30© 23 17© 23 22 © 23 92 © 23

40 p 23

,08 2 :77@ 23

21 c 2

15 © 18 X50@ 18, 12th year no. 47 January 17, 1967 90 p 18

35 © 18

28 p 17

)80 @ 1 '40 © Must All Milk 17 45 p By Roger H.Wilkowske Be Grade A? 17 It's distributed through storestheir effectiveness. Would they 375 @ Kansas StateEconomist 17 and routes over wide consump-assure a pure, wholesome, sate -- 75 @ 17 tion areas. There's no way of_milk supply? Are they adapted 355 p 17 knowing where the milk from a )70 p to the present dairy industry? 17 specific dairy farm will even-Is this the best way .to do the 2.10 p 17 tually be sold or where the milkjob at the lowest cost? )90 @ 17 Milk is nature s most near-sold in any community originat- Any proposal which can ac- 120 p 1 ed. complishallthesethingsde- 350 @ ly perfect food. It's one of the 17 four basic food groups neces- The system of local option onserves the support of all Kan- 735 p 17 milk inspection and ordinancessans. Anything less would short 088 @ sary for balanced nutrition. 17 was not well adapted for thechange us and our children. It's particularly important in large scale assembly, processing building strong bones and mus- 65 p 22. cles for growing children. and distribution practices. It re- 30 p 22. sulted in overlapping .and du- Thus,it'svitallyimportant .....e..wwwwwwwww.WW0%%.".". 08 @ 22 that milk be pure and whole- plication which increased costs 25 @ 21, for farmers, processors, and some. Milk isoften consumed Foldaway Spare '85 © 21 consumers. as a fluid beverage without be- A free flow bill was enactedTire Into Use ing cooked. If contaminated orin Kansas to permit free move- B. F. Goodrich Co's Space- BSI unsanitary,itcould causeill- saver spare tire will be intro- ness or disease. ment of Grade A milk withinduced to motorists as stand- the state without subsequent ard equipment on Pontiac's There's a long history of mea- completereinspection.This sures and regulations to assurehelped reduce duplication. Butnew Firebird sports car. After The Cattle Spooked pure and safemilk. Butit's increased use of authorized in- Goodrich and the General still possible to buy uninspected spection fees have prevented Motors Corp. unit confirmed Dale Foley and Don Stryker, Blue Rapids, build a and unpasteurized milk in Kan- that thetire, announced by lary,new wood corral after cattle spooked and broke thru substantial reduction in inspec- sas. tion costs. Goodrich last October, will be the old 0(woven wire corral on the Theodore Musil farm Many Kansas cities and coun- a feature of the Firebird, slat- west of Blue Rapids. A twofold question will face tieshave ordinances thatre- Kansans in the near future. ed for unveiling next month. quire pasteurization, and farmFirst, should we consolidate The tire folds upon its and factory inspection. But wheel whenuninflated and milk inspectionintoa singlestored in the auto trunk, ad- Kan there are still some communi- agency? Secondly, should we re- ties that do not. quire all fluid milk sold in theding about three cubic feet Wrangle World In the past, production, pro- state to be Grade A quality andof luggage space, or enough cessing, and distributionof to accommodate an average pastuerized. size suitcase. fluid milk was a local business The dairy industry andas- Inflated with and thus a local concern. Citiessociated agencies are currentlythe freon gas which comes with the tire, it can be mount- dinfoodPrograms and counties adopted the healthstudying these questions. Itis ordinances they felt were neces-anticipated that they will makeed conventionally on the car sary to assure safe and whole- and driven for several hun- The role of food aid as recommendations soon. an in- of agriculture, the budgetdi- some milk. There was wide var- Kansans have a vital interestdred miles. The tire, made of trument of United States for-rector and the administrator ofiation in the stringency and en- in these questions because the a flexible material that allows ign policy is givennew empha- the Agency for International forcement of local milk ordin- the tire to be folded while in is issues affect public health as [y in a draft executive orderDevelopment. ances. well as the cost of milk. Anythe trunk, is meant only for reating a War on Hunger pol- The committee'spurpose Recent years have seen dra-proposed modification of our emergency use. a.m.Cain'committee that would bewould be to review and coordin-matic changes in the dairy in- A Goodrich spokesman said milk inspection system and re- it are ecnisigeaded by the secretary of ate all War on Hunger policiesdustry. Milk is assembled fromquirements deserves thoughtful hasn'tbeendetermined :ate. The order is awaiting including those set forth inthewide production areas, process- consideration. when the tire will be intro- resident Johnson's signature. new law as well as those involv-ed in large plants, and packaged ducedinthereplacement 23 Designed to end a "leadership Proposed changes should be 460 @ ing capital and technicalassis- in single service containers. examined closely to determine market. 875 @21aP" that began with the trans- tance, research related to lin- food 1035 @ of the office of Food for production and distribution,vol- 1043 @ileace from the White House to untary population controlpro- 991 @iSte State Department inOcto- grams in developing countries 1051 @15?r 1965, the order attempts toand agriculture self-helpactivi- 774 pnfine areas of responsibilityof ties in such _countries. 21,e secretaries of state 510 @ and ag- The over-all objective ofthe 2ulture and providesa mech- group would be to help main- lism for resolving any differ-tain a comprehensive andbal- . ices that may arise. anced program of promoting 242 @ is also intended to end the food availability. 260 @ 14reaucratic jockeying for con- While recognizing the broad 241 @ 1b1 of the new $7.4 -billion Food grant of authority to thesecre- 192 p llr Peace program - called tary of agriculture in thenew 217 @ t)od for Freedom program inprogram such as planning food gs265 @ Ilepending order- that be -production and determining 280 @ lime effective Jan. 1. This re- what food commoditieswere 300 @ Paced for two years the oldavailable for local currencyor 's 220 @2(Iblic Law 480first passed indollar credit sales, the order 217 p 2154 and called the "surplus dis-states thatall such functions gs240 @ 1.sal" program. shall be subject to the responsi- s 244 @4Thder the October 1965trans - bilities of the secretary of 196 @ Pr the Food for Peace director, state with respect to the foreignpol- gs201 @ 20chard W. Reuter, was madeicy of the U.S. Pecial assistanttothe secre- @ Pry of state. But he hadno thority over the program lich was conducted ona pro -$14,200 FOR INTEREST 2t basis by an interagency IN DETTKE-RIFFEL BULL Oup below the division chief Two G&G area Hereford vel. breeders have sold one-half in- :hetAs part of the reshuffling,terest in a bull they jointly own esident Johnson directed thatfor $14,200. Gerhardt Dettke 1I CO.y new food commitments and Son, Marysville, and Jesse ist have his personalapprov- Riffel and Sons, Enterprise, and Reuter resigned. sold the half interest to Brown- In addition to the secretary of Ite, ell Combs, Lexington, Ken- Operation Cleanup as chairman, the ordertucky. The bull, Deluxe Mixer Carl Alquist, Marysville, and Pete Wagoner, Blue Rapids, clean signates as members oftheThird, was bred and raised by up and -burn trash along K9 highway westof Waterville. licy committee thesecretarythe Dettkes. 1.... Slated BUY YOUR CheaperColor TV mas buying seasonswere gen- color receiver to bepriced be-erally thought tobe disappoint- If you've been telling thefam- the com- in low $350. Currently is aing. CASE® ily that you'll be interested pany's lowest pricedset General Electric,the only color TV when the price goes 19 -inch one at $399. introduce theAmerican manufacturerwith a down, 1967 may be the year Sylvania will set, COMBINE V when you lose your excuse. industry's first 22 -inchrectang-portable color television ular color sets withsuggestedsays sales of its11 -inch color re- By spring or early summer, prices beginning at$430. ceivers, which havesuggested makers of color television sets Muntz will introduce aser- have been round tube sets.list nrices of $269.95, figure they'll have out more ies of 21 -inch gratifying an dexpects agreater less -costly models. starting as low as$299. in 1967. Im- and collect your Some indications of things to introducing 18 increase on them Admiral is ports of lower pricedJapanese come: models that can bemarketed under $500; previouslythe corn- color sets are also onthein- RCA in March will intro- six models be- duce a 15 -inch rectangular tube nany had only crease: In Chicago,Sears Roe- low $500. 16 - -priced b-ck has been offering a GRASS & GRAIN The switch to lower color set models doesn't mean anygreatinch Japanese -made The Mid -Kansas news weekly.technical breakthru or even for $268. While Zenith and othershave Published each Tuesday at 1207price cutting on currentmodels. Moro, (Box 1009) Manhattan, experimented with laserbeams It just means thereisa new PRE -SEASONCASH BONUS Kansas, 66502 by sets. to reproduce colorTV pictures, AG PRESS emphasis on lowre-priced would priced such a method-which Dean Coughenour Interest in the lower tubes en- Payoff no. 1: Buynow and pocket$200 to$400 E. R. Woodward models has sprung from strongdo away with picture at tirely-is years away fromfull bonus depending onwhich of six Case comb,: Secondclasspostagepaid sales of these modelswhile Manhattan, Kansas tele- development. No other basic you need. 40 to52 -inch threshing -separating, Subscription: $3 year sales of higher priced color color Christ - changes in the design of CIRCULATION 11,108vision during Fall and tubes is in sight, manufacturers Payoff no. 2:Every Case combine delivers morecepa[. say, so lower priceswill come Come in and compare! from manufacturing simplici- per dollar. ties, economies in purchases, No interest charges 'til season ofe w. new BLUESHIELD and lower margins. Payoff no. 3: When sales of black -and - Case Crop -Way PurchasePlan. white tv leanedinthe early 1950s, about 100 companies Hurry! Limited timeoffer! artentirely leaped into competition, which presently became overproduced, MARYSVILLE MARION leading toprice -cutting and Brauchi Brothers Longhofer Supply new way-for blood-letting among the compe- titors. About 25 companies sur- LINN SALINA Vasholtz Impl. Co. vived. Kuhlman Motor Co. )iOu toyrepay The companies remaining do CLAY CENTER CENTRALIA not think a similar situation Porter Eqpt. Co. McBratney will build up in the fight for 1121 Crawford ME 2-5202 Phone 85'7-3815 your color televsion sales. medical -surgical Flint Hills Feed &Grain bills AND C K ProcessingCo. OF MANHATTAN FEATURE

Who else but Blue Shield could guarantee to pay your medical -surgical covered services in full?That's right. Surgeon's services...assistant surgeon... anesthesia... medical attention in the hospital. And other covered Blue Shield services.In full.* This is New Blue Shield. Gulf New Blue Shield has eliminated the old fixed allowance schedule. Instead, we pay the full customary charges of Participating Physicians' services to our subscribers. Not an allowance toward the charges, butthechargesthemselves. So New Blue Shield really protects your savings and income. farm products in thisarea! You won't "draw from savings" or "borrow against income" to pay a medical -surgical bill. formerly pp *Kik) (( brand Not if you have New Blue Shield. It pays the bill. Period. Our New plan will cost more. But you'll have much more protection. ))c (( Only New Blue Shield offers employees this new As announced In Successful Farming and Progressive Farmer Coffee magazines, the popular Spencer products we haveoffered concept of protection. Participating Physicians Farm File have registered their customary charges for are now under the world-famous Gulf label. Wejust John De services with Blue Shield. New Blue Shield Notebook want to remind you that only the name haschanged. Participating Physicians' charges are within a range acceptable by Blue Shield. Furthermore, 14.1.4111B Thequalityis the same. Ourserviceis the same. these charges registered by each physician are guaranteed to be the same for all of his patients. 0.1. To remind you that Spencer is now Gulf wewould file If you employ five or more persons, find out how like to present you a new fact -filled Gulf farm your firm can have a Blue Cross -Blue Shield notebook. This free, fact -filled guide -book contains a group. Call one of our Representatives. There's wealth of handy information including narrow rev/ no obligation. conversion charts, plant food removal rates, etc....* If you presently have Blue Shield the new pro- FREE! and cropping record forms for your fields. Dropby gram will be available at your changeover date. valuable Gulf Farm File notebook during "Janu- during January Name Change Days and pick uP You will be notified! Plans of more limited ary Name Change Days." coverage are also available. yourfreecopy. * Non -surgical home andoffice calls are not covered. Blue Class "Don't just fertilize...be Gulf wise!" CK PROCESSING CO., INC Blue Sleield 21/2Miles East of SaleBarn PR 6-9269


. _A t 40.


gliwortioa Welcomes ?lea . . .




to $400ca-,

ise combin, mrating.

lore capac: To Three Full Days Of Fun-Prizes-Information-Food-Entertainment

n of use vv1 THUR. JAN. 19, FRI. JAN. 20, SAT.JAN. 21



3nniber5arp mpl. Co.

AND r Impl. 3815 eJOHI\t'', DEERE

- \\A1'' DAY JOHN DEERE DAY \\&.'67/



;. Register For


$179 Value








Coffee & Doughnuts - Prizes - All Three Days 'fered just John Deere Day, Sat. Jan. 21, Lunch Served At Store

nged. Time 9:00 a.m.

MUM Shows 10:00 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. ifile ins a FREE DANCE Community Bldg. roW

Saturday Nite, January 21 to. rp by Al Jennings Orchestra

Meet the friendly folks at Tri-County.

up Back Row, left to right: Ernie Vietze, John Lorei, Buddy Bayes, Larry Schmid, Jim Biehler.Front Row left to right: Omer Pitts, Floyd EVERYONE WELCOME

Young, Marjorie Munkres, George Munkres, Harriet Dillingham,

Clinton Hanschu, Evan Engle.



wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwww OA Mr* 110.- January 17, 1967 Area Feed Despite OiSlump,StateMiNjtput Firms In Deal ed off for 6 years, effer:,, Grass & Grain 1947-1956. The valuefor the the Professional Feeds, formerly Kansas mineral production nearly 40 decline or leveling off in ratio as in a well sold commercial feed in 1957-1966 decade is mineral values. ears. Itshould for 1966 reached an all-time percent of the 13.6billion dol- the G&G area, has sold its for- high of $584.2 million, nearly total value of During the 1958-1960 ver, thatnone mula feed plants to Internation- 3 percent greater than the for-lars which is the which total values fluetua;.iclude processe MATTRESS & Kansas mineralproduction The e al Milling Co. mer record high of $568 million, of record inthe non -fuels,Principally roducts. BOX SPRINGS The transactionincludes as estimated by the State Geo-since the first year ment, stone, sand and gra.raw" petroleun 1861: of Specials Every Day plants in Kansas City, East St. logical Survey of The Universi- mineral in- gypsum and salt, eontino,'-ie economy New Low Prices Louis, and Evansville, Ind., asty of Kansas in its year-end re- A review of the gain strength. Thus, in ior ascompared Buy Direct dustry during the past20 years a: well as an egg farm and pro-view of the mineral industry. helium experiencerl refineries and per- ti- Also Complete Rebuilding cessing plant at Joplin, Mo. reveals rather startling al1 plants and The value of minerals pro- sistent growth during thefirsttremendous surge as a Service The sale was made by Tex-duced in the past year tops an the government conse oline, lubrica tron, Inc., which bought 'Profes- part of the period culminating ry;aslesphalt, chemica eleven -year period in which an- fol- program, the value of Manhattan sional Feeds from Spencer-Kel-nual mineral production valueswith a record high in 1957, eral products started Crude oil prod' log and Sons in 1961. exceeded one-half billion dol- lowed by a general leveling off approximatel3 Mattress Co. period to 1961. The petroleumclimb that was Climaxed t International's facilitiesin- lars. The total value, 5.35 billion 1965 and 1966 with naturas in 1965des 414 S. 4th PR 8-5302 clude the Supersweet mill industry, contributing 80 per- allowables' and i of dollars for the decade 1957-1966,cent or more of the total value natural gasoline and LPG, Salina. is an increase of 32 percent ducts making strong 'creased produc over the value for the decade in mineral production from 1947-1956, is the key to this phe- even crude oil holding stetJewellj Rec nomenal increase, for it was increase the total value0 during this period that produc-mineral products toreu Given $25,000 WILLED TO tion, not only of crude oil, but highs for each of the las, years. AREA TOWN CHURCHES also of natural gas, natural Clo The petroleum industry CLIFTON - Four churchesgasoline and LPG, experienced Mitchell Any inthissouthern Washington remarkablysteady growth, tributed $485 million or g, County town have received a reaching a climaxin 1957. cent of the total 1966 valr $584.2 million, about the total of $25,000 from the estateCrude oil production then slack- Blood of Ernest Rossman, aretired railway mail clerk. Rossman diedDecember 26,willing Lately? $10,000 to the Clifton Presby- terian Church and $5000 each Loans (Les to Methodist, Christian and St. Cash -- Marys churches. U. S. Gov SAVE! Other Inve 411404110 YIN Investment UNION PACIFIC'S LOW Accrued Is PCA Offic, Tough Week For Furniture I Oddsare Solomon Folks WEEK -END Other Asse SOLOMON - It was a hard 9 to 1 luck weekend for the Charles ROUND-TRIP FARES Martin family. Loans Red: First a bull had to be killed Notes Pays youhave. and then the barnburned Only slightly higher than Accrued Ir down. regular one-way fares Other Liab Several hundred balesof The chances are 9 to 1 that cattle coming into your hay and two sows with a lit- feedlot have roundworms. Even the healthiest looking ter of pigs each were lost in LEAVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OR SUNDAY animals are probably infested. And blood -drinking a barn fire at the Martin farm RETURN BY MIDNIGHT MONDAY Class A Stc roundworms do a lot of damage yearly. About 250 five miles south of Solomon. Class B Stc million dollars, worth. The fire was evidently start- Surplus - ed by a defective heat lamp. In effect Just how much could it be costing you to feed The Kipp rural fire depart- roundworms? ment answered the alarm but NOW THRU MAY 28 Let's say you have a hundred head of cattle. Say that it was too late to save the they're only lightly infested with roundworms -300 barn. I hereby cc The day before, J. C. Mar- UNION and belief. eggs per gram of feces. That's up to 6,000 roundworms PACIFIC per animal. tin, father of Charles, had to Seeor call your nearest Union RAILROAD destroy a 2 -year old Angus Pacific office for complete In 105 days, roundworms could gobble upmore than bull after it broke its leg in a 61/2 gallons of blood per head! And here's about what fight. information and reservations. IIII Gi it would cost you: AI 52.8 lbs. of concentrate worth $ 2.11 528 lbs. of hay worth 6.60 Marshall 0 264 lbs. of grain worth 6.60 Lincoln STATEMENT OF CONDITION roduciloo $15.31 'per head December 31,1 966 It's costing you about $15.31 to feed theworms in '"edit ssociato just one head of beef over 105 days. Or $1531.00for Sc 100 head. Clay Riley Pottawatomie Ellsworth Just one feeding of thenew CO-OP Cattle Wormer MANHATTAN will take care of roundworms. Thiabendazoledoes the job, and it costs you abouta dollar per head for year- PRODUCTION CREDIT Rice lings. This excellentwormer comes three different ASSOCIATION ways-As cubes, pelletsor crumbles. Manhattan, Kansas Your Co-op has the factson safe, sure worming. Stop in or call your Co-op feed man soon. -IWabaunsee OFFICERS ANDDIRECTORS CATTLE WORMERS withThibenzole* Fred G. Morgan, President Alta Graham, Assit. Sec. -Treas. H. F. Roepke, Vice -President Clifford R. Bergmeier, Director Loans Floyd A. Rutherford, Manager -- "Quality backed by profit -mindedresearch." John M. Habluetzel, Director Less Reserve Owen E. Duer, Assit Manager Edw. L. Sedlacek, Director Net ____ Cash_____ *Thibenzole is the registered trademark for thibendazole. of Merck & Co., Inc., U. S. Cove; ASSETS Other Invest Loans (net) $3, 886,518.93 Investment Interest Receivable 133,245.61 Accrued Int Cash 22,216.47 PCA Office Clifton 11 Bonds St. Marys 254, 405.67 Furniture& Farmers Co-op. Ship. Assn. Farmers Union Co-op Investment in FICB Other Assets 'Clifton Ph. 455-3312 137,413.22 Business Assn. Office Building 45, 341.78 Other Assets 5 922.83 $4, 485,064.51 Greenleaf Cooperative Assn Farmers Loans Redis, Manhattan -Alta Vista o -op Elevator Assn LIABILITIES Accrued Intl -Westmoreland-Onaga Greenleaf -Linn -Washington Loans Rediscounted $3, 704, 656.42 Other Liabil Notes Payable- FICB 826.46 Interest Payable 51, Junction City 86,210.69 Farm!r:Stockman Co-op Assn Alma Other Liabilities 9 539.94 Farmers Union Co-op Council Grove $3, 852,233.51 Class A Stoc -Junction City CE 8-4158 Alma Ph. 765-3612 Class Stoc Eskridge Ph. 449-2291 NET WORTH Surplus- Re Class A Stock 32,745.00 Clay Center Mahaska Class B Stock 240.00 FAR ERS Union Co-op Surplus- Reserved 274, Clay Center -Bala Farmers Union Co-opElev. 325846.00 -Miltonvale-Leonardville Mahaska Ph. 41 632 831.° $4, 485,064.51 1 1 mand from industry. Coal production was down of 1966 and to higher interest ine' Helium extraction has been somewhat in 1966, although therates and tight money,- it is sig- itput On Rise steadily increasing during theoutlook appears to be brighter nificant that over-all production effecting past three years as a result ofwith costs for power generationin the mineral industry contin- '-tio as in the past several increase, however, increased the government conservation from coal becoming more andued to gain - indicating a def- off inth,-6 'ears. It should be stated, how-the value of the produced crudeprogram and increasing de- more competitive with natural inite measure of strength. oil a little more than 6 percent. 0E6per.od ver,that none of these values mand from the private sector ofgas and with the advent of In summary, Dr. Frank C. Fo- elude processed or refined In contrast to crude oil, oth-industry. The increase inheli- mine -mouth power plants to ley, State Geologist and Direc- fl.uctuateitiroducts. er raw products of the petrole- cipally ceraw" The effect of the um extraction can be attributedfurther improve the competi- tor of the Survey states: "The petroleum products on gains. Natural gas gained near- tofour relatively new plants,tive position in favorable locali-rather sizable increase in value and.g ravethe ly 7 percent with consequent Dntinued.ereconomy of the State is mi- one of which, Kansas Refined ties. of raw minerals in 1966, despite as compared to the value of urn industry experienced strongHelium Company's plant at Ot- Gains in the non-metallics, weaknesses in certain sectors s,. in lqm gains of 7.3 percent in helium, rienced---te refineries and petro-chemi- is, went on stream in 1966. Theand particularly in those min- of the economy, is good reason aal plants and their products -and 9.7 percent in natual gaso-Bureau of Mines plant at Otis eral commodities vital to the for optimism in the industry. a result asoline, lubricating oils,coke, line and LPG products. Total for many years had been the construction industry - stone,The import of the mineral in- nservatiotsphalt,chemicals and plastics.value of natural gas. produc- sand and gravel, cement, gyp- of all only helium producer in Kans- dustry to the total economy can- IT,Crude oil production remainedtion increased as a result of as. sum, and volcanic ash - have :ed a n Phillips Petroleum Compa- not be overemphasized. Itis -"t approximately the same lev-greater production and greaterny's new Alamo plant near Elk-through the last 20 or more supplying a continually greater imaxed as in 1965 despite increased unit price at the well -head, both hart is nearing completion andyears been significant though part of the raw materials that naturalgllowablesand incentives for factors being in part a reflec- gradual.The long range char- nd T,Pr: will probably go on stream in clothe us, that help produce Picreased production.A pricetion of increased energy de- 1967. acteristic of these,raw materialsmore food to feed us, that house lg gains, is stability, but their import- us, and that even transport us. ing steadiewell STATEMENT OF CONDITION ance to the general economic Thus, as we consider the de- value ofI, AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1966 well-being of the industry can-pendency of the economic well- torecd, not be over -emphasized. being of our community on the the last Important gains in 1966 weremineral industry, we become posted by clay and shale pro- even more aware of the geolo- nclustry ecWitchell ducts, up nearly 20 percent gical Survey's responsibilities Dn or 83 NORTH CENTRAL KANSAS from 1965, by salt with a 10.7 in directing research to realize 1966 value percent increase, and by cementthe greatest value from each )ut the with a 3.5 percent increase. unit of every mineral commodi- PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN. Considering the cutbacks in ty and at the same time con- 301 West 7th, Concordia, Kansas certain sectors of the construc-serve a portion for future gene- tion industry in the last half ASSETS rations." Loans (Less Reserve for Bad Debts) $6,047,094.15 Cash 17,733.38 U. S. Government Securities (carrying value) 245,824.87 MINERAL PRODUCTION IN KANSAS .1966.., (estimated value) Other Investments (carrying value) 70,000.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 Millions of dollars Investment in Federal Intermediate Credit Bank 182,854.84 TOTAL 4TouM211a=11 $584,192,000 Accrued Interest Receivable 194,354.40 Crude oil 5305,415,000 PCA Office Building (Less Depreciation) 46,097.70 Natural Gas ST03,715,000 Furniture & Equipment (Less Depreciation) 2,241.18 Natural gasoline, LPGrml, $43,200,000

Other Assets Helium* Ea21 3,724.57 . 532,635,000 TOTAL ASSETS $6, 809, 925.09 Cement*. 10 529,015,000

Stone+ ea 517,890,000

LIABILITIES Salt a $13,700,000 tES 1966 aay, clay products $13,700,000 S584,192,000 Loans Rediscounted - Federal Intermediate Credit Bank $5,661,484.37 (Estimated) Notes Payable - Federal Intermediate Credit Bank 106,449.96 Sand, gravel I S8,500,000

Accrued Interest Payable 128,392.07 Coal I 55,660,000 15,030,000 Other Liabilities 24,315.29 Misc.+1' E $10,760,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES $5,920,641.69 *Value of helium extracted In Kansas plants 4DAY NET WORTH Class A Stock $ 21,455.00 **Portland and masonry ,Y Class B Stock 390,195.00 +Building stone,'crushed stone ++ Diatomaceous marl, gypsum Surplus - Reserved 477,633.40 (including calcined gypsum), TOTAL NET WORTH $889,283.40 lime, natural cement, car- bon black, lead, zinc, salt TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET WORTH $6,809,925.09 brine, volcanic ash

I hereby certify that the Statement of Condition is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James D. Ganson, Secretary -Treasurer

DIRECTORS Geo. Fredrickson, Cloud County Leslie H. Stensaas, Republic County Arnold M. Rose, Jewell County W. E. Kadel, Mitchell County CALENDAR YEAR 1950 955 1965 Louis Bierbaum - Washington County VALyfr 5381,500,000 5488,400,000 5500500000 .5565,033,000

Ottawa STATEMENT OF CONDITION AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1966 Lincoln oduction

ssociatiofl SALINA PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN. Saline Ellsworth Salina, Kansas * Salina Dale S. Galle, President Croduchon McPherson edit ssociation Rice FIREE Curtis W. Syring, Sec. -Treas. & Manager 6 Sheffield Stainless

Serving: blade, Stag -Bone Saline, Ellsworth, McPherson, Rice, Ottawa & Lincoln Counties Handle Steak Knives ASSETS with your qualifying Loans $3,964,102.30 Less Reserve for Bad Debts 88,876.97 purchase of... Net $3, 875,225 .33 Cash 18,751.14 U. S. GovernmentSecurities (carrying value) 210,500.00 Other Investments (carrying value) 12,956.78 SUPER 18.93 Investment in Federal Intermediate Credit Bank 109,437.77 45.61 Accrued Interest Receivable 124,775.01 40 16.47 PCA Office Building (Less Depreciation) 25,877.25 05.67 Furniture & Equipment (Less Depreciation) 2,835.53 HOG SUPPLEMENT 13.22 Other Assets 3,601 11 41.78 TOTAL ASSETS $4,383,959.92 22.83 64.51 LIABILITIES DURING JANUARY ONLY... qualifying purchases of Gooch Loans Rediscounted - Federal Intermediate Credit Bank $3,696,577.12 Accrued Interest Payable 82,498.66 Super 40 can earn you a Free set of Sheffield Steak Knives. Gooch Super 40 is the grain balancer so Concentrated, 1/2 to 56 . 42 Other Liabilities 10,645.62 3/4pound per head daily balances a full feed of grain to 26.46 TOTAL LIABILITIES $3, 789, 721.40 10.69 grow -finish hogs into market toppers days earlier! 39.94 NET WORTH 33.51 Class A Stock 24,635.00 Class B Stock 266,510.00 Surplus - Reserved 303,093.52 Seeyour nearby $594, 238.52 '45.00 TOTAL NET WORTH Gooch Dealer! 40.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET WORTH $4, 383, 959.92 146.00 or contact the Gooch Feed Mill, Salina,Kansas 131.00 164.51 Bake at 400 sprinkle on topping. January17, 1967 1 cup sugar powder degrees for35 minutes. 2 teaspoons baking TOPPING OUR DAILY BREAD 14 cup butter is lustmy husband tatoes 1 egg plus milk 1 cup flour family. andr - byG&G Area Cooks 1 can pie filling(cherry) 1 cup sugar "Thanks azain." FrOZen I lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111.II. cut in 1/2 cup butter * ii11111.11111111.1111111111111111 lllll 111111141111111111/ Sift dry ingredients, * e past butter. Break eggin measuring recipe was sent In th The following This muffin recipeis cup and addenough milk to Longenecker,Mrs. William H. P° Produ make 1 cup. Mixin dry ingred-by Mrs. Vernon bury, Hill,ithe most imr Mrs. Tom Holt, Gypsum, greased cook-R 1, Abilene: Nebr.hnotato ients. Pour onto PIE SEVEN item, pie filling; FROZEN PUMPKIN WEEKyfrirbetableofpot ie sheet; pour on 1 cup cannedpumpkin 2 cups 100 pereentVUse has 4 cups All Bran te:produel-' Wins Recipe Contest Prize 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling wakr4,,and has doub The Latest 1/4 Mrs. Tom Holt, R 2, Gypsum, wins thecontest this week. 1 teaspoon cinnamon overtheabove a,'nf potato chit cookie recipe in 'Our aside Mrs. Holt writes, "please enter this `Daily 1/4 cup brown sugar potatoes. Daily Bread.' This is good for teas orjust for home. But Blend above ingredientswell. 4 eggs 1 cup cooking oil Housewives better double it for your own home use.", Bread' Soften 1 ouart vanillaice cream many new P CORNFLAKE MACAROONS and blend inpumpkin mixture. 21/2 cups sugar 2 egg whites Prize Put into grahamcracker crust 4 cups buttermilk supermarket 1 cup sugar or baked pieshell. Freeze and Mix together and alt,frompotato 1/4 teaspoon salt serve when firm.May be serv-mixture. French fries 1 teaspoon vanilla SAUCEPAN ed with whipped- cream. 5 cups flour potato( *** * baked 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 5 teaspoons soda metal I 2 cups cornflakes 1 teaspoon salt, sifted,en in 1/2 cup walnuts (black walnuts make it thatmuch better) Thanks FromWinner er and stirred into ii Beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar andsalt gradually This note of thanks was re- mixture About one -I beating until meringue isstiff. Add extracts. Crush corn- ceivedfrom an "Our Daily 11/2 cups raisins groom I into merin- Bread" recipe contestwinner, flakes lightly into cup; fold cornflakes and nuts R 1, Alta ed if desired processors, gue. Place on well -greased cookiesheet. Bake in 325 -degree Mrs. Charles Carlton, Put in jars and em,fifteen percet oven until light brown andcrisp, about 25 minutes. Watch Vista: done. "I want to tell you howpleas-from them as you need closely because they burn quickly when about candybake in well -greased ed I was to win with my pans at 350 degrees gFREE 0 The next recipe was sent byother flavors of pie filling for recipe. theminutes. Makes about sit Ps Mrs. John R. Nelson, R 2, Del-the cherry.It's delicious with teflon-finished "Also pleased to receive raspberry, blueberry or straw- THREE -CUP, nice saucepan, which issuch aRefrigerate mixtureup;to While phos: saucepan is ideal foroatmeal, nice size, especially whenthereweeks. TWIN SISTER berry." CHERRY ANGEL DESSERT custards and warming left- HILL MUFFINS overs. Markings onside to 1/4 cup butter Break angel food cake into nieces and place half the pieces indicate one, two and three - 1 teaspoon salt won't 1/4 cup sugar .n 9x13 -inch pan. Spread 2 cans cup measures. Food FARM' 1 egg cherry pie filling over the cake stick, scouring and scrubbing RANCHL.OA N S 6 teaspoons baking powder nieces, saving some to garnish eliminated. Interior is decor- R. STANLEY PARSONS, 1 cup milk the top. Sprinkle remaining atorgreen. A productof 2 cups flour cake nieces over the filling. 111 manager of ManhattanFLBA, Beat the egg. Add milk, sug-C-hrnhine 1 package instant van- Mirro Aluminum Company. is ready to serve you at your ar, salt and melted butter. Siftilla pudding mix, 11/4 cups milk The winner each week is farm orat threeconvenient flour and baking powder togeth- and1Package dairy sour IIoffices: er and add gradually. Fill muf-_cream. Beat till smooth and drawn by lot from the reci- fin tins half full and bake inspread over cake pieces. Gar- pes printed. , CLAY CENTER 350 -degree oven. Make these nish ton with remaining cherry Win one by' sending us your KM Securities Bldg. ahead and then re -heat. filling and chill overnight. favorite recipe - this can be Tues., 1 to 3 p.m. * * * salad, * * * main dish,leftover, IIJUNCTION CITY Mrs. William J. Peterson, The following is from Mrs. sidedish,dessert or what 105 West 7th Haddam: "We enjoy this des-Raymond Bertrand of Aurora: have you. Fri., 1 to 3 p.m. sert so much and it is quite PAT'S COFFEE CAKE 1. Check your recipe care- OFFICEPHONE simple to make. May substitute 2 cups flour fully to be sure all ingredi- MANHATTAN PR 8-2971 entsare accurate andac- Home office at Manhattan is counted for. open Mon. thru Fri. Residence Phone 2. Be sure your name and 6th & Humboldt PR 6-9044 7 address are on the entry. Federal 3. Only onerecipeata LAND BANK Assn.of time, please. 4. Send it to Woman's Page UServing Clay. MANHATTAN Editor, Grass & Grain, Box Geary, Pottawatomie, & Riley counties. 1009, Manhattan, Kansas. .1111.110111111 1.1..1111.11.1111.111

How about that! WeBaked It! THIS 18 -POUND PIE A foot and a half in diameter ! 18 pounds of luscious cream pie topped with meringue ! You'd have to see it and eat it to believe lH it, but we in Manhattan are pro- ducing special orderslikethis rg as a regular chore in a day's work. ot, SPECIAL ORDERS

Incidentally... R&G and Blue Hillsin Manhattan probably are it kills mice, too! unique in this area. We produceour own pastries and bread in our own mod- ernDutch Oven Bakery. If you need a special order And comes in big, economical I -lb. for your lodge, church, and 5 -lb. bags. Get a bag school or other group, con- K1 4,4Li ..' sult us. rnolass from your Purina dealer today. My. t higher DELICATTESSEN FOODS This f FROM OUR OWN KITCHENS and if progrs Abilene Co -Op Assn. CO 3-1660Abilene Fresh hot, or fresh cold . . . you can save Gorden Mark Elevator ME 2-3381Clay Center yourself a lot of time and trouble for spe- Western Grain Mill 767-5933Council Grove cial occasions by hav- ing us prepare your Bartlett Grain Co. CE8-4134Junction City foods. Farmers Co-op Elev. & Supply 157Hope GR Ifyou have a need for Flint Hills Feed & Grain PR 8-5322Manhattan something special- Phone 3Palmer Reprinted Palmer Grain Co. Phone PR 8--551 1 Grass from Farmers Union Feed Mill 437-2434St. Marys MANHATTAN & Grain.Dec. 22- by permission Mor-Kan Elevator 349-2214White City SERVING THE MANHATTANAREA Reading Grain & Lumber AN 9-3842Reading PURINA

CHOWS SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKfl/ 523 South 17thSt. 7,1967 Top and almond extract. Stir in sift- n-71 a;;Potatoes Pleasant Surprise On Wintry ed flour mixture alternately Vegetables January 17, 1967 .99 Frozen with milk, beginning and ending * In the past ten years, frozen with flour and mixing just un- Day: Cherry Upside -clown Cake til smooth after each addition. Grass & Grain 'ripe is fppotato products have become Pour into pan over cherries. 7 R 4, the most important frozen veg- Spread to cover evenly. Bake in etable item. Use of potatoes in canned 350 -degree oven until cake testsLonger Wear centIVII-TFIN b done, about 40 minutes. Cool in cerealrail products has risen fifty percent 15 minutes, then remove fromFrom Brooms, Mops water and hasdoubled in the making pan. Mix 2 tablespoons sugar You can get more wear out of bove aZof potato chips and shoestring and 11/2 tablespoons cornstarchyour brooms and mops if you potatoes. Housewives have discovered in small saucepan. Gradually them off the floor by oil blend in reserved 3/4 cup cherryhanging them up. To do so, drill many new potato products on juice. Stirring constantly, bringa hole in the top of the handles ilk (15upermarket shelves, ranging toboil and boil one minute.and Insert metal shower curtain nd add to from potatopuffs and flakes to Pour over cake immediately. rings in the holes.Then the French fries and .pre-cooked Serve warm or cool. Makes 6-8equipment can be hung on a baked potatoes ready for the ov- ,servings. nail or wall hook. la en in metal foil with butter ad - t,sifted intod the About one-third of the potato CONDENSED STATEMENT Is may vrop grownfor food now goes to processors, compared to only OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE and coverfifteen percent ten years ago. ou need t 'ased Riley State Bank of ;tees a FREE 0-FF-STREET.. Riley about six Parkingj, The BankWithThe $1,000,000 Excess Coverage Bond lure up t While Eating at Surprise and please the fam- reserved for sauce ily with a freshly baked des- 1 cup minus 2 tablespoons RILEY, KANSAS 111111 sert on a cold wintry day, or sifted flour Close of Business December 31, 1966 serve it in the late afternoon as 2 tablespoons cornstarch a treat after outdoor play or 1 teaspoon baking powder RESOURCES chores. Cornstarch gives theex- 14 teaspoon salt tra special texture to the cake Loans and Discounts $1,131,756.37 1% cup margarine Bonds, U.S. Government and to the sauce. 1/2 cup sugar 1,195,620.85 Bonds, State & Municipal 471,941.24 CHERRY UPSIDE-DOWN 1 egg, well beaten Building & Fixture Account- 17,001.00 'CAKE 1/4 teaspoon vanilla Y4 teaspoon almond extract Cash and Sight Exchange 14 cup margarine 353,534.12 2 tablespoons sugar 14 cup milk TOTAL ASSETS --$3,169,853.58 1 1 -pound can sour cherries 2 tablespoons sugar 11/2 tablespoons cornstarch drained with % cup juice reserved cherry juice LIABILITIES Demand Deposits $1,434,647.47 Melt cup margarine in Savings & Certificates 1,487,764.31 small saucepan. Add 2table- Capital HONE 50,000.00 The spoons sugar, bring to boil, stir- Surplus )71 ring until sugar is dissolved. 120,000.00 Phone Spread in bottom of one 8x2x2- Undivided Profits 70,962.00 044 inch baking pan. Cover with Interest Collected -Unearned 414.00 drained cherries. Set aside. Sift Reserve for Loan Losses---- 6,065.80 flour, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, TOTAL LIABILITIES ---$3,169.853.58 baking powder and salt togeth- 12 Ca fe The above statement is correct er. Blend margarine and sugar in mixing bowl. Add egg, blend- Harold B. Holmes, President NMI MANHATTAN ing until smooth. Add vanilla Herman Sylvester, Vice -President Russell Chamberlain, Cashier

Now's the timeyourCattle need Other Directors: W. L. Meyer Ivan Sand KEY 41% Cattle Supplement Donald Hassebroek Lloyd Jahnke IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW Bookkeepers: 1,0A Erma Chamberlain and Shirley Carlson

Member F.D.I.C. GAG Directory

AUCTIONEERING CONSERVATION Lawrence E. Welter AUCTIONEER. Land Improvement REAL ESTATE BROKER "Soil Conservation Doesn't Your Sale Solicited Cost-It Pays" Large or Small Ponds, terraces,water- EAST HIGHWAY US 24 ways,and leveling, MANHATTAN PR 8-3455 drainageditches,clear- ing, landscape grading. Real Estate And General Sales ROGGENDORFF KEY'S 41% CATTLE SUPPLEMENT has generous quantities of blackstrap Conservation Construction molasses, and so important in winter feeding, VITAMIN A in recommended quan- tity.Since Purdue 64 Urea came on the market, feeders have been able to go to Arthur Roggendorff higher urea content in their feed.And KEY'S 41% is the best way to get it. Ed Reimer Phone JE 9-3984 This feed has grown in popularity with Kansas feeders over the past four years, -AUCTIONEER- 1630 Osage- Manhattan and if you are not using it, you are missing a good chance to improve your feeding program.It comes in lots with or without Stilbestrol. We Specialize in Selling DAIRY CATTLE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY WE OFFER "A complete Sale Service" DAIRY SUPPLIES 0 Phone or write for sale dates. Telephone 367-2373 per ton GOESSEL, KANSAS "Marion County" DeLaval Clay GRANULES 3 16 PELLETS RANGE CUBFS All Makes AN ADDITIONAL $4 OFF PER TON Memorials Service & Repair ON BULK 41% ORDERS Dairy Equipment The Usual 2% Additional Discount Given On Cash Orders Cody Memorials Joe McClure Ph. 229-5284 Alta Vista OFFER EXPIRES AFTER TUESDAY, JAN. 24 Homer Rundle, Owner See A KEY Dealer Or Call ME 2-2141 Collect Stones designed and cut by )er AG experienced craftsmen in our own plant. PEOPLE READ Office & Display The G&G Directory Milling Company 4th & Grant ME 2-2323 MARKET Clay Center, Kansas CLAY CENTER Just as You are Now Another asset of hardboardis with an occasionalhosing down. January 17,1967 itslow -maintenance quality. A wide choiceof sidings AttractiveHardboard Siding Since itis an engineeredwood makes it so easy toselect the product, the surface isfree ofright one for yourhouse, no knots or rough grainand takesmatter what thearchitectural 8 Grass & Requires LittleMaintenance paint or stain easily. It canbe style. kept fresh and new-looking Is your house worn and tired -and will stand up to year -around looking? Is the exterior dull and weather without cracking, split- outdated? Is it plagued with ting or denting. Installation is cracked boards and peeling easy because the siding islight- paint? weight as well as hardy.and can The diagnosis may be poorbe worked with ordinary car- siding. pentry tools. Poor quality or improperly in- In most instances, hardboard stalled siding can do more thansiding can be installed right ov- detract from the appearance ofer the old siding. Thisprovides your house. It can cause heat extra insulation and saves the hogs put on lossin winter, force your airtrouble and expense or remov- conditioner to overwork in sum-ing old boards. extra pounds of mer and result in a number of maintenance problems. Re -siding is a practical solu- profitable pork tion. With a modern building material like hardboard siding, with nature's richest the job is neither diffcult nor MOTOR KITS expensive and will add to theSleeves, Pistons, Pins & Rings source ofprotein good looks as well as the life of AC WD WI) 45, D-17 49.95 your house. AC WD, WD45, D-17 gasket se' Kansas Soya's 40% Hog Supplement contains The advantage of exterior highly digestible and palatable Sunflowey hardboard is that it is speciallyIHC H motor kit manufactured for outdoor use Brand Soybean Meal.This assures you of H gasket set 5.38 extra pourids of profitable pork on every MC 300 motor kit 45.50 IHC 300 gasket set 5.98 hog you raise.

'Spare Bed Can , IHC with motor kit.... 46.49 For maximum gains ask for it by name: Kansas IHC M high comp. motor kit Free Storage Areas 47.4J Soya's Sunflower Brand 40% Hog Supple- Use your spare bed by spread -IHC M gasket set 6.93 ment.It's yours medicated with Auero-SP in extra bedding on is and thus save drawer chest and closet IHC 400-450 motor kit 59.50 250, or unmedicated. IHC 400 450 gasket set 6.93 space for other items to be Ford 9N, 2N, 8N motor kit, thin Kansas Soya also offers Grain Bank facilities, stored. sleeve 22.95 automated' custom- mixing and fast, in -and - Fore: 9N, 2N, 8N motorkit, out loading with automated equipment.Call thick sleeve 26.25 Clay Moist or write for additionalinformation, today. Wrap a child's modeling clayFord NAA 600, 700 motor kit in aluminum foil and the clay 33.50 will stay moist and smooth. Ford 800, 900 motor kit - 37.19 Ford gasket sets $4.00 to $5.97 Engine heaters 850 watt .. 7.59 To Repair Coat Engine heaters, 1500 Watt 10.65 Should your littlegirl wearBattery 'chargers, 6 amp.13.59. holes in the elbows of her coat, Battery chargers, 10 amp. 17.89 KANSAS SOYA PRODUCTS CO.,INC. buy a small length of fabric inBattery booster cables 12',41.35 a contrasting color. PHONE DICKENS 2-7270 EMPORIA, KANSAS Sew a strip of the fabric wide HOLT enough to cover the holes ar- FARM SUPPLY /la ound both sleeves. Then make .-Atfi New; to Sale Barn her a tam to match: :MANHATTAN PR $-4348

Manhattan Commission Co., Inc. 21/4 MILES EAST OF MANHATTAN ON US We sold 1486 cattle at our sale 8 whiface steers500 @31.001 10 black heifers592 p24.50 last Thursday.Prices on feeder 1 whiface steer 295 (a)30.75; 3 whiface heifers 435 @24.50

1 whiface steer360p30.25 320(a> 24.50 cattle were 25ct to 504 higher, 1 whiface heifer 845 (a17.50 BUYING all other cattle were steady. 16 black steers 442'p30.00 3 whiface heifers373 p24.30 1 black cow 465 @29.75 @ 24.25 2 holstein cows1305 @ 17.40 FAT HOG The following is a partial 15 black steers 2 black heifers 355 We buy fat hogs daily listing of the sale: 1 whiface steer 390 p29.25 5 blkwhif heifers488 (a)24.201 holstein cow1295 (a17.30 1 whiface cow 1 090 (a1 7. 30 the Manhattan Corn Ele ctric 2 charolais steers317 p29.25 2 whiface heifers472 @24.10 Co., Inc. sale' barn. We 4 whiface steers425 p29.00 3 blkwhif heifers588 @24.101 whiface cow 905 @)1 7. 30 Can FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS direct with no commissin whiface steers479 p28.40. @ 24.002 holstein cows1472 t 17.20 11 whiface steers 705 © 27.0U 2 whiface heifers 467 the seller. .Sunbeai 2 b&bwhif steers432 p28.30 8 black heifers 511 (a24.001 whiface cow 870 t 17.00 BUYING HOURS: 30 whiface steers 660 © 27.061 whiface steer460(a28.30 5 whiface heifers S45 @24.001 blkwhif cow 1210 @ 16.90 Mondays thru Fri 34 whiface steers 663 (a)27.00 Door B' 1 blkwhif steer 450 @28.30 4 whiface heifers 566 (at23.901 hol cow 1570 (a)16.80 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Udico 6 whiface steers630 © 27.008 whiface steers504 @28.10 23.201 whiface cow 850 (a16.70 Saturdays 8 a.m. 2 10 whiface heifers594 t PE and Ks 7 whiface steers651 (a26.805 whiface steers486 p28.10 3 blkwhif heifers 555 @22.402 holstein cows 1252 (a)16.60 Manhattan 4 black steers 640 (a)26.30 Reg. 3 black steers 331 @28.10 5 brof heifers 566 p22.101 black cow 1245 (a16.60 fte."AAWAI 3 whiface steers608 @ 26.101 whiface steer 28.10 1 whiface cow 1365 (a)16.20 505 @ WE ARE ALSO BLIT 5 whiface steers611 p 26.001 whiface steer 420 p28.00 2 whiface cows1228 (a)16.00 20 bCbwf steers 600 p 25.80 BULLS FAT HOGS AT Tlif 1 black steer 285 @28.00 2 whiface cows 875 © 15.70 W. E. DUGAN YAFT 1 bwhif steer 615 (a25.203 whiface steers496 p28.00 1 blkbrof bull 575 ©24.80 3 jersey cows 970 @ 15.70 30 b&bwf steers 772 @ 25.20 ALTA VISTA 3 red steers 380 ©27.00 3 whiface bulls 671. p22.00.5 jersey cows 949 © 15.40 Mondays 8 a.m. to 3 f, 20 b&bwhif steers 745 p 25.2010 whiface steers692 p27.00 1 black bull 1465 p21.75 1 jersey cow 880 (a15.30 Phone Alta Vista 229 33 b&bwhif steers 745 @ 25.20 1 whiface bull 84- 1 whiface steer 575 @26. 90 1615 p21.50 3 brof cows t 155.00 or Manhattan PR 30 b&bwhif steers 820 p 25.10 1 black bull 2 blkwhif steers570 p26.50 1230 p21.20 8 whiface cows &clfs(at 249.00 raftIVVP.PVI,""""0.1.00" 2 blk&blrn steers647 p 25.103 whiface steers565 p26.40 2 whiface cows &ells(a 234.00 Poi 12, b&bwhif steers 710 p 24.803 black steers 363 (a26.25 1 whiface cow&calf AT ALMA & ESKB1 2 whiface steers772 p 24.70 COWS (a 220.00 5 whiface bulls 486 p25.60 1 whiface cow&calf p 21 7.50 EVERY WEDNF,SBil Choose 1 whiface cow 700 p 1 7. 60 p 5 whiface steers805 @ 24.606 bCblkwhif bulls From 8 a.m. to I 27 whiface steers 866 © 24.60 595 @25.50 1 whiface cow 1125 (at17.5014 whiface cows (a 213.00 Large SE 5 black steers 538 @25.50 Please do not bring hog! colors - 29 b&bwhif steers 834 p 24.552 black steers 440p25.80 for sale on Thursday Turquis, 1 charolais steers 535 @ 24.5018 whiface steers noon, as we will be ha 30 whiface heifers623 24.50 536 p25.50 1 red steer 510 @25.10 large runs of cattle and. 30 whiface heifers616 © 24.501 holstein steer 280 p might not be able to u 1 blkwhif steer 760 p 24.40 23.75 and they will get hot on. Door Bus 35 whiface steers 842 (a24.35 For information call Deluxe ( 4 whiface steers832 (a23.80 HEIFER CALVES barninManhattan, P5 12 b&brof heifers 386 @ 4415. In Alma, Oscar N'; 2 black steers 717@ 23.70 26 . 05 11. 11 black heifers 765-3861. In Alta Vista 23 whiface steers1083 (a)23.60 427 ©26 . 00 Or You 2 whiface heifers 675 (a23.404 black heifers 421 (a26.00 call Joe Raine at Maple, 2 blkwhif heifers 682 (a23.203 black heifers 270 @25.60 MI 3-2226 or Eskridge I 15 b&brof heifers 849 © 23.1020 whiface heifers446 (a25.50 2 whiface steers 1067 (a23.0013 whiface heifers491 p25.5G 8 whiface heifers 932 (a22.906 whiface heifers 456(at 25.40 -FOR ESTIMATES 2 whif&bwf steers 807 @ 23.904 whiface heifers 355 ©25.30 W. E. DUGAN Alta Vista, 229-6430 1 blkwhif steer1310 (a22.8S6 blk&brof heifers 423 @25.30 JOE RAINE Maple Hill, MI 3-2226 5 blkwhif heifers 607 p 22.809 whiface heifers 417 p25.20 DON WELLS Manhattan, JE 9-3744 The Manhattan Commio 2 whiface steers605 (a22.101 charolais heifer 290 (a25.10 MERVIN SEXTON Abilene, CO 3-3449 2 black heifers 827 p 21 . 903 blk&brof heifers 471 (a25. 10 C. J. WENTZ, bus. mgr.Manhattan, JE 9-S561 2 black heifers Co., Inc. 1 black heifer 780 p 21 . 60 257 p25.10 VICTOR LEWERENZ ---Manhattan, PR8-3243 3 holstein steers818 (a20.703 brof heifers 468 (a25.00 _CERTIFIED MANHATTAN, 10 whiface heifers516 @24.90 BARN PHONE Manhattan, PR 8-4415 4 whiface heifers 493 @ STEER CALVES 24.90 East On0 Com 1 charolais steer230 © 33.001 charolais heifer 495 p24.80 Consignment Reports 1 whiface steer 8 whiface heifers 512 (a24.80 WIBW radio 6:30 A. M. Thursdays 190 @ 32.50 WIBW-TV 12:15 Noon Wednesdays Auctioneer: Joe Raine For even the11,4 BEDROOM SUITES discriminatingIt

GALA MAHOGANY BUNK BEDS All Mer< By Bassett Double Dresser Reg. $219.00 ITALIAN CLAS Framed Mirror 3 -Pc. Suite Cpt. "Elegant is the word.' Chest Bargain Blizzard $350.00 value Panel Bed Price -- 177 Triple Dresser Framed Mirror Large Chest ".;;*"es,,,0t,.?.; Distinctive Bed $277

CHOOSE FROM OUR EARLY AMERICAN QUALITY SELECTION MARQUET ha OF BUNK BEDS 1441 top of bisque $199.95 Value Table extends "Furniture City" prices from 77777S seat up to 8. Double Dresser crowned with Framed Mirror with self-leve Chest $39 99 graceful chair Spindle Bed $149" Richly texture

SHASTA adds BEDDING BEAUTIFUL WALKis MilanovbIroan'no rd 3 -piece Bed Room 42" round, ani Buy Sleeping Comfort Now Solid Ash with 2 leaves. Double Dresser Reg. $239.00 $ 18thattaper to b At Bargain Blizzard Prices Tilting Mirror have curved ID: Roomy Chest choice. 0

Styled Panel Bed Furniture City's

FURNITURE CITY'S huge, direct -from -the-factory, buying : Inventory price - goo$power, with our buyers takingadvantage of every price : : discount coupled with volume sales -- Saves youthose :

Either st important dollars on fine quality namebrand bedding.

Value 0

KING KOIL'S FAMOUS ROYAL SCOTT now featuring "Sacro-Lign" for extra firmness plus Your exclusive springwall con- 549 Choice CANYON struction. Matt. or B/S $ MAHOGA RESTONIC "VITA POSTURE" Double Dresser 7p,taScw-e-kvlov,... ' getp i'vlole Large Tilting Mirror $ 39 Book Case Bed $17 cud Get ole aut eii Chest $48.00 Chancesare, you'llfind out that owning a mattress like $169.00 Value thisis worth far more than can be measured by money. GUARANTEED10 YEARS. Matt. or B/S

ORTHO FOAM Pure foam rubber mattress $99 and matching box springs

List $159.00 Set Complete Set

YOUR CHOICE j $59.50 Innerspring Mattress or $29 $59.50 Box Springs Selectio! Fully warranted See Our Large Of Beautiful FrenchProvil STYLE & QUALITY AREYOURS, Furniture City *** Features *** QUEEN SIZE and KING SIZE BEDDING Shop & Save All At Inventory -airet "Bargain BlizzardPrices' "The Furniture Fashion Center of the Mid -West" Convenient Terms COMPARE FREE DELIVERY INCLAN'CENTER Phone ME 2-5215 BEFORE YOU 5 1967

Rf ass & Grp C 0 (mai Lts

CL - CLN S- 0 0 '1. a) PRESENTS. ITS. ANNUAL .14 CL CO 4-) 4-1


As A Clearance


)ntains lower )u of fery

Steam or Dry Irons All Popular Brands Priced From IZSTARTS Jan 18th thru Jan. 31st All Merchandize on Sale Subject to Stock on Hand Only. OPEN EVERY EVENING -DURING THIS SALE (except Sunday) Nowhere Will You Find Such Quality AT THESE LOW LOW PRICES! )N US

Electric 0 G SL Hair Dryers Largest gsdaily Picture Commissit Electric Sunbeam - G.E. - Presto Assortment in rn. We Electric mmission:' Can Openers Central Kansas. We have original paintings. Sunbeam -Oster -G. E. Blizzard Special Frypans [OURS: Lady Sunbeam All Sizes - Sunbeam u Fridays Door Buster Special Portable Hair Dryer Presto -Teflon 4 p.m. Udico Can Opener or Regular coating. Bargain Blizzard. .m. - 2 Pr and Knife Sharpener Beautiful 24 x 47 sizes. PR 8-4C $12.44 Reg. $24.95 Blizzard Bargain Special Your Sunbeam -Cooker Choice BUYIN $14.88 Large -Size $19.00 AT THE L.N YAW $19.95 VISTA Wall Clocks n. to 3 ps ista 2294 For Any Decor PR 8-4,1t, Battery or Electric ../.0", We are headquarters Portable for Electric We are Headquarters See our Large Assortment ESKRIDG] Mixers Toasters )NESDAi Toaster Broilers = Waffle Irons for Glassware Choose from our Table Decoration Priced From , to 1 Large selection Blenders - Mixers Wall -Plaques We are Selling ing hogs colors - Pink - Beige Blizzard Special Flower Arrangments Presto Deluxe .rsday afte Turquise. Tru Life Plants be haviu Sunbeam Automatic 1 Hair Dryer the and ):[ Radiant Toaster For Low -Low .e to unlo: Price of hot on Y( Door Buster Special $12.44 Special Door Buster Dn call Deluxe G.E. Mixer Potted Azales ttan, Reg. $2.89 scar Nelso $13.44 Vista W. Beach Bag included Or you isS with each Dryer t MapleIt kridge Ya

Free 518 Lincoln Avenue nmissi( Clay Center, Kansas Inc. Delivery Phone ME 2-5215 AN,KAN'

t OnUS Convenient Terms taine for CHAIRS

Famous Berkline Maple Rocker Recliner :ov CI Swivel Rocker Boston Rocker at Looking for selection? Solid This gay versatile, patch quilt By Tell City Famous with : rocker fits any room decor, Quality? Style? Price? For Quality uroy, reversible foam pillow, solid uphol maple wood trim. HIGHEST QUALITY LIVINGROOM ITALIAN CLASSIC SOFA DANISH MODERN i BROM] Beatifully finished Fruitwood exposed Exposed wood in Danisha Arm Styled wood. Magnificent tapestry cover. tone brown reversible calern living. Foam.

Reg. $249.00 $16600 Reg. $129.95 1'00 MASTERCRATinch PROVIN TRADITIONAL SOFA By Broyh COST LESS THAN "YOU THINICI By Broyhill Slim Arm Sotiures84".Ric Life time construction. i Solid Mold( All of the deluxe features.Beautiful nylon cover. 2-3-4 PIECE SECTIONALS beige. $15500 pons. Arm coy Reg. $230.00 List $289.00 keg. $239.95 ONTEMPOR1 LOUNGE SOFA DELUXE 4 MODERN STYLED SOFA By VIKO Overall.Loo: 3 -PC. SECTIONAL All Foam - 100% Nylon 85" overall Rugged Steelconstructeclri°us comfort Extra Large and Roomy.Finest quality Reversible foam cushior.... construction with a beautiful fabric. Reg. $11900 r$289.95 $159.00 Reg. $89.95

Reg. "Quality Never Costs 2 PIECE LIVING ROOMStDIOS $599.00 468 It Pays" 2 -Pc. Si MASTERCRAFT DAY LOUNGE SLIM ARM 2 -Pc. Suite High Grade N Famous Life Time Construction Full Foam.Adjustg- Foam Reversi 2 -PC. SECTIONAL 3 -PC. SECTIONAL Guarantee.!00% Nylon covers. Coil Spring C Reg. $139.00 $1 Rich Turq., 100% Nylon cover.Full foam Gorgeous! 100% top quality nylon $259.95 $18800 V $199.95 reversible cushions.Styled, foam tufted with all Deluxe features. List back $249.00 Value ;TERCRAFT FAMOUS SIMMONS. SLIM -ARM $369.95 rnPus Exclusive Sleeper Foam Zippered. reversible cu $166 Value $277 Deluxe bed mechanism -- Foam Covered in longweariglKe nylon Cushioning. vinelle. .00 List $199.00 Reg. $209.95 Broyhill Early American VIKO 2 -PC. SECTIONAL SOF 3 -PC. SECTIONAL 2 -PC STUDIO SUITE P SUITE Sturdy all steel construction.Foam iirLong Wearing Reversible Vinyl cushions. Especially styledfor Gorgeous Quilted Cover.Pure Foam Cushioning. Choice of Excellent Studio Sofa.With matching colors. rocker. 100 %Nylon.C.2 - Reg. Reg. $169.95 $1198s List $589.00 458 $77 Value $199.95 "The. Furniture Fashior 1.

You can tell Furniture City by the Company we keep. Fogle Maddox Howard Parlor Pullman Master Craft Kenline Stratford Hibriten 11111Mimmul Broyhill Colony Arts Craft Many More le mo ing tqs Sale Dates Ned. Jan. 18th thru GO MODERN


All Merchandize on Sale Subject to Stockon Hand Only

CLASS he word,' value Shop and Saveas Never Reforp

For those who want the S finest in a beautiful -- S




44 Our All New

MARQUET has a 35 x 48" self -edged

op of bisque wood -grain Micalite. GIFT BAR

Table extends to 72" with 2 leaves to

seat up to 8.Bisque finished legs are FAMOUS

crowned with a baroque motif, tipped

with self -leveling glides.Tall, 5 -PC. DINETTE -;40,graceful chairs fit closely together. Where You'll Find

Richly textured vinyl upholstery. with Deluxe Table Beautiful Gifts From

4 Sturdy Chairs Throughout The


SHASTA adds the polish of a brass

to bronze tone legs.Top Reg. 5888 wAi rAulvsleeve is Milano Inlay pattern Micalite, $79.95

42" round, and extends to 64" GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASSIONS

with 2 leaves. Chairs with backs

$1 that tapercurvedto belowl the seatinylilne Selection & Quality have back choice. Are Yours at "Furniture City" s ce - YOUR CHOICE Free Either style in a 7 Pc. Set Value $169.95 Delivery $118 5 Pc. Early American Convenient Room Group BUY DESKS HASSOCKS Terms STUDIO SOFA ALL STYLES NOW Smartly styled desks ARM ROCKER From 2 -MAPLE STEP AND in many styles. TABLES $399 Open COFFEE TABLE SAVE Special Priced From Evenings $229.95 Value $177 FOR GRACEFUL DINING

FURNITURE CITY HAS THE ANSWER view our fine selection of exciting styles --- o Modern French Provincial Italian Classic Danish Modern from Mediterrian Solid Frames Early American Foam Reversible Cushions Choice of colors, many, many, All at fantastic savings styles.

"The Furniture Fashion Center of the Mid -West" Convenient Terms I FREE DELIVERY INCLAN' CENTER ZE Phone ME 2-5215 DU 7 ADD WARMTHWITHCARPET So Practical Now AtThese Bargain Blizzard Prices

LuxuryHeavy DutyNylon Reg. $7. 98 $ 98 save- save- save 5110Sq. Yd.

YARDS "Beauty For APalace 88 From -Practicality for a home$6Sq. Yd. The with an active family"... That's acrilan and ammommmmm.mmommmminft, we have it at BUDGET SAVINGPRICES $8.95 Value AND PHILCO SOLID STAT Co

ElegantHerculon Carpet Portable StereoEARLY For the Wear and Tear of everyday living $598 Save Now $7.95 Sq. Yd. Value Mir Sq. Yd. S YARDS Continuous FilamentNylon Carpet

$5.95 Value Sq. Yd. AND "At Furniture City you have tremendous selections of every type carpeting at real money saving prices" Fully transistorizedLi: 17" swing -out speakers *Tilt.: 4 -speed automatic change: Smoke gray leatherette ci YARDS Reinfriamil EARLY Bring your room size, and save ROOD ,many, many dollars on fine $159 quality carpet remmants 3-Ci TO --You'll enjoy shop- A PHILCO SOLID STATE 2 Maph ping our big stock of C all types, styles CHOOSE and colors. STEREO

$229.95 ---,..----",*7,----.----,---,...^r",..--7--'^" Value ,...... ,.. . - - .5:.-..,...... , .,..;:.,..;.y,.....4....,.....-,z,z:-..y,-.;i--,..-,4 ;,. ..., ..,....-..... -,...... -.....,. .-,-,,,,,-. FROM .,,,...... ,- ....,,,,..r.r. .., ...S. -S. 99..9. .".- ....999, ,..,..,..- .-.9- 9.--...S. .,..4^,.-9.99....i.....91,99./...... ,..9,99...... ,,,;..199.9.*,.....9,9..,....93.....-.9...97=7..7... .. 9"...1...... w...... , ...... 9. 9.9...w...9-.9.9,9 9,..s...S., .9....,...... p.r...... ,n__ "...... " ..... ,,,,...... i.....e....,^ -*. "...... ,-' ..,A...... ,..41^,00,1,1,- .9....4, .94.".ax,.....,...E..7.- =,.. 4...... ,...... ,,,A9,9%,... ---7,',9,,,..., ....9 " s9 .9-99 -9...... 9...... :' *PT;..4.""; S''''''.a....

Fully Transistorized WE OFFERCOMPLETECARPET INSTALLATION SERVICE with FM Stereo FM - AM Radio Tuner 349 NoteOtti Italian Provincial 49; Cherry Cabinet 6 -Speaker Stereo Sound System

TELEVISIONS-STEREOS-RADIOS M PHILCO WORLD FAMOUS QUALITY FOR YOUR VIEWING AND LISTENING PLEASURE Double D Framed Chest PHILCO19 -inch Rectangular Spin, PHILCO AM FM TABLE RADIO Philco SolidStateSW Portable Color TV FM. -AM. Radio Walnut finish AM band switch Automatic color lock Large 11"terra 2 speakers lets you plug in and play Stereo "On-Die Black or white Memory-matic fine tuning light cabinet with Roll about stand included 4 -speakers brushed aluminum front 19" overall diag. Record storage Lightweightto contemporary $1' with SOLID STATE 26" NO MONEY DOWN walnut finished SIGNAL SYSTEM $479 24995 cabinet.

PHILCO Philco Clock Radio PhilcoStratus19 21 -inchCustomColor six tubes plus silicion 'withSOLID STATE SIGNALSYSID rectifier Only $16.50 Portable TV 'Automatic color106 .6,44.69 system

Solid state signal system Walnut finish 19 -Inch with UHF -VHF all chan- SeparateUHF/AFLchannel Philco Eight Transistor Overall nel selection. Illuminated indicators Diagonal channel selectors. Early AmericanAll' am radio vernier tuning cabinet. d. Leather carrying case 21" overall Battery Earphone Only$8.99 14995 $509

Convenient Terms "The FurnitureI Fashion Center of the Mid -West" FREE DELIVERY Phone ME 2-5215 Abit97IN CLAYCaNTE1=2

-041. ' 401-"'..4.V4esritirisr: :IiecorCome True at Sal iring This Giant ClearanceEvent

:asion HIGH. BACK 'ee'ling Selection Comfortable SWIVEL ROCKERS S Huge Selection Of Styles & Colors FURNITURE CITY Reg. $59.95 to $119.95 Has all styles of recliners 2 -way Recliners Now $4400 to $8800 3 -way Recliners Hi -Leg Recliners Rocker Recliners Famous Berkline SWIVEL CHAIRS RoCker Recliners AND From $79.00 SWIVEL ROCKERS You nameitandyou'll ner more than likely find, it. BERKLINE Cricket Rockers "Furniture City" Prices Solid Northern rock maple, "The King of Comfort" on? During TVViewing with full barrel back, cord- Bargain Blizzard Clear -Out Price ice? uroy, print or patch. quilt RECLINERS upholstery. MANY COLORS AND STYLES $2499u, FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. *MeV All At Bargain Blizzard Clear -Out Prices .Lounging Gigantic Selection of Reg. $79.95 to $119.95

$5800$8800 Stretch -Out Pole Lamps NOW Comfort During this massive event ODERN St. BROYHILL ALL SPECIAL PRICED n Danish Arm Styled Sofa for todays .?rrsible cuFIern living.

DM 00 $16900

,ERcRAFnch PROVINCIAL Sofa $499 By Broyhill See Our Beautiful Arm Sofaures 84".Rich Cherry exposed ruction.E. Solid Molded foam reversible Hanging Chain Lamps Looking For "EARLY AMERICAN" Arm covers. FRENCH? TEA DITIO N A I;? Looking for solid comfort? Then see Qleg. $239.95 At Real Money Saving Values. 'MODERN? our huge Selectionofalltypes of ITALIAN? EARLY AMERICAN- from Cricket DNTEMPORARY SOFA Rockers toPlush Lounge Chairs- SOFA "FURNITURE CITY"istheplace YOUR. CHOICE VLKO Overall.Loose cushion back. ALL AT .rious comfort and beauty. omstructed Bargain Blizzard Clear -Out Prices $1999to $111999 a cushioni::,$289. 95 $19200 *************4r********14 * )OMsiDIOS 2 -Pc. SUITE LOUNGEE Make Your High Grade Nylon Cover Adjustabi Foam Reversible Cushions Coil Spring Construction Selection " $81$199 95 $13888 TABLE & FLOOR Complete TERCRAFT SI.F.EPER tM With A Lovely Table Ris Lifetime construction. Pure STYLED, FULLY UPHOLSTERED Reversi reversible 100% Lamps Or Choice Of Wall g wearing::e nyloncover. SWIVEL ROCKER Select from hundreds of beautiful 100%Nylon Covers $1$1).00 List $288.00 Decor From Our new styles - and all at "Furniture Choice of Decorative Colors Quality City's" Low -Low Prices. Huge Assortment. SOFA BED $59.95 Value 7. SUITE $3888 litaJ-ong Wearing Cover ,rled for FULL SIZE 1 Reg. TABLE LAMPS 399 q$139.00 $99.00 STARTING AT of the Mid -West" Free Delivery IN C L.ANee CENTER Convenient Terms

Phone ME 2 5215' Ark City Natio 14.1 FA. II pt 5111 To EASY HogSho ArkansasCit the 161 Monarch Tappan host to CREDIT Maytag Philco Roper ter WhiteSpot January19th leadingswine TERMS across thecou with the large! ter Whitesin APPLIANCES event. Action will ay morningw ind DickBonfl PHILCO TELEVISIONS Co. judgingth, Quality by show. Allof th CONSOLE PHILCORaefFrrigeeezraetrosrs Brand Names 23 inch Walnut Cabinet 17 Cu. Ft. Swivel Base You Know & Tru $199 No Frost Two Door New Automatic Ice Maker - One Only CONSOLE Reg. $499.95 Tappan Maple Cabinet Having de< Philco Black Level Circuit Now Gas Range will sell at Pu Solid State Signal System $239 $39995 1 mile south 30 inch Removable Top 12 Cu. Ft. Teflon Lined Oven $ FarmII CONSOLE $259 Teflon oven racks 6.1 1956 IHC 40 Two Door - No Frost equipped, Dairy Bar Storage Door with trade and L hyd Walnut Cabinet Gas Range Sup Solid State Silicon Power equipper 36 inch rubber, goc Rectifier 15 Ft.Chest 'Freezer Lift up top,Removablely19541954 $199 oven liners wide front good rubbe Automatic Cold Control ;2 1963 Baldwin Storage Baskets Interior Light model E, 1 Only $199 ways shedd PORTABLE PortableDishwash_1958 IHC No Can be used also built-in, fully equip] 141 sqaure inch out for loading, Circulates 50Ga1964Fox sib Picture Front Mounted 6" oval Space SaverUpright Freezer water per minute. wide track, speaker Dipole VHF Antenna. $14995 (1963IHC71ro:!. 12 Cu. Ft. Freezer coils in gfoeortdilt very good every shelf Freezer Bar Storage 1961 IHC No. trail type n Only $179 up for hay gIGCAPACITY 1961 Cunning ALL NEW conditioner, AUTOMA TIC 0_962IHC .12 disc, good Ayiks Roper IHCNo. 2 sp WASHER evener cont IIFIC 2 -row we hitch, good No. 46 '; BETTER BUY ... MAYTAG '"gr':135,;;: PHILCO RANGESiltT`T',°.f132r5(11good here's why: Ili III+ IOSIIII.'117'1",:H.141:77:-.10,4.,"-ii...- 1962IHC No -.-, 11111 le::=z=firzies Water Temperature Selec- field cutter, IHC No. 8 2N tion Water Saver Fully iiptill1111111&111 Automatic Lint -Filter ber, good iiii1111111111111111m .4it ,IHCNo. 5 sick Tub Safety -Lid 111' 1g good Switch Maytag GalnIA A"THC 12ft. dur Agitator Action Eye level oven plus bottom good ...... oven 30 inch patented tilt -top Exclusive Adjust -O -Broil Flow 12 spreadersPyreWa Po: 1111, 1 11 11 1.i.111 with crop row plat Pk 11 i 1965Century MAYTAG IT 111'11111411111 spraye theclfpo'clahleautomtics Two Oven side Graham Hoen $229 rubber, hyd. with trade 40 inch Quick Chef Speed OvenLetz 220'1311.1'r Broil under -Glass Hay buck for With Dial any heat controls. Buzz saw fru] Ottawa buzzI WORLD FAMOUS WORKHORSE! 9 hp gas e 1110----"311111 PaPec blower driven, on AYTAG 30 inchElectric Humboldtsna loader,witl Tilt -up -top $ F WRINGERWASHER e2-: lift off oven door lijebnlnade,eefrortractor hitcl Enclosed wiring. with n -Kewanee 40 f elevator,er otu and Giant 21' 2 gallon capac- 20sp ft.belt he ity Heavy Duty Model um, electric Famous Roll Over Water Shop builtfee Action Safety Balloon rubber, PT( Rollers Tension Bar Another great buy from one of America's Shop built in Release on rubber leading manufacturers of gas ranges. Shop built Full size, window oven. sq wheel,on ru 1/2 hp JohnD4 Gibson 1/2sac/ 12 ft. 4 -in.gN

$125 with trade $179with trade Accts; Foster

Center,Clay P

"The Furniture Fashion Free Delivery Center of the Mid -West" Convenient Terms IN CLAY CENTER Livesto Con EARLY AMERICAN ' Always In Good Taste-Always In Style-Always Practical

But. . . Never At A Price Like This . . . 3ARGAIN (;;41 Buy Now And Save ! 3LIZZARD SHOP From One Of The Largest mmemommft, D STATE Complete FREE DELIVERY 'ereoEARLY AMERICAN With EASY TERMS Guitar SHOPS

Rock Your Cares Away BROYHILL EARLY AMERICAN SOFA At "Furniture City" Famous Broyhill quality.Pure foam reversible cushions. Beige tweed Reg. $209.00 $148 ed Lift; HIGH BACK LOVESEAT SOFA Tilt -6 changer Early American at its best. $189.95 Value $132 herette 5 -PC. EARLY AMERICAN LUXURIOUS EARLY AMERICAN HIGH BACK SOFA 9 ROOM GROUP Foam Reversible cushions. 100% nylon cover. $239.95 Value $168 3 -Cushion Sofa Arm Chair EXTRA LONG DEEP SEATING EARLY D STATE 2 Maple Step Tables AMERICAN SOFA Coffee Table In a beautiful quilt.$319.95 Value $248 EO SOLID MAPLE LOOSE -CUSHION MAPLE $229.95 WOOD ARM SOFA Brown Tweed $189.95 Value ---- BOSTON ROCKER Value $177 $147" $1717 SOLID MAPLE DINING ROOM By these famous manufacturers ed TELL CITY TELL CITY - EMPIRE - ATKINS - KELLER WINDSOR ROCKER Tuner Looking for selection in fine Early American styles? Then come to "Furniture City" during our giant Bargain Blizzard 349 and find outstanding values like this! " " 1 Reg. $39.95 $29" SOLID MAPLE For Finest Selection in Early American Rockers -- $ 68 Visit and save at DROP LEAF HARVEST TABLE "Furniture City"

Compliment your Maple 3 -Pc. Bedroom SOLID Early American Setting with a Double Dresser MAPLE Framed Mirror Chest $148 Table Spindle Bed from our wide selection of Stereo solid Maple occasional Tables SELECT FROM MANY EARLY AMERICAN China's vi. Radio OPEN STOCK BEDROOM ITEMS Hutches 11" turntal atY o "On -Dice 0*, Buffets akers STYLE! rd storage weight tore QUALITY! mporary srf it finished PRICE! let. Are all Yours During Color "Furniture City's" L SYSTE Bargain Blizzard LOOK AT THIS VALUE!!! c colorloci( Look at just a sampling of what you'll find Solid Hard Rock Maple Coffee Table -- Step Table nish -- End Table or Cig. Table Ln4F/v141, ndicators 50" SOLID MAPLE CHINA YOUR ericanstY16 CHOICE $219.95 Cpt. from -- overall det $168 1799 $ 5 9

"The Furniture Fashion Center of the Mid -West"

Convenient Terms FREE DELIVERY IN CLAN." CENTER Phone ME 2-5215 7 ..iiiimitaiiiialligiallaallinlillni.111111111111111111111.1.11111.P -111111= /'ANSI January 17, 1967 50 Grass & Grain Yes, I Want 4.5 10 Grass & Grain Enclosed Find $3for 52 issues 40 some 20 pilot projects, withini- 35 tial costs averaging $2 million ...... each and continuing costs of Name $1.66 mllion a year. Also, with no dollar -cost esti- mate, the outline proposes stu- dies aimed at solving the many RFD or problemsinintegratingin- Address...... creased rainfallinto environ- mental and natural needs, and studies of the legal questions which may arise. Town...... "The report sets forth a pro- 10 gram which would develop and refine techniques to advance 5 precipitation modification ef- forts from experimental and pi- WESTERN SADDLE SUPPLY lot project stages to practical, 055 '56 Coyote Hunt operational levels - at least in Stock Reduction Sale The catch of a coyote hunt near Marionrecently some areas of the nation - by Through Sat., Jan. 21 * incomF belong- the year 1972," Udall said. RED HOT BARGAINS produced only three coyotes. A shepherd These Items Must Go ... ing to Walt Hayen looks over the kill. Over120 people =10( went thru the lunch line inHayen's implement shed falling snow. MEN'S during the hunt, which was held in heavy $1.98 Flannel Shirts EAR Jt Grey Work Pants $1.99 Lee Overalls $3.29 55 Effective Rainmaking 95 567 1/3 OFF 1/3 OFF 9 958p59 BOYS' LADIES' Western Shirts All Square DanQ An Aim By 1972 Corduroy Jeans Dresses X60 A vastly increased federal pro- The report does not give a MEN'S Brocade Queen Oui961 (I ncory gram aimed at achieving prac-total dollar cost estimate and Western Shirts Western Blouses 962 tical means by 1972 for pullinga spokesman said none is avail- Wool Coats Wash -Wear963 more rain from the atmosphereable. The outline of plans, how- Felt Hat Gabardine Pantsp64 has been proposed by Secre- ever, indicates the cost could Corduroy Wstrn. Corduory Pantsc tary of the Interior Stewart be well in excess of $100 million Sports Jackets Yoke -Back Jean: L. Udall. by 1975. Congress approved Blanket Lined Jackets Wool Coats Udall made public a depart- $3.75 million for the depart- Reg. $45 Ladies' & Men's Matching Nationally Knorr mental report outlining recom- ment'sweather -modification CANADIAN WESTERN ick,ec4 mendations for stepped -up re- program for the year ending Accolade HAND-KNIT SWEATERS SAVE $10 search and development pro- next June 30. A longtime Kansas cattleman, Many Other Items Not Listed grams with a goal of increasing In the outline, some 50 experi-J. A. (Andy) Schoen of Lenora Open 9-6 Daily: 8 p.m. Saturdays. 1 p.m. -5 p.m. Sun has been cited by a Denver live- controlled yields of water frommental projects are proposed bystock publication, The Record the atmosphere to help meet 1975. The annual cost would beStockman, as its "man of the J. D. RITTEL & SONS existing and anticipated futureexpected to average about $350,-year in ." Schoenhas WESTERN SADDLE SUPPLY needsinwater -shortareas 000 each, with the first cost ofbeen a Hereford breeder for 50 HOPE, KANS. , Phone. throughout the nation. $300,000. There would also be years. ...RESULTS !


(EAR 955 956 FIBERGLASS TANK 957 958 959 newest feature of GEHLMix -All 960

Another Gehl first! New, optional Mix-All tank of mod- ern fibe:glass reinforcedplastic - the space-age building COW PC material. Advantages: tank is strong as steel,yet weighs 1/4 as much; rust -proof (not affected by salt orminerals) ; permanent molded -in white color won'tscratch, peel or require re -painting; smooth interior sidesreduce feed bridging, allow faster unloading; insulates better,reduces moisture condensation. WILD I OTHER GEHL MIX -ALL FEATURES: 66 thin,steel hammersthat CUT . . . not POUND to give OF A COW WELL WINTERED you a oliform grind. Semi -suction fandraws materials through screen quickly. ON NATURICH 32 RANGE CUBES Feed aerator cools all milled ingredients.Prevents caking. Swinging auger feederuniformly loads themillat your choice ofspeeds. Come in! See the Gehl Mix -All with newfiberglass tank. Cow herds have only one way of paying off- stronger, healthier calvesand Financing available. more of 'em. Naturich Range Cubes are nutritionallycorrect to step up winter gainsand Make us Prove it with produce results you can see and sell- stronger calf crops. a Demonstration! Makes no difference whether youare feeding heifers or older calves-follo,\11, ing a program with winter hay,or letting the herd graze on cured grass,alNaft Range Cubes provide range cattle with theexact nutritional balance theyneed. SABETHA WATERVILTR Buy Naturich Range Cubes and besure your whiter range and roughage is 01 FLENTIE'S, INC. WATERVILLE MOTORS pletely balanced for full nutrition. PERRY SEYLER FARM SUPPLY MINNEAPOLIS CHAPMAN IMPL.CO. ROSSVILLE I'll takethi ROSSVILLE SALINA TRUCK & TRACTOR LINDQUIST IMPL.CO. NATURICH MILLS MY E MARYSVILLE LINN Abilene Kansas BRUNA IMPL. CO. KUHLMAN MOTORCO. show will go into thecarcass January 17, 1967 Ark City Host show with Karl Faidley,Mauer Oberg Retires Nuer; Harold Tuma, Kansas tee of well known swine judges To National State University and Lowell acting as officials. Fromthe At Clay Bank Walters, OklahoMa StateUniv.,breeding animals shown,100 CLAY CENTER-- Frank 0. James Hog Show judging the final carcasses. head of the best will beselect- Oberg, former state senator and Moyer Breeding stock will be judgeded for an auction startingat state bank commissioner, has Arkansas City, Kansas, will be on Friday January 20th with 12:00 Noon on Saturday. Swineretired from the board ofdi- host to the 16th National Ches-John Larick, Austin,Minneso-breeders from across thenationrectors of the Union State Bank ter White Spotlight Congress onta, placing the classes of boars,will be taking part inthis ev-at Clay Center. Oberg cannot January 19th thru 21st with open gilts and bred sows. Onent which featuresChester serve because of ill health. He eading swine breeders from Friday evening,the Annual White Swine, the winnersof has been with the Union StateJC CO-OP NAMES icross the country collecting Spotlight Banquet will be heldGrand Champion Barrowand for 66 years. BRANCH MANAGER with the largest entry of Ches.at the Osage Motor Inn with Carcass at the '66 NationalBar- He is succeeded as president James Moyer has been named er Whites in history of the Jack Lacey of the Kansas Dept.row Show. This event isspon- by his son, Chester W. Oberg,Manager of the Council Grove ?vent. of Economic Development the sored by the Chester WhiteAs- who was executive vice presi-branch ofthe Farmer -Stock- Action will open on Thurs- featured speaker. soc. of Rochester, Indiana,in dent. man Cooperative Association of -'""'%lay morning with Frank West On Saturday morning, Jan. co-operation with the Extension Two new directors were elect-Junction City. Moyer has been ind Dick Bonfy of Mauer Neur21st at 9:00 a.m. there will beaDepartments of KansasState, ed at the Union State, with Fos-assistant managerfor five 7o. judging the on -foot barrowJudging Contest for FFA, 4-HOklahoma State, and theArkan- ter R. Smith succeeding the lateyears at the Junction City plant. ;how. All of the barrows in theand adults with a type commit- sas City Chamber of Commerce. Murry M. Smith, and KennethThe Council Grove operation All swine industrypeople are G. Strom succeeding the elderhas a feed mill and elevator in invited. Oberg. addition to other co-op services. Friday Tru AUCTION JANUARY 27 HorseCONSIGNMENTSS SALE Starts 9:30 a.m. Junction City Sale Barn - TACK SALE 7 p.m. Lunch Served JAN. 20, 1967 Having decided to quit farming and rentedour farm, we JUNCTION CITY will sell at Public Auction on the farm located 2 miles eastand For Info'rmation contact: 1 mile south of Riley, Kansas. DUANE GUGLER, phone Woodbine 1730 Electric 4 -wheel _trailer with VERN LANGVARDT, phone Upland 520 For Information On Commission Schedule $911 Farm Machinery 8x14 flatbed, go-Od- HOWARD LANGVARDT, phone Upland 502 See Grass & Grain, January 10. &I 111956 IHC 40 Otractor, fully New Holland 4 -wheeltrailer equipped, good rubber, LPO with flatbed and silage sides, and L hyd., good good NEW & USED INVENTORY REDUCTION 1954 IHC Super H tractor, ful-Shop built 4 -wheel trailer with je flatbed and silagesides, ly equipped, L hyd., good gaol rubber, good Shop built4 -wheel trailer IHC Super C tractor, with wagon box wide front end, fast hitch, 4 2 -wheel trailers with beds MON. JAN. 23 k 1:00 p.m. C.S.T. 2 good rubber, good Lumber wagon, good AUCTION 1963 Baldwin 12 ft. combine,Old wooden wheel lumber wa- model E, low acreage,al- gon: steel wagon gear ways shedded, like new Wide front end for 400 M or M Pratt Impl. Co.-Hill City, Kans. 64.1asho 958 IHC No. 46 hay baler, tractor SALE o ,Front fully equipped, good 3 winter fronts; Garden Ro- tes 50 Callssli1964Fox silage wagon on to Tiller. wide track, Electric Wheel HOGS $ trailer, very good 12 Yorkshire sows to farrow 3 FARMHAND LOADERS 6 HAY BALERS 9 1963 IHC No. 10 16x8 grain the 1st week of March, 2nd & Fll Farmhand with push -off,1965 New Holland No. 281, drill, fertilizer, power lift, 18 Trucks steel teeth very good 3rd litters. wire tie, like new AND EQUIPMENT F11B Farmhand, steel teeth 2 New Holland No. 66 balers, 1961 IHC No. 100 balance head Pickups F-10 Farmhand twine, with motors. trail type mower, with hook1 Bay Quarter mare, 7 Ford Twine tie PTO baler up for hay conditioner, goodyears, well broke; bay Quarter 1964 Chevrolet pickup, V-8, 5 Combines 2 Case balers 1961 Cunningham No. 8 haymare. 5 years. broke. stock 4 -speed, 34ton, motor re- 1966 IHC No. 403, 16', cut less conditioner, good saddle: 2 bridles; set good conditioned than 300 acres, new condi- New Holland No. 404 hay con- 1962 IHC 12 ft. No. 37 .wheelwork harness. 1960 IHC B-112 pickup, 4-spd., tion ditioner, like new -V-E1 disc, good TRUCKS 1964 IHC No. 403 -combine, 16', - MOULDBOARD' PLOWS IHC No. 2 spring tooth with1959 Ford F-600. 2 -speed, V-8, 1965 IHC D 1000 pickup, 304 cab, real clean 2 No. 8 316 internationals evener control, good radio and heater, hoist, 131/2 V-8, 4 -speed, like new 1965 Baldwin C 11 combine, 2 No. 8 416 Internationals IHC 2 -row weeder with fast ft. grain bed, stock racks, 1961 IHC C 100 pickup, (3 cyl., 18',very good 4 speed. 1 No. 15, 416 International hitch, good hog deck, top boards, 32,000 Massey No. 27 14' 1 -No. 314 fast hitch Int. IHC No. 46 2 -row mounted actual miles, very good. 1959 IHC B 120 pickup,34 IHC Model 151, 15', ready to lister, for H or M, good 1950 Ford 34 ton pickup, 4- ton, 4 -speed go 1 No. 414 3 -pt. Ford. IHC No. 250 2 -row cultivator, steed, HD, grain sides & 1959 Chevrolet pickup, 34ton, 1 No. 416 semi-mtd. A -C NG good stock racks, good 4 -speed 7 FIELD CUTTERS 2 No. 414 Moline 1962 IHC No. 16 single row 1959 Chevrolet pickup, '/2 ton,2 New Holland No. 818 self field cutter, good HAY. FEEDERS, PANELS, 6 cyl., 4 -speed propelled cutters with 2 -row2 No. 414 John Deere IHC No. 8 2x16 plow on rub- SHOP TOOLS. CHICKEN 1960 Ford pickup, 6-cyl., 4 - heads, fully reconditioned bee, good EQuIPMENT & MISC. speed 7' NH cutter bar ,IHC No. 5 side rake on rubber, 1500 square bales prairie hay 1958 Ford pickup, V-8, 4 -speed,Gehl self propelled cutter with 21 good 250 square bales alfalfa; 400 flat bed, 34 ton 2 -row head and cutter bar1964 F806 tractor, less than SalaguiC12 ft. dump rake, good bales wheat straw, al linside; 1958 Ford pickup,34 ton, 4- attachment: 1500 hrs., torque amp., inde- 100 bushels oats: cast bottom spd., cab & chassis Gehl null type with 2 -row head pendent power takeoff, om Easy Way post hole digger, hog feeder; 3 hog waterers on and cutler bar attachment ill -top good 1959 IHC pickup, 4 -speed fast hitch, new rear tires zee Flow 12 ft.fertilizer barrels: hog troughs, cement 1961 Chevrolet pickup, V-8, New Holland one row with 1964 F-706 gas tractor, fast .1 $3spreader on rubber with and metal; panels. deluxe cab cotter bar -attachment hitch, torque amp., inde- troprow plates, good New 16 foot wood and metal 1958 Dodge 2 -ton truck, 4-spd,.Paoec one row with cutter barpendent power take -off. 1965gates:Century tractor mounted4 cattle oilers; metal under body hoist, 2 -speed attachment, used very little1965 F504 gas demonstrator, rubber -tired rear axle, bed -racks, recon- weedmortarsprayer, very good box; BALE LOADERS 3 -point hitch by side wheel barrow; hog crate with ditioned 1660 gas tractor, torque amp., Sraham Hoeme 8 ft. chiselon 1 Richardson; 1 Wix rubber, hyd. control, good stanchion: 4 rolls slat corn 1957 IHC A 110 1/2 ton pickup, ind. PTO ed OvenLetz 220 burr mill, good shape °rib. 20 6x6 timbers 2 16 -ft: 6-cyl., 4 -speed 2 Case ensilage silo blowers,1959 1560 propane tractor, feed. racks on runners:' 5 feed 1955 IHC 1/2 ton pickup, 6-cyl., like new torque amp., independent Hay buck for H or M bunks: 13x38 tractor chains. 3 10' IHC Power binders, 2 rots. $3ruzz saw frame, Fresno 4 -speed extra good power take -off,like new Dttawa buzz master saw with Pelt Master 12 -case egg 1947 Willis Jeep, 4 -wheel drive, rear tires cooler, very good; 5 roll -away 1 Peerless portable 10x10 roll- 9 hp gas engine new tires, new cab er mill on trailer, with au-1959 1460D tractor, fast hitch, Papec blower and pipe, belt hen nests: egg washer; egg 1952 Willis Jeep pickup, 4 - torque amp., independent driven, on rubber basket: netting; 4 hanging wheel drive ger, PTO power take -off, real good tnc iumboldt snap tack manurefeeders: chicken feeder and 1948 Chevrolet truck 11/2ton, 22 TANDEM DISCS 1955 F400 LP, wide front end, loader, with bucket and waterers: 3 heat lamp brood - under -body hoist, grain bed - ONEWAYS TA, in. PoWer take -off blade, for H or M ers: electric chicken waterer. ROTARY HOES 14' Miller disc, drag type 1953 Super M, bower steering, ohn Deere 2 -row weeder with Almond electric welder and 6 -section Case; 4 -section JD;14' John Deere, wheel type lust overhauled $18tractor hitch rods: welding table; carbon 4 -section Case; 23 sections tandem 1956 1600 D hyd. with tra

PUR] Duroc and SAT., Manhattan is >how 9:30 a.n SMITH CET 110 Head - 3oars,Open Ores used. 10 Ford Country atalog: Vern psburg; Herm

'OR SALE rowthiest, goc- eavy boned tvl ardBulls you' IC and Husker st Carlson, th Our White Sale Specials ne mile west make it easy to enter Don't forget to include Ford Country . name,address and/or phone.

Full-size'67Ford Country specials... FIGURE YOUR COST HERE. specially equipped, speciallyIOWpriced. 41ailatishi White Sale savings onallourother TOTAL NO. OF WORDS For the bigg Ttion of (lain cars ...trucks, too! RATE: (Minimnin) .15 words or less 51,00rs, come to Su Ford Custom 500 White Sale sedans V e have atat come with pleated vinyl seats, bright Additional words @ 5c each (Exam- f fresh and he window trim, wheel covers, white- Riverside Run Sale Special ple, a 20 -word ad has 5 more words t°Istein, Quer walls. Deluxe pickup trucks, too. than 15.Five words @ 5c each xcwn swiss al And special savings on all our would be 25c) ....orn cows and other cars! COST FOR 1 WEEK TESTED ' (Add figures above) $ GUAR) Multiply one -week cost times num- SPE X.fakW4MEMEMNSONS' 0 Holstein ber of weeks you want ad to run. 1 pringers. .S,(404AMW.gW4RM LESS DISCOUNTS 25 Guernsey (See below) 20 BrownSwi I ENCLOSE $ )s., RUN THIS AD CONSECUTIVE WEEKS !ALVES well - CAI '67 Ford Custom 500 Sedan DISCOUNTS: (with cash orders only) deduct 10 have 2f, if ad runs 2 weeks. Deduct 25% if ad runs 4 weeks e,efCr al REFUNDS: you may collect a refund at the Almobs.H°Isteinat our 1 aPdreissscaonfcfeiclleedf.or any unused amount paidifanelves. column Come and se CLASSIFIED DISPLAY (boxed ads) $1.68 a LP; of these Buy Now...Be Ahead All The Way at Your Ford Dealer's White Sale! inch. ,,i .vi. cross cAhdasrgneotadadceedompanied by cash have a 2D -c'" our operation, - billing charge Mice. °zit ALLc TRIPLE SKAGGS MOTORS, INC. MAIL TO: V4 AG PRESS- 1207 MORO - .wilx-e; OF p.0M. BAIDN3cH_A1T00T9AN_,KANSAS j vv. SECOND & HOUSTON MANHATTAN, KANS. I nkN Fl KANSAS A4070R VaLvicLET,e,4A-A7cACC/..C.>E/V7-3 January 17, 1967 FOOD EXPENDITURES RELATIVE TO INCOME Igor onposmus wow X OF DISPOSABLE 1NC01111 Grass & Grain pu. 25 11 45 - Discount On 40 EXPENDITURES FOR FOOD' II 14 Baby Chicks 35 ...... #1 1It 3°


1 1 1 S 120iiin 15 0 1 "Es Of 0 i 1950 1954 1958 Early Order Discount on 1962 1966 ...... I 6 & WPANTIMIT Of COMM:1AM ACINOATIMI DATA. baby chicks ordered before 10 MUNN LAVESTOCIS ~IMMO WORMATONIVOJECV February 15 for the date you 10110VII xat.a 114.44 select this spring. Food ABetter Buy at the following dealers: 0111111100 Food takes less of average income noiw than it did Weiters Produce O 6361-65 in 1950.Table shows changes thru the years in per- Industry, Ks. YEAR centages. Farmers Union Co-op * incomple+e figures. Eskridge ALLIS-CHALMERS SALES Penner, a neighboring farmer, Mark Grain - & Lumber Co. 4= 100 TRAFFIC DEATHS FOR '66: $714 MILLION for $270 per acre. The 40 -acre Dunlap Allis Chalmers Manufactur-plot sold to Stanley Eitzen, also Farmer -Stockman Co-op ing Co. ended its fiscalyear ALL a farmer in the area, for $170 Council Grove with sales of $714.4 million, net-an acre. Morrison Grain Elevator EAR ACCIDENTS KILLED INJURED ting a profit of $22 million. Al- Junction City lis ran 29(4 ahead of 1965 net Grange Produce . 55 24,084 592 10,711 income forthefirstnine Set State Harveyville 56 25,435 683 10,975 months of the year but fell off Flint Hills Produce in the final quarter. Osage City FF X57 26,481 585 11,099 Schools Marion Elevator 958 45,080 554 15,778 Sheep and wool schools across Marion Es' )59 46,173 567 16,099 Marion Land Farmers Union Feed Store Dance )60 the state have been set, starting St. Marys 38,596. 512 15,368 this week, by K -State Extension Hines Farni Center Brings $236 specialists. The 1 -day meetings (Incomplete figures) Waniego en 0utf261 are set for: Mouses962 31,630 596 16,479 PEABODY - An auction sale White City Grain Co. of 120 acres of western Marion Jan.18 Goodland White City Vear 963 33,726 609 18,247 Jan.19 County land between Goessel Hill City Wilsey Feed & Grain Pants 64 37,465 669 20,736 Jan.20 La Crosse Wilsey Pants and Peabody brought an aver- Jan.23 Holton Jeans 7L) 38,555 667 21,435 age of $236 an acre. The sale Jan.24 Abilene Or .oats was part of partition in the Da- Jan.25 Mankato Carey Hatchery vid G. Schmidt estate and invol- Jan.26 Lyons y Know Jan.30 Ottawa US Appr. Pullorum Typhoid PkRCENTAGE OARREs--rs j)/SA.f/ssED ved an 80 -acre plot and another Jan.31 Erie Clean 4.5 40 -acre plot. Feb.1 El Dorado Ph. '765-3611 The 80 -acre tract sold to Reno Feb.9 Meade ALMA, KANSAS n. Sunda In 3.5 fii

o to3.0 'hone .1 tfi ri) s4) 25 cV N 2.0

* 1.5 -4. irl I.0 .5 .0 55 56 '57'58 59 60 6!62 '65 64 '65 YEAR 'EAR ARRESTS YEAR ARRESTS 955 11,583 1961 29,896 956 27,184 1962 44,690 957 22,902 1963 45,150 958 24,923 1964 58,879 959 23,370 1965 57,415 960 23,965 INDEPENDENT HYDRAULIC CONTROL COW POKES By Ace Reid of hitch and tail wheel

Now you can be assured of fast, positive penetra- bottoms down so points bite in fast for quick, posi- tion regardless of soil conditions. You get straight tive penetration. headlands and constant, even -depth plowing from Lower rear of plow.With independent hydraulic -row to fence -row. Here's how McCormick control on the tail 'wheel you simply flip a lever to International semi -mounted plows make this lower rear of plow. This delayed action assures fast possible. penetration and levels plow, fore-and-aft, at the Lower front of plow.The front of the plow is lowered proper working depth ... gives straight headlands first with Fast -Hitch control. This pitches plow too! yes and YOU WON'T BE PLOWING TODAY sins and BUT NOW'S A GOOD TIME TO PLAN FOR IT

- f ollovi- FALUN' ABILENE qatUrich .Hii.NOVER y need. Dauer Impl. Co. Abilene Truck & Tractor. Hanover Impl. Co. is corn' LEONARDVILLE Kendall Garage COUNCIL GROVE MARYSVILLE Macha-Revere Bruns Brothers HERINGTON Pioneer Service & Sales WASHINGTON WAMEGO SALINA Schumacher's Wameg4o56.966Tnict & Tractor "Ill take this one...except fer the windshield wiper. Harmon Truck & ImpL phone My banker told me not to spendmoney WAKEFIELD CLAY CENTER. 'MINNEAPOLIS Auld Chevrolet Norquist's Into Chapman ImpL Co. on foolish extras." FOR SALE -Good farm, near Frank- down pay- TAVERN FOR SALE - FARMLAND Manhattan. Small WamegoWANTED - 50 USED TRUCKS fort, Kans. Contact GlenBarta, ment, long term,reasonable rep Xs. broke 1009EF, 1Vianhat- colivrsie317? 1200 B Ratone, Manhattan, 52 A river bottom, 18 rate. P. 0. Box Shirley, JV 14 Chevys, 58 & 59 x47 no improvements $5000 tan. x47EF DairySupplyphone D 21 Ford 750's, 55 to 58 broke CHOICE FARMS 175 A river bottom 100 FOR SALE -Hollenberg tav- Located 1 55 Ford F900 dump, with .air $33,000, some improvements, Good, opportunity at WANTED - PRATT COUNTY ern and cafe. Bit -O -Gold ChetleCheeset,ivfM, JackDave I 3 56 Ford F800's 4,820 acre unimproved ranchclose to Manhattan. for couple. Livein. Complete Dopers wit h irrigation' possibilities 500 A 1st & 2nd bottom,mostbuilding & business$2500 plus Kansas. 1 59 Dodge D700 with air good DeLavalt, 5 IHC 180's, 56 to 58 unlimited.Abundance water allunderirrigation.4 inventory. ,ContactRoe or De- RubberRobb parts for0 at 250 feet. are ingood wellswithequipment, nicelores Brenneis,Hollenberg, Ks. Service for all,makes 4 IHC 160's, 1956's repair, good native grass, wat-ranch type home andtennant SB48 Used milk machines,1leaner 1 60 Chev. tractor with air Two house. One of the bestfarms. 66946. at..-966Gleaner er wells in all pastures. in. 19 1 59 Ford 75 tractor, air producinggaswells w i t 11- Choice of 3 towns to trade We would appreciatett 1963 Gleaner RealisticallyAt $450 per acre, withterms. FARMLAND FOR SALE service toYou. " m o re planned. chopper, 1( Kansas Hiway trade-ins, chas- Vis- priced at only $100 per acre. 80 A improved near Alta Well improved 320,modern Gleane] sis, dumps, flatbeds with ta $14,000 home, school bus todoor, out- Phone 456.--40 1951 hoists. Motor records avail- MARION COUNTY condi- WAMEGO,lcosk TB able. Call or See buildings in excellent 4,040 highly improved grain tion, 200A cultivated,balance 1966 AC 190 and stock farm, 1,000 acres George Hoerner grass. NoWaste rand. $43,000 AC 190 AMES good farm ground bottom and with $5000 down, $5000March SAVE MON[ AC D -r upland, 3,000 acres finest 1, 10 yrs. to pay balancewith 1960 CHEVROLET CO. excellent im- Real Estate Investigate- ----then:1960hauAleCd D-1 grass in Kansas, 51/ 5. interest.You can buy Line Feed Bunk that Phone 316 -MI 7.3251 provements. 4 houses, many PR 8'4947 MANHATTAN half the am- ,,. bldgs.,2,000 one Quarter with a lifetime, and cut you;1956 IH F-40 MOLINE, KANS. barns, and out. ount down and rentthe un- costs & feeding time. ton silo capacity (5 uprights, FARMS FOR SALE improved one for 3 yearswith 1952 AC WD 1 trench), feed lots (1,500 head can't FREE ESTIIVIAT: FOR SALE - 1955 White, 450 rail siding. This is160 acre farm located close-to option to buy. You just 1951 NH 44; cubic inch motor, 5th wheel, capacity ) Manhattan, well improved find a better deal thanthis. - Kansas Business Se:1962 New H. worth seeing at only $150 per all BILL LEIRki winch, ready to go. Also old acre. with modern home. 90 acres Unimproved 80, all tillable, 1965 13% ft. Cat D-7 dozer. Paul Hill, Belvue, broke with balance pasture. conservation work completed, Phone MA 5-3915, IV, road. Sc,.1965 24 ft. Kans. Phone 456-7364 evenings. JEFFERSON COUNTY Located ona good good allotments, a good pro- or write 10th &1966 30 ft. M( x47 964acre improved catle $24,000. ducer and an excellent invest- HAYS KANSAS ranch, 557 acres cropland, bal- ment. Priced at $12,000. 'like new FOR SALE or trade, % ton ance pasture, modern house,Over 1300 acres welllocated Improved 320 with 280 acres heavy duty 1957 Chev. pickup, tenant house, grade A driay near Manhattan withnearly Field Mas V-8, 4 -speed, Phone PR 6-8251, 200 acres of good bottomland cultivated, 40 acres meadow, Manhattan, Roy Ensley. x47 barn, hay and loafing barn, Excel- 280 acres allotment. Thisis a silos, concrete feed bunks, 220 with balance pasture. money maker, has210 acres Jost wheat. 85 acres alfalfa. Price lent water and regarded as an growing wheat. $52,000. Used Pickups only $175,000 on contract. ideal stock farm with above average improvementswith aImproved 360, nice modern 1961 Ford % ton pickup CLAY COUNTY newly remodeledmodern home, 2 stall garage attached, 1960 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup 600acresgrain and stock home. Part of the acreage school bus to door, 160 culti- 4 1958 Chevrolet % ton pickups farm, 300 acres farm ground could be development land.. vated, 80 good creek bottom, Headquarter":"'"' 1957 Ford % ton pickup (bottom and upland), balance An excellent investment.$135 200 native grass with live per- good blue stem pasture, nice per acre. May bepurchased petual water, improved road. 1951 Chevrolet 344 ton pickup three bedroom modern home, This is an outstanding first SALE-TRL( 1948 Chevrolet 1,i ton pickup under contract. Di garage, farrowing .house, hay time offered grain and stock 1960 IHC B-184 dump SEVERAL OTHERS TRADED out-bldgs.,1,000 80 acre farm located nearSt. farm at $65,000. You will like barn, other George. Improved with a mo- V-345 engine, 5 -speed IMPLEI FOR TO BE IN SOON ton trench silo concrete 'floor it if you are looking for a home 7000 lb. front axle, ll 40 Used Cars On Our -Lot and sides, good fences, some dern house. $10,500.00. and income. hog tight, abundance of wat- 2 -speed rear axle, goo:1963 Internati a". This is.a real buy prices at246 acre highly improvedlive- Please Call Collect 10P tires, Anthony 'I'4 -wheel drii OBERMEYER only $200 per acre. stock farm adjoining Wame- For Appointment hoist & 10 ft. dump1.957 McCormi go, Kansas with a threebed- clean local truck ...,1962McCormi POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY room modern homeand ex- 1952 Chevrolet 1% tor,in, good Gerald A. Kvasnicka McCormi IALOILW -E4E3- 246 acres highly improved cellent improvements, FR 6-2874 Short wheel base, rurs-'" livestock farm, 157 acres crop- water, excellent fences.157 - HADDAM, KANS. 1966 McCormi land, balance paSture,three acres cropland andoperated 1961 IHC Model 110 %.McCormick 5: Marvin Obermeyer, Owner bedroom home,3barns,3 as an outstandinglivestock up, 6 cyl., 4 -speed, o.-with engine Ph. BL 8-2421 Open to 9 p.m. cattle sheds,silo, implement operation. Located on a main rear bumper & hitd 1959 McCormi I DON'T WANT base wheels, tires meco HERINGTON, KANSAS shed, abundance of water, highway. $80,000. Everyone's Business - rm some body repair, a.goxio-"JUU good fences. Farm has been 120 acre farm, modern 2 -bed- I JUST WANT YOURS bine, only c operated as registered opera- improve- 1959 GMC % ton pick. room home with localpickup, deluxe1952 Massey-. TRADING'S BETTER tion andis immaculate ments. 90 acres pasture, bal-Repossessed complete 200 cow 16' combine through out, well located on ance cropland with 24 acre size portable corral, used on- bumper AT WAKEFIELD US Hiway. Pricedatonly wheat base located north of ly 5 times, huge saving. 1952 Ford 1 ton pieler;1953 Massey -I $80,000. Manhattan on US Highway. 1 -near new heavy duty portable side mount grain blacombine 1966 CHEV. Caprice sport loading chute with adjustable 1955 Chevrolet ,i ton71961 F -560D, coupe, 327 V-8, pwrglide, pwr. FRANKLIN COUNTY farm located near bed sleeves, nevi 740 acres well improved live- 240 acre floor . - $195 strg.- & brakes, air condition- Holton. 50 acres farmland Used P&N all stee.l..st.,':':MeCormiek N er. A real clean, local one stock fart* 150 acres crop- with balance pasture. Has a 3 electric drive-thru gates for pickup mounted plc owner car. land, balance well fenced pas- large loan that may be assum- ea. $29.951950 Chevrolet % 1966 CHEV. Impala sport coupe ture. excellent improvements, ed at 4%% interest. Three 1 metal feed bunk (12', new with 4 -speed...... "'''','""i.eit IN' V-8; pwrglide, a real clean 2 bedroom modern home, gar- $36 1952 GMC 12 ton lek NI age, multipurpose barn, gran- bedroom modern home with ;11ff^dr.-isk--"- r". local one -owner car. ary, bog house, 2 steel gran- a large dairy barn. $42,000. 5 Plainsmen feed bunks, ea. $50 4 -speed 1965 CHEV. Impala 4 dr. six; 2 extra heavy duty mineral 1963 Chevrolet '4 ton 11949 W6 McCc aries, other out-bldgs., abun-160 acre farm located north 6 cyl., std. trans.,161950 W6 McC std. shift. A real clean local dance Nvater, good f e n c e s. with modern home. A. good 80 feeders ea. $36.75 one owner car. many hog tight, "carry 60-70: sr 1955 R160 Into New portable corrals with load- e acre pasture with balance 1946 Ford 1 ton, all with bed & 1963 FORD Fairlane 500 4 dr. head cattle. Close to Ottawa. cronland. May be purchased ing chute $499 & up tires and all GOOD . V-8, std. shift, local one -owner Priced at only $60,000. under contract. $20,000. Feeder panels; stock racks 1962 IH 101 c car Many other fine ranches and (tr'ck & Pickup); wire toilers; SALE -TRACI11963 John De 1963 PONTIAC 4 dr. Star Chief, farms in Kansas, Missouri, Col- We have many prospects whometal feed bunks; electric fence 1963 IHC 3414 tractor.loader, hydi pwr. strg., air cond. Local car. orado, Oklahoma and 'Texas. are interested in all typesof posts: other items too numer- farm property. We would ap- 3 -point Danuser blur 1962 CHEV. -sport coupe 283 V-8, NEED FARM & RANCH ous to mention. ifier, all complete.. pwrglide, pwr. brakes & strg. preciate your listing. Call us at as I Sell Everything From 1960 IHC Farmall 466 This is a real cream puff. LISTINGS HAROLD CARLSON AGENCY equipped . Portable Corrals Always 2 dozen or more used Immediate Inspection to Ketch -All Mouse Traps 1959 IHC Farman 3C-; cars for your selection. 8th & Poyntz PR 8-3083 equipped, wide front 1950 IH Farmall H, ri2 Lloyd ,H.Mills Lawrence Welter - PR 8.3455 Leon s House of Sales new .... AULD REALTORS Harold Carlson - JE 9-2084 Pox 1613 417 E. 16th 1941 IH Farmall H.fug:. CLEAN MOhawk 2-5858 ped CHEVROLET 304 West St. (24-40 Hiway) ....-1963 401Js1., AC 913 VI 5-2712 Kenneth Pnitz - PR R-5386 HUTCHINSON, KANSAS 1946 III Farmall!,11e'. eption° HO 1-5414 TONGANOXIE, KANS. MANHATTAN, KANSAS Dealer -Inquiries Welcomed 1952 Farmall Super(1963 930CK C hours WAKEFIELD ONLY GROCERY IN TOWN 160 ACRES 5% miles SE Alta mower ...... r1.958 JD 720d 147A Dickinson Co., 57A broke vista (SE r/4 Sec. 17-14-9). Extra I,fAi Grocery store, only store in SALE ON FARM- : $21,000 well fenced - plenty water. All conditioned small town, netting $9000 now IH 550 steerablePI°..JD70 dsl. 11( 160A, Cloud Co., improved, 100A Nemaha County, 160 acres bot- native hay and Bluestem now. new,:tioned broke $16,750 A good one man farm before or 3 -point like ..... tom, no improvements, can Danuser 6 ft. 3-Poilli 'JD 70 dsl. RC Real Estate 240A Clay, modern improve- buy on contract Soil Bank days. Good wheat ments, 170A broke, sell on feed grain base if broke out Dearborn Ford3-poiriHC F400gas Wabaunsee County 240 acres, ... hyd. with contract $35,000 138A tilled, 79A grass, 2 setsagain. $20.000. Fred Howse, 2130 c: 240A Clay, modern improve- N. Cascade, Cob. Springs 80907 Tractor spreader,24, 1952 IHCW6 improvements, can buy on x50 435 WICKHAM ROAD -- One ments, 105A broke $36,500 contract rubber ''' 15ft. Sunflov ofManhattan'sbestbuilt 160A Ottawa, 30 broke, impr. IH HD 7 ft.offset (1.1;': new...... homes. Three bedrooms, 2% ' 94A Northeastern Pottawato- baths, full basement with work- $20,000 mie Co., well improved, can IH 4 -section peg t°°:.10ft. V -blade 160A Saline, fine improvements, Farm Equipment with evener .. :',JD 14Tbaler, shop andlarge recreation buy on contract. wheo 4.. room. Two fireplaces. A few sell on contract $42,000 277A Pottawatomie County, IH No. 5 low IR 4x14plow ...... :0'01 tom blocks from K -State U. Manhat-80A Saline, improved -- $21,000 210A tilled, 60A grass. del. rake JD 3 -section peg I tan's best buy at $32,000, all Call TA 7-9595, Salina, Ks. 214A bottom ground, 2 sets of .20" Peerlessi cash or terms to suit.Fred improvements, an exceptional WANTED: 4 -ROW with evener :rolls Howse. 2130 North Cascade, Front Mounted grain drillw Neaderhiser Realty farm, Pottawatomie County, /14 16x8 ft. JD No. Cob. Springs, 90907. x48 contract. Cultivator for 44 MH, 3 point zer attach. . :', used 160 ACRES, all can be farmed. 20A, good improvements, river IH No. 10 hhammer i 30 pasture, bal. cultivated. Mo- J. B; WIEBE .e. CHUCK NEED FARM & RANCH bottom in Pottawatomie Co., IH 4 -wheel horse0112 dern home 7 rooms and base- itt. 5 - NEWTON ment. Possession March 1, 1967. LISTINGS Possession 30 days. By appt. Four-wheel trailerw. GB L Also 640 acres fair buildings, only. form ...... 117 acres wheat, balance farm Immediate Inspection Fairbanks Motor NE)V CRUS' land except 90 acres pasture Fulmer Real Est. PEERLESS 131andini and 90 Peres feed and grain Lloyd H. Mills CATHERINE J. FULMER & Elect. Price $160 per acre, also terms. REALTORS REALTOR WITHRMOALGLNEERTI\411:::_,, Better look at these farms. A 304 West St. (24-40 Hiway) FORD MCHRY. w bargain. See Roy Christy, Agt., AC 913 VI 5-2712 Office 456-7696 Axtell, Kansas. x50 EX 6-2481 TONGANOXIE, KANS. 10/1140L t WHEATON, KS. FOR SALE - Farm NE r/ 24-13 Res. 456-9281 -3: 160 acres, 73A wheat, 64A wiR, SATE -2 bedroom home, 'MR SATE 1951 M Farmall, cat- Jesse ivvepSil'ehe'loe: iOrAcrCE11;s.::s WAMEGO tle soi,ee7e chute, 3-16 JO pull nlsture: 15A meadow; 5 miles ch.. years old Large kitchen & plow hvd. on rubber, 4 -row ern naYV AncirED south, 1 west, % north of Chap- ia.rge para'ge. WANT TO RENT stockfarm. MOhn rrip pipem man. Ks.: modern stone house, mrs Tnez Gish, 711 Walnut, tnz A-5373 Manhattan sled kirlin. 8' oneway plow on ne 9" or -,hbe-. 11' Jn disc portable. ibria Ph. WA 7-6784, Chapman, G. A. Phone 456-2301, Wamego, Ks. Glen Wickstrum, Olsburg, Ks. C'hr --se, TA :- Seaton, Chapman, Ks. SB49 x50 John young, Centralia, Ks. Ph. x50 857-Q855. SB48 Junction GRASS FOR SALE - Serviceable age WIDER - HEAVIER & GRAIN Hereford bulls. Larry O'Neill, Rt. 3, Manhattan, Phone PR Jet 6-5980. x48 Aircraft Tires CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE - Good quality ac- For Farm Use n than RATES: $1 a week for 15 words or less. credited SPF Hampshire boar, Grain Add 5c a word for additional words. All Types Of Boxed ads: $1.82 an inch per issue, no discount. Sendyour ads to Ag Press, 1207 over 300 lbs. Galen Wietharn, Moro, Manhattan, Kansas 66502, PO Box 1009. Phone PR 84458 (25chandling charge Axtell, Kansas. x47 Vehicles if payment does not accompany ads charged by the word. FOR SALE - 25 WF Hereford Trailers, Mchry. cows, will drop calves in 60 Tire, Wheel Hub days. Guaranteed vac. calfhood & Stub Assemblies & pregnancy tested etc. These Irass & REGISTERED BERKSHIRES Livestock Special Sheep and POLANDS. Serviceable agecows are real good 4&5 years Chet Alton Tire Co. led ads boars. Bred giltsto farrow old. Weight 1100 average. Har- 725 No. 11th TA 3-8036 70 over AUCTION JAN. 21 February and March. Fallpigs. old George, Clyde, Ks. Phone SALINA, KANSAS Delbert Hollinger, Lyons, Kans.446-3340. Home Ph. 446-3341. WANTED TO BUY Starts 1 p.m. x47 SB48 FEEDER HOGS ONLY YOUR FORD DEALER s, HUTCHINSON, KANSAS FOR SALE - corn fed beef FOR SALE - Reg. Angus bulls SELLS TRUE to 100 lbs. Top prices paid. from our own feed lot by quar-Kileenmere & Ermitre breeding. J. D. SIMPSON If you have sheepof anyters or half or live weight. AltaSee these bulls for size & quali- class, consign them to this sale ty. Ages 15 to 18 months. Star A -I Used Cars )d 30 Grant Ave., Junction Cityfor the top market. Vista Locker, Ph. 229-6829.xl IN MANHATTAN hone CE 8.3754 or CE 8.3939 Angus Farms, Miltonvale, Kans. or For more information call FOR SALE - Outstanding An-Phone HA 7-4506 or HA 7-3210. 1966 Fairlane 500 GT 2 dr. hard- Col. Carson E. Hansen gus herd sireclassifies90. x50 51 - ALVES - CALVES - CALVES MO 5-7771 Hutchinson Choice young cows bred to a top, V-8, 4 -speed, R&H, mag HANSEN LIVESTOCK AUCT. top son of Ankony Jingo 2nd. REG. YORKSHIRE bred gilts wheels, new car warranty FOR SALE Midway Stock Farm, Downs, & fall boars, bred like state $2595 fair grand champions. Litter 1965 Volkswagen 2 door 4 -speed, We specialize in Angus & Kansas. x49 Hol- B.F.Y. PRODUCTION mates to testing station boars. heater $1595 tein crossbreds, Holstein heifer FOR SALE - 8 mo. old Hamp-Neill R. Walker, Rt. 2, McPher- 1965 Olds Delta 88 2 dr hard- alves,Holsteinbullcalves, shire boar, eligible to register. son, CH 1-2599. SB30 top. Full power and air. $2695 wiss and Guernsey heifer and Sale 'Wed., Feb. 1 Contact Wilfred Harris, 1 block ull calves. 2 weeks to 6 months east of St. George on old 24 FOR SALE - 9 choice Angus1965 XL 2 door hardtop, V-8, )1d. 1 p.m. - Nat'l. Guard Armory Highway, brown house. x47 first calf heifers, to calf soon; 6 automatic trans., R&H $2195 Delivered To Your Farm North Highway 99 young Hereford cows with big 1964 Ford 2 door hardtop fast- EMPORIA, KANS. FOR SALE - 22 registered An-calves. Emerson Mugler, Clay back, V-8, standard trans., Call Collect 234-3229 Featuring get of PB ECHO gus heifers coming two years Center, Kans. x48 R&H, power steering $1595 or write PCM CL; PRECISION SPOT old. Charles A. Miller, Gypsum, Open Evenings Till 9 Kans., Phone OW 6-4518. x49 FOR SALE - 24 head young JERRY AMUNDSON SCMS & WILD FIRE BY AR- Hereford cows, to calve soon. Livestock Building ROWHEAD, from Hines FarmsFOR SALE - Nationally Ac- Delmer Holle,Hanover,Ks., SKAGGS Route 1, Box 37 20 BOARS - 20 OPEN GILTS credited SPF Hampshire open Ph. ED 7-2766. x48 RICE LAKE, WISC. 45 BRED GILTS gifts. Galen Wietharn, Axtell, (FORD) MOTORS Plus A Few Commercial Opens Kansas. Ph. 736-2777. xlCHAROLAIS BULLS for sale, "Where Customers percentage and purebred. Mc Send Their Friends" OR SALE - 32 head weaning 15 gilts bred to Tycoon Beam 2nd &' Houston igs. Phone Paxico 636-2191, GOOD USED stock saddle withFadden Bros., Riley, Kans. Ph. PR 8-3525 CL; 15 to Preamble SC1; 15 to round skirts. Wayne Knopp, HU 5-2668. x48 MANHATTAN enry Gehring, Rt. 1, Belvue. Duplicator. Chapman, Ks., Ph. Woodbine x48 Auct. Loren Thiele 1824. SB48 12 HOLSTEIN HEIFER spring- OR SALE - Nationally ac- Owners: Marion Boggs, ers, freshen in week or 10 days. TRUCKS FOR SALE Kenneth Fuller, Jas. Yearout FOR SALE - 2 registered An-Phone collect Marysville, Kans. redited SPF Purebred Hamp- gus 1400 lb. bulls 22 months old. HI 3-3361 days; HI 3-4251 nights 1966 IH Scout, 4WD, new hire and Yorkshire boars, ser- 6 registered Angus open 500 lb. SB47 'iceable age. Phone collect Pal- FOR DAIRY performance, win- heifers.HoneycuttAngus $2300 ner 308, Floyd Meyer, Palmer, ning in feedlot tests; greater ef-Farms, Blue Rapids, Kansas. 1962 IH Scout, extra good $1150 Cansas. x48 ficiency at both, add up to Milk- x50 1962 IH B160, 2 -speed axle EWES, 175 head extra good 2 ing Shorthorns. Ad them to $1350 your farm. Harry Reeves, Field,FOR SALE - SPF Duroc boars Feed & Seed 1962 Studebaker pickup $695 T. old Columbia Rambouillet, man, R3, Hutchinson. 12 about 250 lbs., 2 weigh 400 tarring to lamb. Armin Scrip- x50 lbs. Arlan Argo, Wymore, Neb. 1961 IH Travelall $975 er, Rt. 5, Abilene, Phone UP FOR SALE - 150 Choice 2 yr. x48 1957 IH AI 70 $975 509. SB48 old Angus springer heifers 1948 1% -ton Chev. truck $375 (O.C.V.) and preg. tested. Calv-FOR SALE - 3 year old AngusDAIRY PELLETS, range pel- bull, matched pair mare ponies, 1950 IH L160 1% ton $375 PUREBRED ing now. Phone Jamestown ID lets and all kinds of fertilizers1947 Chev. 1% ton with bed & 9-2346, Burton L.Richards, coyote trail hounds. Call JE Manhattan Milling Co., 107 hoist Duroc Auction Scottsville, Kans. x50 9-3375, Manhattan, Kansas.x48 Pierre, Manhattan. TF Chg $645 and 1956 IH S100 %-ton pickup $250 REGISTERED ANGUS bulls, 40 HEREFORD cows $185; 22 ALFALFA. PRAIRIE - 70c to 1951 IH L100 pickup engine, ov- SAT., FEB. 4 choice quality. October and No- Hereford cows $190; 70 Here- 90c square bales. Write Gilbert erhauled $275 vember yearlings. Good blood- ford cows $225; 10 Hereford Goracke, Sterling, Nebr. Phone ;how 9:30 a.m. Sale 1 p.m. bulls $275 to $350. Above cows 5591. x47 1958 Ford car $195 lines. Westbranch Angus Farm,all good quality, pregnancy SMITH CENTER, KANS. Elmo, Kansas. Phone 219 Elmo. FOR SALE - 2000 bales choice x47 tested. Phone Paul Evans, 439- Schumacher's, Inc. 110 Head - Bred Gifts, 5354, Kincaid, Kans. 439-5642. alfalfa hay. John Gehrke & soars, FOR SALE - Good 20 month SB50 Son, Herington, Kans. Phone OpenGilts. Champion BL 8-2074. x47 Highway 36 ires used. 10% disc.to 4-H. old Polled Hereford bull. ReinFOR SALE - 20 choice Here- !atalog: Vern Albrecht,Phil- Brevmever, Paxico, Kans. Ph. FOR SALE - - Prairie hay, ford cows bred to top purebred EA 5.2316 psburg; Herman Popp, Haven. 913-636-2622. x47 Charolais bull. Start calving insquare bales, stored in barn. FOR SALE - 20 head mixed March. Production tested withEmily Hinshaw, Harveyville, WASHINGTON, KANS 'OR SALE - Some of the cows. Also bull rental. ArnoldPRI. Records may be seen, also Kansas. 589-2236. John Baxter, rowthiest, good headed and Sti'ewe, 765.3551, Alma, Kansas. 1966 calves. Earl Shoemaker, 589-2487. x47 eavy boned two year old Here - x47 Kanopolis, 913 GR 2-3503.SB48 ALFALFA HAY -- Round bales Used )rd Bulls you'll find anywhere. approx. 2000. Inquire Meriden, 'X and Husker bloodlines. Aug- CHAROLAIS BULLS for sale FOR SALE - Choice registered Kans., 484-2342 after 6:00 p.m. st Carlson, three miles south, or lease. Y4 thru purebreds. Also Angus open heifers, 13 to 17 SB49 Trucks ne mile west of Smolan. SB48a few bred females. Paul Man-month of age. Eileenmere and uel, Lincoln, Kansas. SB48 Bandolier breeding. B&Z AngusFOR SALE -- Prairiehay, Farms, Phone CH 3-4157, 'Scan- square bales. Vogler Bros., Wa- NEWLY TRADED -IN FOR SALE - Nationally ac- dia, Kansas. x48 credited SP Fregistered Duroc terville, Kans. ST 5-2578. x47 1957 Chevrolet 2 -ton, 2-sp., 13',4' boars & gilts. Serviceable age. FOR SALE - 36 Registered FOR SALE - 500 tons cane en- Giant box & hoist, new 825 4 miles west on Highway 18, 1Angus heifers, large growthy silage located at Junction City. Nylon rear tires, extra nice north, 1,4 west.Harold R. type. Top pedigrees $160. ElmerPai Murphy, Phone PR 6-7437, truck. Brumrn, RR 3, Junction City, J. Dicker, RR 3, Emporia, Ph. Manhattan. x49 4 Used % to 34 ton pickups, Kans. 66441. x48 DI 2-0409. SB48 now or soon ready for deliv- WANTED - Pasture. About 80 ery. FOR SALE - Berkshire boar acres or more. Phone OWen Mr. Cattle & Sheep calf creep feeder, 500 bales 1st 1953 Jeep 4x4 pickup with 1965 For the biggest and best ae- 6-4363, Warren Peck, Gypsum, V-6 motor. Real clean. on of dairy cows and heif- & 2nd crop alfalfa. L. E. Brill, Kansas. x47 ..$1.00 , come to Summerfield, Kans. Feeder Westmoreland, Kans. Phone Jeep 4x4 with top & PTO e have at all times 200 head Wamego 456-7240. x48 WANTED - Pasture for 50 1953 Ford 2 -ton 2 -speed, box and Short On Alfalfa Hay? head past yearling heifers.Ph. hoist, has 57 motor; real good, fresh and heavy springers- FOR SALE - One good Duroc229-5290, Alta Vista, Kansas. 'stein, Guernsey,Jersey, Don't Worry I boar. Phone PR 6-8262, Robert good tires I SB48 8wn Swiss and Milking Short- Hoerner, RR2, Manhattan, Ks. 1951 Chevrolet 2 -ton 2 -speed ...... rn cows and heifers. We Offer Alfalfa Pellets x47 FOR SALE - Alfalfa, all cut- box, hoist, racks, good tires, tings. shedded. Phone evenings motor completely recondition- TESTED - VACCINATED Blended With Molasses ed less than 800 miles ago. GUARANTEED SEVERAL GOOD grade Hol- 765-3937. Arnold Ringel, Alma, One ton will replace 2 ton baledstein heifers, milking or heavy Kansas. x48 1949 GMC 2 -ton, 2 -speed, box, Hay. springers.Dams have DHIA hoist, fold down racks. SPECIAL records. Phone 913 EXpress FOR SALE - Good prairie hay, Holsteinheifers,he a v y No waste - Easy To Handle- 2-2494, Lloyd Pruitt, Barnes, Ks. both square and ro,Ind bales. NEW TRUCKS READY ringers. Better Gains - Lower Feed Costs SB47 Charles L. Farrell. Blaine, Ks. For immediatedelivery. We 5 Guernsey springer heifers. Frankfort Phone BY 2-4985. have new 1967 Chevrolet 2 -ton O Brown Swiss springer hell- Contact FOR SALE - Bred gilts, 15 re- x47 trucks. One has Anthony hoist s. Preston Milling Ind. gistered Spotted Poland China, and Giant box. 0 Holsteinheifers,600-800 Feb. & March farrowing. Choice FOR SALE - 3000 bales wire s., open. Home of Sur -Gain Feeds quality, bred & feed for large tied alfalfa in barn near West- Skinner Chev. Co. Fairbury, Nebr.Ph. 729-6145 litters. Dean Constable, Ran- moreland. Melvin Behrens, Ma- 625 Lincoln VES - CALVES - CALVES dolph, Kans., Ph. ST 5-2730. x50 rysville HI 3-3973. x49 ME 2-2101 act 100We'll have 250 to 400 head ofREGIS I LRED Shorthorn bulls CLAY CENTER, KANS. I weeks. f Cross calves 2 weeks towith size and quality. Dark col- FOR SALE - Registered WANTED - PASTURE for 30 lbs. at our barn every week.ors. Sired by Broadarrow 7th. "Spots" fall boars and gilts, stock cows for 67 season. Darrel the Ag sired by Nebraska Colonel, CL. E. Boyd, Beattie, Kans. x48 difall o Holstein bull and heiferGlenn E. Lacy, Miltonvale, Ph. STEEL PICKUP RACKS with ves. 4274513. x47 Same from certified dams. Ex- floor & glass guards. Also steel tra large and meaty for age. hay feed racks. Dale Starr, Sol- columnCome and select the size and a .- of these good fast gainingPUREBRED REGISTERED Large litters.J. V. Candiff, Automotive dier, Kansas. 924-2631. x51 f cross calves best suited forArabian weanling colt. AHC 4% miles north Talmage, Kans. a 25-centur operation, before prices ad-37198. Show quality, excellent Telephone Manchester 3311. FOR SALE - Stock rack for bloodlines and disposition. Ter- x49 Chev. pickup, long, wide bed. ce. All steel construction, complete ALL CALVES race Lane Farm, Hope, Kansas.FOR SALE - 20 head yOung GMC TRIPLE VACCINATED Phone 1328, Elmo, Kansas. x47 TRUCKS with bows & tarp if desired. Old FREE OF CHARGE good quality Hereford cows single horse trailer, home made, DUROC BOARS for sale, ser- with big calves; 50 head good % Ton - 60 Ton cheap. Also one Badger silo un- viceable age, nationally accred-quality of big Hereford cows, Sales & Service loader for 18 ft. silo. Good shape A W. G. Wiebe ited SPF. Fred C. Germann, start calfing February. Phone priced to sell. Glennon Crow- __Ley Phone CI 4-7625 Dwight, Kans., Phone JunctionME 2-3031, Ronald Wohler, Clay TRI-COUNTY, MOTORS ther, Gypsum, Kans. 67448. Ph. mpg. SUMMERFIELD. KANS. City CE 8-4382. SB49 Center, Kansas. SB47 307 N. 3rd. MANHATTAN 2321 Roxbury. x47 HERINGTON PRE -SEASON BUYS January 17, 1967 TRACTORS Final ON 1962 Deere 1010 utility gas PRE -INVENTORY TRACTORS & MACHINERY 1962 Deere 4010 diesel tractor Grass &c 1963 Moline 602 propane, slick Sale 1960 JD 4010 dsl., new rubber& 16 1960 M-5 Moline, sharp overhaul 1959 Deere 730 diesel, electric, Still time to buy your good1961 JD 4010 dsl. with duals, WANTED - Bar or overhauled Discounts , used 7% Investment Credit low price tiques and antique.114 1958 Deere 720 diesel, overhaul, 1962 JD 3010 gas, good P.O. Box 1009 RI, 111anl. new tires On All New Machinery. $2995 1959 JD 730 overhaul & painted 1961 Massey 85 diesel, overhaul- 1959 Model 560 gas FOR SALE -- Approxi/. ed & Used Mchry. 1960 Model 560 gas 1958 JD 620 gas 1500 ft. well seasoned 1960 IHC 460 gas, near new en-DURING OUR 3 -DAY EVENT IH No. 560 tractor, LP 1948 JD G & A lumber. $500. Write gine 1946 JD A 907 Carolina, MarysvilleJolj 1954 Ferguson 30, slick, with Jan. 19 - 20 - 21 1961 Model 460D FOR DETAILS SEE PAGE 3 1959 I 460 gas 1961 IHC 460 gas, good sas. new tires OF THIS PAPER 1955 Deere 60 with power steer- . .... $1895 1959 IHC 460 gas RUG & PAD 12x37, 1959 I 460D b ing & LPS Used Equipment 1964 I 606 gas tractor 1958 IHC 450 dsl, ange, $281.75. Also dopy 1955 Deere 70 diesel, overhauled $1595 1957 IHC 300, real sharp & fixtures, white,$25, 1950 Allis WD; 1951 Case DC 1956 Model 400 gas brand new. 1131 Roust° with hyd.; Oliver 70 TRACTORS 1955 Model 400 gas, power 1948 IHC M hattan, Phone PR 8-38% COMBINE & HEADS steering, Flf 1951 IHC H, painted, good 1962 Deere 95 with 16' bead 1966 A -C D-15, power strg., 1801966 Model -706D 108 hrs. 1956 AC WD 45 gas FOR SALE - One 1G,C0 hrs., wide front Hearthglo floor heater; 1958 Deere 55 with 14' head 1965 JD 4020 dsl., power Shift, 1965 Model 806D 1956 AC WD 45 gas, wide front, 1962 Deere 45 with 12' head power steering double burner Panelray 1960 Deere 45 with 12' head & 800 hrs. 1961 Model 85 Massey $1595 heaters; one 3 burner cab 1962 A -CD-1.7, power strg., 1959 Model 101 12 ft. combine 1962 MH 85 dsl. burner combination par, wide front 1960 MH 35 dsl., overhaul 1963 Deere 210 head for above Three 1962 Masseys 65: LP, dsl., 1962 Model 403 IH combine, 14 wall heater; twenty fiveNo'egCi 45 ft. platform 1954 MH 33, live power Transite flue pipe; two t, gas; all high arch, wide front stats. All heaters are 1956 Deere 45 with 10, over- No. 201 14 ft. IH windrower 1951 MH 44 se hauled 1960 IHC 460 gas, new rubber, and in good condition, real clean 1957 Model John Deere No. 55 1947 MH 30 we payment 1950 -Deere with 12', a real buy and prairie hay wiretieing stage 88" belt pickup att. for 55 1959 J D730 dsl., ohl., pted. combine, with cab, 12' 1960 Ford 871 Select -o -speed under roof. Dennis E. Q,- Old junk 55 Deere and Case 1958 JD 720 dsl., o'hld., pted. No. 163 14 ft. IH windrower Smolan, Kansas. Phoneansas Stat' 1958 IHC 450 gas, o'hld., ptd. $1095 1951 Ford 8N 1957 Deere 55 with 14' head 1958 IHC 350 gas, o'hld., ptd. Salemsborg. The Fa 1955 Deere 55 with 14' head 1956 JD 70 dsl., fully equipped, Farmall M tractor, gdod COMBINES as its pl MISCELLANEOUS overhauled Far -mall H tractor 1963 JD 55 SP, 14' JANUARY SPECIAIP nt ;a 1956 JD 60, pwr. strg., o'hld., 1948 John Deere A new rubber, 1959 JD 55 SP, 14', PS Above John Deere N spreader with painted, new tires good cond. bunk feeder attachment 1959 JD 55 SP 12 ft., PS Free Trailer Aarl 12' Schaefer wheel disc 1954 JD 60, o'hld., painted FH 188 Yellow Gehl 2 -row cut- 1957 JD 55 SP, 12 ft. IHC 311 plow, 3x14 FH 1954 A -C WD 45, o'hld., ptd. ter 1965 model treasurer rf 1952 JD 55,SP, 12 ft., good 13;Brare° sa grsi edAud rreb, JD 55H pull 3x14 plow, Radex 1953 IHC Super M; 1951 A -C No. 271 New Holland baler, shares WD; 1949 JD D, extra clean 3 1958 JD 45 SP 10 ft. 1946 IHC M, overhauled, paint- good, twine tie PTO Boat & Motor?TeCcregdneseeP; Oliver 3x14 pull plow, Radex No. 68 New Holland baler, good 1956 MH 80 Special SP, 14 ft. 3x16 .& 4x16 mtd. plows ed, live PTO Fair sec 1946 JD G, overhauled twine tie OTHER MACHINERY. Deere No. 26 flail type 7' stalk No. 540 IH 4x16 steerable plow plan is be chopper 1947 Ford ON, real clean JD 16x8 fert. drill, yellow top ishment of New Letz 220x portable, PTO, Used belt pulleys for JD 1010, $795 3 JD 16x8 plain drills Manneland burr mill 3010 and 4010 tractors No. 311 3x14 IH plow, FH ;aidthe fee JD 16'6" folding gang wheel pR Belated equii One excellent Moline high 16-8 COMBINES No. 60 4x14 pull plow .. $395 disc 601 N. 3rd drill with rubber press SOME NEW MACHINERY 2 JD 13'10" AW wheel disc MANHATTAN, kANo. Gehl 2 row PTO field cutter, 1961 45 12', one owner, al- make a bid ways shedded, comp. (add. AT OLD PRICES JD 10' RWA wheel disc 214T Deere hay baler, PTO MODEST ABOUT new 1959 JD 55 14', one owner, al- JD 9" RWH wheel disc ring, white -gold,7di, 14T Deere PTO baler ways shedded, extra clean LYNN'S JD F145 semi -mounted 4-16" for trade or cash. See to Jol Krause 12' wheel disk, excellent 1959 JD 95, comp. o'hld., pted. TRUCK & TRACTOR plow Predate. $350. Ph. 736. 20-8 Moline high wheeled drill 1957 JD 55, o'hld; 1054 John Ray Bishop, Axtell, Kans Cab (full vision) for Hilo 45 Deere 55; 1952 Massey Super JD F120 4-14" plow Massey No. 3 PTO twine baler 26; 1957 JD 30, pull, 7 ft. EV 2-2210 3 JD F814 3-16 plow 1961 John De( 10' Schaefer wheel disk 1955 JD 25, pull, 7 ft. IHC fast 3-16 plow 45W Deere loader for 2 cy. point hitc tractor OTIIER MACHINERY Mr,nr AC 4-14 plow, mounted Deere RWA 12' wheel disk, like MARION, KANSAS AC 3-14 plow, mounted allIEMIHHC Tractor - new. 2 rased1-!,,-;n-O-Vator No. 3(1 ------AC 2-16 plow, mounted turn hitch adal Ford box beam loader, mechan- feed wagons over ical bucket 1used u.10 Grain-O-Vator, 2 New Holland forage cutters New Idea Horn loader for Ford like new, with partitions & FARM Income TaxJohn Deere B 1955 New Holland FTC) baler feed gates for mixing 2 JD 3 point 12 ft. spring tooths Farm Returns Our SK runs good Moline 4x16 pull plow SEE US FOR NEW JD 16' pull type spring tooth Mr. Byron Taylor is F125 (3x16) mtd. plow used on MACHINERY JD Model R spreader our office to assist with': 40 acres Grain-O-Valors; Blair and New Idea spreader come tax. Please call PP 1959 John Dee F931 spring tooth cart with 5 Gehl feeding machinery; Hess- or write for appointmen:1946 sec. spring tooth ton winiliowers, Crust Buster IHC 5 bar rake, almost new A John I Parsec 161 field cutter, motor harrows; GB loaders, Ansel AUCTION 2 BMB 5 ft. rotary cutters RFNNETT-LINDSAY drive cabs, Danuser diggers. JD 494 corn planter 1st Natl: Bank Bldng. PE Deere 3x14 two way plow All this machinery is in stock JD 4 -section rota -hoe, 3 point MANHATTAN, KA,N 14' & 10' KBA wheel disk, cheap and on display on our lots. 60 Tractors Massey 12' 3 pt disk, real good JD 4 row front mounted cult. John Dee] 16' pipe elevator, no drive andallkinds ofmowers, Gehl shop-worn blower with 50' INCOME TAX & Accour; complet Tri County Sales of pipe special services for far: 2 row Ferguson cultivator & plows, balers, combines, discs, Contact us about bookie paint, 9 Dempster George Munkres We have a lot of new machin- basis. Telephone 6234511 2 bottom Ferguson plow Phone Collect c-ltivatorsandother farm ery on hand. Come and look it and accounting on a ir.:Case 4 -wheel Root riding mower for Couple 2 row pull weeder BL 8-2249 or BL 8-2991 equipment. over; we'll sure try to deal with and Geneva Brown, Deli` IHC 45T baler, PTO HERINGTON. KANS. you. .P.O. Box 137. Also Corr Model B drill with fertilizer JD Day is Thursday, Feb. 9, . and Jamestownarea off: Deere 730 pull lister starting at 10:30.All farmers Tohn Deere 3-1 New-Used-Demos SAT., JAN. 28 welcome. CLEARANCE AT PAXICO 10 a.m. sharp SHOUSE HC hay cond TRACTORS Farmers Union Hdwe. Mobile Homes IMPL. CO. 1949 WD Allis OGDEN EQPT. CO. & Imp. Store John Deem 1963 A -C D-19 gas ele Means, Kans. Ph. 437-2913 electric mot( 1958 Massey 33; 1946 WC Allis; Warrensburg, Mo. EVERETT NEED A MOBILE BC Store CO 3-3051 1960 D-17 gas HOOBLER, If your family is groat John De EdShouse CO 3-1066 Two 1966 A -C 190's, gas Manager Ron Shouse CO 3.4515 Massey -Ferguson, Ford,and of your present home, s' Quick- 1966 D-15 gas, demonstrator ST. MARYS, KS. Manhattan Mobile Homo 1966 A -C D-15, 3 pt., NEW M&M Dealer. see this luxurious 12'x65 2 - IHI GOOD CALF creep feeder, can COMBINES WINTER FRONT with wind- maker; complete with eat from both sides. Will hold shield and 3 point hitch, both good _ 150 bu. James Davis, Rossville,1963 Gleaner A, 14' with cab, Write Ogden Eqpt. Co. living and kitchen area like new, cut only 900 acres for IH 460. Also 3 point plow rooms and 1/2 bath, 2x4 John De Kansas 66533, Phone 584-3290. for complete sale bill 3-16, fully mounted. Harold El- construction throughout x48 1960 A -C 6 ft. sasser, Clyde, Kans. 10" s) x47 on display. contro FOR SALE - 1959 Massey Har- Two 1954 M -H's, pull type Aucts-: R. D. McWhirter, ris No. 60 SP 12' combine, cab,2 new gleaners, A MANHATTAN Baxter, Iowa; & Jack Snell, MOBILE HOMES Sep pickup reel. Harry Hartner, BALERS Miscellaneous PR Manhattan PR 6-7435. 2040 North 3rd x49 1966 New Holland 275 wire tie, Mexico, Missouri. MANHATTAN, Kg' ALLIS CHALMERS WD trac- PTO, demonstrator tor; Allis-Chalmers WD tractor 1961 N -H No. 68 PTO FARM PONDS cleanedor dug, & 3 -bottom mounted plow; Al-3 IHC 45T balers Everything drainage cleaned or dug. lis Chalmers D-17 tractor with 1 AC roto baler Ray Bros. Crane Service, 3412 113`ff'@iigCrkE4` mounted 4 -bottom plow; Allis DISC HARROWS Bryant, Phone AM 6-8598, Tope- .70 E E. Bal2OCK Chalmers semi -mounted mower, ka, Kans. 66605 x48 good condition. John Weidler, Kewanee 9', used oneyear Minneapolis, Kansas. Phone EX10' Kewanee, demonstrator Must FOR SALE- NEW Big Ben 2-2284.Mrs. Chas. Weidler, 141/2' Krause, tandem wheels stock rack,fits 1965 or other Minneapolis, Ph. EX 2-2090. We have a number ofgood Chev. pickups long bed.Also used mowers and rakes in Homelite 17" 71/2 hp. chainsaw, SB50 stock Sell extra good. James O'Neil, Beat- WANTED - Old epltivato,-s TRUCK tie, Kansas. SB47 for 1949 Massey Harris tractor, 1953 Fors: 1/2 pickup, 6 cyl. FOR THE ride of hand lift. W. A. Grogger, Phone FOR SALE your life, ride OL 5-3471, Solomon, Kans.x47 - Double chain a Big Horn saddle from Key Eddie's Service bucket elevator; floordrag and Milling, Clay Center, Kansas. FOR SALE - JD No. 45 loader truck lift. Excellent forremod- SB TF fits 3010 or 3020 tricycle. Extra eling obsolete barnfor grain. Phone 636-8395 Also overhead bin good. $350. Call 10-155 Agenda. scale, and GOVT. SURPLUS x48 smaller belt leg. EugeneNune- OUR PAXICO, KANS. maker, R 4, Lawrence,VI 3-4356 OVERSHOES FOR SALE- 1964 A -II Gleaner 14 ft. $5200. New 1966 A240 x47 We now have over 9tonsof SET OF M&W snap -on duals 1955 FRAMELESS govt. surplus overshoes. cornhead for A -II $1375. Don with 15x30 tires complete, $220. Keystone Some Hostetter, Hope, Kans., Ph. Frederick Kupfersmith, Home,stock trailer for sale.33' long. priced as low as 97cpr. " I' M SURE HAPPYYOU %, Warren Meyer, MOM ALI' 1F11. x51 Kansas. Alma, Kans., LLOYD'S SURPLUS TALKING AGAIN: x50 Phone 765-3935. SALES PARTY,. SB47 St. Marys, Kansas L I STENED TO YOUR BUT NEVER TALKEDTO tnlego WANTED - Pasture for 40 .cows. % rent in advance. Loyal Used Tractors USED TRACTORS Shirley, Vermillion, Kans. PRICED RIGHT Used Cars 1963 HESSTON &IPAPhone DU 2-5316. x48 1958 Case 800 1964 John Deere 4020 diesel, ful- 14 ft. Auger $1995 ly equipped, 1950 hrs. & Trucks Catedat WANTED - Belt pully for 4451955 Farmall 400,new tires, Will Go This Season 1963 John Deere 5010 diesel, ful- 18 ARE 1962 & LATER d,Cheese MM, Jack Ferdinand, Reading, new overhaul on engine, TA ly equipped, 2550 hrs. L'oPerida Kansas. x47 & transmission $1995 17 ARE 1961 & OLDER for $2,875 DeLavail 1955 Farmall 300, extra good 1960 Cockshutt 560 diesel with 15 ARE USED TRUCKS for all live PTO & hyd., power steer- Contact COMBINES $1095' ing. Here are an even dozen late al makes1966 Gleaner C -II, 18 ft. 1964 Farmall 504, 400 hrs., like Kansas Business Services ielynes,all 1959 IH Farmall. 560 gas with models: new ...... BILL LEIKAM t1965 Gleaner C -II, 18 ft. $3450 live PTO, hyd., TA, power 1966 Chevy II station wagon, 4 - Preciat.10963 Gleaner A, 14 ft., straw 1951 Farmall MD, good.. $945 steering & wide front axle. door model, 6 -cylinder, radio Phone MA 5-3915, Hays, Ks. 1950 Oliver 77 or write 10th & Fort I* chopper, low acreage $695 1959 IH International 460U die- and heater, standard trans- ft. 1948 Farmall M, good $875 sel, fully equipped mission. 10to456.72110 1951 Gleaner R, 14 TRACTORS Farmall H, overhauled engine 1957 M&M UB on LP gas 1966 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 -door USED TRACTORS $445 1956 MH 44 special with 3 pt. sedan, V-8, radio and heater, 1966 AC 190 LT diesel, 350 hrs. standard transmission, low 1962 3010 gas lir,1966 AC 190 gas, 250 hrs. Farmall C, engine overhauled adj. axle & live PTO, hyd. 1962 3010 dsl. $375 1955 MM UTS diesel with live mileage. IVIUNE1960 AC D-170, PS, choice of 3 John Deere A ,power steering PTO 1966 Chevrolet Impala Sports 3 1961 4010 dsls. the new 1960 AC D-17LPG, PS, over- Coupe, V-8, radio and heater, 1962 560 IH dsl. nk that hauled $695 1955 Oliver Super 99 diesel standard transmission, low \\L John Deere B $145 with live PTO & hyd. 1959 730 JD dsl. cut your 1956 IH F400, clean mileage. 1959 JD, 630 LP 1g time. WC Allis, engine overhauled 1954 AC WD 45 with adj. front 1965 Pontiac Starchief 4 -door se- 1952 AC WD, 45 kit, WF $345 axle, live PTO & hyd. 1959 JD 630 gas ESTIMATE1.951NH 44; 1951 AC WD dan, radio and heater, auto- COMBINES 1953 MH 55 on LP gas with matic transmission, 'power 1952 M LP IH siness Sen,1962New Holland S69T baler PTO & live hyd. steering and brakes, air con- LEIKAm1965 13% ft. Kewanee disc No. 80 Massey Harris $1375 1950 MH 55 diesel with live ditioned, new tires. COMBINES 1.1a:1965 24 ft. Moridge springtooth NQ. 12 Case combine, SP $650 hyd , with or without PTO 1965 Ford MustangSports 1964 JD 95, 16' with cab SP168 Minn. Moline... $1545 1965 C2 AC 16' with cab , 10thKANSAS & F1.966 30 ft. MoridgeSpringtooth, 1949 AC WD with live PTO & Coupe, 6 -cylinder, radio and like new No. 101 IHC combine - $2950 hyd. heater, standard transmission, 1961 JD 55 14' See Us For The BALERS & HAY MACHINES1949 Case VAC with hyd. PTO low mileage. 1961 JD 55 13' Field Master Springtooth Case Automatic baler.... $145 1964 Pontiac Catalina 4 -door 1959 JD 55 14' with cab PLOWS sedan, radio and heater, auto- IH No. 45 baler $345 John Deeri 4x16 No. 666 with matic transmission, air con- 1956 JD 55 14' Jost Impl. Co. TH No. 46 baler $995 hyd. & trip beams, pull ditioned, 23,000 miles. 1954 JD 55 14' Ford baler $695 John Deere 4x16 No. 66 pull 1964 Chevrolet Impala 2 -door 1956 JD 45 10' Phone 947-3182 New Holland No. 66 baler $295John Deere 4x14 No. 66 pull Sports Coupe, V-8, radio and 1957 JD 45 10' IH No. 5 LW rake $95 IH No. 8 3x16 pull; Case 4x16 heater, standard transmission MISCELLANEOUS , HILLSBORO, KS. John Deere low wheel rake $145 3 pt.; Case 3x16 3 pt. 1964 Corvair Monza Sports lquartere"-CHALMERS , Coupe, radio and heater, 4 - PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Case rake $95 AC 3x16 snap coupler speed, very slick. JD No. 22 roller mill, PTO, with John Deere rake $95 AC 3x14 snap coupler lateral discharge -TRU( MM 4x16 pull 63 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 4 - DAUER John Deere No. 5 mower.- $175 door hardtop, radio and heat-494 JD planter with fert. 184 dump John Deere No. 5 mower, extra COMBINES er, automatic, air conditioned, JD 4 section 3 point hoe le, 5 -speed IMPLEMENT CO. good $235 1959 John Deere 14 ft. 55 clean. )nt axle, New Holland No. 30 mower $55 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4 -door JD 4 row front cultivator 1959 John Deere 12 ft. 45, also 220X Letz PTO mill r axle, goo:1963 International Scout pickup, IH No. 25 mower $45 hardtop, V-8, radio and heater, Anthony Tt4 -wheel drive, 28,000 miles. with corn head automatic, power steering Wetmore "Gluten" PTO mill Richardson bale loader .. $245 1949 John Deere 12 ft. 55 airconditioned, ft. dump 1957 McCormick 46T twinebaler New Holland No. 400 hay condi- and brakes, Viking PTO mill truck,1962 McCormick 46T twine 14 ft. Hume pickup reel for 55 very clean. R JD spreader jt 1% ton,1964 baler tioner $395 John Deere McCormick 46W wire baler 1963 Pontiac Catalina 4 -door 95 bu. New Idea spreader base, runs FORAGE HARVESTERS 14 ft. Rice pickup reel for Mas- hardtop, radio and heater, 1966 McCormick 47W wire baler sey Harris standard transmission. 3 point rear 8' blade IH 20C field harvester ..$450 Two No. 30 Grainovators del 110 hlMcCormick 55W wire tie baler Papec field harvester .... $395 12 ft. Hume pickup reel for 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 4 -door se- 4 -speed, orwith engine IH 101 dan, radio and heater, auto- er & hitch,1959 McCormick F -460D tractor Allis Chalmers field harvester matic, power brakes, A-1 POWER SAWS s, tiresgOW1966 McCormick 403 16' com- $550 WHEEL DISCS condition. 33B, Super 33 McCulloch repair, atbine, only cut 500 acres Case field harvester $425 14 ft. RW John Deere with seal- Remington Bantam 1-10's, 2-10's, ton pieta: John Deere field harvester$95 ed bearings' 3-10's, 2-10 G's & Mac 15's on Lp, deluxe1952 Massey -Harris Super 27 Hunter Sales hand for a quick cleanup sale 16' combine Massey Harris field harvester 10'9" No. 37 IH with sealed brgs We also have chains and bar ton pielcup1953 Massey -Harris No. 70 12' $495 11 ft. MM Ph. 767-5147 service grain blocombine Case blower $50 7 ft. Ford 3 pt. tandem The new John Deere 5020 row et % ton 4961 F -560D, new pistons & CULTIVATORS 7 ft. AC snap coupler tandem COUNCIL GROVE crop diesel is on display - See sleeves, new rear tires. a 133 hp row crop tractor. 11 steel stoc Allis Chalmers 2 row .... $75 MISCELLANEOUS McCormick No. 412 4-16 semi- IH No. 238 $75 Big Ox and Little Terry farm ------mounted plow 4 row John Deere No. 307 lister GOOD LATE MODEL and industrial 3 point rear IH No. 255 $175 3 pt. with fertilizer att. et 1-''ton 4cCormickNo. 60 3-16 plow blades --6' - 7' - 8' & 9' from :1 No. 35 IH lister cultivator$135 New Holland 130 bushel No. 331 USED COMBINES $97.50. ton piucVIcCormickk No. 37 10'9" wheel PTO manure spreader disk TILLAGE TOOLS 1966 MF 410 14 ft. like new with IH 12 ft. fertilizer spreader cab, lights, cut less than 300 Washington Impl. et % ton ;.949 W6 McCormick tractor Krause 3 point oneway $125 34 ft. Speed King grain auger trans., 16,0:1950 W6 McCormick tractor John Deere 8 ft. oneway $165 acres. .1955 R160 International truck No. .750 John Deere 3 pt. side 1964 MF 300 13 ft. like new, EA 5-2301 ton, all sa,. John Deere 5 ft. oneway $165 rake with cab, lights & No. 222 with bed & hoist Case 12 ft. wheel disk $455 ill GOOD ,,,Lu62 IH 101 combine, 12' Dearborn 3 pt. side rake with corn head, A-1 JD RW 11' wheel disc $575 sealed bearings 1962 C Baldwin, 14 ft.,in A-1 WASHINGTON TRACT(l963 JohnDeere 45 manure JD KBA 11' wheel disc - $395 Massey Ferguson trail type bal- condition, with cab, lights, ra- 14 tractor2:-loader, hydraulic bucket Ford 3 point tandem, like new anced head mower di, ext. bean sprocket. ATTENTION nuser blade. $275 New Holland No. 69 wire baler 1962 4()3 IHC 14 ft with cab, TRACTOR OWNERS mplete IH 3-14 plow 3 point, like new lights, Hume reel, very clean Does your tractor need en- rmall 460 Phone 1011 $365 Swartz wide front axle for 70 gine overhauling? Save Money, ...... IH 3-14 3 -point No. 530 plow, John Deere combine and Time with our Machine rmall 340 like new $445 John Deere No. 20 3 pt. scoop 1962 No. 72 MF, 12 ft. header, Shop completely rebuilt Short wide front Falun John Deere 3-16 plow $145 John Deere No. 810 3 pt hitch lights, cab, milo sprocket Block Assemblies. mall II, rr Cockshutt 3-14 plow $65 for 70 1959 IHC 151 with cab, lights, Expert craftsmanship isas- ...... Ford rotary hoe, 3 point - $145 AC snap coupler subsoiler a very good combine and pri- sured at reasonable prices. mall }I, fa. CLEAN TRACTORS IH 3-16 plow $165 ced to sell...... IH 4 -section spring tooth $85 AC snap coupler tool bar car- 1957 No. 35 Oliver 14ft. with Large stock on hand for John 0.963 4010 dsl., reconditioned,ex- Oliver 15 ft. spring tooth $65 rier Mime reel, complete with 2 - Deere, International, Case, Al- nail M, ceptional We have approximately 150 lis Chalmers, Ford, Massey Har- ...... IH power set, 10 ft. spring tooth row corn head, 1962 model, ris, and others. Write for prices. Super C:963 930CK Case diesel, low $135 pieces of older equipment: very good 1 . hours plows, mowers, rakes, spring $3995 PLANTING EQUIPMENT tooths, tractors, grain drills, JOE GOODMAN RC, 3 pt., re - Brauchi Bros. TRACTOR PARTS CO. 'ARM 2". conditioneddsl. 406 JD 4 -row planter with fert.etc. Buy this older equipment Box 748 Phone 489-1432 $2850 attachment $745 dirt cheap and repair at your CASE - MASSEY-FERGUSON LINCOLN, NEBRASKA cable Plov-rD 70 dsl. RC, 3 pt., recondi- Dempster 4 -row lister $825 convenience. like new,tioned $2850 John Deere 4 -row lister $295 Phone HI 3-4171 t. 3 -point 11.'D 70 dsl. RC, clean IH No. 46 lister, fast hitch, zero MARYSVILLE, KANSAS - -$1795 Lott Impl., Inc. )rd 3 -point HC F400 gas, RC, TA, IPTO, preSsure tires $175 SPECIALS hyd. with cyl. Ford 3 point lister $75 ...... ' $1295 Ferguson 3 point lister $75 TRACTORS 1960 JD 730 G, new tires ?.ader, 2.411952 IHC W6 gas, good - $595 IH No. 46 lister $50 EX 2-3110 2 reconditioned 50 forage har- 1959 MF 50 gas $1450 ...... ft. Sunflower V -blade, like IH 16x8 fertilizer drill . $150 vesters offset dish new $850 Case 16x8 fertilizer drill with 1959 841 Ford diesel $1250 1958 IH A160, engine overhaul- peg tooth.0 ft. V -blade (2 5's) only $295 press wheels $425 MINNEAPOLIS, KANS. 1959 Mr 88 gas & LP - $1525 ed er .... ;i1f1D 14T baler, ready to go$895 M&M 16x7 fertilizer drill with 1965 MF Super 90 diesel$4500 1955 IH R160, 151/2' bed, hoist press wheels $445 v...... tom wheel H 4x14 plow with slatted bot- Used Tractors 1959 Ford 861 diesel-. $1750 1962 IH VCO 220/549 engine too OTHER MACHINES Nearly new Ford loader with I pegto !()" Peerlessmill with recond. Viking elevator $275 hydraulic bucket $400 Flint Hills Truck er - rolls Valley roller mill $50 1962 3010 diesel JD Lin drill W112 ft. JD No. 850 tiller, little Bear Cat Hammermill, PTO 1961 D17 AC COMBINES ...... used $135 1959 630 John Deere 1962 MF 82, 14 foot .... $3350 And Tractor yammer IHC 10C hammermill $75 1957 720 John Deere 1958 MH 82, 14 foot .... $2500 EMPORIA spre: CHUCK WAGONS Mavrath sprayer, trailer type, horse with boom $110 1957 620 John Deere 1953 MH 90, 14 foot .. $1650 DI 24756 trailerItitd, GB LOADERS Sprayer trailer with tank $75 1959 770 Oliver 1951 MH 26 12 foot $675 ...... CRUSTBUSTER 32 ft. Mulky elevator, wide type 1958 420 John Deere 1950 MH 26, 12 foot $475 WANTED - 250 to 300 gallon NEW $265 1956 400 IHC 1957 MH 27 14 foot $750 bulk tank. Price, age and kind EARLIiroli John Deere fertilizer spreader Blanding Impl. Co. $125 1954 60 John Deere All Equipment In in first letter. John Baxter, 1954 50 John Deere First Class Condition Harveyville, Kans. x47 GNET IH No. 7 fertilizer 12 ft. - $250 owAnd S& 1953 40 John Deere; 1949 A Pfister -Rhodes Impl. FOR SALE - No. 35 MH 12 ft. re Trade PE 8.3066 Schumacher's Inc. JD; 1950 B JD; -1951 DC Case; wheel disc. Phone 456-9878. Jun- 1951 WD AC; 1949 B JD; 1948 ior Breymeyer, Wamego, Kans. e OrCall BELOIT. KANS. 8N Ford. Phone x50 Lie. Highway 36 nce or FOR SALE - John Deere B __14,TrieNANTED- Farmhand bale Todd Tractor Co., Inc. ID 9-2445 tractor; 1959 Ford 1/2 ton truck, [IFI,s,0.5IIT.ndling system, Gehl blower, EA 5-2316 Store Phone DE 6-2138 stock rack and grain bed. Ar- pipe. Ed Wessling. New Can%- one 1 -- SENECA, KANSAS JAMESTOWN, KANS. nold Stuewe, 765-3551, Alma, Ks., TA 3-3695. x48 WASHINGTON, KANS. Kansas. x47 The topfemale from the Chisolmbrough Waite Herefords T ford Ranch, EIReno, oTtli Gross $38,345 MITCHELL ST WINFIELD - The Waite's NAMEEL0 Walnut Valley Hereford Ranch B sale grossed $38,345 with 53 bulls averaging $508 and 36 fe- the Mitchell county cal., males $332. association.1nTipton,ITCi Hesucceeds The top bull sold for $1250 o Titopttohn to Collins Bros., Piqua, Ks. An- Named e other top bull brought $1175 were Ernest from Harmon & Son, Anthony. Richard Tice,g, Another top buyer of bulls g

was W. D. Daniels of Cimarron, Scottsville;vilel°ille; who took six bulls ranging aKlireadnd ne 'le°, tsi Beloit;1sF1.o and from $500 to $1050. ers, Barnard. Th

China Vs. Neighboring Non -Communist Nil

1t rt .. Each figure represents one million Chinese troops

Hogs Tc

A shipmt 4' 'Ir George Burkh

his son Gary ,Xer44 Don Hartman MOW' and Oscar La Eath figure equals approx. 100,000 troops net The Burk sas to Vietnar Population Economy Regular armedionagricultural CI China 700 million (?) Strained 2.53 million (?) On the former Metho NON-COMMUNIST ASIAN NATIONS Finley, aforn Japan 100.5 million Strong 246,000 Miltonvale, wi India 500million Weak 870,000 farm must th project will k Pakistan 110million Good 208,000 Six to 10 %flit Nam 15.5 million Poor 380,000-565,000(?) and two pedie 28.6million Good 600,000 a breeding st works. Formosa 12.8 million Good 525,000-600,003 The pigs Indonesia 100million Poor 412,000 fed on the V Mairple-Singapore 10.8 million Good 28,000 200 pounds.'I Burma 24million shipment by ; Long Way To Go Poor 105,000 Money fo Thailand 29.7 million Good 130,000 VanderGiesen The water level stood at 1093 (lower, gauge at left) as the Corps Philippines 31million Poor 47,000 along with th of Engineers started to fill up Milford Lake this week. Conservation Cambodia 5.8 million Weak Finley's proje pool will be at 1144 elevation.The cement structure shown is part 31,350 of the inlet areas for the control tower, leading to the outlet tube. Ceylon 11 million Poor 10,000 The gauge at right is used when the water gets above 1113 feet.There Afghanistan 13.9 million Poor Wheatga is another gauge elsewhere for readings when the level gets above 1146. Laos 2.5 million Poor 55,000 Australia 11 million Good 69,000 Zeturn T description of the river basin, operations, the firms are direct- 2.5 million Good 12,900 water uses, and other informa- (Non-Commealst) Serious Tone To ed to present their case before 1,009.6 million 3,729,250 The National tion. the department of health at Available breakdown on Chinese forces: Army of more than 2.2 million, Nee Vheat Growers Industriesand businesses the hearings scheduled in their of at least 136,000 and Air Force of about 100,000 men. In addition, there an an estimated 300,000 security end border troops plus a militia that runs lrUrobably Wich Area Water which dispose of wastes in wa- areas, Mayes explained. the millions. le 1966 cony( ter are expected to be interest- Presentations should be limit- roup and reel Pollution Slate ed in the quality standards, ed to 10 minutes but additional Mayes said. written material may be sub- REG. (Horned), HEREFORDS "pleteention theat Seat 1 Water pollution by business If the standards would affect and industry is coming under mitted, he said. Auction Wedn., Jan. 25 Under thetl fire in Central and Northwest 2:00 p.m. at NW Sale Barn, Concordilove is likely t Kansas. 2:00 P.M. AT NW SALE BARN, CONCORDIAle Food and 15 to 24 Months Old f1965 wheat A series of public hearings 15 BULLSFrom Accredited Herds esolution on proposed water quality stan- aski Thursday GUARANTEED BREEDERS- mintain the ; dards for 16 river basins in )rm through Kansas is scheduled during Jan- AUCTION -FREE OF DWARFISM This Is An Added Attraction To The Sale roes. uary, February and March. JANUARY 26 of Concordia Sales, Inc. Hearings scheduled in Cen- SALE Starts 1:00 p.m. SWENSON BROS. Concordia Or tral and Northwest Kansas are: Emil L. Swenson Carl M. Swenson s for the Big Blue, at 1 p.m. Jan. Lunch Served CH 3-1419 CH 320_, 26, at the Marysville county We will sell, at public Auctionour entire dairy herd and REGIS1 courthouse; the Upper Repub- most of our stock cows at farm located 8north and 11/4 east lican, at 1 p.m. Jan. 31, at the of Clay Center or 11/2 south and 11/4east of the Garfield Cen- Atwood county courthouse; ter store. Di Lower Republican, at 1 p.m. Jan. 30 at the Concordia city Dairy Cattle Hereford hall; Smoky Hill,at 8 a.m. Holstein cow, 6 yrs., was fresh Feed Bunks S March 1, at the Hays county Jan. 2 courthouse; Saline,at1p.m. Holstein cow, 6 yrs., was fresh Stock Cows March 2, at the Salina Memor- Jan. 6 Sat., Holstein cow, 6 yrs., was fresh ial Hall, and the Solomon, at 1 Jan. 4 p.m. March 6, at the Beloit city 1. Holstein cow, 6yrs.,will hall. freshen by sale day At The El Holstein cow, 6 yrs.,was fresh The federal water qualitycon- Sept. 1 EFFINI trol act requires each stateto Blk. WF cow, 4yrs., was conduct the hearings and adopt fresh Jan. 2 quality criteria and plancorrec- Holstein cow, 4 yrs.,was fresh tive action prior to June 30, Dec. 26 10 Hereford cows, 4 to 7 Holstein cow, 2 yrs.,was fresh yrs. 1967. Dec. 31 10 Hereford cows, 4 to 7yrs. 2 Bu] -If the states do not comply, Holstein cow, to calf in Feb, Mar, & April with Ha-Stak-R Attachments 2yrs., was 2 Hereford cows, 6 & 7yrs., to The he the federal government will fresh Dec. 31 calf by sale day Holds 15 -plus bales of hay Constructor step in and do the job for Dec. 30 Blk WF cow, 4 yrs., to freshen 12' trough weighs approximately 175 lbs. Fair in 196 them, J. Lee Mayes, chiefen- Holstein cow, 2 yrs.,was fresh by sale day His firstsc Holstein cow, 3 yrs.,will Interior coated toretard corrosion The fe gineer and director of environ- freshen in April 2 Hereford bull calves, 450lbs. Holstein bull calf, purebred Built to withstand lots of hard use. breedersa: mental health services for the Note: Bangs tested inlast 3 5 months No wasted feed. Rounded bottomhelps cat' .Familiest4 state department of health said. weeks, cows givingup to 8 ia's, Broad' a day. Good herd. 4 blk WF bucket calves tee clean it up. Prior to each hearing,the= Area Tested health department is preparing proposed quality standards for Mr. & Mrs. 'Leroy Leon's HOUSE of SALES Orville each river. W. Nelson,Owners PO Box 1613 IVIO Aucts: Foster Kretz & ElmoSteffen Phone For Ca The standards will containa Clay Center, Morganville WA Clerk: Peoples National HUTCHINSON, KANSAS MILTON 64422 Bank, Clay Center Some Dealerships Available 1967 January 17, 1967 Grass & Grain S& Grai4 17

room e guns. Manh

pproxirn Irrigation Honor 'ned wa :e John To John Ayers ysville, A G&G farmer, John E. Ay- ersof Courtland, Republic 37, burnt 3 double county, was honored last week $25, Bo by the Four States Irrigation iouston, Council at Denver. 8-3896, ie 16,000 water; Lnelray Riley SCD Winners irner and. Winners of conservation awards at theannual nn Pae'-` meeting of the Riley County Soil ConservationDis- tyfive Decision On Fair Premiums trict were Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Dettmer, Green; ; two the. - Mr. are vent Suggestions that the Kansas State Fair discontin- and Mrs. Marion Brenner, Randolph; Mr. and Mrs. John lition. Alf(ue payment of fair premiums did not get past the talk- Elry Beninga, Riley; and Mr. and Mrs. VernonEwing, mire tied dng stageas the State Board of Agriculture met as the Ayers Riley. is E. CadsKansasState Fair Board last week. About 160 people attended the annual meetingat Phone 9; The Fair Board reelected Robert Rawlins of Hol- Leonardville, as Lauren Smerchek, Blue Rapids,was ----ton as its president with Andrew Olson, Dwight, vice reelected to a 3 -year term on the district board. president; and E. R. Patton, Scott City, treasurer. ;PECIAL Above are the new officers of the Kansas State COW POKES By Ace Reid railerBoard of Agriculture: Paul Buchele, Sr., Cedar Vale, treasurer and next in line for vice president; A. T. Ayers, president of the new- hase ofBanger, Morland, vice president; Robert Teagarden, ly formed Kansas Irrigation and LaCygne, president; and Roy Freeland, Topeka, re- Motor elected secretary. Reclamation Assn., received the Fair secretary Wallace White told the board that council's Headgate Award for atana plan is being studied which could lead to the estab- his work in the promotion and lishment of a model feed lot on the fairgrounds. He operation of the Kansas Bost- ,aid the feedlot would be used for dealer display of wick Irrigation District. pR 8.54.elated equipment and feeds. Ayers has been a director of KANSk the Kansas Bostwick District since March 1956. He was presi- IT new is dent of the Kansas Irrigators 7diamo: Assn., and was elected president h. See to John Deere -GM( of the new irrigation -reclama- 1. 736-2801: tion organization when the two ill, Kans. groups merged last year. 1961 John Deere 2010 row crop,power steering, 3 point hitch, overhauled, new paint,very good.$2225 Ayers, his wife Martha, and a 'ices son Bruce, own and operate a IHC Tractor - 350 - fast hitch, very good, 3 -pt. 760 -acre grain and livestock hitch adapter, 1957 Model $1495 farm in Jewell and Republic counties in North Central Kan- "Jake, don't you know the quickestway to spoil a e Tax John Deere B, 1944, good tires, starter & lights, sas and carry on a hog and beef runs good $275 feeding operation. good hoss is to start gittin' offover his head!" Our Spec! The Ayers have another son, Tlor is aga TRADED FOR FARMS- RANCHES st with ye: -- DUE IN Dr. Rodney Ayers, a veterinar- call PR 51959 John Deere 730 diesel, fully equipped ian. Offered By Legere Auction & Realty Co. ?ointment.1946 A John Deere )SAY AGE REMINDER Phone 913-674-2249, Hill City, Kansas acing. PR S MACHINERY EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS AN, KANS 3NI'V ILISt17= YUMA COUNTY, COLORADO- Irrigation !1,206 acre, John Deere model R Manure Spreader, Charley Crews farm mid -way betweenBurlington and r. Account!' completely overhauled, new Wray, Colorado, 114 mile below the notedBonney Dam, for farm paint, 95 bu. finest water rights of "Hale Ditch"runs full length of it bookkee; farm.Also Republican River rights. Also,one new well 623-4511 with AC pump, 75 hp, estimate 1000 GPM, 56' shale. on a Mor.:Case4 -wheel trailer, with good rubber & bed, all Miles for $175 of pipe, 3 pumps, 3 industrial motors, all equipmentgoes! >wn, Delp Only 11 miles to sugar beet dump! 150acres alfalfa; 560 lso Conco:: Sat., Jan. 21 acres wheat - all goes, full possession! 3 sets improve- area office Sterl Hall (Fairgrounds) ments. Terms: 29r/down, balance ten equal annual in- fohn Deere 3.14, hyd. control, on rubber, good $295 stallments @ 51/2%. PRICE ONLY $132.50per acre.Call ABILENE, KS. Don Legere NOW! Having sold his farm and re- HC hay conditioner, rubber and steelrolls .... $275 tiring, Mr. Philip Peterson, Ent- GOVE COUNTY, KANSAS-- 1,760 acres, TERMS @ Homes erprise, Kansas, has instructed 41/2%All in one tract; 125 acres cultivation, balance fine us to sell his lifetime collection native grass, considerable acreage of grassland lays well Fohn Deere elevator- hay & grain, 30' with 5 hp of authentic antiques, modern for cultivation, deep, fertile soil; fences good. Price only electric motor- both $245 furniture and household goods $100 acre, 29f/down, balance ten equal annual install- BILE HOB' at public auction. No consign- ments @ 41/2% per annum. (Choice investment) John Deere No. 5 Mower, ments have been added to this is growini OSBORNE COUNTY, KANSAS - 240 acre Grade A Dairy home, Si; . Quick-Tach $95 sale.All antiques have come from the farm home. Farm, improved. Home large old stone, dairy barn, barn, .ileHomes. 2 - IHC Model 37 Wheel Discs, poultry house, supporting outbuildings, close to townon us 12'x65' all-weather road. Dairy & Irrigation equipment go with e withlar good from$350 Time Schedule farm. Owner says due to health SELL!Priced to do so; en area,3 with or without Holstein cows. Additional acreage grass- eth, 2x4 all John Deere 8 -ft. Field Cultivator, with 10 a.m. - ANTIQUES land available. Call your Nationally accredited farm & oughout. 10" sweeps, hydraulic land broker, Don Legere, 913-674-2249 NOW! control, on rubber $75 2 p.m. - ANTIQUE VI TAN NORTON COUNTY, KANSAS - 1040 acres, fair improve. HOMES See Our Stock of Homelite Chain Saws. ments, native grass & farm land. Excellent, fences good. PR g, We need used chain saws, will trade. FURNITURE One of Norton County's finest farm ponds. Long practi- AN, KO cal terms available; priced for quick sale. Call Don Le- Call Us Collect CE 8-4103 6:30 p.m. - Modern gere 913-674-2249. Furniture, Household Call Don Legere, "Nationally Accredited Farm & Land The complete listing of an- Broker" Hill City, Kansas. (Real Estate Brokers please tique items and furniture as cooperate) well as household goods was published in Grass & Grain last BOWMAN'S Week, issue of Jan. 10. Antique LEGERE AUCTION & REALTY CO. JUNCTION CITY hunters will find this sale an Your event to remember. AUCTIONEERS REALTORS Junction City - Manhattan Area 913-674-2249 HILL CITY, KANSAS John Deere Dealer Crews Auction Co. (Licensed Kansas -Colorado -Nebraska -Oklahoma)

DISCOUNTS ON ALL NEW & USED TRACTORS & MACHINERY DURING OUR THREE DAY ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE THURS., FRI., SAT. JAN. 19, 20 & 21 See Page 3 First Section Herington, Kans. Y YOU TAO,,11 Tri-County Sales MOMAlOt I*. DUR PARTY KED TO V00. ANOTHER ROOM HIKE est." It noted that its policies January AT WICHITA HOSPITALS 17, 1967 and those of the REA admini- Hospital room rates are go- strator might lead to "incipient Aver-average about $2 conflicts," but that "these coulding up again in Wichita. age cost for a semi-private roomand are thesecond be resolved by the Congress inwill run $27 to $29 at the fourmonths for three the most appropriate manner." tats. of the,;;; In a statement issued later, Wichita hospitals. The increases Chairmaman Lee C. White said ...... the commission hopes to "devel- 300 HEAD Otis op some constructiverecom- Robert A. T. Paul Robert Marvin Green Douglass mendation" to Congress for Teagarden Sanger Buchele Rawlins specific legislation aimed at CHESTER. WHITE Board. of Agriculture giving the FPC authorty over farmer from La- cooperatives. BOARS-GILTS--BRED so Robert Teagarden, Linn county A spokesman for the National S Cygne, was elected presidentof the Kansas State Rural Electric Cooperatives As- Arkansas City, Kansas Board of Agriculture at the96th annual meeting atsociation said he doubted that Topeka. any FPC Congressional move A. T. Sanger, Morland, waselected vice president, Saturday, January 21 Winning would win much backing. The and Paul Buchele, CedarVale, treasurer. spokesman noted that abill reelection to the board wereRobert Rawlins, Holton; with the opposite intention - Sale Starts 12:00 Noon Marvin Green, Girard, Otis Douglass,Burlington; and to exempt co-ops from FPC jur- At the Armory in Arkansas City there will be Roy Freeland of Topekacontinuesas a Teagarden. isdiction - passed the Senate Contest for FFA and 4-H teams at 9 a.m. withthe board secretary. in 1965. That measure was de- of top meat quality Chester White boars,gilts a feated in the House. sows, starting at 12 noon. Commercial and purebrednd legislative interpretation," the breeders will find this an excellent opportunity to majority opinion stated." sel MOP FPC Says It The FPC action leaves the purchase herd improving animals. Can't Regulate Agriculture Department's Rur- alElectrificationAdministra- The patterns tion as the sole government ag- re shownown in Electric Co-ops ency supervising electric co- Auction -4 -Unit Apartment IIwieringAlb' trails ti The Federal Power Commis-onp, which account for about JUNCTION OITY, KANSAS, 415 WEST SIXTH Slkinow.Top le sion made its peace with rural1% of the nation's generating RENTALS, HOME AND RENTALS OR BUSINWoragingonstu capacity. To settle estate of Mary J. Haun, deceased, we have bq.'or food in a electric cooperatives by deciding Had the commission reached it doesn't have authority to re- meted by Mr. Hale White, Administrator, to sell- the bleld.Center, gulate them after all. an opposite conclusion, presum- ing described property by public auction at the preitioaand gull, de The action ended a controver-ably it could have led to the lazed by a sud sial test case involving three co-FPC setting higheror lower FRI., JAN. 27, AT 2:30plIlli;ottom right, a ops that dated back to 1963. Allrates for co-op power sales ac - the farm cross state lines. Higher rates Legal Description: Lot 4 and the East % of Lot5:'orcountry r five commissioners generally 36, Junction City Addition to the city of Junction City, concurred in the basic finding,would benefit competing private utilities, which long have com- sas. but the opinion of the three - General Description: Two story frame consh-u- member majority specifically plained of what they termed an good workmanship throughout. New composition rrf concluded that Congress never unfair competitive advantage years ago, recently repainted inside and out. Heated bt intended the commission to re-enjoyed by co-ops and their abil- model double -burner Lennox forced -airfurnace--- ity to obtain federal loans at converted to central air conditioning. Two apartmena gulate cooperatives under the second floor, one on ground floor and one in basemen,t, Federal Power Act. an interest rate of only 2% an- nually. The private -utility indus- chen built-ins and full bath in each apartment. Se "This. . . is reflected in the electric meters. Some carpeting, stoves,refrigeratorsAU legislative history of the Fed-try, however, chose not to inter- miscellaneous furniture. Two disposals. TV antennae eral Power Act, is confirmed byvene in the case. cable available. Two car garage. the legislative history of the Ru- The commission did agree TERMS: 10% down day of sale and balance of PO unanimously that FPC jurisdic-End For Allis? price upon delivery of merchantable abstract of title anti ralElectrificationAct, is ranty deed. ,Full possession upon final settlement , strengthened by the subsequenttion over multistate generating LOCATION: This' property is very desirably loco: expressions of Congress and isand transmission cooperatives The Allis Hotel in Wichita, Close to downtown shopping and adjacent to new ratified by this commission's "would be in the public inter - the state's newest major city ping area. Local and tourist traffic make it attractive.Having deci hotel for many years, may be business. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Friday, Januar.ton on the fa and Tuesday, January 24 from 11:00 a.m. until 5:0: Washington or in its last days.The Allis has and from 1:00 p.m. day of sale. For further informJanover, Kans Friday been sold by the Boss Hotel Co., or inspection at other times, please contact the aue: to Equitable Life Assurance of eer. New York, effective this week. Sale Conducted and Managed by Farm M JANUARY 20 Equitable's intentions" are not Jim ICirkeminde, Auctions and Rea1914y6 ietigiicipmpeod,de known, altho there is some pos- Jim Kirkeminde, Auctioneer Starts 12 Noon sibility the insurance company 135 East 29th Street, Topeka., Kans. 66605 PH. AM 6!949.94c9omFpolerdtel8yNo NEBRASKA SALE will remodel the structure with der motor, the intention of re -selling it. Lunch Served The Allis was built in1930, 938goo Johnd Deer Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction boasting such modern conven-. on rubbe at the place 4 miles north of John Deere Implement Co., Fair- iences as "radio, ceiling fans, Saluda,tor1941 John Deer bury, Nebr., on Highway 15 & 3/4 mile east; or 4 miles West, 1 ' tor, has mot circulating ice water, tub and 94c9u 1 tci voactkosnh mile north & 1/4 mile west of Jansen, Nebraska. shower bath." 15 ft. disc; 8 ft. tandem disc AUCTION bine: 1951 combine, goc 58 Head Cattle 1962 Noble 4 -section harrow JANUARY Case 32 -ft. elevator, with Wis- 949 IHC 11/2 1 Registered Holstein cow, 10 consin motor for bales or with 10 ft. 1 yrs. old, fresh 3 months grain SALE racks, good 5 Hereford 1st calf heifers John Deere manure spreader Starts 12:30N,951 Ford 1/2t with calves at side Ford 7 ft. mower 53 motor an 21 Hereford cows, 3 to 8 yrs.,Ferguson 2 -row lister, Gandy Having leased my property, I will sell all of m good with calves at side 111105g3 IHCdNo. insecticide applicator, rotary goods and antiquesa at my home located at 515Viher, ° Black Whiteface cow, 5 yrs., moldboards Kansas.. rood condition fresh by sale date Ford 2 -row Go -dig, 3 -pt. hitch :ase 3x14 ploy 2 Whiteface cows, to freshenFord rear end blade gany drop leaf stand. good soon Ford post hole digger Walnut china Registered Polled Hereford Buzz saw, portable Household Goodsmagazine rack;veneer ;.Orgy 3x14plo bull, 5 yrs. old IHC 4 -bar side rake nut table & leaves;tt'irnally 10 ft. w Black Whiteface bucket calf 10 ft. dump rake Frigidaire electric range small glass cabinet; la4M 14' straigl BUILDINGS Breakfast table, oak with iron 6 good Wood Bros. cornpicker legs bookcase with glass 12x14 brooder house with floor4 -wheel trailer with grain box wicker folding stand;Oliver 10 ft.si 2 3 -stall farowing houses, Oak drop leaf table evener,2x14 2 2 -wheel trailers, one with 2- bed and chair;walnutc::closet: '4M 8x20 inch flooring 10 gum & peanut machines, Rusle-;-section drag good with marble top; POULTRY New loading chute phonograph;small re; .tion harrow 90 Chris 44 pullets, laying 1953 Ford oar (junk) Step stool & metal stool silveriirrohn Deere mu good Radio & record player com-chest: sterling on steel, we 40 hens, 1 yr. old, laying Several pieces horse drawn vice for eight. machinery; old iron bination and records Sterling silverwater,Ferguson 2-rov Electric egg washer RAY Divan, 2 upholstered chairs, of r: rotary moldl HOUSEHOLD GOODS occasional chairsl er; several pieces 600 square bales alfalfa hay, sterling:service forrohn Deere4-; Estate heating stove,coal 1st & 3rd cutting Zenith 21" TV glass goblets, 8 cutglO good burner 30 bales prairie hay 8 needlepoint dining room sherbalC No. 238 m Trash Burner stove chairs bets; pink glass Pink plates; S cutglass tor,good 3 cupboards for shop tools MISCELLANEOUS Needlepoint dining room chair large c?ft. PrIeway, 3 9 wardrobes New cattle oiler: 140 rods 8 china plates; Cherrywood occasional chairhandmade RumanianDearborn 7 ft. Bathroom sink, tub & stool ; poultry wire; 7x14 Romanian wool rug table er ..,$_90d Maytag washer, square tub disc killers; 300 gal. gas tank Bedroom suite, complete bed, Rumanian V-27 mow Electric 40 -gal. hot water heat-& stand; several gas barrels; small Rumanianpiecessrit; dresser, small stand & chest Cooking utensils,be6,,'''No. 11 sid er table saw with metal bench of drawers of r.amerweed Gould centrifugal pump Dump jack & motor;heat Wicker rocker& straight etc. Large offeringt',,,b_er, 100 House doors lamps: hog troughs; panels. al cooking appliances: gal. chair offeri54,71.osterNo. Windows 12 telephone poles, 15 ft. Electric pole lamp, traveling blanket;large & (115 __icator, 7kr Bookcase & desk combinationlong: 6 railroad ties; 10 bridge bags; porch swing cooking utensils gal. anhyd nlanks 12 ft. long; hav feed large offeringof blarYiunouo toolsa;honga,1- anhvdi bunk: DeLaval No. 618 cream towels.Garden uuilt 4-wl- Farm Machinerysenarator; 2 5 -gal. cream cans; sheets, pillowslips, 1,',uox 1945 MM U tractor 2 10 -gal. cream cans: 5 ft. Antiques egSho large P built 4-wi- 1948 MM Z tractor round end tank: 14 ft.lad- This is a very 1948 Ford 8N tractor der: shop tools: items too nu- Cherry wood gate leg table;of householditems jg MM 3-14 plow, on rubber Mother Of Year small maple table; round wal-been kept ingood c°'' merous to mention. nut stand; walnut chest of Sally, a dog ownedby drawers; walnut stand; maho- TERMS: CASE kuets: FosterI Burke Sanderford of Raleigh, Clay Center,Pt MR. & MRS. FELIX REGNIER N.C., takes a look at herlatest Fairbury, Nebr., Phone 729-5954 litter of pups Aucts: Harold R. Siegel. 1528 F St., - 15 in all.San- FRED REISNER, Owner; Clerk: Fairbury derford said Sally hashad three Fairbury, Nebr. Phone 729.3651 State Bank Auctioneers: Lawrence Welter cheste,r litters with a total of41 pups... and Glen Applegate e brought 'lm Trait, January 17, 1967 keno, (-)14 Oclott Grass &Grain 19 Yes, I Want Grass & Grain FFIcERS ::alph sot\ Enclosed Find $3 for 52 issues untycatt succeeds Mune te board Ernest Tice, BEI. RFD or rn,Beloit: ttsville; Address and Thaik

/0/4444,-ka,,,, LAND AUCTION (real estate formerly owned by L. C. Kieferle, now deceased) TRACT NO. 1: East Half (E1/2 )of the Northeast Quarter (NE y) of Section 35, Township 14 South, Range 2 East, Dickinson County, Kansas "To overcome apathy, take located 3 miles west of Navarre- all grass, well -fenced, the burr from under the saddle never -failing spring water -- Possession when titleap- and putitunder therider's proved and purchase price paid. seat." i Hogs To Vietnam TRACT No. 2: North Half (N1/2) of the North Half (NY2)of Section2,Township 15 South, t . A shipment of hogs isdestined for Vietnam from the Range 2 East, Dickinson County, Kansas , 1 George Burkholder farm northeast of Abilene. Burkholder and

. I his son Gary made the donation. Inspecting the porkers are located 3 miles west, 1 mile south of Navarre- very pro- ;;* Don Harzman and Dan Vander Giesen of Downs, Burkholder ductive quarter, approximately half choice Turkey Creek fit`",and Oscar Latzke of Junction City. bottom, contains 105.7 acres crop land, balance good grass / ' ' The Burkholder hogs will be part of 100 pigs from Kan- - wheat allotment 49.2 acres, feed grain 23.0 acres, con- sas to Vietnam as part of a project aimed at helping backward serving base 6.0 acres - Possession when title approved 'r a i me d i or til agricultural countries by giving farmers quality breeding stock. and purchase price paid, except growing wheat, which illion(?) On the Vietnam end of the project is Rev. Ben Finley, possession will be given after 1967 wheat harvest, land- former Methodist pastor at several churches in the G&G area. lord's 1,x3 share of wheat crop to purchaser. Landlord's Finley, a former ranch foreman and feed mill operator around share of ASC payments to purchaser. I Miltonvale, will distribute the pigs to farmers in Vietnam. Each farm must then return a nig from its first litter so that the I project will keep going in that country. Sellers to pay 1966 and prior years' taxes on both tracts. I Six to 10 boars will also be sent, and two pedigreed boars 1565,000(?) and two pedigreed sows, which will be used as the beginning of Warranty deed and abstracts showing merchantable title furnished, except above tracts sold subject topipeline 1 a breeding station in the Vietnamese province where Finley works. easements and an outstanding one-half interest in min- 1-600,000 The pigs are being brought at 100 -pound size and being erals on 85 acres of tract No. 2. I fed on the VanderGiesen farm near Downs until they reach 200 pounds. The gilts will be vaccinated and bred just before SALE WILL BE HELD AT SOUTH FRONT DOOR I shipment by air, probably sometime in March. OF THE COURTHOUSE IN ABILENE, KANSAS Money for purchase and shinping isbeing contributed. Gift To FEBRUARY 7, 1967, 10 O'CLOCK A.M. 1 VanderGiesen said he would like to send a list of 500 names ) along with the shipment showing the interest of Kansans in Finley's project. Terms: 25% down on date of sale and balance when 1 Area Charity title is approved. A Milford, Kansas, woman, The wheat growers Thursday Miss Ada Mellinger, has pre- For particulars contact RAY D. WILSON, broker, Abilene, Vheatgrowers To passed resolutions calling for: sented a $5,000 check tothe Kansas, or LEHMAN, ROMINE & GUILFOYLE, Abilene, Continuation of the. certifi- Federation for Handicapped Kansas, attorneys for owners. ',eturn To Kansas cate plan now in effect which Children, Inc. CLARENCE RIEKEMAN and EDWARD SHERRADEN assesses millers and processors The FHC sponsors a Day Nur- Agents For Owners The National Association of75 cents a bushel on all wheat sery in Manhattan for handi- million, Navy 'heat Growers chose Kansas- capped youngstersand pro- tion,there 'obably Wichita-assiteforfor domestic consumption. that rune Into motes theinterestsofhandi- e1966 convention of the Parity of $1.75 a bushel on capped persons throughout the Wednesday 'oup and reelected officers tolast year's domestically consum- area. the 17th annual con-ed wheat. Don Good, chairmanof the )RDSimplete,ntion at Seattle last week. AUCTION Action to be taken toward Federation's Building Commit- 15 Under the threat that someexpanding Soviet bloc trade for tee,receivedthe check from JANUARY 25 oncoraPver is likely toward change ofU.S. wheat and flour. Miss Mellinger. e Food and Agriculture Act SALE Starts 12:30 Noon CORDIA 1965 wheat men passed a Repeal of the requirement solution asking Congress tothat U.S. flag shipping be used. Lunch Served aintain the actinits same Having decided to quit farming I will sell at public auction rm throughthe90thCon- Extension of "fully compe- on my farm located 4 north and 1/4 west of Morganville, or 10 FISM titive credit arrangements." north & 41/4 west of Clay Center. e Sale ess. David Bradley 4 -wheel trailer, with flare bed, good mcordia Orville & Tom McLaughlin Farm Machinery5 ft. tumble bug Swenson 4 1937 John Deere Model A trac-David Bradley 4 -wheel trailer CH 3.2655 tor, on rubber 16 ft. 4 -in. auger REGISTERED SHORTHORN CATTLE 1947 Woods Bros. single row Old running gears; 2 -row corn picker weeder: steel wheel for A John Deere 3 -section drag har-John Deere; set stock racks Dispersal row with folding evener, for 34 ton pickup 48 to 54; 2 good wooden hog feeders; large John Deere 12A 6 -ft. combineblock and tackle, with 150 ft. with motor cable, HD. John Deere 12A 6 ft. combine SALE for repairs John Deere hyd. cylinder, John Deere cylinder sheller PTO hvd. pump; water haul- with blower ing tank; chicken feeders anr Sat., Jan. 28 John Deere 16x8 grain drill,waterers; 300 -gal. fuel tank; wooden box hog troughs; hog netting; 2 12:30 Noon John Deere No. 200 2 -row nail pullers; log chains; odds mounted cultivator, good & ends of misc. items. At The Effingham Sale Barn 'John Deere No. 10C hammer TO BE MOVED mill GOOD HOUSE EFFINGHAM, KANS, John Deere No. 5 7 ft. mower, 28x30 frame 1 story 4 rooms good & bath. oak floors; builtins, John Deere fertilizer attach-was built in 1954. 1st San. 1968 36 Lots 52 Head ment for cultivator for removal. Your inspection - Henry hyd. dirt scoop, on rub-invited by appointment with ber, 1 yard size, hyd. cylin-Lafe Schwab. ;nts 2 Bulls -34 Females - 16 Calves der, good HOUSEHOLD GOODS The herd bull, K C Constellation, sells. This son of Bapton. IHC double row stalk cutter, Frigidaireelectricrange; Constructor was Reserve Junior Champion at Missouri State good rrigidaire 15 ft. chest type Fair in 1962. His dam is a half sister to Louada Rothes King. IHC 2 -row lister, narrow tread,deeo freeze; Frigidaire refrig- His first son sells. pull type erator: Warm Morning coal or The females offered in this sale are the kind Shorthorn Amish Hunter Javhawk stacker, on steel wood heater: Dearborn pro- breeders are looking for to add improvement to their herd. David Bradley 20 ft. hay ornane gas heater, 65,000; floor Families represented: Missie's, Clipper's, Butterfly's, Victor- A coyote hunt by the Amish grain elevator, gas motor lamn: lqnterns: recliner and ia's, Broadhook's, Augusta's, Winifred's and Gloster's. religious sect near Hutchinson lA sack size cement mixer some items not listed. Auct. Wilson Hawk, Effingham failed to produce any coyotes, but one bearded hunter came Orville Tom McLaughlin, Muscotah, Ks. back with a jackrabbit in hand, HARVEY GOO CH,Owner For Catalog and other information contact Sale Mgr. as well as a friend's hat blown Aucts: Foster Kretz & Elmo Steffen Clerk: Dan Roenigk, MILTON H. NAGELY, RR 3, Abilene - Phone Acme 305 away by strong winds. Clay Center, Ph. Morganville WA 6-4422 Morganville --- - ..... judg- Mar. 24 -- Complete dispersal January 17;7111111 Feb. 4 -- Duroc sale and ...... ,...... 7-= Center. of registered Polled Heref- e ingcontest,Smith ords, Elwin Thoes, Alma. Leo Contestco -sponsoredby 22 Grass G&G Calendar Chamber of Commerce;Vern Ebel, Wamego, sale mgr; Gene Watson, auct. son Hereford Far Ffi...,...... m.,..,..,.....n...,...... ,.....H...... m....o V. Albrecht and Herman nis;''"91)1AA ,..., I Jan. 18 - Stock reduction in Jan. 25, 1967 -Trinity Lutheran Popp. Mar. 24 - Production sale, L. Johnson & sons,',"'" Sedan, Kansas, West Equip- church consignmentsale Pohlman's Angus Ranch, Na- Nov. 18 ment & Realty Co. Auct. Ha - - Kocher14,. northwest of Waterville, Her- Feb. 4 - B.F.Y. swine sale in toma, Kans. John Barton, sale production sale gel Auction Co., man Holle and Henry Zabok- Emporia, Marion Boggs, Ken- mgr.; Ray Sims, Auct. Herman Kocherinor'--Xpori church committee. & so:11 Jan. 20 - Household goods in rtsky, neth Fuller and James Year - Aucts. Fisher and Hole. Mar. 24 - CompletedispersalNov. 25, 1967 - TheCooperati Salina, Raymond Switzer. Bob out. Auct.: Loren Thiele. of registered Polled Heref- fords production---- Aocher,,ssodation(C1V Perry & Frank Harz, aucts. Jan. 26 - Dairy & stock cowFeb. 4, 1967 - .Reg. Duroc sale ords, Elwin Thoes, Alma.Lea ga, Herman Kochersale of region dispersal north of Clay Cen- and judging school, Smith Ebel, Wamego, sale mgr; & are const: Jan. 20 -- Farm sale north of ztichexport ( Fairbury, Nebr., Mr. & Mrs. ter, Mr. & Mrs. Le Roy Nel.- Center. Vern V. Albrecht and Gene Watson, auct. Nov. 25 - Fallsale.og anion Felix Regnier. Auct. Harold son. Auct Foster Kretz. Herman Popp. not Herefords, Haddat,'-ewOrleans. Mar. 31 - Farm & livestock Bob Arbuthnot. R.Siegel. Feb. 6 - Farm sale east of Construction Jan. 27 - Apartment house sale sale northeast of Washington, ----.4enew facility Jan. 20 - Farm sale southwest in Junction City, Mary J. Green,' Clyde Olson. Auct Fos- Dean Fasse. Auct. Harold R. TEx pave a capacity of Hanover, Ed Allerheiligen. Hauri est. Auct Jim Kirke- ter Kretz. Siegel. Itwill be otoodoels Auct. Foster Kretz. minde. Feb. 7 - Farm sale, Strong Ci- est bankof th ty, Glen Miller & Sons. Auct.Mar. 31 - North Central Kan- 10 Jan. 21 - Consginment sale in sas Hereford Assn. show& Cow 14,iver about Jan. 27 - Farm sale southeast Jim Barr. Royal w Orleans. Plymouth,Nebr.,Aucts.; sale at Glasco, Jarold Hayden, C Kato, of Riley, Oren Morris. Auct. CMA presiders Schultis & Son & Wolken. Feb. 7 - Land auction in Abi- Concordia, sale mgr.; George Appak Foster Kretz. SERVICEABLE BuitypwsterKs., s lene, L. C. Kieferle estate. , Morse, auct. WITH WEIGHT REV' the new Jan. 21 - Antique & householdJan. 28 - Farm sale southwest Ray D. Wilson, broker; Leh- be Priced . . . MA--,-, to g.).,cientof itskil furnishings sale in Abilene, of Mayetta. C. A. Slattery. man, Romine & Guilfoyle, at- Apr. 8 - Third Annual Quar- 35 HEAD REG. Phillip Peterson (Enterprise). ter Horse sale in Manhattan, HEIFC-ea,which is tl- Evertt Hoobler, auct. torneys for owners, Abilene. GRANT POOLE ort for ini Auct. Kenneth Crews. Lee Walters, sale mgr. MANHATTAN, KAM g P Jan. 28 -- Reg. Shorthorn dis-Feb. 10, 1967 -Farm sale south Located 4 mi. south of)rt of wheat, 5 Jan. 1.:'. 21 - National Chester persal sale, Effingham, Kans., of Fairbury, Nebr., Mr. andNov. 15, 1967 - Registered intersection,2mi.west,ed grains. White show & sale in Arkan- Dowell Creek Rd. Ph. Orville & Tom McLaughlin Mrs .HaroldFlower.Auct. Hereford sale, Smolan, John - PR The elevator sas City, Kans. Exec. sec. J. (Muscotah, Kans.). Sale mgr. Harold R. Siegel. in about 18 r Marvin Garner, Rochester,. Milton H. Nagely. ill for it to be Indiana. Feb. 11 & 12 - Gun, coin & rock WASHINGTON SALES CO. ...at.e largest sea -g

Jan. 28 - Reg. Polled Hereford show in Abilene, Paul Hazel - ci,iading and to 1 Jan. 21, 1967 -Household goods dispersal southeast of Mt. ton, committee chairman. . & antiques in Wamego, Fred trgesin two -a Hope, Paul A. Dick & Sons, HOGS every TUESDAY ail and truck Reisner.Aucts. Lawrence Mt. Hope, Kans. Feb. 13 - Dairy sale northwest Welter and Glen Applegate. of Linn, Leroy Alexander. CATTLE every WEDNESDAY e to be install( .""CThe move will Jan. 30 - Farm sale east of ' Auct Foster Kretz. Jan. 23 -- Overstocked machin- Leonardville, Mrs. Robert All Sales Start 1:00 pan. the Missouri ery sale in .Hill City, Pratt Manka. Auct Foster Kretz. Feb. 13 -- Farm sale northwest ver basins dir Implement Co. Auct Don Le- of Beatrice, Nebr., Homer J. A GOOD TURNING POINT \ .airs exporting gere, Legere Auction & Real-Feb. 1 - Farm sale south of Wenzel.Aucts.:Schultis & FOR HEAVY CATTLE. ing as the F ty Co. Industry, Carl Kauffman. Son & Wolken. ). The compan Auct. Foster Kretz. A Growing Market for Jan. 23 -- Farm sale south- Feb. 15 Farm sale south of Finished Cattle - west of Hanover, John Benda.Feb. 1, 1967 - Kaw Valley Junction City, Jim Wood. Auct Foster Kretz. Changed Aucts. C. W. Crites and Mont- Hereford Assn. Sale in Man- Barn Phone EA 5-2266 -Residence EA 5-2393 from Jan. 16. hattan, Garland Gideon, sale gomery. WASHINGTON, kANS. Jan. 25 - Reg. Hereford sale mgr. Feb. 20 --- Hereford stock cow in Concordia, Swanson Bros. Feb. 2 -- Registered Polled dispersal sale northeast of Jan. 25 - Farm sale north of Hereford sale west of Goff, Clay Center, Don Martin, Morganville, Harvey Gooch. Kans., Valley Hereford Farms Auct. Foster Kretz. Auct. Foster Kretz., Carl Funk and Edward Funk.,June 10 -- Complete dispersal sale of registered Quarter horses, Elmer & Evelyn Zeck- Ronald Rice Motors Inc. ser, Alma, Kans. CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC Mar. 4 - Sixth production sale North Kansas' Largest Volume Dealer of Polled Herefords, Chester, Nebr., State Line NW 2nd Phone CO 3-4000 ABILENE, KANS. Farm, E. G. Nesmith & Son. HOGS START 12 Noon Mar. 4 - Farm sale northwest JANUARY-FEBRUARY of Chapman, Mrs. Elbert We had a very good, active sale last Saturday, with a high Gardner. Aucts Carl and Wm. market on both cattle and hogs.All classes were higher witl VOLUME BUILDER CAMPAIGN Schnell and Lee Remy. the exception of cows which wel'e generally down some. We ha There were more consignors than we had previously had bet o6 in Mar. 4 - Antique consignment which goes to prove that the Junction City Barn is growingt:, Come in . . . or phone us sale, Salina; Soroptimist Club. meet more competitive demands. There was lots of compet .teen Frank Harz & Bob Perry, tion at the sale, and a very good sale is taking shape for thi; 25 sf t and we'llcome to you aucts. Saturday. highe We have joined Chevrolet Motor Co. in the national -- : tiye4 January -February sales campaign to delivernew cars and March 6 - Farm sale south- trucks on a volume basis. This Auct. Foster Kretz. Changed HORSE SALE, JANUARY 20, 7:00 P.M. good means that those who are JUNCTION CITY BARN planning to buy a new car or truck shoulddo this now from Jan. 20. $19.5 and the place to buy is Ronald Rice Motorsin Abilene. Firley, Jr. Aucts Pierce and good selection some registered We promise to make the months of Januaryand Febru- $13.3 ary our biggest and wildest dealing months of theyear. Mar. 15, 1967- Blue Valley The following is a sampling of our sale: 9 wf sti Hereford Breeders Assn. show COWS Here are just a few of our late modeltrade-ins. STEER CALVES 3 bwf Si 1966 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door and sale in Fairbury, Nebr., We had an exceptionally g, V-8 $2995 19 black steers 440 @ Radio, heater, automatic transmission, Auct: Gene Watson:sec. -sale 29.50cow market consideringth 1 wf hfl power steering, 6 blk&blkwf steers 505 @29. 30 power brakes air conditioner. mgr. Don Banahan, Steele Ci- Good cc 1 1966 OLDSMOBILE 4 door hardtop 12 black steers general off trend. blk h. $3495 ty, Nebr. 515 p29.00$15.50 to $1 7. 00, others t Radio, heater, automaitc transmission,power steering, 6 whiface steers450 p28.50 1 char I power brakes, air conditioner. $13.50 to $15.00. Mar. 15, 1967- Latzke Angus 7 whiface steers480 p26.50 3 hol s. 1966 CIIEVELLE SS 4 door SportsCoupe $3095 of Junction City, Oscarand 22 whiface steers 510 @27.80 1 blk hi Radio, heater, automatic transmission,powersteering, HOGS power brakes, air conditioner. Larry A. Latzke. Changed 4 whiface steers515 p29.25 4 wf sti 1966 OLDSMOBILE Deluxe 88 from Mar. 14. 86 mixed butchers234 @ Radio, heater, automatic transmission, $3295 14 mixed butchers204 @ 1 wf hfi power steering, Mar. 18, 1967-P. R. HEIFER CALVES power brakes air conditioner. I. Angus 1 charolais heifer 600 p23.4014 white butchers 221 @ 1 wf hfi 1966 CHEVROLET Caprice 4 door sale southeast of Olsburg, 23 white butchers 237 @ V-8 hardtop $3295 La- 11 black heifers405 @25.50 1 blk h' Radio, heater, automatic transmission, tin Bros. & Fagerberg. 26 mixed butchers218 @ power brakes, air conditioner. power steering, 14 whiface heifers415 @24.55 1 wf st! 7 black heifers 10 mixed butchersl 93 @ 1965 PONTIAC Tempest Custom 4 door $2595 405 p25.50 1 blk s' V-8. Radio, heater ,automatic transmission, 3 black heifers 440 p25.2032 mixed butchers21 7 @ ing, power brakes, air conditioner.. powersteer - 13 hol 611311r1.7,.13V.P.2.1"11°5 2 charolais, heifers450 @23.30 1965 CHEVY II Nova 4 door $1895 SOWS 3 hols Radio, heater, automatic transmission, 10 red sows 324@ power steering, HOLSTEIN STEERS 2 bwfs. ar conditioner. 411 @ 10 holstein steers 555 p21.2510 mixed sows 2 roan A FEW OLDER CARS- GOOD ONES 4 mixed sows 320 @ 1: 10 holstein steers 470 p21.25 1 1 black sow 320 @ hol s 1962 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door V-8 $1295 15 holstein steers1015 Radio, heater, automatic transmission, 20.85 29 wfs powersteering, 4 holstein steers385 p22.50 power brakes. the. 25 bwf 1962 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door 6 cylinder $12.00 to $1 5.POIOGSfor Radio, heater, stick shift, air conditioner. $1195 FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS pigs, started pigs$15.0" 1 bwf h 1963 CHEVROLET SS 2 door 2 whiface steers690 p 25.05 1 blk h Radio, heater, 4 speed, power steering. $1795 12 whiface steers 650 @ 24.50 o: 1 wf hf 1964 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door V-8 $1895 2 steers We had a good market Radio, heater, automatic transmission, 900 @ 23. 20 1 red h air conditioner. power steering, 12 whiface steers 920 p 24.00 1 bwfs 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu 2 door V-8 SportsCoupe- ... $1895 Radio, heater, automatic transmission. $80.00, per head. 2 blks 1965 RAMBLER Classic 660 4 door 6 cylinder $2095 10 blk. Radio, heater, automatic transmission,power steering, LICENSEDANDstbaa power brakes,airconditioner., 1965 FORD 4 door V-8 Country Sedan station wagon - $2495 "WE CAN KEEP RAISINGALL THE BARN PH. JUNCTIONCITY CE8.1( Radio, heater, automatic transmission,power steering, OTHER CROPS, DAD, LET'S power brakes, air conditioner. JUST VERN LANGVARDT, Manager, 502 UPLA10,01 4 BE SPINACH FARMERDROP -OUTS:" HOWARD LANGVARDT, Auctioneer, 520 UFPA'vasf January 17, 1967 17 7. 1967 Grass & Grain $2 a da CLAY CENTER econd in ee of the Close Gates On -Pc9/&-izi-cMilford Lake SALES CO. JUNCTION CITY -Gates of Milford Dam on the nearby Re- Hog Sale Every Monday publican River were to have Starts 1:00 p.m. been officially closed Monday for permanent impoundment of Cattle Sale Every Tuesday water, the U.S. Army Corps . Starts 12:30 Noon of Engineers announced last Market Report Jan.9& 10 week. HOGS The Corps has been conduct- HOGS, No. 1 20.25 to 21.05 ing temporary storage of water HOGS, Heavy 19.25 to 20.00 since December. There was SOWS 13.05 to 15.75 FEEDERS 18.50 to 21.00 about 13 feet of water in the BOARS 11.75 to 14.10 reservoir. PIGGIES, per head 17.25 to 18.50 Conservation pool levelwill CATTLE l be a Jud be 1,144.4 feet. Itis hoped the HEIFERETTES 18.50 to 22.00 STEER CALVES ith theau level will be reached by July 4, 25.00 to 29.00 ;Ms and tentative date for dedication HEIFER CALVES 21.50 to 24.75 mrebred FEEDER STEERS 23.50 to 24.75 ceremonies. FEEDER HEIFERS 18.50 to 22.50. r to select The levellast Tuesday was HOLSTEIN STEERS 19.00 to 20.50 1,092.75 feet. COWS, canners & cutters 12.50 to 17.20 COWS, Utility 10004pot. Heavy spring rains normally 15.50 to 17.25 would fill the reservoir to con- BULLS 21.00 to 21.50 The patterns of winter BABY CALVES, per head 35.00 to 60.00 servation level. If further snow H. P. Robbins, Clay Center, ME 2-3210 ig Hatoreshown in the mean- develops, the level could be R. A. Brueggemann, Clay Center, ME 2-2761 iniXering trails through the reached with the spring thaw. Horace Ware, Longford, Phone 72 STREEInow. Top left,horses CLAY CENTER, KS. USINESS oraging unsuccessfully have beenbr food in a snow -laden .rt ell the foleld.Center, a south - e Prelnisespound gull, downed and CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP SALE lazed by a sudden storm. p.m, tottom right, a car heads SOME ITEMS REDUCED 50% 'or the farm on a slip - f 14t 5,134ery country road. As recent purchasers of McManis Ford Implement Co. ion City, K of Manhattan, we find it necessary to reduce the inventory as soon as possible, and construct therefore have cut asking prices far below the machinery's sitionroc! value. Seated by ace - ea SALE INCLUDES MACHINERY, apartments ppLaAl_i_bff basement Monday NEW & USED ITEMS & HARDWARE lent. Se Sale Starts Wedn., Jan. 18- Ends January 28 igerators AUCTION antennaes. JANUARY 23 "SOME MAILMAN: MAKING EVERY- BURNS -SALISBURY, INC e of purch BODY ON THE ROUTE LOWER THEIR SALE 315 South 3rd Street PR 8.5731 title and IF Starts 1:00 p.m. BOX BECAUSE HE WENT AND GOT A tent , LITTLE CAR:" MANHATTAN, KANS. blylocate Lunch Served to new sl 1961 Ford 800 tractor, SOS, Live PTO,gas $1595 ttractive frHaving decided to quit farming, we will sell at public auc- Tools January ?ion on the farm located 7 miles east and 1/2 mile south of 1961 Ford 800 tractor, SOS, live PTO, dsl$1650 mtil 5:00 TVashington or 7 miles south, 1 mile west and I/2 mile south of Too 1952 Ford 8N tractor with stepup trans $495 informatirlanover, Kansas. the auctic AGGIE Above tractor with new Superior loader, flat bed HARDWARE ind. pump $995 Farm Machinery2 -wheel trailer 1205 Moro 1947 Ford Ferg. 9N with stepup trans $395 John Deere 16x8 grain drill Manhattan, Ks. I Realty946 IHC Model M tractor, ful- on steel, good 1958 Casematic 400, 3 pt., good $650 - ly equipped, good rubber, Oliver 16x8 grain drill on steel, New Holland 271 string tie PTO baler with Fi. AM 64completely overhauled, good good 949 Ford 8N tractor, 6-cylin- Buster Brown hayor grain el- thrower, A-1 $1000 der motor,good rubber, evator on rubber, good 1960 B275 IHC diesel, 3 pt., good good Snowco 20 ft. pipe elev., good 938 John Deere Model A trac- John Deere 114 wire tie hay AUCTION 1941 Oliver gas tractor tor on rubber, runs good baler 1941 Minn:Moline tractor with mtd. cultivator $85.00810905 turda1941 John Deere 'Model H trac- 4 ft. tumble bug; post hole 1941 M Farmall gas $395 tor, has mounted lister and digger; 3 point near new; 12 On the farm located 3 miles 1952 MD Farmall, 9 speed live PTO, power steering, cultivator ft. 4 in. grain auger; buzz saw, south and 51/2 west of Mayetta; snap hitch 949 Cockshutt 12 ft. SP corn- good shape; Viking grinder 3 miles north and 51/2 west of $925 250 Ford PTO string tie baler, reconditioned $325 1ARYbine; 1951 Allis 5 -ft. PTOmix -all, 2 years old, like new; Hoyt; 14 miles north and 11/2 I combine, good IHC burr mill with elevator; east of Silver Lake on 2 New Holland 66 hay balers PTO, string, good, choice $195 949 IHC 11/2 ton truck, SWB old hammer mill; cattle load- New Holland 68 Hayliner baler, string tie, PTO, good $465 with 10 ft. bed and stock ing chute ;shop built boom, Model 15 IHC 2 wheel rake racks, good with 3 points; propane out - Sat., January 28 $225 12:30 1C°6951 Ford 1/2 ton pickup, has Kewanee 9 ft. wheel disc, 1963, good $300 fit for H or M tractor, good Starts 10:30 a.m. New Holland Super 77 hay baler with motor 53 motor and utility box, Lunch Served f my house good ; HAY, FEEDERS, MISC. 2 - your choice $145 wa1953 IHC No. 45 hay baler, Approximately 1500 bales A -C single row field cutter, PTO Vine, ood condition good alfalfa, inside, sold in Machinery New 2 -row mounted Ford corn picker, 1963 $$619355 !ase 3x14 plow on rubber, 100 bale lots or more; 80 bu. Ferguson 3 point mounted rake, 7' $75 stand. good round Brower hog feeder; 40 1964 IH 303 self-propelled com- closet; OIM 2x14 plow on rubber, good bu. feeder; hay bunks for bine 6' Allis Chalmers mounted disc $30 veneer 7orgy 3x14 plow, has 3 point calves: some stanchions. 1964 IH No. 22 corn head for 3-14 IHC snap hitch plow, slatted moldboard, good $110 ;.yes; wairmally 10 ft. wheel disc, good6 -barrel tank with hog water- 303 IHC pull type brush cutter, good $135 )inet; walttM 14' straight disc, works er: 50 gal. barrel with hog 1957 GMC 2 ton truck 2-14 3 point Ferguson plows $35 glass deg good waterer; pump jack; 500 - 1952 Chevrolet truck stand; e -)liver 10 ft. spring tooth and chick propane brooder; 3 fence 1956 Farmall 400 tractor 2-14 late style Dearborn plow, good $87.50 walnut k evener, good chargers;Willard battery 1956 Farmall fast -hitch lister, Ford corn heid, 2 -row for Ford self-propelled combine $110 p;Rumait-section drag harrow; 2 -sec-charger; 30 ft. 6 -in. drive belt; two row Allis Chalmers 2 -row 3 pt. mounted top plainer with small ced.tion harrow 32 ft. extension ladder; Kero 1955 IH' grain drill fert., A-1 $150 silverware ohn Deere manure spreaderstock tank heater. 1964 IH No. 120 mower John Deere PTO corn shelter, good condition $165 on steel, works DeLaval milker, one unit 1954 Farmall Super MTA trac- Sears & Roebuck Go Kart, like new 'r waterf'erguson 2 -row lister complete: MW electric cream tor $40 of sili rotary moldboards, 3pt., separator; IHC 3-S cream sep- Farmall B tractor 2 man portable post hole digger with motor, 6" auger cesfor 8 rohn Deere 4 -row weeder, arator: parts bin; 12 ft. fish - 1954 IH wheel disc, 10 foot good $25 e m cut glass'good ing boat and motor; block and HM No. 46 two -row lister; 2 rows of Dempster rotary moldboard lister with new s sherbetHCNo. 238 mounted cultiva-tackle with 150 ft. rope. IH 4 -bottom disc plow, fast press tires $125 in,_lasss 0 tor, good Some hydraulic cylinders. hitch; IH fast hitch 12 foot 20 ft. Snowco bale elevator $35 tra'.ft. oneway, 3 -pt., good Good stock saddle; 2 bridles; field cultivator; 42 tooth David Lanianlarge pierlearborn 7 ft. mower, 3 point, 10x14 brooder house; Ford Bradley hay and grain eleva- 16 ft. Snowco bale elevator $35 1 cloth good tractor pulley: Ford trailer tor;2 pull type3 -bottom New Holland 611 single field cutter with motor $295 table 1-1C V-27 mower, good jack: Wisconsin 7 hp engine, plows, 14 and 16 inch. ) pieces. Massey Harris Clipper 7' combine, PTO, good $45 beddil-IC No. 11 side rake on steel good. IH 9 foot oneway plow; IH Horn loader with brackets for 800 Ford tractor $65 sits, egramer weed sprayer on rub- Kenmore electric washing No. 55T hay baler; IH No. 5 ofelc ber, 100 gal. barrel machine: electric dish washer; side delivery rake; 2 cultiva- Da. West Loader with brackets for IHC $85 lances; No. 700 anhydrous Westinghouse 6ft.refrigera- tors; 3 monitors. IHC 2 wheel manure spreader $85 offering(,ernnsterdisrnlicator, 7 knives, good tor:shovels: spades;forks; Fast hitch weed sprayer; 3 Leroy Motor off Papec chopper $65 L & Sof b0100 g.al. anhydrous tank, good hand tools; Wisconsin 4-cylin- trailers; Chieftain post auger New Wisconsin 9 hp motor $75 10 gal. anhydrous tank, good der engine, good; Fairbanks 4 9 and 12 inch blades; fast t tools' built 4 -wheel trailer with lip engine, good; and 706 small hitch rear mounted blade; Da- Several used Rakes, Mowers, Loaders, Cultivators, slips,bedu vid Bradley manure scoop. Monitors, Wagon Hoists, Listers, Discs, Plows, all priced box and miscellaneous items too for quick sale. largeoffchop built 4 -wheel trailer with ruunerous to mention. MISCELLANEOUS it, New Tractor Cabs $39.95 each. New Knipco heaters $112.95 Items & up. Many parts, various items, hardware items all re- ood e(61111. JOHN at RON BENDA C. A. Slattery duced as much as 50%. Stop by and visit our store. Look CASK .ucts: Foster Kretz &Elmo Steffen Clerk: First National Clerk: Peoples State Bank them over. lay Center, Ph. Morganville WA 6-4422Bank of Washington Auct: Everett Hoobler All prices on above items are final, with no trade-in. - er Financing Available. u0 Sell At St. COWS Sell 1 whiface cow------137, By 1 whiface cow-----__ I'' Or Buy Cattle & Hogs Tuesdays 1 whiface cow-----_- 1 Auction p 22.75 1 holstein STEER CALVES 12 whiface heifers---- 735 1 black cow------113 On nece,ipt6 o6 1036 catae 26 black steers 382 @30.10 3 whiface heifers 628 @ 22.75 Ound a vent active mcvthet- 3 whiface steers 440 p30.10 6 whiface heifers 755 @ 22.40 698 @ 22.15 1 black cow Feeden stem!. we 1 black steer 470 p29.00 5 whiface heifers 1 whiface 1 whiface steer 355 @29.00 6 blk & blkwhif heifs 575 @ 21.90 around 800 were 25 .to 50s 573 p 21.80 1 wwhhiiffaaccee cowcow----_------11141398;s:0, 2 whiface steers 450 @28.90 6 charolais heifers 1 red cow highen. A.P.Q. athet classes 16 black steers 485. @28.90 1 red heifer 710 p 21.70 o6 stockeAs and 6eedeno 660 @ 21.30 1 black cow 4 whiface steers 371 @28.90 1 holstein heifer 1 whiface cow------steady. Kitting cows were 5 whiface steers 416 @28.70 1 blkborface heifer 700 @ 21.30 615 p 21.10 4 whiface cow 1157: 50 .to $1.00 tagek. 7 whiface steers 389 @28.25 1 black heifer 560 @ 21.10 1 whifaceroan cow 1910801i STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 2 black steers 475 @28.20 4 black heifers 3 black steers 435 @28.20 1 whiface cow 13 whifacechar steers-- 564 p 27.00 HEIFER CALVES 2 whiface cows ------loos; 6 whiface & blkwhf strs- 588 p 26.85 17 whiface steers [email protected] 1 blkwhiface heifer --- 170 p 30.50 7 whiface steers 513 @27.90 340 @ 25.30 2 black cows------__- 99s; 28 whiface steers 570 @ 26.60 \ 3 whiface heifers 1 jersey cow 4 whiface steers 465 @27.80 14 whiface heifers 438 p 25.10 29 whiface steers 620 p 26.55 2 whiface cows , 4 whiface steers 582 @ 26.50 3 whiface steers 370 p27.75 28 blk & blkwhif heifs418 @ 25.10 -- 912 i 2 white & roan cows- -995 2 blkwhiface steers 637 p 26.50 3 charolais steers [email protected] 9 whiface heifers 438 p 25.10 3 whiface steers 345 @27.50 452 @ 25.10 13 black steers 576 p 26.10 8 blkwhiface heifers 1 whiace cow 7 black steers 695 @ 26.00 1 holstein steer 220 @27.00 5 charolais heifers 489 @ 25.10 2 whiface steers 520 @27.00 9 whiface heifers 372 @ 25.10 5 black steers 668 p 25.90 1 whiface cow 7 whiface steers 655 @ 25.80 3 whiface steers 520 p26.90 6 blk & blkwhif heifers- 446 @ 25.00 - 860 3 whiface steers 493 @26.80 2 black heifers 515 @ 24.90 1 black cow - 9, 3 whiface steers 705 @ 25.30 4 whiface cows 3 black steers 675 @ 25.25 10 whiface steers 519 @25.70 3 black heifers 403 p 24.75 - 963 ' 6 charolais steers 614 p 25.00 5 black steers 398 25.30 2 whiface heifers 362 @ 24.70 BULLS ow On 2 blackwhif steers 912 p 25.00 STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 4 blk & blkwhif heifers- 451 p 24.70 4 blk & blkwhif heifers- 480 p 24.50 1 whiface bull This coy 3 blk & blkwhif steers 701 p 24.90 11 black heifers 560 @ 24.40 1 whiface bull 6 black heifers 457 p 24.50 115800401. choaw11,11C S 14 whiface steers 849 p 24.90 1 black heifer 600 @ 24.00 1 black bull 5 whiface heifers 530 @ 24.40 andhe 34 whiface steers 853 p 24.90 6 blk & blkwhif heifs 635 @ 23.70 1 black bull 38 whiface steers 846 p 24.80 8 charolais heifers 607 p 23.40 7 whiface heifers 439 p 24.30 1140.t long at 3 whiface steers 4 whiface heifers 445 p 24.30 1 black bull 1300 `out bulls w 596 p 24.75 9 whiface heifers 581 @ 23.20 1 roan bull 2 blkwhif steers 705 p 24.60 3 blkwhiface heifers 668 @ 23.00 4 whiface heifers 415 p 24.20 4 black steers 570 p 24.50 15 blk & blkwhif heifs- 688 p 22.90 4 blkwhiface steers 593 p 24.50 For Information or Estimates 9 whiface steers 921 p 24.40 LIVESTOCK COMMISSLopp 2 whiface steers 600 p 24.40 Rezac Barn - commercial 2 whiface steers 900 p 24.30 St Marys 437-2999 COMPANY' and profit 27 black steers 860 p 24.30 ?rations in so 11 black steers 912 @ 24.20 Delaine Rezac St. Marys 437-6266 ; Friday loon 2 black steers 590 @ 24.00 that could 10 mixed steers 845 p 23.95 Elmer Imthurn iustry into a 28 whiface steers 1036 @ 23.80 Maple Hill MI 3-2440 Or of miner 14 whiface steers 932 @ 23.80 Paul Kramer tMarblepossibili! 2 black steers 7\65 p 23.70 St. Marys 437-2993 itus of near p: 3 blkwhiface steers---6g0 p 23.60 Kank C. Foley 4 whif & brof steers 1058 p 23.55 ansas State GI 7 blk & whiface steers -1097 p 23.00. Auctioneers: Lawrence Welter, Gene Toby .& Verlin Green the Univers wTence, repot -.MI, - ,I111,- 'II III w W W-.." w w 42PwiViriliiimi.144.14;PC;a1NCOigrvey field sti Central Kansas Most oper-bearing trations that Modern Livestock. Auction. . West Side OfSaliC ?rcomiaLisingcox TWO SALESEVERY WEEK rvey reported Ahern Sedgy; Kingman, e MONDAY THURSDAY western Si Hogs And Cattle rtheastern H Cattle Only lly promising Hogs sell at 11:00 a.m. followed by Selling starts at 11:00 an.Describing a cattle, which will sell as they are un- coil search beg loaded. will sell in the order they are ed on the books. . Foley said We had two real good sales this week, selling 530hogs Chuck Came, Salina ire than 450 and 2838 cattle. Our hog top was $20.80 Monday 1 wf cow 1040 @ 16.10 HOGS with Ramage Bros, LittleRiver 6 bwfstrs W D Grassie, Tescoti ,m this area most of these good hogs bringing $20.60 to $20. 70. 781 p24.05 6 hogs )us concentra Lee Burger, Ada 5 wf strs 722 p25.20 Richard Hemmy, Salina5 hogs It was our biggest hog sale yet.The cattle market was Burtis Wickstrom, Marq per cer 50,t to $1.00 higher on Thursday than the 35 wf strs 895 @23.55 A J Holton, Abilene 3 hogs previous week. 212 /28)13:1"1:. richest Burtis Wickstrom, Marq 34 wf strs 1018 p23.35 Frank Martin, Salina 3 hogs : We had a lot of good, big feeder cattle andthese were Harris Larson, Marquette 221 a lot easier to sell, even at the higher prices. 21 wf strs 799 p24.80 A Traulson, Lincoln 7 hogs Harris Larson, Marquette 28wf strs 951 p23.75 A Traulson, Lincoln -5 hogs CATTLE Charles Wierth, AG 11 blk strs 558 p Loren Johnson, Mentor Morrison Bros 58 shthn strs 1047 p23.10 26.90 4 hogs Charles Wierth, AG 12 blk hfrs 510 @24.65 Kenneth Ericson, Marqu11 hogs Clyde Kelly, Ada 23 wf strs 503 @28.90 Rhodes Bros, Tampa Clyde Kelly, Ada 33 wbf strs 823 p24.50 Alfred Mayer, Gypsum 15 hogs ON 14 wf hfrs 428 p25.20, Rhodes Bros, Tampa Midway° Kenneth Erickson, Marq 34 blk strs 782 p23.60 Loren Richards, Ellswor6 hogs 112 wf strslois @23.65' Norris Brown, Minneapol15 blk strs George McCormick, Bay 953 @23.65 Fred Bolte, Lincoln 5 hogs 235 4.0 blk strs 579 @27.40 Roy Peterson, Burdick 8 bwf hfrs George McCormick, Bay 701 @22.90 Gail Morton, Minneap 5 sows 213212 14 blk strs 435 @29.90 Robert Swenson, Falun 5 wf hfrs 420 @23.10 Bill Miller, Enterprise E Howard Zeitlow & Son, Ta56 wf strs 1030 p23.20 Henry Karber, Gypsum 8 hogs George Kirn, Bavaria 5 ron strs 571 p25.80 H C McConnell, Ellswor10 hogs 32 bwf strs 836 p24.20 Henry Karber, Gypsum 6 ron strs George Kirn, Bavaria 780 p24.00 Mrs Will , Ellswor4 hogs 223 8 wf strs 694 @25.50 Terri Hansen, Salina 8 wf strs Belont Dean Chuberg, McPhers25 wf strs 831 p23.85 Keith Bailey, Ellsworth 12 hogs 974 @23.25 James Karber, Gypsum 9 red hfrs 424 p Keith Bailey, Ellsworth 224220000390272 Dean Chuberg, McPhers10 wf strs 882 @23.75 James Karber, Gypsum 24.20 4 hogs John Peteman, Lincoln 5 bwf strs 10 wf hfrs 345 @24.70 Hopp Bros, Marquette 12 hogs 375 p30.10 James Karber, Gypsum 14 wf hfrs Loran Comack, Abilene80 mix strs 536 p23.10 Herman Shubloom, Sal ' Rego 882 p23.45 Ralph Westerman, Ells 1 sow am, Lee Ruger, Ada 9 wf strs 532 p29.70 12 rdrn strs810 p24.20 Art Nelson,- NewCambria5 pigs Dean 011enburger, 6 hd Robert Hobson, Carlton 4 bwf strs 729 p24.75 Grant Wikoff, Brookville19 pigs 938 @23.40 Robert Hobson, Carlton Dean 011enburger 8 hd 988 p23.30 1 hol cow1575 p15.10 Kenneth Schepman,Hlrd19 pigs Winford Roller, Marque8 wf strs Robt Nelson, Windom 10 blk hfrs 750 p22.90 1013 p23.50 Robbie Morrison, Salina4 pigs. John Bedriaek, Holyrood Winford Roller, Marque2 wf strs 825 p23.80 12 bwf strs 603 p26.40 Lee Fuller, Miltonvale Don Esping, Lindsborg 10 pigs John Bednaek, Holyrood8 bwf hfrs 659 p24.30 12 wf hfrs 787 p22.00 Lawrence Millison,Sal 10 pigs Alvin Katzenmeier, Ells4 blk strs Henry Skalicky, Holyrood3 wf strs 550 p26.60 467 p28.00 Henry Skalicky, Holyrood Forrest Clark, Minneap 10 pigs Alvin Katzenmeier, Ells2 blk strs [email protected] 1 wf str 630 p25.00 Ronnie Bearnes, Culver Larson Bros, Smolan Henry Skalicky, Holyrood6 wf hfrs 4 pigs 7 rdrn cows 1239 p15.20 551 p23.00 Jno Kobberrian, Lincoln20 pigs kings Roy Jungle, NewCambr 32 bwf strs 942 p24.05 FOR INFORMATION Roy Jungle, NewCambr25 bwf strs 901 p24.20 OR ESTIMATES -Loyd Daver, Brookville 12 wf strs 797 p24.90 LAURENCE CLEMENCE Loyd Daver, Brookville 14 wfrn strs808 @24.65 Abilene Phone CO 3-3091Farmers Tom Wycoff, Brookville5 wf strs [email protected] MERRILL CHRISTIANSEN & Ranch/. Earl Durr, Holyrood 8 wf strs 562 p27.00 Durham Phone '732-3371 Earl Durr, Holyrood 11 wf hfrs 543 p24.10 LIVESTOCK COMMISSION Or Earl Durr, Holyrood BOB MUIR 10 blk hfrs 565 p24.20 Salina Otto Laas, Brookville Phone TA 3-2963 1 hol cow 1285 @16.00 West On Old US 40 BI Clyde Sample, Minneap1 blk bull 1455 @23.10 Market Reports George Vopat, Wilson 3 wf strs 608 @25.50 Radio Station KFRM,Salina Salina, Kansas Chuck Came, Salina 1 wf bull [email protected]; 6:50 a.m. 12:30 Noon Monday ThroughFriday Barn Phone TA 5-0211 WHERE /1111, .. 1 GE01 Bonded Licensed -'re with 411111... afiabb. AM..

;;r I.. A , `"4' 1967 rass & Grp 20 river barge loading stationsative Marketing Association's ed by the Missouri Farmers As- AMAnGroup Building and expect to own or leasea Fairfax elevator and the Kan-sociation and the Equity Union Sort's total of 24 by 1968. The Cooper-sas City Terminal elevator own-Grain Co. are examples.

ioehe Grain in 17th ANNUAL KAW VALLEY HEREFORD ASSOCIATION er & Sort CA The Cooperative Marketing in Kansas about a yearago, in- 0,,-R°Cherssociation (CMA)isina cludes, besides CMA, regional -- sale if.oup of regional cooperativesmarketing associations based in {ocher k,Shich are constructing a $20 Yuma, Colo.; Venango, Nebr.; SHOW and SALE sale .of A,illion export elevator near Columbia, Mo.; St. Paul, Minn.; Des Moines, Ia.; Chicago; and p Haddazew Orleans. It. Construction has started on Jackson, Miss. ------..,e new facility, which will The company does not yet Wednesday, February 1, 1967 Manhattan, Kansas ITrat kive a capacity of 5 million bu- have a resident office. Kansas - . owwels. It willbe located on the City is in contention for the Manhattan Sale Barn, 2 miles East of Manhattan- Highway 24 st bank of the Mississippi headquarters, as are St. Louis Cow Htver about 10 miles north ofand New Orleans. elrat pw Orleans. The associations had been sell- ata °.iCMA president Lud Strnad, ing wheat and feed grains to ILE-1)PA Bijurster,tet Ks., said the facilityother exporters but have lacked IT RENE be the newest and most ef-facilities to handle the trade di- Selling... 200 to Went of its kind in the Gulfrectly. Gii-ntiltea, which is the fastest grow- With more than half of the CONSIGNORS 100L port for international ex - U.S. wheat produced now being 33 BULLS RN, KANs- rt of wheat, soybeans, and sold abroad and a fast-growing south of 1.7to Glenn O'Neill & Sons. Alta Vista HORNED AND POLLED ni.west ,?.d grains. export trade in feed grains and Orville Blanka & Son Warnego d. Ph. PR1.The elevator will be complet- soybeans, it became clear that Many Serviceable Age in about 18 months. Plans to become bigger in the busin- John E. Brink LeRoy 11 for it to be able to handle ess meant actively engaging in Carl 0. Hug Carbondale largest sea -going ships for the overseastrade, company Albert Morgan Alta Vista ding and to off-load river officials explained. George A. Clark Alta Vista ges in two -at -a -timelots. Heavy movement of grain by 15 BRED AND OPEN HEIFERS it and truck facilities also barge on the Missouri and Mis- Roland Grensing Alta Vista to be installed. sississippi rivers also was a Cy Goertz Marion O)llie move will put farm co-ops contributing reason for forming Dr. Raymond Walker Clay Center ALSO COMMERCIAL 0 % the Missouri and Mississippian export company and building Grant Poole Manhattan ', -er basins directly in the the terminal elevator to service Garland Gideon & Son Paxico ain exporting business, ^open ocean-going vessels. HEIFERS ng as the Farmers Export The eight regional grain mar- Earl Moyer Manhattan . The company, incorporatedketing associations already own A. Leroy Fechner Alta Vista Kenneth Hiegert Council Grove Cain Land and Cattle Co. Topeka L. H. Gideon & Son Topeka A 5-2393 I Willard Olson Olsburg Silkville Ranch Williamsburg James W. McKnight Eskridge SHOW 10:00 A.M. KAW VALLEY HEREFORD ASSOCIATION SALE 1:00 P.M. For Catalog Write Gene Watson, Auctioneer GARLAND GIDEON, Sale Manager, Paxico, Kansas

Hogs 12 noon Hogs 11:30 a.m. fn Cattle 1 p.m. Sale Cattle 1 p.m. ith a highs We had a tame AUK 06 both cattee and hogs at out higher wit! at NEWTON sate Thuuday. Stocken cattte we/Le 50' to $1.00 some. We had a good, stnong, active manket with a tot highelt. Feedm were $1.00 on mote highe4. Calves ly had befa o intenest in att sizes ab catves, au& ieedex wete $1.00 to $1.50 highet. Caws and butts were. growing to stem weAe 25to 50' highen. Out cows were about 4teady. The Ottowing is a sampting o6 out of compet consignments: ape for this 25' -to 50c towen. Out stock calves setting 50 highet spots $1.00. We can sett any kind o6 FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS HEIFER CALVES 2 wfblack h cfs 170 p28.00 = = livestock ban you -to a good advantage. "A 4 black steers [email protected] 10 black steers [email protected] 1 whiface heifer 230 p26.75 M. good place -to buy and sett." Fat hog top was 4 black steers [email protected] 1 blkwhif heifer --- 390 p24.90 $19.50, pigs &tom $10.15 to $19.50, 40W6 were 16 black heifers 466 @24.70 ed 3 broface steers [email protected] $13.30 -to $14.90. 3 whiface steers [email protected] 1 blkwhiface heifer345 p24.25 8 black steers [email protected] 3 blkwhif heifers--- 468 @24.20 e: 1 whiface heifer 24.00 9 wf strs--- 392 @29.25 21 bik strs- 651@ 25.50 3 whiface steers 525p24.95 275 p 1 black heifer 23.90 (VS 38 wf strs-- 810@ 24.50 2 whiface steers [email protected] 375 @ 3 bwf strs-- 250 @ 30.10 1 red heifer 23.70 14 wf str--- 885@ 24.00 2 whiface steers [email protected] 440 p 1 wf hfr---- 745 @ 21.60 1 whiface heifer 22.70 iidering the 8 black heifers 527p24.60 440 @ 1 ron str---1020@ 23.20 1 holstein heifer 21.80 I. Good co, 1 bik hfr--- 575 @ 22.30 2 whiface steers 898 @24.20 420 @ 1 bik hfr--- 640@ 23.00 2 blkwhiface heifs 21.50 0, others fr: 1 char hfr-- 570 @ 22.70 8 whiface heifers 505 p23.95 419 p @ 23.25 1 borface heifer 460 @21.00 '0. 3 hol strs-- 548 @ 21.40 5 bik strs-- 584 4 roan heifers [email protected] 2 wf hfrs--- 650@ 22.30 972 p23.20 1 whiface heifer 405 p20.60 1 bik hr---- 545 @ 23.40 10 mixed strsChfrs- GS 3 bik hfr--- 400@ 24.50 2 whiface heifers 843 @22.00 u.s234 @ 4 wf strs--- 549 @ 29.10 1035 @21.10 HOGS & PIGS 4 bik hfrs-- 350@ 25.50 1 holstein steer 23 white fats m204 @ 1 wf hfr---- 465 @23.30 11 holstein steers 729 p20.95 230 @ 1 9. 70 1 wf hfr---- 560 @23.80 2 bwf hfrs-- 560@ 22.90 17 white fats 222 p 19.70 rs 221 @ 45 hamp fats rs 237 @ 8 hol strs-- 644@ 22.10 -COWS 250 p 19.30 1 bik hfr--- 370 @ 24.10 17.05 1 hamp sow 330 @ 15.70 ?:rs218 @ 2 blwf strs- 430@ 29.10 2 holstein cows---- 1515 1 wf str---- 755 @ 24.10 1 7. 05 3 mixed sows 440 @ 14.50 :rs193 @ 2 wf hfrs--- 590@ 24.00 1 blkwhiface cow-- 990 1 bik str--- 710 @ 24.75 1135 16 . 90 1 white sow 750 p 13.00 s:rs217 @ 1 whiface cow 13 hol strs- 923 @ 20.65 16 bik cows&cfs-@ 194.00 2 red cows 1175 16 . 80 1 white boar 430 p 16.75 10 wf cows --1019@ 15.80 15.70 1 red boar 380 @ 13.80 NS 3 hol strs--1020 @ 20.75 1 guernsey cow---- 1150 1 wf cow ----1150@ 16.20 2 holstein hfrs 290 . 00 1 hamp boar 515 @ 13.20 324 @ 2 bwf strs-- 415 @ 28.00 6 mixed feeders 112 p 19.00 411 @ 2 roan strs- 340 @ 28.70 1 hol cow ---1650@ 17.20 BULLS 10 mixed feeders 176 p 18.60 320 @ 1 hol cow ---1465@ 17.45 1 black bull 1135 @24.00 1 hol str--- 640 @ 21.30 7 hamp feeders p 19.75 320 @ 1 black bull 1145 @22. 80 1 hol cow ---1470@ 17.20 18 mixed feeders @ 19.50 29 wf strs-- 734 @ 25.05 1 whiface bull 1350 @21 . 90 IGS 1 29 mixed feeders 25 bwf strs- 687 @ 26.10 bik bull --1505@ 21.05 p 1 7. 50 )0 for the.f 1 black bull 905 p1 9. 00 18 hamp pigs @ 16 . 50 1 bwf hfr--- 585 @ 23.60 16 mixed pigs $15. OOto BARN PHONE AT 3-5566 STEER & BULL CALVES p 15.75 1 bik hfr--- 760 @ 18.25 28 mixed pigs @ 13.00 There is someone at, the barn 12 whiface steers---- 373 @29.70 18 mixed pigs 1 wf hfr---- 355 @ 25.40 1 whiface b cf ---- 220 p29.50 p 10.75 marketon! all day Tuesday & Wednesday & 1 red hfr--- 690 @ 22.10 1 whiface steer ---- 385 p 00 to $2' Thursdaymorning.Otherwise 28.60 1 bwf str---1120 @ 22.40 2 black steers 400 p28.00 RALEIGH BREEDING, MANAGER Nom $35.vu call: 2 bik strs-- 930 @24.00 1 black steer 300 p28.00 barn III 3-3671; home III 3-3547 ad. AUCTIONEER: 5 black steers 484 p27.55 10 bik strs- 545 @ 26.25 1 whiface steer Auctioneer: Larry Lagasse, Floyd Gehring 395 p27.50 Ph. Concordia, Kans. CH3-1714 Moundridge Phone 345-8195 6 whiface steers 500 @27.00 7 whiface steers 500 p26.00 LIVESTOCK & NEWTON LIVESTOCK & COMMISSION CO.