BKlOSMlMt' June '40 exodus

The East High exodus

Booklet Committee


East High School, Cleveland, Ohio GRADUATING CLASS OF JUNE, 1940 F. L. SIMMONS, Principal exodus June '40

Valedictory By Mary Loc\hart

And they shall grow and fill the air with humming noises, And power shall course through veins of steel Until each animate machine is the fulfillment Of the thinker's plan, the artist's dream. Needle towers shall rise and pierce the distances To make the earth and sky our common ground. And we shall rise with each steel girder That defies the earth, until there's nothing More to reach for, and everything to look upon. We shall cast our lives in steel, Make it a symbol of the knowledge That can make a hope reality and a plan perfection. June '40 exodus


anliia.ni principal

rf itidani principal

"Now you are your own educational adviser, and still there is choice of major and minor." GRACE A. MARTIN "You will be able to keep your balance in the world into which you are graduat­ ing only if you add to the .facts which you have gained in school and continue, always, to seek facts." ROBERT H. OWENS "Forty years of educational leadership lie behind the class of June, 1940, at East High School. In all these years your school has proved faithful to its obligations to boys and girls. May your experiences here assist you in your efforts to fulfill your own life obligations." F. L. SIMMONS exodus June '40

Class History Lessons learned, The page is turned

10B. A bewildered group of boys and the lovable Penny, Ann's performance left us girls entered the portals of East High in Sep­ smiling for weeks afterwards, and we remem­ tember, 1937, to follow in the footsteps of ber Betty, whose grace and dancing ability those who before them had made this school enabled her to give a suitable characterization an outstanding one. Little did they realize, of Essie. despite their warm welcome, that somewhere It was at this time that Pat Wilson within that labyrinth of corridors and closed launched her enlarged cafeteria campaign. doors lay the key to many hours of happiness Newly painted walls, colorful draperies for and close friendship. the windows, and music from the electrola Entering immediately into the social life made the atmosphere of the lunchroom more that was offered, the 10B girls felt right at cheerful. home when the Girls' League entertained Then came Student Government Day, them at a Big-Little-Sister party in their which stimulated school-wide co-operation. honor. As the semester progressed, Miss Everyone was given his chance to be inde­ Edna Grant's and Marvin L. Johnson's home­ pendent, and we ended the day with the rooms combined their journalistic talents in happy thought that the experiment was a suc­ publishing "Frosh Flashes," an expose of tenth cess. Ann Lait won first prize in the 11A grade triumphs. Even as freshmen, the class division of the book review contest—and the of 1940 were gaining attention, and soon a "Jones Journal," a homeroom newspaper, sold recognition assembly, the first one of its kind, 150 copies. revealed their varied abilities. Then the foot­ 12B. In the 12B we chose Vic Drobnic lights winked hopefully at Sylvia Bardelmeier, to lead us, with Bob McFadden, vice-presi­ as she accepted a small part in the Christmas dent; Dolores Gibson, secretary; Leo Lipnicki, play that year. treasurer, and Jack Ensign, sergeant-at-arms, to carry on the duties of the 12B class officers. 10A. As the class became a more perma­ This year began our most memorable reign, nent part of this alma mater, its members be­ and we accumulated laurels rapidly. gan to assume more responsible positions. Pat Taylor headed the Voice Culture Club, Jean Drama had its heyday. Bob Scarnecchia, Pierson was elected president of the Junior Alice Cotton, and Bob Moser joined other French Club, and Alice Cotton became a seniors in "Murder," a surprise comedy-mys­ familiar figure as a Lost and Found assistant. tery. Ann Richardson added another role to her fast growing list of dramatic successes as Highlighting homeroom activities, Miss Dr. C. Spirit in the Christmas play. When Mary Louise Brack's girls initiated their the French department caught the footlights, Hobby Lobby series, and entertainment pro­ Betty Lebby and Lois Cohen captured leading grams and genial get-togethers between the roles in "Le Voyage de Monsieur Perichon." various homerooms were common occurrences. Second prize winner of the charity game ticket In the name of art and a strong school spirit, drive, was Julius Paris who enjoyed his prize Clayton Ginnard and Joe Lombardo took trip to Pontiac, Michigan, and Bill Gibbons' prizes for their original posters publicizing poster for that game was judged best at East. hockey games. Ann Lait happily accepted congratulations on being selected mantle orator by Principal 11B. In step with the changing world, a F. L. Simmons. Over her shoulders was placed remodeled office greeted us when we resumed the traditional blue and gold mantle, a sym­ our studies in the fall of 1938, and Room 4 bol of the outstanding qualities which the became the headquarters for the Student mantle orator must possess. Council, after an expanded program made such a room necessary. Honor certificates from Oberlin to Anne Lait for English and James Savage for music 11 A. Entering the 11A term, the class were the first in a series of numerous scholas­ became prominent in more activities. Pat tic achievements gained by the class. A radio Taylor was elected secretary of the Student star in the person of Pat Wilson, who assisted Council in a school-wide campaign and began Dr. Emile de Sauze in his French radio lesson her successful career in that organization. of the air, could also be claimed by the class. When the curtains parted on "You Can't Helen Melby, Eva Scheer and Adele Take It With You," Ann Richardson, Betty Tichulka supervised Athenaeum Color Day, Lebby, and Bob Scarnecchia were there to festive with gay blue and gold ribbons and thrill us with their dramatic triumphs. As bright yellow "mums." June '40 exodus

12A. Whose names and deeds were to Once again the Blue and Gold was awarded remain forever in the memories of the June an Ail-American rating by the National '40 class? Once again Vic Drobnic became Scholastic Press Association. Ellen Wiseman president after a close race, and Alice Cotton, managed the paper through many changes in Julius Paris, Adele Tichulka, and Leo Lip- make-up and style. Rising to the top in jour­ nicki became members of his cabinet. nalistic achievements, Mary Lockhart's clever features, and Julius Paris' sports column be­ After many long hours of work and re­ came weekly habits of the readers. Bill Gib­ hearsals, Alice Cotton and Bob Scarnecchia bons cuts, captioned "Are You One of carried the XL Revue to a new high in sen­ These?" on the editorial page were proof of ior activities. Stars like Marion Kuhar with his artistic talents, and Paul Lande contrib­ her "Merry Oldsmobile," Betty Lebby, sensa­ uted his skill in his hobby photography. tional Spanish dancer, and blues singer, Con­ National Honor inductions were always stance Abney, contributed to its success. exciting. Everyone in the audience was Seniors in sports also rated honorable men­ breathless with anticipation as the scroll bear­ tion. With boys like Bill Antall, Ralph Hoi- ers called each name. Featured in the cere­ linger, Bob McFadden, and Edward Gettling, mony for this semester were June Lahti, pro­ the hockey team swept the ice for a success­ logue; Pat Wilson, spirit; and John Vamis, ful season. Football boasted such heroes as scholarship. Al Fumich, president of the Na­ Vic Drobnic, Leo Lipnicki and Ernest Myslen- tional Honor Society, had such able commit­ ski, whose sparkling performances on the grid­ tee chairmen as June Lahti and John Vamis iron brought many cheers from the crowded to make the meetings interesting. stands. Benny Neuman, star player, captured Our high school days were rapidly coming a coveted position on the second All-Scholas­ to an end. The dinner-dance was an exciting tic team. occasion. Promises of "A night you will al­ ways remember" were fulfilled, and everyone With a team of top-notch players to sup­ appeared and remained with an outward dis­ port his tactics, Sam Bitonti, as captain, play of anticipation and enjoyment. There maneuvered the basketball squad into second was Bob Scarnecchia, toastmaster, to lead the place in the senate. round of speeches, and Tom Oblak's musicians played for the dancing. Victorious among twenty-five top ranking students, Mary Lockhart and Grace Jones at­ White-frocked maidens, and young gentle­ tained scholastic honors with scholarships from men in dark suits occupied a large stage. It Fenn College, and Mary Ann Byrne topped was commencement night, the last time that other candidates for a scholarship to Ursuline our mighty band would carry on its proceed­ College. Anne Lait won a Barnard College ings as a unit. Many tried to smile, but scholarship, and Marion Kuhar gained one at others allowed the tears to flow freely when Mount Union. they realized the true significance of this fare­ well meeting. Proud parents beamed at their "Holiday" brought many class members graduating offspring as each one received the into the limelight. This year the annual play diploma which sealed his final departure. was double cast for the first time, and Alice Prepared by a diligent staff of writers and Cotton and Sylvia Bardelmeier played the research students, the program presented the feminine lead on different nights. Bob Moser audience with a kaleidoscopic view of forty portrayed the hero with professional finesse, years of school and world events, with appro­ while Ann Richardson, Lois Cohen, Bob priate music to highlight the eras. Scarnecchia and Bob Schulteis, in supporting roles, took their curtain calls with poise and Thus another class, no longer a bewildered stage presence. group, closed the doors of East High forever, to open others in far-reaching fields. They A close school-wide election resulted in Pat left their experiences and achievements to Taylor's becoming council president, and guide those who were to follow, and to make Charles Ipavic was given the vice-presidency. way for them who sought new learning. They Under the management of the student coun­ had found that precious key. They had found cil, the honor study halls took a definite step three years of happiness; and now they parted, toward a more liberal and democratic school eager with new hopes, new desires, and new system. aspirations. exodus June '40

Faculty Sponsors






Class Officers, Committees

MIXER Marjorie Wentz, Chm. Al Fumich Ted Niewadomy Mary Forte Ruth Lewis George Enright Jack Ensign Louise Fenton Anna Babic Lois Cohen VICTOR DROBNIC Roy Clasen Elizabeth Weber President Helen Ozekoski Mary Mainwaring Mike Ambrose Mike Manolovich Mildred Kuchta DINNER DANCE Alice Cotton, Chm. Carol Garapic Bill Gibbons George Ward Maura Asbeck June Clark ALICE COTTON Albert Saks Bob Moser Mary Ruple Jean Lewin Vice-President Charles Hofstetter James Semmons Virginia Thomas Genevieve Fortier Sheldon Baum Charles Egan Gertrude Glowacki Marian McConnell Glen Widdows COMMENCEMENT SCRIPT Anne Lait Helen Melby JULIUS PARIS William Antall Mike Vitullo Treasurer Mary Lockhart Louise Fenton John Vamis Alice Cotton Sylvia Bardelmeier COMMENCEMENT June Lahti Josephine Rupar Albert Zimmerman Clayton Ginnard Juanita Howell Mary Anderson ADELE TICHULKA George Long Frank Ruggeri Secretary Phyllis Harris Charlotte Georges George Woods Eleanor Murphy Sylvia Filipic Dorothy Flynn Ernest Myslenski Stanley Kuk Beatrice Yochus Chester Wardzinski SENIOR REVUE Bob Scarnecchia Tom Oblak LEO LIPNICKI Alice Cotton Beverly de Oviatt Leo DeGrandis Dave Foran Sergeant'at'Arms Betty Lebby Pat Wilson Bill Gibbons Ann Leiterman Mildred Kuchta Lucy Domzalski Marjorie Wentz exodus June '40

Constance "Connie" Abney Virginia "Ginny" Austin 2185 E. 82nd St. 1353 E. 82nd St. Sr. Friendship, Melrosa, Jr., Sr. Latin Club, H. R. Vice-Pres., French Club, Voice Culture Hall Guard Another Maxine Sullivan Chiropodist Extraordinary

Michael "Blackie" Ambrose Vivian "Shorty" Axelrod 438 Fairmount Rd. 8106 Cory Ave. Hall Guard, Student Council Certified Apothecary Toy Train Bridge Designer

Mary C. Andrews 1014 E. 71st St. Glenn H. Babcock Student Council, National Honor 10102 Wilbur Ave. Athenaeum, Latin Club, Chess Club, Hall Guard Sr. Friendship, Laurean, Arbiter of Men's Styles Jr. Friendship Archeology Instructor

Anne "Blondie" Babic Bill "Blowtorch" Antall 1140 E. 76th St. 14315 Milverton Rd. Vice Pres. Jr. Friendship, Hockey, National Honor, Walter Camp, H. P. Paper, Chem. Lab. Assistant 12A Mixer Comm. Brooklyn Bridge Salesman Importer of Rare Cheeses

Joseph "Joe" Babson Raymond "Ray" Armour 8714 Carnegie Ave. 1524 E. 82nd St. Football Manager, Basketball Mgr., Basketball, Football, H. R. Sports and Track Manager, Home Economics Teacher School Truck Driver, Student Asst. Business Mgr.

Klotilda "Kloe" Baclawski Ruth "Ruby" Arnold 1064 E. 79th St. 1308 E. 108th St. Athenaeum, Chem. Club, Whirlo, Blue and Gold Staff, Sr. Friendship H. R. Pres. Somebody's Secretary Bathing Suit Demonstrator

Edna Mae Banks Maura "Johnny" Asbeck 1286 E. 89th St. 1757 E. 90th St. H. R. Pres., Boosters, Model for W.P.A. Artists Jr. Friendship, Walter Camp Elevator Operator exodus iune '40

Sylvia "Silly" Bardelmeier 1799 E. 100th St. Anne Bernardic Vice-Pres. Jr. Friendship, 1203 E. 71st St. Sr. Friendship, Debate Club, National Honor, Athenaeum, Social Wor\er Senior Revue, Annual Play Professor of Phonetics

Anne Barella Sam Bitonti 1440 E. 53rd St. 1773 E. 19th St. Rifle Club, Boosters, Riding Club Basketball '38, '39; Capt. '40 Another Katherine Cornel! Basketball Coach

Sheldon "Shel" Baum Gladys "Glad" Black 1791 E. 87th St. 1586 E. 93rd St. Music Appreciation Club, Basketball and Volley Ball Teams, Pres. Jr. French, Hall Guard, Swimming Club, Vice-Pres. of Lincoln Club Sr. Friendship Leader of Style Parade Bac\stroke Swimming Champ

Ruth "Blair" Blair Don Kenneth "Red" Baxter 1370 E. 125th St. 8002 Melrose Ave. Band, Orchestra, Spanish Club, Discoverer of Fifth Dimension Chemistry Club, Riding Club Member of Koc\ettes

Florabelle "Skippy" Bean Dolores "Dor" Blasher 8215 Linwood Ave. 8012 Medina Ave. H. R. Treasurer, Blue and Gold, Atheneaum, Laurean, Choral Club Sr. Friendship Hieroglyphic Decipherer Red Cross ~H_urse

Dorothy "Boogie" Blasher Frances "Fran" Bednarczyk 8012 Medina Ave. 7024 Burnham Ct. Laurean, Atheneaum, H. R. Treas., Jr. Friendship, Sr. Friendship, Publicity Agent of Service Comm. Jr. Friendship, Walter Camp, Study Hall Monitor, Pres. Geography Class, Hall Guard Tutor Hat Chec\ Girl 'Women's Hat Designer

Anne "Annie" Blatnick Phil "Buster" Begin 886 E. 76th St. 6807 Baylost Athenaeum, Stud. Council, Student Council, Ticket Agent Comm. Club, Sec. Home Ec. Club, Officer in Marine Corps Boosters, Sr., Jr. Friendship, Office Asst., Tennis, Nat'l Honor Typewriter Pilot exodus June '40

Geraldine "Gerry" Bosic Mary Anne "Marian" Byrne 5811 Lexington Ave. 1333 E. 77th St. Pres. H. R., H. R. Sec, Laurean, Athenaeum, H. R. Treas., Student Council, Chemistry Club, Jr. French, Sr. French, Whirlo Club, Jr. Friendship National Honor Ballerina Taxidermist i

Lottie M. Boss Nunzio "Cal" Calvo 2074 E. 30th St. 2118 Murray Hill Rd. Pres. German Club, Athenaeum, Printers Club, H. R. Sports, National Honor, Laurean, Hall Guard, Sr. Booklet Comm., Student Tutor Band School Teacher Another Benny Goodman

Bob "Slim" Brady Miles Edw. "Bones" Capman 1368 E. 80th St. 1766 Clarkstone Rd. Sr. Revue, Hall Guard, Capt. H. R. Sports (2 years) Flying School Instructor Tightrope Walter

John "Johnny" Brugeman Richard "Dick" Carr 1360 Ansel Rd. 1841 E. 40th St. Swimming Club Music, Art, Glee Club Veterinary Waiter

Betty Bucey Rosemary "Casey" Cassesa 1316 E. 112th St. 2176 Cornell Rd. Jr. Friendship, Jr. French, Jr. Friendship, Blue and Gold Staff Hall Guard, H. R. Vice-President Commercial Club Cafeteria Cashier Census Ta^er


Victoria "Vicki" Buettner 9214 Rosalind Ave. Helen "Helchee" Cember Chem. Club, German Club, 3 310 Payne Ave. Camera Club, Elections Comm., Figure Skater Sr. Friendship Another Margaret Mitchell

Mary "Cents" Cence Paul "Buddy" Bushman 1431 E. 92nd St. 1412 Nichols Rd. Jr., Sr. Friendship, Walter Camp, Hall Guard Boosters Club, Office Assistant Machinist Kindergarten Teacher exodus june '40

Dorothy "Dot" Cooper 19(19 E. 26th St. Jane Marie Chaykowsky Hall Guard, Jr. Friendship, 1064 E. 78th St. Chem. Club, Whirlo Club Dental Ts[urse Textile Research Wor\er

Mary "Mac" Chormann Schofield Coryell 1351 E. 93rd St. 1844 E. 87th St. H. R. Pres., H. R. Sports, Tennis, Wrestling Sergeant-at-Arms Walter Camp Club Outstanding Physician Policewoman

June Anne "Pete" Clark Marjorie Lee Cotterman 6826 Edna Ave. 8620 Wade Park Ave. Sr. Friendship Cabinet, Athenaeum, Hall Guard, Athenaeum, Intramural Council, Whirlo Club Sr. Friendship Raiser of English Setters Movie Starlet

Alice "Al" Cotton Ray W. Clasen 1758 E. 90th St. 7717 Linwood Ave. Atheneaum, H. R. Pres., Student Council, H. R. Sports, Vice-Pres. Sr. Class, Dramatics, 12B Mixer, 12A Mixer Tennis Club, Spanish Club, Professor of Phonetics Sr. Revue, Annual Play National Honor First 'Woman President

Eugenie Clemens Alice "Cran" Crandall 1100 E. 77th St. Music Appreciation Club, •»-• 7905 Whitethorn Ave. Walter Camp, Sr. Friendship Latin Club, H. R. Sports, Choral Club, Band •P Manicurist Another Madame Curie

Lois "Lo" Cohen Norma "Dolly" Crocker 1383 East Blvd. 7319 Lawnview Ave. Jr., Sr. French, Riding Club, Program Chairman, Hall Guard, Jr. Friendship, Jr., Sr. Friendship, Chem. Club, Annual Play Hall Guard Plumber's Wife Hollywood Ma\e-Up Artist

Ora Lee "Colli" Collins 1326 E. 112th St. Shirley "Sherry" Crooms Athenaeum, National Honor 8709 Blaine Ave. Dispensary Asst., Hall Guard, H. R. Sports, Sr. Revue, Tutor, H. R. Treas., Hall Guard Music Appreciation Farmer's ~Wife Window Decorator exodus June '40

Beverly Jane "Sleepy" Barbara "Bob" Crowther De Oviatt 1579 Crawford Rd. 1629 E. 77th St. Treas. Latin Club, Walter Camp, Sr. Revue, Boosters, H. R. Sec, French Club, National Honor H. R. Basketball, Volleyball, Deep Sea Diver Baseball Comedienne

Betty "Dopey" Diehl Mary L. "Dace" Dacey 5804 Linwood Ave. 1616 LaGrange Girls Leaders, H. R. Athletics, Sr. Friendship, Blue and Gold Hall Guard, Boosters Housewife Gym Teacher

Donald "Don" Dailey Jacqueline "Jackie" Dinard 11015 Superior Ave. 1904 Woodlawn Ave. Pres. Comm. Club, Sr. Friendship, Chem. Club, German Club, H. R. Treas. Sentinels Missionary to China diM Certified Public Accountant

Edward "Eddie" Danko James "Curly" DiTota 5213 Perkins Ave. 2081 E. 125th St. Sentinels, Hall Guard Electricity, Football, Baseball National Graphic Arts Club Radio Technician Billiard Champion

Lucy "Totsi" Domzalski Catherine "Cathy" Day 8216 Medina Ave. 1364 E. 88th St. Treas. Walter Camp, Office Asst., Sr. Friendship, Fencing, Sec. Girls Leaders, H. R. Sports, Music Appreciation Jr. Friendship, Nominating Comm. Interior Decorator Another Eleanor Powell

Leo "Angel" DeGrandis Viola Ann "Vi" Doty 1644 E. 82nd St. 8312 Brookline "Hi-Y" Pres., Student Council, Style Show, H. R. Sports, Sentinels, Boosters, Jr. Friendship, Sr. Revue Comm., Football, Student Council Alternate, Commencement Ticket Chairman, Blue and Gold Agent Walter Camp Clerk in Pottery Shop Poet

Evelyn Louise "Kibbie" DeBoe Mary "Molly" Douglas 1161 E. 74th St. 768 E. 90th St. Student Council Alternate, Commercial Club, Sr. Revue Usher H. R. Sec, Sr. Revue Usher, Trapeze Artist H. R. Sports Tea Room Operator June '40 exodus

George "Irish" Enright Annette "Boots" Downs 1212 E. 71st St. 7810 Carnegie Ave. H. R. Sports, School Bank Teller, H. R. Sports Student Council State Senator Soda ferker

John "Jack" Ensign 9101 Shepherd Ave. Lawrence "Larry" Doyle National Honor, Fr. Play, Band, 1239 E. 86th St. Marching Band, Orchestra, H. R. Pres., H. R. Paper, Student Council, Class Chairman, Hall Guard Capt., H. R. Sports, Sr. Revue, Hall Guard, Sr. Revue Music Appreciation, Tutor Civil Engineer Embalmer

Victor "Gee Gee" Drobnic Mary "Doll" Fanelli 1094 E. 76th St. 1418 E. 88th St. Football, Baseball, Track, "Hi-Y" Hall Guard, H. R. Sports. Lincoln Club, 12A President H. R. Paper ?\eiu York Yankees Centerfielder Telephone Operator

Florence Eadie 8109 Melrose Ave. Alma "Al" Fehlau Sec. Boosters, Athenaeum, 5915 Lexington Ave. Sr. Revue Beauty Shop Operator National Honor Florist

Doris "Dor" Ebert Louise "Louie" Fenton 8310 Pulaski Ave. 9403 Edmunds Ave. Walter Camp, H. R. Team Athenaeum, National Honor, Essayist Student Council, 12A Mixer Com. Doctor's Assistant *0

Margaret "Eddy" Edmonson Sylvia "Yehudi" Filipic 1595 E. 85th St. 1048 E. 76th St. National Honor, Walter Camp, Jr. French Club, Jr., Sr. Friendship, Bowling, Treas. Girls Leaders, Riding Club, Math. Tutoring, Jr. Friendship, H. R. Sports, H. R. Pres., Sec. Girls League Librarian Radio Actress

Charles "Chuck" Ega Ernest "Heinie" Fink 10715 East Blvd. 8009 Linwood Ave. Hockey Team, "Hi-Y" H. R. Sports, Hall Guard Ambassador to Ethiopia A[etos Correspondent exodus June '40

Al Fumich Margaret Ann Fitzsimmons 1163 E. 78th St. 6107 Whittier Ave. Gym Leader, Pres. National Honor, Jr. French Club, Track, H. R. Paper, H. R. Sports, Blue and Gold Agent Ticket Agent, Vice-Pres. "Hi-Y" Author and Lincoln Club, Student Council Politician

Dorothy "Dot" Flynn 7701 Lexington Ave. Walter Furpahs Tennis Club, French Club, 1122 E. 78th St. H. R. Paper, Track, Glee Club, H. R. Sports, Student Council Alternate, Library Helper Girl's League First Runner of a 4-Minute Mile Figure Skater

Audrey "Snow White" Forrester Richard "Dick" Gabele 1717 E. 55th St. 1270 E. 89th St. Editor H. R. Paper, Plumber Office Assistant Successful Model

Josephine Mary Forte 1484 E. 115th St. Rosemary "Rose" Gabele Student Council, 1279 E. 89th St. Chairman 12A Mixer, Athenaeun Jr., Sr. Friendship, Laurean, Latin Club, Editor H. R. Paper, H. R. Pres. Blue and Gold Agent National Honor National Honor Ba\ery Shop Owner Famous Bacteriologist 2* M^

Stanley "Gadz" Gadzinski Genevieve "Gennie" Fortier 1190 E. 85th St. 1515 E. 43rd St. Plain Dealer Reporter Tooth Paste Ad Model

Florence "Florenzo" Gamiere Genevieve "Gen" Frank 1919 Coltman Rd. 7810 Myron Ave. Girls League, H. R. Pres., Athenaeum, Laurean, Sr. French, Student Council Alternate National Honor, Chemistry Club, Band Spaghetti House Owner Laboratory Technician

Maxine "Max" Fulton Carol "Dragitza" Garapic 6009 Belvidere Ave. 9820 South Blvd. Boosters, Band, Gym Capt., National Honor, Athenaeum, H. R. Paper, H. R. Sec, Pres. Jr. Friendship, Girls Leaders, H. R. Sports, Jr. Friendship, Girls League, Sr. Booklet Editor, Girls League, H. R. Paper, H. R. Sec-Treas. Student Council Alternate, Glamorous Movie Queen Vice-Pres., Sec, Whirlo Club Comptometer Operator June '40 exodus

Richard "Dick" Gartner Edward Gettling 1371 E. 111th St. 9814 Hough Ave. Band, Hall Guard, Hockey Team School Phonograph Operator Cleveland Barons Hoc\ey Star Lumberjack.

Bill "Bud" Gibbons Adeline "Slim" Gates 1954 E. 73rd St. Blue and Gold, H. R. Sports, 7016 St. Clair Ave. Boosters, Sr. Revue Accomplished Musician Expert Commercial Artist

Lawrence "Larry" Gebbie Delores "Dixie" Gibson 1541 E. 118th St. 1868 E. 73rd St. Student Council, Football Team, 12B Class Sec, Athenaeum Boosters, Hall Guard Leading Socialite Tennis Star

Clayton "Clay" Ginnard Edna "Eddie" Geiss 2056 E. 69th St. 5908 Whittier Ave. Cheerleader, Boosters, Whirlo Club, Band, H. R. Pres. Bowling Club, H. R. Sports Acrobatic Roller Skdter Fancy Metalwor\ Designer

Charlotte "Charlie" Georges Rita "Ritzy" Glavic 9306 Hough Ave. Latin Club, Walter Camp, 1142 E. 78th St. Chem. Club, Stu. Council Alternate Girls Rifle Club Commencement Comm. S\eet Shooting Champion Writer of Children's Stories

Gertrude "Stardust" Glowaki William "Irish" Gerrity 8308 Korman Ave. 1413 E. 81st St. Vice-Pres. Latin Club, Bowling Club, Walter Camp, Vice-Pres. Walter Camp, H. R. Sports H. R. Pres., Boosters, Jr. Friendship, Stu. Coun. Alter. Army Pilot Equestrian

Virginia Gest Robert "Gabby" Grubagh 1262 Norwood 13440 Courtrand Ave. Athenaeum, Jr., Sr. Friendship, Hall Guard, Mgr. Hockey Team German Club, Math Club, Chem. Club Jr. French, Student Council Hollywood Glamour Boy English Teacher exodus June '40

William "Slug" Grubb William "Bill" Hartford 1578 Ansel Rd. 1275 E. 89th St. Walter Camp, Mgr. Stage Crew, St. Council, Hall Guard, Chem. Club, Sentinels, Hall Guard, Cafe Guard, Boosters, Band, Capt., H. R. Sports, German Club H. R. Sports, Ticket Agent Airplane Mechanic Tuba Tooter

Raymond "Ray" Guth 1611 E. 78th St. Robert "Bob" Hartman Whirlo Club, Hall Guard, Footbal 1384 E. 114th St. Track, Movie Projector, Lincoln Club, German Club, Phonograph Operator, 4 - School Band, "Hi-Y", H. R. Sports, Cafe Guard Marching Band World's Heavyweight Champion Ace Swing Band Tenor Saxman

Gertrude "Gertie" Haag Ruby "Little Bits" Headen 1379 Russell Rd. 2117 E. 100th St. Walter Camp, Sr. Friendship, Latin Club, Sr. Review Typist for Booklet Well Known fudge Child Psychologist

Cara Hamilton 1436 E. 116th St. Pres. Latin Club, Frances "Sue" Hearn Sec.-Treas. Debate Club, 1613 White Ave. Sec. Athenaeum, National Honor Commercial Club Student Council, Orchestra, Cosmetologist Girls' Band Typical American Housewife

Eleanor "Al" Hansh Howard "Bubbles" Hemple 1088 E. 72nd St. Student Council, Gym. Capt. Athenaeum, Comm. Sec, Laurean Pres. H. R., H. R. Basketball, National Honor Supt. Machine Shop, Supt. Pattern Making, Treas. H. R. Commercial Secretary Traveler A

Phyllis "Phyl" Harris Earl "Farmer" Hickey 8609 Wade Park Ave. 9230 Wade Park Walter Camp, Sr. Revue Ticket Comm. Ping-Pong Coach Very Good Wife

Jane "Tiny" Hill Margaret "Margie" Hart 1526 E. 85th St. 9265 E. 58th St. Athenaeum, Jr. Friendship Pres. Home Economics Club Tiny Vivacious N.urse Chinese Checkers Expert June '40 exodus

Ruby Hing 8018 Beaumont Ct. National Honor, St. Council, John "Johnny" Hoover Sec. Jr. French Club, Sr. French, 1321 E. 92nd St. Vice-Pres. H. R., Walter Camp, Factory Foreman Girls' League Alternate, Office Assistant Doctor of Letters

David "Hopeless" Hope 1051 5 Wilbur Ave. H. R. Pres., Boosters, Theresa Hocker Walter Camp, Hall Guard, 8807 Blaine Ave. Bus. Mgr. Blue and Gold, Sculptor Che Leader, Editor H. R. Paper, H. R. Sports Radio Comedian's Stooge

Marvin "Tarzan" Hoffman Jack "Hoppie" Hopler 9602 Columbia Ave. 1515 E. 86th St. National Honor, Lincoln Club, Marching Band, Student Council, German Club, Chem. Club, "Hi-Y," H. R. Sports Debate Club, Boys' Glee Club Aeronautical Engineer Death-Defying Stuntman

Charles "Speed" Hofstetter Ann Horan 620 E. 103rd St. Band, Sentinels, Blue and Gold, 1570 E. 47th St. Asst., Comm. of Hall Guards Home Economics Club Reporter Operatic Star

Barbara "Babs" Hole Catherine "Katie" Horan 6719 Euclid Ave. 1570 E. 47th St. Boosters, Jr. French Club Home Economics Club Movie Extra Tea Leaf Reader

Ralph "Holly" Hollinger 8407 Wade Park Ave. Harriet "Hi" Home "Hi-Y", Chem. Club, 2015 E. 90th St. Walter Camp, Hall Guard, Riding Club, Sr. Friendship Leaders Club, H. R. Sports, Department Store Buyer Sentinel, H. R. Paper, Hockey Warden of Ohio Penitentiary

Rita "Marsh" Holzheimer Frances "Mitz" Hrovat 8307 Superior Ave. 6411 St. Clair Ave. Jr. French Club, Athenaeum, Jr., Sr. Friendship, Library Asst., Laurean, Sr. French Comm. Club, Home Ec Club, Interior Decorator Office Assistant Arctic Explorer's Wife exodus June '40

Pete "Hot Cakes" Hotkiewicz Anthony "Bugler" Jannazo 1217 E. 80th St. 7006 Lawnview Ave. Traveling Salesman Band, Orchestra Adviser on Military Aeronautics

Juanita Howell 1930 E. 75th St. Albert "Jasky" Jasky Jr., Sr. French Club, Math Club, Sr. Friendship, National Honor, 1644 E. 75th St. Athenaeum Band, Swimming Team Millionairess Professional Salvage Diver

Elaine "Lady" Hunter 1534 E. 84th St. William "Bill" Johnson Blue and Gold 9908 Woodland Short Story Writer Tool and Die Maker

Grace Jones Paul "Pinkey" Hunter 1877 E. 73rd St. 6513 Quimby Student Tutor, French Club, Laurean, Athenaeum, Chem. Club, Vice-Pres. Boosters, Track, "Hi-Y" National Honor Coroner A Governess

Betty "Bee-Jay" Huntington Iona "Imp" Kahl 1382 E. 81st St. 1395 E. 90th St. Orchestra, Whirlo Boosters, German Club, Chemistry Club Artist Astronomer

Charles "Chuck" Ipavic 4304 St. Clair Ave. Edward "Ed" Keegan German Club, Pres. Lincoln Club, 1837 E. 82nd St. Pres. Combined "Hi-Y," Track Vice-Pres. St. Council, Football, South Sea Island Traveler Tennis, National Honor Metallurgical Engineer

Ann Jablonski Perle Kellar 1079 E. 72nd St. 1867 E. 73rd St. H. R. Sports, Student Council. Athenaeum, Pres. Laurean, Tutor Office Assistant Artist's Wife Gift Shop Owner exodus june '40

Eleanore "Dancing Girl" Koss Walter "Sockeye" Kersten 1339 E. 93rd St. 1969 E. 82nd St. Treas. Home Economics Club, Florist Sr. Revue Dancer of Russian Kazatzky

Dorothy "Dottie" Kintz Walter "Wally" Kostreba 1311 E. 85th St. 1335 E. 88th St. H. R. Sports, Student Tutor, Track and Football Jr. Friendship, Girls' League Airline Stewardess College Football Coach

Betty "Bet" Klinger 1329 E. 81st St. Dorothy "Dorry" Kovarik Jr. Friendship, Leaders Club, 8615 Beckman Ave. H. R. Sports Jr. French Club Playground Instructor Census Statistician

Edward "Ed" Kramer Donald "Don" Koeckert 6822 Edna Ave. 10707 Orville Ave. Track, 10B Football Army Pilot Successor to Taisto Ma\i

Mildred "Cooky" Kuchta 8412 Medina Ave. Treas. Laurean, French Club, Herbert "Bob" Kolk Poetry Club, 1175 E. 84th St. Chmn. Honor Study Hall, Hall Guard, Track Chmn. St. Tutoring, Athenaeum, Prison Warden National Honor, Blue and Gold Page Editor, Sr. Review Comm., Sr. Mixer Com. Movie Cashier Aviatrix

Marion Joan Kuhar Anne Korenchan 1123 Addison Rd. 1416 E. 55th St. Sec, Pres. Jr. French Club, Home Economics Club Athenaeum, Music Recitals, Clay Pigeon Marksman Sr. Review, Sr. Friendship Metropolitan Prima Donna

Eleanor "Pete" Korzeniewski 7804 Aberdeen Ave. Stanley J. Kuk Choral Club, Glee Club, 1438 E. 40th St. Jr. Friendship, Jr. French Club, Hall Guard, Orchestra, Track H. R. Treas., H. R. Sports Violinist, A[. T. Philharmonic Real Estate Broker exodus June '40

Lois "Lo" LaGanke 1405 E. 94th St. Beatr 'Beatsie" LeVan Leaders Club, Walter Camp, 6004 Olive Ct. H. R. Treas. Hair Stylist Manicurist

June "Blondie" Lahti Jean "Pickles" Lewin 1591 E. 86th St. 90403 Columbia Ave. Sec. Honor Study Hall, St. Council, Hall Guard, Sr. Friendship National Honor, Athenaeum Diplomat's Secretary Physical Ed. Instructor

Anne Ruth Lait 1155 E. 79th St. Mantle Orator, Pres. Debate Club, Roberta "Bert" Lewins Vice-Pres. French Club, 1205 Mayfield Ridge Rd. Sec. Fencing Club, Boosters, Sr. Friendship, Vice Pres. Math Club, Laurean, Walter Camp, H. R. Sports Athenaeum, National Honor, Beautician St. Tutoring Poetess Laureate of the U. S. A.

Paul "Pressman" Lande 11401 Ashbury Ave. Blue and Gold Photographer, Ruth Agnes "Lewie" Lewis Tennis, Table Tennis, H. R. Sports 7406 St. Clair Ave. Hall Guard, St. Council, Sr. Friendship, Chemistry Club, Tennis Club Precinct Political Worker Ace Photographer for the Lilliput Weekly Gazette

Betty "Betty Lou" Lebby 1604 E. 117th St. Norma Ruth Linder Jr. French, Treas. Sr. French, 11320 Itaska Ave. Laurean, Sr. Friendship, Jr. Friendship, Choral Club, Annual Play, Athenaeum, Boosters French Play, Sr. Revue Comm. National Honor Wall Street Bro\er Danseuse with the Ballet Russe

Elizabeth "Betty" Leirer Barbara "Bob" Linderman 2303 St. Clair Ave. 9341 Amesbury Treas. Comm. Club Whirlo, H. R. Paper, Band Stenographer Commercial Airplane Pilot

Leo "Lip" Lipnicki Ann "Bashful" Leiterman 1058 E. 79th St. Band, Orchestra, 3848 Payne Ave. Treas. National Honor, Capt. H. R. Basketball Team, Gym Leaders, Football, Gymnastics, Boosters H. R. Pres., Latin Club Switchboard Operator College Football Coach june '40 exodus

Bernice "Bunny" MacDonald Jane "Red" Lipstreu 1179 E. 84th St. 6807 Zoeter Ave. President Walter Camp Whirlo Club Sr. Friendship, Blue and Gold Staff Member of Roller Derby Troupe Antique Collector

Audrey "Little" Lloyd Evelyn Macerol 8126 Linwood Ave. 6218 Glass Ave. Bedtime Story Teller Mud-Pack Expert

Mary !'Blondie" Lockhart 1950 E. 71st St. Chmn. Honor Study Hall, Alice Helen "Al" Macey H. R. Sports, Blue and Gold, Laurean, Vice Pres. Athenaeum, 1148 E. 79th St. Laurean, Commence. Script Comm. Dairy Owner Sr. Booklet, Class Poet National Honor Surgical 3S[urse

Joseph "Joe" Lombardo Merle Mahan 7519 Wade Park 1795 E. 90th St. Commander of Sentinels, Ticket Agent School Bank, National Honor Sponsor of Boys' Social Clubs Owner of a Loan Ban\

George Long Mary Loyce Mainwaring 2102 St. Clair Ave. 1894 E. 82nd St. Pres. Math Club, Latin Club, Jr., Sr. French Club, Math Club, Recording Machinist, St. Council Student Tutoring, Laurean, National Honor Athenaeum, Chemistry Club, National Honor, Homeroom Sports, Discoverer of Sleeping Sickness Sr. Mixer Committee Cure Orphan Asylum Superintendent

Joseph "Joe" Lutkus Frank "Goggy" Mallama 1181 E. 82nd St. 7024 Wade Park Ave. Gym Leader, Glee Club Choral Club, Camera Club Coach of Marietta Mudhens Diesel Engineer

James "Pep" Lyons Herman "Herm" Malner 1431 E. 32nd St. 11423 Ashbury Ave. Chemistry Club Football, Basketball, Baseball Mortician Cleveland Indian exodus June '40

Francis Vincent "Bud" Tom "Irish" Maloney McDonough 1763 E. 87th St. 862 E. 75th St. Apparatus Team, Hall Guard National Honor, Lincoln Club, Labor Union President St. Council, Inter-School Con. Rep. Hall Guard Second Louis Pasteur

Robert "Mac" McFadden Mary "Kiki" Manning 1421 E. 92nd St. 147 5 Crawford Rd. Football, Hockey, Homeroom Sports Reserve Basketball, H. R. Sports, Policewoman Lincoln Club, Hall Guard, Student Council, 12B Vice-Pres. Cuyahoga County Treas.

Virginia "Ginger" Mannino 1365_ E. 82nd St. Coletta Ann McGuire Girls' Gym Leader, Sr. Review, 1385 E. 88th St. Jr. Friendship, Whirlo Senior Friendship Society Editor Ca\e Decorator in Bal^eshop

Michael "Mickey" Manol 1271 E. 61st St. Esther Caroline McGurer 10th grade football, St. Council, 1671 E. 117th St. Mixer Comm., Booklet Comm. Student Tutoring American Sightseer Librarian, Open-Air Library

Nadene "Deanie" Markle Mary Clare "Mac" McKenney 1811 E. 86th St. 7706 Dix Court Commercial Club, Jr. Friendship Jr., Sr. Friendship, Hall Guard, Sr. Revue, Boosters Club Housewife A Doting Housewife

Helen "Mel" Melby 1353 E. 114th St. Marian "Mickey" McConnell Laurean, Sec. German Club, 2144 Stearns Rd. Vice-Pres. Athenaeum, Spanish Club, Riding Club National Honor, Student Tutoring, Scat Singer Hall Guard Milliner

Mary "Mickermack" Vera Jane "Cookie" Mervar McCormack 7801 Wade Park 1651 E. 73rd St. Mixed Ensemble, Choral Club, Jr., Sr. French, Jr., Sr. Friendship, Voice Culture, Intra-Mural Rep. Sr. Revue Dry Cleaning Establishment Owner Radio Comedian's Stooge june '40 exodus

Eleanor "Andy" Murphy 1155 Ansel Rd. Mary "Mezz" Mezzopera Pres. H. R., Jr., Sr. Friendship, 1390 E. 49th St. H. R. Sports, Walter Camp, Banana Plantation Owner Boosters, Hall Guard, Sr. Booklet Badminton Champion

Ernest "Ernie" Myslenski Elsie "Al" Mlachak 8309 Sowinski Ave. 4212 St. Clair Ave. Pres. Honor St. Hall, Home Economics Club Treas. Lincoln Club, Football, Culinary Expert Extraordinary Hall Guard Cleveland Rams Backfield Star

Ben "Jabber" Neuman Loretta "Lolly" Morris 11307 Orville Ave. 1454 E. 88th St. Capt. Football '39, Pres. H. R. All-Scholastic Football '39, "Hi-Y" Bachelor Girl Center for Green Bay Packers

Mortimer "Doc" Newport Alice Morrissey 1472 E. 116th St. 1939 E. 85th St. Sr. Revue INJurse Hotel Clerl;

Robert "Wacky" Moser Theodore "Ted" Niewiadomy 1424 E. 90th St. 7919 Korman Ave. Band, Marching Band, Radio, Chmn. Nominating Comm., Whirlo, Dramatics, St. Council, Mixer Comm., Blue and Gold, Hall Guard, Boosters, Sr. Revue, German Club, Chem. Club, Annual Play Hall Guard, Operator Record Mch. Exponent of Popular Music History Teacher

Jack Moston Louise "Weezer" Norris 1452 E. 86th St. 1570 E. 93rd St. Track Pres. H. R. Chemical Research Wor\er Champion Figure Skater

Justina "Lil" Novak Nancy "Nan" Mozart 1381 E. 47th St. 1264 E. 81st St. Blue and Gold Beautician Private Hurse exodus June '40

Ray Nowak William "Red" O'Neill 5810 Dibble Ave 8406 St. Clair Ave. Wrestler Track Civil Service Worker

Paul "Swede" Ostrom Stella "Buffy" Nowakowski 8616 Birchdale Ave. Choral Club, Glee Club, 8010 Sowinski Ave. Stage Crew Mountain Climber Veterinary

Helen "Ozzie" Ozekoski Tom "Cloudy" Oblak 7706 Rawlings Ave. 976 E. 69th PL Vice-Pres. Gym Leaders, Band, Orchestra, Movie Helper H. R. Sports, Walter Camp, Swing Band Leader Jr. Friendship Badminton Champion

Mary June "Okie" O'Connor 1879 E. 87th St. Anne "Paddy" Padegimas Choral Club, Music Appreciation, 7 501 Melrose Ave. Sweet "10" Singers, Quartet, Sr. Revue, WHK Radio Workshop Sr. Friendship, H. R. Sports National Honor Ten-Cent Store Clerl^ Opera Star

Kathryn "Whiz" Pagliaro Tom "Wah-Wah'! O'Connor 1539 East Blvd. 1693 E: 82nd St. Hall Guard, H. R. Paper, Jr., Sr. French Club, "Hi-Y" Boosters Vice-Pres. Sr. Friendship, Fertilizer Salesman Art Club Income Tax Collector

Walter "Junior" Paplow Daniel "Irish" O'Donnell 1248 E. 84th St. 1652 E. 118th St. Concert Band, Marching Band, Pres. Riding Club, Football, Latin Club, Tennis, Hall Guard, "Hi-Y," Pres. H. R., Sr. Revue, Treas. Latin Club, Ed. H. R. Paper, Hall Guard Latin Play Psychiatrist Corporation Lawyer

Julius "J. P." Paris 11426 Tuscora Ave. St. Athletics Mgr., Sports Ed., Anne "Baby Dumpling" Blue and Gold, National Honor, Okulovich Lincoln Club, School Spelling Champion, 1062 E. 68th St. Class Prophet, Class Treas., Housewife Commencement Script, Hall Guard Chemical Engineer June '40 ex o d us

Ann Louise "Pat" Patriskis Albert "Al" Pierce 7514 Decker Ave. 6400 Lexington Ave. Office Assistant, H. R. Sports Whirlo Mode! for Toothpaste Ads Six-Day Bicycle Racer

Jeanne Pierson L. Morris "Pat" Patterson 5714 Lin wood Ave. 7414 Lawnview Ave. German and French Clubs, Sentinels, Band, Blue and Gold Sr. Friendship, Math. Club, Orange Grove Owner Laurean, Athenaeum, St. Council Bowling Champion

Joe "Fenske" Peluso Irene "Pitte" Pitkiewitz 11605 Mayfield Rd. 8404 Medina Ave. H. R. Sports Congressman Drum Majorette

Ruth Penshock 6709 Wade Park Ave. Joe "Slug" Pitrone Jr. Friendship, Boosters, 1340 E. 115th St. Jr. French Club Cartoonist Composer

Roger "Percy" Perkins 4209 Euclid "Hi-Y," Stage Crew, Dramatics, Vice-Pres. Latin Club, Chem. Club, Marion "Junie" Pizzi Walter Camp, H. R. Sports, 1446 E. 86th St. Hall Guard, Sr. Revue National Honor Movie Makeup Artist Another Don Juan

Edward "Ed" Piatt Gemma "Gems" Petercupo 1431 E. 59th St. 1946 E. 121st St. Concert Band, Marching Band, Hall Guard, Home Ec Club Boosters, Airplane Stewardess Metallurgical Engineer

Mary "Phil" Phillips 1201 E. 60th St. Henry "Hank" Podgurski Home Economics Club 8303 Kosciuszko Ave. Calisthenics Radio Program Auctioneer Director exodus June '40

Eleanor "Baby" Reynolds Ted "Punchy" Pogroszewski 1306 E. 120th St. 1184 E. 85th St. Boosters, Hall Guard, Choral Club, Radio Maintenance Man Melrosa, Whirlo, Jr., Sr. Friendship Restaurant Hostess

Ann "Penny" Richardson 1926 E. 86th St. Carl "Lucky" Port Laurean, Athenaeum, 8709 Superior Ave. Sr. Friendship, Jr., Sr. French, Hall Guard, H. R. Sports Sec. H. R., Dramatics, Eskimo Pie Salesman at thy Annual Play, Choral Club, ~Horth Pole Sr. Revue Successor to Ethel Barrymorc

Charles Poulin Donald "Don" Rife 1473 E. 112th St. 1919 E. 82nd St. Treas. Sentinel Movie Usher A Big Butter-and-Egg Man

Leona "Lee" Pugliese Lillian "Snow White" Rijavec 1683 E. 70th St. 6836 Bayliss Ave. H. R. Sec. and Treas., National Honor, Sr. Friendship, Science Dept. Sec, Office Asst., H. R. Treas., St. Council, Senior Booklet Typist H. R. Paper, Office Assistant Social Worker Hard-Wording Stenographer

Mary "Toots" Pyle Albert "Al" Ristau 1558 Crawford Rd. 1246 E. 82nd St. Department Store Clerk Sailor on a Banana Steamer

Cora "Corks" Rambaldo 12302 Mayfield Rd. Erwin "Ritt" Rittberger Jr. Friendship, Girls Leaders, 1785 E. 32nd St. Laurean, Athenaeum, Hall Guard, Student Council, Baseball Team Capt. H. R. Basketball, Dramatics Teacher Capt. Volleyball, Capt. Baseball Parachute Jumper

Raymond "Ray" Rossman 1212 E. 74th St. Angela "An-gee" Regalbuto Movie Operator, Football Mgr., 2105 Random Rd. Track Team, German Club, Jr. Friendship, H. R. Sports Lincoln Club, Walter Camp Movie Star Big Cookie Mogul June '40 exodus

Agnes "Ronnie" Rowell Betty "Jake" Russell 7706 Linwood Ave. 7719 Decker Ave. Sr. French Club, Student Tutoring >Jight Club Entertainer South Sea Missionary

James "Jimmy" Rudy 11707 Hazeldell Rd. Wanda "Lefty" Russell Student Council, Whirlo, 1396 E. 49th St. Choral Club Student Council, H. R. Club Refrigerator Salesman in Darkest Dress Designer Africa

Charles "Burpy" Russon Frank "Hank" Ruggeri 1386 E. 91st St. 2192 Arey Rd. Band, Orchestra, Chem. Club, H. R. Sports, Track, Hall Guard |P!«iBr v 1 Sentinels, Hall Guard, Italian Cheese Importer Lincoln Club, "Hi-Y", H. R. Sports Paper Box and Doily Magnate

Bernice "Barry" Runkle Albert "Al" Saks 881 E. 73rd St. 1440 E. 108th St. Office Assistant, Jr. Friendship, Hall Guard Vice-Pres. of H. R., Sr. Revue Rubber Balloon Salesman Office Manager

James "Jerry" Savage 1559 E. 85th St. Josephine "Jo" Rupar Concert Band, Orchestra, 1253 E. 59th St. St. Council, Marching Band, Pres. Home Economics Club, Pres. Music Apprec Club, Melrosa, Choral Club, Latin Play, Sr. Revue, Tennis. Choral Speaking H. R. Paper, Good Home Maker Melrosa and Glee Club Accomp. World-Famous Concert Pianist

Mary "Mazie" Ruple Rita "Reel" Sawyer 1945 E. 93rd St. 484 E. 110th St. Riding Club, Sr. Friendship, Jr. Friendship, Walter Camp, Commercial Club Sr. French Outstanding Race Horse Ownc Efficient Kitcheii Mechanic

Mary "Chubby" Russ Robert "Scarne" Scarnecchia 7203 Myron Ave. 1921 E. 85th St. Chairman Sr. Revue, Dramatics, Commercial Club, Whirlo Annual Play, Assemblies, Rallies Cashier in Candy Store Radio Program Master of Ceremonies exodus June '40

Natalina "Scottie" Scata 1927 E. 126th St. Lucy "Lu" Sciullo Spanish Club, Athenaeum, 1459 E. 120th St. Chem. Club, Math Club, Jr. Friendship, Alt. St. Council, Study Hall Assistant Repr. to Electrical League Secretary to Foreign Ambassador Private Secretary

Ray "Sharpy" Schaab Robert "Smiles" Searles 1316 E. 80th St. fm,«» 942 Wheelock Rd. Basketball, Hall Guard, Sr. Revue, Blue and Gold Staff Movies, School Radio Program Race Track Owner Drug Store Cowboy

Eva "Eve" Scheer 1542 E. 47th St. James "Jimmy" Semmens Treas. Athenaeum, Sec. Laure; 8415 Brookline Ave. Sec. German Club, Vice-Pres. National Honor, Airplane Designer St. Tutor, Study Hall Chmn. Quiet, Unassuming Housewife

Ruth "Blondie" Schott Clara "Kay" Serwatka 8216 Sowinski Ave. 1387 E. 90th St. Latin Club, Laurean, Athenaeum Sr. Friendship Club National Honor First-rate Cosmetician Book\eeper

Robert "Bob" Schultheis 1811 E. 33rd St. Robert "Gallagher" Sheehan Choral Club, Glee Club, 8006 Hough Ave. Choral Speaking, Hall Guard, Outstanding Neurologist Nominating Comm. Army Plane Mechanic

Lawrence "Larry" Schumacher Helen "Daisy Mae" Sheran 1 526 E. 70th St. 1122 E. 80th St. Bank, Office Asst., H. R. Sports Tearoom Waitress President of Standard Oil

Bernard Schwartz Edward "Sid" Sidley 1516 E. 85th St. 1312 E. 92nd St. Hall Guard, Track Service Station Owner Su>apshop Owner 4 M* June '40 exodus

William "Bill" Sterbentz Josephine "Josy" Simon 1142 Addison Rd. 1877 E. 79th St. Mgr. of Bookery, National Honor Pres. Chem. Club, Track, Lincoln, Mathematics Teacher Rifle Club, Radio Program National Honor Aeronautical Engineer

Florence "Flossie" Slingo Joseph "Joey" Sterle 1521 Crawford Rd. 132 3 Russel Rd. Home Ec Club, Whirlo, Track, Cross-Country Jr. Friendship, H. R. Pres. Foreign Correspondent Radio Announcer

Geraldine "Jerry" Smilac William "Bill" Strainic 8106 Decker Ave. 1386 E. 65th St. Treas. Walter Camp, H. R. Sports H. R. Sports Boosters Certified Public Accountant P. T. A. President

Josephine "Jo" Szymanski Byrdie "Smitty" Smith 7919 Crumb Ave. 6001 Curtiss Ave. Athenaeum, National Honor, H. R. Basketball and Volleyball St. Council, Laurean, Interior Decorator School Bookkeeper, H. R. Sports Office Manager

Patricia "Pat" Taylor Lilian "Lil" Smith 1721 E. 82nd St. 8615 Wade Park Pres. and Sec. St. Council, Laurean, Athenaeum, Boosters, Athenaeum, Vice-Pres. Laurean, Jr. Friendship, Chem. Club, German Club, Boosters, Latin Club, H. R. Sports, Debate Club, National Honor, Hall Guard Hall Guard, St. Tutoring, National Honor H. R. Sports, Inter-School Conf. Language Teacher Personnel Manager

Rachel "Smitty" Smith Nancy Tefft 1609 E. 85th St. 1513 E. 49th St. H. R. Sports Jr. Friendship, St. Hall Chairman, Stenographer Home Economics Club Bachelor Girl

Harvey "Springie" Springborn 7512 Aberdeen Ave. Tom "Tessie" Tessmer German Club Treas. and V.-Pres. 242 5 Euclid Ave. Walter Camp, St. Tutoring, Hall Guard, Wrestling H. R. Sports, National Honor, Officer in the N.avy St. Council, "Hi-Y" Shortstop for 7\[ew Tor^ Yankees gtgM exodus June '40

Virginia "Ginny" Thomas 882 E. 76th St. Helen "Hel" Vahcic Student Council, Lost and Found, 6710 Bliss Ave. Tr. Friendship, Boosters, Dressmaker Riding Club Housewife

Alexander "Hot Toddy" Todd John Vamis 10510 Superior Ave. 5715 Whittier Ave. National Honor Penny Arcade Owner United States Senator

Adele "Jabby" Tichulka 1423 E. 92nd St. Mike "Wham" Vitullo Jr. Friendship, Pres. St. Friendship, 1404 E. 84th St. Boosters, Hall Guard, Walter Camp, "Hi-Y", Sr. Revue, H. R. Sports, Sec. 12A Class, Commencement Script Comm., Walter Camp, Tennis Club, Ping-pong Team, St. Council, Office Assistant, St. Council, H. R. Sports, Co-Class Prophet, Inter-Club Council Sec, Hall Guard, Spanish Club, Athenaeum Boosters Lunchroom Manager Perennially Popular Singer

John "Johnny" Toth Patricia "Patty" Voorhees 1236 E. 61st St. 2066 E. 107th St. Whirlo, Movies, i. Jr. French Club, Choral Club National Graphic Arts Club Music Arranger Paper Hanger

Marie "Trivy" Trivison 2154 Murray Hill Anastasia "Liz" Vorvolakis Blue and Gold, Jr. Friendship, 1532 E. 36th St. Commercial Club Linguist Newspaper Reporter

Agnes "Aggie" Tusick Einar "Slim" Waage 1262 E. 61st St. 10104 Hough Ave. Pres. Tennis Club, French Professor Sec. Debate Club, Riding Club Laboratory Technician

Mary Salmen George "Andy Hardy" Ward 6908 Euclid Ave. 5811 Whittier Ave. Office Worker, Walter Camp Football, Lincoln Club, Choral Club Lecturer for W.C.T.U. Theater Manager june '40 exodus

Chester "Chet" Wardzinski LeRoy "Butz" Winter 1234 E. 86th St. 1449 E. 88th St. Blue and Gold Agent Hotel Coo\ Stratosphere Pilot

Ellen Wiseman 1467 E. 118th St. Elizabeth "Libby" Weber Sr. Booklet, 1548 E. 32nd St. Managing Ed. Blue and Gold, German Club, Jr. Friendship, St. Council, Girls League, St. Tutor Pres. Dramatics Club, Nat'l Honor, Fashion Writer Spanish Club, Fencing Club, Chem. Club, Hall Guard Newspaper City Editor

Marjorie "Wentzie" Wentz 1677 E. 85th St. Betty Jane Witt Vice-Pres. St. Council, 8200 Korman Ave. Jr. Friendship, Walter Camp, Athenaeum, Chem. Club, Boosters, Bowling Club, Sr. French Chairman 12B Mixer Lion Tamer Accountant

Helen "White" White 11004 Ashbury Ave. Betty Wolf Walter Camp, Jr. Friendship, 1109 E. 77th St. Boosters Commercial Artist Prizefighter's Manager

Glenn "Duke" Widdows George Woods 2061 E. 77th St. Clarendon Hotel Hall Guard, H. R. Sports Pres. Glee Club, Choral Club, Microbe Hunter Quartet, Ensemble Television Expert

Mary "Brick Top" Willis Theodore "Ted" Yarnold 9101 Blaine Ave. Hall Guard, Glee Club H. R. Sports Minister Delicatessen Owner

Patricia "Pat" Wilson 1328 E. 86th St. Girls League, H. R. Sports, Beatrice "Dimples" Yochus Jr., Sr. French, Laurean, Treas. of Athenaeum, 631 E. 123rd St. Sec. National Honor, St. Council, Booster, Choral Club, Sr. Booklet Ch., Jr. Friendship Honor St. Hall Com. Architect A Novelist exodus june '40

Bob "Jiggs" Zaratzian 11 504 Moulton Ave. Lydia Zittlau Printshop Superintendent, 1893 E. 69th St. Hall Guard Sculptress Traveling Draftsman

Jayne Zaratzian Margaret "Marge" Zupancic 11504 Moulton Ave. 1132 E. 72nd St. Boosters, Student Council Laurean, Athenaeum, Whirlo, Private Secretary Comm. Club, Office Guard Waitress

Albert "Al" Zimmerman Nick "Clark" Lorenzo 93 3 Ansel Rd. 2063 Murray Hill Rd. Pres. H. R., Student Council, H. R. Sports Choral Club, Hall Guard Traffic Manager Soap Manufacturer

PRAYER By Mary Lockhart

Oh, Man, The greatness that you seek Lies far beyond those mumbled words. Think you that your voice, Contemporary with a million other vanities, Is heard and recognized? The greatness that;you seek to reach Transcends.all that, selfish wisher! Has no one told you? You Are prayer: ' •' * Within yourself Lies the power to make all things Come true. June '40 exodu

East High Who's Who

How well do you \now what your classmates do? Loo\ below and find your I. ^.

1. President of the Athenaeum society is (1) Marjorie Wentz,, (2) Lottie Boss, (3) Helen Melby, (4) Mary Andrews. 2. Photographer for the Blue and Gold and the year book is (1) Lawrence Doyle, (2) Paul Lande, (3) Ray Clasen, (4) Ted Niewiadomy. 3. School bookkeeper is (1) Ruth Arnold, (2) Ruby Hing, (3) Ora Lee Collins, (4) Josephine Szymanski. 4. Bank tellers are (1) Lawrence Schumacher, (2) George Enright, (3) Stanley Gadzinski, (4) Merle Mahan. 5. President of Senior Friendship Club is (1) Adele Tichulka, (2) Mary Clare McKenney, (3) Bernice MacDonald, (4) Virginia Gest. 6. Hall guard commander is (1) Ray Guth, (2) Walter Furpahs, (3) Nick Lorenzo, (4) Joe Lombardo. 7. Popular professional dancer is (1) Edna Mae Banks, (2) Betty Lou Lebby, (3) Maura Asbeck, (4) Constance Abney. 8. School's A-l pianist is (1) James Savage, (2) Bob Hartman, (3) Charles Russon, (4) Morris Patterson. 9. Vice-president of the Girls' Leaders Club is (1) Betty Diehl, (2) Helen Ozekoski, (3) Betty Klinger, (4) Virginia Mannino. 10. Chemistry assistants are (1) William Antall, (2) George Ward, (3) Erwin Rittberger, (4) William Sterbentz. 11. Secretary of the class in the 12B was (1) Delores Gibson, (2) Eva Scheer, (3) Lois LaGanke, (4) Mary Cence. 12. Managing editor of the Blue and Gold is (1) Mildred Kuchta, (2) Marie Trivison, (3) Ellen Wiseman, (4) Rosemary Cassesa. 13. Secretary of the Graphic Arts Club is (1) Bill Hartford, (2) Ray Armour, (3) Nunzio Calvo, (4) John Toth. 14. Chairman of the 12A mixer was (1) Beatrice Yochus, (2) Justina Novak, (3) Mary Forte, (4) Cara Hamilton. 15. The head baseball manager is (1) John Hopler, (2) Walter Paplow, (3) Don Dailey, (4) Joe Babson.

ANSWERS: 1, 3 4, all 7,2 10, 16-? 4 13,3 2,2 5, 1 8, 1 11, 1 14,3 3,4 "- 6,4 9,2 12,3 H,4 exodus june '40 j' u n e '40 exodus exodus june '40


Ben Neuman, labeled the "bear on de­ fense" by his team mates and the "little man who wasn't there" by opposing blockers, was the sparkplug of the East High line in 1939. As center, he had the job of backing up the line, and he carried his assignment well as he cracked up play after play that got be­ yond the first line of defense. For this, Ben Neuman was named All-Scholastic second team center by the coaches of the Senate teams. The crowning feature of Ben's career came at the end of the 1940 season when he was elected honorary captain by his team mates. In his senior year, Ben went out for baseball and started the 1940 season at third base. He also played basketball for a short while.

FOOTBALL Ben Neuman Victor Drobnic Bob McFadden Leo Lipnicki Ernest Myslenski BASEBALL Victor Drobnic Erwin Rittberger HOCKEY Bob McFadden Ralph Hollinger William Antall Charles Egan

*•§ ' BITONTI In the fall of 1937 when Coach Fleish­ man called for basketball candidates, there appeared a lithe, dark-skinned soph­ omore. This fellow had few hopes, but plenty of ability, and before the season was over he had won a starting berth on the East High basketball team. Thus started the high school career of Sam Bitonti, a career which carried him over a period of three years of brilliant sparkling floorwork, sharp-shooting and defensive tactics. In nearly every game it was his special duty to take the oppos­ ing team's high scorer and restrict his scoring activities for the evening. How­ ever, in his last year Sam became a star for the offense and led the team in total scoring for the season. Besides engaging in basketball, Sam also played first base for the Bomber's baseball team, but it was his work in basketball that made him outstanding. june exodus

DROBNIC The most versatile athlete of the class of 1940 was, without a doubt, Victor Drobnic. His field of endeavor included football, baseball, and track. As a football player, Vic was East High's leading ground gainer in 1939, besides being one of the most-feared run­ ners in the Eastern Senate league. His fine passing also helped East High to win several games that season. However, Vic's first love was baseball; for three years he was the regular center fielder. His amazing speed, coupled with his ability to judge fly balls well, enabled him to cover the outfield like a blanket, and his knack of getting base hits quite often earned him the third position in the : -0 batting lineup. In between football and baseball sea­ sons Vic ran on the indoor 880 relay BASKETBALL Sam Bitonti TRACK Joe Sterle Walter Furpahs Ed Kramer Walter Kostreba TENNIS Schofield Coryell Alex Todd CROSS COUNTRY Walter Furpahs Joe Sterle Jack Moston Paul Hunter

FURPAHS One of the best distance men in Greater Cleveland in the year 1940. That is what best describes Walter Furpahs, a stellar miler and half miler. Walter did not go out for track in the tenth grade because he was working, but he reported for practice in his junior year, and in a short time he was a can­ didate for a starting position on the East high track team. In the eleventh grade Walter ran on relay teams at Mansfield and at the dis­ trict meet, but it wasn't until the Arena meet that following year that he won any individual honors. His team mates are still grateful for the great mile he ran at the Mansfield Relays of 1940. He came from behind to win victory and wrist watches for the medley relay team. In addition to his regular track work, Walter ran on the cross-country team. e^QduS june '40

Popularity Poll

You voted for the ones you wanted— How, forevermore be haunted!

Ralph Hollinger Best Loo\ing Marge Edmonson Tom Oblak Most Musical Mary June O'Connor Bob Scarnecchia Dramatists Ann Richardson Tom Maloney Class Bluffers Lois Cohen Bob Brady Kic\ers Mary Chormann Alex Todd Cut Ups Beverly DeOviatt Bill Gibbons Most Artistic Dorothy Blasher Julius Paris... : ..Busiest Pat Wilson Bob Searles Laziest Ruth Blair Leo DeGrandis Best l^atured Gertrude Glowacki Dave Hope Wittiest Betty Jane Witt Sheldon Baum... Crapehangers Eugenia Clemens Vincent McDonough Hardest to Rattle... Josephine Simon Leo Lipnicki Most Versatile Alice Cotton Bob Grubaugh Talkers Sylia Bardelmeier Ben Neuman Slowest Catherine Pagliaro Chuck Egan Dreamiest Mary Lockhart Marvin Hoffman Bookworms Anastasia Vorvolakis Julius Paris... Most Li\ely to Succeed Anne Lait Bob Scarnecchia Cleverest Anne Lait Dan O'Donnell Best Dressed ...Pat Taylor Vic Drobnic Best Athletes - Lucy Domzalski Mortimer Newport Funniest Ruth Blair Al Fumich Most Popular Pat Taylor Walter Kersten Most Bashful Mary Manning

Last Will and Testament

Be it known to all men present, these covenants are the last will and testament of the class of June, 1940, who individually, jointly, and severally do hereby bequeath their most highly prized possessions to the individuals noted below. Be it observed that any attempts to modify or nullify any of the pertinent provisos will render null and void those appendages relating to the party bringing suit.

Sec. 1. Bill Strainic leaves his curly hair to James Aprile. Sec. 2. Perle Kellar does bequeath her pull with teachers to Elaine Evans. Sec. 3. Eleanor Murphy does, of her own volition, will her high socks to Jane Jenkins. Sec. 4. Bill Grubb hereby donates his corny jokes to Bill Dogan. Sec. 5. Cora Rambaldo does present her athletic ability to Mary Regalbuto. Sec. 6. Marian Kuhar leaves, legally and willfully, her beautiful voice to Elaine Radtkin. Sec. 7. Homer D. Rankin (graduating faculty member) bequeathes his brightly colored socks to T. L. Kinschner. Sec. 8. Vic Drobnic leaves the presidency of the 12A class to Art Thomas. Sec. 9. Roger Perkins wills his way with the ladies to Frank Sprankle. Sec. 10. Mike Vitullo presents his rhythm to Don Rickard. Sec. 11. John Brugeman donates his dancing expertness to Paul Sutter. Signed and witnessed this twelfth day of June, the one thousand nine hundred and fortieth year of our Lord, by the graduating class of June, 1940. june '40 exodus
