell LC President Rick Brewer said he was Message Staff Writer overcome with emotion as he watched the students walk forward to make their deci- PINEVILLE – Louisiana College’s final sions public. session of its fall revival ended on a high “We rejoice with the news of at least note when 30 students surrendered their lives to Christ. See SALVATIONS, page 3 2 Georgia Barnette State Missions Off ering

GBO from page one all of the money stays in “Since 2010 more than 223 of social media. In February Louisiana for local missions churches have been planted of this year over 849,000 and ministries. in 100 cities and these new people across the state saw “You could call GBO an churches have baptized the commercial during the organic off ering,” Hebert almost 3,300 people.” Super Bowl and plans are said. “It’s given by Louisi- being made to take this ana people for Louisiana PEOPLE GROUPS ENGAGED initiative statewide on a full- people.” time basis in February 2019.” Hankins cited three rea- “God is blessing our According to Hankins, sons why churches and in- eff orts in reaching the “We would not be able to at- dividuals should prayerfully various people groups God tempt an eff ort of this mag- participate in this off ering. has placed in Louisiana,” nitude without assistance Hankins continued. “Every from the Georgia Barnette CHURCH PLANTING SUCCESS week the Gospel is pro- Off ering.” claimed among 14 diff erent Th is year’s theme, “Th ink “We’ve had tremendous people groups. Big,” is taken from 2 Cor- success in planting churches Th e People Group inthians 9:6, “A lot of seeds across the state,” he said. Taskforce convened by the make a big harvest,” (CEV). President’s 2020 Commis- Hebert is praying big think- sion in 2013 has completed ing will lead to big praying their initial assignment and and big giving. continues to meet, monitor “Th e job God has given and ideate on how we can us in Louisiana is bigger increase our eff ectiveness in than our largest church, but engaging these groups with it is not bigger than all of the Gospel.” our churches,” Hebert said. “My prayer is God’s people SPREADING THE MESSAGE will ask Him how He wants them to respond to the big Hankins noted that opportunities and big chal- “Here For You,” Louisiana’s lenges that lie before us. I’m multi-media evangelism praying they will respond in strategy, recently completed obedience and faith.” its third pilot market in Individuals wishing to southeast Louisiana. give online may do so by “Since 2014, more than visiting www.GeorgiaBar- 325,000 of our friends and Additional neighbors have seen the information and promo- ‘Here For You’ commercials tional resources, including in multiple markets. Th is videos, also are available does not include the reach on the site.

LOUISIANA ADVERTISING SUBSCRIPTIONS: CHANGE OF ADDRESS BAPTIST MESSAGE Display [boxed] and classifi ed [words only] advertising must be in writing, Individual: $14/year Two weeks before change is desired, send and may be submitted by email, U.S. mail or fax. Group rates available new address (with zip code and street address) Will Hall, Editor To the best of our knowledge, all ads in the Louisiana Baptist Message Call the and mailing label from this copy of theLouisiana Louisiana Baptist Message Baptist Message. Periodicals postage paid in represent legitimate companies and offerings. However, one should always STAFF at 800-376-7728 or 318-442-7728 Alexandria, Louisiana, and additional mailing exercise normal business caution in responding to ads. Fax: 318-445-8328 Philip Timothy Rhonda Havens Brian Blackwell offi ces. For all your advertising needs contact Rhonda Havens at theMessage [email protected] Managing Editor Advertising Director Staff Writer PO Box 311 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to at 318.449.4351. Alexandria LA 71309 the Baptist Message,1250 MacArthur Drive, PO JoAnne Timothy Box 311, Alexandria LA 71309-0311 Offi ce Manager The Louisiana Board of Trustees: Baptist Message (USPS 042-860) (ISSN 0740-2104) partners with: Steve Arledge, Jack Bell, Jeremy Blocker, David Cranford, Published biweekly Thursdays by the Louisiana Baptist Message, 1250 MacArthur Drive, Bobby Daniels, Mike Canady Jacob Crawford, Lonnie Alexandria, Louisiana 71303. Gothrup, Bill Inman, Robert Spicer, Darris Waren © Copyright 2018 Baptist Message. All rights reserved Volume 133 September 27, 2018 Number 19

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message Louisiana Churches 3

Salvations rom page one 30 LC students who asked can seem like an unattain- Christ to step out of able task,” said Edwards, Heaven and step into their founder of Dave Edwards hearts on this final day of Speaks in , our fall semester revival,” Oklahoma. “We become Brewer said. “We prayed more aware of our weak- for a spiritual awakening nesses when we think on campus this year and about that. We become we trust this is just the be- more aware of our incon- ginning of what the Lord sistencies and the contra- wants to do here.” dictions in our life.” Brewer said his staff Edwards said to be will follow up with each a member of the Jesus student and direct them to Generation, individuals a church in their respective must be controlled by the hometowns. Father’s desire, committed The students’ salvation to faithfully disciple other decisions capped a three- believers and consumed day Gospel emphasis, Sep- by a future dream that one tember 11-13, in the newly day the presence of God renovated Guinn Audito- will cover the earth. rium, with messages by He encouraged all evangelist Dave Edwards students to ask themselves and music by the Louisiana the same question that College student band. forever changed his life It is one of several spiri- as a high school student, tual gatherings the school “What does God want for is hosting this semester, me?” including a Fields of Faith “What’s the eternal sig- student revival Oct. 7 from nificance of your major?” 5-7 p.m. at LC’s Wildcat he said. “What’s the point Stadium which is in con- of your athletic ability? It junction with the Hope4U can’t just be to put points Crusade, which will be on the board or get peo- held at the Rapides Parish ple’s respect. There’s got to Coliseum in Alexandria be something deeper than Oct. 14-17. that. “As we approach the “To any person who is Hope 4U Crusade, the bold enough to ask this Spirit of the Lord is al- question, the Spirit of God ready at work in our com- begins to place the desires munity as evidenced by of God into your heart and the blessings of the chapel you start to sense what service at Louisiana Col- God wants for you.” lege,” Brewer said. “I am Just as Jesus’ disciples grateful for the way Dr. changed their world, the Dave Edwards spoke the Jesus Generation can do truth from God’s Word the same, he said. and attentively responded “Think about what it to the Holy Spirit’s work was that made Jesus so among our faculty and persuasive,” he said. “He students this week.” didn’t just have a message. Jesus was the message. BE THE JESUS GENERATION “The Jesus Generation doesn’t just have a message In his messages, Ed- about Jesus,” he continued. wards challenged Louisi- “They are the message ana College students to be by the way they live and a part of the “Jesus Gen- speak.” eration.” Students like Emily “The idea that you and I are called to live like Jesus See SALVATIONS, page 11

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message 4 Louisiana News Flora Coleman: 96 years old and still has ‘fire in the belly’ By Janet Tompkins ference in other people’s 100 completed and stacked Special to the Message lives — even at 96 years of in one room, while her age. sewing room is filled with ALEXANDRIA (LBM) little girls’ dresses as well – Who knows what life SHARING CHRISTMAS JOY as pants for boys and girls would have been like along with an assortment for Flora Coleman if her Her current project of toys and gifts for each of mother and father had not is Operation Christmas the boxes. died in 1930 when she was Child, the mission program Even though the boxes just 8 years old and living of Samaritan’s Purse to do not ship until Nov. on a mountainside in West bring a Christmas package 1 – National Collection Virginia? and the message of Jesus Week is Nov. 12-19 – she is She would not have Christ to children through- working diligently now to been separated from her out the world. prepare as many boxes as six other siblings, or gone Since 1993, Samaritan’s she can. to work in other house- Purse has partnered with “It is such a blessing for holds. local churches around the me,” she said. “It’s a reason Maybe she would not world to deliver 157 mil- to get up in the morning.” have become a nurse lion Operation Christmas Labels are attached or wound up in Otis, Child shoeboxes of gifts to each box to indicate Louisiana, where she is a to children in need in 160 whether it is for a boy or member of Dixie Baptist countries. Each box is a girl, and the age range, Church. filled with fun toys, school which can be 2-4, 5-9 or Janet Tompkins photo Those experiences, to supplies and hygiene items. 10-14. Ninety-six-year-old Flora Coleman wants to make a difference in other be sure, have given her an “Miss Flora” has her “I pray for each child people’s lives, so she has taken it upon herself to fill as many Operation extra dose of perseverance home filled with the deco- when I make the box,” she Christmas Child shoeboxes as she can. Already she has put together more and a faith in God and fire rated boxes in every stage said. “I pray that he or she than 100 boxes, even though they will not be collected until the week of in her belly to make a dif- of completion. There are will accept Christ and I Nov. 12-19. pray for all his or her fam- ily.” Along with the pillow- case dresses and pajama pants, she also makes bags for the marbles, crayons and other small items packaged in the shoeboxes. “My eyes are not the best anymore,” she said. “I am so blessed that I can still do this. I’m giving this to Christ so I want to do the best that I can.” Brandon Smith, pastor of Dixie Baptist Church in Sieper, said “Sister Cole- man” is an inspiration to him as well as others in the church. “She is one of my prayer warriors and is like a grandmother to me,” he

See COLEMAN, page 6

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message Louisiana Churches 5 Despite wheelchair, 82-year-old baptized ‘like Jesus’ By Brian Blackwell relationships with this im- Message Staff Writer migrant population through visiting the nurseries that FOREST HILL – Being employ them. wheelchair-bound could not Subsequently, Elwood stop 82-year-old Percy Babi- has been blessed to host a neaux from publicly declar- number of Hispanic families ing his faith in Jesus through for worship services, Vaca- baptism. tion Bible School and other Babineaux repented and activities, with a number of turned to Christ three years the visitors trusting in Christ ago, but only recently was as Savior and Lord. able to gain enough strength Elwood members have in between cancer treat- been busy with other out- ments to participate in his reach ministry eff orts as long-awaited baptism at well, mowing yards for wid- Elwood Baptist Church in ows, delivering hand-made Forest Hill. cards to the Veterans Aff airs Moments after the bap- Hospital in Alexandria, and tism, Babineaux pointed to participating in mission trips Heaven in celebration. to Ireland and the Yucatan “I wanted to be bap- Peninsula of Mexico. tized like Jesus was,” said Likewise, the congrega- Babineaux, who has been tion has a strong sense of the confi ned to a wheelchair be- importance of cooperative cause of his poor health con- missions and ministries to dition. “At that moment I complement what they are was so happy, and ever since doing themselves. I’ve been telling everyone Recently, Elwood voted Elwood Baptist Church photo about how my life has been to increase the percentage of Percy Babineaux celebrated after Pastor Michael Evans baptized him at Elwood Baptist Church in Forest Hill. changed with Christ.” undesignated off erings the Babineaux, 82, delayed his baptism several times until he had the strength to participate in between chemo- Babineaux is one of 13 church gives through the therapy treatments. converts baptized at Elwood Cooperative Program from since January. Pastor Mike 16 percent to 17 percent. Th e Evans said the baptisms are Cooperative Program is the representative of a commit- Southern Baptist Conven- ment to missions by the cen- tion’s method of supporting tral Louisiana congregation, missions and ministries of which averages about 100 in state conventions and the Sunday morning attendance. SBC. Elwood is located in a “Th e Great Commission community with a large plainly tells us to go,” Evans Hispanic population. Th e said. “While we cannot go to church has embraced the opportunity and formed See BAPTIZED, page 13

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September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message 6 Louisiana News

short-term places where first—it had been so long.” life as a military wife. she lived, but she has little Miss Flora smiles at the Thirty-two moves and Coleman from page 4 memory them. memory. five children later they said. “She is so outgoing WEST VIRGINIA ROOTS But she recalls living Younger siblings Ruth moved back to Louisiana and she even recently re- in the Bluefield, Virginia, and Edward were with dif- when her husband retired. newed her driver’s license,” Miss Flora’s faith goes home of a piano ferent families in She went to work at although she doesn’t drive back to that cabin in West teacher who the same town Central State Hospital in her truck to church much Virginia. needed some- but they did Pineville where she stayed anymore. She recalls her dad read- one to watch not know that for more than 18 years, But not to worry, the ing from the Bible in their over her elderly at first because mostly working the night church orders plenty of four-room house. When mother during their names shift. pre-printed Operation her father was sick with the day. were changed. Now, a widow, she Christmas Child boxes and tuberculosis she remem- For the next Not much was travels with her family, makes sure Miss Flora has bers others gathered round 5 years, she did learned about sometimes going to both them at her house so she the bedside as he asked for just that, and “Baby William” coasts, and, she stays doesn’t have to worry about someone to read from the sold vegetables until Flora was busy as a volunteer with driving to the church. Dixie book of Acts in the dim from the home an adult. She several ministries of her Baptist also pays for the light of a coal oil lamp on garden to neigh- found out he church. In addition to her shipping. the night stand. bors. A young Flora Coleman had died of dedicated efforts for Op- Miss Flora said all the Her father succumbed When the cancer at age eration Christmas Child, boxes get a toothbrush, to the disease, leaving her elderly woman 46, but she was she makes adult bibs for soap, washcloth and comb, mother, who was pregnant, died, Flora was sent to the able to meet his wife and those in nursing homes, and that “the littlest ones” to care for herself and the home of a lawyer to be to catch up on the details and, sewed 100 pillowcase of the children also get children (her older brother a companion and helper of his life. dresses for a mission proj- socks, a mirror, pencil, cup was nine-and-a-half years to his daughter who had Reflecting back on her ect with Parkview Baptist and bowl, little balls as well old, she was eight, and polio. She stayed there childhood caretakers she in Alexandria, where her as toys and the clothes she there were two younger through high school. said, “I was never given daughter attends church. makes. siblings). “They were good peo- love but I was given guid- “I’ve had a good life,” The older children get Shortly after the baby ple,” she said, noting that ance.” she said. “I tell everyone: flip-flops as well as items arrived, her mother became the father took the initia- Look for the good in life. more suitable for them. very ill because of a weak tive to find out where most AT HOME IN LOUISIANA You can always find the Anxious to make every heart and she died at home of her siblings were living. bad, but sometimes you gift box special, she will with just the children there. Her sister Hazel was After high school, she have to really look to see pack and unpack each one A social worker came in an orphanage, and one used her wages from work- the good.” to try to get as much as she and split the children up weekend Flora rode the ing in the cafeteria to go to can in all of them, she said. and told them not to try to bus to visit her. nursing school. This is Operation “As long as I can go, I find each other. Flora also waited out- A hospital job came Christmas Child’s 25th will,” she said. “God has side the classroom at the later. year of shoebox minis- made us all and He loves us A DIFFICULT JOURNEY school where her older Not long after that she try. National Collection all. We should all help each brother Carl was enrolled. met and married Hilbon Week for the shoeboxes other.” There were several “We didn’t say much at Coleman in 1943 and began will be Nov. 12-19.

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message Louisiana News 7

trips to Honduras for the amount of time, but giving patients before they entered south Louisiana congrega- them the Gospel lasts an the clinics. Prescription from page one tion last year. So, McCon eternity.” Lyle Bennett, a veterinar- and they need Jesus to give Central America and South and others from his church ian from the First Baptist them a house in Heaven.” Asia. were excited to be back MORE THAN MEDICINE Church in Rayville, saw the The team participated in again. Holy Spirit convict a man to MISSION POSSIBLE door-to-door evangelism, The trip was especially Throughout the course repent and turn to Christ af- children’s Bible clubs, paint- emotional for McCon, of the two-day clinics, the ter his cow received medical Blackmon, a member ing and maintenance inside whose home was heavily team members treated treatment in the outskirts of of Calvary Baptist Church a school and conducted damaged by the thousand- 1,105 patients for medi- the village. The man’s friend in Alexandria, was among medical, dental, vet and eye year flood. Two people cal conditions, filled 5,287 had shared Christ with him 41 men and women from clinics. from Tennessee who helped prescriptions, saw 156 dental countless times, but it took mostly Louisiana Baptist By the end of the group’s repair his house in late 2016 patients, distributed 598 a visit by Bennett to finally churches who were on mis- mission trip, 79 people pro- participated in the mission pairs of eye glasses and open his eyes to the Truth. sion in the village of Santa claimed Christ as Lord and trip this year, making for an treated 342 animals. But “That situation reminded Cruz de Guayape, Hondu- Savior. emotional reunion. the underlying theme was me that we may not be able ras, July 21-28, as part of an “They are now like my the Gospel message, which to win all of our friends evangelism outreach with REINSTATE AND REUNITE family,” McCon said. “It’s was presented in homes and Baptist Medical Dental Mis- special because they helped under an evangelism tent to See PRESCRIPTION, page 11 sion International, a non- Charles McCon, a me in my time of need and denominational missionary member of Colyell Baptist now we got to work togeth- sending organization that Church in Livingston, was er to help the Hondurans. specializes in short-term among those who went on McCon also was moved mission trips focused on the trip. The historic flood spiritually. providing medical and den- of August 2016 interrupted “Giving out medicine tal care to remote areas of a four-year run of mission helps them for just a short

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message 8 Legislative Scorecard 9 Did your repesentative, senator make the grade on key moral issues, social concerns?

By Staff REPRESENTATIVE CITY SB 525 HB 449 HB 891 SB 316 SB 364 SB 402 HB 88 SB 335 HB 487 SB 181 HB 484 HB HB HB SB SB SB SB HB SB SB Amedee, Beryl R Gray ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% 2018 Louisiana SENATOR DISTRICT/CITY 484 553 891 316 364 402 417 88 181 297 2018 Louisiana Louisiana Baptist Message Crews, Raymond R Bossier City ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓A ✓✓100% Legislative Legislative Regular Session Edmonds, Rick R Baton Rouge ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% Regular Session Donahue, Jack R Mandeville ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% Falconer, Reid R Mandeville ✓✓✓✓✓A ✓✓✓✓✓100% House of Representatives Senate Scorecard Th e Louisiana Family Forum, a Chris- Garofalo, Raymond R Chalmette A ✓✓A ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% Scorecard Fannin, Jim R Jonesboro ✓ A ✓✓✓✓✓A ✓✓100% tian public policy ministry based in Baton Hodges, Valarie R Denham Springs A ✓✓✓✓✓✓A ✓✓✓100% Ivey, Barry R Baton Rouge ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% Long, Gerald R ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% 1. INTERNET GAMBLING ON FANTASY SPORTS TEAMS Rouge, has released its annual legislative Mack, Sherman R Albany ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% Winnfield McFarland, Jack R Jonesboro ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% 1. RACE TRACK CASINOS HB 484 – Talbot – New form of gambling in La. based on “virtual” scorecard, grading lawmakers on a num- Milkovich, John D Shreveport ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% Richard, Jerome “Dee” I Thibodaux A ✓✓✓✓A ✓✓✓✓✓100% SB 525 – Lafleur – De-regulation of gambling: Increases race ber of bills that address key moral issues ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ sports teams. Requires approval of voters in each parish. Seabaugh, Alan R Shreveport A 100% track casino gambling capacity. Currently based on size of ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ and social concerns for Christians. Bacala, Tony R Prairieville ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗91% Perry, Jonathan R Kaplan 100% Yes(✗) = 21 No(✓) = 15 Absent(A) = 3 Th e Louisiana Baptist Offi ce of Pub- Chaney, Charles “Bubba” R Rayville ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓91% gambling area, proposed law changes to number of machines. DeVillier, Phillip R Eunice ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓91% Yes(✗) = 69 No(✓) = 19 Absent(A) = 17 Thompson, Francis D Delhi ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% LFF Opposed. Status: Signed by the Governor lic Policy participated in fi nalizing the Emerson, Julie R Carencro ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓91% LFF Opposed. Status: Signed by the Governor 2. HARRAH’S CASINO OPERATING CONTRACT scorecard, having worked with the LFF in Harris, Lance R Alexandria ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✓91% Walsworth, Michael R West Monroe ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓100% Hazel, Lowell “Chris” R Pineville ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✓91% 2. ADOPTION OPTION ACT HB 553 – Barras – Locks the state into a contract with Harrah’s to passing or opposing a number of key bills Muscarello, Nicholas R Hammond ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓91% HB 449 – Edmonds – Incorporates adoption information Alario, John R Westwego ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✓90% Pope, Rogers R Denham Springs ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✓91% operate the land based casino in for another 30 years. during the regular legislative session. as part of the Woman’s Right to Know informed consent Abraham, Mark R Lake Charles ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓A 90% Erdey, Dale R Livingston ✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓90% Allows Harrah’s to build unlimited restaurants and a new hotel. e scorecard is not a complete analy- Hoffman, Frank R West Monroe ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓A 90% before abortion. Miller, Gregory R Norco ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓A 90% ✓ ✗ Mizell, Beth R Franklinton ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓90% Yes(✗) = 21 No(✓) = 16 Absent(A) = 2 sis of all the work done by lawmakers in Wright, Mark R Covington ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓A 90% Yes( ) = 97 No( ) = 0 Absent(A) = 8 2018. But it is representative of votes on Carter, Robby D Amite A ✓✓✓A ✓✓✓✗✓✓89% LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor Riser, Neil R Columbia ✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✓✓90% LFF Opposed. Status: Failed in Conference Committee critical value issues so important to Chris- Leopold, Chris R Belle Chasse ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓AA✓ A 88% 3. NO PUBLIC FUNDS FOR ABORTION 3. NO PUBLIC FUNDS FOR ABORTION Morris, John "Jay" R Monroe A ✓✓AA✓✓✓✓✓✗88% Gatti, Ryan R Bossier City ✓✗A ✓✓✓✓A ✓✓88% tians. Simon, Scott R Abita Springs A ✓✓AA✓✓✓✗ AA83% HB 891 – Hoffmann – Entities that perform abortions in La. HB 891 – Hoffmann – Entities that perform abortions in La. are ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✗ Bagley, Larry R Stonewall 82% are prohibited from receiving public funding. Allain, Bret R Franklin ✗✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓80% prohibited from receiving public funding. Landry, Nancy R Lafayette ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗82% Yes(✓) = 90 No(✗) = 3 Absent(A) = 12 LBC LAWMAKERS Miguez, Blake R Erath ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✓82% ✓ ✗ Pylant, Steve R Winnsboro ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✓82% LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor Ward, Rick R Port Allen ✓✗AA✓✓AAA✓ 80% Yes( ) = 28 No( ) = 5 Absent(A) = 6 Connick, Patrick R Marrero ✗✓✓✓A ✓✓✓✓✓✗80% 4. RIVERBOAT GAMBLING - “LANDBOATS” LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor ose identifying themselves with Coussan, Jean-Paul R Lafayette ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓A 80% White, Bodi R Baton Rouge ✓✓✓✗✓✓✗✓✓✓80% SB 316 – Johns – De-regulation/Expansion of gambling: Louisiana Baptists include: Dwight, Stephen R Lake Charles ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓A 80% 4. RIVERBOAT GAMBLING - “LANDBOATS” Guinn, John R Jennings ✓✓✓✗✓A ✓✓✓✓✗80% Allows riverboats to establish facilities anywhere on land Lambert, Eddie R Gonzales ✗✓✓✓✓✓✗ A ✓✓78% SB 316 – Johns – De-regulation/Expansion of gambling: Allows Henry, Cameron R Metairie ✗✓✓✓A ✓✓✓✓✓✗80% within 1200 feet from water and removes maximum amount of REPRESENTATIVES White, Malinda D Bogalusa ✓✓✓✓✗✓✓✓A ✓✗80% Hewitt, Sharon R Baton Rouge A ✓ A ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓75% riverboats to establish facilities anywhere on land within 1200 feet Hensgens, Bob R Abbeville A ✓✓✗ A ✓✓✓✓✓✗78% space that can be used for gambling. Anders, John “Andy” D Vidalia ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% Yes(✗) = 53 No(✓) = 42 Absent(A) = 10 Cortez, Patrick R Lafayette ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✗70% from water and removes maximum amount of space that can be ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗ Rep. Mark Abraham, Trinity B.C., Lake Carmody, Thomas R Shreveport 73% LFF Opposed. Status: Signed by the Governor used for gambling. Davis, Paula R Baton Rouge ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% Martiny, Daniel R Metairie ✗✗✓✗✓✓✓A ✓✓67% Charles Foil, Franklin R Baton Rouge ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% 5. FREE SPEECH Yes(✗) = 22 No(✓) = 14 Absent(A) = 3 Rep. Raymond J. Crews, FBC Bossier City Gisclair, Jerry D Larose ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✗73% SB 364 – Ward – Protects freedom of speech, expression and Peacock, Barrow R Bossier City ✗✗✓✗✓✓A ✓✓✓67% Horton, Dodie R Haughton ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✗✓✓73% LFF Opposed. Status: Signed by the Governor Rep. , FBC Lafayette ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✗ association at public universities and protects belief-based Howard, Frank R Many 73% Chabert, Norbert “Norby” R Houma ✗✗✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✗60% 5. FREE SPEECH Rep. , FBC Pineville Huval, Mike R Breaux Bridge ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✗✓✓73% student organizations. Magee, Tanner R Houma ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% ✓ ✗ SB 364 – Ward – Protects freedom of speech, expression and Rep. Dorothy Sue Hill, Cherry Grove B.C., Morris, James "Jim" R Oil City ✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✗✓✗73% Yes( ) = 58 No( ) = 26 Absent(A) = 21 Claitor, Dan R Baton Rouge ✗✓✓✗✓✓✗✓✓✗60% Pugh, Stephen R Ponchatoula ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor association at public universities and protects belief-based Dry Creek ✗✗✓✗✓✓✗✓✓✓ Stagni, Joseph R Kenner ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% 6. CHURCH SAFETY ACT Johns, Ronnie R Lake Charles 60% student organizations. Rep. Frank Hoff man, FBC West Monroe Stefanski, John R Crowley ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% Rep. , Fillmore B.C., Haugh- Stokes, Julie R Kenner ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% SB 402 – Riser – Allows paid or volunteer security guards Smith, John R Leesville ✗✗✓✗✓✓✗✓✓A 56% Yes(✓) = 33 No(✗) = 0 Absent(A) = 6 Thomas, Polly R Metairie ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗73% with concealed carry permits to carry a firearm in church. ton ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✓✓✗ ✗✗✓✗ ✓✓✗✓✓ LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor Zeringue, Jerome R Houma 73% Yes(✓) = 81 No(✗) = 10 Absent(A) = 14 Tarver, Greg D Shreveport A 56% Rep. Sherman Mack, Bethlehem B.C., Armes, James D Leesville A A ✓✗A ✓✓✓✗✓A 71% 6. CHURCH SAFETY ACT Bishop, Stuart R Lafayette ✗✓✓✗✓AAA✓✓A 71% LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor Barrow, Regina D Baton Rouge ✗✗✓✗✓✓A ✗✓A 50% Albany Barras, Taylor R New Iberia ✗✓✓✗A ✓✓✓✓✓✗70% 7. GOOD GOVERNMENT SB 402 – Riser – Allows paid or volunteer security guards Rep. Josh McFarland, Caney Lake B.C., Hilferty, Stephanie R Metairie ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓A ✓✓✗70% Mills, Fred R Parks ✗✗✓✗✓✓✗✓✓✗50% Johnson, Robert D Marksville ✓✓✓✓✗✓A ✓✗✓✗70% HB 88 – Mack – Makes it a crime to defraud the state to with concealed carry permits to carry a firearm in church. Chatham Talbot, Kirk R River Ridge ✗✓✓✗A ✓✓✓✓✓✗70% obtain government benefits or payments. Morrish, Dan R Jennings A ✗ A ✗✓✓✗✓✓✗50% Yes(✓) = 34 No(✗) = 3 Absent(A) = 2 Rep. Jim Morris, Vivian B.C. Hollis, Paul R Covington ✗ A ✓✓AA✓ A ✓ A ✗ 67% Yes(✓) = 75 No(✗) = 20 Absent(A) = 10 Reynolds, Gene D Minden ✗✓✓✗A ✓✓✓A ✓✗67% LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor Rep. Steve Pylant, FBC Crowville LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor Price, Ed D Gonzales ✓✗✓✗✓✓✗✗A A 50% Thibaut, Major D New Roads A ✓✓✗ AAAA✓✓✗67% 7. GAMBLING EXPANSION IN TANGIPAHOA PARISH Rep. Gene Reynolds, Bistineau B.C., Hefl in Berthelot, Johnny R Gonzales ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✗✓✗64% 8. DECREASING DEMAND FOR PROSTITUTION Luneau, Jay D Alexandria ✗✗✓✗✓✓A ✗✓✗44% Billiot, Robert D Westwego ✗✓✓✓✗✓✓✓✗✓✗64% SB 417 – White – Referendum election to authorize Tangipahoa Rep. , Broadmoor B.C., ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✗✓✗ SB 335 – Mizell – Increases fines and provides education for Brown, Terry I Colfax 64% ✗✗ ✗ ✓✗✓✓ Shreveport Carter, Stephen R Baton Rouge ✗✓✓✗ ✗✓✓✓✓✓✗64% those who purchase commercial sex (prostitution). LaFleur, Eric D Ville Platte A A A 43% River as a designated waterway for a riverboat casino. Jackson, Katrina D Monroe ✓✓✓✓✓✓✗ ✗ ✗✓✗64% Yes(✓) = 67 No(✗) = 23 Absent(A) = 15 Rep. Malinda White, FBC Bogalusa Schexnayder, Clay R Gonzales ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓✓✗✓✗64% Smith, Gary D Norco ✗✗✓✗✓✓✗✗✓✗40% Yes(✗) = 15 No(✓) = 18 Absent(A) = 6 Shadoin, Rob R Ruston A ✓✓AA✓✓✓✗ ✗ ✗63% LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor LFF Opposed. Status: Failed in the Senate Pearson, Kevin R Slidell ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓A ✗✓✗60% 9. SCHOOL CHOICE Appel, Conrad R Metairie ✗✗✓✗AA✗✓✓✗38% SENATORS LeBas, Harvey D Ville Platte ✗ A ✓ A ✗✓✓✓✗ A A 57% 8. GOOD GOVERNMENT HB 487 – Zeringue – 529 college savings can now be used to Miller, Dustin D Opelousas A ✓✓✗ A ✓ AA✗✓✗57% Carter, Troy D New Orleans ✗✗✗✗✓✓✓✗✗✗30% HB 88 – Mack – Makes it a crime to defraud the state to obtain Sen. Wesley Bishop, Franklin Ave. B.C., Jones, Sam D Franklin ✗✓✓✓✗ AA✓✗✓✗56% pay tuition at elementary or secondary public, private, or religious Havard, Kenny R Jackson ✗✓✓✗✓✓✓ ✗✗✓✗55% schools and extends START program state matching funds. Morrell, Jean-Paul D New Orleans ✗✓✗✗✓✗✓✗✗✗30% government benefits or payments. New Orleans Marino, Joseph I Gretna ✗✓A ✗✓✓✓✗✓✗✗50% ✗✓✓✗ ✓✓✗ ✗ ✗ (Current La. law restricts to higher ed.) Yes(✓) = 22 No(✗) = 11 Absent(A) = 6 Sen. Jim Fannin, Ebenezer B.C., Jonesboro Bagneris, John D New Orleans A A 44% Boudreaux, Gerald D Lafayette ✗✗✗✗✓✓✗✗A ✗ 22% Cox, Kenny D Natchitoches ✗✓✓✗✗✓✗✗A ✓ A 44% Yes(✓) = 49 No(✗) = 44 Absent(A) = 12 LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor Sen. Ryan Gatti, Cypress B.C., Benton Hunter, Marcus D Monroe ✓✓✗✓✗A ✗ A ✓✗✗44% LFF Supported. Status: Failed House Final Passage Peterson, Karen D New Orleans ✓✗✗ AA✗ A ✗ A ✗ 17% Sen. Gerald Long, FBC Natchitoches Jordan, Edmond D Baton Rouge ✗✓✓✗✗✓✗A ✗✓✗40% 9. ABORTION PROHIBITION AFTER 15 WEEKS Norton, Barbara D Shreveport ✗ AA✗✓✗✗A ✓✓✗38% 10. ABORTION PROHIBITION AFTER 15 WEEKS Bishop, Wesley D New Orleans ✗✓✗ ✗ A ✗✗✗✗✗11% Sen. Jay Luneau, Calvary, Alexandria Hall, Jeff D Alexandria ✗✓✓✗✗✓✗✗✗✓✗36% SB 181 – Milkovich – Prohibits abortions after 15 weeks SB 181 – Milkovich – Prohibits abortions after 15 weeks Harris, Jimmy D Baton Rouge ✗✓✓✗✗✓✗✗✗✓✗36% Sen. Beth Mizell, FBC Franklinton Brass, Ken D Gonzales ✗✓✓✗✗✓✗✗✗A ✗ 30% gestation. Enforcement predicated on success in Supreme Colomb, Yvonne D Baton Rouge Due to illness, Sen. Colomb was not present to vote. gestation. Enforcement predicated on success in Supreme court Sen. Neil Riser, FBC Columbia , Rodney D Harvey ✗✓✓✗✗✓✗✗✗A ✗ 30% Court of similar Mississippi law. on similar Mississippi law. Franklin, A.B. D Lake Charles ✗✓✓✗✗✗✗✗✗✓✗27% Yes(✓) = 81 No(✗) = 9 Absent(A) = 15 Sen. Gary Smith, FBC Norco Jefferson, Patrick D Homer ✗✓✓✗✗✓✗✗✗✗✗27% Louisiana Family Forum (LFF) believes elected officials should support policies and programs Yes(✓) = 31 No(✗) = 3 Absent(A) = 5 Landry, Terry D New Iberia ✗✓✓✗✗✗✗✗✗✓✗27% LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor that protect and promote families and traditional values in Louisiana. To accomplish this goal, LFF Supported. Status: Signed by the Governor OTHER NOTABLES Pierre, Vincent D Lafayette ✗✓✓✗✗✗✗✗✗✓✗27% 11. INTERNET GAMBLING ON FANTASY SPORTS TEAMS Jenkins, Sam D Shreveport ✗ AA✗✓✓✗✗✗A ✗ 25% LFF educates voters about specific legislation and voting records. Legislators scoring 100% are 10. SEX SURVEYS IN SCHOOLS Carpenter, Barbara D Baton Rouge ✗✓✓✗✗✗✗✗AA✗ 22% HB 484 – Talbot – New form of gambling in La. based on recognized as Outstanding Family Advocates. SB 297 – Claitor – Allows surveying children in public schools Rep. , a retired LBC pas- Gaines, Randal D LaPlace ✗✓A ✗✗✓✗✗✗A ✗ 22% “virtual” sports teams. Requires approval of voters in each Glover, Cedric D Shreveport ✗✓✗✗✗A ✓✗A ✗✗22% parish in the fall election. LFF utilizes the official voting records of the Louisiana Legislature. In the House, members about their sexual behavior. tor, is a candidate for Louisiana secretary Bouie, Joseph D New Orleans ✗✓A ✗✗✗A ✗✗✗✗11% Yes(✗) = 67 No(✓) = 23 Absent(A) = 15 of state. Marcelle, Denise D Baton Rouge A ✓✗✗✗✗✗✗✗A ✗ 11% are allowed to change their votes in the Official Record. In the Senate, members are not allowed Yes(✗) = 13 No(✓) = 21 Absent(A) = 5 Duplessis, Royce D New Orleans ✗✓A ✗✗✗✗✗✗✗✗10% LFF Opposed. Status: Signed by the Governor Rep. Jeff Hall, a deacon with True Vine James, Edward "Ted" D Baton Rouge ✗✓A ✗✗✗✗✗✗✗✗10% to change their votes. However, “On a debatable question each member shall be allowed to LFF Opposed. Status: Failed on the Senate Floor Smith, Patricia D Baton Rouge ✗✓A ✗✗✗✗✗✗✗✗10% Missionary Baptist Church, is running for Abramson, Neil D New Orleans A ✓ AAAAAA✓ A ✗ * explain his/her vote in writing only, and this explanation shall be incorporated in the Journal if the offi ce of mayor in Alexandria. Brown, Chad D Plaquemine A ✓✓AAA✓ AA✓✗ * requested.” (Senate Rule 12.1 B) Carter, Gary D New Orleans ✗ AA✓✗AA✗ AA✗ * Sen. Rick Ward, a member of Bethany Cromer, Greg R Slidell ✗ A ✓✓AA✓ AA✓ A* *Legislators must be present and voting at least 50% of the time to receive a score or be Church, a non-denominational congrega- Danahay, Michael D Sulphur A ✓✓AAA✓ A ✓ AA* eligible for an Outstanding Family Advocate or Family Advocate Award. LFF only grades floor tion in Baton Rouge, is receiving attention Hill, Dorothy D Dry Creek A A A A A ✓ A ✓ A ✓ A* Leger, Walt D New Orleans A ✓ AAA✓ A ✓ AA✗ * 655 Saint Ferdinand St., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 votes, not committee votes. Absences are not counted in calculating scores. 655 Saint Ferdinand St., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 as a possible candidate for Senate president. *Legislators must be present and voting at least 50% of the time to be eligible for scoring and an award. [email protected] | 800.606.6470 | [email protected] | 800.606.6470 | September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message 10 Cultural News Harvard: Teens who pray, attend church, happier as adults A study by Harvard’s Health found that kids and behaviors, mental health, their brand,” said President T.H. Chan School of Public teens who attended church Cultural News and overall happiness and Caner. “In the meanwhile, at least once a week were well-being.” let us honor true heroes, happier as “20-somethings” jects were followed from those who protect us daily, than people who did not eight to 14 years. Baptist university drops some even sacrificing their attend services. “These findings are Nike over Kaepernick ad own lives. They are the Youth who prayed every important for both our true heroes.” day experienced similar understanding of health benefits, according to the and our understanding of Truett McConnell University will end its China burns Bibles, destroys study, with both groups parenting practices,” said crosses, shuts church having lower risks of sub- study author Ying Chen. relationship with Nike, stance abuse and depres- “Many children are raised citing the company’s new officials have sion as adults, and being religiously, and our study ad campaign featuring shut down Zion Church, more likely to volunteer. shows that this can pow- ex-NFL quarterback Colin one of the largest evangeli- More than 5,000 sub- erfully affect their health Kaepernick. A ministry of Georgia cal congregations in the Baptists, TMU announced city, as part of a crack- Protection for Your Church it no longer will buy or down on China’s “un- sell Nike apparel, includ- derground,” or “house,” ing uniforms for its sports churches. teams. At least 30 Beijing con- TMU President Emir gregations have become Caner said any profits from targets of government the sale of any remaining harassment, including the Nike gear in campus stores confiscation and burning “will be directly donated of Bibles and the destruc- to Wounded Warriors tion of crosses. and the Fraternal Order of China’s constitution Property • Vehicle Police.” guarantees religious free- Lori Ardoin dom but only for govern- [email protected] Liability • Workers’ Comp Paul D. Stewart “If Nike chooses to apologize to our troops and ment-sanctioned churches to our law enforcement of- under the oversight and 318.442.0269 911 4th St., Alexandria • ficers, then - and only then ultimately the authority of - will TMU reconsider the Communist Party.

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message Louisiana News 11 in the Honduran people,” worked on a new camera village. she said. “The honor ended and security system. “My wife Janice and I Prescription from page 7 up being mine to have them Michelle Gore, a triage have been impressed over to Christ, but God can use had with them gave them a pray with and for me. This volunteer and member of the years how God im- others like our vet team to better opportunity to come was my first mission trip and Colyell Baptist, said initially pacts team members’ lives be those individuals who to Him.” I will say that in no uncer- the group was disappointed through these mission provide that break through,” Pearce’s wife, Leah, tain terms the mission team to leave the village early. But trips,” he said. “This impact Bennett said. “Now his worked as a nurse in the as well as the Honduran after filling the many needs carries over into their home friend can be his account- medical clinic, but joined the people ministered to me.” at the school, team members church ministry and com- ability partner and help him rice and beans evangelism were excited about the way mitment to personal evange- grow so he can in turn share street team before leaving GOD’S PLAN, NOT OURS God moved amidst circum- lism. We also have seen God the Gospel with others.” the village. She was nervous stances. repeatedly provide a way Craig Pearce, a physician when she first began sharing As the team wrapped up “Everything is for a rea- when it seemed impossible from Calvary Baptist, said the Gospel, but soon she de- its second day of ministry son,” Gore said. “It’s not our for those willing to go. he initially was skeptical veloped enough confidence in the village, a decision way; it’s God’s way. Some- “Honduras was one week about how others would to tell a few villagers about was made to return to the thing good came out of what out of 52,” he continued. respond to the team’s medi- Christ. missionary compound a we thought was bad.” “We had team members cal mission efforts, but his “I was very nervous go- day earlier than planned. Team leader Bill Pianki, from churches who part- outlook changed once he ing out with the team that Bus and taxi drivers were a member of Colyell Baptist, nered together to touch treated patients. morning, but as I saw how unhappy with an increase said members of the team lives, and see many come to “These people don’t have ‘honored’ they were to have in fares because it did not already are raising money Christ. God’s Word calls us the same opportunity as us in their homes praying keep par with maintenance and planning for next year’s to be on mission. Pray, give, we do in America to hear with them. I really began to and fuel prices. So they annual mission trip to Hon- and go in your community, the Word of Christ,” Pearce see and feel the Holy Spirit threatened to protest in the duras. He is excited about state, nation, and world said. “Any interaction we at work in these homes and streets of Honduras’ how God will use the team all year. Time is short and city, Tegucigalpa, if their as they minister in another you’re never too old.” demands were not met. from page 3 Fortunately, no protest Salvations came to fruition. Rodgers, a junior from become part of the Jesus But the down time gave Evergreen, Alabama, left Generation. team members the opportu- the revival more passion- “Just imagine if every nity to spruce up classrooms ate about sharing Christ on one of us were to decide and other buildings at the campus. to become a part of that Good Shepherd Academy “Each time we have a movement,” he said. “It in Francisco Morazan. The campus revival it encourag- could spark massive chang- team painted and cleaned, es me in my own walk with es.” repaired broken swings, Christ,” Rodgers told the Brewer said the annual changed light bulbs and Baptist Message. “Hope- revival allows students to fully what we learned today refocus their attention on will reach beyond just LC Christ as they begin a new and we as students will do school year. our part to spread the Gos- “These young adults pel around the world.” are passionate about God,” Hunter Parker, a ju- he said. “The revival sets a nior from Dry Prong, said tone at the beginning of the he hopes all the students school year to teach them at the revival will accept to seek the Father’s heart Edwards’s challenge to and worship Him.”

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message 12 Louisiana News LBC DR mobilizes to aid storm-ravaged Carolinians By Staff unable to go with a DR Calhoun Street in Inde- collected cleaning sup- “This will be a long- Louisiana Baptist Message team can participate in pendence. plies, baby supplies, term response,” the the recovery efforts in Items will be collected water, mold killer, air North Carolina Baptist ALEXANDRIA (LBM) other ways. through Sept. 28, 8:30 mattresses with bedding, Convention website said. – The first Louisiana “Please pray for our a.m.-1:30 p.m. daily – towels and washcloths. “Please continue to pray Baptist Disaster Relief teams and those they will except donations will not The church planned for people affected by teams have been activated minister to in the coming be taken. to deliver the items next Florence, our church and in response to Hurricane weeks,” McMillan said. Items needed include week to areas impacted pastors who are affected/ Florence. “Also, remember that this baby formula, non-perish- by Florence. ministering, and our vol- Gibbie McMillan, state response is made possible able food, hygiene items, unteers who are serving. disaster relief coordina- through your generous cleaning supplies, diapers, PRAY, GIVE & GO Thank you for praying, tor for Louisiana Baptists, giving through the Geor- baby wipes, blankets, giving and going.” told the Baptist Message gia Barnette State Mis- mops, and Gatorade. The North Carolina mud-out teams from sions Offering.” HIS Church in Pinev- Baptist Convention re- DESTRUCTION DETAILED Eastern Louisiana Baptist ille posted on Facebook ported on its website that Association, Northshore STATEWIDE CALLOUT that a team from its Southern Baptist Disaster Florence made landfall Baptist Association and Shepherd’s Pie ministry Relief feeding teams were at Wrightsville Beach, Washington Baptist As- Lonnie Wascom, left Sept. 20 to work in stationed at Second Bap- North Carolina, Sept. 14, sociation left Sept. 21 for director of missions Dillon, South Carolina. tist Church in Washing- as a Category 1 hurricane. New Bern, North Caro- for Northshore Baptist The church collected ton and Temple Baptist The storm has pro- lina. They are helping to Association, reported cases of water, Gatorade, Church in New Bern. duced record rainfall clean up debris resulting in his daily e-mail blast Lowe’s, Home Depot, Teams from Alabama, and flooding that caused from the hurricane that that New Life Missions, Wal-Mart gift cards, and Kentucky, Missouri, entire towns to be cut off, sent water into 4,300 a ministry sponsored by money to purchase gift North Carolina, Tennes- and is responsible for at homes, about one-third of Loranger Baptist Church, cards. see and Virginia were on least 37 deaths in North the houses in the city. is collecting items for For its part, Christ’s the ground Tuesday feed- Carolina, South Carolina McMillan said Loui- Florence victims at its Community Church in ing residents impacted by and Virginia, according siana Baptists who are warehouse, located at 129 Denham Springs also is Florence. to the Weather Channel.

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message Louisiana Churches 13

FBC Minden conference to help Baptized from page 5 every state and country, we believe our CP dollars can go girls find value in Jesus Christ to places and do things we cannot do. By Brian Blackwell focus on how we are by God,” she said. “ ey “Because of the Hispanics Message Staff Writer enough because of Christ will also understand how and diversity of the cultures and how He is enough for to walk that out on a daily in Louisiana, everyone can MINDEN – Cassie us. basis.” be missionaries,” he contin- Hammett, founder of “We believe that once Hammett founded e ued. “We don’t have to have a ministry that shares young girls can under- Hub: urban ministries as the title of pastor, deacon or Christ’s love with women stand that they an outreach to the home- missionary, but it’s incum- ensnared in the are God’s mas- less. She expanded this bent upon us to do the very Brian Blackwell photo sex trafficking terpiece, their ministry to establish Pur- best we can just to lend a Jaci Langston received a certificate industry, will relationships and chased: Not for Sale, after hand, love people and treat challenge middle commemorating her baptism from outlook can truly God touched her heart them the way we would like Pastor Mike Evans at Elwood Baptist and high school be impacted,” about the plight of women to be treated.” Church in Forest Hill. Since January, girls to realize she continued. trapped in prostitution Evans said he is blessed 13 people have been baptized at the Christ is enough “We want this and the human trafficking to be pastor of a church that church. for them at the event to be both trade. Additionally, e has such a loving spirit with Lord, and they feel loved Masterpiece intentional and Hub provides tutoring for a mission to reach others and wanted. I’m so blessed Conference, Oct. relevant for our children, a food pantry, for Christ in its Jerusalem, to be part of something like 6, hosted by young girls and hot meals, worship ser- Judea, Samaria and ends of that. the First Baptist Cassie Hammett leaders.” vices, weekly Bible studies, the earth. “Elwood is the best kept Church in Min- During the counseling and outreach to “This church focuses on secret in the Louisiana Bap- den main sessions, Hammett apartments. unity,” he said. “Everyone tist Convention,” he said. “I “Enough” is the confer- will encourage the girls, The conference will who comes here can say can’t think of any place I’d ence theme. along with their adult take place from 9 a.m. they feel the Spirit of the rather be.” ” e Word shows time sponsors, to understand to 4 p.m. The cost to at- and time again about our God has a unique plan for tend Masterpiece is $35, worth in Christ,” said their lives. and includes lunch and Bethany Jones, who co- “I want them to under- snacks. For more infor- founded the conference stand that at this moment mation and to register, with her sister, Emily. they have a mandate on go to masterpiececonfer- “Our event this year will their lives, placed on them

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Information online: • Avoid losing all your savings and investments! • Visit us at • Your home is now a bigger target than ever—learn ways to • “Like” us on Facebook at protect it! • Avoid leaving a spouse financially devastated! • We offer a video course and free • Does your will leave everything to your spouse? It might be a planning tools to download at HUGE MISTAKE! • How could changing Medicaid rules and Expanded Medicaid affect you? Don’t let your estate • Do you know how a spouse can receive up to $3,090 per go down the drain! month of the income of their spouse in a nursing home and have their care paid for even while owning substantial assets? • Do you understand Gifting Rules, Look-Back Periods, how Medicaid treats common “tax loopholes” and ignores pre- nuptial agreements? Find out! • Could an Irrevocable Trust become your worst enemy? Learn the pitfalls and traps! • Do you know why it may be a bad idea to put kids’ names on your accounts? • Do you know how preserving assets can better assure a patient’s quality of care and quality of life? Contact us about speaking • Is a loved one already in a nursing home or receiving care? to your group! Find out why it may not be too late to save their estate!

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message 14 Classifieds Message

DAVIS CHURCH PEW UP- HOLSTERY, 4313 Hwy. 18 East Quitman, Mississippi 39355 Melton & Sandra Davis. 30- plus years experience, Family- Owned and Operated. Variety of fabrics available. Work done on-site. ALL WORK GUAR- ANTEED. Call for estimates: 601.776.6617. If remodeling your sanctuary, please give us a call about upholstering your pews!

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Do you have a revival, testimony and live demonstration from a past First Business Leader Luncheon, October Southern Revelation Gospel group in Plainsmen in concert, October 7, 6 p.m. homecoming, a new pastor, a community winner of the show American ninja Warrior. 1, noon. Speaker: Jamey Gilliland, director concert, October 7, 10 a.m. Pastor: Lance A love offering will be taken. Pastor: Jessie outreach or a concert? The Baptist Message n enon Baptist Church, Franklinton: Family of LSu-Alexandria Baptist Collegiate Minis- Otwell. Colston. would love to share your church news with Crusade, September 30-October 3. evange- try. Cost: $10 and you may pay at the door. n Pleasant hill Baptist Church, ruston: n Cypress Baptist Church, Benton: Jesus the rest of the state. it is very easy to do, just list: 2TALK42 Ministries. Pastor: Christopher Please rSVP to Stewart holloway (shollo- Southern Plainsmen in Concert, October I Believe Tour with Big Daddy Weave send in your information (who, what, where Wheeler. [email protected].) Pastor: Stewart hol- 7, 10:30 a.m. A love offering will be taken. and Brandon Heath, October 7, 7 p.m. and when) to [email protected] or n First Baptist Church, Coushatta: Revival, loway. Pastor: Greg Morrow. Cost: call 318.449.4345. to get your event in the September 30-October 3, Sunday, 11 a.m. n Caney Lake Baptist Church, Chatham: n First Baptist Church, Oil City: Southern event/1713087. Pastor: John Fream. paper, please submit your information three & 6 p.m., Monday-Wednesday, 7 p.m. there weeks prior to the event. will be a meal at 6 p.m. before the services Monday thru Wednesday. Speakers: tBA. ON THE MOVE Special Music: Todd Dubose & Family. n Stan Foster is the new pastor at James- Wednesday night will be a special emphasis town Baptist Church, Jamestown. night on the children, youth and young fami- n Mark, wife Stephanie, Long is the lies. Pastor: nathan Davis. new pastor at Bogue Falaya Baptist Church, n two rivers Baptist Association, Greens- Folsom. burg: Senior Adult Revival, October 1-3. Monday, Line Creek Baptist Church, Kent- HOMECOMING wood, Speaker: Justin Craft; tuesday, First n Alto Baptist Church, Alto: Homecoming, Baptist Church, Greensburg, Speaker: Scott Sunday, September 30, 10:30 a.m. Dinner on Mercer; Wednesday, Chappapeela Baptist the grounds will be served at noon. Worship Church, Speaker: Don Bassett. Worship: leader: Jay Ellerman. Pastor: Alan Miller. Don Turner. Director of Missions: Stan Sta- n Jamestown Baptist Church, Jamestown: tham. Homecoming, September 30, 10:30 a.m. n Vatican Baptist Church, Carencro: Harvest Covered dish luncheon and fellowship will Sunday, October 7, evangelist: Joe Aulds. follow the service. Bring your family and Pastor: Chad thibodeaux. friends to join us for this special day. Speaker: n Start Baptist Church, Start: Harvest Day, Stan Foster. the church is located at 5852 October 7, 10:30 a.m. Lunch will be served hwy 153, Jamestown, LA. For more informa- following the worship service. Pastor: Jeff tion, call 318.894.8631. Pastor: Stan Foster. thomas. n Conway Baptist Church, Farmerville: n First Baptist Church, Winnsboro: Harvest Homecoming, September 30, 10 a.m., Day – Old Country Church Day Celebra- Sanctuary Quartet in Concert; 11 a.m., tion, October 7, 10:45 a.m. Dinner on the memorial and worship service. Lunch will fol- grounds will follow the worship service. low in the Family Life center. Speaker: Tony Speaker: Craig Beeman. Music: Richard Campanale. the church invites friends and Davis. Pastor: Craig Beeman. families of present and former members to n evangeline Baptist Church, Wildsville: attend. Conway is located at 4323 hwy 549, Revival, October 7-10, Sunday, 10:45 a.m. which is north of Farmerville. Pastor: Paul and 6 p.m.; Monday-Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Carter. nightly. Speaker: Mickey Bounds. there will n First Baptist Church, Boyce: 136th Home- be special music nightly. Pastor: Curtis Smith. coming, September 30, 10:45 a.m. Dinner on the grounds will follow the worship ser- LAGNIAPPE vice. Speaker: Brent Romero. there will n new Zion Baptist Church, Covington: also be special music. Pastor: thomas Wayne Blessing of the Hunt, September 27, 6-8 Walker. p.m. Free supper, 5-6 p.m. Speakers: Bernie n First Baptist Church, eros: 110th Home- Carbo, former Major League Baseball Player, coming, September 30, 10 a.m. Lunch will David Fortenberry, Crossland Game Calls follow worship service. Special Speaker: Clo- and Gene Hoyt, world champion turkey vis Sturdivant. Pastor: elvin Wheelis. caller. Cost: free. there will be numerous door n Zoar Baptist Church, Central: 150th Anni- prizes including a grand prize to be given versary/Homecoming, October 7, 10 a.m. away. Pastor: Clark Stewart. Scripture Crypto Dinner on the grounds will be in the gym n First Baptist Church, haughton: Big Buck the Scripture Crypto is a Bible verse in which one letter has been substituted for another, thus encoding the verse. to find out what the verse immediately following the worship service. Contest Banquet & Second Amendment is, you must determine what each letter is a substitute for. An “a,” for example, may stand for a “t” in this week’s issue of the ScriptureCrypto. Special Speaker: Carol Marr. Pastor: Kevin Rally, September 27, 6 p.m. in the Family next week, “a” could stand for a “d.” each week, each letter is different. Solve by trial and error. the answer will be given next week. note: All hand. Life Center. Cost: $10 for the catered meal. numerals, such as those in the scripture reference after the verse, are spelled out. n Wallace Baptist Church, Pelican: 142nd Speaker: Chuck McAlister, the host and Homecoming, October 7, 10:30 a.m. Din- founder of Adventure Bound Outdoors and ner on the grounds will follow the worship President of Promise of hope Ministries. he service. Speaker: Dwight St. Andre. Pastor: will be speaking about the Second Amend- hxo yt hxqftkto hxo qhbo wxel eytc, b etss vlw Jeff Jinks. ment of the u.S. Constitution. A large num- n Cedar Baptist Church, Archibald: Home- ber of guns will be given away as door prizes. coming 2018, October 7, 10:30 a.m. with Pastor: Gevan Spinney. dinner on the grounds to follow at noon. n Longview Baptist Church, Deville: Bless- Speaker: John . All friends, fami- ing of the Hunt, September 29, 4:45-9 p.m. eyhe, bn eytqt qylwso ylso eytbk rthgt, eyt qelxtq lies and former church members are invited Speaker: Hank Hough and Kingdom Dog to attend. Pastor: Mickey Alexander. Ministries. this is a free event. there will be n Calvary Baptist Church, Forest hill: Home- dozens of outdoor vendors, free food, numer- coming, October 7, 11 a.m. Lunch and fel- ous door prizes including a CFMOtO uSA 4x4 flwso bcctobhetsv gkv lwe. lowship will follow the A.M. service. Speaker: AtV as the grand prize. Pastor: robby Poole Dennis Snoody. Pastor: Wayne Dunn. n Sweetwater Baptist Church, Quitman: Southern Plainsmen in Concert, Septem- REVIVAL ber 30, 6 p.m. A love offering will be taken. n Delta Association Harvest Festival Pastor: Wilton Wall. swmt xbxtettx:nlkev Crusade, September 30, 5 p.m. Vidalia riv- n Oak Forest Baptist Church, Leesville: Mas- erfront Center. Speaker: Fred Luter. Music: ters4 Southern Gospel Quartet in con- Clues: Answer to September 13 Scripture Crypto: First Baptist Church, Vidalia. there will be a cert, September 30, 10 a.m. Pastor: Joe Call. E = T; H = A Joel two:twenty-five laser light show, live music, food and drinks, a n First Baptist Church, Pineville: First@ September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message 16 Youth Evangelism Conference

September 27, 2018 l l Louisiana Baptist Message