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Downloaded from Brill.Com10/04/2021 11:30:54AM Via Free Access 86 B Contributions to Zoology, 72 (2-3) 85-89 (2003) SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague New data on the crab Binkhorstia ubaghsii (Late Maastrichtian; NE Belgium, SE Netherlands) Coole4 Barry+W.M. van Bakel John+W.M. Jagt René+H.B. Fraaije³ & Yvonne ¹, ², 2 1Schepenhoek 235, NL-5403 GB Uden, the Netherlands; Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, deBosquet- 3 plein 6-7, P.O. Box 882, NL-6200 AW Maastricht; Oertijdmuseum de Groene Poort, Bosscheweg 80, NL- 4 5283 WB Boxtel, the Netherlands; Sl Maartenslaan 88, NL-6039 BM Stramproy, the Netherlands Keywords:: Crustacea, type Maastrichtian, Binkhorstia, systematic placement Abstract 1997; Jagt et al2000). Many new species of and new data for the largely western Tethyan Carcinere- Well-preserved material ofBinkhorstia ubaghsii reveals some tidae have been described in the past two decades additional information that helps clarify the taxonomic affini- (Feldmann et al., 1999; Feldmann& Villamil, 2002; ties with the Torynommidae of this Late Cretaceous crab from Vega & Feldmann, 1991; Vega et al., 1995; Vega the Maastricht area of Belgium and Netherland et al., 1997; Vegaet al., 2001). Feldmann& Villamil included five in the (2002) genera Carcineretidae, namely Carcineretes Withers, 1922, Branchiocar- Introduction cinus Vega et al., 1995, Mascaranada Vega & Feldmann, 1991, Ophthalmoplax Rathbun, 1935 and Carcinologists dealing with fossil crabs are often Woodbinax Stenzel, 1952. They suggested that Bink- faced with difficulties in classifying their material. horstia and Withersella should be retained in the With only a single or a handful of specimens avail- Cyclodorippidae Ortmann, 1892. than of able, more often not consisting only (par- the tial) carapaces, dorsal carapace characters are sole features to on. Classification of extant crabs go Results mostly cannot be applied, since ventral morphol- ogy is here of prime importance (Guinot, 1977, The new material of Binkhorstia ubaghsii consists char- 1978). Having come to realize that carapace of three more or less complete specimens all col- of unrelated acters may overlap in representatives lected from the uppermost Nekum Member (Maas- in the decade have families, past paleontologists tricht the CBR-Romontbos Formation), at quarry the few in used cases which crabs are preserved in Eben Emael, NE Belgium. Here, B. ubaghsii is with well-preserved ventral parts with much suc- fairly common and is found in association with cess (Karasawa, 2003, Guinot & Tavares, 2001). Paranecrocarcinus quadriscissus Noetling, 1881, Binkhorstia 1881, known Noetling, exclusively “Pseudoraninella” muelleri(van Binkhorst, 1857), from Upper Maastrichtian deposits in the area type Homolopsis declinata Collins et al., 1995, Eumor- of the Maastrichtian (SE Netherlands, NE Stage phocorystes sculptus (van Binkhorst, 1857), Pa- has been in different families by Belgium), placed guristes? florae Collins et al., 1995 and Lyreidina various authors. Glaessner (1980) erected the fam- 1998. pyriformis Fraaye & van Bakel, Two spe- and included ily Torynommidae (Cyclodorippoidea), cimens most likely represent corpses; the third Withersella & Collins, 1972and Binkhorstia. Wright is probably a molt. The best preserved specimen Withersella was originally placed in the Carcinere- [NUMBER] has been prepared in detailboth dorsally , tidae and with Binkhorstia Beurlen, 1930, together and ventrally, and shows important details at the again assigned to the Carcineretidae by later au- ventral side with all the abdominal segments, ster- thors (Collins al., 1995; 1996; Wright, nites and et Fraaye, bases of limbs preserved. The coxae of Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 11:30:54AM via free access 86 B. W.M. van Bakel et al. - Binkhorstia ubaghsii Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 11:30:54AM via free access Contributions to Zoology, 72 (2-3) — 2003 87 and References the fifth pair of pereiopods are diminutive, situated laterally ofthe small and slender first abdo- Beurlen K. 1930. minal segment, covered by the posterior carapace Vergleichende Stammesgeschichte. Methoden, Probleme unter besonderer The second shows both Grundlagen, margin. corpse chelipeds, Beriicksichtigung der hoheren Krebse. Fortschr. Geol. some disarticulated limb fragments, and a well- Paldont. 8: 317-586. preserved, broad sternum. The carapace shows the Binkhorst JT van. 1857. Neue Krebse aus der Maestrichter rostrum, a feature that be Tuffkreide. Verh. Naturhist. Ver. 14: unique spatulated may preuss. Rheinl. Westf. diagnostic for the family. Body parts of the third 107-110. Collins JSH, RHB & Jagt JWM. 1995. Late Creta- specimen, a presumed molt, lie on top of the cara- Fraaye ceous anomurans and brachyurans from the Maastrichtian pace, but with the left-hand cheliped preserved the type area. Acta palaeont. pol. 40: 165-210. identification as B. ubaghsii is indisputed. Pereio- Fddmann RM,Villamil T. 2002. A new carcineretid crab (Up- P3 pods P2, and P4 are and ex- ofColombia. Jour. Paleo. 76: VIS- partially exposed per Turanian,Cretaceous) tremely flattened, assumed to have served for 724. Feldmann Villamil Kauffman EG. 1999. and swimming. RM, T, Decapod stomatopod crustaceans from mass mortality lagerstatten: The holotype of Binkhorstia euglypha Collins Turanian (Cretaceous) of Colombia. Jour. Paleo. 73:91-101. 1995 from the Meerssen Member et ah, upper at Fraaye RHB. 1996. Late Cretaceous swimming crabs: radia- the former Blom quarry (Berg en SE Neth- Terblijt, tion, migration, competition, and extinction. Acta geol. pol. erlands), shows details of the ventral parts as well, 46: 269-278. Bake) BWM. 1998. New raninid crabs though not described in detail in the original de- Fraaye RHB, van (Crus- tacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Late Maastrichtian of scription. A re-examination of the original mate- the Netherlands. Geol. Mijnbouw 76: 293-299. rial, together with the new data on B. ubaghsii, Glaessncr MF. 1960. The fossil decapod Crustacea of New should more information on this little known provide Zealand and the evolution of the OrderDecapoda. N.Z. Geol. genus. Surv., Paleontol. Bull. 310: 1-63. The Binkhorstia Glaessner MF. 1980. New Cretaceous and Tertiary crabs (Crus- genus most closely resembling tacea: Brachyura) from Australia and New Zealand. Trans. is the Late Cretaceous Torynomma Woods, 1953. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. 104: 171-192. Therefore the correct familial classification of Bink- Guinot D. 1977. nouvelle classification Propositions pour une horstia is Torynommidae Glaessner, 1980. The des Crustaces DecapodesBrachyoures. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Withersella has been considered an- Aptian genus D285: 1049-1052. cestral to Binkhorstia by several authors; we concur. Guinot D. 1978. Principes d’une classification evolutive des similarities Crustaces Decapodes Brachyoures. Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. 112: Nevertheless, Binkhorstia shows many 209-292. to the Carcineretidae, and in particular to Ophthal- Guinot D, Tavares M. 2001. line nouvelle famille de Crabes moplax. Glaessner (1960) noted that the relation- du Cretace, et la notion de Podotremata Guinot, 1977 (Crus- ships between the Dakoticancridae and Dorippidae, tacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Zoosystema 23: 507-546. ad- Portunidae should be investigated. The many Jagt JWM,Fraaye RHB & van Bakel BWM. 2000. Late Cre- the dis- taceous decapod crustacean faunas of northeast Belgium and ditions since that paper, together with new the Netherlands. southeast Studi e Ricerche, Assoc. Amici coveries and a re-examination of published material, Mus. civ. ‘G. Zannato’, Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza): 37- could well form the foundationof such a study. 42. Karasawa H, Kato H. 2003. The systematic status of the ge- nus Miosesarma Karasawa, 1989 with a phylogenetic analy- Acknowledgements sis within the family Grapsidae and a review offossil records (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Paleont. Res. 5: 259-275. aus dem Senon . Ueber NoetlingF. 1881 einige Brachyuren von We thank Rudi W. Dortangs (Amstenrade) for taking photo- Mastricht [sic] und dem Tertiar Norddeutschlands. Z. dt. geol. graphs, Robert Pieters (Geel) for donation of material. Ges. 33: 357-371. P'g. I. Binkhorstia ubaghsii (van Binkhorst, 1857); Upper Nekum Member (Maastricht formation, Late Maastrichtian) of CBR- Romontbos of quarry, Eben Emael (NE Belgium). 1, Right cheliped. 2, Left cheliped the same specimen. 3, Dorsal view of this both claws and limb Dorsal view. Ventral the delicate specimen, showing complete carapace, fragments. 4, 5, view, showing preser- vation. Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 11:30:54AM via free access 88 - B. W.M. van Bakel et al. Binkhorstia ubaghsii Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 11:30:54AM via free access Contributions to Zoology, 72 (2-3) - 2003 89 Ortmann A. 1892. Die Decapoden-Krebse des Strassburger (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Late Cretaceous Cardenas Museums. V. Theil. Die Abteilungen Hippidae, Dromiidae, Formation, east-central Mexico. Jour. Paleo. 69: 340-350. und Oxystomata. Zool. Jb. 6: 532-588. Vega FJ, Feldmann RM, Garcia-Barrera P, Filkorn H, Rathbun MJ. 1935. Fossil Crustacea of the Atlantic and Gulf Pimentel F & Avendano J. 2001. Maastrichtian Crustacea Coastal plain. Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 2: 1-160. (Brachyura: Decapoda) from the Ocococuautla Formation Stenzel HB. 1952. Decapod crustaceans from the Woodbine in Chiapas, southeast Mexico. Jour. Paleo. 75: 319-329. Formation of Texas. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 242: 212- Withers TH. 1922. On a new brachyurous crustacean from the 217. Upper Cretaceous of Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 10: 534-
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